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Must-visit weekend markets VALUE Market
We don’t know if it’s the endless array of home baked goods, daytime drinking or just shopping outdoors, but there’s something about weekend markets that we just can’t get enough of. If you’re also partial to a good ol’ market, make sure you check out these recommendations.
Brystan Market at Michael Mount From fruit and veg to crafts, Brystan Market at Michael Mount has it all. The main focus of this market is promoting conscious living and thus, itoffersshoppersthechancetobuyorganicproduceandethicallysourced goods. Visitorscanexpectover90stallsstockedwithexquisiteproducts, including crystals, Persian rugs and handmade beaded jewellery. Don’t even getus startedonthe amazingbakedgoods onoffer, whichinclude the most delightful cheesecake from Le Café. As if that wasn’t enough, we should also mention that there’s a playareaforkids–amajorbonusfor allparents–andyou can bringyour furry friends along as long as they’re leashed! 40 Culross Road, Bryanston m 011 706 3671 K www.bryanstonorganicmarket.co.za E @bryorgmarket D @bryorgmarket Q @bryanstonorganicmarket

Hello Joburg • March 2020 • www.hellojoburg.co.za 12 Neighbourgoods Market With a beautiful setting and an even better atmosphere, the Neighbourgoods Market in Braamfontein is hands down one of the best places to spend a Saturday in Jozi. There’s an amazing selection of gourmet street food, including pizzas, sliders and even oysters! It’s also a great place to sample delicious cocktails and shop fabulous brands like Rural Loves Classics –a brand that designsand manufactures South African inspired tees. Other standout features of this market include live DJ sets and the ample seating for visitors, which may sound boring but can really make or break a market. 73 Juta Street, Braamfontein K www.neighbourgoodsmarket.co.za E @neighbourgoodsmarketjhb D @neighbourmarket
Market on Main Located in the Arts on Main complex in the trendy Maboneng district, Market on Main has become known as one of Jozi’s best Sunday markets andit’s nothardto see why. The marketis atrue reflection of South Africaas ameltingpotof African culture andoffers visitors the chance to tryauthentic cuisine from alloverthe continent, includingShiro –a type of spiced chickpea purée from Ethiopia. There’s also a number of South African classics on offerlike bunny chow, samoosas and boerewors rolls. PS: The stunning wall murals make this a great spot to snap a few Instagram pics. 264 Fox Street, Maboneng m 082 868 1335 K www.marketonmain.co.za E @marketonmain D @marketonmainjhb Q @marketonmain

Linden Market Although the Linden Market isn’t technically a weekend market, as it only occurs every few months, we couldn’t go without mentioning it. It’s held quarterly at the breathtaking Emmerentia Botanical Gardens andboasts over160 stalls, makingitone of the biggestmarkets in Jozi. The market is all about celebrating local talent and craftsmanship and featuressomanyamazinghomegrownbrands–we’retalkingscreen-printed T-shirts from L2 Lyon, signature jewellery from Miss H Jewellery and home accessories from Native Décor. Of course, there’s always amazing food and drinkon offer, such as mouth-wateringwaffles from WoodstockWaffles andrefreshing G&Ts from Tonic. 45 Thomas Bowler Street, Emmarentia m 079 509 6446 K www.thelindenmarket.com E @thelindenmarket D @thelindenmarket Words Amber Richardson I Images Supplied

The luxury products we love come to Woolworths Sandton City LA PRAIRIE
Luxury Swiss skincare brand, La Prairie has just opened a counter atWoolworths Sandton City–butit’s so much more than justa counter. There’s something to be said about this brand that’s managedtopreserve itsmore traditionaldefinitionofluxurywhenother luxurybrands are launchingmore affordable andaccessible offshoots.
So, what can you expect from the new counter? Seeing as La Prairie prides itself on what the brand calls ‘Swissness’ or, in other words, sleekness and elegance with a bit of mystery, you can’t help but feel like you’re playing the role ofawealthy, stay-at-home momfroma‘90s movie whenyou’re perusing the counter … you know, the kind clad in cashmere with a perfectly cut bob. The ornate outer packaging that looks like it could be inanartgalleryisjustthebeginning–the real luxury can be found inside the gorgeous jars and bottles.
WhenonethinksofLaPrairie,thefirstthingthatcomestomindiscaviar. The brand capitalised on this intriguing ingredient back in 1987 with its debutcaviarproduct, Skin CaviarDermo Beads –beautifulcaviar-like beads containing caviar extract that give skin a boost and help to renew its texture. With a focus on innovation and skin science, La Prairie has since expanded into a whole caviar collection that you can now shop at Woolworths Sandton City, including a body cream, a sleep mask and even a cushion compact foundation.

Hello Joburg • March 2020 • www.hellojoburg.co.za 14 As for our favourite La Prairie products? The Skin Caviar Luxe Cream Sheer(R7,890) is arich face cream in a sheer formula that every woman should have in her skincare collection. Reminiscent of a silky vanilla yoghurt but with a floral scent, it hydrates, plumps andfirmsyourskinwithoutfeeling heavy. You won’t believe that a product so weightless can be so
super-effective. We recommend using it as a day cream under your make-up or as a night cream in the summer months. If you’re not into fragranced face creams, this might not be for you though.
Another must-have in your antiageing routine is the Cellular Radiance Night Cream(R11,410), a beauty splurge for the face and décolletage, which ages faster due to sun exposure. Let’s be honest … gravity works against us ladies! While your body rests, this intensive nighttimetreatmentdoesitsmagic–it renews the skin, replenishes hydration and restores a natural glow. The secret is a moisture-binding complex of perfecting and anchoring peptides combined with mica and liquid crystals. Enveloping your skin in this night cream is the definition of utter luxury … all you see is pure radiance.

Last but not least, we can’t live without the brand-new White Caviar Eye Extraordinaire (R8,500), which is basicallyafilter in a jar. Not only is it effective in brightening and lifting the skin, you’ll also be amazed when the wrinkles under your eyes nearly disappear within four to eight weeks. This rich eye cream also nourishes and comforts with deep moisture and does wonders at fading brown spotting under the eyes. Even if you don’t have pigmentation, you’ll appreciate the soft glow that comes from using it morning and night.

Sure, La Prairie is pricy (to put it lightly), but we like to justify it as being an investmentin yourskin. Trustus –when you see the results, you’ll agree thatthebrandismore thanjustflashybottlesforthe uber-wealthy. You may even be willing to break out your highest limit credit card for more … don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Woolworths Sandton City, 83 Rivonia Road, Sandton m 011 290 1011 K www.laprairie.com E @laprairie D @la_prairie Q @laprairie Words Candice May Images Supplied

Presenters: Harmony Katulondi & Jason Greer

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Advertorial Navigating the AUTUMN SEASON
… with the help of Cresta Shopping Centre
As we bid farewell to summertime, we welcome the autumn season, which helps us prepareforthecoldweather. Thistransitionalseasonbringswithitsignificantchanges, not only in nature and environment but also within ourselves. Everything slows down, thetemperaturedrops, givingyouenoughtime topause, reflect, andgetintouchwithyourinnerself.
We’re 3 monthsinto2020, andthe dusthassettled. Kidsare welladjustedintheirroutine; you’re putting in the work to achieve your goals and feeling optimistic about what’s ahead. Now what? How do you ensure the intense burning enthusiasm remains consistent amid of the changing seasons?
CrestaShoppingCentre has itall, with over260 stores to caterto yourneeds this season. Whether you’re looking to revamp your home to match the season, a new skin routine, or want to upgrade your wardrobe, Cresta serves as the perfect one-stop-shop for this autumn.
If you have anaturalaffinitywith comfort, yourstyle willshine the mostthis season. Buyafewitems from Cresta’s local and international stores that you can mix and match with your winter clothes. Layering is essential and gives your look a unique edge, depending on textures and tones you use. Make sure the shirt you wear underneath is at its best condition, should you need to shed a layer or two since the weather is unpredictable this season.
Seasonal changes mean a new skin regime. The skin is prone to sensitivity and dryness and will need more nutrients and extra care. Adjust your skincare routine and maintain the summer glow throughout the season by stopping by at Cresta’s health and beauty stores and inquire about your skin’s needs. Some professional beauticians can assist with advice for your skin needs as well as foods needed to boost your overall wellbeing.

Warm and hearty meals become essential this season, and Cresta’s array of restaurants have an impressive menu andofferings thatwillkeep you comingformore. Whetheryou like to eatoutor prefer to host at the comfort of your home, Cresta’s restaurants and department stores provide the perfectin-season offerings anddishes thatwillkeep everyone delighted.
Hardworkpays off, butso is takingsome time off. Crestahas the perfectactivities to getyou in the mood for an old-fashioned outing with friends and family. For Easter, Cresta will be hosting the Easter EggHuntfrom11 to12 April2020, at07h00 to11h00, where youandyourlovedonescanenjoyahealthy competition and bonding time with loads of entertainment in store. Tickets to enter for the Easter Egg Hunt will be sold through Webtickets from March, giving you ample time to prepare for this exciting event. More details will be revealed closer to the date of the event. Make sure you visit Cresta’s social media pages for updates.
After all, life is less about the destination and more about enjoying the journey. You can start by writing down a system and a plan that works best for you. Journaling is therapeutic, and you can make yours enjoyable by stopping by at Cresta Shopping Centre where more is enough.
Beyers Naude Drive, Cresta m 011 678 5306 1 www.crestashoppingcentre.co.za E @crestashoppingcentre D @crestacentre Q @crestacentre