HEMP & CBD MAG - June '19 Summer Edition

Page 50


LOCALS ONLY: BIRMINGHAM’S B-S-B GENETICS ONE SMALL SEED BANK MAKING ONE BIG IMPRESSION Lee Mallet is the extremely dedicated founder of BSB Genetics, a Birmingham seed bank. We caught up with him following his debut at the March Hemp & CBD Expo, here’s what he had to say... “So Lee, tell me about yourself and how

Fast forward a few years and I had

creation of my own brand which of course

BSB Genetics began?”

hundreds of packets of seeds from all of the

couldn’t be sold elsewhere as competition.

well known brands in stock and business Hi, I’m Lee Mallett, owner of Birmingham

was booming, people were travelling from

“What are your plans for 2019; do you

Seeds Bank and my in-house brand of

far and wide to purchase.

have any upcoming product

seeds ‘BSB Genetics’.

I built up a website in 2009/2010 which I

launches/releases or ideas you’re

I was born and have lived my entire life

named Birmingham Seeds Bank, the city

working on that we should know

here in Birmingham, a true Brummie as the

name included so people would know


locals would say, with a fantastic family and

where I was based and be able to find me

network of friends behind me. I’m a

more easily in searches.

Each year since the formation of BSB

dedicated father and it’s my children who I

The demand continued to soar and and I

Genetics I have looked to implement a new

have drawn my strength from to always

was beginning to get noticed within the

change, a new idea to help progress the

strive to become more successful, they are

seeds trade.

brand. 2019 is still early but there have

the driving force behind the current success

Then in 2013 I was contacted by a breeding

already been many exciting changes and

of BSB Genetics.

organisation wanting me to be their official

this year is set to be by far the most exciting

I studied art after finishing school in 96

UK based distributor, but as the


through the late 90’s but ended up working

relationship with them grew over the

Firstly an additional 8 new strains have

for a car manufacturer until a works injury

following few months the business had

been added throughout the collection and

forced me to change career paths in 2001.

became destined to venture in a new

the ever popular ‘The Cali Collection’ line of

So wanting to work for myself I opened up

direction as I now had my first contact for

seeds, under BSB Genetics, has just had a

a small indoor market retail business

buying in bulk seed.

massive overhaul with the introduction of 5

initially selling fancy dress costumes, jokes

I quickly thought up my own brand name

new strains and 2 new pack sizes to choose

and novelty goods. The business ticked

which was simple, the initials of the


along and I continually ventured into new

website name ‘BSB’ and added genetics

lines of trade over the following years,

which really seemed to work.

always looking for something different, as I

And so in January 2014 BSB Genetics was

strived to grow the business.

born initially carrying a range of 7

In the early summer of 2006, I admit initially

feminised strains including the still popular

as a joke, I brought in my first packet of

Amnesia Haze.

cannabis seeds, Cheese by Big Buddha

At that time I had 8 years first hand

Seeds, and put it on sale alongside the

experience and a vast knowledge of the

smoking accessories which by that time I

seeds trade which was to prove vital for the

had begun to trade in.

ongoing success of my new brand.


I also knew the long term future of the


business was better secured with the

it’s my children who I have drawn my strength from to always strive to become more successful, they are the driving force behind the current success of BSB Genetics.

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