Health & Fitness: The Daily Dispatch: June 16, 2013

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Sunday June 16, 2013


Health & Fitness

The Daily Dispatch

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Proactive ways to reduce your risk of developing cancer R

eceiving a cancer diagnosis can be a devastating moment in a person’s life. While many cancers are treatable, a cancer diagnosis is still a life-changing moment that leaves many people asking themselves if there was something they could have done to prevent getting cancer. It’s easy to take a reactionary approach to a cancer diagnosis, but many people might not know they can take a proactive approach to reduce their risk of developing cancer in the first place. Though the following tips can’t guarantee you will never receive a cancer diagnosis, they can help you reduce that risk considerably. • Maintain a healthy weight. Numerous studies have indicated that being overweight or obese can increase your risk

of developing certain cancers. Uterine, breast, prostate and colorectal cancers have all been linked to being overweight or obese. Speak to your physician about a plan to help you lose weight and then maintain that weight. Your doctor should be able to provide insight on nutrition and how you should approach exercise if it’s been awhile since exercise was a part of your daily routine. • Avoid tobacco or quit smoking. Cigarette smoking is responsible for a majority of cases of lung cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Smoking causes about 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in men and roughly 80 percent of lung cancer deaths in women, according to the Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention. Men who smoke are nearly 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer than men who don’t, while women who smoke are 13 times more likely to develop lung cancer than women who avoid smoking tobacco. Smoking also increases a person’s risk of developing other cancers, including cancer of the larynx, mouth and throat, kidney, esophagus, bladder and pancreas. Smokers who quit smoking will see their cancer risk reduce dramatically the longer they go without smoking. • Steer clear of secondhand smoke. Even if you don’t smoke you might be putting yourself at risk if you allow others around you to smoke in your presence. According to the U.S. Department of Health and

Human Services, exposure to secondhand smoke can increase a person’s risk of developing lung cancer by as much as 30 percent. That’s because the concentration of many toxic and cancer-causing chemicals is higher in secondhand smoke than the smoke inhaled by smokers. • Reduce alcohol consumption. A 2007 study from the World Health Organization revealed that daily consumption of 50 grams of alcohol, or about 1.8 ounces, doubles or triples a person’s risk of developing mouth, voice box or throat cancers. In addition, many studies have linked alcohol consumption to a heightened risk of primary liver cancer and an increased risk of breast cancer. Also, a variety of studies have linked alcohol consumption to

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an increased risk of colorectal cancer. • Take precautionary measures when spending time in the sun. Exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays has been linked to skin cancer, which is the most common form of cancer in the United States. When spending time in the sun, always apply adequate sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor of 15. In addition, wear appropriate clothing, including sunglasses, and seek out shaded areas when spending a significant amount of time in the sun. Men and women do not have to wait until a cancer diagnosis to start living healthier. Adopting a proactive approach can greatly reduce your risk of developing cancer and a variety of other health issues as well.

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The Daily Dispatch

Health & Fitness

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Strength training tips for women Weightlifting has long been an activity associated with men. When asked to describe a typical weightlifter, many people would likely begin describing a man. However, more and more women have recognized the benefits of strength training and its impact on long-term health. Studies have shown that increasing muscle mass can reduce a person’s risk of diabetes and help that person, r egar dless of his or her gender, maintain a healthy weight. But many women are understandably hesitant to begin lifting weights, fearing they may lose their feminine figures or simply because they’re fearful to visit the section of their gym dominated by musclebound men pumping dozens of pounds of iron. Though beginning a weight training regimen is rarely easy for males or females, the following are a few strategies women can employ to get their strength training off on the right foot. • Establish goals. Strength training is similar to any under taking that requires effort: Without an end goal in mind, your ef for ts are likely to be fr uitless. That’s because goals help you stay on track by giving you something to strive for. Without that, you easily can lose interest and your training will suffer as a result. Strength training goals will evolve over time as your body changes and grows accustomed to weight training but have some initial goals. If

you want to bench press a certain amount of weight after a certain period of time, work as hard as you can to make that a reality without putting yourself at risk of injur y. If you want your strength training to give your body a more toned look, then monitor your progress in the mirror. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t meet your initial goals, especially if you have never before included strength training as par t of your routine. If you don’t meet your goals, reflect on your workouts to see if there is anything you might have done dif ferently. If you feel you could have done something differently to be more successful, make changes going forward. If you come up empty after careful reflection, then chances are your routine is just fine and positive results are bound to come. • Embrace consistency. Consistency should be your friend when strength training. It’s easy to skip a workout after a long day at the of fice, but sticking to a consistent workout schedule is almost certain to produce positive results. Skipping sessions and only working out sporadically will make it hard to get into a good rhythm, putting your goals in jeopardy and increasing your risk of injury. Stick to a consistent workout schedule and don’t go long stretches of time ignoring certain muscle groups while working out others. Work out each

Strength training exercises can reduce a woman’s risk of developing certain health problems, including osteoporosis. muscle group equally, avoiding the temptation to exercise only those muscles that others can see. Consistency also comes into play with r egar d to technique.

Book a session or two with a personal trainer (many gyms pr ovide fr ee consultations to new members) to learn the pr oper for m and technique for various strength training exercises. Improper technique can lead to injur y or discomfor t. If at any point a strength training exercise is making you uncomfortable, stop the exer cise immediately and speak to a trainer or your physician to determine if there’s anything you should be doing differently. • Build strength in your upper body. Upper body str ength can help women protect themselves against osteoporosis, a disease of the bones that results from bone loss, which weakens the bones and makes

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them more susceptible to fractures. The National Osteoporosis Foundation notes that roughly half of all women older than 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis and that women lose as much as 20 percent of their bone density in the five to seven years after menopause. But upper body strength training strengthens muscles in bones in your arms, upper back and shoulders, decreasing your risk of poor posture, a problem commonly associated with osteoporosis. Lower-body strength training is important, too, but weight-bearing exercises like running, walking and using an elliptical machine may prove adequate at strengthening your lower body. • Don’t overdo it.

While strength training should play a pivotal role in your workout routine, you don’t have to overdo it. Two to three days of strength training per week are enough to produce positive results and reduce your risk of developing health problems like diabetes, cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis. In addition, taking breaks between strength training workouts gives your muscles time to recover while reducing your risk of injury. Women can benefit from strength training just as much as men. But women beginning a strength training regimen should take steps to ensure they’re performing the exercises correctly and doing so in a way that will provide optimal results.

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Health & Fitness

The Daily Dispatch

Sunday, June 16, 2013

‘Heart disease’ describes numerous conditions

Few people are unaware of heart disease and its potentially devastating effects. But many people may not known that the term “heart disease� is a blanket term used to describe several health problems related to the heart. According to the World Health Organization, ischaemic heart disease, which is characterized by a reduced blood supply to the heart, is the leading cause of death across the globe. Though many conditions are characterized as ischaemic heart disease, many others are not, and the WHO notes that other heart conditions, including stroke, are also among the top 10 most deadly diseases in the world. The following is a rundown of some of the more common hear t conditions, many of which can be prevented

if men and women make the right lifestyle choices.Â


Angina occurs when a person has chest pain or discomfort around their heart because the muscle is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood. Angina can be a byproduct of elevated levels of stress or overexertion and may even be caused by clogged arteries. All cases of angina are not the same. Stable angina is the most common form, and usually follows a pattern that is common among patients. Unstable angina is less predictable, while variant angina, the rarest form of the condition, occurs while a person is at rest. Rest and medicine are at the root of treating angina, which is more easily treated once its cause has been determined.Â


Atherosclerosis is characterized by the buildup of fatty materials in the arterial walls. This fatty material can harden over time, restricting blood flow and resulting in calcium deposits. Daily exercise and a healthy diet void of high-fat, high-cholesterol foods are two ways to prevent or treat atherosclerosis.Â

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest is a culmination of several heart conditions, including angina and atherosclerosis. Also known as a heart attack, cardiac arrest occurs when blood and oxygen are unable to reach the heart. Chest discomfort; discomfort in other areas of the upper body, including the arms, back, neck or jaw; shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort; and nausea

or lightheadedness may all be is relatively simple, as a doctor indicators that a person is going will typically recommend some dietary changes and may even into cardiac arrest. prescribe medication for those patients with especially high Hypertension Also known as high blood blood pressure. pressure, hypertension is a relatively common heart condition. Stroke Nearly ever y adult has likely Stroke occurs when the received a blood pressure read- blood supply to any part of the ing at one point in his life. That brain is interrupted. Potentially reading measures the systolic deadly, stroke can cause paralpressure, which is the pressure ysis as well. Trouble speaking, created when the heart beats, loss of coordination and trouble and the diastolic pressure, which moving limbs may be indicais the pressure in the heart when tive of stroke, which is considit is at rest. A blood pressure ered a medical emergency that above 120 over 80 is considered requires immediate medical high, and that high figure might help. The longer a person goes be caused by salt and water lev- between the onset of a stroke els in the body and the condi- and seeking treatment often tion of the body’s kidneys, ner- determines the severity of the vous system and blood vessels, consequences. More information on heart as well as the body’s hormone levels. Treating hypertension disease is available at

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The Daily Dispatch

Health & Fitness

When choosing herbal products, pro-seed with caution


illions of people rely on herbal remedies to treat a variety of ailments or conditions. Although the efficacy of herbal remedies is not often backed by federal monitoring organizations, many users of herbal products find them highly effective. Though these remedies come from nature, not all herbal medicines are harmless. They may have side effects or interact with mainstream medications. It is important for consumers to weigh the risks. The World Health Organization estimates that between 65 and 80 percent of the world’s population rely on alternative medicine as their primary form of healthcare, while only 10 to 30 percent of people use conventional medicine like the products that are sold over-the-counter and at pharmacies. The American Medical Association has urged its members to better educate themselves on alternative medicines. In fact, almost one-third of American medical schools, including Harvard University, Yale University, Georgetown University, and John’s Hopkins University, now offer coursework in alternative medicines. Perhaps because of their popularity and relative ease of purchase, herbal remedies are surrounded in misinformation. Many people believe that,

Herbal remedies can be safe, but only when used in an informed way and with the support of a doctor. because herbs are not chemical drugs, this makes them completely safe. Yet, some herbal remedies do have adverse effects, as do vitamin and mineral supplements. In order to be treated by both alternative and conventional medicines, individuals need to educate themselves about the truths and myths surrounding herbal products. • Herbal compounds vary in strength. While many conventional medicines are carefully produced and tested to ensure consistent potency, some herbal remedies are not. The strength of one herbal product may not be consistent from pill to pill or between brands. It can be difficult to maintain consistency with products that come from nature. Just as grapes may produce a different tasting wine year after year, herbs may not always produce the same potency. • There are side effects. Natural doesn’t always mean safe. Keep in mind that illegal drugs like marijuana

and opium come from natural sources, and those drugs are far from completely safe. Even the tobacco in cigarettes is from a naturally growing plant, and smoking is responsible for the majority of lung cancer cases every year. Ginseng, ginkgo biloba and even garlic supplements can thin the blood and make one bleed more freely. Certain vitamins in high levels can be toxic. Kava kava, taken for anxiety, can sometimes cause liver damage. • Herbs are not always regulated. In the United States, herbs are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. They don’t oversee the production, sale and use of herbal products. That means that the safety and usefulness of these remedies may not be adequately documented. • Herbs and conventional medicines are not always compatible. While herbal treatment can be used in combination with traditional medicines, a medical doctor should be consulted before taking medications in tandem. Complications can arise from the interaction between conventional medicines and herbal medications. Herbs may reduce or increase the effects of certain medications that can result in organ damage or even fatality. St. John’s Wort, for example, which is used

to improve mood, may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives and also changes the plasma concentrations of omeprazole, a GERD medication. • Herbal remedies may delay doctor visits, putting men and women at risk. Thanks to the relative ease with which herbal remedies can be purchased, people may put off seeing a doctor when they aren’t feeling well, preferring to try an herbal medication first. This could prolong effective treatment of disease or put off a diagnosis of a more serious ailment. Before taking any herbal remedy, discuss your treatment options with your physician. Be honest about your concerns regarding conventional medicines and try to find a solution that leads to a successful outcome.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Sugar not so sweet for your health

Men and women often joke about needing their daily “sugar fix.” But the American Heart Association notes that the average American is consuming nearly twice the amount of sugar he or she should be, a mistake that could be jeopardizing sugar consumers’ long-term health. If sugar is a staple of your diet, then the following are a handful of factors that might make you reconsider your relationship with the sweet stuff. •Sugar may increase risk of diabetes. Studies have shown a link between sugar consumption and diabetes. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care revealed that subjects who drank one to two servings of sugar per day were 26 percent more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who drank one serving of sugar per month or none at all. Sugar-sweetened beverages contribute to weight gain, and overweight and obesity are risk factors for diabetes. And the quick delivery of sugar to your body from sweetened bev-

erages can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation over time. •Excessive amounts of sugar can negatively affect your heart. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who got 25 percent or more of their calories from added sugars were far more likely to have low levels of high-density lipoprotein, also known as “good cholesterol,” than those whose diets included less than 5 percent sugar. Low high-density lipoprotein levels increase your risk of stroke, heart disease and heart attack. • Sugar may negatively impact mood. A sugar high may temporarily boost your mood, but researchers from Baylor College of Medicine discovered a correlation between sugar consumption and depression. The exact link is unknown, but some researchers feel insulin resistance resulting from heavy sugar consumption forces the release of stress hormones, negatively affecting mood.


The Daily Dispatch

Health & Fitness

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to get healthier by employing the buddy system with your pet


dopting a healthier lifestyle is not always so easy. Men and women who want to lose weight and get healthier often find it’s easier said than done. But one of the ways in which many people reach their fitness goals is to employ the buddy system, which enlists the help of a friend or family member with similar fitness goals to keep you motivated as you work toward a healthier you. But you don’t necessarily need to lean on a brother, sister, spouse or neighbor to help you make your fitness goals a reality. Man’s

best friend, who might benefit from a healthier lifestyle himself, can make just as good a partner on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. The following are a handful of ways you and your four-legged friend can start living a healthier, more active life. • Eat more fresh food. This may seem like an easy resolution. However, it takes time and preparation. For humans, this means incorporating more fruits and veggies into your diet. For pets, this means ensuring that their pet food uses ingredients

such as fresh turkey, salmon and duck, fresh omega-3 and omega-6 oils (from coconuts and canola), wholesome berries and fruits and vegetables like peas, spinach and carrots. Now Fresh premium pet food by Petcurean is a great example. You can learn more about choosing a pet food with the freshest, healthiest ingredients at • Get more exercise. Did you know pets can decrease our blood pressure and cholesterol levels and increase our opportunities for exercise,

outdoor activities and socialization? Exercising together will not only help optimize your health but also allow you to spend more time together. • Schedule activity time with your pet. Most of us schedule time for other appointments and meetings, so why not set aside some priority time for pets, too? Just like you would a more typical fitness routine, schedule daily activity time with your pet. Your pet will appreciate the extra attention, and both of you will benefit from daily physical activity.

Dogs, often referred to as man’s best friend, are helpful to their owners in so many ways. One of the ways they assist their masters is by keeping them more active. And this activity, in turn, helps the animal maintain better health as well.

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Health & Fitness

The Daily Dispatch

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Weighing the pros and cons of cleansing diets


he most popular New Year’s resolution each and every year is to lose weight. After several months of over-indulgence in rich foods, many people find themselves battling the bulge. But as spring draws near, the time to get in shape and shed some pounds has arrived. Those considering a cleansing diet should weigh the pros and cons before beginning. Turning to a cleansing, or detox, diet after a period of unhealthy eating may seem like a good idea. These types of diets have become quite popular in recent years, and many are endorsed by celebrities who routinely detox to look svelte and feel good. Cleansing diets typically involve restricting food and beverage choices to a few different options and eliminating certain foods, notably dairy products, some types of grains, caffeine, alcohol, and sugar. The benefits range from clearer skin to weight loss to reduced

symptoms of certain health ailments. As with any type of diet, it is best to consult with a physician before beginning a cleansing diet. After speaking with your physician, consider the pros and cons before making a final decision.


• Reduced bodily toxins: While there is no scientific proof that cleansing diets actually rid the body of harmful microorganisms, the nature of these diets suggests that cleansing may take place. Many of the diets concentrate on eating natural, whole fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water and fruit juices. The increase in vegetable fiber helps to flush out the digestive system, and the influx in liquid consumption can cause you to visit the bathroom more frequently, ridding the body of substances in the blood and urine. Eating organic foods will reduce the consumption of chemical pesticides and


• Nutrition deficiencies: Some doctors argue that a detox diet is not as healthy as it sounds because it can lead to health problems resulting from nutrition deficiencies. By limiting the foods you eat, you may not be getting all of the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to function and repair itself. Many cleansing diets focus on eating more fruits and • Changes in vegetables while restricting many other foods. metabolic rate: If the goal from a cleansing preservatives, which can possible to keep the weight diet is to lose weight, have various benefits on off permanently. restricting food intake the body. • Indifference to could backfire. That’s • Weight loss: One once-loved foods: After because if the body reason people are drawn one week on a restricted feels it is being starved to detox diets is the diet, you may no longer by a lack of eating, it potential to lose weight. crave the foods you could actually go into a Restricting certain foods thought you needed on “power-saving mode,” will result in reduced a daily basis. You may just like your computer caloric intake, particularly actually find that certain or phone does. Your if you’re moving away from junk food is no longer metabolism slows down high-fat foods to fruits appealing. The diet may to conserve the amount and vegetables. A certain serve as a catalyst for a of fat stored you have. amount of water weight change in eating habits. Therefore, eating less also will come off, which • More energy: may actually not cause is a temporary benefit to Some people report that any weight loss. Or it may a detox diet. If a healthy cleansing the body gives lead to binge eating after eating plan is implemented them more energy from the cleanse. after the short-term the natural foods they are • Feeling unhealthy: cleansing diet, it may be eating. Although the goal is to

have more energy and have a body that feels good, some side effects of a detox diet could be off-putting. Fatigue, confusion, dizziness, headaches and general malaise may occur from calorie or food restriction. These symptoms may abate when you include more foods in your daily diet. • Potential development of unhealthy habits: It may be possible to develop an eating disorder if the results of a cleansing diet are positive. Instead of engaging in the diet for a limited period of time, you may be tempted to continue in a strict restriction of food, which may be unhealthy in the long run. It is important to research a cleansing diet and weigh all of its advantages and disadvantages before making a final decision. Talking to a doctor can also help people decide if such a diet is right for them.

Interpreting vitamin deficiency signs in children A healthy diet is supposed to provide all of the essential vitamins and minerals necessar y to sustain a body. But thanks to finicky eating habits and limited choices, many children are not getting the vitamins and minerals they need to grow up healthy. Although many foods are for tified with cer tain vitamins, they still may not be enough to provide the level of nutrition required for a growing body. Parents may be well informed of a

child’s needs of vitamin C to boost immune system function, but they may not be as readily informed about other vitamins that are essential to human health. • Vitamin A: Vitamin A promotes a healthy immune system and proper eyesight function. A child lacking in vitamin A may be tired and weak and experience weight loss. Other symptoms include dr y eyes, skin scaling and respirator y infections.

• Vitamin B6: Hyperactivity and impulsiveness are often blamed on an underlying medical condition, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But such conditions may be the result of a deficiency in vitamin B6. • Vitamin B12: Ner vous system function is largely governed by proper levels of vitamin B12. Children who do not receive enough vitamin B12 may experience weakness, insomnia, edema and abdominal pain.

• Vitamin D: Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because it is produced in the body after exposure to the sun. Children who spend many hours indoors or wearing thick layers of sunscreen may not get enough vitamin D. Irritability, muscle cramps and even late teething could be tied to vitamin D deficiency. Parents should consult with pediatricians about the proper levels of vitamins children need.


Health & Fitness

The Daily Dispatch

Sunday, June 16, 2013

How women can reduce their risk of diabetes

Millions of people across the globe are living with diabetes, a chronic disease in which sugar levels in the blood are high. The side effects of diabetes can be serious, and some people might become very sick even before they are diagnosed, while others may need to make drastic lifestyle changes upon diagnosis in order to avoid more dire consequences, including death. Though diabetes does not discriminate based on race or gender, women should know that certain things can elevate their risks. Birth control pills, for example, can increase a woman’s blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels. Elevated blood sugar levels are a symptom of diabetes or prediabetes, a condition when blood sugar levels are high but not high enough to indicate diabetes. Prediabetes can eventually develop into type 2 diabetes, and recent studies have shown that prediabetes increases a person’s risk of heart disease. According to the American Diabetes Association, women going through menopause may also have elevated blood sugar levels thanks to hormonal changes. So what are women concerned about

diabetes to do? Though there’s no way to prevent type 1 diabetes, which is most often diagnosed in children, teens or young adults, women can take steps to reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. • Increase your lean muscle mass. A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that increasing muscle mass can reduce people’s risk of developing prediabetes. This is significant for women who may avoid lifting weights in favor of cardiovascular equipment like the treadmill or elliptical machine. Though cardiovascular exercise can burn glucose as well, it’s still important to build lean muscle by including some strength and resistance training in a workout regimen. • Don’t carry extra weight. According to a 2001 study from researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, overweight people are 20 to 40 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than people with healthy weights. If you are carrying extra weight, a combination of diet and exercise should help you shed pounds and lower your risk for type 2 diabetes as a result.

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• Embrace whole grains. In a separate study from researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health, whole grains were found to protect women against diabetes. Women who ate two to three servings of whole grains per day were 30 percent less likely to have developed type 2 diabetes than women who rarely ate whole grains. Whole grains should be consumed in place of refined carbohydrates, which can cause blood sugar levels to swing rapidly. Carbohydrates are refined to increase the shelf life of certain products and improve taste. During the refining process, nutrients needed to utilize the sugar are removed. Foods that contain refined carbohydrates include white bread, white rice and pretzels. And as noted by the United States Department of Agriculture, it’s safe to assume grain products are made with refined grains unless the packaging notes they are made with whole grains or whole wheat. • Get a good night’s sleep. People who fail to consistently get a good night’s sleep may be increasing their risk of developing type 2 diabetes because a lack of

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sleep can make them more resistant to insulin. A 2012 study from researchers at the University of Chicago published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that sleep deprivation hinders the ability of fat cells to respond to insulin. The fat cells of study participants after they were deprived of sleep needed nearly three times as much insulin to regulate blood sugar as the cells needed on a typical night’s rest. That dogged resistance to insulin over time can allow sugar and cholesterol to accumulate in the blood, increasing a person’s risk of diabetes and heart disease as a result. Though the National Sleep Foundation admits sleep needs vary depending on a person’s age and those needs are impacted by an individual’s health and lifestyle, many experts agree adults need somewhere between seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Diabetes is a potentially deadly disease that can negatively impact a woman’s life in a variety of ways. But there are many methods for proactive women to reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes so they can live fuller, healthier and happier lives.

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The Daily Dispatch


Health & Fitness


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Gluten-free doesn’t mean grain-free

includes people with any people gluten allergies or are adopting sensitivities that are gluten-free not as severe as Celiac diets for a variety of disease but can cause reasons. While such some gastrointestia diet means passing nal discomfort. The on foods that contain relationship between wheat protein, such as gluten and certain certain breads, crusts behavioral problems and baked goods, it in children and doesn’t mean giving up on grains entirely. Many adults also has been studied. In a paper grains are acceptable titled “Developmental for those adhering to Disorders and Dair y a gluten-free diet, and such grains can help fill Products, Grains, the void left by avoiding Gluten and Other Proteins,” researchers wheat products. Gluten-free foods are at the Bamford-Lahey required for people who Children’s Foundation found that sensitivity have Celiac disease, an to proteins autoimmune condition To avoid gluten, in both dair y wheat of the small a person has to and has been intestines that remove wheat associated is triggered products, barley, with a by the number of consumption spelt, rye and of wheat triticale from his neurological and protein. or her diet. behavioral Celiac disease However, there disorders can cause are many other in groups of damage to adults and the lining foods that can of the small be eaten. Plus, children. To avoid intestines, gluten, a which results flours made person has to in a decreased from grinding absorption other grains can remove wheat of nutrients. be used in place products, spelt, This can of wheat flour in barley, r ye and cause vitamin recipes. triticale from deficiencies his or her that deprive diet. However, the body there are many other and brain of necessar y foods that can be eaten. nourishment. Plus, flours made from While people with grinding other grains Celiac disease have can be used in place of to avoid foods that wheat flour in recipes. contain gluten, many The finished products more people choose may just have less of to remove gluten the doughy or elastic from their diets. This

Although wheat flour needs to be avoided when adopting a gluten-free diet, many other grains can still be enjoyed.

be mixed with other gluten-free flours. • Quinoa: This is not a grass plant or cereal grain but is actually related to leafy vegetables. Quinoa is often eaten like you would eat rice or pasta, but it can also be baked into bread and cakes. • Montina: This is made from Indian rice grass and can be milled into flour or combined with other flours in a baking blend. Montina bakes up into a springy texture, which makes it popular in breads. • Rice: Many people avoiding gluten turn to

rice as an alternative. Rice flour can be substituted for wheat flour in many recipes. Rice can also create a sense of fullness that comes with eating a starchy grain. • Corn: Cornmeal can be used in baked goods. However, it will offer a grainy texture. • Amaranth: This is a tiny, ancient grain. It is a complete protein and has more iron than most grains. People following a reduced or gluten-free diet can enjoy a number of other alternatives in their cooking.

consistency that is a generally flavorless and hallmark of gluten. can be grainy. It can Here are some grains men and women on gluten-free diets can still enjoy. • Oats:Though they are traditionally gluten-free, oats are often processed on the same equipment that processes other grains. Therefore, there may be some cross-contamination. Oats that are certified gluten-free can be more costly. • Buckwheat: Despite the name, buckwheat is not related to regular wheat and is not exactly a grain. It is a relation of rhubarb. In its whole form it can take the place of pasta. In its roasted form, buckwheat takes on a nutty flavor. Presented By: Gayle Cheek • Millet: This is 501 S. Chestnut St., Henderson a seeded plant used for grain and cereal production. Millet Automated line for Rapid Refills - 252-430-1710 is typically sold in pet stores as a treat Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 9am-4pm for birds. Millet is

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Health & Fitness

The Daily Dispatch


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Stay fit without visiting the gym

any people equate being in good physical shape with spending hours lifting weights or working out on the elliptical trainer at their neighborhood gym. For those who dread the gym as much as the dentist’s office, research from Oregon State University might put a smile on your face. Although gym workouts provide a measurable benefit for people looking to shed pounds and sculpt their bodies, everyday activities can be just as beneficial. Researchers looked at a federal survey of more than 6,000 American

adults to gauge physical activity levels. Participants wore accelerometers 10 hours per day to track movement and physical activity during the day. Some participants did traditional gym workouts while others just remained active during their normal activities, such as chores and running errands. After four days, the results showed that small bursts of activity, such as errands or chores, were just as beneficial as longer sessions of gym-based exercise. Brad Cardinal, Ph.D., one of the study’s co-authors, explains that people can benefit from

an active lifestyle just as much as they would from structured exercise, such as an hour at the gym, going for a run or following a workout video. Cardinal found benefits in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, glucose levels, and waist circumference were comparable between the two participant groups. The only variable that favored the structured exercise group was body mass index. Those who did traditional exercises had a lower index. What the research indicates is that the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day does not have to be done all

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at once or in a traditional setting. An active lifestyle that enables a person to get 30 minutes of activity in one- or two-minute increments is just as effective. And this method of exercise has more staying power. That’s because researchers found those who got their exercise in small increments were more likely to meet the 30-minutes-per-day guideline (43 percent) than those hitting the gym (10 percent). That might be because many people perceive exercise as a chore. But that stigma disappears when exercise is incorporated into daily

activity throughout the day. In order to incorporate more activity in a day without doing a structured workout, consider these easy tips. • Take the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator. • Walk into a restaurant to order take-out food instead of going through the drive-through or having it delivered. • Park in a distant corner of a parking lot to force yourself to walk further. • Take frequent breaks at work and visit the water cooler. • Manually rake leaves, trim shrubs and plant

flowers instead of relying on power tools. • Play a game of catch or tag with the kids. • Do arm circles or leg lifts while waiting for food to heat up in the microwave. • Thoroughly vacuum the entire house and burn a few hundred calories in the process. • Put a small cycling pedal set under your desk and travel a few miles all the while getting work done. There are a number of ways to remain active during the day and reap the same benefits you might get from a structured workout.

The Daily Dispatch

Health & Fitness


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Addressing the basics of breast cancer According to Breastc a n c e r. o r g , o n e i n eight American women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Though this figure is based on American women alone, it’s safe to say millions of women acr oss the globe face a similar fate. While organizations such as the Susan G. Komen for the Cure have been instr umental in raising awareness of breast cancer, many people r emain lar gely uninformed about breast cancer and what, if anything, they can do to reduce their risk. But the more people understand breast cancer the more for midable a foe they become for this potentially deadly disease.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells. According to Susan G. Komen For the Cure, between 50 and 75 percent of breast cancers begin in the ducts, which carr y milk from the lobules to the nipple. Between 10 and 15 percent of breast cancer cases begin in the lobules, which are the milkproducing glands of the breast. Over time, these cancer cells can invade nearby breast tissue and may even spread into the underarm lymph nodes, which give the cancerous cells a pathway to the rest of the body.

A lump or mass on the Are there different types of breast cancer? breast can be detect-

Breast cancer can be invasive or noninvasive. Invasive breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells from within the ducts or lobules break out into nearby breast tissue. When this occurs, the cancer cells can spread to the lymph nodes, which may allow them to spread even fur ther thr oughout the body to organs like the liver and lungs and to bones. Noninvasive breast cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow within the milk ducts but have not spread to nearby tissue or other parts of the body. But noninvasive breast cancer can develop into invasive cancer.

Are there warning signs of breast cancer?

There may be no initial war ning signs o f b r e a s t c a n c e r. A developing lump on the breast may be too small to notice, which only highlights the impor tance women must place on routine breast cancer exams. A mammogram, for example, is an X-ray of the breast that might detect symptoms of breast cancer that women did not notice. When such symptoms are detected, then further testing can be conducted to determine if breast cancer is present. Wo m e n o r t h e i r physicians also might detect br east cancer before a breast exam.

What are the risk factors for breast cancer?

ed during a self-exam Some risk factors or on a routine doctor visit. But the American for breast cancer are Cancer Society notes beyond a person’s cont h at s ev e r a l u n u su a l t r o l . Yo u c a n ’ t s t o p aging, you changes in have no way t h e b r e a s t While of changing may also organizations your fambe sympi l y h i s t o r y, t o m a t i c o f such as the Susan and ther e’s b r e a s t c a n - G. Komen for the nothing you c e r. T h e s e Cure have been can do about c h a n g e s instrumental in your own include: • b r e a s t raising awareness medical hisof breast cancer, tor y. Howevpain er, there are • a lump many people risk factors in the underremain largely for breast arm area • n i p p l e uninformed about cancer that d i s c h a r g e breast cancer and a r e w i t h i n o t h e r t h a n what, if anything, your control. • Alcohol milk they can do to consumption: • nipple Alcohol can pain or the reduce their risk. affect a womnipple tur nan’s ability to control ing inward • redness, scaliness blood levels of estrogen, or thickening of the which can increase her risk for breast cancer. nipple or breast skin • skin ir ritation or Studies have indicated that the more alcohol dimpling • swelling of all or a w o m a n c o n s u m e s , the greater her risk of part of the breast

breast cancer becomes. • Diet: Researchers often cite diet as a risk factor for various cancers, and breast cancer is no exception. However, there are no specifics as to which foods increase a person’s breast cancer risk. But studies have shown that eating a lot of red and/ or processed meats may increase a person’s risk of developing breast cancer. Low-fat diets that include lots of fruits and vegetables may reduce your risk of developing many diseases, including breast cancer. • Exercise: How often a person exercises may increase or decrease his or her risk of developing br east cancer. Studies have indicated that exercise can reduce breast cancer risk, and the ACS recommends that both men, who are not immune to breast canc e r, a n d w o m e n g e t between 45 and 60 min-

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utes of physical exercise five or more days per week. • We i g h t : B e i n g over weight is a sig nificant risk factor for breast cancer, especially for women after menopause. Higher estrogen levels increase a person’s risk of breast cancer, and estrogen levels increase when a person has mor e fat tissue. Maintaining a healthy weight pays various dividends, not the least of which is reducing your risk of breast cancer. Thanks to various organizations promoting breast cancer awareness and research, many individuals have at least a basic knowledge of the disease. While knowledge alone cannot prevent the onset of breast cancer, it may help men and women better pr otect themselves and their loved ones fr om a disease that af flicts millions of people across the globe each year.

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