20 minute read
ETHOS Restaurant One of the best dishes you’ll eat in 2020
After opening their doors in late 2019, this Mediterranean style eatery is one-upping its competitors. This upscale, contemporary designed by Giorgio Tatakis (@giotatsakis) is the first-of-its-kind restaurant is in a league of its own.

of the month restaurant

After openingtheir doors in late 2019, this Mediterranean style eatery is oneupping its competitors. This upscale, contemporary, first-of-its-kind restaurant designed by Giorgio Tatakis (@giotatsakis) The soothing holiday style and beachy feel is whatfirstgrabsyourattention, followedbythe positively polished, sparkling clean space.
Hello Joburg • March 2020 • www.hellojoburg.co.za 22 Words Bianca Spinner Images Supplied A hedonistic aura pervades the atmosphere but, interestingly, itisn’tas you’dexpectitto be –neither imposing nor self-indulgent but rather elegant and sensual with earthy tones, wooden elements and all-natural surroundings. Yes, you’ll findthe influencer-heavydinnerguestandthe goldchainedflashman, butyou won’tbe too perturbed because your focus will be on the remarkably cosmopolitan minimalistic design and, of course, the food. Remember to inhale and take a deep breath at the bar. This is the firstmasterpiece you’llbe mesmerised by because it’s this paper mache, paintbrush-swooshed type mural that acts as the warm welcome to the space. This is the spot fromwhichwecouldallbenefit,fromafter-work drinks with the lads orafirstTinderdate, to a

romantic soiree for two over espresso martinis or a simple solo Old Fashioned at the bar. Ensure you tickle your taste buds with their tapas menu and order the wagyu tacos. Upon entering the dining space ‘mmm’, 'yummy’, ‘ooh’, are some of the echoes you’ll hear from your neighbour dining at the adjacent table. You’ll also constantly be peering over to the next person’stable,thinking“Ihavetoorderthat”and then alternating your decision when you see the next dish exiting the kitchen. Sophisticated plating techniques and aesthetically pleasing artistic designs ensure all your senses are captivated. Dishes come served in earthy, raw-toned bountiful bowls and plates that were custom made for the restaurant by Clay by Mg (@claybymg). You’ll unashamedly imagine eating it all by the spoonful… Now the dish of the year that we’re referring to is the coal-grilled ostrich. You might as well end your meal right here because it’s the bee’s knees –subtlysharp with ahintof sweetness; neither overbearing nor too sugary but the perfect balance. These tender cubes of ecstasy are coated in dukkah, date and tamarind labneh with walnuts, pickled berries, and port jus and then entirely smothered with a glaze of pomegranate beetroot. Ensure you familiarise yourself with the starters too, because the stunning salads, raw starters and burrata cheese only adds to the menu’s allure. Served with colourful stoned fruit and a roasted rosemary and garlic dressing, the soft, stringy burrata just begs to be devoured. The desserts are ratherunusualwith offerings of semolina orange and honey cake, lemon and cardamom custard, dark chocolate and red wine ice cream, andthe famous kataifi–wrappedcrispydough bathed in rose and cardamom glaze served with a dollop of lemon and cream cheese icing. It’s a serendipitous creation!
No matter what mood you’re in, visiting this five-starrestaurantwillchallenge yourethos while satisfying your every craving.
Shop 5 Sandton Court, 183 Rivonia Road, Morningside m 010 446 9906 K www.ethosrestaurant.co.za E @ethos.sa Q @ethos.sa


FIREROOM BEDFORDVIEW Putting the fun back in Asian fusion
Askwhich cityhas the bestsushi in the country, andanytoro fiendwill tell you: Cape Town, obviously. Sushi may not be king in Joburg, but FireRoom at Village View in Bedfordview has the best sushi in the city to curb your appetite for salmon, tuna, rock shrimp and more. When the craving strikes for a meal at a high-end sushi restaurant, it’s hard to ignore the call of the ’view’s chief establishment for ultra-fresh seafood.
The sushi experience here is on another level from the second you enter the doors. Upbeatmusic drifts through the refinedspace, atastefulanddimlylit dining room that’s home to a handful of tables and the real showstopper, a sushi bar where chefs quietly steal the spotlight. It’s hard to say which is more ofatreat: TheexpertlycutfishsourcedfromaroundSouthAfricaorthe chef ’s artful precision.
FireRoomfocuseson‘SushionFire’ that’sflamedatyourtable, suchasthe Fire Roll –crispy California rolls made with salmon, jalapeño and cream cheese toppedwithkewpiemayoandYakitorisauce–andtheHalloumiCrunchcrunchy California rolls made with fried halloumi, peppadews and cubed avo topped with stickyFantasysauce andasignature seasoning. You’llfindclassic Dragon and Tiger Rolls, Candy Roses topped with a candy glaze and popping candy, Springbok Roses made with springbok carpaccio, teardrop shaped Nacho Libre rolls and more as the meal marches on, with every plate as rich, tantalising and expertly prepared as the last one.
There’s also asmatteringof smallplates –we recommendthe Langoustine Carpaccio drizzled with a citrus vinaigrette, Hong Kong Pears potato dumplings stuffedwith duck, prawn andchicken as wellas ‘The OG Shot’ oysters served in shotglasses with fresh lemon, Tabasco andblackpepper. BarOne Sliders –deepfriedBarOnenuggetswithcaramelandstrawberrysorbet–finishthemeal, though fans of the more traditional vanilla ice cream and Bar One sauce will findthatatFireRoom, too. When yourplate has been lickedclean, aglass of dessert wine helps ease your way into the outside world.
Village View Shopping Centre, corner of Van Buuren & Kloof Roads, Bedfordview m 011 450 1440 K www.fireroom.co.za E @fireroombedford D @fireroomsa Q @firerooms

Saigon Suzy is an Asian BBQ and Rock ‘n Roll Bar, celebrating authentic Asian street food with an exciting private karaoke experience. We serve incredibly unique Asian inspired cocktails to complement the delicious flavours we have infused within our food. Jozi’s Asian-inspired rock ‘n roll bar

Saigon Suzy Cedar Square is running a 50% of all drinks happy hour special from 16h00 to 19h00 every day until the end of March

We pride ourselves on our awesome atmosphere, our incredi-bao food and our small but pho-nomenal cocktail list as well as our Asian beverage selection. Our menu allows you to delight in Southeast Asian flavours whilst humming along to the heartbeat and soul of Saigon Suzy.
Our funhouse in Cedar Square is made up of our main restaurant, which was designed to recreate an Asian street market; our casual cherry blossom garden complete with its very own bar and cherry blossom tree; a gorgeous outside deck, which is perfect for a lazy afternoon; and last but not least our NoTellMotel–this is where the private karaoke with those closest to you takes place. It’s called the No Tell Motel for a reason ... what happens at Suzy stays at Suzy.
Wedareyoutogiveusatry–trust us, you’ll be back again and again and again. We’re captivating.
Shop U3 6B Cedar Square Shopping Centre, Cedar Road, Fourways m 010 001 2755 E @saigonsuzyjhb D @saigonsuzyjhb Q @tsaigonsuzyjhb


Lunch GETS LAVISH Advertorial
… at The Hussar Grill Forget the office canteen and forego that pre-packed sandwich, as The Hussar Grill has reintroduced its perennially popular Lavish Lunch special until the end of April.
TTheLavishLunchcaneitherbe aleisurelyaffair, stretchedovertwo-courses, or, guestscan optforthebusiness-like efficiencyofasinglecourse special. The single-course lunchcomes in at a mere R95 per head while the two-course meal consists of an incredible starter and maincourse combinationatR130 perhead. Thisoutstandingvalue propositioncome courtesyof arestaurantthatplacesconsistentlyintheEatOutTop150andalsooffersahighlyregardedwinelist. WhichiswhyTheHussarGrill,anenduringlegendsince1964,continuestowinheartsandpalates. The Lavish Lunch specials both offerachoice of menu items, includingaperfectlyprepared 200gsteakrump/sirloin- the kindforwhich this multiple award-winningrestaurantis so rightly famed. Alternatively, findyourself temptedbygourmetburgers, debonedhalf-chicken, beerbattered hake, and wild mushroom and roasted butternut gnocchi.
The lunch specials are bestenjoyedwith fine wine –there’s alarge varietyavailable bythe glass and the restaurant makes its full award-winning wine list available for orders. Of course, guests are welcome to bringtheir own vintages to accompany their meal –The Hussar Grill never levies a corkage fee.

The two lunch specials are available at all The Hussar Grill restaurants that are open during the day. Please be aware that one or two select outlets, such as The Hussar Grill Camps Bay in Cape Town, are open evenings only. The Hussar Grill Rondebosch in Cape Town is closed for lunch on Sundays only. Join a colleague or friend for a Lavish Lunch and remember that you can now purchase gift cards directly from the restaurant.
K www.hussargrill.co.za E @thehussargrill D @thehussargrill Q @thehussargrill


of the month chef
Celebrated Chef Amori Burger has had a hand in opening some of Jozi’s best loved restaurants like Dukes Burgers, Tei Avon and, most recently, Van Der Linde, where she’s currently head chef. We sat down with her to talk about the restaurant and what she gets up to when she’s not cooking.
CAN YOU DESCRIBE VAN DER LINDE’S STYLE OF FOOD? WeopenedVanDerLindein2018andthefoodonofferhasevolvedquite a lot since then. We’ve always tried to keep it simple and still do, but now the food is slightly elevated. We also try and use as much organic produce as possible
WHERE DO YOU SOURCE YOUR INGREDIENTS FROM? We try really hard to support small businesses. We get our eggs from a company called Joe’s Eggs in the Highlands. The chickens there run around in an orange orchard living their best lives. It obviously costs a bit more, but the chickens are happy, so it makes you happy. We get our meatfrom FiletMerchants in the Free State –it’s justone farmerwho slaughters forthree restaurants. The meatisincredible;it’s95%grass-fed so it’s really good quality.
TELL US ABOUT YOUR VEGAN MENU We run three menus, breakfast, lunch and dinner and our separate vegan menu. Veganismishuge andsothe Veganmenuissuperpopular–The South African Vegan Association actually comes here once a month or so. The thing about vegan food is, people don’t get it right, they think just because you’re a vegan you have to eat vegetables. Many restaurants think a vegan option is just a plate of vegetables and that’s very unfair. One of our best sellers is a butterbean paste with roast sweet potato, curried carrots and coconut cream. Veganism doesn’t have to be boring! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE DISH TO PREPARE? Starters, because you can be so much more creative than the mains.

WHAT’S THE MOST POPULAR DISH? Thefiletsteakfordinner.Forbreakfastit’stheeggs benedict and for lunch it would be the beef burger.
WHAT SETS VAN DER LINDE APART FROM OTHER RESTAURANTS IN JOBURG? We’re a little bit more upmarket than other restaurants in Linden and we offersustainable andnon-GMO food. We’re also tryingto getto a pointwhere wedon’thaveonce offplasticandonlyuse reusableplastic in our shop. Organic food is also so important because as a chef I want the food that goes into a customer’s body needs to nourish them. We’re also opening a wine shop where you can come on a Sunday and buy boutique wine from us.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS IN JOBURG? FarroinIllovo–they’re constantlychangingtheirmenu. Also, Modena in Parkhurst and The Ant in Melville ... no one does pizza like them in Joburg!
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER PASSIONS APART FROM FOOD? I started pottery this year and it’s quite interesting. I want to make plates, butnotnecessarilyforthe restaurant. Otherthan that, no –achef ’s life is about food. Although I do like hosting people at my house.
50 4th Avenue, Linden, Randburg m 010 594 5443 K www.vdl.restaurant E @vdlrestaurant D @vdlrestaurant Q @van_der_linde_restaurant

Boozy brunch is about more than drunk people in Melville. And you can forget plain old avo on toast too. If you’ve driven down Oxford Road in Rosebank lately, you’ve probably noticed the new spot in the BP building thatspills outonto the road–The Greenhouse Bar. Brought to us by the same guys behind Babylon - The Joburg Bar in Illovo, The Greenhouse Bar hosts a Bubbles & Brunch event everySaturdayfrom 11h00 to 15h00. “There’s no better excuse to have a cocktail before noon,” we thought, so we popped into this gorgeous indoor grotto to get the buzz of al fresco dining while avoiding the drizzle.

We’ll admit it … we’re kinky for restaurants that are basically indoor gardens. It’s all about denial: Joburgers so rarely get to enjoy them, you see. This new bar has clocked on and provided a garden of paradise with all the dangling vines, fronds andflowers you couldwish for–butit has a ceiling, too, so you can enjoy the space come rain or shine. There aren’t many tables inside, so we recommend booking in advance unless you don’t mind brunching on the couch. For sunny days, there are also smaller tables outside that look out onto the street.
When we were seated, we were delighted to be served a complimentary glass of Pierre Jourdan MCC (your choice of brut or rosé) that you get if youorderanythingoffthebrunchmenu. There’s no cover charge for the brunch event and the food and drinks are served à la carte, which makes it an affordableoptionforwhenyoujustfancya mimosa with your mum. You can look forward to a good selection of dishes, from traditional Middle Eastern shakshuka to portobello mushrooms and falafels.After15h00,youcanorderoffthenormal lunch and dinner menu.
Hello Joburg • March 2020 • www.hellojoburg.co.za 28 Unfortunately, when we visited a number of dishes were unavailable, so we settled on the seasalt, herb andvirgin olive oilflatbreadwith two dips –whippedgarlic fetaandroastedred pepperandwalnut–andboththeAsianchicken and spiced lamb fold-overs. Everything was simple yet delicious, although we were disappointed that none of the more inventive dishes were in stock. Fortunately, the cocktails made up for the food. From the classic Aperol Spritz to the fresh Watermelon Mint Julep, each one packed a hefty punch. We’ll be back to try some more the next time we need to unwind after a full day of deadline and meetings! The biggest letdown was the service. While our waiter was very friendly, he was unable to make any food or drink recommendations as he wasn’t familiar with the menu. Also, the service in general seemed to be extremely slow, with most tables waiting30to40minutesfortheir food. Hopefully these are just teething issues that will be sorted out soon. Nevertheless, we recommend checking out this new ‘garden of paradise’ for after-work drinks, a casual dinner or the Bubbles & Brunch event. The bar is open until till late Thursday to Sunday, so it’s also a great place for a few drinks before a big night out! 199 Oxford Road, Rosebank m 010 006 2323 1 www.greenhousejhb.co.za E @thegreenhousejhb Q @thegreenhousejhb Lerato' x x

To read more candid reviews by resident writer Lerato, go to www.hellojoburg.co.za/leratos-corner
O’VER PIZZA You might recognise O’ver Pizza from Neighbourgoods Market on Saturdays. Well,youcannowfindMissSouthAfrica 2019top16finalistLisaStofella’spizzeria just outside the new Food Lover’s Market at Ferndale on Republic too. The menu currently features seven pizzas and aims to keep it simple with a little something to suit every taste. They have the classics, such as the margarita, diavola, ortolana (mixed vegetables) and calzone as well as signatures, including the La Messicana (chicken, avo and sour cream) and the Short Rib (pulled beef and caramelised onions). PS: The meats used are all halaal so everyone can enjoy the pizza they really want. Ferndale on Republic, Republic Road, Ferndale

HELLO ONLINE For more on dining out visit our website on: www.hellojoburg.co.za

FOOD LOVER’S EATERY - BANK CITY Banking on some time for lunch? Pay a visit to the brand-new Food Lover’s Eatery at Bank City! With a strong focus on convenience, the chic Eatery storeisdedicatedtoofferingthefastest lunch service in the vicinity, ensuring that shoppers don’t lose any valuable timeduringtheirlunchbreaks. Itoffers delicious traditional lunch options such as burgers, chicken, schwarmas, paninis and focaccias plus salads, wraps, sushi and fresh juices. The variety is incredible and makes for an easy lunch or graband-go dinner solution. Of course, no Food Lover’s Eatery is complete without aSeattleCoffeeCompanyoutlet, located at the entrance of the store. Bank City, 1 First Place, Pritchard Street, Joburg CBD m www.foodloversmarket.co.za
BISTRO DOLCE VITA It’s one of Joburg’s most popular Italian restaurants and now the owners of Dolci Café have opened a second establishment –BistroDolceVita–intheheartof Sandton. The new bistro is owned and run by chef Jackie Righi-Boyd and her husband Clayton Boyd as well as their partner Sergio Caon, who previously owned and ran Treviso Café in Craighall. Bistro Dolce Vita still has the Italian leaning that chef Jackie has become known for, but it is more cosmopolitan and also includes recipes from other parts of the world. There’s a small permanent menu with regular specials and a rotation of the chefs that work at Dolci Café and Bistro Dolce Vita. The Regent, 21 West Road South, Morningside m 011 581 0232

E The Farm Inn Q @farminnsa 1 www.farminn.co.za m 012 809 0266
Date Night
19H00 AT MAXIMILLIEN RESTAURANT Available the first Thursday of every month

PER COUPLE Includes a 4 course set menu and a complimentary bottle of wine
Pre-bookings essential. For bookings please contact Amelia on davinci-banqueting@legacyhotels.co.za or contact 011 292 7111
Maximillien Restaurant, Upper Level, Legacy Corner Mall, Corner 5th & Maude Street, Sandton
DOLCI CAFÉ Dolci Café, run by chef Jackie Righi-Boyd andherhusband,wineaficionadoClayton Boyd, has unveiled a new wine cellar that features both well-known labels and some hidden gems. We often choose our wine before our meals and, likewise, we often choose a bottle to share on the table and thenchoose toeatverydifferentmeals. That’swhereClaytoncomesin–he’ll happily help you select a wine style for your personal palate that will go with all the meals on your table. One of his favourite wines on the list is the Antica Vigna Valpolicella imported from Italy. AtonlyR270abottle,it’scertainlyoneof thebestquality-versus-pricewinesonoffer! Shop 6 Lancaster Village, 28 Clarence Avenue, Craighall Park m 010 900 2274 1 www.dolci.co.za

PICCOLO MONDO Piccolo Mondo at the Michelangelo Hotel partners with a new wine estate every month to host a stunning GourmetDinner. ForjustR625 per person, you’llgetto enjoyafivecourse fine-diningmenu designed by renowned chef Trevor Boyd plus perfect wine pairings with each. If you’re looking to sweep your date or betterhalf rightofftheirfeet, be sure to like and follow The Michelangelo Hotel on Facebook for dates and booking information for the next Gourmet Dinner. The Michelangelo Hotel, 135 West Street, Sandton m 011 282 7463 1 www.piccolo.co.za
LEVEL FOUR 54 on Bath’s elegantfine-dining restaurant, LevelFour, is offeringanew dining experience at the ‘Chef ’s Table’. Specificallycraftedforthe purpose, the Chef ’s Table accommodates five to seven people and is positioned where guests can see the whole kitchen ‘theatre’ unfolding, including preparation and cooking, dishes being plated and orders beingcalls. AtR1,200 perperson it’s quite a splurge, but we can’t think of a better way to celebrate an extra-special occasion. The six-course menu includes a surprise seventh course, a bottle of Pierre Jourdan Brut and wine pairing with four of the courses, which chef Matthew Foxon and his sommelier will explain. 54 on Bath Hotel, 54 Bath Avenue, Rosebank m 011 344 8442 1 www.tsogosun.com

GRAPE Therapy

Start the new year with a change from your usual tipple
Style: Fruity-earthy
Tokara has just released the second vintage of its ultra-stylish Méthode Cap Classique.
Not only does this dashing MCC come packaged in an unusualButterfly bottle that’s specially designed to lend gravitas and sophistication, it’s also an incredibly moreish bubbly that will leave you yearning for another sip. A touch fruitier than French sparklers, this MCC has a fine, consistent mousse that interplays with aromas of freshly baked brioche, fresh apples and a hint of lemon blossom typical of chardonnay. Delicate bubbles explode in your mouth upon entry, leavingyou with mouthfillingflavoursof toasted almonds, freshly buttered toast, notes of lemon and lime preserve and crisp minerality. It pairs excellently with chicken and pork dishes thatplaywith sweetandsourflavours.
R650 from the cellar door (includes a gift box)
New year, new wines! There’s never been a better time to be a wine lover than now. If you’re in the market for something cool and unique to try in 2020, check out these wines that merit a second look.
If you’re choosing to drink less because you’re embarking on a muchneeded detox or it’s your turn to be the designated driver, you can still enjoy the fun of fizz without the alcohol with the new Robertson Winery Dry Non-Alcoholic Sparkling White. Fun, bright, easy, light … that sounds like the description for the ideal summer day. This also happens to be the style of this delightfully dry wine with a vivacious sparkle. Gorgeous notes of pear and mandarin come to the fore accompanied by hints of orange blossom and honeysuckle, making it refreshing and charmingly drinkable. It’s perfect for every occasion–thinkpoolsidesipping,picnics,braais, sundowners at the beach, jovial chats around the table and partying with friends. Remember to serve it well chilled to keep the bubbles and flavours attheirpeak.

Between R50 and R55 from your local bottle store
GRANDE PROVENCE MERLOT 2018 Style: Fruity-spicy
Grande Provence has given
merlot its rightful place with the launch of a new single varietalwine offering–the summer-friendly Grande Provence Merlot 2018. The aromas of vibrant dark cherries and raspberries with hints of wild herbs, tomato leaf and dark chocolate enlivened by touches of cinnamon, cloves and orange peel will make you think you’re in a garden while you sip this wine. It’s a lovely, smooth medium bodied merlot with a soft and subtle finesse. We suggest chilling it brieflyand servingit with herb-crusted lamb or rich meat dishes like roast duck, turkey and lean cuts of beef. When it comes to this merlot, it’s all about the sauce, so also try it with beef bourguignon. Don’t be surprised if your guests finishitlongbeforedinnercomesoutthe kitchen though!
R170 from the cellar door or online at www.shop.grandeprovence.co.za