7 minute read

Be A Silent Rebel and Lead the Way

Yvette Taylor

Leadership isn't always about titles, heroic acts, headlines and big tribes of followers.

It's someone who is quietly going about the business of transformation as a kind of silent rebel - no big deal but so much power.

A person who IS going about creating change in the world, FIRST within themselves, their presence alone, their energy, words & emotions

SECONDLY in their lives & family, their values & communication

THIRD in their work, creating new paradigm changes through living their purpose and changing the systems from within

They are not shouting from the rooftops or pointing fingers about what is wrong without doing something about it and taking aligned action which is congruent on every level with what they want to see!

For me, there are so many qualities in a true leader. Primarily that they can lead themselves. Let’s explore some of the key traits of a new wave leader on this planet.


While no one expects us to be an angle, it’s crucial that we are congruent and live by what we teach; we are a walking embodiment of the work we share with others.


Would you be in this role, niche, job or industry even if you never got paid? Is it ‘your thing you know in your head that you’re here to do? Being on purpose is a powerful way to lead others because the purpose of your leading is that you are naturally heading in that direction anyway, instead of building and leading a community for financial return alone?


What are you or what do you do to awaken that fire or energy within other people? So many people in the world feel lost simply because they have lost connection with their source within. What do you do to help them rediscover that for themselves, so they are EMPOWERED instead of needing ‘you’ or anyone else to do it for them?


Allow things around you to be as simple as possible to enable or empower those around you to succeed in life or work. Whatever you can do to ease, speed things up and simplify means that others can step more easily into their leadership roles and take themselves and their vision forwards.


The ultimate way to empower others is to teach, and give them the knowledge and processes to recreate or shortcut the journey as much as possible. However, the knowledge of empowering themselves along with the practical, actionable steps and techniques is essential.


No one wants to stay stuck in the same stories; where do you want to lead people with themselves or in life. What do you stand for? What are you changing? What new world or paradigm are you creating? And what aligned action are you taking to make that happen.

These are just SOME of the many skills needed in a new paradigm leader. Essential it falls to you being on purpose and generous with your knowledge, empowering others and being fully in alignment within yourself, your life and your work (or at least as much as you possibly can!)


Where do you need to step more into leadership in your life? What habits, challenges, and stories do you need to be free from to lead your life? What team or support do you need to bring in so that you can be in your creativity? Which core values do I need to embody more deeply to be able to? What do you see in the world that needs to change for the benefit of humanity? What are you able to do/facilitate or create around that? What fears, thoughts, doubts, or limitations pop up for you as you answer these questions?


Using energy healing or EAM, we can release anything in your energy field that contradicts what you are creating. What we vibrate will create every single time. So looking at the answers to the last question, you can use the steps of EAM to free yourself from those doubts, thoughts or beliefs so that you can be in alignment with and create your vision with more ease than ever before.


This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®.

EAM is an accredited modality that bridges science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life.

Here’s a simple insight into the 5


Step 1 - You Ask Tap into our subconscious to ask a question

Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond

Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy

Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way

Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience

Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5, so you can step into your LIFE OF MIRACLES AND MAGIC. You can work through this individually for each of these archetypes the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover.



Close your eyes, and feel into the energy of your chosen archetype. What do you notice about her? What does she feel like? What emotions she is experiencing, and what beliefs she has. Where do you notice any stuck or resistant energy which prevents you from embodying her empowered energy? Even if you see or feel nothing follow steps 4 & 5 anyway.


TRANSFORM Take what you found at step 3 and insert it into this statement below.

‘I AM ready to release (these feelings of fear, this heaviness in my heart when I step into the lover archetype). I release it from my energy in all forms, on all levels, and at all points in time.’

Repeat AT LEAST 3 times, in repetitions of three; you may have to do this once or twice when you feel the release, move onto step 5.


MANIFEST Now we have fun reprogramming our energy and creating something new. Ideally, hold your hands above your head, palms facing up and repeat three times.

‘I AM ready to allow (e.g. myself to embody this empowered lover energy, I am open to connecting and receiving all the good in the world, I share love wherever I go, whoever I am with. I connect). I allow this into my energy in all forms, on all levels, at all points in time.’


Spend time sitting with your business, every day exploring some of the other aspects of the business energy with EAM, and if you’d love more support or guidance to take your business exactly where it needs to be with energy healing, reach out and get in touch. Are you ready?

Yvette Taylor

Yvette Taylor is one of the most sought-after transformational teachers in our current paradigm. She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life.

Yvette is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide.

She is an entrepreneur and change-maker by heart, who has run multiple six- and sevenfigure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.

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