WELLthy Life TM
MAY 2022
MANIFESTATION LIFESTYLE The Art & Science of Attracting Abundance Through Wellness
artork by Kate Yurenda @dreamboldnetwork
To live a high-frequency lifestyle, dialled into the laws of abundance, is a way of life. We can easily avail ourselves of the potency of the natural world and harness the infinite abundance that is innate in every part of earth life. We spend so much time looking for answers to our challenges and striving for volatile values when the natural world offers us a plethora of bounty that we can use practically - all the darned time - to prime ourselves for creating our best lives and businesses. Every month, I bring you three or four Power Elements that are steeped in symbolism and vibrational power which you can tap into in entirely practical ways to increase productivity, well-being and money! Using the Power Elements is not something you do when you get around to it. It’s a return to the arms of the divine beauty surrounding us to bask in its guidance and nourishment. Each month I select relevant flowers, minerals, trees, colours and elements that are innately connected to the interaction between the seasons, the months and your goals.
Priming and preparing you to create your most abundant, high-vibration lifestyle. "Show up as your highest self every day and your highest self with will meet you there"
MANIFESTATION LIFESTYLE Wellness and manifestation are soulmates, and if you dream of finding yours - that is, you aspire to your ultimate wellness, and to be able to manifest really cool results, you are going to love this! It starts with a steadfast commitment to a holistic lifestyle. And a clear idea of the lifestyle you idealise. A holistic lifestyle is not just a pretty name for savvy, hip entrepreneurs. Your mind, body, and spirit are designed to work together in ways that will help support your goals and the outcomes that you would like to achieve over your lifetime. This isn't just about up levelling your revenue (most people's idea of heaven) — this is about showing up as the person you are destined to become in this lifetime. This is true manifestation and not just about 'conjuring' stuff up out of nowhere! So back to your mind, body and soul equation. Each part of your human make-up has a role and a purpose to play. The role that each piece plays contributes to every decision you make and each action you take. Each facet, mind, body and soul, has its own consciousness.
The three facets work together to shape who you are on both the outside and inside. The most ideal state for human bodies is homeostasis - our self-regulating process which seeks equilibrium. Then we add on the energetic frequency of our minds daily. Our eternal soul, of course, is constantly conversing with our whole being, through the emotions and the heart, which has a very high frequency. For lasting change to take place, change needs to happen on all three levels of consciousness. When all three parts work together towards a similar goal, that's when almost anything becomes possible. When your mind, body and soul are working together in harmony, life seems effortless. You are happy and fulfilled; everything just seems to naturally go your way. However, this state of balance isn't easy to achieve. It requires a lot of work, effort, patience, and attention to detail over an extended period of time. And even then, one slight imbalance within one of these "parts" can completely take you off track and cause the balance within the system to break down. In WELLthy Life™ enjoy each month a new bounty of wellness and abundance!
What has seasonal energy and the power of nature to do with success? Everything. This beautiful planet was designed for us to thrive, for where we are in humanity's evolution. We are interconnected, which is why it is so tragic to behold our The best way we can honour that, and the planet is to deliberately re-calibrate our lifestyles to be in harmony with that. We have no choice if we are to continue to live our heaven on Earth. The western populace has separated itself from the natural order of the world to end up with the dire consequences that currently face us. And yet, the days, weeks, months and years pass by. Still, we ignore the responsibility we have as caretakers, oblivious to the urgency. This is not just about our and the planet's well-being. This is about our businesses and livelihoods too! There exists on the internet, so much doctrine spouted about what constitutes a successful life. When Mama nature and the cosmos offer us ALL the answers if we would but take the time to remember that! So many people are in spiritual or soul starvation, as well as way out of balance emotionally, physically, energetically and morally. Whereas the awareness of how it is so simple to thrive if we integrate the bounty of resources available to us. So many of our challenges could be solved simply by living WITH the seasons and leveraging the power of their energy and symbolism. To be connected with the Earth, the seasons, your soul and your dreams every day is to quantum leap your experience and vibrational frequency. And so welcome to enchanting May. May is a fine month for both hemispheres. In the North, spring is gradually blooming into summer, while the South celebrates the beautiful colours of autumn and its harvest.
“Beltane is the start of summer in my half of the planet, and may it be a full, rich, fecund summer. May babies be strong and crops be abundant and happy couplings begin and ripen. May maypoles be wrapped with joyous wishes and may the dancers find what they desire. May what needs to begin, begin and grow stronger. May what needs to end, slip away with dignity. May the bonfires be bright, and life go on with all its vigor.” – Phaedra Bonewits, “Beltane Meditation.”
In Numerology, May holds the vibration of the number 5, offering abundance, excitement and celebration. This month invokes a sense of enchantment with its seasonal changes and many festivals, ushering in movement of the metaphysical and transformational kind. Through the breeze and tides, May carries with it a second chance. Romance or business opportunities a little shaky? The month of May has the energy to help us reach our goals and hearts' desires again. Utilise May's energies by giving your projects as much love and energy as you can muster; it's a month of initiative and momentum, despite the shadow of Retrograde on the 15th. May ushers in vast amounts of positive vibes with which to work. Live the journey in May, let your hair down, lift off the ground, dare to do things differently and daily check in yourself to ask the question, "am I really living or just existing"? The power days in the month of May, which exude the most fortunate energy for business, travel, and romance, are the 4th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 23rd. These dates are less likely to hold negative or obstacle making energy during the month.
May 1st marks the Beltane festival for the northern hemisphere, and Samhain is also celebrated on May 1st in the southern hemisphere. Dance, sing, be merry, emit light and love, celebrate and be the part sparkler in the new season. Work on staying in the highest vibration with which to carry through the winds of May. Beltane is the cross-quarter day that marks the mid-point in spring. We are now halfway between the Spring Equinox & the Summer Solstice. In the middle of the season, there is a clear difference in the energy compared to the beginning of the season. You can see evidence that the wheel has shifted. The days are noticeably longer – the sun sets much later than it did at the Spring Equinox. It's grown considerably warmer outside. At the Spring Equinox, new life was just beginning to emerge. But here, at the beginning of May, there is no denying that the Earth has been reborn. The festival of Beltane originates from the Gaelic word meaning "bright fire". But many Earth-based cultures had Spring festivals they celebrated at this time, which were called many different things. Many ancient Celts used these crossquarter days to mark the change of the seasons rather than the Solstices & the Equinoxes.
“Also known as May Eve, May Day, and Walpurgis Night happens at the beginning of May. It celebrates the height of Spring and the flowering of life. The Goddess manifests as the May Queen and Flora. The God emerges as the May King and Jack in the Green. The danced Maypole represents Their unity, with the pole itself being the God and the ribbons that encompass it, the Goddess. Colours are the Rainbow spectrum. Beltane is a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality, and delight.” — Selena Fox
Primarily herdsmen, these earth-based peoples' rituals were designed to protect their herds & encourage their growth. Special bonfires were built and considered to have protective powers. The herdsmen would drive their animals through the fire's smoke, and people would take the embers home to light the fires in the hearths in their homes. This was believed to protect them in the months ahead and encourage growth in their animals & in their lives. Like Samhain, which lies directly opposite Beltane on the Wheel of the Year, this was experienced as a period when the veil between worlds was at its thinnest. At Samhain, the veil between the worlds of the living & the dead is thin enough that we can connect & convene with our transitioned ones. Here at May Beltane, the delicate connection between the human world and the world of faeries & nature spirits has grown thin. All kinds of mystical creatures are thought to be especially active at this time of year. Offerings would be left at the ancient faerie forts, wells and other sacred places to appease these nature spirits to ensure a successful growing season. Most of all, Beltane was a time for great gatherings, celebrations & feasting. It was difficult for large groups of people to gather in the cold, wet winter months in ancient times. There simply weren't any spaces big enough for large numbers of people to gather. Beltane was one of the first times when people could come together again. It's an incredibly joyful, festive time. It is a time for coming together, to celebrate life. Most Beltane celebrations had largely died out until the mid-twentieth century, when some of these traditions were revived by the emergence of the modern Wiccan movement. Wicca was founded in the early twentieth century - a very new and benevolent spiritual tradition compiled of beliefs & celebrations that are actually taken from several Earth-based cultures that existed throughout Europe. We don't need to subscribe to Wicca beliefs to fully embrace the wisdom behind it! Nature has a fantastic ability to reproduce itself in such a stunning & beautiful way. It's essential to honour nature's power – a power that we, as humans, also hold. Right now, when the Earth is bursting with fertile energy, it is a powerful time to acknowledge & celebrate the fertility inherent in all life.
HAWTHORN Hawthorn, maiden, pure of heart Waits in dread desire at the door to the other world, Events that will transpire. In the northern hemisphere, countryside everywhere is sprinkled with delightfully frothy white Mayor Hawthorne blossom. The delicate lace hides sharp spikes. One of humankind's oldest companions, the hawthorn tree is bound up in the memories of every recorded age and the plot lines of cultures across the Northern Hemisphere. The Hawthorn is a tree of magical enchantment, strongly associated with Beltane, the ancient festival celebrating spring, love and protection. It is also known as the Fairy Tree, as fairies live under the Hawthorn as its guardians and so was treated with great respect and care. However, politely collecting Hawthorn sprigs and flowers was allowed, especially by brides, who wore Hawthorn blossoms in their hair or bouquet to symbolise their union of love. The Hawthorn is a small tree with abundant foliage growing on its thorny branches, which is wonderful for garden birds to safely make their nests. It is known for its longevity and can live over 400 years. The Celtic meaning of the hawthorn tree deals with balance and duality. The Hawthorn is full of contradictions, none of which went unnoticed by the soul-minded Celts. Further, the Hawthorn is imbued with male energy, yet it is historically a symbol of fertility and associated with the female goddess aspects (mother, maiden, crone). What do all these contradictions mean? The Hawthorn is a standing testament to the idea of duality; it is a perfect depiction of the notion of yin and yang. Hawthorn Tree Metaphysical Meaning This Ogham symbol is used in Celtic Reiki, and its essence represents the energy of cleansing and preparation. The tree essence cleanses the heart of negativity and stimulates love and forgiveness. The Hawthorn is the tree most representative of the struggles the Christian Church had in suppressing pagan beliefs and celebrations. Hawthorn is respected as a tree of enchantment under the protection of the faery realms. It guards wells and springs. Its beautiful flowers are said to help prayers reach heaven. The myths recount that if you sit under a Hawthorn on May 1st, you are liable to be whisked away for good to the faery underworld. Hawthorn is burned to purify, and draw faery to your eye. I honour the energy of Hawthorn for cleansing and restraint. I will choose what I place within my body and empty myself of all that violates my personal well-being. So mote it be
This is a tree of duality - the masculine and feminine worlds, the tender and the sharp, this world and the other world, sharp thorns and delicate blossoms. Since it's considered unlucky to bring some into the home, why not join some Hawthorn in its natural habitat. Contemplate its magical powers and what they mean for this season. Journal on the duality - the yin/yang, tender/painful part of your entrepreneurial journey. And just rejoice in the grounding power of using nature's bounty as your guide and support. We certainly need it in this paradoxical world!
As Totem and spirit animals, Hawks, are believed to be messengers from the spirit realm in many cultures. They represent determination, focus, leadership, clarity, future planning, intuitive decision making, and protection. They often show up when you are strongly called to fulfil a goal or mission and need strength and encouragement to keep moving forward. If that happens - pause and reflect. Depending on where you see a hawk and the emotions that arise when you see one, your message will vary based on your individual journey. The sharp-eyed birds are often found perched up high, with a keen and broad observation of everything happening for miles around them. They appear nonchalant in their surroundings, giving the feeling that everything is under control. Expert hunters, they possess one of the best optic abilities in most of the bird kingdom. Spiritually, hawks represent being in control of your own reality by utilising intuitive wisdom and swift decision making. They represent the power of focus, determination, and confidence in the process of creation. Hawks are intelligent and represent the power of divine sight, seeing opportunities and futures that most others can't see. When a hawk is nearby, you may notice that your spiritual awareness increases, and you feel more in alignment with your body, mind, and spirit. The presence of hawks is spiritually activating for those who have a strong connection with their faith, angels, guides, and their own spiritual being. Have you ever felt that?
Hawks can show up in your life when you are learning the lessons of manifestation and universal connection. They teach you to take action when the time is right and to wait patiently through emotional ups and downs to prevent an irrational decision. Their strength is to lead with their heart energies when the heart is aligned with all other body energy centres. Depending on where you live, of course, when a Hawk appears, be ready for a whole new level of awareness developing in your mind and spirit. Hawk bears observation skills and broad perspectives on his wings. You could not ask for a better spirit companion if you've been working on your overall life view. This powerful raptor signals a reminder in your life that you need to focus on what's ahead and prepare for a leadership role. Your global vision is a potent helpmate in this. Like the Hawk, you are ready to fly higher than ever before. Research what kinds of Hawk are native to your area and watch out for one on your daily walks! Connect with your inner Hawk and allow its wisdom to bring clarity and the peace of being close to the animal and spirit world.
It is not unusual to feel Hawk's inspiration when you are working closely with new divination methods. Effectively, you're learning to trust your inner guidance and Higher Self. Do not simply brush off gut instincts as being coincidence. When a Hawk is around, these moments become far more frequent. Direct your attention to the messages you're getting and let Hawk hone your focus. What does Hawk symbolise? As a Spirit Animal, Hawk teaches awareness. The universe is trying to send you a message (it always is!). It is vital for you to interpret the spiritual message correctly and internalise the associated lesson. But when this bird of prey presents itself as your Spirit Animal, you may be aware that even the most ordinary circumstances could have deeper meanings. Hawks have the sharpest eyesight of all Raptors; this signifies that it's time for you to pause and pay attention – to everything. In particular, Hawk challenges you to get a higher perspective on something holding you back. Until you get the "big picture", you could remain stagnant. Also, Hawks hunt in groups. When Hawk shows up (real, on screen, or in a story or book), perhaps it's time to ask yourself about the company you keep – in both your personal and professional life - especially on social media! For oodles more info on the power of Hawk symbolism, visit https://crystalclearintuition.com
EMERALD Emerald is the birthstone for Taureans. Those born under the zodiac sign of Taurus are spring and creatures, and as we know, Emerald is the gem to celebrate the bright burst of new life. But beyond spring energy, Emeralds and Taureans have so much more in common. This fascinating green stone supports many sides of the Taureans' personality. Both Taurus and the Emerald share an association with Venus, and both encourage valuing connection and relationships. How to Use the Emerald Gemstone Once you have decided to welcome Emerald's luminous light and everlasting love into your life, it helps to know how best to harness that energy. One of the best ways to make the most of Emerald is to wear it against the skin. This is why Emerald jewellery is so popular. It is absolutely stunning and will make you feel like a million dollars, but it also invites the stone to get straight to work on imparting its wisdom to the wearer. When pressed against the skin, the Emerald can send those healing vibrations right through without any kind of barrier, whether an Emerald necklace is worn close to the heart, an Emerald ring or an Emerald bracelet for beating against the pulse. In Feng Shui practice, the Emerald is all about wood energy. It's a stone that whispers promises of growth, nourishment, new beginnings, and vibrant health. It's a powerful stone to have on hand when starting new projects or needing to breathe new life into something that feels stagnant. Emerald is a highly spiritual stone, making it a remarkable amulet for meditation. As it soothes, calms and leans into balance, you can hold this gem in your palm whenever you feel your flow is disrupted or when you need to be brought back into harmony. It can also be used in reiki healing and for aura cleansing too. The Emerald takes its name from the Sanskrit word 'Marakata', which means the green of growing things. Emerald has long been seen as a hugely powerful gem. From Cleopatra to Aristotle and Alexander the Great, so much mythology is hidden within the Emerald. The Chaldeans were sure the goddess Ishtar was encased within the Emerald stone. The Ancient Egyptians believed it was an amulet of rebirth and fertility. The Incas believed it to be a stone that promised eternal life. Studded within the crown jewels of Russia, linked to the Greek goddess Venus, and even believed to be the material the holy grail was made from, there are a thousand and one stories that shine out of the Emerald. One enduring theme that radiates from its leafy spring shades is the promise of eternity and love. Like all green gems and crystals, Emerald is linked to the heart chakra, and the colour green is also said to be the calmest shade our bodies and minds just want to drink in. The Emerald is known to possess a lot of benefits, including a heightened intuition and better vision which awakens our internal capacity to foretell events of the future and reveal its hidden meaning. The Emerald possesses healing properties and protective qualities that allow complete stimulation and restoration of the mind, body, and spirit.
How we perceive and interact with our world is largely impacted by the colours that surround us. While not necessarily something we are aware of consciously, as we go about our daily lives, the psychology of colour and social media branding is continually affecting consumers on a deep level. Colour moves us. It invokes hormonal changes in us. Perceiving and responding to colour is something we do on a second to second basis,. particularly when it comes to marketing and the internet world. Colour influences the mood and decisions of consumers - that means your ideal clients! Green calms the nervous system, relaxes muscles, and establishes personal balance, it calms, refreshes, and heals. It can be used as a sedative and hypnotic agent. A symbol of hope, the psychological effects of green that we can best utilise in our branding induce balance, harmony, tranquility, freedom, and pleasure.
Green evokes growth and vitality, renewal and restoration: it stands for self-reliance, reliability and dependability, being tactful, emotionally balanced and calm, nature-loving and family-oriented, practical and down-to-earth, sympathetic, compassionate and nurturing, kind and loyal with a high moral purpose, adaptable and flexible, a need to belong, all qualities that revolve around the heart. Green can be the best friend of the heartcentred entrepreneur. As long as you choose the right shades and forms! Why wear green in your image and style? Well as you can see, it can communicate your message as a heart-led change-maker! And wearing green will allow you to benefit from the properties associated with the heart chakra. The colour of the Heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is located at the centre of the chest area and is linked to this entire area, the heart, lungs, circulatory system, and cardiac plexus. The Heart Chakra bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds. Opening the Heart Chakra allows a person to love more, empathize, and feel compassion. With so much focus on the connection between fashion and pollution, green is the star of all things ethical and sustainable. Especially when it comes to the fashion industry's shift to planet consciousness. For me, that association with planet care is crucial for my style choices. Recycled, second life clothes and market bargains are a priority for the planet.
Metaphysical Properties The calming shades of green remind us of the deep sigh of relief that comes with spring after a cold hard winter. This is also reflective of how Emerald can feel in your soul. When our heart chakra is closed or out of balance, we may feel timid in our approach to people. We may struggle with empathy or compassion and judge ourselves and others too harshly. We may also have problems with forgiveness and trust, which can keep us closed off and locked in loneliness. When our heart chakra is open, we can trust in our choices, love deep and wide, and practice healthy selfcare and compassion, cutting out the inner editor and making sure that we remain kind and considerate to others and ourselves. With this practice comes the chance to deepen into divine love and say 'yes' to universal blessings. There are also themes of eternity in the Emerald stone, which speak to our sense of spiritual timelessness and letting go of mortal fears. Grab your journal & spend some time in self-reflection at this powerful seasonal time. Here are some excellent questions to ask yourself at this time of year …
artwork by Kate Yurenda of @dreamboldnetwork
GREENS WITH EVERYTHING... Emerald Green + Navy. Green + Hazy Gray Forest Green + Brown. Green + Brown Emerald + Burnt Orange. Green + Dark Orange Olive + Light Orange. Green + Light Orange Lime Green + Pink. Green + Dark Pink Douglas Fir + Blush. Green + Light Pink Pale Green + Tan. Green + Tan Sea Foam + White. Green + White. Pistachio + navy. Pastel green + deep brown Forest green + lavender Chartreuse + beige Pastel green + deep brown Forest green + lavender Pea green + gold Ochre and mint
You can dress like a millionaire for any budget at all, ladies! As a rule, warm skin and hair tones look better in the warmer greens - those with a higher proportion of yellow and muted with grey or brown undertones. Warm jades and Aquas also look good on autumn skin types. Redheads invariably look stunning in green, as do those with green or hazel eyes. The brighter, colder greens enhance a pale skin tone wonderfully, as they do dark and ethnic skins. Green lends itself to colour-blocking - that is wearing a whole outfit in one colour with different hues. And also to monochrome where you take a colour and choose several tones. This is a colour you can experiment with, minus the risk of disastrous clashing results. And if you’re just becoming green-fingered in your fashion garden, try prints with greens or statement accessories to begin with - bags, jewellery, scarves and even shoes! Even if green is not among the favoured hues in your own wardrobe, the streets of Milan prove that its styling potential is endless. From splashes of neon to the delicious chartreuse you'd find inside a Viennese pastry, there’s a green for everyone — you just need to find out which one suits your personal style. Because, unlike red or yellow, black and white there IS the ideal green for you. And as a heart-led change-maker on a mission to stand out in your niche and shine, wearing your greens is basically as important as eating them. ©Jenni Parker Brown 2022
IDEAS and INSPIRATION TO USE THE MAY POWER ELEMENTS TO GUIDE AND RECONNECT YOU TO YOUR NATURAL POTENTIAL May Energy 1. What currently lights your spirit up? What do you feel inspired to devote your spring energy toward? 2. Do you feel connected with your sensual energy? How can you connect more deeply with that part of you in this time of love and fertility? 3. What parts of yourself do you feel most confident about? Where do you need to boost your selfconfidence? 4. What intentions do you want to plant for the coming weeks & months? What do you hope to grow in your life? What do you want to harvest in the fall?
Hawthorne 1. As a 'Gateway to the other world', give yourself some time to find a bush or tree and contemplate their ancient symbolism for mankind. Stay for a while in the magical presence and breathe the possibilities of knowing that we live in a multi-dimensional world. 2. Journal on the dual nature of their mythology and how polarities show up in your own life. How are you showing up in contradiction? What protection can you give to yourself? 3. Treat yourself by swapping scrolling Social Media and dive into the fascinating and empowering lore of the Hawthorne, whose powers have supported our seasonal evolution for thousands of years. This is a Hawthorne Bible! Click here.. If your area does not have this bush growing natively, treat yourself to a book, picture or calendar of trees and their meanings.
The Hawk 1. Journal on how you can keep a 'hawk's eye' view of your business and finances. Are you watching out for opportunities? Are you able to spot problems coming from afar? 2. Refer back to the section on the Hawk and keep some kind of symbolism on your altar to support your manifestations. Which of the qualities of the Hawk would you like to develop? Decision making? Divine intuition? What can you do this month to develop these powers? 3. How much time do you spend in the wild? Not just on a quick walk in nature but some real quality time in wild places - mountains, lakes, forests, rocky coasts, deserts, even jungle? It is so important to connect with the energy of wild whenever we can as an antidote to complex, modern, techie and stressful living. Can you book yourself some 'wilding' time? Emerald and Green How can you balance your heart chakra in your business? Buy yourself some green tops for client and connection calls for all the benefits of the colour and maybe some faux emerald earrings! Increase the plants you have in your workspace. Take spirulina in your smoothies! artwork by Kate Yurenda of @dreamboldnetwork
Want to manifest faster? Come and join us in the Preeminence Rising Facebook group for daily prompts and quests! Click above.
MANIFESTING AT THE SPEED OF LIGHT The Art Of Living From Your Highest Life
"You can't wait to feel love, abundance and vitality (to create them) based on cause and effect, that's the old model of reality", Dr Joe Dispenza
Manifest at the speed of light.. isn't that what we
all yearn to do?
the keys. By assuming the feeling of having or
To play at being an all-powerful Goddess with super-power abilities that allow us to conjure up
whatever we want in the blink of an eye. It IS possible
fundamental provisos. The key to this lies in the word 'manifesting'.
experience, that which is made manifest can be described as something that is easily recognised by the senses.
but that's not the real reason we want 'stuff'.
We want experiences on the material plane to 'feel' what it's like to be us!
Most people who understand and practice the Law of Attraction believe there is always a time
lapse between setting a desire and seeing it manifest. But according to masters in universal
laws, such as outstanding esoteric Pioneer Neville (who
eventually manifest in your physical world. When you persist in an assumption until it becomes your dominant thought and feeling, that assumption has no choice but to harden into fact.
from a more recent master of universal law, Mike
Dooley; he coined the phrase "Thoughts are things",
an idea which has become widely accepted by students of consciousness.
Pioneers in neuroscience such as the formidable
Obviously, we want to see it, touch it and spend it,
being what you desire to have or be, it would
You are most probably familiar with the phrase
Even though the popular understanding is that 'stuff'
Neville discovered that emotions and feelings were
essays in the first half of the 20th Century), there
does not need to be that time-lapse. Quantum
physics supports that, but let's stay with the practicalities for now.
Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton, have familiarised the world with the idea of how our
The shorts:
The brain and the body are one. The brain is in the body, it is part of the body, and it controls the body.
influence the events and circumstances you
experience. Your mental states affect your bodily
posture, and your posture influences your mental and emotional states - your vibration. Your vibration is your energetic frequency.
Consciousness is the Only Reality Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance
Neville coined a principle known as the Law of Assumption:
of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. – Neville Goddard
Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to its fulfilment. – Neville Goddard
He taught that a theory, belief or idea would
harden into fact if you keep assuming it. You can
actually prove this to yourself. Simply look back at your life and compare it to what you have assumed to be true and how it turned out.
If you do this, you will notice how your
assumptions have always manifested in your physical world.
That which you are conscious of is the only reality. In other words, your world, your life, is made of the content of what you are conscious of.
For example, if you are broke right now, it's
because you are conscious of your lack of money. If you do have money, but you're still afraid of
spending money, you are mindful of lack of money. If you don't have your main desire right
now, it's because you are conscious of the absence of such a desire rather than its presence.
To break out of the circumstances you want to change, you have to shift
consciousness. You have to let go of what you are conscious of now and become
absolutely one hundred aware of having your desire, even though it may not have appeared in your 3D world yet.
Imagination Creates Reality Imagination is the only redemptive power in the universe." – Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard taught the following premise: "God is in your wonderful human imagination." The core teaching of Neville is that there is no God outside of us because God is in us, and we are God.
That divine force called God is having an experience through each human being, and it is our purpose, as humans, to use that power to learn how to use our
imagination to create the life that we dream of. However, being the God of our reality also means taking responsibility for everything that happens to us, whether we've created it consciously or unconsciously. This is a tricky one for many people. They love the idea of being an all-powerful creator, but are ready to blame people and events outside of themselves for the stuff that goes wrong! These two titans of consciousness are saying the same thing…
The usual widely-taught techniques of visualisation and affirmation do not even
come close to mastering the core skills necessary to be an empowered, deliberate creator through your frequency, for the frequency of bliss and abundance is a state of being, not having.
"The hardest part is to teach the body what it will feel ahead of the experience. " Dr Joe Dispenza
These two titans of consciousness are saying the same thing…
The usual widely-taught techniques of visualisation and affirmation do not even come close to mastering the core skills necessary to be an empowered, deliberate creator
through your frequency, for the frequency of bliss and abundance is a state of being, not having.
It is a state that some teachers call 'being in alignment with their desires'. Dr Joe Dispenza calls it 'Creating from the unified field'.
Some call it enlightenment. I call it the fulfilment of our highest potential. In the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing the action of the desired outcome, if you're
truly present and experiencing the elevated emotion, the brain does not know the difference between what you're imaging and what you are experiencing in the 3D world." Dr Joe Dispenza Persist in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, and it will materialise in your physical world. – Neville Goddard
Living with the end in mind or as wishes fulfilled' is a practice that even adept students of Law of Attraction struggle with. But what does it mean, and why is it crucial that you integrate this teaching if you want to manifest your desires quickly and easily?
When Neville spoke of "living in the end", he meant that if you desire to be married, for
example, you need to imagine and feel that you are ALREADY married. Don't bother imagining going out on a first date, because once you've imagined that you are already married, that first date and everything in between will just be "bridges of incidents" that will happen automatically and will take you to your end goal.
On the other hand, if you get caught up manifesting a date, you might very well get stuck there and never manifest marriage. Many people in the manifesting community have actually fallen into that trap.
And this goes for every single thing that you want to manifest. If you want to manifest a
car, for example, imagine that you are going to the repair shop for your first check-up. This will imply that you are the owner of the vehicle that you want to manifest.
No matter what you desire, you need to go to the end (your end goal) for everything you want to manifest because it's the fastest way to get there.
So how do you do that? How do you create the feelings and emotions of a wish fulfilled? Ha! This is the million-dollar question - literally.
There is a practical way to access this skill daily, one that is available to everyone on earth. It has to do mindful attention to our whole well-being as a consistent habit.
It's called alignment. When you align with your desires, you are experiencing them for a
maximum amount of time each day. You are an energetic frequency match for your desires.
Remember, when you imagine and feel a scenario,
your brain does not know the difference between the feeling and it being apparent on the physical
plane. You are actually manifesting at the speed of
light - like the goddess you are. But first, you must relinquish getting stuff and having stuff in this
physical plane. You have to renounce touching the
evidence for seeing the evidence with all your senses.
Are you willing to do that? You must dare to assume you are what you want to be, remain faithful to that assumption, and it will come to pass. If you are not faithful, it will not come to pass. If you don't assume it, it will never come to pass, for you are the operant power. – Neville Goddard There is no power outside of your own consciousness. Therefore, you cannot turn to anyone outside of self, said Neville. He also said that God resides in our
wonderful imagination. Neville had understood and taught that what we call God, Source, or Universe is
not outside of us, it is within us. Since our consciousness is the only reality there is, we are the
source of all things that we experience in our lives, even how other people are showing up.
The illusion of time is one of the greatest illusions of this 3rd-dimensional world, along with the illusion of
separation. But truly, the only moment that exists is now. The past and the future only exist in our minds.
The reason why we can revise and change the past is that linear time doesn't truly exist. We have been
educated to see time as linear, and we accept that things are supposed to be that way because of our
assumptions. If you were to examine every single one of your beliefs and assumptions, you would see that the only proof that it is so it's because you believe that it is so. Thus, it is called the law of assumption.
Ok; so where do the 9 Graces come in?
If you can assume and expect the things you desire, you can play in the playground of the goddess not a deity but you as you are - with absolute conviction and certainty of the outcome.
That, in itself, is a worthy topic to journal on; many people are loath to let go of victimhood.
But you must if you are to come into complete alignment.
In part 2 of this training, I will explain precisely how
you can access that alignment and give yourself the conditions to experience the frequency of your desires and become a natural practice.
The secret lies in wellness - hence the title of this work - WELLthy Life!
Start manifesting at the speed of light. 1. Nothing will shift if you don’t fully integrate this
universal wisdom. So first of all, check out the work of this amazing mystic. He was one of the
early pioneers of Law of Attraction wisdom - and you can’t get truer to the principles than this!
You can download some free resources from Neville’ Goddard here:
2. You must be very clear about your desires and
what you want to achieve on the 3D plane.
So since it’s New Year, update your top 5 to 10 goals for 2022. Write them down, and next to each one,
write down 3 to 6 words that describe what you feel and experience with the realisation of these goals.
3. Make a list of all of those things you have
already manifested because you ASSUMED or
expected them to happen. Don’t hold back on this
one - you are training your brain to SEE THE EVIDENCE Do you have a new journal for the new
year? Turn it upside down and use it from the other end. Call it Evidence Journal. This is a very powerful exercise: every day, preferably in the morning with
your morning ritual, write down 6 to 10 pieces of evidence of your goals manifesting.
It can be as small and simple as “I had an idea for a
program”. Or as significant as actually signing up a new client.
The smaller the evidence you look for, the faster you
train your brain to be in that state of assumption or expectation. Do this every day. Don’t stop!
BEHAVE & GROW RICH How To Use Simple Daily Habits To Strengthen Your Wealth Consciousness What you want to 'be' and what you want to 'have' is what determines how you ‘behave’, and ultimately what you attract through your behaviour! So it is wise to be masterful, not just with your mind but your behaviour, even in the most trivial daily habits. In fact, we can use these habits to reinforce neural pathways that strengthen all of the actions we take to create our dreams. Daily rituals are my favourite way of ensuring my actions are coherent with my dreams. Here are a few of my favourite protocols: Affirmations in motion: When we add movements to our affirmations we are making physical statements about our intentions. The mind retains the patterns of physical movement more easily than concepts and ideas. We don't learn to walk from a book but by doing the actions of walking. Little by little the body retains the balance and strength we require to remain on two feet and advance, step by step. If we stand up and repeat a positive affirmation and make a gesture that interprets our affirmation the body will remember this information far more easily than by simply stating or visualising It may be a sweeping gesture with the arms or twirling on the spot or gathering in from the heavens or clapping hands..
If it is a gesture that you do habitually, and you repeat this gesture during the day, you will begin to associate a simple gesture with a mind statement. The affirmations will be triggered by the movement. It will remind you of the new song of wealth you want to listen to, and plant it in your subconsciousness. Now take the idea one step further. Deliberately create associations of images with the ordinary actions that you do in your daily routine, brushing your teeth, making coffee, or getting in the car. Incorporate your gestures into those routines with the positive affirming thoughts that accompany the movements. Sweep your arms up to the sky before brushing your hair and imagine riches shower upon you. Now see them raining on you as you brush your hair imagining the smart, expensive new brush you will buy and the gorgeous herbal hairspray you will choose. Or trying on a Hermès scarf! This might sound silly, but it is actually a valuable tool of manifestation! In fact, you will be less attached to the outcome of your desires and more in the flow of embodying them. And that is magnetic to abundance!
The more you make the kinesthetic experience of your
Manifest things rather than money. Build up your
wealth a physical part of your daily routine, the easier will
confidence with rakes, honey, mascara, hammers, and
become the reflexes to retain the affirmations.
pressure cookers – they carry fewer complexes (usually) than money. With practice, you only have to
Gradually this sweet new song of abundance will ring in
think of a particular-sized nail for it to pop up
your head and replace the one you don't wish to hear any
somewhere unexpectedly.
Dress like a superstar – be resourceful and find Every time there is a lapse and you start to feel lack, just
quality second life, designer, or handmade clothes to
breathe and do your simple physical gesture again and
look stylish without exaggeration on the budget.
confirm to yourself the affirmation song you wish to hear.
There are now even ways to hire designer clothes online!
The challenge of this is not to put yourself out of your comfort zone by going out and spending more than your
Treat your body as a temple and nourish it with
bank or wallet currently allows and then panicking
lovingly prepared homemade food served at a table
with flowers and natural decorations.
It is not a question of immediately eating in the most
Bathe with candles and incense and feel your royalty.
expensive restaurant or driving Porsche-fleets.
Make your bed a palace with Indian cushions and luxurious throws.
It is about making simple changes in your life that enable you to feel the freedom and possibilities of being and
Make your desk a mogul's paradise with slick
having riches, as a daily practice.
organisation, hand-decorated files, salt crystal filters, clear, with clean space to be brilliant in.
Because it is the practice of the practice that is the whole point of being wealthy!
Draw up a second chair opposite your desk for impromptu interviews. Do whatever it takes for your
Here are some other workable suggestions:
working area to make you feel like a successful entrepreneur!
Make physical well-ness an absolute priority. Feeling a million dollars begins with feeling like a million
There are dozens of other ways to transform our
environment into one that reminds us of the prosperity we are drawing in, without feeling the lack of it. Which is the main universal principle! Everything we desire is within us. By crafting our daily be and have habits, we live from a place of prosperity instead of striving to get to it. Prosperity is a game! Play it well!
Ladies! Movement is not just for the benefits of staying healthy and raising our vibe! Movement combined with visualisation and affirmations multiplies the power of your mindset work, through the act of grounding it into your cells. Exercise and meditation are potent catalysts for re-wiring your neurological pathways to habituate the body to your desired preferred reality. I'm sure you already know the power of affirmations. Combining movement and mindset is affirmations on steroids. Affirmations are spoken words of intention, but while positive thinking is inherent in that technique, affirmations are not the be-all and end-all of manifestation. You can recite something uplifting, but if you aren't embodying it physically, you are only skimming the surface.
"OMG just returned from my 6 figure walkout. with a spring in my step and joy in my heart as well as tears in my eyes. Tears of expectations, tears of accomplishments, tears of desires, tears of joy, commitment, self-love, self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem. I went out in pain and came back pain-free! Thank you Jenni! Debbie D, UK
"OMG! For those who haven't yet, get the Walk to Wealth collection. Just get it. It's truly phenomenal... The quality of the audios is stunning. Thank you, Jenni, you have truly created something outstanding." Anahita R, NL
But, by combining the spoken word and action, you massively multiply the power of the brain's work in making you familiar with the experience you desire. In other words, you literally start practising the sensations in your body, the feelings of your desired outcome. You have to repeat an affirmation many times before it becomes an effortless thought pattern. But add movement into the mix, and you will become a ninja at conjuring up your desires. When you add movement to this success work, you are changing your physiology. You are altering your neuro-chemistry. You are engaging your entire nervous system with the full force of your attention, emotion, and body to induce a new state of being and instantly cultivate new beliefs. In fact, you are training your body and mind to experience a desired outcome in advance of it being there.
"Abolutely marvellous! I'm as high as a kite!" Katherine C, USA "Loving the Wealth Walkout Collection!" Kristi O, USA You are a change-maker who knows she needs to stay fit and zen as she turns her impact into income! Even the most successful woman will neglect self-care when she is already stretched with busyness and a lot of people to look after! Well, gorgeous, I’ve got your back! Or rather your feet, mind and dreams! Introducing the Walk To Wealth Collection! A musical guided walking and visualisation experience that is designed to prime your neuro-pathways with wealth consciousness, while you burn calories! All you have to do is get your walking shoes on pop in your earbuds and tune in to your highest life! If you’re ready for an easy way to get your exercise, meditation, intention setting and mindset training all at once in 30 minutes a day, then this is for you! (PS it's super fun and FUNKY!) Choose from
The Six Figure Walkout™ is -a medium-paced 30-minute experience that will prime your neuro-biology to fulfil your money goals. The Run To Riches Tabata - 20 minutes of dynamic interval training with affirmations! The Quantum Vision Wealth Walk - 40 minutes of pure creation with the universe while you exercise your body! Click here to Work-out AND GET RICH! Early bird offer for our readers!
JULY 2021
fabulous ON A PLATE
"EAT YOUR WATER AND CHEW YOUR DRINK" I recently learned a cool phrase listening to the epic Jay Shetty of 'Think Like A Monk' fame. Jay was describing how, when he spent some time in an Ashram intending to become a monk, before becoming a global influencer, he was encouraged to consume his food in a way he had never know before - to 'chew water and drink food". Apparently, when Mahatma Gandhi said — "Chew your drink and drink your food", — he was stressing the scientifically proven benefits of chewing. A series of recent studies on chewing have established a few facts beyond an intimate connection between chewing and weight control. Speed eating, gorging and binge eating were found to majorly contribute to unhealthy weight gain. The studies confirmed chewing every mouthful for longer helps you lose weight because it allows your brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it's full. Therefore, the slower you chew, the lesser you eat. When you chew thoroughly, your digestive system is informed of incoming food. This triggers it to produce digestive acids and help the body absorb nutrients. When we feel hungry and ready to eat, many physiological things begin to happen within our bodies that we have no idea about. Our brain starts to talk to our digestive tract and start a whole lot of activity to get our food adequately broken down and absorbed.
Photo credit Unsplash
Stock Your Gold!
Photo credit Unsplash
For example, we produce more saliva, which contains salivary amylase that helps break down carbohydrates. Our stomachs begin producing hydrochloric acid {HCl} which helps break down protein in the stomach and the coolest thing, in my opinion, is that our bodies turn over to a "rest and digest" mode when we are ready to have a meal. So I thought this was an excellent protocol to take on at mealtimes - it's also called 'mindful eating'. And now I've adopted it; it seems crazy not to be mindful when eating! I know I pay the consequences if I forget this! So it's summer, and we are all about water and air and in this issue. Let's attribute the air aspect to eating lighter smaller portions, stopping when you're 70% full, taking some deep breaths before tucking in, and resting after meals.
When it comes to water - liquids - it is clear that liquid food can be nothing but a beneficial adjustment in our diet. For example: Hydrating foods provide essential nutrients. Hydrating fruits and vegetables are packed with electrolytes like magnesium and potassium," explains Dr Josh Axe, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., founder of Ancient Nutrition and DrAxe.com. "The body needs these nutrients to combat electrolyte imbalance, which aids hydration. Although drinking water alone is important, getting water from foods provides the nutrients you need to thrive, so it is also critical."
fine table art is essential to a preeminent life, therefore, make it fabulous. JENNI PARKER BROWN
Photo credit Unsplash
Presentation is everything when it comes to making food fabulous! From the tableware, to the colour-coordination, from the arrangement on the plate to the garnishes, give your dining the same love as if you were invitinga Prince to dinner! P A G E 4
Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author of The Candia Diet, notes that in cases of dehydration, getting water from food rather than drinking it plain could actually help you fight symptoms more quickly for this very reason. "Electrolytes are essential to proper hydration as they keep the body's pH balanced and are otherwise lost through sweat along with diarrhoea, burns, and even kidney failure," she explains. "Mild dehydration may be remedied through plain drinking water, but moderate dehydration requires potassium and sodium to be replaced. In this way, foods can be more hydrating than plain water." The following nine hydrating foods are perfect for summertime; not only will you be adding extra water to your diet, but you'll be getting extra natural sugars for quick energy on draining humid, hot days. I've listed them for your shopping list and suggested some fresh new ways of integrating some of them into your daily meals! Watermelon Cucumbers Oranges Strawberries Celery Iceberg or Romaine lettuce Peaches Tomatoes Grapefruit Now you can research the incredible benefits of these highly hydrating foods. You'll find a plethora of reasons to set at least three of them into your daily menus! So here are my Fab On A Plate suggestions to optimise these ingredients:
As well as sorbet, soup, smoothies and cocktails, watermelon loves itself with anything sharp, acid, salty and aromatic. Right out of my Fab On A Plate imagination, I will be serving chilled cubes of ripe watermelon drizzled with high-quality Balsamic vinegar, and sprinkled with fresh basil. I love raw jams (no sugar) so blending watermelon with chia seeds and maybe a little stevia seems obvious - the chia will absorb the water and become gelatinous. The stevia may not even be necessary. Somewhere this summer will figure a watermelon and avocado salad with chicory and a Feta dressing. Cucumbers: I have difficulty eating them as they get sliced up as cold eyes pads every morning...but raw green soup is my favourite. It's a posh, non-fruity smoothie, but oh my goodness, it's like drinking liquid gold for the tummy. Essentially I will find some interesting, peppery salad greens like Roquette or Chicory, or mustard and cress plus baby spinach.. throw it plus a whole, peeled cucumber in a blender with coconut water, light miso, fresh herbs, chives, avocado, some seaweed flakes, spirulina flakes or powder, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a pinch of (fat-burning) Cayenne pepper, some yeast flakes and lemon juice. Imagine, add and taste is my way of cooking, but I'm already salivating thinking of this mix as a chilled soup served with a swirl of olive oil or a dollop of coconut yoghurt. Or both. More fresh herbs, and if you like superfoods, I would slip a teaspoon of Green Wheatgerm powder in there too.
Oranges - just eat one whole every day to enjoy all the benefits of the juice! Strawberries - Since they are so packed with nutrients and are water-dense, our favourite little hearts are are ideal for summer smoothies. Blend them with coco water or veggie milk, a ripe banana, some vanilla essence, peanut butter, flaxseed and Maca powder for a truly superfood breakfast, or snack-as-you-go, power food. Water-dense celery is a fine scooper of yummy dips that you can play with! Hummus, Greek Yoghurt mixed with dried tomato paste or tapenade, guacamole flavoured with fresh herbs or cream cheese. If you tempted to open a crisp packet at summer aperos, make sure you have some celery on hand and swap naughty for life-giving! Romaine or Iceberg, for is the perfect wrap ingredient. Rather than carb-rich tortillas, you can summer-roll your way to a very filling lunch by filling them with gluten-free tabouleh, tempeh, tomato, and just about any kind of leftovers! And you get hydrated at the same time! Sweet peaches make a perfect, mouth-watering partner to sharp grapefruit to create a lusciously hydrating salad; as I like to turn every meal into a superfood, I would be sprinkling this with some pre-soaked Goji berries, bee pollen and toasted almonds or pine nuts. I bet this could tolerate some organic mozzarella sliced over it too! Tomatoes - in the summer, I get an early morning salt and water boost by eating tomatoes for breakfast. I prefer salty rather than sweet breakfasts and ripe tomatoes from the garden satisfy my salt loves!
Finally, remember that water is intelligent! It is sensitive to mood, intention, sound and vibration! So it follows then that water-dense food is no different! You can affect the benefits of your food by blessing it before consuming and visualising it healing and nourishing you to the maximum. Gratitude and appreciation of your meals will enhance the frequency of the good, and your body! You cannot go wrong getting more waterdense foods into your menus! And remember to chew, chew, chew mindfully - both food and drink! You will feel the benefits in your digestion, your skin and your general energy! Jenni Parker Brown
Super Food Essentials For Optimum Vitality "You cannot take too much time to make the right shopping decisions for your health." - Jenni P
Winter Squash
Green Tea
Brazil Nuts
Apple Cider Vinegar
Natural Yoghurt
Coconut Milk Yoghurt
Sweet Potatoes
Coconut Oil
Swiss Chard
Collard Greens
G Free Oats
Raw Cacao Powder
Chia Seeds
Click here
Feminine High--Performance desktop mentor and monthly planner
"Your all-in-one, best life, and manifestation blueprint.
Welcome to your Preeminence Monthly Planner ACHIEVEMENT BY DESIGN- EARN AS YOU LEARN The Preeminence Workbook™ is the perfect balance of goal-setting, strategy and aligned action-taking, with the vital inner work, mindscape and well-being practise, of a holistic success lifestyle.
The 9 Graces of Preeminence is a practice to help you design, envision, embody, and take action on your highest vision of life and business. 'Achievement By Design' means YOU are always in the
driver's seat, charting the course of this great journey into the unique expression of you, having the most fun, growing, and getting to express your greatness while you make both impact and income.
And all this, adapting to and transcending whatever is happening in the world.
RESULTS HAPPEN DAY BY DAY Use in conjunction with the 9 Graces of Preeminence™ in the main issue, and you will leverage powerful universal principles into your action and personal habit mastery.
You will organise your months from the perspective of your greatest,
unique self, fulfilling all of your potential. You can include all the details you love - wellness, style, biz goals! This is like planning your dreams into being, month by month.
When you operate FROM your highest life rather than trying to GET To it, you focus on the action needed to move you forward from that higher perspective.
This is like having your Success BFF, mentor and your soul at your fingertips. To
enjoy the full preeminence luxury experience, we
recommend using a PDF Reader (ex. Foxit, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.) Upload the workbook PDF into the application, and then you
can fill it out as you wish, straight from your device. You can write, edit, annotate and even doodle! Enjoy!
P Jenni
EXCELLENCE The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Bring excellence into all parts of your daily world. Aim to be the best you can be, whatever is going on. if we don't aim, we don't fire.
DISTINCTION Stand out as an authority in your field or topic by bringing all your authenticity to your presence. Align your image, behaviour and appearance with this uniqueness so that you are a magnet for opportunity and fortune. Showing up as world class will help you get world class results.
RENOWN Your know, like and trust factor must be impeccable. Be recognised as an influencer using the media and your connections so that your reputation is serving your highest interests. Be very discerning about how you appear in public.
Acknowledge, learn from and serve those in a more powerful place than you. Study their craft, their wisdom and experience. Choose your role models wisely. Emulate the practises of those you admire in your own way. Upgrade your peers, your education, and draw near to the decision makers, movers and shakers. Even better, make yourself indispensable to those whose favour could forward your projects.
PEERLESSNESS Make your genius your CEO so that you have no competition. Behave with integrity, nobility, confidence, generosity and innovation. Continually reassess your place in the market and use your own personality and ingenuity to adapt, so that you put yourself in a league of your own.
LEADERSHIP Be the change you want to see in the world and your bank account. Set an example that people will be inspired to follow. Follow your truth with the devotion of a hero.
TRANSCENDENCE Do whatever it takes to develop unshakeable self-belief. Do whatever it takes to overcome any imagined or real limitations. Get over your BS. Don't complain. Uplift yourself and others with the most inspiring conversation. Become versed in consciousness and universal laws so that you always maintain the highest perspectives, and refuse all debate and dogma.
+ENDURANCE This principle doesn't actually come up in the thesaurus as being a version of Preeminence. Nevertheless, none of the above can be achieved without flexing your endurance muscles. Tenacity and repetition remain the mother of mastery. We can never reach our preeminent potential without endurance. PREEMINENT IS AS PREEMINENT DOES We are on the edge of a new paradigm where mindset, social strategy, old tactics, hustle and grind networking no longer work. We are also in an era where the world of consciousness and the worlds of financial success, have collided. Human potential has never been greater. You truly are limitless and you will experience an expanded and brilliant version of your life if you follow your heart, stand in your truth and act with PREEMINENCE. Happy planning!
PREEMINENCE PLANNER USER GUIDE The Preeminence Planner is designed to help you envision and take action on your highest vision of life and business. Using the 8 Prinicples of Preeminence ™, it engages universal principles in your goal setting and personal mastery, by helping you organise your month from the perspective of your greatest, unique self, fulfilling all of your potential. Part vision board, part journal, part habit tracker, you can plan your month and week according to the 8 principles and helps you keep yourself acountable. It helps you focus on the action needed to move you forward but keeps you moving always from that higher perspective. With powerful inspiration prompts for every month, the Preeminence Planner 'holds the space' for your biggest dreams to come true.
MONTHLY INTENTION Every dream first needs a vision and an intention, so the first two pages of every month are for you to brainstorm the details of what you want to feel, be, achieve and earn.
Every choice you make influences the outcome of the month. Bring them into mindful awareness.
CHANGES With awareness you are empowered to know what changes to implement.
COMMITMENTS Then it comes down to your motivation and self discipline. This is the place to let the planner of what is going on with you.
PREEMINENCE NEEDLE CHANGERS This is where you get clear on what action and attutide will give you altitude. Think boldly!
SOCIAL CONNECTION AND NETWORKING There is you and there is the world. Meetings, clients, connections, outreach. Plan it so it happens.
STYLE AND SELF CARE NOTES Exquisite self care is a declaration to your body, the universe and your community, that you are serious about your success.
HABITS AND WELL-BEING TRACKER Habit tracking is a powerful way of focusing on your progress and continued growth.
Monthly overview "The most powerful thing we can ever achieve is to understand that whatever is happening in our life is all our own ‘seeing’. - Jenni P
PREEMINENT DUE DILIGENCE: Grade your priorities
Month at a glance MONTH:
OVERVIEW Action Steps:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SUN
'FABULOUS ME' STYLE INSPIRATION "How can I up-level my whole dressing and morning self-care routine?"
"Love, gratitude and clarity are energetic vitamins to be taken daily without moderation." MENUS - MEAL PLANNING - REMINDERS
HIGHEST SELF WELLNESS PLAN "Energy is as precious a commodity as money. We need wealth reserves to function in the world and exchange value. Such as it is with our 'WELLth' reserves."
1. 2. 3. 4. APPOINTMENT
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 INTENTION
End Of The Week Check-in and Review WINS, LEARNINGS, GRATITUDE
Pause and reflect on your progress this past week. What did you learn? How did you feel? What can you preeminently shift next week?
n ctio
Act ion
tio Ac
Ac n
c t io n
Action Notes:
Set Your Preeminent Goals Move the needle on your experience and results this month, aiming for the 4 cornerstones of holistic success, Mind, Body, Soul and Money. What sensations and feelings do I want to experience?
What financial growth do I desire to see?
What is my non negotiable must-do business goal this month?
What is my body
What is my soul
yearning for?
yearning for?
What is my non negotiable must-do wellness goal this month?
Watch out for yor new issue of Preeminence!
House of Preeminence High-Performance Workbook Copyright © 2022 by Jenni Parker Brown Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher houseofpreeminence.com Contact Jenni at jenni@jenni-p.com House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300
'What exactly does Preeminence mean? tt's a little used word to define a state of sublime achievement and omnipotence It sounds full of grandeur yes, but we work on the principle that, it is only by reaching for the moon that we will ever have a chance of making it to the stars. Preeminence IS glory and influence in action for the greater good! It is sophisticated, yes, but look at what happens when the gravity of mediocrity keeps us from shining our lights brightly. ,When we practise Preeminence, they become lasers for personal and collective change. It is scary, yes because whenever we contemplate dedicating our lives to our supreme potential, there will be a price to pay. Is it posh? Yes but in a way that will allow every woman to elevate her own unique feminine glory and hitch her status and innate beauty to her dreams. Nobody is going to have you drinking tea with your pinkie in the air, but you will be invited to conduct yourself in all of your public appearances, networking, lives, events, presentations etc like a Duchess, or rather as an established, highly successful and fulfilled influencer. This kind of chrisma is magnetic to wealth and opportunity.
download the free brochure to find out more click on the image ©2020 Jenni Parker Brown
Jenni P Jenni P has spent a lifetime devoted to the art of manifestation through wellness, even before she knew what she was doing! A former dancer, equestrian cabaret artist, certified fitness instructor, award-winning Healthy Gastronomy Chef, and highperformance junkie, Jenni is always on the leading edge of fulfilling potential.