Hello Zuidas #27

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Marjolijn Meijer

Founder of Clubsportive

‘When we opened in Zuidas 11 years ago, people said we were crazy’ Services in Zuidas special

A further boost to the quality of living

MOBILITY TEST Shared car services BREXIT The impact on Zuidas ZUIDASDOK Sneak peak of the future

Odette van der Veeken Editorial & sales coordinator o.vanderveeken@asega.nl

‘Hello Zuidas!’ I use this greeting in the literal sense, since for

and also through inspiring meetings with ‘locals’

the next few issues I’ll be temporarily taking over

while putting together this magazine.

from my colleague Romy Lange, who is on pregnancy leave. As editorial & sales coordinator of the

It was a privilege to meet with Marjolijn Meijer,

Amsterdam Oud Zuid magazine Z.O.Z., I know

for example, co-founder of Clubsportive, for this

that part of the city well. This foray into Hello

issue’s cover story. Her luxury health club in Zuidas

Zuidas territory will be a wonderful opportunity

has recently expanded to 2,500 m2. She talked with

to get better acquainted with this unique piece

huge enthusiasm about the inspiration she has

of Amsterdam.

drawn from every corner of the world to create the ultimate gym concept.

Stepping into our office amidst all the awesome architecture of Zuidas every day, I get a real

Our spotlight in this issue will be on services in Zuidas.

‘Manhattan’ vibe. There is an energy here of minds

You’ll also find inspiring stories on sustainability and

meeting, innovations brewing and developments

finance, several local companies offer their perspec-

underway. More than anything, I love the boundless

tives on how Brexit will impact Zuidas, and we'll tell

drive of all the dedicated people I’ve had the

you about the results of our shared car test. I, for one,


pleasure to meet here in Zuidas recently – during

am looking forward to the ride I’ll be taking over the

The next issue of Hello

events like the Zuidas Run and the opening

coming months: Hello Zuidas, glad to meet you!

Zuidas is scheduled for

celebration of the Mahlerplein bike park,

Happy reading!

the 31st of October.

This autumn we’ll be welcoming new neighbours. As Mahlerlaan bustles with movers unloading sofas and beds instead of desks and monitors, our new neighbours will be settling into spectacular residential towers with sonorous names like Summertime, Intermezzo and Gershwin Brothers. On 19 September Hello Zuidas members can enjoy a sneak peak of the shell of the Mahler 900 penthouse, compliments of the new resident. Afterwards we’ll share lunch and trade ideas about ‘Living in Zuidas’ while enjoying views of Schiphol, the dunes and docked cruise ships. What better housewarming to inaugurate Zuidas as a mixed-use area in which to live, work and study? Has it piqued your interest? Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas


Index 08



07. Trending Topics 08. Marjolijn Meijer - Clubsportive ‘When we opened in Zuidas 11 years ago, people said we were crazy’ 12. Building Zuidas 14. Hello Zuidas | Public Space Got a minute? 16. Property 19. Column - Ruben van Zwieten Exit The City, Enter Zuidas 20. VU Campus in development: O|2 Lab Building 22. Hello Zuidas | Mobility Zuidas mobility test: shared car services 24. Finance 26. The impact of Brexit 28. Htel Serviced Apartments The feeling of home with a five-star service 30. Hello Zuidas | Agenda 35. Iittala Welcome to the world of Scandinavian design 36. Zuidas Architecture 38. Hello Zuidas | Sustainability News from Zuidas 41. Hello You 43. MTH Makelaars Experience that makes the difference 44. Services in Zuidas Special 46. CompaNanny to open new location in Zuidas 49. Spine Health Incompany ‘Netherlands breaks records with sitting down’ 50. Employers join forces to keep Zuidas accessible 53. Webster University ‘Webster’s network attracts the best teaching staff’ 55. Hello You 57. Hello Zuidas | New Members 58. Memoboard

35 With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.



#Trending topics MAARTEN VEEGER @BREAKINGSWEEP Amsterdam het nieuwe Londen? The City aan de Zuidas? In #ztoday op #rtlz om 17.30 de voors en tegens met Adamse politici • TONY WIJNTUIN @WYNESTRATEGY @ElineAmsterdam @wearepopup @popicesclub ik zeg flits-flex-plekken in het groen van Zuidas, met eten en drinken van de Zuidasondernemers! • GBCZUIDAS @GBCZUIDAS Gezellige drukte bij het Concertgebouwuitje met @VoedselbankAmst Zuid, ouderen en GBC Zuidas participanten • ANNO BUNNIK @EURABIST @APHClarkson @b_judah hear a lot of optimism in NL that Amsterdam would seek to add to its growing (English speaking) banking sector #zuidas • ONNO PRUIS @ONNOPRUIS De fietsenstalling #mahlerplein is bijna klaar: dak is mooi geworden! #zuidasdok • ROB HAGEMAN @ROBALLEMACHTIG Nu Amsterdam wellicht de financiële hoofdstad van Europa wordt, hadden we station Zuid nu ook maar ondergronds gepland. #zuidas • JOOST BRINKMAN @JOOSTBRINKMAN Morgen weer lekker op de fiets! Iemand nog een fijne fietsparkeerplek in aanbieding? @hellozuidas @ZuidasAmsterdam • BDIVERGENT @BDIVERGENTCOM @BDivergentcom vestigt zich in Infinity #infinity #Zuidas #nieuwkantoor #spannend • NATURE DESKS @WHITELABELAMS Eerste #polderdak op de #Zuidas. Nu nog een #naturedesks pop-up #coworking locatie in de buurt :) • JOHAN WINNUBST @JOHANWINNUBST01 #zuidas #mahlerplein leuke opening door Barbara... En trots op BAM werk.. • NATHALIE DELORME @NATHALIEGD Wat is het #mahlerplein mooi geworden. Fijn groen en lekker om in het zonnetje te zitten. #zuidas #zuidasdok • LAURA PLASMEIJER @LAURAPLASMEIJER Als je dan toch in Amsterdam bent... Even kijken waar Xavier gebouwd wordt natuurlijk! @Waal #mooiproject #Zuidas • ANNEMIEKEBUSCH @ANNEMIEKEBUSCH Nu nog een Italiaanse ijssalon en het leven op de #zuidas is perfect! • ANITA YONG @ANITA_YONG Yes! #market33 is open! Drop by & enjoy all kinds of delicious food & drinks! #Amsterdam #zuidas #food #iamsterdam Kon. • BAM GROEP NV @BAMGROEP_NL @FWoerden @ZuidasAmsterdam @BAMWonen tweede gebouw Summertime #Zuidas #Amsterdam komt uit de steigers. • MERKELBACHSCHOOL @BSMERKELBACH Leuke tip voor laatste vakantieweken! Gratis concerten in #Beatrixpark & op #Zuidas ikv @grchtnfstvl #muziekeducatie


doel! or het goeetdest o v n se t ie F k Zuidasdo #zuidasfi Zuidasdokre@f #fietsmarkt #zuidas #am




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Free WIFI Hello Zuidas on Mahlerplein & Zuidplein


Marjolijn Meijer, founder of Clubsportive

‘When we opened in Zuidas 11 years ago, people said we were crazy’ - Marjolijn Meijer, founder of Clubsportive In 2005, Marjolijn Meijer and her husband Han Doorenbosch celebrated the grand opening of Clubsportive in Zuidas. ‘It’s hard to imagine these days, but back then this was all pasture’, Marjolijn recalls. ‘Everyone said we were crazy, but I had a good feeling about this location.’ That feeling proved to be spot-on. Today, 11 years later, she’s putting the finishing touches on Clubsportive Premium. It’s set to be the ultimate fitness club, spanning more than 2,500 m2 in the former convention centre on Gustav Mahlerlaan. Was Clubsportive an instant success 11 years ago?

You used to work in education. How did you end up

‘Not at all. For the first year and half we were posting losses and

in the fitness world?

things were really tough. Now the situation has changed and the

‘Han and I moved from Brabant to Amsterdam. For a while we

neighbourhood is booming. The reason we have a location here in

lived in anti-squat housing, which was a blast. I was working as

the heart of Zuidas is all owed to our willingness to take a gamble.

a teacher in special education and Han was a PE teacher. He also

Doing business is about having the courage to fail. My golden rule

used to play competitive ice hockey and box at a high level.

is: if you’re afraid to lose, you’re certain to lose. My gut instinct

When we discovered the All Sports gym in Amstelveen, we were

proved right, because now Clubsportive is bursting at the seams.’

hugely impressed. It was big and modern and way ahead of its time. One day, Han turned to me and said, ‘I want to start a gym’.

Time for an expansion, in other words?

We grabbed a phone book and rang up a gym that was for sale in

‘When we were approached about this project, my husband Han

Hilversum. That became our first Clubsportive. Things developed

and I agreed that for one more time we’d pull out all the stops.

from there, and soon we opened a second location in Amsterdam.

The ultimate gym experience, that’s what we are aiming for; the mecca of fitness. Straight away I realized we’d need a

What was the secret to Clubsportive’s success?

swimming pool, and not just one for show, but a full 25-metre

‘We brought a different approach to everything we did. Even in

pool. We don’t want to make any concessions. Every detail has

the early days we travelled a great deal and brought all kinds of

to be perfect. This club is going to set a new standard. It will be

international influences back with us. We loved the big city

both urban and luxurious. For example, we’re installing a 100

lifestyle, for example, and injected that into our fitness clubs.

private lockers. That means that every client will have his/her

When we had four clubs in Amsterdam we invested in things

own locker, where they can leave their sports clothes after

like self-defence for gay men and kama sutra yoga. In that respect,

working out, which we will return freshly laundered and pressed

we’ve always pushed the envelope. The same thing goes for

the next day. On top of that, they can choose their own fragrance

marketing. We asked our most distinctive members to model for

by Zenology, wrapped in a nice leather sachet.

our campaigns. Photography is a big thing for me. It’s what draws me to other brands as well, because it communicates who you

It doesn’t sound like your run-of-the mill Dutch gym.

are.’ The photos for our new campaign are shot in the atrium

‘True. Zuidas is the only place in the country where this concept

of our new club by Petrosky and Ramone, two renowned

could work. This location has this cosmopolitan feel, with people

photographers who also do campaigns for premium brands such

from big cities from all over the world working and living here.

as Nike and who also earned their spurs in artistic photography.’

Walking around Zuidas, I get a real Manhattan vibe. Professionals in Zuidas are working at the top of their game, and they bring that

Only nowadays there’s only one Clubsportive left.

same mentality to physical fitness. They have so much drive

Why is that?

and ambition. Our goal is to make their lives easier in any way

‘At a certain point there was a glut of budget fitness clubs like

we can. This new club has been inspired by our travels around

Fit For Free and Basic Fit, and our profit model was no match

the globe, from New York to Brazil. Everything, from the lighting

for that kind of competition. It was no picnic, but in the end we

to the changing rooms, has a story behind it.’

came through. In 2011 we got a very good offer and sold four of

Text Kika Samsom & Odette van der Veeken | Photography Davien Hulsman


‘If you’re afraid to lose, you’re certain to lose’ How do you practise what you preach? ‘I’m a big fan of change. That’s one thing I love about our economy: something that’s hot one day may be old news the next. our locations. Five other locations were renovated to fit our new

You can’t just stick with what works; you have to roll with the

concept, TrainMore, where you pay less the more often you

punches, and that suits me fine. If I had to pack up and move to

work out. We hope this will give people an incentive to get more

another country tomorrow, I wouldn’t think twice. I’m not afraid to

exercise. We’ve now already got eight TrainMore clubs across

dive into the deep end. Naturally you’ve got a major responsibility

the country. For our one remaining Clubsportive in Zuidas we’ve

towards the people working for you, and I take that very seriously.

decided to go a totally different route. Here, it’s all about the

By continuing to educate myself, for example. At the moment I’m

ultimate fitness experience. And that’s a perfect fit for Zuidas.’

finishing up a master’s degree in Culture and Change, which is all about understanding organizational culture, change and dynamics.’

What’s your view on the growth of budget fitness clubs like Fit For Free and Basic Fit?

Are you planning to open any more Clubsportive

‘They’re tough competition, for sure, but really I’m proud of what

Premium locations?

they’ve accomplished. Bear in mind that gym memberships

‘No, Zuidas is it. This is really our baby and we want to concen-

used to be out of reach for a lot of people. Fit For Free and

trate on honing the concept on this location to perfection.

Basic Fit have opened up the market and made fitness

Recently I attended a lecture by Bo Burlingham, the author

accessible to everyone. The key thing in this sector is to

of Small Giants, about companies that focus on being great

define and project a clear image. Otherwise, it’s game over.’

instead of being big. I see Clubsportive as a ‘small giant’ too. We want to be the very best at what we do by being 100%

What’s it like to run a business with your husband?

focused on quality. That said, running a gym in New York City

‘Han and I make a good team. He’s the strategic thinker and good

would be awesome...’

at plotting a course. I’m the soft, creative one, always bursting with ideas. We complement each other and that makes the perfect match. When you’re partners in both love and business,

Marjolijn Meijer

it’s important to keep work separate from your relationship.

• Grew up in a village in Brabant among a family of teachers

Obviously, we both make mistakes sometimes, but you have

• After secondary school she got her teaching degree

to be able to criticize each other without taking it personally.

That’s the only way to carry your business to a higher level.’

• Later worked with children with behavioural problems

and began a career as a preschool teacher in Hoofddorp

Have you got any tips for other entrepreneurs?

• Now runs Clubsportive in Zuidas and TrainMore,

‘Nurture the child in yourself. You’ll be able to look at things with a

a nationwide go more/pay less fitness chain with

much more open mind, instead of just seeing limitations. My own

her husband Han Doorenbosch

kids come up with the most brilliant solutions; it’s incredible –

• Will be opening Clubsportive Premium

things so simple they just never occur to me. So my tip would

be to listen to your inner child every now and then!’


in September 2016

BUILDING ZUIDAS Construction works September and October



1. FREDERIK ROESKESTRAAT From early October 2016 through the end of June 2017 the eastern section of Frederik Roeskestraat, up to and including The Pavilion, will be reorganized. Frederik Roeskestraat will remain accessible to car, bicycle and pedestrian traffic during this time. The work will progress in phases, meaning the road situation will change during successive periods, with traffic to be rerouted around the work sites. During rush hours, Frederik Roeskestraat is a busy artery for traffic of all kinds. There will be fewer parking spaces available during this period.

2. DE BOELELAAN EAST From March 2016 to November 2017, work will progress on the eastern section of De Boelelaan, between Europaboulevard and Beethovenstraat. During the third phase, spanning September 2016 through May 2017, activities will centre on the northern roadway. This will result in fewer traffic lanes and road users should count on diversions and longer travel times, particularly during rush hours. This phase will also include work on the intersection of Antonio Vivaldistraat and De Boelelaan, requiring closure of Antonio Vivaldistraat. Traffic will be diverted via Tommasso Albinonistraat during this period. For background information and details of the works and upcoming phases, visit the website: www.amsterdam.nl/boelelaan.





Access to Zuidas

On Strawinskylaan the traffic lanes will be modified to

With both De Boelelaan East and Strawinskylaan under

improve tram and bus stop capacity and passenger transfers.

construction, acces to Zuidas will be more restricted than

Zuidas is gearing up for a huge challenge in the period ahead. Even as it continues to thrive and grow with more

These measures are being taken in preparation for future

usual. Commuters should plan for diversions, delays and

offices, residential housing and facilities bringing ever more activity to the district, all that growth also means

projects, such as Zuidasdok. Work will get underway at the

additional travel time, especially during rush hours,

Zuidas will be chock-a-block with construction for the next decade or so. Disruptions will be unavoidable for

end of September and wrap up by late March 2017. For road

and would do well to use alternatives, such as traveling by

those who live, work and do business in Zuidas. All these developments are also putting a crimp on accessibility,

users this means that: lanes will be partially closed and through

public transportation or bike. Another option is to park

as both the orange-vested builders and the businessmen and women in their freshly pressed suits know only all

traffic will be diverted. The car parks on Strawinskylaan will

the car outside Zuidas and continue by public transport.

too well. They may be poles apart, but these two worlds are also dependent on each other. It’s a perfect recipe

be accessible throughout this period. For public transportation

To find a convenient Park & Ride, see the website:

for some surprising encounters. In this issue, we talk to Sandra Christiaan, Executive Office Manager at Kardan,

users: Tram 5 services will continue unchanged. Stay up to

www.amsterdam.nl/penr. For advice on traveling and

and Daan den Blanken, owner of contracting company Poldervreugd BV.

date for your bus connection on www.amsterdam.nl/zuidas.

mobility, employers may also visit: www.wijzijnbreikers.nl.

Daan den Blanken, Neil Tjin, Sandra Christiaan & Willem Ros

Sandra Christiaan: ‘Kardan was one of the first companies

in that regard. This photo symbolizes the fact that we’ve

to locate in Zuidas, in 2007. Back then, we called it

got to make a concerted effort here.’

“the reservation”. It was this bubble, set off from the real


www.amsterdam.nl/zuidas www.zuidasdok.nl @zuidasamsterdam

world. These days, Zuidas is much more a vital part of

Daan den Blanken: ‘I’m sort of a jack of all trades in Zuidas

the city. I drive here by car, but I’ve adjusted my working

and lend a hand with a whole range of jobs, from driving

hours to start and go home later. From my window on the

the shovel to pouring concrete. Before my summer

13 floor of the Viñoly building, I can see how congested

holiday, I worked on the bike park, and next up is ABN

the roads are and from there I decide whether to head out

AMRO. There’s a lot happening here in a confined area.

or not. It would make such a huge difference if more

Personally, I always drive to Zuidas because I need my

employers allowed flexible working hours. Why cling to

van with all my tools. In the morning it’s a 15-minute drive,

the old nine-to-five? We really need to reboot the system

and up to 30 minutes in the afternoon, but I don’t mind.’


Text Kika Samsom | Photography Wiebke Wilting



The A10 eastbound motorway with the tunnel opening in the lower right. The new situation includes plenty of green spaces.


Artist impression Zuidasdok. No rights can be derived from this image.

Zuidasdok sneak peak of the future

Got a minute?

Zuidasdok is a project coordinated by the Department of Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswater-

Beauty in Zuidas. Is this an equation that works? What is

staat), ProRail and the Municipality of Amsterdam to

it like to run a salon in Zuidas? Why choose Zuidas in the

improve access to Zuidas and the northern Randstad

first place? And who are the faces behind these businesses?

conglomeration. It encompasses the expansion of

We asked, they responded.

Amsterdam Zuid station, widening the A10 south motorway with additional lanes and a section of the A10 will be brought underground, beneath the central area


of Zuidas. Zuidasdok also contains a reconfiguration

Phoebe de Winter is the owner of Rob Peetoom in Zuidas,

of the De Nieuwe Meer and Amstel junctions and a

an institution in the salon world, with locations as far away

redesign of public space. The slated completion date

as Bali. It was while searching for new premises that Phoebe

is 2028. Curious to see a preview of the end result?

found this spot. ‘It felt so foreign here, and that really

Check out these brand new artist’s impressions.

appealed to me – it felt just like New York City’, she says. And it’s not only the working crowd that come here, but also people from outside Amsterdam. ‘Even on Saturdays, it’s busier than I would have expected! Running a beauty salon in Zuidas is great. People can take a breather here; we make sure they feel at home. We also do makeup, eyebrows and nails.’ You’ll leave looking your best from top to toe. ‘And men are more than welcome too!’

The Minerva passage as seen from Gustav Mahlerplein, featuring more greenery, green roofs and a wide passageway.


Artist impression Zuidasdok. No rights can be derived from this image.

Ruth Jansen has been running her beauty and wellness salon at the WTC building for six years. What made her choose this particular spot? ‘Zuidas is where the action is! People are always saying it’s deadly quiet here on Saturdays, but that’s totally untrue. I live in Zuidas myself, and it’s bustling with life on Saturdays as well. And, believe me, this is only the beginning – this is going to be Amsterdam’s second city centre! Also, I love the international

The Amsterdam Zuid station zone. Artist impression Zuidasdok. No rights can be derived from this image.

Text Kika Samsom | Images Zuidasdok

vibe here; it inspires me.’ Ruth offers her customers a restful

The station zone with an additional passageway at Benjamin Brittenstraat, new roofs on the train and metro platforms and wider platforms in the train station.

oasis during the busy working week. That’s also why she has no clocks in her salon. ‘It’s about stepping out of the rat race

Artist impression Zuidasdok. No rights can be derived from this image.

for a moment. I love my job!’


For more info or questions, send an email to leef@zuidas.nl.


COSMO HAIRSTYLING Jolanda Grift is the salon manager at Cosmo, which opened in Zuidas a year ago. For a no-nonsense gal from the hinterland, it was quite a change. But, says Jolanda, ‘I love it here, it’s so dynamic. Customers are businesslike, but open minded at the same time. In this profession, I really get to know them, and they’re all just regular people, after all’. For those who prefer to keep working or need some headspace, however, Cosmo also has a ‘silent chair’. ‘We try out novel concepts like that here first, and if it works, we give it a go on other locations as well. Zuidas invites new ideas and innovation. Just look at all that’s happening here! Last year we were still on the fringes of Zuidas. Now, we’re at the heart of it. It’s getting better and busier every day. Zuidas is a fantastic place to be.’

HB HAIRSTYLERS Lebanese-born Berge Zartarian and his wife have been running their salon in Zuidas for 22 years now. It was in 1995, on a Saturday, that he first came to scope out the area, having already practised his craft all over the Netherlands and even as far as Paris. ‘It was empty and quiet and there was nothing going on. Then I came back on a Monday. Instantly I knew: this is the place to be. Zuidas didn’t really exist yet – it was just four buildings; a village. Which it still is, really. It’s a terrific community. Doing business in Zuidas is great. Many people don’t realize that, or do only after they leave!’ Berge and his wife employ no other staff. They prefer


working as a twosome for a more personal touch. Passionate

Aram Detmers and Patrick Moreu are the owners of Delete

about their business, they believe in trust and honesty,

waxing salon, established in Zuidas since May. ‘Looking at the

and radiate those qualities too.

map of Amsterdam, we noticed we weren’t well represented in the Zuid district, so that’s what brought us here. Plus it’s within easy reach for people from Amstelveen and the other suburbs, saving them a trip into the city centre. Having a business in Zuidas is awesome. It’s a whole different world, fast-paced and dynamic. Like our work! The average waxing treatment takes 24 minutes, so you can easily fit it in before, in-between or after work. What people don’t realize is that waxing is actually the most natural and oldest method for getting rid of hair. Our waxing angels are ready to take care of customers seven days a week. Our target group is people in Zuidas. That includes men, of course!’

Text & photography Kiki Dröge


Property SOURCE: PROPERTYNL.COM Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features property news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.

Provast and Commerz Real redevelop Twin Towers

Largest underground bike park open

Zuidas - Provast is redeveloping Zuidas’ Twin Towers

underneath Gustav Mahlerplein by Amsterdam Traffic

for Commerz Real’s open-ended real estate fund

and Transport Alderman Litjens. The new facility is an

HausInvest. The towers, situated in the heart of the

ultramodern bike shed, offering space for some 3,000

district, next to the WTC and Amsterdam Zuid station,

bicycles, which will be replacing 1,500 above-ground

are to be transformed into a first-class mixed-use

parking spaces. It was designed by project architect Paul

development named Two Amsterdam. Formerly home

van der Ree of studioSK. With glass ‘picture windows’,

to Akzo and Stibbe, the refurbished towers will offer

portraying composers, and a dynamic wayfinding system

20,000 m2 LFA for multi-tenant offices and a high-end

for available parking spaces (with enough room for carrier

hotel with 330 rooms, a sky bar, fine-dining restaurant

bikes), the new facility meets the high standards of Zuidas.

and underground 380-car parking facility.

Plans are currently underway to build more bike parking

Zuidas - July saw the official opening of the new bike park

spaces underneath the field adjoining Zuidplein.


Tender for strip in Kop Zuidas

Market 33 opens in Zuidas

Zuidas - This September, a project to develop a strip along

Zuidas - Food retailer Market 33 has signed a long-term

the A10 motorway in the area known as Kop Zuidas will

lease for 700 m2 on the ground floor of the New

be put out to tender. A high-profile location next to the

Amsterdam building at Claude Debussylaan 33 in

RAI A10 exit, the site offers space for 50,000 m2 LFA

Zuidas. Market 33 profiles itself as an urban food

and lies on the periphery of Kop Zuidas, extending from

court, catering for lunch, dinner, drinks and meetings.

the buildings along Europaboulevard across from the RAI.

The concept encompasses ten individual food stands

According to Zuidas Development Office Director Klaas

serving everything, from juicy hamburgers to sustainably

de Boer, the strip can either be developed in parcels or as a

caught fish and crispy flammkuchen to Asian street

whole, though preference will be given to a mix of functions.

food, and furthermore offers meeting facilities, a pop-

The average building height at this location is 30 metres,

up space for creative initiatives, a coffee bar and a

with accents up to 40 and 60 metres. The envisioned

reception service at the central bar. Market 33 chose

development will require revision of the zoning plan,

New Amsterdam on account of its convenient location

however, meaning the plots will not be delivered until

near Amsterdam Zuid station.

2018 at the earliest.

Boutique Gustave Gym coming to Mahler 900 Zuidas - Gustave Gym has signed a lease for 700 m2 on the ground floor of the yet to be completed Mahler 900 apartment complex on Gustav Mahlerlaan. The boutique fitness club specializes in personal training, boxing and yoga group sessions. The plans also include a cafÊ and outdoor terrace on the building’s south side. The longterm lease was concluded with ground-floor owner Nedstede Group.

Photography Lotte de Graaf



Exit The City, Enter Zuidas! It came as a bolt from the blue, when a majority of British

Rooted in growing dissatisfaction over the status quo and a yaw-

voters recently opted out of the European Union. In the days

ning rift between rich and poor, the Brexit is in fact symptomatic

that followed, the Amsterdam alderwoman for Economic

for a yearning for restraint. And that’s a phenomenon rippling out

Affairs found herself fielding calls from facility managers of

all over Europe. People want to keep foreigners out. Not for the

City firms wanting to talk about locational prospects in Zuidas.

first time have the values of 'work, family and country' trumped

All the guys in local real estate were rubbing their hands as they

‘liberty, equality and fraternity’. In a previous century, we witnessed

envisioned surging demand in an area with few to no vacancies.

how the Third Reich tellingly managed to convert – or rather,

Not only Amsterdam, but cities all over Europe were floated as

revert – this trinity of the French Revolution to the original triad;

candidates for becoming the new financial heart of Europe.

‘work, family and country’.

Now try this idea on for size: The City and Zuidas as image and

Now imagine Zuidas as the counter-image. As a place, in other

counter-image. It has a certain logic, I believe. The City, which stands

words, where we embrace openness and the diversity of every

for the area of fear, division and the ultra-competitive Anglo-Saxon

nationality under the sun. As a place where we think beyond the

mentality of ‘me first, skip you, now me again’. And Zuidas,

micro-clusters of work and family. Because, to be honest, lots of us

symbolizing the exact opposite of this shuttered attitude.

here in Zuidas are real pros at looking no further than these biotopes. But imagine Zuidas as the touchstone of the human scale, the broader perspective and as the promising harbinger of liberty, equality and fraternity. Why not? Of course, I don’t mean liberty in the simple sense of liberalizing bonus schemes. And I mean fraternity in the sense of Zuidas being a champion for the whole wide world! Ladies and gentlemen: Exit The City, Enter Zuidas. Yes we can!

Ruben van Zwieten (b. 1983) is a minister and the founder of De Nieuwe Poort on Claude Debussylaan – a café-restaurant, workspace, cultural and social enterprise all rolled into one. With a portfolio of fitness-for-the-spirit subscriptions for employers, he coaches Dutch executives in reflecting on their lives, work and involvement with society. Besides being a member of the Dutch banking code monitoring committee and a columnist for the Dutch financial daily Financieele Dagblad, he is also a popular speaker and event chair. Ruben is married and lives in Amsterdam.

Ruben van Zwieten


VU Campus in development: O|2 Lab Building ‘State-of-the-art research facilities for scientists’ Ever wondered what’s going on inside that big white cube on De Boelelaan? Hello Zuidas decided to do a little investigating and paid a visit to VU Amsterdam’s O|2 Lab Building, where we discovered that the updated exterior houses some truly pioneering work. The OI2 Lab Building is the first in the Netherlands to bring together hundreds of scientists from the VU, VUmc and UvA, who come from a myriad of backgrounds for intensive collaboration on the single research theme of Human Life Sciences. By promoting partnerships between various disciplines, fundamental and applied research in areas such as Multiple Sclerosis and cancer, are getting a massive boost.


research facilities, we can make efficient use of expensive

O|2 has been in use since January 2016. Over the last three years,

research infrastructure and provide an impetus for collaboration.

programme manager Kirstin de Boer represented the interests

It’s wonderful to see the building come alive. Science is really

of scientists in this building project. That was no small challenge.

taking over! Where once these scientists worked spread out all

‘The O|2 Lab Building is designed for scientists from VU

across the city, now they’re working side by side in O|2. This is

Amsterdam, the UvA and VUmc. They work together in a mix

genuinely raising research to a higher level.’

of fundamental and applied beta-medical research to tackle societal issues within the domain Human Health Sciences.


That’s never been done before and it required a huge amount

Juan J. Garcia-Vallejo agrees with Kirstin. As an assistant professor

of prep work. All of the researchers, regardless of their affiliation,

in the Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology Department at

have to be able to work anywhere in the building and use the same

VUmc, he has been working in the building since January and is

facilities, from IT to labs, at any time. By sharing state-of-the-art

scientific advisor of the country’s most technologically advanced


Juan J. Garcia-Vallejo & Kirstin de Boer

and complete cytometry facility. Juan says, ‘This is like a candy

is placing a big focus on links with Zuidas. An array of dining,

store for scientists. Chemists, molecular biologists, analysts and

sports, cultural and, over the longer term, housing facilities,

bio-informaticians are all working together to accomplish a single

are set to contribute to a dynamic urban environment and add

goal and share the very best facilities. When you bring these

to an attractive residential and working climate in this part of

people together, you get an incredible synergy. The whole

Amsterdam. And that, in turn, will be essential to attracting

building is designed to foster openness and connectivity.

new scientific talent, both home-grown and international.

We can benefit from one another’s knowledge and discover new possibilities. By promoting cross-disciplinary connections, we can cross new frontiers together.’ O|2 Lab Building welcomes the public


From 12 noon to 5 pm on Saturday 1 October, VU Amsterdam

The O|2 Lab Building is part of efforts to revamp the VU Campus

will be taking part in the Weekend of Science – a nationwide

in Zuidas, which has seen VU Amsterdam and VUmc invest both

event set up as a broad showcase for science and technology.

in new buildings and the modernization of existing structures,

During the event, kids (ages 6-16) and families can enjoy

with a principal focus on the quality of the design of public

workshops, meet scientists and take part in trials and

space. A central theme of the redevelopment has been ‘synergy’

experiments. And, for one day only, the new O|2 Lab Building

– not only in the O|2 Lab Building, but also at the New University

will be open to the public, offering a special opportunity

Building currently rising skyward on the VU Campus and

to get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the building!

slated to accommodate teaching and research facilities for VU

For the full programme, visit vu.nl/WvdW.

Amsterdam, the VUmc, collaboration partners UvA and AMCUvA and other alliances. At the same time, campus development

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Caren Huygelen



Zuidas mobility test shared car services! All the upcoming infrastructure projects will inevitably affect car traffic into Zuidas, making alternative transport options more attractive than ever. In the months ahead, we’ll be zooming in on those alternatives in this section, this time aiming our spotlight at car sharing services.

SHARED CARS These days, owning a car is no longer a must. In fact, for urbanites, it’s not so much a blessing as it is a burden. After enduring the long waiting list for a permit, you can enjoy watching bicycles speed by, and then pay through the nose for parking your vehicle. Floris Wyers, owner of MrWheels.nl

Then again, you do want to be able to grab the car every now and then – but only when it’s convenient to you. That’s precisely


why car sharing services are the future: the shared future!

Our guinea pig this month was Floris Wyers, car aficionado

Floris Wyers tested a range of services on offer and gave

and owner of MrWheels.nl: a website with news and reviews

us the lowdown.

about luxury rides. Floris has had a weakness for wheels ever since seeing his granddad’s gorgeous Jensen Interceptor Series II in the 1970s. For this issue of Hello Zuidas, Floris went on a mission to test the range of local car sharing services. His final verdict on the concept? ‘Terrific! It makes taking the car easier and cheaper for lots of people, and it’s a positive development as far as the environment and congestion go.’





TO MORE THAN 300,000




TO MORE THAN 300,000


BOUND A10 IN 2030



‘A good car, all in all, but definitely a city car’

‘They’ve opted for a different make and a new look, which is an improvement on earlier editions. It definitely has more spunk. We drove a Volkswagen Up Bluemotion, a fivespeed manual transmission that’s super economical.


It’s German quality all the way, which means a smooth ride, fair acceleration and good comfort. ‘The ends justify the

‘Because Car2Go runs on electricity, it revs up fast for a small

car: this is a terrific mini that takes you from A to B quickly

car. The car is fully equipped with power steering, radio,

and comfortably featuring air conditioning, radio, power

sat. nav., power windows and air conditioning. There’s ample

windows and power steering.’

space for two passengers and you can fit a fair amount of stuff in the boot. You keep Amsterdam clean and don’t have to change gears, which is a perk when driving in the city. All in all it’s a very good car, but it’s definitely a city car.’

‘The ends justify the car: this is a terrific mini that takes you from A to B quickly and comfortably’

FACTS • No monthly subscription costs (only once validation


costs of € 9,- incl. € 15,- credit)

• Monthly subscription fees up to a maximum of € 25

• Private as well as business subscriptions

• Private as well as business subscriptions

• Maximum rate of € 0.31 per minute / € 14.90 per hour

• Rates from € 3 to € 7.50 per hour / € 50 to € 90 per day

/ € 69 per day

• Car has to be returned to the original spot

• The cars can be parked anywhere within the Car2Go

• Fuel included in the price

business area • 100% electric so no fuel costs


WHERE IN ZUIDAS? • Gustav Mahlerlaan 411-523

• Stadionkade 1

• Prinses Irenestraat (WTC)

• Watteaustraat 54

• Find the nearest car using the app

• De Boelelaan 403

AUDI A1 – SHARED FLEET ‘This car has luxury written all over it – beautiful rims, sports edition; it’s hands down the fanciest ride of the lot. This is an efficient car that has five-speed transmission, instead of an automatic one. It handles well and has sat. nav., power windows, lots of space in the boot, as compared to the other test cars, power steering and even an adjustable steering wheel. This is a modern luxury sports car, ideal for business meetings. It’s a concept that works.’



• Monthly subscription fee (through Greenwheels)

• Zuidplein

• Business subscriptions only

• Arnold Schönberglaan

• € 8 per hour / € 88 per day

• Gustav Mahlerlaan 2970

• Car has to be returned to the original spot

• Amsterdam Zuid railway

• Fuel included in the price

station and WTC car park

Text Nicole Pak & Odette van der Veeken

‘Hands down the fanciest car of the lot’


Finance SOURCE: HET FINANCIEELE DAGBLAD Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.

Binck mid-term earnings tumble

Goldman Sachs revenues down, earnings up

Zuidas - BinckBank’s net adjusted growth over the

Zuidas - Merchant bank Goldman Sachs recorded

first six months of 2016 was down by almost half.

significantly higher earnings in the second quarter of this

Profits totalled € 16.2 million, compared to € 29.9

year, according to its published results, owing largely to

million one year ago, with earnings per share of € 0.23,

lowered expenses for legal and civil claims. The bank’s net

compared to € 0.43 last year. The interim dividend

earnings rose from $ 1.05 billion to $ 1.82 billion, which came

was € 0.04 compared to € 0.14 in 2015. As the online

as a surprise to most analysts, whereas revenues decreased

broker concludes, ‘The market segment was clearly

13% to $7.93 billion. Provisions for claims amounted to

less favourable than during the same period last year’.

$ 126 million. At $ 3.3 billion, compensation and benefit

Trading volumes were high only during the Brexit,

expenses were down 13%.

making June the broker’s best month of 2016 so far.


JPMorgan positive about ING and ABN Zuidas - JPMorgan Cazenove’s target price for ABN AMRO

Accenture buys Amsterdam app builder Mobgen

notched up mid-July and continues its upward course for

Zuidas - IT consultancy Accenture has acquired

ING Group, according to its report on the Dutch banking

Amsterdam-based mobile app developer Mobgen –

sector, which was published ahead of the release of Q2

part of a bid to attract bigger automotive and aviation

figures. Analysts at JPMorgan continue to be more opti-

industry players, according to Mobgen founder and

mistic about ING, even after the Brexit fall out. This is due

owner Ron Vrijmoet. With around 170 employees,

to its stronger recorded profit growth and higher dividend

his company develops mobile solutions for Van

yields. Lower risks in the transport and offshore oil and gas

Lanschot, Shell and ABN AMRO’s private banking

sectors counts as another favourable factor. ING therefore

division, to name but a few. Mobgen has grown fast,

retained its ‘overweight’ rating, whereas ABN AMRO got

opening locations in London, La Coruna and Malaga,

a ‘neutral’ from the American merchant bank.

and expects to see sales of € 12 million in 2016.

AkzoNobel weathers storm Zuidas - AkzoNobel has improved its operating result, despite setbacks, thus recording a second-quarter increase in operating earnings (EBIT) of 9%. Yet despite rising volumes (1%), turnover was down 6%, partly due to strong negative currency effects. Net profits from operational business activities came in at € 339 million, a decrease of 5.6% compared to the same period last year.

Photography Lotte de Graaf



With England now gearing up to leave the European Union, more than a few companies are hinting at an exit of their own. Amsterdam could be an attractive alternative to London, meaning Brexit could spell good news for the local corporate tax climate. Hello Zuidas asked professionals about their thoughts on the situation.

CORINNE SCHOT Banking & Finance partner and member of the Amsterdam Board at Baker & McKenzie Now that the dust has more or less settled around the Brexit bombshell, what effects of this decision have you noticed?

listing venue, investment activities,

on either their own organizations or

English law contracts and the applicability

their clients’ businesses. Naturally,

of judicial EU decisions. We also see

the subject comes up when we speak

clients already taking steps by transferring

to our fellow Zuidas ‘residents’ and we

As an international law firm, we receive

assets or changing contracts from English

expect it to remain a hot topic, as there

questions from clients in and outside the

to Dutch law. We have a dedicated

will be many unprecedented new steps

Netherlands and we pro-actively advise

Brexit team that works closely together

in this process, requiring proper

them on possible consequences this

with our international network of

responses and anticipatory actions.

referendum has for their business.

Baker & McKenzie firms.

And should companies decide to move

This varies from exploring the Netherlands

activities from the UK to Europe, we hope that Zuidas will be their

changes to so-called passporting of finan-

Will Brexit have a more general impact on Zuidas in the near future?

cial services from the UK to the EU,

I think most Zuidas companies

advisor or as location to settle.

the impact on, for example, London as

experience an impact from Brexit

as an alternative location to London,


number one choice as the go-to

HILDE VAN DER MEER Director of Amsterdam inbusiness Now that the dust has more or less settled around the Brexit bombshell, what effects of this decision have you noticed?

be affected? We’ve already seen an upswing, with Amsterdam

Amsterdam inbusiness assists foreign companies looking to

press as a serious contender for companies looking outside the

locate and expand in the Amsterdam metropolitan region.

UK. Our work centres on highly targeted international promotion

Over 2,700 foreign companies are established in this region at

of Amsterdam’s proposition on Iamsterdam.com and is carried

present accounting for a combined 31% of private sector jobs

out through direct partnerships with the private services sector,

here. Last year, we had a record number of 140 new companies

which is well represented in Zuidas. The Amsterdam inbusiness

requesting our services, and our expat centre assisted more

team as well as the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency

than 10,000 new internationals. Amsterdam is emerging as

are also primed to facilitate businesses seeking to locate here.

one of the key European hubs where foreign firms want to

We have specialists for the US, several Asian and European

do business and internationals want to work, and Zuidas is

countries, the UK included, and sector specialists for finance

a popular destination.

and professional services, technology, logistics and life sciences.

scoring high on connectivity, international talent and the costquality equation in recent years, and it has been widely cited in the

We’re going the extra mile now and our main concern is to ensure

Will Brexit have a more general impact on Zuidas in the near future?

the continuing quality of the local business climate. We invest

Brexit is on all of our minds of course, but much remains uncertain,

new offices are in development, we’re restructuring existing

especially for foreign companies in the UK. London is one of

locations and are working on infrastructure. But even with this

Amsterdam’s biggest competitors and a source of new foreign

whole spectrum of developments, ultimately it is the companies

investments, attracting three times as many foreign companies as

themselves that will decide whether to take that step. Things will

the Amsterdam region. The question is, how will London’s position

crystallize in the coming months and we aim to be ready.

in international schools, are building thousands of new homes,

CHRIS BUIJINK Chairman of the Dutch Banking Association Now that the dust has more or less settled around the Brexit bombshell, what effects of this decision have you noticed?

Will Brexit have a more general impact on Zuidas in the near future?

We’ve already seen that the referendum’s surprising outcome

looking to relocate to somewhere within the EU: a highly-

and its ensuing uncertainty led to initial volatility on the financial

educated workforce, the Schiphol hub with all its commercial

markets. Investors and businesses need clarity in order to make

activities, excellent digital infrastructure, a good start-up

investment decisions. With Theresa May and her new govern-

climate and an open culture. Amsterdam is a big favourite

ment in place, work can start on mapping out the negotiation

with expats, and with good reason. Brexit certainly brings

process, and that’s good news. In the end, everything will depend

opportunities for Zuidas, too. For American merchant

on how the new relationship between the EU and the UK will

banks thinking about upping sticks, however, Holland’s

be shaped. It will also be up to the EU and its Member States to

strict remuneration policy as compared to the rest of

work on building a stronger Union and gaining popular support.

Europe won’t nominate us as their top choice.

Post-Brexit, Amsterdam has lots to offer for companies


The new apartment Rembrandt II

Htel Serviced Apartments

The feeling of home with a five-star service For 13 years, Htel Serviced Apartments has been the market leader in temporary accommodation in and around Amsterdam. With two beautiful green locations, in Buitenveldert and Amstelveen, companies may choose from more than 300 fully furnished apartments ranging from 22 m² to as much as 300 m². So what has made Htel Serviced Apartments turn into such a success? It’s all about combining the feeling of home with the service of a five-star hotel. From a round-the-clock reception desk to high-speed WiFi, a fitness centre and housekeeping service, every amenity is offered to guarantee its guests a comfortable stay in the Netherlands. General Manager Katrien Snoep showed Hello Zuidas around one of the brand-new 300 m² designer apartments.


In 2003 Htel Serviced Apartments became the


first company in the Netherlands to meet a demand

Besides unparalleled service, Htel Serviced

for temporary accommodation for expats. Today,

Apartments also prides itself on locations that are

13 years later, Htel Serviced Apartments is still the

a true cut above the rest. ‘Our apartment buildings

leading provider of temporary accommodation.

are situated in quiet, safe residential neighbour-

According to General Manager Katrien Snoep,

hoods like Buitenveldert and Amstelveen’,

the concept’s five-star service stands out throughout

Katrien continues. ‘They offer the best of both

the Netherlands. ‘We offer an extremely high level

worlds: the peace and quiet of parks and forests,

of service. Companies know we’ll take care of every-

alongside the hustle and bustle of nearby

thing for them. Their employees won’t have to lift a

Amsterdam. Zuidas is just a stone’s throw from

finger – we take everything out of their hands.

our apartments, and the proximity of international

For example, we boast our round-the-clock recep-

schools makes it perfect for families.’ Htel Serviced

tion, which offers a sense of security and trust.’

Apartments is equally ideal for staff teams staying

Bedroom Rembrandt II

Luxury bathroom

Katrien Snoep, General Manager

in the Netherlands. ‘Because we have so many


apartments concentrated on one location,

One thing’s certain: the new apartments are

everyone can stay in one spot, yet each have

gorgeous. From massive windows to raw concrete

their own apartment.’

ceilings and warm, natural materials, the interiors

‘Companies know we’ll take care of everything for them’

are veritable works of art. ‘We’ve made no concessions’, Katrien concurs, ‘and deliberated over every square centimetre. An unusual feature of the design is the use of salvaged and natural materials. In the bedrooms for example, the walls are covered with tree bark whereas, the wardrobe doors come from a former boys school in Haarlem. Our parent company, real estate developer


Cobraspen, wastes nothing. Everything is put

New at the Buitenveldert location are several

in storage, to be retrieved for a future project.

beautiful designer apartments, catering specifically

The wooden floor of our Skylounge apartment

for families. ‘We’ve seen a growing demand for

in Buitenveldert, for example, was once used as

larger apartments, mainly for families, so that was

a stage of a theatre!’

the impetus for these three stunning apartments, each creating a generous 300 m2. Thanks to a clever

Interested to learn more about Htel Serviced

layout, they can also be split up into two smaller

Apartments? Visit www.htelapartments.com,

units of 150 m2 each, both equipped with a luxury

phone: +31 (0) 20 333 72 42, or send an email

kitchen and bath, of course.’

to: welcome@htelapartments.com.

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Lotte de Graaf & Htel Serviced Apartments


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

THURSDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2016 JEU DE BOLENIUS @ GEORGE GERSHWINPLEIN 4-8pm On Thursday 1 September, Bolenius restaurant and Veuve Clicquot will be organizing a ‘Jeu de Bolenius’ jeu de boules tournament at George Gershwinplein. Sign up with two teammates, take on the challenge, and win great prizes! To register, send an email to: xavier@bolenius-restaurant.nl.

FIRST AND LAST TUESDAYS OF SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2016 GUIDED TOUR @ HET AMSTERDAMSE PROEFLOKAAL December 2016 will see the opening of Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal, a new hot spot in the up-and-coming Stadionplein area. Curious? On the first and last Tuesdays of September and October, guided tours of the premises will be held from 12-1pm. To register, send an email to: hbosma@hetamsterdamseproeflokaal.nl or phone: 020 – 303 14 22.

THURSDAY 8 SEPTEMBER 2016 OFFICIAL OPENING @ MARKET 33 - THE URBAN FOODCOURT Market 33 is an urban foodcourt uniting ten specialty food concepts, each showing their passion and love for food making. At our bars we serve fresh coffee, cold pressed juices, craft beers, great wines and specialty drinks. We're open every working day from 8am. If you'd like to be part of the grand opening, send an email to: hello@market33.nl.


THURSDAY 1 SEPTEMBER 2016 POP-CULT! & PROSECCO @ CAFFÈ BELMONDO 5–7 pm Indulge in high end entertainment, sparkling prosecco, cocktails and delicious foods. Pop-Cult! & Prosecco premieres September first at Caffè Belmondo. Bringing you Jazz, World Music and Cabaret, produced by Once Upon a Tale I Events. For our monthly programming, check: www.caffebelmondo.nl, or like our FBpage: Pop-Cult & Prosecco.


WITH DUO ALLICANTE @ THOMAS OPEN 12:30-1pm Lunchtime concerts at St. Thomas' have become a tradition dating back almost 25 years. From renowned musicians to budding conservatory talent, the make up of the ensembles is as diverse as the pieces they perform. On Tuesday 6 September the lunchtime concert will feature Duo Allicante, with Alice Gort-Switynk singing classical soprano and playing recorders and Nelleke ter Burg on guitar, octave guitar and theorbo. For more information, see: www.thomasopen.nl.

MONDAY 19 SEPTEMBER 2016 LIVING IN ZUIDAS @ PENTHOUSE MAHLER 900, 12-2PM (MEMBERS ONLY) Zuidas is transforming from a cosmopolitan business district into a bustling residential centre. The Hello Zuidas network will convene in the penthouse of Mahler 900 for this lunchtime event on ‘Living in Zuidas’. Ever considered working on your doorstep? Which ingredients do you need to call a place home? Hello Zuidas members can register via: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2016 Our next issue will be published @ 31st of October. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before 26th of September.

AMSTERDAM TEL MEE! MET hET nATionALE fiETSonDERzoEk 19 t/m 25 september Stadsregio Amsterdam

DownLoAD nu DE fiETSTEL-App

MONDAY 19 - FRIDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2016 BIKE STUDY WEEK From 19 until 25 September the second Bike study week (Fietstelweek) will be held. The city and city region of Amsterdam would like to know where more improvements for cyclists are necessary. Please join, download the Fietstel app and help to further improve infrastructure and facilities for bicycles. More information: fietstelweek.nl.



OPENING @ VU CAMPUS The O|2 Lab Building for Human Life Sciences is the first Dutch university building to cluster multiple institutions (VU Amsterdam, UvA and VUmc) together to work in a single domain. O|2 is celebrating its official opening on 29 September. On Saturday 1 October the building will be open to the public as part of the VU Weekend of Science. For more information, see: www.vu.nl/wvdw.

@ SC BUITENVELDERT 1-6:30pm Friday 30 September will see the 15th battle for the coveted Zuidas Cup, the one and only tournament for companies, organizations and sports associations in Zuidas. This afternoon of football for men and women is all about competition, team spirit and, of course, winning! Round up a team and register by sending an email to: zuidascup@zuidas.nl. Hurry, because places are limited!

THURSDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2016 HEALTHY AT WORK SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 2016 24H ZUID: ‘RIDE WITH ME ZUIDAS’ BIKE RIDE @ CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL 1-3pm 24H Zuid is a 24-hour adventure for visitors to Amsterdam Zuid, with the entire district opening its doors and with lots of special – and free – activities. In Zuidas, we’ll be organizing the ‘Ride with me’ event, a bike ride setting out from Crowne Plaza Hotel on George Gershwinplein at 1pm. At around 3pm we’ll finish with drinks at the Crowne Plaza Hotel cocktail bar. To register, send an email to: ehk@zuidas.nl.

& DRESS RED DAY @ VUMC World Heart Day is marked every year on 29 September, encouraging people to wear something red to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease in women. This year the O|2 Building and Accenture will be co-hosting a business breakfast on this day on the theme 'Women are working – But how do women work?' Participants will learn all about the latest insights into the differences between men and women when it comes to cardiovascular and other conditions. And also what this means for employers. For more information, see: vumc50jaar.nl.

FRIDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2016 DISTINCTLY DIFFERENT IRONING COMPETITION @ ZUIDPLEIN 4:30-6:30pm Gentlemen, start your irons! Distinctly Different and New Tailor turns up the heat in the Zuidas Ironing Competition, a test of speed and smoothness. Everyone can take part in this competition featuring great prizes and plenty of laughs! For more information, see: distinctly-different.nl/strijkwedstrijd


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

SATURDAY 1 OCTOBER 2016 CÔTE DE BOEUF & LOBSTER NIGHT @ THE ROAST ROOM On Saturday 1 October, feast on lobster at Visaandeschelde and dry-aged côte de boeuf at THE ROAST ROOM all through the night! Both kitchens will be open till 3am and our DJs are already raring to go. Afterwards, the party will continue at ROAST’s BAR. Don’t miss this special night – book your table now! For more information, see: www.theroastroom.nl.

MONDAY 3 – FRIDAY 7 OCTOBER 2016 BROOKLYN FIT BOXING WEEK @ CLUBSPORTIVE Combine bag boxing, kickboxing and other martial arts with functional training. This dynamic HIIT experience that is intense, challenging and burns calories, is a healthy way to let off steam and turn your day around. Fight your limits at our brand new club at Gustav Mahlerlaan 24. Join a free trial lesson! Check the schedule on: www.clubsportive.nl.

MONDAY 10 – FRIDAY 14 OCTOBER 2016 AMSTERDAM SOUTH FOOD BANK FOOD DRIVE @ ZUIDAS In the second week of October, members of the Green Business Club Zuidas and local residents will be holding a food drive to benefit the Amsterdam South Food Bank. Food Bank crates will be stationed near residences and businesses, where everyone is free to donate the requested products. If you’d like to lend a hand, please send an email to: suzanne@greenbusinessclub.nl.



@ GOLFBAAN NAARDERBOS On Monday 3 October the Soccer Golf Masters will be teeing off at the Naarderbos golf course. A charity fundraising day, featuring professional football players from both present and past, this year’s event will benefit the Johan Cruyff Foundation. Sign up your company and pit your swing against famous football players such as Ronald Koeman and Kenneth Perez. To register, visit: www.soccergolfmasters.nl.

@ GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN Strap on your ski boots for the one and only Zuidas SkiBoot Run at Gustav Mahlerplein on Thursday 6 October. And from 4pm, chill out with après-ski music and old-fashioned Gemütlichkeit! Sign up your team of four for a chance to win the first prize: a city trip for four to a European capital. There’s also a creativity prize in the offing, so let your imagination run wild! To register, send an email to: info@wensbusinessevents.nl.


AMSTERDAM MARATHON @ OLYMPIC STADIUM Ready to make the most of Amsterdam and all the city has to offer this autumn? Want to channel your inner athlete by starting and crossing the finish line at the historic Olympic Stadium, and running through the controversial passage underneath the spectacular Rijksmuseum along the way? Then get set for the 41st edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon on 16 October! Hello Zuidas tip: the route also passes through Zuidas. Check it out on: www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl.

Palace Ruin programme From 14 August to 14 October, Zuidas will be hosting its very own ruin. Palace Ruin is a fragment of Amsterdam’s own ‘Crystal Palace’, the Paleis voor Volksvlijt, which will be partly rebuilt by artist James Beckett. By echoing the ambitious cultural programme of exhibits and concerts staged at the original venue, the artist has arranged a series of public discussions about architecture and decay in association with TAAK, as well as a series of experimental music performances in collaboration with Seamus Cater and Natalia Domínguez Rangel. For the full programme, see www.taak.me/palaceprogram.


FRIDAY 2 SEPTEMBER VALHALLA’S OF IRON, PLASTIC AND GLASS @ PALACE RUIN, GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN 5pm The Paleis voor Volksvlijt was one of Amsterdam’s first glass-and-iron structures, which inspired several lectures spotlighting material use. Architecture historian Tahl Kaminer investigates how the discipline of architecture has adapted itself to keep pace with societal advances, while DUS Architects explains how plastic and 3D-printing are opening up novel ways of working.

FRIDAY 9 SEPTEMBER A CRITICAL EYE CAST ON NEOLIBERAL INDIFFERENCE @ PALACE RUIN, GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN 5pm This afternoon’s lectures examine the characteristics of neoliberal architecture and its impact on its surroundings. Artist Scott Raby will give a performative lecture in which he seeks to uncover the reality behind Zuidas, followed by a concert by N.M.O., who characterize their percussion music as ‘Military Danceable Space Music and/or Fluxus Techno’.

@ PALACE RUIN, GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN 5pm Linda Vlassenrood of INTI (International New Town Institute) will lead a discussion about social aspects of the built environment. What are the values of ‘new towns’ like Zuidas and Almere and what response do they elicit from users?

FRIDAY 23 SEPTEMBER FUN TO FAILURE – ARCHITECTURE IN RUIN @ PALACE RUIN, GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN 5pm Michiel van Iersel of the Failed Architecture research platform will be talking to architect Douglas Murphy about his book on the relationship between modern architecture and ideas about failure. Composer Natalia Domínguez Rangel will follow with a sound installation, inspired by Palace Ruin, and War Tone will stage a conflict between club and ambient music and noise. Rupert and Backtearer’s (YYAA) high-tech music will offer an earthy note.

FRIDAY 30 SEPTEMBER PROJECTION FROM RUIN @ PALACE RUIN, GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN 5pm Tony Chakar and Jes Fernie both regard destruction as a mechanism for thinking about rebuilding, Chakar as an architectural theoretician with a background in Lebanese post-war architecture and Jes Fernie as a curator and author. Microtub, the world’s first microtonal tuba ensemble, will link the ruin to the history of atonal music, which developed in parallel to Europe’s glass palaces.

FRIDAY 7 OCTOBER ZUIDAS FUTURES @ PALACE RUIN, GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN 5pm The Palace Ruin program will conclude with a panel discussion led by Arjen Oosterman (Volume magazine) about the future of Zuidas. To follow, artist Riley Harmon will present a new performance collaboration with the DNK Ensemble, reintroducing the element of fire to the Palace alongside his own cunning play of temporal trickery.


‘We’re always happy to offer tips about laying a festive table or to help you find that special gift’

Jutta Lechner

Welcome to the world of Scandinavian design

New iittala flagship store on Van Baerlestraat

Since 1881 the iittala brand has been the epitome of timeless design, with beautiful, functional products that are made to last and bring pleasure to every day. And where better to experience the brand than at iittala’s stunning new flagship store on Van Baerlestraat? Welcome to the world of Scandinavian design. Iittala’s roots lie in the town of iittala in Finland, a place where

Scandinavian design”’, Jutta explains. ‘You’re free to explore

quality, aesthetics and functionality are held as important values.

the collection and create your own combinations, or rely on

The brand philosophy is to create home accessories that will

our professional team. We’re always happy to offer tips about

last a lifetime. Treasured objects shouldn’t be reserved just for

laying a festive table or to help you find that special gift.’

special occasions, but deserve to be enjoyed every day. All iittala products, from kitchenware to tableware and interior items, are carefully designed for form, function and quality. All are made for long-lasting everyday use, celebration and inspiration. Iittala objects are also designed to be combined, both with existing home environments and with each other.


You can find the iittala flagship store on Van Baerlestraat 76

In late 2015 iittala proudly opened a new flagship location on

(near Museumplein). Iittala products are also sold at

Van Baerlestraat. It’s a store to be experienced, says manager

De Bijenkorf and &Klevering. For more information and

Jutta Lechner. ‘As soon as you’ll step inside an iittala store,

sales outlets, visit www.iittala.com.

you will enter the beautiful and functional world of Scandinavian

Phone: +31 (0)20 7233631

design. Here, you’ll know why we call iittala “the home of

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Davien Hulsman



Zuidas Architecture Amidst all the grey surfaces and construction sites around the university, there’s no missing it: the OZW building in Zuidas stands out like a red beacon. The building’s design is organic rather than geometric. Shaped rather like a potato, it has been nicknamed the ‘red spud’. And that’s just the outside. Jeanne Dekkers’ interior design is equally distinctive.



(VUmc), Inholland University of Applied Sciences,

The prominent building on the VU Amsterdam

ASA regional training centre (ROC ASA) and

campus is home to the Care and Welfare Educa-

VU Amsterdam. Amstel Academy is also based

tional Institute (OZW), the first Dutch institute to

here, which supplies the theoretical component

bring together secondary and tertiary vocational

in a broad range of VUmc’s advanced nursing

and academic education. The initiative called for

programmes. These are in-service programmes

a building with a character all its own, yet it also

combining school and employment, in which

had to reflect the individual identities of its four

students simultaneously work on the staff of

participating institutions – VU Medical Center

a facility that furnishes the practical training.



1109 laan e l e o da m ss : B Addre VU Amster Dekkers : t e Clien ct: Jeann e t i h 6 c 0 Ar 20 eted: r Compl 52 m highe mmes. 2 ters d s n u l a : m c t gra on Heigh rea: 19,923 ants: OZW ucati egree pro d e a n l e Floor ser and t vocationa ucation d u ary ic ed Main econd nd academ s r o seni al a ssion e f o r p Another spectacular feature of the building is the floating lecture hall, plastered white on the exterior and with indigo and violet walls and seats inside. The rounded lines inside and out stand for the ‘soft’ character of the Care and Welfare programmes.


The top seat rows also afford a panoramic view

Inside, the different levels of the building – and hence

of the VU campus and Zuidas.

the various groups of students – are connected by staggered, diagonally positioned mezzanines. Each has a different colour, and together they fuse into a rainbow as you progress through the building. That rainbow of colours, from apple-green to

‘A rainbow guides you through the building’

indigo, serves to guide you through the building and marks your position relative to the ground floor. Besides providing orientation, the colours are also an


expression of each institution. The ROC ASA chose

On entering the building, the transparency of the

yellow as its colour, for example, while Inholland

ground level façades creates a striking effect. This is

opted for orange-red, the Amstel Academy chose

where all the public services, lecture hall, gym and

red and the general medical practice programme

restaurant are located, with a juice bar and possibly

went for blue. On the uppermost floor is a conference

a hair salon on the way. If you’re in the area,

room with a stunning view.

stop and take a look inside. It’s well worth it!

Text Kiki Dröge | Photography Jeanne Dekkers Architectuur



Sustainability News 38.


ZUIDAS ENERGY WEEK From 26 to 30 September, the Dutch Green Building Council will be holding the sixth edition of Dutch Green Building Week. Green Business Club Zuidas will be organizing Zuidas Energy Week to coincide with the national event. Although the greatest impact is created by modernizing and upgrading systems and installations, energy consumption can also be significantly reduced through simple changes in user behaviour. To this purpose, GBC Zuidas will create a special toolkit and calls on companies to implement as many measures as possible. In addition to this energy conservation challenge, there will be a guided tour of the VU Amsterdam power station, the NUON district cooling plant and AEB Amsterdam (to be confirmed). For additional info, see: greenbusinessclub.nl/nl/zuidas.

‘POLDER’ ON THE ROOF Vesteda’s recently completed De Boel apartment complex boasts a stunning verdant rooftop garden. Aside from being a pleasant oasis for residents, the garden also stores 100% of the rainwater collected on the building’s roof. This helps channel excess water during heavy downpours. Hans van Heeswijk architecten was commissioned to supervise the building’s transformation and to design the garden furniture. The first of these rooftops, also known as ‘polder roofs’, was completed in 2013 at Old School. The municipality of Photograpy Jan-Kees Steenman Architecture: Hans van Heeswijk architecten

Amsterdam, Amsterdam Rainproof and GBC Zuidas have a joint ambition to realize 25,000 m2 of polder roofs in Zuidas.

SUSTAINABLE IDEAS FOR OPEN SITE With the new bike facility under Mahlerplein now open, the racks next to the entrance of Amsterdam Zuid station have been removed. The resulting space will be assigned a temporary designation with an emphasis on sustainability. Ideas for the site were conceived during the GBC Zuidas Programme Board meeting. One idea under consideration is about creating outdoor workspaces, with solar-panel tables to power laptops. Do you have a sustainable idea for this spot, or would your company like to sponsor an outdoor workspace? Get in touch with Eline Kik at eline@greenbusinessclub.nl.

Would you like to make Zuidas more sustainable? Find out how at www.greenbusinessclub.nl. Send your news on sustainability to maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl. Your contribution may well be published in this magazine or Zuidas Sustainability Report 2016.

Text Maartje Oome | Photography Lotte de Graaf



Food collection for the Food Bank (Voedselbank) Amsterdam South This fall, Green Business Club Zuidas organizes the fifth edition of the Zuidas Food Collection. Check for the designated food collection area in your company’s building, or make your contribution at the Danspaleis event tent on Gustav Mahlerplein on October 10 th between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

DANCE PALACE Join us at the Danspaleis (Dance Palace) to kickoff this years’ food collection event on October 10 th between 3.45pm and 6pm. Have a bite, a drink and a dance with colleagues, food bank customers and senior citizens from Amsterdam South. Music from the 50's till the 90's, English and Dutch, swing, country, pop and rock ‘n roll, all great fun!


• Jam

• Cornflakes

• Canned fish/vegetables/

• Instant coffee/Senseo pads


• Peanut butter

• Liquid detergent

• Chocolate spread

• Fruit syrup

• Showergel/ shampoo

and other preservable products.

Please no products that are expired or have been opened.

From Monday October 10th until Friday October 14th

Help us to collect more crates than ever! Want to join the Dance Palace or parttake in the food collection? Send an email to zuidas@greenbusinessclub.nl.


Bas van Exter

Liesbeth Perdijk

Wicked Jazz Sounds

ZUIDAS CULINAIR ZOMERFEEST Friday 24 June @ Zuidplein • Hello Zuidas and WTCafé De Blauwe Engel teamed up to organize this summer’s kickoff. • Wicked Jazz Sounds got the party off to a sensational start. • The panoply of local cafés, restaurants and retailers served up delicious drinks and bites. • Zuidas Culinair Zomerfeest continued with music by Ruby van Urk, Lange Frans and DJ Theo. • We partied well on into the wee hours.

Britt & Quita

Anique Strijkhaegen, Reinoud Smits, Simone van Beek, An Pegels & Jennifer Lee

Willem Weijers

Bram Kanter, Gerard Spanjaard & Tjeerd van Pelt

Hein van Hell

Photography Fenna Beckers

Alessandro Sapienza & Maarten Vandenbooren


Yaneke Molhoop & Signe Meirane

Tim Hulsbos, Peggy Marcellis & Frank-Jan Mutsaers


Bart ter Haar & Merel van der Weyden

“Thanks to our network, we know what properties are coming on the market well before they appear on property website Funda.”

MTH Makelaars: Experience that makes the difference A wealth of experience, a genuine passion for real estate and a vast network: meet Amsterdam estate agents Merel van der Weyden and Bart ter Haar. In 2013 they joined forces in establishing Merel & Ter Haar Makelaars. From their office in the heart of Amsterdam Zuid, they harness their experience to make the difference for their customers. ‘Particularly in this overheated residential market, it’s vital to have an estate agent who knows the market inside out.’


normally used to rent, now they buy as an investment. Lots of

Though MTH Makelaars launched their business less than three

foreign buyers find us via the internet, and we’re very active on

years ago, Merel and Bart are old hands in the property market.

social media.’

‘Bart and I have known each other for 15 years, and we each used to run our own estate agency in Amsterdam’s Oud-Zuid district’,


explains Merel. ‘The housing market has seen a real surge

Merel and Bart oversee every purchase or sale themselves.

since we started MTH Makelaars. It’s a tricky time for buyers,

‘We have a splendidly functioning back office, but in the end

with demand outpacing supply. Now more than ever, having an

you’ll always be assisted by one of us in person. We feel that’s

experienced estate agent is vital. Thanks to our network, we know

very important’, stresses Merel. ‘It’s also what makes this job

what properties are coming on the market well before they

so enjoyable: cementing a bond with our customers.’

appear on property website Funda. That’s a huge added value.’


MTH Makelaars

Amsterdam is not only a major residential magnet in Holland,

Jacob Obrechtstraat 39HS

but it also attracts buyers from around the world. ‘It’s exciting to

+31 (0)20 573 6000

see how this city is developing’, Bart enthuses. ‘Internationally,


it’s becoming increasingly prominent. This is an incredibly


attractive and solid market for foreign buyers. Whereas expats

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Davien Hulsman






SERVICES IN ZUIDAS With more commuters, residents and visitors coming to Zuidas, there are plenty of opportunities and scope to bring new services to the district. These developments are also giving a further boost to the local quality of living.

‘Our ambition is to create as much diversity as possible’ - Saskia Rill Saskia Rill has been on the staff of Hello Zuidas and the

bourhood’s image. Vacant shop fronts

Municipal Zuidas Development Office since 2014. As the

influence your perception of a town. But when

district plinth manager, her job involves attracting retail,

the plinth is occupied by shops, a gym or

services, facilities and eateries to Zuidas. To most people,

a restaurant, it injects life into the street scene.

a plinth is the strip adjoining the floor and the wall, not a

An area with lots of people walking around is also more likely

word associated with urban planning. In the construction

be sensed as safe. Our ambition is to create as much diversity

world, however, ‘plinth’ is also a term referring to a building’s

as possible, so that Zuidas can offer area residents and other

ground level. ‘Plinths can make or break a street’s or neigh-

users a full spectrum of services and amenities’, says Saskia.

Text Odette van der Veeken | Photography of Claude Debussylaan Lotte de Graaf



CompaNanny to open new location in Zuidas Early in 2017, CompaNanny will open its eighth location in Amsterdam in the Summertime building on Peter Schatstraat. We were eager to get the scoop on this trendsetting young outfit and met with Jiska Horn, CompaNanny’s managing director. ‘We’re much more than the standard day care centre; we want to make a real difference in children’s development.’


Nannies start working at CompaNanny, they are trained in our

CompaNanny was founded 13 years ago, with the mission to help

pedagogic philosophy. To all of our staff we offer a development

give our next generation a positive start in life. ‘Those first years

program, which consists of pedagogic trainings, trainings for

in a child’s life have a formative effect on the sort of person

personal growth and role-specific trainings. This way, we continue

they’ll become later on’, Jiska explains. ‘Parents and grand-

to learn and to develop ourselves and in so doing, we are able

parents, but also day care staff, play a huge role in this early

to provide optimal support for the natural development process

development. They’re the ones who instill confidence in a child

of each child. Furthermore, CompaNanny employs a 50/50

and impart standards and values. And that’s why we think through

combination of Intermediate Vocational Training and Higher

everything we do with and for children. CompaNanny is focused

Vocational Education, which is unique in the sector. This allows

on guiding their development in a way that accommodates each

Nannies to learn from each other and most importantly, it ensures

individual child. Besides that, we give parents a detailed insight

we have an optimal mix of knowledge and skills in-house,

into our working methods.’

which allows us to provide the best care for children.’



Alongside supporting children’s personal growth, CompaNanny is

CompaNanny wants to be a partner that parents can rely on

also highly committed to staff development. ‘Before our

when it comes to pedagogical and practical aspects of their



Jiska Horn, managing director

child’s development, making it easier and more enjoyable to

be informed about this excellent new and flexible childcare

combine work and private life. ‘Last but not least, we try to

option close to work and/or home.

contribute to a positive family life. For example, by offering additional practical services like extended opening hours from

Want to find out more? Come to CompaNanny’s informational

7.30 am up to 8 pm, a warm fresh lunch for children, freshly-made

evening on Tuesday 27 September.

take-away meals for the family, coffee to go and a children’s hairdresser that pays house calls. On top of that, we also offer

Informational evening on Tuesday 27 September

pedagogical support. For example, all of our locations have an

On Tuesday 27 September CompaNanny will be hosting

in-house pedagogical coach and we also organize First Aid for

an informational evening at De Nieuwe Poort for all

kids evenings and CompaNanny Insights workshops in which

parents (and parents to be) who’d like to learn more about

we provide parents with insights into our way of working.’

CompaNanny childcare in Zuidas. Jiska Horn will explain the services that CompaNanny will be offering in Zuidas.

‘We want to make a real difference in children’s development’

On top of that, she will highlight specific features such as CompaNanny’s pedagogical emphasis, its team, planning schedule and placement. There will also be time for asking questions.


Date: Tuesday 27 September

The new location in Zuidas will be a Nursery and After-School Care

Time: doors open at 7pm, programme starts at 7:30pm

all brought together under one roof. ‘There are Dutch-speaking

Location: De Nieuwe Poort, Claude Debussylaan 2

and bilingual groups for babies and toddlers. The After-School Care

Advance registration by email to zuidas@compananny.nl

is Dutch-spoken with an international programme. There will be

is greatly appreciated. Also feel free to contact us

a spacious garden of 700 m running all around the building,

at zuidas@compananny.nl or 020 4170117 if

which can be entered directly from each room.’ CompaNanny is

you have any questions.


happy to talk to employers about its facilities, so employees may

Text Odette van der Veeken | Photography Davien Hulsman & CompaNanny



Lin van Gorp & Naïma Zarrouk

Spine Health Incompany:

‘Netherlands breaks records with sitting down’ Within the EU, the Netherlands set a record for sitting down.


Yet this is one winning title to be anything but proud of,

As well as manual therapy by specialist practitioners,

according to Naïma Zarrouk, health consultant at Spine

SH Incompany also offers Sigma SpineLiner treatments. ‘This is a

Health Incompany (SH Incompany). ‘We’re putting in an

revolutionary machine that uses precision NASA technologies to

average 9.3 hours of chair time daily, but our bodies were

track down and treat blockages in the nervous system and spine’,

never designed for sitting around.’ The World Health

Naïma explains. ‘The adjustments are highly precise, safe and

Organization (WHO) advises against sitting for more

painless. Besides the measurable effects, it also saves you time.’

than four hours at a stretch each day. ‘But that’s easier said

SH Incompany works with experienced health management

than done’, Naïma admits, ‘in a work culture where being

specialists. ‘Our chiropractor Per Munksgaard has over 30 years’

desk-bound for eight-plus hours a day is not the exception,

experience and is extremely knowledgeable about neck and back

but the rule.’

complaints. Working alongside him is Lin van Gorp, who is a perfect complement with her fresh and youthful perspective on treatment.’

INNOVATION Having recently arrived in Zuidas, SH Incompany tackles this problem in particular. Naïma: ‘Lots of neck and back problems originate from prolonged sitting, which sadly is all too common

‘The adjustments are highly precise, safe and painless’

in business districts like Zuidas. Many people never seek help, however, partly due to lack of time. Our aim is to offer proper care for prolonged sitting and neck and back problems, using

Spine Health Incompany

our innovative solutions. We present, for instance, the Oxidesk

Gustav Mahlerplein 2

– a spinner bike with a tabletop for your laptop, or an online app

+31 (0)20 799 75 56

featuring anti-stress and stretching exercises. This app lets you


work through the exercises and offers recommendations to


keep your body healthy whenever it’s convenient for you.’

Text Odette van der Veeken | Photography Davien Hulsman


Employers join forces to keep Zuidas accessible Zuidas is the Netherlands’ number one international office

visitors and residents may all continue to get to Zuidas without

and residential location. In the decades ahead, the district

any problems. The agreements and framework have been laid

will expand from its current two million to over three

down in a covenant, which was signed by the 14 largest local

million square metres. Passenger volumes at Amsterdam

companies and organizations on Thursday 14 July.

Zuid station will spike from just over 100,000 to upwards of 300,000 daily, while traffic on the A10 south is getting busier


by the day. To accommodate this growth, huge investments

Taskforce members see a clear need for collaboration in order to

in projects like Zuidasdok will be made over the coming

attain maximum results, and they all agree that the best route to

years to maintain good traffic flows through Zuidas.

maintaining accessibility over the coming years should be a shift from car to bike and public transport use. As well as mitigating


congestion for motorists in the near term, this approach will also

To promote continuous accessibility, the City of Amsterdam and

maximize mobility and enhance the local quality of life in the long

the Zuidasdok organization have partnered with local businesses,

run. Members of the Taskforce will seek to change travel

which are allied in the Zuidas Accessibility Taskforce. All parties

habits by means of their own mobility policies for employees,

are already closely cooperating and hammering out firm agree-

while encouraging the remainder of the local business community

ments and targeted measures to ensure the local workforce,

to jump on the bandwagon at the same time.


The covenant was signed by fourteen Zuidas companies and organizations. In the picture above the representatives of ABN AMRO, Accenture, AkzoNobel, CBRE DOF Custodian, Deloitte, Houthoff Buruma, OVG Real Estate, ORAM, RAI Amsterdam, Vesteda, VU, VUmc, the municipality of Amsterdam and the project organization Zuidasdok. Hello Zuidas interviewed several members regarding their expectations just after they inked the covenant. Ricco Groeneveld – Accenture

Jan van den Bosch

‘I have very high expectations for what this covenant will accomplish. There’s so much we

– RAI Amsterdam

can learn from each other, and share as well. We all have to deal with the same problems

‘To be accurate, this is covenant 2.0.

and navigate the same territory. Having the courage to share is very important. It’s also

We’ve been working on these plans

a good thing that while the covenant is voluntary, it’s not non-binding. Signing it puts us

for about four years and in an

under a real obligation to take action and to be able to show what we’re doing.’

increasingly close-knit partnership. Ongoing coordination is crucial, and taking a long view is key. The biggest

Kees Noorman – ORAM

challenge lies in changing people’s

‘I expect our collaboration to be successful, because we have no choice but to change

behaviour. It’s up to us to set a good

our habits and work together, in light of the problems we’re facing. It’s going to get

example, so naturally I take the bike

progressively busier here, so we have to change with the times. Pressure on mobility is

to work every day!’

ramping up already. I myself take the train to work and that suits me very well!’

‘Ongoing coordination Wybe van der Mey - Deloitte ‘I see this covenant as the ultimate communication tool. Good harmonization with users is vital, so we can stay one step ahead and resolve any obstacles that may arise.’

Text Odette van der Veeken & Kiki Dröge | Photography Lotte de Graaf

is crucial, and taking a long view is key’ 51.

Putting quality first for more than 100 years, ‘t Vloerenhuis is the leading flooring specialist in Amsterdam and the metro region. ‘t Vloerenhuis is a recognized expert in fitting traditional parquet, as well as in parquet renovation and restoration. 't Vloerenhuis Parnassusweg 216 1076 AV Amsterdam

Contact +31 (0)20 662 65 21 info@vloerenhuis.nl


‘You should trigger yourself to grow’

Pascal de Jong, Senior Relationship Manager at Nationale Borg

Senior Relationship Manager Pascal de Jong did an MBA at Webster University

‘Webster’s network attracts the best teaching staff’ Pascal de Jong is Senior Relationship Manager for large corporate clients at insurer Nationale Borg in Amsterdam. Two years ago, he completed his Master of Business Administration at Webster University, the one and only American university in the Netherlands. He shared his experiences with Hello Zuidas: ‘You should trigger yourself to grow.’ ‘My first introduction to Webster University was

he talks about his job you can just feel his zest and

when I was still working at the Rabobank. I went there

passion about strategy. That taught me more than

for a work visit, but I was already considering the

attending lectures from someone who simply doles

idea of doing an MBA, looking for more depth and

out theories. Webster has the network to attract

new directions. Webster, and the people who worked

those heavyweights from the professional world.

and studied there, appealed to me straight away.

On top of that, you work alongside students of all

It’s all small-scale and face-to-face; you can just drop

nationalities, ages and specializations, ranging from

by the rector’s office for a friendly chat, for example.

executives to members of parliament and recent

Moreover, they have an excellent reputation. And I

school-leavers. That invites you to look at things

was very keen to do an American MBA, America

through fresh eyes.’ Webster University

being the birthplace of the MBA and the place where



‘Juggling an MBA with a full-time job is hard work,

Strawinskylaan 57


for sure, but it has definitely paid off. Soon after

Tower D Level 2

Looking back, Pascal knows Webster was the right

taking my degree, I was promoted to being a seni-

+31 (0)20 379 56 97

choice. ‘The lecturers are very good. I took a lecture

or relationship manager for large corporate clients

course taught by Dr. Barendregt, for example, who is

at Nationale Borg. Not only do you trigger yourself


the commercial director of a packing plant with a

to grow, but you also convince your employer to


staff of 300. He’s amazing at what he does and when

elevate you to a higher level.’

the headquarters of my company are seated.’

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Davien Hulsman


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VOLUNTEER WITH YOUR COMPANY Would you like to do volunteer work together with your colleagues? Do you want to take part in a project with major social impact? We organise bespoke projects that allow you and your colleagues to experience a valuable day. Do you and your company want to lead a helping hand? Adam Helpt!


Furore Blaaskwintet

Anneke de Jong & Claudine Kranenburg

Wessel Hogenboom & Jordi Moonen

Erik Wisse & Mariet de Haas

ZUIDAS FIETST 12-14 July @ Gustav Mahlerplein • This three-day event was an ode to the Dutch bicycling culture. • On Wednesday afternoon, a fun picnic was held as part of the event. • On 14 July the new Gustav Mahlerplein bike park was officially opened by Traffic and Transport Alderman Litjens. • The new facility accommodates 3,000 bikes. • Looking to the future, plans are to furnish spaces for around 15,000 bikes near Amsterdam Zuid station.

Maik ter Veer

Eryn & Dewi

Erik Maitimo, Kirsten van den Hul & Pie de Bruijn

Irma Bannenberg & Paul van der Ree

Hans Verstegen & Klaas de Boer

Leen van Anrooy & Leen van Delft

Jeroen Koopman & Marc Krieg

Anna Luten & Floortje Vermeer

Pieter Litjens

Barbara Barend

Nanette Kraaikamp, Suzanne Klomp, Eline Hoogendijk, Suzan Aardewijn

Photography Lotte de Graaf


Hello Zuidas welcomes the following new members COMPANY HEALTH AND THERAPY CENTER, OSTEOPATHY AND HOMEOPATHY SECTOR HEALTH CARE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 2 Link with Zuidas: People in Zuidas are innovative, and so are we. Ensuring the peak health of each individual is crucial to the success of any workplace. Being centrally situated, with flexible opening hours, we can arrange an appointment at your convenience. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As a member, we would like to contribute to local health, only from a whole new perspective. Our mission is to help people by concentrating on problems that are common to busy office professionals. Our treatments are covered by all health insurance policies.

COMPANY NEDSTEDE REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT B.V. SECTOR REAL ESTATE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 8 (IN ZUIDAS) Link with Zuidas: Nedstede is the owner of 1,200 m2 of commercial space in the Mahler 900 complex. This site and the dynamics of Zuidas are perfectly suited to the development of new, innovative food and retail concepts. Nedstede wants to contribute to the future development of the district and will shortly be establishing its headquarters in Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Nedstede is specialized in the sustainable development of real estate concepts that give businesses the leverage to rise above the playing field. Adding Mahler 900 to our property portfolio seamlessly fits in with Nedstede Group’s development in the leisure and retail segment.

COMPANY THOMASKERK, AMSTERDAM SECTOR RELIGIOUS/IDEOLOGICAL/CULTURAL INSTITUTION NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 3 Link with Zuidas: The Thomaskerk is located in and focused on Zuidas. The church welcomes people who live and work in Zuidas and are looking for a quiet space, somewhere to reflect, or someone to talk to. There is also a theatre affiliated with the church that regularly hosts notable cultural activities. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We would like to raise our profile as a church in and for Zuidas, while forging ties in the district at the same time. Getting involved in Hello Zuidas feels like a logical step.

COMPANY LEGAL ISSUES AMSTERDAM SECTOR LEGAL SERVICES NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 2 Link with Zuidas: As of 1 May 2016, Legal Issues has its office in the Atrium building on Strawinskylaan. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Because we live in Zuidas and have an office there, we logically have an interest in local developments and the Zuidas community and companies based here. This is a unique part of Amsterdam and that’s why we are eager to be a part of Hello Zuidas.

COMPANY SPIRIT HOSTING & PROMOTIONS SECTOR HOSPITALITY NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 620 Link with Zuidas: Spirit offers receptionist and hostess services for numerous companies in Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We read every issue of Hello Zuidas and have been operating our reception service in Zuidas for quite a few years now, so it was an obvious step to become a Hello Zuidas member.




Hello Zuidas


MEMO BOARD MINI ZUIDAS Did you know that the scale model of Zuidas on display in the WTC Amsterdam is a bona fide area attraction? Built to a scale of 1:500, the model was created to give a realistic view of building developments in this densely populated corner of Amsterdam. Over the years, it has seen its share of repairs, renovations, modifications and additions – always ‘under construction’, just like Zuidas itself. The latest additions to the scale model are the new Kop Zuidas urban development plan, the Knowledge District, the temporary court house, the NoMa, Telesto and Het Paviljoen office blocks, and the Gershwin Brothers, Xavier and RIV residential buildings.

GUSTAV MAHLERPLEIN OPENS NEW BIKE PARK Bikers to Amsterdam’s Zuidas now have yet another spot to deposit their bikes, with the opening of a new bike parking facility underneath Gustav Mahlerplein, offering space for 3,000 bikes. The secured facility is free for the first 24 hours, with check-in by OV public transport chip card. The municipality expects the new facility to provide an incentive for bike commuting to Zuidas. Five additional bike park facilities are slated to be built around Amsterdam Zuid station in the next few years. Construction of the third underground bike park at Vijfhoek will start in spring 2017. Ultimately, Amsterdam Zuid station will be able to accommodate a total of some 15,000 bikes. E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl

WHY CHOOSE DE HYPOTHEKER? The largest mortgage

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Amsterdam Zuidas WTC

Thomas van Splunteren

‘Mortgage approval in less than a week? These days we hear it advertised all over the

De Hypotheker Amsterdam

social media and TV, but it’s totally unrealistic’, says Thomas van Splunteren, owner of the

Zuidas WTC

De Hypotheker franchise in Zuidas. ‘Because lenders inevitably ask for additional docu-

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mentation, we always compile and prepare all of the applicant’s information in advance.

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That way, we make sure we have the full picture before getting started, and that significantly

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cuts down on the average time it takes to attain approval.’


Text Odette van der Veeken | Photography Davien Hulsman

MEMBERS HELLO ZUIDAS SEPTEMBER 2016 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

ABN AMRO Accendium Accenture Adaptics À Deauville AkzoNobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI Amsterdamse Bos APG Arcadis Art Zuid ASEGA Legal ASEGA Media Asunaro Holland Interplan AVIS BackWERK Zuidas Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bambou Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheermij WTC Amsterdam Being Development Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam Bilfinger Real Estate Blue Boat Company BOEKEL Bolenius Bouwens& Boyden Global Executive Search 32. Breevast 33. Broersma Nieuwbouw 34. Bristol Global Mobility Europe 35. Bushwick 36. Caffè Belmondo 37. CBRE B.V. 38. citizenM 39. Club Sportive 40. Colliers International Consultants 41. Corporate Housing Factory 42. Cosmo Hairstyling

43. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 44. D&B The Facility Group 45. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 46. De Hypotheker 47. Deloitte 48. De Nieuwe Poort 49. Distinctly Different 50. Domeco Development B.V. 51. Edelman 52. Eden McCallum 53. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 54. Eigen Haard 55. Element Hotel 56. ENGIE 57. Euro CCP 58. Euroinfra 59. Expatcenter Amsterdam 60. EY 61. Fam. Advocaten 62. Financial Offices 63. Fortron B.V. 64. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 65. Fris Makelaars 66. G&S Vastgoed 67. Gentlemen’s Place 68. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 69. Global Housing 70. Grand Café Mahler 71. Greenberg Nielsen 72. Green Business Club 73. Greenwheels 74. Gustavino B.V. 75. GVB 76. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 77. Hago Nederland B.V. 78. Handelsbanken 79. HB Hairstylers 80. Health & Therapy Centre 81. Hestia Kinderopvang 82. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 83. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media & Communication: Gustav Mahlerplein 2 – 1082 MA – Amsterdam (Viñoly Tower, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 799 7413 | +31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl

84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127.

Holiday Inn Amsterdam Houthoff Buruma INBO ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West Ingeborg Douwes Centrum JLL Kardan Kempen & Co Kenko Kitchen KinderRijk Dagopvang Koetjes en Kalfjes Legal Issues Lexence Liander Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Made in May Markit Market 33 MBO College Zuid Mech Make & Take Miles Building Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas Multicopy A’dam WTC Nationale Postcode Loterij NDI ICT Solutions Nederlandse Ver. van Banken Nedstede Real Estate NEWNRG NH Amsterdam Zuid Nicolaas Lyceum Nijkerk Holding NL Real Estate Novotel Amsterdam City NS NVD Beveiligingsgroep Oliver’s Openbare Bibliotheek ORAM Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. OVG Real Estate Partou Kinderopvang Pathé Phisage Beauty & Wellness

128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168.

Platform Beter Benutten Pit4Business PRISM Amsterdam Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok Property NL B.V. Provast Puramis Consultancy Qbic Hotels Q-Park Nederland Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid Ravel Residence Regus Restaurant Nine RGA International Reinsurance Rivers Rob Peetoom Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc RoyalCast RSM Erasmus University Russell Reynolds Associates Savills Amsterdam SCOR Global Life SE Season-Flowers Securitas SLFMD Tailoring SMC Fysiomed Spaces Spine Health incompany Spirit Hosting & Promotions Stadsdeel Zuid Stage Entertainment Stella Agency & Academy Stibbe St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam Summertime Sushi Time Symphony’s Taalcentrum - VU ‘t Advocaatje Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer Taylor Wessing

Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Odette van der Veeken, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Mieke Verberkt | Imageau Translation: Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Odette van der Veeken, Kiki Dröge , Kika Samsom, Ruben van Zwieten, Nicole Pak, PropertyNL & Maartje Oome. Photography: Wiebke Wilting, Davien Hulsman, Lotte de Graaf, Fenna Beckers, Caren Huygelen & Jan-Kees Steenman. Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Kenneth Goedhart, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk & Bob Oostelbos. Thanks to: Marjolijn Meijer, Clubsportive, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Property NL, Ruben van Zwieten, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, Hilde van der Meer, Corinne Schot, Chris Buijink, Saskia Rill, Floris Wyers, Jeanne Dekkers Architectuur, VU, Htel Serviced Apartments, Iittala, MTH Makelaars, Spine Health Incompany, CompaNanny, Webster University, De Hypotheker, Car2go & GreenWheels.

169. Tax Consultants International 170. The Bank of New York Mellon 171. The Basket 172. The Change Agent 173. The Harbour Club Café 174. The Office Operators 175. The TailorMates 176. The Terrace 177. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 178. TopJobs Consultants 179. TREC 180. Trigion 181. Triple Ace 182. Urban Salad 183. Valid Express 184. Vesteda 185. VimpelCom 186. Visser Commsmsatie 187. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 188. VU Medisch Centrum 189. VU University Press 190. Wagamama 191. Webster University 192. Wieringen Prins 193. Wineboutique & Spirits 194. Wintertaling 195. Wonam 196. Worldeye Amsterdam 197. WTC Amsterdam 198. WTC A’dam Business Club 199. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 200. Your Assistant 201. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 202. ZuidasTravel.nl 203. Zuidschans 204. Zwaan II

Printed by: Gianotten Printed Media Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly) Copyright: © 2016 ASEGA Media & Communication. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.


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