14 minute read
Are you a Mistress of Change?

Prepare for an upgrade
Genius, Grace and Greatness
To 'Be The Change' First, you have to change!
If you are not wired to adapt to change, you will experience a lot ofresistance in life.
Even when our human vehicles turn into compost, we are still changing state! Even the most seemingly inanimate object is in metamorphosis because change is all there is. Nothing stays in stasis because everything is energy, and energy is in constant fluctuation. So it figures that if we can adapt well to inevitable change, we will thrive in and under all circumstances - even messy, bloody worlds beset by every imaginable (and some unimaginable) crisis and a rampant, mutant bug that is wiping out the fragile and the vulnerable. That sounds right out of a horror story, doesn't it? Unimaginable crises and mutant bugs flaying the playing fields of humanity.
But it's the context for the dawning of this new year, tainted by the less noble colours of human nature but uplifted by the throngs of lightworkers questing to bring these current modern dark ages into a new Renaissance of all that is good, true, beautiful and evolutionary. If you are reading this, you are undoubtedly one of these lightworkers. So it would bode you well to polish up your warrioress skills when it comes to change.
So it would bode you well to polish up your warrioress skills when it comes to change.
The way to do that is to abandon all in your life that could be called 'mediocre'. Your health, relationships, aspirations, ability to earn abundant resources, appearance, schedule, opinion of yourself, conversations, dinner table, environment, self-care régime, daily agenda, and dreams for humanity, your dreams for yourself.
One of the remarkable things about the word mediocre is the extent to which it has retained its meaning over more than four centuries of continual use. The word, when used as an adjective, has changed very little, if at all, in its meaning since it was used in a 1586 book titled The English Secretorie (our earliest known evidence): "Mediocre, a meane betwixt high and low, vehement and slender, too much and too little as we saye. . . ." The word comes to English via Middle French from the Latin word mediocris, meaning "of medium size, moderate, middling, commonplace," and perhaps originally "halfway to the top." The noun form of mediocre is mediocrity.
You know that time when you are faced with the fact that you must up-level your business and life or roll over into the couch resign ourselves to 'mediocrititus'? Let's face it, some time you'll be faced with a momentous decision: go big or go home. At that moment, you will find yourself at a crossroads.
There are two junctions - take the usual street home, towards the one marked My Small Old Life, and carry on with your life regardless. Or make a choice and a commitment to change by turning your nose down the road marked My Big New Life. My Ultimate Life. Me in a Bigger (soul and financial) size.
At this point, there is an opportunity to wield your powers of awareness and awesomeness by swapping those tempting tactics for the power of freedom to use three of the most kick-ass catalysers that we possess.
Choice, Change and Commitment. Every day with practice, we can use these three powers as a reality check to get you back in the badass saddle, fiercely stoked with motivation, drive and focus. They are the golden keys to mastering change - or rather a 'Mistress of Change'.
So how do you become a Mistress of Change and ensure that Mediocre is nowhere in your energy or aura?

Let's look at Choices, Changes and Commitments and how they work together.
1. Choice Reality check: you are a creature of free will. You are always choosing. Whatever you are focused on, you are choosing. If you don't like what you've got, you can choose again.
Life is not outside you; life is inside you. Life IS you. And so is your business.
Owning responsibility that you can, at all moments, decide whether you're an icon-inthe-making, or just another wannabe, makes your choices vital.
We are either powerful creators, or we're not. We choose all of it. Success or not success.
A harsh but empowering reality check will have you deliberate about making choices equal to you playing at your highest level. Choice equals freedom – yours. With choice and freedom, you can leave mediocrity for the sleeping masses.
Next... 2. Change Reality check: Change is uncomfortable – that old reptilian brain, the unconscious, will fight tooth and nail to keep you in the bondage of staying at the same level. Firstly there is ego, the sense of self that needs to defend itself to death! Separate, alone, fearful, your ego will struggle with going big. It'll convince you that playing small is gentler and safer.
Then, there are OTHERS and their opinions and how much you listen to them, their expectations and projections. You will receive criticism or judgement.
There is nothing else in the world but constant change and shift. It is the natural order of the universe to keep changing, so embrace change. Become a chameleon taking on the colours of whatever unique landscape you grace, able to change and adapt or become a snake, growing out of your old skin of old habits and beliefs that kept you short of your brilliance and beauty.
Tomorrow will never be the same as today, and thank Goddess; otherwise, you're living in 'Groundhog Day'.
Change equals opportunity, and opportunity means growth. That takes care of mediocrity.
And the third little gem...
3. Commitment Reality check: When the going gets tough, you are no longer in the vicinity because you've outrun your old race. Commitment equals strong intentions and mighty implementation habits. Commitment is the real quantum leap. It's not trying; it's persevering. It's not hesitating or looking down. It's the same energy as when you're running; you don't have time to wonder if you can put one foot in front of another at speed. You trust your body to get that damn foot forward as your body lurches forward. You believe with every cell in your body that you will advance, so you do. That's commitment. Commitment gives a sign to the universe that you ain't messin'. So it can deliver on time.
That gorgeous iconic lifestyle of you playing at your highest level. What would it mean to you to wake up tomorrow in that life that isanything BUT mediocre?
How would you choose? What would you do differently? What would you be thinking and feeling, and seeing? What would you be smelling and touching? What are you earning? Who are you with? Build yourself a complete sensual vision of your ideal iconic life – take some time and colour in the details in your head. Where are you? What do you hear? Who is with you? Why, oh why does it feel soooo freaking amazing?
Take some time to give full rein to your imagination and dive into the scene. Embody that scene, all the sensations and emotions, embody it for a few moments. Enjoy it.
Now take up your journal and write 'Choices, Change, Commitment'. Write down 9 things under each heading that you will begin implementing today.
Different choices that equate with your uplevelled self. New changes will have you feeling like a superstar. Renewed commitments to living your best life as your best you.
You have the power.We will adore seeing you rise and shine in all your glory.
As a Goddess. Goddesses are indeed Mistresses of Change.You have the key.
Jenni P

To 'Be The Change' First, you have to change!
If you are not wired to adapt to change, you will experience a lot ofresistance in life.
Because change is all there is in life. And death, too, come to that.
Even when our human vehicles turn into compost, we are still changing state! Even the most seemingly inanimate object is in metamorphosis because change is all there is. Nothing stays in stasis because everything is energy, and energy is in constant fluctuation. So it figures that if we can adapt well to inevitable change, we will thrive in and under all circumstances - even messy, bloody worlds beset by every imaginable (and some unimaginable) crisis and a rampant, mutant bug that is wiping out the fragile and the vulnerable. That sounds right out of a horror story, doesn't it? Unimaginable crises and mutant bugs flaying the playing fields of humanity.
But it's the context for the dawning of this new year, tainted by the less noble colours of human nature but uplifted by the throngs of lightworkers questing to bring these current modern dark ages into a new Renaissance of all that is good, true, beautiful and evolutionary. If you are reading this, you are undoubtedly one of these lightworkers. So it would bode you well to polish up your warrioress skills when it comes to change.
So it would bode you well to polish up your warrioress skills when it comes to change.
The way to do that is to abandon all in your life that could be called 'mediocre'. Your health, relationships, aspirations, ability to earn abundant resources, appearance, schedule, opinion of yourself, conversations, dinner table, environment, self-care régime, daily agenda, and dreams for humanity, your dreams for yourself.
One of the remarkable things about the word mediocre is the extent to which it has retained its meaning over more than four centuries of continual use. The word, when used as an adjective, has changed very little, if at all, in its meaning since it was used in a 1586 book titled The English Secretorie (our earliest known evidence): "Mediocre, a meane betwixt high and low, vehement and slender, too much and too little as we saye. . . ." The word comes to English via Middle French from the Latin word mediocris, meaning "of medium size, moderate, middling, commonplace," and perhaps originally "halfway to the top." The noun form of mediocre is mediocrity.
You know that time when you are faced with the fact that you must up-level your business and life or roll over into the couch resign ourselves to 'mediocrititus'? Let's face it, some time you'll be faced with a momentous decision: go big or go home. At that moment, you will find yourself at a crossroads.
There are two junctions - take the usual street home, towards the one marked My Small Old Life, and carry on with your life regardless. Or make a choice and a commitment to change by turning your nose down the road marked My Big New Life. My Ultimate Life. Me in a Bigger (soul and financial) size.
At this point, there is an opportunity to wield your powers of awareness and awesomeness by swapping those tempting tactics for the power of freedom to use three of the most kick-ass catalysers that we possess.
Choice, Change and Commitment. Every day with practice, we can use these three powers as a reality check to get you back in the badass saddle, fiercely stoked with motivation, drive and focus. They are the golden keys to mastering change - or rather a 'Mistress of Change'.
So how do you become a Mistress of Change and ensure that Mediocre is nowhere in your energy or aura?

Let's look at Choices, Changes andCommitments and how they work together.
1. Choice Reality check: you are a creature of free will. You are always choosing. Whatever you are focused on, you are choosing. If you don't like what you've got, you can choose again.
Life is not outside you; life is inside you. Life IS you. And so is your business.
Owning responsibility that you can, at all moments, decide whether you're an icon-inthe-making, or just another wannabe, makes your choices vital.
We are either powerful creators, or we're not. We choose all of it. Success or not success.
A harsh but empowering reality check will have you deliberate about making choices equal to you playing at your highest level. Choice equals freedom – yours. With choice and freedom, you can leave mediocrity for the sleeping masses.
Next... 2. Change Reality check: Change is uncomfortable – that old reptilian brain, the unconscious, will fight tooth and nail to keep you in the bondage of staying at the same level. Firstly there is ego, the sense of self that needs to defend itself to death! Separate, alone, fearful, your ego will struggle with going big. It'll convince you that playing small is gentler and safer.
Then, there are OTHERS and their opinions and how much you listen to them, their expectations and projections. You will receive criticism or judgement.
There is nothing else in the world but constant change and shift. It is the natural order of the universe to keep changing, so embrace change. Become a chameleon taking on the colours of whatever unique landscape you grace, able to change and adapt or become a snake, growing out of your old skin of old habits and beliefs that kept you short of your brilliance and beauty.
Tomorrow will never be the same as today, and thank Goddess; otherwise, you're living in 'Groundhog Day'.
Change equals opportunity, and opportunity means growth. That takes care of mediocrity.
And the third little gem...
3. Commitment Reality check: When the going gets tough, you are no longer in the vicinity because you've outrun your old race. Commitment equals strong intentions and mighty implementation habits. Commitment is the real quantum leap. It's not trying; it's persevering. It's not hesitating or looking down. It's the same energy as when you're running; you don't have time to wonder if you can put one foot in front of another at speed. You trust your body to get that damn foot forward as your body lurches forward. You believe with every cell in your body that you will advance, so you do. That's commitment. Commitment gives a sign to the universe that you ain't messin'. So it can deliver on time.
That gorgeous iconic lifestyle of you playing at your highest level.What would it mean to you to wake up tomorrow in that life that isanything BUT mediocre?
How would you choose? What would you do differently? What would you be thinking and feeling, and seeing? What would you be smelling and touching? What are you earning? Who are you with? Build yourself a complete sensual vision of your ideal iconic life – take some time and colour in the details in your head. Where are you? What do you hear? Who is with you? Why, oh why does it feel soooo freaking amazing?
Take some time to give full rein to your imagination and dive into the scene. Embody that scene, all the sensations and emotions, embody it for a few moments. Enjoy it.
Now take up your journal and write 'Choices, Change, Commitment'. Write down 9 things under each heading that you will begin implementing today.
Different choices that equate with your uplevelled self. New changes will have you feeling like a superstar. Renewed commitments to living your best life as your best you.
You have the power.We will adore seeing you rise and shine in all your glory.
As a Goddess. Goddesses are indeed Mistresses of Change.You have the key.
Jenni P