Hello Zuidas #9

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Ruben van Zwieten, De Nieuwe Poort

‘I see a growing need for fulfilment and community spirit’


Because of the economic downturn clients have become more critical and demanding

HELLO ZUIDAS Bridging the gaps KIRSTEN VAN DEN HUL Working Apart Together LIVING IN ZUIDAS SPECIAL A cosmopolitan environment

This is your wake up adverTisemenT Do you get out of bed ready to take on the world? Or hit the snooze button and roll over? Did you know that four of ten people in The Netherlands want something better in their career but settle for what they have? And you? Is your career on track? Or is it just OK? Playing safe is understandable in the current climate, but the point is, there’s no harm in looking. Maybe you can find something better. Maybe you should take this opportunity to visit us at Fitch and Shui on October 3rd. Maybe we can assist you. What you should definitely do is visit our website, Monsterboard.nl and see how we can help you find better.

Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

Zuidas could teach La Défense a thing or two A business district can’t become successful unless

as ‘an iceberg disconnected from the areas around it.’

it has people living and working in it. We’re doing all

Of course Zuidas isn’t there yet. We need more

we can to turn Zuidas into a great location, both as a

housing, shops, and entertainment and sports

business and a residential area. The apartments in

facilities. It will take time, but they will arrive

Zuidas are luxurious, spacious and equipped with

eventually. You only have to look at the number

state-of-the-art appliances. Moreover, the nearby

of restaurants that have been established over

public transport links will get you to the centre of

the last three years. The change has been dramatic.

Amsterdam in a blink of an eye. Real estate developers are absolutely right to point out the opportunities

This edition of Hello Zuidas contains a special on living

on offer. The new apartment buildings are helping to

in Zuidas . In it we highlight options for making your

turn Zuidas into another attractive new residential

home in Zuidas at the moment and look at future

area in Amsterdam.

developments. 900Mahler, for instance, will be a highly modern building with magnificent

Zuidas is the envy of Paris. La Défense, meant to

apartments. Perhaps, after reading the special,

pioneer a new type of urbanisation, failed to achieve

you will be as convinced as I am that living in

what it set out to do. In an interview with the New

Zuidas is worth considering.

York Times, urban planner Alessandra Cianchetta, said the residential areas in the French business centre

p.s. The next issue

I hope you enjoy our latest edition of Hello Zuidas!

were far too isolated. Cianchetta described La Défense

of Hello Zuidas is scheduled for November 4th.

At the beginning of 2009 a mutual friend introduced me to Ruben van Zwieten. We had sort of a blind date in Nooon and we got on well straight away, thanks to our shared interests in society, entrepreneurship and, of course, Zuidas. A new friendship was born. Over the past few years, Ruben has worked with a new generation of Zuidas workers and residents through the ‘Zingeving Zuidas’ project. On September 1, he opened a new meeting place in the Viňoly building next to Boekel de Nerée. There you will find a cultural centre, a community centre, a theatre, a café and a place for quiet reflection – all under one roof. I recommend everyone find out more about De Nieuwe Poort and spend time at this great addition to Zuidas facilities. Olivier Otten, managing director Hello Zuidas





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Index 08. Ruben van Zwieten (De Nieuwe Poort) ‘I’m hoping that through De Nieuwe Poort I can help people make better use of their talents’ 10. Property 13. Column: Kirsten van den Hul Working Apart Together 14. Hello Zuidas – Bridging the gaps 17. Trending Topics 18. Finance 21. Bouwens Groep From client contact to client experience 22. NMC-Nijsse International High-level and innovative executive search 24. Hello Zuidas – Public Space Art is more than a statue on a pedestal 27. Symphony’s: in sync with Zuidas 28. Agenda Hello Zuidas 32. Legal – De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek ‘Flexibility is law firm’s secret to success’

34. Hello Zuidas – Sustainability Amsterdam RAI is a sustainable partner in events 38. Hello You 40. Pathé Business The bridge between film and business 42. Hello Zuidas – Mobility Zuidas won’t grind to a halt 42. Recruitment Greenberg Staffing 47. Talent A bridge between art and commerce 48. Special: Living in Zuidas - 50. Corporate Housing Factory - 52. G&S Vastgoed - 55. Eefje Voogd 57. Clubsportive Positive energy and a great atmosphere lead to more exercise 58. Memo board

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. www.hellozuidas.com, www.facebook.com/hellozuidas, www.twitter.com/hellozuidas, www.linkedin.com/hellozuidas


Ruben van Zwieten

‘I’m hoping that through De Nieuwe Poort I can help people make better use of their talents’ During weekends, he fills in for ministers, marries couples, baptises babies and sometimes presides at funerals. But the rest of the time, and the odd Saturday night, Ruben van Zwieten does something entirely different. September 1st saw the official opening of De Nieuwe Poort (The New Gate) in Zuidas, a space dedicated to philosophy, literature, lectures and debates. ‘It’s a place for people to meet. I see a growing need in people for fulfilment and community spirit and we are hoping De Nieuwe Poort will help provide it. We want to help build a kinder society,’ Van Zwieten says.


How would you define fulfilment and

church of St Thomas in Zuidas for a long time, and

community spirit?

I fill in for the minister on Sundays once a month,

Many people associate words like ‘spiritual’ with

but that is completely separate from what I do at

new age vagueness. I think it means being able

De Nieuwe Poort. Faith does play a social role. In

to reflect and involve oneself on a deeper level.

the US, religious institutions have evolved much

This is what we are trying to achieve in De Nieuwe

more in that respect and are active in areas like

Poort. Recently, a member of one of the discussion

community spirit, spirituality and reflection. We

groups asked a question about whether what is

read the Bible as one of the books, but we see it as

good for a client is also beneficial to society.

a work of literature. It’s not about Jesus or God but

Reflecting on specific questions like this one and

about Biblical humanistic themes. What makes a

discussing the answers create a sense of spiritual

human being a human being? What is stopping

purpose. In a world of competition, of putting

you from becoming who you really are? These are

the self before the other, people want to feel a

basic things, so basic indeed that we often forget

connection with others that is not based on what

to stop and think about them.

they can do for you. I feel community spirit is about this connectedness and that includes people who have ‘not made it’ in life. How did you notice this need for spirituality? Each year I recount the Easter and Christmas stories in the church of St Thomas. As I tell these stories I reflect on our times. The numbers attending these gatherings are such, that I surmised that there must be a need for a deeper meaning. People, many of whom live locally and work in Zuidas, often come to the church because they have heard about the event from others. Golden Calf

Do the people working in Zuidas have the time to reflect on philosophical issues?

One of the aims of De Nieuwe Poort is to

Good question. Why would people, who work all

build a more humane society. Is Zuidas

day, have a relationship, children and a social life,

not humane enough?

want to make time to come here? People have to

Many workers and employers in Zuidas play a

get rid of the idea of the take-away. If you take a

specific role. They are bankers, lawyers, advisors.

training course you know what you have learnt at

These are good parts to play and in a different

the end of it. At De Nieuwe Poort the take-away

way I myself play a part, too. But playing a part

idea remains in the background. It’s more of a

can produce some unwanted side effects. People

process. The effect of the lectures and talks only

often confuse the person with the part. At De

makes itself felt later on. You mustn’t come and

Nieuwe Poort we give people the chance to

expect instant enlightenment after one night.

become a person again. One way of doing this is by organising a lunch break. During these breaks

Do the church or religion play a part

people step away from the part they are playing

at De Nieuwe Poort?

and become themselves. I don’t want to moralise:

Talks about religeous beliefs are not encouraged.

I’m a clergyman and that is a role, too. But it is

This place is about other things. De Nieuwe Poort

good for the soul to go back to basics every once

is a foundation that is defined as an institution

in a while.

promoting ‘general benefit’. I am originally a theologist and clergyman and have worked in the

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: nadiafotografeert


How do you go about building a more

minister in the service of the traditional, generally

humane society?

accepted concept of ‘God’. As a minister I could

You will make a better leader or business person

say that such a general, theistic concept would

if you reflect on your actions. Philosophy will help

make me an atheist. Let’s say I believe mankind

you to take a critical look at your job and the way

won’t be left to its own devices. But I am firmly on

you make decisions. Different leaders take different

the side of those who are searching for meaning.

measures, make different decisions that will affect society differently and this makes for a more

What are your hopes for Zuidas as the

humane society. We want to harness the talent

curator of De Nieuwe Poort?

we have here in Zuidas to help the vulnerable in

I’m hoping that Zuidas, which is so full of energy

our society. All this financial, legal and HR

and talented and ambitious people, will generate

expertise comes in very useful. I think music is

an atmosphere in which people will learn again

another good way to make society a friendlier

and again to use their talents in a way that benefits

place and this is why we organise lunch concerts

society. I hope to help them on their way. I am

performed by music students. I love the harp

convinced that many Zuidas workers sometimes

because it is one of those instruments that can’t

wonder if they are putting their talents to the best

be played when you are tense. You need to be

use they can. I want to help them find fulfilment by

relaxed, and listening to it is also relaxing.

showing them how to do that.

Managers chasing after targets can get stressedout and the music helps them chill out. You were named as the most talked-about theologian of the year. What makes you such an interesting person? I tell stories about life and man and his existential questions, not about God and Jesus. It’s not easy. You have to keep things on an everyday level and still be inspired by tradition. Right now, people need to reflect and delve deeper, but we are still stuck in tradition. We have not managed to break free from it and I try to do my bit to help achieve that. I was both the jury’s and the public’s choice and it is remarkable to see that people from Limburg, Groningen and Drenthe voted for me. Perhaps they were inspired by the texts and clips on our website, such as the one by Tomáš Sedláček who held a talk here on the economy of good and evil. I can imagine people being fired up by that. What do you believe in? To me, the Bible is not about religion. There is

• De Nieuwe Poort: Claude Debussylaan 2-8.

nothing so persistent as the belief that faith is

• For programme and other information go to

about the creation of the earth, life after death, penance, guilt, forgiveness and sin. There is no truth in any of these things. I believe in Darwin and evolutionary theory. But ultimately I believe there is a God. I don’t walk around thinking I am in a personal relationship with Him. I really haven’t figured it all out yet. I wouldn’t want to be a


www.denieuwepoort.org. • Employers can buy ‘fitness subscription for the spirit’ at De Nieuwe Poort. • De Nieuwe Poort has an excellent restaurant for lunch or dinner meetings. • De Nieuwe Poort also offers meeting rooms for rent.

17 October INFORMATION SESSION Find out more during an information session at 18:00 on Thursday 17 October at De Nieuwe Poort in the Viñoly Building, Amsterdam Zuidas.

Boost your management skills

in 10 days

Specialists wanting to broaden their management skills – and junior managers aiming for general management roles – can boost their careers this December with a 10-day training programme in the Viñoly Building, Amsterdam Zuidas. The RSM Diploma Programme in Business Management and Leadership provides a concentrated burst of five two-day a sessions over two weeks, containing the latest management concepts and leadership training to help managers a realise their potential. This short and intensive course is delivered by world-class professors and faculty from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). It develops skills in four key business disciplines; strategy, marketing, finance, and leadership. The programme can be taken as a whole, or as individual sessions. It culminates in a workshop in which managers create their own Business Improvement Plan, working on a real issue in their organisation.







For all RSM programmes that run in Viñoly Building Amsterdam Zuidas: www.rsm.nl/amsterdam RSM AMSTERDAM OFFICE Viñoly Building, 1st floor, Claude Debussylaan 46, Amsterdam

Property Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send your property news to redactie@propertynl.com

ENERGY TRANSPORT GROUP SOUTH STREAM RELOCATES TO ZUIDAS ZUIDAS - South Stream Transport has signed a deal to rent 4,221 m2 of office space in the UN Studio building on the Parnassusweg in Zuidas. The company will be housed on the 3rd to 6th floors after signing a deal with owner


Union Investment Real Estate. Union Investment Real

ZUIDAS - Zuidas-based property investment group

Estate bought the building in 2007 for its property

Annexum has signed 16 new 10-year contracts with the

investment fund Fonds UniImmo: Europa. Jones Lang

Ahold food retail group on behalf of its Super Winkel

LaSalle advised Union Investment, while DTZ Zadelhoff

Fonds and Supermarket Fonds Nederland property funds.

represented South Stream Transport. South Stream

The deal involves 16 branches of the Albert Heijn

Transport is responsible for the infrastructure involved in

supermarket group spread all over the Netherlands.

transporting sustainable energy from central and

The tenancy agreement, with options towards extension,

southern Europe via the Black Sea.

involve 29,000 m2 of shop space.




MARQT ARRIVES ON THE OLYMPIAPLEIN ZUIDAS - Sustainable and organic food retailer Marqt is opening its 8th outlet on the Olympiaplein shopping complex near Zuidas, which will become its 4th branch in Amsterdam. The project involves the merger of three units and will cover 500m2 when completed. No opening date has been set as yet. PropertyNL



a ground rental agreement for a plot at the junction of

ZUIDAS - CRH Europe, the world’s leading supplier of

the Boelelaan and the Antonio Vivaldistraat. The land

building materials, has signed a new long-term contract

will be used to construct 800 student housing units.

with DEKA Immobilien to rent some 1,600 m2 of space

Preparations will start shortly and the project is slated

in the Zuidas office complex The Rock. CRH Europe will

to open in September 2014. The complex will consist of

be locating its new regional headquarters in the building,

self-contained student housing units with their own

on part of the 6th and all of the 7th floor. Jones Lang

kitchen and bathroom. All units will be 21 m2 in size and

LaSalle advised CRH Europe during the entire project

include internet and television services. The project,

and Simmons & Simmons were legal advisors. Deka

named Ravel Residence, will also include a café, lounge,

Immobilien was supported by Baker & McKenzie and

study areas, staffing agency as well as a launderette.

CBRE. The Rock is now almost completely rented out.


Photography: Veronika Bačová




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Working Apart Together Almost seven years ago, I made a drastic decision: no

seem to be calling for my immediate attention. The dishes

more climbing career ladders or smashing glass ceilings

for instance, the clearance sale at my favourite online

for me. I decided it was time to take things into my own

shop, or that phone call to my mother about next week’s

hands and venture out on my own, so I joined the ranks of

family get-together.

independent professionals, who in Dutch are known as ZZP-ers. By December last year, there were almost

But there are ways to overcome these hurdles. A freelancing

800.000 self-employed professionals in the Netherlands,

friend of mine installed a programme on her computer

and that number is expected to rise to over a million soon.

that blocked all shopping sites. Another friend has a strict

I can totally see why.

no-phone policy whenever she is at her desk. And I decided it was time to hire a cleaning lady to help me to

One of the biggest advantages of being self-employed is

not use my household chores as an excuse for not getting

getting to choose when and where you work. At a client’s

down to business.

office, in a bar, an airport lounge or even in the park: today’s wireless world offers endless possibilities for

‘But don’t you miss your colleagues?’ is what people

flexible freelancers such as myself. That being said, there

sometimes ask me. Truth be told: at times I do. But I found

is one place I prefer over anywhere else: my own desk.

a solution: the virtual coffee break. Every morning around

After all, there is no place like home. No time-consuming

coffee time, my self-employed friends and I get ourselves

commutes, you can wear whatever you want, and no one

some tea or coffee and get on the phone to discuss our

will bother you with boring office gossip.

day, our business challenges and all other things people discuss at coffee machines. It’s a new kind of relationship:

But working from home does require some discipline,

the WAT - Working Apart Together. For those of you who

especially for the true procrastinators among us. When I

are contemplating a career move: I can highly recommend

sit behind my computer to meet one of those dreadful

it. And in case it gets lonely out there: you’re welcome to

deadlines, there tends to be a thousand other tasks that

join our virtual coffee break.

Kirsten van den Hul speaks, writes and works on the crossroads of culture, communication and change. She works as an independent change agent for Dienst Zuidas, and writes a weekly column for Dutch daily AD. In 2011 she was appointed as UN Women’s Representative. Her motto: “Without change no butterflies”. For more information, visit www.thechangeagent.nl, or follow @thechangeagent on Twitter.



Hello Zuidas: bridging the gaps

‘It is a time of crisis, although here you may think otherwise, glancing around’ says Liesbeth van der Pol (Dok architects), keynote speaker of the day. Van der Pol is right. In the garden of the Rietveld art school, men in suits and women in stylish, conservative clothing are gathering. They contrast sharply with the brightly clad art students. Sparkling wine flows while a DJ turns up the heat and the sun does the rest. It is the biennial meeting of Hello Zuidas, which this year revolves around the theme ‘Accessibility’. MAPPING ZUIDAS Physically, Zuidas is easy to get to. With almost every mode of transportation available, Zuidas is connected to the rest of the city as well as the rest of the country. It is also easily reached by the rest of the world, with Schiphol airport just a short train ride away. But not everyone can find their way around Amsterdam – one reason why Hello Zuidas asked Guatemalan landscape architect Gloria Font to make an illustrated map of the city. The finished product, presented at the Hello Zuidas meeting puts a layer of illustration over a bare-bones map and clarifies the relationship between the business district and the city itself.

Gloria Font


‘Zuidas has to feel like a vibrant part of the city itself,’ Font says.


Olivier Otten & Kirsten van den Hul

Liesbeth van der Pol



Hello Zuidas managing director Olivier Otten says this mental

Not only symbolic bridges are being built. This autumn an actual

connection with Amsterdam is very important. ‘It is vital this

bridge, named after composer Lex van Delden, will connect

district does not become an island,’ Otten told the gathering.

Zuidas to the Buitenveldert residential district. The design by

‘Amsterdam is the brand that connects us all.’

Van der Pol/Dok architects, was inspired by a bridge in Amsterdam so broad, that it is home to several café terraces.

Josja van der Veer, the new chairman of the Hello Zuidas

Architect Liesbeth van der Pol says this new link will be more

supervisory board, thinks bridging the symbolic gaps between

than just a physical connection. ‘It is meant as a welcome

‘Zuidassers’ is also of great importance. This is one of the best

gesture from one part of the city to another. The bridge is also

things about Hello Zuidas, she said when addressing the

meant to become a ‘place to be’,’ said Van der Pol as she

gathering. ‘By making it possible for people to meet each other,

outlined the project at the Zuidas meeting. ‘It is a place where

ideas that otherwise might not have come into being can now

people can relax for a moment, wait for their appointment and

become reality.’ Take for example the ‘On the roofff’ film

enjoy the fact that Zuidas is the connection between two parts

festival, she says ‘It is something you might think about one

of the city.’

day, but it is partly thanks to Zuidas that it was actually realized.’

Josja van der Veer

Text: Jori Spitz • Photography: Ingrid Arnou


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Trending topics MarcS_NBA @MarcS_NBA De zijgevel van de #NBA is ingepakt ivm reiniging, dus vanaf de Boeleaan zijn we even anders herkenbaar #zuidas Chris Buijink @chrisbuijink Volle maandag op de #Zuidas: veel reacties op #FD-interview & voorbereiden rest week met collega’s @bankensector AT5 @AT5 Om te voorkomen dat vliegtuigen tegen kantoren botsen, worden nieuwe gebouwen aan de Zuidas minder hoog dan verwacht http://IamExpat @IamExpat Where do you feel the best place to do business in the #Netherlands is? Check out the Top 10 office locations: http://www.iamexpat.nl ARCAM @ARCAMupdate 800 studentenwoningen op Zuidas, oplevering sept 2014 @DienstZuidas @OeverZaaijer Redactie PropertyNL @PropertyNL Leegstand WTC twee keer lager dan gemiddelde Zuidas Free Amsterdam @freeamsterdam In augustus gratis muziek aan de Zuidas bij het Grachtenfestival Koen van Tongeren @KoenvantongerenIk hoorde vandaag op radio 1 dat ‘t ING-gebouw aan de Zuidas in #020 Schoen genoemd wordt. In #010 zou ie allang ‘t glazen muiltje heten. Janke Papa @JankePapa Vroeg uit de veren voor #netwerk bijeenkomst #BNI Amsterdam zuidas. Ben benieuwd! — at De Veranda Brandwriters @brandwriters Nice ;) RT @WEsPReadbrands Maak je eigen #bouquet cover op de #zuidas met Tasio Ferrand JLL Nederland @JLLNieuwsNL CRH Europe huurt in ‘The Rock’. #zuidas #vastgoed #JLL Hello Zuidas @hellozuidas Hello Zuidas aims for realization of a proper management of @Zuidas, together with public and private parties. Interested to participate? Marijke Drogt @MarijkeD87Mag je wel snelle bak hebben enzo, maar ik ben baas van het zebrapad. #zuidas Kate Maat @KateMaat Mooi is dat allemaal mannen in pak #zuidas amsterdam Irene Huttinga @IreneHuttinga @simonebroos Leuk vanmiddag! :) Zullen we voor de AAB afspreken? #borrel #zuidas Simone Broos @simonebroos15 Aug @IreneHuttinga ja prima! Zin in :-) #borrel #zuidas Achmed Baadoud @AchmedBaadoud Strategisch gelegen tov Zuidas, Centrum, Westpoort en Schiphol en zeer goede bereikbaarheid. #3euniversiteit #topinstituut @herbertkuiling NUzakelijk @nuzakelijk5h Brits sportmediabedrijf nestelt zich op de Amsterdamse Zuidas Chr Alberdingk Thijm @cthijm5h Op de Zuidas, bij Nauta Dutilh, radicale lectuur Thrill Grill @ThrillGrill Nu eerst #lunch bij Gustav Mahlerplein. Let’s #grill Eline Hoogendijk @ElineAmsterdam Grachtenfestival concert in de hal van de ITO-toren! Bezoekers gebouw maken het theater! #davai #zuidas #verwondering @GFAmsterdam Amsterdam Nieuws @Amsterdam_DB OM verdenkt Libiër van grootschalige fraude op de Zuidas NUzakelijk @nuzakelijk Brits sportmediabedrijf nestelt zich op de Amsterdamse Zuidas Triple Ace @TripleaceWTC On 14 September 2013 The WTC Amsterdam Conference & Event Center will host Expatica’s International Job Fair Fitch & Shui @FitchandShui Vandaag weer veel regen.. Blijf lekker binnen in het WTC gebouw en kom lunchen in de brasserie Janine Maas @Janine_Maas Ben benieuwd naar mijn foto’s van de fotoshoot voor Quote Magazine! Ik werd afgelopen week spontaan door het team aangesproken op de Zuidas. Sluiman @sluiman @FerryKoster Glazen torens aan de Zuidas zijn uitgerust met meest geavanceerde climate control. Redelijkheid wordt uit de lucht gefilterd.

YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS: www.facebook.com/hellozuidas @HelloZuidas for employees of companies that are participant of Hello Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link to Hello Zuidas as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app which allows you to flip through the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com



Source: Het Financieele Dagblad & DutchNews.nl

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to hellozuidas@asega.nl.

TOP HOLDINGS OPT FOR THE NETHERLANDS ZUIDAS - International companies that go through a merger process are increasingly opting for the Netherlands to locate their legal headquarters, a trend that



benefits the Netherlands because it creates jobs.

ZUIDAS - Banks in the eurozone will have to shed ¤3.2trn

agencies – US firm Omnicom and France’s Publicis -

in assets in the years to come, according to RBS analysts.

announced that they would merge and the headquarters

Eurozone banks are still too large at ¤32trn, as this is

of new group Publicis Omnicom will be in the Netherlands.

more than three times the size of the eurozone economy,

Paul Cronheim, a partner at law firm De Brauw Blackstone

the RBS report states. Eurozone banks have shrunk by

Westbroek, says he is seeing a trend. ‘In particular when

¤2.9trn since May 2012 by not extending expired credit

there is a merger of two equal international firms there is

agreements and by selling assets. ‘We are only halfway

often talk of locating the main holding in the Netherlands,’

to sustainable levels, in our view, as banks prepare for

he said. Cronheim led the Omnicom team during

new regulation on capital and leverage,’ the report states.

the merger talks. His NautaDutilh counterpart Hein

There are three options open to banks: generating

Hooghoudt, who led the Publicis team, agrees. ‘We are

more profits, making fewer loans and selling assets.

often involved in international mergers in where the

But the last option might prove difficult as all banks find

headquarters come to the Netherlands and I expect

themselves in the same position.

more to follow,’ he said.

At the beginning of August, two major advertising

VAN LANSCHOT TRIPLES PROFIT ZUIDAS - Van Lanschot bank booked net profit of ¤33.7m in the first six months of this year, compared with ¤10.5m in last year’s period. ‘This result was largely attributable to higher securities commission and a 7% fall in operating expenses,’ chairman Karl Guha said in a statement. Efforts to reduce costs announced in May are making ‘good progress’, Guha said. The bank said in spring next year it will be cutting 250 more jobs and planned to lower its cost base from ¤409m to ¤340m.

BIG LAW FIRMS CONTINUE TO SHRINK ZUIDAS - Zuidas law firm De Blauw Blackstone


Westbroek booked a 10% increase in revenue in 2012,

ZUIDAS - Nationalised bank and Zuidas mainstay ABN

bucking a downward trend which saw the sector’s

Amro will be ready to be privatised again by next

combined revenue fall by 1%. Pressure on prices is

summer, chief executive Gerrit Zalm said in an interview

the main reason for the decline in earnings, as major

with the Financial Times. Zalm said he wanted to be

customers call for lower fees for legal services.

ready for the state to start selling its 100% stake in

‘The days that every contract automatically went to

the bank in a year’s time. ABN Amro was nationalised

the house law firm are over,’ says De Brauw’s manager

in a ¤30bn deal, following its abortive takeover by a

Marc Ynzonides. ‘And fixed prices agreements are also

combination of Royal Bank of Scotland, Fortis and

increasing.’ Big law firms also see an increase in the

Santander. In the interview Zalm also criticised finance

introduction of differentiated charges for different clients

minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s plans to curb banking

and working more often with junior lawyers who are

bonuses. This, he said, would undermine Dutch banks in

cheaper. Other law firms which have performed well in

their global operations. Dijsselbloem plans to restrict

terms of revenue developments are Benthem & Keulen in

bonuses to 20% of salary, which goes much further than

Utrecht with a rise of 7% and Zuidas/Eindhoven group

the EU-proposed limits of 100% of salary for those

Deterink, with an increase of 5.2%.

earning over ¤500,000.

Photography: Veronika Bačová


VISIT RESTAURANT NINE Drop by Nine on the ground floor of the Baker & McKenzie house for great coffee, a modern lunch, a delicious dinner or (Friday afternoon) drinks.

Book your A380 flight now! In addition, Nine has a separate studio kitchen and meeting room, and is a great location for private events. Nine’s catering is modern, top quality and put together with respect for the environment and animal welfare: fresh, delicious and healthy. Nine is the perfect location for a working lunch with business contacts and is well-supplied with electricity connections for laptops and USB portals. Nine uses the Smart Butler system and the Nine payment card offers extra advantages. THURSDAY 19 SEPTEMBER: WELCOME DRINKS AT NINE (5.30PM TO 7.30PM) New Zuidas restaurant Nine is organising a drinks party to say hello. Everyone who wants to get to know Nine and its facilities is welcome to attend. Staff will be on hand to serve drinks and a selection of snacks from the menu. Register via info@restaurantnine.nl www.restaurantnine.nl

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Bouwens Groep: from client contact to client experience The Bouwens Groep specialises in ensuring that both clients and staff get the best possible first impression of a company. It does this by providing a company with receptionists and security officials who are specially trained to be client-friendly. ‘I would go so far as saying that thanks to our staff, we can transform an office into a hotel without beds,’ says director Michael Bouwens.

‘We can transform an office into a hotel without beds’ Michael Bouwens



The Bouwens Groep is growing fast in Zuidas, and this is partly

Both visitors and staff should be ensured of a proper welcome.

due to the refreshing outlook of its director Michael Bouwens.

‘This is particularly important now that flexible working is so

‘Receptionists and security officials are often the first members

popular,’ says Bouwens. ‘The office should be a meeting place

of staff people see, they are the gateway to a company,’ he says.

where you feel at home .’ This means Bouwens’ receptionists

‘We have translated the service ethic from hotels and airlines to

and security officials not only contribute to making a perfect first

offices. We have swapped the idea of contact with clients for the

impression, but also help make sure the workplace is a friendly

concept of client experience and we make sure visitors get the

place to be.

best impression from the very start.’

GOOD MATCH The Bouwens Groep achieves this by making sure it only employs staff with hospitality in their blood. ‘It has to be in your DNA,’ says Bouwens. ‘Our training programme ensures we get the best out of the individual and that we carry a high standard of professionality. This, in turn, ensures our staff are able to provide

Michael Bouwens

BOUWENS GROEP Rokin 115 1012 KP Amsterdam 020 642 28 20 www.bouwensgroep.nl/hellozuidas

a top-notch and appropriate welcome. Every company is different and we make sure our receptionists and security officials are the right people in the right firm.’

Text: Jasmijn Beerthuis


NMC-Nijsse’s three partner shareholders Bert Pilon, Alain Kok & Joost Goudsmit


NMC-Nijsse International – high-level and innovative executive search NMC-Nijsse’s result driven, no-nonsense approach means that clients can count on its quality, speed and reliability. These are values which this executive search consultancy has applied since its foundation 30 years ago and that have enabled it to grow into a Europe-wide operation with many international alliances. At the same time, the company has continued to innovate and grow with the market by developing new products. You could call it executive search 3.0. CONFIDENCE AND EXPERTISE

successors to retiring executives, says Kok.

NMC-Nijsse’s three partner shareholders,

‘We can help them out by finding suitable people’.

Joost Goudsmit, Bert Pilon and Alain Kok,

Making that move requires something extra from

and their consultants guarantee to make sure

a potential board member. ‘It needs entrepreneur-

the right person is in the right place. And their

ship and people who are not bogged down by

30-year-track record means customers may

corporate culture but who are prepared to take

safely rely on their professionalism. ‘Trust, being

risks,’ says Goudsmit. ‘And we have the expertise

good at what you do and knowing the market

to assess candidates’ potential in these areas.’

inside out constitute the tools for survival in times like these,’ says Pilon.

SUPERVISORY ROLES NMC-Nijsse is also expanding in the field of

NMC-Nijsse’s serves customers from all sectors,

finding executives for supervisory roles. ‘The level

from big corporate operations to small firms

of expertise in, for example, a supervisory board

and family businesses. For example, the company

is becoming increasingly important in society,’

gives something back to their client executives

says Goudsmit. Legislation has changed and

by setting up round table discussions and

that has led to a demand for specific experience,

brainstorming sessions.

as well as diversity in every sense of the word.


‘Supervisory boards used to be made up of retired

In addition, the company has recently added a

executives but now they include a wider range of

new business concept to the classic executive

specialists in a variety of fields, ranging from

search operation - the Management Buy In. ‘A MBI

finance to ICT. There is also a move towards

candidate is a job candidate who is going to work

bringing in younger people, given the need for

at a company and who has to invest in it as well,’

operational executives,’ says Kok. NMC-Nijsse has

explains Goudsmit. ‘Investment groups that

a large database of people with the right expertise,

want to change the management at a company

experience, personality and integrity to fill these

they are considering investing in are often very

sorts of jobs successfully.

good at judging the firm’s finances but are less expert in dealing with the aspect of human capital. That is where we come in.’

NMC-NIJSSE INTERNATIONAL De Boelelaan 7 (Officia I) • 020 661 17 99 www.nmc-group.com

In particular, small and medium sized firms, family businesses for example, can have trouble finding

Text: Jasmijn Beerthuis • Photography: nadiafotografeert



‘Art is more than a statue on a pedestal’ - City council member Simone Kukenheim She started out as an aspiring actress at Maastricht drama school but soon found she was better suited for the political than the theatrical stage. Simone Kukenheim has been city council member in charge of economic affairs, education and culture in Stadsdeel Zuid since 2010. It’s a good combination, she says: ‘Knowledge, the economy and art make up three of society’s most important pillars. Pull one down and the rest goes, too.’

Simone Kukenheim



‘Not only does art have an aestethic value, it is also

Since the beginning of this year Stadsdeel Zuid and

a unique selling point for the city of Amsterdam,’

Dienst Zuidas have been working together to

Kukenheim stresses. ‘The new Rijksmuseum,

support temporary art projects in public spaces.

the Stedelijk Museum, the Van Gogh Museum are

‘By pooling resources and using our individual

all located in my part of the city and attract many

networks, we can do so much more, whether it’s

foreign visitors. Do I think art is a luxury in times of

an exhibition, film, theatre or temporary art

crisis? Not at all. Art forms an intrinsic part of our

shows,’ she says. Kukenheim has a clear image of

society. Art inspires and makes our environment a

art in the Zuidas public spaces. She describes

nicer, safer place. And this contributes to making

what she does as ‘inspired commissioning’ and it is

the Netherlands an attractive place for foreign

her wish to turn Zuidas into an integral part of

companies. So investing in art is a clever move,

Amsterdam but with its own character.‘You don’t

because it gives you a good return,’ says Kukenheim.

achieve that by sticking a statue onto a pedestal,’ she says. ‘Art reflects what is happening in a society and that is not something you can impose. What you can do is stimulate initiatives on the



For information about subsidies for temporary art projects and Stadsdeel Zuid’s art policy go to: www.zuid.amsterdam.nl/kunst_en_cultuur/ More about the Old School project: www.facebook.com/OldschoolAmsterdam

ground and involve artists in city planning and the

bestseller about the break-up of ABN Amro)

building process at an early stage. ‘They have their

should really be performed in Zuidas. I’m sure

own take on public spaces. This is exactly what we

people there are mature enough to take on a bit of

are going to do with the new primary school that is

self-criticism,’ she says. Kukenheim is pleased to

going to be built next to the AFC in Zuidas.

see that an increasing number of companies are

“Do something with this space,” we asked of a

sponsoring art. But things mustn’t stop there.

group of artists. If you divide up the plots, put

‘Zuidas is home to a number of very important

buildings on them and then think: “oh, we need

corporate collections. I would love it if we could

some art,” you’re too late.’

disclose them to a larger audience .’ The city council member is proud of the Zuidas


hospitality. ‘Temporary art projects always find a

Does Kukenheim have anything left to wish for?

the Amstelpark. And there’s Old School, a former

‘What I’m not seeing enough of is a reflection on

school building where creative art entrepreneurs

the economic crisis, especially in Zuidas. A play

are working on exciting new ventures. That, too, is

like De Prooi (The Prey, based on Jeroen Smit’s

art in public spaces,’ she points out.

Text: Kirsten van den Hul • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel

home there, whether it’s Art Zuid or art projects in


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Symphony’s: in sync with Zuidas Corinne de Groot, manager Symphony’s


Low on fuss and high on versatility, these are Symphony’s hallmarks. The food is excellent and the menu changes frequently. Meetings, parties and private dining, it’s all possible at this Zuidas restaurant. ‘The wishes of our guests are our commands. Everything we do is geared towards the professional culture of Zuidas,’ says manager Corinne de Groot. CITY LUNCH


A good example of how Symphony’s is in sync with Zuidas is

‘There is no pretence here,’ De Groot says. ‘What you see is

the City Lunch. ‘We know people who have lunch away

what you get, that’s our motto.’ At Symphony’s only fresh

from the office every day appreciate change. This is why we

products are used, with fish as the main specialty. Symphony’s

developed the City Lunch,’ says De Groot. ‘It is different every

also caters for parties. ‘We are very flexible and can comply with

day. There’s a starter and a main course, all served in the space

anything a client may want. Our chefs are very creative and can

of 45 minutes, so people know they’ll be back at their desks or at

cope with any culinary request thrown at them.’

their meeting within the hour.’ Another option is to let the restaurant know your order beforehand in case you have


even less time.

That is not all Symphony’s has to offer. There is also an auditorium that seats 125, a beautiful foyer and a lovely

‘We can comply with anything a client may want. Our chefs are very creative and can cope with any culinary request thrown at them’

Text: Jasmijn Beerthuis • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel

sun-drenched terrace. From 6pm, the restaurant is available for private parties. It makes an ideal venue for a great get-together close to the office!

SYMPHONY’S BAR, BRASSERIE AND RESTAURANT George Gershwinlaan 22-28 • 1082 MT Amsterdam 020 - 646 47 03 info@symphonys.nl


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam presenteert i.s.m.

EVERY THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY DJs & cocktails @ The Oysterclub Start: 9 pm On Sundays live music is performed by fantastic artists from 5pm to 8.30pm For more information about the week’s artists and DJs: www.facebook.com/ theoysterclubamsterdam The Oyster Club , Olympisch Stadion 35 www.theoysterclub.nl

ontdek BE GE




As part of the Amsterdam 2013 celebrations, Stadsdeel Zuid and partners are organising ‘Discover Berlage’. It is a hundred years ago this year that the architect presented his vision for the expansion of Amsterdam. ‘Discover Berlage’ will focus on the architecture and design of ‘plan Zuid’ and there will be activities for young and old, including visits to some of the most exclusive villas in the Apollolaan area, lectures on the Amsterdamse School and a cycling tour of Berlage buildings. For information and a complete programme go to www.ontdekberlage.nl and www.hetschip.nl

Sushi Workshop (Deluxe) Sushi Time organises weekly sushi-making workshops under professional guidance. You will learn how to make several types of sushi and, as you will be eating your own creations, the workshop doubles as a meal as well. Recipes and a sushi mat are included. For info and registration go to www.sushi-workshop-amsterdam.nl Sushi Time, WTC Amsterdam A 2,5 to 3-hour workshop costs ¤50 per person. The Deluxe version is ¤85 per person


on the roof film festival — Je Groene hart —




3 t/ m 6 september 2013

Pixar exhibition final weeks It’s now or never: Pixar: 25 Years of Animation is on display at Amsterdam EXPO until October 27. Make sure you don’t miss the magical artwork from the Pixar Animation Studios. The exhibition tells the story behind the stories, revealing where the ideas for Pixar’s animated classics originated and how the films were brought to life, showcasing storyboards, sketches, pastels, paintings, drawings, clay figures and one-of-a-kind animationinstallations such as the Zoetrope. Amsterdam EXPO, Gustav Mahlerlaan 24 For tickets and information: www.amsterdamexpo.nl

het dak van de vu (zuidas)


On The Roof Film Festival From September 3 to 6, VU Connected presents the second edition of the On the Roof Film Festival (On the Roofff) in Zuidas. It’s the only film festival that is situated this high up! The central theme of the festival is ‘Your green heart’. During the supporting programme Sarita Bajnath will be interviewing the VU University professors Jan Boersema (Environmental Sciences), Nico van Straalen (Animal Ecology) and professor Louise O. Fresco, agriculture and nutrition expert. In addition to the interviews and films you can also indulge in the high life by dining on the roof of the VU building with a view of the Amsterdam skyline. The Sodexo menu is based on ‘Your green heart’ and consists of such healthy choices as vegetable shakes, wraps, paninis and a bag of healthy ‘chips’. VU University, Amsterdam Start: 7pm (6pm on Friday) Admission is ¤9 per night for members of VU Connected or Cineville and ¤10,for non-members. www.ontheroofff.nl

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Next magazine will be published @ 4rd of November. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 10th of October.



Live Music at the Manhattan Lounge-Bar The Manhattan Lounge-Bar is a modern bar situated at the Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South Hotel within easy reach of public transport links WTC and Station Amsterdam Zuid. Every first Thursday of the month the bar hosts an evening of live music. Crowne Plaza Hotel Amsterdam South, 6pm to 9pm www.hotelrestaurantamsterdamsouth. com/manhattan-lounge-bar

Start Academic Year 2013-2014 Duisenberg School of Finance Duisenberg School of Finance celebrates the start of the Academic Year 2013-2014. Topic: Next Generation Financial Services and the Role of the Young Professional. Keynote speakers include Gerrit Zalm, chief executive of ABN AMRO. 3pm to 7pm www.dsf.nl


TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 Bella Buccia Luxury items for sale Pre-loved Vintage Luxury Items for sale featuring brands such as Chanel, Hermès, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Cartier. The focus of the evening will be on authentic luxury handbags, accessories and jewellery. Admission is ¤5, which can be redeemed for a glass of wine or a discount on your purchase. To sign up or ask for information, write to info@bellabuccia.com Restaurant Koetjes & Kalfjes 5pm to 8pm (Entry for VIPs at 4.30pm)



Viva la naturisteraçion! The sensation of the 2011 Oerol festival and the official selection of the Dutch Theatre festival is back! ‘Viva la naturisteraçion’ can be seen from Wednesday September 11 to Sunday September 15 at the BosTheater. Go to www.bostheater.nl for tickets and information. BosTheater, Amsterdamse Bos. Start: 9.30pm (open from 6.30pm) Tickets: ¤7,50

Expatica’s International Job Fair This event is organised for those who are pursuing an international career in the Netherlands. It features over 30 employers, as well as presentations, workshops and networking opportunities. Register for free via jobfair.expatica.com. Organised in close co-operation with Together Abroad. 11am to 5pm @ World Trade Centre Amsterdam

THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12 New at Phisage Ruth Jansen explains all about two new beauty treatments. Microdermabrasia is currently one of the most popular rejuvenating skin treatments! Mesotherapy is a non-invasive antiaging treatment. Why not drop by on September 12. If you make an appointment before October 1, you will be eligible for a special introduction price. If you make your appointment on the 12th, you will also receive a present. Start 5pm. For further information call 06-482 055 12 or go to www.phisage.nl


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 Annual Lecture at Duisenberg School of Finance SUERF (The European Monetary and Finance Forum) in conjunction with De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), Rabobank and Duisenberg School of Finance, will be organising the 2013 SUERF Annual Lecture. Participants will gather at Duisenberg School of Finance for a full day of discussion. Guests include Dean Dirk Schoenmaker of DSF, Klaas Knot and Femke de Vries of DNB, Wim Boonstra and Bouke de Vries of Rabobank, and a variety of SUERF members. 9am to 5.30pm www.dsf.nl

THURSDAY 19 SEPTEMBER Welcome drinks at Nine New Zuidas restaurant Nine will be organising a drinks party to say hello. Everyone who wants to get to know Nine and its facilities is welcome to attend. Staff will be on hand to serve drinks and a selection of snacks from the menu. 5.30pm to 7.30pm Register via info@restaurantnine.nl www.restaurantnine.nl

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27 ZuidasCup 2013 For the twelfth year in a row, the Amsterdamsche Football Club (AFC) will be hosting the ZuidasCup. The tournament is aimed at businesses, organisations and sports clubs in Zuidas. Football takes centre stage and it will be an afternoon of competitiveness, team spirit and, of course, victory. There are drinks and dinner to be had afterwards. Enter your team for the ZuidasCup 2013 before September 10 by sending an email to zuidascup@zuidas.nl. Entry costs are ¤300 per team, including drinks and dinner. Start: 2pm



RSM Erasmus University meets Zuidas Learn more about RSM’s new five-day executive ‘Mastering Sustainable Business Programme’. RSM will be hosting an interactive and fun “Zero Lab workshop”, in cooperation with Hello Zuidas and Green Business Club, in which the audience will be engaged to provide ideas for Hello Zuidas to develop new initiatives in sustainability. @ De Nieuwe Poort, Zuidas www.rsm.nl/msb

Concert P. F. Thomése en Corrie van Binsbergen with members of the VU Orchestra The concert features live readings accompanied by a musical scenario. P.F. Thomése reads from his book ‘Shadowchild’ which he wrote after the death of his baby daughter. Drinks are provided; please bring your own lunch. The number of places is limited. Write to communicatie@vumc.nl with the dates of your choice. De Waver building – 1C, 12.15pm to 1.30pm


TUESDAY OCTOBER 8 Seminar Deterink Attorneys and Notaries and Oram Deterink Attorneys and Notaries and Oram will be organising a seminar (in Dutch) covering various subjects concerning corporate law. You are all cordially invited to attend. For information about the location, programme and subjects please go to www.deterink.com/nl/actualiteiten/evenementen. Admission is free.

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2013 Next magazine will be published @ 4rd of November. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 10th of October.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 OCTOBER 14-17, 2013 Collection and lunch on behalf of Amsterdam Zuid Food Bank The Green Business Club Zuidas is organising a major collection effort for the Amsterdam Zuid Food Bank as part of World Food Day on October 16 and asking companies to collect non-perishable foods. The club will also be organising a special lunch on the Gustav Mahlerplein on October 16 to raise awareness of the campaign. Join in and collect food for the Food Bank. Contact zuidas@greenbusinessclub.nl

TCS Amsterdam Marathon On October 20 the proceeds of the 38th edition of the TCS Amsterdam marathon will once again be going to the VUmc Cancer Center. As well as carrying out research and looking after the needs of people with cancer, researchers and doctors are actively involved in fundraising activities surrounding the marathon. The money will help VUmc CCA to continue its life-saving research. For information and registration go to www.vumc.nl/cca-loopmeemarathon Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam 9am to 4pm

THURSDAY OCTOBER 17 RSM Executive Education activity in Amsterdam ‘RSM Diploma Programme’ Information Session. Learn more about the 10-day RSM Diploma Programme in Business Management and Leadership. During this session we will explain what you can expect of the programme by providing more detail on the structure, content, and learning objectives. @ De Nieuwe Poort, Zuidas www.rsm.nl/execed

MONDAY OCTOBER 28 The future of the Hollandse Schouwburg Annemiek Gringold is an historian and director of the Hollandse Schouwburg since 2001. As a curator specialised in the Shoah, as the persecution of the Jews is also called, she is responsible for the planned refurbishment of the building. Her talk will be about the history of the Hollandse Schouwburg and the plans for its future. Roelof Hartplein 430, Admission is ¤3.75 for members and ¤7.50 for non-members



Flexibility is law firm’s secret to success

Martijn Snoep, managing partner De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek



Law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek increased its turnover by 10 percent in 2012 while the competition continued to shrink. ‘It was a question of both policy and coincidence’, says Martijn Snoep, managing partner of the firm, speaking at his office in impressive Zuidas office complex The Rock.

You joined De Brauw Blackstone

How did you cope with this?

Westbroek in 1992 and you’re still

We have become more open and we are more

there. Isn’t that an exception to the rule?

flexible when it comes to our clients’ wishes.

Yes, although most of our partners started their

The events of 2009 taught us to focus much more

careers here as well. It’s what makes our firm

on the client. But the fact that we are doing better

unique. We have a policy that provides young

now is not just a result of good policy, it is also a

lawyers with an opportunity to become partners

matter of coincidence: in 2012 many of our regular

and this has a direct effect on our work culture.

clients just happened to need our services more

The firm actively encouraged me to develop and

often than usual.

practice my talents. What will De Brauw Blackstone You also signed the ‘Talent to the top’

Westbroek do to ensure the future

charter that encourages women to

remains bright?

aim for the top jobs. Do you practice

We will try to attract and train talented young

what you preach?

people. That is the best guarantee for future

We have employed an equal number of men

success. If you can do that and teach people

and women for years, but the number of female

to be flexible you will be able to adapt to any

partners is relatively small. Ten out sixty partners

new situation.

are women. For the last three years we have been encouraging women to consider a partnership and trying to convince them that it is fun and compatible with childcare obligations. It worked. The numbers in terms of new partners evened out immediately in those first three years. It was partly coincidental but we do see that the ambition among women to become partners has increased significantly.

Martijn Snoep studied law at Erasmus University in Rotterdam and graduated in 1992. He joined De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek in the same year. He became a partner in 2000 and was elected managing partner for four years in 2010. Recently his appointment was extended for another two years. He specialises in European and Dutch competition law.

How does the crisis influence law firms? The big firms in particular have definitely noticed they are not immune to the effects of the economic downturn. Clients have become more critical and demanding.

Text: Jori Spitz • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel



Amsterdam RAI is a sustainable partner in events Amsterdam RAI exhibition and convention centre decided back in 2008 that corporate social responsibility should have a prominent place within the organisation. Since then, the RAI has celebrated many successes, won international awards and certificates and removed bottlenecks hindering progress. It has also learned that broad support within the company is an absolute prerequisite for success.

AMBITION Amsterdam RAI aims to continue working on its sustainability objectives. ‘We are convinced that a good CSR policy adds value and contributes to the success, commercial and otherwise, of companies,’ says Amsterdam RAI general manager Hans Bakker. ‘Over the next five years the RAI aims to be one of the most prominent conference and events industry leaders when it comes to sustainability. This is an ambitious goal in a world and industry where the focus on

Hans Bakker, General Manager Amsterdam RAI in Beatrixpark

sustainability is expanding exponentially.’ ‘In order to achieve these goals, we aspire to have


an excellent relationship with our stakeholders,’

Amsterdam RAI has made substantial progress

Bakker states. ‘We help organisers to make their

with its waste policy and has become a true front-

events more sustainable by supplying green

runner in this field. The company believes it is

energy, calculating their CO2 emissions, offering

important to make further progress and continues

organic catering and minimising traffic movements

to look into potential improvements in cooperation

around Amsterdam RAI and Zuidas by using

with waste-processing company ICOVA.

various smart logistic concepts. We stimulate


visitors to travel by public transport by offering

Major steps have also been made to increase

them combi-tickets at reduced prices, and provide

energy efficiency. Over the past few years all

them with a comfortable and inspiring environment

lighting within the Amsterdam RAI complex has

for exchanging their ideas and experiences.’

been replaced with more energy-efficient lamps.


Work on adapting the fittings was carried out by supplier GreenFox in conjunction with workers from the sheltered workplace group Pantar. Not only did this enable Amsterdam RAI to improve its energy efficiency, but provide gainful employment to the less-able, generating both environmental and social benefits. Over the last five years the RAI has supported the charities AMREF Flying Doctors and the Emma Children’s Hospital, by providing finance, knowhow, facilities and opportunities for exposure. Amsterdam RAI will continue to support these good causes in the years to come.


Amsterdam RAI published its fifth CSR report

Amsterdam RAI will begin the construction of a

in June 2012 in line with the guidelines for

new multipurpose conference and office building

sustainability reporting, issued by the Global

with a first-class restaurant by October this year,

Reporting Initiative. Have a look at the

giving the RAI a new, modern face. The most

complete CSR report at www.rai.nl/csr

remarkable eye-catcher, apart from the atrium, is the ‘green lung’ for city farming. This will allow the building to supply its own vegetables and herbs for the restaurant on the ground floor. RAI Amtrium will open its doors in May 2015.

ABOUT AMSTERDAM RAI Amsterdam’s RAI congress and conference centre houses 11 multi-functional exhibition halls, one ballroom, two auditoriums and 64 conference

‘The most eye-catching element, apart from the atrium, is the ‘green lung’ for city farming’

and meeting rooms. Around 400,000 international visitors are expected to attend events in the RAI this year.


food, fashion

Lunchdeal This coupon entitles your guest (1 person) to enjoy the CITY LUNCH MENU for half price, excluding drinks.

VALID UNTIL 31/10/2013 The menu includes a starter and a main course plus coffee. This delicious lunch costs ¤17,50 (without coupon). Symphony’s bar | brasserie | restaurant | terras George Gershwinlaan 22-28 1082 MT Amsterdam (020) 646 47 03 info@symphonys.nl www.symphonys.nl

Strawinskylaan 143, 1077 XX Amsterdam

The Blauwe Engel café in the World Trade Center is synonymous with having a good time. You can enjoy a hamburger, sandwich or pasta for lunch, have a drink on the terrace after work and, in the evening, have a beer or the chef’s special, which changes weekly. The Blauwe Engel is the only traditional Dutch ’brown cafe’ on Zuidas and has become a popular meeting place for the district’s office workers. You may relax at the bar with your colleagues, or dance ‘till you drop on Friday evenings. The Blauwe Engel team regularly organises special events: the summer celebration, the after-summer party and, in December, Christmas drinks with a German theme. And if it is your birthday, don’t be surprised if the crew bursts into song to celebrate.


FITNESS CONCEPT FIT20 OPENS STUDIO IN WTC AMSTERDAM Get in shape in just 20 minutes of exercise per week Employees of the Zuidas no longer have to work-out several times per week at a gym to stay healthy and in shape. fit20 is a 20 minute work-out in which each exercise is performed in slow motion at a high intensity and always under supervision of a personal trainer. As the work-out is conducted in an air conditioned studio you will not sweat which means showering and changing outfits is not necessary. After 20 minutes you are ready and on your way to your next business meeting. To book your free training session or for more information: (020) 820 36 77 zuidas@fit20.nl www.fit20zuidas.nl

Students VU Orkest

Henriette Grobbe & Douglas Grobbe Staff Crowne Plaza

Staff Symphony’s

ZUIDAS CULINAIR & CONCERT Wednesday, June 26, 5pm - 9pm @ Zuidplein • More than 500 people attended

Rafael Anton van Wezel & Lily Turner

• 16 food and drink companies set up stands to offer their wares • The VU Orchestra was conducted by Daan Admiraal • The VU Orchestra consists of 100 musicians who played works by Ernö Dohnányi and Sergei Prokofiev • The event was organised by the VU, Hello Zuidas Kenneth McRooy & Eline Hoogendijk

and the WTC Business Club

Corinne de Groot

Godfried Schölvinck & Christiaan Huijg

Yvonne de Bree & Olivier Otten

Syb Hanrath & Jan Maarten Gerretsen Peter Heule

Godfried Schölvinck

Anton Meester

Klaas de Boer

Lily Turner & Rafael Anton van Wezel

Like us on Facebook & find more photos in our gallery


Photography: Miryam Faken

Amber van Stijn & Sandra Poorthuis Taco Nijssen & Vincent Visser & Christiane Estourgie

Chris van Hattum & Michael Berendsen

Juul Klumpes

Karin Kersten & Klaas de Boer

Pauline Westendorp

MEMBERS’ MEETING JULY 2013 Friday, July 5, 11.30am -1.30pm @ Rietveld Academy art school • 70 member companies were represented at the six-monthly meeting • Liesbeth van der Pol (Dok Architects) was the keynote speaker • Josja van der Veer was nominated as a new member of the supervisory board • Lunch was prepared by the art school students • A first for the event – an appearance by a dj, FEMMETASTIC

Josja van der Veer

Liesbeth van der Pol

Steven Jongejan

Audilla Voorn

Gloria Font

Timo Huisman

Eline Hoogendijk & Marc Vervoort

Olivier Otten & Audilla Voorn

Paul Somers

Annelies van Eenennaam

Party, opening, reception or farewell drink @ Zuidas? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl

Photography: Ingrid Arnou



The bridge between film and business In the same way Zuidas has something for everyone, Pathé is more than just a cinema where people can enjoy a film. Pathe, the biggest cinema chain in the Netherlands with 22 cinema complexes, has a special business label offering companies anything from staff incentives to the transmission of product presentations by satellite. ‘We are only too happy to brainstorm about ways to help companies achieve their aims,’ says Darren Staines.


The Netherlands may be in recession but the


popularity of film remains unchanged. 2011 was a

Pathé also offers corporate screenings. Films

great year, but in 2012 the number of cinema visits

can be shown at a private screening for company

in the Netherlands saw an increase of as much as

contacts or staff. ‘We help make sure the content

at 30.6 million. Pathé, which originates in France,

is appropriate for the target,’ says Staines. ‘For

has grown into a very strong consumer brand. But

example, the film about Apple icon Steve Jobs is

companies are increasingly aware of the fact that

creating quite a stir among internet companies.

film canbe used to match their ambitions as well.

We can set up corporate screenings of our Specials, like a performance by the Bolshoi Ballet


or the New York Metropolitan Opera. We can

Pathé Business’s services are divided into three

also create a complete package around the film,

main areas: auditorium rental, vouchers and

with dinner or drinks for example.’

corporate screenings. Renting space at a Pathé complex amounts to more than simply handing


over a key. ‘Thanks to our excellent contacts with

The third area Pathé focuses on is vouchers,

event organisers and technical service companies,

either in the form of a physical product or an

we can fulfill almost any wish you may have,’

e-ticket. ‘Almost everyone loves film, so vouchers

To find out more about

says Staines. ‘Take, for example, broadcasting a

make a great corporate gift,’ says Staines. ‘But you

Pathé’s business services,

production presentation live via internet or

can also use vouchers as an incentive for your

go to www.pathebusiness.nl

satellite. On a cinema screen, everything

staff. And we are happy to help companies

or ring 020 6358581

is larger than life. A power point presentation

work out the best way of using incentives to

You can also email

cannot compete with the silver screen for impact.’

reach their targets.’


Live PerFormaNces 2013-2014 PatHÉ oPera tHe metroPoLitaN oPera

PatHÉ baLLet boLsHoi

5 october 2013 tcHaikovsky - eUGeNe oNeGiN

1 marcH 2014 boroDiN - PriNce iGor

15 sePtember 2013 GaLa Het NatioNaLe baLLet (eNcore)

26 october 2013 sHostakovicH - De NeUs

15 marcH 2014 masseNet - WertHer

20 october 2013 sPartacUs

9 November 2013 PUcciNi - tosca

5 aPriL 2014 PUcciNi - La boHÈme

17 November 2013 Le corsaire (eNcore)

14 December 2013 verDi - FaLstaFF

26 aPriL 2014 mozart - cosÌ FaN tUtte

22 December 2013 sLeePiNG beaUty (eNcore)

8 FebrUary 2014 Dvoˇrák - rUsaLka

10 may 2014 rossiNi - La ceNereNtoLa

19 jaNUary 2014 jeWeLs

Opera, Theatre and Dutch National Ballet. Enjoy theBolshoi most outstanding live performances of opera and ballet performances Metropolitan Opera, Theatre Coming soonbytoThe a Pathé theatre nearBolshoi you. Buy yourand tickets Dutch National Ballet. Coming soon to a Pathé theatre near you. online now! And view all program details of other PATHÉ Buy your tickets online now! And view all program details of other SPECIALS like THEATRE, DOCS,PAC PAC SPORT PATHE SPECIALS like THEATRE,MUSIC, MUSIC, DOCS, andand SPORT on on our www.pathe.nl/specials! our site.site. Visit Visit www.pathe.nl/specials!

2 FebrUary 2014 Lost iLLUsioNs 30 marcH 2014 tHe GoLDeN aGe




Impression Amsterdam RAI

Zuidas won’t grind to a halt These are exciting times for the development of rail travel between Schiphol and Duivendrecht. ProRail is laying down new tracks and extending the station at Amsterdam RAI. Estimated finishing time: 2016. Tackling a job like this in the middle of the busiest region of the Netherlands within such a short period of time is quite a feat, says ProRail systems engineer EsmÊe Bertens.

The train link between Schiphol and Lelystad is

out the Public Transport Schiphol-Amsterdam-

becoming increasingly popular and the line is

Almere-Lelystad project.

getting pretty crowded. The opening of the Hanzeline at the end of last year has made


things even more hectic. The development of

Two new tracks between the junctions of

the Amsterdam region, Zuidas, Schiphol, Almere

Riekerpolder and Duivendrecht will help avoid

and Lelystad is generating ever more activity.

congestion and delays, improve accessibility and

The economic importance of the Amsterdam

ensure more reliable schedules. At the same time,

metropolitan area makes an extension of rail

ProRail is minimizing the environmental impact of

capacity an absolute priority. This is why the

the development by placing higher noise reduction

government has commissioned ProRail to carry

screens and using rail web dampers. Amsterdam


MOBILITY programmed by the public works department (see previous magazine). Putting all the pieces of the puzzle together is a very complicated job’

TRAINS WILL RUN Thanks to this meticulous planning, work is progressing apace. In order to move cables and pipes about 700 bicycle parking spaces had to go. Double capacity racks have since been installed. Esmée Bertens

The station’s south entrance has been closed off. Dust screens hide the building site from view and

RAI station will be refurbished: the hall will double

keep noise and dust at bay. The AH to go has been

in size and lets more light in. ‘Keep it simple and

replaced by a temporary shop. ’We can’t do the

efficient’, was the minister’s brief. Within those

job without at least some inconvenience to the

parameters, ProRail managed to provide the station

public. But people can rest assured trains will

with ample attention to safety, comfort and reli-

continue to run and the station will continue to

ability State-of-the-art materials give the station a

be a clean and safe place,’ Bertens states.

modern look and the new island platform will be fitted with a roof to shelter travellers from the wind and rain.

PUZZLER Building work started in the autumn of last year. ProRail’s Esmée Bertens was closely involved in the preparations. The project presented a number of challenging aspects, according to the 28-yearold mechanical engineer. ‘Remodelling a railway station is always a big job but in this case it was a real puzzler. We had a very limited surface to work on and the viaducts that hold the new tracks had to be shoehorned in. The logistical problems also demanded much creative thinking. The motto was: keep building times short and be as efficient as possible. The works are bound to cause some inconvenience, but we’re doing all we can to keep it to a minimum. Amsterdam (Zuidas) can’t afford to grind to a halt.’

COMPLICATED Planning, logistics, the environmental impact and the economic importance of the region all had to be factored in. This is why the parties involved, such as Amsterdam RAI, Dienst Zuidas and the government public works department frequently meet to discuss progress. ‘We have to take a long view when planning,’ says Bertens. ‘The building works will coincide partly with the road widening works Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere (SAA)

Text: Annemieke Lenssinck • Photography: Kitty l’Abee

SAFELY ON YOUR WAY WITH APPS, ROUTE PLANNERS & TOOLS There are several (free) apps, route planners & tools available which will help you plan your journey and avoid traffic jams. For further information go to Kennisbank at Verkeeradvies.nl. If you know about apps that might be interesting or helpful, please contact Marc Vervoort, project leader of Mobility Hello Zuidas at vervoort@verkeeradvies.nl Public Transport In addition to www.9292.nl public transport companies GVB, Connexion, and NS Route Planner have introduced new apps that show the timetables per stop/station, lines and delays, including a route planner and traffic & travel information. Car vanAnaarBeter-app: Use your iPhone or Android for direct access to information about roadworks on your route. VID App: Apart from travel information this app also tells you when it is better to work from home. You will receive a message when normal traffic has resumed so you can decide either to stay at home or make the journey after all.

Park Shark: This app uses your present location and asks where you would like to park in Amsterdam, for how long you want to park and how you would like to pay for it. It will then give you a list of available parking spaces in the direct vicinity, including the price. The app includes a public transport option. Bike The Bike calculator for employees: Find out how much you will save in travel expenses by leaving your car at home and cycling to work. Bikefinder: This will put you on the trail of nearby bike shops and bike repair shops. Check out the ‘dude, where’s my bike?’ option which allows you to save the location of your bicycle, complete with photograph, so you’ll be able to find it again. Snelste Pontje, or Fastest Ferry: Based on your point of departure, destination, bicycle speed and up-to-date travel ferry timetables this mobile website and Android app gives you the fastest option for crossing the Amsterdam IJ.



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Cecile Wentges

A bridge between art and commerce Five years ago Cecile Wentges decided to turn her life around. She gave up her job at Rotterdam tank storage provider Vopak and applied for a place at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. She was accepted. Her graduation project was pretty special: she literally forged a bridge between two worlds. Wentges studied economics and has a master’s degree in

handed. ‘F*** it,’ she thought. ‘I’m going to make a bridge

finance. She enjoyed student life in Amsterdam and joined

between the Rietveld and Loyens & Loeff.’ Her artistic and

the university’s student fraternity. Upon her graduation she

management experience stood her in good stead and she

landed a well-paid management job at Vopak that helped

quickly came up with a project to suit both parties.

support her comfortable lifestyle. But she wasn’t happy. ‘I’m surprised I lasted that long. I wanted to explore my creative

She used simple scaffolding to build the bridge between the

side,’ Wentges says. She realised she needed to take drastic

two buildings. ‘It wasn’t just about the object but also about

action. ‘I wanted to become an artist.’

the ”happening”. The construction of the bridge was meant to help unite separate worlds,’ Wentges explains. ‘I invited people

From the windows of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy she had a

from both my old and my new world to lend a hand so they

clear view of the goings-on at the office of law firm Loyens &

could meet and satisfy their mutual curiosity.’

Loeff. ‘I could see a friend of mine working away at his desk. I literally looked into my old world from my new world,’ says

This special bridge is more than a personal project. It is also

Wentges. ‘This was during my first year at art school and even

about creating a link between a troubled art sector and

then I knew I wanted to make a connection between the

commerce, without the former having to forfeit its integrity.

corporate world and the world of art.’

That might be a tall order but Wentges seems to have found a clever and very creative way of achieving just that.

Until two months ago Cecile intended to paint a storage silo for her final project. The plan fell through and Cecile was left empty-

Text: Merel Hurkmans • Photography: nadiafotografeert


SPECIAL Living in Zuidas

Zuidas is located between the desirable Oud-Zuid and Buitenveldert districts. You can be in the heart of the city within just a few minutes, but the Amstel river and its countryside,

Living in a modern apartment in a cosmopolitan environment

the Nieuwe Meer lake and the woods are just a short bicycle

with a wonderful view over Amsterdam city centre, the Amstel

ride away. Choose your method of transport to take you into

river, the woods of Amsterdamse Bos and Schiphol airport –

town, out of town or on to Schiphol airport to head off abroad.

that is what living in Zuidas is all about. Zuidas is also home to an impressive group of cafes, bars and Zuidas is more than a collection of expensive penthouses.

restaurants. Locals can meet friends and family to eat in one

There are all sorts of homes on offer. Whether you are talking

of the many restaurants, or grab a quick coffee on a terrace.

about price, size, location or facilities, Zuidas has something for

You can even visit the dentist, take your children to daycare or

everyone. There are now some 600 homes in Zuidas and a lot

shop in high-street stalwarts like Sissy Boy and Hema. Zuidas

more are being added to the total over the next few years.

has more to offer than you think.

Zuidas is about to become more than a business district – it’s an Amsterdam residential area as well.


EUROCENTER Status: Completed Completion date: 2006 Architect: PPKS (thans PPK), René Steevensz Developer: Bouwfonds Total units: 81 apartments


OPZUID Status: Under construction Completion date: spring 2014 Architect: diederendirrix Developer: AM/Bouwfonds Contractor: Bam Total units: 46 apartments


- Dienst Zuidas –


LUMINUZ Status: Completed Completion date: 2007 Architect: Claus and Kaan Architecten (KCA), Jaap Gräber Developer: Dura Vermeer Vastgoed BV Total units: 56 apartments


STUDENTENHUISVESTING RAVEL RESIDENCE Status: Planning stage Completion date: September 2014 Architect: OeverZaaijer Developer: Verweij Mungra Vastgoed Contractor: Jan Snel Total units: 800 student housing units


NEW AMSTERDAM Status: Completed Completion date: 2008 Architect: De Architekten Cie, Branimir Medić en Pero Puljiz Developer: Consortium Mahler4 Total units: 174 apartments


APARTMENTS KOP ZUIDAS Status: Planning stage Completion date: 2015 Architect: Studio ninedots Developer: AM (with COD)/ Dutch Institutional Residential Fund (Bouwinvest) Total units: 75 rental units Extra info: medium-priced rental apartments

Name: Constant Rijkenberg Age: 24 Job/company: Joint owner of Minerva Facilitair

Residents have their say Name: Daniel Romita Age: 25 Job/company: Consultant Agency at CBRE Where do you live in Zuidas? Since last February I have lived in the Django complex on the Gustav Mahlerlaan. Why did you move here? Primarily because I work in Zuidas and it is a dynamic place to live. You’ve got everything you need: bars and restaurants, sports facilities such as the Club Sportive gym and the football club AFC. What improvements in Zuidas would you like to see? I’d like to see the station improved with better facilities and longer opening hours. And I’d like to see more apartment buildings.


SYMPHONY Status: Completed Completion date: 2009 Architect: De Architekten Cie, Pi de Bruijn Developer: Bouwfonds Total units: 82 apartments


900 MAHLER Status: Construction to start November 2013 Completion date: mid 2016 Architect: Inbo Architecten Developer: G&S Vastgoed Total units: Total 127 for sale and rent

Where do you live in Zuidas? In the Miles Building on the George Gershwinlaan. One balcony looks out on the university buildings. Why did you move here? My girlfriend and I decided to live together and we also needed more space for our company, seeing as we work from home. Prices were a little lower than in Oud Zuid making Zuidas our only other real option. In addition, transport links to the rest of the country are quick, which is good for our clients. We both like having a big, well-appointed flat. It is 122m2 and could have been divided into lots more rooms, like in older buildings. But we love having a big living room and an open kitchen. What improvements in Zuidas would you like to see? the costs of parking are outrageous - ¤200 a month – as is the fact that the council has only


DJANGO Status: Completed Completion date: 2010 Architect: Kees Christiaanse architects & planners (KCAP), Han van den Born Developer: Consortium Royaal Zuid Total units: 108 apartments


SUMMERTIME Status: Planning stage Completion date: 2016 Architect: SEARCH Architecten Developer: AM/Dutch Institutional Residential Fund (Bouwinvest) Total units: 197

agreed to give new permits to companies, not residents. This will mean fewer people will come and live here. Just 100 metres away on the Boelelaan there are loads of spaces but the council refuses to give permits to residents or companies. I’d also appreciate more interaction between the residents. It can be very quiet in the evenings. Name: Margreet Overberg Age: 66 Job/company: Retired senior purser Where do you live in Zuidas? OPZUID, which is currently under construction. Why did you move here? I did not choose to move to Zuidas in itself. What drew me was the Mediterranean-style Opzuid building with its terraces, courtyards and the great variety of housing it offers. What improvements in Zuidas would you like to see? That’s difficult to say, seeing as I don’t live there yet.


MILES BUILDING Status: Completed Completion date: 2011 Architect: Jacq. De Brouwer (Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten) Developer: Consortium Royaal Zuid Total units: 71 apartments


GERSHWIN TOWNHOUSES Status: Planning stage Completion date: 2016 Architect: Claus & Kaan Developer: G&S Vastgoed Total units: six town houses



“We have a unique way of matching hospitality with real estate” Corporate Housing Factory offers housing solutions with their serviced, or furnished apartments. The directors Jouke Baaima and Michael Berendsen, formed the Corporate Housing Factory under the premise, ‘it’s time for a third flavor. Hotel, house, or Serviced Apartment’.

Michael Berendsen and Jouke Baaima


SPECIAL “When Vesteda, a privately owned Dutch Housing

have arranged everything beforehand. We can

Fund, decided to divest their housing department,

even pick them up at the airport and bring them

as we were already managing it, we decided to

directly to apartment, then do the official check-in

take it off their backs, expand what was already

the next day.”

in place and branch out on our own with a new company with a wider range of services on offer,”

“Luxury, comfort, price guarantee, a high level in

explained Baaima . “We have a unique way of

quality, fitness facilities, swimming pool, nice

matching hospitality with real estate.”

furnishings – we don’t have bunk beds,“ Baaima says. “Most of the apartmens we have on offer are


brand new. We offer a nice place to live, combined

“Our strength lies in helping expats before they

with a certain sense of style and comfort, that is

arrive. We show them our portfolio of available

also easily accessible. The New Amsterdam

units. It’s a lot like a hotel website, you see what’s

building is situated on a 2 minute walk from

on offer. We have a system in place akin to book-

the station. By train or tram, you’ll find yourself in

ing a hotel room. Instead the client books a rented

the city center within 10 minutes, and it takes 7

appartment for a short to medium period of time.

minutes to reach Schiplhol Plaza.”

Most companies are aware of the existence of serviced apartments, but once they see the price

Indeed, when visiting the New Amsterdam tower

difference, and all that is included, they come to

building in Amsterdam’s Zuidas, you’ll find lovely

the conclusion that renting an apartment makes

apartments tastefully decorated in contemporary

for a much better deal than booking an expensive

style, using a palette of muted, earthy hues with

hotel room. All our apartments are centrally

some color accents. There are two or three

located, within walking distance of services and

different decorating styles to choose from and

public transportation,” said Berendsen.

an extra bed, high chairs, baby cots, etc. can be added. The apartment is cleaned once a week,

“A factory is where you build things made to

which includes a change of linens. Parking spaces

measure; a tailor-made approach, and that is what

are often, but not always, included. It’s easy living.

we do,” said Berendsen. “We look at what the budget allows, ask the clients what they need,

Source: The Xpat Journal

and see what we have on offer. We don’t have apartments scattered all over the place. We work


with building blocks housing a number of apartments in each building. To benefit corporate


Claude Debussylaan 235

accounts, there is one price set locally or nation-


1082 MC Amsterdam

wide. The company may happen to have offices in

T: +31 (0)88 1169 500

more than one location. There is one contract

M: +31(0)6 511 184 70

covering all; we don’t need individual contracts; this saves time and hassle. It’s very transparent, no hidden costs or extra fees. What you see is what you get. No extra insurance is needed, everything is covered. Sometimes, with established companies, we don’t even ask for a deposit.”

LOVELY APARTMENTS “Arrangements can all be done within a few minutes. The client emails his/her request, we tell him/her if something is available, we ‘ve found a happy occupant, he/she flies in. The company will

Text: Connie Moser • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel



G&S commercial team Martine Gründemann & Jet Happel

900Mahler: a piece of Manhattan in South Amsterdam Glorious views over the Amsterdamse Bos and the city centre, ample outside spaces, all with a south/west orientation and a finish with a distinct New York flavour: by mid-2016 another residential tower will join the Manhattan-like skyline of South Amsterdam. G&S Vastgoed will develop the tower, which is located on the Gustav Mahlerlaan. Its projected 22 floors will house a total of 127 apartments. Buying, renting, 80 m2, 280 m2 (and anything in between): there is something for everyone. ‘900Mahler is a unique building. If you are looking for a single-storey home with a perfect finish and a stunning view, this is the place to be,’ says G&S head of commercial affairs Martine Gründemann.



‘If you are looking for a singlestorey home with a perfect finish and a stunning view this is the place to be’ EVERY DECISION IS BASED ON A PHILOSOPHY


For G&S Vastgoed, the detail and design

HomeApp. The building’s facilitary services as well

of 900Mahler are of the prime importance.

as the functionalities of the apartment itself can be

‘This residential tower is built to a standard very

managed at the touch of a button. Checking the

rarely seen in the Netherlands. The entrance,

latest VVE minutes, seeing who is at the door or

for instance, is designed to look like a hotel lobby.

opening the garage door are only a few examples

It is the work of English interior decorator Kate

of what the HomeApp has on offer. Aside from

Hume, who is also responsible for the communal

organising simple practical matters, the HomeApp

spaces. Joost Baks and Stijn de Weerd of ILA

has plenty of social uses as well, for instance

architecture and interior design are currently

finding a nice restaurant nearby, ordering flowers

optimising the lay-out of the apartments. We are

or ordering a taxi to go to a concert.

900Mahler will have its own Smart Living

trying to blur the boundaries between the outside and the inside spaces. This will give the building a

The lower floors of the building will consist of

character of its own,’ says G&S Vastgoed’s Jet

rental apartments of different sizes. ‘These

Happel. ‘We have chosen a stone cladding with

apartments were an investment by Syntrus

different reliefs and brownish and purplish tints.

Achmea Real Estate & Finance, who will let

This kind of detail really brings the building to life.

them as part of the free sector rental market,’

There’s a philosophy behind every decision we

Martine Gründemann explains.

make. This attention to detail is not some afterthought, but rather the first thing we consider. I think we have come up with a timeless and solid design.’

VARIATION AND COMFORT The start of the construction has been planned for November 1st 2013. The 77-metre tower consists of spacious apartments and single-storey

• G&S Vastgoed is also developing the office building at 1000 Mahlerlaan • The penthouses are expected to go on sale at the end of this year • For a preview and registration go to www.900mahler.com • Sales will be handled by Eefje Voogd Makelaardij and Broersma Nieuwbouw Makelaardij

penthouses. The two upper penthouses have two


storeys. Each apartment comes with a sizeable


terrace and one or more parking spaces in the building’s subterranean car park. The car park is close to the private lift, which gives direct access to the apartment: a comfortable and safe solution.

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: nadiafotografeert



4 6 T E R RA C E A PA RT M E NT S • 4 1 m ²

Ly A LE FEw Ft F O A PA r rt SA M LE En t

T O 1 8 7 m ² • OW N PA R K I N G P LA C E

Located in the desirable and renowned Amsterdam Zuid district, OPZUID is the quintessence of that ‘at Zuid’ feeling cherished by connoisseurs of beautiful, comfortable, refined and civilised living. The property has a south-facing exterior and a lovely garden courtyard, tucked away in a prime location between the Vondelpark and Amstelveen – at the heart of the good life in Amsterdam. The construction of OPZUID has already started, and the completion is planned for early 2014. OPZUID features convenient studio apartments, garden apartments and penthouses with fabulous terraces overlooking the lovely courtyard garden and water. Some garden apartments of 150m² are still available from €430,000, no additional costs payable by the buyer (exclusive of parking on the basis of annual ground lease). A small number of studios is for sale as well. Are you interested in one of the of OPZUID apartments? Please visit our Open Day at the construction site on 28 September, between 11.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. For this occasion we have prepared a model apartment for you to have a look around. Lunshof Makelaardij Keizer Karelweg 342 1181 RJ Amstelveen 020-345 83 45

Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Parnassusweg 201 1077 DG Amsterdam 020-305 05 60



The desirable residence apartments tick every box

Estate agent Eefje Voogd has been involved with Zuidas for a good 15 years. Mahler Tower (New Amsterdam), Miles Building, OPZUID, 900 Mahler: there isn’t much Voogd doesn’t know about the projects in the area. Voogd’s enthusiasm for the job – she handles both sales and lettings of the properties - remains unabated after thirty years in the business. At her office on the Parnassusweg she tells us: ‘I never imagined houses would be built in Zuidas but I soon realised this was a location with lots of potential. This is a piece of Amsterdam unlike any other. It has a real cosmopolitan feel to it.’

Eefje Voogd


and want to return to the city. Expats also like it here. We are

Eefje’s introduction to Zuidas came when she was asked for

noticing a definite trend towards a residential life-cycle:

her thoughts on the first residential tower, Mahler Tower (New

people who are upgrading to a bigger home within the area,

Amsterdam). ‘When the apartments came on the market in

or who decide on buying instead of renting. That is a very nice

2006 it was a bit of a nail-biting experience: how would a


residential tower go down in a business district? We organised a sales event on the top floor of the Viñoly tower to show people what sky-high living in Zuidas was all about. We never looked back after that. People were obviously keen to live in Zuidas and the apartments went very quickly.’

• If you would like to live in Zuidas go to www.eefjevoogd.nl for information • Eefje Voogd is involved in many building projects, including ones outside Zuidas • Download the Eefje Voogd Makelaardij app and find out

RESIDENTIAL LIFE CYCLE One of Eefje Voogd’s latest projects in Zuidas is OPZUID, soon to be joined by 900 Mahler. ‘These are beautiful apartment buildings which will tick most prospective clients’ boxes. We see many people from Amsterdam Zuid and Buitenveldert moving here, as well as people who went to university in Amsterdam

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Wouter van Ierssel

what is on offer


F: 020-3050567

1077 DG Amsterdam

E: info@eefjevoogd.nl

T: 020-3050560


Specialty paints giant AkzoNobel and law firm Stibbe will be leaving these buildings in around two years time. They are both moving to Beethoven, the new 30,000m2 Zuidas development area. Source: PropertyNL


Photography: Veronika BaÄ?ovĂĄ

Positive energy and a great atmosphere lead to more exercise

Han Doorenbosch

May I proudly present the new Clubsportive, a revamped fitness club in Zuidas with the most advanced equipment there is? The club has also been given a complete makeover. The new pieces of equipment can be used in a

At Clubsportive, we believe this positive energy and

wide variety of fitness regimes. They are no magic

a great atmosphere boost enthusiasm for physical

solution, but do promise serious improvement with

activity. Clubsportive wants to stand out from

as little effort as possible. I still believe that

the crowd by being open to everyone’s fitness

achieving the optimum results from your fitness

ambitions. Whether you are 16 or 85, fat or thin,

programme depend on the length of time you spend,

short or tall, a top athlete or coach potato‌

the intensity and repetition - such as 60 minutes of

or something in between, whatever your fitness

cardio and strength exercises three times a week.

target, we welcome everyone.

In choosing the new equipment, we have been

Han Doorenbosch

careful to determine which piece of apparatus has

General director

the most added value in terms of reaching your goals. Personally, I believe in the energy that sporting generates in the individual, but the energy of others can also stimulate you to do your best.


Memo board ZUIDAS RUN RAISES ¤26,000 The runners taking part in this year’s Zuidas Run (four and 10 miles) raised money for the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam’s ‘Fit despite cancer’ campaign, as they did last year. The campaign is a keep-fit programme that focuses on maintaining muscle strength and a healthy condition in people with cancer. This helps them to remain physically and mentally strong despite the heavy medication they are often given. The children’s Skon Kids Run was in aid of Stichting Semmy, a foundation which works towards preventing brain stem cell cancer in children. In total, the runs raised ¤26,000 for good causes.

NEW RESTAURANT IN ZUIDAS Restaurant & Kookstudio Nine is the latest eatery to open its doors in Zuidas. Located on the ground floor of the Baker & McKenzie house, Restaurant & Kookstudio Nine offers coffee, contemporary cooking for lunch and dinner and a great place for drinks. In addition, Nine has a separate studio kitchen and meeting room. The owners have put a great deal of effort into turning Nine into a fun and modern location and the Hello Zuidas team wish the new endeavour the best of luck.

DOING BUSINESS WITH BRIC – SPECIAL The next edition of Hello Zuidas will include a special feature on doing business with the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). If you’d like to be included, please contact the editorial team by mailing hellozuidas@asega.nl.

SEASON FLOWERS GOES APP Want to cheer up a colleague or a gloomy office? Season Flowers , the Zuidas florist, has just launched an app. The app makes it easy to order an arrangement or bouquet for direct delivery. The app can be downloaded for the iphone, ipad and other Apple products.

BRITISH SPORTS MEDIA GROUP PERFORM HAS OPENED ITS FIRST DUTCH OFFICE IN ZUIDAS. The stock exchange-listed company aims to improve its positioning as a supplier of Dutch online sports news and videos of Dutch matches. Some 30 people will be located in the Zuidas office to start with, namely a sales team and the journalists who work on websites Goal.com and Voetbalzone.com. More Dutch journalists will join them later.

MISSED THE PINEAPPLE POOL PARTY? In early August, Bacardi organised a pool party on the Zuidplein. There was sunshine, water and music aplenty and the event took place on the hottest day of the past 10 years! A great success, all in all. Check out the video on the Hello Zuidas Facebook page for the proof. Will there be a pool party again next year? We’ll have to wait and see.

KEEP A CLOSE EYE ON ZUIDAS If you want to keep an eye on Zuidas, for example to monitor progress on the new Stibbe building, you can do so via the live webcam: zuidas.webcam.nl

SPOTTED IN ZUIDAS Who has already spotted this piece of pop-up art?


E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.

Participants Hello Zuidas – September 2013

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL + 31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819, 9th floor - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN Studio-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 820 3976 - + 31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Jilles Mermans Translation: Zuidas Text and Translations Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Jasmijn Beerthuis, Kristen van den Hul, Merel Hurkmans, Romy Lange, Annemieke Lenssinck, Connie Moser & Jori Spitz Photography: Nadiafotografeert, Veronika Bacova, William Maanders, Ingrid Arnou, Wouter van Ierssel & Kitty L’Abee Interns: Romy L’Herminez Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk Thanks to: Ruben van Zwieten, Rotterdam School of Management, PropertyNL, Het Financieele Dagblad, Bouwens Groep, NMC-Nijsse International, Simone Kukenheim, Symphony’s, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam RAI, Pathé, Verkeer advies, Greenberg Staffing, Cecile Wentges, Dienst Zuidas, Corporate Housing Factory, G&S Vastgoed, Eefje Voogd & Clubsportive. Printed by: Drukkerij Gianotten Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly)* (*four times in 2013) Copyright: © 2013 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ​ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

ABN Amro Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam EXPO Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI APG Arcadis ASEGA Media AVIS Autoverhuur Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermaatschappij WTC Amsterdam Bereikbaarheidsmakelaar Verkeer advies BLUSH Beauty & Skin Clinic Boekel De Nerée Bolenius Breevast CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely College-Club Corporate Housing Factory Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Nieuwe Poort Deterink Advocaten en Notarissen Dienst Zuidas Amsterdam DTZ Zadelhoff, Agency Amsterdam Duisenberg School of Finance Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eetwinkel Zwaan EY (Ernst & Young) Expatcenter Amsterdam Fortron B.V. G&S Vastgoed Galerie Modern Gerrit Rietveld Academie Global Housing Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Gustavino B.V. HAB International Accountants & Consultants HB Hairstylers Hello Sushi Hestia Kinderopvang Het Amsterdamse Bos Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Financial Centre Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services (Europe) IMC Financial Markets Amsterdam ING Rayon Amsterdam Zuid West JCDecaux Nederland B.V. Kardan Kempen & Co Koetjes en Kalfjes Linklaters Look For Art Gallery Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Markit MBO College Zuid Mech Make & Take Miles Building

71. Mood for Real Estate 72. MultiCopy Nederland B.V. 73. My Best Team Ever 74. NDI ICT Solutions 75. Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB) 76. NEWNRG 77. NH Musica 78. Nick & Delano 79. Nijkerk Holding 80. NL Real Estate 81. NMC-Nijsse International Executive Search 82. Novotel Amsterdam City 83. NS Station Zuid 84. Oliver’s 85. Ontspits 86. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam 87. ORAM 88. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 89. Pathé 90. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 91. Poelman Advocaten 92. Property NL B.V. 93. Puramis Consultancy 94. Qbic Hotels 95. Q-Park Nederland 96. Rabobank Amsterdam Markt Zuid 97. RBS 98. Regus 99. RGA International Reinsurance Company 100. RSM Erasmus University 101. Russell Reynolds Associates 102. SANTOS LUXURY 103. Schiphol Real Estate 104. Season-Flowers 105. Securitas 106. SINGAZ Holding 107. SLFMD Tailoring 108. Spaces 109. Stadsdeel Zuid 110. Stibbe 111. Sushi Time 112. Symphony’s 113. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 114. TAXI-E 115. The Bank of New York Mellon 116. TPEX 117. The Basket 118. The Change Agent 119. The Office Operators 120. TopJobs Consultants 121. Transcore Management 122. TREC 123. Triple Ace 124. Valid Express 125. Vimpelcom 126. Visser Communicatie 127. Voxius 128. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 129. VU Connected 130. VU Medisch Centrum 131. Wagamama 132. Wieringen Prins 133. World Trade Center Amsterdam 134. WTC Amsterdam Business Club 135. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 136. Your Assistant 137. Zingeving Zuidas 138. ZuidasTravel.nl 139. Zuidschans 140. ZuidasRun


A PHENOMENAL VIEW A S PA C I O U S T E R R A C E & SMART LIVING — A PA R T M E N T S F O R S A L E Contact us for fur ther information


Eefje Voogd Makelaardij + 31 (0)20 305 05 60 Broersma Nieuwbouw Makelaardij + 31 (0)20 305 97 88

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