Hello Zuidas #29

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Rudolf de Boer

Managing director CBRE

‘Fast track more speculative office developments’ Hello Bike!

Zuidas get its own fleet of 500 shared bicycles

RUBEN VAN ZWIETEN Back to basics SAVILLS REVEALS What do workers want? TELL US! What are your New Year’s resolutions?​

Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

Great to be back! Having returned from bringing my Zuidas baby

bourhood. Meanwhile, the ABN AMRO pavilion is

into the world and a magical maternity leave,

also definitely taking shape! Olivier Otten describes

it’s wonderful to be back and surrounded by

more plans for Zuidas in 2017 below.

familiar faces. Even though I live near Zuidas and could keep close tabs on everything happening

This issue’s cover features Rudolf de Boer,

here, the extent of all the changes in that short

managing director at CBRE. After starting out as a

timespan still came as a surprise.

trainee, he has been with the company for 25 years

I immediately parked my bike in the terrific new space

to develop within CBRE. We also discussed the looming

underneath Gustav Mahlerplein and felt like a kid

shortage of office space in Zuidas. What should

in a sweet shop at Market33. Restaurant Bolenius

we do if more big firms want to locate here?

now, and he talked to us about how he has been able

snared a coveted Michelin star in December, and Clubsportive has moved into posh new premises

Let’s make 2017 another fabulous year together.

with a 25-metre swimming pool. I’m also looking

A place like Zuidas, alive with so much enthusiasm,

forward to seeing the new offices of the Nationale

innovation, fellowship and drive, deserves nothing less.

Postcode Loterij. Judging from the drawings, it’s set to be an impressive addition to the neigh-

Happy reading!

P.S. The next issue of Hello Zuidas is scheduled for the 27th of February.

Impatient to find out what 2017 has in store on the political, economic and sustainability fronts? At least the microcosm of Zuidas is a bit more predictable. Next year we’ll be presented with the plans, as well as the timeline for Zuidasdok and see work commencing on the new courthouse, the WTC expansion, the Vijfhoek underground bike park and The Valley office and residential complex, to name but a few, while building projects at VU, Gershwin Brothers and The New Atrium will receive their finishing touches. We’ll also be welcoming lots of new residents to the neighbourhood. During the new year Hello Zuidas will be bringing you the Hello Bike, and we’ll be celebrating our fifth anniversary. We hope you’ll celebrate along with us and wish you a Happy New Year! Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas


Index 08



07. 08. 12. 15. 16. 18. 21. 22. 24. 27. 28. 30. 34. 37. 38. 41. 44. 47. 49. 52. 55. 57.

Trending Topics Rudolf de Boer - CBRE ‘Fast track more speculative office developments’ Building Zuidas Hello Bike! Hello Zuidas | Public Space Got a minute? Property Column - Ruben van Zwieten Back to basics Hello Zuidas | Mobility Zuidas mobility test Finance Restaurant Gordal A culinary journey through Spain Hello Zuidas | Sustainability News from Zuidas Hello Zuidas | Agenda Savills reveals what workers want Hello You Zuidas Architecture Hello Zuidas | Mobility What are your commuting habits? Vistra feels at home in Zuidas ‘This new location matches our transformation’ Hello You What are your New Year’s resolutions? Legal News Hello Zuidas | New Members Memo board

38 With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.



#Trending topics WOUTER SCHEEPENS @WOUTERSCHEEPENS Die pot goud stond vanmorgen niet op de #ZuidAs in #Amsterdam, maar wel heel dicht in de buurt #Regenboog • CORP HOUSING FACTORY @CHFAPARTMENTS Great new initiative that will be introduced next year at the #Zuidas Amsterdam: bike sharing via an app! #HelloBike • MANIFESTO.NL @MANIFESTONL Behoorlijk fris, maar zeker inspirerend, die #zuidas gesprekken met #ondernemers over hoe je dromen kunt realiseren #accountancy #amsterdam • LEXENCE @LEXENCE Van advocatenkantoor op Zuidas naar basisschool in Osdorp: enkele Lexence kantoormeubels hebben een nieuw thuis bij Jenaplanschool Atlantis • MARTIJN HEMMER @MJHEMMER Vandaag klein rondje #Zuidas gedaan met kids #dieismooi #dieisgaaf #duimpje maar nu snel door naar #intocht #Sinterklaas • WILLEM JAN DE HEK @WDEHEK “Ik liep op de Zuidas en vroeg mensen op straat naar hun visie op barmhartigheid. Ze schrokken zich een hoedje.” #jcnl16 @dag6 • WOUTER SCHEEPENS @WOUTERSCHEEPENS Dat #circulaire paviljoen van @ABNAMRO wordt langzamerhand een beest van een ding #ZuidAs • NICO @KLUP Prachtig helder vandaag. Vanaf de Zuidas kun je achter Schiphol Leiden zien liggen • 020 STADSDEEL ZUID @STADSDEELZUID Vragen of ideeën voor de #Zuidas? Kom naar het #spreekuur! Iedere dinsdag van 17.00 tot 18.00 uur • JACCO VISSER @JACCO67 Op mijn moment van de dag land ik bij mijn maat in zijn appartement aan de Zuidas; hier gebeurt wat, dat zie ik door de geweldige avond heen • MARIA PUNCH @PUNCHMARIA Net gehoord op @BNR: cursus biggen masseren voor managers op de Zuidas. Een welkome afwisseling na paarden borstelen en bomen omhelzen…. • THEO CAPEL @THEOCAPELNR1 Nog geen kerst, maar op het donkere #Gershwinplein op de #Zuidas verscheen al een ster (voor restaurant Bolenius). @hellozuidas • LEEN VAN DIJKE @LEENVANDIJKE Voor mijn afspraak op Zuidas even lunchen. Op pilaar in restaurant: “Make money, but never let money make you” goh, waarom staat dat daar? • WILLEM DE GELDER @WDEGELDER @KarenvdHeijden Heb wel eens bier gedronken op de zuidas en was de enige zonder pak. Effing hipster was ik daar. • KAREN V/D HEIJDEN @KARENVDHEIJDEN @WdeGelder De enige reden waarom ik me zou begeven op de ZuidAs zijn dan juist de mannen in pak, de Gelder • BETTY & BOB P.A. @BETTYENBOB Zo de fiets naar de fietsenmaker gebracht voor klant X. Kan hij morgen weer lekker op zijn fiets naar de Zuidas met lekker weer. • GBCZUIDAS @GBCZUIDAS Kick off programma Smart Mobility: Samenwerking @AmsterdamNL & @TomTomBenelux met intro @PieterLitjens We denken graag mee! • 020 STADSDEEL ZUID @STADSDEELZUID De kinderen van Kindercampus de Zuidas onthullen met @SebastiaanCapel het kunstwerk ‘de Wachter’ van @BorisTellegen





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to join our LinkedIn group or link to

Hello Zuidas as a contact.

Hello Zuidas has an iPad app that


ks hts and #drainhlerplein @Zuidas​ g li # c si u M # @M Year Meeting f o d n E e h t uring

allows you to flip through the magazine.


Free WIFI Hello Zuidas on Mahlerplein & Zuidplein


Rudolf de Boer, managing director CBRE

‘Fast track more speculative office developments’ From a small firm to worldwide real estate heavyweight, Rudolf de Boer, now Managing Director at CBRE, was there every step of the way over the past 25 years. In recent years, the company focussed on bringing together its transaction and consultancy services. These days, organizations no longer look at things through just one lens, explains De Boer. At CBRE’s large open offices in Zuidas, work is carried out in project teams that unite various specialities. ‘Each year, our firm and our staff become more adept at generating new ideas and putting them into practice’, says De Boer. The name CBRE is synonymous with real estate.

Can you pinpoint the moment where CBRE made the

But what exactly happens in this beautiful office

leap to being a major real estate player?

on a daily basis?

‘One of the most defining changes happened some eight years

‘We do find ourselves in the ‘real estate’ business, in the

ago, when we acquired a consultancy division consisting of some

broadest sense of the word. We advise property investors –

65 people. That gave us an injection of consultancy knowledge

that is, owners – as well as financiers and users and supply all

about office end users. That knowledge is important in our advisory

the associated consultancy services. Investors who are active

work, also where our investor services are concerned, and has

in Zuidas, for example, want to gain insight into various market

generated a huge value gain for CBRE. Today, we’re no longer

trends and wish to find out how best to position their property

solely focused on organizing transactions, but also on the

in the market. And we help them do that. On the flip side,

necessary knowledge that comes before and after a transaction.

you’ve got the office user who needs help finding the right

The equation of an international background, plus a commitment

accommodation that fits their organization. Local knowledge

to setting ourselves apart by stepping off the beaten track and

is a key factor. That’s also why we have opened five additional

thereby assuming a pioneering role in the real estate sector,

offices where we work with local specialists. Our approach in

has played an instrumental part in how this company has grown.

Zuidas is similar to that. To name a few, here we’re closely involved

Close internal cooperation is an essential part of that. You can’t

in the WTC, Symphony and Atrium projects, as well as the

accomplish that much when working alone. You need each other

relocation plans at Loyens & Loeff.’

to achieve the best possible results.’

A quarter century at the same company! That’s a

Does Zuidas have enough office stock to accommodate

rarity these days. What has kept you so loyal to CBRE?

important international employers?

‘As a student I did a work placement at a company formerly known

‘The answer to that would be ‘no’. Amsterdam has been

as Richard Ellis, in Amsterdam, which had around 20 people

unbelievably successful at attracting new business in recent

working there. At the time Richard Ellis was still a boutique firm

years, and existing companies in Amsterdam are growing fast

that had become prominent through its annual participation in

as well. Zuidas has certainly benefited from that. In the near

large real estate investment transactions. If you look back at my

future, we’ll be coming up against a market that has virtually no

career within CBRE, I started out as a trainee. Over time I scaled

office stock left. That’s a rather exceptional situation, one we’ve

the rungs to more senior posts. As the team under my direct

not experienced for years. It will take some time for investors

management grew, so did my responsibility. People often ask me

and office users to assimilate this new reality as it gets closer.

why I’ve stayed with one company for so long. My main answer to

Zuidas went through a long period where vacancy levels were

this is, that I’ve always been given the freedom to develop myself

upwards of ten per cent. Now, we’re verging on a vacancy rate

and my team and to pursue business that I believe will benefit

below three per cent, which is expected to fall even further in the

CBRE and our clients. Some people have to prove themselves

coming years. If you want to give businesses room to grow and to

somewhere else first, before they can create similar opportunities.

get new businesses to locate here, that’s not a healthy situation.

CBRE gave me that chance from the start. All along, and through

Looking ahead to the next few years, we’re going to see spiking

trial and error, I’ve been given room to exercise my own

rents. That will be another first here, but it’s unavoidable.

entrepreneurial spirit. This also fits with the increasing value

Office construction has been in a slump for a long time and new

that’s being placed on personal enterprise within corporate

building projects will remain limited during the foreseeable future.

organizations nowadays.’

Plus, most of those new buildings are already pre-leased anyway. ‘

Text Romy Lange | Photography Davien Hulsman


‘Amsterdam has been unbelievably successful at attracting new business in recent years’

How do you and your colleagues at CBRE feel about life here in Zuidas? ‘Zuidas is becoming a more integral part of the city, especially now

Rudolf de Boer, CBRE

there’s more residential housing, retail and restaurants alongside all the offices. In that sense, Zuidas today is nothing like it was a few years back. That increased activity, along with the facilities

CBRE believes that a healthy office environment brings

that are being created, have produced a dynamic that is really

out the best in people. That´s why they recently teamed

quite exceptional for an area that’s still relatively new. Even now,

up with the University of Twente to conduct a seven-

Zuidas can’t compete with other larger, international metropolises

month study into ways of creating better working

in terms of scale, but precisely that fact also works in Amsterdam’s

environments and enhancing employee well-being.

favour. Most of the clients we work with, and our employees,

Three main results:

too, feel that Zuidas is an incredibly dynamic place, a place that’s abuzz with a palpable energy. It’s a place where I could certainly

1. The study found that having plants in the workplace yields

also picture myself living.’

the following benefits: reduction of headaches, physiological stress and depression, and heightened concentration and

Looking to the short-term future of the district,


what pointers could you give the municipal office

2. Nutrition was identified as an essential factor for improving

and Hello Zuidas?

employee wellness. During one part of the study, two groups of

‘I think there is still ground to be gained on the culture and leisure

employees got either sugary snacks (filled doughnuts) or green

fronts, with cinemas, museums and the like. That would really put

smoothies after which they completed several tests. The healthy

Zuidas on the map and generate activity all through the week.

smoothie group demonstrated much higher levels of concentration

We know that the municipality is working on this, but actually

in comparison with the other group: 91 per cent compared to

getting plans off the ground is going to be a considerable under-

46 per cent.

taking. To continue developing Zuidas over the coming years,

3. Tension and high-pressure situations also affect concentration,

we’ll also have to stop pussyfooting around where it comes to

the study showed. Employees in a test group who were subjected

expanding Zuidas. My advice now would be to fast-track the

to uncomfortable situations in which they had to either sing their

construction of more new office and residential buildings,

own praises, or where they were asked to sing an actual song in

leaving any negative past experiences for what they were,

front of colleagues, showed a 30 per cent drop in accuracy on

and look ahead to the future. Zuidas is a district with huge

a test task, compared to people who were not subjected to an

potential and, going forward, our organization is excited to

awkward scenario beforehand.

continue contributing to this growth.’




Construction works in January and February EG SUSW PARNAS













































































A10 S108















Redevelopment of Frederik Roeskestraat is in full swing. From 9 January to PRAMENPAD




mid-April 2017, work will progress on the street’s south side, between the VU


Zuid funeral home andP1the The Pavilion office building, with the laying and VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT



rerouting of cables and pipes, in preparation for the street’s definitive design. Car, bike and pedestrian traffic can continue to pass through, and Roeskestraat businesses and schools will still be accessible. During morning rush hour, traffic officers will be stationed around the schools. From April ARENT JANSZOON ERNSTSTRAAT


onward, the works will shift to the north side and continue from there.

2. STRAWINSKYLAAN As part of the preparations for the Zuidasdok project and new Amstelveen line tram route, Strawinskylaan is in the process of getting a makeover. This will come in the shape of a revised road layout and larger tram and bus stops. Work started in September 2016 and will be completed in the spring of 2017. Strawinskylaan will stay open during this period, although one side of the road will be blocked. To keep traffic flows running smoothly, Connexxion bus services have been temporarily diverted to Gustav Mahlerlaan. This concerns lines 199, 241, 242, 310 and 346, which will resume services at their usual location after the works are finished. GVB buses and the tram will continue to stop on Strawinskylaan as usual, and the car parks will also remain open. Read more about the works on: www.zuidas.nl.






































P RAI Parkeergarage

P Werkterrein RAI Hotel






was littered with bikes. Now, it’s all nice and tidy and the

disruptions for those who live, work and do business

bikes are parked underground. It’s not every day that you’re

here, with all the developments putting a big crimp on

featured in a photo shoot. But it was good fun, even if

With both De Boelelaan East and Strawinskylaan under

accessibility. Over the next few years, two very different

there wasn’t quite enough air in the delivery bike tyre to

areas, especially as the construction of Zuidasdok is set to wipe

construction, access to Zuidas will be more restricted than

worlds will be interacting more closely here in Zuidas:

get it rolling.’

out a sizeable share of current bike spaces. To compensate, a new

usual. Commuters should plan for diversions, delays and

the world of the orange-vested builders and that of the

underground facility is in the works at Vijfhoek, offering space for

additional travel time, especially during rush hours,

businesspeople in their freshly pressed suits. They may

Willem Ros: ‘I’ve lived on Wielingenstraat near the RAI for

3,500 bicycles. Preparatory rerouting of cables and pipes will take

and would do well to use alternatives, such as travelling by

be poles apart, but these two worlds are also dependent

six years now. It’s an area that is gradually being swallowed

place here in January and February 2017, resulting in a number of

public transportation or bike. Another option is to park

on each other. It’s a perfect recipe for some surprising

up by Zuidas, so it kind of feels like I live there. Besides that,

local diversions for motorists and cyclists. During the first week

the car outside Zuidas and continue by public transport.

encounters! In this issue, we meet Fred Eyk, a construc-

I’m in Zuidas a lot, just because it’s a great spot to meet up.

of February, the stretch of bike lane along Strawinskylaan between

To find a convenient parking spot see the websites:

tion worker at the Mahlerplein underground bike park,

I take my bike or stroll through Beatrixpark, which really looks

Vijfhoek and Beethovenstraat will be closed, with bikers being

www.rai.nl, www.q-park.nl, www.amsterdam.nl/pnr.

and Willem Ros, video producer at Kolenkit Films.

fantastic nowadays. Of course the works are a nuisance



The growth of Zuidas and increased traffic in and out of AN



Zuidas is thriving and growing! But that also means








Amsterdam Zuid station has led to a shortage of bicycle parking MATENESSEHOF









Access to Zuidas

diverted via Prinses Irenestraat. All the existing bike spaces at

sometimes, but if you consider the scale, I can’t say it’s all

Vijfhoek will be removed. Recommended alternatives are the

Fred Eyk: ‘I was in Zuidas for one year, where I worked on

that bad, really. The municipality is doing a good job,

existing underground parks at Zuidplein and Gustav Mahlerplein.

the bike parking facility. It was a fun job to do– different

though they could be a little more forthcoming with

The new Vijfhoek facility is scheduled to open by April 2018.

from my usual stints. The real challenge was that we had

information to area residents, either in the shape of letters

to work as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the neigh-

or emails, or – my expertise – video. Sometimes I have

bourhood. Instead of ordinary driven piles, for instance,

no clue what is due to happen when, which can lead to

we used screw piles, which are steel cylinders that are literally

unpleasant surprises, which will always happen when

screwed into the ground, so they cause less noise and

you’re running late already. But it’s all for a good cause,

vibration. Residents even asked if we were actually working,

and things here really are change for the better. Hats off

because they didn’t hear a thing. We couldn’t have gotten

to the builders! Of course, if we’re going to talk about

a bigger compliment than that! What I like best about my

nuisances, I can imagine that all the office types getting

job, is seeing what you’ve created. Before, the whole square

in their way all day isn’t particularly helpful either.’


www.amsterdam.nl/zuidas www.zuidasdok.nl @zuidasamsterdam


Text Kika Samsom


Building Zuidasdok Auke Regeling

Long conversations, convoluted dilemmas and an unending supply of coffee... These are the main ingredients of the series of discussions that were conducted between the Zuidasdok project organization and the two chosen contracting consortia over the course of nearly a year. Recently, that procedure entered its next phase: the actual selection. It won’t be long now, however, until one of the contenders is finally appointed to take on the big job of building Zuidasdok. Hardly any subject was left untouched during the preceding

to go up to around 300,000. Traffic on the A10 south will

phase, though exactly what was discussed... Well, that is to

also intensify. ‘In the long run, of course, Zuidasdok will help

remain a secret for now. ‘The discussions during the dialogue

to improve access to Zuidas and the local quality of life,

phase are kept confidential’, explains Zuidasdok’s Auke

but we have to accept this for a while before we get there.

Regeling. ‘In the meetings, we sat down with the contractors.

We’re working with local employers, commuters and

Each side set out their vision on aspects like smart building

residents to look for solutions to keep Zuidas as accessible

logistics, disturbance-reducing measures and the design

and pleasant as possible for the period that lies ahead.’

of Amsterdam Zuid station. That helped the contractors to draw up their offers’.

Interested to learn how the Accessibility Task Force can help your organization? Send an email to: servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.

GEARING UP TO KICK OFF Does that mean work will also be commencing early in the new year? ‘Yes and no. After the contract is awarded we’ll

The aim of Zuidasdok project is to maximize car and

quickly progress to the preparatory phase’, explains Auke.

public transport access to Zuidas and the Northern

‘That said, you’ll see some work is already underway,

Randstad area. Sections of the A10 motorway will be

but there’s still lots of paperwork to get sorted before the real

widened and moved underground and Amsterdam

work is kicked off late in 2017.’ This is because under the design

Zuid Station will be upgraded to serve as a future-proof

and construct contract, the contractor is responsible for

public transport hub for train, tram, bus and metro

construction and expansion, as well as for the design itself.

services. Zuidasdok feeds into the continued development of Zuidas as a prime residential,


working and recreational location. For further

Currently, some 80,000 people pass through Amsterdam

information, visit www.zuidasdok.nl

Zuid station on a daily basis. By 2030, this number is predicted

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Davien Hulsman


Hello Bike! Zuidas is about to get its own fleet of 500 shared bicycles in 2017​. The first bikes will be available at RAI Amsterdam, Gelderlandplein and VU Amsterdam, as well as at Mahlerplein near Amsterdam Zuid station. Later in the year, there will be more spots where you can pick up your Hello Bike! What directed the choice of these first four locations? Els van Haasen, Services Manager

Jan van den Bosch, Convention Centre

at the VU Campus Facilities Organization

Production & Buildings Director at the RAI

“We have several thousand people working

‘The RAI is located at the edge of Zuidas,

and studying here, most of whom commute

along the east/west bicycle route.

by public transport or take their own bike.

When Olivier Otten at Hello Zuidas asked

But the university’s activities also extend

us to take part in this pilot, we didn’t have

beyond the campus. The VU Campus is an

to think twice. We’ve always been closely

integral part of Zuidas. We are a place where science, business

involved with the Zuidas district, Hello Zuidas, the municipality

and society meet. Lots of people pass by and everyone is welcome

and the Green Business Club. As an organization with a strong

to use our facilities, have a coffee or visit cultural activities,

commitment to sustainability, this bike-share project has our

like movies. The VU has a clear vision and strong set of ambitions

wholehearted support. It’s clear to us that bikes offer an excellent

with regard to sustainability. Bikesharing offers a quick, easy,

way to link the RAI with Zuidas and provide a solution to

convenient and sustainable way to get on and off campus.”

bridging that proverbial “last mile”.’

Olaf Nieuwenhuis, Head of Project

Maarten van Casteren,

Development at Kroonenberg Groep

Sustainability Project Manager for Zuidas

‘Gelderlandplein is an important link

‘The part of the square next to Julia’s will

between VU Amsterdam and the RAI.

be temporarily available for the bike-share

We want all area users to be able to

scheme (until work on Zuidasdok starts off

reach us as easily as possible. We’ll be

by late 2017). The great thing about

adding directions to Hello Bike by signs

Hello Bike is that it combines user-friend-

in the city centre. On top of that, we intend to set up campaigns

liness, good availability and low costs. There’s no complicated

informing target groups like office users and shop owners

subscription fee and there are plenty of bikes at lots of locations

about the bikes.’

that users may check out or check in at their convenience.’

More information: www.hellobike.net

Text Romy Lange



Got a minute? The Zuidas community includes not only local professionals and residents, but also lots of students. How do they view this part of the city? What do they like and dislike about it? What are their favourite haunts, and what’s missing? We met up with four students from different schools to ask for their input.

KELLY CAPOROSSIE, PUPIL AT THE NICOLAAS LYCEUM With her school situated next door to Zuidas, Kelly is a frequent visitor. ‘Not during breaks though; there’s not enough time then. But we hang out here sometimes after school.’ So how does Zuidas rate on appeal? ‘It’s nice, for sure, with all those planters and other stuff. But it’s not as colourful as it could be. More colour would be nice, like on the planters for instance. There’s a lot of concrete around.’ Although this is a nice place to sit, it could do with some more real seating areas, says Kelly. ‘You could maybe place boards on the planters, because now we’re always leaning on the edges, which is kind of uncomfortable.’ Especially now that it’s turning colder, she adds. ‘But there aren’t really any other places to relax.’


For more info or questions, send an email to leef@zuidas.nl.


NIK DE JAGER, STUDENT AT THE AMSTERDAM REGIONAL TRAINING CENTRE (ROC) Nik studies Event Communication Marketing at the ROC Amsterdam. Though not a frequent visitor to Zuidas, it hasn’t escaped his notice that a lot has changed. ‘I was abroad for a while and now I’m seeing lots of new cafés, restaurants and housing. Zuidas is constantly changing.’ Aside from catching the train from Zuid station, Nik also meets up with friends in Zuidas. ‘We regularly go out for a beer here.’ Zuidas always looks good, says Nik. ‘It’s a really nice part of Amsterdam. Could it be even better? I don’t know. I don’t really come here all that often.’

MARLOES VAN WIJNEN, STUDENT AT VU AMSTERDAM ‘I come to Zuidas regularly, but mostly I just do pit stops running errands or for grabbing a sandwich. You can basically find everything you need here.’ What’s missing, says Marloes, is a place inside the station to relax over a cup of coffee. A spot to sit down with your laptop and work for half an hour or so, for instance if your train is running late. Also, there are no benches or places to sit anywhere at the station, which is silly. It gets cold up there on the platform, which makes waiting there rather uncomfortable when winter rolls around.’ That aside, she gives Zuidas high marks for its public spaces. ‘If I had to describe Zuidas, I’d say it’s streamlined and modern, but also always well maintained. The station, especially, is noticeably cleaner compared to some others in the Netherlands.’

MAARTEN ROTS, ALUMNUS OF THE GERRIT RIETVELD ACADEMIE Maarten is well acquainted with Zuidas. Having contributed to local art projects, he and his camera have become Zuidas regulars. However, he doesn’t approve of all the changes. ‘A lot is happening here. Open spaces are getting swallowed up by buildings, which is a shame. Beatrixpark keeps getting smaller.’ At the same time, Maarten says, the end result always looks nice. Local upkeep is good. Though he’d like to see more vegetation, Maarten realizes that it’s tough in practice, given all the daily traffic. He’d also like to see more art in and around Zuidas. ‘There’s the occasional art project, but there is room to do so much more. Take for instance the big screen at the station entrance. You could call that a wasted opportunity. It’s only used as ad space, even though it started out as an art platform. Granted, the fact that you can catch football matches now and then is pretty cool!’

Text & Photography Merel Boudrie



Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.

Italian furnishings opposite ABN AMRO Zuidas - G&S Vastgoed has contracted a commercial

Provast and Commerz Real redevelop twin towers

lease for 500 m² in 400Beethovenstraat, a new-build

Zuidas - Provast is redeveloping Zuidas’ twin towers for

development in Zuidas, to Co van der Horst Bovenkerk.

Commerz Real’s open-ended real estate fund HausInvest.

Located at the corner of Beethovenstraat and Gustav

Located in the heart of the district, next to WTC and

Mahlerlaan, 400Beethovenstraat was designed by

Amsterdam Zuid station, the towers (which previously

UNStudio. G&S Vastgoed is pleased to have a retailer

housed AkzoNobel, amongst others) are being transformed

of Co van der Horst’s calibre as a tenant. ‘This concept

into a first-class mixed-use development called Two

is a valuable addition to Zuidas and a further sign of

Amsterdam. This multifunctional project in the centre of

the area’s development into a dynamic, multifunctional

Zuidas will include 20,000 m²’s worth of multi-tenant office

location.’ Based in Amstelveen, Co van der Horst is

space, a high-end hotel boasting approximately 330 rooms,

specialized in furniture sales and upscale interior

a sky bar, a restaurant and an underground car park housing

decorating advice and will be opening a mono-brand

380 spaces. The unattractive semi-public space around the

shop at its new Zuidas premises, featuring furnishings

building is also being transformed into a green corporate

by the Italian Flexform company.

garden. With construction set to start in 2017, completion is scheduled for late 2018.


REG Overseas leases in Zuidas Zuidas - REG Overseas Holdings, part of Renewable Energy

Bouwinvest acquires new Loyens & Loeff office

Group, has signed an office lease for 1,076 m² in the Euro-

Zuidas - Bouwinvest has signed a deal for the

center II building in Zuidas. The owner is LaSalle Investment

Hourglass, a new development on Parnassusweg

Management’s Encore+ fund. Renewable Energy Group

in Zuidas accommodating office, catering and retail

(REG) is a market leader in biobased fuels and chemicals.

space, as well as a hotel. Most of the office space is leased to Loyens & Loeff, which will occupy 15,500 m². Designed by Dam & Partner, the hourglass-shaped

AM delivers Summertime Zuidas

building will be completed by late 2019. The office

Zuidas - RBAM Woningbouw delivered the capstone

section has been acquired by the Bouwinvest Office

building in the Summertime project on 15 December,

Fund and offers approximately 22,000 m² in offices,

furnishing another nearly 200 residential units to bring the

700 m² for retail and restaurants, as well as 145 parking

total in Zuidas up to 2,000. Summertime offers 197 rental

spaces. The building will also house an apartment hotel

apartments, 1,100 m2 in commercial floor space and 150

with a restaurant which is open to the public.

parking spaces. Situated on Gustav Mahlerlaan, the project was developed by area and property developer AM and institutional investor Bouwinvest. The private sector apartments range from one to three rooms, with floor areas of 60 to 90 m2 and monthly rental prices starting at € 937. The ground-floor frontage on Mahlerlaan offers space for commercial tenants, which now include the child day-care centre Compananny and Rocycle Studios.

Photography Lotte de Graaf



Back to basics As we look forward to the new year, we find ourselves confronted

So, what can we do? First of all, we should recognize that harmful

with a world harbouring quite a few daunting challenges.

impulses at the international level are convoluted tangles that

Growing threats of nationalism, fascism and populism are putting

cannot be easily undone. Nonetheless, there certainly is

the dream of an open, globally minded world under threat.

something that people, and therefore you and I, can do.

And an open globally minded world is precisely the kind of

The most basic act that lies within our power as human

world that also happens to strengthen the development of

beings, is to embrace every other person we meet as the

the Zuidas district.

unique individuals that they are, with their own name and their own life story. We have to go back to basics.

The million dollar question is: What can we do to help create that world? Anyone working in Zuidas often can’t help but feel

We have become habituated, not least in business settings

being just a tiny insignificant part of the bigger picture. And let’s

like Zuidas, to planning projects around fixed endpoints by

be honest: it is the truth. But are we really willing to whittle down

which to gauge our progress. Yet this, primitive though it may

our dream and reduce it to such a nihilistic and cynical world

be, could be a solution. It’s a solution, or part of a solution in

view? That would undervalue our own power to help turn back

any case, that can’t necessarily be pegged to significant points

the tide of negativity.

of progress, but is more of a road back to the fundamental precepts of life and civilization. Sometimes salvation lies in going back to the question: How did we end up on this road in the first place? Especially now, as we arrive at the cusp of a new year. So what makes a person like me into a human being? And what makes our lives together into civilized life? Human beings as well as humanity grow stronger when we choose to open ourselves up to those around us, from colleagues to managers to subordinates, people from other cultures and even ostensible rivals. And perhaps that is in fact the solution, locally and globally. We can start here and now, in Zuidas. Back to basics!

Ruben van Zwieten (b. 1983) is a minister and the founder of De Nieuwe Poort on Claude Debussylaan – a café-restaurant, workspace, cultural and social enterprise all rolled into one. With a portfolio of fitness-for-the-spirit subscriptions for employers, he coaches Dutch executives in reflecting on their lives, work and involvement with society. Besides being a member of the Dutch banking code monitoring committee and a columnist for the Dutch financial daily Financieele Dagblad, he is also a popular speaker and event chair. Ruben is married and lives in Amsterdam.

Ruben van Zwieten



Zuidas mobility test

carpooling apps

All the upcoming infrastructure projects will inevitably affect car traffic into Zuidas, making alternative transport options more attractive than ever. In the months ahead, we’ll be zooming in on those alternatives in this section, this time aiming our spotlight at car share apps for more frequent and easy carpooling!

CARPOOLING APS Carpooling has been around for decades. You enjoy some company on the commute to work and help to curb gridlock at the same time, making it both fun and convenient. However, there were never all that many fish in the carpooling pond. Some great new apps are about to change that.





The editing team at Hello Zuidas decided to give two of them


a test drive. Together, we can cut car traffic while at the same


time helping to improve the environment! Are you on board?


TO MORE THAN 300,000


TO MORE THAN 300,000


BOUND A10 IN 2030


Need a ride? BLABLACAR

Use our quick and easy table comparing the features of both apps to help you decide which one is best for you. What fits your commute? And who do you want to travel with? BlaBlaCar




long distance

short/medium distance


daily commute

members across Europe. Over 10 million people already



use the service every quarter, making this app into a pioneer


Zuidas colleagues

online search

pro-active suggestions

free download

free download

pay and get paid

share benefits

payed for by users

paid for by employers




car > multimodal

closed data

open (anonymized) data



‘CARPOOLING WITH CONFIDENCE’ BlaBlaCar is a trusted community-based carpooling platform that connects drivers with empty seats to passengers looking for a ride. BlaBlaCar wants to make travel into a social event, which is money-saving and more efficient for millions of

for an entirely new, people-powered transport network! The app itself is pretty straightforward in its use. All you need to do is enter the date and departure and arrival locations, after which you select a car that’s headed in the same direction. More info: www.blablacar.nl.




Toogethr is an app that connects you to your colleagues and


reduces congestion

removes all obstacles to carpooling, making it super easy,

reduce cost

reduces parking needs

meet new people




fun and practical to share a ride. Toogethr is the solution that brings about fewer gridlock woes, a faster journey from A to B and less pressure on parking. Using it is easy. You enter your home and work addresses and whether you own a car.

CO2 reduction

For optimum matches, the app also asks what time you prefer to be at work and at what time you wish to leave (don’t worry, you don’t have to put in an exact time). Now you’re good to

Good to know

go! Plus, if you’re doing the driving, Toogethr also offers route

Did you know there are taxi-sharing services as well?

recommendations, saving you unnecessary detours and

Abel is the new citywide taxi service that’s comfortable,

getting everyone’s day off to an efficient start. What could

sustainable and affordably priced. Use the app to specify

be more convenient? More info: www.toogethr.com.

where you want to be picked up and whether you wish to share with other passengers. The more flexible you are, the cheaper the ride. And be honest... it’s always more fun

Download the apps from the App Store or Google Play.

Text Kiki Dröge

to share! More info: www.rideabel.com.



Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.


Young women outearning young men

CPB: Dutch economy back on pre-crisis track

Zuidas - Women earn less than men. However, the pay

Zuidas - The Dutch economy is growing faster than predicted,

gap is narrowing, and young women are now earning

with actual growth this year and last exceeding last year’s

more than their male peers, according to a study

budget estimates, according to the Netherlands Bureau

conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). The gap

for Economic Policy Analysis’ (CPB) December forecast.

between men and women is on average smaller in civil

The Bureau expects the Dutch economy to show 2.1%

service jobs than in trade and industry, and greatest

growth this year and last, compared to the anticipated

in senior executive positions. Where in 2008 the pay

growth rate for both years of 1.7% announced on the State

difference between men and women in civil service

Opening of Parliament in September 2016. This would put

averaged 16%, compared to 22% in trade and industry,

the per capita GDP back at the 2008 level and balance

by 2014 these figures had notched down to 10% and

the government budget for the first time in nine years.

20%, respectively. Adjusted for factors including age,

Commenting via Twitter, Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen

work experience, educational attainment and sector,

Dijsselbloem said: ‘Great news from the CPB: a balanced

the differences are even smaller. In 2014, the corporate

budget in 2017. Time to build up a buffer to shield against

pay gap was down to 7%.

possible future setbacks.’

Netherlands ranks third among tax havens Zuidas - The Netherlands has achieved a shameful third

EU forcing big international banks to reorganize

place in development organization Oxfam’s list of top

Zuidas - Large, systemically important banks outside

15 tax havens, published at the end of last year. Holland

the European Union will soon have to cluster their

owes this top ranking to its role in large-scale tax evasion

EU-based activities in separate holding companies,

by multinationals, according to the NGO’s report. Other

with the European parent, to meet internationally

European countries on the list are Switzerland (4), Ireland

agreed minimum buffer capital requirements to

(6), Luxembourg (7) and Cyprus (10). The high score is all

ensure ease of recovery by European authorities,

the more embarrassing in light of Dutch Finance Minister

in the event of a bank failure. This new requirement is

Jeroen Dijsselbloem’s admission last year that the country

part of an extensive package of measures presented

had indeed been part of the tax evasion problem in the past

by the European Commission late last year to mitigate

but would henceforth commit to being part of the solution.

risks in the banking sector, and is the first major

Though there has been some criticism of the interest

regulatory amendment since industry reforms

group’s ranking, the Netherlands’ third place, after notorious

imposed after the credit crisis.

tax havens Bermuda and the Cayman Islands, is damaging to the country’s public and political tax image both at home and abroad.

ING poaches more investment bankers from ABN AMRO Zuidas - The contest to win the favour of the Dutch corporate world is heating up between ING and ABN AMRO, with ING luring a number of prominent investment bankers away from its main Benelux rival for the second time in a short period. A team of four bankers from ABN’s Equities Markets division, who oversee the issue of company shares to investors and focuses in particular on Great Britain, are leaving for ING in early January, so both banks have confirmed. Kempen is also losing a British market specialist to ING, which is fast expanding on this front.

Photography Lotte de Graaf


A new effective osteopathic manual treatment will help you to get back to work quickly if are you suffering from:

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HOMEOPATHY You prefer something else than medication and supplements? Then Classical Homeopathy is promising for you, for acute and chronic problems, with a holistic view. A TTAC and GNM consultation leads to a new understanding of your disease, free of fear and panic with a chance of recovery. See website! TREATMENTS ARE COVERED BY DUTCH AND INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANIES 06 - 330 977 41 06 - 374 568 15 www.yourosteopath.eu www.nhpractice.nl

Chef Gines Peregrin

Restaurant Gordal

a culinary journey through Spain With the recent opening of Hotel Element Amsterdam, our district welcomed a light, modern and sustainably designed hotel, specialized in serving long-stay travellers. On 19 January, Element Amsterdam will be unveiling a brand-new restaurant, Gordal, where diners can enjoy a culinary journey through Spain, featuring a wide range of tapas and authentic Spanish dishes, paired with carefully selected Spanish wines, beers and Gordal’s homemade sangria.


the brand conducted a study on Dutch travel behaviour. It revealed

The Mediterranean ambiance of the new Gelderlandplein

pillow and bed more than family, friends and even their partner

restaurant offers hotel and restaurant guests and Gelderlandplein

(52% vs. 30%) when their travels take them away from home

visitors an authentic Spanish experience in Amsterdam. Some of

for five days or more. The findings also show many miss typically

the products that Chef Gines Peregrin uses to prepare his dishes

Dutch foods when travelling for longer periods. Men are more

can also be purchased, giving guests a unique chance to take a

adaptable travellers, with 23% stating they lack for nothing en

taste of Spain home with them, or back to one of the 160 hotel

route, compared to 16% of women.

that more than 50% of the Dutch population miss their own

rooms equipped with a full kitchen at Element Amsterdam. The Zuidas shuttle will have you back at the hotel in no time!

MORE HOMESICK FOR PILLOWS AND BEDS Established in a former office building, the hotel is integrated

Element Amsterdam

with the new Gelderlandplein shopping centre and offers 160

Arent Janszoon Ernststraat 577

spacious studio flats that cater specifically to guests staying for

1082 LD Amsterdam

an extended period. All rooms have a fully equipped kitchenette,

+31 (0)20 517 5300

flexible living area, Westin Heavenly Bed and spa-inspired bath-


room. To launch Element Amsterdam in the Netherlands,

Text Romy Lange | Photography Jesse Kraal



Sustainability News SIMPLE, CHEAP AND BEAUTIFUL Last year’s autumn, Amsterdam Alderman Udo Kock and Rolf Steenwinkel, director of the Amstel, Gooi and Vecht Water Board, officially opened a vegetated buffer strip at the top of Zuidas to slow down water flows. The strip, lying approximately 35 cm below the pavement level, catches and holds rainwater for around 24 hours, after which the water slowly filters down into the soil via underground crates filled with special drainage sand. Vegetated strips like this, along with green and blue roofs are appearing all over Zuidas. Besides being sustainable, they are also – in the words of Alderman Kock – ‘super simple, cheap, effective and beautiful’.



NO FOOD TO WASTE Did you know that every year 1.3 billion tons of food – one-third of total production – are assumed to go to waste worldwide? This in itself is a shame, but it also has a huge environmental impact in terms of needless water consumption and carbon emissions. A major contributor to all this wastage is the restaurant industry, which is pressured to give consumers a ‘freshness guarantee’. Jordy Groot at Backwerk has recruited three students from Enactus VU to tackle this problem in a project aimed at curbing food waste in Zuidas. By joining forces with a range of local establishments, the Foodwaste project will help restaurants to cut down on the amount of food that gets thrown out and find good uses for food that’s left over.

GREEN BUSINESS CHALLENGE REAPS IMPRESSIVE RESULTS Over the past four months, two teams of young professionals have been setting up two sustainable projects in Zuidas as part of the Green Business Challenge. Taste the Waste has teamed up with The Waste Transformers to install an anaerobic digester on Zuidas grounds, where organic waste from local companies will be converted into gas and compost. Team The Circle has developed a circular system for items used at various offices in Zuidas. Akzo Nobel’s old coffee cups have been exchanged for a recyclable plastic coating-free model, and at CBRE they are collecting printer cartridges to be reused by the supplier as much as possible. The two teams will be presenting their impressive results at the closing ceremony on February 20th.

Maartje Oome is communications consultant for Green Business Club Zuidas, a district organization in which businesses work together to launch sustainable initiatives and achieve sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to Maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.

Text Maartje Oome



EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY UNPLUG TO RECONNECT @ CLUB SPORTIVE 12:30pm-1pm Escape the hustle and bustle of Zuidas and join us for some mindfulness. We have a team of advanced mindfulness teachers who will leave you in a Zen state of mind, ready to take on the weekend or working week.

@ WTC 11:30am-1pm Every Tuesday at lunchtime, the pros from Amsterdam Shoeshine will be stationed at the bottom of the escalators in the central hall. They’ll polish your shoes to a high shine between 11:30am and 1pm! Too busy to take a seat in the shoe shine chair? Drop off your shoes for a shine or a repair at the WTC shop. www.amsterdamshoeshine.com


EVERY FRIDAY FRIDAY TOAST&ROAST @ THE ROAST ROOM 5pm Toast to the start of the weekend together. Join us for good times every Friday from 5pm into the wee hours, and why not stay for dinner as well? Our DJ will spin you right into the weekend!


@ THE BASKET The monthly pub quiz is back for another year! Eight rounds that will keep you on the edge of your seat, with music clips, pictures and questions to which you know you know the answer... if only you could remember! It’s the place to be on the VU campus. Register your team (5 max.) now, for a chance to show your stuff and win great prizes! Register by sending an email to: amsterdam@thebasket.nl.

@ RAI AMSTERDAM Horecava 2017 is a hospitality fair dedicated to food, experience, innovation and sustainability. Today’s consumer is exacting, and enjoying good food has become a lifestyle for many. How can you key into consumers’ needs and desires? What makes you create special experiences that your guests will cherish? How to make the most of new technologies? How to fit sustainability into your business model? Come find out for yourself, future-proof your business and sample all Horecava has to offer!

@ WTC BUSINESS CLUB The keynote speaker at WTC Business Club Amsterdam’s New Year’s drinks event will be Adjiedj Bakas, regarded as one of the most astute trend watchers in the country. Bakas will outline his views on how the world is going to change in years to come, and how these trends will transform business life and earnings models. This event will take place on 10 January and all members are warmly invited to attend. Just don’t expect Bakas to leave you in your ‘comfort zone’! Business Club manager Godfried Schölvinck is currently working on a great line-up of networking opportunities for the rest of 2017. If you’ve got suggestions, please get in touch via: businessclub@wtcamsterdam.com.

JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Our next issue will be published @ 27 of February. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before January 23. th

TUESDAY 10 JANUARY 2017 REALISTIC ARITHMETIC @ BROEDPLAATS OLDSCHOOL 12:30pm-4:30pm Can we make the transition from fossil-based to clean energy on wind turbines and solar panels alone? In Realistic Arithmetic, Frans Debets offers you simple handholds along with a concise booklet to make every scenario for achieving cleaner energy concrete and realistic! This highpower course is for professionals and the general public. The cost is € 55 (excl. VAT) and includes a sandwich and coffee. For info and to register: www.debetsbv.nl or 06-51097936. The first 10 registrations are free!

THURSDAY 12 JANUARY 2017 THE NATIONAL ENERGY DIALOGUE @ BROEDPLAATS OLDSCHOOL 8:30am-1:30pm Will the Netherlands be 100% energypositive in 2030? Ruud Koornstra tackles this topic with politicians, entrepreneurs and interested citizens during the Energy Breakfast, organized by Wij Krijgen Kippen in association with Pakhuis de Zwijger. Doors open and breakfast from 8:30am, programme runs from 9:00am to 12:30pm, and lunch follows from 12:30pm. See www.wijkrijgenkippen.nl. To register: thijs@newnrg.nl or 06-45303617. Seats are limited!

MONDAY 16 JANUARY 2017 NETWORKING GALLERY @ TO BE DETERMINED 9am-11:30am Het Topcenter van Werk en Re-integratie Amsterdam offers training programmes with practical tools to help highly-qualified jobseekers find work. Participants get professional feedback on their CVs and pitches. To contribute to this networking gallery, GBC Zuidas and member WSP have sealed a partnership with Het Topcenter. Interested? Get in touch with Diederik Imfeld at: Diederik@greenbusinessclub.nl.

WEDNESDAY 11 JANUARY 2017 MAKE CLEAN ENERGY YOUR STORY @ ROELOF HARTPLEIN 2A 8pm-9:30pm What should you say to friends or colleagues to convince them that the energy transition should be everyone’s top priority? Marjan Minnesma offers a powerful story, underpinned by hard facts and plenty of arguments. Also speaking is Bouwe de Boer. This evening is being organized by the Zuiderlicht energy co-op. All are welcome! For details, visit: www.zuiderlicht.nu.



EN DE TUINMAN @ HET GLAZEN HUIS, AMSTELPARK In this exhibition, Irene Fortuyn presents a series of video portraits, photographs, sketches and texts, to give visitors a glimpse behind the scenes of Amstelpark and the people who shape and maintain it.

GIVING BIRTH IN HOSPITAL @ VUMC AMSTERDAM 7pm-8:30pm This interactive presentation guides you through the whole process, from the first stage of the delivery to its release. There will also be time for questions. No registration necessary.


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam WEDNESDAY 18 JANUARY THURSDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2017 GROUP EXHIBITION: ‘LIKE YOU AND ME’ @ AMSTERDAM ART CHAPEL 12pm-5pm The media are filled with the latest debates about identity, and religious and sexual differences. Artists are also concerned about these issues. This show features the work of Eva Räder, Natasja Kensmil, Meiro Koizumi, Charlotte Schleiffert, Folkert de Jong, Julia Winter and Esiri Erheriene-Essi. Admission is free of charge. Also ask about the group package, including an organic lunch at AS restaurant. For details and info about guided tours, see: info@artzuid.nl.

THURSDAY 19 JANUARY 2017 BIG IDEAS DINNER @ DE NIEUWE POORT 6:30pm-9pm Ever get the feeling that there are lots of people all around you living very different lives, who you never really interact with? Every third Thursday of the month a diverse mix of people are invited to De Nieuwe Poort, from asylum-seekers to senior citizens to professionals, to engage in a dialogue with each other. After the discussion, share a meal at the long dining table and enjoy a musical interlude. To register, go to: www.denieuwepoort.org.

THURSDAY 19 JANUARY 2017 DATUM TWEEDE REGEL ARTZUID SPONSOR INFO EVENING @ ARTZUID OFFICE 6pm-8pm Companies that support ArtZuid or that are interested in becoming a sponsor are invited to learn more about the artistic concept behind ArtZuid 2017 and the various sponsorship opportunities. Speaker of the evening will be Rudi Fuchs. Afterwards, stay to toast the New Year. All are welcome. To register, send an email to: communicatie@artzuid.nl.


THURSDAY 26 SUNDAY 29 JANUARY 2017 JUMPING AMSTERDAM @ RAI AMSTERDAM In late January, the Dutch capital will be hosting the world’s crème de la crème in dressage and show jumping. Browse to your heart’s content at the 60-plus vendor stands, stop for a delicious bite to eat or a drink, and stay on into the wee hours for a rousing Mokum party, featuring Café Bolle Jan and other local artists!

TUESDAY 31 JANUARY 2017 LUNCH BREAK LECTURE SATURDAY 21 JANUARY 2017 VU ORCHESTRA @ CONCERTGEBOUW 8:15pm The VU Orchestra plays Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 3, which is considered one of the pinnacles of the repertoire and famous for its scale – in both duration and the large number of musicians. For tickets, visit: www.concertgebouw.nl.

WITH MICHAEL JONGENEEL @ DE NIEUWE POORT 12:30pm-1pm Feed your mind during your lunch hour with a philosophical talk on themes, including competition, leadership, solidarity and justice, featuring a leading public figure. This Lunch Break Lecture will be hosted by Michael Jongeneel. To register, send an email to: www.denieuwepoort.org.

JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Our next issue will be published @ 27 of February. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before January 23. th


TUESDAY 31 JANUARY AND TUESDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2017 BUSINESS ENGLISH WORKSHOP @ TAALCENTRUM-VU 9:30am-4:30pm English fluency is crucial in international business. Are you able to communicate effectively with your international clients by phone and email? Come to Taalcentrum-VU, the language experts. The Business English workshop will make you more fluent in no time. The course lasts two full days, from 9:30am to 4:30pm. Register now at: www.taalcentrum-vu.nl.

@ DE NIEUWE POORT On Saturday 11 February we will set up various excursions for participants of all ages. Past years’ outings have included boating through Amsterdam’s canals, a museum visit and bowling for active seniors. At the end of the day we’ll rejoin for drinks at De Nieuwe Poort – with the younger generation treating their elders, of course, as courtesy dictates. For a mere € 15 you’ll get lunch, an excursion, drinks and a wealth of life lessons and wonderful stories from your senior date. To register: http://denieuwepoort.org/evenement/ valentijnsdag-in-amsterdam/.

WEDNESDAY 22 FEBRUARY 2017 RISE AND SHINE! MONDAY 6 FEBRUARY 2017 FREE WEBINAR @ COMPANY WEBCAST 3pm-4pm What are the nine key steps to making your marketing communication webinar a success? Company Webcast provides active support to help webinar organizers set up successful marketing webinars. This session covers the top ten requirements of organizing and presenting a marketing webinar, with relevant examples and plenty of practical tips to ensure the best results. www.companywebcast.nl

@ AMSTERDAMSE BOS 12pm, 1:30pm and 3pm Spring is just around the corner! But the poor rabbit keeps stumbling over litter left lying in the woods. Help clean up the Amsterdamse Bos and use all the rubbish you collect to create a big, noisy rattle. Coordinated by Natuur is een Feest. This event is open to children aged 4-8 accompanied by a parent or guardian. Cost: € 5.00 for children, € 2.50 for adults. Starts at the Boswinkel. Duration: 1 hour. Reservations and information: Boswinkel, 020-5456100 or boswinkel@amsterdam.nl.

SUNDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2017 COW WALK WITH THE FOREST RANGER @ AMSTERDAMSE BOS 2pm Join the forest ranger and see if you can find a Highland cow! Highland cattle are magnificent animals, and they also make themselves useful. The forest ranger will tell you all about it as we go. The walk starts at the car park on Bosrandweg. To register, call: 020-5456100. Cost: € 4.60 per person, please pay in exact change. Reservations and information: Boswinkel, 020-5456100 or boswinkel@amsterdam.nl.

MONDAY 27 FEBRUARY 2017 HELLO ZUIDAS FIVE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY MEMBERS MEETING @ NOVOTEL 3.30 pm Hello Zuidas is turning five in 2017! Join other members and Alderman Van der Burg for a meeting where we’ll look back on five years of Hello Zuidas. What have we achieved, and what opportunities await us in the future? The meeting starts at 3:30pm and will conclude with a festive reception. Hello Zuidas members can register to attend by emailing servicepoint@hellozuidas.com.


Savills reveals what workers want

Survey reveals what office users need and expect from their work environment

34.Beekman & Els van Bronckhorst​ Erik

The right work environment makes up one of the cornerstones of a successful business. But what does the Dutch workforce value in an office location and workspace? And to what extent does this correspond with daily reality? Savills decided to investigate these questions, which resulted in the first Dutch edition of What Workers Want, a report in which the real estate service provider describes what office users need and expect in their work setting. The report offers some surprising insights! The survey was initiated by Els van Bronckhorst, associate director

they also want to be able to concentrate and make uninterrupted

of Occupier Services, and Erik Beekman, associate director of

phone calls. In an open office type space, that is virtually

Tenant Representation. They assist tenants in mapping out the best

impossible. Office layouts should be designed in such a way

location strategies, based on their respective areas of expertise.

that they incorporate separate areas for interaction as well

Location is vital to keeping employees satisfied and attracting

as areas where one can work alone.’

new talent, emphasizes Erik. ‘You can negotiate stellar financial terms for a location, but if your employees aren’t on


board, it’s not a good deal. We’ve noticed that companies are

Not surprisingly, office location is crucial as well. The city centre

increasingly on the lookout for business accommodations that

wins out among office users, with a quarter of those working

cater to the wishes and needs of their employees, which makes

in business parks wishing they worked downtown. ‘A central,

this study particularly timely.’ The plan is to carry out the survey

animated spot was preferred overall, but there are measurable

on a routine basis, says Els. ‘People change, work processes

differences between age categories and sectors’, Erik says.

change and technologies make rapid progress, all of which

‘The city centre holds less appeal for the older workforce,

have an impact on the office environment. In ten years’ time,

for instance. In the end, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.’

things may look totally different.’


Erik: ‘In order to attract new talents and keep them as well,

One question Savills investigated was whether the digital-era

it is important to listen to your employees! A good work

professional even wants to come into the office at all. ‘Though it

environment contributes to your employees’ satisfaction

is possible these days to work anywhere and at any time,

and ultimately to the performance of your organization.

we’ve come to the conclusion that people still prefer to come

Because of this, we always start out by meticulously mapping

to the office’, Els reports. ‘And that’s mainly for social reasons.

out what an organization is looking for and what it needs.

People are social creatures who come to the office to share

We want to understand the way in which the organization

knowledge and to interact and collaborate with colleagues.’

works, since that’s the real basis for finding the right business accommodation.’ Els adds, ‘No two clients are the same;

‘Though it is possible these days to work anywhere and at any time,

they all have their own needs, so there’s no such thing as a blueprint for the ideal office workplace. And that’s exactly what makes our job so interesting!’

we’ve come to the conclusion that people still prefer to come to the office’

What Workers Want Survey was conducted among 500 employees throughout the Netherlands. • Collaboration with colleagues and social interaction rank


as the main perks of working at an office

When extrapolating these findings, you might think an open-plan

• Most popular work location is the city centre

office would be the perfect work setting. Nothing could be further

• Among the top 3 essential facilities are spaces designed

from the truth. Whereas 34% of all respondents currently work in an open-plan office, a mere 15% prefer to do so, while 33% would rather have a traditional office space, offering room for one

to make phone calls and to work without distraction • 34% currently work in an open-plan office, but only 15% prefer to do so

or two persons. Next in line on the wish list are spaces for

• 33% prefer a traditional office space for one

making telephone calls and a distraction-free work space.

or two persons.

Els: ‘Although people do seek social interaction at the office,

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Davien Hulsman


Regine Manders & Ingeborg Wannags

Nanette Kraaikamp & Willeke Adriaanse

Jacko Brinkman & Age Lindenbergh

PAN AMSTERDAM Tuesday 22 November @ RAI Amsterdam • PAN Amsterdam was held on 19–26 November at RAI Amsterdam • PAN is a fair dedicated to art, antiques and design • Hello Zuidas organized an evening visit to PAN Amsterdam for members • The evening started with drinks and snacks • Members were offered guided tours to see the many fabulous art works

Age Lindenbergh & Sandra Korthals-Stemerding

Jurgen de Ridder, Jordi Moonen & Danielle Weeling

Javier Leonor & Sjoerd van den Reek

Anke Busser & Jacky Swinkels

Stella Koedam & Lisa Cobelens

Yvonne Jakobs, Jan van den Bosch & Nynke de Ruiter

Photography ​B LINK Fotografie

Bram van Melis & Sara Sheikki

Jordy Groot & Mark Vermeulen



Zuidas Architecture One of the tallest buildings in Zuidas is The Rock on Claude Debussylaan. As the name suggests, the design is distinctly reminiscent of... a rock! Principal tenant De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek wanted something beyond ‘just another glass office block’. And they got it, with an eye-catching office that morphs from a glass substructure into a massive boulder at the top. At 90 metres, The Rock spans 22 storeys above-

standing upside down. And here’s some interes-

ground and three for the car park below. Architect

ting trivia: did you know that the letters ‘dripping’

Erick van Egeraat conceived the building as having

from the façade make up the first article of the

three distinct parts that merge together to form a

Dutch Constitution?

whole. Where the least amount of daylight comes


in, at the narrow street level, the walls are made of


glass. Next comes a transparent middle section,

Inside, the building is every bit as striking. In a

capped by the whimsical black boulder. The heavy

departure from the architectural norm, Erick van

mass on top creates the illusion that the building is

Egeraat and his team designed not only the


THE ROCK Address: Claude Debussylaan 80 Architect: Erick van Egeraat Client: Deka Immobilien Completed in: 2009 Height: 90 m Floors: 22 Floor area: approx. 30,000 m2 Main user: Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (law firm)

exterior, but also the interior, which features stone-


clad columns and a lobby floor that consists of five

The Rock’s main tenant is Brauw Blackstone West-

types of marble. In 2011, The Rock even won an

broek, a Dutch law firm that has offices in Amsterdam,

award for the ‘Most beautiful staircase of the year’

Brussels, London, New York, Shanghai and Singapore.

because of its impressive white stone stairs featuring

CRH Europe, the global market leader in building

a banister carved from American walnut.

materials, occupies 1,600 m2 of the building.

Text Kika Samsom | Photography J. Collingridge​



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What are your commuting habits? Access to Zuidas is a never-ending hot topic. And for the next few years, the volume of commuters journeying in and out of Zuidas will only be growing. All sorts of plans are in the works to improve local access. But what do current commuters think of the current situation? How do they make their journey, and what’s their experience?

MARIJN DE VRIES HOOGERWERFF (39) ‘I came by train from Groningen. Between here and Groningen trains aren’t always as dependable, but overall the connections are fine. It’s a small and compact station.’ Still, not everything is distinctly marked , says Marijn. ‘In the past, when I had to catch a train, sometimes I accidentally sprinted up to the metro, and I can imagine tourists might have problems distinguishing between metro and train. Or I might mix up the platforms… When you’re in a rush, you want clear signs that will clearly tell you where to go.’

Read more at page 47 >>



BERNOU VAN DER ENT (26) ‘I don’t come here all that often, but I used to. The accessibility is better, I think, but at the same time all the different closures make it into a bit of a chaos. All in all, it’s fine though. Also, it’s a nice station, with good shops.’ Nonetheless, Bernou does have one tip. ‘Direct people to places where they can park their bikes. On arriving here, all I see are racks overflowing with bicycles. That’s really irritating!’

DAVID ADANIAN (19) ‘I come through here every day because my school is close by. Zuid Station has really good connections, and whenever there are diversions, they let you know. You can always get here one way or another – sometimes I’ll take the tram, other times I’ll take the metro.’ If David could change one thing, however, it would be: ‘the information at the bus stops. That could be better. It’s not clear from what place the buses depart. So literally every day I see people running around and searching like mad, only to be directed someplace else by the bus drivers.’ (Ed. This has now been resolved.)

FLEUR VAN BEEM (38) Fleur works near Amsterdam Zuid station and walks the short distance to her job each day. ‘From the station I usually take the metro home. I like Zuid station, especially because it’s never really overcrowded. Plus it’s friendly, it has some cute shops and there’s lots to do. It’s a really nice station.’

LUCIA FEITERS (21) ‘I had to work at the Olympic Stadium today, so that’s the reason I’m here. I took the bus. The 9292 app said there were problems with the buses around Zuidas, but fortunately in the end it didn’t affect me. The information was all clear, so I experienced no problems.’ Lucia had to wait ten minutes for her train and noticed there were no places to sit down. ‘It’s not very comfortable here. I wanted to sit down somewhere because I’ve got ten minutes to kill, but since the Starbucks is so overpriced, I decided to stand outside instead. But nothing’s missing as far as transport goes.’

Text & Photography Merel Boudrie


Ron Arendsen​, Country Managing Director Vistra​

Vistra feels at home in Zuidas

‘This new location matches our transformation’ Over the last few years, Vistra has undergone a huge transformation, coalescing in the company’s merger with Orangefield. These days, next to his offices in Eemnes and Rotterdam, almost 300 employees of this corporate service provider all work together underneath the stunning glass roof of the Atrium building on Strawinskylaan. Country Manager Director Ron Arendsen calls the move to Zuidas ‘the crowning glory of our merger’. ‘The merger between Vistra and Orangefield is a

partners – which consist of tax and consultancy

union of equals’, emphasizes Arendsen. ‘Rather than

firms – but you can sense the energy flowing.

getting one company to move in with the other,

We’re investing on all fronts, and it’s really

we wanted to make a joint and fresh start with

fantastic to be a part of that.’

a new Vistra at a new location. Zuidas proved to


be the perfect home base for our companies.


The relocation injected an incredibly positive vibe.

According to Arendsen, the new premises also

Not only are we now next door to our business

line up with one of Vistra’s strategic objectives.

‘We invest a great deal in learning and development and offer excellent opportunities for career advancement, also on an international level.’

‘We aim to be an employer of choice, and Zuidas

are looking to relocate to the Netherlands to find

works as a magnet for young people. Of course,

suitable premises and recruit staff and do their

we have more to offer than a great location alone.

payrolling & accounting. I think the Netherlands

Vistra creates opportunities for its employees.

have all the requirements businesses are looking

We invest a great deal in training and development

for. We have a strong domestic workforce,

and offer excellent prospects for career advance-

everyone speaks fluent English and at least one

ment, also on an international level. Vistra has

other language and Amsterdam offers expats a

offices in as many as 41 countries, so whether

very safe and dynamic place to live.’

you would like to work in Europe, Asia or the US, there are numerous opportunities. We already


received the first recognition for our employer of

With growth comes increasing responsibility,

choice initiatives by winning the National Business

as Arendsen is quick to point out. ‘We see our

Success Award 2016 in our industry.’

business as topsport and when you are industryleading like us you are far beyond being compliant


with the law, you are raising the bar to a new

Over the last few years, Vistra has experienced

standard. We are very aware of our position in

massive growth. ‘In the space of three years,

society and want to add value to the societies we

Vistra has advanced to become a top 3 player;

are active in not only by job creation but also

not only in the Netherlands, but worldwide.

through our worldwide CSR program. As a perfect

It has been a period of incredible development’,

example we are supporting, together with many

Arendsen says. ‘We’ve rolled out new services and

other companies at the Zuidas, the foundation

have seen significant growth in our international

Refugee Talent Hub, an initiative that offers talented

expansion services, with a focus on startups and

refugees a real future in the Netherlands instead

operational entities. At the moment, for example,

of a temporary shelter. Because this is also the

we’re helping multiple American multinationals that

new Vistra.’

Text Kika Samsom | Photography Davien Hulsman


Anton Reijlink & Niels de Wilde

Jane Goorden & Marc Wessels

Castor Bours & Wouter Widdershoven

Freddy Potters & Kaley Vermijs

END-OF-YEAR EVENT MEETING Monday 12 December @ Gustavino • This year-end celebration honoured Sparkles for Emma • There was a reception with Prosecco on Gustav Mahlerplein near the Social Sparkles light artwork • Generous donations were made to the AMC Emma children’s hospital • Klaas de Boer spoke in praise of the benefactors • And no one was in the mood to go home... Dirk Dekker, Ebe Treffers & Bas van Dam

Franc van Nunen, Josja van der Veer & Pauline Bottema

Edward Zevenbergen & Aalt Leusink

Diana van den Broek & Lorraine Strampel

Sander Ummelen & Ankie Petersen

Nina Brouwers, Marjolein de Jong, Nicole Turnhout & Kirsten Balk

Juul Klumpes & Cor Appelman

Norman Willems , Jeroen Kortenhorst & Margot van Keulen

Raymond Freriks & Alice Baetsen

Henriëtte van Eeghen, Sebastiaan Capel, Caroline Beelen & Elsemieke Bergema

Jordi Moonen, Emile Govaert & Jordy Groot

Malu Hilverink & Angela Verbrugge

Alex Arts & Jennifer van der Lingen

Photography Davien Hulsman


What are your New Year’s resolutions? With the New Year’s celebrations behind us, it’s time again to tackle those New Year’s resolutions. What are our goals for 2017? Are they of the usual ‘eat healthier’ and ‘lose weight’- type? We conducted a street poll in Zuidas to find out.

Sven Persoon (22) – ‘Long-distance run at Mud Masters’ Sven doesn’t beat around the bush: ‘I can tell you now, I’m never going to keep them. Every year I make New Year’s resolutions, and three weeks later I think, “yeah, maybe not”. I have thought about it a little though, and I guess I could shed a few pounds. So I intend to get more exercise and eat healthier. I’ll also be running the Mud Masters again in 2017, so I pledge here and now I’ll do a longer distance – the 18K or 24K instead of the 6K. And also, I want to graduate.’

Naomi Kruithof (26) - ‘Quit smoking’ ‘It’s a total cliché: I want to quit smoking. This really is something I want to do, though. I’ve never tried it before, so it will be my first attempt. I’ve got to have something to replace it, but I’m not sure yet what that would be. I’ll have to give that some thought. I’ll definitely need the moral support of my friends and colleagues, but that won’t be a problem. Also, I would like to get my driving licence. I’m 26, so it’s about time.’

Maureen Saldi (46) – ‘Lose weight with my Rock ‘n Roll dance class’ ‘I really want to lose weight. Right now I’m around two stone more than I should be, so it’s for my health as well. Another resolution is to get more exercise. Not at the gym, that’s not my thing. I’ve signed up at a Rock ‘n Roll dance school instead. It’s awesome! And I’m going to watch my diet. I’m a chocoholic. Hopefully, this year I will stick to my resolutions.’

Marleen van Norden (69) – ‘Lose weight and exercise more’ ‘I’d really like to lose some weight and get more exercise. I haven’t made an actual plan yet, but there’s plenty of time for that over Christmas. One thing I definitely want to do is street dance, but as yet I haven’t been able to find a class that also signs up older people. It looks like so much fun, getting into the beat.’ Marleen makes New Year’s resolutions every year. But keeping them, she says, is another kettle of fish.

Read more at page 51 >>


Arjen Kramer (26) – ‘Hold onto what I’ve achieved’ ‘I never think about resolutions all that much, but if I had to make one, my goal for 2017 would be to hold onto the things I’ve already achieved. To go on as I am now. Of course, you always set goals for yourself, keep dreaming, and you need to follow those dreams. Decide what’s feasible and how far you are able to go. I’ve already made quite a few of my dreams come true, like the one about starting my own business. I want to hold onto that feeling. That’s my New Year’s resolution.’

Margriet van der Maden (52) – ‘Keep working’ ‘Get more exercise, that’s a given. My New Year’s resolution is to stay healthy and eat fewer sweets. I want this to be a healthier year. Anyway, by mid-January I’ll probably have forgotten all about it. Another thing is that I want to keep working, that’s my biggest challenge. To feel comfortable in a job, be happy about what I’m doing. I think, in the end, that’s what everybody wants most.’

Jaimy Elia (27) – ‘Score a number 1 hit’ ‘Me and my band 4U won The Next Boy/Girl Band programme last season and now I want us to go big: ideally by scoring a number 1 hit. We already made it into the top 40, but obviously our goal is to end up at number 1. We’re about to release our second single and on top of that, we are a supporting act at the Nick en Simon concerts, so we’re on our way. But it all starts with that number 1 hit single.’

Ilhaam Awees (32) – ‘Run a full marathon’ ‘To be honest, I haven’t given it any thought yet. If I had to come up with something, I’d actually love to run the full marathon next year. So that means taking more exercise! Last year I ran the half marathon; it would be fun to do the full one, 44 kilometres, in 2017. And I’d also like to go back to school. That’s why I’m here in Amsterdam. I live in Almere, but I’m visiting VU Amsterdam to get myself informed.’

Text & photography Merel Boudrie





HALF OF YOUNG LAWYERS SUFFER FROM ACQUISITION STRESS Half of all young lawyers experience stress due to the pressure that comes with securing new clients, while 44% face heavy to excessive workloads at the office, according to an annual survey conducted among 579 young lawyers by the Young Bar Association of the Netherlands (SJBN) in collaboration with occupational liability insurer Movir. The survey results were presented at the SJBN year-end conference. It found that one in four young lawyers work over 50 hours a week, and most put in 40 to 50-hour working weeks. Commenting in a press release, Movir General Manager Louis van Drunen said, ‘Lawyers put in long hours, though fortunately most have short commutes. Seventy per cent are at the office within 30 minutes, leaving them plenty of time for other activities.’



The NXP takeover by Qualcomm, announced late October,

At the end of 2017, the Hogan Lovells law firm will be giving up

is a deal that ticks all the boxes in superlatives: the biggest

its Amsterdam office on Keizersgracht in exchange for the fully

acquisition in the history of the semiconductor industry,

renovated Atrium complex in Zuidas. Hogan Lovells will occupy

the biggest Dutch corporate acquisition since the ABN AMRO

the newly built north tower on Strawinskylaan, which is currently

deal in 2007 and the biggest deal in 2016 to date. A Qualcomm

under development. The main reason to relocate to Zuidas is

subsidiary issued a public offer of US$110 per share for all out-

to be able to cater to clients at a modern office. ‘What’s more,’

standing ordinary shares of NXP, amounting to a total deal value

says Business Development Manager Bert van Daalen,

of € 43 billion. As one of the pioneers of wireless technology,

‘our current premises on Keizersgracht are due for remodelling,

Qualcomm helped propel the mobile revolution. The company

but because of the building’s listed status, it is very difficult

received legal counsel from Allen & Overy and Paul, Weiss

and expensive to make the necessary changes. In Zuidas

(New York). De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek advised NXP.

we found premises that are fully up to modern standards.’



My professional home

With each issue, we’ll be giving a voice to someone in the legal profession. He or she

NautaDutilh’s recent move to Beethovenstraat

an ‘Excellent’ rating, thanks to its energy

will offer us a glimpse

400 wasn’t the first time our Amsterdam office

efficiency, heat and cold storage, solar panels

into their work as well

relocated. But for me personally, it was a much

and efficient water management systems.

as their vision on a

bigger change than our previous move from

particular area of the

Prinses Irenestraat, where I started when I joined

Practicalities aside, working in an area with

law, and on how it

the firm, to Strawinskylaan. That move felt pretty

so many different real estate development

relates to Zuidas.

much like a fact of life; this time, when we began to

activities underway is very interesting for me

contemplate leaving Strawinskylaan, I was asked

personally as a real estate finance lawyer.

for my opinion about our future office and what

In many cases, members of our Real Estate

kind of building it should be.

team and other NautaDutilh experts are involved in those activities, to the extent that we can

As so often in life, it took the idea of being located

even keep track of progress on some local

somewhere else to start appreciating fully the

building projects from our desks.

advantages of Zuidas. For instance, many of my clients are within walking distance of my office.

After unpacking our boxes on Beethovenstraat

Of course, I can always call, email, Skype or text

400, it was soon back to ‘business as usual’.

them, but having frequent face-to-face contact

Every now and then, however, I take some time

works best for me. As well as a client-friendly

to appreciate how well-located, client-friendly

location, an eco-friendly and sustainable work-

and green my professional home actually is.

place also was an important issue. We are proud of the fact that BREEAM, one of the most comprehensive international rating systems for sustainable building design, awarded our office

Diederik Vriesendorp is partner at NautaDutilh.

DiederikDutVilrihesendorp, Nauta


Hello Zuidas welcomes the following new members COMPANY COMPANANNY ZUIDAS SECTOR CHILD CARE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WE’LL BE OPENING THIS LOCATION WITH SIX STAFF MEMBERS TO ENSURE A NUMBER OF FAMILIAR FACES FOR PARENTS AND CHILDREN. AS WE GROW IN ZUIDAS, SO WILL OUR TEAM. COMPANANNY EMPLOYS A TOTAL WORKFORCE OF AROUND 650. Link with Zuidas: We’re opening our eighth Amsterdam location in Zuidas! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas plays a pivotal role in connecting residents and companies in Zuidas. As a new arrival in Zuidas, we value that connection and want to be a part of it!

COMPANY SPEAKEASY INC. SECTOR COMMUNICATION TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 50 Link with Zuidas: Our training facilities are uniquely located in the Viñoly building. We are literally surrounded by our clients. They are subject matter experts in the professional services industry, but one of them has room for improvement when it comes to personal communication style. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Professionals working in Zuidas are the sweet spot of our target audience, especially managers and executives who frequently deal with ‘high consequence’ speaking moments. We train and develop them to become the most powerful and effective communicators they can be, which ultimately drives business results.

COMPANY GUSTAV GYM SECTOR FITNESS NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 7 Link with Zuidas: We have opened a gym on George Gershwinlaan 520, on the ground floor of the Mahler 900 building. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas brings people and organizations together. Becoming member of Hello Zuidas feels like a logical step.

COMPANY THE BIKEVERTISING COMPANY SECTOR MOBILITY AND MARKETING NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 12 Link with Zuidas: The Bikevertising Company runs Hello Bike, the innovative bicycle-sharing scheme in Zuidas. Our aim is to make it easier to move in and around Zuidas, and we offer all local employers bike facilities for their employees whenever they need it. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas is our partner in the Hello Bike scheme in Zuidas. Becoming a member also offers lots of advantages for networking, building relations and publicity.

COMPANY VISTRA NETHERLANDS SECTOR CORPORATE SERVICE PROVIDER NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 270 Link with Zuidas: As one of the largest offices among the 41 countries Vistra currently operates in, this new location puts us closer to our clients and relations, while it also facilitates better collaboration among our teams to serve clients more efficiently. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As a new Hello Zuidas member, we are interested in local developments and we wish to actively participate in and contribute to the Zuidas community.




Hello Zuidas


VOLUNTEER WITH YOUR COMPANY Would you like to do volunteer work together with your colleagues? Do you want to take part in a project with major social impact? We organise bespoke projects that allow you and your colleagues to experience a valuable day. Do you and your company want to lead a helping hand? Adam Helpt!


MEMO BOARD NEW! ZUIDAS SERVICES Ruth Jansen of Phisage, Liesbeth Perdijk of WineBoutique and Spirits and Jordy Groot of Backwerk have joined forces in creating a new website that offers comprehensive info about services and amenities in Zuidas. All conveniently brought together in one spot! Check it out, and have your details added to the site, on: www.zuidasservices.nl.

NO. 1 DJ COMING TO ZUIDAS Zuidas has become famous! The world’s top DJ, Martin Garrix, just bought an ultra-luxurious penthouse in a new residential complex in Zuidas. At a spacious 200 or so square metres, the penthouse boasts several guest rooms, two bathrooms, walk-in closets, lots of terraces and a truly fabulous view. Garrix’s new digs are on the 22nd floor. In short, it’s a very sweet home indeed! Garrix plans to move in by February.

AND THE WINNER IS… Eefje Voogd has been named real estate’s woman of the year 2016! Eefje is specialized in advising on spatial planning projects in and around Amsterdam. With her strong vision, insight into trends and developments, keen conceptual ability and indefatigable passion, she’s a role model in the development of housing that offers both maximum returns and maximum satisfaction for residential consumers. Congratulations, Eefje!

GOOD LUCK DAVID! On 1 January, David van Traa will be joining Zuidas as the district’s new municipal director! Van Traa has held various posts at Amsterdam’s municipal offices in the past 15 years, including that of speechwriter and advisor to the mayor, as well as leader of the international NY400 project in Amsterdam and New York, celebrating the ‘discovery’ of Manhattan. Want to offer your good luck wishes to a colleague? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl.

CROWNE PLAZA CELEBRATES 5 YEARS! This winter, Crowne Plaza Amsterdam – South is celebrating its five-year anniversary. On 1 December the hotel kicked off the festive season in style and in the evening officially opened its winter terrace, which has become an annual tradition. The winter terrace is the perfect venue for drinks or a celebratory toast. This year, the terrace features a curling track, delicious cocktails, seasonal snacks and hot cocoa. Cheers!

E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl


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MEMBERS HELLO ZUIDAS JANUARY 2017 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) ABN AMRO Accendium Accenture Adaptics À Deauville AkzoNobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI Amsterdamse Bos APG Arcadis Art Zuid ASEGA Legal ASEGA Media Asunaro Holland Interplan AVIS BackWERK Zuidas Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Beheermij WTC Amsterdam Being Development Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam Bilfinger Real Estate Blue Boat Company BOEKEL Bolenius Bouwens& Boyden Global Executive Search Breevast Broersma Nieuwbouw Bristol Global Mobility Europe Bushwick Caffè Belmondo CBRE B.V. citizenM Club Sportive Colliers International Consultants CompaNanny Corporate Housing Factory Cosmo Hairstyling Crowne Plaza A’dam South D&B The Facility Group De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Hypotheker Deloitte De Nieuwe Poort Distinctly Different Domeco Development B.V. Dudok Patisserie Edelman Eden McCallum

54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105.

Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eigen Haard Element Hotel ENGIE Euro CCP Euroinfra Expatcenter Amsterdam EY Fam. Advocaten Financial Offices Fortron B.V. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Fris Makelaars G&S Vastgoed Gentlemen’s Place Gerrit Rietveld Academie Grand Café Mahler Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Greenwheels Gustav Gym Gustavino GVB HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants Hago Nederland B.V. Handelsbanken Health & Therapy Centre Hestia Kinderopvang Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal Het Zwarte Fietsenplan Holiday Inn Amsterdam Houthoff Buruma INBO ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West JLL Kardan Kempen & Co Kenko Kitchen KinderRijk Dagopvang Koetjes en Kalfjes Legal Issues Lexence Liander Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Made in May Markit Market 33 MBO College Zuid Mech Make & Take Miles Building Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media & Communication: Gustav Mahlerplein 2 – 1082 MA – Amsterdam (Viñoly Tower, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 799 7413 | +31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl

106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158.

MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. Multicopy A’dam WTC Nationale Postcode Loterij NDI ICT Solutions Nederlandse Ver. van Banken Nedstede Real Estate NEWNRG NH Amsterdam Zuid Nicolaas Lyceum NL Real Estate Novotel Amsterdam City NS NVD Beveiligingsgroep Oliver’s Openbare Bibliotheek ORAM Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. OVG Real Estate Partou Kinderopvang Pathé Phisage Beauty & Wellness Platform Beter Benutten PRISM Amsterdam Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok Property NL B.V. Provast Puramis Consultancy Qbic Hotels Q-Park Nederland Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid Ravel Residence Regus Restaurant Nine RGA International Reinsurance Rivers Rob Peetoom Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc RoyalCast Russell Reynolds Associates Savills Amsterdam SCOR Global Life SE Season-Flowers Securitas SLFMD Tailoring Spaces Speakeasy Inc. Spine Health Incompany Spirit Hosting & Promotions Stadsdeel Zuid Stella Agency & Academy Stibbe St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam Summertime

Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Odette van der Veeken, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Mieke Verberkt | Imageau Translation: Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Romy Lange, Kika Samsom, Kiki Dröge, Merel Boudrie, Ruben van Zwieten & Maartje Oome Photography: Davien Hulsman, Jesse Kraal, Lotte de Graaf & J. Collingridge Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Kenneth Goedhart, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk & Bob Oostelbos Interns: Merel Boudrie Thanks to: Rudolf de Boer, CBRE, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Kroonenberg Groep, Maarsen Groep, Property NL, Ruben van Zwieten, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, PropertyNL, Savills, Vistra & Diederik Vriesendorp.

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Sushi Time Symphony’s Taalcentrum - VU Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer Taylor Wessing Tax Consultants International The Bank of New York Mellon The Barn The Basket The Bikevertising Company The Change Agent The Harbour Club Café The Office Operators The TailorMates Thomaskerk Amsterdam TopJobs Consultants TREC Trigion Triple Ace Urban Salad Valid Express Vesteda VimpelCom Visser Communicatie Vistra Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU Medisch Centrum VU University Press Wagamama Webster University Wieringen Prins Wineboutique & Spirits Wintertaling Wonam Worldeye Amsterdam WTC Amsterdam WTC A’dam Business Club WTCafé De Blauwe Engel Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) Your Assistant Zibr Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam ZuidasTravel.nl Zuidschans Zwaan II

Printed by: Gianotten Printed Media Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright: © 2017 ASEGA Media & Communication. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.


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