3 | Occupational Health & Safety Working in the mining industry exposes workforce in various high-risk activities, such as work in confined spaces, handle and use of explosives, operate heavy equipment and drive large vehicles. Consequently, our main priority is to safeguard and protect the health and safety of our employees and contractor employees in all our sites.
Your View
Health and Safety According to a quantitative survey conducted in 2018 to 380 employees, 28% views work safety and safe working environment as the most important issues for Hellas Gold to be a great place to work.
Good Practice
Managing Health and Safety systematically Being committed to systematically review our health and safety performance and create a safe work environment for our workforce: • Our Health and Safety Committees consists of representatives from all our labour unions (which represent all our workforce), our Occupational Health Doctor, the Safety Engineers and Management representatives, who meet four times per year to discuss our health and safety performance, review potential risks, identify root causes and propose solutions to mitigate these risks
• The Health and Safety Committees consult with Management on health and safety issues (e.g. health and safety policies and procedures) and contact authorities on health, safety and environmental protection issues
According to a quantitative survey conducted in 2018 to 380 employees, only 5% of respondents in the top 10 aspects indicates that work safety is an aspect that Hellas Gold could improve.
• Employee representatives can participate in workplace investigations and inspections carried out by Hellas Gold and the competent authority, as well as review health and safety issues
Your View
Creating a safe work environment Policy
Committing to Safeguard Health and Safety Our Health and Safety Policy: •O utlines our commitment to protect employees, contractor employees and community members from safety and health risks associated with our activities •M andates compliance with relevant health and safety laws, codes and guidelines, as well as employee compliance with safety rules and procedures •E stablishes our performance measurement framework to set, monitor and review health and safety objectives • I s applicable and implemented at all organizational levels •R equires all contractor employees, suppliers and partners to comply with our Policy in their activities on our sites • I ncludes aspects such as employee health and safety consultation, committee meetings, worker participation, safety representation and provision of necessary resources to implement the Policy.
• The Health and Safety Teams on all sites daily oversee, implement and manage our health and safety policies, programs and activities, and report directly to our Mine General Managers, who in turn report directly to Eldorado Gold’s Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer (EVP & COO) • The EVP & COO engages directly to support health and safety programs and practices, reviews our safety performance and oversees our safety objectives.
Eldorado Gold
SIMS Infectious Disease Standard The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak when Eldorado Gold was developing SIMS highlighted the need of standard requirements regarding infectious disease outbreak management. Therefore, SIMS contain a specific standard with clear requirements for all sites to protect the health and safety of workforce and local communities during an infectious disease outbreak. As part of our safety culture, each employee is responsible for their own and their colleagues’ safety and are rewarded for proactively protect everyone’s safety.
Sustainability Report 2019-2020