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AndWhatIf YourSuccess WasNatural?


No. 25 APRIL/MAY 2023
for change
Highest Self, Highest Life Issue


All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher houseofpreeminence com Contact Jenni at jenni@jenni-p com

The information in this edition is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and is offered in good faith However, Jenni Parker Brown, the contributing authors, House of Preeminence, Preeminence Rising Conscious Media, make no representation of any kind regarding the accuracy, validity, reliability and completeness of any information within

Please consult a qualified professional for matters regarding health, financial and legal advice The opinions of the authors expressed in this edition are theirs and theirs alone

Magazine Copyright © 2023 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine
House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300

Her c s instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award winning gastronomy chef, published author, media design, image consultant and visionary magazine editor.

Her mission and passion are to ‘Raise the bar on transformation by merging the qualities of beauty, grace, creativity, the natural codes of the universe together to help change-makers realise their own potential and therefore to help humanity rise’.

True to the New Renaissance that is currently happening in our time, Jenni has brought her multi-faceted skills to innovate an aesthetic and high-vibrational new approach to success and personal transformation through enlightened collaboration with leaders who epitomise harmony of new thought, altruistic ideals, and blending science and spirituality in their service to the world.

Meet The Founder


For all enquiries regarding the magazine, collaborative projects, design or branding quotes please contact Jenni at or scan above QR code.

Thoug e, Divine


TIN nd y
Executive Editor
Healthy Home and Feng Shui
Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment


VIPPreeminentU EmotionalEmpowermen StressDe-toxm
CYNTHIAJAMES Champion of Change Featured Cover Guest DEBBIE DEBONAIRE KAREN SANDERSON SANZ VIPPreeminentUpriser HolisticPersonalTrainerand WellbeingeExpert JUVEE PEREZ AssistanttoJenniP Women'sEmpowermentChampion and ContributingPodcast Expert BRADWALSH

PRAISE for House of Preeminence

"A magazine for the New Earth

A wild and wonderful collection of wisdom from women who embody worthiness, wealth, and well-being A mustread for the evolving, expansive and evolutionary individual who wants to be part of the next wave of light that will flood our future. Absolutely brilliant and finally- something fitting for our time. "

Lisa Roulette, Ascension Guide, Healer & Manifesting Mentor

"This glorious, high-vibe platform for women who want to step up to their highest potential deserves every superlative! A must-have resource for every feminine impact-maker who won’t compromise on her most epic life!"

Gina DeVee, Founder of Divine Living, author, accomplished speaker, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur

"This new magazine is beautifully designed, elegant, well written, inspiring and the content is fabulous".

Lynn Twist, founder of The Pachamama Alliance

"I look forward to receiving my monthly gift of timeless wisdom, beauty, inspiration and love from the brilliant Jennifer P Her unique House of Preeminence showcases fascinating female influencers who are up to the business of creating an inclusive and flourishing world that works for everyone. Thank you Jenni P. for being such an inspired visionary and for your generosity in making your beautiful offering available to us all"

Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times Bestselling Author, Master Teacher, and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

"The launch of your magazine is coming at such a pivotal point in history this is all divine alignment. "

Stevie Gayle, Scent Alchemist

"It's the most gorgeous inspiring riveting uplifting and soul-soaring, frequency rising magazine I have ever seen in my life"!

Spryte Loriano, Humanitarian, Founder of Awakening Giants TV


The issue


and how to use the magazine

This is so much more than a magazine It is a Holistic Success Blueprint

The Preeminence Monthly Collection and the WELLthy Life section are designed to activate your Highest Potential in Vitality, Radiance, Purpose and Profit.

Our panel of world-class experts recommend using the resources and content within, along with the 9 Graces Blueprint every day The Blueprint and they can help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of personal, global, technical and market challenges and rapidly accelerate your visions and dreams.

Our mission is to inspire, support and showcase, ambitious, visionary, mission-driven and ethical women entrepreneurs everywhere who are actively initiating change, for the greater good of all


C r e a t e a f i l e i n y o u r b r o w s e r b o o k m a r k s b a r .

S a v e t h e i s s u e t o t h i s f i l e

C r e a t e a ' P r e e m i n e n c e M o m e n t ' i n y o u r d a y ,

s c h e d u l e o r w e e k e n d t o b e n e f i t f r o m t h e w o r l d - c l a s s a d v i c e , w i s d o m , i n s p i r a t i o n a n d f r e e r e s o u r c e s o f o u r c o n t r i b u t o r s

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a n d s h a r e t h e a b o v e l i n k w i t h y o u r f r i e n d s .

D o w n l o a d t h e F R E E m o n t h l y d e s k t o p c a l e n d a r

J o i n o u r F a c e b o o k G r o u p h e r e

T I O N , T A K E A C T I O N , T A K E A
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9 G R A C E S O F N A T U R A L S U C C E S S W I S D O M P L U S 2 7 A C T I O N , S T R A T E G Y A N D J O U R N A L I N G P R O M P T S T O A C C E L E R A T E Y O U R V I S I O N S A N D R E S U L T S F R E E T O D O W N L O A D ! C L I C K H E R E

SPRING Feminine Energy Moodboard

Four, Five, Vernal Equinox, Diamond, Quartz Crystal, Fertility, Whimsy, Hidden Treasure, Alder, Willow, Magnolia Spontaneity, Courage, Optimism, Frankness, Patience, Practicality, Stability, Sweetness, Sexuality


U P L E V E L Y O U R W H O L E M O N T H W I T H T H E S E A S O N A L M O O D B O A R D A N D T H E 9 G R A C E S O F P R E E M I N E N C E P R O G R E S S P R O M P T S



AI versus Beauty and Grace…

In this world that is more and more dominated by technology, it can sometimes feel as if the noblest human virtues are simply slipping away, doesn’t it?

That is anathema to me since my mission is to imbue success, transformation and human potential with Beauty and Grace

I’m not giving up that mission. Beauty and Grace are your natural manifestation catalysts…(note: AI ISN’T!!!)

Here's why:

We feel pleasure when we see something beautiful. Beauty is a raiser of endorphins and vibrational frequency.

Beauty is also a motivational force that helps shift conscious awareness

It is healing, and transforming, and it is your hidden superpower Take it from Mama Nature - she's really good at it!

Certain patterns have universal appeal Natural fractals irregular, selfsimilar geometry occur virtually everywhere in nature: in coastlines and riverways, in snowflakes and leaf veins, and even in our lungs

In recent years, physicists have found that people invariably prefer a certain mathematical density of fractals not too thick, not too sparse

It's not exactly shocking that beauty can be sourced to the cortex of the brain. Beauty is a particularly potent and intense form of curiosity. It's a learning signal urging us to keep on paying attention, an emotional reminder that there's something here worth figuring out.

Art hijacks this ancient instinct: If we're looking at a painting, that twinge of beauty in the tableau is telling us that this painting isn't just a blob of colour; if we're listening to a Beethoven symphony, the feeling of beauty keeps us fixated on the notes, trying to find the underlying pattern; if we're reading a poem, a particularly beautiful line slows down our reading, so that we might pause and figure out the true significance of the line

So within, so without is a law of nature
Today the world reflects my inner beauty back to me in vitality, abundance, love and adventure

Styling our appearance with our truth and essence honours Beauty as a virtue, regardless of our shape, size, or physical features It is a declaration to the universe that you deserve the best To make oneself beautiful is to honour those whom we meet Even if it's just the cat or the postman

The Navajo have a prayer for Beauty as they consider it the principle for living harmoniously with the earth, with integrity and joy.

The ancient Chinese art of Feng Sui is the art of harmonizing our environment to attract and magnetize abundance and prosperity. Harmony is beautiful, and Beauty acts directly on our energy and brainwaves

It is said that Beauty really does come from within So within, so without That's the law of the universe Beauty even attracts abundance and prosperity

Beauty is in the 'I' of the beholder, the one who looks in the mirror every day Beauty is not skin-deep but soul-deep Grace is not a gift but a choice

When you learn how to love and appreciate yourself and give yourself permission to live in Grace and Beauty, all becomes possible.

The Preeminence Highest Self Performance model supports you to show up in the world like a champion in a holistic and feminine way. Success for mind, body and soul, money and your beautiful nature!

This is where the idea of Preeminence came from showing up as your best self every day so that your highest life can meet you there Whether it is the clothes you wear, the meal you cook, the conversations you have, or the care you give yourself and others - the miracle of life asks us to rejoice by aspiring as expansively as we can towards our heart's desires

And then, of course, there is your business arena

There are so many ways to use this powerful principle of beauty in your marketing and your offers

Beautiful branding is key, but so is a beautiful purpose and message Beautiful copy engages and converts. Beautiful presentations magnetise your audience and potential clients. Beautiful digital assets are a mustas a beautiful website and social media presence.

From the messages you communicate to the world through your offers and the way you interact on your connection calls, not forgetting to take care of your appearance every day, beauty truly is a superpower and a tool you can use daily I don't know what AI will bring to this already technology-saturated entrepreneurial adventure, but I know that beauty is a virtue we can't live without!

Grace, too, is a marvellous aspiration for your goals and dreams. With visions of freedom, ease, comfort, expansion, high-vibrational living and personal fulfilment, how could we not have Grace infused in our best and highest lives? Even moments of Grace as we go about our daily routines in the crazy world of technology

And so, Preeminence epitomises such a way of life and business

It is an ideal, but darn it, we are crying out for ideals to lift us out of the matrix and increasingly challenging world we live in But Preeminence is also totally practical! A grounded, logical way of shooting for the success you dream of in every part of your life and business

And that is why the 9 Graces of Preeminence form a template or blueprint to:

Attract your soul clients

Increase your energy, productivity and flow

Upgrade your image, style and message

Improve your communication and leadership skills

Align with and create more wealth

Master your strategy and brand

Navigate Social Media profitably

Become an influencer and grow your audience

Maintain a high-vibe lifestyle

Take the greatest care of you and dance with the divine spirit that expresses your highest life

I know, that sounds too good to be true, right?

But The Graces are in every issue of Preeminence because they are a direct line to your manifesting super-powers - your Genius, Grace and Greatness and that’s why they work for a holistic business and lifestyle model! This is a glorious guide to support you to Success, Naturally!

Because alignment is key to whatever part of the ‘high performance’ equation you’re tackling. Better to tackle anything with Grace, no?

Ready to use the Graces to uplevel your life and business?





Cynthia James


Marianne Hartley


Each one of us is here to live an extraordinary life and shine our lights...


To inspire individuals, leaders and organizations to awaken to their full potential Creating conscious awareness and powerful transformation. VISION

A world where human beings are living healthy, fulfilled and purpose driven lives.

The 'Preeminence in Person' Interview


The Power of Choice in determining your destiny.

Why it's vital to stop determining yourself by your past.

The power of the quantum field in aligning you with your dreams. How your path to great fulfilment will not be linear if it's based on your gifts and your heart.

Impacting lives begins with sharing not just your story but the lessons so others can learn too.

The power of showing up as your most beautiful self

Click below to watch on YouTube
"I believe that the power of creativity and compassion is healing and transformational"
"I believe every person and organization has a unique destiny, vision and purpose "
"I believe that opening to the vision creates a synergy that is powerful and dynamic"
"I believe that open-hearted communication builds bridges of understanding and expansion "
https://carlstudna com

"Being called a Champion for Change is not accidental I have spent over two decades in self-examination, higher education and working with people around the world that are seekers. These individuals are always searching for knowledge, wisdom and techniques to bring their gifts to the world. As a transformation coach, my work invites people to take deep dives into three areas: Inquiry, Introspection, and Integration "

" I believe that my job is to support individuals to find their authentic voices, heal habits and patterns that no longer support them, claim their freedom and create the life of their dreams".

As a world-class inspirational speaker, transformational coach, and best-selling author, Cynthia brings insights into what it takes to live an extraordinary life, how to live in endless possibilities, what’s required to become self-aware and live a successful life Her poise and experience as a radio and television co-host make her a sought after guest for all forms of media requests


PHOTO BY CARL STUDNA https://carlstudna com

Your Highest Life Is A Commmited Life

As a child, I experienced a lot of fear watching my parents fight My father was an alcoholic with frequent outbursts of emotional abuse, which was so scary for me when I was little, something I'm sure many can relate to

That made me ultra-sensitive to those around me when my friends were going through any kind of trauma or upset I honed my listening skills and, from the time I was young, became the person that others came to when they needed support or confidence.

As a result, I began to foster a feeling that people needed to learn how to love each other, be kind, and be supportive I became interested in psychology, metaphysics, and in spiritualism My Aunt was a clairvoyant healer, and I apprenticed with her as a teenager, learning very early on about energy, meditation, and healing My purpose in life began to emerge from that point It became clear that I was called to make a difference and for my life to truly matter

Once I realized I wanted to serve others and make a difference in life, circumstances seemed to flow naturally I found myself at the right place and time for some incredible adventures to unfold on my path I was mentored by brilliant teachers and wise men, and women of stature, and partook in experiences I had never dreamed of in my life.

That was the beginning of my living "a committed life"

My 'purpose' became more important than money, fame, or comfort I found the importance of putting my values first, above all else and clarifying the primary values to entertain.

Living a committed life, guided by personal values and positively contributing to humanity, can bring deep richness and profound meaning to our existence. It is a way of living that transcends the self-centered pursuit of individual goals and aspirations and instead emphasizes the importance of making a difference in the lives of others

Living a committed life is about aligning our actions with our values, beliefs, and principles. This requires deep introspection and self-awareness, as we must first understand what we truly stand for and what kind of life we want to lead It involves reflecting on our goals, aspirations, and desires and considering how they align with our personal values and the greater good of humanity.

Living a committed life means making a conscious decision to live according to our authentic codes and beliefs, even when difficult or inconvenient It requires us to make choices that may not always be the easiest or most popular but which align with our principles.

PHOTO BY CARL STUDNA https://carlstudna com
In life, you either have the reasons for having no results or results that speak for themselves.

One of the key benefits of living a committed life is the sense of purpose and meaning it can bring When living in alignment with our values and contributing to the world around us, we feel a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that cannot be achieved through material possessions or individual accomplishments. We begin to see the impact of our actions on the lives of others, and this motivates us to continue striving to make a difference

Another significant benefit of living a committed life is the sense of connection and community that it can foster. When living according to our values and positively contributing to humanity, we are naturally magnetized to connect with like-minded individuals who share our vision and goals We become part of something bigger than ourselves, which can be incredibly empowering and inspiring

Living a committed life also means setting an example for others to follow. When we lead by example and demonstrate our commitment to our values and the greater good, we inspire others to do the same We become a beacon of hope and inspiration for those around us, which can have a ripple effect extending far beyond our individual actions

Of course, living a committed life can be challenging. Sometimes we face difficult choices and must make sacrifices to stay true to our values. We may encounter resistance or pushback from others who do not share our vision or who need help understanding the importance of our actions

But these challenges are precisely what make living a committed life so rewarding and fulfilling. When we can overcome obstacles and stay true to our values, we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment that cannot be achieved through any other means

Ultimately, living a committed life is recognizing that we are part of something larger than ourselves. It is about understanding that we are responsible for using our time, talents, and resources to contribute positively to the world around us It is about recognizing the value of living following our values and principles and the importance of making a difference in the lives of others

In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, losing sight of what really matters is too easy on a day-to-day basis! We can become so focused on our individual goals and aspirations that we forget about the impact our actions have on the world around us But when we make a conscious decision to live a committed life, guided by our values and a desire to make a difference, we tap into a deeper sense of purpose and meaning that can bring immense value and fulfillment to our lives.

PHOTO BY CARL STUDNA https://carlstudna com
Words matter. You live today in what you spoke of last year..

So, back to you, my friend This magazine is all about the ideals of living your highest-self life

If you want a way to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life, consider living a committed life. Take the time to reflect on your values, goals, and aspirations, and consider how you can use your talents and resources to make a positive difference We must be willing to examine our lives honestly, identify areas where we can grow and improve, and take action to make positive changes.

Living a committed life also involves developing a sense of purpose and meaning This means finding something we are passionate about and dedicating ourselves to it fully. Whether it is a career, a cause, or a personal mission, having a sense of purpose can provide us with the motivation and inspiration to live our best lives

Therefore, living our purpose requires us to be mindful of the impact our actions have on the world around us and take responsibility for the consequences of those actions We are all inextricably connected, woven into the fabric of life on this planet Our individual and collective well-being is inextricably linked to the wellbeing of all life.

Our best life is a committed life

The Universe looks for openings, through which to make this a better world. You are that opening.


Successful entrepreneur, global speaker, corporate executive coach & trainer, transformational thought leader, and changemaker extraordinaire, Marcia Martin’s reputation is legendary Having personally trained over 350,000 people globally in communication and leadership skills, and coached and trained thousands of corporate teams to perform at championship level, she is renowned for her achievement mastery.

Marcia’s Talk This Way programs are the pathway to successful living, and teach participants to harness their personal power, excel at the art of influential communication, understand the secrets of successful relationships, become charismatic public speakers, achieve effortless sales prowess, and lead with inspiration and enlightenment

Her clients include Hard Rock Hotels International, Warner Bros , Evian Water, Inter-Continental Hotels, Dannon Yogurt, Capital One, McCain Foods, Hyatt Hotels, American Cancer Society, and Chase Bank, among others She has consulted, trained or coached some of the most acclaimed thought leaders and authors of our time, including Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Lynne Twist, T. Harv Ecker, and Robert T. Kiyosaki.

Her entrepreneurial achievements are astonishing! Marcia was an award winning General Manager of the Shiretown Inn, a 100-room lifestyle hotel with a 4-star restaurant in Martha’s Vineyard: she successfully operated Tsuru, Inc , an international wholesale manufacturing and retail fashion jewelry company manufacturing and distributing Laurel Burch designs with offices in Beijing, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, and New York; she filled auditoriums with 5,000 to 20,000 in attendance on a regular basis and developed numerous marketing and sales campaigns that resulted in millions of dollars of annual sales as Division Head for Erhard Seminars Training; she created sustainable associate organizations and guided entrepreneurs to create millions of annual income as a Founder of the Transformational Leadership Council, and the Network for Transformational Leaders; and she founded and operated as Senior Vice President, Landmark Forum, the largest personal development educational training company in the world, taking it from inception to millions of graduates worldwide

Marcia was personally mentored in the art and technology of communication, business, and human development by renowned futurist and philosopher Buckminster Fuller, business management guru Peter Drucker, innovation academic thinker Werner Erhard, esteemed organizational consultant Warren Bennis, and Oscar-winning film producer Jerry Weintraub


Now you can learn the tips, tricks, and techniques that Marcia Martin learned personally from some of the greatest thinkers of our time

The Marcia Martin Club is a Private Transformation Education Club that has been created as an online digital library of Marcia’s training resources used to teach life success skills and transform over 350,000 people around the globe.

By joining the Marcia Martin Club you will have access to a treasure vault of Marcia’s workshops, seminars, podcast interviews, and keynote speeches that Marcia has facilitated over the past 25 years

By watching the videos on your own time schedule, and in the leisure of your own home, you will learn the secrets to transforming your mindset, thought patterns, and actions to achieve extraordinary success in all aspects of life

Come and join the Club! It's just $10 per month! See what is in store for you by clicking below.

JOIN the Marcia Martin Club and access the content of one of the world's best-loved 'influencer's influencer' and change your future while having a good time along the way



W E A L T H Karen Baines

Higher Self...Wealthier You!

Jenni loves her 'Highest Self', 'Highest Life' model, but it can seem a bit intimidating until you get right into the nitty-gritty of what it really meanseven for me! I never use that vocabulary, but we are both talking about the beauty of alignment in creating your next level of life Is it the highest? I don't know maybe the next level is your highest until the next Let's explore this and see how it plays out as an expanding entrepreneur

When we think of someone living as their highest self, we generally imagine a person of great stature and attractiveness, radiating power, abundance and wisdom. We usually see her as superior to wee mortals, having been born with some kind of super-powers. But that is not so.

How 'on earth' do we unleash our own power and supernatural qualities to pull off navigating the tricky world we live in and the tricky world of entrepreneurialism to rise to the levels we dream of?

The answer is quite simple, and it's not about power and influence, not about great riches or beauty, but that idea of nobility and virtue

You see, 'highest selves' don't compare They don't envy, and they don't resent. How can we possibly unleash our superpowers and virtues if secretly we feel 'less than others, or worse still, we are green with envy or jealousy!

Envy, comparisonitis, doing what we don't want to do and feeling 'less than' are all forms of resentment

If we are secretly comparing ourselves to others and feeling 'less than' them or envious, we are in the energy of resentment And, of course, our highest selves are not meant to compare ourselves or ever feel envious!

But what happens is that energy, we try and keep a lid on it, just go through our lives, spitting venom under our breaths and moaning and grumbling, but then it will come out inappropriately; that energy will leak through inappropriately.

So if you are doing any kind of resentment, you are saying, I value resentment. Now, universal law responds perfectly to that and will be... bring you more opportunities to be resentful,

But here's the thing, your soul knows that, so that's where the contraction comes from

When you contract down, you're not a vibrational match for money

Your soul knows that if you've got time on your hands, you do things that you resent

You spend time doing things you don't want to do and get resentful about it.

So it's not going to bring you opportunities for freedom if all you're going to do is spend time doing resentment

So I want to share my own experience around this because jealousy and envy get bad press Nobody enjoys feeling jealous or envious of other people, particularly very warm, loving heartcentred entrepreneurs, right? But there is such a gift in this I'm going to share my own experience around how this showed up for me and has shown up for me in the most obvious way in my entrepreneurial journey And it's what activated the 'highest' or most expansive part of me that continues to activate my 'highest' life!

When I first became aware of this area of work, I hired a coach It was the first significant investment I ever made. I would see this particular guy and listen to him online on podcasts, doing his stuff, and he'd blow me away. I could listen to him for hours on end. I loved everything. It was as if liquid gold used to come out of his mouth every time he spoke.

At the time, this was a new experience for me Back then, as long as I was feeling good about myself, it was fine But on those days when I wasn't feeling so good about myself or my journey or things not happening quick enough or whatever, I used to my lower self would come out on our calls together, and she was not pretty!

During our time together, I was like the worst nightmare of my worst client! I was awful; I don't know how he coped with me!

So the reason was this: it all leaked out inappropriately because I was so resentful that he had this thing, and I didn't. I know shallow, isn't it?

Deep down, I knew I had something brilliant inside me, - my highest life was calling - but I didn't know how to access it, and nothing was happening quickly enough

So when I felt bad about myself, where I was on my journey, comparing myself to him (and others), I felt envious, less than and resentful It came to a point where I couldn't listen to this superior coach! Thinking about his success and everything he stood for, I literally would become quite aggressive If he'd been in front of me, I'd have punched his lights out Very un-highest self, right?

But then, on the days when I felt good, I couldn't think of anything better than to listen to him, and it just lit me up because he was reminding me of my brilliance in myself

Can you relate? Is there someone you see in your entourage and secretly envy their success? Do you get twangs of comparisonitis (which always ends in self-judgement!)?

But here's the thing, Luvly; that envy, that yearning, that jealousy, where you're poked, and you resent somebody else's gift or their success, the reason that shows up is this: your gift is being triggered inside. A part of your gift that you haven't yet allowed to emerge, the part that you haven't yet stepped into, is being triggered outwardly and reflected through someone else

You see it in a role model, someone further along the path, and it yearns to come out

When that happens, your blessed little soul calls you and says, "Look, look! This is what we are capable of! This is what you could have; this is what is within you"

Your soul recognises your greatness by seeing it mirrored in others. But often, it comes out as this inappropriate yearning, churning energy that nobody enjoys feeling.

For me, at that time, when I was experiencing this 'less than' resentfulness, it was really all because this lovely guy (whom I still adore to this day" had his own modality - his very own methodology, something I thought was the pinnacle of achievement!

So I yearned for my own version of my own modality, my own version of something unique and life-changing that was mine

At the time, I could never have imagined that I had that something within me. I accepted that that experience wasn't for me; it wasn't something within me, nor that I could create.

But The Conscious Wealth Code® - my proprietary system and methodology, birthed itself naturally and gradually to the point where I didn't even realise it had I didn't realise that it was already there I couldn't see it

Still, it built up, grew, and the next level reached the point where I have my own work I've got my own modality, which happened as I stepped further into my gifts I've truly stepped into my 'Highest Self', creating my Highest Life'. It's a work in progress every day, but the frequency of it will always call you onwards and upwards.

When, at that confusing time, I realised what that envy, jealousy, yearning and resentment were showing me, when I realised what the gift was inside of that and started stepping further into my next level, it blossomed

So how do you know when that's happening? How can you tell when you've stepped into your Highest-Self power and transcended these base impulses?

Because you will see the world from a nobler, more virtuous point of view, you will see abundance everywhere

I'm blessed; I've got talented people in my home. I mean, my husband is a fabulous chef, and he's a great cook, amongst other things, and I so appreciate his talents - while not wanting to have them!

My daughter and son are fabulous artists, absolutely mind-blowingly good artists, and I can totally appreciate their gifts

I'm happy to spend time and participate in those gifts I'm not jealous and envious of them I don't want them Their talents are not within me, waiting to be unlocked So I don't get jealous about it or envious of it

Do you see? It's that jealousy and envy that signal that you need to take responsibility, look at what's going on inside, and then expand into that version of yourself.

That's why that resentment is showing up; you resent someone else because it's within you Your version of it is absolutely within you You've just got to choose it and own it

Here's the thing; as an entrepreneur, you are surrounded by people who are role models, heroes, or mentors, or simply they are where you want to be Often when you work with these people, not only do they give you those twangs of envy, but you may well reflect on how they aren't really different from you or that you already know the wisdom they are teaching

Jealousy is also a hard word for heart-led entrepreneurs, but envy is so relatable; when you see somebody who is super successful in a way that you identify with it, it lights you up. But then you start beating yourself up for all the reasons you are not there yet, or that something is wrong with you

If we don't allow ourselves to feel this emotion and energy and make it wrong about ourselves, it will leak out inappropriately somewhere, sometimes and make us look far from our highest self So just see it for what it truly is It is golden It is within you

You just need to find your version of 'it' It will be different from the person pushing your button or inspiring you or that you aspire to be Your version won't be the same, but there will be a version. That's why you are feeling the way you do.

Instead of allowing ourselves to be jealous and envious, we turn it within What we are doing is we are running the risk of resenting ourselves

We resent ourselves because it's safer to direct the energy inwards than direct it to someone we secretly admire and resent at the same time

We resent ourselves, and then it can start manifesting as procrastination or frustration, ping-ponging back and forth. So comparisonitis is the more subtle version that heart-centred people tend to choose because it's more comfortable directing resentment towards themselves than outwardly

I encourage my clients to stop going where it's showing them that energy and instead focus on the opposite energy, which is the default setting is expansion

If you think about resentment, it's contracted energy and space So what you want to do is choose expansion instead Think of all the ways you can be, feel and do more expansion in your life, not just your business and life.

We can leverage all of these. We can leverage the law with all of these because expansion is your default way of growing.

When you are inspired by somebody or aspire to be like somebody, tune into that person's energy, lifestyle, and achievements How does it feel for you? What are the nobler, virtuous, or superpower energies you detect?

Identify them and then go and deliberately trigger that energy somewhere Just do anything that ignites the energy in you that you perceive in your role model

That will begin to unlock your own gifts and light.

Expansion is your default state, but you can get direct communication from your soul by tuning into what it will feel like when you own that space

When you are at the level of the next version of you, and your highest life when you are showing up as this person that is pushing every button you've got on one day and then inspiring you the next day, tune to what that will feel like for you, identify the energy, go do it, go do in other ways

Right now, think about someone who really represents the kind of lifestyle or success or something that you admire or that you're working with. Identify one of the energies you resonate with, and then go and take an action that will trigger that energy.

Say you're an entrepreneur who dreams of making an impact; start looking at situations where you can have a significant impact, but at the same time, tie it in with an opportunity for people to give you that kind of feedback

So start playing around with that, and choose what new ways you can impact people's lives Be aware and conscious of every time you do something that you hope will impact other people

If the energy of resentment is calling you to expand into the next version of you, that's what it's calling you for.

Expand into this; if this doesn't vibrate money, then you're misaligned. Resentment represents misalignment. Money is a happy byproduct of alignment, so you vibrate at a higher frequency when you start expanding into that

Remember, money resonates with the energy of responsibility and power When you make something that you think is wrong with you about somebody else by resenting someone else, you are giving your power away

You are not taking responsibility, and it's never, ever, ever really about anybody else; that's just an egoic tactic to keep you off track.

Have conversations with people, set your boundaries, take your power back, and stop sacrificing your time and energy on things you don't want to do And step further into the more expansive version of yourself because all you're doing when you are hanging out with resentment is you are just wasting your time

That's precisely what your higher or highest self would do

Karen Baines

Karen Baines is a Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor and lovestoworkwithpassionate,ambitiousentrepreneursby showingthemhowtomastertheirowncreationalprocess, particularlyaroundtheirbusinessandfinances

I’ve been learning and teaching the language of money for some years now, having previously run my own successful bookkeeping business Running quietly parallel to this was a life-long interest in personal development A whole new level of money wisdom was introduced to me when I discovered Universal Law and energy, and soon after that the defining moment when these two worlds suddenly collided. Previously, I had been attempting to compartmentalise them, the irony being that I now teach howyousimplycannotcompartmentaliseenergy.

Avitalcomponentofrunningabusinessisyourfinances–yourincome-money.Understandingyourownalignment and the energetics of money gives you a priceless opportunity to unlock and reach that elusive next income level, as in a nutshell, Money is just a very happy byproductofAlignment,andthebestdefinitionofAlignment isYOUDoYOU!


Free Money Momentum Assessment
Realign the things you can’t see, to get the results you can see. ”


Gina Lazenby

HealthyHolisticHomesteading forTheVisionaryWoman
Photo Credit Henry Archer


Living your highest life takes commitment, enthusiasm, energy and strength Whilst the first two come from within, sometimes with outside help and mentoring, your well-being and vitality cannot be relied upon to appear all by themselves naturally

Unfortunately, to have energy and be disease-free, you cannot just rely on good genes and a strong constitution …. If you want to live well in today’s world, it takes effort, planning, investment, time and energy. You have to invest energy to get the energy you need

There is something about the pace of society today and the many expectations on us, as well as those we put on ourselves that can really challenge us to cope So many women with passionate goals and visions for making a difference in the world, can often achieve them but at a high price to themselves

In the past, I have had burnout and have been forced to take time out to recover before returning to the wheel of life, hopefully, a little wiser each time.

In the decades since I first ground to a halt, I have made many life changes and have developed the skill and ability to catch the early warning signs and change course when needed

Perhaps you are pausing and assessing how well you can handle the next phase of your life and all the demands it will bring Personally, I am at one of those reassessing staging points that come up now and again

I have had too many caring responsibilities for elderly family and sick friends and have not had all the skills to cope as well as I might have It’s been new territory for me, and I am going through another learning phase This time, youth is not on my side, and I am forced not only to manage stress but also to understand what effect that stress is having on my older body, mind and brain And what I have created as my own healthy home environment is going through a change.

I will share some of my insights. Firstly, you need to know when to hit the PAUSE button

If you do yoga, you will likely be familiar with the shivasana position, where you let your body lie totally relaxed and motionless for five minutes This is so that it can process the intense exercise and stretching that you have just done and get rid of the acid buildup I advise bringing a ‘shivasana’ approach to your daily life outside yoga

Take those five to ten minutes and give yourself a break. The Brahma Kumaris spiritual organisation pioneered a concept called Just-a-Minute, where every hour on the hour, a gong would sound in each of their buildings, and everybody in them would stop for one minute of silence then after 60 seconds, work or meetings would simply continue

I have a chair at home facing the window and garden view, and it remains a constant invitation to sit down and relax just for a few minutes

As your life evolves as it inevitably does, and you wonder about the next phase, sometimes a change of scene is helpful.

Remember, your home is the container for your life, and it can be beneficial to go away to feast your eyes on new horizons and landscapes to help shift your perspective and discover new possibilities I took a weekend away in January, but it was insufficient to recover my balance My brain had become frazzled looking after the details for three households, which was too much I needed more So I got the idea to have a medicinal holiday where I would be cooked for and hand myself over to other caring people to look after me

I am writing this for you from my lovely room at an Ayurvedic Retreat a beautiful hotel with a hospital on the top floor

I am enjoying healthy food, lovely swimming, yoga and meditation, and daily consults with an Ayurvedic doctor before having two and a half hours of treatments, mainly involving massage, oils and herbs. It’s absolute heaven, and I don’t know why I did not think of having this medicinal intervention before I needed it.

Photo Credit Henry Archer

Don't wait until your body tells you it's urgent!

I am not thinking about home, what’s for dinner and what jobs need doing I am on time-out Perhaps you too must consider this to preserve your sanity and ensure you have the inner resources ready for your following challenges, for come they will!

The self-care which I am investing in now continues at home. The two places where your well-being is best attended to are your kitchen and bedroom Food and sleep After that, exercise is crucial, and some experts would put it as number one to keep your brain healthy My advice is to create a nourishment plan for yourself That is the best way to delay ageing as you get older

Back in the day, we just grew up, we worked, and we retired We ate what most other folks ate, did our best and hoped for the best Some people were unlucky and got ill That is no longer the way the world works now There is much you can do to keep well and stave off illness

But - and this is key - it will depend on you seeking advice, expert help, and willingness to research and learn.

The healthy home of the future will be a bit different to what it is now Reducing the use of chemicals in our food, decor and cleaning, reducing exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields in our equipment and wifi bringing more nature and natural materials inside that is all great, but another leap is needed

The amount of information now available on different ways of eating healthily and research in the new field of brain science is vast You need to check it out and find what resonates with you

At some point, we all become primary carers in our lives, often for our elder relations or close ones. This is a time of life that demands we take care of ourselves more than ever before.

Self-care has become the primary focus for all of us - and high tech is right there to offer more sophisticated support than we could have imagined even 20 years ago

Our family have taken the opportunity to have digital maps of our brains to check what is happening inside our heads (called qEEGs, Quantitative Electroencephalography ) And the results show that stress is not having a positive effect on our neural pathways, so we have been investigating what is possible to correct this

I have come across many new treatments that I now believe are essential to keep us healthy for as long as possible With great results, we have had sessions in hyperbaric oxygen tanks, which deliver oxygen at high pressure deep inside the body. We have also invested in infrared light equipment to take the healing energy of red light deep inside the body. There are other machines that change frequencies in the body and others to help create coherence. The stuff of Star Trek is here now and affordable for most homes.

This is causing me to look to create a healing space in my home where we can have our daily treatments sitting exposed to panels of light or wearing an infrared helmet programmed to help balance our brains

I have used a magnetic mattress to sleep on for 25 years to give me a deeper sleep with more protection from electromagnetic fields, and I use a bed quilt made from infrared reflecting fibres to provide a gentle detox overnight

Now I am making time to add to my repertoire of healing technologies in my home I have also drunk super-filtered and restructured Pimag water (technology from Japan) for well over 20 years. I am now adding a hydrogen machine to my process as hydrogen water helps increase energy and reduce inflammation, which is the main curse in ageing bodies.

Photo Credit Henry Archer

These water enhancement gadgets fit comfortably into my kitchen, but other items need more space

I have a neck hammock hanging from a door handle, so I can lie down, put my head inside and take the strain off my neck.

I use a shiatsu machine to massage my back and feet while watching TV.

I can even wear Pinhole Trainer glasses to strengthen my eyesight while watching a movie Add to that the frequency-generating Healy and the iTera machine, which provides a kind of electronic acupuncture, and you can see that we need to create a healing corner, if not a whole healing room!

So many modalities are coming of age now, many of them using vibration and light, the most natural aids of all!

This is the medicine of the future, and it is within our power to keep well and not fall into the trap of becoming sick and letting someone else manage and cure the dis-ease

These are exciting times, and I feel very empowered to take even more charge of my health as I move into my later years, but it is work … there is much to research and learn, and I am making the time to do this. I recommend you do this too. Don't think it's al beyond your budget...rather re-examine what and how you are prioritising your expenses. In any case, many of these technologies are available to anyone and can easily be bought online!

My kitchen has undergone a transformation making space for the fermented foods that are continually being processed.

These include glass jars of apple pieces turning into apple cider vinegar which need regular stirring; ceramic pots of fermenting vegetables for my sauerkraut which need their regular ‘burping’ of air; jars of fermenting beetroot for my kvass drink; bowls of raw milk becoming cottage cheese; trays of lentils and seeds sprouting All this requires space and time and energy but it is so worth it You can easily find recipes with the search engine These few actions need nothing more than inexpensive ingredients and very little time to prepare!

I really am making a difference in all our diets and nourishing our microbiomes with this extra kitchen work With the food chain becoming more vulnerable, you need to enhance and widen your kitchen skills and become adept at making your own living food which you can preserve and store

So it is time for a quantum leap in your health. Find out more about herbs you can include in your daily routine, do everything you can to have a deep, healing sleep and take on the research for what high-tech options are now readily available to optimise your health and energy.

And when it comes to a holiday and your desire for a change of scene, perhaps you might use one or two weeks of your downtime away from your business to have some super regeneration medicinal holidays should be taken well before you have a desperate need for them!

Take good care of yourself you and your light are so needed in this fast-changing world

Gina Lazenby

Gina’s beautiful hilltop home in the Yorkshire Dales, featured on many TV programmes and the inspiration for her Healthy Home book, is now let as a retreat house to facilitators of yoga, transformation work and wellness It’s also a special place to hire for family gatherings and celebrations

She has always understood the management and care of a home as a highly feminine skill set Her work in the last twenty years has been in the exploration of the changing nature of gender roles and thevalueofhome-makinginourlives Herfengshuiskillsetenabledhertoteachhundredsofstudents the value of aligning your home for success and wellness She has also produced and presented a radio series called ‘The Rise of the Feminine’ exploring the shift in values in the world and the unique contributionofwomen

Gina is a veteran conference speaker and has led gatherings for women entrepreneurs all over the globe Most recently, she has taken on the role of global host for Conscious Café, a consciousnessraising initiative, and hosts the northern community group based in Skipton Gina is a born organiser and has created thousands of events since she was a small child and led birthday parties for her reluctant toddler brother You can join her online or in-person at one of the many gatherings she creates around her passions of conscious conversation, feminine leadership, wholefood cooking, Feng Shui, living well and wisdom Her Healthy Home podcast is about to be launched from the Retreat Housewithtipsformakingyourhomethefoundationofyourabundanceandhealth

Gina has spent most of her life at the leading edge of new ideas She started out in the world of hospitality and her groundbreaking work in tourism marketing was recognised with a number of industry awards Responding to her own life crisis took Gina into the emerging human potential movementandintheearly1990s,sheagainbrokenewgroundbylaunchingLondon’sfirstcentrefor personaltransformation

Her passion for self-care and living well at home became the seed for her interest in feng shui and she was instrumental in creating the popularity of this eastern philosophy in the west In 1995 she createdtheworld’sfirstprofessionaltrainingprograminfengshuigoingontowritethreebestselling books

Ginahascircledbacktoherhospitalityrootsandnowoffersherhomethatinspiredherbooksasthe HealthyHomeRetreat The750-year-oldoriginalpropertynearSkiptonintheYorkshireDaleshasbeen restored and extended according to the principles she expounds She often leads programs there herselfforwomenaroundthethemesofwellness(personalnourishment)andwisdom(handlinglife transition) Watch the video and see how beautiful this venue could be for your own gathering or retreatinnature

For the Book CLICK HERE The Healthy Home: Creating The Foundation For Your
Visit the Real Healthy Home: Watch the beautiful video! Click here:
Download yours FREE here!

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Naturally Successful Codes

Jenni Parker Brown

Show Up As Your Highest Self

And Your Highest Life Will Meet You There"

My favourite quote above is an expression of a way of living that has allowed me to identify and manifest just about whatever I put my heart on. But not just manifesting things - more manifesting experiences. In embodying the desired experience, it allows you to draw in what you wish to have.

We popularly know this as the Law of Attraction, but this is not quite so. This is another law that is a corollary of the law of Attraction. It is the Law of Expectation. It is every bit a natural law and is the one to master if you get tired of hanging around waiting for your desires to turn up!

Defined by Dr Milton Erickson, a brilliant hypnotherapist at the beginning and middle of the 20th century, the Law of Expectation simply states that 85% of what you expect to happen will occur

He also states that the law doesn't play 'favourites', so it doesn't matter if you expect negative or positive things to happen. The Law of Expectation responds accurately. You can't cheat the Law of Expectation. You can't cheat by just wishing an expectation, like, I expect to have my first 10k month this month. That's a wish, not a real expectation.

A real expectation is tied to your Belief System. And it is the main reason why even highly motivated people can't get ahead at times.

Because somewhere ingrained in their thinking (usually due to an earlier life experience) is the belief that they can't.


The law of expectation is not talked about nearly enough It makes up such an essential part of understanding, manifesting and creating a remarkable life.

I'd like to break it down for you and make it really practical. Popular Peak Performance writer Benjamin Hardy states in his book 'Willpower Doesn't Work':

"You shape the garden of your mind by planting specific things from your environments, such as the books you read, experiences you have, and people you surround yourself with."

But this goes a lot deeper. Your environment means your home, desk space, nutrition, appearance, bank account, self-care, car, animals, and entertainment. It also means the context you live in every day, your default beliefs, emotions, actions and the 'role' you play out - the 'identity' you portray to the world. All this constitutes your environment.

One of the hardest things to do in life is to lift yourself out of your current circumstances and step up to the level of life you desire. We live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives. This expectation not only determines what we have in our lives but also represents what we are willing to settle for.

"Nobody succeeds beyond his or her wildest expectations unless he or she begins with some wild expectations."

"To elevate your life, elevate your expectations"

For most people, the future holds too many uncertainties The fear of what might happen tends to overshadow the ray of light that represents the life they ultimately desire.

In a previous edition, I shared a piece called 'Manifesting At The Speed Of Light' with you. It described the science and energy behind living ' as if' or 'living from', as opposed to 'living for'

When you cultivate expectation as a daily way of being, you open yourself to allowing the flow of life to bring you all the delights you can imagine. However, if you expect bad things to happen to them (and many people do without knowing it!), they will.

Expectation is a potent driver and one that very few people ever learn to fully master in consciousness. But here's the neuroscience behind it; when you expect something, you activate and engage those parts of your mind and the nervous system that can empower you to think the unthinkable and do the undoable.

One of the most effective ways to activate the law of expectation in your favour is to develop a very clear vision for your life. Most people never even take the time to really define what they want from their lives. I'm sure, if you ' re reading this magazine, you ' re not one of them. However, even those with clear visions often follow the 'hope and pray ' strategy for achievement.

You may know what you want, but at some level, you don't believe you can have it.

Expectation, however, is an entirely different mindset. It is a mindset of absolute certainty that can be deliberately levered.

Hoping and praying infer doubt since you always hold two opposing results in your mind's eye. You want it, but you don't think you can have it, so you keep hoping and praying to something outside yourself.

To elevate your life, elevate your expectations. Raise your expectations of whom you want to become as a person and what you believe you deserve. For, what you believe you deserve is based on your expectations.

When you lift your expectations to a higher level, you raise your own standards and raising your standards is the first step to improving your life.

Now let's get practical with this Consider all the things that make up your environment and context. You will have to cultivate high expectations in each of the areas that make

When you expect only the very best, you will get only the very best. What you earn right now is what you expect to earn. The amount of free time you have right now is what you expect to have as free time. The relationships you have are what you expect them to be. Ouch, right?

Expectation acts in the same way as a weather vane that determines your internal 'weather'. According to your expectations, it will turn out bright and sunny or stormy. When you expect the very best, you ' re not simply expecting something good or something similar; you ' re drawing the line in the sand that determines your highest life.

It begins with never settling for less than you can do, be or have. This is not something you do from time to time when you become aware of it but develops as a normal way of being, doing and having - your normal lifestyle.

It begins with never settling for less than you can do, be or have. This is not something you do from time to time when you become aware of it but develops as a normal way of being, doing and having - your normal lifestyle.

So let's take this list that makes up your life environment again. On a clean sheet of paper, draw up three columns: on one side, make a list of everything that are personal to you, that you consider part of your life arena and environment. Put one item under the other separately in this first column, but allow space between the items to be able to write a sentence or two.

This could be - home, desk space, nutrition, appearance, bank account, self-care, car, animals, entertainment, social life, body. It also means the context you live in every day, your default beliefs, emotions, wardrobe, relationships, actions and the 'role' you play out, in other words, the 'identity' you portray to the world. Really, a list of your world!

Now in the middle column, write down what your expectations are on each topic, and you ' re going to need to be ruthlessly honest and aware! For example:

Relationships - I expect people to respect my boundaries and treat me well. Now, look at this. Do you really expect that? Does that play out in reality?

Desk Space - I expect to carry out my days with maximum productivity, flow and effectiveness.

Really? Is all your workspace set up for flow, maximum productivity and effectiveness?

Appearance - I expect my perfect mate to manifest any day now. Really? Is all your life, appearance and vibration set up to attract your soulmate?

Sales - I expect to coach at least six clients monthly. Really? Do you have the bandwidth? Is there room on your agenda for that to happen?

You see how you can confuse desire and expectation so easily

High expectations create high results When you expect the best, it will become a directional mechanism that will guide you to seeking out and finding what you expect.

Now let's take this one step further. What if you swapped high expectations for highest-self expectations?

So in that third column you ' ve drawn, can you lean into not just real, high expectations but highest-self-expectations? For example:

Relationships - I expect that my relationships thrill me and are a major part of my fulfilment. Do you? Can you? Will you? What will you do today to PROVE THAT EXPECTATION?

Desk space - I expect my work environment to support days of immense creativity and results that delight me. So does your workspace look and feel like that? How can you change it so that it does?

Appearance - I expect to feel beautiful and powerful in my femininity every day and attract the perfect people and opportunities for my highest good.

Ok, time to look in the mirror and the closet and make sure that your image expresses what you are expecting. Get it? Such a powerful exercise. Your actual reality must reflect your expectations or else you are in misaligned incoherence!

Create expectations by making committed decisions simultaneously. Nurture your expectations by never settling for anything less than the best you can be, do or have, which of course, is what your highest self wants for you!

Go back to the January 2022 issue and lean into the power of 'living from' instead of striving towards (you can access all issues at the back of the mag).

Lastly, allow the 'Law of Jenni P' to flow through you. It's pure expectation. 'Show up as your highest self and your highest life will meet you there."

The Codes of Success Naturally™


Doyoueverwonderwhatyourgreatnessisandhowtoexpressit?Doyouknowdeepdownthatyouhavea '' magnum opus ' to bring to the world, a fabulous signature program, marvellous creative project or mesmerisingmovement,buthavenoideahowtomakeitalucrativeandthrillinglifestyle?

Weareallcodedforgreatnessand,asyouknow,calledtomovehumanityforwardinourownuniqueand geniusway,havingthemostfunpossible.Whenwealignourmission,message,presence,andlifestyleand committoPreeminence,abundanceisthenaturalresult.

Whatdistinguishesmyworkisthattogether,weusethenaturalquantumpatternsintheuniversetoattain thatalignment.TheincredibleTrinityCode™isasimplebutprofoundtoolbasedontheuniversalprinciple whichconnectsyoutoyour‘IAm’truth,andthenrevealswhatyouarecalledtodowiththat.


Youwillneverhavetowonderagainhowyoushouldputyourselfoutthereandwhatitlookslike.Withthis process,we‘reverseengineer’yourmessagetobeginfromthattruth,thenbuilda‘why’ormissionfromit. Then,weexplorethebestmodelofexpressionthatreallyallowsyoutoworkinyourgeniuszone,inflowand inthehighestvibration.Wealsobuildineverypartofyourlifewhichis‘ideal’foryou-includinghealth,love, relationships,materialgain,environmentetc.Icallthesethe'keystothekingdom'ofyourhighestlife!

All of it comes into the process! This is quantum work. I invite you to come and have a 30-minute Highest LifeExplorationCallsothatIcangiveyousomeclarityandactivatethatnext-leveldesireinyou.

Bookhereforoneofmyraresessions! Nosalesorpressure,justthedelightofpouringsomelightintoyour nextsteptoGreatness. Ican'twaittomeetyou!






Brad Walsh

The female changemaker's hero...

Our Story

My name is Brad Walsh, I am the creator and host of the Empowerography Podcast. I created this podcast in order to provide a platform that enables women’s voices to be heard and to share their stories/journeys and successes in business or life with the hopes of helping other women who may be dealing with or going through similar struggles. I genuinely believe my passion and love for what I do radiates and shines through and that’s what sets ME apart. I am all about helping women feel empowered one episode at a time.

For me the fact that I was raised by two very strong women in my life, both my mother and grandmother raised me up with the values and lessons to respect women ALWAYS. Seeing them and what they had to do to make ends meet and especially my mother going back to work to help raise my brother and I after she left my father and my grandmother stepping in to help raise us when my Mom was at work. They gave me an appreciation for women, albeit I was young but these values they instilled in me from a young age have stuck with me to this day These two women were instrumental in making me the man I am today and were amazing role models for me.

Now being a father/parent myself of two beautiful girls and a husband to a beautiful wife, these 3 women along with my Mother and Grandmother are my “WHY”, my inspiration. I’ve first-hand come to experience the struggles they’ve had with a positive body image. Both my daughters were bullied and picked on and seeing the effects this had on them as young kids, then carrying on into their preteen and teenage years and now young adult lives it's horrible that young girls have to go through all that and carry it with them into adulthood.

Their journeys inspired me to create this podcast and that is my "WHY" or at least a big part of it. From early preteen years into adulthood, women everywhere struggle with meeting society’s “beauty standard” So please join me in spreading the word about this mission/collective/movement I am creating to help provide a platform for women to help empower and inspire other women out there in the world.

The 'Preeminence in Person' Interview

Click below to watch on YouTube

Warning: contains the odd well-placed F word!


Jenni talks to a 'rare bird' and champion of female empowerment, Brad Walsh,founderofthehighlyrated,EmpowerographyPodcast

Brad dedicates his life and purpose to showcasing women's stories and wisdomasawayofelevatingglobalconsciousness-orasBradsays-"helping women'sempowermentonepodcastepisodeatatime".

Hearing Brad talk about his inspirations - his Mother, Grandmother, wife, daughers and just about every woman on the planet, restores your faith that someone truly 'gets' us! Also a gifted Boudoir Photographer, Brads genuine admiration for women's qualities is boundless or as he says, "Women get shit done" Lively, entertaining and inspirational, meet the rare bird Brad and subscribetohisPodcastonthefollowingpage

Click here SPOTIFY


Karen Sanderson Sanz

notacceptageorpoor vingyourhighestlife?



et me explain a little about Rock

h is the result of a year-long ng and identifying what is and Defining my values, my beliefs, ledging them and deep diving crystal clear vision of who I am life and my business to look myTRUTHwas


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4. 5.

Mindful Movement - take up a mov practice such as Pilates or Yoga that h create awareness around your em wellbeingasmuchasyourphysical.Mov practices such as this will support y makingthemindbodysoulconnection

Howareyoufeelingtoday?on waking, you have even opened your eyes t moment to check in with yourself Notic state of mind you have woken up in, are any strong emotions arising, and how d feelphysically.

Journallingfirstthinginthemorningan last thing at night is a very effective w process whatever it is that you have go Inparticularfocusongratitudeandthep aspectsofyourlife

Meditate - carve out precious mome yourselftositinstillness,allowingyourm quieten and calm, and restore your n system Therearemanytoolsthatcanhe with this. If you find it difficult to sit in s youcanmeditateinmovementtoo

Affirmations-setanupliftingandempow affirmation to create a high vibrational e for the day ahead. Write it down or say loudtoconnectintotheenergy

1. 2. 3.
ways to R

Exercisedaily-starteverydaywithmovement of some sort, Pilates, yoga, walking, running, stretching, will will boost your mood, energy, and productivity, and leave you feeling accomplished It improves your metabolism helps to improve sleep quality, and reduces stressandanxiety


Rock your body truth

and motivational ou to uplevel your business

myourdevicesat ut the day and rldandwiththose sical, mental, and standrecover.

in nature, take a woods, beach or or do wild water s to be awakened ed by nature and

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Usethelinksonthenextpagetofindoutmore abouthowwecouldworktogetheronlineorin person.BookaFREEdiscoverycallwithmeto explorehowIcanhelpyouRockYourBodyTruth in2023.


Karen Sanderson Sanz


Learningtolistento whatyourbody istellingyou aboutstressandaxiety


Detoxingisaself-carepracticemanyofusarefamiliar with, especially after we realise we ' ve been overindulgingforawhile.Butdoyoueverconsiderthat,just asimportantistheneedtodetoxfromstress?Tocope withthismessed-upworldwheredoyoustarttodetox fromtheaccumulationofallthestrainsandchallenges of modern living? Usually, you'll start by asking your conscious logic, but you actually have more allies in the form of 3 brains who can radically help you clear yourwholesystem.

The function of these brains is to work in harmony to giveoptimumflowforstressdetox

Many of us are only aware of the head brain or ‘thinking’ brain, which we use for all our thoughts and decision-making and sending messages throughout our bodies, found within the walls of one’s head protectedbythecranium.

You may not be aware of the feelings/emotions brain, whichsendsmoresignalstothethinkingbrain

This is found nestled inside one’s heart and is often called the ‘little’ brain or better known as the intracardiacnervoussystem.

Then, the third brain is the ‘Gut’ brain, found in, yes, you guessed it, the gut The gut-brain is hidden in the wallsofyourdigestivesystem

Oftencalledthesecondbrainbyscientistsandknown widely as the enteric nervous system (ENS). It consists of two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells lining your gastrointestinal tract from the oesophagus totherectum

So how do these three brains support the detoxing of stress?Let’sexplore ,


Yourthoughtsandthoughtprocessesareveryimportant when it comes to dealing with stress; there is a plethora of information out there on how our thoughts affect us mentally and physically, especially with the practise of mindfulnessinourlives

But the triggers and habits of lengthy, time-consuming negativethoughtscandiminishthebrain’sabilitytothink, reason, and form memories and often create what is known as ‘Brain Fog’, Whereas positive thoughts are better for our overall mental functioning So, in order to detoxyourstressthroughyourthinkingbrain,itistohave a higher ratio of positive thoughts than negative thoughts Because,inturn,theseaffectyourheart’s‘little’ brain.


Did you know there are actually 34,000 distinguishable feelings (Goleman and Dalai Lama, 2004) that a person can feel, but when you start to become aware of your feelingsandemotionsandstartlistingthenegativesand thepositives,moreoftenthannot,theaverageisabout12 though this can be disputed depending on the research youlookinto

It is unbelievable to think that this has been a bit of a minefieldsinceAristotle’stime AbrahamHicksoffersthat itisnotthelanguageorwordusedfortheemotionthatis importantbutthatoneismovingintherightdirectionup the emotional scale so that you have a greater ratio of positivefeelingsandemotionsthannegativeones

The system affected by our emotions on a physiological levelisknownastheAutonomicNervoussystem.Itshows us where we spend most of our time, either with low vibrational or high vibrational physical feelings, by the hormonestheysecrete

These, in turn, affect our Heart Rate Variability, which is foundtobeoutofsyncwhenwehavetoomuchcortisol, thestresshormone,togetherwithadrenaline,thefightor flighthormone

However,itisallaboutbalanceandmakingsurethatthe emotions and feelings you experience are balanced betweenthesympatheticandparasympatheticzonesin the Autonomic Nervous system By stabilizing your breathing, you can find yourself at the coherence level, the best level that your body functions at to be its healthiest.Thisbringsustothesecondbrain.



Yourgutbrainandyourheadbrain,justlikeyourheartbrainand yourheadbrain,areinconstantclosecommunication andthe healthofoneimpactsthehealthoftheothertwo

Researchhasshownthatstressandanxietycantrigger symptomsinthegut,whilegastrointestinal(GI)inflammation sendssignalstothebrainandhasbeenlinkedtomentalillnesses, includinganxietyanddepression,triggeringfeelingsofsuchinthe heart.

Throughthecircularcommunicationbetween,thebrain,heart andgut,there'sacomplexinteractionbetweenstresshormone levels,asmentionedabove,bowelfunction,andthesensationof pain,whichcanbebothphysicalandpsychological

TheCNSmentionedearlier,whichisfullofneuronsthatsends messagestoandfromthebrainandgut,comesintoplaywhen stressstrikesasitcausesirritationintheGIthattriggersmood swingsshowingthecorrelationbetweenguthealth,stress,and emotionalhealth

Thethreebrainsallinteractwitheachothertryingtokeepus healthyandlettingusknowthat,whenwefacefear,itisnottime tothinkaboutfoodoreating;infact,ithasquitethereverseeffect, knownasdiarrhoea!

Whenyou'restressed,thisgut-brainaxiscarrieshigh-alertstress signalsfromthebraintothegut.

"There'sadirectcorrelationontheGItractaspartofvisceral responsetostress,"saysChristineLee,MD,agastroenterologistat ClevelandClinic.Yourbrainreleasesthestresshormones corticotropin-releasingfactor(CRF),cortisol,adrenalin,and norepinephrine,andtheGItracthasloadsofreceptorsforthese hormones "Ifyou'refacedwithaveryhungrybear,that'snotthe timebodywantstofocusondigesting,"saysDrLee.Thehormone CRFslowsthingsdownintheupperGItract(resultingin constipation)andspeedsthingsupinthelowerGItract(resulting indiarrhoea)

So,whatdoesallthismeantoyouandtoyourown stressdetox?


Should become familiar with more selfawareness.

Observe your brain/mind and your thoughts at anygivenmomentandhowthesethoughtsare serving you For example, do you have a headache?Thiscanbecausedbystress.

Awareofhowyourheartisfunctioningmoment by moment; is it beating fast? Is it beating normally for you? Is it fast & then slow (irregular)?Arethereanyachesinyourheart?It sounds obvious, but these are all indications that you may be going through a stressful situation

Become familiar with the changes in your gut; what sensations you are feeling there, such as discomfort,pain,butterflies,andcramps.These mayallbeindicationsofstress

Cultivateawarenessofwhatthesethreebrains. are telling you throughout your body and how theyareinteracting.

Takeactiononthemessagesthesethreebrains aregivingyou.

Withoutthisawareness,youwillnotbeequippedto know what actions you need to take in order to relieveyourselfofstress,letalonegothroughyour stressdetox!

FormoreinformationontheStress-Detoxbooka FREEcallhere

My Gift To You For Your Highest Life Free Short Awareness Meditation to instantly relieve some of your stress Click here CREATED WITH LOVE BY DEBBIE DEBONAIRE Allowyoutoseehowstressandanxietymaybecaused. Takeyouonajourneytofindabettersolution. Encourageyoutobemoremindfulofnottryingtofixthings Takesomemomentstobeawareofthestressyoumaybeexperiencing. Thismeditationwill:

Meet Debbie Debonaire Emotions Warrior

Debbie Debonaire (Emotions Warrior) is a Global Emotions Empowerment Consultant, Holistic Counsellor, Author, and Speaker. She is a Mental Health Advocate and Suicide Prevention Campaigner who has transformedherlife,tobecomeabeaconof light to help others suffering in adversity, fear,andseverelackofself-confidence,and self-esteem. She failed suicide three times, overcame extreme clinical depression, and prolonged mental domestic abuse, so she knowswhatittakestotakebackcontroland transformone'slife.

Shehasbeenaguestonseveralpodcasts andradioshows,aswellasaspeakeron summitssharinghermissionandmessage tomakeadifferenceintheworld.Herstoryis oneofextremecourageandfocusandhas resultedinacompletetransformationthat hasseenherrisetobecomeahighlyesteemedexpertoncontemporary emotionalandtraumarecovery.

Debbiebringssolutions,inspiration,and change,throughherinnovativeprocess,the HeartActTheatrapy™,toguidecareer women(andmen)fromnegativelife patternstotriumphanttransformationand empowerment.Thisgivesthemthecourage totakebacktheircontrolandlivelifeontheir owntermswithstrengthenedresilienceso thattheycanthrivetotheirtruepotential andlivethelifetheydesireanddeserve.

Forguidance,inspiration,support,empowerment andmorewaystotransformyourRepeatingPatterns, haveaHeart2HeartwithDebbiehere


Branding by

Jenni Parker Brown 2022 TM
"Branding by Divine™ is an energetic and strategic blueprint that I have developed to align your soul-infused, personal brand with the level of abundance you desire, the people you want to serve and the most exquisite way that you make your impact."

What is Branding by Divine™

How can you be divinely branded?

How can you create a divine brand?

Why would you want to?

"Embody in your image and energy the outcome that your client desires" Jenni P

Personal Branding in the New Paradigm.

now what Branding is and can recognise see it, sometimes it can be difficult to cisely what Branding involves

e automatically think that Branding is t images, colours, logo, font, company mission. But it goes much deeper than that.

d is how you articulate and te your unique brilliance, heart, soul ncy with the world through the offering (services and offers) It's a very twoiththeworld.

ersonal brand has a third dimensione energy and vibration and how it uraudience'sattentioninthebusiness e

Brand identity composed of hundreds of aspects rsonal story, culture, beliefs, values, gifts, aspirations and personal image and with your energy and frequency. Your y is no different. Each of those aspects o your brand, and it pays for your identity ve with your soul identity and deepest

having your branding 'done', focus on the being 'the means to the outcome' your , as in my quote above

When you ' re building any cohesive brand identity, certain elements are non-negotiable These elements clearly express who you are as a brand, what you have to offer and who you 'refor.Inlargecompanies,theseelementsworktogethersubtlyandinsomeinstances, one or two might be missing, but for the most part, you'll see each element on this list presentandworkingwiththeotherstocommunicatethebrand.

When it comes to you as a solo entrepreneur, you can't afford to be subtle. And you can't afford to be misaligned! YOU must be aligned as a whole - a holistic brand which joins purpose,persona,presenceandpropensityforprosperity!


Mostpeoplecreateabrandbywhattheydo,whattheysellandhowtheysellit.Ifaheartled entrepreneur is savvy, she'll ensure that her values, purpose or 'why' are prominent in hermessagingandcommunication.Connectingsoultosoulorhearttoheartthroughthis kindofdeepcommunicationtakesclientattractiontoawholenewlevel-aquantumlevel!

Sinceweknownowthateverythingintheworldfunctionsinvibrationandenergy,itfollows thateverythingsuccess,marketing,selling,achievement,moneyandwell-beingdotoo!

Thatgoesforeverypartofyourbusinessprocess-fromBrandingtosales,frommessaging topresenting,fromfunnelstocoaching-it'sallinterconnected!

Now,myworkdoesn'thaveyouworkwithjustanyoldenergybutthatofyourhighest,most alignedandsuccessfulself.

Doesn't it make sense that you want to communicate out there with the energy of your highestself?

Doing it 'divinely' is you playing your active part with the law of attraction, and other principles,toleverageyourpowerasadivinecreator.

The biggest difference with my work is that I don't brand your offers and products (your whatandhow)butwhoyoutrulyare(yourwhyandmostimportantlyyourwho).

That 'who' can be very vague and ephemeral and often reduced to a USP (unique selling proposition) Thatisnotyouplayingasaquantumcreator!

Your 'who I AM' is your secret marketing weapon. And I am the only person on the market who is sharing this, thanks to my incredible life and business-changing process - 'The TrinityCode'.

My gift is to reveal your essence and calling - as they are now in your life evolution - and to catalyse the highest expression of that in the world and marketplace.

We are all coded for greatness and as you know, called to move humanity forward in our own unique and genius way, having the most fun possible. When we align our mission, message and presence and commit to Preeminence,abundanceisthenaturalresult

What distinguishes my work is that together, we use the natural quantum patternsintheuniversetoattainthatalignment.

TheincredibleTrinityCode™isasimplebutprofoundtoolbasedonuniversal principle which connects you to your ‘I Am’ truth, and then reveals what you arecalledtodowiththat.


You will never have to wonder again how you should put yourself out there andwhatitlookslike Withthisprocess,we‘reverseengineer’yourmessageto beginfromthattruth,thenbuilda‘why’ormissionfromit.Then,weexplorethe bestmodelofexpressionthatreallyallowsyoutoworkinyourgeniuszone,in flowandinthehighestvibration.Wealsobuildineverypartofyourlifewhich is ‘ideal’ for you - including health, love, relationships, material gain, environment etc. All of it comes into the process! This is quantum work and I believetheonlyPersonalBrandingapproachofitskind

The beautiful outcome is that you become attuned to your highest, abundance -attracting potential When working from the zone of your Trinity Code,youcannotbeOUTofalignment.

I work best with highly conscious women who are open to re-inventing their professional presence because they are strongly mission-led, but desire to showupastheirhighestselfaboveall.Hence-theidealofPreeminence!

Ifyou'dliketoknowmoreaboutthisincredibleprocess,emailmeat jenni@jenni-pcomandwecanchat!

I help ambitious mission-driven femme-preneurs leave stuckness and the marketing wheelspin and create a soulful-success personal brand naturally, so you can fall in love with your biz lifestyle and get paid for being you.




"The way you do anything is the way you do everything"

The aspiration to excellence in everything you do, or even in just a few key areas of your life is like rehearsing for supreme achievement.

Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ - doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life.

Practise skill-sets that elicit positive results consistently Raise your ‘normal’ to world-class as a daily habit, and watch world-class results unfold.

Haveanenergeticand spiritual‘boardmeeting’ withyourhighestself, yourguides,heroesand the9Graces Startby imaginingthatmoney werenoobject,what wouldyoudothisyear?

‘MoneyNoObject’isthe closestwayyouwillget towhatyoursoulwants beforeyouregoand mindkickin Goforit!

Makealistof6habits youhavecarriedwith youoverfromlastyear, thatyoubelievekept youunderyourpotential Brainstormnewwaysto approachthemsothat yousetyourselfupfor success..

IInkeepingwiththe principleofthisgrace, chooseoneareaofyour lifethatyouwilltruly excelatthisyearand planoutyourfocustime onit.Giveyourself measure-ablemarkers








When we move towards excellence and leave any traces of mediocrity behind, we gain distinction. It may be with an accolade or an award, or simply by the power of our own convictions, passion and charisma.

A state of preeminence is a natural way for us to stand out, be seen, heard, admired and paid.

HowdoesyourSocial MediaFeedhelpyou standoutinyourniche?

Brainstorm6ideasthat youhavenevertried before-onlyonesthat exciteyouandschedule themin.

IfDistinctionwerea trustedperson,what wouldyouaskthem?

Howcanyouimprove yourvocal communicationto capturepeople’s attention?

Whatwouldyousayon yourLivesifyouhadthe courage?




"Peoplewillnotrememberwhatyousaid,butthey willrememberhowyoumadethemfeel".

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


An impeccable know-like-and trust reputation will serve your highest visions. Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans.

Make integrity (including self-integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win-winwin ethics

Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people with your charm and ability to listen. Wear elegance, good taste, humour and style like a designer label, and be generous with your compliments to those who need them.

Createashortvideothat tellsyourstoryusing stockimagesandmusic Youcanalsobuywhole templatesfromsiteslike Envato,andsupplystock orpersonalgraphicsand audiotocreatea slideshow Videoeditors onFiverrcandothissort ofthingveryreasonably Ifyouhavethebudget, hireavideoeditorto createone Video contentisQueen!

Gobackthroughyour clientlistandeventsyou haveappearedonand updateyourtestimonials. Usethemasinspiration forthismonth’semails Tootyourownhorn!

StartaPodcast,orifyou alreadyhaveone, research10peopleyou’d lovetointerviewthisyear andstartreachingoutto them





"Thereisno-oneintheworldlikeyou.Rejoiceinyourglory. Youareanaturalgeniusand theworldawaitstobeholdyourdazzlingprowess".

Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


Find your genius

Believe in your super-powers

Conduct yourself like nobility

Be fascinated by others

Keep a beginner's mind

Wear your heart on your sleeve

Avoid crowds

Think before speaking

Breathe integrity

Cultivate charm

Choose your own values

Avoid wearing black

Practice playfulness

Ooze fabulousness

Brainstorm10waysyou aredifferentfromor betterthanyour competitioninyourtopic ofexpertise Doesitshow inyourbranding,image andcommunication?

Atnight,asyoujournal, writeatleastwaysthat youaregratefulforyour lifestoryandwhoithas madeyou.Dothisevery daytotransformany pasthurtsandgriefs completely!

Reviewhowyoutalk aboutyourtopicin public.Peoplearevery fatiguedbysomuch talking.

Howcanyoubemore entertaining,funny, charismatic?





Artwork by Kate Yurenda


Our Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek, are already within you.

You need nothing else except the code to access them. To decipher the code is to truly know your full power as the creator of your own legacy

You came here for greatness. You came here to express your genius. Genius lies in the intersection between your gifts, your bliss and your values and is the most powerful attractor of abundance.

Everymorninginyour journal,completethe followingphrase6times:

Iambecoming Preeminentbecause…(fill intheblankeveryday!)

Thisisapowerfulwayof seeingtheevidenceof yourprogress!

Brainstormatleast9new waysthatmoneycan cometoyouthisyear. Pickthe3thatmost inspireyou,andyou couldimplementthem quitequicklyandgetthe actionstepsonyour calendar

Carveout1morningor1 afternoonaweekevery otherweekforyou You candowhatyouwant onthathalf-day Putitin yourschedule






"Believe in the possible, Trust in the infinite, Reside in the limitless"
Artwork by Kate Yurenda


All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you

Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past. Unless it is to tell the world an epic story of your highest life, with a happy ending.

Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.

Whodoyouneedto forgiveassoonaspossible sothatyoucanrise?

Learnsomenew breathingtechniquesto usewhenyouaremost stressed,uptightor anxious

Evenifyou’refamiliar withthesetechniques, therearealwaysmore waysandmore occasionsthatweneed tokeepthebreathoflife flowing!

Writeanarticle,blogor recordapodcastonhow muchyou’vegrownover thelastyearandcreate apieceofcontentwithit youcanshareor monetise Theactof acknowledgementwill delightyoursouland thoseyouhelpwithyour wisdom.







Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


To set our personal north star as the only guideline for our journey, and to set our ‘life sails’ in that direction, will cause others to want to do the same.

Hold the space for others to rise by expecting the best from them. Be the change you want to see in every part of your world.

Stand for your highest values and don’t stand anything less than being treated with respect and integrity

Whichrelationshipsdo youneedtoadjustby takingastandand leadingbyPreeminent example?

Readonebiographya monthofleadersand peoplewhohave inspiredyou. Makealistofthemlistentothemonaudible asyouwalkifyoucan

Makeapromiseto yourselftosay‘No’ wheneveryouneedto thisyear






"Endurance is not suffering, it's persistence and consistency in energetic balance".


Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our heart's desires

But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back. The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on.

Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable. Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up.

When the going gets tough, move on to the next Grace

Getabloodtestand/or haveacompleteholistic well-beingreviewwitha holisticpractitioneror naturopath.Prioritise yourentirewell-beingfor theyear-startasyou meantogoon

Identifyoneareaofyour bodythatyouneglect systematicallyandmake acommitmenttogiveit someTLC!

Aswellaswater,keepa flaskofwarm,soothing andcalmingherbaltea byyourbedatnight Drinkingsomething warm,comforting,and health-enhancinginthe nightistrulyatreatand helpssendyoubackto sleep,aswellashelping thedetoxbenefitsof sleep




Artwork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork


Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half-full to overflowing with vitality and abundance.

It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as needed to feel the stir of excellence rise again

Decluttereverythingthat issurplustoyourlifeclothes,emails,toxic people,yourschedule Don’tbother unsubscribing-just makesureyourfavourite mailsaresubscribedto anewaddress,andthen deletetheoldoneto preventthetemptation ofgoinginthereand suckingyoudowna rabbithole

Lookatthe6peopleyou spendthetimewiththe most(notchildrenor pets!)andaskyourselfif theyresonatewithyour highestlife.Consider howtheymirroryouand adjustaccordingly!

Plananactualholiday thisyear,whateverthat lookslike!






Success, as a word used ubiquitously when applied to personal development and marketing, grew into something bland and generic; over the last ten years, it lost its powerandattractiveness,whichisashameasit'saperfectlygoodword.

The Latin origin of success is ''succedere'' meaning ""accomplishment of the desired end""orahappyoutcome.Thebadpresscamefromthemediaindoctrinatinguswith stories and images of success models that most of us could not relate to or aspire to. Usually, it involves fame, fast cars, designer clothes and a jaw-dropping demonstrationofwhatlargesumsofmoneycando.Sosuccessnotonlybecameabit of a dirty word but shaped our perception of a fulfilled life of freedom and joy, didn'tdidn'tit?

Well, I'm bringing it back because my work is to share a new model of success where you win, everybody wins, with "accomplishment of your desired end" and oodles of "happyoutcomes"! Successmeansmanifestation,whichisopentoeveryone!

WhatIhavelearnedovertheyearsisthatitisnaturalforustothrive.Itisnaturalfor us to live in abundance. It is natural to want to fulfil our soul'ssoul's purpose And successcanbecreatednaturally…here'show.

As a Transformational Change Leader, I am watching the emergence of a new model of achievement (success!), which is slap bang between the unification of energy and the3-dimensionalworldinwhichweliveandtrade.

It means planning and taking action from a consistent dialogue with your soul self, your energy, our beloved Mama Gaia and the bright new achievement-expertise embodiedinthePreeminenceidealsandplatform.That'sSuccessNaturally!

My work is infused with the highest vibrations of love, ethics, harmony, abundance, beauty and consciousness. Don't you agree that those are the values of true success? Andthattheyarecompletelynatural?

All my work centres around ''embodiment'', and embodiment is the foundation of success. Naturally Embodying success causes dopamine and serotonin to flood your body,activating allyour vibrational energychannels -chakras, meridians, nadis,the aura, and heart-brain coherence, which are responsible for our energetic frequency and,therefore,howandwhenweareprimedforhappyoutcomes!


You take actions FROM the place that you desire to experience, in advance of seeing theoutcomes.It'sreverseengineeringsuccess,andit'sanaturalprocessofalignment throughflow,high-vibeaction,intention,clarityandalightheart.

For lots of content on this vital topic, please subscribe to this magazine here and watchoutfornewsofourupcomingblogandacademy!

















Nature ' s gifts to your highest life



OstaraisthespringfertilityfestivalthathonoursEostregoddessofthedawn.(Hername meansEast,fromwherethesunrises.)It’satimetoplanttheseedsforwhatyouwantto growthroughouttheyear.

In modern pagan and Wiccan tradition, Ostara is the time when the maiden Goddess meets her reborn consort in the form of Pan or the Horned God. In these traditions, feastingandmerrimentarepartofthecelebrationsastheenergyofspringrisesup.Itis alsoatimeofritualcleaningtosweepawayoldpatternsandbringinrenewal.

For April, in the context of what’s happening in the world, I was called to choose elements that remind us of this renewal and our femininity - the fluid Willow Tree, the exquisite spring Magnolia and diamonds. Our monthly colours are palest pink, white, Iris blue, eggshell (it’s Easter!) and green. Think apple, cherry and plum blossom that adorns the first blooming trees, the tenderness of periwinkles and violets, and vibrant pink.

Why are flowers so important for our vibration? Imagine a world without flowers - no, maybe don’t! Flowers are direct links with divine intelligence. They convey messages thatcanimproveourlives.Flowersymbolismdatesbackthousandsofyears,andweare allaffectedbyit.Flowersymbolsarenotonlyprettyfordecorationpurposes.

Flowersymbolismhelpsusunderstandhowcertainideascameintohumanculture,and how they were influenced by stories, legends and myths People cared a lot more about flowers and nature in general in the past, but flower symbolism is definitely something wecan’tignore

Every flower hides a secret meaning and symbolism behind it Sometimes this meaning iswell-known,suchasarose,butothertimesflowershideprofoundmessagesthatcan’t be so easily interpreted This is why it is important to learn more about flower symbolism and apply it to our lives Flower symbolism dates back thousands of years, andweareallaffectedbyit

Flowers around us were once important symbols of deepest emotions and people’s affections Even today, flowers are there to express our feelings and send an important message out to the world Sometimes this message is clear, but other times we have to lookdeeperintothesymbolicmeaningofaflowertounderstandthismessage



Toliveahigh-frequencylifestyle,dialledintothe lawsofabundance,isawayoflife Wecaneasilyavailourselvesofthepotencyofthe naturalworldandharnesstheinfiniteabundance thatisinnateineverypartofearthlife

Wespendsomuchtimelookingforanswerstoour challengesandstrivingforvolatilevalueswhenthe naturalworldoffersusaplethoraofbountythatwe canusepractically-allthedarnedtime-toprime ourselvesforcreatingourbestlivesandbusinesses

Everymonth,IbringyouthreeorfourPower Elementsthataresteepedinsymbolismand vibrationalpowerwhichyoucantapintoinentirely practicalwaystoincreaseproductivity,well-being andmoney!


UsingthePowerElementsisnotsomethingyou dowhenyougetaroundtoit.It’sareturntothe armsofthedivinebeautysurroundingustobask initsguidanceandnourishment. EachmonthIselectrelevantflowers,minerals, trees,coloursandelementsthatareinnately connectedtotheinteractionbetweenthe seasons,themonthsandyourgoals.

Let’s take the Magnolia - the herald of Spring in many parts of the world With varying colours but sharing an uncommon beauty, Magnolias carry a strong symbolic value behind them. Just contemplating them is enough to feel the presenceofaflowerthatattractsattention-theyareheadturners.

TheMagnoliaflower'smeaningisattachedtoideasofnobility,perseverance,and loveofnature Softandsubtleincolouryetrobustanduprightinappearance,the flowerisrepresentativeofthebeautyencompassingfemininityandgentleness

With its majestic form and pink or creamy white flowers, the Magnolia tree has beenafavouriteacrossculturesforcenturies.Theenduranceandstrengthofthe Magnolia trees have also made them a symbol of lasting connections, which is whyMagnoliaflowersmakeagreatadditiontoanyweddingbouquet.


The beautiful Magnolia is no wonder, a symbol of beauty Just like women, everygorgeousflowerissimplyexquisiteandunique;itevokespureevidence thatlifecanbebeautiful.

Magnolia flowers are also symbols of the feminine side in every person. The Magnolia flowers are a perfect gift for someone gentle, loving and caring Theyaregoingtomakethatpersonfeeldeeplyappreciated

Magnoliaflowersaresymbolsofdignityandpurity Thissymbolicmeaningis mainly derived from stories and myths surrounding the Magnolia flower’s origin.

The fragrant blooms sometimes hang or lie horizontally, showing their many facets, like a graceful woman curtseying Queen of spring flowers because of its vibrant and gorgeous hues, Magnolia belongs to the genus of the same name, whichhasabout75naturalvarietiesofdeciduousandevergreentreesorshrubs Accordingtosomegeologicalresearch,theancestorsofMagnoliaexistedfrom80 to100millionyearsago.Asaformofevolution,itdevelopedaspecificflowerthat doesnotbearfruittoensureitscontinuitybecausethentherewerenobees!

InChina,theMagnoliaflowersymbolizesstrengthandloyaltyinlove AChinese EmperoropenlyexpressedrespectfortheMagnoliaflowertohisfaithfulsubjects InEurope,theMagnoliaflowerwasofferedaftertheinfidelityofthereturnofold love Theflowerisasignofinnocence,withpinkhuesindicatingtheshynessand demurenessoffeminineyouth.

Yin-ourfeminineside Purityanddignity


According to the art of feng shui, a Magnolia planted in front of the house attracts the energy of pleasure and rest, and if it is planted behind the house symbolizestheslowbutsureacquisitionofwealth.

Magnolia benefits have been known since ancient times. In its traditional medicine,theChineseandJapanesehaveusedthemedicinalextractofherbark for 2000 years. Today, this extract is used in medicine and the cosmetics industry. Many shampoos with extract of Magnolia, various preparations and bathsbasedonitsodourareknown.


1Howcanyoubringfemininitytoyourpostureandlifestyle?Canyouinfuse morereceptivityandintuitionintoyourdays?

2 Businessisgenerallyaveryyangthing Whynotreviewyourweeklyschedule andseewhereyoucanbringsoftnessandtendernessintoeverypart?

3 When communicating, practise softening your voice without losing any volume Our yang energy can sometimes override the more persuasive and charming tones that come with being aware of our feminine nature in exchangingwithothers

4 Ifyoucan'tfindanyMagnoliaflowerstotreatyourself,buyapostcardofone online or print off a beautiful photo and frame it Keep it near your desk to remindyoutobalanceyourYin/Yangnatureinallthatyoudoandtoremind yourselfofhowexquisiteanduniqueyouare!

5.Trywearingsomenewpinksthismonth.Asarule,saturatedcoloursforhigh energy,winterandspringskinandhairtypes,andsubtler,moreblendedshades forsummersandautumns.

Eggshellpinkcansuitnearlyeverytype,accessorisedwiththerighttones.Itisa colour that automatically brings out the femininity in a woman - the softer, sensual side of her nature. Eggshell pink is luxurious as lingerie, scarves, bedding,andinthebathroom.




“April prepares her green traffic light and the world thinks ‘Go '” Christopher Morley,

The Diamond

The phrase "A diamond is forever" gives us one peek into the characteristics of this stone. Diamonds represent deep, abiding love even inthemostchallengingcircumstances(itisthehardestmineralonEarth).

Legend recounts that the God of Mines called together his courtiers to bring together all the world's known gems: Rubies, Sapphires, Emeralds, etc. etc., and he found them to be of all tints and colours and varying hardnesses. He took one of each and crushed them, compounded them together, and declared, "Let this be something that will combine the beautyofall"Hespoke,andlo,theDiamondwasborn pureasadewdrop and invincible in hardness Yet when its ray is resolved in the spectrum, it displaysallthecoloursofthegemsfromwhichitwasmade.

Isn't that lovely? Indeed, the magnetism of a diamond is in its ability to contain all the colours of our spectrum. Its high-frequency energy is dispersed into flashing prisms of brilliant "fire" that typifies the sun, from whenceallcoloursderive

It is a highly spiritual stone, a symbol of perfection and illumination, activatingtheCrownandEthericChakras.Itcanenhanceinnervisionand stimulates creativity, imagination, and ingenuity, opening the mind to the " new "and"possible"

In addition to its spiritual power, the diamond has a formidable hardness and has been known since ancient times as a "Stone of Invincibility," bringing victory, superior strength, fortitude and courage to its wearer. It is associated with lightning and fearlessness, and for its protective properties

Because of its rarity, it remains a symbol of wealth and favours manifesting abundance in one ' s life. An amplifier of energies and intention, it is prized by gemmologists for magnifying the vibrations of othercrystalsforhealing.

Symbolic of the loving and open nature with which we came into the physical realm, diamondsencouragetruthandtrust Itisalove-bearingcrystal,regardedinantiquityas dependable in its virtues only when received as a gift Today the engagement ring, weddingring,andotherjewelleryarticlessymbolisethegiftofpersonsinlove.

Be aware, however, that Diamonds increase negative energies and positive, and while theyneverneedre-charging,itisagoodideatocleansetheirenergiesfromtimetotime, ifyou'reluckyenoughtohave'some'!

Diamond is considered a master healer for its ability to unify the mind and body, with manyspecialistslaudingitsuseinhealingphysicalailments.

TheCrownChakraislocatedatthetopofthehead,ourgatewaytotheexpandeduniverse beyondourbodiesItcontrolshowwethinkandrespondstotheworldaroundusItisthe fountainheadofourbeliefsandthesourceofourspirituality.Itconnectsustothehigher planesofexistenceandisthesourceofuniversalenergyandtruth.WhentheCrownisin balance,ourenergiesareinharmony.Weknowourplaceintheuniverseandseethingsas theyareWeareunruffledbysetbacks,knowingtheyareessentialtolife

Diamondcrystalsallowthehigh-frequencyvibrationalenergiesofthespiritrealmstobe moreavailabletotheconsciousself.Usedinmeditation,especiallywhenplacedonthe ThirdEye,thesecrystalscanfacilitatetheentryintomeaningfulvisionarystatesandmay heightenone'spsychicpowersPlacingasecondDiamondovertheheartactivatesthe energeticcircuitbetweenthetwovitalcentresandinfluencesthemtoactinasynergistic unionasNatureintended

IchosetheDiamondthismonthforitssymbolismofclarity.Bothinitspristinelight whichallowsusaportaltowonderandasenseofthesublime,anditssharpnessand invincibility-atraitweallneedasentrepreneurs!

Weoftenheartheexpression,"She's(orhe's)anabsolutediamond"-meaningsomeone withrareandadmirablequalities.Butalsosomeonewhoisscintillating,sparkly,clearand unknock-downable!

Sohowcanyoucultivatethesequalitiesthismonth?Howcanyoubeyourownbestfriend andcultivatethesequalitiesinyou?

Do you have any stuckness, confusion, or fogginess about your goals this year? This month is the one to get absolutely clear on where you're going and how so you can take on these un-fazeable qualities. By May, we will be caught up in the full momentum of action - initiating all the projects which will bring us closer to our dreams and visions. So it is vital to use this month to come into alignment (balance and harmony) with nature, your visions and intentions so that you can 'hit the ground running' by May at the latest. If Diamonds are out of your reach (as they are for most people apart from a tiny stone in a ring), acquire some clear crystal prisms

You can find them to hang in windows or bear lights so that they reflect rainbows into your space

Buy some clear quartz crystal jewellery - it catches the light and goes with just about everything! It's one semi-precious gem that looks marvellous on every woman

I actually prefer these stones to 'false' diamonds as the energy of quartz crystal is actually very high

As with the Magnolia, you can surround yourself with images of Diamonds as a way of re-wiring your brain to focus on the attributes and qualities corresponding with the elements.

This is why this vibrational support is so powerful for your success, ladies!

Nature is a treasure chest of support for your dreams!

The Willow Tree

Onceagain,weareworkingwithelementsevocativeofourfemininenature TheWillow isoneofthetreesassociatedwiththisspringmonth

TheWillowremindsustoletgoandsurrendercompletelytoourinnermostselves,to gainadeeperunderstandingofoursubconsciousminds.

The term Willow has Celtic origins, and its meaning is " near the water". Both from a purelysymbolicandnaturalpointofview,itisstronglylinkedtotheelementofthe moon,Waterandmagicareingrainedinboth

ItwasconsideredafemaledivinityfortheCelts,anditscult,linkedtolunarcyclesand fertility,alwaysheldgreatimportanceoverthecenturies.

Besidesbeingasfluidandfloatyaspetticoatsinthewind,theWillowtree'ssuccesslies initsadaptability Thegracefultree'sabilityto,notonlysurvivebutalsothriveinsome ofthemostchallengingconditions,remindsusofourfemininestrength.Nowomanis withoutshadowsandstories.

Willow encourages the expression of deep emotions, expressing grief and sadness throughtears,andteachesusthevalueandconsequencesofloveandloss

One of the greatest symbolic meanings of the Willow tree is that, even through significantloss,wecanstillgrow,andthereisalwaysthepotentialforsomethingnew

Thetreerepresentsstrengthandstability,rootedandfirm,withstandingthewindsof lifebybendingandallowingthemtoblowthroughitstendrils.Thebranchesareflexible andstrong,bendingwithoutbreaking.Theleavesrepresentthebalance,harmony,and growthweexperiencethroughthesestormsandlifechallenges TheWillowoffersus hope,asenseofbelonging,safety,andtheabilitytoletgoofpainandsufferingandgrow new,strong,andbold.TheimageoftheWillowtreeisourpathtostability,hope,and healing.

Allwomenhavethestrengthanddeterminationneededtotransformtheirlives Even powerful change-makers can struggle to see themselves as the strong, unwavering Willow tree and be vulnerable to those life hurricanes. These are qualities we can cultivate,byobservingthenatureofthisnaturalally.

Willowisalsooneofthe"ninesacredtrees"mentionedinWiccaandwitchcraft,with severalmagicaluses IntheCelticcalendar,theWillowMooncorrespondstoApril MagickalusesofWillowareextensive.TheBesom,theWitchesBroom,istraditionally madefromthreetrees.ThestaveismadefromAshforprotection;Birchtwigsareused forthebroomitselftoexpelevilspirits Willowbranchesaresaidtobethebestforwater divining,channellingEarthenergy,andfindinglostobjects


IfyouknowthewhereaboutsofsomeWillowsnearyou,goandstandbeneathone Closeyoureyesandtuneintotheenergyofthetree


Tuneintoallthoseattributesthatcanserveyou,thestrength,theabilitytobendand notbeknockeddownbylife'schallenges.Letthefluidityofthebranchesandleaves informyourbodyandswaygentlyinharmonywithit.FeelyourfemininityriseinyoujustrestinthelightnessandsoftnessofyournatureFeelhowrootedyouareinthis postureandmemorisethesensationasyouwalkonwards.

Willow’sfeminineenergyhelpswithlovespells,workingwithemotions,creativity, fertility,protectionandhealing.Aherbthathelpshonourandsoothesthefemaleright ofpassageintowomanhood.

Maybeit'stimetobuyyourselfawand!OrsimplyputsomePussyWillowbranchesin waterandenjoytheirremindersoftheseasontocome

Willowisalsousedforhealingandmedicine-you'llfindsomewonderfulinspiration here



Pinktakesalltheprimarypassionandenergyofredandtempersitwiththecalming purity of white, leaving us with the colour of tenderness, affection and femininity

Romantic, youthful, healthy, calming and playful, infused with a willingness to embracewonderandcreativity

"PinkisthenavyblueofIndia"declaredDianaVreeland-fashioncolumnist/editor andconsultanttoMetropolitanMuseum

Incolourpsychology,pinkisupbeat,funandmorale-boosting. It oozes optimism and elevates hope to a level where no obstacles are big enough (thinkofthepinkribbonasaninternationalsymbolofbreastcancerawareness).

Intuitiveandinsightful,pinkisvibrantandglowscreativity Yet,sometimes,itseesthe worldthroughrose-tintedglasses:itcanbeexcessivelyoptimisticandunrealistic.

Apartfromflowers,pinkisacolourthatoccursrelativelyrarelyinnatureduetoitnot being a 'real' colour in the spectrum. It's an extra-spectral colour and needs to be mixedwithsomethingelsetogenerateit.

Thisgivespinkanetherealandalmostartificialfeel.However,itssymbolismisvast, anditspopularityisunceasing!

Goodhealth.Thecolourpinksignifiesgoodhealth.Thephrase'beinginthepink' meansbeingatthepeakofhealthandinperfectcondition Generally,havingpink

cheeksorarosyhueindicateshealthiness,whilealackofpink,orpaleness,isa signofillness.

Femininity It's associated with all things girly and feminine It's a traditional colourfordressingbabygirlswhileblueisusedforboys.Whenamalewearspink, it'sslightlyunusualandmoreeye-catching.However,today,manymenareopen towearingpink

Pinkisanimportantcolourassociatedwiththebreastcancersupportmovement. Thepinkribbonexpressesmoralsupportforallwomenwithbreastcancerandis aninternationalsymbolofbreastcancerawareness

Caringandinnocent.Thecolourpinksymbolisesaloving,caringnatureandthe innocenceofthechild

Avastrangeofpinksiscurrentlyoneofthemostunexpectedcolourtrendsinthefashion industry.It'strendyamongmenandwomennowadaysandlooksgreatonalmostanyskin toneOliveskintoneslookradiantinfuchsiaandvibrantpinkssince,beingonthe oppositespectrum,theyreflectarosyglowagainsttheskin

Manyclaimthiscolourlightensuptheirmood,soifwearedrawntothem,it'susually aroundsummerandSpring,whilemutedshadescanbewornallyearroundPairingpink andredisnowoneofthefunkiestfashioncombinations,althoughitwasoncethoughtof asafashionfauxpas.

Combiningpinkwithotherdarkercolourssuchasbrown,darkblue,darkgreen,blackor greyaddsstrengthandsophisticationtopink.

Alittlepinkaddsatouchofcolourtoneutralsormutedshadesintermsofjewelleryand accessories.Addingpinkjewellerytoyourensembleisasubtlewaytoaddcolourwithout goingoverboard.

Rosegoldhasbecomeoneofthehottestjewellerytrends,andamongthemostpopular metalsforengagementrings.Thebenefitofrosegoldisthatitsuitsanyskintone,and blendsinbeautifullywithmostothercolours

Inthelast4-5years,brandingcolourshaveembracedpinkinallitsglory-rosegold, fleshypastelpinkcombinedwithblackisnowubiquitousonwomen'swebsitesasthey seektoconveygroundedsophisticationwithsensitivefemininityNeonpinkandFuschia havebeenadoptedbynumerousinfluentialfemaleentrepreneurs,settingnewtrendsfor thispreviously'taboo'colourinbusinesscontexts Manyspiritualentrepreneurshave pinksomewhereintheirbrandingForablendedcolour(powerfulredandneutralwhite), ithasalotofpersonality.Usejudiciously!

Afterthedrabnessofwinter(atleastinthenorthernhemisphere),pinkisaninvitationto gaietyandoptimismIncorporatingthecolourintoourlifestyleinlittleorbig'pops'will raiseajubilantmoodinus!

Rightnow,inApril,thebestpinkstoenhanceourlifestylewillbepastelEasterEggshades, delicateandlight-filled.Itspeaksoftherenewalwefeelafterthehibernationofwinter, tuningintoourGoddessenergytogetclear,indulginginlotsofbathtimewithpetalsand essentialoils



Treat your feet to a pedicure and adorn your toes with pastel pink - feet look beautifulwiththisshade!

Fruit blossom branches are delightful to have in a glass vase; they speak of promise,hopeandthefruitoftheseasontocome.

Updateyourinboxthemeinadelicatepinkandseewhatanimmediateeffectit hasonreadingyouremails!


Buy a Himalayan Salt lamp - not only do they mitigate the effects of electromagneticfrequency,buttheyarealsoeasyontheeyeandlendamystical qualitytoyourmeditationspaceordesk.

Makemineral-richHimalayanpinksaltastapleinyourkitchenforthemyriadof benefitsithasforyourcookingandyourbody!Useforyoursauerkautandkimchi, combinewithcoconutbutterorsolidoilforabodyscrub.

Addsometoyourbath,exfoliateyourfeet,andintegrateintohomemadecleaning products!

Downloadourbeautifuldesktop calendar,andcelebrateyourawesomenesswith somepinkbubbles!




Jenni Parker Brown


Betweeneverythingthatyoudesireandrightnowisanemotion.Youhavedesires assignpoststojoy,peace,andfulfilment.Everythingyoudesireistoexperience thatemotion,afeelingofjoy,peace,excitementandcompletion.

Weoftengetthatbacktofront.Wethinkwewillfeelacertainemotionwhenwe've achievedamoneygoal(safe,peace,freeetc). Buttheoppositeishowtheuniverse works.Weneedtoembodythefrequencyofthosequalitiesinorderfortheenergy ofmoneytorespondtous.

Ifyouwanttoexperienceinrealhard3Dreality,alifeofgreaterfulfilment,success andwell-being,thenyoumustmastertheemotionalstatecorrespondingtothat life

Theprocessofalignment(andmanifestation)ispractisinginadvance,adesired emotionalstateuntilitbecomeseffortless Thisgoesbeyondsimplevisualisation andaffirmationtechniqueswhicharesomewhatstatic,andnotguaranteedtoraise your pharmacy of body chemicals in the same way as movement does Simply beinghappyisn'tenough,especiallyaswearereallygoodatfakingbeingcheerful andupbeat!High-frequencybrainwavesaremeasurable,asarehormonesinour neurologicalsystem So,byunderstandinghowtoidentifytheactualexperiences wewant, itiseasiertoinvokethem!

Remember,whenyoupicturesomethingwithanaccompanyingexperience,your braindoesnotdistinguishbetweenwhatyouarepaintinginyourimaginationand whatyou'refeelingandactual3Dreality.Sobycreatingtheexperienceofyour financialmilestonethroughregularpractice,youareestablishinganewnormal foryourself.

Sayyouwanttocreatea6figureoranyotherincomelevel,youwillbemakingan inner reality that becomes so familiar that the gap or separation between that innerrealityand3d,real-worldmanifestation,willbegintoclose.6Figureswill notbesomethingoutsideofyourself,butpartofyourself.

Sayyouwanttocreatea6figureoranyotherincomelevel,youwillbemakingan inner reality that becomes so familiar that the gap or separation between that innerrealityand3dreal-worldmanifestation,willbegintoclose 6Figureswill notbesomethingoutsideofyourself,butpartofyourself

Certain hormones are known to help promote elevated emotions, including exhilaration,enthusiasm,excitementandgratitude-allpowerfulfrequenciesthat enablethebrain'sreticularactivatingsystemtofilteralltherelevantinformation itneedstoachieveyourintentions Whenyoulookatitthisway,thegoodoldLaw ofAttractionisactuallynotthatmystical.

I'vemadeitaccessibletoeveryone,whateveryourleveloffinancialaspirations. So, we hear a lot about "being the frequency of money " or, "resonating with wealth".Butwhatdoesthatactuallymean,andhowcanyoudothat?

Itisnotrocketscience;weneedtodeliberatelyactivatehappyhormones. These"happyhormones"include:

DopamineAlsoknownasthe"feel-good"hormone,dopamineisahormone andneurotransmitterthat'sanimportantpartofyourbrain'srewardsystem. Dopamine is associated with pleasurable sensations, along with learning, memory,motorsystemfunction,andmore.It'swhatallowsyoutoinstalland maintaingoodhabits!

Serotoninhelpsregulateyourmoodaswellasyoursleep,appetite,digestion, learning ability, and memory. Mood has a vibrational frequency. Mood quicklybecomesanattitude,whichquicklybecomespersonality.AndasDr JoeDispenzasays,"Personalitycreatesourreality".

OxytocinThishormonecanalsohelppromotetrust,empathy,andbondingin relationships,andoxytocinlevelsgenerallyincreasewithphysicalaffection likekissing,cuddling,andsex

Endorphinsareyourbody'snaturalpainreliever,whichyourbodyproduces in response to stress or discomfort Endorphin levels also tend to increase whenyouengageinreward-producingactivities,suchaseating,workingout, orengaginginlovingsex


Thesestatesofbeingnesseachlcorrespondwiththeemotionsthatwefeelwhenwe experiencepeaceandwell-beingwithanythingtodowithmoney.

So,itfollowsthenthatifwecandeliberatelyactivatethesehormones(whichare allassociatedwiththeflowstate),wewill'prime'ourenergytoprovoketherelease ofthesehormones.Thosesevenstatesare:










Theexhilarationofcontemplatingandachievingourmoneygoals-thatsparkly rush,oftenaccompaniedbytummyflutters,quickeningheartbeat,shorterbreaths andgiggles!


Awarm,stable,calm'high'-feelingcentred,groundedandupbeataswedowhen we feel masterful and trusting around money. This is the opposite of fear and contraction;noneedformentalpre-occupation.Everythingisinplaceforus,and ourenergyisfreeduptodirecttootherthings.


Adeepsenseofall-is-well-nessthatcomeswithrealisingallresistancehasgone, dropping out of dominant frontal cortex thinking into expansive breathing, stillness, serenity and deeper breathing. Combined with a flutter of excitement thatisournaturalstatewhenresistanceisgone.


Warmfeelingsoflove,connection,prideandcompassionforourselvesariseinus whenwetapintoagenuineemotionofourvalueandworthiness.Thisisatricky onetoinvokeifthereistraumaonadeeplevelorsubconsciousprogrammingto overcome, but regular practice will deepen our ability to self-appreciate (like money!)andisessentialtoaccessthistoshiftourfortunes!


Adeeperlevelofconfidencewhereallfearhasleftus.Adrenalineandcortisoldo notfigureinthecocktailofhormones.Stressiseasilymanagedandovercomeinan abiding faith in our safety and well-being. Like self-worth, this can be hard to createataneurologicallevelifit'snotgenuineandnatural.Butitisaby-product ofeasearoundallmatterstodowithmoneyandourfuture.


This is the lightness of excitement (strengthened by confidence, freedom, selfworthandsecurity)circlingbackonitselfasourimaginationsandvibrationbegin toexpandtoembracethenextlevelofwhatmightbe Thisisadelicioussensation where we let go of rational thinking, and fully engage our powers as creative beings,dancingwithourimaginationsintowhatmightbe


Themostpowerfulemotionandexperienceofall-deepcalm,peace,butaheart thatrejoicesinexaltationofwhatisandmightbe Thisiswheretheemotionoflove floods our being, a sense of connection with all that is, along with elevated awareness,lucidityandcompassion



You cannot use willpower to create frequency, nor force to invoke the happy hormones.Meditationisawonderfultooltodoso,butitpalesintoasecondnextto theformidablepowerofmovement.

Movement is an active way of evoking the emotions and sensations attached to yourprojectedoutcome.Movementisnotjustforthebenefitsofstayinghealthy andraisingourvibe!

Movementcombinedwithvisualisationandaffirmationsmultipliesthepowerof yourmindsetworkthroughtheactofgroundingitintoyourcells.

Movementandmeditationarepowerfulcatalystsforre-wiringyourneurological pathways to habituate the body to your preferred reality. I'm sure you already know the power of affirmations. Combining movement and mindset is 'affirmationsonsteroids'.

Asstudentsofmanifestation,thatfamous'vortex'ofconnectiontosourceenergy thatwe'realllongingtoaccess-wecandosothroughdeliberatelyincorporating activities into our daily life that provoke this chemistry in our bodies! Just get moving!


WhatdoImeanbyvigorous?Ifit'sjustpushingthevacuumcleaneraround,it probablywon'thaveaneffect,butdancingwillinstantlyliftyourmood,makeyour heartbeatfaster,andreleaseendorphins Abriskwalkinnaturewillhavethesame effect, and any movement in nature will not just raise a pharmacy of happy chemicalsinyourbodybutconnectyoutotheearth'shealingfrequencies

Danceandmusicarebarnone,thebestwaytogettheendorphinsgoing Itishard to feel sad and angry after 15 minutes of bobbing around to whatever rhythm makes you shake your body and mood! Laughter, sex and chocolate are all endorphinreleaserstoo,andlaughterIrecommendusingandabusingasmuchas possible!

Whenyouaddmovementtothismanifestationwork,youchangeyourphysiology. Youareengagingyourentirenervoussystemwiththefullforceofyourattention, emotion, and body to induce a new state of being and instantly cultivate new beliefs.

Wouldyouliketolearntofeelinadvance,whatitfeelsliketoachieve6figures(or otherfinancialmilestones),andgroundthatintoyourbiology,atthesametimeas oxygenating your body, strengthening your muscles and ligaments, raising your cardiacrate,andallthemyriadofbenefitsthatcomewithbriskdailywalking?

Then I invite you to discover my series of Wealth Walkout™ dynamic guided meditations. IhaveknownofthepowerofwellnessandexerciseincreatingalifeI love,formanyyears.

As a busy entrepreneur who loves multi-tasking, the idea of exercising, being inspired and rejuvenated by nature and re-wiring my neurological system for a high-frequency relationship with money all at the same time, came to me in a downloadstraightfromdivineintelligence!



You are a change-maker who knows she needs to stay fit and zen as she turns her impact into income!

But it’s tough juggling the time-greedy demands of your business and lifestyle with keeping yourself in shape Long screen hours, full agendas and a complex techie world that seems to get more complicated by the day,

it’s no wonder that the first things that take a back seat are your fitness habits, your meditation practise and time spent tapping into your highest self desires and dreams.

Even the most successful woman will neglect self-care when she is already stretched with busyness and many people to look after! Welcome gorgeous! I’ve got your back! Or rather your feet and mind!

"Abolutely marvellous! I'm as high as a kite!" Katherine C , USA

W A L K - O U T C O L L E C T I O
N ™
"Loving the Wealth
Walkout Collection!" Kristi O , USA

"OMG! For those who haven't yet, get the Walk to Wealth collection. Just get it. It's truly phenomenal... The quality of the audios is stunning Thank you, Jenni, you have truly created something outstanding."


I’m sure you already know the power of affirmations. Combining movement and mindset is affirmations on steroids When you add movement into this success work, you are changing your physiology.

You are engaging your entire nervous system with the full force of your attention, emotion, and body to induce a new state of being and instantly cultivate new beliefs

In other words, you literally start practising in the sensations in your body, the feelings of your desired outcome You have to repeat an affirmation many times before it becomes an effortless thought pattern. But add movement into the mix and you will become a ninja at conjuring up your desires

"OMG just returned from my 6 figure walkout with a spring in my step and joy in my heart as well as tears in my eyes. Tears of expectations, tears of accomplishments, tears of desires , tears of joy, commitment , self-love , selfworth , self-confidence and self-esteem. I went out in pain and came back pain-free! Thank you Jenni!

Debbie D , UK

Anahita R , NL
CreatedforyourhighestlifebyJenniParkerBrown F I N D O U T M O R E !


HighVibe Brand&BusinessLifestyle.

AswithallSuccessNaturally™wisdom,ourwholeapproachtobusinessisholistic-withmind, body,soul,money,andthecosmosallincluded!

Colour is a beautiful example of how that works - colour is essential to your branding with all its subtle symbolism and psychology Then, it comes to your style, your personal colour palette typology, and the clothes you wear; then there is your environment - the decoration of your home, office or workspace - key for the emotional states you need for a flow state and highvibe business. And then there are the deeper aspects of chrono-sensitivity - how universal colour rays affect us daily and how, when we harness those natural laws, we can use them to ourmarketingadvantageandthriveincompleteharmony!

When it comes to colour and business, most people think of branding on a website and social media graphics because branding is considered an 'external' process that, applied as a strategy, should result in attracting sales However, the science of colour is much more profoundthanthat!

According to Aristotle, the original colours sent from God were Black and White, and all the other colours stemmed from these two Newton opened up new perspectives on that, and the colourspectrumasweknowitwasdefined

As scientists began to understand and analyse lightwaves and define the visible spectrum of light and colour, it became clear that black and white didn't fit anywhere - "If colour is solely the way physics describes it, the visible spectrum of light waves, then black and white are outcastsanddon'tcountastrue,physicalcolours."EncyclopediaBritannica

Thepowerofcolourinbusinessisinescapable Colouraffectsclientbehaviour,moods,thoughts,consumerchoices,andsales Ourreactionsto colours are deeply personal and rooted in our culture and experiences A particular shade can soothe frazzled nerves, agitate a hostile adversary, motivate and empower you to take action, andbringhealingenergywhenneeded

As Wassily Kandinsky proclaimed, "Colour provokes a psychic vibration Colour hides a power stillunknownbutreal,whichactsoneverypartofthehumanbody"

Colour therapy is a type of holistic healing that uses the visible spectrum of light and colour to affect a person's mood and physical or mental health So this is about your success and your potentialclients-botharealwaysinteracting!

Every colour of the spectrum falls into a specific frequency and vibration, which many believe contributes to specific properties that can be used to affect the energy and frequencies within our bodies.

While it is common knowledge that light enters through our eyes, it's important to note that light can also enter through our skin Given the unique frequencies and vibrations of various colours, people believe that specific colours entering the body can activate hormones causing chemical reactions, influencing emotion, and enabling the body to heal

Colours are known to have an effect on people with brain disorders or people with emotional troubles For example, the colour blue can have a calming effect, resulting in lower blood pressure, whereas red might have the opposite effect. Green is another colour that may be used to relax emotionally unbalanced people. Yellow, on the other hand, may be used to help invigorate people suffering from depression

Alternative therapies also believe that a person's aura contains different layers of light, which can be used for cleansing and balancing Knowing the colours in your aura can help you better understand your spirit and thus help you better understand how to heal Additionally, the colours surrounding you can also have various effects

Emotions are powerful and (whether we like it or not) drive our decision-making As a brand, you must cultivate a strong emotional connection with your customers. Branding colours provide a shortcut straight to your clientele's hearts. When you combine them in your personal style AND branding, and they accurately represent your message, mission, and energy, you become a coherent, distinctive, client-attracting powerhouse

I say 'should ' Branding is an art and a science that is hard to master as a client-attracting strategy, even for huge companies

While not necessarily something we are aware of consciously, as we go about our daily lives, the psychology of colour and social media branding continually affects consumers deeply. Colour moves us. It invokes hormonal changes in us. Perceiving and responding to colour is something we do on a second-tosecond basis, particularly in marketing and the internet world. Colour influences the mood and decisions of consumers - that means your ideal clients!

In my Divine Branding™ approach, colour is much more than a strategy Colour is a language, a vibration, and a powerful tool for supporting your vitality (which has a frequency that affects everything you do!) and your business mission and vision

Since it's spring, and everything is bursting into life (at least in the northern hemisphere!), let's take the power of green.


Green calms the nervous system, relaxes muscles, establishes personal balance, it calms, refreshes, and heals It can be used as a sedative and hypnotic agent A symbol of hope, the psychological effects of green that we can best utilise in our branding induce balance, harmony, tranquillity, freedom, and pleasure.

Green-based branding, although not fashionable, promotes clarity of the mind and the balancing of our emotions The lighter side of the colour indicates freshness and growth, while the darker shades of the colour green relate to prestige and wealth

Variations of the Color Green

Pale Green: Immaturity, Youth, Inexperience

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of green?

Nature right? Tall, green grasses or a forest full of tall evergreen trees Fresh green vegetables, apples, maybe animals, the green in a hummingbird's wings, a skittish green lizard, or a leaping green frog Eventually, your associations with the colour green might lead you to think of the financial industry with its printed notes or the beauty of the heart chakra

Green evokes growth and vitality, renewal and restoration: it stands for self-reliance, reliability, and dependability, being tactful, emotionally balanced and calm, nature-loving and familyoriented, practical and down-to-earth, sympathetic, compassionate and nurturing, kind and loyal with a high moral purpose, adaptable and flexible, a need to belong, all qualities that revolve around the heart

Green can be the best friend of the heartcentred entrepreneur As long as you choose the right shades and forms!

Emerald: Uplifting, Wealth, Abundance

Jade: Trusting, Tactful, Generous

Lime Green: Naivety, Playfulness, Anticipation

Dark Green: Ambitious, Greedy, Richness

Aqua: Calming, Healing, Protecting

Olive: Peaceful, Deceitful, Strong

Yellow Green: Cowardice, Conflict, Fear

Grass Green: Self-confident, Healthy, Natural

Why wear green in your image and style?

As you can see, it can communicate your message as a heart-led change-maker!

And wearing green will allow you to benefit from the properties associated with the heart chakra.

The colour of the heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is located at the centre of the chest area and is linked to this entire area, the heart, lungs, circulatory system, and cardiac plexus

The heart chakra bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds Opening the Heart Chakra allows one to love, empathize, and feel compassion So let's look at how you can benefit inside and out!

Green accents on your digital assets are like pops of Mama Nature - choose a shade that compliments your primary colours - cheerful and fun, rich and sophisticated, soft and subtle pastels, you can't go wrong with green!

Wearing green has all the above benefits! It will act as a grounding vibe - soothing you to cope with the crazy challenges of the entrepreneurial journey. And it will have the same effect on your audience - whether presenting or coaching - all the solid, grounded power of the natural world comes to your support and enhancement

Since green can lower your blood pressure and release irritability or pent-up emotions, start your day by visualising a green ray or bubble of light surrounding you and soothing you Ask your personal divinity to fill you up with healing, revitalising green light Or wear a green scarf or jewellery and feel all the above benefits keep you zen and centred as you go about your day.

As we acknowledge our new commitment to the global situation and our self-care, and as we become more and more visible in the online space, let green be your primary ally to convey your heart-centred mission

ColourgiseYourDreams withgreen


As a brand colour, green is highly associated with nature and health, ecology and the environment, heart values, compassion, and nurturing. The lighter tones of the colour indicate freshness and growth, while the darker shades of the colour green relate to prestige and wealth Are you thinking of changing your brand colours? Green, like nature, is everlasting!

Green plants enhance your environment, soothing your frenetic thought processes and providing oxygen for your hard-working brain 2 3 4 5

As a background to your video lives or client sessions, green plants convey that you are attached to nature's values. They always look classy and compliment your appearance as if you were wearing them!

Since green can lower your blood pressure and release irritability or pent-up emotions, start your day by visualising a green ray or bubble of light surrounding you and soothing you. Ask your personal divinity to fill you up with healing, revitalising green light. Or wear a green scarf or jewellery and feel all the above benefits keep you zen and centred as you go about your day. 6

Green accents on your digital assets are like pops of Mama Nature - choose a shade that compliments your primary colours - cheerful and fun, rich and sophisticated, soft and subtle pastels, you can't go wrong with green!

Make sure this is the one rainbow colour of food to eat every day -- even several times a day. Green foods are the most life and dream enhancing foods of all.


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Did you ever look at a gorgeous, inviting website offering hand-made, organic, exquisite products designed to nourish your mind, body and soul?

A luxurious, aesthetic space where you could already smell the aromas of the treasures on offer, and feel the benefits for your body of these top class products just from the page?

Did you ever wish that success, marketing, digital assets and feminine high-performance education could look and feel l that good, with the same life-changing benefits?

A training and business-growing environment that was as organic, delicious, natural and high-vibe as a fine range of hand-crafted toiletries?

So did I. And I created one.

Coming soon! Get on the wait list! Make sure you are sign up on the main Jenni P page for news!


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