Hello Zuidas #16

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Eric van der Burg, vice mayor for Amsterdam

‘Zuidas is a driving force for the Netherlands’ The Amsterdam-Amstelland Security Region & the Hello Zuidas Foundation

Developing an Emergency Response Plan for Zuidas

WATER MANAGEMENT A part of urban development KIRSTEN VAN DEN HUL Hello, goodbye, hello! SAVE THE DATE Mobility Event Zuidas

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Invitation Hello Zuidas Thursday December 11, 2014 17:00 - 19:00 pm Hello Zuidas is happy to invite you for our annual members end of the year network event. Amsterdam EXPO will be our host. We will offer a true ice age experience and a great opportunity to extend your network.

• Deadline registration: Monday December 8, 2014* • For registration and / or more information, please contact: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

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Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

Hashtag Zuidas I can’t help but notice that, lately, there’s been an

Looking around at all the construction cranes

awful lot of twittering about Zuidas. Where finding

towering above Zuidas, you may well be curious

a good local tweet for our social media page (p.23)

about the work in progress – and about all that’s

was once like searching for a needle in a haystack,

still to come!

I can now take my pick. I’ve seen a slew of spectacular photos by @Bouwkraan, giving a completely

In this final issue for 2014, we bid a fond

different slant on the district. And @chrisbuijink,

farewell to Kirsten van den Hul, who has been

president of the Dutch Banking Association,

our columnist for two and a half years now and

has been twittering up a storm about Zuidas as well.

who was one of the original members of the Hello

From people just starting a job here and tongue-in-

Zuidas team. I would like to take this opportunity

cheek tweets about ill-fitting bespoke suits,

to thank her for her wonderful contributions to this

to meeting updates and the odd critical note,

magazine. Her columns were varied, engaging and

Zuidas has become a treasure-trove of tweets.

always hit the nail right on the head. Kirsten will

To get a summary of all the Zuidas Twitter highlights,

remain a regular in the area, so we’re sure to run

just follow our account @HelloZuidas. Haven’t got

into her every now and again. She’ll be passing

an account yet? There’s no time like the present!

the baton to Ruben van Zwieten, and of course we can’t wait to see what he has to say!

On the cover of this month’s issue is Amsterdam’s

P.S. The next issue of

Vice-Mayor Eric van der Burg, who we interviewed

For now, I’d like to wish everyone a happy holiday

Hello Zuidas is scheduled

at VU University Amsterdam’s new O|2 building.

and all the best for the new year!

for the 6th of January

In front of you is the last issue of yet another year, so the time is about right to reflect on the local building trends occurring over the last 12 months. In fact, the past period has signalled a clear shift in Zuidas’ development as an office park towards a centre of mixed buildings. The ground was broken for 625 new apartments and 800 new student units, totalling 109,000 m2 altogether, which is a duplication of the number of residential apartments and square metres we counted in November 2013! As well as the realization of several residential building projects, Zuidas also saw work commencing on the development of 30,000 m2 of commercial real estate, 30,000 m2 of education facilities and 10,000 m2 to build a hotel. And with a 95% office occupancy rate to top it off, 2014 has clearly been a great year for Zuidas! Olivier Otten, Managing Director of Hello Zuidas


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Index 09. News Flashes Zuidas 10. Eric van der Burg ‘Zuidas is a driving force for the Netherlands’ 14. Property 16. Hello Zuidas | Public Space Got a minute? 19. Column: Kirsten van den Hul Hello, goodbye, Hello! 20. Finance 23. Trending Topics 24. Zuidasdok Water storage accounting in Zuidas 26. Hello Zuidas | Agenda 30. Hello Zuidas | Sustainability Cluck Cluck Cluck!

33. Crowne Plaza ‘We support bees’ 34. Hello Zuidas | Public Space Zuidas Emergency Response Plan 37. Hello You 38. Hello Zuidas | Mobility Save the date! 40. ONVZ Opening the door to good health care for expats 43. De Hypotheker Mortgage advice in Zuidas 44. Hello You 47. Memo board 49. Hello Zuidas | New Members

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.


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News Flashes


BUSINESS WALK OF FAME Who wouldn’t be thrilled with a place of honour on the Business Walk of Fame along Claude Debussylaan? This is how the Lucille Werner Foundation (LWF) will be recognizing employers who help to open up jobs for people with disabilities. Lucille Werner is the author of this initiative: ‘We consider getting a star on the Zuidas Business Walk of Fame as a huge achievement. The idea is to have an impressive parade of stars lining this street. People with disabilities who have successfully found a job at a medium or large company will be able to nominate their employer. That’s what makes this initiative so special, and something we’re immensely proud of. On Wednesday 3 December 2014, the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we’ll be unveiling our first winners!’ www.lucillewernerfoundation.nl

BEATRIXPARK GETS ARCHITECTONIC ENTRANCE As part of the restyling works in Beatrixpark, a new bridge is being built over a new pond to the north of As restaurant. Zuidas Development Office architect Cyrus Clark explains, ‘We wanted an architectural design that would fit in with the green setting. The pattern of the fencing was inspired by leaf veins, with the double layer creating a sense of depth. White LED lighting along the bottom of the rail will create a beautiful shadow effect at night. The bridge will be part of a main artery for cyclists and pedestrians and will form the park’s main entrance from Zuidas.’

HANDEL AMSTERDAM PAVILIONS IN GREEN OASIS IN ZUIDAS Frederik Roeskestraat has recently received a make-over with the stunning Handel Amsterdam ‘pavilions’. Being Development owner Dirk Dekker elaborates on the unique office concept: ‘The pavilions are meant to make users feel at home, with an ambiance defined by wood, a coffee and lunch canteen and a shared corridor which will be connecting the pavilions, and is lined with working spaces and conference rooms. Its location is also unique: an island retreat amidst the hustle and bustle of Zuidas and the Olympia quarter. It’s a green oasis where working, learning and leisure all come together. We invite everyone to come and have a look!’ www.handel-amsterdam.nl

DELOITTE AND AKD MOVE INTO THE EDGE Zuidas has upped its office quotient with the futuristic new The Edge building. Harry Vlaardingerbroek, senior manager at Deloitte, comments, ‘The Edge is a brilliant new working environment for our Deloitte and AKD staff in Zuidas. We moved into the premises on 1 November, and it’s truly a privilege to be able to work in one of the world’s most innovative and sustainable offices. With floor to ceiling windows, the interiors are light and have a spacious feel. The atrium forms the dynamic heart of the building, housing a gym, a coffee bar, shops and terraces. There are all sorts of innovations – such as light and temperature control and conference room reservation via smartphone.’

To learn more about the Zuidas district, visit our website: www.zuidas.nl. Want to stay up-to-date? Sign up to receive the Zuidas Newsletter, on www.zuidas.nl. If you have any tips for the editorial team, email them to: hellozuidas@asega.nl


Eric van der Burg entered his second term as an vice mayor for Amsterdam.


‘Zuidas is a driving force for Amsterdam, and therefore for the Netherlands as well’ - Eric van der Burg Four months ago, Eric van der Burg entered his second term as vice mayor for Amsterdam. Bearing the responsibility for Health and Welfare, Senior Citizens, Sports and Recreation, Spatial Planning, Land Management and the Zuid district, Zuidas is an important part of his remit. In the years ahead, Van der Burg wants to help Amsterdam take the next step towards becoming a city that is more prosperous, cleaner and more attractive. All efforts are focused on securing jobs for residents, expanding the city’s housing stock and investing in its economy. Looking at how Zuidas has developed in recent years,

rail will have moved partly underground and Zuid station will

and nearing the end of 2014, do you feel we have

have been renovated and refurbished. These changes will

achieved our goals?

create more space for new housing and offices. We’re also

A number of projects were delayed due to the crisis, but when

opening up more building sites at other locations across

you look at Zuidas, you have to conclude that this district is

the city, where house owners have a large vote in the design

doing very well. AkzoNobel, Stibbe and NautaDutilh are

and building of their new house, to name an example.

building new office blocks, The Edge has been completed,

And new locations, such as Zeeburgereiland, are being

the VU University campus is undergoing a transformation,

prepared for construction.

with lots of new construction, and we recently closed a deal with the AFC football club to build a splendid sports centre in

Is it the intention for all of Zuidas to be

the area. Considering the financial setbacks we’ve experienced

built up eventually?

over the past few years, I think we’ve made incredible strides

Plans are to continue developing Zuidas, but not to fill the

in Zuidas, which is really emerging as a driving force for

entire area with buildings. Having a lot of green space is

Amsterdam, and therefore for the Netherlands as well.

important as well. Around the AFC football club we’ll be laying out a lovely green park, and Sportas has the Amsterdamse

Amsterdam is a popular place to live. One of your

Bos nearby, which functions as the lung of Zuidas. The plans

objectives is to create more housing in the city.

for Zuidasdok also include zones for water and nature.

But is there still room left?

And we’ll also still have the Alma garden, so there will be

There’s still plenty of room left. We want to ensure that

no shortage of leisure spots!

people who want to live in Amsterdam are given the chance to do so. We’re pursuing a varied strategy spanning numerous

A number of Zuidas businesses are worried about

locations, and our aim everywhere – Zuidas included – is to

disruptions accompanying the construction of

achieve a mixture of buildings. So apart from office buildings,

Zuidasdok. What does the municipality intend to

there’s also an increasing share of residential stock here.

do to alleviate their concerns?

And we are currently creating more housing for students

We are in consultation with the Directorate-General for

on De Boelelaan. If you fast forward to Zuidas in 2020,

Public Works and Water Management and the Minister of

we’ll have Zuidasdok, of course, when the A10 motorway and

Infrastructure and the Environment to ensure local businesses

Text Romy Lange | Photography Jalisa Oudenaarde



are affected as little as possible. The principal concerns

You’ve been active in politics for quite a while now.

involve noise from digging and drilling of course, but we’re

Looking ahead, would you ever consider a professional

also taking a close look at ways to deal will traffic congestion

career in Zuidas?

caused by commuting. Obviously, it’s impossible to carry

For the present, I’m happy being vice mayor for Amsterdam

out this project without a certain amount of disruption,

and I am wholly committed to doing this job. Politicians should

but we can certainly minimize the inconvenience.

never look too far ahead. Start making plans and you can be

Drilling and road closures will be needed to some extent,

sure they’ll go awry! I’m focusing my energy on the areas

but these are things we simply can’t avoid if we want to

I’ve been assigned to as a vice mayor and on making

develop this area. We’re investing in lots of measures to

Amsterdam a great place to live, work and relax.

limit disruptions, just as we’re investing in Zuidas as a whole. And that benefits everyone here, old and new. Vision for 2015

You say Amsterdam and Zuidas are an economic

Zuidas is a district in development – socially, financially and spatially.

boosting force for the Netherlands and that this

To tie in with these developments, residents, students, employers,

is a crucial factor when it comes to attracting

investors and other stakeholders joined up this year to draw up a 2015

new international companies. So how do you aim

Vision for Zuidas, which is an update on the existing 2009 Vision,

to attract more businesses to Zuidas?

setting out ambitions and targets for this area. The plans provide

By investing in Zuidas, we are creating a pleasant environment

focus and parameters to guide further development efforts in Zuidas.

for both businesses and residents. We’re already seeing an

This updated vision zooms in on new trends and insights and the way

increasing interest amongst businesses to locate here. In my

these will influence the plans for Zuidas.

function as an vice mayor, I’ll continue to promote Zuidas and work to get international companies interested at

Want to join the discussion? Go to www.amsterdam.nl/zuidas

conferences, such as the Expo Real in Munich, last October,

to check out the dates and locations of all meetings.

which I attended to promote Amsterdam and talk to international investors.





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ZUIDAS - Victory Advisor, who acquired the Atrium

ZUIDAS - Koninklijke BAM Groep has signed a contract for

in Amsterdam last year, is expanding this Zuidas

the construction of an underground bike storage facility and

landmark with another two towers, totalling 20,000 m2

the redesign of Gustav Mahlerplein in Amsterdam’s Zuidas

in additional office space, in partnership with

district. According to a BAM spokesperson, the contract value

developer G&S Vastgoed. Victory Advisors and G&S

is just under € 10 million. BAM will commence construction of

have already begun renovation of the Atrium’s

the bike facility in mid-2015, which, along with the redesign of

entrance, lift lobbies and public space. Additionally,

the square, is slated for completion a year later. The storage

work will start on an underground car park before the

facility will accommodate around 3,000 bikes and ties in with

year is out. Originally dating from 1989, the Atrium

the Amsterdam municipality’s preparations surrounding the

was one of the first buildings to emerge in Zuidas.

Zuidasdok project, that will reroute parts of the A10 ring road underground. Construction of the A10 tunnels will require the demolition of the bike sheds along Schönberglaan.



Source: PropertyNL.com

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send your property news to redactie@propertynl.com



ZUIDAS - International law firm CMS plans to move into the

ZUIDAS - OVG Real Estate has acquired ownership

new tower at Zuidas’ Atrium complex upon its completion.

of Strawinskyhuis at Prinses Irenestraat 39-43 in

Developer G&S Vastgoed announced that CMS has reached

Amsterdam. According to the Land Registry Office,

an outline agreement with Victory Advisors and G&S

it paid € 1 for the legal title and € 21,499,999 for the

Vastgoed for the lease of the upper section of the Zuidtoren

beneficial title. The multitenant building has nearly

new build in the Atrium in Amsterdam.

10,000 m2 in office space and 67 parking spaces. The seller was Hanseatische Immobilienfonds Holland XXIII, a private property fund for German investors.


Griph tax & law and DTZ Zadelhoff advised the buyer. OVG Real Estate was advised by Loyens & Loeff.

ZUIDAS - Work is underway on VU University Amsterdam’s New University Building, a multifunctional complex totalling 31,000 m2 along De Boelelaan in Zuidas. Construction kicked off in late September and will span three years. The New University Building will feature flexible spaces for teaching, research and cultural activities. Computer Science students and researchers from both VU and the University of Amsterdam will be among the building’s main tenants. There will also be a spacious café and a range of facilities, including shops and a multimedia library. Together with the O|2 building, the New University Building is to replace much of the existing W&N (mathematics and science) building.

Photography Ingrid Arnou



Got a minute? The Zuidas Development Office (a division of the

Municipality of Amsterdam) asked us to poll locals about street level façades here in Zuidas. The poll includes shops, services, restaurants and cafés. At present there are also a few prime spaces left vacant that we’d all like to see occupied! During a recent lunch break, Hello Zuidas took to the two major squares of Zuidas to ask several people what’s missing from the local retail scene.

BERT PETERS (59), RESIDENT OF OPZUID, WORKS AT THE WTC ‘What I love most about this area is that there are so many small restaurants here. But we could really use a big supermarket like Albert Heijn. And it would be great if there was a bakery where you could get fresh croissants on Saturdays. Overall, I’m very satisfied with life in Zuidas and like living here. Gelderlandplein and its amenities are just a four-minute walk for me. I rather like the fact it’s not a busy place all the time. The quiet can be nice too.’

DIEDERIK ARTZ (36), VISITOR TO ZUIDAS, & VALENTINE ARTZ (36), WORKS AT OYENS EN VAN EEGHEN Valentine: ‘I work here at Zuidas, but Diederik doesn’t. We’re newlyweds, so he comes here more often now! What’s missing in Zuidas? It would be nice if there were a proper ladies’ clothing shop to pop into during my lunch break. And a good caterer would come in useful as well. It’s also a shame that there are hardly any places selling good sandwiches around Zuidplein, on this side of the station.’


Want to share your ideas on this topic? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl

PUBLIC SPACE RENÉE ZEVEN (43), WORKS AT ABN AMRO ‘Considering I often have time to do a bit of shopping during my breaks, it would be nice if there were a ladies’ clothing shop selling both business and informal wear, like a ZARA or H&M – affordable clothing, in other words. It would also be convenient to have some shops for children, or any places for children at all, such as a children’s gift shop.’

SIMONE VAN DER HOEVEN (37) & DIANA BAARD (37), BOTH WORK AT CBRE Diana: ‘There are a few things missing here. Considering there’s a dentist, I’d also expect there to be a doctor’s office, even if it’s only for emergencies.’ Simone: ‘I’d welcome more high-end shops for shoes and handbags. And Zuidas still hasn’t got any affordable options for ladies’ office wear.’ Diana: ‘Gershwinplein could do with some more shops and facilities. We visit the PINC Sale sometimes, but that’s about all you’ve got there. More shops would really enliven the whole area. Not to mention a coffee bar. There’s a Starbucks, but it would be nice to have a place to go to where you can actually sit and relax a bit longer.’

ALEJANDRO ORTEGA (31), WORKS AT AKZONOBEL ‘Zuidas is the perfect corporate setting. I mostly come here to visit one of the eateries during my break. A good men’s clothing shop or an Apple Store would be very convenient. There are two suit shops here, seriously? I had no idea! Everyone’s got their own standard route they take during lunch breaks, and apparently some shops haven’t even appeared on my radar.’

HIELKE BRUIN (46), WORKS AT VOXIUS ‘On Gustav Mahlerplein I often go to the stand selling döner kebabs, and I regularly visit the Blauwe Engel, as well. I’d like to see some more places around De Boelelaan where I can grab a bite. They’d do great business there! A place that does a good lunch or a pub, say. Given that this is an area with a high quantity of men, a pub would probably do better than a shop. And food and drinks don’t have to be especially cheap either – people will come in regardless.’

Text Anouk van Dijk (in collaboration with Romy Lange and Saskia Rill) | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


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Hello, goodbye, hello! Personally, I am not a big fan of saying goodbye. However, there

Right then and there, it became clear to me that Ruben is not

are times when goodbye also means hello, making it a lot easier

like any clergyman you’ve ever met before. He started telling

to let go. This is such a time. You are now reading my very last

me about his work with Stichting Zingeving Zuidas, organizing

column for Hello Zuidas Magazine. After two and a half years,

Valentine’s Day ‘dates’ between young professionals and senior

my time to say goodbye has come. But this also means a

citizens, as well as a street football tournament between Zuidas-

new hello, since I will be passing the baton to an impressive

based bankers, brokers and lawyers and secondary school

successor: Ruben van Zwieten. Combining his life as an

students from Amsterdam’s Nieuw West district.

entrepreneur with his calling as a protestant preacher, Ruben embodies the two key components of Dutch culture:

Connecting different worlds, that’s what Ruben van Zwieten

the minister and the merchant.

does best. Since September 2013, he’s been doing that from De Nieuwe Poort, an oasis amongst the hustle and

The very first time I met him, Ruben was still a minister at the

bustle of Zuidas that has more to offer than just food and

Thomas Church right here in Zuidas. I was a bit early for our

drinks. Debates on philosophy and literature, a monthly

appointment and had to wait as the minister rounded off a call.

masters sermon, Sunday inspirational sessions for the whole

From the adjacent room, I overheard a heated conversation,

family – De Nieuwe Poort offers mental fitness, as they like

where a voice passionately explained to a person on the other

to call it.

end of the line that it would be ‘damn important to meet that deadline’. Then the door opened and a bundle of energy burst

So rest assured, dear readers, I leave you in good hands.

into the room. ‘Hi, I’m Ruben’, the same voice I’d just heard

Thank you for your patience, your feedback and your ideas.

swearing said with a big smile. ‘So sorry to keep you waiting!’

For now, goodbye, and hopefully: hello again in Zuidas!

Kirsten van den Hul speaks, writes and works on the crossroads of culture, communication and change. She works as an independent change agent for Dienst Zuidas, and writes a weekly column for Dutch daily AD. In 2011 she was appointed as UN Women’s Representative. Her motto: “Without change no butterflies”. For more information, visit www.thechangeagent.nl, or follow @thechangeagent on Twitter.


Finance Source: Het Financieele Dagblad

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to hellozuidas@asega.nl.

DUTCH BANKS ENJOY PIECE OF THE SHARES PIE ZUIDAS – With the increase of companies going public and issuing shares in Amsterdam, the last few months have been Saxon banks got their piece of the action first. Euronext,


IMCD, NN... – it’s been a long time since Damrak was as

ZUIDAS – By separate transactions, Bouwfonds

busy as it was last summer. All three Dutch companies

Investment Management has acquired three German

(one of which, namely Euronext, is partly Dutch) fetched

housing projects in the cities of Berlin, Dresden and

a combined € 3 billion on the Amsterdam exchange.

Cologne. According to a company statement in

And with cable company Altice’s stock market debut in

early October, the costs of these transactions totalled

January, the total amount of shares issued in 2014 so far

€ 60.3 million. The housing projects were purchased

tallies up to a tidy € 4.5 billion. But the action hasn’t abated

for the property fund of a large institutional investor,

yet, with this autumn promising the flotations of optics group

based in southern Germany, whose housing

GrandVision (includes Pearle) and Probiodrug (Biotech).

development portfolio is managed by Bouwfonds IM.

sweet for investment bankers in Zuidas, although Anglo-




ZUIDAS – During an interview on the BNR news radio station

ZUIDAS – Early October, the bankruptcy of the renowned

in early October, Ton Büchner, CEO of paint and chemicals

BoerCroon consultancy firm sent a minor shock wave

manufacturer AkzoNobel, explained why salary reductions

through the financial sector. Although it was no secret

should no longer be considered taboo. According to Büchner,

that the company was facing problems, the severity of

it would not be a bad thing if people were willing to take a

the situation came as an unpleasant surprise for most

lower-ranking position, along with a lower salary, in the course

outsiders. Yet, what has happened at BoerCroon is not

of their career. ‘There are two scenarios where this should

all that surprising: the entire consultancy sector has

become a broachable subject’, said Büchner. ‘One is where we

been struggling ever since the economic crisis set in.

move to counties with little growth. And secondly, we should

The corporate sector, semi-public companies and

consider the fact that we’re all going to be working longer.

government alike have reined in their spending where

People may well prefer to gear down after reaching sixty.’

consultancy is concerned. With budgets trimmed, consultants ousted and business models adjusted, several agencies are bound to go belly-up. The real shock


is that even a grand old name like BoerCroon has been unable to weather the storm.

ZUIDAS – Dutch municipalities are hungry for foreign investment in local housing markets. Several aldermen as well as the minister have been singing the praises of the municipal investment climate and property development projects featured at Expo Real in Munich – Europe’s largest property exchange. The four major Dutch cities are all keen to add several thousand private-sector units in the price range between € 700 and € 1,000. They will also be looking for investors for the conversion of dozens of vacant offices into housing. So far, Dutch investors have proved to be unable to cover the entire financing gap.

Photography Ingrid Arnou




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Trending topics Zuidas Vastgoedjournaal.nl @vjprofs Leegstand op #Zuidas nu heel laag. Spoedig nieuw aanbod door vertrek Stibbe en Akzo. Komen er tijdig nieuwe huurders? | JLL Nederland @JLLNieuwsNL #JLL: De #Zuidas is bij uitstek een locatie die aan de eisen van veel eindgebruikers voldoet | Redactie PropertyNL @PropertyNL Atrium Zuidas uitgebreid met 20.000 m2 | Quote @Quotenet De Zuidas kan wel eens meer last hebben van sancties tegen Rusland dan de lobbyende Landbouw | Jennifer Hanenberg @jennifer_elders Overwerken is niet stoer en niet gezond! “Zuidas-cultuur” en preventie. | GBCZuidas @GBCZuidas Volle bak bij #RooftopFestival @OldSchoolZuid @RooftopAMS @Waternet @arcadisnl @Dakdokters @DutchGBC #zuidas | OVG Real Estate @OVGRealEstate #OVG buys Strawinksyhuis at #Zuidas | Tim van de Laar @Timvdlaar Een mysterieus gebouw langs de A10 gaat straks oa de NZ-lijn van stroom voorzien. #zuidas | Hello Zuidas Mobility @HZ_mobility Tot december 1 rijbaan minder op de Buitenveldertelaan tussenBoelelaan/Mahlerlaan. Verkeer heeft gewoon doorgang! | Daniela Muente @justMuit @vodafoneNL Do you know why is my phone telling me I am in Moscow every time I come to Amsterdam Zuid? | Het Parool @parool De BAM gaat het Gustav Mahlerplein op de Zuidas onder handen nemen. Er komt o.a. een ondergrondse fietparkeergarage. | Kelly @Kellyamanda35 Rondje Zuidas! Advocatie @Advocatie 5h5 hours ago Zonder bestuursjaar komt u niet op de Zuidas | NINE TO FIVE - 925.nl | Erik de Boer @ErikdBoer CMS komt ook gezellig naar de Zuidas www.propertynl.com | Klaran van t Vlie @KlaranvantVlie Topadvocaten mogen onbereikbaar zijn. Prima, meer herstel minder burnout! Zuidas neemt maatregelen tegen burnouts fd.nl | Familie Bofkont @FamilieBofkont Varkens wroeten in Miljoenengrond op de #Zuidas | Kirsten van den Hul @thechangeagent Met Amerikaanse kunstenaar Scott Raby op kunstwandeling door de #Zuidas, op zoek naar onverwachte schatten | Erica Pool @ikachan Van 12 naar 8! Oleejjjj, heel blij met mijn witte(re) tanden dankzij Smiling Bar op de Zuidas. Echt een aanrader | Michiel de Graauw @michieldegraauw Tevreden biggen in het #bofkontenbos op de #zuidas #elkedagdierendag! | Nique Lopuhaa @NiqueLopuhaa Borrelen met de Zuidas in zicht :-) | Joram Kruijer @JoramKruijer Toch nog even geborreld op de Zuidas. Het is immers vrijdag! Hans Koster @KosterHans #Karting op de Zuidas. Dat kan alleen bij #ABNAMRO! great! | Saskia van Loenen @SaskiaWaterland Een slechtvalk op de Zuidas. Lepelaars in het Sloterpark. Een zeehond in de Amstel. Dieren zijn de nieuwe toeristen van Amsterdam. #Parool | doortje @doortje Op de Zuidas wonen naast de financiële varkens ook èchte schone varkens: Betsy en haar 10 biggen! Hoek Parnassusweg/Gustav Mahlerlaan Welkom! | Henk Steinvoort @HJSSr Even terug op mijn oude kantoor aan de zuidas voor een bespreking. Toch weer een bijzondere ervaring. | Jan-Willem Wits @janwillemwits Iemand met een slecht pak op de Zuidas is toch een beetje als een stropdasdrager op een camping. | Martina Zwaan @martinazwaan Een volle week #zuidas achter de rug en nu naar Amersfoort voor business & pleasure met @Corinnekeijzer Zin in #Friday | Jongerius @Bas_Jongerius Privé-garage te huur op 200 meter van de ZuidAs in Amsterdam. Mét elektrische deur. Wat wil je nog meer? | Nancy Visser @VisserNance Dineren op de Zuidas.... Inspirerende verbindende zingevende filosofische belevenis @DeNieuwePoort | A Man Called Robin @OrionsCloud M’n eerste #littlefriday drinks #zuidas

YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS www.facebook.com/hellozuidas @HelloZuidas For employees of companies that are member of Hello Zuidas, it is possible to join our LinkedIn group or link to Hello Zuidas as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app that allows you to flip through the magazine. www.hellozuidas.com FREEWIFI Hello Zuidas on Mahlerplein & Zuidplein




Water storage accounting in Zuidas 24.

In Zuidas, water management is part and parcel of urban development. Compensation plans have to be laid down in advance for all square metrage to be drained and surface area to be paved. Anja Wanningen (Zuidas Development Office/Zuidasdok project organization) and Kasper Spaan (Waternet) explain how it works. As the building density in Zuidas increases, rainwater gushes ever faster towards the nearest canals, ponds and other surface waters. Additional water storage in the form of new surface water reservoirs or alternative facilities are essential to avoid overburdening the water system. To accommodate all building developments in Zuidas up to 2030, roughly 110,000 m2, amounting to 22 football pitches, of water reservoirs will be needed.


Anja Wanningen & Kasper Spaan

WATER TALLY Regional water system management has long been a principal

doesn’t come cheap. This makes alternative means of

task of the country’s regional water boards. The shared

improving the area’s water-storing capacity all the more

implementing body of the water board for Amstel, Gooi and

attractive. A case in point, says Anja, is the polder roof

Vecht and the municipality of Amsterdam is Waternet.

at Old School, which is a creative hotspot. ‘This is a small-

As a consultant for Waternet, Kasper Spaan helps the

scale but workable example of how water in the city can be

Zuidas Development Office to tackle the problem of local

temporarily stored. The more green rooftops, the better.’

water management. ‘The municipality and water board have

Anja and Kasper have also been pushing for an underground

agreed that the total drained area has to be compensated

water storage facility beneath Gustav Mahlerplein, to be built

elsewhere in Zuidas. Additionally, 15% of every square metre

in tandem with the new underground bicycle parking facility,

of paved area has to be turned into water-retaining surface.

in order to accommodate the additional discharge during heavy

We keep a precise tally in our water storage accounts.’

downpours. ‘We have to seize every opportunity to combine functions and to maximize urban space. The identification and


utilization of smart solutions such

‘Water policy shouldn’t get in the way of Zuidas’ development,’

as these is the focus of Amsterdam

stresses project manager Anja Wanningen. ‘To be on the safe

Rainproof: our joint initiative to

side, we make sure we keep on the positive side of the ledger.’

make Amsterdam more resistant to

As part of the construction of Zuidasdok, water will soon have

increasingly frequent downpours.’

to be drained along either side of the A10 motorway. ‘In 2017 we’ll be filling up Spoorslagsloot along the southern ring road.’ Waterways will also be disappearing along the northern ring road around Beatrixpark. ‘To compensate, water surfaces south

The aim of the Zuidasdok project is to maximize car and public

of the park have been expanded.’ Where De Boelelaan was once

transport access to Zuidas and the northern Randstad area.

shadowed by a narrow ditch, there is now a wide waterway

Sections of the A10 motorway will be widened and moved

running alongside, to offset plans for Zuidasdok. In addition,

underground and Amsterdam Zuid station will be upgraded to

a new water channel was created along Amstelveenseweg

serve as a future-proof public transport hub for train, tram, bus and

around VUmc for the same reason.

metro services. Zuidasdok feeds into the continued development

of Zuidas as a prime residential, working and recreational location.


For further information, visit www.zuidasdok.nl

Although well-designed water features are sure to boost the area’s appeal, space is on short supply in Zuidas, and land

Text Eric Burgers | Photography Wouter van Ierssel & Marc Dorleijn


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2014 Tasting sessions at Wineboutique & Spirits With a new shop on Zuidplein in Zuidas, Wineboutique & Spirits is organizing four tasting sessions and master classes. 6 November – Champagne Master Class, registration costs: € 50 20 November – BBB Master Class: Burgundy, Bordeaux, Barolo, registration costs: € 15 4 December – Port tasting session, registration costs: € 10 11 December – Christmas food & wine pairing tasting session, registration free of charge. Participation in the tasting session is free when your order your business gifts here. Please register in advance by phoning: +31 (0)20-4705414.

WEDNESDAY, 5 NOVEMBER 2014 Flute quartet plays Viennese masters Lunchtime concert, central hall, WTC Amsterdam 12:30pm - 1:30pm Following July’s piano quartet and a clarinet quartet in September, in November Musix For You will feature a flute quartet in the WTC’s central hall. This concert will feature internationally renowned Austrian flautist Christian Gurtner, a soloist and first flute with a number of major orchestras in Germany, Japan and the US. The quartet will play music from Vienna, with pieces by Viennese masters Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven.

8, 22 NOVEMBER & 6, 20 DECEMBER 2014 Architectural walking tour Buitenveldert Start: 1pm Extraordinary! The Van Eesterenmuseum in Amsterdam’s Nieuw-West district is heading out to post-war Buitenveldert, the stylish ‘little sister’ of the Westelijke Tuinsteden neighbourhood. During this guided walking tour, you’ll see how Van Eesteren achieved his urban architectural vision in Buitenveldert, manifested in its characteristic pattern of dwellings, green space and traffic zones. Starting point: Buitenveldert public library, Willem van Weldammelaan 5. For more information, visit: www.vaneesterenmuseum.nl.

SUNDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2014 THURSDAY, 6 NOVEMBER 2014 5, 11, 25 NOVEMBER & 2 DECEMBER 2014 Grey Power. On the power of strong seniors Amstelzaal VUmc Led by journalist Frènk van der Linden, Grey Power joins doctors, scientists and other experts for a series of debates on what it means to age well. Is ageing about deficiency or does wisdom come with old age? Free admission. For more information, see: www.VUmc.nl/greypower.


The Tight Jans Crowne Plaza 6pm - 9pm The Tight Jans +2 is a six-man band that rolls around like a marble in the marble maze. A unit; a ball moving in free fall, with a voice, live electronics and acoustic instruments that contrast one moment and fall back in harmony the next. Enjoy an evening of live music on the Crowne Plaza’s Manhattan Terrace. Admission is free! For more information about the concert, visit: www.thetightjans.com.

Olympisch Stadionloop Olympic Stadium, Amsterdam Each year, Phanos and UNICEF join forces to organize the Olympisch Stadionloop. This annual running event offers three distances: 10km, 5km and 1km. The first two are for recreational runners and teams representing education institutions. The 10km run also features a race and a business run. The 1km parent and child run is reserved for ages 13 and under, with parents if desired. For practical information, see: www.olympischstadionloop.nl.

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Next magazine will be published @ 6th of January. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 5th of December.

20 NOVEMBER @ Mahlerplein Pre Christmas Market

11 TILL 18 DECEMBER 2014 Photo: Karen Steenwinkel

SATURDAY, 15 NOVEMBER 2014 YaYoga Festival Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver On Saturday, 15 November, Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver in Amsterdam will be hosting the one and only YaYoga Festival. A special pampering event for the body and the mind, this festival is a must for all yoga fans. The varied programme features yoga workshops for everyone from beginner to pro, including Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga, healthy and delicious food and relaxation in the hotel’s luxury spa. Health professionals will be on hand to offer practical fitness and nutrition tips and top brands will be spotlighting their latest lifestyle products. For more information, visit: www.zuiveramsterdam.nl/yayoga.

Zuidas Slow Market @ Claude Debussylaan hosted by De Nieuwe Poort 11am - 4pm As the festive season approaches, we invite you to take some time out during lunch. Join us in celebrating what’s been achieved, muse over what’s to come and enjoy the here and now on Mahlerplein. Enjoy hot chocolate, mulled wine, gifts, a slow grill and soulful soups accompanied by inspiring music or enlightened by spirited stories around an open fire. Narrated by your peers, curated by De Nieuwe Poort, the themed messages will touch your heart, inspire your soul or get you in gear.

TUESDAY, 25 NOVEMBER 2014 RSM Executive Education seminar on ‘Reinventing business models’ Join us at the fourth RSM Erasmus Business Series (EBS) seminar on ‘Reinventing business models’. This thought-provoking, highly interactive and powerful event will address the relevance of business model innovation and how companies can cope with business challenges. • Learn how the business model innovation process works • Find out what you need to do to ensure its success and when to do it • Receive personal feedback on your own business model The seminar will be led by Prof. Henk Volberda, professor of Strategic Management & Business Policy. For further information, visit: www.rsm.nl/ebs.


WEDNESDAY, 19 NOVEMBER 2014 The Wolf of Wall Street Amsterdam RAI, Hall 7 6:30pm - 10pm The world can’t get enough of Jordan Belfort, and now is your chance to meet him! For a limited time only, see him live in Amsterdam. If there is one life story that epitomizes the cycle of self-evaluation, self-destruction and self-redemption, it’s the story of Jordan Belfort. Catch ‘The Wolf’ while you can! For more information, visit: www.wolfofwallstreetnl.com.

Mobility event: SMART TRAVEL 2014 - 2040 WTC Amsterdam 10:30am - 2:15pm The Mobility Task Force, Green Business Club Zuidas and Hello Zuidas have launched a joint initiative for a Mobility Week from 24 to 28 November, with a special Mobility Event on the 25th. Access to Zuidas is good, but infrastructure use could be better and smarter. Area professionals will have a chance to meet mobility management leaders, learn about future accessibility scenarios for Amsterdam and discover inspiring mobility concepts. For the full programme, see: www.hellozuidas.com.

WEDNESDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 2014 St Nicholas show Roelof Hartplein public library Start: 4pm Roos Dansverhalen presents a story about St. Nicholas. Hear the wind whistling through the trees? While the storm rages outside, St. Nick and his helper Piet take cover in a shed – but will they receive a warm welcome? For children aged 3-7. Admission: € 5 / free for library card holders. Reservations recommended: via cin@oba.nl / 020-662 31 84.


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

THURSDAY, 27 TO SUNDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2014 Attraction – by Caspar Berger Kunst Kapel 12 noon - 6pm In his latest project, titled Skeleton and begun in 2012, artist Caspar Berger used a CT scan and 3D printer to produce an exact copy of his skeleton. The centrepiece of this exhibition is the video Attraction/Self-portrait 30, which shows the process of creation in reverse. From a cloudy sky fall silver-grey balloons, each holding a piece of Berger’s skeleton. Experience this video and much more on the large screen at the Kunst Kapel during Amsterdam Art Weekend. Between 11 November and 15 December, Caspar Berger’s work can also be viewed by appointment. Works are also available for purchase. For further information, visit: www.casparberger.nl.

WEDNESDAY, 3 DECEMBER 2014 Business Walk of Fame Claud Debussylaan Start: 9am The Lucille Werner Foundation is honouring companies that are committed to employment opportunities for people with physical disabilities, with awards designed by a famous artist. Companies that strive for diversity within their organization will be recognized with a tile on the Business Walk of Fame, created in a special spot by the City of Amsterdam and to be unveiled by mayor Eberhard van der Laan on 3 December 2014 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Giants of the Ice Age Amsterdam EXPO, Gustav Mahlerlaan 24 Come face to face with a mammoth and discover the fascinating world of the Neanderthals. On display at Amsterdam EXPO from 27 November until 1 March, Giants of the Ice Age is the largest travelling exhibition ever created about the ice age. For ticket sales and information, see: www.amsterdamexpo.nl.


The Busquitos swinging band Crowne Plaza 6pm - 9pm The Busquitos perform a catchy mix of brilliantly swinging music and fun and dazzling entertainment! Combining jazzy instruments and deep, Louis Armstrong-inspired vocals, The Busquitos are also known to take their music into the audience, by playing a serenade, striking up a limbo or line dance or a sing-along to one of their catchy jazz tunes. Enjoy an evening of live music on the Crowne Plaza’s Manhattan Terrace. Admission is free! For more information about the concert, visit: www.busquitos.com.




Lunchtime concert De Nieuwe Poort 12:30pm - 1pm Where words fail, music speaks. Music can briefly lift you out of daily reality, transforming how you look at things afterwards. Experience a relaxing and uplifting moment every first Wednesday afternoon of the month at De Nieuwe Poort, with a 30-minute concert featuring highly talented musicians from the classical music conservatory. Please register via the website: www.denieuwepoort.org.

ORAM autumn forum RAI Amsterdam 5pm - 7:30pm Topic: Disruptive Innovation Airbnb has hotels running for their money and Uber is sending shock waves through the taxi world… more and more products and services are generating new markets and value chains, while radically changing or upending existing markets. Termed ‘Disruptive Innovation’ (DI), this phenomenon is exacerbated by the Internet. Moving from a historical consideration of DI, we learn how innovative start-ups and established players in the Amsterdam metro region are going about reinventing the world. With alderwoman Kajsa Ollongren and others. To be followed by a networking reception. Register via: www.oram.nl.

NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2014 Next magazine will be published @ 6th of January. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 5th of December.


End of year Hello Zuidas members event

THURSDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2014 Hello Zuidas meets Giants of The Ice Age 5pm - 7pm Hello Zuidas is pleased to invite you to our annual members’ year-end networking event. Hosted by Amsterdam EXPO, it promises to be a truly ‘icy’ experience and a great opportunity to extend your network. Please register before Monday, 9 December by email, via servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

THURSDAY, 11 DECEMBER 2014 Meet the Duisenberg school of finance Gustav Mahlerplein 117 Start: 5pm The Duisenberg school of finance stands for Top Talent & New Thinking. Learn how our unique Master’s in Finance, taught by the best academics and practitioners in the world, will bring you unrivalled career opportunities. Meet us at 5pm on 11 December and receive a special Christmas gift upon acceptance to our Master’s in Finance.

THURSDAY, 11 AND FRIDAY, 12 DECEMBER 2014 RSM Executive Education course Amsterdam Our highly experiential two-day ‘Coaching for improved work performance’ course gives you the specific coaching tools you need to develop and get the best out of others. Build new skills and gain insight into what actually works in the coaching toolbox. For further information, see: www.rsm.nl/cp.

Christmas market at WTC Amsterdam 10am - 4pm Presents, art, fashion, food and drinks. Stop by and support a charity, sample wonderful foods and shop for a Christmas party outfit. During the market, the Musix For You string quartet will perform a selection of Christmas music ranging from carols to classics to pop. Stop by to listen next to the traditional Christmas tree. Musix For You wishes you a merry Christmas and a musical 2015!



Masters of LXRY – Business Monday GMG Events B.V. 12 noon - 7pm Masters of LXRY returns to Amsterdam, with this year’s edition of Business Monday on Monday, 15 December. Dress code: business professional. Admission prices from € 45 to € 50; free for children aged 3 and under. All prices and times subject to change. For more information, visit: www.lxry.nl.

Singing Christmas trees Zuidplein & Mahlerplein Hello Zuidas will be bringing Christmas to Zuidas with jolly singing and talking four-metre tall Christmas trees. As you walk to the office in the morning and during the lunch break, we’ll be treating you to a musical Christmas gift.

15-27 DECEMBER 2014 Christmas @ Bolenius Turkey and Royal Hare capped with a confection of myrrh, incense and gold. This year, Bolenius is serving up a special signature take on these culinary classics in its Christmas menu, for the duration of two weeks, from 15 to 27 December. For more information, visit: www.bolenius-restaurant.nl/.

SUNDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2014 Santa Run @ Gelderlandplein For the second year in succession, the Rotary Club and Gelderlandplein are organizing a Santa Run, this time in support of the Liliane Fund and Amsterdam’s youth orchestra. Santa suits can be purchased at Gelderlandplein or ordered on www.amsterdam.rotarysantarun.nl. After the Santa Run, enjoy some holiday shopping while the kids have fun on the ice-skating rink. For further information, see: www.gelderlandplein.nl.



Pauline Westendorp



Pauline Westendorp has been working in Zuidas since 2004. Currently, her company NEWNRG is working on an energy self-sufficiency project for the Amsterdam metro region at the ‘tail end’ of Zuidas, behind the Olympic stadium. Why? Why not! But she also does it to make sure her children breathe clean air when cycling to their school in Zuidas. Pauline’s also involved in the sustainability project ‘Wij krijgen Kippen’ in Kop Zuidas. In 2013, she teamed up with the community to launch an energy association: Zuiderlicht. Working with a myriad of partners, these three organizations plan to have the Amsterdam metro region supplying its own energy by 2028.



The chickens are doing great! In March 2014,

in Amsterdam, which is a very inspiring place.

Rondeel, Natuur & Milieu and Wij krijgen Kippen

Zuidas made a strong showing, coming up with

jointly opened this coop with 200 clucking

inspiring contributions on every day of the event.

chickens at the RAI. Jort Kelder adopted the

The model energy citizen was a Zuidas resident:

first chicken, now christened Toos Kelder.

Aukje van Bezeij, who until two years ago wasn’t at

Actually, all the chickens are named Toos.

all involved with clean energy, but was completely

Aside from the Dutch metaphor about eggs

converted. ‘Wij krijgen Kippen’ also organized an

and energy being two things you can harvest

expert session, featuring innovative thinkers from

in your own or your neighbour’s backyard,

the NCDO centre for citizenship and international

our organization is not specifically focused on

cooperation, which resulted in a number of powerful

For further information

chickens, although the name ‘Wij krijgen Kippen’

new ideas. An event like this provides a huge

about Wij krijgen

may suggest otherwise. Rather, we aim to

impetus for energy transition, because it brings

Kippen, visit:

connect those local residents who are keen to

the entire sustainable energy network together.


be energy self-sufficient. And we publicly share

Besides, it is a great opportunity for everyone to

all the expertise we’ve gained along the way.

review what works and what doesn’t.

Energy week was hosted at Pakhuis de Zwijger

Text Layana Mokoginta & Romy Lange | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


ho us ek ee pi ng



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Crowne Plaza Amsterdam - South supports bees Since opening its doors in Amsterdam’s Zuidas in 2011, the Crowne Plaza Amsterdam - South has been offering modern hotel accommodations in a tranquil setting, run by a friendly and dynamic team. Guests also have easy access to Amsterdam’s city centre by public transport or loan bike. From June of this year, the hotel set up its own beehive, provided on loan by the Beelease foundation. Hello Zuidas sat down with Nicole Turnhout-Ammerlaan, the hotel’s general manager, to find out more.



When Nicole Turnhout-Ammerlaan heard

The hotel uses the honey produced by its hive.

about the Beelease foundation, she needed no

‘It’s a pure product that fits in with the image

convincing: ‘Bees are an endangered species.

of our hotel’, Turnhout-Ammerlaan explains.

But they form a crucial link in the food chain.

The honey is used in dishes served up at the

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam - South decided

Crowne Plaza Amsterdam - South’s one o one

to join forces with Beelease in sponsoring a

restaurant, cheffed by Wilko Hoogendoorn.

bee community, thus making our own small

Hoogendoorn earned his spurs at the Amstel

Hotel Crowne Plaza

contribution to preserve the bee population.’

Hotel, which, like the Crowne Plaza, is part of the

Amsterdam - South

Hotel staff and guests alike are hugely enthusiastic

InterContinental Hotels Group. ‘Wilko continues

George Gershwinln. 101

about the beehive. ‘Beekeeper Dirk Dekker pays

to raise our hotel’s cuisine to new heights.

1082 MT Amsterdam

regular visits to check up on our bee community’,

And he’s always happy to accommodate to a

+31 (0)20 504 36 66

Turnhout-Ammerlaan continues. ‘It’s fun to

diner’s individual wishes. Guests often tell us that


see him in action and watch the process from

the restaurant is the main reason why they keep

up close.’

visiting our hotel‘, says Turnhout-Ammerlaan.

Text Sanne Offringa | Photography Jalisa Oudenaard



Hello Zuidas and Security Region team up on Zuidas Emergency Response Plan The Amsterdam-Amstelland Security Region and the Hello Zuidas Foundation have teamed up to develop an Emergency Response Plan for Zuidas. Spurred on by calls from local companies and institutions to have a general contingency plan ready in the event of an emergency, the initiative brings all of these organizations together in the Hello Zuidas Safety Platform.

HOTSPOTS An emergency response plan involves analysing so-called

hub and home to many international headquarters.

hotspots: places with an aggregation of risks, such as a frequent

To make sure everyone is better prepared for possible

high density of people, infrastructural hubs and large-scale

incidents, the Security Region is drawing up an emergency

building sites. Zuidas is one such hotspot in Amsterdam.

response plan in consultation with local parties. Research conducted in conjunction with public and


private stakeholders in the area will indicate what measures

Zuidas is a busy location where lots of buildings are

are needed to guarantee better preparation, should a

grouped close together, as well as being an infrastructural

crisis occur.



Details of this emergency response plan will be set out by


a working group made up of representatives of area users,

The second meeting focused on the local capacities which are

including employers and residents, major players such as

needed to be adequately prepared for emergencies. Most critical

VU University Amsterdam and the RAI, building managers,

necessity is an effective communication structure. Businesses want

infrastructure managers (NS, GVB, Liander and Waternet)

a fast medium for exchanging information, and one that will work

and emergency services.

in instances where the regular communication networks are no longer available, due to a blackout or communication overload.


Another key point is to make sure that relief services called to an

The group made a start on the emergency response plan during

emergency know who to report to upon arriving at the scene.

its first working conference at VU University Amsterdam on 11 September 2014. Area experts pinpointed the risks that

Everyone involved has worked hard to frame the results of these

characterize Zuidas, which fit into three categories:

first two meetings into a plan containing concrete procedures

a) risk of fatalities and material damage resulting from e.g.

and practical solutions for an effective response to a crisis.

an accident with or without hazardous substances or

The resulting plan was presented on 30 October during an

fire breaking out in a large building;

assembly at the Amsterdam-Amstelland Security Region policy

b) risk of chiefly material damage resulting from e.g. a traffic

centre, also known as the ‘bunker’, beneath the town hall. In 2015,

jam, public transport failure, public utilities failure and/or

the new emergency response organization will help to roll out an

extended inaccessibility of Zuidas;

effective notification structure for businesses in the area.

c) terrorist threats or other threats arising from e.g. mass

In addition, they intend to organize emergency drills.

demonstrations or a hostage situation. Specific risks were outlined for each risk type, along with a

For further information about the emergency response plan,

normative scenario – that is, the scenario that the emergency

contact Hello Zuidas: www.hellozuidas.com

response organization should be prepared to deal with.

Text Koos Weits | Photography Wouter van Ierssel



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Barbara Meurs & Bettina Borreman

Nick van Lanschot & Walter Nooy

NDI OPENS ICT EXPERIENCE CENTER Thursday, 16 October @ the new office of NDI ICT Solutions, WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 203 • The opening of the NDI ICT Experience Center was hosted in the WTC Amsterdam. • Many companies came along to celebrate with NDI, the leading ICT service provider in Zuidas. • In his speech, NDI ICT Solutions Director Chris van Hattum explained NDI’s clear and original vision on ICT. • KLM Senior Vice President Adriaan den Heijer conducted the official opening with a presentation on customer experience. Adriaan den Heijer & Chris van Hattum

Jacqueline van Meeten & Floor Meijer

Kees van den Berg, Andy Weers & Jorn Louter

Youngmee Choi & Anne Ruiter

Stephanie Verweij & Arie den Heijer

Mike Kandhai, Eugene Kuisch, Daya Maduro & Shannon Kopetzky

Rob van den Noort & Albert Hollema

Niels Alberda & Jochem van Dongen

Lennert Lamie & Robert Kruit

Astrid Spijkers, Linneke van Lanschot & Anita van den Noort

Jacqueline Bos & Diederik van Dam

Marco van Wonderen, Jurriaan Wartena & Rishie Bhagwandin

Photography Inge Melsen & Anouk van Dijk




Mobility Event on 25 November In a recent survey conducted by Jones Lang LaSalle, Amsterdam’s Zuidas district was once more named best office location in the Netherlands. One reason is its excellent accessibility: whether you come by train, bus, metro, car, bike or on foot, Zuidas is an easy commute. Yet the use of Zuidas’ infrastructure could still be better – and smarter.

SMART TRAVEL 2014 - 2040 The Zuidas Mobility Task Force, Green Business Club Zuidas

in which Zuidas forms a vital transport hub. Given the limited

and Hello Zuidas have launched a joint initiative for a ‘Mobility

space for additional road infrastructure aboveground, we have

Week’, and are working with the Amsterdam Metropolitan

to make the most of existing transport modalities. As CEO of

Region, the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water

the Optimizing Use programme on behalf of the participating

Management (Rijkswaterstaat) and the Ministry of Infrastructure

businesses, I wholeheartedly support any regional initiative to

and the Environment in the national ‘Optimizing Use’ programme.

reduce rush-hour congestion. I’m looking forward to tackling

Smart Travel 2014 - 2040 will mark the kick-off of an annually

this challenge with the local business community.’

recurring week dedicated to mobility solutions in and around

in the WTC Amsterdam. Meet mobility management leaders,


learn about future accessibility scenarios for Amsterdam and

‘My work at VU University Amsterdam includes studying

discover inspiring mobility concepts.

traffic flows and giving advice on measures to alleviate peaks.

Zuidas. If you are living and/or working in Zuidas, you are cordially invited to attend this event on Tuesday 25 November,

This ranges from major peak-avoidance projects, such as


the first experiment carried out in Zoetermeer in 2006,

‘Government agencies and employers are diligently investing

Of course, projects like these yield a huge amount of

in accessibility policy for the greater Amsterdam region,

data for researchers, which you can then feed into new


to participation in the Practical Trial Amsterdam.


Minister Melanie Schultz

Henk Markerink

Erik Verhoef

ideas and projects. I’m keen to develop budget-neutral peak

These are the major criteria for achieving long-term changes in

projects, for instance based on marketable rights.

behaviour. I see this initiative for an annually recurring mobility week as a way to embed continued collaboration on mobility

Zuidas forms a special case because it’s on both a destination

issues between businesses and local authorities.

and a transit route. Zuidas has a direct impact on destination traffic, but you also have to factor in the effects on through

‘During mobility week, from 24-28 November, we challenge you to

traffic. Translating the lessons learnt from peak-avoidance

choose a different transport option than you normally do, for two

projects to the situation in Zuidas is key, but solutions also have

consecutive trips. Twitter your commuting alternatives via

to be sustainable, as well as financially viable. Collaboration is

@HZ_Mobility? For the full programme, see: www.hellozuidas.com.

vital to influencing behaviour. This goes for businesses who have to collaborate in order to prevent the ‘free rider effect’, whereby only one party invests in measures from which the

Zuidas Mobility Survey 2014

other benefits without having to do anything. But it’s also

How do you travel to Zuidas? By bike, car or

necessary for local authorities, who are governed by both

public transport? And why? Help us keep

their own economic interests and those they share with other

Zuidas accessible by completing our questionnaire!

parties. Individual users are best served by offering alternatives

See: www.hellozuidas.com or www.zuidas.nl.

and clever solutions that come with financial incentives.

Text Renny Kootstra | Photography VU University Amsterdam



Opening the door to good health care for expats 40.

Nicole van Haelst

On 28 October 2014, ONVZ Zorgverzekeraar organised a lunch seminar for HR professionals at Amsterdam Zuidas. Themed ‘Keep your talent on board’, the seminar addressed the difficulties employers have in attracting international staff and retaining them in the Netherlands in the long term. Apart from salary, various factors – such as childcare and access to good health care – can be key factors for expats when deciding whether to take a job. Hello Zuidas met with Nicole van Haelst, director of the International Community Platform (ICP) and one of the seminar speakers, and Nicolette Sluis and Benno van der Bles of ONVZ Zorgverzekeraar to look back on this successful event.


by asking both them and HR professionals about what

The ICP is a collective of companies who all have a large number

they’re satisfied with and what’s missing.’

of international employees. Van Haelst explains, ‘International transfer of knowledge, access to markets and to balance our


net export of talent. As such, we try to ensure the best possible

It’s no mystery why ONVZ is so popular among expats. Aside from

living and working climate for expats in the Netherlands. To do

good access to information, it is also down to the policy conditions

that, we start by listening to their experiences, needs and wishes,

themselves. ‘Our health-care plans offer lots of benefits for

and then take these insights to Dutch service providers, who can

policyholders in general, and specifically for expats as well,’

subsequently work to meet those exact needs. That’s also how

says Van der Bles. ‘We only do non-contracted health-care plans,

we came into contact with ONVZ. Moreover, ONVZ tops the

which means that policyholders are entirely free to choose their

list of health-care insurers on the independent website

own doctor and hospital. And in principle those costs are fully

www.check-nl.com, where expat professionals can find and

reimbursed, which means policyholders are not restricted to

evaluate service providers that cater to their particular needs.’

contracted care providers, as is the case at many other insurance

professionals are absolutely vital to the Dutch economy for the

companies. What’s more, with ONVZ, policyholders can even


opt to receive treatment abroad, provided the treatment in

‘Health care in the Netherlands compares very well to

question is comparable to what they would receive in the

that in other countries. However, for expats working here,

Netherlands. In such cases, policyholders are reimbursed up

finding information is a problem. The services are there,

to a maximum of the Dutch rate. Many of these invoices are

but information about them for foreigners is not,’ stresses

reimbursed for the full 100%, as the Dutch rate is often the same

Van Haelst. ONVZ is addressing this gap in various ways.

as that charged abroad. Other insurers impose stricter conditions.’

For example, all the information on its website is also available in English and they have English-speaking staff to provide assistance by telephone. Beyond this, ONVZ keeps constant

For further information, please email vo@onvz.nl,

track of where needs actually arise in practice. Sluis confirms,

call +31 (0)30-6396566, or visit www.onvz.nl.

‘We’ll continue to assess the needs of this specific target group

Text Sanne Offringa | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


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Thomas van Splunteren

De Hypotheker Mortgage advice in Zuidas

Just over a year ago, De Hypotheker Amsterdam Zuidas WTC relocated its office from Buitenveldert to the financial heart of Amsterdam: Zuidas. Now operating from the 14th floor of the WTC, the office move has proved to be a success. Among other things, customers value the new office’s convenient location and extended opening hours. Hello Zuidas talked with De Hypotheker franchisee Thomas van Splunteren.

ACCESSIBILITY ‘With an office right in the heart of Zuidas, accessibility is

refinancing matters, or what to do when their personal

excellent. Train, bus and tram services all stop on our doorstep’,

circumstances change’, Thomas van Splunteren says.

stresses Thomas van Splunteren. ‘Our customers include not only area residents, but also people who work in Zuidas. And with our flexible opening hours, they can easily drop by before or after work.’

‘Our customers include not only area residents, but also people who work in Zuidas.’

TRANSPARENT At De Hypotheker, service is professional and transparent.


After itemizing their customer’s requirements, which is

De Hypotheker also gives advice to expats. ‘Right now,

free of charge, the consultant determines what services

the buyers’ market for homes dominates’, Van Splunteren

De Hypotheker may offer. Customers pay a fixed rate based

explains. ‘That also goes for expats. Especially given the

on the nature of the advice requested. As Thomas van

current high rental prices for housing, buying can be a much

Splunteren explains, ‘We really try to put ourselves in our

more attractive option.’

customers’ place and see things from their perspective’.


De Hypotheker Amsterdam Zuidas WTC

De Hypotheker is a wholly independent advisor, which offers

Strawinskylaan 1427 / WTC Tower B, Level 14

financing from all lenders. But its services go much further

1077 XW Amsterdam

than that. People can turn to us for advice on a variety

+31 20 662 14 11

of subjects: not only regarding new loans, but also about

Text Sanne Offringa | Photography Wouter van Ierssel


Anneke de Jong & Sandra Thesing

Jetze Schreij, Jaen Thomas Chollet, Arjen Lindeman & Matthieu Blondin

Walter Weissensee, Henk Huisman & Bert Turksma

Elsemieke Bergema & Jelle van Buuren

TOPPING OUT CELEBRATION AT 1000 MAHLERLAAN Thursday, 25 September 2014 @ 1000 Mahlerlaan construction site • Property group G&S is developing the new building, situated on the corner of Gustav Mahlerlaan and Buitenveldertselaan in Amsterdam’s Zuidas district. • G&S director Jason Blackmore officially opened the reception by hoisting the Dutch flag with the press of a button. The opening ceremony was followed by a sizzling fireworks show. • Totalling 8,350 m2 in office and retail space, the building is to be completed in March 2015. • Guests included delegations from Chanel International and Egon Zehnder International.

Kiki Norbruis, Astrid Kouveld, Saskia van den Ende, Maria de Fretes, Fleur Lambermon & Astrid Renooij

Jet Happel & Michelle Bols

Rik Bakker & Erik Hemelaar

Jeroen Rothuijsen & Martine Gründemann

Jenny van der Kolk & Arjen Loef

Nicole van Dijken & Petra Lee

Jason Blackmore & Jan Olthof

Jaap Messemaker, Hans Vlietstra & Piet van Hoeven

Mans Vroom, Geert Wilmink & Maaike Boné

Alfons Oude Ophuis & Jan Roersma

Hans Alers & Hans Horn

Noëlle Vriend, Erik Godijn & Mark Loohuis


Like us on Facebook & find more photos in our gallery Party, opening, reception or farewell drink @ Zuidas? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl

Nisette GrootAntink, Janneke Drenth, Maartje Kuis, Marian Verhoef & Nanda Kappers

Frank Huijben & Wendy Poppelaars

Jan van Wel & Rob Dekkers

CONSTRUCTION OF NEW UNIVERSITY BUILDING KICKS OFF AT VU Thursday, 18 September 2014 @ construction site of the New University Building, De Boelelaan 1111 • The construction of the New University Building was given a festive kick-off during a reception, hosted in a marquee on the campus. • At the construction site, flags bearing the logos of both VU University Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam fluttered in the breeze as emblems of their inter-university alliance. • Event speakers included Josja van der Veer, Jaap Winter and Eric van der Burg. • Construction of the building is expected to span three years.

Eric van der Burg, Josja van der Veer, Jaap Winter & Louise Gunning

Josje Calff & Carin van der Wal

Lisa Brans & Marcel Poolman

Jan van der Veen & Ad Gevers

Dick Lussing, Olivier Otten & Kees Noorman

Helen Clark, Arjen van der Zee & Jan Straub

Johan Hoorn & Jeroen Maas

Roland Roekhuizen, Lars Roosken & Marcel Poolman

Romy Lange & Felicien Duquesnoy

Cusca Griffioen & Marleen Manniksma

Roeleke Vunderink & Hamco Gerritse

Ian van Hoof, Anne Bijlmer & Martine van der Beek

Photography Inge Melsen & Anouk van Dijk


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Memo board PEERLESS TALENT WTC Amsterdam will be hosting another edition of its ‘Ongekende Talenten’ fair on Thursday 6 November, introducing 100 students and young professionals to 40 employers, during a programme featuring speed dates, information on how to optimize your CV and a networking reception. Companies from various sectors such as law, finance, communication and ICT will be taking part to tap into this pool of talents.

OH CHRISTMAS TREE, OH CHRISTMAS TREE… Soon we’ll all be getting into the Christmas spirit and Zuidas is no exception! Restaurant Bolenius will be presenting a range of mouth-watering festive menus, the district will host no less than two Christmas markets and there´s even a singing Christmas tree to look forward to! You can also sign up for the Santa Run at the Gelderlandplein shopping centre. See page 29 for more information.

‘IF THE BEE DISAPPEARED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH, MAN WOULD ONLY HAVE FOUR YEARS LEFT TO LIVE’ – ALBERT EINSTEIN Crowne Plaza Amsterdam-South is doing its share to preserve the bee population by adopting a beehive from www.Beelease.nl. Honey produced by its bees is used in dishes prepared by hotel Chef Wilko Hoogendoorn. Got space for a beehive at your office? Contact info@beelease. nl to find out more. Interested in a course on beekeeping or an exclusive workshop at Zuidas taught by beekeeper Dirk Dekker? Contact Nienke.veldman@ihg.com / +31 (0)20-5043600

TALENT SPECIAL IPAD Download the Hello Zuidas app and read about us anyplace, anytime!









The January/February issue of Hello Zuidas will include a special feature on Talent. Want to share a story about talent at your company, or learn more about attracting talent to your business? Feel free to contact us at: hellozuidas@asega.nl.


LIKE AND WIN! Win two tickets to Business Monday at Masters of LXRY in the RAI! Business Monday is on Monday, 15 December, from 12 noon until 7pm. For your chance to win tickets, simply surf to: facebook.com/hellozuidas and like and share this contest!

E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.


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HELLO ZUIDAS WELCOMES THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBERS Company: Domeco Sector: Project development Number of employees: 7 Link with Zuidas: As property developers, we’re fascinated with the creation of the new city district, which was also one of our main reasons for locating here in 2010. Zuidas is coming to life! We’re excited about the increase in homes, shops, cultural events and trendsetting restaurants in this new part of Amsterdam. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Domeco wants to take part in creating a dynamic and sustainable Zuidas. A successful environment starts with people and their ideas. Let’s maximize the potential of ‘our’ Zuidas together. Company: Wineboutique & spirits Sector: Wine and spirits Number of employees: 4 Link with Zuidas: We offer a full-service wine and spirits store, featuring top-quality wines, exclusive liquors, gifts, tasting sessions and excellent service; all catering especially for a demanding Zuidas clientele. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As a Hello Zuidas member, we want to contribute to the exciting lifestyle in Zuidas. People are always welcome to drop in for a glass of wine. Company: Ticket point Sector: Events Number of employees: 20, but flexible per project Link with Zuidas: We’ve had an office here since March 2014. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: To be more engaged with what’s happening in Zuidas and to join up with local businesses and social networking events. Company: Stichting ArtZuid Sector: Culture Number of employees: 4 Link with Zuidas: Every other year, Stichting ArtZuid organizes Amsterdam’s international sculpture route through Zuidas, Minervalaan, Apollolaan and Museumplein. With its starting point at Amsterdam Zuid station, the statues form a ribbon unfurling from Zuidas to the city centre. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: By becoming a Hello Zuidas partner, Stichting ArtZuid hopes to promote Amsterdam’s international sculpture route among a larger audience. ArtZuid’s growth ambitions are a good match for the international, high-calibre, enterprising character of the other companies affiliated with Hello Zuidas. Company: Bambou Sector: Restaurant Number of employees: 10 Link with Zuidas: We’ve opened a new location here in Zuidas and expect to be very busy in the period ahead! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We’d like to connect with other businesses in Zuidas and to introduce the sensational products of Asian street food cooking to a new audience. Company: Unicucine Sector: Cooking studio/coffee and wine bar Number of employees: 5 Link with Zuidas: Unicucine, situated on George Gershwinplein, is an example of what makes Zuidas special, featuring a stylish cooking studio with a ValCucine kitchen and an inviting espresso and wine bar, where guests can enjoy excellent coffee or a glass of fine wine. There are plenty of options for hosting company receptions and informal drinks, wine tasting sessions and other events. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As a member of Hello Zuidas, we want to appeal to people like to enjoy all the small luxuries in life; people who appreciate quality and style.


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Members Hello Zuidas – November 2014

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819, 9 th floor - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN Studio-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 820 3976 - +31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Mieke Verberkt | Imageau Translation: Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Romy Lange, Inge Melsen, Milou Peeters, Kristen van den Hul, Eric Burgers, Renny Kootstra, Anouk van Dijk, Layana Mokoginta, Koos Weits & Sanne Offringa. Photography: Jalisa Oudenaarde, Wouter van Ierssel, Ingrid Arnou, Marc Dorleijn, Anouk van Dijk, Inge Melsen & William Maanders. Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk Intern: Inge Melsen & Anouk van Dijk Thanks to: Eric van der Burg, Dienst Zuidas, ProperyNL, Kirsten van den Hul, Het Financieele Dagblad, De Hypotheker, ONVZ, Crowne Plaza, EXPO Amsterdam, Pauline Westendorp, NDI ICT, De Vrije Universiteit & G&S Vastgoed. Printed by: Gianotten Printed Media Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly) Copyright: © 2014 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ​ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79.

ABN AMRO Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam EXPO Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI Amsterdamse Bos APG Arcadis Art Zuid ASEGA Media Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bambou Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermaatschappij WTC Amsterdam Being Development Blue Boat Company Boekel De Nerée Bolenius Bouwens Groep Breevast Broersma Nieuwbouw Business4Bees Caffè Belmondo CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely Corporate Housing Factory Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South Dagelijks Lekker De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Hypotheker De Nieuwe Poort Deterink Advocaten en Notarissen Dienst Zuidas Amsterdam Domeco Duisenberg School of Finance Eden McCallum Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eetwinkel Zwaan Euroinfra Expatcenter Amsterdam EY Fortron B.V. G&S Vastgoed Galerie Modern Gerrit Rietveld Academie Global Housing Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Greenwheels Gustavino B.V. GVB HAB International Accountants & Consultants Hago Nederland B.V. Handelsbanken HB Hairstylers Hestia Kinderopvang Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services (Europe) INBO ING Rayon Amsterdam Zuid West Ingeborg Douwes Centrum Kardan Kempen & Co Kenko Kitchen Koetjes en Kalfjes Linklaters Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Markit MBO College Zuid Mech Make & Take

80. Miles Building 81. MultiCopy Nederland B.V. 82. NDI ICT Solutions 83. NEWNRG 84. NH Amsterdam Zuid 85. Nederlandse Vereniging van Banken (NVB) 86. Nijkerk Holding 87. NL Real Estate 88. NMC-Nijsse International Executive Search 89. Novotel Amsterdam City 90. NVD Beveiligingsgroep 91. Oliver’s 92. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam 93. ORAM 94. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 95. Partou Kinderopvang 96. Pathé 97. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 98. Platform Beter Benutten 99. Poelman Advocaten 100. Property NL B.V. 101. Puramis Consultancy 102. Qbic Hotels 103. Q-Park Nederland 104. Rabobank Amsterdam Markt Zuid 105. RBS 106. Regus 107. Restaurant Nine 108. RGA International Reinsurance Co. 109. Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc 110. RSM Erasmus University 111. Russell Reynolds Associates 112. Schiphol Real Estate 113. SCOR Global Life SE 114. Season-Flowers 115. Securitas 116. SINGAZ 117. SLA 118. SLFMD Tailoring 119. Spaces 120. Stadsdeel Zuid 121. Stage Entertainment 122. Stibbe 123. St.Exploitatie Olympisch Stadion A’dam 124. Stichting Promotie Sportas Amsterdam 125. Stichting ZuidasRun 126. Sushi Time 127. Symphony’s 128. Taalcentrum - VU 129. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 130. The Bank of New York Mellon 131. The Basket 132. The Change Agent 133. The Office Operators 134. The Oyster Club 135. The TailorMates 136. Ticketpoint 137. TopJobs Consultants 138. Transcore Management 139. TREC 140. Triple Ace 141. Unicucine 142. Valid Express 143. Vimpelcom 144. Visser Communicatie 145. Voxius 146. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 147. VU Connected 148. VU Medisch Centrum 149. Wagamama 150. Webster University 151. Wieringen Prins 152. Wineboutique & Spirits 153. World Trade Center Amsterdam 154. WTC Amsterdam Business Club 155. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 156. Your Assistant 157. ZuidasTravel.nl 158. Zuidschans



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