This portfolio will include a record of all the assignments developed, with their corresponding suggestions and rubrics returned by the professor, in the course . Moreover, each assignment will include personal learnings acquired during the ongoing process of each task as well as a final reflection where I would share my personal learnings of the course itself. Finally, there will be included a list of the ten aspects of language assessment that I want to remember. Assignment 1 (Self-Assessment of test) / personal learnings when doing/analyzing my own test. Assignment 2 (Design of final written test) / personal learnings when doing a written test based on the principles studied in class and in the readings. Assignment 3 (Designing of assessment instruments) / personal learnings when designing the instruments based on the principles studied in class. 2-3 positives/ highlights of your personal learning experience during the course, 2-3 areas of improvement, and 2-3 action plans. A List called “Ten Things to Remember about Assessment in English Learning� of ten aspects of language assessment that I want to remember.
I.N. Eight (8º)
Professional Technical High School Invu Las Cañas Academic English Department Professor: Hellen Barrantes Madrigal I Period 2015. II Written Test Date: Wednesday, May 6th , 2015
Points: ____________ Total points: 50 pts
Grade: ____________ _________% Estimated time:80 min (Adec: Total Percentage: 33 % 120 min) Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________. Group: 8 - __________ ID: ________________. Start Time: __________. Ending time: __________ Parent’s name: __________________________________________________________. _______________
General Instructions: El examen es estrictamente individual. Lea cuidadosamente toda la prueba; revise que no presente alteraciones, que sea legible y verifique que consta de 4 páginas enumeradas en el extremo superior derecho. Conteste el examen únicamente con bolígrafo de tinta indeleble azul o negra. Evite dejar respuestas escritas con lápiz, con tachones, rayones o corrector; ya que esto elimina automáticamente el derecho a reclamos. Si se equivoca siga las indicaciones que se le dan en cada una de las partes del examen. De no haberlas dibuje una línea sobre el error y escriba la respuesta correcta al lado. No se revisarán respuestas escritas fuera de las áreas asignadas para las mismas. Recuerde escribir con letra legible y correcta además de cuidar la ortografía y acentuación. Si alguna respuesta no es legible o clara no será calificada. Las respuestas que no se adecuen a estas o las demás disposiciones de la prueba no se calificarán. La prueba consta de 3 partes: Multiple Choice, Short Answer, and Production.
1. Multiple Choice. Choose the correct answer and write an X on the letter. (Use Simple Present Tense) (10 points, 1 point each) 1. Andy ____________ his clothing on weekends. a. wash b. washing c. washes d. cooks 2. Sandra ____________ in a band a. plays b. play c. playing d. have 3. On Sunday, my aunt ____________ read the newspaper. a. don’t b. doesn’t c. do d. clean 4. Fernando and Nicole ____________ expensive laptops. a. has b. have c. having d. leave 5. The bus ____________ every morning at 8 a.m. a. leaving b. leave c. leaves d. keep 6. Janet and me ____________ do homework after school.
a. does b. doesn’t c. don’t
d. listen 7. I ____________ Italian. a. speaks b. speak c. speaking d. clean 8. The girls always ____________ to pop music. a. listens b. listen c. listening d. has 9. We ____________ wake up early on Sundays. a. don’t b. does’t c. does d. drinks 10. Mr. Anderson ____________ chemistry at Hill High School. a. teaching b. teach c. teaches d. go
C) Identification. Write the corresponding name under each picture (10 pts, 1 point each)
1. ______________________. 2. ______________________. 3. _____________________. 4. ______________________. 5. ______________________. 6. ______________________. 7. ______________________. 8. ______________________. 9. ______________________. 10. ______________________.
II PART. A. Short Answer. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the appropriate demonstrative pronoun. ( 10 points, 1 point each)
1. ___________ is a wrist watch.
2. ___________ are books.
3. ___________ are umbrellas.
4. ___________ is my pillow.
B. Matching. Read the following statements about family members and match column A with Column B. ( 10 points, 1 point each)
Column A
Column B
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
My brother’s brother is my My daughter’s husband is my My father’s wife is my My sister’s son is my My grandfather’s son is my My cousin’s mother is my My brother’s wife is my My daughter-in-law’s husband is my 9. My niece’s father is my 10. My daughter’s father is my
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
son uncle nephew father aunt brother husband son-in-law daughter-in-law mother
III PART. A. Production. Write one sentence for each demonstrative pronoun. Don´t repeat the objects. (5 points, 1 point each)
This : _______________________________________________________________________. That: _______________________________________________________________________. Those: ______________________________________________________________________. These: ______________________________________________________________________. ……..
Dear Hellencita, I hope everything is great with your new job at CTP Invu las Cañas. I imagine it must be a lot of work and very tiring for you, but I know you will do great once you have settled there.
I wanted to write you about the test you wanted me to take a look at. I want to say that there are both things I really liked and three things that can be certainly improved. I want to start by pointing out things that I believe can be enhanced or avoided so that you take it into account when you prepare a new test or even if you ever have to apply this test again or a similar version of it. First of all, I think you must consider that it is very important to double check many aspects of any of your tests before you apply them. I imagine you do it, but it is important to check the littlest things like the points on the exam. Maybe, since it was such a basic aspect, you overlooked it and the exam was left with this mistake. Nevertheless, from now on I know for a fact that you will be counting the points of the exam more than once to avoid these problems. Another thing that could have been used in this test and other in general is the use of a more realistic picture to illustrate parts of the body. I think you can apply this advice to more than only body parts. The use of more realistic pictures should make it easier for the students to understand what they represent or what they are even used for. In the one you used in this test, you could not be sure what they were referring to, so it could be answered in more than one way. Finally, another aspect that not only could be improved, but should be improved, is the mistake about the wrong word you included. Especially since it is a matching and since one is going to be wrong another might be wrong just because of the mistake presented. Then again, my advice is to double check everything that is included in the tasks even if they are a reading comprehension, multiple choice, or short answer. Hellencita, you do not have to worry since not the entire exam had negative aspects. I have to point out something that I really liked for instance the instructions that you included at the very beginning of the test. These instructions mentioned very important aspects to avoid later claims from the students after the exam. I think that when it comes to testing, we need to have in mind the following saying: “better safe than sorry” since we really do not want a bunch of kids and parents complaining because the test was not clear enough. Finally, another positive aspect that I would like to highlight before saying goodbye is that I really enjoy noticing how teacher friendly your test was. I mean that as one of the positive aspects of testing is that it was practicability, we need to take into account that we are going to eventually check and grade the test, so it really needs to be as practical as possible since most of the times it is going to be a huge amount of tests, and we really want to avoid spending hours and hours extra doing so. Hence, I have to say: “Good job!”
I really hope this serves as useful feedback for your test and for tests that are coming that you will have to design. XOXO
Hellen Barrantes Madrigal Universidad Nacional Centro de Investigación y Docencia en Educación División de Educología- Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado Maestría en Educación con Énfasis en el Aprendizaje del Inglés Evaluación en el Aprendizaje del Inglés Facilitadora: Cindy Rodríguez Soto
Name: __ Hellen Barrantes Madrigal ____ Date. June 8th,2015 . Obt. Pts 28/ __27___ %10/__9.6___ Grade 100/___96____ Assessment of an Administered Tests
General Instructions. The pedagogical intention of the present assignment is to analyze our own practice based on the concepts and theories discussed and studied in class and in the readings. The following analysis is then based on the first two readings done so far and on the Cornerstones of Assessment as studied in class. The general idea is to choose test you have previously administered (Written test) and to analyze it critically to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Use the following rubric as guidelines to go over the details that will be checked. Please send the document following this format in the filename: Yourname.Lastname.assigment1. Do not include a cover letter, just make sure the heading has your name on it. Rubric instructions: The following rubric will be used to grade your assignment and also to guide you through the assignment requirements. After reading your assignment, the facilitator will assign a level of completion to each criterion. Each level of completion is described at the bottom, so that you understand what the facilitator means with a “developing” or “accomplished”. Please take some time to read the descriptors and the criterion. The facilitator will also add comments when necessary.
Assessment of an Administered Tests Rubric Needs Furth er impro veme nt
All the sections of the test were analyzed. Both positives and areas for improvement (both when possible) were highlighted. Each piece of feedback provided was explained in terms of the theory provided. Participant used the concepts as presented in class and on the readings. Participant highlighted within the text itself (using Word comments or any kind of strategy) the positives and the areas for improvement. Participant wrote a feedback letter (at least a page) to her/himself explaining what was found (both positives and areas for improvement) in the test.
Develop ing
Acco mplis hed
Exempl ary
You might want to consider double checking on the cornerstones of assessment. There is plenty of room to highlight them on the test
I really loved reading your feedback letter! You were kind and direct at the same time. I loved the fact that you tried to connect before providing your feedback! Beautiful!
In the feedback letter, participant gave at least two examples of how two of the areas for improvement can be enhanced. The feedback letter highlighted positives and areas for improvement in general, using 2-3 positives and 2-3 areas for improvement from the ones highlighted on the test as examples to reinforce the general feedback provided in the letter Language used was appropriate, using accurate punctuation, spelling and mechanics in general, plus the use of suitable vocabulary and register. Exemplary: It means that the corresponding criterion was evident and/or well developed. Participant demonstrates mastery and understanding of the criterion requested. 4pts
Accomplished: It means that the criterion was well developed but the is room for improvement. Participant demonstrates good understanding of the criterion requested. There might be something missing and not fully developed but it did not compromise the quality of the assignment. 3pts Developing: Participant demonstrated understanding of the criterion by developing it, however it is somewhat incomplete or needs improvement. Participant demonstrates to be moving forward in her/his learning process but further support and deeper development or completeness is required. Participant may want to double check notes, readings; or ask for further explanations/support from peers or facilitator. 2pts Needs further improvement: It means there was a modest development or presence of the corresponding criterion. Participant may want to double read assigned readings. Student may want to consider double-checking notes and requesting for the support of peers and facilitator. The criterion needs more development and analysis, or needs to be entirely stated. 1pt.
Rationale Personal learnings when doing/analyzing my own test As I began to analyze the test designed by me there were a couple of things I had not notice the first time I had applied it. At the moment I had to go through the exam to revise it. I can know tell that whenever I plan an exam there is always important to have a phase that includes feedback and reflection of the test designed, either from an outsider or me. Moreover, it is essential that the test contains detailed descriptions of what exactly will be assessed and how is going to be assessed. I learned that the tasks included in the exam required more real-life domains that look like communication situations than the ones I included. There is a need to provide students with authenticity if I really want them to effectively use the target language in real situations.
I.N. Ninth (9º) Points: ____________ Total points: 46 pts
Professional Technical Highschool Invu Las Cañas Academic English Department Teacher: Hellen Barrantes Madrigal II Period 2015. I Written Test Date: Friday, June 26th, 2015 _________% Total Percentage: 30%
Grade: ____________ Estimated time:80 min (Adec: 120 min)
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________. ID: ________________. Start Time: __________. Parent’s name: __________________________________________________________.
Group: 9- __________ Ending time: __________ Signature: _______________
General Instructions: El examen es estrictamente individual. Lea cuidadosamente toda la prueba; revise que no presente alteraciones, que sea legible y verifique que consta de 4 páginas enumeradas en el extremo superior derecho. Conteste el examen únicamente con bolígrafo de tinta indeleble azul o negra. Evite dejar respuestas escritas con lápiz, con tachones, rayones o corrector; ya que esto elimina automáticamente el derecho a reclamos. Si se equivoca siga las indicaciones que se le dan en cada una de las partes del examen. De no haberlas dibuje una línea sobre el error y escriba la respuesta correcta al lado. No se revisarán respuestas escritas fuera de las áreas asignadas para las mismas. Recuerde escribir con letra legible y correcta además de cuidar la ortografía y acentuación. Si alguna respuesta no es legible o clara no será calificada. Las respuestas que no se adecuen a estas o las demás disposiciones de la prueba no se calificarán. La prueba consta de 4 partes: Multiple Choice, Identification, Complete and Listening.
I PART. MULTIPLE CHOICE (9 points, 1 point each) Instructions: Read the instructions below. Choose the correct answer and write an X in the parentheses. Situation: Juan wants to eat a toast. He follows the operational manual. 1. Separate the clothes. 2. Plug in the washing machine. 3. Put white or colored clothes in. 4. Add one cup of detergent. 5. Fill the tank with water. 6. Select the appropriate cycle. 7. Turn the knob to start and pull it. 8. Listen to the buzzer that announces that the clothes are ready. 9. Unplug the machine.
1. Which is the first step to operate a washing machine? To ______________. ( ) select the appropriate cycle ( ) add a cup of detergent ( ) fill the tank with water ( ) separate clothes
2. After you separate the clothes, what do you need to do? To __________. ( ) select the appropriate cycle ( ) plug in the washing machine. ( ) fill the tank with water ( ) put white or colored clothes in. 3. When are the clothes ready? It’s _____________________. ( ) when the buzzer rings ( ) when the cycle selection is finished. ( ) when plugging the machine ( ) when separating the clothes 4. What is the last step to follow when operating a washing machine? ________________. ( ) plug the machine ( ) add the detergent ( ) unplug the machine ( ) fill the tank with water Situation: Karina wants to listen to her favorite rock CD on a new CD player. She follows the operational manual. CD PLAYER To operate a CD player, first plug in the cord, then, press the power button to turn the power on. Press the CD button. After that, open the disc tray. Place the CD label side up. Next close the disk tray and finally press the play button.
1. The fourth step to operate a CD player is to____________________. ( ) turn the power on ( ) open the disc tray ( ) press the CD button ( ) place the CD label side up 2. Karina must put the disc on _____________. ( ) the way she wants. ( ) after opening the disc tray ( ) before pressing the power button ( ) when she presses the play button 3. She has to follow ______ instructions to operate a CD player. ( ) seven ( ) four ( ) five ( ) six
4. The last step to operate a CD player is to press the _______________ button. ( ) play ( ) open ( ) close ( ) power Situation: Juan wants to eat a toast. He follows the operational manual. TOASTER First of all, plug in the toaster and open the lid. Place the food inside and close the lid*. Set the time to heat the food. Recommendations: Don’t forget to use the oven toaster on a dry surface Keep the cable away from heated surfaces. *Lid: cover
1. What is the first step to operate the oven toaster? It’s to _______ . ( ) set the time ( ) open the lid ( ) close the lid ( ) plug in the toaster 2. When can we place the food in the toaster? ( ) After closing the lid. ( ) After opening the lid. ( ) While you set the time. ( ) Before plugging the oven. 3. How many instructions do we follow to operate an oven toaster? ____instructions. ( ) Six ( ) Five ( ) Eight ( ) Seven
II PART. IDENTIFICATION (10 points, 1 point each) Instructions: Complete the following statements with the correct APPLIANCE. (10 points, 1 point each)
Washing machine Laptop
Electric Kettle Coffee maker
Dryer machine Freezer
Radio Blender
Microwave Refrigerator
1. It’s used to heat or cook food. It’s a ______________________________. 2. It keeps food and drinks cold. It’s a______________________________. 3. It is for drying clothes. It’s a ______________________________. 4. People use it to make coffee. It’s a_________________________. 5. This electrical device is used for doing presentations and homework. ______________________________. 6. This electrical appliance is used to prepare milkshakes. It is a ________________________.
7. It is used to wash clothing every week. It is a ______________________________. 8. You boil water on it. It’s a ______________________________. 9. It’s used to listen to different kind of music. It’s a ______________________________. 10. This electrical device is used to keep ice cream frozen. ______________________________.
III PART. COMPLETE (15 points, 1 point each) Instructions: Fill in the spaces with the correct SIMPLE PAST FORM. Use the verb given in the parenthesis. 1.
What a great weekend! On Saturday, I __________________ (meet) some friends after
school. We stopped at the video store, but we __________________(not / buy) a movie. So we __________________(play) basketball and __________________(listen) to music. Mom __________________ (cook) some hamburgers for dinner. After dinner, we __________________( not / watch) TV because we were so tired. So we __________________(go) to sleep early. 2.
I __________________(study) on Sunday morning. In the afternoon, Mom, Dad, and I
__________________(teach) me how to buy smart. Then I __________________ (help) Mom with the dinner. In the evening, I __________________ (see) Kelly, but we __________________(not /
talk) very long, maybe she __________________ (be) tired and she __________________ (not / want) to talk. Tomorrow is a school day, so I’m going to go to bed right now, Good night! IV PART. LISTENING COMPREHENSION (12 points) Instructions: Listen to the recording and complete the following items. You will listen to the recording three times to complete both items (A and B) A. Look at the pictures. Listen to people talk about the gadgets. Number the pictures from 1 to 3. Write the numbers under the corresponding picture. (3 points; 1 point each)
_____ B.
1. 1. 2. 3.
Listen again. Pay attention to the characteristics of the appliances that are explained by each person. Check () True or False. If both options are checked, the point will be lost. (9 points; 1 point each)
It runs for 50 minutes when fully charged. It's not necessary to change the bag very often. You have to put it back on the charger after using it.
2. 1. 2. 3.
You have to type information into it. It can read messy handwriting. It holds up to two thousand names and addresses
3. 1. 2. 3.
It cooks a variety of foods. You can program it to turn on and off. It doesn't need any liquid to cook.
Answer Key I PART. MULTIPLE CHOICE Situation 1 1. 2. 3. 4.
separate clothes plug in the washing machine. when the buzzer rings unplug the machine
1. 2. 3. 4.
open the disc tray after opening the disc tray seven play
Situation 2
Situation 3
1. plug in the toaster 2. After opening the lid. 3. Five
II PART. IDENTIFICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Microwave Refrigerator Dryer machine Coffee maker Laptop Blender Washing machine Electric kettle Radio Freezer
III PART. COMPLETE 1. met; didn’t buy; played; listened; cooked; didn’t watch; went; 2. studied; bought; taught; helped;
saw; didn’t talk; was; didn’t want.
IV PART. LISTENING COMPREHENSION A. 1; 3; 2. B. 1. 1. False 2. False 3. True 2. 1. False 2. False 3. False 3. 1. True 2. True 3. False
The test is divided in four parts due to the fact that some of the parts are easy to be developed. In the heading the amount of points were more than 40 in order to help students have more chance to get an average grade in case they had any issues in some parts or with some topics. Besides, the general instructions are included in Spanish since it is part of the institutions rules to do it in that way, and I believe it is a good idea since students might argue that they did not know the instructions because they were in English. In the general instructions is also stated that the test consists of four parts: Multiple Choice, Identification, Complete and Listening. In regards to the I PART, it consists of three sets of multiple choice items. These three sets actually a reading comprehension section that includes three readings about the cognitive topic that was developed during the first half of the second trimester. The first reading was about how to operate a washing machine, the second one was about how to use a CD player and the last one about the steps to use toaster. These readings included vocabulary about the usage of different appliances that were studied in the lessons as well a different phrasal verbs that were included in the lexicon of the content covered in the classes. For the II PART of the test, the same content related to the electrical appliances is developed in an identification item in which students have to write the appliance correctly next to the corresponding description. Even though the content of the exercise is the same used in the previous part of the exam, in this part what is being assessed is the vocabulary that students were supposed to know and understand. Also, this item could have been a short answer where student would write the appliance next to the d3escription without having the possible answer in a word bank, but I thought I would give the students more chances to get the answer right if they had the options in a word bank. On the III PART of the exam, I included a different content that was studied during the lesson with the ninth graders which was the simple past. I had already seen some examples of how to include such topic in a test. For example with a chart that students would write the past or simple form of the verb accordingly; however, I thought it would be
better to have them in a short paragraph so that a little context was added to the use of such verbs. Finally, for the last part of the test, the IV PART, there was a listening comprehension that once again was related to the topic of electrical appliances. In this case they had a picture of three appliances which they had to number according to the order in which the people in the recording were describing them. Then, they had a True or False item in which they would be able to check if what the sentences stated was accurate or not. Also, since there were two items in this part, the recording was meant to be played three times (once for A and twice for B).
Rationale Personal learnings when doing a written test based on the principles studied in class and in the readings. As part of the personal learnings I had from designing this test was first the importance of including well done specifications. There is nothing better than proving students with very specific instructions and to make clear what are the results expected. Then, it is necessary to provide as much appropriate context as possible for the different items. Context helps students to become more active learners by engaging them further into the material which at the end brings authenticity to the test. Thirdly, while reviewing the feedback gotten by the professor I realized about the significance to vary the level of difficulty in the different parts of the exam. Students need to be prepared to analyze situations and not be given the answers at once. Indeed, the amount of points assigned to the items should match their level of difficulty. Finally, I definitely found it interesting to prepare the answer key as the task was developed since it really helps me to find any ambiguity or mistakes I was not able to find when I first created the test.
I.N. Ninth (9º)
Professional Technical Highschool Invu Las Cañas Academic English Department Teacher: Hellen Barrantes Madrigal II Period 2015. II Extra Class Work
Points: ____________ Total points: 27 pts
Grade: ____________
_________% Total Percentage: 5%
Due Date:________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________. Topic: Holidays
Group: 7- __________
Objective: To learn and use vocabulary related to holidays and celebrations. Task: Each student will make a 3 minute presentation on a holiday previously assigned by the teacher. Instructions: Do some research in regards to the main aspects* that characterizes this holiday (the information presented needs to be relevant).
*Remember to mention name, date, traditional food, drinks, country, music, dance, or other details that are found in this holiday. You can use a poster, pictures, a PowerPoint presentation, newsprint, and other to present your assignment (In case you use a PowerPoint, make sure you it does not include more than 6 slides). The presentation must include appropriate and suitable visual aids for the audience. Be careful with the grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency. (Practice the presentation before classes) Check the rubric that will be used to grade your presentation (on the other side of this paper). Finally, bring an activity that involves all the audience (questions, games, bingos, competitions, etc.) Advice: Do not include a lot of text in the presentation. Important: Present this paper and the rubric that will be used to grade your presentation the day of the presentation.
Presentation Rubric Instructions for the rubric: This rubric will be used to grade the presentation made about the holiday. Criteria
Not present (0) The student doesn’t present the assigned topic. The student doesn’t use any vocabulary about the topic.
Needs Improvement (1) The student has some confusing ideas about the topic The student has lots of problems with vocabulary (5 to 6 mistakes are made)
Reading / Preparation
The student reads everything to present.
The student mispronounces many words (more than 7 mistakes are made) The student presents serious problems in the fluency. The student uses grammar with many mistakes (more than 7 mistakes are made) The student doesn’t mention aspects of the holiday
The student reads the notes very often during the presentation The student mispronounces some words (5 to 6 mistakes are made)
Management of the topic Vocabulary
Fluency Grammar
The student presents several problems in the fluency. The student uses grammar with several mistakes (5 to 6 mistakes are made)
Developing (2) The student manages the topic with a few confusing details
Exemplary (3) The student manages the topic perfectly
The student uses words and phrases related to the topic with some errors (3 to 4 mistakes are made) The student reads notes just for consulting during the presentation
The student uses words and phrases related to the topic correctly (less than 2 mistakes are made) The student doesn’t read at all during the presentation
The student pronounces some words correctly (3 to 4 mistakes are made)
The student pronounces most words correctly (less than 2 mistakes are made)
The student presents a few problems in the fluency.
The student presents a really good fluency.
The student uses grammar with some mistakes (3 to 4 mistakes are made)
The student uses grammar correctly (less than 2 mistakes are made)
The student mentions very The student mentions some of the The student mentions most of the few aspects of the holiday main aspects of the holiday (3 or main aspects of the holiday (5 or (1 or 2 aspects are 4 aspects are mentioned) most aspects are mentioned) mentioned) Visual Aids The student doesn’t use The student uses visual aids The student uses few visual aids. The student uses very appropriate visual aids that are not clear enough. and suitable visual aids. Activity The student doesn’t bring The student brings an The student brings an activity that The student bring an activity that all an activity activity that only a few other but not all classmates can classmates can be involved in. classmates can be involved be involved in. in. Exemplary: This represents that the student presents what is expected from him or her in the presentation and then some. Four points are assigned. Developing: This represents that the student is close to what is expected from him or her, but could be improved. Three points are assigned. Needs Improvement: This represents that there are various things that need to be improved in order for the student to present what is expected from him or her. Two points are assigned. Not presented: This represents that the students does not present what is expected from him or her.
Rationale For this presentation a rubric was designed in order to assess all the aspects that are expected from the students when having an oral presentation. The rubric adds up to a total of 27 points, which is more than double of the percentage that this assignment is worth. The rubric includes all the criteria that will be evaluated on the students’ presentations. They will have to present about a holiday that will have been assigned the day that the assignment is given. This assignment represents five percent out of 10 percent from the extra class work in the second term of the year. The topic developed in this extra class work belongs to the second term of seventh grade. When talking about the holiday, they would be able to mention various aspects such as name, date, traditional food, drinks, country, music, dance, or other ones that they consider relevant to talk about. The must take into account that grammar and vocabulary as well as pronunciation and fluency will be graded as part of their presentation. In the general instructions of the assignment, it is mentioned that if they choose to make a PowerPoint presentation, they would only be able to include six slides. I have decided that this is an important detail to include, because most of the time, they choose to do a presentation of this kind and they include many slides and tends to be longer than three minutes (the allotted time for this presentation) because they also copy and paste a lot of information and read it from the presentation. Hence, there is a criterion that is related to how much they read during the presentation.
I.N. Ninth (9º)
Professional Technical Highschool Invu Las Cañas Academic English Department Teacher: Hellen Barrantes Madrigal II Period 2015. I Extra Class Work
Points: ____________ Total points: 21pts
Grade: ____________
_________% Total Percentage: 5%
Due Date:________________________ Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________. Topic: Electrical Appliances Objective:
Group: 9- __________
To recognize electrical equipment vocabulary. To learn about the correct way to manipulate an appliance.
Task: Each student will make a quick guide about how to use two different electrical appliances. Instructions: Choose 2 appliances from the ones studied in class or other you might prefer. Paste or draw a picture to represent them. Write at least 5 steps about how to use them (use the correct verbs or phrasal verbs). Write 5 Warnings or Safety instructions for each of the appliance. Include this page as cover page and the grading rubric that will be used to check your extra class work. (Check the rubric that will be used to grade your presentation (on the other side of this paper) Present this assignment in separate papers, but do not use a folder or binder. Be careful with the grammar and vocabulary.
Important: Present this paper and the rubric that will be used to grade your assignment.
Extra Class Work Rubric Instructions for the rubric: This rubric will be used to grade the assignment made about the appliances. Criteria Pictures
Steps (appliance #1)
Not present (0) The student doesn’t includes the pictures or drawings of the appliances. The student doesn’t use any vocabulary about the topic.
Needs Improvement (21 The student includes only one picture or drawing of the appliances.
Developing (2) The student includes two pictures or drawings of the appliances.
Exemplary (3) The student includes two clear pictures or drawings of the appliances.
The student has lots of problems with vocabulary (5 to 6 mistakes are made)
The student uses words and phrases related to the topic with some errors (3 to 4 mistakes are made) The student includes some of the steps to use the first appliance (3 or 4 steps)
The student uses words and phrases related to the topic correctly (less than 2 mistakes are made) The student includes the steps to use the first appliance (at least 5 steps)
The student doesn’t The student includes a few include the steps to use of the steps to use the first the first appliance (0 appliance (1 or 2 steps) steps) Safety and The student doesn’t The student includes a few The student includes some safety The student includes the safety and warning include the safety and safety and warning and warning instructions to use warning instructions to use the first (appliance #1) warning instructions to instructions to use the first the first appliance (3 or 4 steps) appliance (at least 5 steps) use the first appliance (0 appliance (1 or 2 steps) steps) Steps The student doesn’t The student includes a few The student includes some of the The student includes the steps to (appliance #2) include the steps to use of the steps to use the steps to use the second appliance use the second appliance (at least 5 the second appliance (0 second appliance (1 or 2 (3 or 4 steps) steps) steps) steps) Safety and The student doesn’t The student includes a few The student includes some safety The student includes the safety and warning include the safety and safety and warning and warning instructions to use warning instructions to use the (appliance #2) warning instructions to instructions to use the the second appliance (3 or 4 second appliance (at least 5 steps) use the second appliance second appliance (1 or 2 steps) (0 steps) steps) Grammar The student uses The student uses grammar The student uses grammar with The student uses grammar correctly grammar with many with several mistakes (5 to 6 some mistakes (3 to 4 mistakes (less than 2 mistakes are made) mistakes (more than 7 mistakes are made) are made) mistakes are made) Exemplary: This represents that the student presents what is expected from him or her in the presentation and then some. Four points are assigned. Developing: This represents that the student is close to what is expected from him or her, but could be improved. Three points are assigned. Needs Improvement: This represents that there are various things that need to be improved in order for the student to present what is expected from him or her. Two points are assigned. Not presented: This represents that the students does not present what is expected from him or her.
Rationale The assignment for which the rubric will be used is a written extra class work about the topic developed in the second term of the ninth graders in a public high school. They will have to include two pictures of different appliances and then write steps to use the appliances just like it was studied in the class, as well as writing five warning and safety instructions like the ones seen in class. Even though this might seem like a simple and tedious assignment, it is great since it will also serve as practice for the test because they will have to do something similar in the production part. The rubric mostly evaluates that the student includes all that they were supposed to include in such assignment. In fact, since they were asked to include the same things about two different appliances, there was a criteria about the safety and warning instructions for appliance number one and two, as well as the steps for each appliance. On the other hand, they were supposed to use the phrasal verbs or regular verbs correctly. Hence, grammar and vocabulary criteria were included so that they would take it into account. The percentage of this extra class work consists of five percent. Although it is a little percentage for many things that are being requested, most students do decide to do it since they see that are 21 points for them to get, even when it is the percentage that is included in the final grade of their term.
Rationale Personal learnings when designing the instruments based on the principles studied in class.
In the process of designing the instruments I was able to differentiate the analytic rubric from the holistic one. As a matter of fact, before I started to create these instruments, both types of rubric, used to look similar to me, not anymore. In the case of the analytic one, I learned about the importance to include very detailed descriptors for each criterion and that it should have varied levels of accomplishment by the student performance. In contrast, a holistic can be used if I want to assess overall student performance in relation to the set of expectations focus on what is valued in a topic (and the instructions given). As a result, I can certainly say that while creating these instruments I realized about the relevance to provide authentic assessment by implementing a rubric with criteria that could be observable, reliable, adequate and measurable in order to make the evaluation process more objective. Furthermore, I tried my best to implement SMARTA when writing the objectives which I would still considered a very hard work by the way. I know is a matter of practice to get used to it, meanwhile I have to consult my notes whenever I have to design them for my workplace. In conclusion, rubrics are assessment tools that can be used for a variety of learning outcomes in the teaching process, thus the rubric we use will depend on having a clear intention of our task and include the necessary aspects for any type of rubric.
Assessing has become an important word when it comes to evaluate my students learning outcomes. This course has helped me a lot to have a better understanding about the distribution of a well done exam like clear instructions. The assessments also need to resemble what is reviewed during class in order to provide authenticity to the evaluation. I can say that among the positive things are that I am able to create a rubric despite the fact that it takes a lot work. I never thought I could create my own. I usually used the ones that I found on the internet or someone else had given me. Then, I realized that it is a matter of considering all aspects such as the cornerstones, dimensions, criteria, levels, etc to build up my own. Sure, I am not afraid of the word “assessing� any further, I feel more comfortable whenever I have to design a material since I the theory and the practice to base on. Thirdly, the way the course was developed gave me the opportunity to really learn (despite the hard word) and it is something that definitely I highlight from the positive things I found. On the other hand, there are still some areas I have to keep working on. For instance, applying the elements of SMARTA in the objectives requires more practice. This practice has been done at the moment I design any of the objective to assess students’ macro or micro skills for the exam this last Trimester at my high school. Moreover, I have to improve the use of authentic assessment. I need more authentic tasks that resemble real-life events hence students can be capable to prepare themselves to face any situation that requires the use of the target language. As a result, I have considered making some variations in certain tasks I will be assigning next trimester even if it takes more time than traditional ones. These tasks will be addressed to meet high standards from my students, and they will also receive the necessary feedback after these.
1. Evaluate at different moments: You can assess students at different times other than during the evaluation week. As a matter of fact, they already have a preconception of what evaluation is and hence might be reluctant to have a positive attitude towards any kind of evaluation. It is important to vary the times for the evaluation, or at least evaluate at a different time from the one that has already been pre-established. 2. Organize the criteria: When including the aspects that will be evaluated in a rubric, you need to be careful with the fact that they could even be organized in a strategic way so that student follow the instructions and at the same time accomplish what is expected of them. In other words, the use of a procedural order for the criteria can be accounted as practicability. 3. Use descriptors that are clear enough to accomplish: You can have clear instructions for the student to know what they have to do but if the rubrics are not clear, the process of assessment will be deterred. Think about aspects such as achievability, reliability among other. 4. Provide guidelines according to the audience: There is no doubt you need clear descriptors to assess in an appropriate way, but it is important that the guidelines provided are understood by the population that will be assessed. It is not the same giving guidelines to seventh graders that giving guidelines to a group of fifth graders. Nevertheless, these guidelines no matter who they are addresses, should be as clear as possible.
5. Use any sort of realia in your assessment techniques: Well, before you do this you have to be aware that you should have included some kind of realia when teaching too. Otherwise, they would be presented with unfamiliar material. Hence, the use authentic can be really positive because it is the closest they will ever be before actually having contact with some authentic material. 6. Variation of assessment activities can be positive: Most of the time, students are not presented with activities that are other than multiple choice, or true or false, or even fill in the blank. Nonetheless, you could do a difference so that they do not see how traditional the assessment process has been made to be. It is not completely necessary to come up with the invention of a new item, but there can be even variations to more traditional ones. 7. A balance between formative and summative assessment is necessary: You cannot leave formative assessment aside and focus on summative assessment only. In fact, both should be given enough attention. It might seem as if summative assessment is more important, but it is with formative assessment that we can make sure students do learn, or at least we are giving them more chance to do so. Meanwhile, with summative assessment we are more interested about the grade since it is only part of a bigger result. 8. Update your instruments of assessment: You must not only check there are no mistakes than can affect either the students or teacher. You also need to update the instruments so that they fully adapt to the population that is being or going to be assessed. Sure, by using the same instrument more than once with
a different population the reliability can be proved, but it is even better If the instrument is given another look to see if can be used just as it is or if it needs some editing. 9. Study or know you population: It can be really difficult to assess students if you do not know what they are paying attention to or what they know. Also, by knowing you population, you also know if an assignment would be better carried out individually or in groups. This should be thought from the perspective of practicability for both the students and the teacher. 10. Make items and tasks more communicative: The use of the communicative approach might be difficult to implement depending on the place that you are teaching. Nevertheless, this should not reflect on how you create items as part of the assessment process. You are able to include context in each of the items so that students can somehow contextualize a little the use of English for a purpose. Hence, not only will they solve the item but they will also see reflected, or at least how it could be used, in a contextualized way.