Hello Zuidas #8

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Joris Luyendijk, The Guardian

“I’m providing a platform for whistleblowers” JOSJA VAN DER VEER, VU AMSTERDAM

“Hello Zuidas forms the cement of the future”

A HOTEL IN THE BEATRIXPARK A nesting place with lots of different holes for solitary bees.

KIRSTEN VAN DEN HUL “I travelled almost 40.000 kilometers in six months”

BUSINESS TRAVEL SPECIAL “Schiphol has gone up from 440 passengers in 1920 to 51 million in 2012”





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Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas r.lange@asega.nl

With so many different companies, we will never run out of subject matter I look back on my first year as editor-in-chief of

travelling can be made easier for your staff. Josja van

Hello Zuidas with fond memories. Putting together

der Veer, the new chairwoman of the Hello Zuidas

a magazine is a fascinating process, made even

foundation’s supervisory board, introduces herself in

more interesting by all the goings-on in this district.

feature article. Van der Veer has a fresh approach to

The wide range of companies that have established

the job and is a definite bonus to the organization.

themselves here is almost past belief, and I really enjoy getting a glimpse behind the scenes. I could write a

There are a lot of great events lined up for Zuidas

book about it all.

in the next few weeks as well. I am really looking forward to the Grachtenfestival music event, part of

Fortunately, the magazine may look forward to

which will take place here. The special members’

a bright future and we have far from exhausted

event, organized by Loyens & Loeff will be one of

the possibilities for interesting articles. In terms of

the highlights.

interesting subject matter, this edition is no exception. Joris Luyendijk spills the beans on his experience in

summer? And while you are on the beach, get out


London’s City business district. Luyendijk has lived

your iPad and download the new Hello Zuidas app,

The next issue

there for two years, and writes a weekly column for

so you can read all our articles at your convenience

of Hello Zuidas

the Guardian newspaper. In our Business Travel

– if you have not put the magazine in your suitcase,

is scheduled for

Special, ZuidasTravel.nl reveals how worldwide

that is.

September 3rd.

May I take this opportunity to wish you a fine, sunny

The extensive use of any part of town requires sound infrastructure, both above and below ground. Zuidas forms no exception and this summer there are wide-ranging plans to improve its road access. So may I give you some traffic advice? Instead of taking the A10 ring road, I recommend taking the S109 exit from now, until August 19, or opting for alternative means of transport. This summer’s priority projects will have a considerable impact on traffic. For example, roadworks at the VU’s main entrance will involve placing two large drains and new water pipes. At the same time, the Boelelaan is being expanded to three lanes. And on top of that, the A10 slip roads at the Amstelveenseweg junction will be rejigged to improve traffic flow. I wish you all a smooth trip. Olivier Otten, managing director Hello Zuidas

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Index 06. Joris Luyendijk, The Guardian “I’m providing a platform for whistleblowers” 10. Property 12. Hello Zuidas – Mobility SAA: The largest infrastructure of the decade 15. Column: Kirsten van den Hul Home Sweet Home 16. Finance 18. Josja van der Veer “Hello Zuidas forms the cement of the future” 20. Hello Zuidas – Public Space ORAM works towards a secure, clean Zuidas 21. Hello Zuidas – Sustainability A hotel in the Beatrixpark

22. Agenda Hello Zuidas 26. Robert Rossier, TPEX An overseas business meeting without having to leave Zuidas 28. Hello You 30. David Lenahan, fit20 “Fit in 20 minutes a week” 32. Special : Business Travel - 34. ZuidasTravel.nl - 37. NH Hotels - 38. Novotel 39. Hello Zuidas – New members 42. Memo board

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. www.hellozuidas.com, www.facebook.com/hellozuidas, www.twitter.com/hellozuidas, www.linkedin.com/hellozuidas


‘What I’m doing is providing a platform for whistleblowers’ Joris Luyendijk


Dear bankers, would you like to talk to me? This is how journalist Joris Luyendijk made his mark when he started his new job at the Guardian newspaper. Two hundred replies and two years later, he is still writing a weekly blog about London City bankers. Luyendijk, it seems, has tapped into a rich anthropological vein. He flew into Zuidas to talk to us about life in the English capital. ‘In London I miss the informality of the Dutch and their international outlook. The interesting thing about the Brits is that they go for quality. In the Netherlands we invariably sacrifice quality to consensus,’ says Luyendijk. How did you manage to land a job

especially when it’s hot and there’s thousands of

on the Guardian?

you. Still, it’s a democratic way to travel: even the

‘Through a chance meeting at a congress in the

rich City workers have to use it to get to work.’

Netherlands, where the editor of the Guardian was a speaker and I was the moderator. We had a meal

How well do you know Zuidas?

together afterwards and got to know each other

‘It’s nice to see Zuidas isn’t a dead spot in the city.

a little better. I gave him an English translation of

It’s lively, there are shops and restaurants and

one of my books and we discussed ways in which

people live here. Between 6pm and 9pm, the City

journalism may re-invent itself. After he read my

of London becomes devoid of life. Only young

book, he offered me a job on the paper. I was very

bankers work late: it makes them look keen. Once

keen as you can imagine. When I arrived, I was

the A10 goes underground, Zuidas will become an

asked to write about City bankers and the crisis.

even more integrated part of the city. I like the archi-

I then asked bankers to get in touch with me,

tecture. The Dutch are good at that sort of thing.

saying: “Dear bankers, would you like to talk to

There is a certain similarity with the City of London,

me? I offer anonymity and ask for openness in

although Zuidas doesn’t have as much glass.’

return.” I received hundreds of reactions, each with its own motivation. What I’m really doing

Which qualities would you say distinguish

is providing a platform for whistleblowers.’

the Dutch from the English? ‘The Dutch are very informal and I like that. The

What is it like to write for one of the most

English are reserved and formal. They never say

respected broadsheets in Britain?

what they mean and they’re not beyond the odd

‘It’s wonderful. The site has 85 million unique

lie provided it’s done in a polite way. Sometimes

browsers every month. The contacts I now have

it’s difficult to believe the Dutch and the English

and the skills I have acquired along the way allow

work together so well. The English think we’re

me to really have an impact in the Dutch media.

much too direct, rude and loud. And we think

It’s too early to know what the effect of my

they’re hypocritical, sneaky and sanctimonious.

contribution to the Guardian is because what I’m

But it’s working. What I like about the Dutch is

writing for them is seen by the whole world.’

that we know how to deal with other nationalities. We grow up surrounded by ‘abroad’, unlike many

Do you take the underground to work like

other nationalities.’

all the other Londoners? ‘Nobody drives into the City so there’s really

And how about the English? What are

no other option. It’s that or the train. Traffic is

their best qualities?

eternally gridlocked. If you want a little greenery

‘The English go for quality. In the Netherlands we

you will have to live on the outskirts of London and

invariably sacrifice quality to consensus. Studying

you will not be able to commute using your car.

at our universities is a piece of cake. It’s very

London wasn’t built to accommodate eight million

different in Britain and there is a great deal of

cars. Being able to cycle to work is such a joy –

competitiveness. In the Netherlands, incompe-

compare that to having to walk to the underground

tence is fine as long as you’re not arrogant. It’s

station and perhaps having to change trains,

better to be incompetent than arrogant. Foreign

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Aubrey Wade


bankers working for ABN, ING or the Rabobank

the kind of book I wish I could have read before I

find it difficult to get used to this culture of

started my job at the Guardian. A book for people

mediocrity. If people are really incompetent

who don’t know anything about the present

they will be chucked out, but there is no sanction

financial situation but who are beginning to think

on not doing your best. In Britain people are

this crisis is taking its merry time. In London I

subjected to a merciless selection process

often hear people say we really are facing a very

and competition is fierce.’

big problem. It’s the kind of book you would like to read about climate change, for instance, and

With all the knowledge you’ve acquired,

whether we can still live in the Netherlands once

could you work in a bank?

it hits. That sort of book.’

‘I probably need a few more years before I have the necessary financial knowledge, but I suppose I could bluff my way in. Banks look at attitude rather than knowledge because that can be acquired. And it’s not rocket science unless you’re dealing with complicated mathematical issues. I probably had the right banking attitude once. I worked very hard as a correspondent and I liked nothing better than working. Now I have a wife and three children. Bankers think of value all day long, but the most valuable thing you can never get back is time. And they are wasting it by the shedload. Bankers in London spend hours in the office because they’re afraid they’ll be branded lazy underachievers. In Germany those long hours would be a reason for the management to think you’re incompetent, or that you have too much on. I have managed my career in such a way that I’m only at work when I actually have something to do. Going to work and then finding something to do is not for me.’ Do you get many comments? ‘Yes, mostly in the shape of Tweets or a Facebook share. I also get lots of e-mails, especially from angry mothers. They brag about their sons who they think are top dog in London and then they

Joris Luyendijk

suddenly read in NRC that London can be ”a sick place”. They feel personally affronted and write

Joris Luyendijk (1971) studied anthropology and worked as a Middle East

things like: ”You hate bankers” or ”You’re just

correspondent from 1998 to 2003, mainly for the Volkskrant and NRC.

jealous!”. Sometimes I respond, but my pieces are

In 2006 his book, ‘People like us: Misrepresenting the Middle East’, was

usually less black and white than these people

published. It deals with the gap between media coverage of events and

think. I like the fact people take the trouble to

the reality on the ground. In the same year he presented the television

comment. And if you have a subscription you,

programme Zomergasten (Summer Guests). In 2010 his book ‘Je hebt

have a right to a reaction.’

het niet van mij, maar..’ (You didn’t hear it from me but..), about the close relationship between the media, government spokespeople and politicians

Will you be writing a book about your

was published. Luyendijk lives in London with his wife and three children


and writes the Banking Blog for the Guardian newspaper.

‘There certainly will be a book and it’s going to be



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Property ZUIDAS AGAIN BEST OFFICE LOCATION: JLL ZUIDAS - In a recent Jones Lang La Salle report, Zuidas has once again emerged as the country’s top office location. JLL’s Michael Hesp says that the latest Office Location 2013 ranking also indicates the growing interest in offices at major transport hubs. These are locations


that are accessible by both intercity trains and motorway,

ZUIDAS - Amsterdam will have to reduce its office

last year’s ranking.

and have a varied mix of provisions. Zuidas also topped

supply expansion plans because demand for space will not be as great as forecast. A city council working party

1. Amsterdam - Zuidas

has recommended that most projects to build offices in

2. The Hague – Beatrix quarter

former industrial estates be scrapped.

3. Amsterdam – Zuidoost centre 4. Amsterdam - IJ-oevers

However, the plans for Zuidas remain largely unchanged

5. The Hague - Nieuw Centrum

because demand in this sector is strong and because

6. Utrecht – Station district

the district is important to Amsterdam’s international

7. Rotterdam - Central district

position. This also applies to offices at major traffic hubs

8. Den Bosch – Palace quarter

and at science parks. City centre developments will also

9. Amsterdam – Canal rings

continue because of the demand for such locations.

10. Haarlemmermeer – Schiphol centre




Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send your property news to redactie@propertynl.com


ZUIDAS - During June’s Provada property conference

ZUIDAS - Zuidas continues to develop as a mixed-use

at the RAI exhibition centre in Amsterdam,

district and this year a number of residential projects will

Buck Consultants International presented the results

get off the ground. One of these is the development of

of their analysis of the Netherlands’ World Trade Centers.

an 800-room student complex. AM will also begin

These are located in Zuidas, Schiphol, Rotterdam,

construction on a 197-unit apartment complex on the

The Hague, Almere, Arnhem and Utrecht.

Gershwinlaan and Mahlerlaan. It will offer mid-priced accommodation with rents ranging between ¤665 and

Of the 700 companies located in World Trade Centers,

¤900. It will also have a 165-space underground car park

260 are foreign firms. This shows that WTCs are

attached. At the same time, G&S Vastgoed will develop

important hotspots for foreign firms establishing

125 apartments at the Mahlerlaan-Parnassusweg

European sales offices or headquarters in the

junction. There is also an ongoing demand for new,

Netherlands. The arrival of companies from Europe,

high-quality office space. To this end, AkzoNobel and

the US and Asia has partly helped to ensure that WTCs

Stibbe have both begun work on their new headquarters,

have lower than average vacancy rates. The report

and G&S is developing offices at the junction between

indicates that WTC Amsterdam had even managed to

Mahlerlaan and Beethovenlaan.

reduce its vacancy rate.


Photography: Veronika Bačová




SAA: The largest infrastructure project of the decade

Roadworks on the A1 at Diemen as part of the broadening of the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere corridor

On March 1 2012 transport minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen gave the official go-ahead to the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere road works project (SAA). The project includes the broadening of 63 kilometres of motorway between Schiphol, Amsterdam and Almere (A9, A10, A1 and A6) and the renovation of five intersections. It also involves adjustments to over a 100 fly-overs, the construction of a 33 kilometre noise barrier and engineering feats such as the construction of an aqueduct underneath the river Vecht at Muiden, as well as a three kilometre tunnel skirting Amsterdam Zuidoost. It’s a huge project aimed at improving both the accessibility of the region and the quality of life.


Join @HelloZuidas in the Twitter conversation about Mobility via #vananaarbeter




In a densely built-up area like the Randstad,

Rijkswaterstaat, in collaboration with consultancy

securing normal traffic flow is one of the main

bureau Verkeer advies, will inform businesses

challenges faced by the transport ministry’s roads

in the Amsterdam region, including those in

department, Rijkswaterstaat. The department

Zuidas, about the issues surrounding traffic flow,

actively encourages contractors to deliver an

information services and alternative means of

‘outstanding performance’, a measure designed to

travelling. It will help implement information

keep any congestion due to building activities to a

services for businesses subject to certain conditions.

minimum. Information about the project timescale can be


found at www.schiphol-amsterdam-almere.nl

Rijkswaterstaat is also implementing measures that will influence road user behaviour, such as

For information about traffic flow,

a travel information service set up in collaboration

information services and alternative means

with market parties, stakeholders and nearby

of travel, go to www.vananaarbeter.nl

businesses affected by the works. The first contract, with traffic information service VID,

For information about accessibility measures,

has recently been signed. The VID will be using

contact Marc Vervoort, senior advisor/mobility

narrowcasting to display up-to-date traffic

Zuidas project leader at (06) 14 00 35 61

information for drivers and public transport users.

or vervoort@verkeeradvies.nl or go to

The information will be clearly displayed on big


screens near business premises and event locations. The present VID app will soon include a

For more specific information about road

VID alert with a notification service, warning road

works in Zuidas, check www.zuidas.nl or

users about any problems on their chosen route.

send an email to: zomerwerken@zuidas.nl

A10-EAST The outer ring road of the A10-East will be closed to traffic for the duration of two weekends: • 16 August 11:00 PM – 19 August 05:00 AM • 23 August 11:00 PM – 26 August 05:00 AM Additional travel time will be about 30 minutes. Traffic will be diverted and reduced ‘Van A naar Beter’ tickets will be available to public transport users on designated routes.

The broadening of the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere corridor involves five different projects that will be tackled in stages. Work on the yellow route will continue untill the summer of 2014.

Text: Ilkel Taner & Monique Poelstra • Photography: Ton Bosboom


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Home sweet home ‘Tell me, how many kilometres did you travel this year?’

As a fairly frequent flier, I can safely say it’s always

a friend recently asked me. I honestly had no idea. ‘10,000

good to come home to Schiphol Airport. As much as I love

kilometres maybe?’ I guessed. ‘Really?’ said my friend.

being up in the air or exploring exotic, far-away places,

‘That much?’ I started doing the math. Cairo, Casablanca,

there really is no place like home. No hustling for tips or

Belgrade, Stockholm... The end result came as quite a

taxis (try doing that in Cairo!), no precious time wasted

shock to us both. It turned out that during the first six

looking for exit signs or transfer desks. I once nearly

months of this year, I travelled almost 40,000 kilometres

missed a flight somewhere in Eastern Europe because

by plane (with my apologies to the tropical rainforest!).

the clock at the airport showed the wrong time. Not at Schiphol though. The clocks are working, there is free

I landed at 10 different airports, spent at least 20 hours

wifi, it’s always clean, the signs are clear and staff are

waiting for check-in, luggage or delayed connecting

professional, polite and efficient.

flights and met at least a dozen different customs officers - I have the stamps in my passport to prove it. I must have

That’s why I was not surprised to hear that Schiphol

taken off my shoes at least 30 times, have walked through

was recently voted ‘best airport in Europe’. Passengers

at least as many metal detector gates and body scans, and

praised the convenience and efficiency of transfers,

nobody needs to remind me to take my liquids and laptop

the self-service facilities and the quality and range of

out of my bag. I’ve actually reached a point where I am

retail and catering facilities. That may be true, but for me,

greeted by airport staff at Schiphol. ‘You again? Where to

the best thing about landing at Schiphol Airport is the

this time?’ It must be because of my neon pink suitcase,

knowledge I’ll be home in 30 minutes. Hello, dear shower

my most loyal travel companion.

hello, dear bed: home sweet home!

Kirsten van den Hul speaks, writes and works on the crossroads of culture, communication and change. She works as an independent change agent for Dienst Zuidas, and writes a weekly column for Dutch daily AD. In 2011 she was appointed as UN Women’s Representative. Her motto: “Without change no butterflies”. For more information, visit www.thechangeagent.nl, or follow @thechangeagent on Twitter.



Source: Het Financieele Dagblad & DutchNews.nl

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to hellozuidas@asega.nl.

TRUST OFFICES CREATE JOBS AND WEALTH economic institute SEO shows the Netherlands earn


some ¤3bn to ¤3.4bn a year from so-called letterbox

ZUIDAS - Eindhoven-based chip machinery maker

companies.The money comes from direct and indirect

ASML is setting up a high-tech research institute together

taxes and the spin-off service industry, the SEO report

with Amsterdam’s two universities, UvA and VU. ASML

said. The report also states that the Netherlands have

favoured the capital over a consortium based around

some 12,000 multinational holding companies, of which

Eindhoven’s own university of technology. The Institute

75% are based at trust offices. These holding companies

for Nanolithography will work on the development of a

generate between 8,800 and 13,000 jobs. The report led

new generation of chip machines based on extreme

tax minister Frans Weekers to state the Netherlands

ultraviolet lithography.The institute will be based in

arenot a tax haven, as is often claimed. The Netherlands

Amsterdam’s science park. ASML is putting ¤30m into

are attractive to shell firms because of the tax break on

the project over a 10-year period, the two universities

participations, relatively low tax on interest and royalties,

will contribute ¤12.50m each. A further ¤50m investment

and the wide tax treaty network with other countries.

is made by other research groups.

ZUIDAS - A report for Holland Financial Centre by


RUNNING AN OFFICE IS CHEAPER THAN EVER ZUIDAS - According to the annual Netherlands Facility Costs index, the cost of running individual desks in an office is cheaper now than it has been for 10 years, thanks to lower rents and falling IT costs. Adjusted for inflation, the cost of running a desk is down 35% compared to 10 years ago. Last year an employer spent an average of ¤9,537 per desk, whereas 10 years ago the cost amounted to ¤11,457. This total amount includes the rent – which accounts for 45% of the total amount – plus IT, catering and security.



ZUIDAS - Chief executive Stephen Hester is to leave

ZUIDAS - Civil engineering group Arcadis is set to be

Royal Bank of Scotland at the end of this year, ahead of

awarded a six year contract for development and

the expected privatisation. Hester replaced Fred Goodwin

preparatory work on the realisation of the ZuidasDok

in 2008 who left following the takeover of ABN Amro. In

project, by the project managers Projectbureau Zuidas.

2008, Hester replaced Fred Goodwin, who left after the

Arcadis will work on the engineering side with

takeover of ABN Amro.“We are now in a position where

Witteveen+Bos, supported by consultancy company

the Government can begin to prepare for the privatization

AT Osborne. The first assignments for the combined

of RBS,’ Hester, 52, said in a statement. ‘While leading

group consist of designing, planning procedures and

that process would be the conclusion of an incredible

project management for a period of eighteen months.

chapter for me, the ideal for the company is that it should

The total contract value for this period is approximately

be headed by someone who is at the beginning of his

¤7m, ¤5m of which will go to Arcadis. Project ZuidasDok

journey. I will therefore step down at the end of this year

entails the expansion of the road capacity between the

to allow a new CEO to head the Group in this next stage.’

junctions ‘De Nieuwe Meer’ and ‘Amstel’ and is a joint

Hester has said repeatedly that he would like to stay on

venture between the city council, transport ministry

until the bank is privatized.

and rail operator ProRail.

Photography: Veronika Bačová


Hello Zuidas forms the cement of the future ‘I am really proud that the Netherlands has opted to develop Zuidas,’ says a beaming Josja van der Veer, director of the VU’s campus facility organisation and chairman of the Hello Zuidas supervisory board. ‘Both the government and the city of Amsterdam, as well as Zuidas residents and users, have taken up the challenge to get on with this massive project.’ Everyone will have to make the investment which Van der Veer says is necessary to profit from the district’s long-term prospects. ‘We have to keep believing in Zuidas,’ she says.


driving forward the campus development and

Josja van der Veer (1966) is an urban geographer

service provision. In addition, she and her team are

by profession. She studied social geography at

responsible for ensuring that the campus remains

the University of Amsterdam , with a focus on

attractive to students, researchers and visitors.

urban renewal, and was involved in the develop-

‘Education and research have to be able to excel

ments around the city’s Mercatorplein district

here,’ she says. ‘We keep our eyes and ears open for

and Westerpark. Her focus then shifted to urban

new trends and try to signal and facilitate them.’

building an organisation based on integrated

development. Van der Veer played an important role in the development of Amsterdam’s Ooster-


doks island, where the new library and music

The VU was one of the first occupants of Zuidas.

school are located. She was also involved in the

‘The first buildings were literally built in the back

Overhoeks development on the north of the IJ,

yard of farmer Griffioen,’ she says. ‘That was back

where the EYE film museum is a focal point.

in the 1960’s. At the time, the university was

‘I always try to be involved in projects that

built to cope with 12,000 students. The number

somehow influence with the DNA of the actual

has now grown to 25,000 and renewal is very

place,’ she explains. ‘A project has to create

necessary.’ The city, she explains, has gradually

additional value and lengthen the duration of a

grown towards the VU, but the VU effectively has

visit. And there should be a mix of functions,

its back to the city. ‘We are trying to develop

akin to what is now taking shape in Zuidas.’

connections with the city centre,’ she says. ‘The VU and its teaching hospital VUmc form a unique



institute: just a stone’s throw from the inner city

In 2009, Van der Veer was asked to work for the

and an international airport.’ Connections between

Vrije University’s campus. She was in charge of

Zuidas as an international business district and the

university also need to be encouraged. ‘The alliance between government, business and knowledge is unique and Zuidas cannot do without it, if this special area is to fulfill its potential. The 139 members of Hello Zuidas form the cement in that process,’ Van der Veer says.

LIVING DISTRICT Josja van der Veer has also been the new chairman of the Hello Zuidas supervisory board since March. ‘In the old days, you could fire a cannon in Zuidas during weekends, so to speak, it was so quiet,’ she says. ‘Now you see cargo bikes and even the odd busker. The place was really alive during the Zuidas Run on a Sunday as well. That is very inspiring. And, of course, the Expo exhibition centre is visited by families from all over the country. Zuidas is an international top location with endless possi-bilities. It is easily accessible, its facilities are of high quality and it has a rich architecture.’ Nevertheless, developing a lively new urban district is not without its difficulties. ‘That is why Hello Zuidas has set up the Public Space management group as well as a security platform,’ she explains. ‘Hello Zuidas members and the police are working together to ensure the district remains as friendly and welcoming as possible.’

ADDED VALUE The main challenge for the Zuidas district at the moment is to turn words into action. ‘We have to keep working as we are now,’ says Van der Veer. ‘We can’t simply shave bits off the plans. Investment is needed to lift Zuidas to the level of an international top location.’ Traditional ways of developing such neighbourhoods no longer apply, she says. ‘People have to recognise each other’s added value and strengthen each other. Hello Zuidas is an excellent partnership that can make Zuidas into a success. Progress is being made but we will be busy until at least 2020 before all the links in Zuidas have been made. It will be fantastic when it feels as if Zuidas has always been a part of the Amsterdam metropolis; true to itself and Josja van der Veer

Text: Merel Hurkmans • Photography: nadiafotografeert

definitely Zuidas.



ORAM works towards a secure, clean Zuidas The Hello Zuidas organization works closely with a number of partners who also strive to ensure Zuidas is a top location in which to live, work and do business. Its oldest partner, who is also founder of the Hello Zuidas organization, is ORAM, the business association for the Amsterdam metropolitan region.

Gustav Mahlerlaan



network in the region, ORAM is of great interest to companies

The association focuses on the big economic motors in the

that target customers outside the Zuidas area. It is a strong

Amsterdam region, such as Schiphol Airport, the Port of

network as well as a successful business forum. With this role in

Amsterdam and, of course, Zuidas. The high quality of these

mind, ORAM arranges over 50 meetings a year, ranging from

business regions is vital. In order to guarantee continuing high

networking receptions, breakfast meetings and business

standards, ORAM became instrumental in setting up Hello

lunches to lectures on topics of interest to entrepreneurs.

Zuidas and is still closely involved in the project. For example, one staff member is project leader of the Hello Zuidas


organization’s efforts to improve its public spaces. The project

In addition, the association represents the interests of

leader coordinates the discussions between companies, area

Amsterdam businesses in talks with local, regional and

managers, security officials and police and makes sure that the

national government. ORAM has good relationships with

open spaces remain properly maintained and safe.

civil servants and council officials and champions the interests of the city’s entrepreneurs when new policy


and legislation is being drawn up.

ORAM represents the wider Amsterdam area and its interests stretch well beyond Zuidas. As the biggest business-to-business

ORAM.NL There are plenty of reasons why entrepreneurs should join Zuidas founding partner ORAM as well as the Hello Zuidas organization. Contact ORAM Zuidas account manager and project leader Ewout Doorman – 020 6222 111 or doorman@oram.nl - for more information. Or check out www.oram.nl


Text: Eiwout Doorman • Photography: Veronika Bačová


A hotel in the Beatrixpark This year, Garden design company Wieringen Prins Hoveniers celebrated its 50th anniversary by hosting a lottery in which the main prize was a bee hotel – a nesting place with lots of different holes for solitary bees. Hello Zuidas was one of the winners and, after quite a hunt for the perfect location, has decided to donate the hotel to the Beatrixpark. After all, the park has something to celebrate this year as well.

Joep Blaas (left) & Philip Biesot (right)

75TH ANNIVERSARY The Beatrixpark was designed in the year that the former Dutch queen Beatrix was born. This year marks its 75th anniversary. So it seemed appropriate to donate the bee hotel to the Friends of the Beatrixpark group. The park’s 75th anniversary was celebrated on May 26 with numerous activities for young and old: from tree climbing to tree chopping and trees that whispered stories. The bee hotel opening ceremony was performed by local alderman Joep Blaas of Zuid borough council, together with Hello Zuidas’ Olivier Otten and Philip Biesot of Wieringen Prins.

STIMULATE BIODIVERSITY The bee hotel was placed in the main flower beds close to the large pond, in order to stimulate biodiversity. The hotel will mainly attract mason bees and other wild species, which will not be a nuisance to humans visiting the park.

SUNSHINE, FLOWERS AND A GREAT HOTEL Wild bees are under threat throughout the Netherlands. Almost 60% of all species are either seriously endangered or have already died out. This means we need to do all we can to encourage the bee population to thrive, by providing safe nesting areas and ensuring they have enough food. Sunshine, flowers and a great hotel at a perfect location form the ideal combination. The hotel may be fully booked for the next few months, but visitors are always welcome.

Text: Philip Biesot • Photography: William Maanders


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam JULY 5 Hello Zuidas participants meeting This exclusive meeting for Hello Zuidas participants will take place at the Rietveld Academy. Former


‘Rijksbouwmeester’ Liesbeth van der

Architectural walk See Zuidas!

Pol presents her new bridge that will

The architectural walk See Zuidas! is a

connect Zuidas to Amsterdam South.

wonderful complement to the

While guests are enjoying a summer

sculpture route ARTZUID 2013. Experienced architectural historians

lunch, new Hello Zuidas chairman

will take you on a one-hour guided


Josja van der Veer will be talking to

tour of the treasures of Zuidas. Once

Look for Art Gallery

the guests on Zuidas hotspot.

you have discovered its art and

Exhibition Zeus & The London Police.

noon - 2:00 PM, For more informa-

architecture, you will never look at

The Look for Art Gallery specialises in

tion, check: www.hellozuidas.com

Zuidas in quite the same way again.

street art and photography.

For individual tours and group tours

Gustav Mahlerlaan 52

go to www.jetnijssen.nl



Philosophy at the Nieuwe Poort

RSM Erasmus University

Zuidas Business Borrel at

Get acquainted with important



philosophical works and themes

July 9 and July 30: Free webinar on

The Zuidas drinks party is an

in a relaxed and personal way. This

career building 8:00 PM CET

opportunity for Zuidas-based

month’s subject at the philosophers’

(see www.rsm.nl/events)

companies, employers and

table will be Kafka’s parable ‘Before

August 13: Free webinar on

entrepreneurs to get together in an

the law’. The discussion will be

career building 8:00 PM CET

informal atmosphere. The aim is to

led by Rinse Reeling Brouwer,

(see www.rsm.nl/events)

relax and have fun with good wine

visiting professor at the Protestant

August 26 – Sept 6: open programme

and music and to meet interesting

Theological University.

‘Advanced Management and Leadership’

people in a welcoming ambiance.


For information on open programmes

From 5:00 PM

Claude Debussylaan 2-8

in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, go to

Planning to attend? Send an email to:

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM



Tickets: ¤12,--


JULY - AUGUST 2013 Next magazine will be published @ 3rd of September. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@asega.nl before the 10th of August.

AUGUST 1 Live music at the Manhattan Lounge-bar The Manhattan Lounge-Bar is a modern venue situated in the Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South Hotel, near Station Amsterdam Zuid and


the WTC. Each Thursday of the

A Day at the Park

month, the bar welcomes a variety of

Festival A Day at the Parkwill take


place in the Amsterdamse Bos. This

Cyrano in the Amsterdamse Bos

dance event, organized by Evotions/

Cyrano is outrageously talented,

Crowne Plaza Hotel Amsterdam

Alda Events, features some of today’s

freedom-loving, as brilliant a words-

South, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

hottest international acts. Performanc-

man as he is a swordsman, and owner,


es take place on four different stages.

alas, of a very big nose. He is in love



with the beautiful Roxane but,

artists for an evening of live music.

embarrassed by his looks, he cannot bring himself to declare his love in person. Start: 9:30 PM, www.bostheater.nl

AUGUST 23 & 24 JULY 18

Dekmantel festival

Heart to heart

Amsterdamse Bos

Monthly talk show on all things


This year sees the start of a brand new

cultural, featuring Els Kloek and

Amstelpark Glazen Huis: Utopia

spectacle in the Amsterdamse Bos:

Rutger Bregman as guests. Host Jos

Now. N55 presents XYZ Factory

the Dekmantel festival. The pro-

Palm talks to famous and not-so-

Art collective N55 (Denmark) present

gramme includes big names from the

famous ‘Amsterdammers’ about what

the XYZ factory, an exhibition and

world of electronic music, such as

makes their heart beat faster. Like

workshop, dealing with issues such as

Marcel Dettman, Joy Orbison and

Palm says: ‘Good conversation comes

reclaiming the production process and

Pearson Sound. The Dekmantel

from the heart’.Library Roelof Hart,

the development of non-growth

festival takes place a week after

Roelof Hartplein 430, 6:00 PM ,

economies based on eco-friendly

Lowlands and one week before Voltt


technology. www.zone2source.net

and Lockdown. www.dekmantel.com


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam AUGUST 31 The Wine Club: wining and dining in Het Bosch The third edition of the Wine Club’s wine tasting event in restaurant Het Bosch. The Wine Club is for people who love wine and want to learn more about it. During each course of the five-course diner several wines will be sampled, while Bacchantes’ Gilles Faelens explains their provenance, terroir etc. The wines can be judged on their own merits or in combination with particular dishes. For information go to www.hetbosch.com

AUGUST 25 Formula Future Spectacular speedboat racing event on the Bosbaan rowing lake. www.powerboatholland.nl



Sculpture Route

Flame Games Amsterdam &

For the second time around, Zuidas

Amsterdam Open

will be part of the ARTZUID sculpture

Top athletics, entertainment and the

route. Zuidplein, Gustav Mahlerplein

best the Amsterdam DJ scene has to

and Gerschwinplein provide the

offer come to together at the Olympic

background for the works of leading

Stadium. The venue’s rich history -

artists from all over the world, such

in 1928 the first Olympic flame was

as Dinh Q. Le, Martin Pfeifler,

lit here - will play an important role

El Anatsui, and Mario Merz.

throughout the programme.

Ai Wei Wei’s installation Forever

The stadium forms a spectacular

can be seen in the Art chapel in

backdrop for the Games main

the Prinses Irenestraat.

attraction: the international top


athletes’ efforts to smash records. www.olympischstadion.nl


Agenda Grachtenfestival GRACHTENFESTIVAL In 2011, the annual Grachtenfestival (Canal festival) came to Zuidas. This year’s edition will include some unusual lunchtime concerts. Between August 19 and August 25, at 1:00 PM sharp, your front door will become the venue for some beautiful classical music. The concerts are being sponsored by Dienst Zuidas, Hello Zuidas and Loyens & Loeff. For the complete Grachtenfestival programme go to www.grachtenfestival.nl



Lunchtime concert at the Atrium

Grachtenfestival Full House &

of Flow Amsterdam

Friends Lunchtime concert

The concert will feature a special


World Orchestra ensemble. The

The popular Full House quintet is

World Orchestra is made up of

joined by fellow musicians, including

musicians from over sixty countries.

members of brass quintet KWIVR.

Its members are aged 18 to 28 and

Start: 1:00 PM

they come together twice a year to give concerts. This year they will be


performing in the Netherlands for the

Grachtenfestival Lunchtime

first time.

concert, entrance ITO Hal


Percussion trio Davai Perkusion won



the 2013 Grachtenfestival Conserva-

Grachtenfestival Minervaplein

Grachtenfestival Lunchtime

tory Competition. This extraordinary

ARTZUID combines art and music

concert Gustav Mahlerplein

trio interprets its mainly contemporary

on several locations. At noon the

Mobile Concert by the J.O.N.G.

classical repertoire in their own special

Ensemble Lumaka, made up of


way. In order to make this ‘difficult’

members of a number of top Dutch

The J.O.N.G ensemble has a

music more accessible, the concerts

orchestras, will kick off the first of a

eight-man strong wind section,

will be choreographed and played in a

series of concerts on the Minervaplein

a bass player and a drummer.

stage setting. Start: 1:00 PM

Start: Noon (free)

Just follow the crowd. Start: 1:00 PM

AUGUST 21 & 23 Butterfly, in the garden of the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam Zuid Tickets: ¤31. Ticket sales start on June 20 at www.grachtenfestival.nl. For the third year in a row the Amsterdam Grachtenfestival will presentan opera in the garden of the Hilton Hotel. This time it’s ‘Butterfly’: Opera Studio Nederland’s version of Puccini’s Madame Butterfly. Start: 20.30 hours

AUGUST 22 Grachtenfestival Loyens & Loeff (invitation only) Hello Zuidas participants, Loyens & Loeff clients and the network of the Dienst Zuidas are cordially invited to an exclusive concert by Davai Perkusion in the garden of Loyens & Loeff. This enthusiastic percussion trio convincingly won the 2013 Grachtenfestival Conservatory Competition. Their scintillating performance delighted both the professional jury and the public. ‘Davai’ is Russian for ‘Come on!’, ‘Let’s go!’ Start: 5:00 PM


An overseas business meeting without having to leave Zuidas Step into the TPEX video conference room at the WTC in Amsterdam and you can’t avoid thinking the future is here. You are confronted with three huge HD screens. Each screen is fitted with a camera trained on the semi-circular conference table facing it. ‘Here six to twelve people can sit down and conduct a business meeting with people in a similar room on the other side of the world,’ TPEX chief executive Robert Rosier explains.‘The superior video and audio quality makes people forget that they are actually thousands of kilometres apart.’


WANT TO MAKE A RESERVATION? Send an email to: reservations@tpex.eu TPEX Strawinskylaan 77 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0) 88 1269 300 http://www.tpex.eu

Robert Rosier



Robert Rosier started TPEX, (Telepresence Exchange Interna-

Video conferencing comes with all sorts of advantages. One

tional), in 2010. Thanks to his worldwide network he now has a

of which is a reduction in travel expenses. ‘Instead of having to

presence in more than 82 locations around the globe, including

fly in applicants, international companies such as Bacardi can

two in Zuidas. The video conference rooms can be used for

reserve a space with us at an hourly rate’, says Rosier. It is also

training purposes, job interviews and board meetings. TPEX also

possible to phone into a meeting via the TPEX system on a

owns several event locations at the RAI Exhibition centre and

private computer. Rosier: ‘We want to make the TPEX system

the Westergasfabriek. This makes it possible to organize video

as accessible and flexible as possible. Our clients know they can

conferencing for large groups and even includes the option of

trust us: our connections are reliable and there won’t be any

projecting holograms.

surprises.’ TPEX also offers mobile solutions so people won’t have to leave the office.

REALISTIC EXPERIENCE ‘All of our conference rooms look the same, down to the colour


of the walls and the type of table that is used. This creates an

Video conferencing is a great tool for any company wanting to

impression of proximity to the person you are talking to,’ Rosier

step up its efficiency drive. Instead of having to send someone to

explains. ‘It’s creating an illusion.’ Every virtual meeting has to

China four times a year, a single journey will do. Applicants don’t

meet the highest TPEX standards. ‘If there’s a fly buzzing around

have to travel from the ends of the earth and people everywhere

in the Tokyo conference room, I want the people in Amsterdam

can participate in training activities. ‘We’re not out to replace

to be able to hear and see it. The experience has to be as

personal contact. We’re simply trying to make the process of

realistic as possible,’ he says. The top-of-the-range technology

conducting business more efficient,’ says Rosier. To this end, he

used by TPEX makes sure that it is.

is continually extending his network so that as many people as possible may profit from the use of video conferencing.

Text: Merel Hurkmans • Photography: nadiafotografeert


The ASEGA Media team tackles the 10 mile run.

Still looking good: the men from Skepp.

Showing off the medal.

AkzoNobel was there as well.

ZUIDAS RUN 2013 Sunday June 2, 2013, 10:30 AM 4 miles and 10 miles @ Zuidas These Ernst & Young ladies have proved themselves.

• Over 3,200 runners from different professions took part in the Zuidas run. • For the second time, runners supported the VU medical centre’s Fit Despite Cancer Campaign. • As a total, the event raised ¤26,000 for charity. • The men’s 10 mile run was won by Marco Nijenmanting from High Potential Academy. The women’s event was won by Anja van ‘t Schip.

The sun shone on the Gustav Mahlerplein.

Relaxing with a drink after the race.

Accenture was again a Gold Partner.

Checking the results underneath the ARTZUID flags.

These ladies worked hard.

AkzoNobel was well represented.

These winners deserve a great prize.

Heineken was in Zuidas as well.

A proud winner.

The Hello Zuidas ladies hand out flowers.

Thank you, Season Flowers. See you next year!

Like us on Facebook & find more photos in our gallery


Photography: William Maanders

Listening to Henk van Os’s talk.

The tour began at the Kunstkapel in Zuidas.

NETWORK MEETING ZUIDAS @ ARTZUID Thursday May 30, 2013, 4:00 PM

Eline Hoogendijk and Marjolein van Dommelen.

Menno Ploeger follows the blue route.

Herman Groot and Ewout Doorman.

Josje Crince le Roy and Robert Dijckmeester.

• More than 90 people registered for the event. • Henk van Os (former director of the Rijksmuseum and curator of ARTZUID) gave a lecture about the sculptures along the route. • It was lovely weather, and the guests, in groups of 20, strolled around Zuidas and part of the Minervalaan • The day ended with a delicious dinner at Symphony’s.

Henk van Os hands over a booklet on architecture to Klaas de Boer

The guided tour was a great success.

Sasja Albersen and Christiaan Huijg.

Paul Wevers and Elvike Wevers.

There were four routes.

The Hello Zuidas team.

Laurens van Doorn and Connie van Doorn.

Simon den Hartog and Marleen Munniksma.

Eline Hoogendijk and Cintha van Heeswijck.

It was definitely weather for sunglasses.

Party, opening, reception or farewell drink @ Zuidas? Send an email to: hellozuidas@asega.nl

Photography: William Maanders


Fit in 20 minutes a week Lack of time is no longer an excuse.

David Lenahan, owner and personal trainer. fit20 Amsterdam Zuidas is located in the A-tower, level 5 of the World Trade Center Amsterdam.


Now I’m really stronger and I feel much better.”

Get in shape and stay that way, in twenty minutes

experience a reduction in absenteeism and an

per week, without sweating and changing outfits.

increase in productivity. fit20 offers employers

It’s the ideal workout for people who see their

several solutions for a more durable labor force,

fitness aspirations undermined by their busy

both in- and out-house.

schedules. But it’s possible: fit20 in the WTC

Amsterdam offers an individual program under the


supervision of a personal trainer. Dressed in your

David Lenahan: “We value quality rather than

regular daily clothess you conduct a short but

quantity. This applies to our studio but also to

intensive work-out on fitness machines under

ourselves. As personal trainers we are experts in

the guidance of your own personal trainer.

training the human body, especially according to

The exercises are intense but are performed in a

the fit20 method. Our mission is to make everyone

controlled motion and in a 17 degrees studio.

stronger and to get them in shape. It doesn’t

Therefore sweating is eliminated and showering

matter what your current fitness level is, anyone

and changing clothes isn’t necessary. In less

will benefit from a fit20 work-out.

than half an hour you’ll be ready for your next business meeting.

TIME IS PRECIOUS Employers and employees form an important fit20 target group. For example, take Marie-Jose van den Berg, office manager at ILFC Aviation Service (Europe) BV in the WTC: “The fact that the work-out only takes 20 minutes is perfect for me. Time is precious when you have a busy work schedule and a family to take care of. And I have an excellent trainer, he pushes me to go just beyond the point where I would give up.


Employers will benefit from fit20 as they will

Did you enjoy your first work-out? Check our memo board (p. 42) and find out how you can get a free month’s training when you take out a subscription.

THE BENEFITS OF fit20: • Stronger muscles • Greater bone density • Improved flexibility • Improved cardiovascular system • Constant blood glucose • Strong immune system • Anti-aging • Toned body • Increased confidence level • Better results in other sports (e.g. golf, tennis) • Less injuries tcompared toother forms of training

FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK YOUR COMPLIMENTARY TRAINING SESSION: Tel. 020 820 36 77 zuidas@fit20.nl www.fit20zuidas.nl

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Business Travel


Business Travel from a different perspective Last month aerospace leaders from all over the world gathered near Paris for the 50th annual air show in Bourget. This gigantic aviation event highlights the increasing number of people travelling worldwide. Each year Airbus and Boeing sign orders for hundreds of passenger jets. Years ago the large orders came mainly from well-known American and European airlines. Nowadays mega orders come from the Middle East and countries further afield. Lion Air surprised industry watchers by ordering 234 new Airbuses and 230 Boeing airplanes, mainly for its domestic routes in Indonesia. Fast growing AirAsia may order an extra 50 jets on top of its existing record order of 475 Airbus A320s. The additional aircraft would be destined for the market in India. Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport has gone up from 440 passengers in 1920 to five million in 1970 and a record 51 million in 2012. These are solid growth numbers, but not enough to really impress. Dubai, being a small airport until the year 2000, has surpassed Schiphol as an airline hub in only ten years by handling as much as 58 million people last year. Lion Air, AirAsia and Dubai show that economic power and travel activity is shifting to the East at the speed of light. Smart companies are rerouting their business trips from the USA and Southern Europe towards Asia, the Middle East and South America. Recent visits by trade organisations to South East Asia and Brazil were very successful for Dutch companies. When we were at school, we got to know the world by looking at the globe from a European perspective. Children in Asia today look at an entirely different map. Businesses and entrepreneurs in the Netherlands who are aware of the new economic pull are able to leave Europe behind and find new sources of growth elsewhere. Like in the old days of the VOC. Introduction by Bert Verschoor, Managing Director ZuidasTravel.nl



‘ZuidasTravel.nl makes business travellers happy’ London, Paris, Dubai, Frankfurt, New York and Shanghai – only a few of the destinations booked through ZuidasTravel.nl every day. A couple of minutes is all it takes for a secretary or business traveller to book a trip to anywhere in the world, using the website. Not only does it guarantee the lowest fares to companies, it also ensures solid support during the trip and administrative back up afterwards.

BOOK ONLINE WITH EXCELLENT OFFLINE BACK-UP The minute Bert Verschoor took over ZuidasTravel.nl in the WTC in 2008, he integrated advanced online technology into the company. By making it possible to book online, the company’s growth gathered steam. ’‘We offer online booking in combination with good customer support,’ says Verschoor. ‘Many online booking agencies don’t have a proper customer service. If you have a problem and need help, they give you a premium number and you end up speaking to a person in a, sometimes foreign call centre, who doesn’t know anything about your booking. That does not work in the corporate market. Business travellers need to be able to rely on the right advice if they need it. ‘That is why, apart from the online possibilities for help, customers can speak directly to a ZuidasTravel.nl staffer. This combination of support and online service is unique in travel business. It is multi-channel and well-executed.’

TOTALLY PREPARED AND AVAILABLE 24/7 Every business traveller will have experienced long delays or flight cancellations, which is what makes the company’s 24/7 service so important, says Verschoor. ‘Nothing is more annoying during a business trip than the sudden occurrence of serious problems,’ he says. ‘After all, time is money. Therefore, our team is on hand to find a solution to emergencies and to sort out alternatives. But we can help, even if you might have to change a booking at the last moment because a meeting takes longer than planned, for instance. One phone call to ZuidasTravel.nl is all you need. Our workers are very experienced and fully dedicated to our customers.’



Bert Verschoor, Managing Director ZuidasTravel.nl

THE BUSINESS TRAVELLER DOES NOT WANT TO COLLECT RECEIPTS The ZuidasTravel.nl website allows travellers to book tickets, hotels, trains and cars online. And the staff can take care of complicated trips and visa. But the company can also take over part of the tedious paperwork involved in a business trip. ‘When someone has made, say, a trip to Munich, he will have to deal with all of the paperwork when he gets back. For instance, he may have paid for his hotel or other expenses and will need to claim all of it back,’ says Verschoor. ‘Things are forgotten and receipts get lost. But if the tickets and hotels are booked through ZuidasTravel.nl, the business traveller does not have to worry about the big bills. They are dealt with directly with the company’s accounts department.’


Last year, ZuidasTravel.nl was one of the winners of an FD Gazellen Award, a nomination as one of the fastest growing companies in the Netherlands. The agency may now call itself an ‘FD Gazelle’ for the duration of one year. ZuidasTravel.nl director Bert Verschoor sees the award as a recognition of his company’s innovative drive in the area of online booking. ‘The award is a great boost to the team who work very hard to provide the right support to corporate travellers wherever they are. Our added value comes from the way we continually check ticket prices and airline schedules to save companies money. Our enormous growth comes from word of mouth advertising by happy customers.’

Verschoor says some of his clients seem to be constantly on the move as if they practically spend their whole life on a plane. ‘Many international companies have offices all over the place and it can mean you are on a plane for 50 weeks a year. You come back from Dubai and have to leave for New York the next day. I prefer the plane to the car myself, but 50 weeks would be pushing it for me. I find it fascinating that you can be in a completely different culture or environment in hours. Perhaps people are like birds and were not meant to stay in the same place.’

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: nadiafotografeert

ZUIDASTRAVEL.NL World Trade Center • Strawinskylaan 41 1077 XW Amsterdam • T:020 - 662 15 04 E: info@zuidastravel.nl • www.zuidastravel.nl

Book online & r

free admis 35.

Book now your Hotel Shuttle or book Schiphol Taxi and receive 20% discount Schiphol Hotel Shuttle www.schipholhotelshuttle.nl +31 (0)88 339 47 41

Schiphol Taxi www.schipholbusinesstaxi.nl +31 (0)88 339 47 66

• Direct services between all major hotels in Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport. • For tickets check the website, go to our service desk at the airport (Arrivals 4) or ask your hotel reception.

• Situated on the official taxistand direct outside the airport, also electric available. • To receive 20% discount (only back to the airport), please call us and share discount code ‘Hello Zuidas’ • All major credit cards accepted.

Settling in, simply. We’re here to make it easier for highly skilled migrants like yourself to work and register in the Amsterdam area. Qualifying companies can start the paperwork before arrival and a single visit to the Expatcenter will complete the process. What’s more, our website has loads of valuable information on a wide range of topics including housing, education, taxes and healthcare. The cities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Almere and Haarlemmermeer are working with the Immigration and Naturalisation Services (IND) to bring you the Expatcenter services. To learn more please visit:



Joost Beek & Saskia Augustin

‘The guest experience is paramount’ Zuidas has been home to one of the 13 NH Hotels in the Amsterdam region since 2008. The NH Musica Hotel focuses on corporate travellers. Between 25% and 30% of its guests come from abroad and come to town for a Zuidas business meeting. Comfort and a feeling of ‘home away from home’ are central to the guest experience. FLEXIBILITY


Saskia Augustin (Sales Manager Amsterdam Area NH Hotels)

‘NH Hotels’ target is to become the world’s most sustainable

and Joost van Beek (Regional Operations Manager NH Hotels)

tourist sector hotel chain by 2015,’ says Van Beek. ‘Despite our

have been involved with the NH Musica from the beginning.

international quality standards, we strive to work with local

‘Not only is it a big hotel with really great, modern rooms, but we

suppliers.’ In addition, the hotel has been awarded a Greenkey

are also very proud of our flexibility,’ says Augustin. ‘In addition,

label, recycles their (and your!) corks to produce new floors for

the hotel has 18 meeting rooms and is perfectly located near

the renovation of hotelrooms. ‘Our main focus is to reach a

Zuidas and railway station Zuid.’ The hotel also offers guests

balance between being hospitable to our guests and maintaining

and non-residents 24-hour work places with free internet, coffee

sustainability,’ says Van Beek. ‘The guest experience is always

and printing facilities according to our motto: ‘your office is our

paramount.’ Van Beek says progress has surpassed expectations

lobby’. The total service package is based on four key items: a

and this year the hotel will meet all European sustainability

good bed for a good night’s sleep; free, fast internet everywhere;

guidelines two years ahead of schedule.

flexible kitchen opening hours; and a healthy NH Anti-Ox breakfast buffet, packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre. ‘These key items are the core business of every NH hotel worldwide,’ says Van Beek. ‘And this is why we stand out.’

Text: Lara Coebergh • Photography: nadiafotografeert

NH MUSICA van Leijenberghlaan 221 • 1082 GG Amsterdam T: 020 541 41 41 • Reservations: 020 795 60 88 E: nhmusica@nh-hotels.com



A high level of service


and a modern business center. Its flexible layout makes

Our welcoming reception makes you feel right at home.

it an ideal for a wide variety of corporate and social

The hotel has 610 ‘Novation rooms’; of which 450 double-

events; from conferences and exhibitions to cocktail

bedded, 150 twin-bedded and 10 executive deluxe rooms.

parties and festive evenings. High ceilings (5 meters) and

The inviting ambiance, comfort, design and amenities of

wide doors ensure events such, as car launches, can be

our Novation rooms meet the needs of all our business

accommodated with ease.

guests. The key elements in the creation of this concept are space, contemporary colours and flexibility. These


rooms are characterized by their modern design, with

Our outstanding restaurant, terrace and bar facilities

extra-long beds (2.10 meters), cosy duvets, fully-equipped

will satisfy all tastes and occasions. After enjoying a

bathrooms, and a pivoting desk with large working space.

workout in our new fitness center, you can relax in the

There is also an extra large safe to accommodate laptops,

calming environment of our sauna. The combination

and in the double bedded rooms a comfortable sofa can

of 610 bedrooms and 17 meeting rooms is unique for

be transformed into an extra single bed.

Amsterdam. Novotel Amsterdam City is the only 4-star hotel in the area able to offer bedrooms, dining and


meeting facilities to a group of 450 delegates: all in one

Divided over the ground and first floor, our convention

location! Since the beginning of May the hotel offers

center of 1,300 square meters consists of a dedicated

Video Conferencing facilities, to be rent by the hour.

entrance, 17 meeting rooms, individual breakout areas


Novotel Amsterdam City is an international, 4-star hotel located in the commercial center of Amsterdam; next to the Amsterdam RAI and part of Zuidas. The railway, tram, and tube station RAI is within walking distance, allowing you to be in the city center or at International Schiphol Airport within 15 minutes.



Company: Poelman Advocaten

Company: WieringenPrins Hoveniers

Sector: Legal services

Sector: Gardening

Number of staff: Five lawyers

Number of staff: 110

Connection to Zuidas: We have had an office in this district

Connection to Zuidas: We look after Zuidas’ green spaces.

since 2009 (currently in the Atrium).

Why join Hello Zuidas?: We are intensively involved in Zuidas’

Why join Hello Zuidas?: We are interested in the

public spaces on behalf of Zuid borough council and feel closely

district’s future developments and in connecting with

involved with the district and the people who use it. We think it

other internationally-orientated companies.

is important to be in contact with the users.

Company: Visser Communicatie & Euroinfra Sector: Telecommunications and business internet (glass fibre and wireless) service provider. Intelligent wireless indoor and outdoor internet solutions. Number of staff: Eight Connection to Zuidas: Some of our customers are located around Zuidas and Schiphol. It’s also an ideal location for our international customers to visit. Why join Hello Zuidas?: We believe Hello Zuidas is the right organisation to ensure the area and atmosphere around Zuidas remain optimal.

Company: The Basket Amsterdam Sector: Hospitality Number of staff: Seven Connection to Zuidas: The Basket Amsterdam is a grand café with a large roof garden, located on the Vrije Universiteit’s campus on the Boelelaan. We welcome business guests as well as students and university staff. Why join Hello Zuidas?: The Basket is located on the VU’s campus and is a meeting place for students and staff plus people from Zuidas companies. We hope to strengthen that link with the business sector by participating in Hello Zuidas.

Company: Stichting De Nieuwe Poort

Company: Look for Art Gallery

Sector: Community centre, culture and grand café

Sector: Art Gallery specialized in urban contemporary art,

Number of staff: Six

street art and photography

Connection to Zuidas: Our grand cafe and community centre

Number of staff: Two

are located in the heart of Zuidas and are open to all. Our aim

Connection to Zuidas: Zuidas is a growing location and the

is to provide a place for exploration and inspiration through

city centre is no longer a profitable place to be for an art gallery.

the arts.

Not many galleries have yet seen the light, but we are working

Why join Hello Zuidas?: De Nieuwe Poort works to improve

on getting others to join us here as well.

the community spirit in Zuidas, together with companies, shops,

Why join Hello Zuidas?: In order to make the gallery

cafes and residents.

profitable, we need to spread the word that we are here… and get as many people to the gallery as possible.


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ted material of outstanding quality and accurate



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Memo board The Trinity Real Estate Company team has been reinforced with the arrival of Patrick Schouten RT, who joined the firm at the beginning of June. Schouten has years of experience in the commercial property sector, including tenancy, sales, investments and specialized valuations, and is a valuable addition to the organisation. Schouten has spent the past 12 years as a real estate agent and valuation expert and was joint owner of real estate agency Kuijs Reinder Kakes.


TCS AMSTERDAM MARATHON Dear Zuidas neighbours, The VUmc Cancer Center wants to help as many people as possible by using the most effective treatments to reduce cancer to the level of a treatable chronic condition. Support the VUmc Cancer Center by taking part in the eight, 21 or 42 kilometre runs during the 38th TCS Amsterdam Marathon on October 20. Help raise money for new treatments and medicine to combat cancer.

Hello Zuidas would like to thank Gerbera United for supplying well over 2,000 gerbaras for everyone who took part in the Zuidas run.

For more information: www.vumc.nl/cca-loopmeemarathon. Questions? Phone the VUmc on 020 444 1058 or email cca@vumc.nl

AND WE HAVE A WINNER…. Caroline van Leuven has won the Carré boardroom for a morning or afternoon session, simply by ‘liking’ our Facebook page! Congratulations Caroline! We hope you’ll like this prize! Would you also like to win a prize? Got to facebook.com/hellozuidas and ‘like’ our page.

Like & Win a trial lesson @ FIT20 Fit20 has two pairs of trial lessons under the guidance of a personal trainer to give away. If you are happy with the trial and plan to continue, we’ll give you the first month of your subscription free!


Fit20 is an intensive personal training which takes just 20 minutes a week. At Fit20 you are always supervised by your personal trainer. You train once a week, by appointment, in your own clothes and you don’t need to shower afterwards. Train alone or with a friend. Fit20 generates quick results and is easy to keep up.

E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.


Participants Hello Zuidas – July 2013

If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com

COLOPHON Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL + 31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, worldrenowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819, 9th floor - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN Studio-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 - 5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 820 3976 - + 31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld, Nicole Pak Art Director & Graphic Designer: Jilles Mermans Translation: Zuidas Text and Translations Final Editor: Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors: Philip Bisot, Lara Coebergh, Ewout Doorman, Kirsten van den Hul, Merel Hurkmans, Romy Lange, Ilkel Taner & Monique Poelstra and Bert Verschoor Photography: nadiafotografeert, Veronika Bacova, Aubrey Wade, Romy L’Herminez, William Maanders and Ton Bosboom Interns: Elaine Morre, Eline Verhoeven and Romy L’Herminez Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk Thanks to: Joris Luyendijk, Josja van der Veer, Drukkerij Gianotten, The Office Operators, PropertyNL, Verkeer advies, Wieringen Prins Hoveniers, TPEX, fit20, ZuidasTravel.nl, NH Musica, Novotel Hotels and Aubrey Wade. Printed by: Drukkerij Gianotten Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly)* (*four times in 2013) Copyright: © 2013 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ​ 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

ABN Amro Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Alvarez & Marsal Benelux Amsterdam EXPO Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI APG Arcadis ASEGA Media AVIS Autoverhuur Bagels & Beans Baker & McKenzie Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermaatschappij WTC Amsterdam Bereikbaarheidsmakelaar Verkeer advies BLUSH Beauty & Skin Clinic Boekel De Nerée Bolenius Breevast CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely College-Club Corporate Housing Factory Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek De Nieuwe Poort Deterink Advocaten en Notarissen Dienst Zuidas Amsterdam DTZ Zadelhoff, Agency Amsterdam Duisenberg School of Finance Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Eetwinkel Zwaan Ernst & Young Expatcenter Amsterdam Fortron B.V. G&S Vastgoed Galerie Modern Gerrit Rietveld Academie Global Housing Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Gustavino B.V. HAB International Accountants & Consultants HB Hairstylers Hello Sushi Hestia Kinderopvang Het Amsterdamse Bos Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Financial Centre Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services (Europe) IMC Financial Markets Amsterdam ING Rayon Amsterdam Zuid West JCDecaux Nederland B.V. Kardan Kempen & Co Koetjes en Kalfjes Linklaters Look For Art Gallery Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Markit MBO College Zuid Mech Make & Take Miles Building

71. Mood for Real Estate 72. MultiCopy Nederland B.V. 73. My Best Team Ever 74. NDI ICT Solutions 75. NEWNRG 76. NH Musica 77. Nick & Delano 78. Nijkerk Holding 79. NL Real Estate 80. NMC-Nijsse International Executive Search 81. Novotel Amsterdam City 82. NS Station Zuid 83. Oliver’s 84. Ontspits 85. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam 86. ORAM 87. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 88. Pathé 89. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 90. Poelman Advocaten 91. Property NL B.V. 92. Puramis Consultancy 93. Qbic Hotels 94. Q-Park Nederland 95. Rabobank Amsterdam Markt Zuid 96. RBS 97. Regus 98. RGA International Reinsurance Company 99. RSM Erasmus University 100. Russell Reynolds Associates 101. SANTOS LUXURY 102. Schiphol Real Estate 103. Season-Flowers 104. Securitas 105. SINGAZ Holding 106. SLFMD Tailoring 107. Spaces 108. Stadsdeel Zuid 109. Stibbe 110. Sushi Time 111. Symphony’s 112. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 113. TAXI-E 114. The Bank of New York Mellon 115. TPEX 116. The Basket 117. The Change Agent 118. The Office Operators 119. TopJobs Consultants 120. Transcore Management 121. TREC 122. Triple Ace 123. Valid Express 124. Vimpelcom 125. Visser Communicatie 126. Voxius 127. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 128. VU Connected 129. VU Medisch Centrum 130. Wagamama 131. Wieringen Prins 132. World Trade Center Amsterdam 133. WTC Amsterdam Business Club 134. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 135. Your Assistant 136. Zingeving Zuidas 137. ZuidasTravel.nl 138. Zuidschans 139. ZuidasRun


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