Hello Zuidas #30

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#30 hellozuidas.com MARCH • APRIL 2017

Josja van der Veer Hello Zuidas

‘We represent over 200 member organizations’



BIG, BEAUTIFUL ZUIDAS Whenever I leave the office with my colleagues at

With Hello Zuidas celebrating its fifth anniversary this

the end of the day, to head over to Clubsportive,

year, we decided it was time to give the magazine a

work out for an hour there and then grab my bike

fresh new look, with some subtle tweaks in the overall

from the underground bike park underneath Gustav

design. Now we’re all ready for another year! We are

Mahlerplein, I'm feeling every bit the Zuidas native.

sad, however, to have to bid farewell to our columnist

There are so many luxury amenities available here.

Ruben van Zwieten. I would like to thank him for his

Everywhere you look there are tempting takeaway

contributions over these last few years. He was a

shops, or salons that will style you 'till late in the

valuable asset to this magazine and always a pleasure

evening... Everything you need is just around the

to work with. Starting in May, we’ll be welcoming a new

corner. That particular Zuidas feeling was also

columnist, Greg Shapiro, who in January skyrocketed

palpable during the cover shoot, that I did on the

to fame with his Trumpesque voice-over for the Arjen

roof of VU Amsterdam. Looking at Zuidas from that

Lubach video that went viral on the internet.

height was quite an experience: new office towers, new residential blocks and even entire new streets!

Romy Lange

Zuidas just keeps on growing.

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas • r.lange@asega.nl

Five years ago, Zuidas was already booming. Back then, it consisted of prestigious office towers designed by renowned architects and occupied by equally big name tenants. But it lacked a soul, a community and a sense of pride that comes with the privilege to be able to work in this prime location. These days, a whole range of social, cultural, sports and arts programmes are helping to forge a local identity. Slowly but surely, Zuidas is coming alive. Hello Zuidas and our members are enthusiastically contributing to this effort. What do you think? Are we making strides in placemaking? Let us know, using the hashtag: proud to be in Zuidas #proudtobeinzuidas.​ Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas









CONTENTS 07 Trending Topics 08 Josja van der Veer - Hello Zuidas

‘We represent over 200 member organizations’

12 Building Zuidas 15 Hello Bike! 16 Property 18 Hello Zuidas | Public Space

Got a Minute?

21 Column - Ruben van Zwieten

Things that pass​

22 Hello Zuidas | Mobility

Hello Zuidas | Agenda 30 Legal 34 Hello You 37 Hello Zuidas | Sustainability 38

News from Zuidas

Grand reopening of Strandzuid! 41 Zuidas Architecture 42 Chinese New Year at Gassan 44 Hello Zuidas | Mobility 45 Happy travellers!

Less traffic time = more leisure time

Property Special 47

24 Amsterdam Food Experience

ServicedApartments.nl 51

Open first week of April

27 We Canteen

Be prepared to be surprised every day!

28 Finance

Helping to find your temporary home in The Netherlands

Hello You 56 Hello Zuidas | New Members 57 Memo board 58

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. •5


#TRENDING TOPICS AkzoNobelNederland @AkzoNobelNL We zitten precies één jaar in ons nieuwe kantoor aan #ZuidAs @ZuidasAmsterdam @hellozuidas • Building Holland @BuildingHolland Summertime op Zuidas klaar #summertime #zuidas • Noël Schiks @NoelSchiks Opwaaiende zomerjurk geflankeerd door duinlandschap op het dak – het nieuwe wonen in Zuidas • Lunshof Makelaardij @LunshofMakelaar The George en The Gustav worden de meest iconische woongebouwen


die Zuidas kent. • Ronnie Zijp @RonnieAmsterdam Zuidas is een stedelijke, Internationale toplocatie. Amsterdammers hoeven helemaal niet te verhuizen naar R'dam voor een hoog-


bouwmilieu. • Mark-Jan Werner @wrnrm Zuidas begint steeds meer een beetje op New York te


lijken. • Patrick Poelmann @patrickpoelmann Bezoek aan het Polderdak in Zuidas Amsterdam,


initiatief van Green Business Club Zuidas, @waterschapagv en @Waternet. Mooie ontwikkeling!

For employees of companies

• Rolf Uhlhorn @RolfUhlhorn Zuidas neemt zoals vaker 't voortouw, dat siert hen. #A’dam

who are member of Hello Zuidas,

'Vervoerspas moet #Zuidas uit de auto krijgen • Het Parool @parool Dudok: Rotterdamse

it is possible to join our LinkedIn

mentaliteit én appeltaart in Zuidas • Fietsersbond A'dam @adamfietst Gemeenteraad

group or link to Hello Zuidas

verandert plan Strawinsky: fietspad via Minerva naar NS Zuid wordt tóch comfortabeler

dan op Zuidas tekeningen • fred @fredtriep This afternoon i did some research for my new

as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app

novel in the business district "Zuidas" of Amsterdam. • Job van Zomeren @jobvanzomeren

that allows you to flip through

Knap stukje werk in Zuidas! Het zwembad wordt naar binnen getakeld. Gaaf!! Een binnen-

the magazine.

bad op de 23e etage • Tony Wijntuin @WYNEstrategy Met de Flexform/@covanderhorst


flagshipstore worden (nieuwe) bewoners Zuidas op hun wenken bediend • Peter de Haan

Free WIFI Hello Zuidas on

@PeterdeH Winter time in Beatrixpark @zuidas #akzonobel • Ralien Bekkers @RalienBekkers

Mahlerplein & Zuidplein

Dagje @Zuidas, weer een andere kant van Amsterdam! 17u @VVD young profs meetup @Accenture over duurzaamheid & innovatie. Wordt leuk • Theo van Leur @theovanleur Op de terugweg van een bespreking bij @bpd_nl_nw even langs Zuidas bij Intermezzo kijken. Gaaf gebouw! • Michiel haighton @michielhaighton Een zaterdag in Zuidas? Het wordt steeds levendiger.. • Sjoerd Quint @SjoerdQuint Zuidas Amsterdam, wat een stad in wording! Ik was er vandaag een dagje en nu al benieuwd hoe het over 10 jr er uit ziet #stedelijkheid #cool • Danielle Heere @DanielleHeere Fiets mee voor WereldOuders tijdens de Zuidas Businessride op 12 mei. • Hagemeister Klinker @MeisterKlinker Ein Hauch von Manhattan in Amsterdam-

Behind the scenes #Coverstory #HelloZuidas #RooftopVU

Zuidas. 900 Mahler von inbo Architecten @InboCom @ZuidasAmsterdam



‘We represent over 200 member organizations’ Josja van der Veer, Hello Zuidas

In honour of the Hello Zuidas foundation's five-year anniversary, we sat down with Josja van der Veer, chairwoman of our Supervisory Board and director of Corporate Real Estate and Facilities at VU Amsterdam. She told us about the role Hello Zuidas is playing in area development, and why she personally feels such a close connection to this place. ‘I’ve become firmly rooted in Zuidas’, Josja says. This year, Hello Zuidas turns five. Should the role of Hello

Ever since its creation, you’ve been actively involved in

Zuidas be the same today as it was five years ago, or is area

Hello Zuidas. One of the foundation’s goals is to bring local

growth moving Zuidas in a new direction that calls for us

players together to form a community. What are the other

to redefine our position?

objectives? And what is being done to achieve them?

‘Hello Zuidas has undergone a slight shift in emphasis. While initially

‘Our Clean, Whole & Safe policy operates through a platform that

we were focused on business to business developments, we’ve now

enables us to perform regular quality checks in the area. If people

broadened our horizon so as to include the residential environment

are unhappy about something, we’ll sit down with them and initiate

and construction work in the area. We’re closely involved in the

steps to improve quality on specific fronts. We are also very active

planning of Zuidasdok, for instance. From an initial operational focus,

where the accessibility of Zuidas is concerned. We regularly take

Hello Zuidas has evolved into more of a strategic discussion partner

stock of local public transport, bike routes and road congestion and

for the municipality and the Zuidasdok team, amongst others. As a

sit down with the alderman and GVB director to make sure things

stakeholder, we spend a lot of time making sure that local quality

continue to run smoothly. If you want to persuade people to come to

of life is maintained during construction works. We want to prevent

Zuidas by public transport, you'll have to give them the best possible

undue disruptions and actively push building contractors to make

incentives. We’ve been meeting with employers to explore possible

investments, to make sure that throughout the process Zuidas

solutions for their staff to travel outside of rush hours, or to make

continues to be a pleasant place to work and live. They manage that

use of a bike- or carsharing system. In this day and age, our Safety

by placing visually attractive fences, plants, inspiring artworks and so

Platform is incredibly important. We can talk about real estate all

forth, around the construction site. Furthermore, we want to prevent

we want, but a safe environment is key when you wish to establish

excessive noise by imposing a ban on pile-driving. Aside from that,

a thriving community and the long term value of an urban area.

we advise contractors on access to buildings and the train, tram and

Hello Zuidas sits down with all the parties involved to look at

metro stations. Routing plays a pivotal part in that matter.’

emergency escape routes and discusses how to cope with traffic jams. We play an important role in those discussions.’

What is the Supervisory Board’s job in relation to Hello Zuidas? ‘Well, we have a supervisory duty of course, but we’re also a sparring

Looking at the objectives that Hello Zuidas has been

partner for Olivier Otten [director of the Hello Zuidas foundation,

spearheading, what are you most proud of?

ed.] and his team. On top of that, we engage our own networks and

‘The community, for sure. The ties that have been forged between

scrutinize the initiatives that Olivier subsequently rolls out to their full

people, organizations and the working and residential environment

extent. Also, we provide focus. We make sure that all the objectives

are phenomenal. And it has happened so fast. At the moment we

receive equal weight and we think about directions in which

represent over 200 member organizations! Hello Zuidas is making

Hello Zuidas ought to develop. One key development is that there’s

strides in a lot of different arenas, while also setting an example for

an increasing emphasis on living in Zuidas. Just a few years ago,

other cities in the process. So I think it’s amazing that Hello Zuidas is

you couldn’t find any sign of life in Zuidas outside nine to five on

active and making connections in all sorts of areas, but aside from

weekdays. Now that people also live here, there’s a big difference.

that, I’m incredibly proud of the team. It hinges on people who are

Hello Zuidas has done a lot to encourage that.’

willing to give it their all and who have the right chemistry with each

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman • Make-up artist Ruth Jansen, Phisage Beauty & Wellness


'The ties that have been forged between people, organizations and the working and residential environment are phenomenal'

other. The Supervisory Board is also made up of a wonderful group

and films, a centre for pioneering research in the field of information

of people. Not only do they keep an eye on things, they also serve as

science and a space for student associations. But to be honest,

sparring partners and draw on their own networks.’

from the perspective of urban quality, I’m especially interested in the area as a whole. In another ten years or so, De Boelelaan will

What makes you so committed to this area?

have become a beautiful boulevard, which is linked by two squares

‘First of all, I’m passionate about the city and urban development.

and a lovely pedestrian route leading from the station. By that time,

I’ve also become firmly rooted in Zuidas, which is mostly thanks to

the Campus will have become even a more important part of this

VU Amsterdam. To me it’s important to witness a better connection

new heart of Amsterdam.’

between the campus and the urban area, because on a social level there’s already a good deal of interaction between students and companies in Zuidas. I would like Zuidas to become a part of the city


where everyone feels welcome. Residents tell me that it has a

• As director of Corporate Real Estate and Facilities at Vrije

cosmopolitan feel, while the same time it feels slightly anonymous,

Universiteit Amsterdam, Josja’s work centres around the

and they like that. It’s about striking a balance between belonging

professionalization of the campus, which encompasses

to a community and feeling a sense of privacy in your own living

the university’s facilities and accommodations, as well as

environment. The fact that we’ve managed to achieve this in Zuidas is quite a feat. You can already detect a definite diffusion from all finance to knowledge-based institutions and talent development. This leads to cross-overs, which in the end will lead to sustainable

the development of a new city campus in Zuidas. • Before that, Josja was deputy director of Commercial Real Estate at ING Real Estate, where among other things she set up a customer-focused offices team. She has also

solutions for societal challenges. The triple helix of knowledge,

been a board member in various development consortia,

business and public institutions is a unique proposition for Zuidas

which include the Arena area in south-eastern Amsterdam,

in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. What we would like to do now,

Overhoeks/IJ North Bank and, through MAB, for Ooster-

is to further strengthen Zuidas’ position on the international map.’

dokseiland on the South Bank of the IJ. • She is also chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Hello Zuidas.

What is your favourite building? ‘Maybe that hasn’t been built yet! However, the new University


Building on the VU Campus is going to be amazing. It’s going to

• Hello Zuidas activities centre on four cornerstones:

be a meeting place for students, teaching staff and researchers,

Local Life, Public Space & Safety, Sustainability and Mobility.

but also for local residents and people who work in Zuidas. A real

• The Hello Zuidas office is located in WTC Amsterdam.

hotspot, if you will. We’re planning to remain open seven days

• Olivier Otten is the foundation’s director.

a week till midnight – that was the explicit request of our students.

• The Hello Zuidas foundation represents over

There are even a few students who’ve asked if they can study there during the night. The building will also offer theatre performances

10 •

200 member organizations.

ZUIDPLUS WINS ZUIDASDOK TENDER Following an intensive tender procedure between two bidding parties over the past two years, the Zuidasdok project was definitively awarded to ZuidPlus, a contracting consortium of Fluor, Heijmans and HOCHTIEF, in February 2017. Budgeted at €1.9 billion, the project includes the widening and partial sinking underground of the A10 south motorway and expansion of Amsterdam Zuid station.







Already, gridlock is a frequent occurrence on the A10 south and the


including construction of roads for building traffic, organization

Besides construction, the ZuidPlus consortium will also be responsible

platforms of Zuid station are often jam-packed. Through the addition

The coming period will be dedicated to a project review phase,

of the construction sites, additional soil surveys and removal of

for the project design. Theirs was chosen as the best plan in respect

of new lanes and separation of local and through traffic, Zuidasdok will

in which ZuidPlus will put together an ‘integral preliminary

trees. Actual construction activity will get started in 2019, with an

of minimal disruptiveness of the work, construction logistics and

reduce pressure on traffic flows, while at the same time creating new

design’ comprising a detailed elaboration of the presented

expected completion date of 2028. For the most up-to-date

local traffic flows and accessibility, as well as offering a good solution

public space that will enhance local quality of life and pave the way

plans. The review phase will also see groundwork get underway,

overview of the works schedule, see our website: www.zuidas.nl.

for the public transport terminal at Zuid station and its integration

for the development of a major public transport hub.

in the busy business district. Both the public transport terminal and public spaces feature designs that are open, emphasizing light



and greenery and using high-grade materials that reinforce the

Zuidasdok is a massive construction project in a relatively small and

As from the tender award date, all project communication for the Zuidasdok, Zuidas and ZuidPlus organizations is clustered at

cosmopolitan feel and image of Zuidas.

busy area, and local businesses, residents and travellers in Zuidas

the Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre. The Information Centre is open to the public and handles all queries, complaints,

will inevitably be affected by the works. Though a wide range of

notifications and other issues connected with Zuidasdok and Zuidas. The centre is located in the Central Hall of the World


countermeasures will be taken, area users can expect noise,

Trade Center, and can also be reached through: info@zuidas.nl • www.zuidas.nl • 020 575 21 11

With work slated to start in 2019, Zuidasdok will be a huge undertaking,

temporary road closures and construction sites in Zuidas. One of the

encompassing the widening of the A10 south motorway from four

main countermeasures is the low noise and vibration method of

Zuidasdok is a joint initiative of the municipality of Amsterdam, railway management company

to six lanes in both directions, sinking of the roadway beneath the

construction chosen. Beyond this, everything will be done to maintain

ProRail and the Department of Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat).

centre of Zuidas via two tunnels, reconfiguration of the Amstel

a good level of local accessibility and liveability. The A10 south motor-

and De Nieuwe Meer junctions, expansion of Amsterdam Zuid station

way will remain open on working days, and public transport links to

If you have any questions or complaints about construction developments, you want to know

and redesign of the station area. All of these measures are intended

Zuidas will continue to operate, though activities in proximity to the

exactly where to go. The City of Amsterdam’s Zuidas department and project organization

to improve flows on the road and at the station and anticipate

tracks will necessitate several significant closures. We will keep you

Zuidasdok will soon be opening a Zuidas Service Desk, which can be identified by a yellow logo.

increasing volumes of traffic to Zuidas in the years ahead.

updated about all the works and their consequences on www.zuidas.nl.

• 13


CONSTRUCTION OF NEW COURT HOUSE The Amsterdam District Court will be getting a brand new court house. Work on the building started in January 2017. One of the first activities to affect the neighbourhood is the closure of the Parnassusweg bike path, through the end of April. Both bicycle and pedestrian traffic will be diverted.

BIKE PATH THROUGH ATRIUM The Atrium building on the corner of Strawinskylaan and Parnassusweg is expanding. To keep Parnassusweg open to bicyclists, the Atrium has come up with a clever solution: the bike path on Parnassusweg will temporarily be diverted to run through the new car park while it is still under construction.

DE BOELELAAN EAST From 31 March through the end of 2017, there will be only one lane open in each direction of De Boelelaan on the stretch between Beethovenstraat and Europaboulevard. Various works will also take place here during weekends from 31 March to 3 April, 21 to 24 April and 5 to 8 May. To avoid congestion, motorists can take the S108 entry/exit and go via Amstelveenseweg, Beethovenstraat, Van Nijenrodeweg and Europaboulevard.

STRAWINSKYLAAN Work has started on the reprofiling of Strawinskylaan. Construction work is set to change the road layout. There will be some disruptions in the form of noise and diversions. The road works are expected to finish by the end of March.



HELLO BIKE! The first smart bike-sharing system in Amsterdam is set to make its début in and around Zuidas in April. In the course of the first three months, Hello Bike will start out with 125 bikes, after which the 'fleet' will be expanded to 500 bikes. Hello Zuidas talked with the The Bikevertising Company’s founders to learn more.




‘We started out with the idea that mobility

Tijmen de Vries, one of Bikevertising’s

De Vries, Atiya and De Graaf started their first

could be better and cheaper. By combining

co-founders, explains, ‘What sets the

bike-sharing company, called Student-Bike,

marketing and mobility in our brand Student-

Hello Bike system apart from others, is that

a year ago. Company CEO Ralph Atiya explains,

Bike, we proved that it’s possible to supply

users only need to download the app and

‘This is a platform that allows students in

students with free bikes. Now, with Hello

they’re good to go. What's more, there's no

Amsterdam to use bikes bearing advertising

Bike, we want to deploy the same strategy.

need to return the bike to the place you got

billboards for free. We realized that this

And ultimately our aim is to offer optimized

it from – just bring it to whichever dropzone

mutually reinforcing match between mobility

mobility to the rest of the Netherlands!’

is most convenient for you.' His co-founder

and marketing could also be used in other ways.

Thomas de Graaf adds, ‘Aside from being

Considering what we’d learned about the biking

green and healthy, Hello Bike is also the

world and emerging bike technologies,

limited to those travelling to, from and

most affordable way to get from A to B.

Hello Bike seemed like a logical next step to us.’

around Zuidas. Bikes will also be avail-

For now, the range of Hello Bike is still

able from docks at Amsterdam RAI, VU

You can grab a bike for as little as 1 euro per hour or 4 euros per day. The rate is so low


and Gelderlandplein, facilitating better

because the system is financed by various

When asked about the philosophy behind

overall mobility in and around Zuidas.

alternating sponsors!’

their initiative, the gentlemen explain,

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 15

PROPERTY Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.

BPD/AM TO DEVELOP THE GUSTAV AND THE GEORGE IN ZUIDAS Zuidas - Development consortium BPD/AM will be building two new residential blocks in Zuidas: The Gustav and The George. The buildings will offer a total of 191 prime sustainable studios, apartments and penthouses in the heart of Zuidas, catering for all segments. The sale of the first 95 units will commence this spring. BPD and AM have selected two architectural firms – KCAP and DOK – to develop the The Gustav and The George. Facilities will include charging stations for electric cars, solar panels and water buffers.





Zuidas - In an interview with PropertyNL, marking his

Zuidas - International real estate consultancy Cushman

departure as director of the Zuidas Development Office on

& Wakefield has inked a supplementary lease with Union

1 January, Klaas de Boer said he understands the recent media

Investment Real Estate for approximately 2,150 m² of office

buzz, created by concerns about the possible disruptions

space on the 19th and 20th floors of UNStudio in Zuidas.

involving the construction of Zuidasdok. 'But', he was also

The former DTZ Zadelhoff, which became part of Cushman

quick to point out, ‘large-scale projects like this always meet

& Wakefield last November, occupied the 1st and 2nd floors

with resistance. Keeping the channels of communication

of UNStudio since 2014. With this additional contract,

open and listening to the local community is crucial. It's also

Cushman & Wakefield will be leasing four stories of the

effective. Of the 178 opinions originally submitted, only 17 are

building, marking the first office consolidation since its

still under consideration by the Council of State. By entering

merger with DTZ Zadelhoff.

into dialogue and offering practical solutions, much of the initial resistance has already been put to rest’.

16 •



Zuidas - AXA Investment Managers has moved into 400 m of office space in


500Beethovenstraat, a sustainable new-build developed by G&S Vastgoed, which has


been awarded a BREEAM Excellent label. The building encompasses seven stories and

Zuidas - Rotterdam-based bakery

occupies the corner of Beethovenstraat and De Boelelaan. Designed by Claus & Kaan

Dudok Patisserie has opened its

Architecten, 500Beethovenstraat’s large south and east-facing balconies make for a

first Amsterdam-based location on

pleasant working environment.

Debussylaan. Famed for its Dudok


apple pie, the Dudok Patisserie Groep has signed a long-term lease agreement with Union Investment Real Estate GmbH for approximately


120 m2 in retail space on the ground

Zuidas - The Zuidasdok project has been provisionally awarded to a consortium of Fluor,

floor of Claude Debussylaan 269.

Heijmans and Hochtief (ZuidPlus). Major elements of the project are the widening

Since opening its first shop on Meent

and partial underground rerouting of the A10 south motorway and the expansion of

in Rotterdam more than 25 years

Amsterdam Zuid station. The design and construction contract value is approximately

ago, Dudok has since expanded to

€ 990 million (which includes tunnel maintenance for a duration of seven years),

Arnhem, Tilburg, The Hague and

15% of which will go to Heijmans and 42.5% to both Fluor and Hochtief. Zuidasdok is

now Amsterdam.

a joint initiative of the municipality of Amsterdam, ProRail and the Department of Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat). Work on the A10 and De Nieuwe Meer and Amstel junctions, as well as construction of the new Amsterdam Zuid station, are all essential to relieve congestion around Zuidas. The new A10 tunnel will also free up public space and improve the local quality of life.

Text XXXX • Photography Photography Lotte de Graaf XXXX

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MINUTE? Sprint your way through buildings, dash below Zuidas and team up with your colleagues to ‘go the extra mile’! This year, the Zuidas Run is better – and bigger – than ever. This year, short-distance runners who entered the four-mile event in the previous years can do the Urban Run, with a course that runs in a loop cutting right through the heart of Zuidas. It’s a great combination of fitness and team building. We caught up with four people who are gearing up for the Zuidas Run. ASAF SULAR – ANALYST AT ACCENTURE ‘Last year I, along with several other employees at Accenture took part in the Zuidas Run. I think it’s a great initiative because it brings together all kinds of different people in Zuidas. It struck me that lots of people have no idea what Zuidas looks like, or what companies are located here. Last year I had a client who was just amazed when he came here. “I had no idea a place like this in Amsterdam even exists ”, he said. That aspect, combined with the chance to run with our clients, makes it interesting. It could be fun to meet up with our clients in a totally different setting. As far as fitness is concerned, I’m good to go. I’m an avid runner and run about five times a week. Though for the Urban Run I might vary my routine by throwing in a few stints running up and down some stairs.’

JET VAN BATENBURG – EVENT MANAGER AT PRISM (ZUIDAS RUN ORGANIZER) ‘We’re very busy at the moment organizing the Zuidas Run. This year we made a slight change to the concept by taking out the shorter, four-mile run and replacing it with an Urban Run, which will go above, below and through Zuidas. Right now we’re working on finding the best and most challenging spots to include in the Run. There will also be the regular ten-mile run and we’re supporting important research at VUmc, just as we've done in previous years. Everyone in Zuidas is prepared to go the extra mile when it concerns their work, but this year we’re also applying that to the Zuidas Run. If you want to keep up with all the details, just keep an eye on our website and Facebook page!’

18 •


CHRISTIAAN HUIJG – MANAGING DIRECTOR AT WTC AMSTERDAM ‘Thus far, I’ve entered every single edition of the Zuidas Run. Of course,with WTC Amsterdam being one of the initiators as well as the main sponsor, I have to set an example. Zuidas is mainly a business district where many people have sedentary jobs. That’s not a healthy lifestyle, which is why I think we should be encouraging people to get up from behind their desks and get moving! And the great thing is that this run combines business with sports, because you can invite your clients and customers along and connect with other companies. The Urban Run is a new event this year and it probably captures the very spirit of Zuidas. The course may even literally cut right through the WTC. Aside from that, it’s fun to get together with colleagues and strive for an athletic goal.’

HANNEKE HULST – NEUROSCIENTIST AT VUMC ‘The money that's being raised by the Zuidas Run will benefit our research, so I have no choice but to join, really! The research focuses on improving or maintaining cognitive functions for people with Multiple Sclerosis, who experience problems affecting memory, attention and concentration. These cognitive problems often make it impossible for them to continue working at full capacity - if at all. Our research aims to change that, which is why it's a logical step for us to join the Run. Zuidas has lots of career-driven people who want to keep working and be active members of society for as long as possible. Personally, I can’t imagine a worse fate than not being able to work anymore. I’m going to start training soon. I’ve already drummed up a few colleagues and downloaded a running app. That’s the first step, but there’s still a long way to go...’

When? 11 June 2017 Register at: www.zuidasrun.nl. Tip: Sign up as a team with your colleagues or business partners!

Text Merel Boudrie • Photography Lotte de Graaf, Jalisa Oudenaarde & Fenna Beckers

SHARE A RIDE AND EXPAND YOUR NETW RK The ridesharing platform developed within the Zuidas Experience it now for free! Toogethr is a platform that makes it super easy to get together and share a ride to work. By driving together, we can beat the traffic jams, solve parking problems, reduce emission and create new networking opportunities at the same time! So, what are you waiting for? Download the Toogethr app and enjoy the ridesharing experience. With the support of the City of Amsterdam, Toogethr is now free to use for all Zuidas companies for a three month period! Is your company not yet involved? Inform your mobility department about Toogethr! Visit toogethr.com

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Van Zuidasmenschen... de dingen die voorbij gaan​ (Dutch paraphrase of Louis Couperus) Things that pass Are you one of those people who are

more than just creatures of labour (homo

you don’t hold the office; it holds you.

totally career-minded? Always thinking

economicus). To be whole (homo universalis),

I promise you: looking at your profession

about the next logical step in your career?

humans also need to play (homo ludens)!

this way puts everything in perspective! It allows you to concentrate on what needs

About whether the digits on your payslip are in stride with your spot on the ladder?

Second, it’s a shame for the jobs themselves

to be done instead of brooding over

Whether you’re scaling the rungs fast

that the focus has come to lie on the people

‘what’s next for me?’

enough? Or whether you’ve negotiated

who do them, rather than on the actual pur-

the best lease car, pension scheme and

pose of the job. Many jobs – especially those

After all, we people are just passers-by.

other fringe benefits?

in Zuidas – have the character of an official

People, too, are things that pass.

‘office’, such as the office of a doctor. But as it

But important jobs, crucial offices – they go

It’s a sad fact that in the past few decades

was recently proved, as far as professions go,

on. That also applies in my case. I may be

the general focus has increasingly shifted to

those of banker and accountant are offices, too.

leaving, but this column will go on! I will

us who hold the jobs, instead of the jobs that

An office is a job that’s bigger than you. It’s a

be passing on my office to Greg Shapiro.

people should be doing. Thinking in terms

job that concerns a public interest, for example.

You probably already know him: he’s the voice of the brilliant Arjen Lubach video that went

of the latter would help us humans to put working life into its proper perspective.

When you hold an office, it’s not you that’s

viral: ‘America first, the Netherlands second’.

In the first place, it's because humans are

important, but the office itself. In fact,

Greg! Here you go! You first, me second!

Ruben van Zwieten (b. 1983) is a minister and the founder of De Nieuwe Poort on Claude Debussylaan – a café-restaurant, workspace, cultural and social enterprise all rolled into one. With a portfolio of fitness-for-the-spirit subscriptions for employers, he coaches Dutch executives in reflecting on their lives, work and involvement with society. Besides being a member of the Dutch banking code monitoring committee and a columnist for the Dutch financial daily Financieele Dagblad, he is also a popular speaker and event chair. Ruben is married and lives in Amsterdam.

• 21







Haarlem Alkmaar







Zuid Amstelveen/ Handelsplein





A10 Abcoude


Nieuw Vennep


Diemen Diemen-Zuid Duivendrecht Bijlmer ArenaA





Science Park






Comeniusstraat/ Lelylaan





A2 A44


Comeniusstraat/ Lelylaan Sassenheim


Science Park

Den Haag


Amstel Utrecht




Amstelveen/ Handelsplein


Diemen-Zuid Diemen Duivendrecht Bijlmer ArenaA






For the foreseeable future, cars and Zuidas do not make a happy match, what with Zuidas getting busier all the time and parking being at a premium. In the next few years the A10 motorway will be expanded and partially rerouted underground, intersections will be overhauled and public space redesigned. All of which means that if there's no pressing need to take your car into Zuidas – you're advised not to! After all, time is precious.


So what are the alternatives? In this issue we explore a transfer from car to public transport.

22 •





















S108 VUmc/ ACTA




























































Audi Shared Fleet

Audi Shared Fleet








OV Fiets

OV Fiets



Hello Bike




Hello Bike






TCA Taxi’s




TCA Taxi’s










Once in Zuidas, there is a variety of ways

options. Read more about the Zuidas Pass

Park and Ride (P+R) is a great option. You park

to continue your journey. If you decide to

on page 45 of this issue.

your car on the outskirts of the city (parking

take a bike, you can choose from OV-fiets,

aplenty!) and continue your journey stress-

Hello Bike or URBEE. There’s also public

free by public transport, saving lots of time.

transport , including trains, trams, the metro

The map above shows several P+R locations

and buses. Or you can decide on taxi or


in a wide radius around Amsterdam. You can

carshare, with options in Zuidas including

For more information about Park + Ride

pay for your ride by using an OV-chipkaart

the Audi Shared Fleet and Car2Go.

locations, see the Q-Park website: http://www.q-park.nl/p-r

(public transport chip card), in which case you receive a discount of 30% or more on the


and the Dutch railways website:

regular P+R parking rate when travelling by



public transport on the same day. Just be sure

At the moment Zuidas is also piloting the


to check in and out at the NS railway station

Zuidas Pass, which is designed to make sure

For more information about the

with the same OV-chipkaart. The discount is

that travellers reach their destination in

Zuidas Pass, e-mail Katja Amelink at:

automatically applied when you hold your

comfort and without any delays. The pass

k.amelink@amsterdam.nl ​

card up to the reader. Easy-peasy!

provides access to the full gamut of transport

Text Kiki Dröge

• 23



Open first week of April

AMSTERDAM FOOD EXPERIENCE It’s grand, sensational, brand-new and it will be opening its doors on Amsterdam’s

Stadionplein around the first week of April: Amsterdam Food Experience. A meeting place for local residents, tourists, foodies and the Zuidas workforce. Covering a combined floor area of 1,800 m2, spread across two levels, this massive ‘tasting room’ promises visitors the taste of Amsterdam. Nip in for an espresso to kick-start your day, watch the goings-on in the open-plan kitchens, pull up a seat at the Seafood Bar, discover the world of beer and wine, or dive into the history and traditions of Amsterdam. One thing is certain: Stadionplein will never be the same.

24 •


will become a lively meeting place where

Amsterdam Food Experience will be opening

people live, work, shop, eat and relax.

its doors to the public around the first week

Hans Bosma, in charge of sales and marketing

of April, marking one step in the large-scale

at the new venue, gave Hello Zuidas a

renovation of Stadionplein. The square

sneak peak.


the second level and amongst other things,


you’ll find a wine and beer experience,


workshop kitchen, presentation space and

Amsterdam Food Experience will be open

Food Experience movie. This movie is a

seven days a week from 6am ‘till midnight.

feast for the senses and will be presented on

Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be served

your table instead of on a screen. It explores

designated training location for ROC students

both inside on the ground floor and on the

Amsterdam’s rich heritage, food culture and

looking to become cooks or work in restaurant

outdoor terraces. Nip in for an espresso to

sport events: from the Olympics in 1928 until

service. Says Hans, ‘We want to raise the

kick-start your day in the bustling breakfast

now. The possibilities for social and business

bar on hospitality– not just here, but in

area, treat yourself to one of the dishes offered

functions are endless. Hans: ‘You can either

all of Amsterdam. That was our incentive

at the restaurant, pull up a seat at the Seafood

book a beer or wine tasting package complete

for this alliance with the ROC. Together,

Bar or let yourself be surprised at one of the

with fabulous finger food, take a sushi

we’ll be training the next generation of

tasting tables, where dishes are created

workshop, or discover the history and food

hospitality talent.’

before your very eyes. Everything here revolves

traditions of Amsterdam. And once all that

around the rich mix of flavours that make up

has whetted your appetite, we’ll have a

the melting pot of Amsterdam, from signature

table waiting for you at our restaurant.’

Mokum dishes to international cuisines like

Convenient bonus: there’s a car park under-


Italy, Asia or Morocco. And everything is

neath the building or underneath the

Stadionplein 300

prepared using fresh, seasonal and locally

Olympic Stadium across the street.

1076 CK Amsterdam

sourced products.

020 303 14 22






But that’s not all of it. Ascend the large

So what about the service? That, too, is top-

staircase in the centre of the space to

notch. Amsterdam Food Experience is a

Text Kika Samsom

• 25

BE PREPARED TO BE SURPRISED EVERY DAY! We Canteen Food Court opened at World Trade Center

new approach to incompany catering. Born out of frustration at

Amsterdam on the 6 of February. They have turned the WTC

the standard fare served up in so many corporate and university

selfservice restaurant into an everchanging and dynamic food

restaurants,the company now runs over ten successful food courts

court. Every day different local food entrepreneurs take the

in Amsterdam, The Hague and Eindhoven. We Canteen has built up a

stage and provide a wide range of specialties.​

network consisting of a wide variety of local catering companies.


Of course, you will be able to lunch on homemade soups, filled rolls, seasonal salads and fresh juices, but We Canteen also offers a constantly changing selection of hot meals from around the globe – think Asian, Arabic, South American and Mediterranean specialities like burritos, paella or curry. Every day, two or three local catering companies will

We Canteen is bringing some of the best café, bistro, single dish and food truck entrepreneurs to the WTC

set up shop at the WTC. ‘Our entrepreneurs serve dishes from all over the world, so we will be able to find out, once we’ve started, which best fit the Zuidas’ international workforce,’ says company founder Maaike

By the way, We Canteen is the first of five new catering concepts

de Reuver.

that are to be opened in World Trade Center Amsterdam.

With a stable consisting of over 350 different food firms – from oyster experts to cocktail shakers and tapas kings to pita queens – We Canteen is bringing some of the best café, bistro, single dish and food truck


entrepreneurs to the WTC.

Strawinskylaan 1 1077 XW Amsterdam

We Canteen was launched five years ago by millennials Maaike de


Reuver and Charlotte van Leeuwen, who wanted to bring a fresh

• 27

FINANCE Source: Het Financieele Dagblad Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.




Zuidas - Employees of banks and large companies tend not

Zuidas - Only six months after taking over former SNS

to take action until it is too late. A dire warning, issued by

Securities, The Hague-based NIBC bank is already carving

Rabobank executives Barbara Baarsma and Janine Vos

up its new subsidiary. The asset management and asset

during a recent interview with the FD. Baarsma is the bank’s

manager services divisions are being divested, while a

director of Knowledge Development and Vos is director of

department placing orders for external clients is being

HR. They say Dutch labour law, such as it is, does not offer

dissolved. Together, these divisions employ around 30

employees enough incentives to invest in their own careers.

people – a third of the subsidiary’s total workforce – but how

As a consequence, the transitional compensation paid upon

many actually lose their jobs will depend on the plans of a

an employee’s termination is too often treated as a golden

prospective buyer. NIBC Markets will be leaving Amsterdam’s

handshake with no strings attached, and not as a mobility

city centre, trading its historic premises on Nieuwezijds

budget to pave the way to a new career.

Voorburgwal for part of the former offices of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Zuidas, currently left vacant.

28 •



Zuidas - Dutch economic growth is increasingly translating into strong job development.


December 2016 recorded 180,000 more jobs than the same month the year before,


representing a rise of more than 2% in a total of nearly 8.5 million jobs nation-wide.


In fact, not since the addition of 195,000 jobs in July 2008 has labour market growth

Zuidas - The Nationale Postcode

been this strong, Statistics Netherlands reports.

Loterij has sold ten properties on Van Eeghenstraat in Amsterdam, several directly bordering Vondelpark, to a consortium of investors and developers led by Zuider Vastgoed.


The sale was concluded for € 46.5

Zuidas - With large accountancy firms PwC, Deloitte and EY jettisoning dozens of small

million and concerns a gross floor

and medium-sized municipalities from their client portfolios, Dutch municipalities

area of around 4,900 m2. In the

worry they will shortly be without accountants. These fears were voiced in a survey

second half of 2018, the Nationale

conducted by the FD newspaper on relationships between municipalities and

Postcode Loterij will be relocating

accountants. Of the total number of 388 municipalities in the Netherlands, 223 completed

to a new address on Beethovenstraat

the questionnaire, including large as well as medium and small municipalities.

in the Amsterdam-Zuid district.

Though mid-scale accountancy firms like BDO and Baker Tilly Berk (BTB) have

With a gross floor area of 12,500 m2,

added a large number of municipalities in recent years, survey respondents warn

its future premises are currently being

that even these firms are about to reach the limit in the number of municipalities

renovated to become one of the most

they will be able to audit.

sustainable buildings in the country.

Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 29



Every second Thursday of the month CAREER COACH CAFÉ @ De Nieuwe Poort 1pm-2pm Career Coach Café is an initiative connecting people from diverse backgrounds, so they can learn from each other, with a view to finding the right job. Participants are offered a programme in which they explore their talents through dialogue, under the supervision of an experienced career

Every Monday and Wednesday FREE BACK AND NECK ANALYSIS @ Spine Health Zuidas Aside from back and neck pain, chiropractors also treat other complaints associated with the spine

Daily through 7 April 2017 EXHIBITION BY JAN VERSCHUEREN WTC Amsterdam

and nervous system. Want to get to the

Art Angels is holding an exhibition

bottom of your symptoms, learn about

of scrap metal sculptures by Jan

preventative care, or find out what a

Verschueren in the Central Hall of WTC.

chiropractor can do for you? Call us

See the beauty of rust, and how beauty

on: 020-7997556 or send an email to:

can rust away. His works have a sense


of humour and a heart of steel! www.janverschueren.com ​

coach, ultimately enabling them to take the next step to or within a job. Register at: www.denieuwepoort.org.


Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 March 2017

@ WTC Amsterdam


Three works from conceptual light

@ Amsterdamse Bos

Every Monday and Wednesday

artist Clifton Mahangoe’s Windows

On Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 March,


series are on display in the WTC lounge.

the Dutch forest cross country

@ Clubsportive

One is a light sculpture, with a diameter

championships will be coming to


of 1 m., that shows a reflection of

Amsterdamse Bos. The course,

New in our schedule: a 60-minute

Amsterdamse Bos during the autumn

leading us through the fields and

Group Cycling tour led by our Spanish

of 2016. Each light sculpture has its

woods of Amsterdamse Bos, will also

trainer Sergio. His killer workout will

own hue, with the hues of the colour

scale the hill several times. For those

supercharge your day! Challenge your-

forming part of the projected image.

who want to enjoy the park in all its

self with a variety of drills, interval

Also included are his Westerpark

wintry beauty without getting their

training and inspired playlists. It’s fun,

Window and Vondelpark Window.

sneaks muddy, there’s also a run on

entertaining and effective.


paved paths.

30 •


Our next issue will be published @ the 2nd of May. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before March 27.

Thursday 9 and 23 March 2017 RIALTO Monday 6 - Friday 10 March 2017 AMSTERDAM CAREER DAYS @ WTC This five-day fair is the premier event for students looking for a career in business. Aimed at economics, business management, econometrics, finance and accounting majors, Amsterdam Career Days is one of the biggest career events of its kind, that offers students a chance to meet almost 70 companies from across the business spectrum.

@ VUcampus Enjoy the latest cinema releases twice a month at VU Amsterdam. We welcome viewers to lecture hall KC-07 (in the main building), where Rialto, in association with Griffioen, will be showing premiers and pre-premiers of international and award-winning films. This new initiative seeks to bring students, local residents and staff together in the dynamic heart of the VU Campus. Thursday 9 March: American Honey. Thursday 23 March: Zero Days. Tickets are available at VU.nl/film or at the door of lecture hall KC-07.

Thursday 23 March 2017 ART NETWORKING EVENT @ Vondel CS 2pm-7pm Every year, the Amsterdam Zuid District Office organizes an art networking event for artists, art institutions, art committees and art lovers. This year, this cultural happening will centre on the ‘one-off’ art subsidy scheme. It will start with a variety of workshops demystifying the processes behind art initiatives, after which Sebastiaan Capel will open the event’s plenary and networking programme. To register, send an email to Bart Krieger: b.krieger@amsterdam.nl.

Saturday 11 March 2017 DRAG HUNT @ Amsterdamse Bos This annual event has been taking place

Monday 13 March

Wednesday 8 - Sunday 12 March 2017

in Amsterdamse Bos from as far back

and Monday 10 April 2017


as 1975. The course is laid out over the


@ RAI Amsterdam

horseback riding trails that start at the

@ The Basket

The HISWA Amsterdam Boat Show

stables of the Amsterdam Manege.

The monthly pub quiz is back for

is the biggest water sports event

Accompanied by plenty of loud barking,

another year! Eight edge-of-your-seat

in the Netherlands. Whether you’re

the association’s pack of around 30

rounds, with music clips, pictures and

looking for a new boat, or merely for

Kerry Beagles rapidly follows the scent

questions to which you know you

parts or accessories, or if you want

laid over the course. Participants follow

know the answer... if only you could

to take up an aquatic hobby, or are

the hounds along the trails, dressed in

remember! It’s the place to be on

a fan of classic yachts, this show has

red hunting costumes according to

the VU Campus. Register your team

it all! It features the biggest range

the English tradition. Fixed obstacles

(5 max.) now for a chance to show

of boats worldwide, as well as a

have been placed on the course to

your stuff and win great prizes!

programme packed with activities

make the hunt even more exciting.

Register by sending an email to:

and essential gadgets!



• 31



Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 March 2017 PRS PLASTICS RECYCLING SHOW 2017 @ RAI Amsterdam PRSE is an informative and inspiring exhibition as well as a full conference, addressing the latest opportunities and challenges that face the plastics recycling industry. With key industry figures in attendance and a number of big name speakers, this is a mustattend event for anyone looking to evolve their business and generate new revenue flows. The conference is free of charge.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Friday 21 April 2017



@ Plein Zuidas

@ Restaurant het Bosch


Spring has sprung! On Friday 21 April

Big Brothers Big Sisters Amsterdam at

Restaurant het Bosch will be opening

De Nieuwe Poort is part of an inter-

its Waterfront Lounge – the loveliest

national mentor organization that

spot in Amsterdam, overlooking the

helps kids and teens from single-

harbour from the pier on Nieuwe

parent families living under the

Meer. True to tradition, the season

poverty line. The Egg Roll is a compe-

will open with a Friday afternoon

tition featuring teams of Littles and

drinks bash. And to celebrate spring,

companies that adopt a team. Come to

enjoy complimentary amuse-bouches

the Big Brothers Big Sisters Amsterdam

and your first drink on the house.

Zuidas Egg Roll, and you could win

See you on 21 April! PS: Plenty of free

the Zuidas Golden Easter Egg!

parking in front.

More info: info@bbbsamsterdam.nl Coming up in May Wednesday 12 April 2017 PRESENTATION OF THE ZUIDAS


The Zuidas Business Ride is a racing cycle tour that sets out from Zuidas. Organized by Reessjurts, Bike in

Saturday 1 April - Sunday 14 May 2017


Balance and á Deauville, part of


@ Zuidas

the event's proceeds will benefit

Throughout Amsterdam

Hello Zuidas, Green Business Club

WereldOuders, a charity for homeless

Each spring, all of Amsterdam comes

Zuidas and Amsterdam’s Zuidas

children in Latin America. The Business

up tulips during the citywide Tulip

District Office are proud to present

Ride comes in two distances: 40 km.

Festival. During the months of April

the fifth edition of the Zuidas

and 60 km. Both start and finish at

and May, tulips showing every colour

Sustainability Report for the year

the Atrium in Zuidas. The cost of

of the rainbow bloom in gardens,

2016. During this presentation,

participation is €25, which includes

parks, squares, museums and lots

various speakers will aim their

not only a spot in the tour, but also

of other locations. In the Amsterdam

spotlight on the report's key themes,

a snack and a drink and a donation

Zuid district, they can be found

followed by drinks. For more info

to WereldOuders. Register now at:

at the RAI and along Churchillaan

or to attend, send an email to:


and Beethovenstraat.



32 •


OPEN TOWER DAY OPEN TOWER DAY AMSTERDAM 25 MARCH 2017 On Saturday 25 March, the fifth Open Tower Day will take place in Amsterdam. For this fifth anniversary edition, some 30 historic and contemporary towers in Amsterdam will open their doors to the public from 10am to 4pm. At least ten new towers will be taking part this year. Which towers you can visit, and which you have to register for, will be revealed on our website in March. During Open Tower Day, lots of activities will take place in and around the towers for visitors to enjoy, including guided art and tower tours, music and a photo and film competition with fun, Amsterdamthemed prizes! Check our website for programme details and to register, starting from 1 March: www.opentorendag.nl.

• 33



Source: advocatie.nl



Baker & McKenzie has launched a new international corporate identity, the most noticeable


element of which is the disappearance of the ‘&’ from the company’s name. From now on,

Allen & Overy in Amsterdam have pinched

the firm will simply be known as Baker McKenzie. ‘Refreshing and less complicated’, was how

four lawyers who are specialized in Data

a brief statement, released by the Amsterdam Baker McKenzie office, explained its elimination

& Technology from De Brauw Blackstone

of the ampersand. For seven years in a row, Baker & McKenzie was named the strongest

Westbroek. On 1 February 2017, senior

legal brand by British consultancy firm Acritas. Their new logo was designed to ‘build on the

associates Wanne Pemmelaar and Emre

strength of the old one, while injecting a fresher, friendlier and more self-confident image’.

Yildirim, along with Madeleine Vos and Anna van der Leeuw-Veiksha, started at Allen & Overy in a full-scale team takeover relatively


rare in the Netherlands. Their arrival will

Several lawyers from Van Doorne, Osborne Clarke and Hoogenraad & Haak have joined

enable Allen & Overy to tap into ‘growing

forces in Leeway, a new IP niche firm that opened near Zuidas in January. They include Michiel

client demand for advisory services on

Odink, who previously helped launch Osborne Clarke Amsterdam, Remco van Leeuwen and

data protection and privacy, cybersecurity,

Roel Dolk, both from Van Doorne, and Marga Verwoert from Hoogenraad & Haak. Co-founder

fintech, data in the cloud, new data-driven

Michiel Odink, an IP lawyer with a focus on technology, media and retail, left Baker McKenzie

business models, as well as international

in mid-2014 to lay the groundwork for Osborne Clarke’s Dutch office. But the temptation to set

data compliance programmes’. It will also

out on his own proved too strong. ‘Although the Netherlands have a high density of IP specialists,

serve in part to compensate the prior loss

it’s still a small world’, he says. ‘In the course of various discussions we held over the past year,

of Quirine Tjeenk Willink to Bird & Bird in

it turned out that we each had plans to set up our own shop. In September we took the plunge.’

The Hague, where she was appointed partner.

34 •


Divorce: a life Event that has a massive impact on the people involved As a family law specialist, I am regularly con-

for their children until those children have

With each issue, we’ll be giving a voice to

fronted with the escalating emotions of clients

reached the age of 18. However, this particular

someone in the legal profession. He or

and members of their family. That makes

case developed in a different direction.

she will offer us a glimpse of their work,

my field of practice quite distinct from other

After the divorce, the parent who controlled

as well as their point of view on a particular

areas of the law, such as corporate law.

the child’s assets invested the money in

area of the law, and on how it relates

Added to this is the fact that family and

his own holiday home, located in a foreign

to Zuidas.

inheritance practice is a very complex area

country, without the other parent’s consent.

of Dutch law. Not only on account of the

The parent then drew up a will in which the

emotions involved, but also because of the

house would be left to the child after this

large and ever-changing body of legislation

parent’s death. How does one unravel a

and regulations, and its intersection

case like this?

with other specializations, such as tax and pension law.

To me, this and other similarly complex scenarios are fascinating puzzles, just waiting

Divorce can often be described as a life

to be solved. Not only in terms of analyzing

event that has a massive impact on the

the legal aspects, but also, and perhaps even

people involved. Therefore, it is all the more

more so, by striving to ensure that in the end,

important to ensure it is handled carefully

the parents will once more be able to team

and correctly.

up and be real parents to their children, while at the same time putting the marriage

An instance that speaks volumes about the

part of their relationship behind them.

legal and emotional entanglement one may encounter in such cases, is the following.

My role as a lawyer, in short, is that of a legal

A child who was still a minor received a gift

analyst, while also acting as a counsellor

from one of its parents, made from that

and coach. And even after having spent

parent’s private assets, but administered by

almost 20 years in this profession, I still

the other parent. Then the parents divorced.

love every day of it.

Dianne Kroezen is a lawyer

On principle, the assets of a minor are jointly administered by both authorized parents, given that they hold joint parental custody

Dianne Kroezen

at Fam. Advocaten

• 35

PATRIZIA NETHERLANDS HAS MOVED PATRIZIA Netherlands, the Dutch subsidiary of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, has moved to a new office building on Monday 23rd January. The relocation is a result of continued business growth and an increasing number of employees. The new office is the middle one of the newly built Telesto pavilions located on the Fred. Roeskestraat and is within walking distance of the old office, retaining our commitment to the Amsterdam Zuidas.

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG has been active as an investment manager on the real estate market in 15 European countries for more than 30 years. The Company manages real estate assets worth around EUR 18 billion, primarily as a manager and co-investor for large institutional clients and retail clients.

Fred. Roeskestraat 111 1076 EE Amsterdam www.patrizia.ag


Joeri Bakker, Annet Gelink & Sebastiaan Capel

Remmert Hamel, Margitte Verwoerdt & Jeroen Kuster

Cintha van Heeswijck, Kirsten van den Hul, Nanette Kraaikamp & Eline Hoogendijk

Paul Goede & Suzan Fluitman

Martijn van Nieuwenhuyzen, Charlotte Schleiffert & Jan van Adrichem

Photography Lotte de Graaf

Natasja Kensmil, Bart Krieger & Iris Kensmil


Wilma Bertheux & Jan-Hein Daniëls

• Art Zuid foundation Director Cintha van Heeswijck-Veeger welcomed everyone to the exhibition • This is the first in a series of five shows at the Art Chapel • Zoals 'jij en ik' features individual and group portraits spotlighting ‘the other’ • The exhibition was put together by Maarten Bertheux, former curator at the Stedelijk Museum

Gabriel Rolt & Vera Bertheux

Eva Räder & Jeremias Schmidt

Iris Kensmil & Liesbeth Goede

Steven Aalders & Ronald Ophuis

Francis Boeske & Sara Lang

Maarten Bertheux & Vera Bertheux

Barbara Buddingh, Bart Krieger & Sacha Komor

• 37


NEWS 38 •


DARK NIGHTS IN ZUIDAS Earth Hour is an annual event organized by the WWF. On March 25, at 8.30 pm local time, companies and offices from all over the world will switch off their lights for a whole hour. Lots of companies in Zuidas are set to take part in this splendid initiative. But why leave it at that: one single night every year? Why not every night? Companies could save tons of energy if they would just ask themselves the following questions: Who controls our lights? Why don’t we switch them off at night? Have we looked into alternatives like motion sensors? Stop and think for a moment about all the energy that’s being needlessly wasted... and take action!

2016 ZUIDAS SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PRESENTATION It’s hot off the press: the 2016 Sustainability Report! Hello Zuidas, Green Business Club Zuidas and Amsterdam’s Zuidas District Office are proud to present this fifth edition of the Sustainability Report, compiling all the sustainable initiatives and projects in Zuidas in 2016. The official presentation will take place during a celebratory gathering on 12 April, from 3.30pm to 5pm, during which several speakers will offer their views on sustainability in Zuidas. Stay afterwards to chat over drinks. Keep an eye on the Hello Zuidas website for the exact venue. Want to attend this event? Send an email to: info@hellozuidas.com.

RESPONSIBLE BANKING AND INVESTMENT There is a wide range of initiatives in the global financial sector, aimed at supporting and strengthening the international COP21 climate agreement. One of these initiatives is the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), a collaborative platform that encourages government and industry actors to take responsibility for addressing climate change. In Zuidas, merchant bank Kempen has been an IIGCC member since its inception. Valeria Dinershteyn, Responsible Investment Analyst at Kempen, explains how banks might promote sustainable operations: ‘Insight and monitoring is crucial. We measure CO2 emissions in our investment portfolios, for example, and then use the results to carry out additional research. Consequently, we talk to firms, both to raise awareness and encourage them to reduce their carbon emissions.’ Banks and financial service providers usually state their involvement in such initiatives on their websites.

Maartje Oome is communications advisor for Green Business Club Zuidas, a district organization in which businesses work together to launch sustainable initiatives and achieve sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to Maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.​

Text Maartje Oome

• 39

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More information at www.gardenhotel.nl contact 020 570 5655 - Garden.banquet@bilderberg.nl





Come discover our new terrace as of April 1st!​


GRAND REOPENING OF STRANDZUID! In the spring of 2017 Strandzuid will be reopening its doors after a full-scale makeover.

modate groups from 50 to 2,000 people,

Wooden pavilions have made way for a single large complex housing the restaurant and

year round’, says Bram, ‘so the possibilities

a range of event spaces. Amsterdam’s new summer hotspot, Strandzuid is the perfect

are virtually endless!’

place to enjoy a special brew out on the terrace, linger over dinner in the restaurant or host a business gathering in one of the special meeting rooms. It’s a venue with a

Strandzuid will be celebrating its grand

cosmopolitan vibe where you can enjoy that summer holiday feeling, any time!

reopening on 12 May and is open for event bookings from 1 April. You are welcome at the



The spacious restaurant with a generous bar

During the summer months, guests can sit

and modular furniture is situated right along

down to have lunch, drinks or dinner in the

the water, with a large outdoor terrace. Says

restaurant, where the menu features familiar

Bram van Es, commercial director of Unlimi-

seasonal fare prepared with a gastronomic

ted Label, ‘Renovating Strandzuid took two

touch. ‘Strandzuid is set to be one of the


and a half years in all. It was a big underta-

premier event locations in Amsterdam.

Europaplein 22, 1078 GZ Amsterdam

king, but the result is stunning. Throughout

There’s the beach, water, outdoor surroun-

+31 (0)20 639 2589 • info@strand-zuid.nl

the process we enjoyed a very positive

dings and everything is beautifully finished.


working relationship with the municipality,

From Zuidas, Strandzuid is only a short

local residents and RAI Amsterdam.’

walk through Beatrixpark. We can accom-

Text Romy Lange

Strandzuid restaurant from the 3rd of May.

• 41


Elicium Address RAI Amsterdam Elicium Centre

Height 46 m

Europaplein, 1078 GZ Amsterdam

Floors 9

Entrance D

Floor area

Architect Benthem Crouwel Architects

15,195 m2

Building owner RAI Amsterdam

Main user

Completed in 2009

RAI Amsterdam

Zuidas is renowned for its pioneering work in architecture. As it matures into an international quarter of Amsterdam, buildings in Zuidas are shooting up right and left. Amidst all these modern skyscrapers, it may be difficult to imagine that just about 20 years ago this stretch of land connecting the residential neighbourhoods of Zuid and Buitenveldert consisted mostly of tennis courts and football pitches. In this series we zoom in on the architecture of Zuidas. This time we take a closer look at the Elicium building: the main entrance of RAI Amsterdam.

42 •


Elicium is the eye-catching and awe-inspiring

20 meeting rooms, suitable for smaller

• Elicium has four office floors,

heart of RAI Amsterdam. The unique design

gatherings. From the side, the skeleton

accommodating 150 workspaces.

by Benthem Crouwel Architects consists of a

of the building has the shape of a clear

• Twenty kilometres of cabling snake their

transparent low section and a perpendicular

continuous line on its two faces, with a

tower projecting above it. On the street-

shape reminiscent of an open laptop.

facing side both are clad with perforated

way through the building. • The Ballroom alone has a floor area of 2,500 m2.

stainless steel sheets, with only a few thin


strips to set off the windows. The rear and

• Elicium was officially opened in

• Elicium is connected to an underground cold/heat storage facility. During summer

side façades are made of glass; the opaque

September 2009 by former Crown

the building is cooled by cold groundwater,

sections are made of perforated stainless

Prince Willem-Alexander.

while warm water is stored underground to

steel. Floating five metres above the ground, the horizontal part of the building acts as a giant awning over the RAI entrance. Inside this section is the Ballroom: an amazing space that is not supported by columns. Both sides of the Ballroom offer access to the older

• The building’s name is derived from

use for heating during winter. Elicium also

the Latin word Elysium, meaning

has presence detection, a technology that

‘blessed place’.

can tell if there are people present in a space

• The four conference halls can hold a total of 400 people.

and which yields savings of approximately 50% on lighting energy. Elicium also has a

• Elicium has three lifts, two personnel

partial multiple-skin façade and high-grade

parts of the building via spatial walkways.

lifts and one service lift, as well as

insulation. All of these technologies help

Elicium also has four conference halls and

six escalators.

to make Elicium into a low-energy building.

Text Romy Lange

• 43

CHINESE NEW YEAR AT GASSAN On 29 January Gassan, Dam Square rang in the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster. Shop displays featured a festive arrangement of designs by Rolex, Chopard, Omega, Longines, Cartier, Choices by DL, Gassan 121 and many more fabulous brands. With the champagne freely flowing, a traditional dragon dance snaked its way across Dam Square, followed by fiery fireworks. It was a dazzling start to the new Chinese year!Â

44 •

Photography Lotte de Graaf



1O 9


8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O

Last year, the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force conducted its second mobility survey, aimed at gaining insight into perceptions about the accessibility of Zuidas. Survey participants could also indicate their reasons for preferring particular modes of travel. The results offer a wealth of suggestions from commuters on how local accessibility can be improved. The organizations united in the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force are also testing a possible mobility solution: The Zuidas Pass. ZUIDAS COMMUTERS SATISFIED

sources of frustration. Suggested improve-

and from Zuidas, to make use of another

Participants in the 2016 Zuidas Mobility

ments consequently centred mainly on

form of transport or to travel outside rush

Survey gave the home-work commute

changes to infrastructure and the network.

hours. Still in the pilot phase, the pass was

an average score of 7.1. Satisfied public

Other suggestions referred to increasing the

inspired by the GVB I travel Business Card,

transport travellers felt content with the

number of trains and adding more parking.

with mobility options tailored to Zuidas. During the three-month pilot, staff of local

good connections to Zuidas and the ease of travelling between home and work.


employers who currently commute mostly

Both motorists and public transport users


by car, can try out the pass free of charge

are satisfied with travel time and distance.

In January, one of several new initiatives to

and obligation. It is an easy way to discover

Bicyclists view their commute primarily as

curb car traffic in and around Zuidas was

the advantages of choosing public transport

a positive, healthy activity. Less satisfied

launched in the form of the Zuidas Pass, part of

over, or alongside driving to Zuidas.

commuters cite congestion, both on the

a programme to ‘Keep Zuidas Accessible’

road and within the public transport system.

and aimed at facilitating, stimulating and

If you want to know more about this initiative

Gridlock and parking problems are major

enticing 3,000 car commuters to travel to

mail Katja Amelink at K.Amelink@Amsterdam.nl.

Text Romy Lange • Photography GVB

• 45




Zuidas is becoming an increasingly popular place to live, as more and more people realize all the benefits of living in this part of Amsterdam. Read what the locals say!

PIETER BAKKER – ENGINEERING ARTWORK PROJECT MANAGER AT BAM Living in Summertime since mid-2016 ‘I’ve been living in Summertime for six

is a drawback. Finding a space along the

months now and am very pleased with

street is tough. You’ve got to wonder how

my place. It’s a a pleasant building on

that’s going to work when so many more

a terrific location. The high ceilings are a

people come to live here. The best thing

great feature of this place. They are three

about Zuidas? The urban feel, the skyscrapers.

metres in height and make the apartment

Here you find yourself at the very centre,

airy and light. Now all we need Zuidas to

with the motorway and public transport

become a little livelier. Lots of residential

within reach, while the Amsterdamse Bos

buildings are currently going up, so I’m

is also nearby. And Zuidas has a chic image.

hoping for more nightlife and bustle during

It may not feel like a neighbourhood yet,

weekends. Apart from that, local parking

but that will change.’

Text Merel Boudrie • Photography Davien Hulsman

'The best thing about Zuidas? The urban feel, the skyscrapers.'

• 47

CREATIVE STREETWISE ENGAGED Certified real estate agents specialized in sale & lease of new and existing development and appraisals Eefje Voogd Makelaardij is a real estate agent dedicated to special properties, unique people and one-of-a-kind clients. For them, we’re happy to go the extra mile. Contact us with no obligation to learn what we can do for you.

EEFJE VOOGD MAKELAARDIJ BV (Located in Zuidas) Parnassusweg 201 - 1077 DG Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 - 30 50 560 www.eefjevoogd.nl info@eefjevoogd.nl


SIDONIE KLABOU – MASSEUSE AND SHIATSU THERAPIST Living in New Amsterdam since September 2014 ‘Around ten years ago I came to visit a friend

and sunsets vary every day. That’s a perk of

who was living in New Amsterdam. Then and

living up high – from here, you can see the

there, I said, “If I ever move house, this is the

horizon; in the city, you can’t. There’s also a

place to live.” And so I did! Though it could

special vibe that comes with Zuidas being in

do with more greenery, living in Zuidas feels

a business district. At lunchtime it’s teeming

to me like a breath of fresh air. You can see it

with people, and then a short while later

developing, coming alive. From my place on

there’s not a soul to be seen. As an added

the 14th floor I can see those Dutch skyscapes,

bonus, the Market 33 food court and a great

storms and rain racing by. And the sunrises

gym called Clubsportive are right next door.’

Text Merel Boudrie • Photography Davien Hulsman

'I said: "If I ever move house, this is the place to live.” And so I did!' • 49




HELPING TO FIND YOUR TEMPORARY HOME IN THE NETHERLANDS ServicedApartments.nl, which was launched a year ago, is an online one-stop-shop, offering an extensive, nationwide range of various serviced apartments for the corporate market. ‘Our apartments give you the sense of home, paired with the luxury and services of a hotel.’ ServicedApartments.nl is a subsidiary of Corporate Housing Factory, one of the largest suppliers of serviced apartments in the Netherlands. ‘ServicedApartments.nl was set up as a new label to meet the growing demand for temporary accommodation’,

'Wherever their travels take them, people want to experience the feeling of home'

explains Astrid van Zutven, Commercial

GROWTH AMBITIONS For the time being, ServicedApartments.nl focuses mainly on supplying accommodation in the Netherlands, but Astrid doesn’t rule out international expansion in the future. ‘The world’s getting smaller. People think nothing of taking the train to London for a

Desk Manager at ServicedApartments.nl.


project, or flying to South Africa for a week

‘Over 50 partners have joined the platform

The Commercial Desk and its six-person

to attend a conference. And what we see,

since its launch, which significantly expanded

team make up the driving force behind

is that wherever their travels take them,

our portfolio of accommodations; not only

the organization. They deal with all incoming

people want to experience the feeling of

here in Amsterdam, but also in cities all

reservations while also handling marketing

home. That’s where we come in!’

across the Netherlands.’

and communication activities. ‘We’re a small team with big ambitions’, confirms Astrid.


‘Quality and good service form our number

ServicedApartments.nl provides corporate

one priority, and on top of that we are


clients with temporary housing solutions.

known for our speedy responses. We need


All apartments are fully furnished and offer

only one workday searching for the best

+ 31 (0)20-723 3490

services such as WiFi, weekly cleaning and,

solution for every incoming request,


in some cases, access to a health club.

and we're almost always successful.’

Text Christine Spanjaard • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 51

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DICK AND HANNEKE DE BEUS Living in 900 Mahler since October 2016 Dick: ‘We moved to this apartment from

the lack of aircraft noise. It’s like you just

a detached house with a large garden in

see them gliding by. As it happens, our son

Wijk bij Duurstede, so there's a pretty big

Menno is a pilot and we have an app that

difference, but we feel completely at home

tells us exactly when he’s passing by, so we

here. You can see the area evolving, with more

can watch him land his aircraft at Schiphol

restaurants and shops opening all the time.

right from our balcony.’

The only drawback is that things kind of

Dick: ‘What surprised us most was our

deflate during weekends, but that will

view of the surrounding buildings. In the

change in time. Also, I think it’s important

evening, it looks a like a glittering canvas.

to cherish the few green spaces we’ve got.’

There's marvellous architecture to be

Hanneke: ‘We were pleasantly surprised at

found in Zuidas.’

Text Merel Boudrie • Photography Lotte de Graaf

'What surprised us most was our view of the surrounding buildings'

• 53


'What’s best about Zuidas? The energy. It’s dynamic.'

PETRA TIEL – PUBLIC AFFAIRS MANAGER AT VNO NCW WEST Living in Summertime since mid-October 2016 ‘I’d lived in the Schinkelbuurt area for 18 years,

of the house is good; it’s dry, clean and large.

space goes, Zuidas has lots of potential.

when there came a point at which I wanted

But it’s not a proper neighbourhood yet.

Planters with shrubs or flowers and some

to move from an old building to a new-build

Back at my old place I was surrounded by

benches would give it a more friendly feel,

complex. I went to an open house event at

people as soon as I walked out the front

even during the quiet weekends. What’s best

the Summertime building and was amazed

door. Here, it’s different. Fortunately,

about Zuidas? The energy. It’s dynamic.

at its size and height. It didn’t take me long

the Beethovenstraat and Amstelveen high

In a year, things will be totally different.

to decide! Living in Zuidas is great. The quality

streets are around the corner. As far as public

That makes it interesting.’

Text Merel Boudrie • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 55


Febe Verelst, Mariska Meijer, Eline Nauta & Rosanne Nieuwelink

Cecile Post & Rafaëlla Wiertz

Klaartje, Riet, Margot, Sam, Thijs & Rinse

Joep Hulshof, Jildert Kuiken, Jordi de Vries & Sander Eshuis

VALENTINE’S DAY IN AMSTERDAM 11 February 2017 @ De Nieuwe Poort

Ojas de Ronde & Alicia Vera Garcia

• Young professionals and seniors enjoyed a day out together • After lunch and brief introductions, the couples set off to their activities in small groups • Afterwards there was a chance to chat over drinks • Mixed age matches made for plenty of interesting conversation and insights • This edition was another smashing success! Ginette & Thijs Visser

Deli Wolf & Febe Verelst

Susanne, Willy Bal & Lisa​

56 •

Irene, Lisette & Daan

Anne van Berkel & Lianne Schimmel

Wil & Jildert Kuiken

Photography Davien Hulsman

Hello Zuidas welcomes

the following new members COMPANY RESTAURANT HET BOSCH • SECTOR RESTAURANT • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 9 Link with Zuidas: Are we in or on the outside of Zuidas? In, of course! Het Bosch is where Zuidas begins! Since 1980 we’ve been serving the best district of Amsterdam. We’re a popular business lunch venue, but others may not know us yet. High time we got acquainted! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Het Bosch is simply a part of Zuidas. Lots of Zuidas companies use our lunch and dinner facilities and host their meetings at our Waterfront Lounge overlooking the lake. COMPANY THE BARN BV • SECTOR CATERING, ORGANIC FAST FOOD • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 10 Link with Zuidas: The Barn is a new, casual restaurant for fast food and take-away. Here everything is made from ingredients that are100% organic. We also use all organic, biodegradable disposable containers and prepare everything fair, fresh and on-site in our open-plan kitchen. Customers can use our app to order in advance. We’re fast, cheap, healthy and very delicious! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: The Barn builds its philosophy on collaboration. That applies to our suppliers, but also to other businesses. We want to grow the pie together with others, by sharing knowledge and experience. Hello Zuidas is the perfect platform to do just that. COMPANY ZIBR • SECTOR INTERNET AND SERVICES • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 8 Link with Zuidas: The free ZIBR app is a convenient tool to order products from all the best shops and suppliers, carefully selected for customers here in Zuidas. We arrange pick-up and delivery services for anything, ranging from dry cleaning to car-washing, birthday cakes, bouquets – you name it! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas is a great initiative that brings people together; ZIBR is based in Zuidas and wants to offer local convenience. Becoming a part of the Hello Zuidas community feels like a logical step ahead. COMPANY DUDOK PATISSERIE • SECTOR PÂTISSERIE, SWEET AND SAVOURY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 6 Link with Zuidas: We’ve just opened our doors on the ground floor of UN Studio, at Claude Debussylaan 269. We deliver cake and other tasty treats fresh to your office! Or you could visit our shop, where you can relax and get some work done or meet with clients. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Zuidas feels like a community, and Hello Zuidas offers a way for us to help each other out and to network, and to make working, collaborating, living and visiting here much better and more enjoyable. COMPANY LIBRT - LAB FOR INTELLIGENT BUSINESS RULES TECHNOLOGY • SECTOR CONSULTING, TRAINING AND AUTOMATED DECISION-MAKING • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 3 Link with Zuidas: Zuidas is known as the Dutch centre for finance and law. Both deal with rule compliancy and decision-making. LibRT specializes in rules. We take a logical perspective on rules: are they complete, consistent, fit to computerize and easy to maintain? Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We love the place where we work and live, we like to be connected and we believe our knowledge of rules for traffic management, decision-making and governments may help Hello Zuidas communicate with its stakeholders.




Hello Zuidas

• 57


DTNG. LIVE IN ZUIDAS Sick of swiping and chatting your time away on online dating apps? DTNG. is an exclusive (yet affordable!) matchmaking service for grads living in Amsterdam. DTNG. offers a network of people with good jobs and lovely friends, from which matches are made that are based


on personal interviews. Interested to learn more? Check them out at DTNG.nl or stop by

Last December a magical light

any time at Spaces Zuidas.

installation promoted the efforts of the Emma children’s hospital support foundation. Local retailers


and restaurateurs helped to raise


funds and businesses were invited

Holland has added five newly starred

to donate. Together, they brought

restaurants to its culinary map, one of

in a grand total of €4,100! These pro-

which is Bolenius, right here in Zuidas.

ceeds will go to fund the construction

This puts Amsterdam at a total of 21

of a new IC Neonatology department

Michelin stars. The stars were announced

as well as scientific research.

and handed out at DeLaMar Theater.

One out of every seven babies is

Congrats to Bolenius on this

born prematurely. They deserve all

brilliant accomplishment!

the love and care we can give them.

COLOUR IN ZUIDAS Inside the head office of Akzo Nobel Amsterdam in Zuidas you'll find an art collection that’s free and open to the public. Pop into the Art Space during your lunch break, and get inspired! PS AkzoNobel has a mission to inject more life and colour into urban centres and communities. Did you know that AkzoNobel is the supplier of Flexa? They’ve developed a very useful app called Flexa Visualizer. What’s set to be the hottest colour in 2017? Denim Drift!

NATURAL REFLECTION Want to enjoy some fresh air and meet outside Zuidas for a change? Studio Botshol is tucked away in a nature reserve surrounded by the green pastures of the Groene Hart region. It’s a world away, yet just a stone’s throw from the city. And it’s the perfect location for meetings, presentations and workshops suited for groups both big and small. Curious? www.studiobotshol.nl

58 •


Members Hello Zuidas • March 2017 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77.

900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) ABN AMRO Accendium Accenture Adaptics À Deauville AkzoNobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI Amsterdamse Bos APG Arcadis Art Zuid ASEGA Legal ASEGA Media Asunaro Holland Interplan AVIS BackWERK Zuidas Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Beheermij WTC Amsterdam Being Development Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam Bilfinger Real Estate Blue Boat Company BOEKEL Bolenius Bouwens& Boyden Global Executive Search Breevast Broersma Nieuwbouw Bristol Global Mobility Europe Bushwick Caffè Belmondo CBRE B.V. citizenM Club Sportive Colliers International Consultants CompaNanny Corporate Housing Factory Cosmo Hairstyling Crowne Plaza A’dam South D&B The Facility Group De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Hypotheker Deloitte De Nieuwe Poort Distinctly Different Domeco Development B.V. Dudok Patisserie Edelman Eden McCallum Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eigen Haard Element Hotel ENGIE Euro CCP Euroinfra Expatcenter Amsterdam EY Fam. Advocaten Financial Offices Flexform Amsterdam Fortron B.V. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Fris Makelaars G&S Vastgoed Gentlemen’s Place Gerrit Rietveld Academie Grand Café Mahler Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Greenwheels Gustav Gym Gustavino GVB

78. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 79. Hago Nederland B.V. 80. Handelsbanken 81. Health & Therapy Centre 82. Hestia Kinderopvang 83. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 84. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 85. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 86. Houthoff Buruma 87. INBO 88. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 89. JLL 90. Kardan 91. Kempen & Co 92. Kenko Kitchen 93. KinderRijk Dagopvang 94. Koetjes en Kalfjes 95. Legal Issues 96. Lexence 97. Liander 98. Loyens & Loeff 99. Lunshof Makelaardij 100. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 101. Made in May 102. Markit 103. Market 33 104. MBO College Zuid 105. Mech Make & Take 106. Miles Building 107. Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas 108. MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. 109. Multicopy A’dam WTC 110. Nationale Postcode Loterij 111. NDI ICT Solutions 112. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 113. Nedstede Real Estate 114. NEWNRG 115. NH Amsterdam Zuid 116. Nicolaas Lyceum 117. NL Real Estate 118. Novotel Amsterdam City 119. NS 120. NVD Beveiligingsgroep 121. Oliver’s 122. Openbare Bibliotheek 123. ORAM 124. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 125. OVG Real Estate 126. Partou Kinderopvang 127. Pathé 128. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 129. Platform Beter Benutten 130. PRISM Amsterdam 131. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 132. Property NL B.V. 133. Provast 134. Puramis Consultancy 135. Qbic Hotels 136. Q-Park Nederland 137. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 138. Ravel Residence 139. Regus 140. Restaurant het Bosch 141. Restaurant Nine 142. RGA International Reinsurance 143. Rivers 144. Rob Peetoom 145. Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc 146. RoyalCast 147. Russell Reynolds Associates 148. Savills Amsterdam 149. SCOR Global Life SE 150. Season-Flowers 151. Securitas 152. SLFMD Tailoring 153. Spaces 154. Speakeasy Inc.

155. Spine Health Incompany 156. Spirit Hosting & Promotions 157. Stadsdeel Zuid 158. Stella Agency & Academy 159. Stibbe 160. St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam 161. Summertime 162. Sushi Time 163. Symphony’s 164. Taalcentrum - VU 165. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 166. Taylor Wessing 167. Tax Consultants International 168. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 169. The Bank of New York Mellon 170. The Barn 171. The Basket 172. The Bikevertising Company 173. The Change Agent 174. The Harbour Club Café 175. The Office Operators 176. The TailorMates 177. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 178. TopJobs Consultants 179. TREC 180. Trigion 181. Triple Ace 182. Urban Salad 183. Valid Express 184. Vesteda 185. VimpelCom 186. Visser Communicatie 187. Vistra 188. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 189. VU Medisch Centrum 190. VU University Press 191. Wagamama 192. Webster University 193. Wieringen Prins 194. Wineboutique & Spirits 195. Wintertaling 196. Wonam 197. Worldeye Amsterdam 198. WTC Amsterdam 199. WTC A’dam Business Club 200. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 201. Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) 202. Your Assistant 203. Zibr 204. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 205. ZuidasTravel.nl 206. Zuidschans 207. Zwaan II

COLOFON FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS Strawinskylaan 61, 1077 XW – Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media & Communication Gustav Mahlerplein 2 (Viñoly Tower, Zuidas) 1082 MA – Amsterdam Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 799 7413 • +31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl • www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales Bob Oostelbos Sales executives Romy Lange, Odette van der Veeken, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer Mieke Verberkt • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors Romy Lange, Kiki Dröge, Kika Samsom, Merel Boudrie, Ruben van Zwieten, Christine Spanjaard & Maartje Oome Photography Davien Hulsman, Jesse Kraal & Lotte de Graaf Editorial advisory board Sasja Albersen, Kenneth Goedhart, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk & Bob Oostelbos Interns Merel Boudrie Thanks to Josja van der Veer, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Kroonenberg Groep, Maarsen Groep, Property NL, Ruben van Zwieten, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, PropertyNL, Dianne Kroezen, Ruth Jansen, advocatie.nl, RAI Amsterdam, Amsterdam Food Experience & ServicedApartments.nl Printed by Gianotten Printed Media Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition 20.000 copies Circulation It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright © 2017 ASEGA Media & Communication. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

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