5 | Security, Licensing & Public Policy Our operations are subject to extensive approval processes at national and local level. The Government is responsible to define the requirements of permits and licences and grant approval when we meet the defined environmental, social and technical requirements, which in turn provides the necessary legal framework for us to operate.
Ensuring site security and business continuity Good Practice
Security and Crisis Management Since 2000, the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR) have set the safety and security principles for company operations (including respect for human rights) and are considered the most widely accepted standard for best practices in managing security for extractive industry operations. Eldorado Gold is committed to implement a human rights and security approach consistent with the VPSHR. As a result, each Site has developed and maintains a Site Security Plan, which includes access and perimeter control provisions for all persons, vehicles, deliveries and equipment entering the site, as well as site-specific supervision of vulnerable areas. Furthermore, we follow Eldorado Gold’s Crisis Management and Communications Plan (CMCP) at country level, which is consistent with MAC’s TSM Crisis Management and Communications Planning Protocol, being reviewed at least annually, and conduct a training exercise through appropriate crisis simulation drills. In order to ensure security of our sites and information systems, as well as our business continuity, we: • Have recorded potential sources of risk for our operations • Have developed action plans to prevent risk occurrence and/or mitigate their impacts • Follow an IT Security Policy, which all employees must review and sign for its acknowledgement, requiring immediate report of all suspected compromises, breaches, losses or theft of any electronic data, serious information security vulnerabilities and disclosure of confidential information for further investigation and assessment.
financial assistance from the Greek Government
Obtaining permits and licenses Good Practice
2019 New Permits and Licenses to Develop our Operations Since 2019, we hold new permits and licences to continue developing our operations, as evident by the installation permits received for projects at Olympias and Skouries and relocate antiquities from Skouries. These permits allow us to continue our operations and work together with the Greek Government to expand our activities, particularly in Skouries, which remains on care and maintenance until respective approval is acquired to implement dry stack tailings (see Section 3.4). Although we fulfil the necessary requirements to obtain licenses, there are still difficulties with their issuance, which leads to delays in our operations, loss of income and consequent loss of contribution to the national and local economy.
Working with government authorities Engaging with Government Authorities on public policies is an essential element of our operations, as it allows us to proactively mitigate risks inherent to our operations and proceed with our business decisions. Therefore, we maintain frequent dialogue with government authorities at local and national level mainly through our Senior Management, in order to better understand their objectives and policies, discuss and provide information about our projects and work together towards licenses. Approach to tax issues: We are cautious regarding regulatory compliance and continuously monitor the tax framework related to our activities, in order to comply and apply its relevant provisions. Our Chief Financial Officer is responsible for compliance with the tax strategy we follow, in order to resolve open issues we might have with authorities, and we are audited on tax issues either by our external auditors or directly by the tax authorities. Furthermore, we: • Have established a formal communication process to engage with tax authorities through a team of employees and consultants, who inform our Senior Management prior to any respective communication • Communicate the results of the quarterly Business and Tax Risk Assessment processes to Eldorado Gold’s BoD, which are also used to evaluate respective compliance, along with results from our tax audits • Report tax-related concerns on quarterly reports through Group Compliance to Eldorado Gold’s BoD.
donations to political parties
Sustainability Report 2019-2020