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Every Woman Is A Goddess - Just look in the mirror...
Look In The Mirror and Behold…
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What are the first thoughts and feelings that come to mind?
I’m guessing that you don’t fall down on your knees in wonder at the Goddess who stares back at you. I’m surmising that your reaction is anything but reverence to your reflection. And I want to change that.
I have stood on many stages and looked out and beheld an ocean of Goddesses - hundreds of faces of women just like you - and all of them divine. All of them are potential Goddesses, if only they could allow themselves to know what a masterpiece they really are. What a masterpiece you really are!
Most women wouldn’t put themselves and the wordGoddess in the same sentence, let alone believe intheir own divinity. Yet divine, we all are!
The dictionary defines a Goddess as:
1. “A female deity” 2. “A woman who is greatly admired, especially for her beauty”
And since so many women do not feel powerful norbeautiful, this definition doesn’t help encourage us toown our divine Goddess nature.

A Goddess, to me, is a woman who can stand in her own right and in her own bright light.
With the willingness to express her greatness and respect for all her shortcomings, she embraces the accolades of others and everything she is.
A Goddess is not lofty and out of reach but steadfast and grounded; she knows who she is and expresses only her authenticity to herself and to those around her. Knowing deep down that she is unique and appointed to do worthy work, she paints her life with the commitment to rise above the mediocrity of pettiness. But she does so with grace and humility.
You see, the Goddess is not an unattainable ideal nor a mythological fantasy figure draped over jewelled couches handing out orders as she drinks nectar from a golden chalice. A woman who channels her inner Goddess is a vessel for expressing love, goodness, truth, beauty, and virtue.
To the world, she’s up there, out of reach, on a far away pedestal, never to be held close in her magnificent humanity or her tender vulnerability. This is an illusion. The Goddess in you lives.
We need more real models rather than role models. Living life is not a role we “play”; we are real people living real lives, and this is definitely NOT a dress rehearsal.
Let’s lessen the chasm of the unattainable archetype and explore what parts of her nature, when integrated into our lives, will help us all rise.
Let’s take the idea of the feminine deity off the high and mighty altar, and invite her back into the lap of our society. Let’s make her real, palpable, someone that other women genuinely want to emulate rather than venerate from afar.
Goddess work is simply embodying goodness. Women everywhere are sharing their precious life poetry in millions of ways every moment of each day … yet the eyes of the world do not witness their goodness nor their divinity.
Rooted in her divine feminine power, a Goddess discards the sword of shame in exchange for the wings of wonder, knowing that all of life is in perfect flow.
And, what of beauty?
Beauty comes in so many diverse ways. Physical beauty is only one very fleeting aspect of being a Goddess. But beauty is what I see when I behold that ocean of Goddess faces.
The BE-YOU-ty of a woman’s fierce passion, her unwavering love for her tribe, her ever-unfolding resilience and patience can make her more beautiful than any precious rare blossom.
These virtues radiate from her core femininity. This unique beauty lies within every woman and leaves imprints on the walls of our times.
We all carry the goodness, the grace and the force of divine desire inside us. Both men and women are divine; we share the power of choice to shape the holy handful of pearls of the life we are gifted.
From one Goddess to another, my invitation to all of us, is to float past the pedestal of outdated ideas of feminine divinity.
I don’t want to be an untouchable Goddess. I want to be in the middle of the crowd. I want to connect to you, sit with people, taste their tears of gladness and drink in the divinity which resides in all of us.
Sit with me, won’t you, my Goddess friend? The only requirement is the willingness to BE. Feel into the freedom and gift of your own voice to speak life into those who are eager to hear and willing to listen.
There is no price to be paid to source this gift.
Stay close to the goodness, my friends, to touch your divinity.
When we as Goddesses get messy (as we inevitably do), we show the world that creation is the sacred craft of birthing. There is no birth without blood, strength or tears. That’s real life, as real as a woman who shows up as mother, Goddess, fighter, lover, defender, leader, or supporter.
Always and in ALL ways, be willing to surrender to the greatness of what is here, in the moment for the sake of the greater good.
Now THAT is the nature of a true GODDESS. Not a role model, but a real model.
I don’t want to be an unreachable Goddess; I want to be in the middle of the ocean of other Goddesses, and I want to be able to talk, be, and sit with people.

We are human Goddesses.
We carry our superpowers in every cell of our feminine fountains, which spring eternally from the nourishing source of love.
You are a gift. You are a masterpiece. So, today, I invite you to own and claim every ounce of that masterpiece. Start by looking in the mirror and beholding the Goddess gazing back at you. Worship the ground she walks on for the rest of your days, for you are indeed divine.
And then, treat yourself to a chalice.
Liana Chaouli is a best-selling author, Founder of Image Therapists Int'l Inc., global thought leader, S.T.Y.L.E. Sage™ educator and innovator. She has spent 4 decades consulting CEOs, celebrities, and political figures on matters of self‐image.