10 minute read
Start At The Top And Work Upwards.
How to align yourself with your highest visions and be paid for your genius and superpowers.
Are you obsessed with creating the RIGHT products for attracting your SOUL CLIENTS effortlessly on an ever turning treadmill of hoping for That Big Bold money-making idea?
Are you feeling like your messaging or content does not really communicate the value you really have to offer and wonder why you're a best-kept secret?
Are you spinning your wheels re-inventing your brand regularly because it STILL doesn't feel 100 % like the real you and all your brilliance?
Are you stuck about what kind of signature methodology could possibly take what you do and elevate it to stratospheric?
Maybe you’re trying to implement a biz model that your mentor exemplifies and falling short, or you just don’t like marketing and selling because it feels somehow disconnected to your great mission!
These are all symptoms of being in the 'what and how' trap and trying to figure out how to move forward with the conscious mind, strategy and a lot of hard work.
You probably haven't yet made your soul your CEO.
The words' soul-based '' business or 'soul-led mission' have become the general vocabulary for this generation of deeply altruistic female entrepreneurs who desire to make their own fulfilment central to the impact they bring.
No longer content with just being a 'service-based' business of commerce or consulting, soul-inspired business is synonymous with infusing our livelihoods with our passions, values, spiritual connection and our relationship with humanity, the earth and even the cosmos from whence our souls came!
It elevates our work with noble qualities and a desire for feelings of fulfilment in every part of our business model and lifestyle.
But weaving soul dialogue into your vocation and branding is even more potent than that.
Without your soul, you could have no mindset. Without your soul, your heart-brain connection would be broken. Without your soul, you could not dream your bold visions. Your body would simply be an automaton going about the motions. And without your soul infusion, your brand, message and beautiful offerings will be as forgettable as most reels of people dancing on social media.
So elevating your soul as CEO of your enterprise, is indispensable for changemakers.
But who or what exactly is your soul? And why should you make her 'da boss lady' in all your marketing?
When I refer to the soul in creating a Preeminent personal brand, we are talking about the 'Real You', inside the beautiful shell of your physical body – the part that makes you truly human, with all your incredible potential, and not just a femme sapiens. Your soul holds your history, energy, great journey overview, links to your childhood and maybe even past lives. It holds the keys to manifestation - seeing the desires of your eternal self land in this 3D reality.
We lose our connection to that eternal self at some time through childhood. After that, we tend to define ourselves on the roles we take on and the material things we own, taking scores of our progress by measuring ourselves against others to see if we are similar (thereby feeling normal).
Then, it is no wonder that after years of losing our sense of uniqueness and destiny, we wander lost amongst the gravestones of our deepest aspirations. Even for a business that does not have 'soul' values, material gain will lose its attraction at some point.
We are wired to seek growth and fulfilment, pleasure and expansion that is not just based on our ability to create revenue. And so, the more we can infuse soul values in every single part of our life and business, the more we will be nourished and able to nurture others. But there is a more scientific reason too.
The regular business and marketing world (patriarchal model) is based primarily on rational and linear, left-brained, struggle and strive. These are the 'vestiges' of traditional business which no longer motivate women.
Visionaries, creatives, spiritually gifted, ethical, humanitarian and heart-motivated entrepreneurs have difficulty adapting to this outdated approach in their visions and dreams. We need to bring our feelings into everything!
Individual fulfilment, emotional intelligence management, the science of flow states, energy, alignment and optimising potential through wellness practices and the even subtle arts of esoterism are now mainstream business practices.
Many years ago, I fulfilled one of my most precious dreams of dancing with horses - professionally! I was so dialled into my soul at that time that I experienced a state of continued epiphany and set out on a quest to understand what it takes for us to create a life that feels like heaven on earth. What has that got to do with business and personal branding?
Well, it's pretty radical, but I discovered that the traditional route to success graphically shown as a multi-layered pyramid of psychological needs by Abraham Maslow, was upside down.
Instead of starting at the bottom, ensuring we have all our basic needs met first and then climbing up towards the desired destination of self-actualisation (where we are soul expressed), New Thought and science supports the fact that a state of fulfilment FIRST is the thing that attracts all the other parts. The Law of Attraction phenomenon was built on this.
Call it self-actualisation, flow state, peak experience, fulfilment, kundalini awakening, alignment or being in the highest vibration, all evidence points to the NEUROCHEMISTRY of our state being the catalyst for causing and experiencing the desires and outcomes we hold dear. Billionaire Titan John Assaraf's whole empire is built on these facts. As are so many other empires! You have to start at the top, make feeling good your default state and work upwards!
There has been so much incredible research done to link neurobiology, energy and the science of high performance with success and achievement. The consequence is a revolution in what it takes to create a world-class brand and peak achievement.
Now let's get it real for you, lovely! Most entrepreneurs start or even scale with offers and a biz model that they decide on with their logical, conscious minds. They are in love with their ideas, often inflated with the conviction that because they are good at what they do and they are passionate, everyone is going to fall in love with what they're putting out and that it is enough to sweep them into a constant revenue stream. Wrong.
If you're a soul-led entrepreneur, you may well be motivated and leading with your purpose, your 'why', and if so, good for you! So many female entrepreneurs realise that their heart-brain connection and spiritual dimension must be central to their life and business.
However, even if they - you- are connected to your 'why', you may still have a great deal of difficulty expressing your 'why' in your messaging effectively. It is not enough just to have a big vision of changing many people's lives!
So many entrepreneurs don't even know what their message is, let alone express their soul in there. Yet it is key to communicating in the marketplace in a way that hooks their soul clients in.
That's because what your soul wants is what you truly want, precisely what your client tunes into because it's what they want too!
How do you recognise and harness the voice of your soul so you can express it?
1. When you do what you are naturally gifted or talented at, your soul will speak.
2. When you love what you do, your soul will speak.
3. When you do what you do best of all, your soul will speak
When you combine your loves and your gifts and what fires your values, you use that to serve the clients you are called to help, you are right slap bang in the middle of fulfilling all of your human potential as well as creating a peerless and powerful message.
Harnessing this level of neurobiology in your actions is when your emotional intelligence (vibration) is the highest, and your access to higher states of consciousness is opened. In other words, the more you are connected to and expressing your soul, the more time you spend in flow and peak states.
This is when you unleash your genius and superpowers and step up from being another service provider with similar credentials to a thousand other women in your 'niche' to the absolute goddess-given gift to someone's exact pain, struggle or blockage.
Because when you listen to your soul through the voice of your heart, when you act on and express its wisdom, you become a true expression of Preeminence in your brand. Your offerings, products, services, posts, emails and funnels become exquisite, sacred messages to the people you are meant to serve.
You came here to recognise and express your divine power through the sacred exchange of your gifts for abundance in entrepreneurship (there is no more holy work!). When you can identify and build your 'why' upon that, your 'what' and 'hows' will be as dazzlingly clear to your perfect clients as diamonds in the sunlight!
And that's the kind of sparkle that nobody can miss, even on Social Media!
Your soul is always taking a reference point, impulsing you to follow your north star. You may think that listening to your intuition or highest self will help. But your soul IS your highest self, and you must know the correct language!
That language is codified within you. You contain the codes of your message, your mission, and your most opulent biz model.
My proprietary methodology, The Trinity Code™, allows you to access all their power, brilliance, flow and million-dollar ideas and align them energetically with your dreams.
It allows you to build your ideal life and biz FROM a place of fulfilment and high vibration, rather than trying to get TO IT. The Trinity Code™ is as ancient as time and as leading-edge as quantum science. It's a beautiful perfect pattern that reflects the connection between our inner (macro ) world and the marketplace (micro) - soul and aligned action in perfect harmony!
The phenomenal Trinity Code™ is founded in perfect cosmic order, reflected everywhere in nature, language, mythology, architecture, numbers, brain patterns, aestheticism - There is nowhere it is NOT!
When used as a blueprint for creating a Preeminent Personal Brand, where you get to be rewarded for your genius and for feeling the happiest you can imagine, it is simple and seamless.
Imagine the Trinity Code is a map to your deepest soul desires, and your soul being the compass.
Now, what's all that got to do with your message? And how does it link to moolah? I'm glad you asked.
It comes back to going deeper than just your 'what' and 'how' and even your 'why.'
The Code connects you to your 'I Am' truth and then reveals the most optimum way you can express it in your brand to attract abundance and your soul clients.
Once you have your Code, you have it forever. You will never have to wonder again how you should put yourself out there and what it looks like.
The beautiful outcome is that you become attuned to your highest, abundance-attracting potential. When working from the zone of your Trinity Code, you cannot be OUT of alignment.
Your Code allows you to start at the top and work upwards.
I help sovereign femme-preneurs go from best-kept-secret to highly sought-after super leaders through personal branding and quantum coding work, so that they can magnify their message and channel more wealth into their soul-driven movement.