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House of









Dame Nicola Smith Jackson 'THE PINK MILIONAIRE' JULY 2021

Transform Your Money Mindset


Contributing Editor Style Sage and Image Therapist,

LIANA CHAOULI Global Connections Editor Achievement and Communication Mastery

MARCIA MARTIN Founder, CEO, Designer, Genius, Grace and Greatness, Activist

Executive Editor Style and Marketing

KATHERINE CAREY Executive Editor Conscious Wealth Alignment


Contributing Editor Divine Living

GINA DEVEE Executive Editor Authorship and Leadership


Contributing PR consultant


Premium Guests


Contributing Editor High Vibe Lifestyle



Contributing Editor Energy Transformation



The House of Preeminence Collection

can activate your Highest Self Potential, in Purpose and in Profit.

Our panel of world-class experts recommend using the resources

and content within, along with the high-performance collection every day.

It will help you to leverage your Genius, Grace and Greatness, so that you can break free of

personal, global, technical and market challenges and accelerate your visions and dreams.

Our mission is to inspire, support and showcase, ambitious,

visionary, mission-driven and ethical women entrepreneurs (and the men who uphold them)

who are actively initiating change, for the greater good of all.

Magazine Copyright © 2021 by Jenni Parker Brown unless specifically stated for each author. Their copyright remains their intellectual property with exclusive permission to reproduce in this magazine. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever, without the express written permission of the publisher Contact Jenni at House of Preeminence Media -2 Impasse des Lillots, Dreuilhe, France 09300


Dame Nicola Smith Jackson


"Transform your money mindset"

? d o o M s s sine u B r u o What's y

Monthly Inspiration Moodboard

water & air

Water and air symbolism

Ease, flow, fertility, abundance, intuition, magic, mystery moon, stars, motion, renewal, blessings, anima, oxygen Tune into the high-vibrational power of water and air throughout this issue and on your desktop calendar

5 ways to boost the power of the water and air in your life and business.

Click here

179 JULY high performance COLLECTION GINA DEVEE WATER AND AIR superpower ideas to inspire your month !


Get Paid To Be You! Earning money from doing what you love? Gina shows us that not only is it an ideal, but that money is a natural result when you create the life you love!


July Theme: CHILL OUT AND PROSPER - the feminine way to manifest KAREN BAINES


How To Become Hopeless and Gain Your Best Life Ever! Karen Baines reveals why the energy of 'hope' is not serving your highest goals!

42 The power of BLUE in branding and style JENNI P



The Art and Science of Being 'Paid To Be You' How to master flow and transform your life!



Katherine takes the idea of Chill Out and Prosper and turns it into a hot marketing


Madeleine Marentette

tool that works as you play!

BE, DO, HAVE - The Art of Extraordinary Achievement with MARCIA MARTIN



Marcia shares one of her remarkable stories of how she walks right into a dream and makes it happen!



Regenerate V Rejuvenate!

Dawn walks her talk as a leader of women

‘Regenerate! 60 is the 40 for Women Who

who will boldly devote their life to creating

Live in the Spirit of Genius, Grace and

impact in the world and open themselves to


the income that comes with it!



Marc Amerigo

Access your genius, calm and agency in 3 short steps! Liana offers a simple template to transform any situation to an empowering one.



Balancing Yin and Yang Energies to tap into your money potential.

110 Fulfilment through UltraPerformance ‘UltraPerformance' is not just for athletes, but a practice and intention that can set you up for a life of no limits!

Prepare for an upgrade

THE G SPOT Genius, Grace and Greatness


Of Fame, Fortune and Fulfilment How to Rise and Thrive in Preeminence Despite Any Adverse Conditions Based on the 9 Graces of Preeminence ©Jenni Parker Brown

Running a business... Ladies, it’s the most difficult and most

But first we need to behold the choppy

thrillingly expansive thing we will ever do.

entrepreneurial seas we are dealing with

Or rather, 'The Business'. The Business

grab yours and let’s get you firmly into the

highest level possible. It usually begins

held in Grace - all 9 of them.

that you will commit to taking to the

over a shared cup of coffee or tea. So

circle of Preeminence where you will be

with an orgasmic pulse of excitement

First, the big waves…

when we fall in love with a big idea.

And then it takes us through every

colour of human emotion possible -

We are currently sitting slap bang in

worry, procrastination, euphoria, pride,

social, economic, educational, energetic,

heart-ache, frustration, exhaustion, rage,

complete global change on every level -


climatic, political and humanitarian.




boredom. I’m sure you could add on quite a few!







Let’s pop that lot neatly into today’s info-

and, as never before in history, women

and the odds against success begin to

challenge (and oppression). We are

every webpage you look at put together.

and a truly outworn bias against female

against our entrepreneurial boats daily

frenzied, techno-complex online world

are rising against the tides of global

stack up faster than cookie warnings on

taking ownership of our personal stories

(I mean how many damn cookies can

achievement. It’s yesterday’s news.

the internet create???)

Female entrepreneurship is not a trend,

Add on the fact that the market place is

nor a ’phenomenon’, it’s an earth re-

for people’s attention and the whole

movement - a change of paradigm. And


through it all.

one fierce megalopolis of competition


idea of putting all your cards on the

we are navigating our pretty little boats





Monday morning can test your courage




and convictions to the limit.

But let’s dive into the potential enemies

a high-vibe only magazine. On the

boats like demons, all rocking the boat

Now I don’t want to depress you. This is

that are pulling at those entrepreneurial

contrary, I’m going to offer you a new

and trying to climb in - aggh!

marketing that is as high-vibe as you

Let's look at all of them in the face before


and solution in these wonderful Graces.







can get. We are talking stratospherically

they get over the boat..and take solace

Foe 1. The Settler Mediocrity. Yes it doesn’t sound very

scary but it is the scariest of all the foes,

for nothing in the world that is fabulous and preeminent, results from attitudes and







Often settling comes from not daring to dream big enough, or not having the subconscious,




overcome limiting beliefs. Sometimes, it’s

simply boring old habits that keep us stuck






environment that causes us to settle, the

people we hang out with who can drag

us down into murky black depths, or a

lack of skill-sets in areas we know we need to master.

EXCELLENCE Tada! The Grace of Excellence will help you get clear on just how big your vision can be, and how exponentially you can grow with different support systems to assist you.

Excellence is the first step towards the pinnacle of

achievement - to attain Preeminence in your topic, subject, domain or vision.

To truly make a difference in people’s lives, it takes a conscious decision and decisive actions to declare that Excellence is the only bar over which we will throw our hearts and dreams.

Foe 2. The Void The potential killer of all businesses and initiatives. Whether it’s from a

tactical fault , as in not being able to create and sustain a world class brand, having no traction in social

media, being amidst too much

competition, or a personality mismatch (as in women who resist

speaking, presenting or, the big one,






invisibility will have you steering into a foggy Bermuda Triangle - just you




your the





directionless and condemned to obscurity and probably failure.

Neither you nor your brand can be invisible avoid





invisibility at all costs!






DISTINCTION Toot toot! The Grace of Distinction helps you take your

expertise and your brand from good, through Excellence to

world class. It’s a choice - to be invisible or world class. We don’t have any other option these days, ladies. Your brand

must stand up, stand out, stand forward, and stand the test of time. It must be unlike any other brand in the world, unlike any other coach, consultant or product. It must hook people’s

attention, (1 to 3 seconds) bedazzle or intrigue them and be a compelling channeler of leads. Being Different is essential.

Doing Different is vital. So take a stand for your Distinction.

Foe 3. The Shadow This is the reflection and consquences


invisibility. Or rather, in metaphorical terms - the Bermuda Triangle at night.

Next to being invisible, almost unspeakably painful, is not being known. Remaining a shadow

of the person you could become, a shadow in

other people’s greatness. A wannabe ghost in your soul's story.

In the quest for gaining authority and influence getting published, growing a podcast, JV-ing with high players, obscurity will wither your

willpower, sap your energy and your soul.

Tactically, growing your know-like-trust factor is the ABC of networking; growing a tribe means growing beyond ego and a sloppy image stepping into a place where you wear your style, communication,



charm and charisma as if you were marrying a prince every day.


Drum roll. The Grace of Renown.

Step out of the shadows ladies. There are 1001 ways to grow your audience and you must find the ones that resonate with your

personality, objectives and skillsets. If you don’t, you risk falling out of love with the day-to-day workings of your biz. If you’re not great on

camera, start a podcast. Interview people. Connect with influencers in a way that demonstrates your desire to support their work.

(Read my article Be-YOU’tiful and Paid in this issue which goes into detail on this incredibly important social skill). Tell your story and better still do your own PR and tell your story to the Press. We all have a story that needs to be heard; sharing yours publicly is a magnet for the right people

(if you do so with Excellence and Distinction!)

In Yoda-speak, “Known you must be. Liked and Trusted you shall be” if you bring Preeminence into every aspect of your livelihood.

Foe 4. The Mimic You may even be known, even liked and trusted. You may be chugging along fine in

your business. You may have overcome the first 3 Foes and be getting some traction going through the motion of scaling your

business year by year. Maybe you’ve been at this for some time and have reached a good level of income that has plateau-ed.

Again, there are always 2 aspects; your

inner expectations for your own fulfilment. And your strategic moves in this difficult

entrepreneurial and global landscape. This

is why we must be crystal clear about our mission, our vision, our purpose and our uniqueness. Too many business owners just

look exactly like the next - same website theme, same message, same pitch, same old,




anything but Preeminent.





Herald the unveiling of your Grace of Peerlessness. Peerless is when

through your dedication to Excellence, you establish Distinction. Through perfecting your craft, you become the best in your topic.

Using your Renown, you establish your uniqueness. You put yourself in a

category of One. This is a level where all of your social and professional prowess comes out to play with your life experience.

It is when you cannot live without purpose steering your boat, your genius as captain and your super-powers billowing in the sails. Each of the previous Graces builds upon the other.

They flow from one to the next in a never-ending cycle., and this is an

invitation to step into your most authentic truth, your highest-self lifestyle. Your brand must be royal, magical and inspirational.

Foe 5. The Storm This may come in the form of a pandemic, a personal financial









criticism, egoic demons, professional misjudgment, energetic imbalance or just losing the taste for Excellence (we’ve all been there!).

There will be many storms over an

entrepreneurial lifetime and if we don’t like

storms, then it’s unwise to even get in the bloody boat!

The most sinister storms will rumble up from

having to face our own old programming, our non-serving habits and our own BS excuses.


But the orchestra will play the Grace of Transcendence for you if can rise

above it all and weather the storms resiliently. It will take all of our courage,

lucidity, friends, mentors, prayer, tenacity, determination, focus, healing, and commitment, but transcend we must.

Each and very day. The Grace of Transcendence is The Way of The

Entrepreneur, but also anyone with a high hard goal - athletes, rock stars,

artists, pioneers in climate change, inventors of new technology, innovators of anything, builders of new worlds.

Overcoming is a way of life for high achievers.

The obstacles becomes the opportunities to transcend.

Foe 6. The Desert When the sea dries up, the land becomes parched. Boats get wrecked. And businesses

fail from lack of resources, cash flow and clients.

If you haven’t navigated through Excellence,

Distinction Renown and Peerlessness, and aligned yourself with your wealth potential,

you could find your desert is in the middle of

the Bermuda Triangle (well, no one actually knows what’s there do they?).

There will be drier months and years in the cycles of business; it's hard to avoid.

But deserts kill. You need to prepare. Build your








resourcefulness and tenacity. Create several income streams - fill your savings gourd.

Learn to make money 'rain' from those who know how!


But the band will always play when you have mastered the Grace of Prestige. Freedom, flexibility, facility, and favour come with mastering healthy revenue streams and financial sustainability.

You may get lucky bypassing the other Graces in a freak of circumstance, but don’t hold your breath. And, even if the lottery or an inheritance lands in your lap, you cannot achieve and maintain Preeminence unless you have

mastered the previous Graces. But when you do acquire the grace of Prestige, the fun begins. You can step back and see if it truly feeds your soul. And you can step forward and share it with the world.

Foe 7. The Tide So there you are bobbing about on the ocean

amongst the other millions of entrepreneurial boats, following the one in front, pummelled by the currents.

It feels safe following others, until the tides of

time turn and you find yourself faced with having to lead the way.

Maybe, it’s because you’ve outgrown all your mentors.









movement. Maybe you decide to scale your a





dreamed possible in the beginning. Maybe your true purpose shines clearer than ever. Maybe you transcend a huge challenge and

decide to make your life an example to

others. Maybe you just want to re-invent your life, and steer your boat in a new direction.


The Grace of Leadership will call you forward at this point of the entrepreneurial journey.

It may well have been there as an undercurrent all along if you are mission-

driven by leaving humanity in a better place when you exit. It will certainly help

you navigate all of the foes and foibles of dedicating your life to Preeminence. In fact, Preeminence is what happens as a natural result of you owning your place as a leader in the world.

You can now rejoice in a life where you show up as your highest self, playing at your best level and having the most thrilling ride as your sails billow in the wind. You can choose your own music here, ha!

Foe 8. The Edge And






reaching Preeminence was enough to rest on your laurels.

You can’t. Because this is about a journey in that entrepreneurial vessel, not a far off land goal (although you may well visit plenty of them!)

Through all the foes you will meet in this

adventure, you will get to the edge many times. The edge of exhaustion, the edge






breakthrough, and always the edge of

the complete unknown. The edge of exhaustion




despair, or rage, may never be far away. And when you’re staring at the ravine of

it, the very moment, you have no idea how you are going to take the next step, you must.....


...listen to the whisper of the Grace of Endurance. This isn’t a whisper to accept any burdens. Endurance is not suffering - it is persistence. Because nothing

worth dedicating your life to uplifting will ever transpire if you stop, hesitate too long or give up. The quiet voice in your heart and soul will encourage you to keep going to Preeminent lands, to the grail of your life quest.

And just like in the film ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’ when Indie

came to the edge with a lot of nasties after him and found himself on the edge of a gaping ravine, he knew that he had to keep going and take a step of faith.

That is often what it takes for the bridge to rise to meet us, or the plane to build itself as we fly. Keep going, just keep going.

Foe 9. The Siren In






dangerous creatures, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and sweet singing voices to shipwreck on the rocky coast of their island. It is also said that they could even charm the winds.

In the entrepreneurial context, since we are

using the metaphor of the sea and boats,

how could I not bring in the final potential

foe of your Fortune and Fulfilment as the sweet and lulling voice that fame fortune

and fulfilment bring to your detriment - if you don’t take time out. Time on land, off the

boat, grounded. The song and the lure pull us every day to push our bodies, push our boundaries, push our resources, push our

energy, push push push. Often ignoring diet,

sleep, exercise, rest and respite. We will neglect our bodies, neglect our family,

neglect our homes, neglect our dreams when





enchantment of the destination..



This is when we can truly fall from Grace. All 9 of them, and often at once...


Your body will often sing this Grace out loud and clear. The Grace of Renewal.

This Grace is often the hardest one to integrate, and our Foe is that Siren voice lulling us to go over the top with the last Grace of Endurance. We don’t know when to stop. We

hustle and push to the limit. It is so vital on the journey to Preeminence to simply Stop and Renew.

Renewal is an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly necessity. If we don’t restock our

bodies minds and souls with sustenance of another kind than our vocation, we will end up on a desert island, stranded in the middle of the ocean or in a hospital bed.

Nothing is worth that. So take on this Grace - Stop. Rest. Renew. It may come after the Grace of Prestige, when we need to re-evaluate the journey. It may come when being Peerless is not so clear. It may come at any time and we must listen to ourselves. This was the only way to defeat the mythical Sirens, to make sure one didn’t hear their voices. You can do that by being connected to your soul daily.


Because here’s what happens when you take Renewal as seriously as all the other Graces of Preeminence. In respite, calm and peace, you WILL hear the call of Excellence once again.

You WILL feel the smell of the ocean breeze of freedom, adventure and expansion.

You WILL recuperate the energy and passion of your dreams.

You WILL want to heed the call to travel to distant lands of growth. You WILL have the clarity to check in with your soul's journey.

And, if you use all the Graces together, you WILL be equipped with a

powerful practice and blueprint to deal with every Foe and challenge that you will meet on the journey to your own Fame, Fortune and Fulfilment.

The 9 Graces of Preeminence are a complete, feminine cycle which,

in it’s circular motion (with every Grace depending on the others) forms









achievement in this new paradigm. And you have it in every issue!

So beat those Foes with your Graces ladies! Here's to your Fame, Fortune and Fulfilment! .

The pink millionaire Transform Your Money Mindset

Dame Nicola SmithJackson

From humble beginnings as an overworked hairstylist and college dropout, serial entrepreneur, Dame Nicola Smith Jackson has over 25 years of entrepreneurial experience. Trusting God and experiencing first-hand how He has worked in her life, Nicola has pushed past her many challenges, including burying three children by age 23 to lead a multi-million dollar team of agents consisting of tens of thousands in the financial service industry. She has also led over 450,000 sales representatives in more than 30 countries. Nicola is passionate about helping people to create a growth mindset, so they can develop their purpose and create a work/life balance. She also helps them reach their full potential by empowering them with financial literacy, money management, and fostering economic development. Using time-tested principles, she has helped many to create stronger financial independence, so they can have access to resources to reduce debt, save money, purchase homes, get better employment and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Dame Nicola Smith Jackson with Jenni P As a multi-7 figure business innovator, Nicola is a breath of fresh air! With sparkling, free-thinking intellect, a baseball Mom spirit, sharp financial insight and a huge heart, Nicola makes high financial achievement relatable to anyone bold enough to commit to their highest aspirations. Nicola shares with Jenni how her early disadvantages and tragedies helped her focus on breaking out of everything in her world that threatened to keep her as a statistic. With uncommon drive, lucidity and faith, Nicola attributes her Preeminence to one single thing! Not to be missed!

"Successful people know the difference between patience and procrastination!" - Nicola Smith Jackson

Learn what successful entrepreneurs are doing right now to manage, make and multiply their money during these uncertain times.


Calling All Empire Builders... Join Top Award Winning Leader, Dame Nicola Smith Jackson as she reveals millionaire leadership secrets she has personally used to generate millions of dollars for her clients and herself as Pink Millionaires! Facebook Fan Page


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PREEMINENCE GRACE 1 EXCELLENCE The aspiration to excellence in "The way you do anything everything you do, or even in just a is the way you do everything"

few key areas of your life is like

rehearsing for supreme achievement.


Even honing one craft to excellent or exceptional, causes ‘the multiplier effect’ - doing one thing excellently cascades over into all other parts of our life. Practise skill-sets that elicit positive results consistently. Raise your

‘normal’ to world-class as a daily habit, and watch world-class results unfold.

The Grace of GOING INWARD Liana Chaouli

I ask you to stop for a moment, as you

There's no one out there!

glance at these words.

WE are the tuning forks of our lives. Each of us standing in the center of this experience, ever

Thank you.

Our circumstances just happen to show up for

Can you feel the insides of your eyelids? What

quiver with an energetic response. For most of

powerful body, this sensing residence which

herein lies the learning. We, our bodies, are the

a breath into the somatic experience of this

musician utilizes a tuning fork to sound his way

your back, our body's most under-experienced

our way back home into the genius essence of

invited to feel into just this part… what's

moving with the moment as it comes at us.

us in the ways they do, and our instruments

does it feel like to BE in your vessel, in this

us, it is a reaction rather than a response and

you get to inhabit? How often do we really take

tools for our own teachings. Just as a

moment? When do you really feel the small of

back into harmony, we too can choose to tune

passion portal? And now that you've been

who we are.

happening now? How and what are you noticing?

The word Genius has its origin in ancient Rome,

where it was believed that every human being

This pause which I just invited you into, is the

spirit was present and "attended" them on their

years ago.

they named it 'genius' (from the Latin verb

Liana's AAA Plan was born out of recognizing

from within' – which also happens to be the

to more chaos… when I was truly seeking calm.

is born with a guiding spirit. They believed this

life's path. Because it was born within a person,

first step to a practice I developed about 30

gignere meaning 'to give birth or bring forth

that my own unbridled reactions usually lead

root of our word 'generate').

Going from chaos to calm, especially when

I love this!

be impossible for most of us.

Knowing that we all have an inner compass, a

It's almost as though the reaction we allow

blessed barometer, or call it what you may,

valve to alleviating the pressure of this

energy calls us ALL from within to generate our

such an outburst often beckons a sorrowful

some of us… but all of us).

so? Or is there a better way? Can we bring

we're in the middle of a breakdown, seems to

divine doorway, our own guiding presence, a

ourselves to expand into, becomes the release



massive emotional cauldron. The aftermath of

most powerful and abundant gifts (not just

relational cleanup. But does this have to be




ourselves into calmness while in the midst of an upset before we destroy what we so desire?

I believe we can; we do it in certain situations, often

unconsciously, because we need to save face or look good.

So we access this capacity for a moment, only to sling right back into chaos.

We've all known confrontational life situations with close

friends, co-workers, husbands, kids, and/or family. Some of these moments are louder than others when, in the heat of the argument, suddenly the phone rings. We reach for it to

say "hello", still fuming from the interrupted confrontation.

And within a heartbeat, we were able to switch gears from anger to attention, answer the caller's request graciously, all

this, without them ever sensing our previous upset. And, as

soon as we hang up, we slip right back into fight mode with even greater vengeance.

In a moment like this, many decades ago, all these questions showed up for me: "What if …I could move my momentary madness into mindfulness? What if…I had access

to my inner genius right now? What if...I could be with life exactly the way it is and exactly the way it isn't? How would I need to BE to thrive through this chaos?

Imagine this scenario: You're on a first date wearing a white suit, excited, nervous and a little self-conscious. You have both ordered a glass of Châteauneuf Du Pape and toasted to your new connection. As the waiter is reciting the specials, he accidentally tips over your wine goblet! Wine splatters everywhere, broken glass on your lap and you're looking like a pink freckled candy cane.

Photograph by Carl Studna

What do you do? Scream at him? Get furious? Stop…think...breathe?

Second A stands for ACCEPTANCE. Once we are aware of the moment, we can

This is a true story. The lady in the white suit

see the individual pieces of the upset. Should

and loud enough for all of us in the restaurant


pulled out cash bills to settle the check, got up

as though the universe decided to redesign

right place with the WRONG person, have a

"They say broken glass brings good luck, what

chose to scream, at the waiter, at her date

our white-suited lady have had knowledge of

to hear. The gentleman listened, watched,

differently. She may have said, "Well, it seems

and said, "Thank you for your time; I'm in the

my outfit for tonight; I love pink polka dots!" Or,

nice evening."

a blessing on our first date." Both of these

Let's look at this powerful process together, as

acceptance. There's no resistance to what just


situation is often our own resistance to what is

Liana's AAA Plan can be a path to accessing

incident for what it truly is, in this case, it's

it deserves our undivided attention for a few














occurred. Any personal upset regarding a really happening. As we grow and see the

your genius, your calm presence, your agency!

broken glass, in other moments a broken


believe that acceptance is the most powerful


Acceptance gives us the clarity to be with life

First A stands for AWARENESS

As we flow with what is, we get to take a

Lack of recognition is the biggest hurdle to

next step.

upset, anger, revenge, all of the above and or

Third A stands for ACTION.


sight and in-sight. When we are swirling in more, we can not see.

heart, we get to lean in and accept it. I truly portal






exactly the way it is and exactly the way it isn't. breath, clear our mood and choose to take the

This last step is often the most complex to

Recognition of this moment, exactly how it is

access since we've been conditioned to react

coming back home into the calmness of our

solution for the greater good. When you begin

missing in the space between an "upset "and

ease which comes over time. The awareness

to welcome divine guidance. A simple breath

grace, and so will your choices of actions you'll

(or isn't), is part of the journey. This journey of

rather than choose a mindful action to a

bodies, begins with awareness. What is often

practising these steps, you may notice the

an "up-level" is a breath, a moment, a window

sets in sooner, your acceptance arises with

can do all this and more.


Liana's AAA Plan was the response to a great need, not just inside my own head or life. It's an answer to the hurt and suffering I witnessed in so many amazing people around me, wonderful souls who, in their own right, have built powerful foundations for millions. Some had supported and trained corporate leaders to call their teams to higher levels of success and shifted the global conversation towards more mindfulness. And yet, like me, they were imprisoned by their own reactivity. All in all, this plan and it's application, has brought balance back into the lives of so many, including myself. It has given them the ability to share their inner workings with the outer world in a grounded and conscious way… dare I say, in a peaceful manner. I wish this for YOU, for all of humanity.

Liana Chaouli is a best-selling author,

Founder of Image Therapists Int'l Inc.,

global thought leader, S.T.Y.L.E. Sage™ educator and innovator. She has

spent 4 decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self‐image. As the

developer of the process of Image

Therapy™, she provides transformation through the empowerment of

language, wardrobe and self-beliefs by using analysis, physical

appearance, and education to up level their self‐esteem and overall sense of worth

Photograph by Carl Studna

Claim Your Free Gift Here Liana's Gift To You!

Discover Your Essential Formula™ Liana Chaouli, Founder / President
















"Midnight Blue is the only colour that can ever compete with black" Christian Dior

The 'Chakra Colours In Your Image, Style and Branding' series Jenni P

When it comes to brand colour psychology, remember that the same principles that apply

B Your





to the psychological effects on consumers, also apply to your style and image. This is also true for your vibe and energy. These have a direct effect on everyone you meet! That is why, when I am helping clients align their visual and verbal communication,

I cannot separate

Message from Mission from Persona. All of these factors are crucial in creating a coherent and magnetic brand presence that easily attracts your ideal audience.


promise. Your mission is connected to your soul purpose and spiritual quintessence. Your persona is defined, not just by your personality, but by your electro-magnetic frequency (vibe), your chakra health, your mood and energy levels.


So throwing on any old outfit without giving






transmitting, is leaving money on the table. Or even if you do give it thought, but your style and image is not coherent with the rest, there will be a subtle cognitive dissonance that people tune into. So let’s dive into the power and charm of Blue. Let’s get into FEELING BLUE, in the most positive way that will enhance your brand, vibe, self-confidence and results. What’s not to love about growing



charisma and style?!



The world's preferred colour, blue fills our wareness constantly. Imagine if there were no sky or sea, nothing could fill the void! Imagine if the sky and sea were a different colour, how differently the world would have evolved! Today, blue is embraced as the color of heaven and authority, denim jeans and corporate logos. It is cold, wet, and slow as compared to red’s warmth, fire, and intensity. Blue has more complex and contradictory meanings than any other color. 53% of the flags in the world contain blue. Blue is the most commonly used color in corporate identity. A dark blue suit is professional business attire all over the globe. Blue jeans are worn by every age and culture, all over the world. Aristocracy is blue-blooded in all European languages.

Blue is also linked to coldness. While oceans are beautiful, ice and glaciers are mightily cold and dangerous. When it comes to food, blue is among the least appetizing of colours as it is an indicator of spoilage and poison (think blue mould, rotting meat...) In the chakras, blue is the colour of the throat chakra (fifth chakra); it symbolises self-expression, expression of truth, creative expression, communication, perfect form and patterns.







communication. In Sanskrit, the blue chakra is known as Vishuddha.

Blue evokes all that is cerebral. Serene and calming, it is the colour of clarity and communication. According to colour psychology studies, blue has been shown to be the favourite colour among the world’s population and is particularly preferred by men. It is, of course, everywhere in our daily lives. It’s the colour of the sky, deep space, the oceans, and lakes. This environmental omnipresence of blue makes the colour non-threatening, conservative, and traditional, trustworthy and reliable. So if you are an in innovator or visionary, this may not be the colour for your new website! Brands are not taking any risks when they call on a shade of blue for their identity. It signifies stability and reliability. Like all the colours of the spectrum, there are both positive and negative connotations. When I began this article with the phrase ‘Feeling Blue’, we know this as is a common term for an emotion of dejection. Why blue for feeling down? There are many examples of association with sad events and blue, throughout history (hence the origin of Blues Songs!) so indeed the colour has very mixed meanings it is good to be aware of. Since blue is not just sung but has become they colour of speaking the truth, it invokes the energy of the teacher, the public speaker, an orator or bringer of news.

But blue is also idealistic, enhancing personal self-expression and our ability to communicate our needs and wants. Blue's wisdom comes from its higher level of intelligence, a spiritual perspective. As we move up through the chakras from root to crown, blue is the gateway between body and spirit. Blue is said to enhance contemplation and prayer. On the other hand, blue's devotion can be to any cause or concept it believes in, including devotion to family or work. Blue is the helper, the rescuer, the friend in need. It's success is defined by the quality and quantity of its relationships. It is a giver, not a taker. It likes to build strong trusting relationships and becomes deeply hurt if that trust is betrayed. but Blue is also conservative and predictable, a safe and non-threatening color. At the same time blue is persistent and determined to succeed in whichever endeavors it pursues. Change is difficult for blue. It is inflexible and when faced with a new or different idea, it considers for a long time, analyzes it, thinks it over slowly and then tries to make it fit into its own acceptable version of reality. A lot like the corporate world! Blue is nostalgic. It is a color that lives in the past, relating everything in the present. All these symbolisms are played out when you wear blue so if you don't resonate with some of those less positive meanings it might be time to do away with safe navy! And strike out electric blue or jazzy fiesta turquoise.

Blue is a colour we love to wear to travel, for relaxing and meditation. As a room decor it will create a




atmosphere, but as a plate colour is likely to put us off our food!

Across the spectrum, blue’s emotional attributions include: Positive implications: Trust Loyalty Dependability Logic Serenity Security Negative implications: Coldness Aloofness Emotionless Unfriendliness Uncaring Unappetizing There are almost too many varieties of blue to name - the array is vast from periwinkle to ultramarine, from Lapis





Morrocan Sapphire, neon, delft, ice, powder, baby, ocean, airforce, indigo the list of blues is almost endless. The good news is that there are shades for you that wil be perfect for your skin and typology. Let's go into that.

Well, first of all, there is that universal classic denim blue in the form of jeans which suit just about everyone on the planet! Universal garment and cloth of leisure, blue denim has a care-free, young vibe. It can be dressed up or down, hanging out with the kids on Sunday or parading royally on a conference stage! When choosing blues for your own skin type, if you're drawn to a particular blue, try to define if it is a saturated colour close to the Pantone original pure colour, or whether it is a shade, that is mixed with a bit of another colour (as in turquoise, or indigo which contains a little red). All soft blues have grey or white mixed into them. The grey mixed ones generally suit blended skin and colour platettes like soft summer and soft autumn. Blue with white in suits more of the cool, clear, fresh spring and summer skin palettes. The purest blues suit winter palettes, ethnic skins and strikingly unusual types. My secret weapon for colour and palette analysis is a free tool you can find on the internet at You can upload a photo and start to build your palette. However, if you don't have the eye for colour analysis, this tool will give you a 'false reading'. Colour is a science, image is an art. I always analyse my clients colour palette at least three times with different photos to get the right results. But it's in meeting them and getting them to describe their skin tones, that we get the most accurate results.

Blue shoes, suede or not, are very classy and can liven up neutrals with panache! Having your feet planted on the ground on a solid, reliable colour seems highly attractive but at the same time, the attention is drawn towards them as they seem somewhat magical! Move over the Ruby Slippers, blue shoes will give Preeminent class to casuals, suits, evening wear, active-wear and holiday clothes!

Turquoise is the one colour in our vast variety of colour palettes that all men and woman can wear- it suits everyone! All skin types, all hair colours, all eye colours - it is sensational! In your branding and style, with turquoise you have the best of the reliability of blue with the uplifting, heart-sincere tint of green mixed in so that it gives you the most positive vibes and symbols of both colours! Turquoise truly suits every skin tone and type and is the perfect colour for jewelry and accessories. It is both gently neutral (being a colour that occurs in nature) and also quite lux! Think of kingfishers or peacocks, dragon flies and irridescent butterflies: the pull of turquoise is irresistible! Plus, turquoise is one of the two universal colours that can be worn by people with both warm and cool skin undertones.

One stellar female entrepreneur who has rocked the colours blue and turquoise out of the ball park, is Denise Duffield Thomas of 'Lucky Bitch' fame. Since she began her journey in Manifestion and Money Marketing, Denise's brand with it's soft, airy, multi-toned blues and turquoises, is consistently coherent with her beach-side lifestyle, blonde hair and uplifting Aussie personality. With her beautiful, piercing blue eyes and exquisite taste for ambiance and harmony, every photo of Denise features a splash or three of blue or turquoise in it! This clever use of colour, image and branding, is a brilliant example of what I do for my own clients, aligning their mission, message and presence so that they have a stunning style and brand. (Disclaimer - I did not have any involvement in Denise's branding!)

This soft palette invokes all the most positive aspects of blue, trust, luminosity, reliability and luxury. Paired with white and gentle neutrals, you would not want Denise's lifestyle, said no woman ever, since she made her fortune being a "Lucky B!" On the contrary, every part of Denise's lifestyle branding makes you want to sign up for whatever she is offering. And such is the power of aligning colour, image, style and message ladies! Take it from Jenni P, if you are a heart-led




mission to stand out in your niche and shine, you will never 'feel blue' if you swipe this simple, powerful process in a way that is 100% aligned with who you are, what you stand for, your body type, persona and dreams. It's a perfectly, divinely fabulous combination for your business. ©Jenni Parker Brown 2020

Denise Duffield-Thomas IS THE MONEY MINDSET MENTOR FOR THE NEW WAVE OF ENTREPRENEURS. Her books Lucky Bitch, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch and Chillpreneur (all with Hay House) give a fresh and funny road-map to create an outrageously successful life and business. Denise helps women create wealth through her mindset courses and practical wisdom on releasing money blocks. All Denise's books available here

Free Gift!

+ FREE Masterclass for JV Partners Contact me at

You want to enroll your soul clients from your calls, your funnels, your lives. And to magnetise lucrative JVs. You want to galvanise summit organisers with your Passionate Story, Big Idea or Million Dollar Keynote. And all in a way that feels totally aligned with who you truly are. So you must be able to communicate your value visually and verbally, so that heads turn, hearing "Yes!" is your normal, and you transform visibility to unforgetablity and profitability! It begins with your Image! In this inspiring and FREE audio masterclass, learn my 9 Principles of Aligned Style™ that will turn your presence to profits! Why it is so vital for your success to: ‘dress your message’ - so that your style is aligned with your brand and mission create a signature style that primes you to become a magnet to money and influence scale up your whole life and business through the daily practise of self care, beauty and dressing! This masterclass has a £97 value and it is my gift to you! Click on the image above!








RENOWN L'eau de




ENCE An impeccable know-like-and trust reputation will serve your highest visions.

Swap the desire to just being ‘visible’ for showing up to serve with the prosperous presence of a hero, and adopt the etiquette of titans.

Make integrity (including self-integrity) your foundation stone on which to build relationships that thrive on win-win-win ethics.

Be known exclusively for your genuine virtues and endear people with your charm and ability to listen.

Wear elegance, good taste, humour and




style like a designer label, and be

generous with your compliments to those who need them.



The Message to Moola Collection by Jenni Parker Brown

People will forget you easily...

! d i a p and

A harsh but true fact of the current online world of business. Tenacity is not just necessary in business. It’s the oxygen of sustainability. You aspire to your dreams with all your heart, but you’re always aware that you want to do it in your own way. As you. Being omnipresent online, but still maintaining the integrity of your values and the balance of your lifestyle. This means a ruthlessly ubiquitous presence in today’s market place and somehow, staying uppermost in people’s attention. You want your ‘energetic calling card’ to be tattooed into people’s brains. But in the right way, as a respected change-maker business woman, in a league of your own. Without resorting to behaviours or strategies that will freak out your sweet, mission-driven soul, you are nonetheless living in an era where if you want to keep that place of favour in people’s attention, you need to be resolutely box-less in all your visual and verbal communication online. As a feminine upriser, a feisty global-shift warrioress, you need to swap being a faint, passion-sparked glow in the online, murky entrepreneurial mist for becoming a 1,000watt light-house.

Take a look around you on the internet. Do you ever contemplate the sheer masses of small businesses on Social Media, and feel very small? Do you ever consider signing up for yet another summit, filled with 20 to 40 apparently world class experts whom you’ve never heard of, and despair that you will ever get your own message heard in this offer-manic world? Do you ever feel very small and insignificant hustling for your corner of the market? Well, hell yeah sister, you and several million of your women-helping-women pals. Coaching and consultantcy services are like Pizzerias - a dime a dozen on every street corner, and a lot of them, churning out nonnutritious, culinary blandness. How do you win at Pizza? The best wood-fired, fragrant,

crunchy bread base, the best authentic,

Italian, tomato sauce, the best charismatic cheese, the best touch of mastery on the finish. The client experience - lush. Serve it up in a fabulous environment, with the highest quality service and people won't look at the bill. They will queue to come in. So it is with the service inustry. Your 'ingredients' (problem to promise) must be world class. Your own touch of genius on the outcome, mastery. The client experience - inspiring, effective and lush! Your delivery (branding and communication) - stunning. So saturated is the market at every level, it seems there are a billion people doing what you’re doing. Websites look and sound the same. The language all sounds similar, or in many cases, entrepreneurs don’t know their message at all and lead with bland branding, floppy copy, a cookie-cutter pitch and an image, energy ad style that says ‘lockdown’, not TED Speaker.

Jenni P on the set of the award-wining Branding TV Reality show 'Fix My Brand' where after a first season, she was invited onto the team as Brand Message assistant, Stylist and Mind-set Mentor for season 2.

If you take your email box heaving under the zillions of guru offers, all of the senders seem to be knocking it out of the ballpark. But that is so not true. You've simply no idea of the true facts and values of most people you encounter on social media or from websites. Connecting with people online is a hit or miss affair. People that you consider role models turn out to be not what they seem when you get to know them! You have probably experienced that, but remember that your prospective clients are feeling the same way about you, and proceeding with the same caution. So how can you be different? How can you distinguish yourself in the throbbing homogenous mass as gloriously Preeminent? Not only do you need to be brilliantly, radiantly visible, but you must be instantly recognised as THE authority on your topic. You do that, not by swaggering your boss-babe, bitchdiva entrepreneur shadow archetype around social media (there are lots of them out there!) claiming you were the first one to have discovered the Law of Attraction, but by showing up in your greatest potential as a unique Gorgeous, Genius and Greatness Upriser every day.

Client attraction is not just about clever pitches, swanky websites, designer fonts, Instagram genius and a titan social media agenda, it’s an Holistic, Inside-and-Outside- Messaging job. Where you conduct yourself publicly in your Preeminent glory. Where your supremely compatible ideal soul-clients are magnetised to you in the easiest way possible. In fact they are not a figment of your imagination, they are looking for you right this second while you are reading this. So let’s move the needle on that shall we? Use this 9 point template to check in with where you are on your BeYOUtiful and Paid scale: 1. Be crystal clear about your life purpose and who you truly are. The genuine original you-masterpiece is born of having your life entirely aligned with what makes you passionate and your dreams.

You are BeYOUtiful! And you can be

BeYOUtifully paid! In fact it is only when you are totally aligned with your genius highest self, that you can leverage your earning potential and scale your revenue to the level of your biggest visions. 2. Be scintillating, everywhere! Let your light shine unapologetically.

Sparkle. Nobody who loves themselves

fabulous, and serves others with love, can fail to have a profound effect on people's lives. Charisma is not always innate; but it can be learned through great attention to your needs, wants and desires, a willingness to be playful, humorous, light-hearted, well-read, interesting and interested in others. 3. Be gracious. This means genuinely interested in others, generous with your attention, and sincerely kind and benevolent. It also means acting with integrity at all times. Something so lacking in the business world!

4. Be passionate. Lukewarm people are forgettable. Passionate people are magnetic and unforgettable! People connect to your energy before everything. They are always reading your energy, whether you are online or offline! 5. Be everywhere and be consistent. People's attention spans are shorter than ever before. People will forget you in the blink of an eye. Unless you do, and are, momentous! At least, be in the places that turn you on and light your fire. Choose your social hang-outs according to your objectives and your personality! 6. Be articulate. Master your communication skills. Master your communication skills. Master your communication skills. No, that was not a mistake. If you want to be seen as a pro, present and speak like one. If you can’t write like a champion then hire someone who can. Copywriting and the written word are your holy grail of client attraction. Spend time conversing with articulate people and you will pick it up! “The one easy way to become worth 50 percent more than you are now — at least — is to hone your communication skills — both written and verbal”

Warren Buffet

7. Be fabulous. Dress ‘as if’ you are already famous, at least in public and online! This is the elixir in the grail. Your image MUST reflect who you are becoming. Image is style and energy combined. Show up as nothing less than fabulous, in your own way. Personally, for me, I consider that I deserve to show up like that anyway, not just to impress others. Grace, which includes your image, is the PRINCIPLE VALUE AND etiquette of leaders. The habit of dressing as your highest self is one of the most energertically powerful signs you can communicate to the universe that you deserve a river of abundance!

This is the essence of personal branding. But personal branding from the inside out. It is based on your true vocation and calling, and the way that you use that vocation in your marketing. 8. Be of service to your mentors, trainers, partners and collaborators. Truly take time to help make them look good and help them get more money! Become an affiliate, refer, recommend, interview them, invite them on your podcast, feature their book. Do it without expecting anything in return. You will build a network of powerful people who will, at some point, enable you to take a mighty step up the ladder. 9. Be discerning. De-tox yourself of info-binge, gloomy news-feeds, guru-swooning, marketing tactics that no longer work, hustle-vibe social networking, self-doubt, complaining, bitching, to o much unprofitable busy-ness,slaying your best-kept-secret status, manicuring your influencer persona, claiming your power to Speak, Be heard and Be Paid. BE YOU and Be Your Message. Use these principles and you will put yourself in a league of your own. Implementing them daily, will rapidly increase your ability to attract the ideal clients to work with. Practising them will accelerate your capacity to attract opportunities for powerful collaborations. Embodying them will raise your body pharmacy of happy chemicals and so prime you to magnetise more abundance and vitality. Be You,


aid p d an

Walking my own talk... Founder of the House of Preeminence, Jenni Parker Brown is a visionary multi-potentialite. Her eclectic careers range from fashion retailing, the performing arts, fitness instructor, equestrian cabaret artist, award-winning gastronomy chef, published author, style and image consultant, magazine editor and Genius Activist. In 2017 she was chosen by the award-winning TV Reality Show, ‘Fix My Brand With Ali Craig’ as candidate and subsequently was invited onto the program as Mindset Expert and Assistant Image Stylist for seasons 2 and 3. Jenni is a renowned Thought Leader who has developed world class tools and experiences for women with dreams as big as their hearts. Her quantum success business model is transforming the lives of many women. Following your heart is Jenni's principle inspiration. Her work is backed up by solid neuroscience, quantum physics, a passion for well-being and fulfilment, with a whole lot of creative muse and a mission to reveal to as many people as she can reach, the magic of basing their life on their genius and super-powers. Jenni's mission is to raise the bar on Personal Transformation through sharing the incredible and proven power of The Trinity Code™, a ground-breaking, quantum success model for the 21st century. Her proudest achievements include becoming a professional dancer at the age of 41 (after birthing two daughters born 18 years apart!) creating her own equestrian cabaret (yes horses!) under a circus big top, and within two years, turning a bankrupt, down-trodden hiking hostel into a 6 figure, fine-dining tourist attraction in the Pyrenees Mountains, France, where she lives. Oh and creating the House of Preeminence. Connect with me on Facebook but please send a message first :-)

What's Hot In Business Right Now



I had the pleasure of interviewing the wonderful Marcia Martin. Marcia Martin. One of THE MOST PROLIFIC influencers on the who’s who of the most innovative minds in thought leadership in the last 40 years, Marcia Martin is CEO of Marcia Martin Productions, LLC, an executive training firm specializing in transformational leadership training and communication arts technology. She is renowned as one of the top transformational trainers and executive and life coaches worldwide in the arenas of championship performance, relationship coaching, communication mastery, and public speaking; and she has personally trained over 300,000 individuals and corporate executives around the globe to be more effective human beings and leaders.


The worlds' MOST EXCEPTIONAL influential business leaders, trendsetters, and change innovators to watch and learn from


S. Paul Moehring Are you looking for balance in business and personal lives to live a balanced life of abundance ? Meet S. Paul Moehring

S. Paul Moehring Coaching – Reaching New Heights was founded in January of 2020, and was developed to unleash transformational growth in entrepreneurs and business leaders through the ‘Get Squared’ program designed by Paul Moehring himself.


As we are moving optimistically towards a brighter future, many people in both their business and personal lives have suffered and been through a hard time. Overcoming All Odds and Bravery in Business is needed more than ever to support a positive future. I have put together this list of world-class business change makers to share their experience and expertise to inspire and give hope through those challenging times.


Mark Stephen Pooler

The Global Profile Builder Mark is the Founder, Editor in Chief, Media & News Publisher of MSP News Global, where he oversees the company’s media business, as well as its intersection with global business leaders. Prior to joining MSP News Global in 2020, Mark spent his time as a Professional Speaker, International Bestselling Author, Radio Host, and PR & Media Specialist. He is the Founder of TMSP Agency, a Premium Media and PR Agency. Mark is an Inspirational speaker and PR Expert who works with high profile, high value individuals and supports them to get seen, heard and noticed globally with worldwide digital media






Find your genius Believe in your super-powers Conduct yourself like nobility Be fascinated by others Keep a beginner's mind Wear your heart on your sleeve Avoid crowds Think before speaking Breathe integrity

Choose your own values Avoid wearing black

Ooze fabulousness


Practice playfulness


Cultivate charm





Gina DeVee

Get Paid To Be You

Photographer Andre Gabb Hair and make up Karen Panoch

It was December 22nd; I don't remember

Good enough. Ready enough. Smart enough.

what year. I was having lunch with my mother

Deserving enough.

at a beautiful outdoor, bougainvillaea-lined restaurant in Santa Barbara. I remember the

Initially as I embarked on my entrepreneurial

date because it was my birthday. But, I also

journey, I thought I had to be like the others to

remember feeling completely lost. I had

succeed. I constantly looked outside of myself for

absolutely no idea what I wanted to do, or

direction, comparing and despairing in myself. I

even could do, with my life.

felt such contrast to those headlining success stories as examples of what I should do, that I cut

I was engulfed in a cloud of post-adolescent-

myself off from my true personal power.

like drama that many twenty-somethings experience, feeling so sure I was the only lost







soul on the planet and fearing there might

experience. I soon realized, if you want the best

not be a solution for me. Whonk wahhhhhn.

personal development seminar on the planet, start your own business. The beginning stages of my

My mother, wise to the ways of the world and

business set the foundation for my own becoming.

knowing what a real crisis is, was not the type

Becoming the woman I was all along, except now I

to cater to my "woe is me" self-indulgence

fully accepted her.

past the appetizer course, birthday or not. As I owned and outed the totality of me (the thing She looked at me with a God-like authority

I thought for sure would be career suicide), my

that only a mother can, and said, "Gina, you

ideal and aligned audience started to flow in

should figure out a way to get paid to be you."





became the draw, the magnet, and ultimately the Not only did the heavens part, but that heavy

glue to true connection.

cloud instantly vanished. This was long before the days when having a "personal brand" was

For example, as a success and transformational

being tossed around like confetti. However, we

coach, I thought I was supposed to only talk about

both knew at the core of our being there was

marketing techniques, personal development and

something very real that had just emerged as

all things women's empowerment. The truth is I

the lobster cobbs arrived.

loved those topics, and I also loved all things food, fashion, travel, luxury, lifestyle and spirituality.

It took me quite a while to fully realize not only was "getting paid to be you" a possibility for

I would watch other online entrepreneurs so

me, but that I was enough to make that

excited about internet marketing to the point they


were jumping out of bed in the morning.

Ummmm, I don't know about you, but there's not a business model or conversion rate statistic in the world that would have me bat an eyelash, let alone leap out of bed. Sure, I care about epic business results, but long after a frothy almond milk latte. Seeing people so passionate about anything, did pique my interest, so I had to ask myself:

"Gina, what would have you leap out of bed in the morning?"

UGH. It's not that the answer didn't come instantly. It did. I just didn't think it was acceptable, nor did I think it would make for compelling copy as a business coach.

Photographer Andre Gabb Hair and make up Karen Panoch

What was it? Ok, I'll tell you. But only if you promise to keep reading. Positano. I know. But it's what I heard! If I knew I was getting on a plane to the Amalfi Coast, yes, I'd happily leap out of bed in the morning. At that moment, my much more appropriate self that needed to keep up appearances to fit in, grabbed the microphone out of my true self's hand and said, "Nuh no, no No. You have not worked this hard to get an M.A. in clinical psychology, build a following, create successful business programs and personal development packages as a transformational coach and women's empowerment leader to start coming across as shallow and materialistic. Stop this right now and pick up a Byron Katie book, rewatch The Secret, and/or start taking massive action in the direction of Proctor, not Pucci or Prosecco. It's Dooley, not Dior, DeVee!"

Though my next move defied all logic, I just

What does that look like? Creating client

knew I had to be honest with myself and my

dinners in front of the Egyptian pyramids,


facilitating mastermind retreats on yachts in

Meaning without luxury was boring to me.

the Ritz in Paris and riads in Marrakech, and

Mykonos, hosting private business intensives at

Lifestyle without purpose was also dull. I was here to take a 'stand for the and'. So I popped a few pics of my Amalfi Coast adventure into the following newsletter and ducked behind the

starting each business group coaching call with a prayer. These are just a few ways I've gotten paid to be me throughout the years. I write about this more extensively in my book,

couch as I hit "send to full list".

The Audacity to be Queen.

What happened next was an absolute surprise.

When you take what you do on the weekends

I immediately got an email from a woman applauding my Italian escapade, thanking me for sharing. She said it inspired her to plan a trip to Italy too! Another woman wrote in saying she had no interest in a European vacation, but after reading my newsletter, she was going to plan a yoga retreat in Costa Rica. A third woman from England sent an email saying she didn't like to travel, but she did desire new curtains in her kitchen. Every woman saw themselves, their full selves, in my story only

or for special occasions and begin integrating those elements into your Monday through Friday, you'll find clues about what's special and unique about you. And yes, people will gladly, happily and willingly pay to be around you, learn from you, and be mentored by you, in the ways that only you can pour into them. As my friend Ashley Stahl always says, "Who you are always wins."

when I shared my fullness with them.

So let's celebrate and promote the truth and

That first La Dolce Vita trip was in 2007. I'm

every day.

totality that is you, not just on your birthday, but

proud to say that ever since, in all of my programs at Divine Living, luxury, lifestyle, meaning, integrated.






Gina DeVee

Gina DeVee is the founder of Divine Living, a lifestyle and empowerment brand for women globally, author of The Audacity to be Queen (Hachette), accomplished speaker, transformational coach, and podcast host. “Within every woman lives a Queen,” Gina affirms, “And only from the position of Queen can you fulfill your purpose.” In becoming Queen, no longer must women pretend to be anything other than brilliant, capable, and fabulous. The world needs us to own our power, raise our standards, and contribute our talents like never before, and Gina DeVee is here to lead the way. The Audacity to be Queen brings together over 20 years worth of experience in transforming women’s lives through the deep, spiritual and feminine wisdom of Queenhood.

"With spectacular flair, beautiful pearls of wisdom, and lifechanging stories of unexpected triumph, The Audacity to be Queen takes you on a journey to empower your Queen within. Women's success coach and multi-millionaire entrepreneur, Gina DeVee, shares the steps, exercises, meditations, prayers, and journal prompts to release all forms of self-doubt and selfsabotage so you can discover the best version of you and live your most epic life. Only from the position of Queen can you fulfill your calling, and in this pivotal moment, time is of the essence. The age of the Queen is now."






Be The Change You Want To See In Your Bank Account

PREEMINENCE Your Preeminent Self is the one who intuitively knows that all the secrets, all the answers, all the breakthroughs you seek,


are already within you.

You need nothing else except the code to access them.

To decipher the code, is to truly know your full power as creator of your own legacy.

You came here for greatness. You came here to express your genius.

Genius lies in the intersection between your gifts, your bliss and your values and is the most powerful attractor of abundance.

9 graces


Ladies! Movement is not just for the benefits of staying healthy and raising our vibe! Movement combined with visualisation and affirmations multiplies the power of your mindset work, through the act of grounding it into your cells. Exercise and meditation are potent catalysts for re-wiring your neurological pathways to habituate the body to your desired preferred reality. I'm sure you already know the power of affirmations. Combining movement and mindset is affirmations on steroids. Affirmations are spoken words of intention, but while positive thinking is inherent in that technique, affirmations are not the be-all and end-all of manifestation. You can recite something uplifting, but if you aren't embodying it physically, you are only skimming the surface. But, by combining the spoken word and action, you massively multiply the power of the brain's work in making you familiar with the experience you desire. In other words, you literally start practising in the sensations in your body, the feelings of your desired outcome. You have to repeat an affirmation many times before it becomes an effortless thought pattern. But add movement into the mix, and you will become a ninja at conjuring up your desires.

"I've put 15 years of training in movement, mind mastery and manifestation to create The Ultimate Feminine High Performance Tool!" Jenni P

When you add movement to this success work, you are changing your physiology. You are altering your neurochemistry. You are engaging your entire nervous system with the full force of your attention, emotion, and body to induce a new state of being and instantly cultivate new beliefs. In fact you are training your body and mind to experience a desired outcome in advance of it being there.


THE 6-FIGURE 'WALK-OUT'™ A Musical, Guided, Walk-To-Wealth EXPERIENCE THE DYNAMIC WAY TO WORK OUT AND GET RICH! You are a change-maker who knows she needs to stay fit and zen as she turns her impact into income! Even the most successful women will neglect self care when she is already stretched with busyness and a lot of people to look after! Well, gorgeous, I’ve got your back! Or rather your feet, mind and dreams! Introducing the Six Figure Walkout™! A musical guided walking and visualisation experience that is designed to prime your neuro-pathways with wealth consciousness, while you burn calories! All you have to do is get your walking shoes on pop in your ear buds and tune in to your highest life! If you’re ready for an easy way to get your exercise, meditation, intention setting and mindset training all at once in 30 minutes a day, then this is for you! (PS it's super fun and FUNKY!)

CLICK HERE TO WORK-OUT AND GET RICH! EARLY BIRD OFFER FOR OUR READERS! "Abolutely marvellous! I'm as high as a kite!" Katherine Carey


Karen Baines

Are you living in the hope that you're going to get that longed-for breakthrough soon? Are you wistful about what it's going to be like when you reach that next level? For every entrepreneur, that next level will

Are you ready to let go of any hope that you

income level. Grounded, consistent income

Are you ready to say, "I'm letting go of all

always be represented by grounding in a new every month at a higher level than what it was three, six months ago, that's your evidence that

you've found your next level. That's your

might ever reach that next level? Are you?

hope right now that I'm ever going to create that next level?"

evidence of vibrational shift because money is


This is completely natural! Your soul desires a

If you really, truly want to create your next level,

a happy byproduct of alignment.

next level, all the time! Why is that?

Your soul seeks abundance because it knows

that when you are creating the next level, you're




deeper. Really lean into this, lovely.



you've got to let go of all hope because there is no room for hope. Yes, I know, it's a clanger, isn't it?

experiencing yourself in new ways.

If you live in hope, the Big U will respond

And likewise, the Big U desires that for you

that's perpetually creating, "I hope, I hope, I

because it too leans to experiencing itself through you in new ways.

Ok, here's a challenging question for you, one that can dramatically affect your finances.

This isn't at all what you'll expect, but bear with me, this is important.

accordingly. You'll be the eternal hoper, the one

hope, I hope, I hope," and never quite getting there. If you don't deliberately give up hope

and become 'hopeless', you will stay stagnant

in the energy of wishing that things were different to what they are. You'll







breakthrough, always hoping to get where you say you want to go.

Hope is actually energy; it's one that's only

You've got to be better than a Dickens novel.

when our lives are truly at risk. Maybe we're

commanding your best life into being.

required in situations of desperation, such as being held prisoner against our will, or we're in






a dire situation of poverty or something like

You wouldn't go to the Big U with your cap in

gets sick.

timidly and shakily, and expecting the worst.

along those lines. Maybe someone you love

That's when hope is appropriate. Naturally, this is out of our control, so we use the energy of

hand and "Please Sir, can I have some more"

You must boldly command what you want into your life and expect it to happen.

hope to wish for happier outcomes.

And that's not selfish or greedy. It's actually

As a powerful entrepreneur, with your own

what you are designed for.

stuff, you've got to go from desperation to

taking ownership of who you really are and

expectation. There's no room for hoping, no

You are here to create a life

road less travelled, often with no one else's

of abundance by adding value

for us will be something that we've never done

to the lives of others through

room. Entrepreneurship requires us to follow a footsteps to follow. It means that the next level before. And it can be scary. We know this.

your gifts in exchange for money.

And if we've been treading that path with the

energy of hope keeping us moving forward

and not actually getting the breakthroughs, hope can become an ingrained habit.

Not actually understanding how to track our

evidence and how to course-correct on a new trajectory, hope can be the last resort. If we're 'throwing spaghetti at the wall' and never quite getting where we want to get to, it can be

quite easy to fall into a default mode of hoping; wishing that things will happen or hoping that things turn out ok.

And here's why hope is not a useful energy; hoping is like being in a scene from Oliver Twist, cap in hand, hoping, pleading, begging.

That is what you are designed for. And it's about owning that. It's about owning the

fact that the next level is what you want and what the universe wants for you.

Because your business, indeed your life, is

an ongoing collaboration with literally the most awesome JV partner you could ever want for.

The Big U is the most supportive, intelligent,

creative, loyal partner you could ever dream of. What's more, it never sleeps, and it never takes time off; you don't even have to pay it.

So for all you ardent hopers out there, it's time to draw a line in the sand, lovelies. You must move away from being in an eternal hope - the perpetual hoper. You literally have to become 'hopeless' - to move from desperation to expectation. So, what can you do to really own your stuff and draw a line in the sand so that you're truly creating and embodying and grounding your next level?

Step One: Make a list of all the things that you've been hoping for in your life and your business up until now.

Step Two:

'I, (whatever your name is, fill in the blank),

Then, you want to have a good

commit to fully taking on the shape of (again,

choose me. As of today (put today's date), I

purge on it.

the new amount of money that you want, or it

So, call a meeting with your infinite JV partner, and give yourself permission to have a really good old moan. Tell it what you're no longer prepared to put up with, what you no longer

want in your life. What you're no longer prepared to settle for and really get it out of your system.

You must give yourself permission to do this.

No faffing around, just say it like it is. You're not going to hurt anybody's feelings. You've called

a meeting to move this thing to the next level, and everyone involved needs to be clear of what that looks like.

or it could be how many clients you desire to

attract or the next level of your business, whatever that looks like.

This is your contract. You can fill in that blank with anything that you are absolutely ready to own right now.

Try this phrase on:

'I commit to taking full ownership of (fill in the blank), and will act, do, and be in accordance

with who I really am. I will be fully supported by

the Big U, who will deliver to me daily updates on my next steps and successes.


List the new agenda - all of the things that you want to experience. demand

could be the income level that you dream of,

And then sign it. Put your signature down on

Step Three:


fill in the blank), whatever that is. It could be



Dickens' novels. There are no empty bowls






something really powerful about a human being signing their own name to a piece of

paper. Really, really powerful, especially as it's a contract between You and Big U!


Step Four:

If you're the kind of person that enjoys any kind

You communicate with the Big U,

of releasing or calling-in ritual, then now would be a good time to do one of those. Sage sticks, burning paper, some movement - whatever you like.

Or alternatively, if you're a little bit more downto-earth like me, you can just create a simple

contract that you can write down. Give yourself a written contract, something along the lines of

and you ask:

"Ok, well, what can I do right now today? What's the next most powerful step that I can take so

that you can deliver on the news agenda as quickly and easily as possible?"

Step Five: Go do it. Because that is the only way that you are truly

But it wasn't me that changed her life; I'm a

conduit for Source. Source knows just what each person needs to hear.

showing the Big U that you're committed and

This particular client went on to tell me that

respond to and say "yes!" to.

way, not understanding why things weren't ever

giving it that energetic frequency that it can

Finally...Step Six: This is an ongoing step. You're going to be calling a meeting every day.

they've spent their entire lives living in hope this really changing.

But there is no room for hope unless your life is literally at risk.

Desperation to expectation, that's where you want to go.

You're going to be gathering evidence that

It'll be way better than a Dickens novel!

partner, whatever feels good to call Big U, is

We're halfway through the year. Where have

your infinite partner, your infinite JV partner, biz indeed doing the job that it is being assigned.

You're going to gather that evidence every day, and you are going to continue to ask how you

can make it easier for it to do its job. You only

need to check in once a day and ask. You can do it more often if you want, but you only need

to check in once a day and then act accordingly.

Many of my clients had got into a habit of

expecting things not to happen, and their default state was hoping.

Can you relate? I share this piece of wisdom

often. Very recently, I had someone say, "My God, you've changed my life in 10 minutes."

you come from? Can you actually measure

where you were six months ago and say that

you've shifted, that you've created something

that you didn't have before? Then welcome to your next level of alignment.

You did it once you can do it again, all by being completely 'hopeless'. Love, love love


Karen Baines Karen Baines is a Conscious Wealth Creation Mentor and loves to work with passionate, ambitious entrepreneurs by showing them how to master their own creational process, particularly around their business and finances. I’ve been learning and teaching the language of money for some years now, having previously run my own successful bookkeeping business. Running quietly parallel to this was a life-long interest in personal development. A whole new level of money wisdom was introduced to me when I discovered Universal Law and energy, soon after that the defining moment when these two worlds suddenly collided. Previously, I had been attempting to compartmentalise them, the irony being that I now teach how you simply cannot compartmentalise energy. A vital component of running a business is your finances – your income - money. Understanding your own alignment and the energetics of money gives you a priceless opportunity to unlock and reach that illusive next income level, as in a nutshell, Money is just a very happy by-product of Alignment, and the best definition of Alignment is YOU Do YOU!



The $2K Happy Hour By Katherine Carey

I recently had a $2k Happy Hour. Meaning, I made $2k during a Happy Hour I hosted online with a martini in my hand! That’s a pretty fantastic result! I will show you exactly how to do this (or better) for your next launch. Sound good?! I think so. Let’s go! We all know how to present what we are passionate about, a.k.a. our businesses! As experts, we host webinars, do social media “Lives”, hold Q&As, etc. So this is a fresh spin on something you likely already do. But fresh is precisely how to get new results, so read on! As a retail expert, I combine what I know works for brick-and-mortar presentations and bring this to the online world. The $2K Happy Hour is a solution I created when I had my latest couture hat collection ready for launching, but in-house trunk shows still weren’t happening.


The Approach:

The P.R.:

The whole concept is the “in-person” effect. You are hosting a soiree, a fun event, a way to bring people together from wherever they are.

Your Social Media feed will brighten up when you start to promote your Happy Hour. As fresh as it is in concept, it’s equally new to see in your feed. The

Doing this creates a human connection. People will respond!

A less formal approach than the classic

webinar, your guests, bring their drink of choice (cocktail, coffee, tea, juice, whatever!), which naturally sets up your potential clients to feel relaxed. The more comfortable they are, the more open they are. If the idea of an actual Happy Hour doesn’t align with your business, then change the name! Have a Coffee Date or a Tea Chat, try a Juicy Hour encourage your clients to bring their favorite flavor of whatever you are hosting. Customize your event to your business.

“scrolling past” stops, and you immediately get attention because you are doing something new.

We launch new offers all the time as entrepreneurs, and our audience expects this. But have you ever hosted a party that you are inviting them to, from wherever they are?

The List: This is where you can give even more behind-the-scenes access. If you think people aren’t interested in this, you are mistaken. Potential clients want to know you, especially if they are thinking of investing their money into your offering.

Your pre-event emails are the place to share the prep, give them teasers (for the p.r. for my event, I showed lots of pictures of the hats… but only “parts” of the hats. I never showed the full hat till the event. So I’d focus on an abstract shot of a detail that sparked interest and a desire to show up and for the big reveal)

Products: You can easily do the same. Here are some ideas for what to tease. Try sharing photos of: Your production line A page from your sketchbook of the product design. Your studio in action Your current situation (project at hand, cup of coffee, dog, etc.). A photo of your computer with the invite being created. Your bar, tea collection, Italian coffee maker. Your glass, cup, or mug collection. A screenshot of your results list. Your soiree check-off list. Your closet - what to wear and why these are your favorites. A shot of your inspiration or mood board. .

Humanize your business by letting people into “HOW” you do what you do. You can also do a post or an email asking for pre-questions that you’ll answer during the event. It’s endless when it comes to ideas to approach your audience freshly.

Services: Along with many of the ideas from the above list, you can also share photos of: Computer shots of your latest pdf in production. Your outline for your new program. Your inspiration - what are you reading or researching right now? Your top three outfits you are choosing from to wear. Then, take a poll for fun. Engage and encourage. Snippets from your program - just a teaser to get your audience intrigued. Some lifestyle pics of where you are working - like at the beach, by the pool. A photo of your office or desk in action

The Event: Zoom is your BFF. I’m going to assume you know how to host a webinar or online event. If you don’t, reach out to me at, and I’ll send you some essential tips. Once you begin, remember to hit “record” so you can offer a replay if desired.

Here are some inspired ideas for your approach for showcasing your launch to your guests: For a new book, do a couple of readings. Share what inspired the book. If there is an exercise involved, take your guests through it. For a wearable product, show how to wear it. If you have an entire collection, show each piece individually. Talk about what to wear with your item, give style advice. Share places and occasions that your product is perfect for. You are answering the questions that every buyer thinks of when they are considering your line. For a physical product, it’s the same formula. Talk about what you do and show your guest how to use and enjoy what you’ve made.

If you can have a few items from your production line, this is a way to take them through the process to the finished product. People LOVE that! For a new program, take them through one of the modules to give them the experience of how your program works. Is there an exercise you can lead them through that comes with the program? Let them see and experience the value you are offering. For a service, inviting your guests to experience a small teaser of what you offer is a great way to encourage them to sign up. This is a way to highlight your expertise. Maybe invite one guest to the “stage” and do a quick 1:1 mini-session with them.

The Q&A: This is a vital and valuable part of your whole experience. An opportunity to answer any questions in real-time. The more questions, the more interest! Encourage the conversation.

The Details: Now we wrap up what we do into a beautiful package with a gorgeous bow on top. What is the cost? Is there an event discount?* (I highly recommend this!) Ordering details. Let them know an email with all the details is coming and when.

The Wrap-Up: It’s a party, and the best way to wrap up an event like this is to have a final toast and a “thank you for coming”. Easy peasy. “Salute”!

The Post Party: Be prepared ahead of time with a scheduled detailed email that shows up immediately after your event. Link to order Discount code FAQ’s Details you just discussed, etc.

* I add the extra oomph by letting my clients know that the link is secret for that night only, and the next day I go public. This works exceptionally well for one-of-a-kind items. Having the email go to my general list gives my clients who couldn’t attend the same benefits and the results for me that eve: Half the hats sold that night came from these ladies.

The Social Media Launch: What about those potential clients not on your list? The ones that maybe didn’t see your pre-event posts? I suggest planning to do a shortened presentation via IGTV for Instagram (they last longer than the 24-hour views of “Lives”.) On the other hand, if your audience is predominantly on Facebook, promote that you’ll be going “Live” at a specific date and time. For either, you can plan two social media mini-events. (You can see my IG presentation HERE. 8 min.) First, the mini-presentation, the CTA can either go straight to your website to purchase or request the replay of the event for the full version. And the second “Live” can be a Q&A. $2K with a martini in hand, in a relaxed setting, with my clients on the other end of my screen laughing, getting excited, having fun… that is EXACTLY how I love to do business! I want to encourage you to try something new and give your audience a fresh approach to how you serve them.

1. The Approach:

The whole concept is the “in-person” effect. Be the host, have a party, make your


guests feel fabulous.

2. The P.R.:

Your Social Media feed will brighten up when you start to promote your Happy Hour.

3. The List:

You can give even more behind-the-scenes access. Get your clients excited.

4. The Event:

Zoom is your BFF. Give your guests everything they need.

5. The Q&A:

Answering any questions is a vital and valuable part of the whole experience. Open the floor!

6. The Details:

Now we wrap up what we do into a beautiful package with a gorgeous bow on top.

7. The Wrap-Up:

It’s a party, and the best way to wrap up is to have a final toast.

8. The Post Party:

Have an email with all the details scheduled to drop immediately after the event.

9. The Social Media Launch:

Plan two social media mini-events after. 1. A mini-presentation via IGTV or “Live”. 2. A Q&A

Katherine represents the modern hybrid global entrepreneur. As a millinery designer, her label, Katherine Carey Millinery (KCM), has been featured on Fashion Week catwalks from NY to Paris to London. For ten years, her work has graced the windows of the most prestigious millinery boutiques in NY.

A specialist in online marketing, sales, and client relationships, Katherine’s expertise, savoir-faire for global travel, and branded style have placed her firmly as an innovator and advisor for businesses across the globe.

Take a day & gift your business a reset for the 2nd half of the year!

MID-YEAR RESET Retreat Guide


Downloadable, printable, and easy to fill in with a PDF reader,

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MORE of what is already working... but bumping that value and price UP, UP, UP!!! It's a Pause with Purpose!

Click the screen to watch a quick

presentation of how to use this retreat guide.

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10 Ways Wearing

The Right Hat

Can Help You Grow Your Business

Click here to watch the interview

KATHERINE CAREY Katherine has had a life-long passion for hats and became one of the most prominent designers in New York. Her designs have graced international catwalks and many elegant society heads! In this lively and behatted interview, Katherine shares how every femme can immediately start attracting clients with a hat! 40m watch (hats included!)




PREEMINENCE To set our personal north star as the only guideline for our journey, and to set our ‘life sails’ in that direction, will cause others to want to do the same.

Hold the space for others to rise by expecting the best from them. Be the change you want to see in every part of your world.

Stand for your highest values and don’t stand anything less than being treated with respect and integrity.






"By returning to the source of the human being and his natural connection to himself, by reconciling the technical and human dimensions in the form of a deep and assumed alliance, full of meaning and values, a new balance is accessible and it is right in front of our eyes! It is what I call UltraPerformance through Human Empowerment".

An Ode To A Limitless Life and Making a Difference Through Innovation with Marc Amerigo and with Jenni P. In this passionate and inspiring conversation Marc demystifies high-performance and brings it to the reach of anyone driven by hard, high goals. Jenni and Marc share on how a life devoted to innovation and surpassing limits is really a philosophy for fulfilment and empowerment. Marc describes why the flow state is so important for achievement of big dreams, and how feminine values and principles, human emotion and connection are essential for powerful teamwork that creates stellar results. Leave 'average' behind for ever, and let yourself drop into the world of your highest life. This is your invitation!

See The Zephir Project - click below


Marc's world of UltraPerformance - click above Marc Amerigo, entrepreneur, project leader and international speaker, expert in innovation and performance in complex environments. His disruptive approach to leadership and management allows individuals to find fulfillment, and their organization to embrace new momentum. Founder and CEO of several companies, he works for the industry through his company Enginova, specialized in engineering and innovation. By using his UltraPerformance through Human Empowerment philosophy and his passion for extreme sports, he leads to success speed world records in partnership with great champions.

“Brace for Impact!” BY DAWN BATES

"I would like to invite you on my journey of discovery into what's truly possible when we sail through the storms, ride the ocean waves, dive deep under the surface, and connect to soul, source and sovereignty" Dawn aka Ms Mermaid

A warning which usually signifies danger, harm or discomfort.

So why on earth, as feminine business-owners

You may be the one who leaves others

wishing to spread love, light and healing over

wondering what happened and what the heck

the globe, do we use the word 'impact' when

they have been doing with their lives - making

the word means to 'forcibly connect with'

an impact through your story.

something else? Is it because it also means 'to have







Making an impact by being you.

something else'? We are, in fact, always creating an impact I would say "absolutely", ladies! With our

whatever our persona or temperament -

passion and purpose, we lead ourselves to

stirring up ripples and waves wherever we go,

excellence and greatness, aware of our power

often without even realising it.

and strengths. Showing up every day for ourselves and our Strengths and power don't always come with

'passion projects' creates an impact in itself.

muscle and loudness.

Depending on the type of project we are working on will depend on the speed at which

We don't need brawn to 'make an impact'.

income appears. Caveat: I use the word

Softly spoken observers in a group of loud and

'projects' because if you are like me, the work

proud noise-makers ('The Silent Ninjas' as I call

we do in this world doesn't feel like work. It has

them) can be just as effective!

a bigger purpose! It’s ‘real work’!

You, lovely, may be the woman who the rest of the world never saw coming - the underdog. You may be the one who learns quickly and implements fast, creating rapid results.

Will the few dollars per book I receive in royalties make me a multimillionaire? Not unless I understand the impact on those who read my books and then implement a strategic plan of action and accompanying product spectrum to go with them. Our real work is the thing that gets us leaping out of bed each day, eager to get cracking on creating impact. Sometimes that impact is soft; in other ways, it spreads out powerfully, slowly, quickly. At some point, it will have an effect at a local community level or on a global level. That's our mission as changemakers. In last month's edition, we looked at the impact of our inner beauty and how the way we style, shine and serve others either attracts or repels others. This is totally relevant to creating

Many successful business leaders prioritise success first and only then write a book (or have someone else do it for them). A book elevates and expands their brand and trajectory to the very top of their industry or expertise. But what of a book's impact on us as authors? In works of potent and controversial subjects such as trauma, abuse, systemic corruption, and alternative healing modalities (akin to the


ones in my highly-acclaimed Sacral Series),

So many women in business refuse to believe

going on!

they are beautiful; so many feel they have to behave like men or hustle and grind all hours of the day. These pervasive beliefs have a negative impact on our income because the more we push, the more we meet resistance. Why? Because believing we have to push something means it is already difficult or closed for us. As a writer and an author, I know that my words will have an impact on a significant number of people around the world long after I am gone, especially given the topics I write and publish about.

there is indeed a powerful, bracing impact

Stay with me on this. Nowadays, it's trendy to have a lead magnet book; it's touted as the quickest way to a fast buck.

But as a multiple international best-selling author with much experience and an insider view, I'd like to poke that myth a bit. Authors who simply want to get a lead magnet out there underestimate their true power. When writing a book that changes them at their very core so that they themselves are impacted by the journey, imagine the knock-on impact that will have on their readers, clients and potential clients! Imagine going so deep into the dark nights of the soul to understand the impact your life experiences have had on you, and why they came about. Wouldn't it be incredible to know that your life could have such a profound effect on changing the global narratives and social discourse? Consider the world if we didn't know about the struggles of Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, Marie Curie, or CJ Walker, Maya Angelou and Nawal el Saddawi.

Knowledge is no longer new; awareness of self is becoming mainstream, and people are looking for people like them. We are looking for people that walked the streets we walked as a child; we are drawn to people who experienced the highs and lows we are currently passing through. Changemakers want to know that provided they keep putting one foot in front of the other, the life they truly desire, for themselves, their children and their communities are available to them; that they too can achieve the impact and income they so desire. You see, the impact we have in the world is not just about the income we receive or the revenue we aspire to. The real power lies in the income we help others receive in their lives, in their social movements, their community projects. Income is constantly flowing to us; it is 'incoming'. As successful influencers, we have a responsibility to lend our voices, our skills, and our elevated positions in society to the causes close to our heart. When we do, we create an even bigger impact in the world. Our income is our stepping stone to greatness and to creating impact. The more we receive and invest in ourselves and the causes that light up our soul, the more we light up the world and the sooner we can drive the darkness out. Using our positions of influence to bring together isolated projects which need direction, collaboration and support, we gift them a louder, more cohesive voice, a voice that reaches those who need to hear it. We help spread a message that changes political policies the world over. This is one of the most significant impacts we can have in the world. Income and impact are symbiotic partners! You can't have one without the other.

So my lovely changemaker, like so many other would-be impact-makers out there, let's get real. To get truly present to the impact you could have in the world, I invite you to complete the following steps to increase your impact and income. 1. Identify the top three social issues in the world that 'get your goat' – the things that really trigger you about society and have you want to storm into parliament and have your voice heard. What is it about them that triggers you so much? 2. Focusing on each of the three things, identify the countries and communities these issues are paramount in and what you believe could be done about them and is currently being done about them by various community groups and social projects. What resources are available, and what is missing? 3. Looking at your business blueprint, all your assets, skills and experience, what value can you add to the already established groups working on these issues? Who with, and where would you start to help bring an end or brighter future to these issues? 4. Now consider who are you to get involved. Why would






groups choose you to be their ambassador, and how you would overcome all their objections to have you take a leadership role?

5. Now you have completed the above, what are the common themes running through all three social issues? Is it possible to bring them all together under one umbrella? What opportunities occur when the three are linked through you and your organisation? How much impact could the combining of these issues have globally, and how much income would you need to generate to make this possible? Remember, these issues that 'get your goat' are the simmering voices your soul hears from the Universal conversations happening which are calling you forward, and if you ignore them, you are ignoring a part of your purpose for being here on earth at this time. Enjoy the process preeminent ones and if you would like to dive deeper in creating a higher level of global impact






movements, check out my AUTHORity MasterMind Collection at We go deep, we go fast, and we get it done, because that my lovelies is what preeminent leadership is all about.

DAWN BATES d i a m r e Ms M AUTHORity MasterMind Collection For those wishing to take the next steps on their journey of rising in their power, regardless of which stage of success, growth and influence you are at, I am inviting you to join me on a journey with the Phoenix Uprising: Lifestyle Reboot. 21 Days of getting present to who you truly are and the next stages of your journey.

To join please visit

Dawn Bates' riveting autobiographical, best-selling books are available here


"Believe in the possible, Trust in the infinite, Reside in the limitless..." Jenni P





All the ideals in the world will amount to nothing without dominion over your ability to change yourself and your agility to navigate changes around you. Leave defining yourself by your past, in the past. Unless it is to tell the world an epic story with a happy ending. Be your own BS BFF, and watch the needle move on your results.







The Golden Triangle of Personal Power™ The Three Core Skills Required for Achievement Mastery

©Marcia Martin

A story of what it really takes to reach your greatness. I became Vice-President, responsible

I have lived a Legendary Life.

for all company sales, marketing, PR,

At age 33, I had just left my position

creative campaigns, and production of

as Vice President of a very successful

all programs and events. I started by

international Corporation that I had

filling events with 50 to 100 people. By

helped build from inception. I was

the end of my tenure, I regularly filled

looking to make my next career move.

auditoriums like the San Francisco

I was only 23 when I had started that


earlier job, and I had learned much from many brilliant mentors and thought leaders who had taken me under






extraordinary time in my life.

build that international company from inception to millions of dollars in annual sales. My work was key in enrolling tens of thousands of clients became




training workshops and personal development programs.

My personal mentors during that period were some of the wisest and best-known business leaders and thought leaders of our time, including world-renowned futurist Buckminster

During my 10 years there, I helped


Cow Palace with up to 20,000




master and thought leader Werner Erhard; acclaimed business manager and consultant Peter Drucker; pioneer of





leadership, Warren Bennis; founder of Siddha Yoga, Swami Muktananda; and Oscar-winning film producer Jerry Weintraub.

Learning from those formidable masters, I became an expert in communication, sales, public speaking, business, marketing, strategy, personal and team development. This instilled in me a Mindset of Achievement Mastery. My mentors taught me a simple but life-changing protocol: you either have results in life, or you have the reasons you don't have results. It is that simple. That is the difference between extraordinary achievement and life-long victimhood, which happens when we give ourselves excuses. Since that time, I have spent my entire life discovering and studying the Art of Extraordinary Achievement. It became my quest to reveal what creates it, what sustains it, what defeats it, and how anyone can produce it. That early experience and training in my life taught me how to access and harness my own personal power, and to see life as an adventure of possibilities instead of (as most people do) a series of obstacles or crises to overcome. Here's the principle to understand that will transform your results from this day forward: circumstances should not determine your commitments in life. In other words, don't ask if you have the right conditions in order to make your commitments. Rather, determine the things you are committed to, then create and cause the circumstances necessary to deliver on them! I have learned how to leverage Universal Principles to create the circumstances I need to deliver on the commitments I make in life. Even when those commitments seem impossible and out of reach. Since that formative time, I have spent my entire life helping others master their own potential and achieve their own ideal life vision. I describe my own life purpose by saying, "My life's work is having your life work better."

So, at the age of just 33, I stood there in life, wondering, "What's next?" At the time, a good friend of mine told me it would be "a good time to go into politics." It was1979, and a US Presidential Election was in preparation stages for 1980. It was just about time for the Democratic National Convention to take place. My friend, the Southern California Young Democrats' President, thought I could contribute excellent skills, knowledge, and talent to the Party to help elect a President. He thought it would be fun for me and that it would be a way to utilize my skill sets through the transition of determining what I wanted to do in the next phase of my life. My friend suggested I show up at the Southern California Democrats' Party Office in Los Angeles and volunteer my services. Walking into that office, I could tell that it was somewhat disorganized. I noticed many passionate young people there, but I could see that team leadership was lacking.

After sharing my observations with my friend, he then felt it might be more effective for me to go to the California State Party Office in San Francisco, where I could be utilized by leaders at the top. I did that too, but unfortunately, I





disorganization, lack of effective team communication, and little cohesion and commitment. The skills I had learned during my last 10 years had catapulted me to a level of achievement and mastery that was missing in most arenas. I had considered my extraordinary ability and radical results to be 'normal' and 'standard'. Upon exploration, I was starting to realize that I had been taught something quite special that most people did not possess or even know was possible. Due to my early mentors, I had become an expert in skills and practices critical




championship results.


"Transformation work is the Fountain of Youth"

Drawing on both my training and my

I thought he was mad - as in 'crazy'. I had

own experience, I have since developed

no experience in politics. I knew no one

my own protocols for Achievement

in Washington DC, and I had no idea how

Mastery. Named 'The Golden Triangle of

to get a meeting with the Democratic

Personal Power’ – I have developed a

National Chairman. I just laughed at my

structure that can unlock that infinite

friend and said, "What do you expect me

potential inside others and within any

to do – just get on a plane, fly to DC, and

teamwork company organization.

walk into the Chairman's office and ask for a meeting?"

The three protocols central to my own achievement


I was kind of dumbfounded when he


replied, "Yes, that's exactly what I think

Communication Mastery, Relationship

you should do. Once you are on the plane

Competency, and Enrollment Prowess.

and in DC, I'm sure you will figure it out."







These three skill sets – Communication, Relationship, and Enrollment – form the

That moment was when my own training

foundation of leadership, business and

really 'kicked in'.

life success, personal charisma, and joy. My life has been a journey of delight in

I had been taught for 10 years how to

helping others master these skills to

create my own circumstances. I had been

create any result in life they desire.

taught how to operate as a champion and achieve anything I set my mind to. I had

When I told my friend that I didn't think

been taught that anything was possible. I

the California State Democratic Office

knew how to create miracles. I had

was really ready to use me, he simply

learned the secrets of communication

replied, "Oh, then you should go to

mastery, relationship competency, and

Washington, DC, and meet with the

enrollment prowess. I had been taught

National Chairman of the Democratic

the Universal Principles and how to

Party. He will know how to use you."

access and harness my internal personal power.

So, when my friend made that suggestion, my reaction was, "Why not? What could I lose?" And that day, I bought a plane ticket to Washington, DC. I didn't know where to start, but I knew, at the very least, that it was vital to START. I put the word out to a few friends that I was leaving for Washington, DC. I asked if anyone knew anyone in politics that could get me an introduction and a meeting with anyone of influence that might help me on my way. I didn't know much about politics at that time, but I didn’t let that stop me. I was grateful when a friend connected me to someone who set up a meeting with a DC Congressman from California – Congressman Pete McCloskey. The only thing I didn't realize at the time was that Congressman McCloskey was a Republican. As they say, "Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread." And I did just that – rushed in, very excited to be in DC, and very excited to meet a Congressman. On the day of the appointment, the Office Manager greeted me and told me that the Congressman was looking forward to our meeting. The woman asked me what I wanted to discuss with him. With total transparency, I declared, "I want to join the Democrats' presidential campaign. I need some introductions to be able to meet the Democratic National Chairman." I didn't notice at the moment, but she was a bit startled, to say the least. I was so young, so naïve. And I was totally unaware of 'political partisanship'. She left me sitting there reading my magazine, and I thought she was attending to the Congressman's introduction. A few minutes later, there was a scurry of movement in the office. About eight to ten people came out of their offices and, in a group, quickly made their way to the front door and walked out. They seemed hell-bent on going somewhere fast. A few seconds later, the Office Manager returned and sweetly said to me, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Ms. Martin, but the Congressman was called into a meeting, and he won't be able to meet with you."

In a flash, I realized what had happened. I had made such a stupid mistake. Suddenly in my mind, the difference between Democrat and Republican became quite clear to me, and I knew I had only one chance to clean up my mess. I centred myself and became quite calm. I went to the place inside me, where I am utterly present, confident, clear, and awake. I spoke from that place with complete love and care and authority. Gazing straight into her eyes with full eye contact, I responded: "Oh, that's ok, I can wait." I immediately looked back down at my magazine, resolute and firm. She was a bit taken aback, unsure of herself, and she kind of stammered and stuttered, "But, but Ms Martin, the Congressman has left the office and won't be back the rest of the day". Again, I very gently but steadily gazed directly into her eyes. Very calmly, but with total firmness and power, I responded, "Yes, thank you, I can wait". And again, I looked immediately down into my magazine. It would have been difficult for her not to get the point. The poor woman was facing an immovable object sitting in her office, and she realized I wasn't going anywhere. I was determined and committed to meeting with the Congressman. It took about 20 minutes, but she finally came back and informed me that someone would "take me to the Congressman, and he would try to find a few minutes to talk to me". Next, I was led through the underground tunnel that links Congress to the Capitol Building. I was led to a hallway outside a Congressional Hearing Room at the Capitol.

I sat there, watching the hallway door

When listening to anyone, there is a

to the Hearing Room opening and

way you can connect to another if

closing. Inside, the Congressional


Representatives were seated in an

mastered how to operate in 'Present

oval-shaped half-circle, apparently

Time". I call it 'listening generously'.





amid a Congressional Hearing. I was able to see my guide take a note to

When you are truly present and

Congressman McCloskey and hand it

listen ''generously” as if the person

to him. I could see the expression on

who is talking is the most brilliant in

his face when he realized I wasn't

the world, and as if what they are

going anywhere until I met with him.

saying is plausible and possible, then something miraculous happens. The

At the end of the Hearing, he came

other person feels fully seen, fully

into the hallway where I was waiting.

received and “gotten”. That kind of

After attending to all the journalists

listening has the power to create

and reporters that immediately

deep relationship and connection.

surrounded him, he introduced Most people, when listening, are


caught in their heads, continually We started to walk together back to

making judgements and figuring out


what to say next.





underground tunnel. During that long walk back to his office, I put into

Even during a simple conversation,

action everything I knew about

people operate in a constant state of



either regretting the past or worrying

enrollment. And that is how the

about the future. In fact, they aren't

power of The Golden Triangle works.

'present' at all.






not not





And most people do not display generous

manipulation or coercion. Enrollment is

listening. Instead, they interrupt or

the ability to be in touch with one's

defend their position, spend much energy

experience and share from the heart. It is

justifying their actions, or try to 'sell' their

the lever for provoking inspiration, and

own perspectives. People often do this

inspiration will move mountains.

unconsciously. Then, there are Laws of Communication. When speaking, there is a way to share

Just like the Law of Gravity, if you don't

your experience and heart, rather than

learn the Laws, and follow them, then no

just reporting or delivering information.

communication really takes place. Real

A person needs to be taught how to

communication is the ability to re-

connect to that part of themselves where

experience another person’s experience

they can share genuine authenticity and

and connect with them from the heart

real passion.

while being in ‘present time’. Talking for talking's sake is merely spouting words. It

When connecting with others, there is a

is just making noise – not necessarily

way to relate to them, seeing their full

communication that will lead somewhere









inadequacies. That kind of connection

communication skills, you access your

produces a relationship experience that is

Personal Power.

profound and powerful and is the first step to enrollment.

Thanks to my early training, I had mastered






wonderful early mentors had taught me the secrets of that kind of Personal Power. I had become a Master of communication, relationship and enrollment.

As I was leaving after our meeting, he called out to me, "Marcia, if those Democrats don't want you, please come During





Congressman, he was enthralled. He was inspired. He was excited about the possibilities. I shared my vision, and he was enrolled. He laughed. He was engaged. My conversation made him think. I could tell he was interested and involved and that my thoughts gave him insights and caused him to think of new possibilities. He was having fun, and it was a moving and powerful



communication. Like an exquisite dance. To the surprise of the now confused Office Manager, the Congressman led me to his private office and asked her to hold all his calls. He gave instructions to bring coffee and not to interrupt. I had accomplished my mission. Even though he was a Republican, he was already giving me ideas about people he wanted me to meet, who could help me eventually connect with the Democratic National Chairman!

back. I would love you to run my campaign when I run for the Senate next year." Years later, I still have the wonderful letter he sent me. I keep it as a treasure, a reminder of that magical experience and a confirmation of my absolute mastery over those three prowesses. As a result of that encounter, I met the Chairman of the Democratic Party, Robert Strauss. At that time, he was US Ambassador to Egypt (and years later, the Ambassador to Russia). Robert Strauss introduced me to Vice President Walter Mondale, who presented me to Chuck Manatt. Financial Chairman of the Democratic Party, Chuck took me onto his personal Staff to the 1980 Democratic




became the newly elected Democratic Party Chairman. At the Convention, I met all the Democratic Governors, Senators, and Congressmen and some very extraordinary people, including Speaker Kennedy,




Senator Jimmy



President Bill Clinton, and many more.

All because I knew about The Golden

You have mastery over your destiny, and

Triangle of Personal Power and how to

access to your personal power. There is no

leverage Universal Principles.

limit to the possibilities you have for creating your desired ideal life vision.

All because I had been trained to master the laws of communication; I knew how to

As you become a master at leveraging










intelligently, and speak with power. I knew

personal circle of support by applying The

how to quickly establish and create and

Golden Triangle principles, you master the



Art of Extraordinary Achievement and can

connection with others, and I had

produce exponential results - a quantum

mastered the ability to enrol others into

leap forward to everything your heart

my commitments.

dreams and desires.

Those are the three core skills required for

You will be in possession of one of the most

Achievement Mastery and Championship

precious currencies on Earth; you will have


results – not the reasons for not having





relationship and enrollment.


When you possess those three skills –

As you learn each of these aspects of The



Golden Triangle of Personal Power, you

Prowess, and Relationship Competency,

too will attain Achievement Mastery. And

then you can rapidly affect any life

you, too, can create and experience a

circumstance you wish to change or

Legendary Life.



Create Your Legendary Life

Click to play

Master The Golden Triangle of Personal Power

In this interview with Jenni P, Marcia reveals why just three skillsets are indispensable to your goals and dreams and how they all work together as a whole!

Legend of Human Potential and Global Authority on Achievement Mastery, Marcia Martin teaches tens of thousands of people worldwide to access and harness their Personal Power and experience Championship Performance. Her programs teach all aspects of The Golden Triangle of Personal Power Communication Mastery, Relationship Competence, and Enrollment Prowess, and are available at





Struggle, confusion, overwhelm and obstacles are exquisite opportunities to declare that we have turned away from our hearts desires.

But they are also exquisite signposts inviting you to turn back.

The journey of a thousand miles...begins, not just with the first step, but with putting the right shoes on.

Make them preeminently, resolutely gorgeous. And durable.

Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved by giving up.

When the going gets tough, move on to the next principle.

The Art & Science Of Getting Paid

To Be You


Yvette Taylor

Imagine for a minute being SO in flow with yourself that every aspect of your life is aligned to you living your fullest expression in the world. Imagine just getting PAID to be of service, for showing up and being YOU… THAT is the gift that each one of us has to bring. YOU HAVE TO CREATE FLOW EVERYWHERE Everything in life is energy, our happiness, our relationships, our health and our wealth. So when we talk about alignment, we have to bring this state of flow into EVERY level of our life. This allows you to step OUT of fire fighting, dealing with the drama, being distracted in every moment and never feeling like you achieved … well .. anything! If we want to bring our TRUE self to the world, we have to ensure that all aspects of ourselves come together in a WHOLE-istic way. When you find FLOW, it is possible to create shifts in so many areas of your life. You’ll wonder why you never did it before. Alignment - It isn’t just about meditating, doing yoga or journaling every day. Whilst it can be. Alignment is a whole life experience, meaning we apply it everywhere. If you think that feels like SUCH a big task, so where do we begin? I’m glad you asked. As always, it begins with a spring clean. Let me lead you through a process that will allow you to align your energetic, mental and emotional energy in a way that will enable you to fully express your passion and purpose in the world.

IT’S TIME TO EVOLVE YOUR ENERGY We call it The Energy Evolution, a WHOLE-ISTIC step-by-step guide and systematic approach to changing your life. It’s designed to get you INTO flow in every way so that you work WITH the flow of energy instead of working against it (which is what most people do!) Very simply, you approach one subject in your life at a time. Then, using a process like EAM - The Energy Alignment Method®, you can shift your energy, transform any limitations, doubts, limiting thoughts, beliefs or emotions and align yourself to a new positive outcome! By working in a step by step approach, as you clean each metaphysical “ROOM” in your life, the system begins to work more efficiently, which means you create more flow. What you’ll discover is the energy gathers. It creates a powerful cumulative domino effect, which multiplies the energy. This extra FLOW of energy means that situations begin to change more rapidly, and you ‘get’ what you are asking for faster! As you unstick each consecutive area, the momentum of energy speeds up the change at increasing rates. You feel more empowered as everything is easy because you have more energy flowing in your life. It sounds like a dream … it’s much more of a process that makes your dreams a reality!



How do you begin to change your life? Well, we

Then there are areas of your life that you share

have to look at your life in three main areas: we

call them YOUR SOUL, YOUR LIFE, and YOUR

with people close to you. This includes:

WORK. Each area has a collection of elements

Your home or physical environment, the

because it works with the way your energy

Your relationships with other people

that are in a specific order. We work in this way systems - mainly your AURA, is structured. YOUR SOUL

It begins with these four elements, which we call your SOUL. These are:

Your spiritual connect & energetic systems and makeup,

Your thoughts and beliefs, Your emotions,

Your physical health. These four areas of your life you do not share with anyone else in your life. It is something that

only you ever experience. Yet, these are the elements which make you, well you… By aligning

these areas first, you create a solid foundation

for yourself. You have the energy, mindset, emotional resilience, and physical health to keep you going, so you have the power actually to CREATE those changes in your life.

space you’re in

Your lifestyle, all the leisure activities outside work

This element means all the aspects that make up your 3D life experiences - the environment

you’re in, the people you hang around with, and what







significant influencers of alignment and flow.


If these areas of your life are out of alignment, it

will impact your capacity to work. You’ll be distracted by life events, derailed from your flow

state and taken out by problems in our relationships. By doing this BEFORE we start working on your WORK, you create a stable life

basis that allows you to expand yourself and reach out into the world.


We also need our physical body to be healthy

Now we align ourselves in our work; these next

vibrating at your highest level. To change your

three elements include:

and in FLOW. If your body is sick, you’re not life, you need your physical body to be in optimal health. We cannot make changes in our

Your Money, Wealth & Abundance

physical health unless or until we have changed

Your Passion & Purpose

our energy, thoughts, and emotions first. By

Your Impact


Now you are ready to impact the world

because you have aligned your life from the





transformation process.







ground up. Now YOUR SOUL and YOUR LIFE

Once your physical energy is healthy, we start

focus on how you make money, live abundantly,

looking at the other elements, including, for

elements are in flow, you can build on those to connect






purpose, and make your impact in the world.

By working this way and bringing all the areas

of your life into FLOW first, you then have the power and capacity to make a real difference to others.

working out through the levels of our aura, example,





relationships, and your lifestyle. Then we can

expand past the levels connected to your

earthly energy. We have the power, strength

and support to use our energy to influence the world around us, so we have a more significant impact.


Put simply, we are cleaning and clearing our

Let me explain WHY this works from an energy

time - first making sure the SIGNALS are clear.

perspective … We start with the outer layers of your aura (YOUR SOUL), then we move onto the

mental, emotional, and physical. As we release

the RESISTANCE in each level, our energy can expand, and your energy field becomes more robust. This makes it easier for the RESISTANCE from the levels of your aura to transform more easily.

energetic amplification system - one step at a We are then increasing the CAPACITY for it to flow more energy. The more energy we flow, the quicker we can change our life.

Taking Aligned Action Ultimately, there is no one ‘thing’ that will change your life. Instead, it is a systematic, cumulative effect that will create the most significant shifts, which is why we work this way within EAM. What this will allow you to do is to step into a new paradigm, where you genuinely know that MONEY, TIME, HAPPINESS, and POWER are limitless resources. They are all sources of energy. They are not limited. No one owns them. They are freely available to you. You just need to tap into their power. When you discover and truly live your life knowing that money and abundance are all just energy, you will be able to tap into the flow of wealth around you. The way to LIVE this is to look at ALL of the ABUNDANCE in your life. ABUNDANCE is a way of life or a flow of ENERGY. It relates to so much more than money. When you SEE, FEEL and LIVE abundantly, you’ll find an increased flow of, well, everything. Love, money, peace, freedom, happiness … EVERYTHING!

Yvette Taylor is one of the most soughtafter transformational teachers in our current paradigm. She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life. Yvette is an inspirational speaker, bestselling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide. She is an entrepreneur and changemaker by heart, who has run multiple six- and seven-figure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.

Learn the 5 Steps of EAM Complimentary Video & Chapter of the new book


Change your energy, change your life! Follow EAM

Follow Yvette



RENEWAL Rest, recuperation and releasing are crucial to keeping our holy preeminence grails at least half-full to overflowing with vitality and abundance.

It is ok to not be ok, but it is even better to let balance, detachment, neutrality and silence, be the ingredients for the balm of our questing soul. To be applied daily and as often as needed to feel the stir of excellence rise again...

Click here for your Distinction Monthly Booster

Madeleine Marentette "The sound of our soul is quietly, eternally pulsating within. When we embrace the sound of silence by first not being afraid of it , we get to hear our soul symphony of boundless love, purpose, and beauty."


"Rejuvenate v Regnerate!"

Madeleine Marentette with Jenni P Prepare To Regenerate ladies! Madeleine's moto is... "60 is the 40 for Women Who Live in the Spirit of Genius, Grace and Greatness’" She says... "What is on many women’s mind today is how to balance ‘living our best life’ with fun and passion, while still wishing to work doing what we love, long past the ages of our mothers retirement years (55-65). Retirement is not on many women’s minds who are living in their grace, genius and greatness. Working easier is on our minds. Giving back is on our minds. But at the same time, not driving ourselves in to the ground and dying of heart attack in our 60’s or going out with a stroke or losing our mind to dementia." Madeleine, founder of the no 1 wellness destination in Canada, Grail Springs, shares with Jenni how, for we women to live out our legacies and potential, we must prioritise above everything, our wellbeing, in tune with the cycles of life and nature. Our path to success depends upon daily practise and setting up our lifestyle and home to support our powers of supermanifestation! This is truly the only sustainable way to enjoy being, doing and having it all!

Madeleine Marentette is CEO of Canada's multi-award-winning Grail Springs Retreat Centre for Wellbeing, which she founded in 1994. Bestselling author, speaker, designer, and







dedicated wellbeing

is to


a the


animals, and the planet.

I began my career in the hospitality industry in Toronto





college, studying art history, interior, and architectural design. All would serve me well in the future in ways I could not yet imagine. I grew up with an excitable appreciation and love for beautiful spaces, excellence in design, our innate connection with nature, and the animal kingdom, all nurtured by summers in Germany living with my grandparents. Hikes under the canopies of the Black Forest, adventures to mountaintop fortresses, castles, and





continued thirst to uncover life’s mysteries. Stories










knights, had me awaken to a commonality we share; the quest for peace, beauty, and wholeness.

It was in the final months of college when catapulted into a health crisis that became my own lifechallenge to overcome, to heal, and become whole again. The changing moment in that crisis was delivered in 1988 when I attended a discourse given by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Convocation Hall at University of Toronto. An inner revelation and realization about the minds profound connection as the mediator and the medicine, between cell and Spirit, led me to a full healing while immersing myself in the life-study of Raja Yoga, science of mind, meditation, the soul realities, and metaphysics. That healing journey from illness to wellness became the very catalyst, philosophy, and foundation for the manifestation of Grail Springs Retreat, today a thriving and beauty-filled sacred space to support the human-soul potential. I believe we are each the embodiment of the Holy Grail, a symbol of complete wholeness. We have moments in our life when our cup is empty, when our cup is full and even overflowing, and everything in between. It is our Will to seek and find that which will brings us happiness, meaning, purpose, and wholeness to our life.

The Holy Grail is a promise: Seek, and you will Find.

Madeleine Marentette

Abundance Lessons from a Spider

Did the spider toil to get up the spout?

by Spryte Loriano

No. Did she freak out when she was washed out? No. Did she give up on her

Do you remember the nursery rhyme, Itsy Bitsy Spider? It goes,

Down came the rain and washed the

spider out. Out came the sun and dried

up all the rain, so the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up the spout again." The tune was light,


playful, wasn't it?

for the sun to come out, giving her the

next opportunity to make her journey?

"Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the spout.


destination? No. Did she wait patiently




I love this nursery rhyme as such a

wonderful reminder of the power of

using both integrated feminine and masculine energy in our lives. But, even more,



love on






and the

Medicine (or wisdom) we can receive from the Spider.

Here are some facts to ponder about the Spider.

Her web is made up of only what is inside of her. She needs nothing outside of her except two anchors to attach her web (her universe). Those anchors could even be leaves blowing in the wind. Why? Because her silk is so strong - it's actually as strong as steel, yet it's as flexible as an advanced contortionist. She never really runs out of the material needed to make her web (her universe) as magnificent and intricate as she wants it to be. In fact, if she does run out because perhaps she didn't catch an insect that day, it's only a momentary lapse. Why? She consumes her own web, which is 100% protein, and it replenishes her. When she makes a web over a long distance, she tosses out her filament and uses gravity or the wind to find an anchor. She uses the natural laws of nature, in other words, to accomplish what looks impossible. Have you ever seen a spider web across a river and wonder how the heck she did that? And if the conditions aren't right, she consumes her strand (to replenish herself) and casts her line out again. Can you see examples of both feminine (yin) and masculine (yang) qualities the spider possesses? How can you apply her Medicine to your own life? For me, when I think about the Spider, I am reminded that I, too, have everything I need already inside of me.

Having grown up very poor, raised by a single mother with six of us children, I've had many limiting beliefs to overcome around money and abundance.

I was the youngest of six, and it's often said that the motto of the youngest child is, "Is there enough left for me?" That sums up nicely what shaped my world growing up. And as an adult, that education played itself out in not believing I was worthy by putting others' needs first over my own and by seeking support outside of myself, like from a man. Through my healing journey, choosing to change those beliefs about myself, I discovered I can be both strong and flexible, just like the spider's web. When I over-exert myself or have doubts about my ability, it is a sign that it is time to replenish my energy like the spider does. Today I know that I can do anything. Today I know that all that I have and can manifest comes from the great spirit within me. That indeed, the kingdom of heaven lies within me. And Mother Nature provides all I need both in concrete ways, through nourishment of food and water, through vibrational medicine from plants, through pure essential oils, and in powerful spiritual ways, like this Spider Medicine I just shared with you. Abundance is our birthright! As a global humanitarian, I have raised millions of dollars for children and families around the world who are caught in the very vicious cycle of poverty. I know that I am fortunate and blessed to have discovered a path to healing the limiting beliefs that kept me stuck for many years. Even though I ate butter sandwiches as a child, at least I had that, and I was able to get an education to see my way up and out more easily than most! While I have always said that giving a man a fish is not as powerful as teaching a man to fish. Sometimes you have to provide the fish first, so they have the strength to learn how to fish, and can see that it's possible.

Nature points us to the lesson that "both" versus one way is the only way. So the spider both spins and lays her magical web for us to marvel at, and she consumes it, giving back to herself this great abundance of nourishment!

We can be more like her as we carry her message, her medicine with us through the day.

My gift to you is to make time to get quiet, and where you won't be disturbed for about

fifteen to twenty minutes, and visualize yourself as the spider. Tune into that same sense of certainty and knowing - it is inside of you! Then imagine, with that abundant energy inside of you, where you are headed next.

And be like the Itsy Bitsy Spider, always sure of your destination, knowing you have what it takes to get there; be patient for the right opportunities to move. They will come.

Spryte Loriano

Abundance Activation Box To support your meditations, I've made a special Abundance Activation Box for you (as I love to do) with a pure botanical essential oil called abundance and one called Joy, both from Young Living. Young Living Essential Oils are grown and harvested from beyond organic standards with a Seed to Seal commitment to purity with no fillers and are my oils of choice. I put 1 drop of Joy in the palm of my hand, rub my hands together, then rub it on my heart chakra every morning. Then I put 1 drop of abundance in my hand, but it also on my heart and on my brain step and crown chakra. I also put 2 drops of each in my diffuser at times during my workday when I want to be supported by nature to manifest amazing abundant and joyful results! The kit comes with the unlocked wholesale pricing (you automatically save 24% off retail, with no monthly minimum order or ongoing commitment!) Give it a try! Your purchase through the links below also contributes to the ongoing success of this magazine. Thank you for your support.



Or, choose your own individual oils and pure botanical beauty products to purchase at the retail price here.






humanitarian and conscious business and media enthusiast, who has helped transform thousands of lives around the

world. Highlights of her varied career have taken her from bedsides of the

sick and suicidal, to boardrooms of

billion dollar companies, raising millions

of dollars for clean water and women's empowerment,



largest food distributions in US history,

and speaking to audiences as large as 13,000.

Obsessed with inspiring herself and others to live an awakened life, she is the Executive Producer and Creator of a new





AwakeningGIANTS releasing at the end

of 2020, and is a leader in Young Living Essential




changemakers about high vibrational plant






mission driven lifestyles. She can be reached at

Join our community

"333 represents the union of mind, body and spirit. It's the dial-up code for abundance"

A333Life is an uplifting Free Membership Community where you get access to: High Vibe Conversation and High-Frequency Life tools. Join our enlivened community of changemakers supporting you to manifest Abundant wins for yourself and the planet.

JULY 2021

fabulous ON A PLATE

"EAT YOUR WATER AND CHEW YOUR DRINK" I recently learned a cool phrase listening to the epic Jay Shetty of 'Think Like A Monk' fame. Jay was describing how, when he spent some time in an Ashram intending to become a monk, before becoming a global influencer, he was encouraged to consume his food in a way he had never know before - to 'chew water and drink food". Apparently, when Mahatma Gandhi said — "Chew your drink and drink your food", — he was stressing the scientifically proven benefits of chewing. A series of recent studies on chewing have established a few facts beyond an intimate connection between chewing and weight control. Speed eating, gorging and binge eating were found to majorly contribute to unhealthy weight gain. The studies confirmed chewing every mouthful for longer helps you lose weight because it allows your brain more time to receive signals from the stomach that it's full. Therefore, the slower you chew, the lesser you eat. When you chew thoroughly, your digestive system is informed of incoming food. This triggers it to produce digestive acids and help the body absorb nutrients. When we feel hungry and ready to eat, many physiological things begin to happen within our bodies that we have no idea about. Our brain starts to talk to our digestive tract and start a whole lot of activity to get our food adequately broken down and absorbed.

Photo credit Unsplash

Stock Your Gold!

Photo credit Unsplash

For example, we produce more saliva, which contains salivary amylase that helps break down carbohydrates. Our stomachs begin producing hydrochloric acid {HCl} which helps break down protein in the stomach and the coolest thing, in my opinion, is that our bodies turn over to a "rest and digest" mode when we are ready to have a meal. So I thought this was an excellent protocol to take on at mealtimes - it's also called 'mindful eating'. And now I've adopted it; it seems crazy not to be mindful when eating! I know I pay the consequences if I forget this! So it's summer, and we are all about water and air and in this issue. Let's attribute the air aspect to eating lighter smaller portions, stopping when you're 70% full, taking some deep breaths before tucking in, and resting after meals.

When it comes to water - liquids - it is clear that liquid food can be nothing but a beneficial adjustment in our diet. For example: Hydrating foods provide essential nutrients. Hydrating fruits and vegetables are packed with electrolytes like magnesium and potassium," explains Dr Josh Axe, D.N.M., C.N.S., D.C., founder of Ancient Nutrition and "The body needs these nutrients to combat electrolyte imbalance, which aids hydration. Although drinking water alone is important, getting water from foods provides the nutrients you need to thrive, so it is also critical."

fine table art is essential to a preeminent life, therefore, make it fabulous. JENNI PARKER BROWN

Photo credit Unsplash

Presentation is everything when it comes to making food fabulous! From the tableware, to the colour-coordination, from the arrangement on the plate to the garnishes, give your dining the same love as if you were invitinga Prince to dinner! P A G E 4 |


Lisa Richards, nutritionist and author of The Candia Diet, notes that in cases of dehydration, getting water from food rather than drinking it plain could actually help you fight symptoms more quickly for this very reason. "Electrolytes are essential to proper hydration as they keep the body's pH balanced and are otherwise lost through sweat along with diarrhoea, burns, and even kidney failure," she explains. "Mild dehydration may be remedied through plain drinking water, but moderate dehydration requires potassium and sodium to be replaced. In this way, foods can be more hydrating than plain water." The following nine hydrating foods are perfect for summertime; not only will you be adding extra water to your diet, but you'll be getting extra natural sugars for quick energy on draining humid, hot days. I've listed them for your shopping list and suggested some fresh new ways of integrating some of them into your daily meals! Watermelon Cucumbers Oranges Strawberries Celery Iceberg or Romaine lettuce Peaches Tomatoes Grapefruit Now you can research the incredible benefits of these highly hydrating foods. You'll find a plethora of reasons to set at least three of them into your daily menus! So here are my Fab On A Plate suggestions to optimise these ingredients:

As well as sorbet, soup, smoothies and cocktails, watermelon loves itself with anything sharp, acid, salty and aromatic. Right out of my Fab On A Plate imagination, I will be serving chilled cubes of ripe watermelon drizzled with high-quality Balsamic vinegar, and sprinkled with fresh basil. I love raw jams (no sugar) so blending watermelon with chia seeds and maybe a little stevia seems obvious - the chia will absorb the water and become gelatinous. The stevia may not even be necessary. Somewhere this summer will figure a watermelon and avocado salad with chicory and a Feta dressing. Cucumbers: I have difficulty eating them as they get sliced up as cold eyes pads every morning...but raw green soup is my favourite. It's a posh, non-fruity smoothie, but oh my goodness, it's like drinking liquid gold for the tummy. Essentially I will find some interesting, peppery salad greens like Roquette or Chicory, or mustard and cress plus baby spinach.. throw it plus a whole, peeled cucumber in a blender with coconut water, light miso, fresh herbs, chives, avocado, some seaweed flakes, spirulina flakes or powder, a tablespoon of coconut oil, a pinch of (fat-burning) Cayenne pepper, some yeast flakes and lemon juice. Imagine, add and taste is my way of cooking, but I'm already salivating thinking of this mix as a chilled soup served with a swirl of olive oil or a dollop of coconut yoghurt. Or both. More fresh herbs, and if you like superfoods, I would slip a teaspoon of Green Wheatgerm powder in there too.

Oranges - just eat one whole every day to enjoy all the benefits of the juice! Strawberries - Since they are so packed with nutrients and are water-dense, our favourite little hearts are are ideal for summer smoothies. Blend them with coco water or veggie milk, a ripe banana, some vanilla essence, peanut butter, flaxseed and Maca powder for a truly superfood breakfast, or snack-as-you-go, power food. Water-dense celery is a fine scooper of yummy dips that you can play with! Hummus, Greek Yoghurt mixed with dried tomato paste or tapenade, guacamole flavoured with fresh herbs or cream cheese. If you tempted to open a crisp packet at summer aperos, make sure you have some celery on hand and swap naughty for life-giving! Romaine or Iceberg, for is the perfect wrap ingredient. Rather than carb-rich tortillas, you can summer-roll your way to a very filling lunch by filling them with gluten-free tabouleh, tempeh, tomato, and just about any kind of leftovers! And you get hydrated at the same time! Sweet peaches make a perfect, mouth-watering partner to sharp grapefruit to create a lusciously hydrating salad; as I like to turn every meal into a superfood, I would be sprinkling this with some pre-soaked Goji berries, bee pollen and toasted almonds or pine nuts. I bet this could tolerate some organic mozzarella sliced over it too! Tomatoes - in the summer, I get an early morning salt and water boost by eating tomatoes for breakfast. I prefer salty rather than sweet breakfasts and ripe tomatoes from the garden satisfy my salt loves!

Finally, remember that water is intelligent! It is sensitive to mood, intention, sound and vibration! So it follows then that water-dense food is no different! You can affect the benefits of your food by blessing it before consuming and visualising it healing and nourishing you to the maximum. Gratitude and appreciation of your meals will enhance the frequency of the good, and your body! You cannot go wrong getting more waterdense foods into your menus! And remember to chew, chew, chew mindfully - both food and drink! You will feel the benefits in your digestion, your skin and your general energy! Jenni Parker Brown



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Welcome to your Preeminent July! ACHIEVEMENT BY DESIGN- EARN AS YOU LEARN The Preeminence Workbook™ is the perfect balance of goal-setting, strategy and aligned action-taking, with the vital inner work, mindscape and well-being practises, of a holistic success lifestyle.

The 9 Graces of Preeminence ideal is a practise to help you design,

envision, embody, and take action on your highest vision of life and

business. 'Achievement By Design' means YOU are always in the

driver's seat, charting the course of this great journey into the unique expression of you, having the most fun, growing, and getting to express your greatness while you make both impact and income.

And all this, adapting to and transcending whatever is happening in the world.


Using the Graces of Preeminence™, you will leverage powerful universal principles into your action and personal habit mastery.

You will organise your months from the perspective of your greatest,

unique self, fulfilling all of your potential. You can include all the details you love - wellness, style, biz goals! This is like planning your dreams into being, month by month.

When you operate FROM your highest life rather than trying to GET To it, you focus on the action needed to move you forward from that higher perspective.

This is like having your Success BFF, mentor and your soul at your fingertips. To

enjoy the full preeminence luxury experience, we

recommend using a PDF Reader (ex. Foxit, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc.) Upload the workbook PDF into the application, and then you

can fill it out as you wish, straight from your device. You can write, edit, annotate and even doodle! Enjoy!


osse P t n ine m e e r P

Hello gorgeous changemaker! Meet Your Preeminent July!

Desktop Calendar Download your month of Preeminence and have it right on your desktop. Keep this workbook handy on the flower placement right under the calendar so you can use it over the month! Click right:

Take Action! High Performance JULY POWER MOVES




Prompts 12 Excellence 13 Distinction 14 Renown 15 Peerlessness 16 Prestige 17 Transcendence


18 Leadership

READ The Art of Impossible

20 Endurance


22 Renewal

BONUS GIFT 9 GRACES Habit Tracker!

Guided Morning Visualisation Meditation Step Into Your Highest Self Day

Preeminent Goal Setting Move the needle on your results this month of June!

June Desktop Calendar complete with affirmations, download here



Create a habit of working through this workbook - keep yourself accountable. We recommend finding a Preeminence partner and working through it regularly so you can brainstorm together. You will find links to all the resources you need to move the needle on your results - some of them are in our past issues which you have access to HERE

Set Your Preeminent Goals Move the needle on your experience and results this month, aiming for the 4 cornerstones of holistic success, Mind, Body, Soul and Money.

What sensations and feelings do I

What financial growth do I

want to experience?

desire to see?

What is my non negotiable must-do business goal this month?

What is my body

What is my soul

yearning for?

yearning for?

What is my non negotiable must-do wellness goal this month?









Excellence Topic Of The Month: CHILL OUT AND PROSPER


Check out our amazing Conscious Wealth Expert Karen Baines' free Money Alignment assessment! Link on her page. Or go to Read The Art of Impossible by Steven Kotler. He breaks down anything which seems impossible into do-able


Transform Your Money Mindset with Nicola Smith Jackson 45m

steps - highly recommended by Jenni!

What are you really good at, but haven't allowed yourself to do for a long time? Can you take it up again?

Page 18 of July 2021 issue Or is there a new hobby you are ACTION:

yearning to start? Get cracking now that lockdown is easing!

Brainstorm 10 to 12 possible new revenue streams. Don't censor anything that comes through. Don't let logic get in the way.

Did you download the Preeminence desktop calendar yet with its beautiful abundance affirmations? This workbook belongs right on it!

Look at your weekly schedule and see where you can carve out some extra

Download your FREE habit tracker.

space to work on 3 of your best ideas.

Nothing beats a dopamine hit from

Make a date and start!

ticking off a habit done daily. Daily habits always lead to excellence!

Find 3 (healthy) ways to reward yourself when you check stuff off. The brain loves a hit of dopamine and will help you to stick to the habit!

Read Jenni P's article BeYoutiful and Paid.

Click here




Getting a new photoshoot!

Topic Of The Month: COMING OUT OF

Having a jewelry and bag swap with your friends.

LOCKDOWN IN STYLE! Try on a whole new makeup look. TO BUY: A HAIR UPLEVEL!

Study posture so you can walk into a room like a ballerina or a princess.

Is it time for a complete change of hairstyle to herald the summer and post lockdown adventures? Why not try a colour you've never tried before?

Help yourself to the FREE Brand Stars, Shine On Camera Bundle from Naomi Estment here! (If you want to

FIND YOUR STYLE SEASON Want to know what seasonal palette you are so you can accurately choose the best colours for your skin and hair tone? Check out this super free resource!

be more confident on camera and take better selfies, this is a treasure! What steps will you take to upgrade your filming, lives and zooms and presentations?



Set an Intention and Action Plan

Topic Of The Month: Get Paid To Be You RESOURCE:

BeYoutiful and Paid by Jenni P is a step by step process to align your message with your mission and become unforgetable. 5m read

to Upgrade Your PR.

1. Brainstorm finding your ideal clients in your Social Media tribe. 2. Read How To Build Your Know Like and Trust Factor For Your Soul Business by Sashka Regina : here

Issue 2 May 2020 p 65 3m read

Download her FREE Do you have a book in you? Books are the

Hashtag Guide here.

ultimate Authority Badge. have you been procrastinating about writing it or getting published? Stop it! What do you need to do to create space in your day to

3. Read How To Use The Power of PR To

write? Even just 500 words a day. Don't die

Become A High-Level Expert by Dina

with your story inside you!

Behrman with steps to take to do your own

Get some clear guidance with out Author


Coach Dawn Bates. Get yourself in her tribe and get moving!


Issue 1 April 2020 Page 90 4m read



What's your Big Dream right now?

Dreams come true through knowing the right people and connecting with them.


1. Join our Human Potential Legend,

Who do you know in your network

Marcia Martin's private club and

who could introduce to someone whose

access her treasure chest of resources

field or expertise will take you one step

for just $10 per month! It's golden,

closer ot that dream.


DM them today! CLICK HERE

Read 'The Audacity To Be Queen' by Gina DeVee. "This is a must-read for any woman who is uncompromising in the vision of her highest life. A manifesto for magical transformation!" Jenni P. I recommend you work through it as a workbook with a female buddy.





Improve your understanding of how Money Consciousness works. You have access to every issue of House of Preeminence here and each one is a masterclass in this topic.



Take your regular water bottle or flask (Yes you

Take Karen Baines’ FREE Money

need one with you at all times!) and either write

Momentum Assessment here for a

on it with an indelible pen or wrap some card

personalised SUMMER audit on your

around it on which is written a phrase that

money alignment prowess.

infuses the water with the optimum benefits for

Truly awesome!

you. You can express gratitude, love for the abundance of all that is good in your life, an


affirmation of wellness, whatever you like.

It is has been demonstrated that water is highly sensitive to the vibrations of sound, emotion and intention. Research proves that infusing your water with the highest thoughts augments its power; in doing so, a daily habit you do frequently becomes yet another richual for success!

JOURNALING PROMPT How can you use the second half of the year to truly uplevel your finances? What do you need to put in place.? Can you raise your prices? Create a group program? Find a corporate client? Automate a digital product?

The more you hydrate, the more you affirm your abundance! So drink and grow rich!

JV with someone powerful? Create an online course? Add on some ecommerce? The options are infinite!

Transcendence Topic Of The Month: CHILL OUT AND PROSPER ACTION:

1.To meditate and journal on: Do an audit on your time. Make a list of all the activities you typically do a in a week (absolutely everything!) Calculate the amount of time you spend on each activity in a day and multiply by 365. How much time are you frittering away when you could be creating something immense? How much time are you hustling when you need to be resting? All of this affects your vibrational frequency and your frequency affects your money magnetism. Midsummer is the perfect time to review where you are putting your attention, because as you know, your focus creates your reality!

2. Name 9 things that you find super fun and that you haven't done for ages: What can you treat yourself to now that would feel special? Who, what or where do you need to reconnect with most in the world?* How soon can you get that on your calendar? What rules can you break (where nobody gets hurt!) that would make you feel more human and less like living in an Orwellian nightmare? How could you re-invent your dreams? What’s the earliest time you can do something or see someone who always makes you laugh? Can you schedule or increase playtime in your serious femme-change-maker agenda? Fun isn’t frivolous; it’s medicine. The pharmacy of happy chemicals that swirl around in you when you’re in Fun mode, are LIFE-SAVING! (Proven!)



Ready to turbo charge your visions as next level you, like a


phoenix? Authorship, molecule shaker and leadership expert,

Could you use some extra help?

Dawn Bates has the perfect

Why not advertise for someone

container for you ladies!

with a skillset that would free you up in exchange for coaching or



Take an intern from a college.

Find a cause to join and create your own local group.

Create a movement and use your work for the greater good!

2. Join the Marcia Martin Club - a treasure trove of resources on everything to do with leadership, enrolment, and communication skills (just $10 a month to be in the same space as our fabulous Transformation Legend!

Anyone can start a movement: Contact the expert @Sammy Blindell who runs regular events on creating movements! Click here


Endurance Topic Of The Month: SWAP HUSTLE FOR FLOW ACTION:

Treat yourself to our Yvette Taylor's new book 'The Energy Alignment Method' - links


Open the windows and spend a few minutes deep breathing fresh air into your brain.

Drink a large glass of water. And then another. Splash cold water on your face and follow up with a light cream before it drys. Pat your face vigorously! It'll wake you up!

Set your timer and power nap for 15 minutes.

Find a favourite dance song on Spotify and get up and dance for 5 minutes!

on her article page. Replan your days so that your most brain focused work is done in the morning when Flow is an art and a science and if you're

you are fresher.

passionate about knowing how to use the same tools and approaches that the largest companies in the world are using to keep their employees in flow for an optimum time: Read: 'Stealing Fire' by Jamie Wheal and Steven

Diffuse essential oils next to your desk and use peppermint or rosemary. Or put a weeny drop of each on your wrists, rub them together to activate the molecules and inhale for at last 20 seconds.

Cotler; The Rise of Superman and 'The Art of Impossible' by the latter author. Both of these authors are experts in this 'grail' of success tools.

Make a pot of the best green tea you can buy. Strain some into a thermos, add a little berry juice and chill. Sip this every time you feel lethargic or foggy. You could add some

For more info: checkout The Flow Genome Project

natural Guarana powder or Vitamin C if you're often working on intense focus projects.


Talk your body into beauty and wellness!

Topic Of The Month: Summer IS time for you to BLOOM

“ Today my natural radiance will light my confidence in


myself and my projects."

Three quick daily affirmations to talk your body and vibrational frequency into beauty.

Repeat each one three times.

“Today my soul leads my mind Try and learn these off by heart.

Words are powerful – they are the feedback

and body in the best directions for my ultimate well-being. I

mechanism of your inner world. When used

honour that with dressing to

with affirmations in regular repetition, you

welcome in this truth”

can reach your subconscious mind, who is the gatekeeper of all changes you try to make. So it takes no time to do this but a re-calibration of your daily habits. You could try writing this down on a pretty card and carrying it in your bag. Pull it out several times a day and remind yourself how you intend for your body to be at its best.

Try out a post-pandemic wardrobe declutter and get tready to give yourself a mini makeover - see over.

“I know that self love is the ultimate beauty routine.”









“When life places stones in your path, be the water. A persistent drop of water will wear away even the hardest stone.” ― Autumn Morning Star

How to harness the power of water and air to boost your frequency in your highperformance life and business! It’s no surprise that air and water are so closely linked to success! Since they are vital for life, it is logical that they are key elements in optimising our lifestyle and bodies! Both lifestyle and bodies need water and air to perform at their

w a

highest. And not just any old water and air either! Here are key facts!

1. When











communicate faster with the rest of your body. That means increased productivity! 2. Hydration helps mood and improves feelings that give rise to high energey and high vibration. 3. Your cognition (conscious mental activities) may actually work faster!


4. When you’re dehydrated, you’re more likely to get headaches, and feel moody and tired. 5. Dehydration can have a negative impact on short-term memory, and mental tasks may seem harder and require more effort.

Soda, diet soda and sugary drinks don’t have the same effect as water. But foods with a high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, grapes, tomatoes, oranges and celery, do.


Besides water, neuro-feedback also increases myelin sheaths and helps your neurons fire better.

How much water you need depends on your body size, exercise levels and various factors.


You’ve probably heard to drink 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water day (opinions vary on whether this rule is valid), but another indication is to drink enough so that your urine stays very light yellow or clear. Keep a glass or bottle of water in your sight during the day, and when you feel your concentration start to slump, drink up for your brain–and your body!

I have a flask which matches my desk and studio décor because it feels lux and like part of the furniture! Treat yourself to a really good quality thermos that easily fits in your bag. Take it shopping, on walks, take it everywhere!

“Breathe in the fresh air of the freedom to create your own mood rather than the stale air of being a prisoner of circumstance.” ― MJ Durkin

By engaging with our breath, we intrinsically engage with our body-mind. We thus have a direct line of communication between the body and brain that allows us to attune and attend to what we need most at that moment. To begin your practice of mindful breathing, here are three foundational and impactful mindful breathing practices that you can use anytime, anywhere.

a i r

Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. Simply notice, feel, and become aware of your breath and body. Starting from the bottom of your body, bring your awareness to your toes, and take a breath in and out. Work your way up the body, noticing

the cycle of breath as you

mindfully scan each body part from your feet to your head. You can do this for as long as you like, or set a timer for one to five minutes. Repeat often during the day to cultivate a deeper connection to your body-mind.

Place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly. Simply notice, feel, and become aware of your breath and body. Starting from the bottom of your body, bring your awareness to your toes, and take a breath in and out. Work your way up the body, noticing the cycle of breath as you mindfully scan each body part from your feet to your head. You can do this for as long as you like, or set a timer for one to five minutes. Repeat often during the day to cultivate a deeper connection to your body-mind.

JENNI'S water and air LOVES: I never miss a daily walk in nature. Natural sunlight helps to keep your circadian rhythm in check and fresh air in your lungs helps your body’s natural defence systems fight viruses, bacteria and fungi. The importance of breathing deeply has largely been ignored in modern times but writers likeJames Nestor and practitioners such as Wim Hoff are raising awareness about the health benefits various breathing exercises offer. Walking and breathing in nature reduce stress levels, boost mood enhancing chemicals, improves your skin. It seems we are genetically programmed to fall into sync with the rhythm of trees, plants, water, and other natural elements. It is un-natural NOT to be using this natural resource in our optimum performance!


Free Online Course - Become the Star of your Brand! Discover insider secrets to get noticed online with beautiful, authentic personal branding photos and videos!

Are YOU a visionary woman with a message to share, who is already the face of your brand . . . but would love to be the STAR of your brand? Here's a juicy taste of how to do it, by learning: * Your confidence on camera rating and what this means * An unexpectedly easy way to get comfortable on video * A simple way to maximise the impact of your message * How to use accessories to up the wow factor in shoots * Essential posing tips for you, even if some seem weird * How to optimize profile pics for the best first impression * Game changing tips for a visual legacy your tribe loves





Welcome to Vibrant Balanced Health the key to wellbeing is being well - not just one day but every day.

As women, we often neglect our gut health, yet it is a vital part of our wellbeing. if we don't balance our health, especially our gut health, it has been shown to affect the whole body.

Do you have a fabulous lead magnet? WANT TO GET YOUR FREEBIES AND EVENTS IN FRONT OF 300K+ SETS OF EYES? Write to Jenni P to find out how...


Re-evaluating success - beyond THE MATERIAL How can entrepreneurs be best equipped in a post pandemic world?

d r a o b d o o m t s u g u A n o i t a r i ni sp


d r a o b d o o m t s u g u A n o i t a r i p s in


Evergreen business Heart-based Success 101 HOME - THE NEW BOARDROOM


Want to collaborate? please email jenni

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