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"The Magazine For The New Earth"




Kendra E Thornbury "Claim Freedom & Wealth On Your Terms..."

March 2022

Global Connections Editor, Achievement and Communication Mastery

MARCIA MARTIN Executive Editor Style Sage and Image Therapist,

LIANA CHAOULI Executive Editor The Healthy Home and Feng Shui

GINA LAZENBY Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment


Juvee Perez -PA to Jenni

Executive Editor Holistic Transformation & sacred anointing


Executive Editor Energy Transformation

Cover Guest

YVETTE TAYLOR Contributing Editor Conscious Prosperity

DAWN GROSSART Contributing Editor Sacred, Holistic Wellness for Women


Premium Guest

ALICE BRACEGIRDLE Contributing Editor Manifestation Lifestyle KATE YURENDA

Contributing Editor Shining Wealth for heart-led wellness practitioners CHRISTINE WILLIAMS

Contributing Editor Authrority poisitioning IZDIHAR JAMI


Guest Contributor Creative Business Solutions KATHERINE CAREY


Magazine Copyright © 2021 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author. Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher

Contact Jenni at House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300

The information in this edition is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is offered in good faith. However Jenni Parker Brown, the aforenamed authors, House of Preeminence, Preeminence Rising Conscious Media make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of any information within. Please consult a qualified professional for matters regarding health, financial and legal advice. The opinions of the authors expressed in this edition are theirs and theirs alone.

Meet The Founder... JENNI PARKER BROWN








potentialite, philosopher and genius activist. Her










cabaret artist, award-winning gastronomy chef, published author, media design, image consultant and visionary magazine editor. Her mission and passion are to ‘Raise the bar on transformation by merging the qualities of beauty, grace creativity and heart to help humanity rise’.


True to the New Renaissance that is currently happening in our time, Jenni has brought her multi-faceted skills to innovate an aesthetic and high-vibrational new approach to success and personal







enlightened epitomise

harmony of new thought, altruistic ideals, and blending science and spirituality in their service to the world.

For all enquiries regarding the magazine, collaborative projects, design or branding quotes please contact Jenni at or scan above QR code.





"A magazine for the New Earth. A wild and wonderful collection of wisdom from women who embody worthiness, wealth, and well-being. A mustread for the evolving, expansive and evolutionary individual who wants to be part of the next wave of light that will flood our future. Absolutely brilliant and finally- something fitting for our time." Lisa Roulette, Ascension Guide, Healer & Manifesting Mentor "This glorious, high-vibe platform for women who want to step up to their highest potential deserves every superlative! A must-have resource for every feminine impact-maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!" Gina DeVee, Founder of Divine Living, author, accomplished speaker, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur. "This new magazine is beautifully designed, elegant, well written, inspiring and the content is fabulous". Lynn Twist, founder of The Pachamama Alliance

"I look forward to receiving my monthly gift of timeless wisdom, beauty, inspiration and love from the brilliant Jennifer P. Her unique House of Preeminence showcases fascinating female influencers who are up to the business of creating an inclusive and flourishing world that works for everyone. Thank you Jenni P. for being such an inspired visionary and for your generosity in making your beautiful offering available to us all". Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author, Master Teacher, and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist "The launch of your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history. this is all divine alignment. " Stevie Gayle, Scent Alchemist "It's the most gorgeous inspiring riveting uplifting and soul-soaring, frequency rising magazine I have ever seen in my life"! Spryte Loriano, Humanitarian, Founder of Awakening Giants TV


Wh at's you r M ood MARCH ?

Lifestyle & Business Inspiration Moodboard



Confidence, Honesty, Faithfulness, Beauty. Nature, Freshness, Respect, Luck, Wealth, and Reputation, Steadfastness, Women's Cycles, Healing, Courage, Protection






PREEMINENCE & THE 9 GRACES with Marcia Martin Liana Chaouli Yvette Taylor Allison Stillman Gina Lazenby Izdihar Jamil Alice Bracegirdle Dawn Grossart Karen Baines

Christine Williams Katherine Carey Jenni P Anjel B Hartwell Kendra E Thornbury

The Business of Preeminence

Jenni P Artwork Kate Yurenda

174 With the Ambassadors of House of Preeminence

The 9 Graces of Preeminence Jenni P Artwork Kate Yurenda

Conscious Media That Makes THE Difference Now, 5 gorgeous sections for your accelerated transformation!

Special MANIFESTATION LIFESTYLE Supplement WELLthy Life™ Jenni P Kate Yurenda Sandra Biskind Click Left to access


Prepare for an upgrade

MISTRESS OF CHANGE Genius, Grace and Greatness

March The Miraculous Nature of Manifesting Money Nature is the greatest miracle of all, wouldn't you agree? And nature is such an excellent metaphor for the path to wealth. What's more, it isn't even a metaphor anymore. In our 'so within-so without' universe, emulating nature is an intelligent business move! Abundance and bounty are everywhere. In the miraculous natural world, there are riches beyond the imagination in the corner of the earth. But so are change and disruption - those powerful cycles - times of tempest and drought. Floods, ice ages where no growth is possible. Ravages of fiery purification where abundance is scorched into the land. Nearly all of us experience these cycles sometime in our lives. As entrepreneurs, we plant seeds and reap plentiful harvests. For some years, it seems nothing can stop the flow of bounty. Other times there are lean years where resources seem limited, and we anxiously strive to grow our 'crops' once again. And then, there are those truly challenging times when a crisis hits, and we wonder if the sun will ever shine again on our money trees. But unlike nature which is self-healing and naturally renewing, our own money cycles are mostly to do with our internal 'landscape', our thoughts, beliefs, our energetic vibe.

Most folks believe that 'Feast or Famine' is a

At that point, we have two choices. Weep, wail

sign of the times, of the markets, the economy,

and wring our hands in angst, or take a deep

the ambient financial environment. But, the

breath, adapt and take one huge quantum leap

new, conscious change-maker is not like most

forward. Remember that nature has a miraculous

folks. We know that we control our own

way of adapting after the earth has been

money 'weather', that we must continually

ravished by fire or drought. But not just by

plant seeds, protect our crops and that it is up

coming back as before. By evolving a myriad of

to us to make hay while the sun shines! This

more vigorous and adapting varieties of flora

is why it sucks when a 'natural disaster'



strengthening the landscape and the natural local






biosphere. Adversity and scarcity is a perfect Despite our most diligent and skilled financial 'cultivation', occasionally, crisis hits. It could be changing technology that alters how we can bring money in or volatile marketing trends. It could be a disruption with a partner, boss or colleague, or simply that there are so many people selling our own specialised crop (or even giving it away) that no one wants to buy it anymore because they can just pick it off the side






YouTube and Google!) That's when we go back into 'survival' mode. That's when we may panic and start to be obsessed with everything we haven't got and spend an inordinate amount of time worrying how we'll make it through the month, attract clients and if our garden will ever grow again. And we start praying for miracles.

opportunity for exponential growth!

Disney, Ford, Gates, Jobs and a whole other

It is a universal intelligence-given opportunity

impressive list of biz icons who overcame

to start over stronger, fitter, smarter, and



here's the thing, FEARLESS. It's a fabulous

equivalents of nature's miraculous tenacity.

opportunity to think outside the box, innovate,

Even money icons like T Harv Ecker failed

upscale and magnify your aspirations and

and repeatedly struggled before his now-

make a spectacular natural comeback! Once

legendary new money systems worked for

you've lost everything, there is nothing left to

him. During her 2009 Monsters Ball tour,

lose. I know!




Lady Gaga was technically bankrupt. She had $3 million (£2.3 million) dollars to her name,

Having had 3 husbands (yes, 3) who've been

and she threw it all into creating the stage.

through bankruptcy, I'm familiar now with

She recounted, "I remember I went home and

the dynamics of failure from every conceivable

I was with my dad, and he said, 'I don't

angle. And in 2016, when 'natural disaster' hit

understand. Bad Romance is out. You are all

my successful bricks and mortar business, and

over the radio. Everyone is talking about you,

we lost everything, house and biz, fortunately,

and you don't have a pot to p*ss in" She


replied, 'Just let me do this. Let me just put it

emotionally prepared for it.






on the stage because I think if I can do this, I can get Arthur Fogel's attention.' After the

I kicked ass to create a new life fast! One that

show, Fogel and Live Nation wrote Gaga a

is bigger, more abundant, more potentially

$40 million (£30.6 million) cheque.

world-changing and more lush than I could have ever imagined before. And you know

When we take quantum leaps, there is

what? I am so very grateful every day for

something of the miraculous in it.

those past experiences. Now my life has turned around 180 degrees thanks to my

How can we use nature's example and make

formidable manifesting skills; I have had the

quantum leaps? First, by knowing that losing

blessed opportunity to examine that scorched

everything is not a disaster.

financial landscape under a microscope and see the miracles budding through every day.

How does that look? 1. Examining my deepest, long-standing subconscious beliefs (poisonous weeds) about money and winkling them out as imposters, frauds and liars. 2. Learning to know and understand the REAL true nature of abundance and how it reflects our consciousness. Wealth is like nature; it is our birthright and truth if we allow it to be. Allowing begins by 'being'. Being comes before doing and having. That's a blessed miracle. 3. Bringing into the light old wounds of self-condemnation (like weak seedlings) and replacing them with natural confidence, feisty self-preservation, and devotion to reveal our genius to the world. 4. Ruthlessly digging over non-serving habits and reflexes embedded at a cellular level and using clear, mindful practice to install new ones in line with my aspirations. (Bring on the miraculous new growth!)

5. Devotion to mastering the dynamics of 'infinite possibilities', replacing control with creativity and innovation. This is like playing with miracles! 6. Healing all judgement and erroneous definitions of money and worth. 7. Integrating what it truly takes to be fearless and to delight in my powers as a smart manifestor of the miraculous. To do the work at this level is to make your money landscape vigorous and alive. It also confirms your energy around money, your money vibe, to be expansive and invincible. To aim high from a place of trust, confidence and gratitude whilst taking inspired, mindful action with sustained excitement, and loving devotion is to truly open to Money Well-Being.







This is so much more than a magazine. It is a Holistic Success Blueprint

The Preeminence Monthly Collection and the WELLthy Life section are designed to activate your Highest Potential in Vitality, Radiance, Purpose and Profit.

Our panel of world-class experts recommend using the resources and content within, along with the 9 Graces Blueprint every day. The Blueprint and they can help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of personal, global, technical and market challenges and rapidly accelerate your visions and dreams.

Our mission is to inspire, support and showcase, ambitious, visionary, mission-driven and ethical women entrepreneurs everywhere who are actively initiating change, for the greater good of all.









world-class resources


here This $$$ Please and



























monthly Group






























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Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork




Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

EXCELLENCE PRINCIPLE "The way you do anything is the way you do everything"



MARCH, 2022

The aspiration to excellence in everything you do, or even in just a few key areas of your life is like rehearsing for supreme achievement. Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life. Practise skill-sets that elicit positive results consistently. Raise your ‘normal’ to world-class as a daily habit, and watch world-class results unfold.

It’s the ideal time to set your Preeminent Goals. Have an energetic and spiritual ‘board meeting’ with your highest self, your guides, heroes and the 9 Graces. Start by imagining that money were no object, what would you do this year? ‘Money No Object’ is the closest way you will get to what your soul wants before your ego and mind kick in. Go for it!

Make a list of 6 habits you have carried with you over from last year, that you believe kept you under your potential. Brainstorm new ways to approach them so that you set yourself up for success.

In keeping with the principle of this grace, choose one area of your life that you will truly excel at this year and plan out your focus time on it. Give yourself measure-able markers.



Kendra E Thornbury "The Soul does not find satisfaction in the comfort zone. Its quest for freedom is met on the edges of expansion."

Meet Kendra E Thornbury, MA Exclusive interview with Jenni P

Click here: Wealthy Goddess, Kendra E Thornbury swiftly opens the door for all heart and soul-led female entrepreneurs to honouring their femininity as a way of 'Being Paid to Be You'. Highlights: To Allow Success, Stop Getting Ready' and Get Over Yourself!' The Power of Dedication Get Paid to Evolve Business and Money Are Your Greatest Healers Shining Your Light Heals The World Honour The Parts Of You That You Thought Were Not Part Of Your Business... and so much more! This is one to keep and rewatch ladies!

"When you remember who you are, you unapologetically and unwaveringly live your abundance and wealth"

Click here!

"Wealth is a consciousness of full-bodied contentment. It is in you"

"There's no wealth without true self"

Kendra E Thornbury Kendra helps high-achieving soul-centered women & evolutionary leaders create spiritual and financial freedom so they have greater influence & make more money....all while being true to who they are! She is passionate about making it easy for those called to serve the awakening on the planet to effectively help more people while doubling or tripling their income. Kendra E Thornbury, MA, is an international highly acclaimed coach, trusted advisor, spiritual guide, speaker, facilitator, humanitarian and entrepreneur. She's on the cutting edge of spiritual thought and conscious business practice, blazing a new trail & wealth revolution. Deeply devoted to the reclamation of the Feminine as an integral force of change and evolution, her unconventional business and money approaches lead women to build 6 & 7 figure businesses grounded in purposeful contribution and personal liberation. She has served as a board member for the Women's Business Exchange, Woman's Way Red Lodge and has been President for the Washington Chapter of the International Coaching Federation. A personal growth junkie, her adventures in challenging the status quo included packing her belongings in storage and traveling for 5+ yrs. Labels aside, she considers herself a human being simply doing her best to walk a path of authenticity and integrity while making a much-needed difference.

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

DISTINCTION PRINCIPLE You are a natural genius and warrioress of your own soul quest. The world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess



MARCH 22, 2022

When we move towards excellence and leave any traces of mediocrity behind, we gain distinction. It may be with an accolade or an award, or simply by the power of our own convictions, passion and charisma. A state of preeminence is a natural way for us to stand out, be seen, heard, admired and paid.

How does your Social Media Feed help you stand out in your niche? Brainstorm 6 ideas that you have never tried before - only ones that excite you and schedule them in.

If Distinction were a trusted person, what would you ask them?

How can you improve your vocal communication to capture people’s attention? What would you say on your Lives if you had the courage?


LIANA CHAOUULI Empress of Style

Living in the Zone of Feminine Magic. If ever there was a time in history where aspiring to

'live our highest lives' counts for the good of all, it's now. In fact, it's no longer an ideal; it's essential. Despite the world's challenges, it's possible to access

the energy of magic every day. And ladies, didn't we come here to do just that? I'm not talking about

oracle cards and sage burning (although those are fun too!) - I'm talking about accessing the energy of magic to manifest our dreams.

Since time began, women have been connected to the natural earth's magic and the unseen worlds.

Those who dared to practise the arts of magic, even just in healing and divining, were burned at the stake.

But in this time of great upheaval in humanity and the planet, it's time to harness some of our greatest,

natural feminine attributes in building a new world

order using our exquisite ability to leverage the energy of magic for love, peace and joy.

For many decades, the industrial revolution business and






dominated by a success model primarily created by men and epitomizing predominantly masculine

traits. Linear achievement objectives, mindset, high,

hard goals set in concrete, money and status motivated communication, and a vocabulary that reflected the ideals of material success. It was a straight path inspired by the science of logic,

discipline, grind, willpower and grit. Not much magic going on.

Women who entered the entrepreneurial arena tended to feel pressured to adopt the same approach but realized that we are so very different from men.

As the female entrepreneurial phenomenon

The most fruitful outcome of all of the rest of

highest lives, we needed to embody our

grounding that I have with myself. I know

grew, we realized that for us to live our whole feminine nature. We realized that, to

thrive in a holistically fulfilled way, we would have to do it differently to our menfolk. We can't






honouring our natural cycles, guided by our

innate connection with nature and deeply in

the relationships in my life stems from the

that I am my 'highest soulmate' for the greatest good of all mankind. I am the

center of my universe. Not in a selfish or selfobsessed








tune with our intuitive, inner realms.

We are all a tapestry, woven from the

We have had to soften the traditional idea of

before us, especially our grandparents and






contemporary and spiritual quest. And we know that for our own balance and pleasure, we must shift the aim-high, straight-line, whack-it-hard



experiences of the generations that came

parents, and how they viewed their world. That is a magical thing in itself.

I speak my life into being from my


occurrence. My occurrence is how I view the

dance into our most magical, womanly

a filter that helps me see the world in a way

model to a delicious, sensory, emotion-filled destinies! Women tap into their magic when they are in communities of sisters. We are

magical when we feel beautiful, loved and inspired. We are magical when we laugh,

bear babies, dance wildly and speak up for

justice. We are magical when we forgive, create, lay beautiful tables and arrange

flowers. We are magical when we sing to

children, kiss our lovers' chests, prowl under the full moon and let the wind blow through

world - much like putting my glasses on. It's that serves me. If I choose the world to be an

unsafe place, it will show up as unsafe. If I

decide someone is an asshole, that's how they're







occurrence. I can change my occurrence at any time and use it to create my highest-

self experience with deliberate presence. And I can choose to see the magic in everything or not. So can you.

our hair. But it takes full, daily awareness to

To live in the Zone of Magic is to be in Flow,

use it to manifest our highest lives.

acronym - several, actually - that forms the

remember our natural magical power and

My relationship with myself is the most

magical relationship I can ever have; all of my other relationships stem from this one.

which is an absence of resistance. I have an

word FLOW. For today we'll go with Feel Love, Open Willingness.

Flow is the 'holy grail' of so-called 'high-

performance', and the fastest way to get there is through the magical power of love.

When you feel love, you put yourself into a state of willingness. When a child does something bad, you don't

We don't argue with gravity; we don't argue

"Oh, they did something cute". Which is the

In fact, it's easy to see the magic of nature,

get mad at them. You look at them and say, willingness to be with life exactly the way it is

and exactly the way it isn't. It's the first step back into the magical realm, from nonresistance to love, to flow to magic.

Sh*t is always going to happen to us in life.

with the clouds when they're shedding rain.

even when it's disruptive! So why are you arguing with life when it shows up exactly the way it is and exactly the way it isn't? Why are

we arguing with God or the universe or ANYthing?.

It's not going to stop happening, and when

I often say, "trust is given, not earned." People

circumstances, we have no agency. There is

myself trust! I can walk into a situation and








no cheese down that road! When tricky

things come up, I'm always aware and willing to become bigger than my circumstances. If

we're living with excuses, there'll never be Flow!

think I'm foolish, but I am speaking of giving

know ME, know my superpowers, know my detriments,







understand that, if I'm aware of it, have access to it and have accepted it, I can just

be in the energy of love and Flow. There's no possibility of Flow unless you have accepted

Excuses are a barrier to self-love.

all of it - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This is really key because resistance is

Acceptance and surrender aren't always

grounded in control, and that's the opposite

glamorous, but all circumstances can be


Women are so good at this because we are

of Flow. Resistance shows up, for whatever when




doesn't go the way we want it to. Why do we need to resist what life brings to us that we

don't like, as if only good things should happen to us? How much better to realize that it was meant to happen exactly the way

it did; look at it, but don't BE it. Can you feel how feminine, flowing and receptive that idea is?






designed for Flow! Leaning into what's here before us rather than dragging negative things into the present moment messes up our sparkly futures. There's no agency there.

We are hijacked, slaves to our own thoughts - the biggest form of slavery.

We must know ourselves and develop the capacity for fortitude. I define fortitude in relation to fortifying my own spirit, body, mind, actions, and connections on a daily basis. Things happen, and they occur in a way where I can find love in everything, even in the most horrible cases. This precludes having negative thoughts about a person or experiencing them, or the occurrence, in a certain way.

Think of yourself as a fulcrum balancing the experiences of your world. A fulcrum needs to be strong to properly balance whatever it is supporting on either side. And, in real life, it will

never be balanced! Think about it. Something explodes over here and on the other side is a

child you need to respond to. We don't want the negativity from the one side to bleed over into the other space, right?

I call this process - "collapsing emotional domains." I am best at living inside the tension of the paradox of life. And the fantastic reality is that we can be bigger than our

circumstances. The magic is all around us, just waiting for us to get over our stuff and notice it!

To do that, we must know ourselves and develop the capacity for fortitude. I define fortitude as fortifying my own spirit, body, mind, actions, and relations on a daily basis. Things happen, and they happen in a way where I can find love in everything, even in the

most horrible cases. This precludes having negative thoughts about a person, or experiencing them or the occurrence in a certain way.

When we have access to our highest self, we have the

opportunity to act from our best. And that is available to us right now! It's not out there somewhere - it's right there inside you.

Feel. Love. Open. Willingness. You are made to flow through the magic of existence. And you are made for your most magical

vision of life. It's all real, but it's a choice. Sh*t or magic - you get to choose every day.

Liana Chaouli

Liana Chaouli is a best-selling author, Founder of Image Therapists Int'l Inc., global thought leader, S.T.Y.L.E. Sage™ educator and innovator. She has spent 4 decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self‐ image. As the developer of the process of Image Therapy™, she provides transformation through the empowerment of language, wardrobe and selfbeliefs by using analysis, physical appearance, and education to up-level their self‐esteem and overall sense of worth

Liana Chaouli, Founder / President

Claim Your Free Gift Here! Discover Your Essential Formula™ Masterclass The different components of YOUR Essential Formula™ The blueprint of what makes you brilliant. How to determine YOUR unique color palette, so you can choose clothes that really make you shine How to pick clothes for your body structure, so you can pick clothes that FEEL great on you (Feel Great = Look Great) How your voice, your eyes and your movement are all connected to your personal style. (And what that means for your wardrobe) How to embody and embrace ALL of who you are, so you show up as the BEST version of you, no matter where you go.

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork

RENOWN PRINCIPLE "People will not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel".



MARCH 2022

An impeccable know-like-and trust reputation will serve your highest visions. Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans. Make integrity (including self-integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win-win-win ethics. Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people with your charm and ability to listen. Wear elegance, good taste, humour and style like a designer label, and be generous with your compliments to those who need them.

Create a short video that tells your story using stock images and music. You can also buy whole templates from sites like Envato, and supply stock or personal graphics and audio to create a slideshow. Video editors on Fiverr can do this sort of thing very reasonably. If you have the budget, hire a video editor to create one. Video content is Queen!

Go back through your client list and events you have appeared on and update your testimonials. Use them as inspiration for this month’s emails. Toot your own horn!

Start a Podcast, or if you already have one, research 10 people you’d love to interview this year and start reaching out to them.


Cracking The Miracle Code By Dr Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.

“Your chances of getting pregnant are

At times I just want to say, “Just leave

This isn’t the first time that I’ve heard

responding, “I’m going to finish my PhD

very, very slim!” The doctor told me. this.





specialist and they all say the same

me alone!”. Often I would deflect by first” or “I want to travel first”.

thing. That my chances of getting

But those were far from the truth. Then I

chances of any woman under 30

start to have children. I tried to be







getting pregnant naturally is around 25%. Mine are under 10%- which means

that I’m more likely not to get pregnant than have a baby.

Not only having to deal with that

devastating statistic from the doctor, but








being from

families, friends and society- “When are

you going to have kids?”. I’m too embarrassed to tell the truth because it

feels somewhat I’m not whole, like there’s something wrong with me.

see people around me, families, friends happy for them, but deep down, I was

sad. Why can they have kids, and why can’t I?

I knew inside me that I was meant to be a mother, not just any mother, but an amazing mother. I had faith that if that

is what will be good for me, then God will grant it to me at a Divine moment.

Until then, I can do my part by taking care of my body and preparing to be

the best mother I can be when the time comes.

I went through various types of treatments- both in modern

medicine and holistic healing. From acupuncture, reflexology, homoeopathy to diets, supplements and herbs. Some of them I

would do it periodically and some consistently. I remembered

seeing an acupuncturist for years to prepare my body or nourish my “womb” to prepare for pregnancy and sustain a pregnancy.

Alongside modern and holistic medicine, I pray to God every day and use the prayers of righteous prophets when they pray for

children. One of the prayers that I often recite is the prayer of

Abraham “My Lord! Grant me a child who shall be righteous” Quran: 37:100). I probably have recited this prayer and other prayers thousand of times. I still repeat them until today.

I kept being persistent and consistent, knowing that one day God

would grant me my wish for He is the Hearer and Granter of all

prayers. In 2011, my husband and I were blessed with a healthy

baby boy-a miracle baby despite what statistics and modern medicine say about me. In 2014, God gave us a beautiful baby girl, and in 2021 He gave us another healthy baby boy.

Despite the circumstances and the doctor’s “predictability” on my chances of being pregnant, we were blessed with three miracles

that we didn’t think was possible. Until today, I still recite my

prayers- now more for my lineage than myself. I never stop believing or having faith in miracles. I knew deep down in my heart

that it would happen at a Divine timing. All I needed to do was prepare myself as the vessel for those miracles to happen.

Every day when I look at my three


you, God” for His miracles and blessings.

and have an unshakeable faith.

children, I say “Alhamdulillah” or “Thank There







prostrate in a prayer of gratitude. There

are times when I would pray that I would be given the strength and wisdom to be

the best most and take care of those children the best that I can.

Here’s my pathway in creating miracles in my life: Be






whomever your deity or how you call it.







“vessel” that you can be to welcome your miracle.

Have faith that it will happen at the Divine moment

Take actions that can help you to get results-





acupuncture for years to nurture my

womb so I could sustain a healthy pregnancy.

Be the Creator in your own life despite your current circumstances.





because they take extraordinary actions

Here’s to many more miracles coming your way!

Izdihar Jamil

Coming To America: A Story Of A Hijab-Wearing Woman

Watch Izdihar's inspiring story and know that anything is possible!

Click above to watch!

Preeminence Rising Featured Contributor Interview

Izdihar shares her

personal story and

journey of her rise to influence

with Jenni P.

She encourages any

woman to claim their voice, whatever their background

and circumstances. Click left to watch.

Dr Izdihar Jamil’, Ph.D. Dr Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D. is an immigrant, Asian, hijab wearing Muslim computer scientist turned media expert. She is an 9 x #1 International Bestselling Author of It Is Done, Yes I Can! And Women Who Lead and has spoken on hundreds of prestigious events and interviews all around the world. She was featured on Forbes, Fox TV, NBC, CBS, ABC, CW, Thrive Global and hundreds of media and publications. In 2021, Izdihar was inducted into the prestigious Marquis Who’s Who biography in recognizing her contribution as the top 5% in the industry with Warren Buffet and Oprah.

She is also an upcoming TEDx presenter sharing her idea to inspire marginalized women to be confident with their heritage and roots.

She is an influential trailblazer and an inspirational leader in helping female entrepreneurs to be the #1 go-to expert in their fields with her simple, no-fuss methods.

She has helped over 100 people to be a #1 international bestselling author, get in the media, magazines, high profile interviews and publications.

Izdihar lives in California with her husband and three kids and in her spare time she loves reading and baking for her family.

Free Gift and how to woek with me!

Just Give Me 1 Hour....

The Top Authority Activation Retreat Become the #1 Go-To Expert In Your Field WITHOUT a Big Following.. Do you want to book speaking gigs, media (Forbes, Entrepreneur etc), TV, Magazines and TED and become the #1 Go-To Expert in your field faster than you thought possible? Sign up for Dr Izdihar Jamil's most popular FREE training for women "The Top Authority Activation Retreat" today!

I'll show you the step-by-step formula to ACTIVATE your TOP Authority Mindset &

Genes and position yourself as the Go-To Expert and Influencer in your field.. From

ZERO To Top Authority WITHOUT having a big following or a high profile PR Agency!

I'll be showing you thehacks and shortcuts on







experience toelevate your brand, authority and credibility with ease while still being

you. And convert your followers into paid

clients with confidence by solidifying and accelerating your credibility and authority as the Top 5%!


PEERLESSNESS "PRINCIPLE "There is no-one in the world like you. Rejoice in your glory. You are a natural genius and the world awaits to behold your dazzling prowess".



MARCH, 2022

Find your genius Believe in your super-powers Conduct yourself like nobility Be fascinated by others Keep a beginner's mind Wear your heart on your sleeve Avoid crowds Think before speaking Breathe integrity Cultivate charm Choose your own values Avoid wearing black Practice playfulness Ooze fabulousness

Brainstorm 10 ways you are different from or better than your competition in your topic of expertise. Does it show in your branding, image and communication?

At night, as you journal, write at least ways that you are grateful for your life story and who it has made you. Do this every day to transform any past hurts and griefs completely!

Review how you talk about your topic in public. People are very fatigued by so much talking. How can you be more entertaining, funny, charismatic?


Dawn Grossart Conscious Capitalism & Co-Creative Wealth

The Beauty of Business A Definition of beauty

She knows that the deep calling she feels to express and create, will not leave her - and if she does not

"the quality or qualities in a person or thing that

follow her soul's path, she may long feel unfulfilled and

gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts

a yearning for what might have been… The 'Self-

the mind or spirit"

Actualisation" many women seek can be found in the fullest


Besides the beauty industry itself, which satisfies the



sensory and visual aspects of feminine expression,

impactful business.

of and




contribution steering


"Beauty" is a word we don't usually associate with business. We do not typically use the language of

"True beauty is the flame of self-confidence that

grace and pleasure within the lexicon of commerce,

shines from the inside out"

which is more attuned to the language of profit,

- B. Davenport.

marketing, productivity and shareholder value. Yet, great beauty arises from the experience of creating a

As we grow and evolve in the face of adversity, and

business and witnessing its impact.

face a myriad of trials and tribulations to grow a business, the deep recognition that we have a

With the theme of this edition, we explore what it

survivor's heart to adapt and thrive is partly what sets

means to experience beauty in the context of business

us free. This beauty unleashed, is a soul liberated from

and how women, in particular, can lend profound

fear and judgement.

insight into what beauty is in its fullest expression. The seeking of FREEDOM is one of the most If you have ever started a business or indeed are

motivating underlying reasons why many women start

running one now, you will readily agree, I'm sure, that

their businesses. Freedom in all aspects - of time, self-

the entrepreneurial journey is truly a journey of self-

determination, choice, and creative and commercial

growth and discovery. The metaphor of the butterfly,

expression. It is both an art and a science to achieve

which so powerfully symbolises transformation, is a

true freedom in these areas. Beauty is found in the

perfect representation for the seasoned, established

journey to create these freedoms through business, in

woman entrepreneur who has found her voice,


established her niche and is thriving by providing not

leadership, empower others in the process, and create

only value to her clients, but impact to the wider world.

deeply connected systems, teams, and communities.

The woman who has metaphorically unfurled her wings and gracefully "taken flight" into the unknown is a beautiful example of courage and wisdom combined.






As a coach and mentor, I'm an advocate for "powerful

Over the years in my coaching work, many women

simplicity". There is beauty and genius in powerful

entrepreneurs have shared the hidden secrets of their

simplicity - which allows the greatest energy and focus

true circumstances with me. It may be feeling stuck in

to be applied to the fewest number of areas, for the

unhappy relationships, struggling to make ends meet

highest efficiency, impact and outcomes.

and trying to break free of the financial burdens they bear. And many other issues. And so, the journey to

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" (Leonardo Da

becoming strong, resourceful and "successful" brings

Vinci) is one of my own guiding tenets - otherwise

another interpretation to the connotation of beauty in

expressed as "doing less better" - which has become a


mantra within the women's empowerment field. The individual empowerment journey is a rite of To see a woman go from stressed and burned out, to

passage in itself. It can ultimately bring profound

focused, efficient and free is one of the most fulfilling

peace to the heart of a woman seeking her inner

aspects of my work and experience. To witness the

freedom - she who has truly faced herself and

personal and financial transformation of a woman and


her business is the most empowering of all. Many years ago, as I walked around the city centre in Cambridge, I recall the expression on the face of a graceful older lady as she walked past. She fully embodied peace. She was beauty itself in her serenity. I hold that vision for all women to feel the deeply grounded sense of peace, grace and self-trust especially as entrepreneurs. No more burn-out and feeling frazzled.

As we explore beauty in the context of business, here is a checklist of things that will make your entrepreneurial life feel much more liberated and free: Planning a schedule for each day/week and month that feels achievable and provides for ALL areas of your life. Delegating all that can be delegated! Reserve your







productive activities in your business. Establishing effective systems that allow you to build more efficiency and productivity into your work time. Understand how to leverage and scale your business. Create a nurturing environment that feeds your creativity and lifts your soul. Fresh flowers, inspiring pictures, whatever is your favourite - bring a little extra "life" to your workspace, whether that's a solohome-space or a team office - make it fun and beautiful. Plan FUN - keep your energy high by having fun, being active and moving your body. Your money will flow when your vibration is HIGH. Get support and be surrounded by others who hold you high in your own personal mastery and selfleadership. Eat well, source your highest health as a foundation for your best performance in your days. Work your mindset daily and build your identity as the fulfilled entrepreneur you desire to be. Track and measure all that matters - especially time and money. Build habits that fortify your work and home life. Become committed, resilient and resourceful. Have rest and breaks to fuel your energy and creativity, and foster a culture of positivity around you. "Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe", and there is tremendous beauty in the sisterhood created by women in business who support and collaborate. Heal the "sister wound" and learn to lean into the spaces where likeminded women gather. Remember, "if the world is to be saved by the western woman", it is likely to happen in an atmosphere of fierce feminine collaboration. Perhaps the most significant beauty is experienced in business, is through impact and contribution. The ability to be a catalyst for transformation in the lives of others, the wider community and the environment lies at the heart of the conscious capitalism movement.

The four guiding principles behind conscious capitalism include a higher purpose, stakeholder orientation of broader community, conscious leadership and conscious culture. As conscious, visionary women, the desire to impact others, the wider world, animals and the environment is innate. The highest and greatest BEAUTY of business is the service and transformation in the lives of those who are not yet able to enjoy the same levels of freedom and privileged living as ourselves. To be able to restore, protect and contribute where it is needed most, is a blessed thing. There is immense beauty in guiding others to create the freedoms of time and money beyond their wildest imagination. How sacredly delightful it is witnessing the growth and confidence in your colleagues as they rise with you. Beauty in business is creating a LEGACY that impacts the future, and knowing that you have made a difference, no matter how small it seems. Even one life changed can influence the destiny of an entire community. Follow our journey as we explore the ever-expanding contexts of conscious capitalism over the coming months. If you would love to be supported by a conscious, spiritual professional coach and mentor, Dawn, connect with her via and explore how spiritually based business and personal coaching will impact your experience, results and financial performance.

Dawn Grossart FCIM, Chartered Marketer and Transformational Coach Transformational Business Coach & Women’s Financial Freedom Mentor After a career in global corporate industry launching and leading projects of over £50m, Dawn has spent 15 years empowering women’s freedom and fulfilment as a personal empowerment coach, business coach and leadership mentor. She has helped thousands of women to create change and establish a path to financial independence. Her greatest passion now, is helping others to create their best life - especially helping them build confidence, self-esteem AND become financially generative with ease. Her unique blend of skills and experience help women change their relationship with time, money and themselves and pave the way to happiness and success on the path of their choosing. She has hosted many successful thought leaders and world authorities from the personal development world in her online events and is committed to leading women to new heights in personal and financial freedom. With over a decade in the corporate world as a senior marketing professional, managing £multimillion global brands and projects, she brings both business acumen and transformational leadership skills together to support women entrepreneurs in creating impactful marketing and a resilient, success oriented mindset. Her greatest passion is helping women (and men) to establish new ways to generate 100% passive income in a post-Covid economy, which facilitates greater personal autonomy and true time freedom.




MARCH 2022

Our Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek, are already within you. You need nothing else except the code to access them. To decipher the code is to truly know your full power as the creator of your own legacy. You came here for greatness. You came here to express your genius. Genius lies in the intersection between your gifts, your bliss and your values and is the most powerful attractor of abundance.

Every morning in your journal, complete the following phrase 6 times: I am becoming Preeminent because… (fill in the blank every day!) This is a powerful way of seeing the evidence of your progress!

Brainstorm at least 9 new ways that money can come to you this year. Pick the 3 that most inspire you, and you could implement them quite quickly and get the action steps on your calendar.

Carve out 1 morning or 1 afternoon a week every other week for you. You can do what you want on that halfday. Put it in your schedule.


Karen Baines

The Magical, Non-Miraculous Power of Numbers There is a lot of mystical nonsense talked about money and the law of attraction.

Money is about numbers and bank accounts,

I'm going to share a really simple system with

you to make sure your energetic numbers match your desired numbers!

earning and spending.

Even if you're aspiring to 5 figure months, 6 or 7

How much we've got in the bank, or our purse

numbers on a scale of zero to ten. Those are

and how much things cost, so we can do our budgets.

But those money numbers on your account are just the consequence of our energetic

numbers. And energy is not magic - it's principle!

The universe - through you- reflects how you

figure years, we're just going to work with ten all the numbers you need to have. In fact, when

you know this system, you'll understand that what seems magical because it's not yet in physical reality is actually a smart way that the universe can respond to you.

You are never NOT dialoguing with Big U! And that's not magic either!

are in or out of alignment with your money

So let's focus your personal zero to 10 energetic

it!) to the vibration you're transmitting.

measuring the energy of the moment..of right

desires by matching the reality you see (all of

At the end of the day, the money numbers

you're looking at in your bank account reflect the energetic numbers corresponding to the thoughts emotions behind every action.







now - the present. How you feel, what you're

thinking about. What you're doing and the intentions



surrounding this present moment.


A lot of this will be under your awareness.

That's the point. It's vital to be able to autoregulate your energetic scale so you can

Now, a lot of the manifestation world revolves around positive thinking.

influence your results.

Some people interpret this as forcing your

Let's bring the woo in here!

pretending to be happy doing things the way


brain to see love, light and unicorns. Or





transmitted in the moment is the one the universe






broadcasting, and the universe is always receiving.

The universe reads the frequency and says, "Hell yeah! Take this!" and it brings you more

of that energy in the form of circumstances and things.

It brings you more opportunities to say, "Hell

yeah," to the same energy.

of this and use it to raise your game!





resonate with what you want to create consistently.

This is not the way. It's not about visionboarding.


It's or



about too




meditation to try and get into higher states.

It's not about any of that. When you spend

too much time in that place, lovelies, honestly what you're doing is, pardon me, 'mindset masturbation'.

The universe won't respond to that. It can't.

The universe needs to read the resonance of

your physical frequency. Then it can cocreate miracles with you!

But that can only happen in your favour when actually


You're a human being on the physical plane.

So, it's in your interest to become super aware


you've always done when it doesn't light your

So let me share with you a relatively simple way












aligned to create more, more of whatever you say you want.

Since many of you are entrepreneurs, I will come at this from a business perspective, a money perspective.

Your business and livelihood are indeed made up of many moving parts that all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. All of them contribute to your success in some way.

Hopefully, you have all those moving parts in some planning structure.

Now, go take a look at your regular weekly or monthly schedule, and start making a list of the things you do on a day to day basis in

your business. You'll probably find a lot of them, and many of them are set on rinse

and repeat, rinse and repeat. This is usually quite mundane stuff made up of lots of moving parts; some of them won't light your

fire, but you do them because somebody hast to, and hopefully, there are some bits that you absolutely love doing so much you wish you were doing them all the time!

Once you've got your list, and it doesn't have

to be too comprehensive, you can chunk this

down into bite-size pieces. That means you can group specific tasks under categories

such as content creation, social media connection, website updates etc.

When you've got about 10 items on your list, I

invite you to go down each of those activities,

and I want you to score them according to that energetic scale of zero to 10.

So if you give a zero, one, or two to activities that you really resist or give you the feeling,

honestly, that "this fricking sucks". These low

scoring guys have an "I hate doing this"

underlying energy. That's precisely where the vibration is and what you'll get back - more

stuff you hate to do. More stuff that sucks. And less money.

So those zero to two scores are what you

want to focus on getting out of your

spectrum as quickly as possible. Stop doing them! There is no room in your business or life for anything you hate. Anything that has

that heavy, "this sucks" energy attached to it should not be in your schedule at all! It may be challenging, but you've got to start looking

at letting this go. Maybe you will have to hand it over to someone else if it's not

something you can just eradicate from your business. There is always a way.

But you must be willing and open to get shot of








misalignment to your eights, nines, and tens. More about those in a moment.

Now, let's look at the three to five scores:

And in order to get your eights, nines and

earned a score below five, it really is time to

middle range checked off. A good example







delegate it, let it go, automate it, systemize it,

streamline it. Whatever you can do to move it out of your spectrum and spend less of

your time doing it will move your energy up

the scale. Ideally, you shouldn't be spending any time doing those zero to five tasks. You might not hate them but have got used to tolerating






obligation. Again, toleration and obligation will be the response from Big U.

Now, as you check your list, anything that resonates at a six and seven, that's okay; these guys are your nuts and bolts. However,

ideally, you'll be spending no more than 30% of the hours that you allocate to your business on these tasks. This is the stuff you've got to get done to make your

business operate on a day-to-day basis, or

week to week, the stuff that's always on your to-do list every month. You don't hate it, but it doesn't exactly light you up either.

It's possible that it used to light you up but

doesn't anymore; this happens all the time to entrepreneurs! It's an important one to

watch since we are constantly pivoting and

adapting to technology and market trends. But it still has an energetic signature.

tens in your day, you've got to get the that many entrepreneurs can do but don't

love might be content creation. Another

great example could be dealing with your

administration, such as answering emails, uploading to Youtube or creating landing pages. So these guys are your sixes and

sevens; they make up your regular to-do list. They make your business work, but they

are not in your zone of genius. No more

than 30% of your total work-week time needs to be spent on these tasks.

Let's come to anything that's resonating at eight, nine, and 10.

Lovelies, keep doing this and more of it.

That's the stuff you want to keep, and you want to do more of. It's in your interest to fill your schedule with as much of that as possible, as many of those things that feel

that light your fire and get a high score of

your corresponding energy. Because they already resonate. They already vibrate at a higher frequency. Whether it's hosting live events and interviewing people, writing

blogs, designing, one to one coaching, identify those tasks and fill your schedule with them!

These tasks broadcast a frequency of money.

How much are you in love with your

much as possible. Spend time doing those

Do you believe in your mission?

And you want to stay in that frequency for as things in your business.

That's how you're going to use your zero to ten

scale. Start with baby steps. No more than 10

items. If 10 feels too much, chunk it down to five.



underneath them.





Write it down. Write down the ten words that

business model?

Does your business nourish your soul? Not

just your vision but the day to day working of it…how are they working for you? Are you working too many hours? Do







Are you ever bored with something you're doing?

each of your ten activities invokes in you.

Maybe you keep putting specific tasks off until

Boredom? Frustration? Brain fog? Passion and

emitting a certain frequency.

excitement? If you're broadcasting it, then

they get urgent. All of this is contributing to you

that's what you'll get back. That's how the big U

You really can take it all apart with numbers -

a high vibration (that is unique to you)

Because our days are made of present

operates. So it's in your interest to resonate at because that's what money is attracted to!

You see, you can't compartmentalize energy

make it all conscious in the present moment. moments in which we constantly make choices and decisions with an underlying energy.

because it's a very fluid thing. Anywhere you

Score it all honestly, just you, yourself and the

is not ideal. It's not going to broadcast a high

And then start to recalibrate.

feel obligation and a 'have to', or heavy energy vibe. It's not going to broadcast money.

It depends on how misaligned you are in terms

of overwhelm and chaos or results that don't match your hopes.

universe. Do your energetic maths!

Because the energetic numbers will always

reflect the money numbers because money is

energy too! You see? I told you this was simple, but don't underestimate its power!

To recap, then - zero to five, start moving

Use this recalibration in exactly the same

Make a list - brainstorm on how you're going

Because even when you're not working on

frame - a week, a month, 3 months. Plan it

outside of your business, if it gets a score of

that out of your spectrum.

to do it. Stay open to ideas. Give it a timeout.

Those tasks that score sixes and sevens

should take up 30% of the time that you allocate to your business every week. Check

those hours too! This is an excellent time to

get really honest about how many hidden

hours you spend doing stuff that counts in your business.

And then, when it comes to your eights, nines, and tens, set an intention to ramp that

up. Target 50% of your hours in the zone that sets you on fire and lights you up. All the

parts that you're brilliant at, naturally. The tasks that get you a flow state, the parts that

others admire and want to pay you for! That's how you work in the energy of 'now' in your business.

Start living the energy of now. It's always the

best place to attract what you want! Now is all the magic you need to create money.

Remember, the Big U cannot and does not compartmentalize energy and neither can you.

But don't stop there! Once you've dealt with your business on a zero to ten scale, you can then go out and look at your other life

areas and start monitoring and scaling

everything you spend time doing on a zero to ten scale.

way. Here's why.

your money or in your business, the time

eight, nines, and tens in your personal life, you're still vibrating money.

Obviously, the opposite is also true. If you're actually doing zero to fives outside of your

business, then you are not vibrating money. And that's going to cancel out all the good stuff you're doing in your business.

So, even if this all seems mystical - energy is a thing, and money energy is a thing based on numbers!

I don't believe in miracles other than those

happy circumstances that you create by getting out of your own way and realigning your choices and actions from a place of what you desire to experience.

Big U can seem mystical then. But you're the magician so start counting!

Love, Love, Love Karen

Free Money Momentum Assessment You want to break through to the next level of income, you can feel it, you can taste it, you know it is right there. It’s within touching distance but you can’t seem to get your hands on it, no matter what you do. You’re spending a lot of time doing things that warrant little return and don’t create actual results. It feels like 200 steps forward and 300 steps back. That tipping point continues to illude you, somehow. And I know you’re doing all of the things that you’ve been told to do in your business, the proven steps you need to take to build your business. But let me ask you, how is that working out for you so far? Perhaps you know that something is missing, but you can’t put your finger on it. You know you want to make an impact in the world – a global impact. You know you want financial freedom and not just a bank account that looks like a mobile phone number, but money you can actually use because you have the time freedom to use it!


“ Realign the things you can’t see, to get the results you can see.”

Karen Baines Karen Baines is a Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor and loves to work with passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs by showing them how to master their own creational process, particularly around their business and finances. I’ve been learning and teaching the language of money for some years now, having previously run my own successful bookkeeping business. Running quietly parallel to this was a life-long interest in personal development. A whole new level of money wisdom was introduced to me when I discovered Universal Law and energy, soon after that the defining moment when these two worlds suddenly collided. Previously, I had been attempting to compartmentalise them, the irony being that I now teach how you simply cannot compartmentalise energy. A vital component of running a business is your finances – your income - money. Understanding your own alignment and the energetics of money gives you a priceless opportunity to unlock and reach that illusive next income level, as in a nutshell, Money is just a very happy by-product of Alignment, and the best definition of Alignment is YOU Do YOU!




MARCH 2022

To set our personal north star as the only guideline for our journey, and to set our ‘life sails’ in that direction, will cause others to want to do the same. Hold the space for others to rise by expecting the best from them. Be the change you want to see in every part of your world. Stand for your highest values and don’t stand anything less than being treated with respect and integrity.

Which relationships do you need to adjust by taking a stand and leading by Preeminent example?

Read one biography a month of leaders and people who have inspired you. Make a list of them - listen to them on audible as you walk if you can.

Make a promise to yourself to say ‘No’ whenever you need to this year.


Soul Blazing with Lisa Haisha

Meet Lisa Haisha Exclusive Preeminence interview with Jenni P Click here:

Authenticity is a much used but little understood term. Actress, Global Speaker, TV host, and Founder of Soul-Blazing, Lisa Haisha reveals why most people are not living an authentic life and how it leads to unhappiness and sickness! Lisa’s ground-breaking system that she has developed for the last 15 years lets people discover their ‘imposters’ - all those parts of themselves that stop us from showing up in the life we really want! The 7 imposters are responsible for holding us back from love, abundance, health, happiness and all the magic of a life fully lived in our soul self. Instant Upgrades: - Everything we desire is on the other side of meeting with our imposters and learning to ‘play’ with them in order to stop them from keeping you stuck. - The imposters are in everyone, no matter their level of revenue. - How the imposters entered our lives in childhood and how we can embrace those parts of ourselves. Why we will never reach our potential without identifying the hidden characters that keep us repeating patterns. Lisa Haisha has interviewed thousands of high achieving influencers and has now put all her wisdom into a new book - Soul-Blazing, available on all the usual platforms. SoulBlazing will help you: - Ignite meaningful change in your life - Understand and release false narratives and negative self-talk that hinder you - Transform your inner saboteurs into superpowers - Learn to respond rather than react to life - Cultivate a deeper, more life-affirming awareness of yourself and others SoulBlazing goes right to the heart of the emotional obstacles that prevent you from fulfilling your purpose. An indispensable guide for making shift happen, it is both a road map for discovering your Authentic Self and a tool for transforming adversity into opportunity in all areas of life: relationships, work, and play.

"Transform Your Imposters into Super-Powers and Live a More Purposeful, Authentic Life"


The SoulBlazing Book was created to help you manage all your different personalities and create an amazing archetype of your dominant Imposter and get to know the others. You’ll learn who your dominant Imposter is and you’ll learn how to befriend it, and make a deal with it and it will change your life. Your “Dark Shadow” and mean voices in your head will start to diminish and your confidence will start to soar. I’d love nothing more than to share it with you the second it’s released! Click above! You can pre-order here on Amazon, and in doing so, you’ll also be invited to join my book club-type community of others who are reading and doing the work as well. Plus, I’ll be in there, too! I hope you’ll check it out and pre-order if you think it will resonate with you and help you Make Shift Happen. I truly believe in this process, and I've seen it work wonders time and time again. Create Magic, Lisa

Lisa Haisha Lisa has guested on several TV Shows, magazines (cover and feature stories), and various podcasts. Lisa's new book, Soul Blazing: Transform Your Imposters into Super Powers and Live a More Purposeful, Authentic Life will be published in early 2022. Lisa Haisha is a life coach, author, transformational speaker, TV host and avid traveller, with an MA in Spiritual Psychology. Her fascination with people has taken her to over 60 countries, where she has worked in everything from boardrooms to yurts helping people Make Shift Happen in their lives. Much of this humanitarian work can be found on her website She is also the Chair(wo)man of Silicon Valley’s Pitch Global L.A. chapter and frequently works with entrepreneurs helping them manifest change through her Imposter Model. In 2018 and 2019, Lisa embarked on a Summer "Speak, Play, Pray Tour" through Europe speaking in London for Pitch Global, teaching communication and connection to actors in Berlin and Madrid. She held spiritual retreats in Barcelona and Istanbul, and a workshop on how to SoulBlaze Your Way to Abundance in Rome and Dublin. In April 2022 - Lisa will be a speaker at Maria Shriver's Governor Conference in Los Angeles. In addition to private coaching and retreats, she's interviewed and filmed dozens of movers-and-shakers and out-of-the-box thinkers to explore what makes them tick. The Legacy series led to the Amazon Originals SoulBlazing with Lisa Haisha and the latest two seasons: Conversations with Master Teachers and Encounters with Metaphysical Healers.

"Change starts from within. SoulBlazing is a life-changing method for making that change happen. Based on seven Imposters or archetypes, SoulBlazing goes right to the heart of the obstacles that prevent you from living with purpose and authenticity. An indispensable guide for making shift happen, it is both a road map for getting touch with your true North Star and a tool for transforming adversity into opportunity in all areas of life: relationships, work, and play."

"Create magic" Lisa Haish

ENDURANCE PRINCIPLE "Endurance is not suffering, it's persistence and consistency in energetic balance".



MARCH, 2022

Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our heart's desires. But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back. The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on. Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up. When the going gets tough, move on to the next Grace.

Get a blood test and/or have a complete holistic well-being review with a holistic practitioner or naturopath. Prioritise your entire well-being for the year - start as you lean to go on.

Identify one area of your body that you neglect systematically. Purchase a piece of equipment that you can use at home, or a short course to help you focus on that neglected part.

As well as water, keep a flask of warm, soothing and calming herbal tea by your bed at night. Drinking something warm, comforting, and health-enhancing in the night is truly a treat and helps send you back to sleep, as well as helping the detox benefits of sleep.



Alice dle r i g e c a r B

Magic is such a nebulous term, yet so many of us feel drawn to it these days. The mainstream

paradigm would have us conjure images of

So how do we cultivate the sacred and thereby magic into our everyday lives?

cauldrons, black cats and old haggard women

1. Respecting and honouring the elements.

spells in the dark woods. Or perhaps a man in a

If we think of the sacred as being something

we know this is a very narrow perception and


with gnarled faces mixing potions and casting top hat pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Of course,

that the magical realms are about much more

than broomsticks and bunnies. Whatever our ideas of magic maybe, we can all agree that any

exploration of that which is magical, is an exploration of that which is unseen, mysterious and deeply, beautifully sacred.

As someone who has been part of many

magical circles in the past where witchcraft was

being practised, I can honestly say that these spaces







worthy of spiritual respect or devotion that awe






transformative effect on our lives and destinies,

then we cannot ignore the elements. And of

course, if you are part of a coven or if you participate in any magical rituals, one of the first

things you’ll do is summon the 4 directions and the 4 elements below. But we don’t need to be in a ceremony to summon the elements.

Earth - my body, the food I eat, the ground that holds me.

experienced what I now consider to be ‘real

To connect with the sacredness of Earth, I literally

days is in my own body, in my home and in the

from her, and I am in awe of her power to

magic’. Where I experience real magic these natural elements that surround me ~ the ocean,

the forests and the fields. And the primary thing that has connected me to this magic has been my conscious, intentional cultivation of ‘the sacred’ in my daily life.

By cultivating the sacred, I have opened a direct

channel to that which is unseen, mysterious,

magical and indeed more and more compelling, nourishing season.






dig in the dirt, I smell her, I honour what grows regenerate and give life, just like the female body.

I also have a profound relationship with flowers

that, to me, are deeply sacred and magical and provide a constant reminder of the flow of life and of death.

Water - my blood, life-giving and magical.

2. Oracle Cards

When I turn on my taps and drink, I think about

I remember a relative once banishing my oracle

to have clean, pure water to hydrate my body. And

born again Christian, and to her, my cards were of

where my water comes from and how blessed I am

with respect, I try to conserve it as much as possible. When I sit by the ocean or a lake or a stream, and when the rains fall, I am in awe of the power of water, its beauty and its ability to flow, nourish and

cleanse, and each night when I have my bath, I allow the purifying properties of the water to wash away the day and renew my spirit.

cards from the house as she had recently become a the devil. To her, they were tools of prophecy and black magic to commune with dark realms that were absolutely prohibited by the church. Well, it’s no

secret how religion has tried to silence and

eradicate practitioners of magic throughout time, and it’s also no secret that those they tried to burn, have now returned.

Air - the breath of life.

We’re remembering our power and using every

Breathing deeply, I connect with the life force of my

of our subconscious. Oracle cards are a very

own being. I see magic in the smoke that rises from

the sacred herbs, Palo Santo or incense that I burn each morning and evening, connecting me instantly to a realm that is beyond the senses.

Fire - as I deepen into what intuitively feels sacred and magical for me, fire takes centre stage.

It has the power to give life and also destroy it, and

when used wisely, it seems to embody the realm of spirit in a way no other element can. I have lit a candle or several almost every day for as long as I

can remember. And each time I do, it’s as if a veil lifts, and I have access to a holy space both within my being and in my home.

means possible to strengthen and cultivate this part effective and fun means of connecting with the

mysterious realms within our own being, and when

done with even the slightest bits of ritual (light a candle, meditate, write out your question, burn some sage) can offer powerful insights and wisdom into

our own lived experience and what we need to focus on to enhance it.

3. Cut the clutter

5. Engage the senses

Cleaning and organising your home may not seem like

When we see the body as a sacred, alchemical

and invoke magic, but in my experience, the less

with the magic woven into the fabric of life. This can

the most effective means to cultivate sacred space

cluttered your physical space is, the less cluttered your psychic space will be. Since magic is born of the ethers, we want to keep this channel as clear as

possible. When I sweep my home, I’m not just sweeping dirt and dust; I’m intentionally sweeping away stagnant

energy. And when I clean out my closet, I’m consciously making space for more abundance and wealth to be

welcomed into my world. Cut the clutter and welcome revelation.

4. Tune in to the celestial bodies and the wheel of the year

Since the beginning of time, humans have looked to

the skies and witnessed a sacred, magical display of daily, monthly and seasonal splendour. The sun, the

moon, the stars, and the planets all connect us with that which is eternally and mysteriously determining

vessel, we can use it to connect us with the divine and simply be done by taking a moment to stop and

smell the roses or using the scent of sage to help us settle into meditation. It can be through the caress of

our lover, a great massage, listening to the sounds of

nature, devotional chanting or the repetitive beat of a drum. It could also be tasting something so delicious

that it transports you to another level of being. It could be dancing or doing Bellyfit®.

And of course, there are so many aspects specific to being








transcendental, transformational and magical; a full article could be written just on that alone. As a sacred

vessel of transmutation and magic, the female body is by far the most powerful we have. When treated

accordingly, it has the power to make magic, the likes of which has been coveted and envied for centuries.

our moment to moment experience. By intentionally

6. Create altars everywhere

with ancient peoples whose awareness of life was

Every surface in your home can serve as an altar.

forces. Through new and full moon rituals and

intentionally curate our space for the purpose of

connecting with these heavenly bodies, we connect

deeply impacted and guided by these same celestial

observances of the turning of the seasonal wheel, we cultivate a deep connection with the natural world as it

responds to these same forces. Forces that have stirred magical musings in humans since the dawn of time.

Rather than clutter, randomness and chaos, when we magic, we are steeped in potential and possibility every day, and magic can happen effortlessly and with ease.

My desk, bedside tables, the top of my dresser, dining

7. Cycle sync

Every surface in my home is carefully curated with

The final way that I bring the sacred into my everyday

table, coffee table, and kitchen counters are all altars!

beautiful, functional, specifically chosen items that allow me to focus my intention and energy on the task at hand, be it cooking, eating, getting dressed, cleaning, making love, working, writing or doing ritual.

This allows me to weave and conjure magic into

everyday tasks that would otherwise be mundane and

life is through menstrual cycle awareness and syncing.

This is something that I’m just learning about, but I feel very strongly that it is something women have always done and something that connects us with that which is most sacred and magical about the female body.

energy-draining rather than energising. I have one

Our blood and our ability to create life from our flesh

objects such as crystals, sacred herbs, candles,

imagine. When observed and honoured through the

specific altar beside my fireplace that houses magical feathers and images that, when I am specifically

praying, meditating or channelling, I use as a focal point to very intentionally welcome in the magical realms.

Make altars, be creative, and let them change and flow

with the seasons and moon cycles. Your home will feel magical and sacred to everyone who enters.

are perhaps the most magical thing we could ever lens of alchemical transmutation and sacred offering, we have the potential to witness miracles every day and experience life in a whole new, magical way.

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Alice Bracegirdle is a maverick entrepreneur, champion of the Feminine and a master of holistic movement design. Specializing in movement that honours, cultivates and expresses the Sacred Feminine for over 15 years, Alice has inspired thousands of women around the world to move & live in a way that’s strong, sexy & sacred. She has attained innumerable movement certifications in fitness, dance and Yoga and is a sought after international presenter. In 2007, alongside her husband Dj Rowan, she founded Bellyfit® Enterprises Inc., now the world’s leading holistic fitness system for women and a channel through which she brings her unique brand of Feminine empowerment to the mainstream. When she’s not with her amazing daughter, husband or baking delicious Paleo treats, she serves as Bellyfit® CEO and mentors hundreds of Bellyfit® Instructors in over 30 countries around the world who are moving & inspiring thousands of women every day.

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MARCH, 2022

All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you. Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past. Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending. Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.

Learn some new breathing techniques to use when you are most stressed, uptight or anxious. Who do you need to forgive as soon as possible so that you can rise?

Even if you’re familiar with these techniques, there are always more ways and more occasions that we need to keep the breath of life flowing!

Write an article, blog or record a podcast on how much you’ve grown over the last year and create a piece of content with it you can share or monetise. The act of acknowledgement will delight your soul and those you help with your wisdom.


The Miracle of Transformation When I first started leading self-improvement

We are pretending we're confident when in

1970s, hands would go up in the room.

Behind that face of pretence is the face of the

workshops and guest seminars back in the

Invariably, it was the same question. "What do you mean by 'transformation'?" It may be a

common buzzword today, but back then, it

was all new and groundbreaking. "It's like a

caterpillar turning into a butterfly," I explained.

The aim of my work all boiled down to simply shattering beliefs that were holding people

truth, we don't know what the hell we're doing. person we're afraid that we are, which is why we are pretending in the first place. We're afraid that we don't know what we're doing; we

doubt ourselves. We're scared that we are not enough; we feel we aren't worthwhile and think we are not loved.

back from getting in touch with their true

That face is where our fears and doubts about


we can look at, be with and confront those

selves and creating new possibilities for their

Since then, I have trained over 300,000 people worldwide,





celebrities and politicians, to ordinary everyday

people. What I've noticed about all of them is

that it all comes down to the same questions: Who are we really? Why are we here? How are we







My work is really to wake people up to who

they truly are - a living, breathing miracle, with the potential to fulfill any dream we set out hearts on.

It all starts with the idea that all of us have three faces. The first one, which we usually

show first to the rest of the world, is who we pretend to be.

ourselves come up to be experienced. But, if

fears, then we will be able to get in touch with our third face - the face of who we truly are. That experience puts us in touch with our authentic selves – for we are powerful, all-

knowing and incredibly wise. And, when we are

in touch with that reality, we don't have to pretend.

Our connection with that inner power and quintessential







powerful difference in the world, and opens us to true fulfilment and joy. This authentic self is

the face that is responsible, purposeful and

able to cause things to happen. I have a gift for making it safe for people to take a chance

at looking at their fears and help them go through that experience and come out on the other side.

When a person gets in touch with and faces

At that level of evolution of consciousness,

with their true self, which turns out to be

it seems everything in our world is broken.

their internal fears, they begin to get in touch precisely what they were pretending! But

eventually, we have a breakdown that is so big

knowing it vs pretending it creates an entirely

The events that poke at us eventually cause

experience their full power. And with that, they

experience of crisis. The miracle is that, from

different experience. In doing so, they begin to can start causing their future instead of being the victim of their circumstances.

Being in touch with their authentic selves

our world to crumble and hurl us into an the rubble, people can have a breakthrough that leads to the second level of the evolution of consciousness.

allows a person to connect to their higher

Breakdowns produce breakthroughs. People

we are willing to stop pretending and face our

something to happen. And that they are

power and wisdom available to each of us if fears.

In this process of waking up to our miraculous great







consciousness evolves in much the same way that happens in our physical world.

Fundamentally, there are four stages of this

evolution in developing our consciousness. The

begin to realize they have the power to cause bigger than their circumstances. We act on the world.

But at this second stage, people use this sense of power to get things primarily for themselves.

They are mainly concerned with their own needs and desires: more money, a better car, a bigger house.

prevalent issue at the first stage is the state of

Then, after a while, in this stage, a question

acts on us. Factors outside of ourselves

begin to realize that all the houses, cars, and

being a victim of our circumstances. The world

dominate our lives, and we feel we are always at the effect of something. For example, our bike









As we get older, other such breakdowns happen - we get a divorce, don't get the promotion we hoped for, and lose a job or our money.

starts to emerge - "Is this all there is?" People money in the bank don't make them happy,

nor give them a sense of personal joy and fulfilment. Something is missing. People start to realize that all that 'stuff' doesn't produce what

they truly want – a sense of purpose, pride and joy.

As you begin to move into the third stage, you

They gain the courage to start thinking in

to do something that makes a difference in

work as their consciousness expands, which

yearn for a higher purpose. You begin to want the world around you – not just for yourself. And when you do that long enough, the universe notices.

In stage four, the universe picks you up and

another way. They start seeing the benefits at helps the process unfold.

I share my failures and successes with them and the mentors that have blessed my life.

shows you where to go. And when you stray

I had a very scary childhood. My father was an

will cut you down and give you a tweaking.

in poverty. When I was in my late teens, a

from something that's not on task, the universe From this perspective, the universe is using you

—and that's an excellent thing. You are in the FLOW.

You can also think of it as if you are surfing. Sometimes, there are big waves, occasionally small waves and sometimes none at all.

How do we balance through all of that? So, through this evolution, we learn how to surf

under all conditions. When the big wave comes and knocks us down, we no longer feel that





something. It is life. It's an adventure. And you

are so curious about this adventure that you enjoy it even when it's painful.

One of the other gifts I've found I have is that I am willing to share in a vulnerable way - my story and my adventures, my ups and downs. When I do, it inspires people and gives them

the courage to be bigger and better. Through

sharing my own story, people laugh and cry

and are encouraged to try on a different mindset.

alcoholic, and we moved a lot. We mainly lived

distant cousin whom I called Auntie took me

under her wings. She was a healer, studied metaphysics, and was way ahead of her time. She exposed me to all the world's religions and spiritual






spiritual masters and great philosophers. She

taught me from the beginning that my journey

in life was to bring love and express love and show people how to love themselves and others



unconditional love.





Under her guidance, I learned how to meditate and how the wisdom and the answers were already







difficulties I faced, I became very much in touch with my personal power. From a very

early age saw my greater possibilities. I knew I had to make it on my own. And to do so,

Auntie taught me to be in touch with my inner power and helped me see a bigger, higher purpose for my life.

From there, it was no accident in my early 20s

As an organization back then and similar to

most significant human potential experts, just

critical mass of consciousness so that a

that I met Werner Erhard, one of this world's when he was starting out as a teacher.

I recognized that his teaching condensed what

my Aunt had taught me about personal

power, responsibility and contribution into an

approach that could potentially reach millions of people.

Intuitively, I felt I should be working with Werner






my purpose now, the aim was to create a significant turning could occur. Think of this turning like the tide. Long before it sweeps

onshore, the turning of the tide starts invisibly at the bottom of the ocean.

Now, this growing tide is the need for humanity

to wake up for what's coming. At this moment in history, we're already at the turning.


Transformation is not easy and is not safe. Our

very first training, where there were only 20 of

without people taking notice. Now is the time

succeed. What began by attending Werner's us; as an executive of the new organization, I helped attendance grow into 40, then 60, 120,

240 and soon, thousands of graduates in the USA.

Erhard Seminars Training (est - now known as

Landmark Forum) grew into an international movement. Over the next ten years, I worked

world has been going fast towards destruction for people to wake up and consciously take this world toward sustainability, connection,

and care. That is what the growing human

potential movement is really about - giving

birth to a new life of new possibilities and choices that allow for a world that works for everyone.

with Werner, travelling the world, organizing

A caterpillar becoming a butterfly is a strange

seminar leaders and opening up new cities.

in the cocoon, dissolves into a soup –

and leading events, training the trainers and Soon







and miraculous process where the caterpillar

dismantling itself in the process. Within this

vulnerable chamber, the 'soup' reconstitutes itself into a whole new species – a butterfly.

That is transformation. And transformation is happening now. We are in the midst of things that aren't working anymore; they are starting to break down and dismantle. We are in the early stages of being the soup that can be the source of a new way of living. People are waking up and noticing there is more than enough light for this turning. I am encouraged that so many feel as I do, that we are at the dawn of a huge breakthrough.

It is the Age of Aquarius – an era of profound universal change that the great avatars of the world have foretold for so many thousands of years. You are the miracle you've been waiting for.

Now is the perfect time to spread your own beautiful butterfly wings and take flight.

n i t r a M Marcia

Do you love the idea of being paid for who you are?

Do you wish your current life included your passions, unique gifts and talents? There has never been a better time! Why not make a list of all those things you loved as a child or young adult, but which have been hidden away because life got too busy. Journal or meditate on this and see what comes up. As the world opens up again, it’s an invitation to reinvent ourselves in this new Renaissance era. As I said, the problems of the world need solving with new approaches. What can you imagine when you think about your ideal world? You too can have a diverse and rich lifestyle! Come and be part of the Brave New World by joining my Membership Club! It’s full of resources gleaned from all my above adventures, and the skillsets needed to create your own magical life. I can’t wait to see you in there!


Global speaker, corporate executive coach, transformational thought leader, and changemaker extraordinaire, Marcia Martin has trained over 300,000 people around the globe how to look in a very direct way at the prison they have created in life that limits them from reaching their full potential. Dame Marcia (knighted in 2008) spends her time consulting entrepreneurial and corporate companies in leadership, communication, collaboration and championship performance including Capital One, Hard Rock International, Warner Bros., InterContinental Hotels, McCain Foods, and Evian Water. As one of the Founding Members and Sr. Vice President of Erhard Seminars Training est - (later known as Landmark Forum), Marcia Martin was personally mentored by innovative academic thinker Werner Erhard for 10 years in the art and technology of Self Transformation and Human Development, and helped take the est organization from inception to millions of graduates worldwide. She has consulted, trained or coached some of the greatest thought leaders and authors of our time including Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Lynne Twist, T. Harv Ecker, and Robert T. Kiyosaki. Her programs teach all aspects of The Golden Triangle of Personal Power Communication Mastery, Relationship Competence, and Enrollment Prowess.


I’m personally inviting you to be a part of my Private Transformation Club an online treasure vault of my forty years’ training and resources that I have used to help transform over 300,000 people over the globe. Those people include some of the world’s top leaders and influencers and the great names of personal development. This invitation is for you to benefit from the same resources that have helped many of the leaders you know and love, to greatness. Come and join the club! It's just $10 per month! See what is in store for you by clicking below.

Now you can learn the tips, tricks, and techniques that Marcia learned personally from some of the greatest thinkers of our time.

JOIN ME IN THE HALL OF LEGENDS and access the content of one of the world's best loved 'influencer's influencer' for $10 per month!


The Miracle of Living In Flow Yvette Taylor How can we step OUT of the 'old life' and been Have you ever felt so in tune with your life that

in the new paradigm? Here are a few practical

everything around you feels easy, effortless like

& simply ways to live your life on the edge

time stands still? You're connected with yourself, your activity, and the people around you.


That's called FLOW, or alignment, and it's more

Recognise when we are operating from fear—

than a spiritual concept! It's a physiologically

trying to control people and situations because

measurable energetic state which influences all

of fear of what may happen or using fear to

aspects of life.

control others or make choices about our life.

If we want to live our life to our highest potential,

Instead, you can shift to believing in the most

bringing the best of ourselves to all aspects of our

loving outcome, where you allow things to be.

experience. FLOW is the place to be.

You give freedom to yourself and others &

LIVING IN FLOW, however, can sometimes be a

communicate from love.

challenge. To live at our highest potential in flow has to be a


part of your everyday routine, instead of a 'nice' thing you squeeze into your busy day.


There are SO many ways to do that. First, of

conversations based on lack, not enough,





course, learning methods like EAM - The Energy

limitation or scarcity of resources. When we can

Alignment Method ® can help. Yet it's much more

switch our focus to a life of unlimited and

than that. Having a tool is one thing; putting it into

abundant resources (e.g. time, money, people,

practice is another.

etc.) Knowing there is enough for everyone.

We're always searching for that way to live life at our most expanded place as a preeminent


woman, which means choosing that in every


minute. There can be draining energy dynamics - the Pusher, Puller or Protector. All of these are based on the need to have power and control when using blame, shame, guilt to influence situations with others. You can choose to shift to a place of self-responsibility, being in your power,





interactions with others.

yourself, that


living in

& your

SHIFT FROM WHAT YOU DO TO WHO YOU ARE Many people create their status in life based on what they "DO" for a living; in terms of 'rank', title, position, we then change ourselves to communicate and react to others based on what they DO. This way of living is about knowing WHO we are first, separate from the work you DO. FALSE SELF ESTEEM TO REAL SELF ESTEEM Where do we base our self-worth on what we HAVE or things we have DONE. Or where our external 'success' or our self-esteem comes from the applause & appreciation of others. There is everything right ABOUT celebrating and owning your greatness. Genuine self-esteem comes with a conscious awareness of who you are inside and feeling empowered regardless of the external circumstances. AT EFFECT TO BEING AT SOURCE Do you ever feel your life as if you are affected by what happens in your external world? That it affects YOU instead of you influencing it? When you live life on your highest potential, you know you're the beginning & source of everything which happens in your life. It is YOU who is affecting the world.

REACTIVE TO CREATIVE If we are reactive to life situations or constantly firefighting the chaos & drama all around. To shift that, we have to consciously create the life we want, which is simple when you can manage your energy, thoughts, and emotions, you create your life by choice.

People who do not feel good enough about themselves will look for things in their lives or other people to change or validate them. They may try to put others down to make themselves feel better. As you live your highest life, you focus on yourself; you recognise your perfect, whole and complete. You have everything you need inside you; we simply

FROM WRONG - TO RIGHT If we consistently believe or talk about what is wrong, whether ourselves, other people or situations, we manifest more of what we do not want. By shifting your focus and trusting that everything is working out for the good of all, watch your life begin to change.

need to expand it more. You remember the power in everyone. CONTROLLING TO FREEDOM Have







manipulate, blackmail, lie, threaten or otherwise manoeuvre people or situations for their benefit? When we can let go of the outcome, trust the

BLAME & SHAME To RESPONSE - ABLE How often do we try to point the finger at someone else for what is happening without accepting responsibility for our input? When we shift ourselves to being fully responsible for our part in what is happening. By accepting your role, your power and capacity to change its shift too. response-able




When we're


RESPOND and do something about it.


divine, empower, uplift, inspire, celebrate and allow ourselves and others the freedom of CHOICE, then we are doing what is right for them and their highest good.

POWERLESS TO POWERFUL Powerlessness is given; we consciously or unconsciously give our power away to others by not taking responsibility for our lives. However, by standing in our power and taking 100% responsibility for everything that shows up in our lives, by choosing how we react to every given moment, anything is possible. HOW do we actually live our life like this? We have to let go of anything from the old paradigm. That is where EAM will allow you to let go of what holds you back, so you can step into the new paradigm, be in flow and live your highest life. Scientifically, flow sends different energetic signals from our heart to our brain, which ripple changes throughout our body. These changes resolve stress, tension or anxiety, promote healing, improve immunity; they help us feel more positive, think more clearly, make better decisions, have motivation, drive, energy, and handle life challenges. We experience feelings of calm, happiness and love. THIS IS BLISS! With all that's happening in the world, we must find a way to get there. Using flow, we can also find out more about ourselves. This state helps us understand what's hidden in our subconscious uncovering thoughts, beliefs, self-sabotage, negativity or hidden memories that hold us back from experiencing life to the full! By tapping into this, you reconnect with yourself. If you've ever practised (or tried to practice) something like meditation, mindfulness or healing, you've probably experienced this too. Our energy & physiological systems are intricately linked to the physical body. The aura mirrors the physical body, with many layers measured up to 20ft away. Your chakras are energy centres that act like our organs sensing and reading, and adapting to the environment. Your meridians run in parallel with your circulatory system. Flow is one place where science and spirituality meet. Understandings






positive psychology describe what eastern and ancient philosophies have taught for millennia. Science calls it electromagnetic energy; spiritually, it's known as qi, prana, or life force. We all agree that everything is energy.

What the ENERGY ALIGNMENT METHOD EAM® is, and what it can do for you.

This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®. EAM is an accredited modality that bridges science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life. Here’s a simple insight into the 5 STEPS Step 1 - You Ask Tap into our subconscious to ask a question Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5, so you can step into your LIFE OF MIRACLES AND MAGIC. You can work through this individually for each of these archetypes the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover.


EXPERIENCE Close your eyes, and feel into the energy of your chosen archetype. What do you notice about her? What does she feel like? What emotions she is experiencing, and what beliefs she has. Where do you notice any stuck or resistant energy which prevents you from embodying her empowered energy? Even if you see or feel nothing follow steps 4 & 5 anyway.


TRANSFORM Take what you found at step 3 and insert it into this statement below. ‘I AM ready to release (these feelings of fear, this heaviness in my heart when I step into the lover archetype). I release it from my energy in all forms, on all levels, and at all points in time.’ Repeat AT LEAST 3 times, in repetitions of three; you may have to do this once or twice when you feel the release, move onto step 5.


MANIFEST Now we have fun reprogramming our energy and creating something new. Ideally, hold your hands above your head, palms facing up and repeat three times. ‘I AM ready to allow (e.g. myself to embody this empowered lover energy, I am open to connecting and receiving all the good in the world, I share love wherever I go, whoever I am with. I connect). I allow this into my energy in all forms, on all levels, at all points in time.’ BE IT EVERYWHERE Tune into these archetypes and start to recognise as you flow through your day, which one of these empowered goddesses will I be; this is how you live your life as a goddess in a worn-out world. It’s time to birth the new one. Are you ready?

Yvette Taylor Yvette Taylor is one of the most sought-after transformational teachers in our current paradigm. She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life. Yvette is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide. She is an entrepreneur and change-maker by heart, who has run multiple six- and sevenfigure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.

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Learn the 5 Steps of EAM Complimentary Video & Chapter of the new book


Change your energy, change your life!

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MARCH 2022

Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half-full to overflowing with vitality and abundance. It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as needed to feel the stir of excellence rise again

Declutter everything before the equinox clothes, emails, toxic people, your schedule. Don’t bother unsubscribing - just make sure your favourite mails are subscribed to a new address, and then delete the old one to prevent the temptation of going in there and sucking you down a rabbit hole.

Look at the 6 people you spend the time with the most (not children or pets!) and ask yourself if they resonate with your highest life. Consider how they mirror you and adjust accordingly!

Plan an actual holiday this year, whatever that looks like!


Clutter Clear To Make Space For Your Dreams We are coming out of winter. Spring is here

The problem is, from time to time, I can get

in the northern hemisphere. Yes, it might still

overloaded and overwhelmed. Things can

be cold for us in the northern parts, but there

quickly get out of kilter, and the downward

is definitely an energy shift. Can you feel it?

slope can be very slippery. The next thing I know, I am drowning in stuff and disorder.

What has been below ground, under the surface, and getting ready for another cycle

This current period of overwhelm came

is beginning to emerge as new shoots. The

about from my recent life transition phase

energy is starting to move upwards. This is

for two reasons. Firstly like many other

an excellent month for spring cleaning and

people, I have changed my routines and life

clutter clearing, but truth be told, the clearing

because of the global pandemic and spent

of clutter is not something you should leave

more time at home, clearing AND generating

as an annual task. There is good energy to

extra stuff! I have also spent time re-thinking

support clearing now but what I have

my role in the world and what I do. Perhaps

learned over the years is that I have to make

that was a focus of yours in the last couple

clutter clearing a part of my weekly life. Or is

of years.

that just me? Does anyone else struggle with clutter?

Secondly, as I mentioned in my October column, we moved my elderly parents across

Let's just look at clutter… what it is, and why

Yorkshire from their forever home to their

it can be such an ongoing challenge? Well, I

own smaller apartment in an assisted living

do find it a burden, and you would think that

building. Downsizing at age 90 is a very

having written about this subject for more

interesting process to observe. I mean, how

than a quarter of a century, I would have

much STUFF do you need to hang on to for

mastered that aspect of life! Well, yes and

your last few years? Much was jettisoned

no. I have a very organised home, and I pay

over a period of weeks, and quite a few

attention to my space's energy, atmosphere,

things came my way (unfortunately).

and vibe. I absolutely know how to do that, and I believe I was doing that intuitively from childhood before I learned anything about feng shui.

As the eldest child and daughter, I am the family custodian of memories and objects with history! So before anything was sent to the charity shop or disposal, it had to pass through my hands. So, among many other things, I got the crystal chandeliers, an excellent new mattress, a 60-yearold casserole. They were all useful, but there were many, many other items I did not immediately know what to do with. I was finding it hard to let go of some family treasures. And the minute you have a pile of excess cluttering up your dining room floor, it starts to breed! When you have too much stuff in your space, reminding you of your procrastinating, it is a huge drain on your energy. Whatever it takes, you have to get rid of it. So let me share what I have found helpful to get me back up to the surface again when I have been in the drowning phase.

The Dining Room is in the oldest part of the house dating back 700 years.

1. Identity:

2. Ask Good Questions:

It can be hard to let go of anything when you are

Good questions really engage the unconscious

unsure of who you are. It is not uncommon to go

mind, and you need to do that for maximum

through periods of re-invention and transition.

support. "Is this me?" is a great question to start

When you have a clear idea of who you are

with. Traditional questions include: Do I need

becoming and what you need, then you have a

this? Have I used it in the last year? Personally, I

greater knowing of whether the item of clutter is

don't find those so helpful as I can justify

appropriate for you to keep. I was given a

keeping anything! Better phrasing for me is:

beautiful insight at a recent Conscious Cafe event I

Does this truly add value to my life? If I let it go

hosted for a New Year Vision session.

and find I do need it in the future, can I easily get a replacement? Is it better to have the energy






space or hold on to the item? What will I use the

apparently asked how he created the beautiful

newly vacated space for? Asking powerful

face for his masterpiece sculpture of David. He

questions makes clearing so much easier.

replied: "Simple. I took away everything that wasn't David". I found that concept a treasure in my own personal quest for getting my home ready for 2022. To look around me and assess .. what is Gina? Is this me? Is this part of my future of who I am becoming? If it is not me and resonant with my future, it is much easier to let it go. Try it.

3. How to Get Started:

I know all about excess… I am a collector; I love pretty, shiny things and am interested in a very wide range of

I learned this from clutter clearing guru Denise Linn at

subjects, which means I tend to hold on to books,

the start of my feng shui journey nearly 30 years ago.

magazines, and press cuttings. I also have strong

She wisely advocates starting with just one drawer

home-making and hospitality genes. I grew up in a

and NOT a whole room! One drawer is always doable,

hotel and trained as a cook. I love hosting and setting

and when it is done, it clicks something inside your

the perfect scene. That entails a lot of gear. I am

head and spurs you forward. Small rewards give you

constantly in danger of justifying having too much,

the energy to continue.

which inevitably manifests in my life as having too much to do. I have to dig deep for the quality of

4. The Energy Test:

ruthlessness, and as I said before, I have to make clearing a weekly routine. Otherwise, I know that I will

Hold the item or visualise wearing the outfit. Does your

suffer from overwhelm, which always makes me feel

energy go up or down? Does the thought of wearing or

listless. In a nutshell, clutter robs you of your vitality.

using the item lift you up? If not, you have your answer. If you are still unsure and know how to dowse or do

6. Add Intention:

muscle testing, you can check this by using a pendulum. The true answer for you is always within.

This is where the magic comes in. When you let go of something, you create space. And empty space is

5. Why it is Important:

ALWAYS filled with something. So, what will come into that space? If you are not careful, it will be more

As without, so within. I am sure you have heard of this

clutter. So as you clear out, hold a firm intention for

natural law. It is impossible not to be affected by the

what you want and what you are making space for.

energy of your environment. Your home is in fact, YOU.

This is enormously powerful. In fact, you can consider

So look around you and survey your belongings and

efficient clutter clearing as one of your superpowers. If

their storage and arrangement. All of this is reflected in

you consciously hold an intention while you clear out,

your inner world. Your environment is simply an

you are actually making the space in your life for that

external clue to what is happening in your inner world.

item to manifest or that experience to come about.

Be honest with yourself. Is what you see around you

When I hosted workshops on clutter clearing in my

truly reflective of what you want to feel or who you

Feng Shui school, we had so many testimonials come

want to become?

back in on how throwing out old stuff made space for money or new business to appear. I have done it many times myself and received unexpected cheques within a week. Long before I knew about feng shui, I recall looking at a full filing cabinet at a time when we needed new clients and thinking, If new business comes in, where will we put their files? My instinct was to be practical and make space in the cabinets, and bingo, new business came in straightaway!.

The Panorama Suite overlooks the beautiful views from the Healthy Home Retreat 7. Set a Timer: Don't be fooled into thinking that you don't have time to clear and wait until you can find a whole day. Even ten minutes can achieve something .. and it is amazing how a good ten-minute slot gets the energy moving. Set your phone alarm for an amount of time and go for it. And one other tip. Every ten minutes or hour you clear needs another ten minutes or hour to clean up the mess you created in clearing. I have fallen foul of this many times. In clearing out clutter, I actually made more mess than when I started, so do budget time to remove the items you have decided to let go of. 8. Celebration: Give yourself a pat on the back whenever you make any small win in your clearing journey. When you speak positive words to yourself, your unconscious reacts in the same way as if they were spoken by someone else, so celebrate every time you manage to let go, and it will keep moving you forward. Never underestimate the power of cleaning and clearing a space to energise you and help you realise your goals and dreams. Doing a good clutter clearing session in your home or office can even be a shortcut to prosperity. It is incredible how physical clutter can impede the flow of abundance into your life. When you add the power of Intention into this seemingly domestic chore, you can create miracles for yourself.

Work with Gina

Gina Lazenby - Healthy Living Activist, Feng Shui Expert, Gina’s beautiful hilltop home in the Yorkshire Dales, featured on many TV programmes and the inspiration for her Healthy Home book, is now let as a retreat house to facilitators of yoga, transformation work and wellness. It’s also a special place to hire for family gatherings and celebrations. She has always understood the management and care of a home as a highly feminine skill set. Her work in the last twenty years has been in the exploration of the changing nature of gender roles and the value of home-making in our lives. Her feng shui skill set enabled her to teach hundreds of students the value of aligning your home for success and wellness. She has also produced and presented a radio series called ‘The Rise of the Feminine’ exploring the shift in values in the world and the unique contribution of women. Gina is a veteran conference speaker and has led gatherings for women entrepreneurs all over the globe. Most recently, she has taken on the role of global host for Conscious Café, a consciousness-raising initiative, and hosts the northern community group based in Skipton. Gina is a born organiser and has created thousands of events since she was a small child and led birthday parties for her reluctant toddler brother. You can join her online or in-person at one of the many gatherings she creates around her passions of conscious conversation, feminine leadership, wholefood cooking, Feng Shui, living well and wisdom. Her Healthy Home podcast is about to be launched from the Retreat House with tips for making your home the foundation of your abundance and health.

Photo credit: Henry Archer

The Healthy Home: Creating The Foundation For Your Abundance For the Book CLICK HERE

Visit the Real Healthy Home: Watch the beautiful video! Click here:

Gina has spent most of her life at the leading edge of new ideas. She started out in the world of hospitality and her groundbreaking work in tourism marketing was recognised with a number of industry awards. Responding to her own life crisis took Gina into the emerging human potential movement and in the early 1990s, she again broke new ground by launching London’s first centre for personal transformation. Her passion for self-care and living well at home became the seed for her interest in feng shui and she was instrumental in creating the popularity of this eastern philosophy in the west. In 1995 she created the world’s first professional training program in feng shui going on to write three bestselling books. Gina has circled back to her hospitality roots and now offers her home that inspired her books as the Healthy Home Retreat. The 750-year-old original property near Skipton in the Yorkshire Dales has been restored and extended according to the principles she expounds. She often leads programs there herself for women around the themes of wellness (personal nourishment) and wisdom (handling life transition). Watch the video and see how beautiful this venue could be for your own gathering or retreat in nature.

The Magic of Essential Oils and Recovery - Allison Stillman

It's a wonder as I witness people in recovery, how the

Moreover, continued use of a specific fragrance begins

brain, and the thoughts buried within the brain lead us

to beget a response just from a brief encounter. When

on such paths of suffering. I ponder the notion that the

we use particular oils to calm and relax the central

path of suffering can bring so much growth and yet

nervous system, we can ease the effects of anxiety

have such profound marks on our lives.

and depression, both side effects of withdrawal from chemical addictions. As we continue to use the oils to

When it comes time to give up the influences that take

calm the central nervous system, the brain starts to

us down the path of suffering, whether it be drugs,

recognize the calming aroma and messages from the

alcohol or abuse, the center of the brain that stores

body, ""Time to calm down, lavender is being used"",

addiction happens to be located next to the area of the

and the body begins to relax, just from inhaling.

brain responsible for emotion and behavior. So it only makes sense that as the addiction begins to take hold,

When we combine the actual application, perhaps a

the emotions are dramatically impacted, as well as our

little lavender massaged on the back of the neck, for

behavior. While the behavior might not initially be

example, we are affecting the emotional center and

influenced by the addiction, the behavior behind the

gaining a physiological response, essentially doubling

addiction degrades over a long period until there is

the impact of the essential oil.

some form of suffering that brings us to recovery, and there the magic begins.

Eventually, when practising the application and inhalation of the prescribed essential oils, we can

I say magic because the road to recovery can be filled

change the physiology of craving, anxiety and

with miraculous moments, where a simple thing like

depression and the idea or emotion of each of those

having happiness in your day, can indeed be magical.

emotions and behaviors.

How do we retrain the brain to avoid going back into our addiction? One way to retrain the brain, and one of

Essential oils are miraculous with their myriad

the most powerful tools, is the use of essential oils, not

chemical constituents in creating all manner of

only for the healing of the physical body, but primarily

balance and equilibrium in a turbulent environment.

for retraining the portion of the brain responsible for addiction and behavior, hence affecting the emotional

With long-term use, we can change any emotional

center as well.

state within the body, mind and spirit. Essential oils want us to feel good in the body, strong and relaxed,

We affect the portion of the brain that stores emotions

as well as being in control of our behavior; they are a

and behavior through the olfactory system, or the

magical component to healthy, sober living!

sense of smell. One of the marvellous, even miraculous, things about fragrance is that even if you can't actually smell the scent, it still has a desired impact on the brain. In other words, the essential oils and their specific aromas can impact the brain, whether we realize it or not. Magical, wouldn't you say?

When you begin to use essential oils, or the liquid, volatile, concentrated essences distilled from plants, flowers, roots, trees, and grasses, it's best to begin with one single oil used in a blend with a carrier oil. Essential oils are very, very concentrated essences and can be a little caustic to the skin when used undiluted. Some essential oils are very caustic to the skin and can only be used sparingly in blends. In the 50 years of using essential oils, I've learned much, and yet, I still feel as if there is so much more to learn about these magical elixirs. And they truly are magical in so many ways.

A few years ago, I did a 2-year study in a recovery

Maybe you don't or have never struggled with

home with women introducing them to the power and

addiction to alcohol or drugs; perhaps it's an addiction

magic of essential oils. When I began the study, the

to suffering, or feeling unworthy, or giving too much of

women were very downtrodden, some coming out of

yourself away every day, leaving you stressed and

jail, off the streets and from abusive homes. I was


there for one hour each week, and after the very first visit, I watched their scowling downtrodden faces turn

For me, sweets are always my go-to when I get

into smiles, laughter, and tears.

overwhelmed and stressed, and I've come to know that my craving for sweets is really craving or

It was one of the more powerful studies I'veI've

addiction to sweetness in my life. Over the years, I've

conducted with essential oils. In the shortest time

learned when life deals me crazy, turbulent, or difficult

imaginable, all of them were changed by the simple

experiences, my body always reaches for chocolate, so

inhalation of 3 different oils. I witnessed true magic

I've conditioned myself to get out a few oils, anoint

alchemy in the most powerful way with those women.

myself, and then get into nature. Those are my go-to

By far and away, the number one favorite amongst the

remedies to find the sweetness now. Not to say I still

women in recovery was the essence of sweet orange

don't get a bite of dark chocolate too, but it doesn't

oil, combined with neroli essential oil. Neroli, of course,

own me anymore.

is the oil of the angels, and distilled from the sweet orange blossoms. Neroli is one of the most expensive

At the end of the day, we are all looking for more

essential oils because it takes one ton of flowers to

sweetness in life. I remind myself every day of the gifts

make 16 ounces of essential oil.

of nature and all her essences that provide a powerful vehicle to change our emotional state and lead us back

I've done a few neroli harvests and distillations and can attest to the value of the essential oil. With 25 people picking blossoms for an entire day, we only produced 5 ml. of essential oil. However, the experience is extraordinary because the orchard's fragrance is exquisite and intoxicating. Citrus oils are the number one oils for depression due to their uplifting and anti-depressant properties.

into peace, serenity, and a love for our lives.

- Allison

Allison Stillman Allison Stillman is an author, teacher, transformational coach, and an acclaimed Aromatic Alchemist. She’s been a student of aromatherapy, alchemy, and spirituality for 45 years, and has been deepening her connection to Love her entire life. Her book the “Sacred Art of Anointing” was the first of its kind when it was published, and continues to educate people about the ancient art of anointing. “The Sacred Art of Anointing” was admitted to the Harvard Divinity School Library, as it’s a deep exploration of the spiritual and religious use of essential oils throughout history, and is a reference for awakening consciousness and deepening Love. Allison has been featured in numerous books including, “Love for No Reason” by Marci Shimoff, “More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul” by Arielle Ford and “Insights from the Coffeehouse” by Jonathon Collins. She’s also been featured in magazines, and on radio shows across the globe, and as a speaker at global conferences & events. Allison has worked with people from around the world individually through private anointing rites of passage, coaching and mentoring individuals, as well as teaching large events for 30 years, and is dedicated to changing and empowering people through the gift of Aromatic Alchemy and Conscious Alchemy Coaching.

Work with Allison Hi I’m Allison, Master of Aromatherapy, Alchemy, and Spirituality I’ve been helping people around the world transform their lives for over 40 years through ancient alchemical practices, and deep inner transformational techniques. My book, The Sacred Art of Anointing was the first of its kind, and I’ve been featured in numerous NY Times bestselling books, podcasts, radio shows, and magazines as an acclaimed aromatic alchemist and transformational coach. I share wisdom gathered from around the world, and decades of practices to help people truly create the life of their dreams!


Begin Your Transformation Today Download your free gift: How to Transform Your Life What if there were one thing you could do every day that would have a massive impact on your life, and allow you to feel happier, more abundant and more excited about every area of your life? And just imagine that one thing would only take 5 minutes to do! It turns out there is, and this guide will share with you that magical practice! Download your free gift and learn this simple alchemical practice to really propel your life forward and create a life you’ve always dreamed of!


Be The Change See The Difference Reap The Rewards

Photo by Tonya Jordan Gates Pass, Tucson, Arizona


By Katherine Carey


It’s Spring! Perhaps you are thinking about how you can do things differently this season, or even how you might reinvent yourself. One of my favorite subjects!

The very best way to reinvent yourself is to simply take that leap and just be who you want to be. The same goes for your business! What I mean by this is physically letting your "next" be your right now! So how do you do this? The truth is, you can be ANYONE you want to be. Know that. Trust that.

Pro Tip #1:

If you step into the vision of yourself that you truly want, the world will recognize you for this. Is it a new style look? A healthier body? A new living location? A lighter spirit? Why wait? What simple step could you take within the next hour that puts you in that person and business you see for yourself?

Photo: Selfie Green Valley, Arizona

If you step into the vision of yourself that you truly want, the world will recognize you for this.

Photo by Carol Carey Green Valley, Arizona

I’m all about action, so I find changing online 'personas' the easiest way to begin. For example: - Change your bio. - Revise your language. - Refresh your picture. - Glam yourself up and take a new selfie just to begin. Take 20 selfies to get the one that truly represents the latest version of you. - Make this your profile picture. - Choose a new "cover" on Facebook. - Change your mission statement.

Write what you want, not what you think you need to write. If you're going to change up your business, record what your real and new vision is. Bonus Yourself!

Treat yourself to something a little extra special and in line with your unique self. You could try a new hairstyle or even a new hair color. Why not? Hair grows back, and it's one of the most effective ways to implement transformation.

Pro Tip #2:

People LOVE to come on a journey. Take them with you. Express what you are moving into, let them know that they will be seeing more of this from you, invite them to follow along. Take them behind the scenes of your transformation.

Photo by Dzai Carcassonne, France

Buy one new outfit. Why not just start with one new fantastic top. Think "waist up" for a fresh look on camera. Try wearing your brand colors, owning your brand physically. Reach out of that comfort zone and buy what the new version of you wants. Treat yourself. Gift yourself. You are worthy. Want a new version of your body? Start eating what this brand new you would be eating. Even one or two new choices starts the chain effect. Now about that business! As I said, starting with your online presence will immediately transform you. The next step is simple.

Often, these people who follow you will be the first to support your new launch because they have a vested interest in watching you bloom. Want to know a great way to get people "active"? Ask their opinion!

People LOVE to give their opinion and this can work in your favor so ask for feedback. It's a sure way to have your ideal clients primed and vested long before you launch.

The very best way to reinvent yourself is to simply take that leap and just be who you want to be. The same goes for your business!

Pro Tip #3:

Create an offer. Yes! I said that! Go ahead and create the launch that you would naturally make "if" your business was what you know you want it to be. Don't worry if it is entirely different than what you usually are doing. What you are creating is your New Offer. Build it. Design it. Make a graphic for it. Post it. How do you know it won't work or isn't the right time if you haven't even tried?

Why wait? What simple step could you take within the next hour that puts you in that person and business you see for yourself? Photo by Jenni P Lac de Montbel, France

How do you know it's time to uplevel?

One of the best ways to know you are ready to uplevel is when you are at the top of your game. Honestly, when you have peaked, you are primed. When you feel this way, when you think you have maxed out what you set out to do, you think it looks like you are at the top of your game, and yet you just want more, Love, you are ready for a Quantum Leap. What's working right now in business is shining with your gifts!

By the way, stepping up and into your new version of yourself and your business shows confidence. Confidence brings trust from your potential clients. Faith brings results in sales! You confidently being you is the step to take. I hope you do. xo, K

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Photo by Jenni P Midi-Pyrénées, France

I'll show you how to take your big ideas, grow a covey of raving fans, and turn them into loyal clients. - Katherine

Photo: Selfie Grand Canyon, Arizona

Katherine Carey Creative Business Strategist Katherine is an innovator and advisor helping to modernize businesses by making them relatable and resonating with their ideal clientele. Katherine's skillset for creative solutions and savvy of "what’s working right now" in the current business landscape helps her clients to turn their Ideas Into Income. Katherine inspires people to take quantum leaps towards their dreams by showcasing themselves and their work at the highest level. She leads and lives with inspiration, and her clients reap these benefits for their lives and businesses.

DESIGNING YOUR BUSINESS See the inspired possibilities in store for you. WWW.KATHERINECAREY.PRO


s m a i l l i W e n i t s i r h C

Hey sister, I am so excited to be a part of this business edition of Magic, Miracles, and Moohla. I was sitting outside in the morning under the trees, enjoying the cool breeze and my

morning coffee, and I started remembering when I first started growing my wellness + coaching business.

I have a LOT of clients and Facebook messages asking how long it took me to hit 6 figures. (By the way, I'm at high multi 6-figures now, and we crossed the 1 M mark in November ) So I decided to just recap what it looked like for me and when things began to shift quickly. I hope these will serve you too. I graduated from NTA as a functional nutritional therapy practitioner in 2015. In that entire year after I graduated, I had 1 client, and we worked together for about 3 months. I made a whopping $1,000 that year with my FNTP practice. To pay the bills, I did massage therapy and, after expenses, brought home about 20K for the entire year.

2016 I decided to go back to school and learn more about the transformational coaching

method, so I invested 5K in the basic training program and another 10K in the master program.

Those investments totaled almost my entire year's wages from the previous year. I

graduated at the end of 2017 and remember feeling like, "When am I going start to bring in some income to this business?" I have the training, took all the classes, have had some

success hit a few 10K in 10weeks challenges but was nowhere near creating a consistent stream of income. As a matter of fact, I was 20K in debt on credit cards alone. that didn't count the car, the house, or the biz expenses.

So here's where things got real. I realized that I was trying to piece together all the things I

learned on my own. I was getting some results but still didn't feel like I knew what I was

doing to grow a business and bring in consistent INCOME and clients and step out of debt and into a thriving practice.

Here's what I did. Success leaves clues. I looked at what other successful coaches

and practitioners were doing, and I found that they ALL had 3 things.

1- Proven strategy

2- Had a community for support, accountability and stretch 3- Worked with a mentor and had professional guidance 1- Proven Strategy There are a series of steps and a proven process that guides you

to get where you are going. Just like a map, having a proven system and strategy will keep you focused on the needle movers that actually create income for your business. PLUS- you get to

keep it SIMPLE, REPEATABLE, and Heart-centered so that it feels authentic to you. Without the hustle. Without the high-tech, fancy

funnels, discovery sessions that felt salesy, or even a team. The truth is, today I am a high multi 6-figure coach with a part-time

VA. I don't have a big team doing all the things. I keep it simple with 2 main offers, and I commit and go all-in with success

blinders on and follow 1 simple strategy without getting pulled away by the "bright shine object" syndrome. 2- Community One of the BEST investments I have made is working within a

community of other women cheering me on, supporting me to see beyond what I thought was possible and learn through each other's challenges and wins. Community keeps you connected,

inspired, and in momentum to follow through and take the inspired action that creates results.

3- A professional coach or mentor What else I noticed about those coaches who were quantum leaping and making income and on stages and paying off debt, were practitioners investing in help. Not







implementation-based program with support in both community and access to the coach LIVE in 1:1 calls so

that I could have the practical guidance from someone who knew what they were doing, already had what I

desired, and could teach me the simple steps to focus on. (The simple system)

While I saw those 3 pieces over and over again, It was

actually quite scary when it came time for me to invest in support. But I had to make a decision, and lone

wolfing it and piecing it together on my own wasn't working.

I was scared. I only had $100 in my account to give to

my coach to say yes, I'm in, and we will figure out the how as we go to come up with the monthly payments.

But here is the MAGIC. Once you commit, the how opens.

When I allowed myself to stop lone wolfing it and get coached, I created 100K in sales in the first 6 months

working with her. I finished out the year at multi 6 figures in sales. 2020 1:1 client spaces were completely

booked out, and I was actually out of time to take on any new clients.

That's how important having professional support is. It collapses the timeline. It closes the back door on excuses. It gives you a

greater vision than you thought possible, and you realize that you're only limiting yourself by your own beliefs.

I remember when hitting 100K seemed impossible. I actually

thought people were lying about what they were making and what was possible. 10K months were my big money goals. And I

look back and see now how easy it was to actually hit consistent 10Kmonths with a proven roadmap, a community, and support.

I will NEVER be without a coach. As a matter of fact, I value coaching so much that I have hired 3. A mindset coach, a strategy coach and mastermind with a community of women,

and a book coach. They keep me playing my A-game, showing up for myself, and staying happy, healthy, and aligned.

So what's the answer to how long did me take me to hit 6 figures? Honestly, it doesn't happen overnight. It happened quickly once I got out of my own way and said YES to the 3 things I mentioned above.

So, in reality, give yourself a good 1-2 years of committed,

focused, simple strategy and inspired action. Can it happen

quicker? Absolutely. Especially when you give up the excuses and go all in.

So before you join another course or program. Ask yourself if you

will learn a proven road map, be supported in the community, and have live access to the coach.

I offer surround support to my clients, even in my group

programs. They get LIVE access to me in 3 group calls a month, Live personal 1:1 calls to keep them focused and on track each

month, and DAILY access to me via Voxer, email, and FB messenger.

Why so much support?

Making an IMPACT in the world that lights me up.

Because I know it's needed, and I know the pitfalls we

Time Freedom: I take the last week off EACH MONTH

never really implement the pieces. The clients that

my own coaches, and recharge.

fall into when we just throw money at a course but work








themselves. They commit even if they don't know how, and they keep it simple. I









implementation business accelerator program. I also

teach a high-level year-long mastermind where

these women are surrounded by other women and

the mindset to hit multi 6-figures. It matters who supports you and who you surround yourself with. I









implementation business accelerator program. I also

teach a high-level year-long mastermind where

these women are surrounded by other women and

the mindset to hit multi 6-figures. It matters who supports you and who you surround yourself with.

to nourish myself, catch up on pieces of training from

I go on 3-day retreats EACH Quarter. This gives me time to unplug and get those divine downloads that keep me serving my clients.

I take 2 big vacations each year- one just me and my husband and one with just me and my kids.

I don't work weekends or nights (unless I'm inspired to create something). I don't do sales calls.

I don't do discovery sessions.

I'm home for my kids after school. I enjoy a hobby- knitting.

I have a 2 hour morning rhythm of spending time in mindset work, meditation, prayer, movement, and ask myself, "who do I get to serve today?"

And just in case you're thinking, Chris, money is great,


work so hard to get it. YOU'RE RIGHT! What it gives

blow my mind, and I get to see the women I work

but it doesn't make you happy. And I don't want to you is freedom.







conversations 1:1 with my clients, group calls that

with step into their own worth and value and create consistent income getting the fulfillment of getting

Here's what Financial Freedom looks like for me.

paid for what lights them up in helping others.

Paying off ALL debt. I have ZERO credit card debt.

I get to create a community of collaboration and

Paying for not one but TWO kids to go to college. I

community with you all.

Paying off my Car- DONE- no car payments. just got to write the checks.

Paying for a 10 day trip to Iceland with my 3 boys, in CASH.

Donating $20,000 in cash, to causes that matter to

me including giving cash to other women wellness entrepreneurs who need support growing their practice, giving away programs and scholarships to women





friends go fund me page who need support with their

premier baby and contributing to food banks to help feed my community.

generosity where we all WIN. Like being here in this

If this is the type of freedom you desire, feel free to

check out the link below and come hang out in my

free Facebook group and take advantage of the free weekly



encouragement there.




See you on the inside soon, sister. You CAN do this. To your ultimate Abundance,


Christine Williams is the owner and founder of Shine Wellness LLC. A 7 figure business dedicated to empowering women wellness entrepreneurs and holistic practitioners to

create soul-led and heart-centered 6 figure business, without the hustle and sales tactics that feel so out of alignment for many women. She is known for cultivating community, connections, and collaborations that inspire and create WIN WINS for everyone. As part of her Soulful Abundance System™, She weaves the abundance

mindset and soul-fueled strategy along with a simple system to create consistent income without sacrificing your family, values, or integrity.

She teaches you to keep things simple and focus on the power of ONE, let go of self-

doubt, become infinitely more confident, believe in yourself and how powerful and capable you really are, value your unique brilliance, and then take inspired action so you can create a magnificent life you love while being well paid by serving others.

Work with Christine There is this cultural entrainment that in order to make an income you have to STRIVE, PUSH and HUSTLE. It’s a very

masculine way of working harder to get ahead. I know, I’ve been there too. And I’ve learned that it’s just not true.

“I’ll teach you a simple heart-centered strategy and the mindset shifts you need to finally break out of old patterns

of scarcity and feel abundant, empowered, confident, and

excited about creating that 6 figure income and time freedom you desire, while making an impact in the world as a soulful feminine leader.

Increase your IMPACT, WEALTH, JOY and FREEDOM as you

attract an over-flow of ‘READY YES’ clients and elevate into the empowered feminine leader you were born to BE.

Redefine what it means to be an abundant and empowered woman who creates the income + impact that changes (y)our world.

It’s time to SHIFT from exhausting hustle and DOING. ALL. THE. THINGS. To clarity, focus and flow in your business (and beyond) so you can break free of limitations, rise

into empowered action, and create soulful abundance in the way that most lights you up. When







abundantly + lead soulfully and authentically. You can tune into your purpose and passion and make the income doing what you love.

Shine Abundance Now!

Build Your Thriving Wellness Practice How to create 6-figure success, made simple; low-tech, high impact, all soul Tuesday, March 8th - Friday, March 18th Through this new 6-day event series, Christine Williams will be interviewing 18 of the best wellness practitioners and business builders in the industry (some of whom have created multiple 6 and 7-figure impact businesses) on how they built their own prosperous and sustainable businesses. You’ll hear from guests like: Business Coach Kendall Summerhawk Branding Expert: Jessica Krewson Marketing Genius: Liz Nicklas Business Coach: Elizabeth DeMorales And many more! Plus, you’ll get a Q&A with Chris every day, to really let the experience sink in and integrate what works for you! Specifically, we’ll be speaking into what Christine calls the 6 Pillars for a Thriving Business. You’ll hear from 3 experts on each pillar and how they leverage their area of expertise and their own unique brilliance. 6 Pillars for a Thriving Business Align | Alignment Creates Abundance Design | Design Your Success Attract | Attract Your Ready-Yes Clients Nurture | Nurture to Enroll Invite | Invite to Take Empowered Action Empower | Empowered to Mastery These success pillars are exactly what we’re diving into in the Event Series, How to Build your Thriving Wellness Practice. Creating 6-figure success, made simple; low-tech, high impact, all soul 18 Speakers across 6 Power-Packed Days.

"Jump in ladies! Not only is this FREE it's Preeminent quality!" Jenni P Click here!

The Message to Money Collection

BE YOU How to authentically create a social presence that elevates you to preeminent influencer and attracts a stream of lucrative opportunities.

People will forget you easily....

A harsh but true fact of the current online world of business. Tenacity is not just necessary in business. It’s the oxygen of sustainability. You aspire to your dreams with all your heart but you’re always aware that you want to do it in your own way. As you. Being omnipresent online, but still maintaining the integrity of your values and the balance of your lifestyle. This means a ruthlessly ubiquitous presence in today’s market place and somehow, staying uppermost in people’s attention. You want your ‘energetic calling card’ to be tattooed into people’s brains. But in the right way, as a respected change-maker business woman, in a league of your own. Without resorting to behaviours or strategies that will freak out your sweet, mission-driven soul, you are nonetheless living in an era where if you want to keep that place of favour in people’s attention, you need to be resolutely box-less in all your visual and verbal communication online. As a feminine upriser, a feisty global-shift warrioress, you need to swap being a faint, passion-sparked glow in the online, murky entrepreneurial mist for becoming a 1,000 watt, light-house.

Take a look around you on the internet. Do you ever contemplate the sheer masses of small businesses on Social Media, and feel very small? Do you ever consider signing up for yet another summit, filled with 20 to 40 apparently world-class experts whom you’ve never heard of, and despair that you will ever get your own message heard in this offer-manic world? Do you ever feel very small and insignificant hustling for your corner of the market? Well, hell yeah sister, you and several million of your women-helping-women pals.

Coaching and consultancy services are like Pizzerias - a dime a dozen on every street corner, and a lot of them, churning out nonnutritious, culinary blandness. How do you win at Pizza? The best wood-fired, fragrant, crunchy bread base, the best authentic, Italian,

tomato sauce, the best

charismatic cheese, the best touch of mastery on the finish. The client experience - lush. Serve it up in a fabulous environment, with the highest quality service and people won't look at the bill. So it is with the service industry. Your 'ingredients' (problem to promise) must be world-class. Your own touch of genius on the outcome, mastery. The client experience - inspiring, effective and lush! Your delivery (branding and communication) - stunning. So saturated is the market at every level, it seems there are a billion people doing what you’re doing. Websites look and sound the same. The language all sounds similar, or in many cases, people don’t know their message at all and lead with bland branding, floppy copy,

a cookie-cutter pitch and an image that says

‘lockdown’, not Ted Speaker. If you take your email box heaving under the zillions of guru offers, all of the senders seem to be knocking it out of the ballpark. But that is so not true. You've simply no idea of the true facts and values of most people you encounter on social media or from websites. Connecting with people online is a hit or miss affair. People that you consider role models turn out to be not what they seem when you get to know them! You have probably experienced that, but remember that your prospective clients are feeling the same way about you, and proceeding with the same caution.

Jenni P on the set of the award-wining Branding TV Reality show 'Fix My Brand' where after a first season, she was invited onto the team as Brand Message assistant, Stylist and Mind-set Mentor

So how can you be different? How can you distinguish yourself in the throbbing homogenous mass as gloriously Preeminent? Not only do you need to be brilliantly, radiantly visible, but you must be instantly recognised as THE authority on your topic. You do that, not by swaggering your boss-babe, bitchdiva entrepreneur shadow archetype around social media (there are lots of them out there!) claiming you were the first one to have discovered the Law of Attraction, but by showing up in your greatest potential as a unique Gorgeous, Genius and Greatness Upriser every day. Client attraction is not just about clever pitches, swanky websites, designer fonts, Instagram genius and a titan social media agenda, it’s a Holistic, Inside-and-Outside- Messaging job. Where you conduct yourself publicly in your Preeminent glory. Where your supremely compatible ideal soul-clients are magnetised to you in the easiest way possible. In fact, they are not a figment of your imagination, they are looking for you right this second while you are reading this.

So let’s move the needle on that, shall we? Use this 9 point template to check in with where you are on your BeYOUtiful and Paid scale: 1. Be crystal clear about your life purpose and who you truly are. The genuine original you-masterpiece is born of having your life entirely aligned with what makes you passionate and your dreams.

You are BeYOUtiful! And you can be

BeYOUtifully paid! In fact, it is only when you are totally aligned with your genius highest self, that you can leverage your earning potential and scale your revenue to the level of your biggest visions. 2. Be scintillating, everywhere! Let your light shine unapologetically.

Sparkle. Nobody who loves themselves

fabulous, and serves others with love, can fail to have a profound effect on people's lives. Charisma is not always innate; but it can be learned through great attention to your needs, wants and desires, a willingness to be playful, humorous, light-hearted, well-read, interesting and interested in others. 3. Be gracious. This means being genuinely interested in others, generous with your attention, and sincerely kind and benevolent. It also means acting with integrity at all times. Something so lacking in the business world! 4. Be passionate. Lukewarm people are forgettable. Passionate people are magnetic and unforgettable! People connect to your energy before everything. They are always reading your energy, whether you are online or offline!

5. Be everywhere and be consistent. People's attention spans are shorter than ever before. People will forget you in the blink of an eye. Unless you do and are momentous! At least, be in the places that turn you on and light your fire. Choose your social hang-outs according to your objectives and your personality! 6. Be articulate. Master your communication skills. Master your communication skills. Master your communication skills. No, that was not a mistake. If you want to be seen as a pro, present and speak like one. If you can’t write like a champion then hire someone who can. Copywriting and the written word are your holy grail of client attraction. “The one easy way to become worth 50 per cent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal”

Warren Buffet

7. Be fabulous. Dress ‘as if’ you are already famous, at least in public and online! This is the elixir in the grail. Your image MUST reflect whom you are becoming. Image is style and energy combined. Show up as nothing less than fabulous, in your own way. Personally, for me, I consider that I deserve to show up like that anyway, not just to impress others. Grace, which includes your image, is the PRINCIPLE VALUE AND etiquette of leaders. The habit of dressing as your highest self is one of the most energetically powerful signs you can communicate to the universe that you deserve a river of abundance! This is the essence of personal branding. But personal branding from the inside out. It is based on your true vocation and calling, and the way that you use that vocation in your marketing.

Meeting the legendary Marcia Martin at a Speaker Express conference in London. Marcia is now Global Connections Editor for House of Preeminence an example of enlightened collaboration in the spirit of win-win-win.

8. Be of service to your mentors, trainers,

partners and

collaborators. Truly take time to help make them look good and help them get more money! Become an affiliate, refer, recommend, interview them, invite them on your podcast, feature their book. Do it without expecting anything in return. You will build a network of powerful people who will, at some point, enable you to take a mighty step up the ladder.

9. Be discerning. De-tox yourself of info-binge, gloomy news-feeds,


swooning, marketing tactics that no longer work, hustle-vibe social networking, self-doubt, complaining, bitching, too much unprofitable busy-ness,slaying your best-kept-secret status, manicuring your influencer persona, claiming your power to Speak, Be heard and Be Paid. BE YOU and Be Your Message. Use these principles and you will put yourself in a league of your own. Implementing them daily will rapidly increase your ability to attract the ideal clients to work with. Practising them will accelerate your capacity to attract opportunities for powerful collaborations. Embodying them will raise your body pharmacy of happy chemicals and so prime you to magnetise more abundance and vitality. Be You, beautifully.

and paid

Walking my own talk... Founder of the House of Preeminence, Jenni Parker Brown is a visionary multi-potentialite. Her eclectic careers range from fashion retailing, the performing arts, fitness instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award-winning gastronomy chef, published author, style and image consultant, magazine editor and Genius Consultant. In 2017 she was chosen by the award-winning TV Reality Show, ‘Fix My Brand With Ali Craig’ as a candidate and subsequently was invited onto the program as Mindset Expert and Assistant Image Stylist for seasons 2 and 3. Jenni is a renowned Thought Leader who has developed world-class tools and experiences for women with dreams as big as their hearts. Her quantum success business model is transforming the lives of many women. Following your heart is Jenni's principal inspiration. Her work is backed up by solid neuroscience, quantum physics, a passion for well-being and fulfilment, with a whole lot of creative muse and a mission to reveal to as many people as she can reach, the magic of basing their life on their genius and super-powers. Jenni's mission is to raise the bar on Personal Transformation through sharing the incredible and proven power of The Trinity Code™, a ground-breaking, quantum success model for the 21st century. Her proudest achievements include becoming a professional dancer at the age of 41 (after birthing two daughters born 18 years apart!) creating her own equestrian cabaret (yes horses!) under a circus big top, and within two years, turning a bankrupt, down-trodden hiking hostel into a 6 figure, a fine-dining tourist attraction in the Pyrenees Mountains, France, where she lives. Oh, and creating the House of Preeminence. Connect with me on Facebook but please send a message first :-)

a i d e p l a i c So Preeminence

The People,

Ideas and Experts Who Will Help You Rock Your Business

PREEMINENCE RECOMMENDED PODCASTS #1 Internationally Ranked 4X Award Winning Wickedly Smart Women Podcast founded and hosted by Anjel B Hartwell

Featuring the world’s most impressive emerging and established Wickedly Smart Women,

this is the show where we spotlight, celebrate and elevate the Creative Age Leaders & Wickedly Smart Women who are making a massive difference in the world! Listeners who

are Wickedly Smart Women "in the making" tune IN to be well fed with dynamic wisdom,

legendary modelling and immediately actionable steps to be smarter, spunkier & more successful in their impact & leadership, careers, health, relationships, creativity and sexuality so that they can be more empowered & enthusiastic in every area of their life!

Wickedly Smart Women is where we strive to support women to deeply connect to their capacity to create conscious change, care deeply and have the courage to take action and wholeheartedly contribute to what matters most - A thriving earth, thriving relationships, work that is playful and pleasurable as well as profitable and making the changes they were born to manifest while leading a legendary legacy life that feels both luscious & luxurious.


1) To elevate & celebrate Wickedly Smart Women - women who are called, committed, & consciously creating change in the world in service to the good of all.

2) To provide the listening audience with models of Wonderful Wickedly Smart Women so

that they are inspired and motivated by their stories and uplifted and invigorated by the wisdom being shared which includes prospering in my own business by creating clients as a result of producing the show from the guest list or from the listening audience.

3) To put the spotlight on smart women rather than subservient women - our current culture and media milieu is filled with stories of how women have been victimized rather

than fully celebrating and elevating what's working for women who are putting their brains

and creative power to good use and making a difference NOW. I want this show to be a counterbalance to the onslaught of negativity that brings people down and a platform for Wickedly Smart Women to Rise Up & Radiate.

Uncover Your Genius as a Multipotentialite—with Jennifer Parker-Brown - EP98Jenni P joins Anjel to explain why we all have the capacity to be multipotentialites and how our true genius emerges at the crossover

among all the aspects of ourselves. She weighs in on why energetic work must come before business

strategy, sharing how money comes easily when you’re in the right vibrational state. Listen in as Jenni P

introduces us to the Trinity Code process and learn how to uncover YOUR genius and create lasting change in the world! What You Will Learn

The single criteria that motivates Jenni P’s multifaceted life and work

How we all have the capacity to be multipotentialites (but we’re programmed to focus on a single career path)

How our true genius emerges at the crossover among all the aspects of ourselves Why Jenni P shut down an award-winning, six-figure business

How money comes in easily when you’re in the right vibrational state Why energetic work must come before business strategy

How House of Preeminence Magazine celebrates the role models leading in a new, holistic way

The Trinity Code process Jenni P uses to help people uncover their zone of genius and create lasting change in the world

How Jenni P embodies the Trinity Code vs. trying to teach its wisdom Click on the picture to listen!

Anjel B Hartwell is an internationally known artist, author &

evolutionary alchemist. Honored as a Be The Change “Movement To Watch” Award Winner and one of America’s Premier Experts, she’s

appeared multiple times in major media and is the Creator, Executive Producer & Host of the 2020 People’s Choice & 2021 Communicator Award-Winning & Apple #1 Internationally ranked Wickedly Smart

Women Podcast® downloading in 90 countries within 2 years. She is also the creator of the Five Figure Payday Podcast Formula™ and is hired by visionary leaders who want to make more money as

Empowered Messengers™ & greater impact as agents of global change.

The Production Team at

Wickedly Smart Women Podcast Tune in to listen & enjoy all the episodes here:

Since 2020: 18 Editions 58.000 impressions 12,000 Reads Potential distribution 300K to 1M 52 World Class Influencer Interviews Over 2K pieces of training in Feminine Achievement

PREEMINENCE IS RISING - RISE WITH US POSITIONING & PR Networking and connection at a high vibrational level. Our Executive Contributors are connected to some of the world's most respected and influential transformational leaders (women and men). There are real opportunities for partnerships, exchanges (for example, podcasts), joint ventures and event appearances. Having your products, offers, services, and expertise shared in this exclusive circle of high integrity, and shared values is a blessing for us all. Taking applications for: Style and beaty expert Certified healthy nutrition expert Please contact me

Natalie Ledwell Katherine Woodward Thomas Fabienne Frederickson Dr Marcy Cole Dr Erin Fall Haskell Terri Cole Lynn Twist Lisa Roulette Kendra E Thornbury Lisa Haisha Dame Sandra Biskind Christy Whitman Chen Lizra Gina DeVee Spryte Loriano Sammy Blindell Sami Wunder Mari Smith Kezia Luckett Dame Nicole Smith Jackson Dame Doria Cordova Dame Marcia Martin Harriet Waley Cohen Dame Michelle Patterson The late Hillary Raimo Freddie Ravel The Koren Brothers Dr Voice Antony Wade Marc Amerigo Madeleine Marentette Liana Chaouli Yvette Taylor Allison Stillman Dawn Bates Karen Baines Anjel B Hartwell Leocadie Ebakisse Jeanetta Collier Dina Behrman Elsbeth Meuth & Freddy Zental Weaver and many more!

How to join us AMBASSADOR Click left to download information PATRON Coming next month! SPONSOR Coming soon!

Feminine Achievement & Enlightened Networking Collective For Heart and Purpose-Led Entrepreneurs Become an Ambassador for the House of Preeminence and grow your abundance and business in our circle of influence!



Preeminence Rising Ambassadors RACY MAY “I help women to consciously choose alignment, so that they can create a meaningful life they love”

ALIGNMENT - PURPOSE - NLP COACH RADIO HOST Book a FREE 30 minute Discovery call with me. Click on the gift box left.

A quick exercise for effortless success: whether you want to attract clients, get fit or be more present. Instant shift to achieve anything!

"My mission is to bring the necessary awareness to the world so individually and collectively we can make wiser choices for ourselves, our families, our communities and our planet so that ultimately we can heal ourselves and the world and create lives we love" Tracey May

RANCESCA J LITTMAN 5-minute Sound Bath Expansion and Healing Experience Click above.

“I guide others into conscious connection with the powerful magic encoded within their own, through sound, voice and energy.”

VOICE AND SOUND ALCHEMIST FREE Kailani Healing Sound Bath Click on the gift box left.

"My mission is dedicated to a life in service to Mother Earth and all her children, supporting raising the frequency of the planet through the sharing of the powerful healing frequencies encoded within her voice, as well as guiding others into conscious connection with the powerful magic encoded within their own" Francesca J Littman

EBBIE DEBONAIRE "I take women them on a holistic journey to build and strengthen their emotional resilience to support them to choose a life of freedom and self-empowerment. Choose Life. Choose Freedom. Choose You"


"On a mission to change the lives of 10,000 women by guiding, inspiring and empowering them to take back their control to live life on their own terms" Debbie Debonaire

Gifts of the Heart: a burst of heartinspired guidance for your most empowered week! Click left.

ARGARET SAP "I lead high-achieving managers and entrepreneurs, who have lost their spark and want to have it back "


INTENTIONAL CREATIVITY A QUICK IMPRESSION Click above Photo credit: Aneta Jeremiasova

ULIE PALMER "Host for adventurous souls who dare to live fully; i'm a soul partner to healers & coaches who desire to host a signature retreat, but secretly just want to show up and teach."

THE RETREAT GODDESS FREE Discover Your Ideal Retreat. Click on the gift box.

ORI OSTERBERG "I help women in midlife become their healthiest, happiest self." Better Body * Better Health * Better Me "

AUTHOR - EDUCATOR - CONTENT CREATOR FREE 7 Day Foundational Wellness Class Click on the gift box!

Video: Why ProAging Matters Click above.

Preeminence Rising Ambassadors NAHITA VISSER ' I help high aspiring women to realize their divine potential through Soul Alchemy Coaching & Therapyl' SOUL GUIDE - TRANSFORMATIONAL THERAPIST INTUITIVE COACH

FREE The Soul Alchemy of your Business - Workbook Click on the gift box.

How high aspiring women can realize their divine potential Click above

"It's my mission to help women heal, find and fulfil their soul's purpose, connect spiritually, build soul-based businesses, create wealth and abundance based on divine feminine principles, so they can co-create the new earth they know they came here to create." Anahita Visser

AOLA DI GIOVANNI See how I can create a marble for you. Click above

MARBLING AND FINE ARTIST WALL JEWELLERY FOR THE HOME SWOON WORTHY DECO AND ACCESSORIES 'Great gift ideas to treasure and to give all year round, timeless design statements that add a stylish pop of colour to any lounge, bedroom, study, conservatory and garden benches. Paola is available for bespoke orders, commissions and collaborations with interior designers, stylists and art buyers. Click on the globe to see the gallery.


FREE The Self Love Planner Click on the gift box.

"My aim is to remind women of who they are and what they know; to be centre stage in consciously co-creating their lives and the new paradigm."

"The Scapegoat Survival Kit – an empowering guide to the free or low cost modalities available as an alternative to conventional therapies for those in a situation of narcissistic abuse who believe they either can’t afford therapy or it hasn’t worked for them."

Preeminence Rising Ambassadors ARAH BRIGID BROWN "I help sensitive, empathic men and women remove past conditioning and the fears and doubts that have been put on them."



“My mission is to teach them to be their best selves by tuning into their heart, doing what they’re naturally good at and freeing themselves from external expectations." Sarah Brown

How to gain mastery of your mind and control of your body with a 20 minute Pilates workout Click above

FREE Sound Healing Meditation with nature sounds & earth frequencies. Click right

AREN ECCLES "“I do not simply teach Pilates, I show clients how to understand their body and nurture body awareness so that they feel in control of their health and wellness. This not only impacts their physical health but also mental and spiritual wellbeing. "



“My mission with 'Pilates From Within' is supporting others and sharing our experiences and knowledge we will continue to learn and to grow as individuals and as a community"



d r a o b d o o m l i Apr n o i t a r i insp

Re-align to your greatest potential OUR FAVORITE COLOURS THIS MONTH

Dreams, Dharma and Destiny RECAPTURING THE JOY OF LIVING Grounding in prosperity with the earth.

Finding Your 'Big Thing'


Want to collaborate? please email jenni

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