Hello Zuidas #3

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magazine #3. september/october 2012 www.hellozuidas.com

Melanie Schultz van Haegen

“Zuidas is important to our economy” RBS & De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

Strong cooperation at Zuidas

Kirsten van den hul ‘It was love at first sight, between me and the city’ HELLO ZUIDAS PARTICIPANTS MEETING A SUCCESS More than 50 participating companies present! ‘Green Inspiration’ in Zuidas area Dutch Green Building Week



Romy Lange Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

50.000 new faces Virtual office I Places I Box Office I Flexible Office Space I Totally Outsourced Office I Meeting Facilities

It felt great straight away - the Zuidas, with its

parties, but also through cultural events. The Zuidas

beautiful architecture, its hard-working people

certainly has a full programme on that front in the

and leading companies. I immediately felt like a

coming months. For one, the On The Roofff

fish in water in this inspiring part of Amsterdam.

Filmfestival will kick off on 4 September on the

I started as editor-in-chief of Hello Zuidas just

roof of Amsterdam’s VU University. That is going

over a month ago and – I must admit, not entirely

to be pretty spectacular, with four evenings of

unexpectedly - I can already look back and say I

great films about living in various metropolises.

really did make the right move. The area has pretty

Then from 17 September, we have the second

much everything you could possibly want to make

edition of the Dutch Green Building Week, which

a great magazine, with extraordinary stories

will showcase various sustainable projects under

hidden in every giant office building.

the header ‘Green Inspiration’. You will find these events and many more in the Zuidas diary


Of course, as publishers and editorial staff of Hello

elsewhere in this magazine.

Zuidas we had no choice but to join everyone at Zuidas. From our offices on the ninth floor of the

Thanks to these kinds of events, I have already

UNStudio Tower, we can now see and hear just

met many Zuidas residents over the past months,

what goes on behind that glass facade. And luckily,

but I’m sure I’ll be seeing lots of new faces in the

being in the Zuidas is not just about hard work. For

near future. And of course everyone is welcome to

instance, in the past month I’ve also attended two

contact me so we can get to know each other.

amazing concerts that were part of the Grachten-

Meanwhile, I hope you will enjoy this third edition

festival series of concerts: an open-air concert

of Hello Zuidas, with minister Melanie Schultz on

performed by Martin Oei and an exclusive

the front cover. In our interview with her, you can

performance for the Hello Zuidas network given by

read all about the innovative infrastructure plans

the Dutch Trombone Ensemble at law firm Loyens

that would greatly benefit the Zuidas area.

& Loeff. People in this area do not only get to know each other at the frequent networking drinks and

+31 (0)20 700 5555 | www.theofficeoperators.com | UN Studio | Parnassusweg 819 | Amsterdam Zuidas AMSTERDAM | ARNHEM | BRUSSEL | EINDHOVEN | HOOFDDORP | MAASTRICHT | ROTTERDAM | SCHIPHOL | UTRECHT

p.s. The next issue of Hello Zuidas is scheduled for November 4th.

I hope to see you soon!



06. Minister Melanie Schultz “Dealing with the Zuidas infrastructure is a top priority” 10. Property 12. Trending Topics 13. Column: Kirsten van den Hul Bright lights, big city 14. Finance 16. Sipke Feenstra (The Office Operators) “You simply have to offer the Zuidas as a location” 19. Housing

20. Agenda Zuidas 26. Hello YOU 28. Hello Zuidas participants meeting a success 30. Karina van den Berg(RBS) & Barbara van DurenKloppert (De Brauw) “A good neighbour is worth more than a far friend” 32. Annemarie van Doorn Dutch Green Building Week soon in full swing 33. Behind the Scenes 37. Memo Board Short messages from Zuidas 38. Colophon & Overview participants Hello Zuidas

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Uitgebreide collectie Ready-to-Wear. Maatwerk is verkrijgbaar in full canvas en een handgemaakte variant vanaf € 648 en € 748. AMsteRdAM



www.hellozuidas.com, www.facebook.com/hellozuidas, www.twitter.com/hellozuidas, www.linkedin.com/hellozuidas


V I S I T O U R N E W W E B S T O R E AT W W W. O G E R . E U


“Dealing with the Zuidas infrastructure is a top priority” In October 2010, Melanie Schultz van Haegen was appointed Minister of Infrastructure and Environment in the cabinet led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte. As minister she has been very closely involved in the Zuidas and is especially keen to keep the area as accessible as possible. Schultz talks about the

What does this modernisation mean

and national authorities have also been working on

for accessibility and liveliness in the

drawing up what we call a structure vision. I’ll be

Zuidas area?

sending that to the Lower House of Parliament in

The expansion of the infrastructure will ensure

the near future. This so-called structure vision

that the Zuidas itself also remains very accessible.

describes the alternatives we have studied and

That will help to attract and retain businesses.

how we arrived at our preferred alternative. This

What’s more, we’ll be improving the links between

includes a very precise description of how we plan

the two parts of the Zuidas, making it a residential

to approach the infrastructure at the Zuidas.

and commercial area with shops. Once the motorway is running underground, this will reduce

In your remaining time as minister, you

CO2 emissions, and traffic noise. This will also

want to speed up road, rail and water

make it possible to build more homes.

traffic? What is your greatest wish?

As minister, I want to make sure people in the Netherlands can move around as easy as possible.

ZuidasDok project, which includes taking a part of the A10 motorway underground, and about other

When is construction due to start

That’s possible in a lot of ways. All means of

infrastructural development around the Zuidas area. Ultimately, she has only one goal: “People in the

and will the government’s caretaker

transport have to be attractive so that people have

Netherlands have to be able to move around as easy possible.”

status affect construction?

as many choices as possible. That means reducing

If everything goes according to plan, construction

traffic jams on the roads as much as possible. It

work will start in 2015. This cabinet’s current

also means that public transport has to be

caretaker status has no impact on the process.

comfortable, safe and affordable for everyone. And

On 9 February, I reached agreement with the

if you travel by train, you have to be able to switch

Do you ever visit the Zuidas area?

corridor, and the new North-South line will also

regional authorities on the main points of the

easily to bus, tram, the metro or a bike.

Of course. Zuidas is a top location in the Nether-

increase traffic. Unless we deal with the infrastruc-

project. Then on 9 July, we signed the manage-

Sometimes this will mean building new roads and

lands and an infrastructural hub where the

ture, we’ll have problems with both roads and the

ment contract that will make this project possible.

laying new railway tracks and widening existing

economy and business meet.

rail network in the future. The roads and the public

Over the past two years, the various local, regional

roads. But it also means we have to use the

transport links will both be expanded at the What does the Zuidas mean


to the Netherlands? Zuidas is important to our economy and therefore

Agreement has been reached on the

for the Netherlands as a whole. It is an economic

ZuidasDok project. Can you explain

top location, just like Schiphol and the port

exactly what this project entails?

of Rotterdam. It’s an ideal location for both

The ZuidasDok project consists of several parts:

businesses and for knowledge workers:

firstly, it involves the further development of the

education and the business community are so

Zuidas itself, but also of Amsterdam as a whole.

close to each other. What’s more, it’s an attractive

New offices will be built, along with more than

area because it’s easily accessible from within the

8,000 homes and other facilities. In addition to

Netherlands and from abroad; it’s a stone’s throw

that, we’ll be making immediate improvements to

from Schiphol Airport. It offers great facilities and

the accessibility of the Zuidas and therefore to the

Amsterdam city centre is around the corner.

accessibility of the entire region. At Zuidas itself,

So it’s very close to lots of cultural institutions.

we’ll be expanding both the roads and the public

Zuidas is also a place where people live, work and

transport links. The A10 motorway will be widened

spend their leisure time. That combination also

and disappear underground at the Zuidas. The

makes the area attractive: it is lively and people

Amsterdam Zuid station will become a public

very quickly feel at home here. Accessibility of the

transport hub for trains, trams, buses and the

area is a key priority. Zuidas is an important hub in

metro. It will be a meeting place for local and

the road network that includes the A4, A10, A2

regional public transport, making changeovers

and A1 motorways. Station Amsterdam Zuid will

even more efficient.

grow strongly in the coming years. There will be more trains on the Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere


Klaas de Boer (director Dienst Zuidas) & Melanie Schultz van Haegen (Minister of Infrastructure and Environment)

Text: Romy Lange & Suzanne de Rijk • Photography: Bas Uterwijk


A global bank with local roots Rabobank. No other Dutch bank has a bigger international network. Wherever major financial transactions are done, you will find a local Rabobank. For instance in the fastest growing economies in the world such as Brazil, India and China. Rabobank has been active in these countries since the start of their development. We also have 600 Rabobank offices in 47 countries in the rest of the world. Branches that all have local roots and as a result know the local market through and through. Despite the fact that we have been a global player for some time now, we have always managed to stay true to ourselves.

existing infrastructure as effective as possible. For

CV Melanie Schultz van Haegen

instance, by increasing the movement of goods by

Name: Melanie Henriëtte Schultz van Haegen-

water we will create more room on the roads and

Maas Geesteranus

the rail network. My job as minister is to make sure that we have sufficient mobility, so our

Date and place of birth: 28 June 1970, Laag-Soeren

economy can continue to grow. Education: After achieving a gymnasium-B diploma What is the ZuidasDok?

at the Fioretti college in Lisse in 1988, Schultz

The ZuidasDok project is a combination of urban

studied business management at the University

development and improvements to the accessibil-

of Leiden and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

ity of Amsterdam’s Zuidas area and the northern

She graduated in 1994.

part of the Randstad urban conglomeration, both via road and public transport. The ambition is to

Professional career: Schultz entered national

continue the development of Zuidas as an

politics in 2002. On 22 July 2002, she was

international top location: a sustainable, mixed-use

appointed Junior Minister of Transport represent-

city centre in which the combination of premium

ing the VVD party in the first cabinet of Prime

offices, homes and public facilities create an

Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. In 2006, Schultz

attractive area for businesses and the general

left politics and was appointed director of care

public. The idea is for the Zuidas to become an

purchasing at insurance company Achmea. In

integral part of the city and the region. To achieve

2010, she returned to politics and became

this, you need a well-oiled traffic and transport

Minister of Infrastructure and Environment in

network, with a high-quality public transport

the cabinet led by Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

A global player that stays true to itself. That’s the idea. Rabobank. A bank with ideas.

terminal as a central hub.




WTC welcomes small businesses ZUIDAS - WTC Amsterdam is responding to the growing

Source: PropertyNL.com

demand for small, flexible and independent office space. From mid-September of this year, WTC Amsterdam will

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features the latest Zuidas-related property news. Send

be offering fully-furnished offices of around 20 m2 under

your property news to redactie@propertynl.com

the name Suite Offices. These offices are fully equipped for small one or two-person businesses. The plan is to offer a total of 23 offices, equipped with furniture and network connections, as well as wireless internet and land lines. Rent also includes cleaning and security. Tenants have access to a shared pantry, lounge and meeting rooms. The contracts are open ended and the rent depends on the period of notice or desired flexibility. The WTC has already rented out the first units. The Real Estate team of the World Trade Center Amsterdam was advised by Jones Lang LaSalle, DTZ Zadelhoff and CBRE.


AM, Bouwfonds start construction of Zuidas apartments

Zuidas resident Jones Lang LaSalle wins exclusive contract with Logica

A’dam council sets maximum of € 256 million for Zuidas tunnel contribution

WTC Amsterdam wins new tenants

ZUIDAS - AM and Bouwfonds Development have

ZUIDAS – Business consultancy and technology firm

ZUIDAS – The Amsterdam city council and the national

new tenants in the second quarter of 2012. WTC closed

officially started construction of the Op Zuidproject in the

Logica has picked Jones Lang LaSalle to act as its

government have agreed that the council will contribute a

10 new rental contracts for a total of 3,000 m2 of space,

Zuidas. Op Zuid consists of 46 terraced apartments,

exclusive real estate adviser for its international

maximum of € 256 million to the construction of the

and extended rental contracts with nine existing tenants,

varying from studios and garden apartments to luxury

property portfolio. Jones Lang LaSalle will provide

1.2-kilometre tunnel under the A10 motorway in the

who currently occupy around 1,150 m2 of space in

penthouses. More than 50% of the apartments have

worldwide account management, real estate trans-

Zuidas. Amsterdam has agreed to pay € 201 million of the

the complex.

already been sold.

actions, workplace innovation, strategic and database

total estimated cost of € 1.4 billion. If the project goes

The second quarter saw transactions for around 4,450

Op Zuid is located at the corner of De Boelelaan and

management and will be supporting Logica’s continuing

over budget, the government has agreed to pay 75% of

m2. At the end of the period, the WTC had 3,310 m2 of

Beethovenstraat in Amsterdam Zuid. Thanks to the

international expansion.

the extra costs. Amsterdam will pick up the remaining

empty office space, accounting for a vacancy rate of 2.9%

terraced construction, all the apartments have their own

‘It is an honour for us to expand our long-running local

25%, up to a maximum of € 55 million, on the condition

on the 115,000 m2 of office space. New international

outdoor spaces. The complex will be built around a

cooperation with Logica into a worldwide outsourcing

that there is sufficient income from land sales.

tenants include Schröder (660 m2), Ryan LCC (340 m2)

central communal garden.

relationship. Our new partnership agreement makes

The apartments vary in price from € 179,000 for a studio

Logica and Jones Lang LaSalle ‘one team’ focused on

The project also includes the expansion of the Zuid rail

expanded their contracts include Shire International

to € 950,000 for one of the penthouses. The prices

generating smart working environments and powerful

and metro station and the addition of a new public

Licensing, Russell Investments Limited, Sungard Global

include 50 years ground rent, but do not include parking

productivity for the portfolio,’ says Marjolein Westen-

transport hub. Construction is set to start in 2015.

Trading and AMG Advanced Metallurgical.

spaces. BAM Woningbouw is in charge of construction.

dorp, Director Corporate Solutions the Netherlands at

the Zuidas district

Jones Lang LaSalle.

ZUIDAS – WTC Amsterdam welcomed a number of

and BNY Mellon (1,080 m2). Tenants who extended or

Photography: William Maanders


Trending topics

Bright lights, big city

Kitty Bertels@kittybertels Broodje gehaald en even lekker buiten voor kantoor op plein lunchen #Zuidas. Sebastiaan Capel@sebastiaancapel Trombones in de tuin vd #zuidas Dank aan @grachtenfestival. JohandeWitt@deWittJohan Boeiend monetair/kunst ex-

“Girl, you’d better watch out over there in the big

But there’s more to it than that. Cities generate

periment op de ZuidAs: Kunstreservebank. ‘The art of central banking’ Bart de Groot@spreeksteen Zo. Deal is rond: we gaan 16 tot 20

bad city. Lock your bike, look over your shoulder

jobs and income, offer opportunities for education

winkels op de #zuidas openen. #beehive Caroline Brouwer@radiocarol De zuidas in Amsterdam is een walhalla van korte rokken en

and don’t talk to strangers. It’s a jungle out there!”

and development. Not to mention the liberating

mooie benen vandaag #tip Mees@Mees_ It sounded too good to be true, Italian ice on sale at the Zuidas. And ik was, unfortunately,

my worried neighbours warned me as I was about

anonymity of being one-in-almost-a-million.

as the quality was substandard. #Amsterdam Dienst Zuidas@DienstZuidas Heeft u ook zo genoten van het concert vandaag? Don-

to move to Amsterdam to study. I have to admit,

Don’t you just love it?

derdag is er weer een concert op het Mahlerplein #Zuidas #GFA12 Eline Hoogendijk@ElineAmsterdam @barbaravantol Succes

I didn’t really listen. I was way too excited about

vandaag met het Grachtenfestival #zuidas Jan Duffhues@janduffhues @amsterdamized combi v meer rijstroken & minder overlast is

finally exchanging the cows and corn fields of

Good news for all fellow city fans out there: from 4

ook v lokale wethouder aantrekkelijk. Zie ook Zuidas, daarom ook zo duur… KittyKunkeler@KittyKunkeler @maydana Goedemorgen

my village for the urban hustle and bustle, about

September till 7 September, Zuidas will host the

May, n hele fijne dinsdag! Tis ook wel weer lekker dat t n beetje afgekoeld is : ) Zo op de scooter nr de Zuidas. X Aureus@Aureusvu

turning from country girl into a cool cosmopolitan.

Netherlands’ first rooftop film festival. After New

Aureus welcomes all first year Bechelor and Pre master students! Join us for drinks at the Blauwe Engel near Amsterdam Zuid WTC at

I had dreamed of that moment for a long time.

York, Los Angeles, Toronto and Philadelphia, it’s

3pm! Stefan Harijono@sharijono @meiboutique: Vandaag fotoshoot gehad op de Zuidas voor het blad Ondernemen, we komen in de

And I was obviously not the only one. More and

Amsterdam’s turn to get up on the roof and enjoy

rubriek Marktveroveraars” – You go, girls!! Lachworkshop – SdM@delachstudio Helder verhaal van Alain Lopez Cardozo van @

more people are drawn to the big city’s bright

a variety of movies, not to mention the most

AppBuilders#presentatie BNI Zuidas. Great Apps like Bladebabe. Kinderopvang etc. tas_erbij@natasjakel Na week Berlijn met andere

lights. In 1950, only half of our population lived

beautiful view over Zuidas. On the roof of VU

ogen naar je eigen stad kijken: tjee, wat zijn die Zuidas-gebouwen klein! Pauline Westendorp@paulinewes Waar blijft die camping

in cities. Half a century later, that number had

University, Cineville and VU Connected will be

#zuidas ? Dan heb ik bingo #autobingo ! steven oprinsen@RockingWrighter Sept. 21st finally my new video ready, this-and next week

already risen to 76% and it is estimated that by

offering an exciting mix of movies, debate and

final recordingson location Amsterdam ZuidAs en gang-hangout zuidoost. Maria Mazarakis@inspratievrouw Dat gaat goed Anook!

2030, almost 90% of the Dutch will be “city folk”,

‘The oneminutes’. This year’s topic? Guess what?

Ook ik doe graag mee! @anookcleonne #ZuidAs #flashmob Jeannette Driessen@Driessje Zomers genieten van zwoele muziek op

as my old neighbours call us.

The city. So, city folk, see you on the roof!

#Zuidas Jasper@jasperwolf @stephanboer joooo wij zijn bij blauwe engel! Mark Schoones@markschoones Amsterdam WTC is echt een andere planeet voor mij. Wouter Veldhuis@Must_urbanism Binnen 20 minuten gefietst van Freezone Heesterveld naar toplocatie

In my case, there’s no going back. It was love at

Zuidas, via het Groene Hart #mooiamsterdam Victor Straatman@straatman Interessant vastgoed initiatief van @MeikeNegen op de

first sight, between me and the city. The architec-

Zuidas. Collectief bouwen voor kostprijs: kopvanzuidas.nl #zuidas #amsterdam webredactie@AcademievanBWK Sterk slot van een

ture, the people, the fun, the freedom, the culture.

succesvolle masterclass #urbandesign op de #zuidas, met Ton Schaap en Felix Claus en andere experts. Wouter Veldhuis @Must_urbanism Binnen 20 minuten gefietst van Freezone Heesterveld naar toplocatie Zuidas, via het Groene Hart #mooiamsterdam DLA Piper Nederland @DLA_Piper_NL De sterkste vrouw van de Zuidas werkt bij #dlapiper! Onze recruiter @NicoleKijkuit behaalde zaterdag tijdens de #advolympics de titel. Arjen de Jong @Arjen_J Amsterdam Zuidas, waar zelfs de AH To Go er niet uitziet als een Albert Heijn, maar als een Britse sandwich store. Michel@iMichelll Ik verlang nu al terug naar Station Amsterdam-Zuid Yrmee @Yrmee Ik bevind me bij station Amsterdam zuid en allemaal jonge knullen in pak vliegen mij om de oren! Hallo mannen in pak! Hallo kwijlend

‘It was love at first sight, between me and the city’

meisje! Isabella Machinè @IsabellaMachine Morning monday! New day, new week, new opportunities. Let’s take it higher than high! #work @ Amsterdam WTC Kirsten van den Hul speaks, writes and works on the crossroads of culture, communication and change. She works as an independent change agent for Dienst Zuidas, and writes a weekly column for Dutch daily AD. In 2011 she was appointed as UN Women’s Representative.


Her motto: “Without change no butterflies”. For more information, visit www.thechangeagent.nl or follow @thechangeagent on Twitter.


Text: Kirsten van den Hul • Photography: William Maanders



India’s IIFCL to relocate overseas base to Amsterdam

The Netherlands among European top in internet banking

IIFCL, an infrastructure financing company wholly owned

Nearly four out of five Dutch people aged 16-75 do their

by the Indian government, plans to relocate its overseas

banking online. This makes the Netherlands a leader in

base to Amsterdam to tap the favorable tax regime there.

internet banking in the European Union. Between 2005

It presently operates out of London, but now feels that it

and 2011, online banking rose from 50 percent to 79

could raise funds just as efficiently in the financial and

percent. The number of users grew in all age groups.

business capital of the Netherlands, while the taxes

The share of online banking among 16-25 year-olds rose

raised on funds and earned income will be less thanks to

from 55 percent to 83 percent. The highest – relative

the Dutch tax regime. Since its inception in 2008, IIFCL’s

– increase was seen among 55-75 year-olds. Between

Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news

UK subsidiary has disbursed $ 740 million in aggregated

2005 and 2011 the percentage of older online banking

related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands.

loans to 12 infrastructure projects in India - in power,

users doubled to over 60 percent. The growth rate has

Send your financial news to hellozuidas@asega.nl.

metro rail, ports, gas pipeline and fertilizer manufacturing

levelled off in recent years, which may indicate that

- and approved 36 proposals involving aggregated loans

internet banking has almost reached its saturation point.

Source: Holland Financial Centre

of $3.905 billion. IIFCL’s overseas arm provides long term foreign currency loans to Indian companies to finance the import of capital equipment and machinery for infrastructure projects in India.

Dutch firms promote the Netherlands as location for international hedge fund managers A number of leading Dutch investors, accountants and lawyers once again teamed up to promote the

Sustainable Insurance

ment funds at the annual GAIM conference. The 2012

Brazilian pension managers seek Dutch expertise

conference in Monaco is the largest and longest-running

The Brazilian Association of Pension Funds (ABRAPP)

Sustainable development saw the launch of guidelines

hedge fund event in Europe. It is an important gathering

organises an annual excursion for a number of Brazilian

for sustainable insurance. The Principles for Sustainable

and network forum for both hedge fund investors and

pension fund managers. This year, around 35 Brazilian

Insurance (PSI) are the initiative of the UNEP, the United

hedge fund managers. Over 250 investors active in the

managers visited the Netherlands. For five days - from

Nations Environmental Programme, and the world’s

alternative investment sector, and over 400 international

the 6th to the 15th of June - they listened to presentations

biggest insurers. They are endorsed by nearly 30 insurers,

hedge fund managers were present at this year’s event.

given by pension fund managers, regulators and consult-

with a combined net worth of some €4,000 billion, and

Netherlands as a prime location for alternative invest-

ants about Dutch pension expertise and experience. On

account for 10 percent of the global insurance industry. In

It was Holland Financial Centre’s third visit to the

the recommendation of Ernst & Young, HFC was also

the Netherlands Achmea, Aegon, Delta Lloyd, ING and

GAIM conference. Last year’s participation resulted in

invited to discuss the IORP (Institutions for occupational

Zwitserleven have endorsed the Principles for Sustainable

two new parties setting up an office in the Netherlands.

retirement provision) directive and the opportunities the


Consultants have indicated that we can expect to

Netherlands provides for cross-border pension schemes. Signing the PSI is an indication that insurers are

welcome at least two new hedge fund managers to


This year’s Rio+20 United Nations Conference on

the Netherlands this year, too. In addition, hedge fund

The ABRAPP is a private, non-profit organisation, and

committed to integrating sustainability criteria into all

managers already established in the Netherlands were

90% of all pension funds in Brazil are members. They

of their activities. Climate change, an aging population,

able to make valuable contacts with foreign investors

represent approximately 1.7 million participants and 96%

healthcare and wealth distribution are key concepts.

at the conference.

of all assets in the Brazilian pension sector.

The principles form an ambitious, voluntary framework.

Photography: William Maanders



“You simply have to offer the Zuidas as a location”

new workplaces elsewhere in the Zuidas area.

The Office Operators(TOO) consist of three creative brains with

Just how many that will depend very much on

a passion for finding the best office solutions. Together The Office

how successful we are in the area,” Feenstra says.

Operators have more than fifty years of experience in the (flexible) office market. Since 2009 Too is building up an extensive network of

TOO has grown very quickly over the past six

business centers in the Netherlands. In co-operation with the office

months, adding no less than six locations in the

owners we can find you office products which offer optimal flexibility

first half of 2012. “We’d like to expand further

against a competitive price.

and become much bigger, for instance by opening more locations in Belgium, or by launching the business in other European countries. We’ve noticed that TOO is most popular in central locations, such as Amsterdam city centre and Schiphol Airport. We’re also receiving a lot of

The Office Operators (TOO) provides fully-equipped, flexible workplaces and offices, with 12 locations in the Netherlands and one in Belgium. The company, which focuses on new office solutions, recently opened a floor in the UNStudio Tower in the Zuidas area.

requests for office space in Rotterdam, where we’ll soon be rolling out the concept. But the Zuidas is still the most popular spot. We’re planning to move our own head office to the area in the near future,” says Feenstra.

Demand for short-term contracts Feenstra believes the main reason why the flexible

All the pros, none of the cons

Following this expansion, TOO has created a total

offices system has become so popular is the fact

“We launched The Office Operator in late 2009,”

of 3,000 workplaces and 70 meeting rooms at its

that society as a whole and the economy are

says Sipke Feenstra, one of the company’s

current 13 locations and has around 40 employees.

changing. “For entrepreneurs, it’s very difficult

directors. “We acquired an existing company

“We recently opened our first branch in the Zuidas

right now to plan for what is going to happen

with four locations in the Netherlands. With our

area. We are getting more and more requests for

in the next few years. Everything happens much

background in the flexible office space market,

flexible offices in this area. The Zuidas is one of the

more quickly than before and the pace of change

we then continued to expand The Office Operator

top locations in the Netherlands and a lot of people

is so fast that it’s become very difficult for

and adjusted the strategy to that turbulent but

want to be based here, but don’t want a permanent

businesses to look five years into the future.

challenging market. And it’s been a success.

office with its high costs and excessive red tape.

Entrepreneurs are much happier making five-

Since 2009, we’ve added a new office location

Our tenants at the UNStudio don’t have to worry

month plans. So businesses have a much greater

more or less every other month.”

about anything. You could say they have all the

need for short-term contracts and obligations,

pros and none of the cons,” says Feenstra.

allowing them to anticipate and respond quickly to changes in the market. The supply of flexible

More locations on the horizon

office space is constantly increasing, simply

TOO has just over 100 workplaces on the ninth

because there’s more demand.”

Floor of the UNStudio Tower, above the offices of the Royal Bank of Scotland. “We’re receiving a lot

Would you like more information on The Office

of enquiries and have already won some very nice

Operators? If so, visit their website at:

clients. Because of the current demand, we’re


already looking at whether we can expand in the same building or whether we’ll have to open


Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Roemer Overdiep


Housing Hans & Cathy de Haan & daughter Quirien (18) In mid-May, Hans de Haan and his family moved into the Miles Building on the George Gershwinlaan. “We were living in Hattem, near Zwolle. But there was just too much travel with my job at ICBC on the Museumplein, so we decided to move here”, Hans says. “We find it a comfortable environment and everything is within easy reach by public transport.” The De Haan family have agreed to live there for a year to see if the apartment in the Zuidas suits them. “So far, we really like living here. It’s obviously very different to the rural Veluwe, but we’re holding on to the house in Hattem for the time being, so we can stay there at weekends,” Hans says. De Haan says he would recommend living in the Zuidas to anyone. “The environment is modern and luxurious. The centre of Amsterdam is 10 minutes away and

Hans de Haan

the facilities in the neighbourhood are perfect.”

Hella & Arend de Jong Hella and Arend de Jong are living temporarily in a furnished apartment in Diemen. If everything

4 6 T E R RA C E A PA RT M E NT S • 4 1 m ²

T O 1 8 7 m ² • OW N PA R K I N G P LA C E

goes according to plan, they’ll be moving into one of the new Op Zuid apartments at the end of next year. Arend is responsible for Internal Audit

Located in the desirable and renowned Amsterdam Zuid district, OPZUID is the quintessence of that ‘at Zuid’ feeling

at AirFrance KLM and works in Amstelveen and

cherished by connoisseurs of beautiful, comfortable, refined and civilised living. The property has a south-facing exterior

Paris. His wife Hella is a secretary to the board at

and a lovely garden courtyard, tucked away in a prime location between the Vondelpark and Amstelveen – at the heart

Martinair. “So the location of Op Zuid is perfect for

of the good life in Amsterdam. The construction of OPZUID has already started. OPZUID features convenient studio apart-

us”, says Arend. “We really wanted a newly-built

ments, garden apartments and penthouses with fabulous terraces overlooking the lovely courtyard garden and water. FOR SALE: - Studio apartments starting from €179.000,-

apartment close to the centre of Amsterdam, but still in a quiet spot. We also looked in Amstelveen, but we just couldn’t find what we were looking

- Four spacious apartments still available starting from €259.000,-

for,” Hella adds. Arend and Hella have bought a

- Garden apartments, starting from €550.000,-

130-m2 apartment, with two south-facing terraces.

* All stated prices are free of legal charges and include the leasehold paid for 50 years.

Visit our website or contact one of our real estate agents for further information. Lunshof Makelaardij Keizer Karelweg 342 1181 RJ Amstelveen 020-345 83 45

Eefje Voogd Makelaardij Parnassusweg 201 1077 DG Amsterdam 020-305 05 60

“Op Zuid is a great project and looks really friendly. The city garden also looks like a great place to be,” Hella says. Arend: “We’re really looking forward to moving. We can’t wait!”

Text: Romy Lange • Photography: Lotte de Graaf

Hella & Arend de Jong


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

september - october 2012 Next magazine will be published @4th of November. Mail us your agenda. Deadline: October 10th. Email: hellozuidas@asega.nl

Guest speakers include the author of De Improvisatiemaatschappij (the improvisation society) Hans Boutellier (lecturer in Security and Citizenship at the VU), who will talk about virtual networks and citizenship. 6 September: Metropolis Johannesburg

On the Roofff Film Festival

Film: Tsotsi – Thriller about a ruthless

4 September – 7 September 2012

young criminal from the townships of

Friday afternoon drinks to end September 2012

VU University Amsterdam

Johannesburg who takes on the care

For the whole summer period – to end


for a newly-born baby.

September: every Friday, beach drinks at

From 4 through 7 September, visit the

Guest speakers include actress Hanna

Strand Zuid, from 17.00 hrs.

roof of Amsterdam’s VU University

Verboom on local entrepreneurship,

Europaplein 22, Amsterdam

for the ‘On the Roofff’ Film Festival!

and Gerard van Baar, Managing

Four evenings of inspiring films and

Director Holland Financial Center, on

video art about living in a metropolis,

the financing of green growth.

Enter the ZuidasCup!

complete with an amazing view across the Zuidas area and the rest of our

Friday 28 September

4 September: Metropolis Mumbai

7 September: Metropolis Shanghai

A futuristic film with Tim Robbins, in

Electric Car Speed Dating carpooling session at Zuidas

Film: Mumbai Dairies – Fragments from

Film: Code 46 – In the near future it is

which an over-regulated society makes

13 September

the lives of four people – a video diary,

only possible to leave (heavily guarded)

the love between an insurance agent

12.00-14.30 hrs

black and white photos and drawings

cities armed with a so-called travel

and a confidence trickster impossible.

Gustav Mahlerplein (outside

– paint a portrait of the sprawling

licence. Thanks to cloning and genetic

Before the start of the film, scientists

metropolis Mumbai and its residents,

manipulation, these cities are vastly

and opinion makers give their vision of

bound to each other by longings,

overpopulated, while the people

loneliness and love.

outside (non-citizens) live in appalling

Guest speakers include Mirik Milan, the unofficial nightlife mayor of Amsterdam, who will talk about sustainable business, innovation and the creative industry.

metropolis, Amsterdam.

Friday afternoon of 28 September

This tournament has been held every

will see the kick-off for the muchcoveted ZuidasCup football trophy. year since 2003, with private and public sector companies based in

between Boekel de Nerée and

Philosophy at the Zuidas with Frits Bolkestein


13 September

projects fighting it out for the trophy.

liveability in the metropolis. Guest

On Thursday 13 September, Hello

16.30 – 18.00 hrs

The location can change, with

speakers include Kenneth Manusama,

Zuidas/VerkeerAdvies, together

Symphonys, George Gershwin-

matches played at either sports club

conditions in deserts around the cities.

lecturer in law at the VU University, on

with business association ORAM

laan 22-28

SC Buitenveldert or AFC Amsterdam.

Every aspect of life is regulated through

collective security and privacy.

and the Green Business Club, will be


This year, we have organised the event

strict laws and restrictions, even love.

organising the Electric Car Speed

Philosophy at the Zuidas will be

with SC Buitenveldert, so matches will

The most important law is Code 46,

Dating event. Come to this unique

focusing on the recently held

be played at the club’s grounds.

a genetic code of conduct, which

event and kill two birds with one

national elections. Special guest will

The competition is limited to a

stipulates that sexual contact is

stone: make new business contacts

be former VVD party leader Frits

maximum of 20 teams. The final will

5 September: Metropolis Buenos Aires

forbidden until the DNA profiles

and learn about sustainable mobility.

Bolkestein, who will be discussing the

kick off at 17.00 hrs and will be

Film: Medianeras – Argentine drama

of both partners have been mapped

If it rains, the organisers will arrange

consequences of the election results

followed the trophy ceremony and a

about two neighbours whose

out. Anybody who dares to exchange

an alternative location at Gustav

with Ad Verbrugge, lecturer in

networking opportunity with drinks

paths keep crossing, but who never

DNA despite genetic similarities is


philosophy at the VU University

and a buffet. For more information:

actually meet each other.

guilty of a Code 46 violation.

You can sign up at: www.oram.nl




Limited free tickets for Hello Zuidas participants

the Zuidas area or involved in Zuidas


Agenda Zuidas Amsterdam

september - october 2012 Next magazine will be published @4th of November. Mail us your agenda. Deadline: October 10th. Email: hellozuidas@asega.nl

Green Building Week

19 September 2012:

Octoberfest @ Oliver’s

17 September – 22 September

Masterclass Sustainable area development

Friday 12 October 2012


9:00 to 17:00 hrs

From 18.00 hrs


WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1

www.olivers.nl An annual tradition, Oliver’s is once

www.greenbusinessclub.nl The Dutch Green Building Council

Seminar: Costs and benefits of BREEAM-NL

again organising the best Octoberfest in

(DGBC) is organising the second edition

13:30 to 15:30 hrs

Amsterdam and the surrounding area

of the Dutch Green Building Week from

WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1

this year. Ladies in the traditional Dirndl,

17 to 21 September 2012. DGBC and its

gentlemen in Lederhosen and beer

members will be showing what they are

BREEAM-NL Junior Assessment

in giant tankards. And of course

doing to increase the sustainability of

in the Netherlands

Die Waldspitzbuben will be providing

the country’s built environment across

14:30 to 17:00 hrs

the Bavarian Music, with jaunty schlagers

the Netherlands, and therefore the world

WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1

to sing along to. The kitchen team

at large. The organisation will be showing

will be laying on German snacks.

off various projects under the heading

21 September 2012:

Entry is free. If you want to bring along the

‘Green Inspiration’. The highlights of the

ABN AMRO: A peek at the sustainable

entire office, we’d advise you to make a

Green Building days include:

head office

reservation via (020) 6461626

ABN AMRO, Gustav Mahlerlaan 10

Open your doors for the ‘Discover the Art of Zuid’ event

13:00 to 17:00 hrs

Programme Green Business Club

26, 27 & 28 October 2012

Amsterdam RAI, Europaplein

15:30 to 17:30 hrs

Businesses on the Zuidas will be opening

WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1

their doors to the public for three days,

10:00 to 12:00 hrs 17 September 2012: Kick-off Dutch Green Building Week 2012

2nd VU Campus Open Air

18 September 2012:

for the very first ‘Open ZUIDAS’

Expedition: Sustainable area development


3 September 2012

Zuidasborrel @ NOOON

event! Always been curious about the

12:30 to 17:15 hrs

18:00 to 22:00 hrs

16.00 – 23.00 hrs

Thursday 4 October 2012

workplaces of others? About their art

WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1

WTC Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1


From 17.00 hrs

collections or the beauty of their

This expedition is being organised

Cinema Rialto, Amsterdam’s Free


by the Green Business Club Zuidas

University (VU) Griffioen cultural

The Zuidas is the international business

TCS Amsterdam Marathon

the KunstReservebank or the Logo-

in cooperation with the DGBC,

centre and VU Campus development

centre of the Netherlands, with more

Sunday 21 October 2012

LengthLaboratory are? If so, visit ING,

the Zuidas organisation and Hello

open the VU academic year with

than 300 companies and 6,000

The VU University Medical School’s

AKZO/Nobel, WTC Amsterdam,

Zuidas. How does taking concrete

an open-air showing of the new

employees. But few people know each

Cancer Center Amsterdam (VUmc

the School Garden and many other

action (Do it!) affect confidence and

Brazilian film Xingu.

other. And that’s a shame, as it’s a waste

CCA) has been nominated as the official

companies. Take a break in one of the

the effectiveness and pleasure of work,

Before the show, from 16:00 onwards,

of interesting contacts. We plan to

good cause of the 37th TCS Amsterdam

sculpture gardens and you may even

at home and in life? The expedition

guests will be treated to a full open-air

change that through the monthly Zuidas

Marathon, which will be held on

want to stop by one of the art galleries

ends with drinks, where you can learn

programme of events, including a DJ,

Business Borrel, a networking event with

21 October. Researchers Bas Koster

to expand your own collection.

more about the Green Business Club,

a cabaret act, a band, a sand magician

drinks and bar snacks. Come along and

and Koen van der Mijn will be heading

If you too would like to open your doors as a

the organisation behind sustainable

and a public barbecue at campus café

enjoy fine wines, live music and make

the VUmc CCA marathon team.

company, please contact Frans Salman

projects in the Zuidas area.

The Basket.

new contacts in the relaxed atmosphere

Join the run! Sign up via cca@VUmc.nl

(fcsalman@xs4all.nl /06 - 514 317 40)

Entry is free for everyone.

of bar and restaurant Nooon.

or call (020) 444 1058.



gardens? And wondered who or what


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HELLO ZUIDAS PARTICIPANTS MEETING Friday,6 July, 12.00 PM Gerrit Rietveld Academie • More than 50 participating organizations • Host Chairman of the Board, Tijmen van Grootheest • Presented by Kirsten van den Hul & Olivier Otten • Signing of new participant Boekel de Nerée • Celebration 100th participant Greenberg Nielsen • Executing Zuidas survey amongst participants • Catered by Rietveld Academie students • Exhibition by graduating students

ZUIDAS CULINAIRY & CONCERT Wednesday, 27 June, 16.30 PM George Gershwinplein • More than 500 visitors • Over 100 musicians from VU-Orkest • Director Daan Admiraal • Music from John Adams, Corrie van Binsbergen, George Gershwin • Storyteller Toon Tellegen • Food stalls from 16 Zuidas restaurants • In presence of Galerie Modern • Sponsored by: Dienst Zuidas, Houthoff Buruma WTC Amsterdam Business Club, VU & Hello Zuidas

Party, opening, reception or farewell drink @ Zuidas? Mail us: hellozuidas@asega.nl


Photography: Taco Nijssen

Photography: Wouter van Ierssel


Hello Zuidas participants meeting a success Friday 6 June saw the first Hello Zuidas participants meeting, held at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy of Fine Arts and Design, one of the first inhabitants of the Zuidas. The participants were first given a tour of works by this year’s graduates. Later on, while enjoying an excellent lunch the academy students had prepared, the participants were informed about the latest developments regarding Hello Zuidas and were given an opportunity to make suggestions for improvements in the area. With more than 50 participating companies present, it was a successful Hello Zuidas meeting. No competition

but noted that measures to reduce the number of

A survey filled out during lunch showed that

randomly parked bicycles would be one effective

the main reasons companies choose the Zuidas as

way of improving the image of the area. They also

a location are being close to clients, accessibility

noted a need for more parking facilities for both

and the area’s (international) image. Another

bicycles and cars, preferably underground. The

major advantage of the Zuidas is the ample local

participants also noted that the image of the

business-to-business opportunities, they said.

railway and metro station, Station Zuid, could do

The participants in Hello Zuidas believe that in

with some improvements.

the Netherlands there are simply no comparable

Accessibility and mobility


The accessibility of the Zuidas area by public

The participants see the Zuidas area scoring well

transport and bicycle is considered excellent,

on sustainability in general, but note it is difficult to

but the accessibility by car could be improved

see this from the outside. One example is the

considerably, the survey showed. The main reason

combined heat and cold storage facilities widely

for this is poor road links, but they also see the far

used in the area. The participants also considered

from ideal signage as an issue that needs to be

the public transport facilities as a major contri-

addressed. The lack of (affordable) parking spaces

butor to the sustainability of the area.

is another problem the participants noted. They

The sustainable behaviour of companies and

thought a possible solution would be a (electric)

individuals themselves was seen as the main

car or scooter sharing scheme. The communica-

area for improvement. It was notable that the

tions on infrastructural work scored reasonably

participants could name very few examples of

well in the eyes of the participants, with a seven

sustainable companies in the Zuidas area. One

out of ten.

exception was Markit. This is a company that has made sustainable entrepreneurship a key condition of its operations. It has introduced measures such as a paperless office and strong incentives for employees to use public transport or bicycles to come to work.

Score sheet Zuidas

alternative locations outside the Randstad

Room for more facilities


conglomerate. Some noted that they considered

The survey the participants in Hello Zuidas completed revealed that everyone is satisfied with

Doing business with other companies on Zuidas


Rotterdam or The Hague as options, but very few companies have any desire to leave Amsterdam.

the ample availability of hotels and restaurants.



The participants saw the City of London as an

They did note that there is room for improvement

Public Space


international alternative and the only location

in terms of culture and sports. Most participants


comparable to the Zuidas.

would like to see a cinema or theatre in the Zuidas

Restaurants/ Bars: Shops: Sports: Hotels:

Accessibility by

Public Transport: 8.4 Car: 5.3 Bicycle: 8.2

Solutions for improving accessibility

Sharing schemes for Bikes: Electric scooters: Electric cars:

area and would also welcome a swimming pool.

Clean and Safe

The respondents also believe there could be more

Safety in the Zuidas area is highly rated, receiving

shops and believe this could also increase the

an eight out of ten. However, the social safety

liveliness in the area at the weekends. Finally,

outside office hours does need some attention,

the entrepreneurs noted that while more events

they added. Improvements could be realised by

are being organised in the area, they would like to

adding more life in the office area. Public safety

see events outside the summer season or aimed at

was rated seven out of ten. The participants would

specific groups, such as children.

welcome more green and art in the Zuidas area,



Communication about infrastructure (roadworks)

Text: Romy Lange, Taco Nijssen • Photography: Taco Nijssen

7.6 5.7 6.8 7.3

6.7 7.6 8.4 6.9


A good neighbour is worth more than a far friend They are quite literally neighbours here in the Zuidas: the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (De Brauw). And Karina van den Berg, Chief Administrative Officer at RBS, and Barbara van Duren-Kloppert, partner in labour law at De Brauw, say that’s exactly how they see each other. Smart moves It wasn’t a huge surprise when RBS moved into the white tower on the corner of the Zuidas in 2011.

on Parnassusweg to plead a case together.

RBS had to leave its temporary offices in the

The cooperation is excellent and the closeness

nearby ABN AMRO building, and the move gave

of their respective offices invites short lines and

its 650 staff a chance to make a fresh start in the

fast responses. After all, if they need to address

new building, the light and transparent UN Studio.

any urgent issues, their neighbour is a just a

RBS’ other 1300 employees in the Netherlands are

short walk away. Both firms see this as a major

based in Amsterdam-Zuidoost and Rotterdam and

advantage and something that helps create a

may have been at least a little jealous when they

great working relationship.

Left Barbara van Duren-Kloppert • Right: Karina van den Berg

saw how happy their colleagues were at the Zuidas. Just as happy as the more than 600

RBS sees its cooperation with de Brauw as a

De Brauw staff who moved into The Rock in

chance to outsource non-core business, the kind

clients: they are more often than not companies

environment that will continue to develop in

September 2009. De Brauw’s move brought

of business that RBS cannot do efficiently within

operating in the Netherlands and abroad, multina-

the future. It’s the latter point that Karina van de

together employees originally based in The Hague,

its own organisation, given its modest scale in

tionals and their subsidiaries right across the

Berg and Barbara van Duren see as perhaps the

Rotterdam and the Tripolis building in Amsterdam,

the Netherlands. In certain legal areas, RBS simply

globe. Hardly surprising, given the international

area’s biggest challenge: the Zuidas is already an

putting all the law firm’s Dutch practices in a

hands cases over to De Brauw and they are

environment in which RBS and De Brauw operate,

increasingly lively office environment, but still has

single building. In the Netherlands, De Brauw

handled from start to finish at The Rock.

from London to Amsterdam and from Beijing to

a little ‘growing up’ to do. The area has some very

Singapore (where De Brauw will also be opening

good restaurants and bars, but everyone would

an office this autumn).

benefit from an increased range of facilities in

now works solely from The Rock, a striking office building with an open atmosphere that invites

International operations

cooperation and communication – one of the goals

What’s most important to De Brauw is that with

to the completion of De Boog, the project for the

that, like de Brauw itself, operates internationally

Short lines, fast responses

and in several legal regimes. So their legal advice

RBS and De Brauw are convinced that moving

(green) development is in the pipeline.

As neighbours, RBS and De Brauw feel closely

does not focus solely on RBS as a ‘neighbour’ in the

into their new offices in the Zuidas has sent a

connected to each other. After all, they work

Zuidas area; it goes right across several borders.

clear signal to their clients, for whom the image

Karina and Barbara, and their colleagues, find the

together in numerous areas of the law. It’s not

RBS and de Brauw also serve a similar range of

of quality and service is vital. And for their

Zuidas a very pleasant place, as both residents and

rare to see a lawyer from De Brauw and a

employees, working at the Zuidas offers

employees, and are confident the area has a very

representative from RBS having a cup of coffee

numerous advantages: state-of-the-art office

bright future.

at Oliver’s before heading off to the courts

buildings, excellent accessibility and an office

set for the construction and design of The Rock.


other areas. So they are very much looking forward

The Zuidas has a little growing up to do

RBS as a client, they are serving a global player

Text: Barbara van Duren-Kloppert (Lawyer @ De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek N.V.) & Karina van den Berg (CAO - Business manager RBS Netherlands)

Photography: William Maanders

zone between RBS and De Brauw, where a further


Dutch Green Building Week soon in full swing

by Annemarie van Doorn

United Zuidas champions area

The Dutch Green Building Council is organising the

while battling a strong headwind. Participants

Dutch Green Building Week (DGBW) from 17 to 21

are finding inspiration for their own sustainable

September 2012 in Amsterdam’s Zuidas area,

initiatives in everyday business practices.

under the header ‘Green Inspiration’. The city

Achieving far-reaching sustainability makes

council wants to use the DGBW to boost broader

huge demands on everybody involved, which is

The quality of public spaces is essential to both

buildings. Buildings currently have separate escape

developments in society around the theme of

why cooperation is crucial in this field. A perfect

how companies operate and as a calling card for

routes in case of emergencies. If residents are

sustainability and innovation. It also wants to

example is the expedition Siemens is set to

those businesses. These circumstances are hard

unaware of the various escape routes, thousands

encourage new ways of thinking and working,

organise about sustainable area development.

to influence for companies individually. When

of people could be sent to the same narrow

bring together ideas and initiatives and show

Siemens can do an awful lot and has all the

Hello Zuidas was founded, business association

hallway in the event of a major calamity, which

what the Netherlands’ potential is in the field of

technology it needs in-house, but the final

ORAM incorporated Area Management in the

could result in very dangerous situations. We can

sustainable development.

realisation depends very much on other parties,

new organisation, and it’s been a big success.

now avoid these situations in the future thanks

as well as the people who come up with new On Tuesday 18 September, the Green Business

innovative ideas and are keen to apply those ideas.

to the Hello Zuidas shared information platform.

High quality management In April and July, facility managers and board

The collective nature of the area management is

members of large and mid-size companies teamed

not limited to sharing knowledge of safety and

Hello Zuidas to organise the ‘Sustainable Area

Making Zuidas a high-grade sustainable area

up with the managers of the Amsterdam Zuid

security issues. The platform will also be exploring

Development’ event.

As co-initiator and member of the board of the

local council, the Zuidas organisation, NS stations

new initiatives, such as joint purchasing of

Club Zuidas is teaming up with the Dutch Green Building Council, the Zuidas organisation and

Dutch Green Building Council and of the Green

and the police neighbourhood coordinators.

electricity and collective signposting. Finally, we

Do it!

Business Club Zuidas, I am extremely proud of

They discuss and reached agreements on the

will also be discussing upcoming building and road

Do it! That’s the slogan. With this idea in mind,

the fact that the Zuidas area has been chosen as

management and maintenance of the public

works. If you are a participant in Hello Zuidas and

companies are demonstrating that they are

the festival location for the Dutch Green Building

space, local infrastructure and safety aspects of

you would like to attend an area management

already realising sustainable solutions, sometimes

Week. It is fantastic to see that the Zuidas wants

the Zuidas area. One of the results of these talks

meeting, please contact us via: servicepoint@

to develop into a high-grade sustainable area.

is a new Service Level Agreement for the Zuidas,


The fact that companies located in the Zuidas area

based on the premise that these agreements will

also share this ambition is clear from the many

result in high-quality management. The goal is a

companies in the Green Business Club Zuidas

quality grade 8, according to ORAM standards.

who are working together to help increase sustainability in terms of energy use, mobility

New safety and security platform

and social commitment.

Safety and security in the Zuidas area is also a recurring theme in the so called “Beheeroverleg


Hello Zuidas”. Participants in the area manage-

If your company would like to play an active

ment expressed a desire to share safety issues

role in this cooperative effort, please join us

with each other. They will soon be able to share

on 18 September 2012 at the Meet & Greet

descriptions of burglars, suspicious situations or

from 16:00 to 17:30 in the WTC Amsterdam

clever tricks used by criminals in a new platform.

and meet the Green Business Club Zuidas.

This will mean that police neighbourhood

You can also mail us for further information at:

coordinators and the security staff at the various


buildings will be even better prepared for potential problems. They will also be mapping out and communicating shared escape routes in the area’s


Text: Annemarie van Doorn

Text: Koos Weits • Photography: William Maanders


Recruitment Admin / Logistics Assistant, Amsterdam Zuidas / WTC. Approx € 40.000 a year, excellent benefits This international US based company, active in the finance /

UniqUe in AmsterdAm exclUsive high-qUAlity design bUngAlow AvAilAble immediAtely € 850,000 Buyer Closing Costs Cannenburg 39, Buitenveldert 150 m² in current state: for Single or Couple, 1 bedroom and bathroom; easy to add more rooms, or even an extra floor; an animation of these possibilities is available. See www.funda.nl/koop/amsterdam/straat-cannenburg/nr-39/ for more information and a video of the bungalow

• 5 minutes from Zuidas and other offices in Buitenveldert, so no traffic jams from home to office • 15 minutes to Schiphol airport, easy access to the A10 ring road and public transport. • 50 m² south-facing terrace with sunshade, open fire and built-in heaters • 100 m² garden, beautiful park-view (Gijsbrecht van Amstelpark) • Shopping centres, tennis courts, Amsterdamse Bos close at hand For a viewing or questions, please contact: Fris makelaars, Buitenveldertselaan 42, Amsterdam, Tel. 020 - 301 77 00

lease industry for large companies, has their EMEA head office based in Amsterdam. Our client is looking for a motivated and outgoing individual to join the new European office. The job covers a broad spectrum of functions, supporting the efforts of the department and executives including administering general business office activities. You must be IT savvy; excellent Excel skills (formulas, databases, spreadsheets), good knowledge of MS Office (working knowledge of email, scheduling and presentation software); knowledge of CAMS is pre.

International Digital Account Director, Amsterdam, Zuidas / WTC

Holiday Inn Amsterdam

Salary approx € 60.000 - € 70.000 a year. Our client is one of the best interactive creative advertising

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Greenberg Nielsen moves to new office

Website zuidastravel

Greenberg Nielsen Finance Recruiters and The

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World Trade Center Amsterdam have signed a

difference is that it is now a lot easier to pick

long lease agreement for approximately 620 m2

the right flights from among the huge range of

of office space in the WTC F-tower.

scheduled flights and budget airline tickets on offer. By sorting and filtering flights, you can


ZuidasTravel.nl recently launched a completely

Greenberg Nielsen is a specialist recruiter

quickly select your desired flights. You can

placing quality finance professionals. Despite the

filter on the basis of price, direct flights, airline,

difficult economic climate, Greenberg Nielsen is

departure times or a combination of preferences.

increasing business. The company has offices in


Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

Special promotion:


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online booking via www.zuidastravel.nl,



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every booker will receive a voucher for free entry to SPA ZUIVER in the Amsterdam Bos.

Football tournament

Boek online op onze vernieuwde website!

Friday afternoon, 28 September, sees the kick-off of this year’s much coveted Zuidas Cup. This football tournament has been played every autumn since 2003, with teams from public and private companies either based in the Zuidas or involved in Zuidas projects playing for the trophy. www.zuidas.nl

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Rituals Amsterdam Zuid/WTC • Spoorslag 13 • 1082 MM Amsterdam

E-mail your memo’s to hellozuidas@asega.nl.


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Naamloos-1 1

8/15/2012 11:44:36 AM

8/15/2012 11:54:55 AM

Participants Hello Zuidas – September 2012 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com ABN Amro Accendium Accenture Akzo Nobel Amsterdam in Business Amsterdam RAI APG Arcadis ASEGA Media AVIS Autoverhuur Baker & McKenzie Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Beheer Brouwershoff Beheermaatschappij WTC Amsterdam Bereikbaarheidsmakelaar Verkeer advies BLUSH Beauty & Skin Clinic Boekel de Nerée Bolenius BNY Mellon Breevast CBRE B.V. citizenM Cofely Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek Dienst Zuidas Amsterdam DTZ Zadelhoff, Agency Amsterdam Duisenberg School of Finance Eetwinkel Zwaan Ernst & Young Accountants LLP Expatcenter Amsterdam G&S Vastgoed Galerie Modern Gerrit Rietveld Academie Greenberg Nielsen Green Business Club Zuidas Gustavino B.V. HAB International Accountants & Consultants HB Hairstylers Hello Sushi Hestia Kinderopvang Het Amsterdamse Bos Holiday Inn Amsterdam Holland Financial Centre Holland Interplan B.V. Houthoff Buruma ILFC Aviation Services (Europe) IMC Financial Markets Amsterdam ING Rayon Amsterdam Zuid West JCDecaux Nederland B.V. Kardan Kempen & Co Koetjes en Kalfjes Linklaters Loyens & Loeff Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. Markit Mech Make & Take Miles Building Mood for Real Estate MultiCopy Nederland B.V. My Best Team Ever NDI ICT Solutions


NEWNRG Nick & Delano NL Real Estate Novotel Amsterdam City NS Oliver’s Ontspits Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam ORAM Pathé Phisage Beauty & Wellness Property NL B.V. Qbic Hotels Q-Park Nederland Rabobank Amsterdam Markt Zuid RBS Russell Reynolds Associates SANTOS LUXURY Schiphol Real Estate Season-Flowers Securitas SLFMD Tailoring Stadsdeel Zuid Star Meal Stibbe Sushi Time Symphony’s Tandartsenpraktijk Van De Veer TAXI-E The Change Agent The Office Operators TPEX Transcore Management Triple Ace Vimpelcom Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam VU Connected VU Medisch Centrum Wagamama World Trade Center Amsterdam WTC Amsterdam Business Club WTCafé De Blauwe Engel Your Assistant Zingeving Zuidas ZuidasTravel.nl Zuidschans Zuidas Travel

Colophon Foundation Hello Zuidas Strawinskylaan 61 - 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL + 31 (0)20 333 7441 - servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal: With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions.

Boek online op onze vernieuwde website!

Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by ASEGA Media: Parnassusweg 819 - 1082 LZ - Amsterdam (UN-gebouw, Zuidas) Goirkestraat 90 – 5046 GN – Tilburg, NL P.O. Box: 9202 -5000 HE – Tilburg, NL +31 (0) 20 617 1451 - + 31 (0) 13 545 3298 info@asega.nl - www.asega.nl

Editor-in-chief: Romy Lange Management/Sr. Sales: Bob Oostelbos Sales executives: Romy Lange, Karin Starreveld Art Director & Graphic Designer: Jilles Mermans Final Editor: Frank van Bergen Translation: Garry Piggott Editors/contributors: Olivier Otten, Eline Hoogendijk, Koos Weits, Suzanne de Rijk, Romy Lange, Kirsten van den Hul, Taco Nijssen Photography: William Maanders, Wouter van Ierssel, Max Thijssen, Lotte de Graaf Interns: Sarah Bekkering, Veronika Bacova Editorial advisory board: Sasja Albersen, Jeannette Driessen, Olivier Otten Thanks to: PropertyNL, Jeanette Driessen, Holland Finance Centre, Melanie Schultz, Talien Willems, Sipke Feenstra, The Office Operators, Hans & Cathy de Haan, Hella & Arend de Jong, Karina van den Berg, Barbara van Duren-Kloppert, Annemarie van Doorn Printed by: Drukkerij Gianotten

Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at hellozuidas@asega.nl.

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Print run each edition: 20.000 copies Circulation: It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency: Six times a year, (bi-monthly)* (*four times in 2012 )

Copyright: © 2012 ASEGA Media. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.

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