Helsinki Times

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New project brings Kosovars to work in Finland DAV I D J . C O R D HEL SINKI TIMES

AN INNOVATIVE solution is coming to

Finland that may help solve two major problems. Finland’s aging workforce is expected to lead to a major labour shortfall in the coming years, and the new country of Kosovo has unemployment levels reaching 42 per cent. Now the Bridge Kosovo-Finland project is seeking to tackle both problems with plans to bring Kosovars to train and work in Finland. Bridge Kosovo-Finland plans to start with a pilot project of around 30 individuals. In time, the project hopes to have several hundred Kosovars come to Finland. They will receive job and language training and work for two or three years prior to returning home to Kosovo. In this way Finland will receive a needed labour force while the struggling Kosovo economy will find a source for its labour and then receive its trained workers back home.

“The know-how gained will be used later in the employee’s home country, after the country’s economic situation has improved,” said Petri Ahonen, Director of Staffpoint. Staffpoint is the commercial partner in the project, which is also supported by the Kosovo Ministry of Labour and the European Social Fund’s Immigratum and Pro Labour. Staffpoint will use its expertise in finding the industries most in need for labour. The workers may be placed in sectors such as logistics, commercial and health care. Economists have been warning that Finland will start feeling the labour pinch by 2010. By this time the workers from Kosovo should be trained and in the labour force. If everything proceeds as planned, recruitment and preparation of the first Kosovar employees will begin in the spring. These initial individuals in the project could be working in Finland as early as this summer.

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Visa applications to Finland reach record levels L E H T I K U VA / M A R T T I K A I N U L A I N E N


ACCORDING to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finnish embassies handled a record number of visa applications last year. The number of applications was in excess of 800,000, 12 per cent higher than in 2007. The main area of growth was Russia, with 90 per cent of all applications being made there. This represents a 15 per cent increase on previous years. The rise in numbers was especially high in the St. Petersburg area, which saw over half a million applications. More than 5,000 applications were also processed in Moscow, Kiev, New Delhi, Bangkok, Beijing and Shanghai, with the highest percentage of rejections being recorded in the Nigerian capital of Abuja. Of the Schengen countries, Finland processes easily the most Russian visa applications. The main reason for this may be that unlike other countries within the EU, Finland has a policy of accepting applications unless clear reasons exist why they should be rejected. “You would probably need to ask the Russians why the numbers have increased,” Vesa Häkkinen of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs commented. “There seems to be more and more money available there, with Russians increasingly travelling both for business and pleasure. Finland is of course the closest Schengen country to St. Petersburg, which makes it cheaper to visit than other countries.” A recent agreement between Russia and the EU to facilitate visa processing has made visas easier for Russians to get, but so far only Finland has implemented the plan. Of the visas issued in Russia, more than 80 per cent are longterm multiple-entry visas, a move apparently facilitated by improved technical facilities and cooperation between the various Finnish authorities involved. Unlike many other EU countries, Finland no longer requires Russian passport holders to have an invitation to come to Finland.

Finland is an increasingly popular travel destination. Of the 800,000 visa applications made last year in Finnish embassies and consulates, 90 per cent were made in Russia, the vast majority in the St.Petersburg region.

Representatives of the Finnish immigration authorities in Russia and the Ukraine have had to employ more staff to deal with the increase in applications. The influx of applications has caused huge backlogs in the system, with delays as long as fi ve weeks recorded. In addition staff have had to work in shifts to catch up, at times processing 2,000 applications per day.

Some Schengen countries see the Finnish policy on granting visas to Russian citizens as being too lenient. Nevertheless, Häkkinen insists overstaying is not currently a systematic problem. “Of course individuals do overstay, and when border guards check those people can be given a warning, fined, or even banned from entering Finland for a certain period of time. But it is not a big problem”.

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