Hello Zuidas #14

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Ilse van de Veer, van de Veer Dentists - Zuidas

“We know all the ins and outs of running a business in Zuidas” LIVING IN ZUIDAS SPECIAL

‘Zuidas is a dynamic place and that appealed to us; it has a cosmopolitan feel, it’s vibrant and there’s always something to do’

MOBILITY IN ZUIDAS We make the first move KIRSTEN VAN DEN HUL Staying Zen after summer ZUIDASDOK Who will be selected?


Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

To live or not to live in Zuidas The editorial team of Hello Zuidas has its office

different outlook on living in Zuidas and the

in the UNStudio Tower in Zuidas, and with so

question of desirability may be easily answered.

many homes being built right on our doorstep,

Living here will be right as rain.

the question often arises: would you like to live here, yes or no? Those who go in for architecture

This issue of Hello Zuidas includes an extended

and comfort don’t need to think long. For them,

feature on living, zooming in on everything being

Zuidas is a veritable paradise. Those who have a

built here. We also asked four households to

busy social calendar and like to be at the centre of

share their experience of living in the business

things, still find the Zuidas threshold to be too high.

world of Zuidas, and we are pleased to present their profiles in this issue’s special. The cover

I’m quite sure that buying a flat in this area is a

features Ilse van de Veer, who set up her dental

great investment. The location is perfect, and the

practice in Zuidas nearly three years ago and

homes are luxurious and new, which means

who talked to us about doing business in this

that maintenance can be kept to a minimum.

area. Who are her clients and how does she see

Creating a fully functioning residential neighbour-

Zuidas five years from now?

hood takes time and patience. And it’s because of

P.S. The next issue of

this that some ingredients are still missing.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading this fourteenth edition

Hello Zuidas is scheduled

Five years from now people will have a very

of Hello Zuidas!

for the 2nd of September

If you’re planning on sticking around this summer, there’s plenty to do in and around Zuidas! In July, there’s the Beach Volleyball Grand Slam on Mahlerplein. In August, during the Grachtenfestival, there’ll be music sounding from every Zuidas square. Plus, there’s the World Rowing Championships at the Bosbaan and the annual programme of woodland theatre performances around the corner in Amsterdamse Bos. Visit Europaplein to see the latest sculptures by Guillaume Bijl and the Amsterdam EXPO to experience The Art of The Brick. For the full summer programme, check out the calendar in the centre of this magazine or visit our website www.hellozuidas.com. Enjoy your summer! Olivier Otten, Managing Director of Hello Zuidas






Index 07. News Flashes Zuidas 08. Ilse van de Veer – Van de Veer dentists ‘Right off, Zuidas felt like a really good fit, with lots of growth potential’ 12. Property 14. Trending Topics 15. Column: Kirsten van den Hul Staying Zen after summer 16. Hello Zuidas | Public Space Six new guests 18. Zuidasdok Who will be selected? 21. Business Travel 2.0 22. VU Campus renewal takes shape 24. Finance 27. The added value of Christie’s International Real Estate

28. Hello Zuidas | Agenda 33. Hello Zuidas | Sustainability Available at Bolenius: salad made with Zuidas veg 34. Hello Zuidas | Mobility ‘We make the first move on mobility’ 36. Hello You 39. Hello Zuidas | Public Space Coming to Zuidas: Business Walk of Fame 40. Special: Living in Zuidas 44. G&S Vastgoed 46. Bouwfonds Ontwikkeling 49. Kroonenberg Groep 50. Bouwinvest & AM 53. Memo board 54. Hello Zuidas | New Members

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.


Will your company th be our 150 member? Hello Zuidas is always looking for organizations to become involved in the development of Zuidas. We strive for a prime location, lively community, great accessibility, high quality public space and a sustainable environment. Do you share our objectives? Become engaged as a new member company of Hello Zuidas. You will be noticed!



News Flashes

MOTEL ONE: SUSTAINABLE BUDGET DESIGNER HOTEL Across from the RAI convention centre on Europaboulevard, builders are hard at work on a unique new budget designer hotel. COD is developing this threestar hotel for the German Motel One chain. ‘Our bid won the tender issued by the Zuidas Development Office two years ago. The plan is to combine modern design with highly sustainable features and use of durable materials. We’re proud that our design for Motel One – which will be the first in the Netherlands – has been awarded a BREEAM-NL Excellent certificate,’ says COD Director Gert-Wim Bos. This highly sustainable hotel, offering 315 rooms plus 1,000 m2 of commercial space, will be completed in the spring of 2015.

SPARK CHILDREN’S CAMPUS: ALL ON ONE With the fast-growing number of children in Zuidas, the arrival on De Boelelaan of the SPARK Children’s Campus, an ‘integral children’s centre’ (IKC in Dutch), for children aged 0 to 12, marks a very welcome addition to the area. A special feature of this IKC is that instruction will be bilingual: the children will be taught in Dutch and English. Amsterdam Zuid Urban District Project Manager Albèrt Duyst: ‘From as early as August, we’ll be able to start with four groups in a new building, which can be found to the rear of the BL46 sports centre. The sports centre will subsequently be demolished to make way for Phase 2 of the IKC, which includes additional classrooms and a gymnasium.’

Phase 2: Fact Architects and Hund Falk Architecten

STUDENT RESIDENTIAL EXPERIENCE At the end of this year, Zuidas will be welcoming 800 new residents. On the corner of De Boelelaan and Antonio Vivaldistraat work is currently underway on Ravel Residence: a modern student residential complex offering 800 independent units. Director of Student Experience Johan Verweij explains: ‘This is more than just a place to live; it’s also a place to study, relax, work and to get together. Facilities include study rooms, a jobs agency and a GP’s office, along with a café and sports field on the roof. In a word, Ravel Residence is about experience.’ Students can arrange their entire registration online on: www.studentexperience.nl.


Map of the situation from 5 to 18 July

During a six weeks’ period, starting from 5 July, works will be carried out on the intersection of Parnassusweg and Peter van Anrooystraat. The road will remain open to all traffic. According to Cees Bruijns, the project’s technical leader: ‘We’ll actually be carrying out three projects simultaneously: one is repositioning the water mains for Zuidasdok, the second is laying district heating pipes and the third one involves construction of a sewage system. We specifically chose to carry out all the work at once to avoid repeated traffic disruptions at Parnassusweg. Moreover, as there’s always less traffic in summer, we can ensure minimal disruption.’ To learn more about the Zuidas district, visit our website: www.zuidas.nl. Want to stay up-to-date? Sign up to receive the Zuidas Newsletter, on www.zuidas.nl. If you have any tips for the editorial team, email them to: hellozuidas@asega.nl


Ilse van de Veer runs her own dental practice in Zuidas


“We know all the ins and outs of running a business in Zuidas” Ilse van de Veer runs her own dental practice in Zuidas – Tandartspraktijk Van de Veer – situated on Gustav Mahlerplein, on the ground floor of the Django building. The practice, founded by Ilse and her father, who is also a dentist by profession, employs four dentists and three dental hygienists. Having worked in Zuidas for more than two years, Ilse knows all the ins and outs of running a business in this area. Though she has strong suggestions for improvement in Zuidas, she sees a bright future ahead of her. What made you decide to relocate your

Where in Zuidas would you like to see more

practice to Zuidas?

effort made to liven things up ?

We had a practice on the first floor of a building on Apollolaan

From an international viewpoint, it’s obvious that at locations

in Amsterdam’s Southern district. Because our office wasn’t

like this, with spectacular architecture and a huge employment

visible enough, we were scarcely getting any new clients.

rate, there’s a bigger focus on public space. Take Gustav

Working there just wasn’t dynamic enough for me. I was eager

Mahlerplein, for example. If it were up to me, I’d install a

to move the practice to a new location that had more energy,

beautiful big fountain – that makes a place more appealing.

but was still near our old office on Apollolaan. I started looking

I also think these secluded spots deserve more attention.

around in Zuidas, after a tip from a client of mine who works

Extend Gustav Mahlerplein right the way through to our

here. Right off, the place felt like a really good fit, and I could

practice and our end gets more integrated with the whole.

see lots of growth potential for our practice. Plus, we didn’t need to say goodbye to any of our clients. We had already decided

There’s currently a big residential project underway

we wanted a location in a ground-level retail and office block.

next door to your practice. Do you expect to be

We wanted to be visible. Fortunately, there were lots of spaces

registering the new tenants?

available, so there was plenty of choice.

Absolutely! We already have a large number of clients from the Symphony tower and the apartments above our office (Django),

Are there many differences between the situation

as well as from the Miles Building and quite a few from

as it is nowadays and what it was like more than

Buitenveldert. It’s clear that once people know you’re here,

two years ago?

they’re quick to register. I expect we’ll reach full capacity within

I’d love for Zuidas to become livelier and attract more people,

the next year, and at that point we’ll extend our opening hours and

but that’s not really happening yet. The opening of the Lex van

offer consultations during the evening as well. At the moment we

Delden bridge has been a significant step forward. Lots more

work from 8am to 5pm. In the future I’d like to do shifts from 7am

people pass by here now, which gave a boost to our online

to 2pm and 2pm to 9pm. Those hours make sense at this location.

registrations. And the recent opening of Tailor Mates, a men’s clothing shop, has also been beneficial to us, as this part of

Would you like to live here?

Gustav Mahlerplein was just slightly off the beaten track.

As soon as I’ve found the place that suits me, definitely!

This is a bit of a hidden corner and so we have to do our best

I’ve already looked at several places here, but personally I prefer

to advertise our presence here. The main activity in Zuidas

a building to be warm and inviting, and I’ve not found that yet.

is focused around the area’s two large central squares. I had

Smaller-scale initiatives could make the environment far more

hoped that things would liven up a bit faster down at our end,

attractive. I’m hoping that the retail and office spaces around

but it will probably take a little longer than we expected.

here will fill up soon, adding more energy and life to the place.

Text Romy Lange | Photography Maarten van de Voort


Ilse van de Veer: “I think that around 60% of my clients work here and around 40% live here.”

What would you advise business owners debating

have to deal with some pretty awful situations. All that finally

on whether to establish here?

prompted me to do dentistry after all. From the day I joined my

Zuidas has all the ingredients to make it a dynamic location.

father’s practice, together with five other specialists, I realized:

I knew that when I came here. There’s a lot going on and there

this is the job I was meant for! In my job as a dentist, there’s

are so many people working here that I have full confidence

less stress and pressure in the sense that I don’t have to deal

in Zuidas’ potential. It just needs time. And that’s something

with life threatening situations. On the other hand, it’s quite

that the local business community and municipality are working

a demanding profession, because you have to be incredibly

on. These are tough times for someone trying to get start-up

focused while working in a very small area, and you have to

funding, and I think some entrepreneurs simply can’t take the

deliver that same focus for every client, all day long. That tends

risk. And some of the spaces are tricky in terms of layout,

to make the job a demanding one. On the other hand, you can

so you need creative vision.

do very well for yourself if you’re self-employed with your own practice, even combined with parenting.

What will Zuidas look like in five years? I’ve thought about that a lot, fantasizing about a situation where

How do you envision the future of your practice?

all the ground floor spaces are let. It would take just one more

I never regretted the decision to relocate to Zuidas, and we’ll

entrepreneur to take the big step, and then everyone would be

definitely stay here. I’m currently working to obtain a qualification

more willing to jump on the bandwagon. While I don’t think we

in orthodontics, so that’s an area our practice is also moving into.

have reached our full potential yet, I’m certain there will be a lot

Of course, that means we’ll need more space, as it will bring in

more warmth and energy here. Not least because of all the new

more clients. I’d like to have a nice, stable foundation here first,

residential properties. Maybe, in time, I’ll even be living in one of

but we’re well on our way!

these complexes myself! I’ll definitely be giving your special living issue a close read.

Ilse van de Veer obtained her degree in Dentistry from ACTA in 2009. She completed a work placement in prosthodontics

Did you always want to be a dentist?

at Columbia University in New York City and wrote her

Not at all! My father’s a dentist too and we opened this practice

thesis on differences in extended treatment plans between

together, but gradually I’ve been taking over from him. We also

the Netherlands and North America. Ilse also has a passion

run another practice in Osdorp. Initially, I had no intention of

for aesthetic dentistry. Since 2009, she has been actively

becoming a dentist. I actually wanted to train as a paediatrician.

working as a dentist with her father Gerard van de Veer

I like to take life as it comes, but as a hospital physician you’re

at their two family practices.

locked into shifts and fixed work schedules. Plus, paediatricians


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ZUIDAS – During the Provada real estate fair, which


took place in June, Amsterdam Municipal Zuidas

ZUIDAS – During the recent Provada real estate trade fair,

Development Office Director Klaas de Boer and

asset management company Bouwinvest and the property

Amsterdam RAI’s Managing Director Hans Bakker

developer AM both signed an agreement for a rental

officially opened the tendering procedure for the

housing project at the top of Zuidas (‘Kop Zuidas’).

construction of a new RAI Hotel. The development of

Based in the eastern section of Amsterdam Zuidas,

the RAI Hotel is part of the RAI Spatial Development

the project comprises 75 private sector rental apartments,

Plan (Ruimtelijke Toekomstvisie RAI), jointly drawn

as well as a parking garage. The apartments will feature

up by the Zuidas Development Office and Amsterdam

3-metre high ceilings and large balconies. According to

RAI in 2011. The envisioned on-site four-star hotel

Bouwinvest, which invests in real estate for institutional

will offer at least 650 rooms. Construction of the RAI

investors, demand for private sector rental housing on

Hotel is slated to begin in mid-2016.

the city’s south side is high.

Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send your property news to redactie@propertynl.com



ZUIDAS – In the first quarter of 2014, a combined 3,017 m2

ZUIDAS – In the Gershwin sub-area of Amsterdam

were leased in the WTC Amsterdam. There were 22

Zuidas, a new housing project with commercial space

transactions in total, including ten with new tenants.

is currently being developed by Goldstar– a joint

The WTC Amsterdam has a total lettable floor area of more

venture of Maarsen Groep and Beheer Brouwershoff.

than 125,000 m2, including 113,000 m2 in office space.

The project comprises some 150 homes on plots 13

The remaining floor space is designated to facilities such

and 15 with commercial facilities on the ground floor

as restaurants, cafés, shops, a meeting and conference

as well as an underground car park. Work is slated to

centre and a wide range of B2B service providers.

start after mid-2016. Up till now, 650 residences have already been built in


Zuidas, and plans are well on track to deliver another

ZUIDAS – Property developer G&S Vastgoed has sold the

2,000 by 2020. In the long term, that number will expand

1000Mahler office building, which is still under construction,

to 8,000-9,000, making Zuidas Amsterdam’s second-

to French haute couture fashion house Chanel. The company

largest residential property location after IJburg.

itself plans to occupy one of the floors. With its multi-million euro French holding company already firmly established in the Netherlands (in Zoetermeer), Chanel’s arrival here proves once more that Zuidas is hot property among foreign investors. Moreover, it is seen as an attractive location for international companies that have their headquarters in the Netherlands. Clearly, investors are willing to shell out hefty sums on this property market.

Photography Ingrid Arnou



Trending topics Quote @Quotenet Exclusief: Modehuis Chanel koopt kantoorgebouw ‘1000 Mahler’ op de Amsterdamse Zuidas | Daniel van der Ree @danielvanderree Fraaie cover duurzaamheidsverslag #Zuidas | FD Nieuws @FD_Nieuws Zuidas mist deal door mislukken fusie Omnicom en Publicis | Spaces Zuidas @spaceszuidas Get ready for the Urban Golf Tournament on May 15th in Amsterdam #Zuidas organised by @DeloitteNL | Chris Buijink @chrisbuijink Welcome on the #zuidas @EIBtheEUbank! | De Nieuwe Poort @DeNieuwePoort Vanavond zitten de topjuristen van de #Zuidas weer voor je klaar om te helpen bij je juridische problemen #Helpdesk | NortonRoseFulbright @NLegal_NL Zuidas Run 2014 As a team, we came in 14th of the 90 participating teams!!!!! :) Roelof Vlietstra @roelofvlietstra De Zuidas Runners steunden ‘Virtual Reality Lab’ van VUmc Consultants en bankiers de snelste van Zuidas Run | AT5 @AT5 Stroomstootwapenfabrikant Taser opent en internationaal hoofdkantoor op de Zuidas | NovotelAmsterdamCity @NovotelAdamCity NIEUWS! Vanaf 2 juni hebben we een gratis shuttle bus die van Novotel Amsterdam City naar de Zuidas rijdt en terug :) | Executive Education @RSMexed One day until #RSMebs - #Gender-balanced #leadership: creating value - seminar in #Amsterdam #Zuidas @Dianne_RSM | Ronald Huikeshoven @RonaldHuik Vandaag samen met Holland Property Plaza rondleiding gegeven aan Duitse woningbeleggers @Zuidas. | BAM Groep nv @BAMGroep_NL Bouwinvest en AM tekenen turnkey-overeenkomst 75 woningen Kop Zuidas Amsterdam | ProtestantsAmsterdam @protestants020 Straatvoetbaltoernooi 2014 #zuidas. Advocaten, bankiers etc vormen team met scholieren verschillende (VMBO) colleges | Tim van de Laar @Timvdlaar Straks presentatie geven over innovatieve fietsparkeeroplossingen bij amsterdam zuid / zuidas op Kennisdag Ruimtelijke Sector. #kdrs | Sebastiaan Capel @sebastiaancapel Nu nog verpakt, maar straks onthuld. Beelden van Guillaume Bijl geven identiteit aan plein RAI #zuidas | Vitale Groene Stad @VitaleGroenStad In Amsterdamse zakendistrict de #Zuidas zijn 50 hanging baskets geplaatst. Dit is betaald uit het #GroeifondsGroen | bulls and bears @bbeag_nl Duurzame (ook vega) burgers uit een container op #WKKippen zon op de #Zuidas bij Bulls&Bears. Crowdfunding! | Vastgoedmarkt @vastgoedmarktnl Vermilion huurt 1.100 m2 kantoor op Zuidas | El Lengkeek @baronetje #INN010 Amsterdam krijgt exporuimte Zuidas die met een 3-D printer wordt gemaakt. 700 vierkante meter. In 2016 geprint... | WOMEN Inc. @WOMENInc Artikel in @FD_Nieuws over onze expertmeeting & wetsvoorstel @keklikyucel: “Maak salarisverschillen openbaar” | Jeroen Zweers @zweers Mooie storyteller Ruben van Zwieten predikant op de Zuidas #ingwk Rollecate Groep @RollecateGroep Statusupdate project #Deloitte-AKD te #Amsterdam #zuidas. #G&SBouw @OVGRealEstate @OeverZaaijer. Schiet mooi op! | Ronald M.Offerman @RonaldOfferman nog twee dagen dan is de uitslag van de “1ste zuidas international school poetry competition,” | Juice&Salad Café @JuiceSaladCafe Onze mega-coole zeecontainer gaat morgen voor het eerst open op de Zuidas! #streetfood

YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS: www.facebook.com/hellozuidas @HelloZuidas For employees of companies that are member of Hello Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link to Hello Zuidas as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app that allows you to flip through the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com FREEWIFI Hello Zuidas on Mahlerplein & Zuidplein


Staying Zen after summer All our sweetest hours fly fastest, the Roman poet Virgil once

their desks again at 6am sharp. Busy, busy, busy! ‘Well, it’s

said. I find this to be particularly true during a well-deserved

all part of the game, isn’t it?’, a clearly exhausted banker once

summer holiday. Waking up whenever you want, wearing

told me, iPhone in hand, whilst pouring himself another coffee.

whatever you want, doing whatever you want – or simply

‘The higher you climb, the faster you run!’

doing nothing at all. Is it really all part of the game? Do we simply accept as a fact Not that it’s easy to achieve that dolce far niente state of mind.

that our country is run by people who are chronically tired?

I first have to get rid of my workaholic habits. During the first

Driving under the influence of alcohol is a no-no, but working

week of my holiday, I usually still wake up at 6 or 7, reaching for

under the influence of stress is, apparently, the most natural

my phone to check my email. Then, slowly but surely, after a few

thing in the world.

days of stress detox (no deadlines, no email, no calls) I finally manage to get into holiday mode.

We suffer from an epidemic of what James Gleick, author of the book Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything, calls ‘hurry

But how to stay Zen after summer? Usually, I manage to keep

sickness’. ‘Our computers, our movies, our sex lives – they all

things cool for about a week before slipping back into the rat

run faster now than ever before. And the more we fill our lives

race. So this year, I’m going to do things differently. I’m going

with time-saving devices and time-saving strategies, the more

to take long lunch breaks. I will not let deadlines run my life.

rushed we feel.’

When people ask me how I’m doing, I will refrain from saying, ‘Incredibly busy, gotta run!’ but instead answer, ‘Great, and

I don’t know about you, but I’m done feeling rushed.

how about you?’ In other words, I will stop wearing stress like

Done with deadline stress. Done with eating at my desk.

a badge of honour.

And most of all, I’m done with the notion that successful people must be sleep-deprived. I say we change the rules

Zuidas is full of them: real-time machos, living in the fast lane,

of this game in Zuidas. Will you join me? Let’s all try to

bragging they were burning the midnight oil and back behind

stay Zen after summer.

Kirsten van den Hul speaks, writes and works on the crossroads of culture, communication and change. She works as an independent change agent for Dienst Zuidas, and writes a weekly column for Dutch daily AD. In 2011 she was appointed as UN Women’s Representative. Her motto: “Without change no butterflies”. For more information, visit www.thechangeagent.nl, or follow @thechangeagent on Twitter.



Europaplein welcomes six new guests! Since 6 June you may have noticed some changes at

and the architecture of the Amsterdam Zuid district. In initiating

Europaplein, the square facing the RAI exhibition and

this project, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office went in

convention centre. The square has become home to six

search of a contemporary artist whose work fits in with the tra-

enormous statues, including a giant and a giantess,

ditions of the early 20th-century Amsterdam School. Their search

two illusionists and two stiltwalkers. These statues,

ended when they found Belgian designer Guillaume Bijl. He intends

that display characteristic features of popular culture

for his statues to engender an atmosphere of frivolity: 'Placing

such as vaudeville and street theatre, range in height

these brightly coloured statues on consoles transforms them

from 4.5 to 7.5 metres.

into monumental sculptures, creating a contrast with the monotonous background and severe lines of the RAI and its


surroundings.' Bijl's 'Festive Sculpture Series' expresses his

Mounted on consoles outside the entryways to the RAI complex,

vision of Amsterdam RAI as a festive meeting place for trade

the statues are intended to link the square with the RAI buildings

fair participants and visitors.



Belgian designer Guillaume Bijl

UNVEILING CEREMONY On 6 June the statues were unveiled during a festive gathering, which was attended by hundreds of guests. Television presenter Cornald Maas and Amsterdam Zuid Urban District Executive Chair Sebastiaan Capel were among those on hand to celebrate this special event. The ceremony featured a variety of acts, including a rap performance featuring pupils of the St. Nicolaas Lyceum. Ann Demeester, director of the Frans Hals Museum | De Hallen in Haarlem, described the statues as 'threedimensional invitations' to turn every day into a celebration. Text Romy Lange | Photography Marc Dorleijn


Bart van Bussel, contract manager Zuidasdok, and Ingeborg MagnĂŠe, purchasing and contract manager.

Who will be selected? The construction of Zuidasdok presents a complex challenge in terms of design and architecture, for which the project team will appoint a single contractor under a single, integral main building contract, to be effected in 2016. Who that contractor is going to be, will be determined by the tender set to start in the second half of 2014.



contract manager Zuidasdok

Artist’s impression showing a cross-section of the possible layout of the A10 and rail links (train and metro). The current position of the A10 is also shown; this will become a public space.

From their World Trade Center office, Bart

in that information gap.’ In order to maximize

van Bussel, contract manager Zuidasdok,

market expertise, the various Zuidasdok

and Ingeborg Magnée, purchasing and contract

components have been brought together in

manager, look out over the A10 motorway and the

a single design and construction contract.

tracks of Amsterdam Zuid station. Bart indicates

The building contractor – or more likely a

the narrow strip between the mass of infrastructure

consortium – will work out the best solution

and the surrounding buildings. ‘Imagine that

independently, as well as determining how

as a construction site. There’s limited room to

to carry out the work. Ingeborg: ‘Owing in part

manoeuvre. During the building process,

to the limited space, we won’t consider any

everyone has to be able to get from A to B

scenarios in which different contractors each

with ease and be affected by the work as little as

carry out their own bit. Because in that case,

possible. How will you manage that?’ Workable

we’ll have to waste lots of time and energy

solutions, he argues, will require a contractor to

on coordination and synchronization activities,

think hard about building methods, the phasing

thus running the risk of too many local disruptions,

of the work, accessibility and perceptions of

misunderstandings, delays and cost increases.

inconvenience. ‘We’re challenging market parties

We’re asking parties to cooperate as a single

to come up with that solution by engaging them

contractor, with a smart approach to planning

in a competitive dialogue.’

and performance.’



In conformity with the Dutch Procurement Act,

The pace of this tender is faster than is usually

the project will be announced this year on

the case when it comes to large building projects.

TenderNet and in the Official Journal of the

On top of that, the planning procedure will

European Union. The project team will then

be conducted simultaneously. Bart calculates,

invite selected market parties to join the dialogue,

‘This will save us two years’ time, so we can

the first phase of which will whittle the group

award the contract as early as 2016.’ And will

down to three candidates, who will then be

there be enough candidates available?

asked to submit solutions. ‘We’ve explored

Bart isn’t worried: ‘To work on a site right

all the possibilities and weighed the pros and

next to the metropolitan ring road, the third

cons’, says Ingeborg. ‘But the contractors will

largest station in the Netherlands

be starting from scratch. If you want everyone

and to contribute to the country’s main

to start off on an equal footing, you’ve got to fill

area development – it’s a dream project!’

Text Eric Burgers | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


The all-in-one travel solution • Lower per kilometre costs • Fewer expense claims and less admin • A single monthly invoice • Access your travel history online anytime

Save up to 30% on your mobility expenses with the NS-Business Card If you work at or commute to and from Zuidas, the NS-Business Card is your ideal mobility solution, with an array of convenient options and add-ons adapted to your personal travel needs – including everything from public transport to bike and car hire and parking. You can save as much as 30% on your mobility expenses. Order an NS-Business Card starting from € 0.

See ns.nl/zakelijk for details

Business travel 2.0 Businesses established here in Zuidas know they’ve chosen a central and accessible location; one that offers versatile and easy access to the Amsterdam region and the rest of the Netherlands. But with Zuidas’ high density making it increasingly difficult to navigate by car, it makes sense to have a look into the convenience of travelling to work, clients or Schiphol by train. Joost Ravoo, Director of NS Business, fills us in.

TRAVELLING ON ACCOUNT More and more businesses are opting for public transport as

on account, supplemented by season tickets if necessary’,

a matter of course. To make it even more attractive for them,

says Ravoo. ‘That depends on the frequency of travel, of course,

NS has introduced its NS-Business Card. ‘This card is for all

but also on the type of trips they take. Chances are, they may

business professionals’, Ravoo explains. ‘Lots of organizations

save as much as 30%, compared to car travel. Many people

in Zuidas are already using the card because it offers so many

don’t realize that if you commute here by train, there are lots

possibilities. Whereas in the past you were forced to choose

of options for continuing from point A to B within Zuidas.

between different subscriptions, this card allows you to start

Start looking into it and you’ll be surprised by the wide

off with an empty balance and to travel on account throughout

range of possibilities.’

the country by train, metro, bus, tram, public transport bike, Greenwheels car, or taxi. There is even a possibility to park at one of Q-Park’s P+R locations.’

• NS-Business Card holders have direct access to the Audi Shared Fleet. Employees of businesses at Zuidas enjoy exclusive use of six Audi A1 cars.

HUGE SAVINGS IN OVERALL COSTS NS has noted that mobility is a frequently recurring source of problems within organizations. Businesses are experiencing the rising cost of road transport at a time when they are trying to keep their overall operating costs down. To help customers get a good picture of all the possibilities, NS has special account managers to help them make mobility choices. ‘We look at

• Card holders can also hire public transport bikes from the underground bicycle shed at Zuidplein. • The more employees use an NS-Business Card for their business travels, or to commute to work, the fewer parking spaces will be needed at the office. • Taking public transport instead of the car yields cost savings of around 30%, plus a CO2 reduction of 75%.

whether individual businesses can save money by travelling

Joost Ravoo, Director of NS Business

Text Romy Lange


The new building will have considerable impact.

VU Campus renewal takes shape The construction of the New University Building, set to commence this summer, will see VU University Amsterdam embark on the next step of its campus development programme. Occupying a prominent location, the new building will have considerable impact. Josja van der Veer and Franc van Nunen are on the board of the Facilities Campus Organization (FCO; responsible for campus development) and gave us the scoop on the new building. Josja van der Veer: ‘Campus renewal is necessary for us to guarantee modern teaching and research facilities now and into the future. As a place where students and staff come together, the campus has to be welcoming and comfortable. ‘Let’s meet on campus’ is really the key concept guiding this project.’


‘We’re redesigning the public space to have a

Collaboration and coming together are the leading

communal area with facilities like WiFi.

principles for the new buildings’ design and layout

And we’re also amplifying the link with Zuidas,

and facilities, which will include the O|2 lab

physically and substantively. The addition of

building and New University Building. According

various facilities for eateries, sports and

to Franc van Nunen, ‘The whole setup has been

culture – and, farther down the line, housing –

thought through in every detail, in terms of both

will contribute to a dynamic and attractive

individual buildings and how they fit together.

urban environment.’

car-free campus square and a greener outdoor

We’ve specifically opted for buildings that combine a mix of functions, the New University


Building being an excellent example’.

‘The development of the VU Campus is content driven’, Franc van Nunen says. ‘ACTA, O|2, OZW



and Initium already attest to this, with buildings

This campus development project goes beyond

that open up new possibilities for teaching and

just buildings, according to Josja van der Veer.

research. These investments are simply crucial –

Franc van Nunen & Josja van der Veer

not only because some of the existing facilities

‘Let’s meet on campus’ is the key concept.

need to be upgraded, but also given VU and VUmc’s ambitions for research and education, collaboration and sustainability. We’re laying the foundations for multidisciplinary connections, for collaboration within VU and with outside partners in Zuidas, to name an example, and for alliances like those with the UvA and AMC-VUmc.

STAFF AND STUDENT AMBITIONS ‘New building projects always attract their share

achieve their ambitions. With the new research

of interest, but this campus development project

infrastructure and teaching facilities, VU and VUmc

is about something different’, stresses Josja van

will be ready to tackle the challenges of the future.’

der Veer. ‘It’s about creating a teaching and research environment that can help staff and students

Let’s meet on campus!

The New University Building

Construction timeline

Facts & figures

Summer: Removal of all vehicles from site.

• Surface area: 31,000 m


Start of underground car park construction.

• Total floors: 12

Installation of sheet pile walls using a low-

• Architectural team: V Architectuur

vibration method, spanning 6 weeks.

(Jeroen van Schooten) • Sustainability: Exceptionally sustainable

Mid-October: Start of digging work (100,000 m3 of soil, approx. 9,000 lorries full).

building thanks to eco-roof, natural energy

Duration: 3 months. Pouring of the foundation

sources, energy-efficient lighting, optimally

(underwater concrete).

sustainable building materials

Late 2015: Building to rise above

• Car park: Underground garage for approx. 600 cars and 1,350 bikes

Text Edwin Lucas | Photography Caren Huygelen, Team V Architectuur

construction site; superstructure visible. Late 2017: Completion.


Finance Source: Het Financieele Dagblad

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to hellozuidas@asega.nl.



CRISIS STEMS INFLUX OF WOMEN INTO DUTCH BOARDROOMS ZUIDAS – The rise in the number of women professionals

ZUIDAS – Large banks, accounting, consultancy and law

in top-tier positions appears to be levelling out.

firms in Amsterdam Zuidas are banding together to open

In 2013, the share of women on company boards

up jobs for people with disabilities who are still fit to work.

and the next two tiers down was 20.1%, compared to

That includes jobs not only in peripheral areas like cleaning

19.7% the year before. In 2012, that growth percentage

and catering, but also in their companies’ core specialisms.

was nearly three times as high. This is one of the

A letter of intent to this effect was signed yesterday by ING,

findings presented in the annual report, published by

ABN AMRO, EY, KPMG, Stibbe, Houthoff Buruma, Accenture

the Talent to the Top foundation. Chairwoman Gerdi

and others, and witnessed by State Secretary for Social

Verbeet blames the economic crisis, which has

Affairs and Employment Jetta Klijnsma. The companies have

eroded the number of top-level positions and has

yet to fix specific targets for the number of jobs to be made

led executives to stay put for longer. In this climate,

available for people with occupational disabilities.

promoting diversity is simply tougher.



ZUIDAS – Dutch pension provider APG Asset Management

women should be stated in companies’ annual reports,

plans to invest $650 million to gain a stake of around 20%

says PvdA (Dutch Labour Party) MP Keklik Yücel in a

in a Chinese company that develops distribution centres,

new legislative proposal. Men continue to earn more

hoping to tap into the growing domestic consumption

than women, even when their jobs are similar. The gap

and demand for logistics space in China. The developer,

is greatest in the financial services sector. This urgent

Shanghai e-Shang Warehousing Services, will also be

issue was spotlighted during a recent meeting of the

setting up a joint venture with APG to build modern logistics

Women Inc. network in Zuidas. As it turns out,

properties throughout China.

employers often are not even aware of these

ZUIDAS – Differences in salary between men and

differences. ‘Frequently, these differences arise when the job contract is signed– a situation where


men would appear to be better negotiators than

ZUIDAS – Amsterdam Regus, the largest provider of

women’, said a care group spokesman, who was

flexible work solutions, recently took over fellow flexible

surprised by findings of an obvious remuneration gap

office space provider Spaces, according to a report by

within his own organization. Keklik Yücel, who was

PropertyNL. This was confirmed by a Regus spokes-

present at the meeting, insisted it was high time to

person in London. Spaces rents offices in the Rode Olifant

make such differences public.

building in The Hague. In Amsterdam it runs premises on Vijzelstraat, Herengracht and in Zuidas. A listed company, Regus is the world’s largest flexible workspace provider, offering offices at more than 1,500 locations in 600 cities across 100 countries. Over 1.3 million flex workers use its facilities daily. The new alliance will increase the number of Regus locations in the Netherlands from 40 to 55.

Photography Ingrid Arnou


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Ravi Roosblad property agent Christie’s International Real Estate, Amsterdam.

The added value of Christie’s International Real Estate Christie’s established in London more than 240 years ago (1766) by James Christie, the auction house today is a renowned international organization. The Dutch company R365 | Christie’s International Real Estate is a broker specializing in the sale of the Netherlands’ most exclusive residential properties. According to founding director Hans Veenhuijsen, affiliation with renowned auctionhouse Christie’s allows the company direct access to a large pool of affluent potential clients.

INTERNATIONAL The connection with Christie’s facilitates the sale

what we have to offer. There are still people

of exclusive real estate, says Hans. ‘It enables us

around who think we auction off houses,

to make potential buyers aware of specific

but that’s not the case.’

exclusive properties. For example, we can promote unique properties through the Christie’s


newsletter, which reaches a wealthy clientèle of

The type of real estate in the company’s portfolio

around 250,000 around the globe.’

is a cut above that of a traditional estate agent, however. ‘A house has to have a minimum market

Head office


value of one million euros. Besides, it has to meet

contact details

In the Netherlands, Christie’s International

specific quality criteria in terms of architecture,

Herengracht 450-454

Real Estate currently lists around 200 houses

to name an example. Moreover, the location

+31 (0)20 26 10 430

nationwide. Now the company want to expand

has to be good. It really has to have something


their focus to include exclusive real estate in

special’, says Ravi. ‘We’re not the kind of estate

Amsterdam. One channel of communication

agent who takes on everything in the name

R365 Christie’s

will be the new magazine, The Luxury Edition,

of commerce. Some people may worry that

International Real

which will be available at Christie’s auction

they’ll have to win over a selection committee.

Estate has offices

house (Cornelis Schuytstraat 57) and the head

That’s not the case, of course, but the house

in Amsterdam,

office on 450 Herengracht. Ravi Roosblad,

does have to reflect the Christie’s standard.’


the property agent responsible for the company’s

The company is currently keen to add exclusive

Gorrsel and

residential portfolio in Amsterdam, explains:

properties in Amsterdam Zuid and Amsterdam’s


‘This magazine clearly profiles who we are and

canal ring to its portfolio.

Text Jori Spitz | Photography Julie Blik


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam


THROUGH SATURDAY, 12 JULY 2014 Big screen World Cup FOOTBALL @ The Basket Amsterdam Want to catch the World Cup action at the friendliest café in Zuidas? At The Basket we’re showing all Dutch national team matches – and a few others besides – on our big screen! Join us for some world-class football and of course cool drinks and tasty nibbles: www.amsterdam.thebasket.nl.

JULY & AUGUST 2014 Bewust Gezond @ Phisage Beauty & Wellness What’s your health plan for keeping fit and staying in shape for the rest of your life? Bewust Gezond is a health awareness institute with programmes to promote health, boost energy and help you lose weight. Together with Phisage Beauty & Wellness, we’re offering a unique opportunity to take control of your life, improve your health and energy levels and get in shape. For further information, send an email to: info@phisage.nl.


JULY & AUGUST 2014 Register for the DAM Prize 2014 Prove your sustainable business power and enter the running for the DAM Prize 2014! Are you an Amsterdam business owner with a passion for sustainability? Why not register for the DAM Prize 2014 and the chance to win a € 4,000 urban district prize or the € 7,00 city prize. For further information and competition rules, visit: www.amsterdam.nl /damprijs.


‘Meet Van Eesteren in Buitenveldert’ The Van Eesteren Museum is spreading its wings to post-war Buitenveldert with a special programme of walks, cycling tours, excursions and discussions. A guided architectural walking tour, themed ‘Exceptional Buitenveldert’, will be held at 1pm on Sundays 12 and 26 July and 2, 16 and 30 August. The tour departs from Buitenveldert public library. For the full programme, see: www.vaneesterenmuseum.nl.

Enjoy live music evenings @ Crowne Plaza’s Manhattan Terrace Every first Thursday of the month from 6pm till 9pm. Thursday, 3 July: talented jazz drummer Tijnjans and his band (www.tijnjans.com). Thursday, 7 August: band to be announced. Free admission.

JULY & AUGUST 2014 Live jazz afternoons on Thursdays @ De Nieuwe Poort It’s summertime at De Nieuwe Poort. In July and August we’ll be making the most of our outdoor terrace and the long summer evenings, with four live open-air jazz concerts featuring the hottest young jazz talents Amsterdam has to offer, from 4.30pm on Thursdays 3 and 17 July and 7 and 21 August. Plus every Friday afternoon, enjoy delicious wine and food tastings brought to you by our chef de cuisine Marcel Johannes. The De Nieuwe Poort team hopes to see you there! Website: www.denieuwepoort.org.

JULY - AUGUST 2014 Next magazine will be published @ 2nd of September. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 5th of August.

FRIDAY, 11 JULY 2014 SLFMD BAR @ NOOON At the end of the working week, it’s time to relax! Join SLFMD Tailoring downstairs in the WTC at Nooon Wine & Food Bar on Friday, 11 July from 5pm till 7.30pm for refreshments and a glimpse of some of the latest SLFMD garments. Bring your friends and colleagues – everyone is invited! Want to find out more about SLFMD? Visit the website: www.SLFMD.com.

THURSDAY, 3 JULY 2014 Hello Zuidas meeting (members only) @ Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Fred. Roeskestraat 96 11.30am – 2:00pm Hello Zuidas welcomes its members for the annual participants summer lunch meeting. Organized at the inspiring atmosphere of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie we present you our future plans and inform you about the recent Zuidas developments. Presentation by urban strategy consultant Kai van Hasselt. Registration: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

SATURDAY, 12 JULY 2014 Summer Roast @ Old School Amsterdam, Gaasterlandstraat 3-5 On 12 July, Old School (open Thursday through Sunday) will be hosting the third edition of the Summer Roast. This year we’re exchanging the roast pig for another tasty menu fresh from the skewer. Come join us for delicious summer fun! Website: www.oldschoolamsterdam.com.

WEDNESDAY, 16 JULY & THURSDAY, 17 JULY 2014 Beach Volleyball Grand Slam @ Mahlerplein Enjoy two fun-filled, action-packed days of beach volleyball right on Mahlerplein. From 16 through 20 July, the Transavia Beach Volleyball Grand Slam is the place to be for all avid sun, beach, sports and party lovers: enjoy a fantastic summer sports event plus a generous helping of entertainment. Though smaller in scale, this year’s tournament will be offering a great taste of the world championships to come in 2015. Website: www.transaviagrandslam.com. Schedule of Wednesday matches: Group 1: 11.45am - 2.45pm Group 2: 3.45pm - 4.45pm Group 3: 7.45pm - 8.45pm Schedule of Thursday matches: Group 1: 9.45am - 10.45am Group 2: 1.45pm - 2.45pm Group 3: 5.45pm - 6.45pm


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

THURSDAY, 28 AUGUST 2014 FRIDAY, 18 JULY 2014 YIP Zuidas homebodies lunch Relaxing at home this summer instead of packing your bags? Why not liven up your lunch break with the YIP homebodies lunch? YIP Zuidas is a networking organization for local professionals aged 30 and under. YIP is short for Young Interested People – people who enjoy getting together for drinks or lunch every so often to share experiences. Interested in learning more about YIP and the lunch location? Send us an email at info@yip-zuidas.nl.

ORAM Summer Drinks @ Hortus Botanicus 5pm - 7pm No doubt you’re already dreaming about your summer holiday destination, but don’t forget to mark 28 August in your diary, when ORAM will be holding its traditional Summer Drinks at Amsterdam’s Hortus Botanicus. Between 5pm and 7pm you can meet more than 250 entrepreneurs from various sectors and representatives from all levels of government. Register now on www.oram.nl!

FRIDAY, 29 & SATURDAY, 30 AUGUST SUNDAY, 24 AUGUST THROUGH SUNDAY, 31 AUGUST 2014 World Rowing Championships @ Bosbaan, Amsterdamse Bos For the first time since 1977, the Netherlands is hosting the World Rowing Championships this year. This event will see more than 1,000 top rowers from more than 60 countries competing for 27 world titles. But this event is about more than just rowing! Afterwards, fans and rowers will come together to cheer the winners and celebrate. For further information and tickets, visit: www.amsterdamrowing.com.


Wild-harvested dinner with ingredients from Zuidas Chef Luuk Langendijk of Restaurant As is putting together an unusual six-course dinner largely made up of ingredients foraged in nature. What’s more, Luuk has found nearly all his ingredients in Zuidas. They include goat meat and goat’s milk from Amsterdamse Bos, flowers, herbs and walnuts from Beatrix park, honey from the beehives in the restaurant’s own garden, and mitten crabs from traps around Amsterdam. The exact menu will be posted on the As website and Facebook page from August. Adventurous guests can be book now. Website: www.restaurantas.nl.

MONDAY, 1 THROUGH FRIDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER On The Roofff 2014 @ VU University Amsterdam This summer, VU University Amsterdam, the Rialto cinema and the Griffioen cultural centre will be organizing the third annual On the Roofff Festival, when the university will be opening up its roof exclusively for this five-day festival. Visitors can enjoy inspiring feature films, documentaries, interviews with scientists and scholars, as well as enjoy the spectacular vistas across Amsterdam. The theme of this year’s festival is ‘Instilling confidence’. Programme subject to change. For the latest information see: www.ontheroofff.nl.

Agenda Grachtenfestival TUESDAY 19, WEDNESDAY 20 & THURSDAY 21 AUGUST 2014, ZUIDAS GRACHTENFESTIVAL 2014 In 2011, the annual Grachtenfestival (‘Canal Festival’) first came to Zuidas. This fourth edition will include some unique lunchtime concerts. Between 19 and 21 August at 12.30pm sharp, you can enjoy beautiful classical music right on your office doorstep. The concerts are sponsored by the Zuidas Development Office, Hello Zuidas, the Grachtenfestival and Loyens & Loeff. For the full Grachtenfestival programme, go to: www.grachtenfestival.nl.



Nederlands Sax Octet @ Lex van Delden bridge, George Gershwinplein 12.30pm - 1.30pm The Nederlands Sax Octet was founded in early 2013 by a handful of young saxophonists. All of the musicians in the Nederlands Sax Octet are at the start or in the middle of a terrific career, and almost all of them are students or graduates of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (Amsterdam School of the Arts). Featured on the programme is Simeon ten Holt’s Canto Ostinato.

Grachtenfestival @ Loyens & Loeff (participants only) Hello Zuidas participants, Loyens & Loeff clients and the network of the Zuidas Development Office are cordially invited to an exclusive concert by Wishful Singing in the garden of Loyens & Loeff. These five enthusiastic young ladies will take you on a theatrical, musical and magical journey during their performance. Register by sending an email to: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.


WEDNESDAY, 20 AUGUST 2014 Ensemble Judique @ Zuidplein 12.30pm - 1.30pm Violin, cello, clarinet and percussion combine to create a unique instrumental mix. Playing innovative programmes, the Ensemble Judique transports audiences into fascinating narratives. Their aim: to get young listeners into concert halls and to offer mature listeners an innovative musical experience.

Wishful Singing @ the hall of ITO Tower, Gustav Mahlerplein 12.30pm - 1.30pm Wishful Singing is the premier league of female a cappella. With a repertoire that spans the globe, Wishful Singing’s young members run the gamut from meditative Renaissance works to upbeat adaptations of pop classics – always delivered with the ensemble’s characteristic powerful expression and pitch-perfect balance. Website Wishful Singing: www.wishfulsinging.nl.

SUNDAY, 24 AUGUST 2014 Picnic@theOlympic @ Olympic Stadium The Ensemble Ludwig plays a splendid concert on the centre spot of the Olympic Stadium. Bring the whole family for a relaxing Sunday afternoon picnic. Picnic@theOlympic is part of the Grachtenfestival. Website: www.olympischstadion.nl.


Apollo Terrace inspired by LaSirène

Experience the true hospitality of Amsterdam on an unique location in Amsterdam Old-South, where 5 canals come together. Inspired by the cuisine of LaSirène, delicious bites, classic dishes with a modern twist and superb wines are served; which all perfectly matches to the tastes of Summer.

Apollolaan 2 | Amsterdam | www.lasirene.nl

The Baubles Parade by SocialSofa

A Social Return project In September, Baubles Parade by SocialSofa will be bringing its creations to Amsterdam's Museumplein, exhibiting 26 unique Baubles mosaics created specially for this event by talented young designers and renowned artists such as Ans Markus. Their mosaic compositions have been meticulously rendered by the agile hands at Pantar, a company that helps people reintegrate into the labour market. For each Bauble sold, a minimum donation of €500 will be made to SOS Children's Villages. Support SOS Children's Villages with a Bauble purchase of €2,500 or more and generate publicity for your business! As a sponsor, you'll receive maximum exposure at Museumplein in Amsterdam. Date Baubles Parade: 5 september till 5 october.


CHECK OUT OUR NEW LUNCH & DINNER MENU! Restaurant & Cooking NINE Arnold Schönberglaan 9 1082 MJ Amsterdam restaurantnine.nl

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better mortgage deals than banks. Check what you can save at hypotheker.nl

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Luc Kusters & Xavier Giesen

Now available at Bolenius: salad made with Zuidas veg! Last month, restaurant Bolenius officially opened its urban garden. Lettuce, radishes, various types of cabbage and fresh mint – owners Luc Kusters and Xavier Giesen are growing all sorts of greens in the heart of Zuidas. ‘From now on you can order a bona fide Zuidas salad with veg fresh from the “field”. This is healthier and more flavourful’, says Luc. ‘You can really taste the difference!’


in this place is absolutely possible.’ ‘And a

The garden adjoins the Bolenius restaurant.

gardener visits twice a week to tend it’,

‘Before, there were flower containers here,

adds Luc, ‘which has worked out perfectly’.

and thistles of half a metre tall. What a waste! We thought the space would be better suited to a vegetable garden, so we contacted various people to make it happen. All in all, that took around 18 months. Everyone had to have their say, of course’, explains Xavier. ‘We wanted this garden to enhance the quality of our dishes’, Luc continues. ‘Now we pick produce here every day; it doesn’t get any

‘This is a nice showcase for Zuidas, and it proves to people that urban gardening in this place is absolutely possible’

fresher than this.’

There’s still time


to register for the


Last year Luc and Xavier won the DAM Prize

DAM Prize!

‘We’ve gotten some great reactions’, Xavier says.

for the most Sustainable Amsterdam SME.

Don’t wait! Go to:

‘Local residents love the idea and diners request

This year, they’re on the jury to award the 2014


it specially. It’s a nice showcase for Zuidas,

prize. Hello Zuidas supports Bolenius and its

for details.

and it proves to people that urban gardening

sustainable projects.

Text Romy Lange | Photography Wouter van Ierssel



Koos Weits, Renny Kootstra & Marco Mulder

'Employers at Zuidas making the first move on mobility' The results of the postcode survey have come in. This survey was conducted for the second year in a row to produce a clear impression of the travel habits of people who work at Zuidas. The results of this survey, which was initiated by the Zuidas Accessibility Task Force, will be used to maintain as well as improve local workplace accessibility. Hello Zuidas met with Koos Weits, Task Force member and representative for the ORAM employers’ association, Marco Mulder, consultant at the Goudappel Coffeng consultancy and mobility agency that carried out the postcode survey, and Hello Zuidas’ own Mobility project leader Renny Kootstra.






07.00 AM - 08.00 AM

04.00 PM - 05.00 PM


08.00 AM - 09.00 AM

05.00 PM - 06.00 PM


09.00 AM - 10.00 AM

06.00 PM - 07.00 PM

3 4 5

THE TASK FORCE The Task Force was created in 2011 to provide a consultation

he explains. Renny adds, ‘After seeing the results, employers

framework for businesses in which to discuss accessibility

have become eager to invest in mobility management,

at Zuidas. Early last year, they entered into an agreement

for example by promoting the use of regular and electric

with the government aimed at optimizing this framework.

bikes’. Indeed, organizational mobility policies could play a

‘Zuidas is unique in this respect. I know of no other area

key role in bolstering local accessibility. Koos: ‘When a large

where employers are this committed to mobility that they

organization manages the way its employees come to work,

actually sign a joint agreement. This collaboration really

the effects may be considerable.’ ‘For example, if a company

has employers taking charge of this issue’, emphasizes Marco,

has a strict policy on parking and reimburses train tickets,

who has led similar studies at other business locations for

employees will naturally be more inclined to take the train’,

Goudappel Coffeng. Conducted under the supervision of

Renny says.

ABN AMRO and Goudappel Coffeng, and with participants including the RAI, VU University Amsterdam and the Zuidas


Development Office, the postcode survey itself is a model

Perhaps surprisingly, there are also considerable strides yet

example of this collaboration.

to be made when it comes to flexible working arrangements. ‘Studies have shown that the majority of people still commute


during rush hour, and also that 83 per cent are still working at

‘By scrutinizing the survey’s results, we can go in search of

the office four, five days a week’, Marco says. ‘This study has

targeted solutions’, says Koos. ‘The survey helps us see

led me to suspect that flexible working arrangements haven’t

where employees travel from and how and at which times

really caught on here at Zuidas’, Renny agrees. ‘This is certainly

they’re commuting to Zuidas. Last year’s survey revealed

an issue we’ll be broaching with employers’, adds Koos. ‘We’ll

that lots of people from the north of North Holland and

also have to find a way to ensure not everyone travels during

Haarlem travel to Zuidas by car because there’s no direct train

rush hours. Creating a better distribution of traffic could

link. So now we’re lobbying to improve this route’,

achieve a huge boost in accessibility.’

Text Jori Spitz | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


Vera Backer, Rick Louwerse, Manja Rietjens Arjan van der Kooij & Astrid Janssen

Tommy van der Heijden

ZUIDAS RUN Sunday, 25 May 2014 @ Zuidas

Warming Up

• The 6th edition of the Zuidas Run attracted over 3,000 participants. • An annual race, with distances of 4 and 10 miles, this year’s run was themed the ‘Battle of Professions’. • The Zuidas Runners ran in support of the Virtual Reality Lab at VUmc’s Rehabilitation Medicine Department. • Children could take part in their own special Zuidas Kids Run, organized in support of VUmc Kinderstad. • A combined total of € 22,000 was raised for the two charities.

Vera Backer, Rick Louwerse, Manja Rietjens Christiaan Huijg & Astrid Janssen

Tara Steger

Jan Pieter van Schaik

Team Jones Lang Lasalle

Maarten Kroeske

Remko Riebeek

Ingrid Klaassen

David Kamphuis

Kids Run

Leenze le Grand

Philip Galaboff

Like us on Facebook & find more photos in our gallery Party, opening, reception or farewell drink @ Zuidas? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl


Simon den Hartog, Douglas Grobbe & Olivier Otten

Flow Office MBO College Zuid

Frederijk Haentjens en Barbara van Tol

Lies Aris & Ed Bosland

FESTIVE UNVEILING OF RAI SCULPTURE SERIES Friday, 6 June @ Europaboulevard • Six new statues in front of RAI were unveiled during a festive ceremony in early June. • From now on, the square in front of RAI will be enlivened by this giant and giantess, two illusionists and two stiltwalkers. • The statues’ designer is Guillaume Bijl. • Bijl’s ‘Festive Sculpture Series’ expresses his vision of Amsterdam RAI as a festive meeting place for trade fair participants and visitors. • Several hundred people attended this special event. Sebastiaan Capel, Klaas de Boer en Cornald Maas

New statue Europaplein

Left: artist Guillaume Bijl

Rapper Rachid

Sebastiaan Capel & Hans Bakker

Photography Zuidasrun Wouter van Ierssel | Photography Europaplein Marc Dorleijn

Amber van Stijn, Bas Boeker & Christiane Estourchie

The ‘Steltlopers’

Young Students


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Dear Young Professional, Did you hear about YIP Zuidas? YIP is a network for young professionals employed at Zuidas, till the age of 30. The first three events have been a great success! Do you want to join us and want to know more about YIP? Visit our website (www.yip-zuidas.nl) or check our Facebook page! See you next time!

Taalcentrum-VU: the number one Zuidas agency for your international communication needs.


Lucille Werner

Coming soon to Zuidas

Business Walk of Fame The market is seeing huge changes in employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The private business sector is under pressure from government to step up efforts to create jobs for this category, or else face quotas. Yet quotas imply obligation, whereas, according to the Lucille Werner Foundation (LWF), employers should really be thinking in terms of opportunities to tap fresh talent on the labour market. And so LWF is putting its own optimistic spin on the government measures: companies that make an effort to open up jobs for people with disabilities can earn a spot on the Business Walk of Fame in Zuidas!


who are at a disadvantage on the labour market.

Lucille Werner is dedicated to fostering a positive

On 3 December, the first stones for the best

image of people with a physical disability. As the

employers will be unveiled on Claude Debussylaan

only Dutch TV presenter with an obvious disability,

during a ceremony with Mayor Eberhard van der

her vision stems from personal experience.

Laan and others.

The Lucille Werner Foundation (LWF) opens doors and strives to help people with disabilities successfully integrate into the professional

Lucille Werner is dedicated to

community. Thanks to backing from leading

fostering a positive image of

multinationals, the organization has already

people with a physical disability.

helped 150 talented workers find jobs.



The City of Amsterdam has designated Zuidas for

workplace? Or are you a talented professional with

the new Business Walk of Fame. A stone on the

a disability and a great employer? Then visit www.

Business Walk of Fame is a prestigious award for

lwfoundation to find out more. The deadline for

companies that work to open up jobs for people

registration is Wednesday, 3 September 2014.

Text Sixta Finsy-Besseling | Photography Nico Kroon

Are you an employer committed to diversity in the



LIVING IN ZUIDAS Zuidas offers stunning newly built apartments in the highly desirable Amsterdam South district. And Zuidas has more to offer than exclusive penthouses alone, with residential properties spanning the entire spectrum of price, size, location and facilities. Zuidas itself offers an unparalleled location: easily accessible as well as situated at the heart of the ever-popular Amsterdam South district. On one side you’ll find the historic city centre, while the other side features attractive recreation areas like Amsterdamse Bos, Nieuwe Meer and Amstelland. At some 270 hectares, Zuidas covers a large area. And with a total of 8,000 to 9,000 residential properties planned (Zuidasdok included), Zuidas is on its way to becoming one of Amsterdam’s largest residential districts. Until 2020, residential building will be concentrated mainly in the sub-areas of Gershwin (almost 140,000 m2), Kop Zuidas (over 54,000 m2) and Fred Roeskestraat (20,000 m2 to 40,000 m2).

THEO & CHRISTINE CAPEL, BOTH RETIRED Building: Miles building on George Gershwinlaan. They moved two and a half years ago.

WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT LIVING HERE? We’ve got a very large living room. There’s also


an air conditioning system, which makes us

On workdays it’s mostly busy around lunchtime,

really happy. We have a combined underfloor

but during weekends the place is pretty much

heating and cooling system. All this makes a

dead. The Lex van Delden bridge is stunning,

huge difference from our previous house, which

to be sure, but a number of the lampposts around

was certainly picturesque, but intolerably hot

the square were removed and now there’s just

in summer. It should be said though that quite

one great big post with lamps all round right in

a few residents still have complaints about the

front of our window to light the entire area.

system in this building.

We simply can’t understand that no one could come up with a more aesthetic solution.



RUTH JANSEN, OWNER AND FOUNDER OF PHISAGE BEAUTY AND WELLNESS, & EMILE GOVAERT, REAL ESTATE MANAGER AT WTC AMSTERDAM Building: New Amsterdam apartment complex on Gustav Mahlerlaan. They moved three months ago.


so we’re both within walking distance

Zuidas is a dynamic place and that appealed

of our work. Very convenient!

to us; it has a cosmopolitan feel, it’s vibrant and at New Amsterdam were also a big attraction


for us. There’s 24/7 security and we have

We find that there is much to offer in the area at

access to a fantastic swimming pool, a gym

very close range. We’d like to see more restau-

and two saunas. I run a beauty salon in the

rants open at weekends, but the area development

WTC and Emile works at the WTC as well,

plans will be taking care of that!

there’s always something to do. The facilities

Text Romy Lange | Photography Ingrid Arnou




WHY DID YOU MOVE HERE? I’d been looking in and around Amsterdam

except that everyone’s got their own apartment

for the right property to buy for a long time,

and they’re all minding their own business!

but couldn’t find anything that really felt right,

Another nice aspect of living here is that there

untill I visited a show apartment in Symphony

are lots of cosmopolitan people around, who,

towards the end of 2009. I fell in love with the

like us, are internationally oriented.

huge amount of incoming light, the living room the south and west. During clear weather you


can see Utrecht Cathedral to the south and the

We’re happy with all the building activity going on!

dunes on the west coast.

This area can’t get built up fast enough, as far as

of more than 80 m2 and the panoramic views to

I’m concerned, and I hope to see more shops



setting up business here as well, in Zuidas itself

No one realizes how green this area is! Most people

and possibly also at station Zuid. I’ve noticed

have no idea how close it is to the Amstel, Gijs-

that the area is also beginning to attract more

brecht van Amstel and Beatrix parks – it’s hardly

creative professionals. It would be great if that

more than a five-minute walk. Of course,

sector moves this way. Stage Entertainment

that’s great when you’ve got a dog. Walk just

(Joop van den Ende) has its headquarters on

a bit farther and you’re in Amsterdamse Bos.

De Boelelaan, so that’s a promising first step.

That’s also much closer than most people

I also think it would be great if De Boelegracht

expect. I can enjoy all the seasons here.

were to be made suitable for swimming!

People tend to think that living in this tower

With a stepped terrace on the De Boelelaan

is very impersonal. But I’d rather compare it

side... Now that would be a great idea for the

to a big student house,

Zuidas Development Office to pursue!



WHY DID YOU MOVE HERE? We’re still young and enjoy everything city life

plein shopping centre is very nice and conven-

has to offer. Stephan’s office is in the north of

ient to get to. We also enjoy being surrounded

Amsterdam and it’s crucial for him to be able

by all this fantastic architecture.

to grab the car and get straight onto the money compared to flats in the city centre.


In Zuidas the prices may be a bit higher, but

There could be some more thought put into

you’ll be getting a modern, new home in return.

the horizontal landscape, and by that I mean

motorway. We also feel it’s good value for

the squares around here. Right now, they’re


empty and not used for anything. Living in an

You can get to or from the city in any number of

apartment here, you have little or no outdoor

ways – train, tram, metro, car, bike. And we feel

space of your own, but of course everyone needs

very safe here, even at night. The Gelderland

fresh air and some green space nearby.

Text Romy Lange | Photography Ingrid Arnou



Luxurious Townhouses coming to Zuidas

Jet Happel and Martine Gründemann of G&S Vastgoed.

LIVING IN YOUR OWN PRIVATE STREET ‘These Townhouses are basically big urban villas’, explains

In a landscape characterized by cosmopolitan towers, Zuidas

Martine. ‘We are building a series of six Townhouses, each

is now preparing for a whole new residential concept. Along

with three floors, a basement that accommodates a double

Gershwinlaan, bordering Beethovenstraat, six luxurious

parking space, as well as the possibility to create, for example,

Townhouses are currently under construction development.

your own rooftop terrace.’ Jet adds, ‘The properties all have

The developer is G&S Vastgoed. These ‘Townhouses’, as

a net floor area of approx. 230 m2 and a minimum floor-to-

they are being marketed, were designed in collaboration with

ceiling height of 3.30 metres, so they have been designed to

architects Claus & Kaan in the same architectural style as

very generous proportions.’ Martine: ‘Residents also each

the neighbouring office block at 500 Beethovenstraat, using

have their own private outdoor area on the ground floor on

sustainable high quality materials such as natural stone and

the back side of their Townhouses, measuring just over 30 m2.

aluminium, wooden window frames and sliding doors. Hello

The Townhouses will open onto a private street accessible

Zuidas sat down with Martine Gründemann and Jet Happel of

exclusively to residents, plus they will all have their own

G&S Vastgoed.

private little front yard.’



TIMELESS ARCHITECTURE According to Martine and Jet, the Townhouses’ modern design is a good fit for Zuidas. Martine: ‘When developing a project like this, you really have to pay attention to the environment. I think we’ve done a good job of that, working together with Claus & Kaan. And we’ve also opted for subdued, timeless and luxurious materials here.

• Construction of the Townhouses is currently planned

The final layout of each house will depend on the buyer’s

to start in the first half of the year 2015 and will be

wishes,’ Jet explains. ‘There are lots of possibilities. To give buyers an idea, we have drawn interior designs from a range of different ideas and living concepts.

completed in mid-2016. • To keep you informed about the townhouses and presale dates, please sign in at: www.gershwintownhouses.com.

The houses could also be very practical for people with a

• G&S Vastgoed is currently developing several property

home office, for instance.’ Because of the wide variety of

projects at Zuidas, including 1000 Mahlerlaan, 400 &

design options, the Townhouses will appeal to a very

500 Beethovenstraat (where NautaDutilh will establish

diverse target group. ‘We’re profiling this project in such

its offices, amongst others) and the residential tower at

a way that anyone could live here’, concludes Martine.

900 Mahler, to be completed in early 2016.

‘The Townhouses offer every comfort and are equally suited

• 900 Mahler is a great success, with more than 90%

to families, say, or seniors – we can install lifts if desired –

sold as a result of our presale, which took place at the

as well as to urban professionals working day and night

end of March ’14, before the official public start of sale

at home or nearby in Zuidas.’

(providing any apartments were left for sale). As of now, there are only 4 apartments

For more information you can contact G&S Vastgoed

remaining, situated on the 9th and 10th floor.

or visit www.gershwintownhouses.nl or www.gensvastgoed.nl

Text Romy Lange



Bouwfonds contribute to creating living environments

View George Gershwinlaan



View Gustav Mahlerlaan

View George Gershwinlaan

Start of building: October 2014 Completion: June 2017 Start of sales: Mid-2015 Architect: Inbo (Bert van Breugel) Developer: Royaal Zuid (Bouwfonds Ontwikkeling, Eigen Haard and ERA Contour) Programme: 40 private rental sector homes

Menno Ploeger, location

135 apartments of 45-250 m2 for sale

manager Bouwfonds Ontwikkeling (development)

Menno Ploeger, Zuidas location manager: ‘The icing on the cake

Around that time we’ll also be able to release more information

of this project is the penthouse on the 23rd floor. The living area

on sales. If you’d like to receive our updates, you can contact us

is around 165 m and can be entirely designed to order. Besides, it

on: http://nieuwbouw.bouwfonds.nl/.’


boasts a massive rooftop terrace of 300 m2 at a height of 80 m. The view over Amsterdam and the “Green Heart” will be nothing

‘This residential project is meant to tick all the boxes when it

less than spectacular.’

comes to comfortable living. Aside from offering a wide range of residential options, we’ll also be engaging two interior architects

‘We submitted the permit applications in June and expect these

who will be dedicated to helping buyers transform their new

permits to be issued in October, when we plan to start building.

home into a space of their own.


Serviced Apartments | Corporate Housing Solutions

We believe in creating a comfortable and ‘feeling at home’ experience +31 (0)88 11 69 500


14530-024-Adv Hello Zuidas 2.indd 1

03-06-14 09:53

Meet De Woonindustrie

At 6 October De Woonindustrie opens its doors for consumers. From then on, you can visit De Woonindustrie every Monday from 10: 00 to 17: 00. On 40.000 m2 about 150 renowned manufacturers of furniture, window coverings, wallpaper, carpeting and paint are showing their newest collections and are happy to give you advice and inspiring ideas. Meet the makers themselves! De Woonindustrie regularly organises workshops and events. Meet an inspiring way to decorate your home, and discover your own style. In september our renewed website www.dewoonindustrie.nl will be launched. The dates for the events and workshops will be published then & there!

See you then!


The exclusive rental apartments in Résidence L’Étoile.

Luxury at a stone’s throw from Zuidas The exclusive rental apartments in Résidence L’Étoile are all about service and luxury. According to Maurice Meijer, commercial manager at Kroonenberg Groep, which is the building’s owner, this is a continuous process. ‘Every time a tenant moves out, we look at what we can do to bring the apartment fully up to date.’

BALCONIES As well as ongoing maintenance of the apartments, the company

Kroonenberg Groep, are currently in the midst of a makeover.

is also getting ready for a large-scale renovation that will fit

‘We’re refurbishing the shopping centre to meet modern

out all apartments with balconies. ‘That was the only feature

standards. Aside from cosmetic changes to the entrances

still missing’, says Maurice. ‘The two penthouses already had

and galleries, we’re also adding considerable retail space,

rooftop terraces, but the addition of these balconies means that

so we can enlarge and diversify the range of shops here.

all residents will now be able to enjoy sitting outside.’ And the

We want this to be the premier shopping district for

dimensions will be generous. ‘We want to add significant value

Amsterdam’s south side’, Maurice says.

to the apartments and to really enhance the level of comfort.’


Résidence L’Étoile offers residents a wide array of facilities

The location of these apartments is unique, Maurice points out.

and services. There’s a gym and there are guest rooms that

‘You’re within a stone’s throw of Zuidas and it’s only a 13-minute

residents can rent for visitors, as well as a private car park

drive from Schiphol. You’re outside the hectic city centre,

with direct access to the reception desk. There’s even a

but still have the convenience of all sorts of shops nearby.’

Personal Assistant Service in the building to help out with

Quite literally: from the car park underneath the apartment

all sorts of matters. ‘That could range from hanging a painting

complex residents can stroll right up to the Gelderlandplein

on the wall to arranging for a meal after work, to organizing

shopping centre. The retail properties, also owned by

a party’, explains Maurice.

Text Jori Spitz



Kop Zuidas: luxury and comfortable living

Bouwinvest and AM build two eyecatching apartment complexes in Zuidas Zuidas, the business heart of Amsterdam, is a location with a mixture of styles and designs. At the same time, it's a trendy hotspot: a place where there's always something interesting going on, and a new urban residential neighbourhood with a cosmopolitan flavour. AM and Bouwinvest have joined forces to build two unique private sector residential rental complexes here: Kop Zuidas and Summertime. The Kop Zuidas apartment complex is situated on the

as well as access to a shared bike facility in the underground

east side of Zuidas, near the RAI convention centre and

car park, which can be reached by lift. Several apartments will

adjoining the popular Rivierenbuurt neighbourhood,

have access by means of a gallery.

with its friendly restaurants. It’s a short walk from the Amstel River. With the Beatrix and Amstel parks as well as a range of shops and services for daily essentials

Apartment details Kop Zuidas

conveniently close by, this is an appealing place to live.

• 75 private sector rental apartments

It also offers easy access to road and public transport

• balcony

networks. Amsterdam's historic city centre is only a

• 3 to 4 rooms

short metro ride away and the train will take you to

• floor area: 69-105 m2

Schiphol in 15 minutes. The complex has 75 private

• private parking available

rental sector apartments and a car park with 51 spaces.

• semi-closed communal courtyard garden

Designed by Studioninedots, the apartments are

• scheduled commencement of building: September 2014

distinguished by tall windows, high ceilings and large

• scheduled completion: late 2015

balconies. All have private storage inside the apartment



Summertime: ‘where jazz meets classical’

The Summertime apartment complex is located on Gershwinlaan and Mahlerlaan. The project was designed by the architectural firm SeARCH and actually consists of two buildings that taper towards the top in a way that ensures maximum views and sunlight. Made up of a system of stacked residential layers that project to create a pixellated effect, the design emphasizes the residential character of

Michiel de Bruine (left), head of Asset Management

the buildings and gives them a distinctive identity, which make

Residential at Bouwinvest: 'We're pursuing an active investment

them stand out among the large buildings surrounding them.

policy in Amsterdam and are investing in a variety of private

A number of the apartments are being built as lofts, which

rental sector apartment complexes in the city, for example in

make them perfect for first-time buyers, who like to live in

Eenhoorngebied, Overhoeks and Houthaven. Kop Zuidas and

a vibrant urban environment.

Summertime form a great addition to our existing portfolio, as they are situated on the city's south side, in an area with a good reputation. In Amsterdam there's also a huge demand

Apartment details Summertime

for housing in the private rental sector.

• 197 private sector rental apartments • balcony

Ronald Huikeshoven (right), director of AM Noordwest:

• 2 to 3 rooms

'Our angle for Kop Zuidas and Summertime, as well as for other

• floor area: 66-95 m2

projects like Overhoeks, De Studio and Villa Mokum, was based

• private parking space in the underground car park (total

on AM's new "I AM YOU" business model. This approaches

development from the perspective of conceptual strength,

capacity approx. 165 spaces)

• private storage inside the apartment

innovation and co-creation, involving both private individual

• approx. 1,000 m2 of commercial space

buyers and investors. At Kop Zuidas, this resulted in a residential

• scheduled completion: late 2016

building that links up with the wishes of Bouwinvest's tenants and the ambitions of the Zuidas project office.’

INTERESTED? Visit www.bouwinvest-nieuwbouw.nl or www.am.nl for further information.


FREE SHUTTLE NOVOTEL AMSTERDAM CITY ZUIDAS Per June 2nd 2014 we are happy to provide a daily free shuttle (Mo-Fri) running between Novotel Amsterdam City and the Zuidas

Time schedule: Mo-Fri: Departure times in the morning: • Stop Novotel Amsterdam City: 08:00 / 08:30 / 09:00 Please gather outside the hotel @ the Meeting Point Shuttle Zuidas

Mo-Thu: Departure times in the afternoon: • Novotel Amsterdam City: 17:00 / 17:30 / 18:00 / 18:30 • Stop 1 (Gustav Mahlerplein): 17:08 / 17:38 / 18:08 / 18:38 • Stop 2 (Benjamin Brittenstraat): 17:12 / 17:42 / 18:12 / 18:42 • Stop 3 (Strawinskylaan / Zuidplein): 17:18 / 17:48 / 18:18 / 18:48

Novotel Amsterdam City Europaboulevard 10 1083 AD Amsterdam Tel: +31 (0)20 541 11 23 E-mail: H0515@accor.com

© www.emk.nl

Stop 3:



Prinses Irenestraat

Amsterdam Centrum

Beatrixpark RAI

Strawinskylaan / Zuidplein

Ringw eg Z u

Station Zuid

Stop 1:

Gustav Mahler Plein

Gustav Mahlerlaan

a str ven tho

Benjamin Brittenstraat

Station RAI

B ee

Stop 2:

A1 Utrecht Eindhoven





Ringw eg Z uid

Ringweg Zuid

Europaboul evard

Ringweg Zuid

De Boelelaan

De Boelelaan

250 m



Schiphol Den Haag A4

Strawinskylaan WTC WTC

Exit RAI S109


Memo board HIP HIP HURRAY! Dries Mebus is celebrating his 25th anniversary of working at Stomerij van Rooijen. Want to congratulate Dries in person? Drop by their premises at the WTC!

CHANEL @ ZUIDAS Fashion house Chanel buys a building in Zuidas. The 1000 Mahler building is still under construction and will be partly occupied by Chanel itself. Currently operating from Zoetermeer, Chanel International runs 75 foreign subsidiaries responsible for the distribution and sale of the company’s clothing, handbags, jewellery and make-up.

LOOKING FOR LANGUAGE COURSES OR LEADERSHIP TRAINING AT ZUIDAS? Berlitz is a global leadership training and education company with a comprehensive portfolio for communications skills development, global leadership training and customized dynamic solutions for cultural competence, all available via multiple delivery platforms. Our most flexible language training programme is custom-designed to suit every individual’s schedule and unique set of objectives. For further information, visit: www.berlitz.nl or call +31 (0)20 622 13 75.


NOVOTEL NOW OFFERING FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE! Do you regularly have guests who stay the night at Novotel? From now on, they can take the hotel’s shuttle bus service to and from Zuidas, free of charge. How convenient!

ARE YOU AN EXPAT WITH A KEEN LOVE OF CULTURE? THEN TAKE NOTE! The Amsterdam Salon is a business network offering networking opportunities to a select group of likeminded individuals and exclusive access to cultural venues and events throughout Amsterdam. We are different from other expat and business groups in that our goal is to host and introduce our members to all the different types of cultural institutions and events Amsterdam has to offer. Check out www.amsterdamsalon.org to learn more.

E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.


HELLO ZUIDAS WELCOMES THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Company: SLA Sector: Food Number of employees: 25 Link with Zuidas: SLA has opened its third salad bar at Zuidas on 11 June. Serving freshly prepared salads, soups, juices and snacks, this is the perfect spot to recharge you battery during a busy workday. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We wish to get involved in fun events and help create an even more dynamic environment at Zuidas.

Company: De Hypotheker Amsterdam Zuidas Sector: Consultancy and brokerage services for mortgages and other financial products. Number of employees: 3 Link with Zuidas: We opened our office on the 14th floor of Tower B at WTC Amsterdam in September 2013. We’re now the largest financial services provider in the heart of Amsterdam’s financial district! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As a leading brand, De Hypotheker simply belongs in this community. This is a way for us to enhance our profile whilst contributing to Hello Zuidas.

Company: Broersma Makelaardij Sector: Real estate agent Number of employees: 20 Link with Zuidas: We sell apartments in Zuidas, including in Symphony, Eurocenter and 900 Mahler. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Broersma Makelaardij is keen to get involved in Hello Zuidas, because Zuidas is one of the foremost development locations in the Netherlands.

Company: Hago Nederland B.V. Sector: Cleaning Services Number of employees: Zuidas 16, nationwide 4700 Link with Zuidas: We serve a growing number of clients at the Zuidas on a daily basis with an expanding number of services; cleaning services, hospitality services and allround services, enlarging chances on combining forces with other specialists in the sustainability of the area. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: To strengthen the position of Zuidas as a clean and sustainable environment, stimulated by the hospitality of our people. Certified on the CSR Performance Ladder level 4, we encourage cooperation between companies of Zuidas in the supply chain to realize tremendous sustainable goals (for example: waste free offices).


Members Hello Zuidas – July 2014

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL + 31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819, 9 th floor - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN Studio-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 820 3976 - + 31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Mieke Verberkt | Imageau Translation: Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Milou Peeters, Jori Spitz, Kristen van den Hul, Romy Lange, Eric Burgers, Audilla Voorn, Erwin Lucas & Sixta Finsy-Besseling Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde, Maarten van de Voort, William Maanders, Wouter van Ierssel, Ingrid Arnou, Marc Dorleijn, Caren Huygelen, Your Captain Luchtfotografie, Nico Kroon & Julie Blik Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk Thanks to: Ilse van de Veer, Dienst Zuidas, ProperyNL, Kirsten van den Hul, Het Financieele Dagblad, NS, Vrije Universiteit, Christie’s International Real Estate, Bolenius, Lucille Werner Foundation, Theo & Christine Capel, Ruth Jansen & Emile Govaert, Maurits de Koning & Marcel Reijmers & Tibor, Sanja Muranovic & Stephan van Soest, G&S Vastgoed, Kroonenberg Groep, Bouwfonds Ontwikkeling, Bouwinvest & AM. Printed by: Gianotten Printed Media Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly) Copyright: © 2014 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ​ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.

ABN AMRO Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam EXPO Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI APG Arcadis ASEGA Media Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermaatschappij WTC Amsterdam Boekel De Nerée Bolenius Bouwens Groep Breevast Broersma Nieuwbouw Business4Bees Caffè Belmondo CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely Corporate Housing Factory Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South Dagelijks Lekker De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Hypotheker De Nieuwe Poort Deterink Advocaten en Notarissen Dienst Zuidas Amsterdam Duisenberg School of Finance Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eetwinkel Zwaan Ernst & Young Euroinfra Expatcenter Amsterdam Fortron B.V. G&S Vastgoed Galerie Modern Gerrit Rietveld Academie Global Housing Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Greenwheels Gustavino B.V. GVB HAB International Accountants & Consultants Hago Nederland B.V. Handelsbanken HB Hairstylers Hestia Kinderopvang Het Amsterdamse Bos Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services (Europe) INBO ING Rayon Amsterdam Zuid West Ingeborg Douwes Centrum Kardan Kempen & Co Kenko Kitchen Koetjes en Kalfjes Linklaters Look For Art Gallery Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Markit MBO College Zuid Mech Make & Take

75. Miles Building 76. MultiCopy Nederland B.V. 77. NDI ICT Solutions 78. NEWNRG 79. NH Musica 80. Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB) 81. Nijkerk Holding 82. NL Real Estate 83. NMC-Nijsse International Executive Search 84. Novotel Amsterdam City 85. NVD 86. Oliver’s 87. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam 88. ORAM 89. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 90. Partou Kinderopvang 91. Pathé 92. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 93. Platform Beter Benutten 94. Poelman Advocaten 95. Property NL B.V. 96. Puramis Consultancy 97. Qbic Hotels 98. Q-Park Nederland 99. Rabobank Amsterdam Markt Zuid 100. RBS 101. Regus 102. Restaurant Nine 103. RGA International Reinsurance Company 104. RSM Erasmus University 105. Russell Reynolds Associates 106. Schiphol Real Estate 107. SCOR Global Life SE 108. Season-Flowers 109. Securitas 110. SINGAZ 111. SLA 112. SLFMD Tailoring 113. Spaces 114. Stadsdeel Zuid 115. Stibbe 116. Stichting Exploitatie Olympisch Stadion A’dam 117. Stichting ZuidasRun 118. Sushi Time 119. Symphony’s 120. Taalcentrum - VU 121. Tandartsenpraktijk Van De Veer 122. The Bank of New York Mellon 123. The Basket 124. The Change Agent 125. The Office Operators 126. The Oyster Club 127. The TailorMates 128. TopJobs Consultants 129. Transcore Management 130. TREC 131. Triple Ace 132. Valid Express 133. Vimpelcom 134. Visser Communicatie 135. Voxius 136. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 137. VU Connected 138. VU Medisch Centrum 139. Wagamama 140. Webster University 141. Wieringen Prins 142. World Trade Center Amsterdam 143. WTC Amsterdam Business Club 144. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 145. Your Assistant 146. ZuidasTravel.nl 147. Zuidschans



ON TO P O F T H E WO R L D Contact us for fur ther information


Eefje Voogd Makelaardij

W W W. 9 0 0 M A H L E R . N L

+ 31 (0)20 305 05 60

A P R O J E C T O F G & S VA S T G O E D

Broersma Nieuwbouw Makelaardij + 31 (0)20 305 97 88

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