Fiscal stimulus packages
Recession then and now
Kayaking among ice
Short soccer season
It’s Jussi time again
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page 15 L E H T I K U VA / S A R I GU S TA F S S O N
Church groups positive towards migrant labour HEIDI LEHTONEN, M AT T H E W PA R R Y – H T
ACCORDING to the provisional results of a study commissioned by the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, organisations within Finland’s Evangelical Lutheran Church are keen on providing work to recent migrants. Despite this willingness, however, very few of the church employers surveyed during the study had any previous experience hiring migrants, with only one in ten having done so within the last year. A rough estimate places the number of church employees with a foreign background during the period 2007-2008 at around 100. Respondents within the church identified language and adaptation issues as the greatest obstacles to further employment, while overly lengthy induction was also found to be a problem. “The process of taking on new employees is seen as cumbersome and
bureaucratic, and there is very little information out there on successful cases of migrant employees,” says researcher Henrietta Grönlund. A clear majority, 68 per cent, of employers in church organisations were positively disposed to employing migrant labour, the study reveals. “This indicates that the potential in terms of employment is fairly significant, it’s simply a question of providing willing employers with adequate support,” Grönlund concludes. The ministerial study, which will be published in its entirety in March, seeks to assess the potential role of the church in a weakening labour market. On 1 February President Tarja Halonen will initiate Finland’s largest ever national fundraising initiative, the Solidarity Fundraiser, which will collect funds to support greater employment opportunities for recent migrants. Nearly 90 per cent of the population reads a newspaper on a daily basis.
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Newspapers remain single most important news source
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position as the most important news source, claims a new survey commissioned by the Finnish national broadcaster YLE. The survey asked the respondents about their preference for news sources and the reliability of those sources. It compared newspapers and specific news programmes, but did not ask for the names of individual newspapers. “The newspaper was the most common answer as the preferred news source,” says head researcher Erja Ruohomaa. According to Ruohomaa second place went to YLE’s late news while third place went to MTV3’s tena o’clock news. Finland remains one of the world's most newspaper-friendly countries. The per capita consump-
tion of newspapers in Finland is third highest in the world, ranked after only Norway and Japan. 87 per cent of the population aged over 12 years read a newspaper every day. The importance of the internet was reinforced as an alternate news source, especially for those younger than 35 years of age. YLE news chief Jouni Kemppainen believes that the importance of the internet will continue to grow. “From a news point of view, young people are a very challenging audience,” he points out. “By going to places where young people are we can reach them better.” A separate survey last year found that young people were also increasing their consumption of newspapers. 66 per cent of 12 – 19 year olds read newspapers, up from 64 per cent in 2007. Those aged 20 – 25 showed a similar increase, from 68 per cent to 70 per cent.
For reliability, the best marks of the survey went to YLE’s evening news on television. YLE’s morning television news programme came in second while the national radio news placed third for reliability. MTV3’s news was considered somewhat less reliable than YLE but more reliable than newspapers. The lowest rated source for reliability was YLE’s news website. The Finnish national broadcaster remains the most trusted news source. Seven of the top ten reliable sources were various YLE programmes. Kemppainen credits his agency’s strong ratings to their vision, accurate information and high visibility with the public. “The availability of news in several media has been a major strength,” he explains. TNS Gallup interviewed 1,055 people between October and November for the survey.