Hello Zuidas #36

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#36 hellozuidas.com MARCH • APRIL 2018

The life of Zuidas personality Ruth Jansen

(Zuidas Today)


HOME That’s where the SUNSHINE learned to SHINE

N O W AVA I L A B L E YO U R N E W L U X U R Y R E N TA L A PA R T M E N T + G A R D E N Only a few spacious ground floor apartments are still available on the edge of Amsterdam Zuid. Live in a cosmopolitan area where work and living are combined. Surrounded by gorgeous architecture with international allure and numerous facilities to live comfortably.

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GO-GETTERS MAKE ZUIDAS COMPLETE She works in Zuidas, lives in Zuidas, vlogs about

in this issue! I also caught up with Cecile and Bonnie,

Zuidas and regularly organizes events for there...

architects of the GET LOST - art route, grilled the

So who better to invite for a feature interview in

ladies over at Von Poll Real Estate and Ramón Mossel

Our magazine than Ruth Jansen of Zuidas Today?

about their trade, secured a column with advice on

Fortunately for us, she said yes! Vibrant, unique and

love, and interviewed Olivier Otten, Janke Dekker

bursting with enthusiasm, this issue’s cover captures

and Christiane Estourgie about a play in Zuidas.

her personality perfectly. When I arrived in Zuidas almost six years ago and became editor-in-chief

In short, it’s another issue jam-packed with

of this magazine, Ruth was one of the first people I

Zuidas happenings and developments!

met. Straight away, she made a big impression on me, and we became friends. With her beauty clinic

Do you know anyone in Zuidas who deserves to

located just one floor above my office in the WTC

be on our cover? Tell us by sending an email to

Amsterdam, she now drops by frequently so we can


run down her list of ideas for Zuidas together. In our interview, Ruth explains why she’s so devoted to

Happy reading!

Zuidas and what motivates her. One thing is certain:

Romy Lange

enthusiastic go-getters like Ruth make places like

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

Zuidas complete. But that’s not the only great read


Have you heard the news? On 1 January, Zuidas had quite the growth spurt. We are used to expanding upwards, but now the district is extending its geographic boundaries to the West. Amsterdam’s Municipal Executive has given the green light to assessing development options for the area between Zuidas and De Nieuwe Meer and De Schinkel. This is in line with the city’s desire to creating 50,000 more residences by 2025. The current vision provides for an area that couples sports and recreation with living and working. I think this area offers lots of unique potential for building a bridge between the urban and outdoor landscapes. If you’re interested in learning more, we’ll be happy to send you a copy of the memorandum. Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas









CONTENTS 07 Trending Topics 08 The Life of Zuidas personality Ruth Jansen 12 Building the Future 15 Hello Bike! 16 Property 18 Hello Zuidas | Public Space

Got a Minute?

21 Column - Gregory Shapiro 22 Zuidas welcomes Von Poll Real Estate! 24 GET LOST - art route

Set to return this year

26 Finance 28 Ramón Mossel Makelaardij Expertise for the expat market

30 Hello Zuidas | Agenda 34 BMW Amsterdam

Hello You 36 Legal News 37 Vesteda 38

An interview with CEO Gertjan van der Baan

4 resolutions to bring more love into your life 41 De edele kunst van het schijt hebben 42 Play forges fruitful alliance in Zuidas

Zuidas Architecture 44 Help Zuidas travel smart! | Mobility 46 Hello You 49 Wine and champagne for every palate in Zuidas 51 Hello Zuidas | Sustainability 52 Hello You 54 Hello Zuidas | New Members 55 Memo Board 57

‘Carsharing among colleagues as well as tenants will help to alleviate the parking problem’

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. •5


#TRENDING TOPICS YOU CAN FIND HELLO ZUIDAS ON THESE ONLINE PLATFORMS hellozuidas @HelloZuidas @hellozuidas For employees of companies

who are member of Hello Zuidas,

it is possible to join our LinkedIn

group or link to Hello Zuidas

as a contact. Hello Zuidas has an iPad app

Amsterdam Zuidas @ Amsterdam Zuidas

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Veel jonge professionals zoeken balans tussen werk en privéleven. Terwijl zij leren

that allows you to flip through

Mahlerplein & Zuidplein

omgaan met de hectiek van het werkende leven, is de eenzaamheid onder ouderen actueler dan ooit. Wat gebeurt er als je deze groepen samenbrengt? #Zuidas



The life of Zuidas personality Ruth Jansen Ruth Jansen, owner Phisage Beauty & Wellness, event planner & vlogger

Ruth Jansen, who opened her beauty salon in the WTC Amsterdam just over ten years ago, is one of the district’s networking heavyweights these days. She and her husband Emile Govaert live in the New Amsterdam tower in Zuidas and can’t imagine ever leaving it. Besides running her salon, Phisage Beauty & Wellness, Ruth also organizes events that connect people of all ages, while on ‘Zuidas Today’ she vlogs almost daily about everything that’s new and notable in the district. ‘The media have a tendency to portray this as a place where people work 80-hour weeks, earn fistfuls of money and have no life beyond that. But there are also kids growing up here, and dogs being walked. People tend to forget that, and that’s what I want to show in my vlogs.’ When did you first come to Zuidas? ‘Years ago there was a KLM health centre, Careport, in the WTC

We’ve got a boat on the lake at De Nieuwe Meer so we

Amsterdam. Back then I ran a beauty salon in Aalsmeer and one

can spend our time outdoors, and Emile and I regularly hop on our

of my clients worked at Careport. She told me that there were no

scooter to explore other parts of Amsterdam. I’ve always been a

salons in Zuidas and asked me if I wanted to come help out on

people person and it energizes me to meet people who are actively

National Secretaries Day to pamper secretaries there. That was a

doing something with their lives. And if I can help, why shouldn’t I?

huge success. Mind you, that was 11 years ago. It was clear to me

I’m a strong believer in community spirit. And, sure, I run into obstacles

right from the start that Zuidas harboured massive potential. And I

too, but those only motivate me to keep going. Seeing that an event

felt right at home here. Not long after that I opened a beauty salon in

has been a big hit and has sparked off fresh initiatives always galvanizes

Zuidas, and it was at the opening party that I met Emile, who is now

me to come up with something new.’

my husband. So it was love at first sight - twice over! Emile is a real estate manager at the WTC, so aside from living together we also

What is your personal goal for Zuidas?

work next door to each other.’

‘I want to connect people. That’s also why I organize events. Take the cooking workshops at Restaurant NINE, for example,

Do you remember your first impression of the district?

or the warm-weather picnics in Beatrixpark and game days for

‘What struck me immediately was the genuinely cosmopolitan atmos-

lonely seniors at CIRCL. People seem to inhabit their own little

phere, the great diversity of nationalities. I find that so inspiring.

bubble not just in Zuidas, but all over the Netherlands. I love that

Zuidas is not exactly a blueprint for the Netherlands, but I’m convinced

feeling of people connecting and seeing interaction that creates

that everyone with potential can make it here. I know people who

positive energy.’

started from nothing and now own and operate a thriving business.’

What gave you the idea to host cooking workshops? You’ve come to know a vast number of people through

‘I was asking myself what the most basic common denominator

your beauty salon. How big is your network?

was that links people, and concluded pretty quickly that it had to

‘Well, Phisage just celebrated its tenth year. I have no idea what the

be eating and drinking- preferably together. One of my clients is

actual size of my network is, but I do know thousands of people in

an Italian lady who worked in banking for years and loves to cook.

this district. When I go out on weekends, I continue to run into

She wanted to spend more time on her hobby, but her busy career

people I know.’

didn’t allow it. In the end, she decided to follow her passion. She left banking and now runs her own company and writes cookery books.

Do you ever tire of Zuidas?

She headed my first cooking workshop, which was about Italian food,

‘People ask me that question from time to time - Don’t you ever

and which was an instant hit. We’ve done ten editions now,

get tired of living in as well as working in Zuidas and organizing

and each time we tend to focus on a different national cuisine.

events there on top of it all? Obviously, Zuidas has its ups and downs,

Lots of the people who sign up work in Zuidas, but there is a growing

but there are plenty of opportunities to escape every now and then.

number of local residents.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Cihan Turhan • Make-up Artist Christel Mijers • Special thanks to Season Flowers, Marck Wollenberg & Zohar Fashion


Name: Ruth Jansen Occupation: Beauty specialist, event planner and vlogger Age: 59 Husband: Emile Govaert Children: three, plus three grandchildren Hobbies: cooking, travelling, sailing and organizing Ruth’s beauty salon in the WTC Amsterdam is open daily and enjoys a large clientele in Zuidas.


And then, on top of everything,

What are your objectives for the coming year?

you decided to take up vlogging. Why?

First of all, I want to expand my video platform, ‘Zuidas Today’, and

‘My first vlog went online a year and a half ago, and my idea at the

take my vlogging to the next level, by making vlogs for companies on

time was to refute the one-sided stories and stereotypes about

a more regular basis. I also want to do more with art in Zuidas’ public

Zuidas and to show, through my vlog, that the people who live

spaces, which is still sorely lacking. I’m already involved in several

and work here are all just regular people. The media have a tendency

initiatives, in which I team up with Andrea Raken and Anton Meester.

to portray Zuidas as a place where people work 80-hour weeks,

A city or neighbourhood without any art has no soul. Another plan is

earn fistfuls of money and have no life beyond that. In my opinion,

to set up “stopovers”, which is something I plan to do in collaboration

that’s patently untrue. Now I’m up to 200 vlogs and have met lots of

with Schiphol and the major museums of Amsterdam. The idea is

fascinating people. It’s exciting to reveal the person behind the job.

to set up speed-itineraries for people with a stopover in Amsterdam,

And that applies equally to the newspaper delivery guy and the

to visit places like the Rijksmuseum - and spots in Zuidas as well!

sanitation worker - they are every bit as much a part of Zuidas.

I envision Zuidas becoming a destination people will want to visit:

There are kids growing up here, and dogs being walked. People tend

as an attraction in its own right.’

to forget that, and that’s what I want to show in my vlogs.’

Are there any drawbacks to all that enthusiasm? ‘No, I don’t think enthusiasm has drawbacks. Of course there are times that I invest in something that doesn’t work out, but I maintain a positive attitude. If there’s a setback to get over, that motivates me to go on to something that does succeed.’

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‘I don’t think enthusiasm has drawbacks. Of course there are times that I invest in something that doesn’t work out, but I maintain a positive attitude’

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CLEARING TREES AND GREENING ZUIDAS Aside from continuing to develop Zuidas in the years ahead, the imminent commencement of the Zuidasdok project - which comprises widening and tunnelling of part of the A10 south motorway and renewal of Amsterdam Zuid station aboveground - will unavoidably cut a swathe through local landscaping. Yet, the City actually envisions more greenery as part of its ambition. So, what’s the deal? Work on Zuidasdok is set to start soon, and

make way for the first phase of Zuidasdok

between the Amstel and De Nieuwe Meer

the first trees have already been felled. On

construction works. But that’s just the be-

junctions will have to be uprooted, including

Arnold Schönberglaan and outside the EY

ginning. Eventually, all of the planting in the

some 14,400 trees altogether. The actual

offices, over 600 trees are being cleared to

median strip and along the embankments

construction phase will follow in 2019.

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Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 5065 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl

PLAN TO GREEN ZUIDAS Trees are being cleared not only to make space for Zuidasdok, but also for ongoing area development. Between 2012 and 2021, around

zuidas •

2,450 trees will have to go. Ultimately, however, the ambition is to


turn Zuidas into attractive green neighbourhood. In January, City authorities submitted a ‘Plan to Green Zuidas’ to the City Council. Allocating €10 million over the next five years, the plan centres on high-quality, high-diversity, long-term investments in trees, shrubs, climbers, water, bank planting, uncultivated plots, herbaceous and floral planting, grasses, perennials and bulbs on squares, rooftops,


façades and in courtyards and parks.

FOR INITIATIVES Specific measures in the Plan to Green Zuidas include the


re-landscaping of Claude

But that’s not all. The whole area between the two traffic junctions

Debussylaan and the southern

being cleared this year will be ‘regreened’ after the completion of

end of Mahlerplein. In the

Zuidasdok. Trees will be planted in the verges and embankments,

interim, the City has earmarked

along with an herbaceous mix of floral planting that will look

€200,000 for temporary planting

pretty all year round. The noise barriers will also be covered

and to fund resident and user

with greenery. By far the most spectacular element of all will

ideas and initiatives over the

be DokDakpark, an ecological link as well as a tranquil green

next five years.

oasis connecting the eastern and western sections of Zuidas. It is to be created on top of the buildings situated on the north flank of Amsterdam Zuid station (between Beethovenstraat and


Parnassusweg). Pedestrian bridges will connect it to Beatrixpark

So while a large share of trees and plants will be disappearing over the next few

and to the square fronting the courthouse on Parnassusweg. In

years, eventually we will get more high-quality green space in return. The same

other words, besides being treated to nice views, we’ll all be able

applies to the centre of Zuidas , with plans for a rich green environment that

to walk through these green spaces in the near future as well.

embraces people, plants and animals.

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The trees planted along De Boelelaan late last year were supplied by the tree garden in Kop Zuidas. Alongside trees, the verges were also planted with flower bulbs and grass. With spring just around the corner, De Boelelaan will soon be looking like a genuine avenue.

THE TREES OF ZUIDAS Up until the end of last year, Zuidas

there, while in March care provider

this is smaller in size than what is being

had its own temporary arboretum of

Cordaan will break ground for assisted-

chopped down this year, the quality will

sorts. Situated in the north-eastern

living apartments for seniors, and April

be better. The trees being cleared from

section of the district, Kop Zuidas, it

will see work start on the SUD complex,

the Zuidasdok site at the moment have

served as both a nursery for Zuidas and

with apartments for buyers.

an estimated value of â‚Ź2.6 million; those

an informative playground for school

In future, Zuidas will have to source its

that will subsequently be planted in the


trees elsewhere. That includes the 4,000

project area are expected to match that

or so trees to be replanted after the

value. Any money that might be left over

Now it has made way for construction

Zuidasdok project has wrapped up.

will be placed in the Zuidas replanting

works. In February, construction of the

The exact number depends on the

fund to support long-term greening of

new headquarters of Suitsupply started

species and size chosen, and though

the district.

PROPERTY Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features property news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your property news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

AM TO BUILD 250 APARTMENTS NEAR RAI Zuidas - AM’s CROSSOVER has landed the tender for the RAI-side plot on the corner of the A10 south motorway exit and Europaboulevard. It was selected by the Amsterdam’s city council to develop this first section of the A10 strip. CROSSOVER is an innovative, multifunctional concept combining residential, office and business functions in a flexible design. It will offer 10,000 m² in rental housing (246 units), including 6,000 m² for social housing (156 units), ten homes for first-time buyers to total 600 m² GFA, and approximately 5,500 m² GFA for offices. At street level, 600 m² is reserved for social initiatives and 550 m² for housing restaurants. Crossover will also feature shared spaces where co-living, co-working and co-creating come together in varying constellations, and where open social spaces will invite and foster connectivity.

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Zuidas - Last December, FS NL Holdings, a subsidiary of


Singapore-based First Sponsor Group Limited, signed a €55.5

Zuidas - For the second year in a row, Amsterdam’s

million deal for the purchase of most of the apartment rights

Southern-IJ Bank recorded the best performance in the

in the Meerparc building from the ASR Property Fund, which

Dutch office-tenant market, making it the country’s best

is part of ASR asset management. Located on Amstelveense-

office real estate investment location, according to Spring

weg 638-730, next door to the Zuiderhof building, Meerparc

Real Estate’s Dutch Office Locations Ranking 2017. As in the

is First Sponsor’s first acquisition in the Netherlands. Most of

last edition, the list’s top 3 is rounded out by Amsterdam’s

the office space is currently leased to law firm DLA Piper.

Zuidas and Bio Science Park in Leiden.

SALSA SHOP BRINGS A TASTE OF MEXICO TO ZUIDPLEIN Zuidas - Mexican chain Salsa Shop is to open a new restaurant in the WTC complex on Zuidplein, filling the gap left by ‘t Zwaantje and marking the next step in the eatery’s expansion. Come this spring, new locations are also scheduled to open in Rotterdam and The Hague, and another branch is already dishing out Mexican specialities in Utrecht’s Hoog Catherijne shopping centre. Meanwhile, property broker City Real Estate is seeking more high-traffic locations for Salsa Shop in the Netherlands top 20 cities. Established by four friends in 2014, Salsa Shop is now gearing up for a European expansion.

COOLBLUE FLAGSHIP STORE OPENS ON GUSTAV MAHLERLAAN Zuidas - Electronics retailer Coolblue has opened its largest store to date in Zuidas. Moving 50 metres up the street from its existing premises on Gustav Mahlerlaan, Coolblue’s new store offers a total retail floor area of 1,700 m², spread across two levels. Since opening this new Amsterdam location, Coolblue has added a ninth store in The Hague’s New Babylon.

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GOT A MINUTE? With residential developments shooting up right and left all over Zuidas, children are becoming an ever greater part of the local fabric. That made us curious to find out what they think of this distinctive corner of Amsterdam. What is it like to live in Zuidas? Here, several eager interviewees share their experiences.

LINDE (AGED 6) AND HER SISTER IRIS (4) LIVE ON A SIDE STREET OFF GUSTAV MAHLERLAAN Linde: ‘We have lived here for almost two years, and before that we lived on Maasstraat, which is a street in the Rivierenbuurt neighbourhood. We both go to Kindercampus, a school in Zuidas. We both really like the school and the other kids. Mostly we walk or ride our bikes there.’ Iris: ‘Our neighbourhood has lots of kids. We would like a big playground.’ Linde: ‘We go to Beatrixpark and Amstelpark a lot, and for groceries we go to the new Albert Heijn.’

LAURA (AGED 16), BABYSITTING YOON (4), AND LOBKE THE CAT LIVE IN DJANGO Laura: ‘We moved here from Prinseneiland. This house is large and light. Zuidas has a good atmosphere because of all the businesses, but it is sort of quiet at weekends. I get my hair cut at Rob Peetoom and sometimes take fitness classes at Clubsportive. With all the new apartment buildings, there are more and more kids around. I babysit Yoon every Friday. She especially likes coming to play with my cat, Lobke. As for myself, I can't think of anything lacking here, but I think younger children would like a playground nearby.’

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SAACHI (AGED 7) LIVES IN SUMMERTIME ‘We moved to Holland from India, and now we live in Zuidas. I like it here a lot, and I like going to school at the Amsterdam International Community School every day. Holland is very different from India. There are hardly any bikes to be found in India, but here you see them everywhere. School is close, and so are the shops, which is great! One of my classmates lives near me and the neighbourhood is fun. On Saturdays I take swimming lessons at the Mirandabad. I love swimming there!’

‘Our friends think this building is cool because it’s so tall, and of course because it has a pool’

RUBEN (AGED 15) AND HIS SISTER LENADIA (13) LIVE IN NEW AMSTERDAM Ruben: ‘We moved from Amsterdam Zuid to Zuidas about five years ago. We were not familiar with Zuidas before we moved here. There was still a lot of grass around the building back then.’ Lenadia: ‘I like that our flat has big windows because they let in lots of light. We often go to the restaurants in this neighbourhood and do our shopping here.’ Ruben: ‘Our friends think this building is cool because it’s so tall, and it has a pool. They want to live here too.’ Lenadia: ‘I wish there were more real parks around. We can’t really let the dog off his lead here.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Mart Media Monster

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Zuidas, Congratulations with the European Medicines Agency - the Rest of Europe Lost. Congratulations, Zuidas! Amsterdam won

Amsterdam won the EMA - it’s that the rest

In fact, the final voting was determined by

its bid to host the EMA European Medicines

of Europe lost. London is the current home

drawing a name from a bowl. Having rea-

Agency - and to guarantee Ernst & Young

of the EMA, but after the Brexit vote, the

ched the Final, Dutch officials were honestly

really have no place to park. In January,

rest of the EU just wants to punish them.

shocked that they won. The Guardian quotes

work started on the new purpose-built EMA

Milano was tied with Amsterdam in the

one official saying: “You know, we Dutch are

headquarters, which is designed to look

final voting. And while Milano is Fashion

really good at coming second.” Another said:

rather like an enormous white pill dispenser.

City, the EMA staff preferred to wear

“We’d massively lowered our expectations.”

But don’t be fooled - the EMA is not coming

comfortable shoes. Actually, the Italians

And apparently they did such a good job

to give out medicine to people; that’s the job

did win in a way: the name of the new EMA

that the plans for finishing the new building

of Dutch doctors (who also do not give out

HQ is The Vivaldi Building, after the Italian

on time look rather unrealistic. Yes, Amster-

medicine to people).

composer. Vivaldi is known for his Four

dam won, despite the fact there is no real

Seasons, 3 of which we have in the Nether-

hope of having the new EMA HQ finished by

But let’s take a moment and savor how

lands: Spring, Rainy Season, Fall and Fall.

April, 2019. But then again, Brexit won’t be

sweet this victory is. It’s not just that

Just like London.

anywhere near ready then either.

Gregory Shapiro (b.1968) Comedian. American. Dutchman. And the voice of Trump in the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ Shapiro came to Amsterdam to work with Boom Chicago comedy theater and never left. Along the way he has hosted ‘Comedy Central News.’ He has written 2 books on Dutch culture, including How to Be Dutch: the Quiz. As host of ‘United States of Europe,’ Shapiro offers a ‘Daily Show’ for the EU. Making fun of Europe, the American way.

Photography Davien Hulsman



Newcomer in Zuidas is Von Poll Real Estate, an international residential property agent catering to anyone wishing to buy, sell or rent. Hello Zuidas visited their brand new, sleek and welcoming second Amsterdam office - on Claude Debussylaan - to talk to Marie-Christine Lodewijk and Elisabeth van Zijverden about their exciting new location, the business and their expectations of Zuidas. A PLACE TO DROP BY FOR ADVICE

well as the rest of Europe, and Marie-Christine and

Von Poll Real Estate is a firm that has its roots in

I have the licence to expand the company across the

Germany. It has branched out to major economic

Netherlands.’ ‘We’ve got two locations in Amsterdam

centres worldwide, including Zuidas. Marie-Christine

at the moment’, Marie-Christine adds, ‘but we’re

explains, ‘Our first location opened on Keizersgracht

also scoping out other international business hubs

last year, which is a great location, but Zuidas has

like The Hague, Eindhoven and Maastricht. The

such a dynamic and international feel. Amsterdam is

German border region is particularly attractive to us

changing fast, and Zuidas is the place where things

because of Germans who prefer to live just across

really happen. We’re very well positioned to serve

the border.’ Elisabeth explains, ‘Though we’re eager

expats who work here, particularly given Von Poll

to expand quickly here, we’re not merely interested

Real Estate’s global network.’ ‘For people working

in how fast we can close deals. We can also provide

in Zuidas, it’s really convenient to be able to drop by

specialist expertise. On top of that, we harbour a

during a break and find out how we can help them

lot of knowledge about issues like the complicated

sell, buy or rent a place’, Elisabeth goes on. ‘And

ground leases in Amsterdam, and can explain that to

we also do appraisals.’ ‘We have a huge network’,

all of our clients, including non-natives.’

Marie-Christine says, ‘not only in Amsterdam, but well beyond’.

TROUBLED MARKET The two agents share concerns about Amsterdam’s

‘Amsterdam is changing fast, and Zuidas is the place where things really happen’

current housing market. ‘Amsterdam is heading in the same direction as London, when one looks at that particular market and how it’s heating up. Construction ground to a halt during the crisis, and now everyone’s racing to catch up. So that’s a



definite problem’. ‘Under Laurens Ivens’ policy, in


Already an established name in Germany and

which 40% of residential stock is reserved for social

Claude Debussylaan

elsewhere in Europe, Von Poll is now spreading its

housing, 40% for the mid-rental segment and 20%

134 (The Rock)

wings to the Netherlands. ‘Von Poll Real Estate has

for the open market, owner-occupied homes are

+ 31 (0)20 215 9988

been in business for about 15 years now. In recent

becoming very scarce’, Marie-Christine concludes,


years the firm has grown substantially, in Germany as

‘and prices will only soar further’.

Text Romy Lange • Photography Michael Graste

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‘ART ROUTE SET TO RETURN THIS YEAR!’ In 2015, Zuidas hosted the first GET LOST - Art Route, when seven organizations commissioned eight artists to produce works to display in public spaces. This year, GET LOST returns. By connecting companies in Zuidas with talented young artists, the GET LOST foundation will once again generate art meant especially for local public spaces. As organizers Cecile Wentges and Bonnie Dumanaw explain, striking up both private and public partnerships to commission art are essential for the cultural development of places like Zuidas. HOW IS THE GET LOST - ART ROUTE

The artists are free to come up with their

so the company can decide whether


own designs. They’ll each present two

it actually wants to produce the work.

Cecile: ‘Several companies in Zuidas have

sketches, from which the company chooses

These won’t be static paintings or objects,

agreed to be patrons and are commissioning

one - provided they feel comfortable with

but interactive, thought-provoking and

young artists from various art schools to

the proposal, of course.’ Bonnie: ‘The

genuinely eye-catching works. Together,

create a work to display in a public space.

sketches are presented without obligation,

all of these artworks will ultimately form

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the GET LOST - Art Route 2018. Given the growing population of area users, Zuidas could definitely use an added splash of colour and dimensionality.’



multinational, where I quickly discovered


that the business world was not my cup

Would you like to commission an


of tea. I enrolled at the Gerrit Rietveld

artwork for the route, alongside

Cecile: ‘Code of conduct is a corporate

Academie and started exploring where my


reference, of course, pointing specifically to

strengths lie. That quest took four years,

Real Estate, Loyens & Loeff and Vrije

the fact that society and consumers these

eventually culminating in building an actual

Universiteit? Get in touch via the

days expect businesses to be increasingly

bridge between the Loyens & Loeff office

website: www.getlost-artroute.com.

transparent. There’s a clear desire for

and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and giving

Your organization can contribute to art

openness. So we decided to ask companies

guided tours for and through both of those

in a public space in Zuidas starting

if they would be interested in having an artist

worlds. I think that there are so many ways

from €2,500.

take their code of conduct as a conceptual

in which we can learn from each other

starting point for an artwork for the public

and inspire each other in today’s world.

space.’ Bonnie: ‘This is quite exciting for

Besides, having trust and working together

many of them, as it can be a contentious

is essential to that. Being that link between

GET LOST is part of Public Art

topic. The artists will be looking at a

the worlds of art and business really suits

Amsterdam, an event that celebrates

company’s code of conduct through their

me.’ Bonnie: ‘For many years I worked for a

art in public spaces and spotlights

own artistic lens. As we discovered, a lot of

national fund that provides grants to artists,

both new and existing artworks. GET

companies haven’t actually fully fleshed out

designers and architects. That is how I met

LOST and Public Art Amsterdam will

a code of conduct yet.’

Cecile; she asked me to help with this year’s

mark their kick-off with a special

edition. I think it’s important to provide

opening weekend on 22-24 June.


a visible showcase for artworks by young


artists. GET LOST is an initiative that links


young artists to companies, and it is those

Cecile: ‘I studied economics and after

two very different worlds that we want to

that did a management traineeship at a

bring together.’

Hester Alberdingk Thijm, member of the GET LOST recommendations committee and director of the AkzoNobel Art Foundation: ‘We value the opportunity to take part in the GET LOST - Art Route, because it engenders a wonderful synergy between artist, company and place. In our own public exhibition space, Art Space, we similarly try to forge connections with the outside world and to facilitate artistic encounters. Now the GET LOST - Art Route is doing the same thing in public spaces all throughout Zuidas. This is a unique and ideal platform for talented young artists to get exposure!’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 25

FINANCE Source: Het Financieele Dagblad Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

‘HOUSING SHORTAGE TO GROW’ Zuidas - Scarcity in the Dutch residential sector is growing faster than anticipated and is predicted to peak in 2020, according to a study published by property broker Capital Value and ABF Research. Though investors have the cash to fund new housing, construction companies don’t have the capacity to build them, nor is there enough land to build them on. First time buyers and seniors with restricted mobility will be hit the hardest. The year 2018 started with a shortfall of 205,000 homes, slightly more than previously predicted. This trend will continue until 2020, when that figure will reach 235,000.

26 •





Zuidas - Technology giants like Amazon, Google and Alibaba

Zuidas - According to the latest Global Entrepreneurship

that are expanding their activities into banking operations,

Monitor, framework conditions for entrepreneurship are better

have to be held to the same strict laws and regulations as

in the Netherlands than just about anywhere else, However,

banks, and their entry in the sector could threaten financial

the country scores under par on influence on job creation and

stability, a group of European bank directors recently said

innovation. Carried out in the Netherlands by independent

in the British Financial Times. Since the introduction of the

research institute Panteia/EIM and financed by the Ministry

Revised Directive on Payment Services (PSD2) in January,

of Economic Affairs, the GEM is a worldwide study conducted

European banks are required to open their systems for third-

annually. It consists of two parts: the first evaluates framework

party transfers at clients’ request. Large, established tech

conditions such as entrepreneurial finance, government tax

companies - like their fledgling fintech counterparts - are

policies and physical infrastructure. The second is a survey, the

now showing a keen interest in the banking data goldmine.

Entrepreneurship Spirit Index, done locally.

NEW INITIATIVE GIVES BUILDING INNOVATORS A LEG UP Zuidas - A new programme is slated to give construction and real estate sector startups a boost to reach the €3 million turnover mark within three years. This summer the initiative will guide an initial group of eight startups through the first phase of working an idea up into a product and taking the step towards acquiring customers and expanding their enterprise. According to programme initiator Wouter Truffino of sector organization Holland ConTech & PropTech, until now there was no platform to provide construction and real estate startups with this type of assistance. ‘Startups receive guidance to advance their concept, but there’s no real accelerator in the construction and real estate sector to beef up companies,’ Truffino explains, ‘and that’s something both large companies and our startup affiliates have been calling for’.

CONSULTANTS PENETRATE HEART OF AD WORLD Zuidas - Big consultancy firms have recently been buying up marketing agencies in bunches, starting with Accenture and quickly followed by Deloitte, IBM, PwC and McKinsey. By taking over a multitude of agencies, including British Karmarama, Belgian Kunstmaan, Swedish Acne, Pond and Veryday, German ecx.io and American Lunar and Heat, they have created marketing players worth billions of euros in turnover in just a few short years. Consultants’ sudden interest in the marketing industry - worth an estimated €500 billion - comes as their advertising clients grapple with both the difficulty of reaching consumers in the new age of online buying and the unfamiliar rules governing the internet playing field, as opposed to the old world of brick and mortar and printed media. With sleek designs and videos supplanted by demand for statistics and digital customer tracking, consultants are on the acquisitions path to supply just that.

• 27

Ramón Mossel Makelaardij



With Amsterdam’s increasing international orientation and the rapid shift of the housing market, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij has chosen to strengthen its focus on rental housing for expats. The reputable estate agent on Maasstraat, celebrating its 15th anniversary this year, has built up a wealth of experience in the housing sector, says owner Ramón Mossel. Hello Zuidas crossed over to the opposite end of Beatrixpark to talk to Ramón about his firm and what they have to offer to expats. ‘We speak expats’ language, have a large portfolio at our disposal and know when and where properties will become available.’

28 •

suitable. If you call us to arrange for a search, we can give you at least six places to view that very day.’ Once expats have found a place that feels right, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij also offers assistance for subsequent processes. ‘For us it’s no trouble to arrange contracts with utility services and to get


your internet connection up and running. And if

As soon as the housing market showed signs of a

you’re looking for a top quality international school

new upsurge, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij began

for your kids, we can help with that too.’

to zoom in on rental housing. ‘Because of the increasing presence of international companies in Amsterdam, expats have become an important target group for us,’ Ramón explains. ‘Over the last few years, we’ve done comprehensive research on this market, and now we’ve got rental properties

‘We’ve done comprehensive research on the expat market, and now we’ve got rental properties in many great locations’

in many great locations - around Gelderlandplein, for instance, but also elsewhere in the city. The


expat market for housing still has lots of potential.’

At the moment, the housing market is stagnating,

According to Ramón, one of his firm’s key strengths

says Ramón. Something has to change. ‘Whether

is that they always have properties available for

your bank account is big or small, it has become

prospective renters and buyers. In addition, that

really difficult to find something in the current market

staff are well-informed about what’s happening

that suits your needs. Clearly, something has gone

all over the city. ‘When expats come to us, we can

askew, and righting it will take time. In my view, the

take them to viewings of places straight away. We

problem is lack of turnover in the housing market.

speak expats’ language, have a large portfolio at our

Everyone in real estate has different interests,

disposal and know when and where properties will

which is understandable, but if those interests

become available. We’ve also built up a vast network

cannot be harmonized somehow, the problems

in recent years, which has really paid off.’

will never get solved.’ Ramón is very optimistic about developments in Zuidas, however. ‘Zuidas is


a place that’s going to be buzzing 24/7. It gives the

Ramón is aware of the fact that expats usually have

Amsterdam housing market an international identity.


little time to delve into the housing market, and

Especially with shopping center Gelderlandplein


he has tailored his services accordingly. ‘Naturally

in its backyard. There are actually days that I don’t

Maasstraat 128

we start out by getting a full picture of what clients

speak any Dutch at all, because I’m only meeting

+ 31 (0)20 305 2662

want, because their preferences vary widely. But

with international clients. Zuidas is going to become


we employ an effective searching system, which

the place to be. The total development of Zuidas fits


minimizes the time needed to find something

perfectly by the ambitions of our office!

Text Romy Lange • Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 29



Tuesday 13 March REAL ESTATE BREAKFAST Sunday 11 March AMSTELPARK TENNIS OPEN HOUSE EVENT @ Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver Amstelpark Tennis opens its doors for all tennis enthusiasts in Amsterdam. Enjoy an afternoon of tennis clinics and intensive trial lessons, and relax at the Amstelpark club house. With 21 floodlit outdoor courts (gravel) and 11 indoor courts, Amstelpark offers a full range of facilities for tennis players of all ages and abilities. Whether you’re Wednesday 7 March

in search of a new club or want to take


lessons, book a company event or hire

@ CIRCL Amsterdam is growing in all directions, especially in Zuidas, where new offices and housing are shooting up to both the east and west. Meanwhile,

SESSION: RETAIL @ JLL HQ, Atrium Amsterdam Keynote speakers at this session include Carl Damen, head of acquisitions and projects at Primera. There will also be a panel discussion chaired by Collin Boelhouwer, director of Dutch Retail Investments at Bouwinvest. The cost is €99 for Vastgoedmarkt subscribers, €245 for non-subscribers. Time: 8 am to 11 am For info and to sign up: www.vastgoedmarktontbijtsessies.nl.

a court on a weekly basis: Amstelpark has it all. Sign up for the open house event and see what Amstelpark Tennis has to offer!

Wednesday 14 March

Go to www.amstelpark.nl/open-dag.


the Zuidasdok project is gearing up,


Zuid station is getting an overhaul,


the European Medicines Agency is

@ Zuidas Botanic Garden

scheduled to arrive, the VU campus is

When, where and why did botanic

taking shape and the SC Buitenveldert

gardens suddenly become so

football club is relocating. But what

popular in the 17th century? This

kind of district are we building? Will it

lecture traces the history of several

be sustainable and circular? Will it have

Monday 12 March and Monday 9 April

gardens in the Netherlands, including

good connections? How should we


two in Amsterdam. Most of these

@ The Basket

gardens no longer serve their original

keep public spaces safe and accessible? And how do we ensure a good range of

Suspect you may be the next Einstein

purpose, centering instead on modern-

public amenities? Speakers will include

of the VU campus? Register your

day sustainability concerns and

David van Traa, Sebastiaan Capel,

team now and show your stuff! Max.

biodiversity conservation. How are

Rutger Groot Wassink, Hendrik Jan

5 members per team, €2 per person.

these factors reshaping gardens? Time:

Biemond and Paul Slettenhaar. More

Diners play free! More info:

7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. More info:

info: www.circl.nl



30 •


Our next issue will be published @ May 7. Send your agenda to info@zuidaspublishers.nl before March 26.

Tuesday 20 March

Saturday 7 April



@ Tribes


Come to Tribes ITO from 6pm to

Art connects and inspires at Circl.

9pm, for the second edition of Zuidas Engage, a quarterly event connec-

Friday 23 March to 15 April

ting local residents, professionals,


organizations and everyone else


interested in Zuidas. Take a workshop


Art is always evolving and pushing new boundaries as artists forge unconventional links, dare to dream and - like cultural seismographs -sense what’s happening in the world before

with local business owners, talk with

The ART CHAPEL outside Beatrixpark

anyone else. Similarly, vision and an

city representatives or just drop by to

regularly hosts exhibitions. Currently

unfettered mindset are cornerstones of

meet your neighbours! For info and

on view is EYE ON NATURE, a display

the circular economy. In the basement

to register, send an email to: engage@

of works by grant-winning artists

of Circl, ABN AMRO is showcasing an


from the Marius van der Sandt Aca-

art and historical collection of pieces

demy. Open: Wednesday to Sunday,

by emerging young talents alongside

12 pm-5 pm. The exhibition is made

recognized and more established

possible in part by Linklaters LLP.

artists. For info: www.circl.nl.

Tuesday 20 March


WORKSHOP ON HEALTHY SNACKING @ Wedderborg Amsterdam Spring is just around the corner! Time

Thursday 12 April

for tasty, healthy snacks, shakes and


smoothies. But who has time for all


that slicing, dicing and juicing?

Hello Zuidas, Green Business Club

In this workshop you’ll learn time-

Zuidas and Amsterdam’s Zuidas Dis-

saving techniques to prepare snacks, smoothies, juices and more that are

Friday 6 April

trict Office cordially invite you to the

quick, healthy and delicious! Cost:


presentation of the Zuidas Sustaina-

€35 (includes recipe booklet, snacks

@ Ox & Bucks

bility Report 2017. The presentation of

and drinks). Payoff: techniques and

For good-time grooves and the best

this sixth edition, followed by drinks,

inspiration for a healthy lifestyle in a

drinks come to Nineties Night at Ox &

will take place at Circl, the circular

fun and friendly setting, plus buddies

Bucks in the WTC Amsterdam. Relax

pavilion of ABN AMRO. Want to learn

to share your recipes and inspiration

at the end of the working week, catch

about the latest sustainable develop-

with! Special gluten-free, sugar-free,

up with colleagues and unwind into

ments in Zuidas? Register to join us

lactose-free and vegan diets.

the weekend. More info:

on 12 April by sending an email to:

More info: www.byrhiannon.nl.



• 31


AGENDA MARCH • APRIL Wednesday 25 April CRUYFF FOUNDATION 14K RUN @ Start at Olympic Stadium

Thursday 12 April

Amsterdam Football Club Ajax and


the Cruyff Foundation are teaming

MSC IN COACHING @ Johan Cruyff Institute

Friday 20 April

Discover how the Johan Cruyff


Institute applies Cruyff’s vision on

@ Olympic Stadium

life in its study programmes. This

This marks the sixth year that the

information session is a unique

King’s Games will take place all over

opportunity to learn about our

the Netherlands. At the Olympic

teaching methods, curricular content

Stadium, children from various

and the Institute. Time: 6:30 pm-7 pm.

primary schools will join in the day’s

More info: www.cruyffinstitute.nl/

athletic activities. More info:



up with Le Champion for a special running event to be held this spring: the Cruyff Foundation 14K Run, on Wednesday 25 April, which marks the football legend’s birthday. This social run kicks off in the Olympic Stadium, following a 14-km track past memorable spots from Johan Cruyff’s life right up to the finish at the Amsterdam ArenA, and is a wonderful way to honour Cruyff’s life and legacy. More info: www.cruyff-foundation14krun.nl

Tuesday 17 to Thursday 19 April BUILDING HOLLAND

Monday 30 April to Friday 4 May

@ RAI Amsterdam


During the next 20 years, the

@ Prinses Irenestraat

construction and property sectors

During the spring break, ArtZuid will once

will have to grapple with some huge

more be presenting an arts and crafts

challenges. They range from new solutions for urban energy supplies to

Monday 23 April

camp. Children will be able to experiment

dealing with the impacts of resource


with a wide range of materials and

depletion - not to mention the


techniques in the studio. There will also

more imminent shortage of trained

Over the last five months, two teams

be plenty of time to play outdoors, stroll

technical professionals. On top of that,

of young professionals have been

around the neighbourhood and visit a

designers, engineers and builders

working hard to mount a local sustai-

corporate art collection in Zuidas. The

are still struggling to put the values

nable project. One team’s goal was to

camp is located is in Beatrixpark, on

of sustainable and healthy living

green the wardrobes of 2,000 people

Prinses Irenestraat 19-2, and runs from 9

and working into practice. Find out

in Zuidas; the other’s was to tackle

am to 5 pm all week - perfect for parents

about the future of Building in The

e-waste. At this final event of the GBC,

who work in Zuidas! For more info and

Netherlands during this trade fair.

the two teams present their results.

booking details:

More info: www.buildingholland.nl


32 •






SATURDAY 24 MARCH 2018 OPEN TOWER DAY @ ZUIDAS In the sixth edition of this annual event, some 20 historic and contemporary towers in Amsterdam will open their doors to the public from 10 am to 4 pm. There will also be lots of activities in and around the towers for visitors to enjoy, including guided art and tower tours, music and a photo and film competition with fun, Amsterdam-themed prizes! Details about participating towers can be found on the website: www.opentowerday.com, and on Facebook: www.fb.com.opentorendag. Note that for a visit to some of the towers, advance registration is required. SYMPHONY TOWER FINANCIAL OFFICES



• 33


Zuidas shifting from ownership to usership

One of the big challenges facing industry today is how to use the latest technologies and innovations in making our cities smart and clean tomorrow. In the years ahead, everyone will be searching for ways to optimize energy efficiency and ban emissions from the urban environment. Hello Zuidas sat down with Jacob Verduijn, Fleet Sales Manager at BMW Amsterdam, for an automotive perspective: ‘Roads are gridlocked, parking is becoming impossible and air quality is deteriorating. We have to solve these problems together, and BMW is eager to take the lead. Carsharing is one of those solutions.’ FROM OWNERSHIP TO USERSHIP

residents who live over the agency’s offices.

parking problem and it is something we will

The last time, Jacob spoke with many

Other companies, such as BPD, also have

be seeing a lot more of.’

companies about car sharing solutions.

contracts with BMW for shared electric

‘Vesteda shows, of course, a wonderful

fleets, and we are observing a general trend


example of a full-fledged carsharing system.

from ownership to usership. Even architects


They have in consultation with BMW Group

and property developers come to us asking

In Zuidas, a growing number of employers are

Netherlands ten electric BMW’s parked in

for input on the design of new car parks.

hammering out mobility plans and trying to

their own car park - all of which are available

Carsharing among colleagues as well as

make them more sustainable. According to

for use for both Vesteda staff and building

tenants will certainly help to alleviate the

Jacob, ‘People talk about shared solutions a lot,

34 •


but there is still much more that organizations can do.

cooperative NDSM Energie’, explains Jacob, ‘in which

Everyone wants to jump on the sustainability and CSR

four companies based near NDSM-Plein in north

bandwagon, but bear in mind that has to be translated to

Amsterdam – Viacom/Mtv, emolife, Fronteer and

your own vehicle policy, as well. Electric and shared cars

Pernod Ricard – shared a 100% electric BMW i3. The

form the key pieces to that puzzle. Electric driving takes

aim was to roll out a near-term scalable project in

some getting used to in terms of things like planning

which communities of businesses or local residents

ahead, but this is the future.’

could share zero-emissions mobility. In the end, more than 40 employees took part in the successful trial. At

‘Carsharing among colleagues as well as tenants will certainly help to alleviate the parking problem’

the moment, Liberty Global is also running a two-week pilot with a shared BMW i3.’ Interested in


carsharing or to find


out what it feels like


Sustainability is also an important consideration in

to drive the BMW i3?

On Friday 8 September 2017, BMW Group Netherlands

the manufacture policy of BMW. ‘BMW is the most

Get in touch with

invited CEO’s from Dutch companies for the 'CEO

sustainable car manufacturer in the world ‘, Jacob

BMW Amsterdam.

Convention Vision Full Electric 2030', held at BMW

points out. ‘ At BMW Amsterdam, we have 200 m2

Amsterdam. At the end of the event, they all endorsed

of solar panels on the roof, a heat pump, sedum


the statement ‘I will take action now to be a leader in

growing on parts of the roof, insulating glass that

Pieter Braaijweg 12

full electric mobility’ by placing their signatures on a

saves on heating, as well as motion sensors to

1114 AJ Amsterdam

100% electric BMW i3, thus underscoring their joint

control the ledlighting. We stay on top of the latest

+ 31 (0)20 460 4690

commitment to achieving clean mobility targets. ‘In

developments and are very committed to CSR, which


November we also launched a pilot with the energy

encompasses much more than durability alone.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Michael Graste

• 35


NEW YEAR’S DANCEMARKET Friday 19 January @ Market 33 • Market 33 regularly organizes dance club nights. • The DJ du jour spun hits from the Nineties and Noughties. • By day, Market 33 is a food court that dishes up a wide range of tasty cuisines. • But every so often the Market ‘moonlights’ as a dance club. • Looking for somewhere to dance the night away? Check out Market 33’s Facebook page.

36 •




Source: advocatie.nl

DELOITTE LEGAL LAUNCHES GLOBAL CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR GCS Deloitte Legal has launched a new worldwide service for general counsels and their legal


departments. Legal Management Consulting (LMC) is ‘a global multidisciplinary offering,


designed to help General Counsel and their in-house legal department teams navigate rapid

On 1 January 2018, the Hague-

legal industry transformation’, the accountancy firm wrote in a recent press release. The

based law firm Bird & Bird

statement goes on to say that Deloitte Legal now employs 100 professionals in ten countries

opened a second location in the

able to assist clients worldwide with its LMC methodology. This enables Deloitte Legal to

Netherlands in the Zuidas district.

help in-house counsels ‘improve their operating models to deliver faster, more effective,

Bird & Bird joins Houthoff and

integrated services within the enterprise’.

other tenants in the ITO tower, where it is spearheading the ‘office of the future’ - not a traditional law


office, but ‘a meeting place where

On January 1 2018, law firm Houthoff became the main sponsor of the Dutch National Opera

our lawyers can work on matters

& Ballet - which encompasses the theatre and companies of the Dutch National Opera and

alongside clients, share knowledge

the Dutch National Ballet- for the duration of three years. ‘We are thrilled that Houthoff will be

and collaborate’. The move affirms

supporting the Dutch National Opera & Ballet in bringing top quality to the stage’, said Els van

the importance of the Amsterdam

der Plas, general director of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet, in the press release. Commenting

region for the firm’s business, many

on the news, Edward de Bock, managing partner at Houthoff, said, ‘With our sponsorship of the

of whose clients and prospects are

Dutch National Opera & Ballet, Houthoff is not only supporting one of the country’s largest cultu-

either established there or come to

ral institutions, but also partnering with the pinnacle of the international ballet and opera world’.

the Dutch capital from abroad.

Photography Architectenbureau cepezed | Léon van Woerkom

• 37

‘We are exactly where we belong: right beneath our tenants and at the very heart of the marketplace.’ GERTJAN VAN DER BAAN, CEO OF VESTEDA

On one side, windows overlook Buitenveldert’s fifties-era flats, on the other you can hear the electric buzz of Zuidas at work. It was almost six months ago that Vesteda relocated its head offices to ‘De Boel’ on De Boelelaan. With activities in the rental residential market throughout the Netherlands, Vesteda has done something unusual with this building. De Boel not only houses the company’s entire workforce, but it’s also home to the people who rent the apartments above. Added bonus: a spacious rooftop garden and a car park where Vesteda staff and building tenants can avail themselves of one of ten shared electric BMWs. According to company CEO Gertjan van der Baan, ‘Developing this building was a mental puzzle, but judging from the results, it has certainly paid off. This was our one opportunity to turn this building into something really spectacular and design it just the way we wanted’.

38 •

strive to keep getting better at what we do. For example, we now offer virtual tours that let tenants look around in flats that haven’t been built yet. That’s a really exciting project to be involved in.’

‘Trying to increase the supply of affordable homes is a wonderful challenge’ GERTJAN VAN DER BAAN, CEO OF VESTEDA


We are exactly where we belong: located

With 154 apartments overhead, you might


right beneath our tenants and at the very

expect some disruptions to daily office life

De Boel is a building complex that

heart of the marketplace.’

every once in a while. ‘Not at all’, Gertjan

combines 3,600 m in office space for

counters. ‘Tenants of De Boel and Vesteda


Vesteda with 154 mid-rental sector homes.


staff complement each other perfectly.

‘When we bought the building it was pretty


Everybody works, so they’re not at home

much outdated and the whole thing sorely


when we’re in the office, and they come

needed an upgrade. But now we’re very

Gertjan laments the fact that young

home just as we’re heading out. That’s also

pleased with the results. It’s nice and more

jobseekers are more enthusiastic for careers

the idea behind the shared electric BMW i3s.

efficient to have all of our head office staff

in tech startups than finance and real

When we’re in the building, we can book the

together at one location, and we’ve seen

estate. ‘As with finance, real estate might

cars using a special app, and outside those

a marked improvement in intra-office

sound a bit dull, but a company like Vesteda

times at weekends for instance, they’re

collaboration as well. Aside from relocating,

fulfills a basic need by providing housing

available for tenants to use. That way, we

we also brought 60 more people on board,

in the narrow mid-end of the market and

can do our bit to cut carbon emissions and

to fill in for the staff members who stayed

is an fun place to work. Vesteda manages

parking scarcity in Amsterdam. This is one

behind in our Maastricht office. So the

a very extensive rental property portfolio

area where we’re playing a leading role in

company has really renewed on all fronts.

for the mid-sector market, where demand

sustainability. Not everyone needs their

Our image is stronger, many employees are

is extremely high, which means we always

own car, after all, so this is a logical and

new, and we’ve got an amazing new office.

find ourselves in the limelight. Every day, we

environmentally sound decision.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman & Ossip

• 39


De edele kunst van het schijt hebben

CALL OUT TO ZUIDAS Musical seeks venues, ambassadors & audience to open dialogue on familiar Zuidas themes.

Mail to Janke@JankeDekkerProducties.nl

40 •

Photography Elisah Baijens

4 resolutions to bring more love Lo ve into your life Rule


The start of the new year is a time when many people make resolutions. Instead of enumerating all the habits we should avoid, I want to offer four resolutions


that are good not only for singles, but for

Start up a conversation with a stranger on

everyone. Best of all, they’re easy to keep!

the street, in a shop or on the tram. ‘When you talk to strangers, you’re making


beautiful interruptions into the expected

Everyone knows it, but not everyone does

narrative of your daily life as well as

it: give somebody a hug! No partner? No

theirs’, says Kio Stark, who researches the

problem! Hug your best friend, your sister,

overlooked advantages of conquering

your parents or a neighbour. Hugging feels

our innate reticence with strangers and

Debby Goossens, owner of Just2Match,

good, but it’s also proven to be healthy -

embracing the fleeting but intensely

puts all her enthusiasm and passion

nature’s remedy to heal the body and mind.

beautiful moments of true human

into making the perfect match. Her

It de-stresses, relaxes and makes people


mission is to apply positivity and

more sociable, friendly and loving. Plus, this

inspiration to help people find a

medicine has no negative side effects and is


rewarding relationship. Just2Match is a

free and available to all.

In an interview, motivational speaker Simon

professional matchmaking agency that

Sinek explained what makes a woman fall

offers personalized services for well-


in love. The reason she fell for you wasn’t

educated, enterprising singles aged 30

Not everyone is a fan of romcoms and chick

because you splurged on a gorgeous

and up. Members include entrepreneurs,

flicks, but they do have proven benefits!

bouquet, but because the first thing you do

expats, executives, decision-makers

Studies show that people who watch

on waking up is to wish her good morning,

and professionals throughout the

romantic comedies on a regular basis

instead of checking your phone. Or because,

Netherlands. For more information, visit:

actually become friendlier. These people

when she gets home after a horrid day, you


show more loving emotions towards others

don’t butt in with ‘sorry about your day, but

and are more openhearted, honest and

you’ll never guess what happened to me’,

loyal. On the flip side, people who eschew

but actually take the time to listen to her. It’s

romantic films in favour of those heavy

the sum total of all these little things done

on violence and action show exactly the

consistently in a relationship that makes

opposite behaviour. Love rules!

people come to love each other.

Text Debby Goossens • Photography Davien Hulsman


• 41


De edele kunst van het schijt hebben PLAY FORGES FRUITFUL ALLIANCE IN ZUIDAS A play about Zuidas, staged in theatres and auditoriums around Zuidas. What a brilliant idea! With the support of the Hello Zuidas foundation, Janke Dekker Producties and students at MBO College Zuid joined forces to do just that. The most recent Hello Zuidas members' meeting was treated to a sneak preview of the play and the audience gave it a big thumbs up. We talked to Olivier Otten, director of the Hello Zuidas foundation, Janke Dekker of Janke Dekker Producties, and Christiane Estourgie, operational director at MBO College Zuid (ROC) about their partnership and the play.



fitted perfectly. We’ll also be doing performances

Titled De edele kunst van het schijt hebben, the

on other locations in Zuidas, including at CIRCL

Dutch play is based on the book The Subtle Art of

and De Nieuwe Poort’. Adds Christiane, ‘We have

Not Giving a F*ck by American writer Mark Manson,

partnerships with lots of companies and theatre

and takes humorous aim at the prevailing culture

productions, offering wonderful opportunities for

in Zuidas. When Janke Dekker came up with the

our students. For this production, though, we did

idea to produce it, she was quickly reminded to

have to fill them in about Zuidas first. Even though

contact Olivier Otten, director of the Hello Zuidas

the school is effectively in Zuidas, lots of students

foundation. ‘We read a lot in the papers about

don’t know anything about it!’

burnouts, high work pressure, performance expectations that people have to live up to and


the changing nature of work in the Netherlands’,

Following the sneak preview, audience members

explains Janke, ‘and we were keen to create a play

were encouraged to give feedback, and that input

exploring those themes. Following the advice of one

will be used to improve the play. ‘That evening

of my board members, I reached out to Olivier, and

was valuable for us’, says Janke, ‘because we

he actively promoted the initiative straight away’.

really want to involve the Zuidas community in

Olivier confirms, ‘What grabbed my attention when

the production. With that in mind, we’re also

reading the script were the provocative texts, and I

seeking several ambassadors to work with us,

The first performance

can’t wait to see what kind of reception the play gets

and maybe there are companies that would like

will be at CIRCL on

in Zuidas, and if it strikes a chord with people.’

an on-site performance! That’s definitely doable.’

Gustav Mahlerplein

Olivier: ‘I’ll be very interested to see how the tour

on 24 May. For details


goes down in Zuidas, but I expect it to be a big

about the play or to

Wishing to create added depth by staging the play

hit.’ Christiane agrees, ‘As a school, we’re a bit

get involved as an

in settings that reflect the subject matter, Janke

of an outsider in Zuidas, but that actually makes

ambassador, send

went in search of venues in Zuidas. ‘Olivier told

it even more fun to put ourselves out there this

an email to: info@

me that MBO College Zuid has a great theatre and

way. For their part, the students working on this


drama programme’, says Janke, ‘which of course

production are having a great time.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Lotte de Graaf

• 43



500 Beethovenstraat Small is beautiful

44 •


Beethovenstraat 500



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Zuidas is renowned for its pioneering

building, are the details. With its expanse of

architecture. As it matures into an

windows, entrance awning and large foyer,

international quarter of Amsterdam,

it immediately catches the eye, making

buildings are shooting up left, right and

the impression of a big-city building. Up

centre in Zuidas. Amidst these modern

close, it’s clear that much attention has

looking skyscrapers, it may be difficult

gone into the details. On the exterior, 500

to imagine that only around 20 years

Beethovenstraat is a subtle blend of glass,


ago, this stretch of land, connecting the

chrome and white stone. The angled façade

• The white natural stone of the façade is one

residential neighbourhoods of Zuid and

recedes to cleave a deep balcony towards

of a kind, and is mined exclusively on the

Buitenveldert, consisted mostly of tennis

the building’s western tip, creating loggias

Greek island of Prinos.

courts and football pitches. In this series,

that are easily accessible from the offices

we zoom in on the architecture of Zuidas.

and giving building occupants an abundance

This time, we take a closer look at the 500

of outdoor space. This feature alone makes


500 Beethovenstraat into a unique office

• 500 Beethovenstraat is the big brother of the six Gershwin Townhouses, which are built with the same kind of stone. • No two storeys of 500 Beethovenstraat are

environment. Additional bonuses for tenants

alike, as the position of the loggias on the

On the corner of Beethovenstraat and De

are the underground car park and a garden

building’s west flank was determined in

Boelelaan G&S Vastgoed developed the

to enjoy in fine weather - a little pocket park

consultation with the users and tailored to

smallest building. But that’s not to say it is

tucked away in the building. With its pared

their ideal layout.

overpowered by the skyscrapers crowding

down architectural volume and interesting

all around. On the contrary, its elegant,

features, 500 Beethovenstraat proves that,

sustainable new-build, developed to create

spare design makes 500 Beethovenstraat

when it comes to standing out in Zuidas,

an eco-friendly environment that promotes

stand out instantly. What really defines this

small is beautiful.

the wellbeing of users.

Text Eefje van den Akker

• 500 Beethovenstraat is a product of

• 45


HELP ZUIDAS TRAVEL SMART! Since 2014, the Zuidas district has conducted a mobility survey once every two years to gain insight into commuter experiences and needs. The survey has already given us a clearer picture of how people travel to and from Zuidas and how they rate their journey, and has also helped to identify potential improvements.

46 •




all participants from that month will be



entered in a draw for vouchers to spend

Last year was the first time we asked people

The mobility survey provides valuable insight

at Het Zwarte Fietsenplan, or on a sleek

to rate their commute to and from Zuidas.

into how we all travel in and out of Zuidas,

new raincoat from Regenpakhuis. The first,

Overall, motorists are fairly satisfied with their

how satisfied we are with the journey and

second and third place winners of each

journey, awarding Zuidas a 7.1 for accessibility.

when we might opt for alternatives. This

month will receive vouchers worth €150,

Public transport travellers are happy with

input will help improve access to Zuidas.

€50 and €25, respectively. Don’t forget to fill

the good connections to Zuidas and the

With Zuidasdok soon to unleash the largest

in your contact details after completing the

ease of travelling between their home and

development project ever in the district, the

survey, and keep an eye on the Hello Zuidas

their work place. Both motorists and public

‘Keep Zuidas Accessible’ programme has been

campaigns on Facebook for updates about

transport users are satisfied with travel time

set up to address access issues. The latest

prizes and winners.

and distance. Bicyclists view their commute

mobility, alongside others conducted in the

primarily as a positive, healthy activity.

past, yield crucial input for this programme.

But first, you have to answer some

Leading to initiatives like the ‘Hello Bike’

questions! It only takes 5 minutes, so please

Some commuters are less satisfied, citing

pilot for a bicycle-sharing scheme at various

take a moment to share your input. Go

congestion both on the road and in the

Zuidas locations. The survey also provides

to: http://bit.ly/2j8qSkN. Questions about

public transport system. Gridlock and

important insights for local companies and

the mobility survey? Send an email to:

parking problems are major sources of

organizations, which use these results to


frustration. Suggested improvements

inform their own mobility policies.

consequently centre on changes to

The mobility survey is an initiative of the Zuidas

infrastructure and the network, increasing


Accessibility Task Force, which is a public-

the number of trains and adding more

Upon completing this survey, you also have

private alliance and whose mission is to improve

parking space.

a chance to win fun prizes! Every month,

mobility connections in and out of Zuidas.

Text Hello Zuidas

• 47


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ICE SKATING AT THE COOLSTE BAAN VAN NEDERLAND January and February 2018 @ Olympic Stadium Amsterdam • This winter, you were all welcome at the Coolste Baan van Nederland 2018. • For several weeks, there was a pop-up speed skating rink in the Amsterdam's Olympic Stadium. • From March 9-11, the Olympic Stadium become the venue of the World Allround Speed Skating Championships 2018.

• 49

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Wineboutique & Spirits



- Premier cru ‘Les Chaumées’.

When wine expert Liesbeth Perdijk first

deliver quality wines priced from €4.95 right

lovely, is that it’s full-bodied

came to Zuidas four years ago, it was love at

up to €495. But people come to Wineboutique

and slightly creamy. The

first sight. Straight away, she knew that this

& Spirits from all over Amsterdam, simply

wine is barrel-aged, but

was where she wanted to open her shop.

because we may happen to have a special

retains an amazingly

She found the perfect spot on Zuidplein,

hard-to-find wine that they want. Fortunately, I

subtle flavour, with hints

and soon after Wineboutique & Spirits was

understand what people here like.’

of minerality, and has a

in business. ‘As a certified wine expert, I

Chassagne-Montrachet ‘This is a Burgundy wine made from the Chardonnay grape. What makes it so

beautiful finish, which is

was looking for a place where I’d be able to


also why it’s one of my own

use my background at a high level. Zuidas

Having been in the district for several

favourites. You could pop

fits the bill perfectly. I have lots of regulars,

years now, Liesbeth knows what sells

open a bottle on a lazy

each with their own specific tastes. That’s

in Zuidas. ‘Most of the wines I sell, both

Sunday afternoon, but it’s

what makes my job so much fun!’

red and white, are in the €15 - €25 range.

also fantastic paired with

Regions like Barolo and Meursault are

an elegant fish dish like


always popular, and I also sell tonnes of

scallops or sole fillet. This

This will be Liesbeth’s fourth year in Zuidas, and

Champagne - that’s a really hot item here.

wine comes from a small

business is booming. ‘There’s a special energy

Not many shops could say the same! Though

producer, so it’s also a bit

here, even when it’s miserable outside’, says

I sell champagne mostly to expats; Dutch

more expensive. A bottle

Liesbeth. ‘Running a shop in Zuidas demands

people are more reticent in that respect.

costs €44.50.

total commitment. People come to this place

They buy Champagne whenever they’ve

with something specific in mind, and I enjoy

got something to celebrate, whereas other

helping them find it. Aside from business

Europeans buy a bottle of bubbly “just


customers who come to buy gifts for clients

because”. And why not? Besides, we also get

Zuidplein 20

or drinks for company events, we also get

people who want to celebrate a promotion

+ 31 (0)20 470 5414

local residents and people who want to take

or a new job. Naturally, that calls for a


home a bottle to enjoy after work. We always

Champagne toast!’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 51



52 •


ELECTRIC SHARING WITH AMBER Numerous companies in Zuidas have introduced shared cars for business trips, enabling employees to come to work by train or bike and have a car at their disposal to get to appointments if necessary. Even preferable over carsharing is electric sharing. In Zuidas, ABN AMRO and EY have both recently begun using Amber, a carshare provider with a 100% electric fleet. The Amber app enables users to see which cars are available and to book one directly. Not only is electric carsharing better for the environment, it can also yield sizeable cost savings. Since starting to use Amber, ABN AMRO has been able to reduce its lease fleet by 75% nationwide. Interested in electric carsharing with Amber? Send an email to: Nina@greenbusinessclub.nl.

TRAVEL INTO THE FUTURE WITH THE ZUIDAS MOBILITY EXPERIENCE The daily commute: necessary evil or challenging adventure? Step out of your rut and into the future, with the Zuidas Mobility Experience! However you commute to and from Zuidas - with a private car, lease car or public transportation - you can experience this innovative way of travelling. This is how it works: for the duration of one month you get a Zuidas Pass with travel credit to use any way you want, whether it’s for travel by train or metro, Uber, e-bike or Greenwheels, and for both business and private purposes. Your personal assistant will help you plan the ideal route. The Zuidas Mobility Experience lasts for one month and you can try it out free of charge and with no obligations. Interested? Check www.zuidas.nl or send an email to m.vanderlinden@amsterdam.nl. You can register until 17 March.

MEATLESS WEEK This year, 5-11 March is the National Week Without Meat in the Netherlands. During one whole week, participating restaurants and businesses will abstain from serving meat or fish. By going meatless for a week, you can save the water equivalent of seven months of showers and CO2 emissions equal to 111 car kilometres. In Zuidas, VU (Sodexo), Accenture (ISS) en ABN AMRO (Vermaat), have already announced they will be taking part, and GBC Zuidas is calling on more partners to join in this praiseworthy initiative. Of course, individuals can also take part in this initiative! Sign up on Weekzondervlees.nl to receive an e-zine filled with recipes, cooking tips, interviews and more (sorry, Dutch only!). Want to join as a company? contact nina@greenbusinessclub.nl.

Maartje Oome is communications advisor for Green Business Club Zuidas, a district organization in which businesses cooperate in launching sustainable initiatives and achieving sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.​

Text Maartje Oome

• 53


Godfried Scholvink & Olivier Otten

Sneak preview of the play ‘De edele kunst van het schijt hebben’

Sacha Komor & Marieke Klosters

Bastiaan van der Maat & Erik Maitimo

Dushica Radier & Christiane Estourgie

Arnoud Hoogendoorn & Jessica Bekker

Students ROC Amsterdam

HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING Monday 19 February @ MBO College Zuid

Carmen Snijders, Eme van der Schaaf & Rob Ittmann

• This was an extra-special Members Meeting, with attendees treated to the staging of part of a play. • The sneak preview starred drama students from MBO College Zuid. • The play’s title? 'De edele kunst van het schijt hebben' • The audience was all praise for the performance, which will Astrid Hagenaar & Marjolein de Jong

Jordi Moonen & Jordy Groot

be touring Zuidas later this year.

Hilda Akkermans & Hans van Zijst

Henriette van Eeghen, Tom Egbers & Pauline Westendorp

54 •

Ruth Jansen & Janke Dekker

Bastiaan Hulshoff & Ronald Gans

Roos Schlikker & Erris van Ginkel

Marck Wollenberg, Cynthia Horn & Ronald Kleinveld

Photography Davien Hulsman

Hello Zuidas welcomes

the following new members COMPANY SUSHILEE • SECTOR RESTAURANT • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 6 Link with Zuidas: Introducing the flavours of Japan to Zuidas, Sushilee is the place to enjoy the delightful simplicity of authentic Japanese cuisine. Our aim is to celebrate the freshness and natural beauty of each ingredient. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We would like to contribute to the Zuidas community and there is no better way of doing that than by joining Hello Zuidas.

COMPANY ALBERT HEIJN, KONINKLIJKE AHOLD NV • SECTOR RETAIL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 45 Link with Zuidas: Albert Heijn wants to be at the heart of the neighbourhood. Zuidas is one of the newest and fastest emerging districts in the Netherlands, and we want to be at the centre of it.

COMPANY CMS • SECTOR LAW AND LEGAL SERVICES • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 294 Link with Zuidas: Zuidas is the place where the Netherlands do business. Having an office in Zuidas makes sense for CMS, because we primarily do cross-border work for both our domestic and international clients. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We feel it is important to join forces with other Zuidas businesses and Hello Zuidas to build a dynamic, sustainable and productive working and living environment.

COMPANY HANSSTRUIJK FIETSEN • SECTOR MOBILITY • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 9 Link with Zuidas: Our mission is to achieve an environmentally friendly form of mobility. We sell bicycles for all segments and specialize in electric bikes, which are super-eco-friendly. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We became participants in order to collaborate with fellow members and partners in Zuidas and to stimulate the mobility between companies and Hansstruijk Fietsen.

COMPANY ZUIDAS APOTHEEK • SECTOR HEALTHCARE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES UNKNOWN AS YET; PROBABLY 6 Link with Zuidas: Zuidas Apotheek opens on Gustav Mahlerlaan 635B to offer chemist services to all area residents, workers and users. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As a new business in Zuidas, we believe in the value of exchanging knowledge and experiences with other members of Hello Zuidas and we want to be involved in Zuidas’ further development.




Hello Zuidas

• 55

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On Saturday 24 March, come to CIRCL for a day of Easter-themed fun, with activities like making an Easter centrepiece, Easter-egg painting, an egg hunt and more fun for the

little ones. Seniors are invited to make their own decorative Easter table centrepieces, coached by flower stylist Marloes Joore, and there will be an arts and crafts table for

kids. There will also be a presentation about the Zuidasdok project, and singer Stephanie

Groeneberg will perform a medley of Doris Day tunes. All are welcome! Sign up by sending isbn 978 94 6319

076 3

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an email to: info@phisage.nl. This event is organized in collaboration with Zuidas Today.


You already kno w how to ride a bicycle. Now, you want to become one of the locals – XING CHEN a confident, com petent, courteous cyclist, and ready to roll. in control Learn to Cycle in Amsterdam will through the proc ease you ess of learning to cycle amidst bustle of this sma the hustle and ll but dynamic city, covering topics road etiquette, such as traffic regulatio ns, cycl ing technique, and weather. Whethe the r you are a new comer or have live decades, if you d here for aspire to cycle safe ly and smoothl of bicycles’, then y in ‘the city this guide is for you. Enjoy the ride ! Xing Chen is a neu roscientist who has lived in the and Singapore. US, the UK, In 2014, she mov ed to the Netherl on the develop ands to work ment of brain imp lants for sight rest On the very first oration. day of her arrival in Amsterdam, secondhand bicy she bought a cle, and graduall y mastered the through the crow art of cycling ded city streets. Xing now covers of over 20 km per a dist ance day, by bike.






You already know how to ride a bicycle. Now you want to merge with the locals -as

On Saturday 17 February, a special

a confident, competent, courteous cyclist, in control and ready to roll. 'Learn to

Valentine’s Day event paired young

Cycle in Amsterdam' will ease you through the process of learning to cycle amidst

professionals in Zuidas with seniors for a

the hustle and bustle of this small but dynamic city, covering topics such as road

date in Amsterdam. It was a day filled with

etiquette, traffic regulations, cycling technique and the weather. Whatever you may

warm and wonderful connections. After an

be - a newcomer or someone who has lived here for decades- if you aspire to cycle

exciting matching game to pair off the young

safely and smoothly in ‘the city of bicycles’, then this guide is for you. Enjoy the ride!

profs with their ideal elders, couples chose

Xing Chen is a neuroscientist who has lived in the US, UK and Singapore. In 2014, she

a date destination. That could vary widely:

moved to the Netherlands to work on the development of brain implants for sight

from a cultural visit to the Rijksmuseum

restoration. On the very first day of her arrival in Amsterdam, she bought a second-

to a leisurely canal cruise. The annual

hand bicycle, and gradually mastered the art of cycling through the crowded city

Valentine’s Day Date which was an initiative

streets. Nowadays, Xing daily covers a distance of over 20 km by bike. More info:

of De Nieuwe Poort, celebrated its tenth


anniversary this year.

BEY BY BERGMAN CLINICS Bergman Clinics, a long-established eye care treatment centre in the WTC Amsterdam, recently opened Bey (pronounced ‘bee’) in Amsterdam Zuid. Bey is a clinic specialized in cosmetic treatments to fit the lifestyles of confident, high-powered men and women. Bey offers a full range of disciplines under one roof, from anti-wrinkle treatments and chemical peels to specialist cosmetic surgery. Clients receive a personal treatment plan as well as a designated coach to assist and pamper them throughout the process, and a personal interactive treatment app for 24/7 communication. To learn more, visit www.beyclinics.nl and www.bergmanclinics.nl.

is here

• 57



+31 (0) 20 700 55 55 | www.theofficeoperators.com | ZUIDAS

Members Hello Zuidas • March 2018 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 1. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 2. ABN AMRO 3. Accendium 4. Accenture 5. À Deauville 6. AkzoNobel 7. Albert Heijn 8. Amsterdam in Business 9. AICS 10. Amsterdamse Bos 11. APG 12. Apleona GVA B.V. 13. Arcadis 14. Arnold & Siedsma 15. Art Zuid 16. ASEGA Media 17. Asunaro Holland Interplan 18. Atrium Meeting Centre 19. AVIS 20. BackWERK Zuidas 21. Bagels & Beans 22. Baker McKenzie 23. Beheermij WTC Amsterdam 24. Being Development 25. Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam 26. Blue Boat Company 27. Bolenius 28. Bouwens& 29. Boyden Global Executive Search 30. Breevast 31. Broersma Nieuwbouw 32. Bushwick 33. Caffè Belmondo 34. CBRE B.V. 35. China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Amsterdam Branch 36. citizenM 37. Club Sportive 38. CMS 39. Cognito Financial Communications 40. Colliers International 41. CompaNanny 42. Corporate Housing Factory 43. Cosmo Hairstyling 44. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 45. Customized Media 46. D&B The Facility Group 47. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 48. De Hypotheker 49. Deloitte 50. De Nieuwe Poort 51. De Zuidas Apotheek 52. Dentons Boekel 53. Domeco Development B.V. 54. Doppio 55. Dudok Patisserie 56. Eden McCallum 57. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 58. Eigen Haard 59. Element Hotel 60. ENGIE 61. Euro CCP 62. Euroinfra 63. EY 64. Face Body Bar by Doctors Inc. 65. Fam. Advocaten 66. Financial Offices 67. Fit 20 68. Flexform Amsterdam 69. Fortron B.V. 70. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 71. Fris Makelaars 72. G&S Vastgoed 73. Gentlemen’s Place 74. Gerrit Rietveld Academie

75. Grand Café Mahler 76. Greenberg Nielsen 77. Green Business Club 78. Greenwheels 79. Gustav Gym 80. Gustavino 81. GVB 82. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 83. Hago Nederland B.V. 84. Hans Struijk Fietsen 85. Health & Therapy Centre 86. Hestia Kinderopvang 87. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 88. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 89. Hogan Lovells International LLP 90. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 91. Houthoff 92. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 93. Htel Serviced Apartments 94. IMA 95. InAmsterdam 96. INBO 97. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 98. JLL 99. Johan Cruyff Institute 100. Kempen & Co 101. Koetjes en Kalfjes 102. König + Neurath (Nederloand) A.G. 103. Lexence 104. Liander 105. LibRT 106. Limon 107. Loyens & Loeff 108. Lunshof Makelaardij 109. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 110. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 111. Made in May 112. Markit 113. Market 33 114. MBO College Zuid 115. Mech Make & Take 116. Miles Building 117. Mindfulbizz 118. Mondrian Espresso 119. Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas 120. MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. 121. Multicopy A’dam WTC 122. Mylk 123. Nationale Postcode Loterij 124. NDI ICT Solutions 125. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 126. Nedstede Real Estate 127. NEWNRG 128. NH Amsterdam Zuid 129. Nicolaas Lyceum 130. NL Real Estate 131. Novotel Amsterdam City 132. NS 133. Oliver’s 134. Openbare Bibliotheek 135. ORAM 136. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 137. OVG Real Estate 138. Ox & Bucks 139. Partou Kinderopvang 140. Pathé 141. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 142. Platform Beter Benutten 143. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 144. Property NL B.V. 145. Provast 146. Puramis Consultancy 147. Qbic Hotels 148. Q-Park Nederland 149. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 150. RAI Amsterdam 151. Regus

152. Restaurant het Bosch 153. Restaurant Nine 154. RGA International Reinsurance 155. Rialto 156. Rivers 157. Rob Peetoom 158. Rocycle 159. Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc 160. Rosarium 161. RoyalCast 162. Russell Reynolds Associates 163. Savills Amsterdam 164. SCOR Global Life SE 165. Season-Flowers 166. Securitas 167. Simmons & Simmons LLP 168. Sixt 169. SLFMD Tailoring 170. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 171. Speakeasy Inc. 172. Spine Health Incompany 173. Spirit Hosting & Promotions 174. Stella Agency & Academy 175. Stibbe 176. St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam 177. Student Experience 178. Summertime 179. Sushilee 180. Sushi Time 181. Symphony’s 182. Taalcentrum - VU 183. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 184. Taylor Wessing 185. Tax Consultants International 186. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 187. The Bank of New York Mellon 188. The Barn 189. The Basket 190. The Bikevertising Company 191. The Office Operators 192. The TailorMates 193. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 194. TopJobs Consultants 195. TREC 196. Tribes 197. Trigion 198. Triple Ace 199. Urban Salad 200. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 201. Van Gool Elburg 202. VEON 203. Vermaat Groep (CIRCL) 204. Vesteda 205. Visser Communicatie 206. Vistra 207. Von Poll Real Estate 208. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 209. VU Medisch Centrum 210. VU University Press 211. Wagamama 212. Webster Leiden Campus 213. Wineboutique & Spirits 214. Wintertaling 215. Worldeye Amsterdam 216. WTC Amsterdam 217. WTC A’dam Business Club 218. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 219. Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) 220. YoungCapital 221. Your Assistant 222. Zuidas Bier 223. Zuidas Publishers 224. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 225. ZuidPlus 226. ZuidasTravel.nl 227. Zuidschans 228. Zwaan II

COLOPHON FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS Strawinskylaan 61, 1077 XW - Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 15 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0)20-3620993 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Advertising Please send an e-mail to info@zuidaspublishers.nl for questions about advertising. Art Director and Graphic Designer Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors Romy Lange, Eefje van den Akker, Greg Shapiro, Debby Goossens, Property.nl, advocatie.nl, Jos Moerkamp and Maartje Oome. Photography: Cihan Turhan (cover) Davien Hulsman, Lotte de Graaf, Michael Graste & Mart Media Monster. Photography Davien Hulsman, Lotte de Graaf, Jelmer Jeuring, Wouter van Ierssel, Jesse Kraal and Ron Offermans. Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Merel de Groot, Kenneth Goedhart, Jos Moerkamp, Maartje Oome and Sasja Albersen Thanks to Ruth Jansen, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Kroonenberg Groep, Maarsen Groep, Property.nl, Greg Shapiro, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, advocatie.nl, Savills, Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver, Crowne Plaza, Corporate Housing Factory, Clubsportive, The Office Operators, Bey, Ramón Mossel Makelaardij, Vesteda, BMW Amsterdam, Just2Match, GET LOST – art route, Wineboutique & Spirits, Von Poll Real Estate, Janke Dekker and Christiane Estrougie. Printed by MullerVisual Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at info@zuidaspublishers.nl. Print run each edition 20.000 copies Circulation Free for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It is be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies within Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright © 2018 Zuidas Publishers. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.


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