Hello Zuidas #35

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#35 hellozuidas.com JANUARY • FEBRUARY 2018

David van Traa

City of Amsterdam (Zuidas Office)

‘I could definitely see a satellite of the Stedelijk Museum in Zuidas’


in high gear


at Zuidas Corporate Events


from words to action!

HOME That’s where the SUNSHINE learned to SHINE

YO U R LUXU RY R E N TA L A PA R TM E N T + G A R D E N On the edge of Amsterdam Zuid, in a cosmopolitan area where work and living are combined, you will find Gershwin Brothers. Surrounded by gorgeous architecture with international allure, and numerous facilities to live comfortably. The Gershwin Brothers consists of two apartment buildings named after the brothers George and Ira Gershwin

G E R S H W I N B R O T H E R S .C O M

Gerhswin Brothers is an innitiative of Zadelhoff Beheer & Maarsen Groep


HOW WILL 2018 STACK UP AGAINST 2017? Talking to people in Zuidas about 2017, the general

many people in Zuidas will know, a truly world-class

consensus seems to be that it was a fairly good

building is set to rise on Beethovenstraat, near the

year. The economy has rebounded, construction

Amsterdam Football Club. The design of the Valley

projects are proliferating in Zuidas and all over

building, as it’s called, is also multifunctional, and

Amsterdam, and we have more to spend on the finer

will include features similar to New York’s High line,

things in life, large and small. Even so, people clearly

which is accessible to everyone. We also have detailed

have not forgotten the crisis of 2008. Symptomatic of

coverage of the EMA’s upcoming relocation to Zuidas

this is the emphasis the city an property developers

- a real coup for the district! - starting on page 12.

lay on mixed-use buildings. Our cover features David van Traa. He has been the director of Zuidas for

I’m looking forward to finding out what 2018 has

a year now, a role that puts him in charge of area

in store for us, and wish everyone a happy and

development. He explains why mixed-use buildings

healthy New Year!

are so important, and lays out his vision for the future of Zuidas.

Happy reading! Romy Lange

I also had a fascinating conversation with Jan Hein

Editor-in-chief Hello Zuidas

Tiedema and Tom Redecker of OVG Real Estate. As


It’s the start of another year; a year in which the 21st century officially becomes an ‘adult’. But how old would Zuidas be? It’s impossible to pin down an actual birthday. The WTC opened in 1985; ABN AMRO arrived in 1998. I myself have been happily working in Zuidas for over 12 years. In any case, in 2018 we’re marking the district’s 20th year. We’ll be doing that in various ways, from spotlighting pioneering residents to showcasing the district’s physical metamorphosis over two decades. To me, the best thing about Zuidas is that it’s continually evolving. In honour of 20 years of Zuidas, I’d like to invite you to share your memories and photos of Zuidas in its early days. Please send stories and pictures to: news@hellozuidas.com. Best wishes for 2018! Olivier Otten, managing director of Hello Zuidas











CONTENTS 07 Trending Topics 08 David van Traa, City of Amsterdam (Zuidas Office):

‘I could definitely see a satellite of the Stedelijk Museum in Zuidas’

12 Building the Future 15 Hello Bike! 16 Hello Zuidas | Public Space

Got a Minute?

21 Column - Gregory Shapiro 22 OVG Real Estate:

The evolution of city life

24 Finance 27 The magic of in2motivation 28 Property management by Savills 30 Hello Zuidas | Agenda 34 Hello Zuidas | Mobility

Experience successful!

37 Hello You

Hello Zuidas | Sustainability 38 Boutique firm C-Law comes to Zuidas 41 Zuidas Architecture 42 Circular Economy - From words to action! 45 Hello You 46 Jaap van Rhijn 47

‘Hello Zuidas is the software of the district’

De Kredieter 48

Different mortgage rules for independent contractors, expats and variable earners

Hello You 50 Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 51

A healthy mind in a healthy body equals a ‘pure life’

Zuidas Then & Now 52 Legal News 53 Hello Zuidas | New Members 55 Memo Board 58

With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. •5

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Property starts with people


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‘Art and culture are absolutely vital to a healthy city’


‘I could definitely see a satellite of the Stedelijk Museum in Zuidas’ David van Traa, in charge of district development for the City of Amsterdam

David van Traa, who was appointed director of Zuidas just under a year ago, is in charge of district development for the City of Amsterdam, which owns almost all the land on which Zuidas is built. It’s a job that requires almost daily consideration of the conditions needed to shape Zuidas as a residential and business district of the future. It also deals with questions like what value Zuidas contributes to Amsterdam, how to strengthen the quality of district activities and how to bring market creativity to bear in that process. Van Traa talks to Hello Zuidas about his role, looks back at his first year on the job and shares his vision for the future of Zuidas: ‘I could definitely see a satellite of the Stedelijk Museum in Zuidas.’ Zuidas is a dynamic place that’s still very much under

dam, paving the way for serious high rise development later on. In

construction and where new things are happening all

Kop Zuidas, across from the RAI, there’s still some space left as well

the time. How would you characterize the past year?

and so on. But construction can’t go any faster than this; that would

‘This past year was, in a word, fantastic! This job is great because it

be too disruptive to the neighbourhood. Our challenge is to strike

gives both opportunity and responsibility to think about the city and

the right balance between users and developers. With the start of

to contribute to the development of Amsterdam. The City is facing

Zuidasdok on top of everything we’re well aware of a certain tension

considerable market pressure. Recruiting is really tough these days.

this creates. We are therefore closely monitoring its development.’

However, Zuidas has such strong appeal that we’ve been able to attract capable people for every sector in the City’s district office. I’m

In November, we got the brilliant news about the EMA.

in contact with all of those sectors on a daily basis, which makes my

What will their arrival mean for the district?

job varied as well as challenging. Responsibility mostly lies with the

‘You’re right, it was brilliant news for us. So many people collaborated

teams, but there are certain set times when decisions must be taken

intensively to make this happen, so we’re thrilled with the outcome.

at executive level. Those decisions involve long, animated discussions

The EMA coming to Zuidas will certainly bolster our image as a top lo-

in which we analyse every single aspect, and that’s really fascinating.’

cation for international businesses and organizations, as well as add a huge impetus towards our aim to attract more knowledge-intensive

Everywhere you look in Zuidas there are large

institutions to Zuidas. Beyond that, the EMA’s many international

scale construction works to be seen. Is there

employees and visitors will no doubt help to enliven this place. And

still room to grow in this district?

they too will realize that this new urban district is a great location

‘In 2016, the city council adopted a vision document stating that now

to live, work and relax. I’d like to thank Wouter Bos especially, who

that Zuidas finds itself in a development phase, we need to focus

invested boundless energy these last months in securing the EMA for

on coherence between all of the subdistricts. Crucial factors are

the Netherlands and Zuidas.’

sustainability, mobility and local activity. Zuidas comprises a total of two million square metres in gross floor surface (gfs), of which one

There seems to be a perception, even despite the

million has been developed. So, yes, there’s still plenty of room! The

EMA announcement, that Zuidas is too small to

Ravel subdistrict, which comprises the strip along De Boelelaan, is

cater to big multinationals. Is that view accurate?

currently undergoing massive development. This involves relocation

‘It’s true that office availability is starting to tail off, which means

of the AFC football pitches, which in turn allows room for further

we have a very low vacancy rate in Zuidas. However, plans for the

developments in the future. The FC Buitenveldert football pitches in

coming years make ample provisions for new office construction.

the Kenniskwartier district will be moved to the rear of VU Amster-

Real estate firms are aware that companies are looking to locate to

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman


Amsterdam sooner rather than later, and don’t want a drawn-out process. So we’re dealing with a changing office market, in which companies are looking for flexible concepts, and we’re working to meet that demand. It no longer suffices to simply crank out office blocks. You’ve got to build multifunctional spaces with a mixture of


facilities. That mixture also guarantees that, should the economy take another nosedive, a building won’t suddenly empty out. The

branch here. Zuidas would gain so much from having a public space

towers that used to house Stibbe and AkzoNobel are currently being

like a library uniting art, knowledge and culture. There used to be

overhauled for A-list tenants, and the WTC is also embarking on a

this idea that getting kids from districts like Nieuw-West, Zuidoost

serious expansion, which will create lots of space. So it’s not exactly

and Noord to come to Dam Square was tricky, because what would

a cut and dried situation. Furthermore, last November the City

they do there? That begs the question: who are these public spaces

Council agreed to look into the possibilities for development of the

for, and who does the city actually belong to? My dream, among

area bordered by Amstelveenseweg, de Schinkel and Nieuwe Meer.

other things, is that those kids will come to visit the public library in

By 1 January 2018, this area will be added to Grootstedelijk Gebied

Zuidas and that this can become a portal where young people from

Zuidas (the metropolitan area of Zuidas). For this new area, which

all over the city take their first steps into the future of international

will go by the name of Verdi, we have collaborated with city district

business. What I would also really love is a satellite of the Stedelijk

Zuid to come up with a plan of development, based on the concept

Museum coming to Zuidas.’

that sports and recreation are closely connected with residential and business activities. By placing our focus on connectivity, densification and greening of the district, we’ll create a place that will benefit

The Zuidas Office of the City of Amsterdam is responsi-

Amsterdam as a whole.’

ble for the development of the Zuidas district, the urban development zone on either side of the A10 Amsterdam

Have you got a wish list for bringing art and

ring road in the southern part of the city. Its tasks include

culture into the district’s public spaces, and is

creating building plots, designing the urban infrastruc-

this important in terms of local development?

ture, development of public space and negotiating with

‘Art and culture are absolutely vital to a healthy city. It’s my

property developers, as well as providing guidelines for the

deep-rooted conviction that the success of Amsterdam as a city

development of the buildings. Zuidas, which was already a

and its capacity for attracting international businesses, while also

high-profile international business district and a centre of

being a safe haven for people from all backgrounds, is closely

research and education, is now evolving into a fully-fledged

bound up with the actual presence of culture. We have plans to in-

urban hub - a place to live, work and play. For more infor-

stall a beautiful statue in the courtyard facing the new courthouse

mation, visit www.zuidas.nl.

and we’re also in talks with the public library about opening a local

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The news late November that the European Medicines Association (EMA) will be moving to Zuidas was received with euphoria– not only in Zuidas but also amongst policymakers and politicians in The Hague and Brussels. Since the announcement, preparations for the EMA’s move have kicked into high gear.

The EMA building will be approximately 80 metres tall, with 19 floors, and will include a conference centre and offices for 900 employees. The total floor area will be around 43,000 m2. Artist’s impression Central Government Real Estate Agency

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Drawing of the entrance of the EMA building. Artist’s impression: Central Government Real Estate Agency

The EMA office will be located on Scarlattilaan, next to EY. RAI station is to the right, and above is the site of the future nhow Amsterdam RAI hotel. At the right side of the KPN-tower, a Van der Valk Hotel will be built. Photography YourCaptain Luchtfotografie

The imminent arrival of the EMA, a European Union agency leaving


Affairs, the Central Government Real

Agency (CGREA): a 100%-government-

October, which will conclude in March

London in response to Brexit, is a big deal for Zuidas. The City of Am-

The relocation of the EMA will also involve a huge logistical operation,

Estate Agency and the City of Amsterdam

owned non-profit agency, which will

2018. Already, the plot on which the EMA

sterdam is going out of its way to attract more knowledge-intensive

with some 900 staff members transferring from London, many of

(together with contiguous cities) and their

operate as a one-stop shop, and will

office will be built is being prepared for

organizations to the district [also see our interview with David van

whom will bring along their partners and children. Entire families will

Expat Centres. The EMA Transition Team

concern itself with all aspects of realizing

construction, with the demolishing of a

Traa on page 8]. Not only is it profiling Zuidas as a top location for

be looking for places to live and for international schools for their kids

will be coordinated by the Ministry of

the new EMA premises. CGREA provides

parking deck next to the EY building now

international enterprise, it’s also promoting its growth as a new

in and around Amsterdam. An all-encompassing and personalized

Health and will act as the focal point for

real estate for the Dutch government

in full swing. Completion of the conference

urban centre with excellent business, residential and recreational

expatriation programme will be provided for the relocation of all EMA

EMA, regarding all aspects of the transiti-

and international organizations in the

section of the new EMA headquarters

prospects. The EMA’s relocation to Zuidas represents a big step

staff and their families who choose to relocate, and which will be

on process.

Netherlands. Its areas of expertise

is slated for 1 April 2019, after which the

towards achieving these ambitions. With VU University Medical Center

offered throughout the entire trajectory. It will provide support with

include real estate management, project

offices will follow. Given that the EMA will

Amsterdam and related facilities also nearby, the district will become

finding housing, selecting and registering with international schools,


development, building technology,

probably be in a transition phase before

an important international healthcare cluster as well as a magnet

choosing health insurance, supporting employment opportunities

No less complex is the job of building the

architectural design and tender procedures.

this, the Zuidas Amsterdam Development

for even more businesses. Also, the fact that the EMA receives some

for partners and assisting with any other administrative procedures

EMA’s future premises. And the pressure is

36,000 visiting experts annually, translating into around 15,000 hotel

associated with relocating to another country. This support will be

on, given the looming Brexit deadline of late


premises are available from 1 January

stays, will mean a terrific boost for Zuidas and the greater metro

provided by a dedicated EMA Transition Team, consisting of experts

March 2019. The relocation will be overseen

To get everything finished in time, CGREA

2019 to accommodate those EMA staff

region as a whole.

from the ministries of Health, Foreign Affairs, Education, Economic

by the Central Government Real Estate

launched a tender procedure this past

members who arrive earlier.

• 13

Office will make sure that full temporary



Looking for information? Got a complaint? Drop by or get in touch by telephone, email or via our brand-new website. Amsterdam Zuidas Information Centre Central Hall, WTC +31 (0)800 5065 contact@zuidas.nl www.zuidas.nl zuidas •


Step up to a once-in-a-lifetime challenge...! WHAT

Four months of intensive training to prepare to face off against a colleague or rival in the boxing ring during a festive gala evening at the Concertgebouw.


Training at Gustav Gym and Club Sportive, with a central clinic every month at Vos Gym


Training starts in the first week of January 2018 and the gala is in May 2018.


The cost of participation is €100 per person, and every participant who ultimately competes

(with special guests!). The gala will be at the Concertgebouw (Main Hall).

in the ring agrees to book a VIP table for the gala. For full details, go to www.battleofthezuidas.nl and sign up for the informational meeting.


THE BATTLE OF THE ZUIDAS IS ORGANIZED BY SANDER BRINKHUIJSEN Having spent his youth on the hockey rink and career as a hockey trainer, five years ago Sander took on the challenge to get in shape for a kickboxing match for charity in just four months’ time. And he pulled it off, making it into the ring and winning his match. According to Sander, ‘I know better than anyone the importance of working with a great team of trainers to achieve a goal. My aim with this initiative is to promote White Collar Boxing and to give the kickboxers the best possible guidance. I prepare them to achieve their personal goal – entry in the annual Battle of the Zuidas - together with a top team of professionals.’



MINUTE? Zuidas is a district in development. And though we’re welcoming many new residents and businesses, there are also lots of faces that we’ve grown to know over the years. Hello Zuidas visited four long-time locals to talk to them about Zuidas’ transformation and its future.

WABE VAN ENK - PROPERTYNL ‘PropertyNL has been in Zuidas since its launch 17 years ago. As a real estate firm, we were really excited to have a front-row seat to all the area developments. In those early years, we were up to our ears in construction because of the expansion and renovation of the WTC. The changes have all been positive though, especially for our office in the WTC. This used to look like a sealed box, but the building has gradually been opened up, and now there’s lots more traffic in and around Zuidas. These days, Zuidas is no longer just closed off corporate offices.’

DRIES MEBUS - VAN ROOYEN DRY CLEANER’S ‘I’ve been a part of the local fabric since 1989, so I’ve been around for quite a while now. In those 28 years, literally everything has changed. None of these tall buildings you see now used to be here. Instead, there was a mix of small businesses and shops. There was a place that sold records, just as there was a barber and a cigar shop. The renewal of the district has changed things for the better, but it makes me sad to see that small businesses often can’t stay afloat in this place. The interaction with so many different people makes this into a great location to be. We get our share of suits every day, also from customers outside Zuidas. There is construction noise to deal with, for sure, but I’ve still enjoyed working here all these years.’

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HARPERT KOOPMAN - OLIVER’S RESTAURANT ‘Oliver’s came to Zuidas when it was still pretty much a blank slate. Now we’ve been here for eleven years and the area has undergone a genuine metamorphosis. Running a restaurant in Zuidas is different than in other parts of Amsterdam. For starters, it’s busier in wintertime than it is during summer. Oliver’s has carved out a place in Zuidas and fortunately people know how to find us.. All the changes that have taken place here have been overwhelmingly positive. There are more people out and about, lots of new businesses have appeared, Zuidas has grown explosively and the developments are nowhere near finished. Future plans like the new station also spell great opportunities for us. The only thing that’s still missing is basic services, such as a post office, but that’s all on the drawing board.’

BARBARA VAN SON-BREUER - SUSHI TIME ‘Sushi Time opened in 2001 in the back WTC’s central lobby. We moved fairly soon after that and for more than ten years we’ve been located on the first floor at the front of the WTC. Unfortunately, this is still not the most perfect of locations, as we prefer to be on the ground floor, where visitors can spot us straight away. One thing that needs to be tackled is more signage in the area, so that people know what’s where. Zuidas has its pros and cons. It’s a business location, which means that lots of people have to be here on a regular basis and drop in automatically. A big drawback is that we share a building with lots of other tenants. We cannot open or close our door whenever it suits us. Sushi Time tries to stay creative by keeping apace with the times and by responding to changing local demand.’

Text Celine Boute • Photography Davien Hulsman

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PROPERTY Source: PropertyNL.com Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features property news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your property news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl.

AMSTERDAM RANKS AMONG TOP 10 MOST POPULAR REAL ESTATE CITIES Zuidas - Amsterdam has been ranked among Europe’s top 10 cities for real estate investment and development prospects in 2018. Investors enthuse especially over the office market upsurge, the flourishing tech sector and pleasant living environment. This was the conclusion drawn by the Urban Land Institute and PwC in their publication Emerging Trends in Real Estate Europe 2018, which is based on a combination of interviews and a survey of over 800 international real estate investors, developers, lenders and other professionals. In this latest ranking, Amsterdam has moved up one rung to a solid tenth place. According to the report, office vacancies in the Dutch capital have plummeted to less than 10%, while rental availability is virtually zero in areas like Zuidas. Driven in part by rising rental earnings, net returns in the office market (yield compression) dipped to almost 4% during 2017. Source: www.accountant.nl

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Zuidas - Rockspring Property Investment Managers has

Zuidas - Kroonenberg Groep has announced plans to develop a

purchased the FOZ office building on Gustav Mahlerlaan

residential complex on Buitenveldertselaan in Amsterdam. With

from MCAP Global Finance, a British subsidiary of New

around 250 apartments ranging from 45 m² to 130 m², of which

York-based Marathon Asset Management. A purchase

40% in the mid-rent sector and 60% in the non-subsidized

sum of €89.6 million was registered with the Land

sector, the two-tower complex will be linked by a plaza. This

Registry Office. Delivered in 2009, the FOZ building

plaza was designed by garden architect Piet Oudolf, whose

was designed by Foreign Office Architects and has

previous projects include the High Line park in Manhattan. The

approximately 10,300 m² in office floor space and 2,400

ground floor will use around 500 m² for commercial activities.

m² for general facilities.

HOURGLASS GROUNDBREAKING CELEBRATED ON 19 OCTOBER 2017 Zuidas - In October 2017, construction of the new Hourglass building started on Parnassusweg in Zuidas. Named for its distinctive shape, the 80-metre tall tower has been designed the architecture firm Dam & Partners. The Hourglass will accommodate a mixture of functions, including offices and a hotel, and is being developed by SAX Vastgoed V.O.F. - a partnership of Maarsen Groep and Zadelhoff. It has been acquired by Bouwinvest - the offices by the Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Office Fund and the hotel by the Bouwinvest Dutch Institutional Hotel Fund. The building’s office floorage totals around 21,000 m²., Loyens & Loeff’s Amsterdam office will be leasing the lion’s share of approximately 15,500 m².

AM WINS TENDER FOR MULTIFUNCTIONAL NEW-BUILD NEAR RAI Zuidas - For development of the first section of the strip along the A10 motorway’s RAI exit, the City of Amsterdam has opted for AM’s innovative, multifunctional concept, which combines residential, office and business functions in a flexible design called Crossover. Plans are to create 10,000 m² in rental housing (246 units), including 6,000 m² for social housing (156 units), ten homes for first-time buyers to total 600 m² GFA, and approximately 5,500 m² GFA for offices. At street level, 600 m² is slated for social initiatives and 550 m² for restaurants.

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De edele kunst van het schijt hebben MEMBERS ONLY SNEAK PREVIEW Location

MBO College Zuid


Monday 19 February 2018

registration servicepoint@hellozuidas.com By Janke Dekker Producties

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Shapiro Backstage at Zuidas Corporate Events Granted I’m just a comedian, but I do get

Crowded in Amsterdam. I’ve spoken quite a

floor cleaner. It was so sustainable that the

some lovely, candid snapshots of corporate

few times at Vrije Universiteit, which is privately

directions to the location were first By Car

life in Zuidas - via the bizarrely revealing

funded. (As opposed to University of Amsterdam,

and - at the bottom - Public Transport. In

rituals known as ‘Dutch corporate events.’

which is comparatively not funded.) VU just

fact, I’ve been to a lot of events that talk a lot

Let me take you on a mini tour.

introduced a new space for their international

about sustainability and then serve veal for

employees, called The Global Room. And that’s

lunch. They talk about sustainable fishing

Brand identity. I spoke at the opening of

how crowded it is in Amsterdam. People got

and serve tuna. And there was an event

the Amsterdam Expat Center, which is now

excited just to have a dedicated room. I told

about eliminating unnecessary packaging;

known as IN Amsterdam. They wanted a

them the VU is a bit like Hogwarts: it’s nice to

they gave out gift bags with 200-page photo

one-stop to streamline the expat process

have a Room of Requirement.

books, which we all recycled immediately.

their opening at a location that was not the

Sustainability. I attended an opening

I’ve also officiated a political debate /

office. Then they changed their location.

of a building called the most green and

boxing match outside Station Zuid, and I’ve

Then they changed their name. Anyway, if

sustainable building in the Netherlands.

inadvertently helped white guys in suits

you can find them or identify them, they

Or at least Amsterdam. Or at least Zuidas.

cheat at a footrace. But that’s a story for

really are very helpful.

Partly because they had a self-driving

another time.

and make everything simpler. So they had

Gregory Shapiro (b.1968) Comedian. American. Dutchman. And the voice of Trump in the ‘Netherlands Second’ video from ‘Zondag Met Lubach.’ Shapiro came to Amsterdam to work with Boom Chicago comedy theater and never left. Along the way he has hosted ‘Comedy Central News.’ He has written 2 books on Dutch culture, including How to Be Dutch: the Quiz. As host of ‘United States of Europe,’ Shapiro offers a ‘Daily Show’ for the EU. Making fun of Europe, the American way.

Photography Davien Hulsman

THE EVOLUTION OF CITY LIFE On Beethovenstraat, next to the pitches of the Amsterdam Football Club, the iconic new Valley building is set to change the landscape of Zuidas. The building embodies the major transformation that is reshaping the Zuidas district from a business location into a lively and multifunctional urban centre. Valley is in perfect keeping with this transformation, offering a space for living, working, recreation and leisure. Developer OVG Real Estate calls this ‘the evolution of city life’. Hello Zuidas sat down with Jan Hein Tiedema, OVG’s executive managing director for the Netherlands, and Tom Redecker, development manager at OVG and involved in this mega project. ZUIDAS HIGH LINE

top of the plinth will be accessible to the


The new mixed-use building will total 75,000

public. Standing at the top of the landscape,

The landscape is a defining feature of the

m². According to Redecker, ‘Valley will have it

you’ll have a view of the football pitches and

building. ‘The plants chosen are hardy

all: two hundred rental apartments, offices,

Beatrixpark, which will be a really unique

enough to survive winter weather, which

a car park, retail space, restaurants, a skybar

feature.’ ‘The project’s landscape architect

is important for the building’s image, and

and an amazing cultural space, designed

is Piet Oudolf, who also designed The High

will be just as important ten or fifteen years

by the renowned architect Winy Maas from

Line in New York,’ notes Redecker. Tiedema

from now,’ says Tiedema. ‘In cities across the

MVRDV Architects.’ ‘Beyond that,’ Tiedema

predicts that ‘Valley will be a building that

world, adding green space on buildings has

says, ‘Valley incorporates a one-of-a-kind

attracts architectural lovers from all over

become a real trend,’ adds Redecker. ‘Valley

public space. Two sets of stairs on Beetho-

the world. It will really enhance the city, and

is a great example of that. Of course, this also

venstraat that leads to the landscape on

being a part of that is brilliant.’

has practical ramifications. A gardener will

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maintain the plants. That will be organized

housing. That was also one of the City’s re-

and cultural organizations identify with that.

centrally by the owners’ association. There

quirements for development of this plot on

Like everything else, we want to make this

will also be a dedicated landscape manager to

Beethovenstraat. ‘Here in Zuidas, the plan all

component special. And, like David van Traa

keep everything alive and healthy.’ As Tiedema

along was for not just an office location, but a

said in his interview with you, a satellite of the

says, ‘From the beginning, we imagined a

full-fledged urban district with all the facilities

Stedelijk Museum would fit in very well here.’

building that would create a landscape for all

and housing that entails. The City of Amster-

residents and users of Zuidas.’

dam saw this could be a linchpin between the offices that are already here and the residential

Valley will be delivered in 2021. In search


neighbourhood evolving around the AFC.’

of a stunning office space or top retail

It was and is the ambition of the municipality

Describing the space, Redecker says, ‘The

location? Visit www.ovgrealestate.nl or

of Amsterdam to create more buildings that

ground floor will have various small bars, cafés

email commercial manager Joppe van

are designated for mixed-use in Zuidas,

and restaurants, and we’re in talks with various

der Heijden (jvdh@ovg.nl) and get in

meaning that as well as offices, they also

parties about ways to shape Valley’s cultural

touch with OVG.

offer other facilities such as residential

space. The building has a very unique design,

Text Romy Lange • Photography Jesse Kraal • Artist’s impression Vero Visuals

• 23

FINANCE Source: Het Financieele Dagblad Every edition of Hello Zuidas magazine features financial news related to the Zuidas district, Amsterdam or the Netherlands. Send your financial news to: hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl. Photography Lotte de Graaf

ABN AMRO GEARS UP TO TAKE ON FINTECHS Zuidas - ABN AMRO has announced the launch of a new online lending company, to be called New10. The SME credit provider is keen to lend not only more money, but also to do so faster and cheaper than market competitors. The established bank will be entering an arena populated mainly by startups, extending loans in the bandwidth of 20,000 to 1 million euros – considerably more than famous alternative financiers like Funding Circle, Spotcap and Lendico.

24 •



Zuidas - British broker NEX Group is relocating its trading


activities to Zuidas, the latest in a series of UK businesses

Zuidas - Dutch pension funds bought up a record number of

to cross the channel to the Netherlands, fuelled by Brexit.

new residential buildings in 2017, acquiring 17,000 new-built

The move concerns the company’s electronic platform for

units through investment institutions including Amvest,

trading fixed income securities, employing ten people, it

Vesteda and Syntrus Achmea. This represents a rise of 35%

reported on the release of its half-year results. Listed on

relative to 2016 and a capital investment of €3.5 billion,

the London Stock Exchange and the FTSE 250, NEX has

according to the latest figures of real estate consultancy

expressed concern about the possible Brexit fallout. In an

Capital Value. But it seems the pension funds’ hunger for

interview with Bloomberg, director and founder Michael

rental housing investment is by no means sated: they would

Spencer praised the Dutch regulator and its solid knowledge

have added as many as 5,000 to 10,000 more units to their

of the market. ‘Amsterdam came out the winner based on

portfolios had they been available, says Capital Value. Indeed,

the entire package, including employee legislation and taxes.

not long ago it was reported that millions of euros in potential

Dublin and Frankfurt rated well too, but Amsterdam did

investments by Dutch institutional investors are languishing

better’, Spencer said of the decision.

due to the lack of building sites and municipal cooperation.

EU PARLIAMENT DISMISSES DUTCH BLACKLISTING Zuidas - The Netherlands will not be officially recognized as a tax haven by the European Parliament after all. An initiative by Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) delegation leader Paul Tang to get the Netherlands blacklisted was voted down by a narrow margin of 327 in favour and an equal number against, leading to its dismissal. The proposed amendment came out of an EU Parliamentary special committee investigation into tax evasion conducted in connection with the Panama Paper revelations. Besides the Netherlands, its report explicitly named Ireland, Malta and Luxembourg as tax havens.

NUMBER OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS DOUBLES IN TEN YEARS Zuidas -The number of independent contractors registered in the major Dutch cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht has doubled in the last ten years, from 81,000 in 2007 to 165,000 in 2017, according to figures released by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Utrecht came out at the top, with an increase of 135%, bringing its total population of sole traders to 22,100. Their number grew in the rest of the Netherlands too, by an average of 79%.

• 25

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People looking for individual training are

THE MAGIC OF IN2MOTIVATION Personal development for people and organizations

equally welcome at in2motivation, says Peter. ‘We also offer training for individuals, covering everything, from leadership, public speaking to NLP. Like the in-company trainings, our open training sessions are easily accessible, active, open and internationally oriented. They’re led by trainers with loads of international experience and frequently attract as many as 11 different nationalities.

Working in Zuidas is like playing a competi-

ness.’ The secret to their success? ‘We’re a

As a result, our trainees not only grow on

tive sport. If you wish to stay on top of your

partner in customization. By personalizing

personal and professional fronts, but also

game, you need to train like a champion.

all of our training courses, we achieve better

learn that cultural differences are sometimes

in2motivation helps people to do just that, by

and lasting results’, says Peter, ‘and that

overstated. “Culture doesn’t say anything

training them to achieve their full potential.

appeals to a lot of organizations.’

about you and all your potential. Culture can

Owners Ligia Ramos and Peter Koijen speci-

say a lot about what you learned until now

alize in customized training for people and


and if you learn new things, you will change

organizations. With their passionate approach


as well. Valuable lessons for people working

and international experience, they work

Another thing that sets in2motivation apart

in an international setting like Zuidas.’

magic in the training room. ‘I literally see the

is its unique content. Ligia explains, ‘We

look in people’s eyes change during a training

develop our own tools and programmes. We

session’, says Ligia. ‘To me, that’s pure magic!’

don’t use standard models, so you’re always


guaranteed to learn something new’. At the


in2motivation was founded ten years ago.

heart of in2motivation’s training approach is


Since then, Ligia and Peter and their core

experience. ‘We’re specialists in experiential


team of enthusiastic trainers have been

learning. Our philosophy is: experience first,

+31 (0)20 7370312

helping a growing number of businesses

explanation second. We might use role play,


improve their performance in all areas, from

for example, but we also develop games and

Amstelveenseweg 739

teambuilding, sales and personal effective-

out-of-the-box exercises.’

Text Kika Samsom • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 27


PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BY SAVILLS ‘Property starts with people’ Savills portfolio includes many prominent buildings in Zuidas: from AkzoNobel’s head offices to the ITO and SOM complex. Tenants know they may count on Savills for a safe, clean and pleasant building environment. And Savills knows these services hinge on sound communication. That’s why they have ‘Property starts with people’ as their motto. Savills Property Management’s Commercial Manager Melissa Raap and Facility Manager Femke Boon explain.

28 •

According to Melissa Raap, communication is key.

Melissa. ‘We help the owners of properties we

‘Good communication with the owners and tenants

manage make their buildings more efficient, through

of the buildings we manage is our number one

measures which range from energy-saving systems

priority. Property management really is all about

to green roofs. Tenants also have an important role

people. Direct contact, personal service and serious

to play because no matter how energy-efficient a

engagement are all very important to us. Because of

building may be, what matters is how efficiently

that, we also invest in good IT systems, so as to give

tenants make use of it. We’re happy to advise them.

us more time to visit the buildings and tenants in

Tenants themselves are also increasingly interested

person. At the moment, we’re designing an IT system

in investing in energy-efficient systems, which they

that will let tenants check the status of their pending

earn back on their energy consumption.’

requests in real time. We want to ensure they always know where they stand.’

GOING THE EXTRA MILE Facility Manger Femke Boon is the first point of

‘Because we’re located in Zuidas, I can be on a tenant’s doorstep in just five minutes’

contact for tenants of properties managed by Savills. ‘Tenants can come to me with their questions and


requests. Apart from forwarding incoming notifica-

Another important pillar of property management is

tions and technical malfunctions, I also try to go the

hospitality. According to Femke, the office market is

extra mile. If tenants want a dry cleaning service, for

trending towards offering a hotel experience. ‘These

example, I look into how we can make that happen.’

days, we can work anywhere, but we come to the office for the environment and interaction. Everyone


contributes to that experience, from the security

As an added benefit for tenants in Zuidas, Savills’

guards to the reception staff and cleaners. It starts

office is practically next door. ‘Because we’re located

with a warm welcome by the receptionist when you

in Zuidas, I can be on a tenant’s doorstep in just five

arrive in the common lobby, but it’s also enhanced

minutes’, says Femke. ‘Plus, we know what’s going

by things like a nice coffee bar, where you can meet

on in Zuidas, are well-connected with the municipal

with colleagues.’


authorities and involved in local developments. Our tenants see that as an added value.’



Do you work in a building managed by Savills? Femke

Claude Debussylaan 48


would love to meet you. ‘You can find me visiting our

+ 31 (0)20 301 20 00

Aside from communication, sustainability is another

properties almost every day. So if you’ve got questions


important facet of property management, says

or ideas, please be sure to let me know!’

Text Kika Samsom • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 29



Saturday 13 January OPEN DAY, ZUIVER FITNESS CLUB @ Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver

Every Thursday

On Saturday 13 January, ZUIVER


fitness club will be opening its doors

@ The Barn - Gustav Maherlaan

to all of Zuidas. The recent renovation

The Barn is now open for drinks on

Monday 8 to Thursday 11 January

and those New Year’s resolutions to

Thursday evenings. Every Thursday,


get 2018 off to a healthy start are the

enjoy an after-work organic beer or

@ RAI Amsterdam

perfect reasons to come try out all the

wine at The Barn with your collea-

The food retail and service sector

new fitness equipment and classes in

gues. Looking for a healthy venue to

is evolving, and so is consumer

CrossFit, yoga, boxing, spinning and

hold a brainstorming session with

behaviour. These days, people want

more. As a member, you can also relax

your team or to host your party? Look

to be able to eat and drink anytime,

at Zuiver’s spa for an hour after your

no further than The Barn! No time to

anywhere. How will this affect your

workout. Plus, there will be a draw for

go out for lunch? The Barn delivers

business? Discover and experience it

a free one-month membership! More

special office boxes straight to you.

for yourself at Horecava, and make

info: www.zuiveramsterdam.nl.

For reservations: 020-2336548

your company future-proof. More


info: www.horecava.nl.

Every Tuesday afternoon GET MOVING WITH THE ENTERTRAINER! @ CIRCL Interested in getting faster and fitter

30 •

while minimizing your footprint? Want

Thursday 18 January to Sunday 11 March

to shed the holiday flab? And looking


for a better balance between work and

@ Olympic Stadium

play? Then get moving with the Entertrai-

From 18 January to 11 March 2018,

ner’s running training in Zuidas. As the

the country’s coolest rink at the

name implies, fun comes first, but the

Olympic Stadium reopens for

Entertrainer is also an experienced and

speed skating! The rink is open

certified running coach. Routes will vary,

for all levels and ages and puts a

as will the training. Your result is a toned

modern spin on the Netherlands’

physique, better running technique and

long ice-skating tradition, offering a

a fun, locally based running community

unique combination of fitness and

with a mix of residents and professionals.

entertainment and recreational and

Time: 4:30-5:45pm. For info and to sign

championship sport. More info:

up: www.entertrainer.nl/Zuidasrunners



Our next issue will be published @ March 5. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl before January 23.


@ Infinity building,


Amstelveenseweg 500

@ Claude Debussylaan 273

Grachtenfestival friends and patrons

On Friday 19 January 2018 Coffee

old and new are invited to this infor-

DC celebrates the opening of its first

mational gathering at the stunning

location on Claude Debussylaan! After

premises of festival partner Lexence.

a total refurbishment, the café boasts

Each year, the Grachtenfestival show-

a fabulous new interior to go with its

cases a new generation of up-and-co-

excellent espresso. Coffee DC is a spot

ming musicians at beautiful locations

for all local professionals and resi-

throughout Amsterdam. Interested

dents, and from March will also have a

in supporting the festival? Join us!

terrace and organize after-work drinks

Register before 12 January to

and nibbles on Friday afternoons.


Monday 22 January SPEED DATING FOR AGES 25-38 (HETERO) @ Restaurant à Deauville Single and in search of a date? Come speed dating at Restaurant à Deauville! You’ll meet 15-20 other hetero singles, with a new date every 4 minutes. The age category is 25 to 38. Please register at aboutlove.nl/speeddaten-amsterdam.

Thursday 25 January A REVOLUTIONARY VU ORCHESTRA @ Concertgebouw Amsterdam Friday 19 January

The VU Orchestra presents Shostakovich’s


monumental 11th symphony, inspired

@ Restaurant NINE

by the Russian revolution of 1905,

Looking to sink your teeth into a new challenge? Come learn all about delicious

Debussy’s impressionist masterpiece

Javanese cooking in this workshop with Ruth Jansen. A Jakarta native, Ruth learned

Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune,

how to prepare authentic recipes in her grandmother’s kitchen. Javanese cuisine

marking a watershed in modern

tends towards mild flavours, is more sweet than spicy, and has lots of vegetarian

music, and William Walton’s viola

dishes. The workshop includes time for fun and drinks, and of course to sit down to-

concert featuring world-famous vio-

gether afterwards to enjoy the fruits of your new culinary skills! Get together a group

list Amihai Grosz as soloist. More info:

of friends or colleagues and sign up today by email to info@phisage.nl.


• 31



Wednesday 14 February Friday 2 February DISCO CLASSICS Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 January JUMPING AMSTERDAM @ Amsterdam RAI From Thursday 25 to Sunday 28 January 2018, the RAI Amsterdam welcomes equestrian sports enthusiasts for top-class dressage in the FEI World

@ Ox & Bucks

VALENTINE’S DAY @ The Basket Tired of being on your own during the

Ox & Bucks cranks up the music

holidays? Don’t want to spend this Va-

on Friday afternoons to give you a

lentine’s Day solo? Then come to The

sizzling send-off into the weekend!

Basket Amsterdam on 14 February

Come enjoy drinks and dancing with

for a blind-dinner date and let us find

your colleagues at Ox & Bucks. More

you your perfect match! More info:

info: www.oxxbucks.com.


Cup™ Dressage plus spectacular show jumping on Friday evening, the Six Bar on Saturday evening and the Grote Prijs van Amsterdam on Sunday afternoon, alongside awesome shows and glittering afterparties. More info: www.jumpingamsterdam.nl.

From Thursday 8 February WINE-TASTING COURSE @ Wineboutique and Spirits This 5-day course teaches you all the basics of wine tasting. You’ll taste 40 different Saturday 27 January

wines and get a brief theoretical background, including information about the


influence of factors like grape variety, vinification techniques and ageing. After the

@ Amsterdamse Bos

course you’ll also know how to perfectly pair wines with different dishes. The cour-

Run for Kika on the Bosbaan terrain

se consists of 5 tasting sessions of 2½ to 3 hours each on 8 and 22 February and 8,

in the Amsterdamse Bos and join the

15 and 22 March. During each lesson you’ll taste at least 8 exemplary wines. Cost:

fight against children’s cancer. More

€285. Please register at Wineboutique and Spirits, WTC Tower H, or by email to

info: www.runforkika.nl/winterrun.


32 •


Our next issue will be published @ March 5. Send your agenda to hellozuidas@zuidaspublishers.nl before January 23.

Monday 19 and Wednesday 21 February

Tuesday 20 February



BY SWIM IN BALANCE @ De Mirandabad

@ CIRCL Every company is part of a chain of

Swim in Balance is offering a new se-

suppliers, intermediaries, customers

ries of 6-week evening swimming clas-

and waste processors. To change any

ses for adults starting up on Monday

given subprocess in that chain takes

19 and Wednesday 21 February. Les-

the efforts of multiple actors, where

sons are held just a stone’s throw from

the key to success is collaboration in

Saturday 17 February

Zuidas, near Rai station. Master the

the broadest sense. Finding innova-


crawl, breaststroke or butterfly techni-

tive solutions and adding real value

@ De Nieuwe Poort

que in 6 weeks. Stiff after a whole day

requires all stakeholders to form a

Get fixed up in a jiffy! This year, De

at the office? Swimming according to

united front and share responsibility

Nieuwe Poort hosts another special

the Shaw Method will leave you feeling

from the outset. Which actors are

Valentine’s Day celebration, pairing

like you’ve had a massage and is

needed to set things in motion? What

young professionals and seniors for

ultra-healthy for your neck, shoulders

is the potential of ‘unlikely allies’, and

a fun day out. Get into the spirit of

and back. It’s also ideal training for

what are the secret ingredients to

Valentine’s Day this year with an inter-

triathletes! Swim in Balance also offers

successful collaboration? More info:

generational date! More info:

swimming lessons for beginners. More



info: www.swiminbalance.nl.


Monday 19 February HELLO ZUIDAS MEMBERS MEETING (MEMBERS ONLY) @ MBO College Zuid Hello Zuidas has something exciting in

Monday 27 February

store for its members! This February, our


members meeting will revolve around


a theatre performance about Zuidas.

@ Restaurant à Deauville

The show is produced by Janke Dekker

Single and in search of a date?

Producties, in collaboration with MBO

Come speed dating at Restaurant

College Zuid. An exclusive sneak preview

à Deauville! You’ll meet 15-20 other

for Hello Zuidas members will take place

hetero singles, with a new date every

on February 19. Later this year, the show

4 minutes. The age category is 25 to

will tour through Zuidas with several

38. Please register at



• 33




Leaving your wheels at home to commute by public

authorities are collaborating on initiatives to achieve

transport for an entire month… Would you take

this goal. Arcadis is also taking a keen interest in the

on this challenge? Over the month of September,

transformations that are reshaping Zuidas, which is

the Zuidas Mobility Experience did just that,

‘literally in our backyard’, as Arcadis project leader

daring Zuidas professionals to forego driving for

Joost de Jong explains. ‘We’re eager to contribute

the duration of one month and to opt instead for

our knowledge and experience of traffic and mobility

a range of other ways of transport. This Mobility

to help design and test concepts for MAAS. At

Challenge, which is collaboration between Arcadis

Arcadis, we consider Mobility as a Service to be a

and the municipality of Amsterdam, was part of

genuinely crucial development.’

the wider MAAS (Mobility as a Service) project between these partners. The Green Business Club


is among the initiators.

In all, 11 commuters, representing diverse companies and organizations in Zuidas, including Loyens & Loeff,


ABN AMRO, OVG, Deloitte and VUmc, accepted the

Unabated growth of the Amsterdam metro region,

Mobility Challenge. A majority of them reported to

as well as the current development of Zuidasdok

have had a positive experience with the pilot. Peter

(including construction of additional lanes and a

Alles, RPA consultant (Robotics Process Automation)

tunnel for the A10 south motorway and expansion of

at Deloitte, commented on the challenge, saying, ‘For

Amsterdam Zuid station), have led to a fast growing

my job I have to travel to lots of different locations, and

traffic congestion around Zuidas. In future, people

sometimes I have to make several appointments within

will have to find new ways to commute. Mobility as a

the same day. Getting around without a car is tricky,

Service (MAAS) could be the answer to this problem.

and it’s even worse when the weather is bad.’ Even so,

In essence, this broad concept seeks to replace

a day after the pilot finished, Peter said he enjoyed his

ownership of a personal vehicle with a wide range of

four car-free weeks. ‘It was a great experience. I think,

mobility options, comparable to developments such as

as far as my family and myself are concerned, we could

Netflix and Spotify in film and music. Experiences with

get by perfectly well without a car. It turned out to be

MAAS elsewhere show that the key to its success lies

a real eye-opener, and something I’ll be giving some

in user convenience. Travellers have to be guaranteed

serious thought by the end of this year.’

easy access to a comprehensive set of mobility services that meet their specific transport needs.

A second Mobility Experience is scheduled to launch in March. Knowledge gathered from both pilots will


ultimately be used to define the MAAS offering in



Apart from the municipality, employers in Zuidas also have a stake in maintaining the accessibility

More info:

of the area. Now businesses and the municipal


Text Robert Niessen

• 35

E-mails met spelfouten? Dat is zo 2017... Vanaf 2018 maken uw werknemers geen spel- en grammaticafouten meer E-mails versturen, nieuwsbrieven maken en persberichten opstellen. Zelfs als je regelmatig schrijft, ervaar je dat je de spellingsregels niet meer goed paraat hebt. Hoe zit het ook alweer met de d’s en de t’s? Een in company Opfrisworkshop Nederlandse Grammatica en/of Spelling haalt de weggezakte kennis weer naar boven. Door heldere uitleg en uitgekiende voorbeelden en oefeningen doen collega’s in een prettige en ontspannen sfeer opnieuw taalkennis op. marijke@kaatee.com

Een workshop duurt één dagdeel met 4 tot 10 personen. Marijke Kaatee

+31 (0)20 6790651

biedt maatwerk. Samen stellen we de inhoud van de workshop vast zodat

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uw medewerkers weer jaren vooruit kunnen!



Dick van Hal

Delicious snacks were served.

Ton Boon & Monique Maarsen

Waldo Kapoen, Monique Maarsen, Maarten Feilzer & David van Traa

HOURGLASS GROUNDBREAKING Thursday 19 October 2017 @ Parnassusweg • On 19 October a festive groundbreaking ceremony for the Hourglass building took place. • The new building on Parnassusweg will be shaped

Marlon Goûtier & Mara Koot

like an hourglass and will rise 80 metres. • Architectural firm Dam & Partners is responsible Waldo Kapoen & Monique Maarsen

for the building’s design. • The Hourglass building will accommodate a variety of functions, including offices and a hotel, and is being developed by SAX Vastgoed V.O.F., which is a partnership between Maarsen Groep and Zadelhoff. • The offices will be completed by the end of 2019; the hotel is slated to open in early 2020.

Helen Clark, Vincent van Sabben, Mara Koot & Luuk Kops

Hourglass Groundbreaking

Photography Blink Fotografie

David van Traa & Cor van Zadelhoff

Monique Maarsen & David van Traa

• 37




38 •


A GREENER ZUIDAS With Zuidas now rating as the most densely developed piece of city in the Netherlands, the city is stepping up efforts to preserve local quality of life by prioritizing green space. Its ideas for a greener Zuidas have been set out in the aptly named Green Plan. Aside from more planting activities, the plan also outlines measures to improve landscaping with a diversity of flora and fauna. Among locations to be targeted in the years ahead are Europaplein, Claude Debussylaan, Gustav Mahlerplein, the eastern stretch of De Boelelaan, the embankment along Fred. Roeskestraat, and Gershwinplein.

HELP US KEEP ZUIDAS ACCESIBLE Every other year, the Zuidas Accessibility Team polls everyone who lives or works in or regularly visits Zuidas on what they think of the district’s accessibility. The results provide a wealth of insight into all the ways we travel into Zuidas, how satisfied we are with our commute and which alternatives might be available. This information is used to improve access to Zuidas. As an extra incentive, participants in this year’s survey will be entered to win great prizes, such as a trendy raincoat from Regenpakhuis, bike vouchers from Het Zwarte Fietsplan, and lots more. Scan the QR code and take the survey!

GREEN BUSINESS CHALLENGE This year two more teams of young professionals are tackling the Green Business Challenge, an initiative of GBC Zuidas, in which participants are given five months to design and build their sustainable idea. The Sustainable Fashion Team has set its sights on greening locals’ wardrobes with a pop-up shop offering sustainable brands and vending machines stocking sheer tights. The E-Waste Team aims to reduce electronic waste in Zuidas, by exploring recycling options for electronic equipment and encouraging companies to buy more sustainable electronic products. Results of the Green Business Challenge will be unveiled during a celebratory gathering at the end of April. Good luck to both teams!!

Maartje Oome is communications advisor for Green Business Club Zuidas, a district organization in which businesses cooperate in launching sustainable initiatives and achieving sustainability goals. She is also the editor-in-chief of the Zuidas Sustainability Report. As the contributing editor of the sustainability page in Hello Zuidas magazine, she reports on interesting new trends on the sustainability front in Zuidas. Got hot news on green developments in Zuidas? Send an email to: Maartje@greenbusinessclub.nl.​

Text Maartje Oome

• 39

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Boutique firm C-law, short for Competition Lawyers, which is based in the Dutch city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, has recently opened a new visiting address on Gustav Mahlerplein. In advising its corporate clients, C-law deals with regulatory authorities on a daily basis. Hello Zuidas caught up with C-law founder Claudia Bruins, who specializes in the broad domain of Dutch and European competition law, including state aid law, consumer law and economic regulation. COMPANIES & REGULATORS

notified to regulators like the ACM or the


With a team that also includes competition

European Commission. ‘We arrange for the


lawyers Guus de Bruijn and Blanka Vitéz, the

notification and for a speedy approval of


firm has increased its focus on the triad of

transactions. M&A lawyers, M&A boutique

C-law is seeking a senior competition lawyer

competition, consumer law and privacy. ‘We

firms and corporate finance firms rely

/ partner to build the new Amsterdam

assist companies that are dealing with different

upon us to make sure a swift closing of

practice. Interested? Please contact C-law

sector-specific regulations and with regulators

the transaction is possible. Economic

for more information.

like the ACM (the Netherlands Authority for

factors are important in the legal domains

Consumers and Markets)’, explains Claudia.

we work in and that has made our work

‘For example, when the ACM uncovers unlawful

more complicated. We regularly call in

(cartel) agreements, companies need a

economists to help us build a solid case.’

specialized competition lawyer who can assist

Bastion - Willemsplein 2-4

and advise them during the investigation.


Often, hefty fines are involved. This is just one


of our areas of expertise.’

Claudia Bruins has over 20 years of


5211 AK ‘s-Hertogenbosch

professional competition law experience.

Vinoly Tower - Gustav Mahlerplein 2


She is ranked in the Chambers Europe 2017

1082 MA Amsterdam

By law, mergers and acquisitions that

Guide as a leading individual for Competition


meet certain thresholds have to be

law and European law in The Netherlands.

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 41


ZUIDAS ARCHITECTURE ITO Tower Zuidas icon remains up to date

42 •


Gustav Mahlerplein 1-99


100 metres


Yoto Ito



Building owner Union Investment

Floor area

35,000 m2

Completed in 2005

Main user

Houthoff and Accenture


Zuidas is renowned for its pioneering architecture. As it matures into an international quarter of Amsterdam, buildings in Zuidas are shooting up

distinctive transparency to the building that


right and left. Amidst all these modern

serves to bring the outside world in. This

• The ITO (and the adjacent SOM tower) has

skyscrapers, it may be difficult to imagine

contrasts with the horizontal aluminium

a trove of secret gardens inside as well as

that only around 20 years ago, this

panels setting off the windows around the

outside. Take for example the park on the

stretch of land connecting the residential

remainder of the building, thus making it

roof of the parking garage, which comes

neighbourhoods of Zuid and Buitenveldert

feel more enclosed. Recent renovation of

complete with trees and benches. As for

consisted mostly of tennis courts and

the entrance has amplified the sense of

the interior of the building: look closely and

football pitches. In this series we zoom in

transparency by transforming the façade into

you’ll see glass-enclosed jungles that have

on the architecture of Zuidas. This time,

a wall of ultra clear glass, which was meant

been created at the building’s corners.

we take a closer look at the ITO Tower.

to give the ITO tower a more cosmopolitan

• The tower is named after Yoto Ito, its world-

look and feel, while whilst making it more

renowned Japanese architect. The ITO

To anyone who is the least bit familiar with

open and accessible at the same time. These

tower is one of his European creations, of

Zuidas, the ITO tower is an iconic building,

days - where flexible working strategies

which there are only a handful throughout

and one that’s been around for quite a while.

are gradually taking over and where offices

Europe. The ITO tower is the only building

Aside from being one of the tallest structures

sometimes seem a luxury we no longer need

in the Netherlands designed by him.

in Zuidas, it was also among the first. The ITO

- the refurbished lobby, with its restaurant

tower may look simple and straightforward

and sleek reception area, is clearly designed

among the four tallest buildings in Zuidas,

at first glance, but a closer look reveals a

to invite people in. That makes Zuidas’ most

only five metres short of the WTC tower,

wealth of interesting details. The glazed

iconic and trend-setting building as up to

ABN AMRO headquarters and Symphony

cut-outs in the façade, for example, lend a

date and future proof as ever.

residential tower.

Text Eefje van den Akker • Photography Jelmer Jeuring

• At 100 metres high, the ITO tower ranks

• 43

NEW IN AMSTERDAM Discover a smarter way of swimming with the Shaw Method! Learn a swimming technique that is efficient, effortless

breast stroke or butterfly technique in 6-week courses

and kind to your body. Afterwards it feels as if you just

for adults. Ideal if you prepare for a triathlon or if you

had a massage. Energised instead of exhausted. The

suffer neck- or back problems. For adults who never

Shaw Method applies the principles of the Alexander

learned to swim there is a ‘Learn-to-Swim’ course, to

Technique (used by a.o. actors, musicians, athletes and

first feel comfortable and breath easily under water.

pilots) to swimming. Develop a beautiful front crawl,

Welcome at Swim in Balance!


Amsterdam’s premier events venue Come taste, enjoy and experience Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal! Dine in our restaurant on the ground floor or visit our Food Experience on the first floor, featuring a range of spaces perfect for networking functions, business meetings, cooking workshops, private dining and parties, as well as a wine Come along and beer experience. Parking for restaurant guests is free the 1st hour and €1 for every 15 minutes thereafter. Turn in your car park entry ticket at the service desk to receive an exit ticket.

for a guided tour to get information and inspiration for your next event!

Stadionplein 300 | 1076 CK Amsterdam 020 - 303 14 22 | info@hetamsterdamseproeflokaal.nl hetamsterdamseproeflokaal.nl



Early in December, Jan Jonker, professor

that wreak havoc on our environment?

of Corporate Sustainability at Radboud

These are just three examples of the

University, gave an inspiring presentation

hundreds of products that Jonker says we

to a packed auditorium at the CIRCL

throw out needlessly. Worldwide, all this

pavilion. His talk centred on the question

waste has become a massive economic

of how circular business models can be

problem, says Jonker, and it should be

effectively integrated and implemented

our mission to create a circular economy.

in organizations. In the Netherlands, we

Building that economy will take some

throw out a sum total of 1.4 mattresses a

thirty years. A 100% sustainable and

year, and worldwide we trash 1.4 billion

circular world is not feasible, but a few

perfectly functional telephones. And what

reasonably simple changes can go a long

to do about the billions of dirty nappies

way toward greening our planet.





The crux of the circular economy is to close

Instead of focusing on the sale of a product,

Circularity will change revenue models.

material loops in production processes and

value creation should centre on delivering

Revenue will be earned over time (lease or

product life cycles. This can be done both

added value over its entire lifespan. Resul-

performance models) or through shared

within organizations and among partners in

ting in a longer-term product relationship

value creation.

the value chain.

with one or multiple customers.



By working according to the principles of the


This evening was made possible

circular economy, we can create more than

The circular economy calls for the organization of

by partners Accenture, The Green

merely financial value; we can also create

chains and networks in collaboration with with

Business Club and ABN AMRO.

social and ecological value.

partners; no company can be circular on its own.

Text Romy Lange • Photography Ron Offermans

• 45


Maurice Noten & Michael Berendsen

Zuidas Beer!

Middle: Cees Huijing, right: Menno van der Valk

A contribution for De Voedselbank, Olivier Otten, Jennecke Stradmeijer & Letty Santé

Olivier Otten, Jesse Gosse & Remco Kappelhof


Peter Braamzeel & Letty Verweij

Hans Bosma & Richard Aloserij

Thursday 30 November 2017 @ Amsterdamse Proeflokaal • The Hello Zuidas End of the Year event has become an annual tradition. • This year, Zuidas Beer was launched during the event! • Guests rated the new Zuidas Beer as deliciously refreshing. • Zuidas Beer is served and sold all over Zuidas. Jesse Gosse & Remco Kappelhof

Marja Cino & Floor Beeren

46 •

Angela Nijland, Geert-Jan Ankoné & Ilkel Taner

Tijmen de Vries, Bob Dolphijn & Wilfried Brussee

Leonie Völke, Ouafa Chickh & Romy Lange

Launch of Zuidas Beer

Photography Lotte de Graaf



ZUIDAS IN TEN YEARS Van Rhijn believes Zuidas could benefit from a little disruption and should also create space to think outside the box. ‘A few rough edges

After more than 20 years’ involvement in the Zuidas community,

are human and here we could use some more of that to help people

Jaap van Rhijn recently traded in his position as CEO of Colliers

feel at home. There is little random space in Zuidas, even though that’s

International to become programme director redevelopment at

exactly what people love, because it’s where stuff happens. Locals

Cordaan. Jaap’s local credits include sealing the lease of offices

need to colour Zuidas with stories, and planners and administrators

for Kempen & Co in the WTC, he was ABN AMRO’s contact

have to leave scope for that. Everything has been designed to be very

when they moved to the Gustav Mahlerplein and he coordinated

neat and tidy, which prevents people outside from seeing what’s hap-

the development of Claude Debussylaan many years ago. Because

pening inside. Beyond that, I hope that in ten years’ time this will be as

he was once a member of the of the Hello Zuidas foundation’s

much a residential location as it is a hub for business, and that there

supervisory board and chairman of the Zuidas committee of

will be more to spark the imagination.’

the ORAM, we wanted to take this opportunity to talk with him about Zuidas one last time before he bids us farewell.

HARDWARE & SOFTWARE According to Van Rhijn, the Hello Zuidas foundation and magazine have


been of vital importance to the district. ‘The magazine is a brilliant

It was 20 years ago that ABN AMRO came to Zuidas, Van Rhijn recounts.

medium, fostering a feeling of community. Everything in Zuidas may

‘They were immensely proud of this location because it’s very visible

look so sleek and streamlined, but the Hello Zuidas foundation has

from the A10. But even back then there were plans in progress to reroute

still managed to bring people together. The magazine and the foun-

the motorway underground, which would considerably diminish that

dation keep people informed and organize events that create a sense

visibility. This is why I proposed creating Claude Debussylaan, so the

of belonging. If the buildings are the hardware of Zuidas, Hello Zuidas

building would remain a landmark for pedestrians.’

is the software.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Wouter van Ierssel

• 47

De Kredieter



When applying for a mortgage, independent contractors, expats and people with highly variable salaries are subject to different rules from those in regularly paid employment. De Kredieter is a mortgage broker that has been based in the WTC for over 20 years, arranging affordable mortgages with reputable lenders, which include these particular target groups. Ronald Bieger, financial adviser at De Kredieter, explains the special rules and conditions.

48 •



According to Ronald, many independent contractors

De Kredieter receives a large number of referrals

work under the misconception that they don’t qualify

through the Expat Center and Expat Help, both of

for a mortgage, when in fact a growing number of

which assist expats with finding housing, among

lenders do cater for this clientele. ‘Even with the huge

other things. From experience, Ronald knows that

increase of independent contractors in recent years,

‘After a year or thereabouts, most expats want to

especially in Amsterdam, the banking sector has

switch from renting to buying a house. The rent is

hardly changed’, Ronald says. ‘Lenders have jumped

often higher than the mortgage costs, because of

in to fill the gap. Business owners who are able to

the low interest rates at the moment. That’s where

come up with figures for a full financial year and good

we come in. Estate agents also refer lots of expats to

earnings have an excellent chance of being approved

us. The rules for expats are different as well. Because

for a mortgage, and we can help. The more business

they pay lower income taxes in the Netherlands,

figures to substantiate an applicant’s request we

they can afford a larger down payment, which

receive, the better. A client’s own accountant or

makes them an interesting target group for lenders.

bookkeeper can also assist with that. Please note

On the other hand, they’ve also built up less state

that not all contractors can offer this service.’

pension in the Netherlands, so that has to be factored into the calculation as well. Procuring loans


for expats from outside the EU tends to be trickier.

People in paid employment whose salary fluctuates

They often have to invest a greater amount of their

significantly are also assessed differently by

own money.’

mortgage lenders. ‘Banks are reluctant to overfinance clients, so they have to establish whether



that variable income is a structural occurrence’,

From 2018, mortgage lenders will be subject to

WTC Central Hall

Ronald continues. ‘This mostly concerns an income

new rules. ‘In the past, mortgages also covered the

next to tower A

consisting of earned bonuses and commissions.

closing costs for the buyer, which include real estate

Strawinskylaan 17

Bonuses depend on the volume of business;

transfer tax and notary fees, but that’s about to

1077 XW Amsterdam

commissions depend on personal performance.

change ’, Ronald explains. ‘As from next year, loans

+31 (0)20 - 575 33 20

Commissions can always be stated on the mortgage

will be capped at 100% of the purchase price. The


application, whereas bonuses are averaged over the

only exception to this rule is the remodelling work


most recent three years. So that’s a key difference.’

that adds value to the home.’

Text Romy Lange • Photography Davien Hulsman

• 49


Crowne Plaza’s cosy winter terrace

The band played beautiful songs

Jaska Cortez & Li Jochems

The music was good!

Team Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South!

Jingle Bells :)


Marv. Perego & Johanna de Groot

@ Crowne Plaza Amsterdam South • Crowne Plaza’s winter terrace is open! • Once again, Crowne Plaza has created an inviting winter wonderland. • This year, there will also be a tepee! • The winter terrace is open for drinks and snacks until the end of January.

Last Christmans...

Mariska, Melissa & Larissa

50 •

Ewout, Rosalie & Brian

Dog: Baco

Ingrid Cleerdin & Thuja Drontmann

Marieke & Paul

It’s still possible to enjoy this terrace!

Photography Davien Hulsman


A healthy mind in a healthy body equals a ‘pure life’

Curious? Request your free day pass now and see for yourself what Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver has to offer. Plus, if you sign up now, your membership is free until March 2018!* On Saturday 13 January 2018 the fitness

Have you been so busy in 2017 that you’ve

BodyPump or spinning sessions. There is

club will be celebrating its grand reopening

enjoyed hardly any time to relax? A good

no need to reserve in advance. And after all

from 9 am until 3 pm. Join the spinning

resolution for 2018 is to set aside more

that exertion, enjoy some well-deserved

marathon, take an extensive yoga session

of that time for yourself. Spa Sport Hotel

pampering at the luxury spa, free of charge.

or drop by to have a look around, with no

Zuiver, situated at the edge of Amsterdamse

obligations. Still tied to a membership at

Bos, offers a full spectrum of fitness and

With 13,000 m² of wellness facilities

another fitness club? No problem, Zuiver

relaxation facilities under one roof.

nestled in tranquil green surroundings,

can make you an attractive offer!

total relaxation is guaranteed at this The fitness centre was recently renovated

modern spa in Amsterdam. Unwind in

and expanded with more space and the

the traditional Finnish saunas, ease your

For further details, visit the website

latest fitness equipment. There is also a

muscles and joints in the infrared sauna,

at www.zuiveramsterdam.nl, send an

nutrition coach on hand who can provide

restore your body’s balance in the colour

email to Sales@zuiveramsterdam.nl

personalized nutrition advice to help you

therapy sauna and immerse yourself in

or talk to one of the representatives

achieve your goals. Request a free day

one of the aroma baths or whirlpools. At

by phone on +31 (0)20 301 07 07.

pass and try out one of the wide range of

Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver, you can unwind,

fitness classes, like CrossFit, boxing and

relax, recharge and, above all, enjoy the

yoga, or work up a sweat in the ever-popular

pure pleasure of luxury.

* Offer valid on conclusion of a full annual membership.

• 51

This beautiful aerial photograph was taken in the 1970s and shows a view of Zuidas looking south-east. In


Then & Now

those days, the Prinses Irenebuurt and Buitenveldert neighbourhoods were bisected by Zuidelijke Wandelweg, a road that divided two polders with a height difference of 1.5 metres. Encircled by poplars and stands of willow trees, this was a beloved corner of Amsterdam for well over forty years. During the construction of Buitenveldert (top right), the road was sanded over. Area development began with the academic hospital on De Boelelaan in 1960, followed in 1961 by the RAI’s Europahal (top left). The rest of the road was swallowed up by the A10 south motorway, which opened in 1981 and whose contours are already visible here. To the right is a patchwork of sports pitches. The lighter area on the left is now the WTC Amsterdam. In the lower left corner is the Roman Catholic cemetery in Buitenveldert. The road running from left to right across the centre of the photo is Parnassusweg, with Beethovenstraat parallel above it.

52 •

Source Zuidas Amsterdam Development Office




Source: advocatie.nl

FRESHFIELDS NEW PARTNER REMUNERATION MODEL TOPS OUT AT £3M As of 1 May next year, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer will be revising its remuneration system


for partners. From that moment, all partners will be judged according to the same criteria,


including performance and profitability. This will widen the gap of pay difference between

CMS used the opening of its new office

partners, with star performers potentially able to earn up to 3 million British pounds - six

in Zuidas as an chance to share recent

times the salary of bottom-rung partners. The new remuneration model also applies to the

strides in legal tech with the rest of the

Amsterdam office. This follows in the wake of modest changes to their lockstep systems,

world. Most notably, not long ago CMS

previously announced by Clifford Chance, Linklaters and Allen & Overy.

became the first Dutch law firm to employ IBM’s self-learning supercomputer, Watson. IBM Watson offers CMS an


artificial intelligence tool that may one


day be able to take over some of the work

Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, which also acquired Boekel as of 1 April this year,

as yet done by lawyers. An initial pilot

recently introduced Nextlaw In-House Solutions: a strategic consultancy offering advisory

with the software is already underway in

services to in-house counsels. More than fifty former general counsels from around the globe

the firm’s labour law practice, according

were recruited for Dentons’ new enterprise, which will advise legal departments on a wide

to Katja van Kranenburg, partner and

spectrum of issues, from cost management to compliance issues, to the implementation of

project trailblazer at CMS, who calls this

new technologies. Nextlaw In-House Solutions will also offer interim in-house support to legal

opportunity to experiment with Watson a

teams when and as needed.

‘no brainer’.

• 53

CompaNanny Zuidas

At CompaNanny Zuidas, we offer a Day Care centre with both Dutch and bilingual groups, as well as After-School Care (BSO) under one roof. For the After-School care we pick children up from the St. Jozefschool. Child development is at the core of everything we do. We also enjoy helping to make the combination of work and family life as easy as possible for parents, by offering for example: • A unique combination of MBO- (Intermediate Vocational Training) and HBO- (Higher Vocational Education) educated Nannies • Extended opening hours: from 07:30 until 20:00 • A warm fresh lunch made from organic products • Fresh take-away meals for the family and coffee to go

e have 7 m o c o t like 7 011 u 1 o 4 y 0 d l 2 u 0 Wo ll us on d tour. a C ? k o a lo guide a e g n a r to ar ZA-185x127,5mm-1710.indd 1

10/11/2017 12:03:05 PM


Hendrikse Stomerijen is a family-owned dry cleaner’s with two locations in Amsterdam Zuid. With more than 50 years in the business, Hendrikse is a household name in Amsterdam Zuid!

DOOR-TO-DOOR DELIVERY Hendrikse Stomerijen is introducing a door-to-door service in Zuidas. We will collect all items you wish to have dry cleaned from your address and deliver them back to you freshly laundered. The building Intermezzo uses this service already!

ORDERS Orders can be placed on our website: www.hendriksestomerijen.nl.

INFORMATION For further information, please send an email to info@hendriksestomerijen.nl.

WWW.HENDRIKSESTOMERIJEN.NL Hendrikse Stomerijen info@hendriksestomerijen.nl

Gerrit van der Veenstraat 76 Amsterdam

Cornelis Schuytstraat 32 Amsterdam

Hello Zuidas welcomes

the following new members COMPANY HOGAN LOVELLS INTERNATIONAL LLP • SECTOR LAW, CIVIL-LAW NOTARY AND TAX CONSULTANCY • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES APPROX. 110 Link with Zuidas: We have been established in Zuidas since August 2017. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas is dedicated to a clean, safe, accessible, vibrant and sustainable Zuidas. Hogan Lovells believes in joining forces to promote Zuidas and in investing every effort to make the district as pleasant as possible for all users. At Hogan Lovells we also love that Hello Zuidas supports a range of cultural activities.

COMPANY DOCTORS INC. CORPORATE • SECTOR COSMETIC CLINIC • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 9 Link with Zuidas: The Doctors Inc. location in Zuidas is easy to reach for business professionals who want to drop by for a quick treatment – from eliminating dark under-eye circles and smoothing deep wrinkles to vitamin infusions for an instant energy boost! Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Doctors Inc. is eager to be an active part of the Zuidas community and to offer all members the benefits of a broad treatment range at our high-end clinic.

COMPANY ZUIDAS BIER B.V. • SECTOR BREWERY • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 2 Link with Zuidas: Zuidas Bier is based in Zuidas. We brew beer for Zuidas, using a recipe that includes wild hops harvested in Zuidas itself. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas was instrumental to the creation of our beer. We got the opportunity to present our beer at member gatherings and celebrated our official launch at the End-of-Year meeting. As a member, we’re cementing our relationship with Zuidas.

COMPANY JOHAN CRUYFF INSTITUTE • SECTOR EDUCATION• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 5 Link with Zuidas: The Johan Cruyff Institute is a high-profile education institute, specialized in sports and corporate business. Zuidas is a corporate setting where we belong an to which we feel an organic and professional connection. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We believe strongly in connecting entrepreneurs who provide business and facilitating services in Zuidas. We have the feeling we can play a useful role in all that.

COMPANY KÖNIG + NEURATH AG • SECTOR OFFICE FURNITURE • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 1,000 (4 AT OUR AMSTERDAM OFFICE) Link with Zuidas: As an international business, we want to be where our international customers are, preferably in a dynamic location with a strong business-based, residential and recreational core. We’re located in the leading cities in Europe, a list that includes Berlin, Paris, Zurich, London and, of course, Amsterdam. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Being based in Zuidas, we want to immerse ourselves in the community. Through Hello Zuidas, we can also create that engagement ourselves.




Hello Zuidas

• 55

Ricoh is specialized in providing document-related services, advice, software and equipment for companies worldwide. It offers solutions keyed to fit your requirements and keep pace with your business. And with its excellent network, Ricoh guarantees support whenever you need it.

Ricoh offers the following: • Printing/scanning solutions • Unified communications • Document management

• Workspace management

• Digital invoice processing

• Repro/Production Print

BILDERBERG GARDEN HOTEL FEBRUARY OFFER! • Book an 8-hour meeting package in February starting from EUR 69 per person. Includes a 2-course business lunch at our restaurant, De Kersentuin. • Deluxe rooms can be booked at rates starting from EUR 109 per room during this period. *This special offer is valid from 1 to 28 February 2018. May we take your reservation? Contact Lucie Ludema on +31 (0)20 570 56 55 or via garden.banquet@bilderberg.nl for requests and reservations

• Office Supplies

Paasheuvelweg 25 1105 BP Amsterdam Tel: +31 (0)20 7630840 www.ricoh-nha.nl​

Dijsselhofplantsoen 7, 1077 BJ Amsterdam T +31(0)20 570 56 00 E garden.banquet@bilderberg.nl

A new home? De Hypotheker finds you the best deal.

The #1 Zuidas translation agency

We compare all mortgage lenders. Visit our website for more information: www.hypotheker.nl

wishes you a

SENSATIONAL 2018! www.taalcentrum-vu.nl 020 - 598 64 20 | info@taalcentrum-vu.nl

Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1427 / WTC, (020) 662 14 11

Hello Zuidas welcomes

the following new members COMPANY HOTEL TWENTY EIGHT • SECTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES APPROX. 12 (FRONT OFFICE) Link with Zuidas: TWENTY EIGHT is an aparthotel offering fully furnished apartments with hotel facilities, whether for one night or several months. We receive lots of requests for accommodation from companies in Zuidas. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We feel strongly connected to Zuidas because of the increasing demand for our accommodation within Zuidas and our perfect location to cater for that demand.

COMPANY COFFEE DC • SECTOR CAFÉ • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 7 Link with Zuidas: We are located in a part of Zuidas slated for further development, and want to offer people who live and/or work in Zuidas a high level of service through our products from our modern coffee bar. Students at VU Amsterdam are also part of our target group. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We want to keep up with developments in Zuidas, to be a proactive part of the dialogue, and to get to know other businesses in the district.

COMPANY SPA SPORT HOTEL ZUIVER • SECTOR WELLNESS AND FITNESS • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 43 (MANAGEMENT AND STAFF) Link with Zuidas: Spa Sport Hotel ZUIVER is situated between Zuidas and Amsterdamse Bos, and offers a wide range of fitness and relaxation facilities. We have a beautiful spa, and fitness class participants can visit this spa free of charge after excercising. As well as squash courts, we also have year-round tennis courts. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: Hello Zuidas is the perfect platform for us to present ZUIVER as a complete package and to be a part of the local business marketplace.

COMPANY SIMMONS & SIMMONS LLP • SECTOR LAW • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 140 Link with Zuidas: Simmons & Simmons located to Zuidas in 2010. Our partners, staff, clients, suppliers and other stakeholders visit us every day. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: As part of the Zuidas community, we feel it is important to contribute to this area’s ongoing development.

COMPANY IMA® (INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS) • SECTOR PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION • NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES 140 (2 IN AMSTERDAM) Link with Zuidas: IMA®, founded in 1919, is the largest and most respected global association, focused exclusively on management accounting. We chose Zuidas because it’s the place where many of our partners are located. Reason for becoming a Hello Zuidas member: We look forward to contributing to the career development of the financial professionals of other HelloZuidas members.




Hello Zuidas

• 57


LIGHTS, CAMERA, ZUIDAS! Dutch broadcasting association BNNVara has announced plans to shoot a new drama series about Amsterdam’s financial district. Titled De Zuidas, the eight-part series will introduce viewers to the hardworking lives of earners and burners at the fictional VDSGM law firm. The


corporate law firm run by partners De Santen-Grinten and Meijer, is specialized in mergers


and acquisitions. It’s a world of billion-euro deals closed by high-powered players, featuring

How much do you really love your

characters familiar to us all, except that they are more ambitious than most. However, in their

work, your team, your clients? The-

battle to the top, the series also shows the darker side to success. The show’s lawyers are

se are important questions! Accor-

burning the candle at both ends, but is that all there is to life – and will it make them happy?

ding to Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba,

Casting for the series is still open! Interested in auditioning? Go to www.multacasting.nl.

‘To be successful in the future, apart from IQ and EQ, you need a high LQ: short for Love Quotient. LQ


is the power of great relationships


at work. We all perform at our best

Sixteen CEOs of companies in Zuidas will be emptying their

when our deeper needs to feel Safe,

diaries on 12 April 2018 for non-profit organization JINC. They’ll

Seen and Supported (the Triple S)

be opening their doors to 130 vocational secondary school

are fulfilled. Once that happens,

students to teach them about successfully applying for jobs.

our creativity, service, energy and

Most of these students grow up in environments with few role

results shoot up. The new Dutch

models and find themselves at a disadvantage on the job

book Verhoog je LQ (‘Raise your LQ’)

market. By participating in JINC’s Job Application Training, which

by Robert Benninga and Ingeborg

teaches them how to prepare for and act during an interview,

Weser, reveals how to be futu-

including the importance of asking questions - these students

re-proof. To order, visit:

will be well-prepared once they enter the labour market. Want to


combat opportunity inequality among youngsters? Go to www.jinc.nl and find out what your company can do for them!

‘BOARDROOM AND STUDIO MEET IN ZUIDAS’ (HET PAROOL ON GET LOST - ART ROUTE) In May 2018, a new edition of the GET LOST - art route will kick off in Zuidas. This large-scale public art event is a platform that connects talented young artists with the business community, encouraging local organizations to commission young artists to create new artwork. It’s not too late to sign up! More info: cecile@getlost-artroute.com / www.getlost-artroute.com/.

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Members Hello Zuidas • January 2018 If your company isn’t on this list, please contact servicepoint@hellozuidas.com 01. 900 Mahler (Syntrus Achmea) 02. ABN AMRO 03. Accendium 04. Accenture 05. À Deauville 06. AkzoNobel 07. Amsterdam in Business 08. AICS 09. Amsterdam RAI 10. Amsterdamse Bos 11. APG 12. Apleona GVA B.V. 13. Arcadis 14. Arnold & Siedsma 15. Art Zuid 16. ASEGA Media 17. Asunaro Holland Interplan 18. Atrium Meeting Centre 19. AVIS 20. BackWERK Zuidas 21. Bagels & Beans 22. Baker McKenzie 23. Beheermij WTC Amsterdam 24. Being Development 25. Big Brothers Big Sisters A’dam 26. Blue Boat Company 27. Bolenius 28. Bouwens& 29. Boyden Global Executive Search 30. Breevast 31. Broersma Nieuwbouw 32. Bristol Global Mobility Europe 33. Bushwick 34. Caffè Belmondo 35. CBRE B.V. 36. China Construction Bank (Europe) S.A. Amsterdam Branch 37. citizenM 38. Club Sportive 39. Cognito 40. Colliers International Consultants 41. CompaNanny 42. Corporate Housing Factory 43. Cosmo Hairstyling 44. Crowne Plaza A’dam South 45. Customized Media 46. D&B The Facility Group 47. De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek 48. De Hypotheker 49. Deloitte 50. De Nieuwe Poort 51. De Zuidas Apotheek 52. Dentons Boekel 53. Domeco Development B.V. 54. Doppio 55. Dudok Patisserie 56. Eden McCallum 57. Eefje Voogd Makelaardij 58. Eigen Haard 59. Element Hotel 60. ENGIE 61. Euro CCP 62. Euroinfra 63. EY 64. Face Body Bar by Doctors Inc. 65. Fam. Advocaten 66. Financial Offices 67. Fit 20 68. Flexform Amsterdam 69. Fortron B.V. 70. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 71. Fris Makelaars 72. G&S Vastgoed 73. Gentlemen’s Place 74. Gerrit Rietveld Academie 75. Grand Café Mahler 76. Greenberg Nielsen 77. Green Business Club 78. Greenwheels

79. Gustav Gym 80. Gustavino 81. GVB 82. HAB Int. Accountants & Consultants 83. Hago Nederland B.V. 84. Health & Therapy Centre 85. Hestia Kinderopvang 86. Het Amsterdamse Proeflokaal 87. Het Zwarte Fietsenplan 88. Hogan Lovells International LLP 89. Holiday Inn Amsterdam 90. Houthoff 91. Hotel TWENTY EIGHT 92. Htel Serviced Apartments 93. IMA 94. InAmsterdam 95. INBO 96. ING Rayon A’dam Zuid West 97. JLL 98. Johan Cruyff Institute 99. Kempen & Co 100. Koetjes en Kalfjes 101. König + Neurath (Nederloand) A.G. 102. Legal Issues 103. Lexence 104. Liander 105. LibRT 106. Limon 107. Loyens & Loeff 108. Lunshof Makelaardij 109. Maarsen Groep Beheer B.V. 110. Macquarie Capital (Europe) 111. Made in May 112. Markit 113. Market 33 114. MBO College Zuid 115. Mech Make & Take 116. Miles Building 117. Mindfulbizz 118. Mondrian Espresso 119. Mondzorg Praktijk Zuidas 120. MUFG Bank (Europe) N.V. 121. Multicopy A’dam WTC 122. Mylk 123. Nationale Postcode Loterij 124. NDI ICT Solutions 125. Nederlandse Ver. van Banken 126. Nedstede Real Estate 127. NEWNRG 128. NH Amsterdam Zuid 129. Nicolaas Lyceum 130. NL Real Estate 131. Novotel Amsterdam City 132. NS 133. Oliver’s 134. Openbare Bibliotheek 135. ORAM 136. Oranje-Nassau Energie B.V. 137. OVG Real Estate 138. Ox & Bucks 139. Partou Kinderopvang 140. Pathé 141. Phisage Beauty & Wellness 142. Platform Beter Benutten 143. Projectorganisatie Zuidasdok 144. Property NL B.V. 145. Provast 146. Puramis Consultancy 147. Qbic Hotels 148. Q-Park Nederland 149. Rabobank A’dam Markt Zuid 150. Ravel Residence 151. Regus 152. Restaurant het Bosch 153. Restaurant Nine 154. RGA International Reinsurance 155. Rialto 156. Rivers 157. Rob Peetoom

158. Rocycle 159. Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc 160. Rosarium 161. RoyalCast 162. Russell Reynolds Associates 163. Savills Amsterdam 164. SCOR Global Life SE 165. Season-Flowers 166. Securitas 167. Simmons & Simmons LLP 168. SLFMD Tailoring 169. Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver 170. Speakeasy Inc. 171. Spine Health Incompany 172. Spirit Hosting & Promotions 173. Stella Agency & Academy 174. Stibbe 175. St. Olympisch Stadion A’dam 176. Summertime 177. Sushi Time 178. Symphony’s 179. Taalcentrum - VU 180. Tandartsenpraktijk Van de Veer 181. Taylor Wessing 182. Tax Consultants International 183. Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA) 184. The Bank of New York Mellon 185. The Barn 186. The Basket 187. The Bikevertising Company 188. The Office Operators 189. The TailorMates 190. Thomaskerk Amsterdam 191. TopJobs Consultants 192. TREC 193. Tribes 194. Trigion 195. Triple Ace 196. Urban Salad 197. Van Dijk & Ten Cate 198. Van Gool Elburg 199. Vermaat Groep (CIRCL) 200. Vesteda 201. VimpelCom 202. Visser Communicatie 203. Vistra 204. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 205. VU Medisch Centrum 206. VU University Press 207. Wagamama 208. Webster University 209. Wineboutique & Spirits 210. Wintertaling 211. Worldeye Amsterdam 212. WTC Amsterdam 213. WTC A’dam Business Club 214. WTCafé De Blauwe Engel 215. Xavier (Syntrus Achmea) 216. Your Assistant 217. Zuidas Bier 218. Zuidas Publishers 219. Zuidas gemeente Amsterdam 220. ZuidasTravel.nl 221. Zuidschans 222. Zwaan II

COLOFON FOUNDATION HELLO ZUIDAS Strawinskylaan 61, 1077 XW – Amsterdam, NL +31 (0)20 333 7441 servicepoint@hellozuidas.com www.hellozuidas.com www.facebook.com/hellozuidas www.twitter.com/hellozuidas Our goal With an excellent business climate, world-renowned educational institutions within reach, and leading companies in many sectors from many countries, the Zuidas has huge potential. The foundation Hello Zuidas contributes to the Zuidas by realizing a well functioning area. The goal is to promote a district that has international appeal, and high quality working and living conditions. Magazine Hello Zuidas is issued by Zuidas Publishers WTC Amsterdam Strawinskylaan 15 1077 XW Amsterdam +31 (0)20-3620993 info@zuidaspublishers.nl www.zuidaspublishers.nl Editor-in-chief Romy Lange Advertising Please send an e-mail to info@zuidaspublishers.nl for questions about advertising. Art Director & Graphic Designer Emiel Brouwers • IMAGEAU Translation Taalcentrum-VU Final Editor Ellen Josée Westrik Editors/contributors Romy Lange, Kika Samsom, Celine Boute, Greg Shapiro, Jelmer Jeuring, Eefje van den Akker, Robert Niessen, Jos Moerkamp & Maartje Oome. Photography Davien Hulsman, Lotte de Graaf, Jelmer Jeuring, Wouter van Ierssel, Jesse Kraal & Ron Offermans. Editorial advisory board Olivier Otten, Jelmer Jeuring, Kenneth Goedhart, Jos Moerkamp, Maartje Oome & Sasja Albersen. Thanks to David van Traa, Zuidas (Gemeente Amsterdam), Kroonenberg Groep, Maarsen Groep, PropertyNL, Greg Shapiro, Zuidasdok, Financieele Dagblad, advocatie. nl, Savills, Greenberg Nielsen, in2motivation, OVG Real Estate, De Kredieter, Spa Sport Hotel Zuiver, C-Law, Accenture, Crowne Plaza, Clubsportive, The Office Operators & Colliers. Printed by MullerVisual Do you have a message for the editorial team or would you like to place an ad? Send us an e-mail at info@zuidaspublishers.nl. Print run each edition 20.000 copies Circulation It’s a free magazine for Zuidas. Each edition comprises 20.000 printed copies. It will be distributed by promo teams, loose circulation, HRM departments of companies op Zuidas to guarantee reaching the (sub) target groups of Zuidas, Amsterdam and Schiphol. Frequency Six times a year (bi-monthly) Copyright © 2018 Zuidas Publishers. All rights reserved. Nothing appearing in this magazine (information, pictures, images) may be copied or reproduced, in any manner whatsoever, unless explicit permission has been given in writing.


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