Hello Zuidas #10

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Karin Kersten, ABN AMRO

‘A building is made up of bricks. The people who work within those bricks create the community’


Baker & McKenzie: ‘China has a very high growth rate and has to gain knowledge and production capacity’

HELLO ZUIDAS Car-sharing scheme reduces congestion KIRSTEN VAN DEN HUL Welcome to the Wild East! NDI ICT SOLUTIONS It’s our duty to improve mobile coverage in Zuidas

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Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

We care about diversity, too Whenever I meet with business managers, the

Diversity at Hello Zuidas isn’t restricted to men

topic comes up: my company aims for diversity

and women, of course. We have sections of

on the work floor. Why the emphasis on diversity,

specialists who work on different themes. In this

I wondered, but of course it’s obvious really:

issue NDI ICT explains what it proposes to

people from different backgrounds have different

do about poor mobile reception in the towers

ideas and opinions. Diversity is a good way to

(pp 16 and 17) and there’s a special on doing

avoid tunnel vision and come up with different,

business with BRIC countries (p 48).

and often better, solutions. I also recommend you take a good look at the I find I look for diversity too, especially where it

agenda. It is easy to miss an event that you might

concerns the cover of Hello Zuidas. After Joris

have wanted to go to, like Bella Buccia’s Vintage

Luyendijk and Ruben van Zwieten, I thought it was

Sample Sales. So get your diary out and start

about time a woman graced the cover, preferably a

pencilling in some dates! We’ve come to the tenth

feisty one with a responsible job. It didn’t take long

and final issue of Hello Zuidas in 2013. We hope

to find Karin Kersten, Managing Director Facility

you’ll enjoy it. Have a great Sinterklaas celebration,


Management at ABN AMRO. One of the things

a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.

The next issue

she did at the bank was change its chilly entry hall into a warm and welcoming place for guests and

of Hello Zuidas See you in 2014!

staff alike. We had a good, woman-to-woman talk. Hello Zuidas has been in existence for almost two years now. About 140 companies are members – a fact we are enormously proud of. Your participation enables us to work together to ensure Zuidas is accessible, sustainable and lively. We are already well on our way. Our ambition is to make sure Zuidas is a prime location for working, living and learning. We want Zuidas to develop as an international district with a hint of Amsterdam, a strong network and as an outstanding place to locate a company. In order to realize this ambition, we need many member companies as possible. If your company has not yet signed up to Hello Zuidas, please get in touch and we’ll organise a meeting to get to know each other. Olivier Otten, managing director Hello Zuidas

is scheduled for Januari 7th.

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Index 08. Karin Kersten, ABN AMRO ‘A building is made up of bricks. The people who work within those bricks create the community’ 12. Property 14. Trending Topics 13. Column: Kirsten van den Hul Welcome to the Wild East! 14. Hello Zuidas – Bridging the gaps 16. NDI ICT Solutions ‘We feel it’s our duty to improve mobile coverage in Zuidas’ 18. Finance 20. EY Building a better working world 24. Hello Zuidas – Public Space Old School: Entrepreneurship, food and culture under one roof 25. New in Zuidas: Restaurant NINE 26. Hello Zuidas – Mobility Car-sharing scheme reduces congestion

28. Agenda Hello Zuidas 32. Dienst Zuidas: Marlerplein gets a make-over 34. Hello Zuidas – Sustainability Who will make the circular city? 36. Hello You 39. The Lex van Delden bridge 41. Mortgage advisor De Hypotheker in the heart of Zuidas 43. Oliver’s: a little different 47. Talent A talent for tackling a challenge 48. Special: doing business with BRIC countries & the next 11 - 50. Introduction - 51. Baker & McKenzie - 55. Rabobank 57. Hello Zuidas: new participants 58. Memo board

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.


‘From the moment I started, my goal has been to ensure a warm welcome to anyone who enters our buildings, both in Zuidas and elsewhere’

Karin Kersten, ABN AMRO’s facility manager since 2011


A building is made up of bricks. The people who work within those bricks create the community. Karin Kersten’s LinkedIn profile shows she is a woman of many professional skills. Kersten, ABN AMRO’s facility manager since 2011, is endorsed by her LinkedIn connections for ‘strategy’, ‘management’ and ‘banking’, to name but a few. However, one skill emerges above all others: most people recommend her expertise in change management. One thing is certain: as soon as Kersten takes up her new position, she brings a wind of change with her. ‘I love to change and move things around and I try to do so in a way that inspires people,’ says Kersten. You have been ABN AMRO’s Director of Facility

more and people will remember it better. That is why it’s

Management since 2011. What was your most

important for these contacts to be excellent.’

important goal when you started? ‘I wanted to create more awareness about the importance of

What did you study?

facility management towards clients and guests. We have a day

‘I studied at the Hotel School in The Hague. Afterwards I

to day workforce of 5,000 up to 6,000 in Zuidas alone. Clients,

went on to do Business Administration & Business Economics

guests, co-workers, everyone who enters the office comes into

at the university. Financial subjects was what I enjoyed most.’

contact with facility management. From the moment I started, my goal has been to ensure a warm welcome to anyone who enters our buildings, both in Zuidas and elsewhere.’ How do you achieve this? ‘Take, for example, our office building on the Gustav Mahlerplein. The entrance hall used to be a vast empty space that tended to make you feel a bit lost. We changed this and were also able to create an additional 400m2 of useable space. We created extra meeting rooms, flexible working spaces and a coffee bar. Now, our entrance hall is a space where people work, drink coffee, meet each other and talk to clients. The other day I counted 58 people in there. Or take another example. When driving into our car park, people had to ring a bell, after which they’d hear (assuming a

‘Together we have the key to innovation’

typical Amsterdam accent): ‘Security here!’ Now, when you drive

How did your career evolve from there?

in, you’ll hear ‘How can we help you?‘ So aside from functionality,

‘After finishing my studies, I started to work in investment

there also has to be a sense of feeling welcomed.’

banking. Subsequently I worked for McKinsey & Company, giving strategic advice to organisations. After a couple of years

How important is this during times of recession?

the appetite to work for a bank returned and in 2003 I joined

‘Giving clients a warm welcome is always important, irrespective

ABN AMRO. There I worked in different fields: the strategic side

of the economic climate. But, there is another reason why a warm

but also in client-related functions, such as cash management .

welcome is important. The Netherlands has one of the highest

I was part of several projects during the separation and integra-

levels of internet penetration in the world, along with the highest

tion of the bank. This was an intense period and we were under

use of internet banking. An increasing number of people do their

close public scrutiny. After that I was asked to lead Strategic

banking online. So when there is a meeting at your bank, it means

Risk Management and built the risk appetite for the bank. In 2011

Text: Romy Lange in cooperation with Jonas Kooyman. • Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde & Camiel Donders


I started at Facility Management. It is very different from

like to play the piano. I also like the bustle of the city and I really

what I did before. Now I have to think about how to handle an

enjoy the cultural life as well.’

organisation with such a great number of people and suppliers, and how to make positive moves.’

Your LinkedIn profile shows ‘change management’ as one of your most endorsed professional skills.

Logistics is an important part of facility

What other qualities do you have?

management. What is your view on the accessibility

‘I love jumping head first into something completely new. I love

of ABN AMRO in Zuidas?

to change things and move things around and try to do so in a

‘The building is very easy to get to by public transport. The same

way that inspires people. If we go back to our office entrance

goes for accessibility by bicycle. We’re very enthusiastic about

hall, it only counts as a change when visitors notice it. So it

the bike park which will be built underneath the Gustav Mahler-

was fantastic when people told me how pleased they were with

plein with space for 3,000 bikes. By car, capacity is limited. We

the transition.’

work with thousands of people and our office has become more difficult to get to recently because of road construction work.

What do you think ABN AMRO staff appreciate

This has an impact.’

about Zuidas? ‘It is an area with a lot going on in terms of restaurants, bars,

In what way do you try to improve this?

hotels and shops. We have noticed the improvements, that it is

‘We have a good dialogue with Dienst Zuidas and also take part

becoming a more lively place to be. About half our staff have

in the Mobility Taskforce. We have two views on the ZuidasDok

lunch in the office. That means the other bring their own lunch

project, which means a large part of the Zuidas infrastructure

or enjoy the facilities in Zuidas itself.’

will be placed underground. The area will be more open and lively, which is very good. However, I wonder if it will be worth

What are your wishes for the future of Zuidas

the high investment costs, especially since access will not

‘The most important thing to me is that colleagues and guests

really improve. Moreover, the construction work will take years,

who come to our office feel like they belong here. It is not just

during which we will be harder to reach. We are following the

about the ABN AMRO office, but interaction with the district

developments with regard to this project very closely.’

itself. A building is made up of bricks. The people who work within those bricks create the community.’

What are the challenges in your work at the moment?


‘We are trying to create a higher level of customer satisfaction while, at the same time, doing things more efficiently. Sometimes this forms a challenge, but using our resources and materials more cleverly also really boosts our creativity.’ Are there other aspects of your profession that you would like to improve? ‘I would like to contribute to a more client orientated, sustainable and diverse organisation. In the Netherlands in general and at ABN AMRO in particular, the fact is that the higher you

Innovation Centre ABN AMRO

move up the corporate ladder, the fewer women you see. I try

Karin Kersten (1970) Managing Director Facility Management ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Karin Kersten was involved with the separation and integration of ABN AMRO and Fortis. She is seen as an analytical talent, with an enormous drive to book results. Kersten began her career in investment banking, spent three years as a strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company and joined ABN AMRO in 2003, where her career took off. Kersten was director of strategic risk management at the bank until 2011, when she was appointed director of facility management. Kersten also has a number of supervisory board positions at ABN AMRO subsidiaries and contributes to a more diverse and sustainable organisation.

to mentor or coach ambitious colleagues and make sure the subject is on the agenda. I think part of the problem is that when women look at the boardroom they see a lack of diversity and think “why do I want this?”’ What are your interests outside work? ‘I love both nature and city life. During family holidays we prefer to hop on our bicycles rather than take the car and enjoy cycling through the beautiful countryside. I am active in sport. I work out three times a week and once a year I do a quarter triathlon. And


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Property Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send your property news to redactie@propertynl.com

BIG ZUIDAS DEALS COMING UP ZUIDAS - A number of large investment deals are set to involve Zuidas property in the weeks to come. For


example, the Ito and Som buildings, the new Stibbe

ZUIDAS - Internet warehouse Coolblue will be opening a

complex and the Nauta Dutilh building are all on the list

Zuidas operation at the end of October in the former Star

as rumoured potential investments for foreign players.

Meal complex on the Gustav Mahlerlaan, according to

During the Expo Real property trade fair in Munich

the Parool newspaper. It will be Coolblue’s fifth Dutch

in early October, it became clear that German as well

physical shop. The company recently opened a branch in

as Anglo-American investors have their eyes on the

Rotterdam and is looking for two locations in Flanders.

Netherlands. Union Investment, for example, is keen

Coolblue has over 100 websites, including laptopshop.nl

to expand in Amsterdam and Deka is also looking at

and camerashop.nl. The Zuidas store will also operate as

the options.

a pick-up location for online orders.




GOLDMAN SACHS ZUIDAS DEAL ZUIDAS - A joint venture between OVG and Goldman Sachs has taken over a portfolio of eight buildings from CBRE Global Investors’ Dutch Office Fund. The deal is further evidence of the international interest in Dutch offices. Financial details were not disclosed, but the price was estimated by sources at around ¤120m for the 62,000 m2 property. It is one of the biggest Dutch office deals in recent times. PropertyNL



ZUIDAS - International law firm Nauta Dutilh has signed

ZUIDAS - Project developer Provast has signed a deal

an agreement with property developer G&S Vastgoed for

with Amsterdam city council to develop 180 apartments

a new office building in Amsterdam. The law firm will

(rent and buy) in the Fred. Roeskestraat. Dam & Partners

take 10,000 m2 of the 12,500 m2 property once it is

is working on the design of the water-front building,

completed. Nauta Dutilh says it is making the move from

which is close by the Olympic Stadium. The plan involves

the WTC Amsterdam because the new building will be

20,000 m2 of housing, spread over three buildings of

more sustainable, more flexible, has better facilities for

differing heights, including a car park. The apartments will

welcoming clients and larger open spaces.

vary in size from 63 m2 to 114 m2.


Photography: Veronika Bačová




Trending topics Pincsale@Pincsale Volg ons ook op instagram: @pincsale voor de laatste modelooks, en de nieuwst PINC outfits! #zuidas #fashion Chris Buijink@chrisbuijink Sparren op de Zuidas met Harald Benink @uvt_tilburg over banken, Nederland, Europa & de wereld. Melanie v.d. Horst@MelanievdHorst Volle tent met werknemers zuidas en klanten voedselbank. Wat een gezelligheid, ben weer heel wat Amsterdamse gezegdes wijzer :) @GBCZuidas AT5@AT5 De Zuidas heeft sinds gisteren een splinternieuwe brug. Of, nou ja, brug. ‘Het is eigenlijk meer een plein’ Ronald Huikeshoven@RonaldHuik UITVERKOCHT: deze week laatste woning verkocht in het in aanbouw zijnde project #OPZUID op de #Zuidas @020. Dienst Zuidas@DienstZuidas Marktpartijen kunnen zich aanmelden voor de aanbesteding fietsparkeergarage en herinrichting Mahlerplein #Zuidas Redactie PropertyNL@PropertyNL Coolblue opent vestiging op de Zuidas Erik de Boer@ErikdBoer Nu op Vestigingslocaties: Kantooropname op Amsterdamse Zuidas scoort bovengemiddeld goed, aldus JLL. Accenture Community@AccentureNL @DienstZuidas: Accenture praat mee over plannen voor herinrichting van Mahlerplein in Zuidas Quote@Quotenet Nu in de winkel: Quote doet de Zuidas CBRE Nederland@CBRENederland Amsterdam Zuidas kleurt groen tijdens eerste wereldwijde #CBREGreenWeek #duurzaamheid GBCZuidas@GBCZuidas #CarSharing op de NOS! ‘Deelauto’ tegen spitsdrukte Zuidas via @NOS AT5@AT5Amsterdam is een monument rijker. De toren van de rechtbank aan de Zuidas is aangewezen als monument Tony Wijntuin@WYNEstrategy Eten met uitzicht op Zuidas: Restaurant Old School (Goudfazant & Trouw) in oud schoolgebouw, nu broedplaats bij RAI. Willem de Vocht@Willem_deVocht Bij @TeslaMotors weten ze wel waar ze moeten staan om nieuwe model in NL te promoten #Tesla #zuidas Eric van Oversteeg@EricvOversteeg Ook voor studenten is het mogelijk! wonen op de Zuidas, toplocatie #Amsterdam http://www.studentexperience.nl Eline Hoogendijk@ElineAmsterdam @chrisbuijink Al over de Lex van Deldenbrug gelopen?? Best een ervaring!! #zuidas Restaurant Nine@RestaurantNine Bedankt relaties, familie, vrienden & leveranciers voor de fantastische avond! Opening geslaagd! @RestaurantNine Fitch & Shui@FitchandShui De inschrijvingen voor het WTC Amsterdam Sinterklaasfeest zijn begonnen! Eduard Schaepman@eduardschaepman En weer keurig om 0900 uur gearriveerd op #NS station Amsterdam Zuid #lowcardiet Vastgoedmarkt@vastgoedmarktnl WTC Amsterdam verhuurt 6.727 m2 Vastgoedmarkt.nl netwerkSWSR@NetwerkSWSR Vandaag wordt gezamenlijk #carsharing project gelanceerd op #Zuidas, met @Greenwheels, @Audi en @WTCAmsterdam Advocatie @Advocatie Hotspot voor advocaten op de Zuidas: een hamburgerkeet Het Parool @ Het_Parool ‘Terwijl de ‘oude’ Zuidas leegloopt, loopt de ‘nieuwe’ Zuidas vol. #Amsterdam FD Nieuws @FD_Nieuws Jonge advocaat verlaat de #Zuidas om aardappelboer te worden.

YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS: www.facebook.com/hellozuidas @HelloZuidas for employees of companies that are participants of Hello Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link to Hello Zuidas as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app that allows you to flip through the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com


Welcome to the Wild East! The first time I ever set foot on Russian soil, was back in

greyness of the Perestroika past. But only a few blocks

the good old Soviet days. I was 13 years old, and had won

behind those fancy façades, I saw beggars and prostitutes

a place on the Dutch team competing at the International

fighting over the best corner. On my way to the Bolshoi

Russian Olympiada, a spelling and writing contest for

Theatre, I got into a taxi. When the driver turned to ask

school pupils from all over the world.

me where we were going, I saw to my great distress he was carrying a gun.

When I got off the plane and wanted to take a picture at the airport, a stern soldier rushed to tell me that was

Even more disturbing, I saw him watching me in the rear

“strrrictly forrrbidden”. I felt like Alice in Wonderland.

view mirror. He smiled, baring a few gold teeth. Was that

We were put under the supervision of a state-appointed

vodka I was smelling? ‘Don’t worry, love. Welcome to the

chaperone, who never let us out of her sight. Any

Wild East! So, what brings you to our lovely city?’ ‘I am

questions we asked that were considered too political,

visiting friends’, I answered shyly. ‘How come you speak

she answered with a simple shrug. Under her watchful

Russian?’ he asked. I told him I had studied Russian at

eye, we saw the Kremlin (where I almost got into trouble

school. And before I knew it, the taxi driver started reciting

for crossing the street diagonally, which, as it turned out,

one my favourite poems by Pushkin. ‘I loved you, and

was also “strrrictly forrrbidden”), visited Lenin’s tomb and

perhaps, I love you still.. ‘ Smiling at me in the rear view

waited in line with the Moscovites to get a table at the

mirror, he said: ‘That’s Russia in a nutshell, darling: poetry

recently opened McDonald’s.

and guns.’

It was an overwhelming new world of contrasts, where repression, poverty and progress seemed to go hand-inhand. The next time I visited Moscow, a few years later, it felt like a different city altogether. Huge bill boards, designer shops and neon-lit night clubs had replaced the

Kirsten van den Hul speaks, writes and works on the crossroads of culture, communication and change. She works as an independent change agent for Dienst Zuidas, and writes a weekly column for Dutch daily AD. In 2011 she was appointed as UN Women’s Representative. Her motto: “Without change no butterflies”. For more information, visit www.thechangeagent.nl, or follow @thechangeagent on Twitter.


‘As the ICT service provider in Zuidas, we feel it’s our duty to improve mobile coverage in Zuidas’ Sixteen years ago, NDI ICT Solutions was just two people. Since then the business has gone from strength to strength. It now has four offices and employs some sixty staff. Chris van Hattum runs the company and Hello Zuidas talks to him about his chosen mission. With the help of KPN and some property owners, NDI is about to embark on an extensive search for a solution to the mobile reception problems in Zuidas. Van Hattum: ‘Initially NDI merely focused on IT, but we have been gradually increasing our services to include internet services, landlines, the cloud. And now, as a result of the merger with Partners in Telecom at the beginning of this year, our package includes mobile phone services as well.’ Why is mobile phone reception so poor in Zuidas? ‘The buildings in Zuidas are made predominantly from concrete and much of the glass is coated. Height is another factor in mobile phone reception and a lot of the buildings are tall and out of reach of a mast. It’s not easy for telecom providers such as KPN or Vodafone to solve the problem without knowledge of the actual situation on the ground.’ Why have you taken it upon yourself to look for a solution? ‘Tenants in Zuidas often comment on the poor quality of mobile phone reception. We are the main ICT provider of Zuidas and we feel it’s our duty to do something about it. People are increasingly working on the hoof, at the office of a client or in a bar somewhere. You need good coverage to do that.’ What’s your plan? ‘We have been talking to KPN and a number of tenants and we’re ready to do some initial tests. We are going to install KPN relay stations in several places, which will give various businesses a chance to find out whether this will work for them. If it does, the relay stations will remain in place. The way we work is as follows: we identify a problem that needs solving, then we build up expertise and experiment until we find a solution.’ Why the merger with Partners in Telecom? ‘NDI had become an all-round ICT service provider and this seemed to be the next logical step. It’s only been a year and the two organisations are already


“We are going to install KPN relay stations in several places, which will give various businesses a chance to find out whether this will work for them”

Chris van Hattum, NDI ICT Solutions

fully integrated. We profit from each other’s strong points, knowledge and connections. We couldn’t have taken on the Zuidas mobile reception project with KPN without the merger.’ You have more than 15 serviced office buildings around the country on your client list. What are the advantages of having an in-house ICT provider? ‘For owners with vision it makes sense to offer additional services in addition to so many square metres of office space. A tenant needs more than a roof over his head. An office space can only be useful if the ICT services can be managed simply and well. Our service is extremely efficient. If someone needs our help, all we have to do is get into the elevator and there we are.’ What other services are you working on at the moment? ‘We are getting a lot of questions about working in the cloud. The cloud offers lots of possibilities but businesses don’t necessarily need to use them

NDI ICT Solutions

all. Sometimes they can hardly see the wood but at the same time they feel

WTC Amsterdam

they should be doing something cloud-related. We can advise them and show

Strawinskylaan 51

them what would be useful and what wouldn’t. Because we have centralised

1077 XW Amsterdam

things – there’s only one number to ring for all services – we are able to relieve


the client of the strain.’

Text: Jori Spitz • Photography: Yorick Meijdam


Finance Source: Het Financieele Dagblad

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to hellozuidas@asega.nl.


ZUIDAS - Royal Bank of Scotland may be divided into


a good and a bad bank, according to a report from British

ZUIDAS - Nationalised bank ABN AMRO has been

newspaper the Daily Telegraph, that is based on an inter-

granted a year to get ready for a listing on the stock

view with chancellor George Osborne. Osborne said the

exchange, according to an announcement made by

future of RBS is his ‘priority for the next two or three

the government. The cabinet decided a flotation is the

weeks’ and there is no chance the bank could be left in its

best option for the bank, that was nationalised in 2008.

current form.

However, this will not come to pass until the financial


sector is sufficiently stable, the company is ready for it According to the paper, the British government is looking at

and the market interest is sufficiently high. The cabinet

three different models to deal with the ‘toxic assets’. One

will decide next year if these conditions have been met,

of the options is to set up a bank within the bank, which

prime minister Mark Rutte said. The cabinet estimates

would be run by an independent team. Another would be

a flotation to be able to raise ¤15bn. According to the

to take the UBS option and create a separate ‘bad bank’

Financieele Dagblad, the state has invested ¤29bn in

with central bank support. The third option would involve

keeping ABN AMRO afloat, which would mean taking

an entirely separate taxpayer-backed bad bank.

a considerable loss.



ZUIDAS - The supervisory board at Rabobank has agreed

ZUIDAS - Government rules forcing large companies

to stop paying performance-related bonuses to the

to switch auditors every eight years have caused a

management board, because bonuses no longer fit in with

number of lucrative conracts to be up for grabs.

the role Rabobank plays in Dutch society. Bonuses for

Consequently, the big four. accountants, PwC, KPMG,

ordinary staff were scrapped earlier and salaries are being

Deloitte and EY, are gearing up for the competition.

frozen until 2016. At the same time, the bank announced that it will name two new members of the management

At least nine blue chip companies have put audit

board, thus expanding it to six people. The decision to

contracts out to tender or are about to do so. This means

scrap bonuses is ‘taking into account the views of our

competition is intensifying for contracts that are worth

key stakeholders: our customers and members’, chief

many millions of euros. The new rules will also stop

executive Wout Dekker stated. The move comes ahead

companies using the same accountant to control their

of new legislation planned by the Dutch government

books and provide advice.

that will limit bonuses to 20% of annual pay.

Photography: Veronika Bačová


EY: Building a better working world


Ernst & Young, the business service provider focusing on audit, tax, advisory and legal services, recently changed its name to EY and introduced a new tagline. The new mission statement `Building a better working world`, shows EY’s commitment to developing a better business environment for entrepreneurs, companies and employees. In the Netherlands, EY has an alliance with law firm HVG. `EY is a powerful international name which fits these new and fast-changing times in which we want to organise things differently and better. That requires an updated statement,’ says Jan Padberg, EY market segment leader in Amsterdam and North Holland.

BUILDING A BETTER WORKING WORLD This new corporate mission statement shows that EY’s responsibilities go beyond its own business interests. Contributing to a better working world can take many forms. It could, for example, mean training and developing talent, strengthening diversity on the work floor and doing business in a responsible way. ‘We believe this will enable us to contribute to the recovery of confidence in the economy, so that, for example, capital flows move more easily again and investors regain their trust

Jan Padberg, market segment leader EY

in the market,’ says Padberg. ‘EY is a global organisation with 170,000 staff worldwide, that can influence people at the highest levels and put


this message across. An organisation with a

HVG is an independent law and notary firm

workforce like this is in a great position to make

but sets itself apart through its strategic

itself heard and bring about change.’

alliance with EY Tax. ‘This alliance gives us access to the global EY network,’ says


Padberg. `We work together with EY to

According to Padberg, the new mission statement

serve the total EY and HVG client portfolios

has been part of EY’s DNA for years. ‘We are

as efficiently as possible. We believe

emphasising it a little more so our clients get a

completely in a multi-disciplinary service

clearer picture of what we consider to be relevant,’

model which addresses not only the legal

Padberg says. ‘EY has long-lasting relationships

but also the financial and tax-related aspects

with its clients and wants to create a legacy and

of business. This is not a typically Dutch

ensure a win-win situation. We want to project the

approach and is how we differentiate

fact that we are not only busy earning money but

ourselves in the market. HVG is part of EY

also focus on corporate responsibility, to make a

Law, which employs some 900 lawyers in

‘better working world’ for everyone. That can only

70 different offices in 25 countries, primarily

benefit all of us.’

in Europe.

EY Antonio Vivaldistraat 150 1083 HP Amsterdam +31 88 407 10 00

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: nadiafotografeert



Entrepreneurship, food, art and culture under one roof in Zuidas Zuidas welcomes another creative hotspot: Old School. The former school building, in the Gaasterlandstraat near the MBO vocational College Zuid and congress centre RAI, is home to entrepreneurs and artists alike. Creativity and sustainability are key words in this place. And there’s an added bonus, which may perhaps seem unexpected: the presence of a restaurant with a menu that makes your mouth water. Also on offer are flexible work spaces. The main hall of Old School functions as the venue for a wide selection of cultural events.

On October 24, the new roof on top of the Old School was officially opened.



GOOD OLD DAYS Old School is the brainchild of Maarten de Wolff, Gerben Mienis and Waldy Brewster. Bureau Broedplaatsen, that aims to provide artists with affordable work spaces, and Dienst Zuidas asked them to come up with ideas for the building. The name did not come up by coincidence. ‘Obviously it is a former school building but we also wanted to incorporate something else, a reference to the good old days, to some certain type of entrepreneurship,’ Wolff explains. ‘The restaurant only uses locally sourced, organic products. The kitchen is the one where cookery students used to practice so it is a very efficient use of the space.’ The Old School’s business model is an unusual one. ‘The money coming in from the restaurant and the fitness facilities have to make up for the much lower urnover coming from the work spaces,’ says Wolff. ‘We have room for about 30 to 40 creative entrepreneurs, Brewster adds. ‘They can rent studios as well as “combined work spaces”, and they can also set up events and perform in the main hall on the ground floor.’ Attracting the requisite 40% ‘CAWA-certified’ artists (i.e those who are eligible for a work space) is not going to be a problem at all, the organisers say.


Sigrid Karsten is one of the artists renting a space at Old School. Amsterdam city council and a search on the internet put her on the trail of a number of places, but she was immediately attracted to the school. ‘It had the perfect studio for my business Creative Wake-up Call,’ she says. ‘The people who work at Old School are very interested in what their fellow artists are doing and there is a growing number of projects where artists colaborate. and more. Zuidas wants to integrate art and culture and I want to be part of that process. My clients are the urban professionals of Zuidas. The fact that I can use whatever else is going on here and include it in one package makes it all the more interesting. I regularly organise a painting workshop after working hours, for example, and then take the group for a meal at the Old School restaurant. There’s also a larger space – the former school canteen – where I can do team building activities with bigger groups.’

On October 24, the new roof on top of the Old School was officially opened. Known as a polder roof, named after the Dutch system for draining low-lying land, the special plant-covered surface has a high capacity for storing water. The Green Business Club Zuidas came up with the idea and roof makers Dakdokters developed it in cooperation with Dienst Zuidas, Waternet and Amsterdam city council’s engineering bureau.The storage system allows rain water to be released slowly and in a regulated fashion. This alternative form of water storage in a private space sigfnificantly contributes to efficient water management in Zuidas. The roof micro-manages rain water in the

The main hall at Old School is rented out for cultural activities,

urban environment, which is an important

conferences or company drinks parties. The restaurant uses only

improvement now that climate change is causing

organic, local products. The management of Old School goes out of their

summers to be warmer and wetter. The system

way to provide good Old-fashioned quality and good service.

forms an excellent basis for the comprehensive solutions needed to manage water storage in

For information about Old School go to www.oldschoolamsterdam.com

private and public spaces.

Text: Romy Lange



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New in Zuidas: Restaurant NINE

Owners Alex Heikamp and Ghalem Reggani

Restaurant Nine opened its doors to customers on August 5. Owners Ghalem Reggani and Alex Heikamp always wanted to open their own business and the time seemed right. ‘Crisis or no crisis, all the ingredients were there and then you just have to go for it,’ says Heikamp. ‘And we did not start from scratch,’ Reggani adds. ‘The studio and the meeting rooms were already there.’ RESTAURANT Reggani and Heikamp were tipped off about the location by an old colleague and both immediately felt enthusiastic about it. ‘It felt right from the word go and has kept on getting better,’ says Reggani. As restaurant manager, he is responsible for the front of house operations. Heikamp is in charge of the kitchen. All decisions, whether it be about the menu or the décor, are reached jointly.


On Friday evening, Nine is open for drinks. Don’t expect a cosy

Heikamp uses a lot of organic, fresh, local and healthy products

Amsterdam café, however. ‘We’ve got a dj and good lighting to

in his recipes. ‘Quality always wins,’ he says. ‘You can taste the

create a club atmosphere,’ says Reggani. They have no shortage

craftsmanship.’ But the team also use social media and gadgets

of other ideas: a gift shop, a webshop for catering, ice cream in

to make sure their customers have the best culinary experience

the summer and incentives for regulars are all in the planning.

possible. Reggani demonstrates the ‘smart butler’, an app that allows customers to order from their table. The app is not meant as a substitute for personal contact, he stresses. ‘Guests are still welcomed and taken to their table,’ Reggani says. ‘And you can also order the old-fashioned way if you prefer.’

Text: Jori Spitz • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel

RESTAURANT NINE Arnold Schonberglaan 9 1082 MJ Amsterdam

Reservations: +31 20 642 46 03 Groups and events: +31 20 646 51 58 Email: info@restaurantnine.nl



Car-sharing scheme reduces congestion On October 17th, transport minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen launched the brand new corporate carsharing scheme at the World Trade Center (WTC). Greenwheels and Audi Nederland were on hand to present the new style ‘company car’. The project, initiated by local businesses, fits in perfectly with the minister’s aim to find clever solutions for mobility problems within the present infrastructure. Hello Zuidas had a talk with two people who have been with the project from the start: Melanie van der Horst, programme manager of the Green Business Club (GBC) and Marc Vervoort (Verkeer advies & Hello Zuidas). .

How did you come up with the car sharing concept? ‘It was first suggested by the Green Business Club, an organisation established by local businesses,’ says Van der Horst. ‘The project members were looking for a joint sustainable solution for Zuidas. By mid-2012, advised by Verkeers advies, we made a start with a corporate car-sharing scheme.’ ‘At Verkeers advies we gauged interest in the concept at 19 companies and on further analysis it became apparent that companies valued a businesslike Zuidas image along with easy availability of the shared cars. In the end they opted for Greenwheels,’ Vervoort explains. Why is Zuidas a suitable place for car sharing? Van der Horst says Zuidas businesses are very keen on cooperation. ‘They have a connection with the area and want to make improvements that are also sustainable. There’s also a big railway station here, that is still growing. That creates an extra incentive to go to work by public transport,’ she says. What’s in it for businesses? ‘Opting-in to the car-sharing scheme means contributing to the accessibility of Zuidas. Research shows that one shared car can replace 15 individual cars,’ Vervoort points out. ‘They would also be making a statement on sustainability,’ adds Van der Horst. ‘Zuidas aims to become the world’s most sustainable business district. The CO2 reduction achieved by car-sharing will help make Transport minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen launched the brand new corporate car-sharing scheme at the World Trade Center (WTC) on October 17.


that become a reality.’ Car-sharing will save on parking spaces and lease cars and will also provide Zuidas workers with a good alternative,’ says Vervoort. ‘Bearing in mind the joint ambitions of the local businesses, car-sharing stands a very good chance of obtaining success in Zuidas,’ he says.


Car-sharing will save on parking spaces and lease cars and provides Zuidas workers with a good alternative.

WHAT IS CORPORATE CAR-SHARING? Corporate car-sharing makes it possible to leave the car at home and take the train or bicycle to work. Staff can then use a shared car to go to business meetings. A big campaign is underway to brief businesses in Zuidas about the advantages of car-sharing and to point out how to take part in the scheme.

Marc Vervoort & Melanie van der Horst (GBC).

Text: Charita Plet • Photography: Yorick Meijdam & Eline Kik

Christiaan Huijg (WTC), Melanie van der Horst (Green Business Club), Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen, Gijs van Lookeren Campagne (Greenwheels), Gerard Jansen (Audi NL), Olivier Otten (Hello Zuidas) & Marc Vervoort (Verkeer advies & Hello Zuidas)

HOW TO JOIN? Go to: www.sharedfleet.nl 1. Register via “Word lid”. You can register with your NS Business Card or a Greenwheels card. 2. You can make a reservation for a car up to five minutes before you need it by using your card number and pin code. 3. To open the car, hold your card in front of the reader behind the windscreen. Or open your Audi using your smartphone via the mobile website (www.sharedfleet.com/mobile). 4. Enter your code into the onboard computer to access the key to start the motor. When you’ve returned from your trip, leave the car in the place you picked it up.



AT OUTHAZZ JAZZ ZuidasTHE SAmsterdam Met vrienden aan een tafeltje met gevulde glazen onder het zachte licht van het tafellampje luisterend naar Jazz...

Iedere eerste donderdag van de maand intermezzi met gedichten van bekende en mindere bekende dichters So a bit of poetry & jazz at the Southazz..

NOVEMBER 2013 RSM Executive Education activities offered in Amsterdam: Iedere eerste donderdag van de maand

Open Programme Start 14 November: “Business Management for Accountants” PE-points, 2-day programme. www.rsm.nl/bmva

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7 Jazz at the Southazz Claude Debussylaan 2-8, 1082 MD Amsterdam De Nieuwe Poort, 5.30pm – 9pm www.denieuwepoort.org Enjoy the soft lights, the murmur of voices and the tinkling of glasses while listening to jazz from Discounted Jazz Flow. Every first Thursday of the month De Nieuwe Poort presents a mix of jazz and poetry, with readings by well-known and not so well-known poets.

A5_Jazz & Poezie.indd 1

Seminar 27 November: Second edition of RSM Erasmus Business Series “Creating an S2 Competitive Advantage” led by Professor Rob van Tulder @ De Nieuwe Poort www.rsm.nl/ebs

13-08-13 08:43

WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 Top out celebration VU and VUmc, 2.15pm – 3.30pm (the programme starts at 2.45pm) The new research building O/2 is reaching its highest point and the Vrije Universiteit (VU) and the VU medical centre (VUmc) are celebrating this milestone by inviting the public to come and have a look at the progress made so far. You can register until October 18 on communicatie.fco@vu.nl.

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 12 EVERY FRIDAY IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Club Night NINE Restaurant Nine is the perfect location for a Friday night drink. Celebrate the start of the weekend at Nine while our DJ serves up his latest mix. Start: 5pm

TUESDAY NOVEMBER 5 The lunch break Meesterpreek – Rezah Stegeman De Nieuwe Poort, 12.40pm – 1pm A short and candid motivational speech by Rezah Stegeman. The Simmons and Simmons partner will give guests her view on life.


MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN (Speed dating) Wine&Food Bar Nooon, 7pm – 9pm On Tuesday evening 28 singles will have exactly three minutes per conversation to find out if that special someone is in the room. They will be helped along by good food, fine wine and great music. The warm and hospitable atmosphere at Wine&Food Bar Nooon will make for a great night out. Do you think speed dating is not really for you? Research shows that 91% of singles ends up with a date. Speed dating is hip & happening, so what are you waiting for? If you are a well-educated single between 25 and 40 MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN is your first step on the stairway to love!

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14 Titanic: The Artefact Exhibition Amsterdam EXPO, every day from 9am – 6pm (9pm on Fridays) Tickets: ¤16 (excluding service fees) After touring Chicago, Los Angeles, London and Paris, this impressive exhibition has finally touched down in Amsterdam. From November 14, the artefacts telling the tragic story of the ‘unsinkable ship’ and its ill-fated passengers will be on show at the Amsterdam Expo. www.amsterdamexpo.nl

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2013 Next magazine will be published @ 7th of Januari. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 6th of December.

NOVEMBER 2013 RSM Executive Education activities offered in Amsterdam:


FRIDAY NOVEMBER 15 Thank God It’s Friday! De Nieuwe Poort, 5pm – 9.30pm Thank God It’s Friday, with in-house funny man Martijn Hillenius.

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 17 Berlage on a bike Station Zuid/WTC (Zuidplein 10), 1pm – 3.30pm Tickets: ¤15 (including tea and coffee) Amsterdam is an open-air museum full of expressionist architecture and art. This bike ride will take you to the tucked-away places, where artists of the Amsterdamse School left their mark on bridges and public buildings. A specialised guide will point out details you’ve never seen before. info@hetschip.nl www.ontdekberlage.nl/wandelingenfietsexcursies/

Sinterklaas visits the WTC Amsterdam! 12.00pm It’s that time again! At noon, Sinterklaas and his companions are calling on the WTC in Amsterdam where an exciting event will take place in the central hall. 1pm marks the start of the scintillating show ‘Keeping a secret from Sinterklaas’. There will be plenty of pepernoten, hot chocolate and presents! If you work at the WTC and want to give your children a great afternoon out, register their names at the Triple Ace Servicedesk before November 1.

Open Programme Start 3 December: “RSM Diploma Programme in Business Management and Leadership”: 10-day programme with five 2-day modules on Leadership, Strategy, Marketing, Finance, and Business Improvement Plan. www.rsm.nl/bml

DECEMBER 3 & 4 TUESDAY NOVEMBER 19 Lunch concert: Sultry Baroque Centrale Hal WTC Amsterdam, 12.30pm Hungarian musician Örzse Ádám (Baroque viola) and harpsichord player Guille Brachetta from Argentina will give a performance featuring of 17th century Baroque music. Together, the instruments create a perfect blend, with the sultry tenor viola offsetting the light-hearted tones of the harpsichord. The repertoire includes the famous sonata from the master of the Baroque, Johann Sebastian Bach.

THURSDAY NOVEMBER 28 Finals 2013 WTC Indoor soccer Tournament Centrale Hal WTC Amsterdam, 7pm The 2013 WTC Indoor soccer tournament, which kicked off on October 10, has seen 16 teams of men and women vying for the top spot, with the WTC team as a strong contender. On finals day a leading sports personality will take on the role of commentator, so expect some thrilling matches and a great atmosphere. There will be drinks and bites for everyone.

Pop-up Shop Style In Business December 3 2013 11:30am – 4pm and December 4 11:30am – 8pm The perfect business images does not depend on your size; it is the style and material that count. Get to know Tubino, the perfect pencil skirt and pencil dress for the stylish and sexy business woman. The days of the business suit are over. Choose your own style, materials and colour for your own unique skirt or dress. And top off the look with the perfect make-up and beauty products from Phisage Beauty & Wellness.


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam TUESDAY DECEMBER 17 University Debates led by VU moderator Felix Rottenberg. Society under construction: the metropole. Main Building Vrije Universiteit, 16.30pm – 17.30pm In cooperation with EOS (student faculty association Social Sciences) and the Social Science Department. In this series of debates we examine areas of society where innovation is high on the agenda, e.g. the university, neighbourhoods, the metropole, Europe. Guest speakers include the mayor of Amsterdam Eberhard van der Laan.

THURSDAY DECEMBER 5 Classical concert with Musicians Worldwide Buitenveldert Library, 11am Tickets: ¤5 (free with OBA pass) The trio formed by Asako Kanazawa (cello), Benjamin Konrád (viola) and Maria Kouznetsova (violin) will play works by composers including Bach, Paganini and Beethoven.


MONDAY DECEMBER 16 5-year Anniversary Lunch Break MECH & TAKE, 12.00pm On Sunday December 15 it is five years since Mech & Take came to Zuidas. We want to thank everyone in Zuidas for their support. We couldn’t have done it without you. There’s free orange juice or coffee for every visitor who has lunch at Mech & Take on December 16.


Bella Buccia pre-loved designer items and Issa Who? silk blouses for Sale @ Nooon. Restaurant Nooon Entrance fee: ¤5 - Tickets can be redeemed for a glass of wine or a discount on your purchase. Restaurant Nooon, 5pm – 20.30pm (VIP entrance open at 4.30pm) Pre-loved vintage luxury items for SALE, with brands like Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Céline. 100% authentic. If you would like to know more or want to sign up email to bellabuccia@outlook.com

THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 Cultural talk show: Heart to heart Roelof Hartplein Library, 5pm Interviewer Jos Palm talks to pastor Ruben van Zwieten and author Désanne van Brederode, who writes about God, the manger, the ox and the ass and the meaning of Christmas. Jos Palm asks them what makes their heart beat faster.

Christmas on my mind



Open Bottle Day@De Logie Wijnhandel De Logie, 1pm – 5.30pm De Logie presents a mouth-watering seasonal selection of wines. Find out which of the 25 wines on offer will enhance your Christmas menu. There are wines in all price categories and tasting can take place at whatever time suits you. Accompany the tasting with finger food from De Kersentuin.

Annual Christmas Market Centrale Hal WTC Amsterdam, 10am – 4pm Here you will find lovely Christmas presents, art, antiques, fashion, shoes and jewellery as well as snacks and drinks. Classic For You is putting on a seasonal concert of carols and songs to make sure everyone enters into the Christmas spirit. Come and support Unicef, play Wordfight in aid of cancer relief or get yourself a Christmas party outfit and some tasteful gifts for your friends and family! www.wtcamsterdam.com


THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 The Big Meet and Eat Christmas dinner De Nieuwe Poort, 6pm – 9pm Do you sometimes feel like you would like to meet people with lives completely different from your own? Then the special Christmas edition of the Big Meet and Eat dinner is for you!

THURSDAY DECEMBER 12 Christmas drinks party Amsterdam EXPO, 5pm – 7pm Hello Zuidas is happy to invite you to its annual members’ end-of-year network event, hosted this time by Amsterdam EXPO. A truly cultural experience and great networking opportunities await you. Mail to servicepoint@hellozuidas.com to register before Monday December 9.



Special Christmas Menu Restaurant Bolenius Restaurant Bolenius has created a special Christmas menu based on traditional Christmas dishes. Bolenius is open on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day. So come and celebrate Christmas in Zuidas! www.wtcamsterdam.com

Christmas Party WTC Café de Blauwe Engel, 5pm De Blauwe Engel will be hosting a spectacular Christmas celebration this year with DJ Theo and the wonderful Dieter Koblenz accompanied as always by Gabi, Gitte and Hannelore. De Blauwe Engel will be closed from December 21 to January 2, 2014.



Sandra Thesing, project manager at Dienst Zuidas

Mahlerplein make-over: underground bicycle park and more greenery It does not get any more Dutch than this: cycling to the station or to work. Every day thousands of cyclists make their way to Zuidas. In order to accommodate the growing number of bicycles, an underground bicycle park will be built below the Mahlerplein. The bicycle park will also help compensate for the parking spaces that disappear when the A10 is placed underground. Amsterdam city council thinks the building work offers a great opportunity for making some changes above ground as well. 3,000 BIKES


In addition to the ample bicycle parking space

A number of facilities at the station on Mahlerplein

underneath the Zuidplein, plans include room for

will be temporarily re-housed. ‘Some of the shops,

another 3,000 bicycles in 2016. ‘The new bicycle

such as Sissy Boy and HEMA, will have to make

park is part of a larger scheme. Many people think

way for the ZuidasDok project. New locations,

Mahlerplein is a bit desolate and wind swept and

possibly on Mahlerplein or Zuidplein, will be found

we would like to change that,’ says Sandra

by mid-2016,’ says Thesing. ‘We want to continue

Thesing, project manager at Dienst Zuidas.

offering travellers facilities of this kind, as stations of this size should do. There will also be room for small-scale events, such as concerts or the odd street market.’




will form an informal transition zone between

The transformation of Mahlerplein is not a matter

the buildings and the square.’ Responses to the

for the city council alone: locals and Zuidas users

plans are mostly enthusiastic and often include

are actively involved in the development. ‘We talked

comments like: ‘it’s a square with an urban feel

to restaurant and bar owners, residents’ associa-

but with lots of greenery’ ‘we need more terraces’

tions and local businesses to find out what they

and ‘it will be a welcoming and fun place to be’,

wanted,’ says Thesing. ‘The information stand on

Thesing says.

Mahlerplein provided us with a lot of useful feedback as well. In order to reach an even wider


audience, we put a video on www.zuidas.nl in which

Although the general outline of the plans for

we lay out the plans. So far more than fifty people

Mahlerplein is in place, the final design is by no

have provided us with their thoughts and comments.’

means in the bag. Amsterdam city council will remain in close contact with local interest groups.

“Our intention is to extend the greenery that is so characteristic of the Minervalaan to Mahlerplein”

‘We will be inviting a number of people to form a panel that will be involved in working out the initial design. The panel will also play a part at the building stage next year. Their suggestions will be a determining factor in the final decision on how Mahlerplein will look,’ says Thesing.

TREES AND TERRACES Locals in particular want the square to become

• Work will start on the bicycle park in early 2015

more welcoming. The city council agrees.

• All buildings on the Mahlerplein and Amsterdam

‘Our intention is to extend the greenery which is so characteristic of the Minervalaan to Mahlerplein,’ Thesing explains. ‘The square will have a green central space with a natural stone border that is broad enough to sit on. Extra trees will

Zuid station will remain accessible • The Mahlerplein will get a make-over based on the wishes of locals • The bicycle park and new-look square will be opened in the spring of 2016

provide shade and keep the wind at bay. Terraces Artist’s impression of the possible Mahlerplein planting. Source: DRO

Text: Milou Peeters • Photography: William Maanders



Who will make the circular city? Melanie van der Horst, Green Business Club & Olivier Otten, Hello Zuidas

Sustainability is no longer a luxury, in fact, it has become a crucial part of successful business strategy. The Zuidas’ Green Business Club Zuidas and Hello Zuidas were challenged to come up with creative ideas by one of their tenants, Rotterdam School

MINDSET What can we, the community, do? ‘Awareness’ is important, for example in creating tools and frameworks that help remind us what we use and how this affects our environment. According to RSM, this is the first step towards a sustainable future.

of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). INFRASTRUCTURE The theme of the RSM workshop at the De Nieuwe Poort was ‘the circular city’, and explored ways to make the Zuidas more sustainable. It was organised as part of RSM’s Mastering Sustainable Business

In order to become a circular city, the number of permanent residents of Zuidas will have to grow. New residents will need services: larger events, affordable homes for first-time buyers and more green spaces, therefore Zuidas buildings should be adaptable for different purposes. The World Trade Center is the

course, one of RSM’s executive programmes offered

most multifunctional building locally, with its hotel, beauty salon,

in Amsterdam.

gym and cafés and restaurants. Only the residents are missing.

RSM’s workshop raised four key issues that are


crucial to the growth of the Zuidas community.


How many litres of clean water are wasted every day when we don’t finish that jug of coffee? How can people become more


How can people become more aware of the amount of water they use?

The Zuidas’ Green Business Club Zuidas and Hello Zuidas were challenged to produce creative ideas by one of their tenants, Rotterdam School of Management

aware of the amount of water they use? One of RSM’s solutions is to start collecting rainwater; storing it on the roof is cheaper

Hello Zuidas and the Green Business Club Zuidas

than disposing of it, and it can be used creatively for rooftop

are in the process of drafting their second Sustaina-

gardens or canals.

bility Report for the area. The editorial committee is


looking at best practices. To add your suggestion,

There are several ways to travel to Zuidas that can be con-

please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

sidered sustainable, but people will have to be able to choose. On the downside, there are not enough parking places or charging stations in the Zuidas for everyone to come by electric car, so one

RSM continues to encourage everyone to think

option is for commuters to park cars away from Zuidas and make

about the future and to engage in the Amsterdam

the final part of the journey by folding bike.

Zuidas community – and to make sustainable

A sustainable future for the Zuidas requires all those who use

innovation into a sustainable commercial success –

the space on a daily basis to be responsible for sustainable

during RSM’s next RSM Erasmus Business Series

innovation. And although the best sustainable initiatives have

event on 27 November. www.rsm.nl/ebs

a single owner, we need to continue to share our initiatives through 2014 and beyond.

Text: Lonneke van Knijff • Photography: William Maanders • Illustration: Edwin Stoop


DELOITTE SITE VISIT Tuesday, September 24, 18.30-20.30 • Some 15 Zuid borough council officials took part • Deloitte/AKD’s prestigious new office complex was designed by PLP/Architecture • The building has been named ‘The Edge’. It has a wonderful atrium and distinctive shape • ‘The Edge’ is being developed by OVG Projectontwikkeling and built by G&S Vastgoed • This is the first Benelux building to merit a BREEAM Outstanding certificate

Egbert de Vries (wethouder) & Daniel van der Ree (VVD)

Jolai van der Vegt (Stadsdeel Zuid) & Ed Berkhout (D66)

Jan Hein Tiedema (OVG) & Daniel van der Ree (VVD)

Egbert de Vries (wethouder)

Jan Hein Tiedema (OVG) & Egbert de Vries (wethouder)

Joost Brinkman (GBC)

Robert Dijckmeester (Dienst Zuidas) & Olivier Otten

Klaas de Boer (Dienst Zuidas) & Jan Mario van Tilburg (Griffier) & Hein Tiedema (OVG) Wouter Blom (OVG)

• The building will be completed in early 2015

Jolai van der Vegt (Stadsdeel Zuid) & Jeannette Driessen (Dienst Zuidas)

Like us on Facebook & find more photos in our gallery Party, opening, reception or farewell drink @ Zuidas? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl


Photography: William Maanders

Janus Smalbraak & Gijs van Lookeren Campagne

Klaas de Boer & Hans Versteegen


Martijn Sargentini & Stephan Valenta

Renny Kootstra & Josja van der Veer & Koos Weits

Olivier Macpherson & Christiaan Huijg

Godfried Scholvinck & Dick Loos

• About 100 guests were at the presentation and launch • Corporate car-sharing programme is for Zuidas employees • Dual aims: enabling mobility and reducing CO2 emissions • Six Audi A1 Admireds, specially for business trips • A Zuidas initiative, in alliance with Greenwheels • Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen was presented the first key, in the shape of a membership card • Humberto Tan was moderator of the day

Humberto Tan & Janus Smalbraak

Olivier Otten & Joost Ravoo

Christiaan Huijg, Melanie van der Horst, Melanie Schultz van Haegen, Gijs van Lookeren Campagne, Gerard Jansen, Olivier Otten, Marc Vervoort

Marc Vervoort & Melanie van der Horst

Marlies Nieuwenhuis & Karina van den Berg

Eline Hoogendijk & Robert Dijckmeester

Anton Reijlink & Nicole Turnhout

Luc Beyer & Jeannette Driessen

Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen

Join @HelloZuidas in the Twitter conversation about carsharing via #sharedfleet

Photography: Yorick Meijdam


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Based in Darwin’s new offices and part of an expanding team, you can help your clients gain distinct competitive advantage through their human resource talent and enjoy an innovative environment where challenging and interesting work is part of daily life. Operating from offices based in the UK, The Netherlands and Switzerland, Darwin Recruitment is a specialist IT and Telecoms recruitment company serving a broad range of sectors across Europe. We supply permanent and contract workforce solutions to global enterprises through a number of flexible service models. Reporting to the Country Manager you will have overall responsibility for the sales performance of the Contracts team as well as maintaining a personal billing target. You will have a minimum of 3 years Contract Recruitment experience, a degree level education and have previous experience of leading and coaching junior consultants. Working in our new prestigious offices in the Zuidas, we offer a generous basic salary, commission and a team performance bonus, plus gym membership and private healthcare. To apply contact: Derk Rijntjes, Country Manager, NL, T: 00 31 (0) 2030 50070 derk.rijntjes@darwinrecruitment.com

www.darwinrecruitment.nl Darwin Recruitment B.V. Level 15, B Tower, WTC, Strawinskylaan 1537, 1077XX, Amsterdam, Nederland.

The Lex van Delden bridge On October 15, city council member Maarten van Poelgeest and architect Liesbeth van der Pol opened the Lex van Delden bridge in Zuidas, named after the Amsterdam composer. Many locals from both Zuidas and Buitenveldert came to watch the ceremony and the VU university orchestra played some of his works. The guests of honour were the composer’s daughter and grandson. DESIGN

the Singel canal in the centre of Amsterdam. Amsterdam

The bridge is curved and as long as it is wide – around

is famous for its bridges and canals and now a new one has

28 metres - and is largely clad in the warm yellowy-brown

been added to the collection.

bricks used in the nearby Symphony towers. The lighting, incorporated into the bridge’s specially-designed high sides


is clear as well as atmospheric.

The bridge is named after Amsterdam-born Jewish composer Lex van Delden (1919-1988). The name forms


part of a collection of streets in the Gershwin area named

The bridge forms a special location. Not only does it form a

after Jewish composers, such as the Leo Smitstraat and

link between traffic flows, it is also a great place to sit and

the Rosy Wertheimstraat.

look around. It was inspired by the Torensluis bridge over

Photography: Bas Uterwijk



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SERVICEPOINT HELLO ZUIDAS A clean public space is a precondition for a prime location like Zuidas. The area looks a lot nicer when there is no litter in the verges, when bikes are placed neatly in racks in the stalls and when garbage is picked up regularly. Hello Zuidas has made arrangements with for example the NS, Dienst Zuidas and the city district Zuid, so that public space is cared for just as well as privately owned space in the area. Company facility managers, but employees and residents too, can contact our service desk in the WTC Amsterdam, visit our website at www.hellozuidas.com, mail us at servicepoist@hellozuidas.com or call us at 020-3337441 to report complaints or give ideas concerning cleanliness and safety. Hello Zuidas will make sure all reports are treated quickly and adequately.

Mortgage advisor De Hypotheker in the heart of Zuidas De Hypotheker’s Zuid/Buitenveldert branch has moved to the 14th floor of the WTC in Zuidas. It is the first time the mortgage advisor has exchanged a shop location for an office in the financial district. ‘Contacts via internet or phone are becoming the norm and we no longer need the visibility of a shop front,’ says franchise holder Thomas van Splunteren. ‘Zuidas is easily accessible and this makes it an excellent location. Everyone knows the WTC.’

“It is important to establish a relationship of trust with clients before starting to explore their financial situation” Thomas van Splunteren, franchise holder De Hypotheker



The office has flexible opening hours so people can drop in

‘Mortgages have changed,’ Van Splunteren says. Brokerage

before or after work. ‘Most people like to come in at eight in

fees were officially banned at the beginning of 2013. However his

the morning,’ Van Splunteren says. Recent innovations include

branch has not charged brokerage fees since 2012. ‘This makes

webcam consultations. To help lower the threshold of this

things transparent and our clients like that.’ Another consequence

service the first consultation is free. ‘It is important to establish

of the change is that the company is able to give financial as well

a relationship of trust with clients before starting to explore

as mortgage advice. ‘Financial advice is now very much part of the

their financial situation,’ explains Van Splunteren.

package,’ he says.

EXPATS De Hypotheker also offers advice to expats. They often have to contend with high rental prices for the homes their employers find for them. ‘It doesn’t make much sense to buy a house if your stay here is a short one, but if you intend to stay longer it could just be worth your while,’ says Van Splunteren. ‘We explain about mortgage providers, the advantages of buying over renting, the risks involved and what happens if you decide to move after a couple of years. It’s important to know what your options are.’

Text: Yori Spitz • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel

Michael Bouwens DE HYPOTHEKER

Strawinskylaan 1427 / WTC 14th floor 1027 XX Amsterdam Postbus 75860 1070 AW Amsterdam +31 20 662 14 11



With 13 NH hotels in and around the inner city of Amsterdam, we are your ideal hotel partner. Whether it be a business meeting, a quick business lunch or a comfortable stay for your guests, there is well located NH hotel to meet your wishes. For reservations or information: T: +31 35 629 9399 E: groups.nl@nh-hotels.com facebook.com/nhhoteles.nl

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Martin Vlam & Harpert Koopman

Oliver’s: a little different Now that the annual Oktoberfest is behind them, Harpert Koopman and Martin Vlam of restaurant Oliver’s are gearing up for a busy run to the end of the year. Regulars drop by for their favourite club sandwich, caesar salad or the famous hamburgers. ‘Our guests keep on coming back for the food, which is great,’ says manager Harpert. LUNCH AND DINNER

Harpert. ‘Because the interior is easily adjusted to fit any circum-

When Oliver’s opened its doors in 2007, the focus was mainly on

stance, anything is possible. Some companies want to hold a

lunch. But Harpert and chef and joint owner Martin soon noticed

presentation before dinner. Others just want to party all night long.

that their guests were also after an evening meal. ‘So we started

Both are an option.’

out slowly and soon we had a simple but all-round evening menu,’ says Martin. For their cooking, Martin and his team use seasonal


products as often as they can. So the lunch menu changes four

Oliver’s Friday afternoon drinks parties have become a popular

times a year and the dinner menu every two weeks.

Zuidas tradition. Canapes replace the menu and a dj hits the decks at 18.00 hours. Should you ever want to look for evidence


that Zuidas business folk like to party, then this is the place

‘We distinguish ourselves from the rest by cooking everything

to be. ‘Spontaneous karaoke sessions are not uncommon,’

ourselves, from the hamburgers to smoking the chicken,’ says

says Harpert.

Harpert. ‘We also like to offer choices which are a little bit different,’ adds Martin. ‘So we serve Warsteiner rather than Heineken, Vedett instead of Hoegaarden and Havana rather than Bacardi. We don’t want to be predictable, but to offer something different.’

EVENTS Oliver’s can also be rented for private parties, such as Christmas drinks or a New Year celebration. ‘Last year we were fully booked during the two weeks before Christmas – sit-down Claude Debussylaan 78 1082 MD Amsterdam

dinners, buffets, drinks parties, cocktails and even breakfast get-togethers’ says Martin. ‘We really enjoy events like these,’ says

Text: Jori Spitz • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel

+31 20 646 16 26 info@olivers.nl



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GET IN SHAPE WITH FIT20 (located in WTC) Just 20 minutes of exercise a week Employees of the Zuidas no longer have to work-out several times a week at a gym to stay healthy and in shape. fit20 is a 20 minute work-out in which each exercise is performed in slow motion at a high intensity and always under supervision of a personal trainer. As the work-out is conducted in an air conditioned studio, you will not sweat which means showering and changing outfits is not necessary. After 20 minutes you are ready and on your way to your next business meeting. To book your free training session or for more information: (020) 820 36 77 zuidas@fit20.nl www.fit20zuidas.nl

Hello A’dam Global Housing is the address for HR Managers when it comes to guiding expats through their new habitat. As their ‘best friend in town’ we help them find their way from housing to work permits, airline tickets and everything they need to feel at home in a new city like Amsterdam. Welcome!

The most modern dentist is at Zuidas Register online at:

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dentists tandartsen op de Zuidas

visit our website

globalhousing.nl or send us an e-mail

info@globalhousing.nl dentists tandartsen op de Zuidas

Come and meet your new neighbours: De Hypotheker! You are welcome at our new office at WTC for all your financial questions.

De Hypotheker Amsterdam Zuidas WTC WTC Toren B Level 14 - Strawinskylaan 1427 (020) 662 14 11 www.hypotheker.nl

A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY EVERY FRIDAY FROM 5 P.M. CLUB NIGHT NINE @ NINE WITH DJ! Restaurant NINE is the location for your end of year party, Christmas dinner, New Years drinks or staff party. Would you like to find out more about what we can offer? Send an e-mail with details to reserveren@restaurantnine.nl or call us at 020 646 51 58. We look forward welcoming you at our restaurant and hosting your event!

Restaurant & Cooking NINE Arnold Schönberglaan 9 1082 MJ Amsterdam restaurantnine.nl


Training supervisor Erik Jan Stork (APG) and South African student Mariette Botes

A talent for tackling a challenge The splendid Symphony building on the Gustav Mahlerplein is home to the manager of the country’s biggest piggy bank: pension fund management group APG. South African student Mariette Botes (27) is on the verge of completing a very successful internship with the asset management group. ‘Instead of writing a simple letter, Mariette applied by writing a six-page proposal for a project APG had set aside for interns. We were bowled over and immediately took her on,’ says proud training supervisor Erik Jan Stork. FINANCE AND LAW

This information is useful for APG as it can be used when

Botes studied economics in South Africa. After graduation,

meeting company directors and deciding upon engagement

she packed her bags and came to the Netherlands where she

policies and strategies.’

applied for a place at the Duisenberg School of Finance to study finance and law. ‘There aren’t too many places offering this

The project’s great scope is perfect for Mariette’s many talents,

specialisation. The Duisenberg also has an excellent reputation

says Erik Jan Stork. ‘She is a team player and she is not afraid

so it wasn’t a very difficult decision to make,’ Botes says.

to tackle big databases and analysis projects. These skills,

Graduation is now around the corner, with the APG internship

combined with her enthusiasm, make her an ideal intern.’

as the cherry on the cake.


Mariette likes life in Zuidas. ‘I’m used to living on campus and

At APG, Mariette is working on the carbon footprint project:

that’s not really an environment where there is much of a link

‘I am performing in-depth analysis of the amount of greenhouse

between theory and practice,’ says Mariette. ‘Here I feel I’m

gases emitted by the more than 4,000 listed companies in

in touch with the corporate world. That inspires and motivates

which APG invests. The analysis identifies trends, frontrunners

me.’ Mariette won’t be hurrying back to Johannesburg just yet.

and laggards.

‘There’s still much to learn here,’ she says.

Text: Merel Hurkmans • Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde









Illustration by Ruby Libre, made possible by maps4news.com • Concept: ASEGA Media



11. 4. 5. 3.








“BRIC“ The term “BRIC” is an acronym formed with the initial letters of the four major emerging market countries: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. It was coined in 2011 by Jim O’Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs, and has been widely used ever since. The total combined population of the four BRIC states is estimated to constitute around 40 percent of the total global population. Additionally, the economic development seen in the BRIC countries is posing an ever increasing challenge to the status of the United States as the foremost global economic power. However, the GDP per capita in the industrialized countries is still significantly higher than that of the BRIC states.

BEYOND THE BRICS: A LOOK AT THE NEXT 11 The Next Eleven (N-11) are the eleven countries – Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, and Vietnam – having a high potential of becoming, along with the BRICs/BRICS, the world’s largest economies in the 21st century. Mexico, Indonesia, [South] Korea and Turkey, also known as MIKT, are the most significant of the N-11 and make up 73 percent of all Next Eleven GDP.



Doing business with BRIC countries & the Next 11

The importance of these developing markets in international trade is annually increasing, and and there are many companies in Zuidas conducting business with Brazil, Russia, India and China. There are also a lot of companies from BRIC countries that have established their European headquarters in Amsterdam Zuidas. For instance TATA Consultancy from India and Vimpelcom from Russia are based in Zuidas. It shows that the potential for growth in Zuidas, and Amsterdam


in a broader sense, is huge. In the increasingly important Europe-

Although Dutch exports to BRIC countries increase, experience

an market, a growing number of BRIC companies wish to be

so far has revealed that acquiring sustained access to the

nearer to their customers. Political stability, as well as a stable

BRIC countries is difficult. Differences in culture and regulations

economic business climate, coupled with the availability of

limit effective market entry as well as opportunities to benefit

sufficient high-quality internationally orientated people are

from these dynamics. In this Hello Zuidas magazine special

essential factors for companies of BRIC countries to opt for

Baker & Mackenzie and Rabobank tell us about doing business

Amsterdam, and Zuidas in particular. However, an attractive

with these countries and what pittfals you can come across.

living environment for expats and attractive tax benefits for

With their global outlook, these companies can help in reaching

foreign employees working temporarily in the Netherlands are

these growing markets.

also strong incentives to make this decision.


Text: Romy Lange • Sources: www.statista.com, www.goldmansachs.com & www.cpb.nl


Baker & McKenzie’s experience with BRIC(ET) countries Doing international business at the highest level It’s the only office building that carries the name of its resident: the Baker & McKenzie House. The imposing surroundings make it easy to believe that the law firm, that has offices in 46 countries, is the biggest of its kind in the world. Obviously, an office of this size and geographical spread does business in so-called BRICET countries (Brazil, Russia, China, Eastern Europe and Turkey). Hello Zuidas talked to Kuif Klein Wassink, Juliana Dantas and Jeroen Hoekstra about their BRICET experiences Text: Frank van Bergen • Photography: Wouter van Iersel



companies back. The restrictions are putting the

Kuif Klein Wassink, corporate partner at Baker &

breaks on flexibility when it comes to international

McKenzie Amsterdam, is head of the Turkish

M&A transactions. However, China has a very

Practice. As a transaction lawyer, he deals with

high growth rate and has to gain knowledge

private equity investments in Turkey. He knows

and production capacity to continue meeting the

from experience how important it is to have

needs of its population. In order to achieve this,

first-hand knowledge of the country and the

China needs international partners. We can see

people. On a daily basis he is in touch with the

from the number of transactions our German

Istanbul office, one of the 74 strategically located

offices are involved in that Chinese companies

Baker & McKenzie offices scattered around the

are very interested in investing in Germany.

globe. ‘It’s good to handle projects together. We

The Netherlands are not as popular yet, but I think

have an excellent working relationship with the

this will soon change.’

Turkish team,’ he says. This is not only important, but essential for clients when choosing their

Hoekstra has noticed that with the Chinese

advisors. Wassink: ‘The Turkish clients we do

sometimes ‘yes’ does not necessarily hold the

business with are very sophisticated and profes-

same meaning as it would for the Dutch. ‘Usually

sional. Moreover, they have a keen eye for details,

Chinese people are very hesitant to say ‘no’. When

much more so than their Dutch counterparts.

we think they are confirming our question or idea,

The companies we support with their investments

what they really mean is they want to think about it

are doing well and the sellers are often family

and then might reconsider. This form of politeness

owned companies. You need to be patient, explain

can slow things down and is quite the opposite to

things clearly and create a relationship of trust.

the European way of doing business: when we say

Your advice has to cover the smallest details.

yes, it means yes.’

Turkish sellers and investors are very skilled negotiators and willing to think outside the box. They are also very persistent. That is the challenge. If you are not flexible or creative enough, you can find yourself in hot water.’ One problem is that things are not as cut and dried as you might expect, as Klein Wassink knows from experience. ‘If you enter into a transaction with a British, US or German client you know that, once the declaration of intent has been signed, the basic agreements are clear. In Turkey sometimes agreements and processes are changed completely along the way.’

CHINA: INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS Jeroen Hoekstra, corporate partner at Baker & McKenzie Amsterdam, heads the China Practice. ‘China is learning more and more about how to handle expanding world trade’, he says. ‘People are growing more aware of the fact that they need to push ahead with the liberalisation of trade restrictions. The present system is holding Chinese


Jeroen Hoekstra, head of China practice at Baker & McKenzie


rules. Consequently, it requires a lot of preparation

Juliana Dantas, tax partner at Baker & McKenzie

before any deal can take place. Both big and small

Amsterdam and head of the Latin America

companies face a bewildering number of regula-

Desk, came to this country twelve years ago.

tions. For instance, a ship full of goods intended for

She knows better than anyone what it is like to

export can be kept from sailing because the client

do business with Latin American companies,

was not aware of all sorts of licences which should

Brazilian companies in particular. Dantas: ‘I know

have been applied for.’

the culture, the people and the country. Brazilian business people like face-to-face meetings, they

‘That is why we have offices on the ground and

want you to visit regularly so you know what is

teams of specialists who have years and some-

going on. They perceive me to be their trusted

times decades of experience and knowledge,’

advisor and so I sit at the table with the key

Dantas adds. ‘Our local lawyers and tax experts

decision makers. That inspires me.’

know their country like the back of their hand. They are dedicated people who are willing to go

Dantas says the main difference with the European

the extra mile for our clients.’

way of doing business, is the time it takes to clinch a deal. ‘It’s a question of trust and that means


many talks and lots of business trips to Brazil for


face-to-face meetings.’

Claude Debussylaan 54 1082 MD Amsterdam

The biggest hurdle for Dutch companies investing

Postbus 2720

into Brazil is Brazilian bureaucracy, Dantas says.

1000 CS Amsterdam

‘There is a complicated system of local, regional

+31 20 551 75 55

and federal authorities, each with their own (tax)

Kuif Klein Wassink (head of the Turkish Practice) & Juliana Dantas (head of the Latin America Desk) at Baker & McKenzie


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The International Desk: your guide to setting up shop in BRIC and beyond Any entrepreneur wishing to make the most of opportunities abroad will be faced with differences in language, culture and rules and regulations. That is why Rabobank has International Desks on five continents staffed by Dutch professionals. In addition to understanding how Dutch entrepreneurs think and what they expect, these Dutch bankers also have a thorough knowledge of local rules and business practices. ‘Our International Desks provide services

that no matter in how many countries you

to Dutch businesses of all sizes and in all

conduct business, you always deal with

sectors. That makes us unique in the banking

one person: your own local manager who

world. It means we can follow every phase in

knows everything there is to know about

our Dutch clients’ international progress,

your situation.’

from SMB to multinational company,’ says global Head of International Services,

The International Desks have large local

Caroline Steenvoort. Rabobank has been

networks and will point you to the right

active in the international market for over

solicitor, accountant or trade organisation.

forty years and has built a network of 600

Steenvoort: ‘Setting up a business abroad

offices in over forty countries.

is a matter of trial and error, just like at

International Desks are situated in many

The International Desk managers will find

countries including Brasil, India and two in

suitable and reliable partners for you which

China, and the network is still growing. In the

saves time and money. Get it right the first

past few years new International Desks were

time around, that provides peace of mind.’

home, it’s a case of staying one step ahead.

opened in Sydney, Hamburg and California, bringing the total to twenty spread out over

At home in the Netherlands. At home

five continents. Steenvoort: ‘The great thing is

across the world.

Rabobank International Desk is a service aimed specifically at Dutch businesses of all sizes and in all sectors. Rabobank is active in these countries.

Flying Africa Desk visits Dutch entrepreneurs on site twice a year




WE’RE YOUR NEW NEIGHBOUR You may be wondering who’s moved into the Symphony offices. We are Prologis, and we’ve relocated our European headquarters to a new office here at the Zuidas. We moved from our previous building at Schiphol to be closer to the heart of Amsterdam’s business community. We’re looking forward to getting to know you and enjoying everything our new home has to offer.

Prologis is the leading provider of distribution buildings with more than 52 million square metres owned and under management in 21 countries on four continents.

Your local partner to global trade


Company: Restaurant & Kookstudio NINE

Company: GVB

Sector: Hospitality

Sector: Public transport

Number of staff: 10-20

Number of staff: 3,750

Connection to Zuidas: Our restaurant and studio is located in

Connection to Zuidas: The GVB is Amsterdam’s public trans-

Zuidas (in the building next to Baker & McKenzie).

port company. Thousands of people travel to Zuidas by GVB

Why join Hello Zuidas?: it is a good thing that there is park

metro, tram and bus every day.

management in Zuidas. Hello Zuidas is informative, has a wide

Why join Hello Zuidas?: An increasing number of people are

reach and a good network that we can probably make use of.

using public transport to get to Zuidas. Public transport is the best way to ensure and improve the accessibility of cities as well as a good living environment. Transport hubs such as Zuidas are essential to creating a clever and efficient network.

Company: Dagelijks Lekker Sector: Hospitality Number of staff: Five

Company: Handelsbanken Amsterdam Zuid

Connection to Zuidas: We provide delicious lunches to workers

Sector: Banking

throughout the district.

Number of staff: Five

Why join Hello Zuidas?: We decided to join the foundation

Connection to Zuidas: We are located in Zuidas since 2002

after a chat with Olivier Otten. We want to keep on top of

when Handelsbanken expanded to the Netherlands. At first

developments in terms of new locations where we can

we were the only Branch for the Netherlands. Currently we have

establish ourselves.

expanded to 18 branches throughout the country. Our branch has a focus on the Zuidas. Why join Hello Zuidas?: To become part of an organisation that looks after the interests of the companies in Zuidas, to raise

Company: SCOR Global Life – Dutch branch office Sector: Financial services, focus on refinancing

awareness for Handelsbanken in Zuidas and to strengthen our mutual interests with the other partcipants.

Number of staff: 2,100 worldwide Connection to Zuidas: SCOR has had an office in Zuidas since 2012. We wanted to have a representative office, close to Schiphol airport and and with easy access to the Thalys highspeed train station. There is also a good supply of staff with relevant experience in refinancing. Why join Hello Zuidas?: We became members because of our involvement in the local community and the environment. As a refinancer, you are closely involved in both society and developments in the living environment.


Memo board COOLBLUE NOW IN ZUIDAS Coolblue, one of the fastest growing online retailers in the Netherlands, opened its doors for business in a shop on the Gustav Mahlerlaan on October 31. The company opted for this location because buyers from Amsterdam and elsewhere find it extremely easy to get to. In addition, Zuidas has a high concentration of potential clients. The opening of the shop also fits in with the company’s strategy in offering the best possible service both online and in an actual shop.

HOW TO BE ORANGE: AN ALTERNATIVE DUTCH ASSIMILATION COURSE Gregory Shapiro - the American Netherlander - brings you a must-have alternative to the Dutch assimilation course. If you’re looking for an official guide to Dutch culture, this is not it. If you’re looking for one man’s completely biased and utterly subjective impression of Dutch culture, this is the book for you.

START THE DAY WITH A DAY-BREAKER WORKOUT FROM THE GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN Feel like getting sporty in the run up to the end of the year? Day-Breaker offers workouts in different Amsterdam locations, including Zuidas. Monday to Friday, you can start as early as 06.30 hours. A great way to start your day.

EXECUTIVE SEARCH 3.0 NMC-Nijsse International Executive Search serves customers from all sectors, from big corporate operations to small firms and family businesses. NMC-Nijsse is also expanding in the field of finding executives for supervisory roles as well as MBI. NMC-Nijsse has a large database of people with the right expertise, experience, personality and integrity to fill in jobs like these successfully. For more information visit www.nmc-group.com or ring +31 (0)20 6611799.


Vintage studio Creative wake-up Call in OldSchool Amsterdam Discover your creativity by doing: creativity coaching on an individual basis and workshops. People are at their best if they are making use of all their talents. Your talents spring from your intuition and creativity and from who you are as a person. Find out more by visiting the website.

FOR THE 2ND CONSECUTIVE YEAR ZUIDASTRAVEL.NL HAS RECEIVED AN FD GAZELLEN AWARD. FD Gazellen is a competition between fast growing companies in The Netherlands.ZuidasTravel.nl sees the award as recognition of the company’s innovative drive in the area of online booking.


TEAM HELLO ZUIDAS TAKES PART IN AMSTERDAM’S HALF MARATHON The 10-strong Hello Zuidas team was among the thousands to cross the finishing line at the Olympic Stadium on October 20. The line-up included various magazine staff, Bart Boersma from The Office Operators and Karin Stoffels from ZuidasTravel.nl.

A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY New Years @ NINE Friday January 10th, 2014 (5pm until late)… Celebrate 2014 with your colleagues and friends at our New Year party @ NINE. Featuring as our special guest, an amazing singer: Simone Breukink. Simone will start off the evening with some jazzy sounds. Later our DJ will take over turn up the rhythm into the night. Free entrance. E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.

Participants Hello Zuidas – November 2013 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL + 31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819, 9th floor - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN Studio-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 820 3976 - + 31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Jilles Mermans Translation: Zuidas Text and Translations Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Jori Spitz, Romy Lange, Jonas Kooyman, Kirsten van den Hul, Milou Peeters, Lonneke van Knijff & Merel Hurkmans Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde, nadiafotografeert, Veronica Bacova, William Maanders, Yorick Meijdam, Wouter van Ierssel & Bas Uterwijk. Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk Thanks to: Karin Kersten, Ruth Jansen, PropertyNL, Kirsten van den Hul, NDI ICT, Het Financieele Dagblad, Restaurant NINE, EY, OldSchool, Restaurant Oliver’s, Dienst Zuidas, Rotterdam School of Management (Erasmus University), Edwin Stoop, De Hypotheker, Mariette Botes, Erik Jan Stork, mags4news.com, Baker & McKenzie, Hong Kong Kamer van Koophandel & Rabobank International. Printed by: Drukkerij Gianotten Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly)* (*four times in 2013) Copyright: © 2013 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ​ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.

ABN Amro Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam EXPO Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI APG Arcadis ASEGA Media AVIS Autoverhuur Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermaatschappij WTC Amsterdam Bereikbaarheidsmakelaar Verkeer advies BLUSH Beauty & Skin Clinic Boekel De Nerée Bolenius Breevast CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely College-Club Corporate Housing Factory Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South Dagelijks Lekker De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Nieuwe Poort Deterink Advocaten en Notarissen Dienst Zuidas Amsterdam DTZ Zadelhoff, Agency Amsterdam Duisenberg School of Finance Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eetwinkel Zwaan EY Expatcenter Amsterdam Fortron B.V. G&S Vastgoed Galerie Modern Gerrit Rietveld Academie Global Housing Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Gustavino B.V. GVB HAB International Accountants & Consultants Handelsbanken HB Hairstylers Hello Sushi Hestia Kinderopvang Het Amsterdamse Bos Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Financial Centre Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services (Europe) IMC Financial Markets Amsterdam ING Rayon Amsterdam Zuid West JCDecaux Nederland B.V. Kardan Kempen & Co Koetjes en Kalfjes Linklaters Look For Art Gallery Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Markit MBO College Zuid

72. Mech Make & Take 73. Miles Building 74. Mood for Real Estate 75. MultiCopy Nederland B.V. 76. My Best Team Ever 77. NDI ICT Solutions 78. NEWNRG 79. NH Musica 80. Nine 81. Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB) 82. Nijkerk Holding 83. NL Real Estate 84. NMC-Nijsse International Executive Search 85. Novotel Amsterdam City 86. NS Station Zuid 87. Oliver’s 88. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam 89. ORAM 90. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 91. Pathé 92. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 93. Poelman Advocaten 94. Property NL B.V. 95. Puramis Consultancy 96. Qbic Hotels 97. Q-Park Nederland 98. Rabobank Amsterdam Markt Zuid 99. RBS 100. Regus 101. Restaurant Nine 102. RGA International Reinsurance Company 103. RSM Erasmus University 104. Russell Reynolds Associates 105. Schiphol Real Estate 106. SCOR Global Life SE 107. Season-Flowers 108. Securitas 109. SINGAZ Holding 110. SLFMD Tailoring 111. Spaces 112. Stadsdeel Zuid 113. Stibbe 114. Sushi Time 115. Symphony’s 116. Tandartsenpraktijk Van De Veer 117. TAXI-E 118. The Bank of New York Mellon 119. TPEX 120. The Basket 121. The Change Agent 122. The Office Operators 123. TopJobs Consultants 124. Transcore Management 125. TREC 126. Triple Ace 127. Valid Express 128. Vimpelcom 129. Visser Communicatie 130. Voxius 131. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 132. VU Connected 133. VU Medisch Centrum 134. Wagamama 135. Wieringen Prins 136. World Trade Center Amsterdam 137. WTC Amsterdam Business Club 138. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 139. Your Assistant 140. ZuidasTravel.nl 141. Zuidschans 142. Stichting ZuidasRun


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