Business Outlook Fall 2014

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Business Outlook Fall 2014

A quarterly publication of the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce and The Daily Dispatch

INSIDE: Leadership Vance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg. 2 Ambassador Spotlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.2 Job Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.4 The Embers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.5 Ribbon Cutting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.6 Meet Me in the Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.7 Ribbon Cuttings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.8-10 New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.11 Member Thanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.11 Upcoming Chamber Events. . . . . . . . . . . Pg.11 Christmas Social. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.12 Citizen of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.12 Ribbon Cutting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pg.12 Board/Ambassadors/Staff . . . . . . . . Pg.13-15

Lauren Murvine (center rope), a teacher at E.M. Rollins Elementary, and Joshua Patterson (back rope), a teacher at the STEM Early High School, prepare to attempt to cross a pretend canyon using ropes.

TEI kicks off 2014 session


he 2014-2015 Teacher Executive Institute (TEI) program started on Monday, Oct. 6, with a dinner and orientation session at Henderson Country Club. In its 21st year, the program provides classroom teachers, counselors and media specialists with opportunities to participate

in seminars where leadership and management skills are taught. Participants visit a variety of businesses within the community where they will meet employees, tour the facilities, learn about the business and take part in seminars designed to broaden their skills base. The overall intent of the

program is to strengthen the partnership between business professionals and education professionals. Teachers and those in the business field will have the opportunity to understand each other’s role in preparing students to meet the SEE SESSION/PAGE 3


Business Outlook

The Daily Dispatch

Fall 2014

Ambassador Spotlights Pam Norwood Pam Norwood has more than 25 years experience in the medical field as a medical assistant to Dr. Sam McCaskill and Dr. Rafael Negron. She left the medical field in March of 2014 to be the office manager for Magnolia Management LLC Rental Properties. She is co-owner of the company along with her husband Tony Norwood, Lundy Sykes and Kate Barker. Pam is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, but considers Henderson her

home. She is married to Tony Norwood, who worked at Harriett & Henderson Yarns for 20 years. After the company’s closing, he started Norwood Home Improvements, which led to the opening of Magnolia Management LLC, which was prompted by rental property owners he had done work for who wanted him to manage their properties. Magnolia Management LLC has grown from managing 12 properties to managing 102 properties in just two years. Pam recently graduated from the Leadership-Vance program and started serving

as an ambassador for the chamber in July. She is a member of the New Sandy Creek Baptist Church and is very active in the American Cancer Society-Vance County Relay for Life. She also serves on the Vance County crime stoppers board. Pam says, “Being a Chamber Ambassador puts you and your business in the spotlight! There are ribbon cuttings and other Chamber event photos that are printed in the Chamber’s newsletter and sometimes the local paper. That gives me and my company free publicity as a supporter of businesses coming to the local community. It also provides me with a great opportunity for networking and a few minutes of fun with other leaders in the community. I have learned that being an Ambassador is the perfect opportunity to make new business connections!”

Tim Hester Tim Hester is a Vance County native who works with Prim Residential Rentals as project manager. In this role, Tim manages the company’s construction projects and works with commercial and residential rental properties. He is also attending Vance-Granville Community College, working towards his masters in business administration. Tim is also working with local politics in various capacities. He wants to make Henderson a better place to live, work and play. While serving as an ambassador, he

has gotten involved by going to many chamber events such as roundtables and other networking events, volunteering at chamber community events and trying to recruit new chamber members. Tim says of serving the chamber in this capacity, “While serving as Chamber Ambassador, the Chamber has enabled me to meet Chamber member business representatives and make many contacts with business leaders and other volunteers.” During his free time, Tim enjoys hunting, playing golf and tennis and going to beautiful Kerr Lake.

Apply now for Leadership Vance Class of 2015 Applications will be available for the upcoming 2015 Leadership Vance Program i n e a r l y N o v e m b e r. Interested professionals who live or work in Vance County are invited to apply. The program will be limited to a maximum of 25 par ticipants who will be selected to represent all backgrounds, occupations and geographic areas of Vance County. The Leadership Vance program is designed to create a group of informed and

dedicated leaders who will contribute to the community after graduation. The program informs, challenges and educates the participants on the opportunities and needs of the community and will strengthen their leadership skills while lear ning about the social, economic and political dynamics that shape the community. The intensive training and exposure to all aspects of the community will provide participants with the his-

torical background and the skills necessar y for volunteer civic and community positions. It will also benefit participants in their business and career goals. Brochures for the upcoming year will be available in early December with the first session to be held in Februar y. The 10-session program will conclude in June and the cost for participating is $325 for chamber members and $400 for others. Included in the price

are all expenses, meals and materials. Par ticipants are exposed to various aspects of Henderson a n d Va n c e C o u n t y, specifically in regard to city and county gover nment, health and community resources, economic development, agriculture and natural resources, histor y and media, and criminal justice and law. All potential participants should submit a completed application to the Chamber of fice no later than

Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015. Notifications will be made by Friday, Jan. 23, 2015. For more information, contact director

of membership services Annette Roberson at the chamber at (438) 8414 or annette@henderson



Business Outlook

The Daily Dispatch


Fall 2014

Small businesses warned: Threat of point of sale malware The Depar tment of Homeland Security released an advisor y Aug. 22 warning businesses to check for Point of Sale (POS) malware infections. The warning comes from investigations stemming from the cyber attack experienced by Target last year. According to the advisor y, more than 1,000 American businesses have been affected. The agencies involved in uncovering the breadth of the breaches in addition to Homeland Security were the Secret Ser vice and the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) along with their security par tners. According to the


Secret Ser vice, criminals are actively scanning corporate systems for remote access oppor tunities — a vendor with remote access to a company’s systems, for example, or employees with the ability to work remotely — and then deploying computers to guess user names and passwor ds at high speeds until they find a working combination. The malware, now being r efer r ed to as “Backof f” after a word that appeared in its code, was undetected by antivir us software until r e c e n t l y. U n l e s s c o m p anies search for “Backof f” on their systems, it can be dif ficult to identify. The Homeland Security repor t

Johnson Middle), Cher yl Jones (Pinkston Street FROM THE FRONT PAGE Elementar y), Joy Darden (E.O. Young challenges of the Elementar y), Lauren future. Mur vine (E.M. Rollins This year’s TEI Elementar y), Bonnie participants are: Erika Stallings (Zeb Vance Barnett (Aycock Elementar y), Analiza Elementar y), Cynthia Maghanoy (L.B. Traynham (Southern Yancey Elementar y), Vance High), Mar y Joshua Patterson Frances Wiggins (STEM Early High (Car ver Elementar y), School) and Deris Alison Tiangson Mora (Henderson (Western Vance High), Middle). Tonia Davis (Clarke Sponsoring Elementar y), Sofia organizations Miller-Ford (Early include the Vance College), Deborah County Public Bullock-Harris School Foundation, (Dabney Elementar y), Vance County Public Ana-Maria Topliceanu Schools and the (Northern Vance Henderson-Vance High), Carrie County Chamber of Hoffler (New Hope Commerce. Elementar y), Aarika Corporate Sandlin (Eaton sponsors are: Gold —

released in August recommends that companies contact their ser vice providers, antivirus vendors and cash register system vendors to assess whether they have been compromised or are vulnerable to attack. The Depar tment of Homeland Security Advisor y says, “Over the past year, the Secret Ser vice has responded to network intrusions at numer ous busi nesses throughout the United States that have been impacted by the “Backof f” malware. Seven POS system providers/vendors have confir med that they have had multiple clients af fected. Repor ting continues on additional compro-

Centur yLink, Duke Energy Progress, Satter white Point Marina, Wal-Mart Distribution Center #6091; Silver — Vance County Farm Bureau; Bronze — Wayne Adcock, Barnett Properties, Citizens Community Bank, Golden Skillet, J.M. White Funeral Ser vice and Rose Oil Company. Other event supporters are Chick-fil-A, The Daily Dispatch, Henderson Family YMCA, Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce, KAR TS, Maria Parham Medical Center, Public School Foundation, Quick Print of Henderson and Vance County Schools.

mised locations, involving private sector entities of all sizes.” Also in the advisor y, the Secret Ser vice and Homeland Security recommend that companies limit the number of vendors with access to their internal network; require long, complex passwords that cannot easily be cracked by a computer; and lock employees and vendors out of their accounts after multiple login requests. They also recommend that companies segregate cr ucial systems, like their cash registers, from corporate networks and install so-called twofactor authentication, which is a method that requires employees to enter a sec-

ond, one-time password in addition to their usual credentials. It is also suggested that companies encr ypt customers’ data from the moment their cards are swiped in the store, log all network activity and deploy security software that can alert technicians to unusual activity, such as a cash register in a UPS Store in Tennessee communicating with a ser ver in Russia. Companies that believe they have been the victim of this malware should contact their local Secret Ser vice field office and for additional information on this threat should contact the NCCIC at or (888) 282-0870.


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Hours: Friday & Saturday 11:00 am - 10:00 pm


The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Job Corps celebrates 50 years Kittrell Job Corps recently celebrated both the 50th anniversary of Jobs Corps and their association with Adams and Associates as the new contractor that will handle the center’s operations, outreach, admissions and job placement. A chamber ribbon cutting was one of the center’s celebrator y activities spanning from Aug. 11 through Aug. 22. Adams and Associates Inc. is a Reno, Nevada, based company that was formed in 1990 with the sole mission of operating youth and children’s programs for local, state and federal governmental agencies. Kittrell Job Corps along with more than 100 other campuses across the nation helped in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Jobs Corps program. The Job Corps program was established in 1964 as the central initiative of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty. The program was established to administer free-of-charge education and vocational training to youth ages 16 to 24. Providing support specifically for young unemployed men and women, the program was modeled after the highly successful Civilian Conservation Corps of the New Deal, which was discontinued after World War II. Since its inception under the Economic Oppor tunity Act, Job Corps has served more

Kittrell Job Corps Center

Kittrell Job Corps Center held a ribbon cutting to celebrate its 50th anniversary and the new management contractor, Adams & Associates Inc. The event was held Aug. 19 at the Job Corps location at 1096 U.S. 1 in Kittrell. The Job Corps program was established in 1964 to administer free-of-charge education and vocational training to youth ages 16 to 24. Since its inception, Job Corps has served more than two million young people, with approximately 60,000 students enrolled annually at centers throughout the country. Kittrell Job Corps has offered an excellent opportunity for students to obtain their GED, receive vocational and technical training and utilize on-the-job training to find permanent employment. The center can be reached at (252) 438-6161 or at kittrell. than two million young people, with approximately 60,000 students enrolled annually at centers throughout the country. Locally, Kittrell Job Corps has of fered an excellent opportunity for students to obtain their GED, receive vocational and technical training and utilize on-the-job training to find permanent employment — all at no cost. The chamber congratulates Kittrell Job Corps

Center for its years of committed ser vice and looks for ward to their continued success in the years to come. To learn

more about Job Corps, visit the Kittrell Job Corps website at kittrell. or call (252) 438-6161.

Fall 2014

Lunch & Learn discusses finances

The Business Growth & Development Committee of the chamber recently hosted a Lunch & Learn entitled “Healthcare Reform for Small Business — Season 2: What Have We Lear ned?”. The event was held Oct. 8 from noon to 1 p.m. on the Vance County campus of Vance-Granville Community College. This Lunch & Lear n session was well attended and was facilitated by Mike Smith, regional sales executive with Blue Cross Blue Coming in of Nor th Carolina. early 2015 will Shield Business owners were be sessions on given a complete update on the Af for dable Car e financial and insight as to how planning and Act these and other changes on social will affect their bottom line. media and Attendees were also given how to use it information related to indiand small group covto benefit your vidual erage for 2015. small business. Coming in early 2015 will be sessions on financial planning and on social media and how to use it to benefit your small business. Let us know what topics would be of interest to you and your business by completing the Member Sur vey available on our website and in hard copy at the chamber office. Each of these sessions is presented by the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce and the Vance-Granville Community College Small Business Center. Cost for the Lunch & Learn seminars is $10 per person and includes a boxed lunch. Any member wishing to attend should RSVP to the chamber at (252) 438-8414 or info@

West Hills Veterinary C E N T R E

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The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook


Fall 2014

“Christmas With the Embers featuring Craig Woolard” coming to Vance-Granville Community College on Friday, Dec. 5, in the civic center. A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at the chamber office or from any chamber board member.

Embers coming to town with Christmas concert


he Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce is bringing “Christmas With the Embers featuring Craig Woolard” to the local community for the seventh consecutive year. The event will take place on Friday, Dec. 5, at 7 p.m. in the civic center of Vance-Granville Community College. There are a limited number of tickets for purchase at the chamber office or from any chamber board member. Prices are $10 for adults and $5 for

children. The chamber coordinates this family holiday event which is brought to you by member sponsors as follows: Platinum Sponsors — Duke Energy and Mars

Satterwhite Point Marina

Petcare; Silver Sponsors — Carolina Sunrock, Wal-Mart DC #6091 and Satterwhite Point Marina; and Bronze Sponsor — M.R. Williams Inc. Media Sponsors are The Daily Dispatch, WIZS and US 98.3.

Lakefront Rental Cabins Gas Dock with Premium, No Ethanol Gas, Marine Supplies and Snacks located off Buoy K Wet Slip and Drystack Boat Storage

6470 Satterwhite Point Road, Henderson, NC 27537 K. Scott Hughes of Satterwhite Point Marina has never been a Vance Co Commissioner and is not running for that office now.

phone #252-430-1300 web: “see us on FACEBOOK”


The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014

Henderson Collegiate celebrates steel-setting at future location

Henderson Collegiate

A ribbon cutting “steel setting” ceremony was held on Friday, Sept. 19, at 3:30 p.m. for Henderson Collegiate to celebrate the steel-setting at their future location. Excitement filled the air as Henderson Collegiate students, families and staff signed steel that will be placed in the future Home of the Pride. Even more exciting is what the steel means for the Pride and for students throughout Vance County. Since 2010, Eric and Carice Sanchez have worked along with the extraordinary support of Henderson Collegiate’s board of directors, families, students, staff members and other community members to build a program that could truly change students’ lives. Henderson Collegiate currently serves 500 students in grades 4-8 with a free college preparatory and character building education. In constructing a new building, the program will be able to expand to serve more than 1,300 students in a full K-12 program with an education that not only prepares them with academic skills, but also equips them with the life experiences and character habits that will set them up to live successful, fulfilling lives. At the event, the Pride heard expressions of support from Stephanie Rogers, the board chair, Barbara Beard-Hinton with USDA, Brian Schneiderman with Self Help, Mayor Pete O’Geary with the City of Henderson, Deborah Brown with Vance County, board chair of the chamber Jenny Hester, Victor Clifton from the Pride of 2019, and the school’s founders, Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez. Those who wish to support the Pride can contribute copy paper to the school. To make a contribution or to learn more about the program, contact Caitlin Terranova, the school’s Development Director, at


Security Incorporated BURGLAR & FIRE ALARMS, CENTRAL VAC,VIDEO SURVEILLANCE, ALARM MONITORING FOR $16/mo. Call Our Friendly Staff-Mike, Jason, Ben, Angie, Josh, Terrence, Jonathan, Scott, or Dave at 252-438-7181 anytime for a free estimate.



In Business since 1988

The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014

We Support Our Chamber A PRINTER WITH A PURPOSE! You’ll appreciate our prices! You’ll love our service!

The crowd dances to the sounds of “The Konnection Band” and the final 2014 Meet Me in the Street concert.

2014 Meet Me in the Street concert season enjoyed by all


he final Meet Me in the Street concert of 2014 featured The Konnection Band on Friday, Aug. 15, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. along Breckenridge Street at Embassy Square in downtown Henderson. The Konnection Band is a favorite local six-member band that presents a mix of rock, funk, R&B, beach and countr y music. “This band is always a crowd drawer and the weather could not have been more perfect for this final 2014 event,” said Chamber President John Barnes. Earlier concerts for this year included the first, held on Thursday, April 24 with North Tower, a band offering

sizzling brass, super vocals, the best in oldies, beach, top 40 and funk. A large crowd came out to kick off the community’s first “warm weather” celebration of the year. The second concert was held on Thursday, May 29, and hosted Steve Owens & Summertime, a band with a beach music focus and chart-topping songs since their start in 2011. The band won the Carolina Beach Music Awards “Favorite New Artist of the Year” in 2012. This year’s concerts were made possible by Presenting Sponsor Centur yLink. Gold sponsors were P&G Pet Care and Toyota

of Henderson.Silver sponsors were Duke Energy, AA Self Storage, Document Systems Inc, CCB and Satter white Point Marina. Contributing Sponsors included American Cancer Society-Relay for Life of Vance County, Franklin Brothers Nurser y & Greenhouses Inc., Kerr Lake Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and Sam’s Club. Food and beverages were provided by Chick-fil-A, Coca-Cola, Harris Incorporated of Durham, Pizza Inn and Wal-Mart DC No. 6091, and media sponsors included WIZS, The Daily Dispatch and US 98.3.


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The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014

Pretty Nails & Spa showcases grand opening and new chamber membership Pretty Nails & Spa held a ribbon cutting Aug. 28 to showcase their grand opening and new membership with the chamber. Henderson Mayor Pete O’Geary and Vance County Commissioners Chairwomen Deborah Brown thanked Vicky Nguyen, owner of Pretty Nails, for investing in the community and wished she and the staff well in their business. The salon currently employs three people and will hire more as the need arises. It specializes in nail care and waxing with a mission to provide each and every guest with excellent services and the utmost care. They are also committed to safety and sanitation. All nail files, buffers and pedicure bowl liners are disposable and are used one time per client. Pretty Nails is located at 385 Raleigh Road in Henderson. Operating hours are 10 to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and on Sundays by appointment only. For more information, call (252) 492-6245 or go to Pretty Nails & Spa

Stepping Out Hair Studios celebrates opening of new business, membership with chamber

Kerr Lake Nursing and Rehabilitation Center •24 hour Professional Nursing Services include Post Operative Care, Restorative Nursing Care, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Diabetic Management, Stroke Care, Pain Management, Wound Care and Acute Care Services •Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy •Registered Dietician Services •Social Services •Activities •Individualized Plans of Care Stepping Out Hair Salon

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Wednesday, Oct. 1, for Stepping Out Hair Studios LLC to celebrate the opening of the new business and membership with the chamber. They are located at 1620 Berry Ave. in Henderson and can be reached at (252) 572-2501. Owner Wytisha Green brings with her 10 years of dedicated experience to this business. After earning her certificate of cosmetology at Vance-Granville Community College, Wytisha was hired by J.C. Penny Hair Salon where she earned an “All Star” status. Her productivity allowed her to be ranked number two in the Southern District for J.C. Penny. After 10 years of fine tuning her skills, consulting with her family and constant encouragement from her clients, Wytisha Green decided to follow her dream of opening her own salon. Wytisha has specialized skills and techniques that make her clients feel stunning and pampered when they leave her salon. Stepping Out Hair Studio provides an open and welcome environment for all of their guests in a clean bright atmosphere specializing in a wide range of hair care to include cuts, color and relaxers. They use quality products and cutting-edge techniques that allow for achieving a precision style each and every time. With all of her clients Wytisha has one goal in mind: to give them the professional style they desire. Business hours are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The business is closed on Tuesday.

“We Are Neighbors Taking Care of Neighbors”


1245 Park Avenue, Henderson, NC

Silver Quality Award Voted Best Nursing Home In Vance County 10 Years In A Row!!!

The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014


Carolina Sunrock celebrates reopening of Kittrell concrete plant

Carolina Sunrock

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Wednesday, Sept. 24, to celebrate the re-opening of the Kittrell concrete plant of Carolina Sunrock, LLC. Carolina Sunrock has operated a concrete plant since 2005 on an as-needed basis at the Kittrell Quarry location on US 1. Due to improving economic conditions, Sunrock is now staffing this location with four team members who supply concrete in the local community every day. The economic recovery and its positive effects on the construction industry provides opportunities in communities like ours to add jobs and source products closer to where they are consumed. Sunrock President Bryan Pfohl commented that “Sunrock remains committed to helping grow the communities we are a part of and we look forward to adding to our team over time�. You can learn more about this locally owned and operated business and find out how to join their team on their website,

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The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014

Henderson Community Concert Association celebrates 30 years

Henderson Community Concert Association

A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on Monday, Sept. 22, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Henderson Community Concert Association. For 30 years, the Henderson Community Concert Association has brought high-quality entertainment to Henderson. It takes more than 100 dedicated volunteers and board members to make it all happen. These volunteers solicit businesses, civic organizations, individuals and families to garner support for each season, which consists of a series of five or six music, dance or theater “stars” on the local stage at Vance-Granville Community College. Ticket prices are maintained at a family-friendly minimum due to the generous support of businesses. HCCA prides itself in offering an outreach service to students, providing local school children the chance to see live performances by world-class artists. These programs would not be possible without the support of “special contributors” and “extra special contributors”. This year’s season began with toe-tappin’ fun at “Live from Nashville.” Other performances include “America’s Got Talent” tenor Fernando Varela, “The New Shanghai Circus”, Canadian fiddler “Karrnnel” and “Simply Sinatra”, featuring a live big band. More information and videos can be found on the HCCA website at or you can call Jan McDaniel at (252) 492-2954.

Business Outlook

The Daily Dispatch

Welcome to these new chamber members CLERO LANDSCAPING INC.

319 Forest Road Oxford, NC 27565 Phone: (919) 691-1631 Fax: (252) 456-4973 Powell Fox, Owner Durward B. Jarrell, Owner



115 Dorsey Place Henderson, NC 27536 Phone: (252) 425-3289 FAX: (252) 430-8746

6901 Pinecrest Road Raleigh, NC 27613 Phone: (919) 782-3021 Contact: Tracy Sternberg IANNIELLO, NANCY

112 New Castle Court, P.O. Box 91 Youngsville, NC 27596 Phone: (919) 418-1955

Upcoming Events Nov. 20: Joint Business After Hours from 5:30 to 7 p.m. hosted by Hampton Inn and George’s of Henderson at 385 Ruin Creek Road (Hampton Inn location). Enjoy food, beverages, door prize drawing and networking with fellow chamber members. RSVP to the Chamber at (252) 438-8414 or rsvp@ Nov. 11: Chamber offices closed for Veterans Day. Nov. 27-28: Chamber offices closed for Thanksgiving holiday. Dec. 4: Business After Hours hosted by Express Employment Professionals. The event will be held at Windy Hill Farms located at 1650 Glebe Road in Henderson. The Express Employment Clydesdales will appear as part of the event with other activities, food and beverages and fun. RSVP to the Chamber at (252) 438-8414 or rsvp@ Dec. 5: Chamber

Christmas concert, “Christmas With The Embers,” to be held at VGCC Civic Center beginning at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children and are available at the chamber and from any chamber board member. Dec. 11: Seventh Annual Chamber Christmas Social from 6 to 8 p.m. at Henderson Country Club. Event is sponsored by Chamber member CPA firms Holden, Moss, Knott, Clark and Copley, PA; William L. Stark & Company; Phillips, Dorsey, Thomas, Waters and Brafford, PA; Danny W. Wright, CPA, PLLC; William D. Hoyle, CPA, PLLC; and Robert D. Herford, CPA. December 24-25: Chamber offices closed for Christmas holiday. December 29: Final nominations for 2014 Citizen of the Year due to the chamber. For information, contact the chamber at (252) 438-8414 or John@



385 Raleigh Road Henderson, NC 27536 Phone: (252) 492-6245 Vicky Nguyen, Owner STEPPING OUT HAIR STUDIOS, LLC

1620 Berry St. Henderson, NC 27536 Phone: (919) 725-1424 Wytisha Green, Owner

Chamber banquet coming in January


he Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce will celebrate 77 years at its Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet coming up in January. The event will be held at the Vance-Granville Community College Civic Center. The keynote speaker for the evening and specific date will be announced in January. Watch the Chamber website at hendersonvance. org for more information. The 2013 Citizen of the Year, Dr. Marion Lark, will present the 2014 Citizen of the Year Award. 2014 Chamber of Commerce Chairwoman Jenny Hester will give a brief farewell address. Chamber President John Barnes will

present the Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce Annual Report and Program of Work along with incoming 2015 Chair, Tanya Evans. The reports will highlight the previous year’s accomplishments and identify goals for the upcoming year. Tickets for the Annual Membership Meeting and Banquet are $35 each and include dinner, local entertainment and entry for door prize drawings. Corporate tables of ten may be reserved for $320. To reserve tickets or for sponsorship or other information, contact the chamber at (252) 438-8414 or email annette@

Chamber surveys members for input The Henderson-Vance Chamber of Commerce Membership Committee has created a sur vey to pole its membership about a variety of topics that affect their use of and satisfaction with their chamber membership. All members are

asked to take par t in this effort so that the most benefit can be gained from it. Sur veys are available in hard copy at the chamber office on Garnett Street or on the chamber website’s homepage at

Fall 2014


Member Thanks

Teacher package donations appreciated


he Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the 28 member businesses that contributed items for the 2014 new teacher packages. The chamber businesses listed below participated by taking the opportunity to include their promotional items or coupon in the gift bags given to the approximately 120 new local teachers this year. This annual opportunity is offered exclusively to chamber member businesses. If you are interested in taking part in next year’s drive, contact the chamber office at (252) 438-8414 or info@ ACTS Aaron’s All Safe Records Management Solutions Inc. Aycock Recreation Center Belk Burger King (Carolina Quality Inc.) Carolina Country Snacks CCB Chick-fil-A Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute Discount Furniture Center Golden Skillet H&R Block Henderson Community Concert Association Henderson Family YMCA Henderson Wellness Center MARS Pet Care My Eye Dr office of Dr. Robert F. Allen, Optometrist Premier Chiropractic Prim Residential Rentals Sam Furniture & Mattress Center Sam’s Club, Raleigh Southern Laundry Toyota of Henderson United Way Vance County Cooperative Extension Vance-Granville Community College W.W. Properties and Rentals


The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014

Seventh Annual Chamber Christmas social set for Dec. 11

The Daily Dispatch ribbon cutting


MARK DOLEJS / Dispatch Staff

The Daily Dispatch held a ribbon cutting Aug. 12 to celebrate 100 years of service to the local community. The local newspaper was first established in 1914 and has endured many growing pains through the years from a devastating fire and changed locations to huge strides in technology. The paper publishes Tuesday through Sunday and has readership and news coverage in Henderson, Vance County, Warren County and the northern end of Granville County. The company is owned by Paxton Media Group and can be reached at (252) 436-2800 or

he seventh annual Chamber Christmas Social will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 11 at Henderson Countr y Club. For the seventh consecutive year, Chamber member CPA firms will sponsor this holiday mixer for the enjoyment of all Chamber member businesses. Organized by Come and enjoy delicious Chamber staff, the event is sponsored by Holden, heavy hors Moss, Knott, Clark and d’oeuvres and Copley, PA; William L. beverages, Stark & Company; Phillips, socialize and Dorsey, Thomas, Waters Brafford, PA; Danny network with and W. Wright, CPA, PLLC; other local William D. Hoyle, CPA, area business PLLC and Robert D. professionals. Herford, CPA. Come and enjoy delicious heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages, socialize and network with other local area business professionals. Mark your calendar now for this event and contact the Chamber to register at (252) 438-8414 or by Wednesday, Dec. 3.

Nominations accepted for 2014 Citizen of the Year The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce is currently seeking nominations for the 2014 Citizen of the Year. This annual award honors an individual who has made a significant contribution and demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of Henderson and Vance County. In order to be considered for this award, the nominee must be a resident of the HendersonVance County community, should be someone who enjoys a reputation

for continuous community service in areas such as civic involvement, quality of life improvements, suppor tive of business and economic development and humanitarian issues. This contribution must be outside the realm of the individual’s occupation. Citizens and chamber members are encouraged to nominate persons they feel are deserving of this recognition. Nomination forms are available at the Chamber and should be submitted in writing to the chamber office by Mon-

day, Dec. 19. The award will be presented at the Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting and Banquet at the Vance-Granville Commu-

nity College Civic Center. For information or a nomination form, contact the chamber at (252) 4388414 or e-mail

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The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014


Ministries, Inc. Adventure Island * Ahner Security, Inc. * AHU Training Seminars * Air Control, Inc. All Safe Records Management Solutions, Inc. * Alliance Rehabilitative Care, Inc. American Cancer Society * Ardagh Group * Area Hearing Center LLC * Auto Connection * AutoBrite Car Washes, Inc. Automax Aycock Elementar y School * Ballet Arts, Inc. * Bank of America Barnett Properties, Inc. * Baymont Inns BB&T * Beckford Medical Center

* Belk, Inc. * Benchmark Community Bank Beyond Challenges Community Ser vices, LLC * Bobbitt, Michael * Bojangles - Tri-Arc Food Systems, Inc #7 * Bowers & Burrows * Boys & Girls Clubs of North Central NC - Vance Unit * Brass Shoppe, The Brassfield Commercial Realty Breedlove Electric, Inc. * Brewer Cycles, Inc. Buffaloe Milling Co., Inc. * Builder Tony Hirst, LLC * Builder’s Discount Center of Henderson Bullock’s of Henderson, LLC Butterfly Kissed Floral Designs


The Henderson-Vance County Chamber of Commerce represents the interests of the business community in those matters that affect the ability of local businesses to prosper and grow, and the ability of Henderson and Vance County to attract new businesses.

Henderson Phil Hart Dataforge Mel Manning Quality Investments Larr y Mathiot Centur yLink 2014-2016

Ed O’Brien Wal-Mart Distribution Center #6091 Gina Dement Five County Community Operations Center Dwight Frazier Carolina Countr y Snacks Thomas Hampton P&G Pet Care Kim Jordan CCB 2014 CHAMBER OFFICERS Jenny Hester Chair 2014 CHAMBER Tanya Evans First AMBASSADORS Vice-Chair Michael Bobbitt Mel Manning Individual Treasurer Christina Brock Hal Muetzel Instinctive Healing Immediate Past Chair Massage Gina DeMent BOARD OF DIRECTORS Cardinal Innovations 2012-2014 Healthcare Solutions Dr. Angela Cher yl Elman Ballentine Dave Elman Hypnosis Vance-Granville Institute Community College Freda Hawley Jenny Hester Prim Wal-Mart Distribution Development and Center #6091 Rentals Tim Hester Prim Catherine Hughes Development & Satter white Point Rentals Marina Twanna Jones ACTs Hal Muetzel Julia Langston Express Employment Henderson Family Professionals YMCA Susan Rogers Mar ylaura McKoon Chick-fil-A E.O. Young Jr. Thomas Shaw Vance Elementar y School County Farm Bureau Clareese Moss New You with Shortcake 2013-2015 Pam Nor wood Tammy Care Maria Magnolia Parham Medical Management, LLC Center Holly Nix Tanya Evans Henderson Wellness Progress Energy Center Dave Genetti Joan Robinson Toyota/Scion of Kittrell Job Corps

Center Kimberly Robinson Rosemyr Corporation/ AA Self Storage Susan Rogers Chick-fil-A Val Short Triangle North Healthcare Foundation Jessica Todd Xerox Sandra Wilkerson Charles Boyd Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, GMC Inc. Ex-Officio Directors Stuart Litvin Director, Vance County Economic Development Commission Dennis Tharrington Chair, Henderson-Vance Economic Partnership Vacant Representative of Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Dr. Stelfanie Williams President, Vance-Granville Community College Deborah Brown Chair, Vance County Board of Commissioners Pete O’Gear y Mayor, City of Henderson Ronald Gregor y Superintendent, Vance

County Schools Bob Singletar y President/CEO Maria Parham Medical Center CHAMBER STAFF

John Barnes President Annette Roberson Director of Membership Ser vices Melanie Mann Office Manager Connie Ragland Work First Coordinator Sheri Jones Communications Consultant MEMBER LIST

*— 110 percent Members A&S Pest Control A-Fresh Potti By Foster A.B. Hair Carpets, Inc. A.R. Perr y Glass/ Henderson Oxygen * A.R.E. Mechanical, Inc. * AAA Gas & Appliance Aaron’s Abria’s Chase Foundation * ACTS (Area Christians Together in Ser vice) Advantage

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The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014

Members Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions - Five County Community Operations Center * Care Chiropractic Center Care, Jonathan S, Attorney, PA * Carolina Carpet * Carolina Cooling & Heating, Inc. Carolina Country Snacks Carolina Dental Arts * Carolina Greenscapes, Inc. * Carolina Quality, Inc. (Burger King) Carolina Sunrock LLC Carver Elementary School Cawthorne & Associates * CCB * Central Baptist Church * Century 21 Country Knolls Realty * CenturyLink * Character Antics * Charles Boyd Chevrolet-CadillacBuick-GMC, Inc. * Chase Development * Chick-fil-A * Church of the Holy Innocents, The (Episcopal) Church, Tom * City Tire, Inc. Clarke Elementary School * Classic Graphics Clearview Baptist Church Clero Landscaping Inc * Coast Guard Auxiliary Henderson/ Kerr Lake * Coca-Cola * Coffeys Bail Bonds * Coldwell Banker

Advantage-Henderson * Collins Collision Repair Center * Comfort Zone Designers, Inc. * Community Home Care & Hospice * Community Partners of Hope * Community Workforce Solutions, Inc. * Consolidated Marketing, Inc. * Cooper Company II, LLC * Cordell’s Lawn Care, Inc. * Courtyard/Woods Apartments * Coventry House Inn * Cracker Barrel Crawford Properties Creative Textiles * Crossroads Christian School * Currin’s Real Estate * D.D. Residential Services, Inc. * Dabney Drive Animal Hospital Dabney Elementary School * Daily Dispatch, The Daniel Hendley Photography * Dataforge * Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute DB’s Windshield Repair & Headlamp * Department of Commerce - Division of Workforce Solutions * Discount Furniture Center * Document Systems, Inc. * Dot’s Hallmark Shop Drake, Dr. Alex * Duke Energy Progress

* Duke Primary Care E.M. Rollins Elementary School E.O. Young, Jr. Elementary School * EarlyFalsom Properties, Inc. East Carolina Tire Eastern Minerals, Inc. Eaton-Johnson Middle School Edward Jones - Jeff Perry * Edward Jones Tony Adams * Edwards, Bill Elmer A. Deal & Sons Inc. * Embassy Cultural Center Foundation, Inc. * Endrusick Enterprises, LLC * Engine Masters Outdoor Power Equipment * Enterprise Rent-A-Car Envirolink, Inc * Express Employment Professionals * Family Eye Center, OD PA FastMed Urgent Care * Faulkner Grading & Landscaping, Inc. * Fidelity Bank * First Baptist Church * First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. * First Presbyterian Church * First United Methodist Church * Five County FIF * Florida Marine Tanks, Inc. * Flowers Funeral Home Fogg’s Exxon Service Station * Food Lion, LLC

* For Your Occasion Party Rentals * Four County Primary Care, RLLP Franklin -Granville -Vance Smart Start, Inc * Franklin Brothers Nursery & Greenhouses, Inc. * Franklin-VanceWarren Opportunity, Inc. Frazco, Inc. FTROOP96 Garden Walk Villas * Generations Community Credit Union George’s Geter Barber College, LLC * Girl Scouts - North Carolina Coastal Pines * Golden Corral * Golden Skillet Granville Health System Granville-Vance District Health Department * Greater Ransom Way of the Cross Temple Greystone Concrete Products, Inc. Gupton Services, Inc. Gupton’s Sporting Goods, Inc. * H & R Block * H.G. Reynolds Company, Inc. Hampton Inn Henderson * Handcrafted Homes, LLC * Hawkins Maintenance Services LLC * Henderson Collegiate * Henderson Community Concert Association * Henderson Country Club

* Henderson Family YMCA * Henderson Fruit & Produce Company * Henderson Institute Museum and H.I. Graduates & Former Students Association, Inc. * Henderson Lions Club Henderson Middle School Henderson Pediatric Dentistry/Rhonda Kearney, DDS, MS, PLLC Henderson Wellness Center, PA Henderson, City of Henderson-Vance Downtown Development Henderson/Vance County Economic Development Commission * Hight Warehouse, Inc. * Holden Moss Knott Clark & Copley, P.A. Holiday Inn Express Holland Industrial Home Decorator Shoppe * Home in Henderson * Hoyle, Wilson S., Jr., DDS * Hughes, Jack H., Attorney * Humphries Construction Co./ Triangle North Exteriors Ianniello, Nancy M. LPN * Innovative Green Builders/WDT Development, LLC Instinctive Healing Massage * Insurance Partners of NC, Inc. J & E ScreenPrint

J.L. Williams Construction Company, Inc. * J.M. White Funeral Service Jerry’s Artarama NC, Inc. Joel T. Cheatham * John Foster Homes * Journigan’s Tire & Battery Sales * Kennametal, Inc. Kentucky Fried Chicken * Kerr Lake Country Club Kerr Lake Glassworks/Chex Car Care * Kerr Lake Nursing and Rehabilitation Center * Kerr Lake Orthopaedics Kerr-Vance Academy Kids World, Inc. * Kilian Engineering, Inc. * Kindred Nursing & Rehabilitation of Henderson * Kittrell Job Corps Center KO’s Sports Grille L.B. Yancey Elementary School * Lakes Media Network - US 98.3 (WLUS), Rewind 1019 (WKSK), Country Legends 96.7 (WSHV Lamplight Inn & Tobacco Farm Camp * Leonard Factory Outlet Liberty Kennels, Inc. * Life Line Outreach, Inc. * Little River Corporation Lotus Lounge Day Spa & Cafe Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse

The Daily Dispatch

Business Outlook

Fall 2014


* The Corbitt Preservation Association Thermo King of Henderson * Tidal Wave Car Wash * Time Warner Cable TNCP One LLC Tots ‘N More Consignment Boutique * Toyota/ Scion of Henderson * Triangle North Healthcare Foundation * Tucker, Dr. Beverly Union Bank & Trust Company * United Way of Vance County/ Volunteer Center * US Cellular * Vance Athletic Supply Co., Inc. dba Sportrax * Vance Charter School Vance Commons, Senior Apartments * Vance Construction Company Vance County * Vance County Arts Council * Vance County Community Foundation Vance County Early College High School * Vance County Farm Bureau, Inc. Vance County Public School Foundation Vance County Schools * Vance County Tourism Development Authority Vance Family Medicine * Vance Financial Services, Inc. * Vance Furniture Company Vance Granville

Home Builders Association Vance-Granville Business Network * Vance-Granville Community College * Vanco Outdoor Equipment Variety Wholesalers, Inc. Vescom America, Inc. * Vulcan Materials * W. W. Properties & Rentals * Wake Electric Membership Corporation * Wal-Mart DC 6091 Wal-Mart Store 2256 Waste Industries, Inc. Watkins Development Co, Inc. dba Southern Laundry and Dry Cleaning * Wayne Adcock Wells Fargo Bank N.A. * West Hills Veterinary Centre Wester Realty & Insurance Agency, Inc. Wester, M. W., III, DDS Western Vance High School * Wheeler, Ted dba Ted’s Service Company * Whitco Termite & Pest Control White’s Utility Buildings * William D. Hoyle, CPA, PLLC * William L. Stark and Company WIZS Radio * Woodell, A.J. Woodforest National Bank * Wright, Danny W., CPA, PLLC * Xerox Zeb Vance Elementary School

Members M.R. Williams, Inc. * Magnolia Management, LLC Manpower Services * Maria Parham Endocrinology * Maria Parham Medical Center * Maria Parham Nephrology & Hypertension * Maria Parham Pain & Physical Medicine Clinic * Marketplace Cinema Markson Scientific, LLC dba Markson LabSales * MARS Pet Care Mast Drug Company * Matthew Todd / Farm Bureau Insurance Maw & Paw ARK Inc. * Mayflower Seafood Restaurant Medical Arts Pharmacy Michele Burgess dba Stella & Dot Jewelry Mid South Electric Service, Inc. * Mike Brooks Productions & D.J. Services Mike Brummitt Heating and Cooling, LLC Milkam Hospitality, Inc. Moody Brothers Jewelers * Mosley Plumbing Company, Inc. MotoMax * MyEyeDr office of Dr. Robert F. Allen, Optometrist * NCOL.NET New Hope Elementary School * New You with Shortcake * Norlina Christian

School Norris Creek Outdoor Entertainment Complex * North Carolina Institute Of Minority Economic Development * North Carolina Pediatric Associates * Northern Carolina Cardiology * Northern Carolina Surgical Associates Northern Vance High School * Occoneechee Council, Boy Scouts of America Optimist Club of Henderson * Orthopaedic Specialists of NC * Peanut Roaster, The, Inc. * Peck, Hazel P. * Pegram Agency, Inc. The Nationwide Insurance * Pelican’s SnoBalls of Henderson * Pernell’s Custom Framing * Perry & Waters, LLP Perry Memorial Library * Pete Smith Automotive Group PharmSupply, Inc. * Philips Optimum Lighting * Phillips, Dorsey, Thomas, Waters & Brafford, PA Pinkston Street Elementary School * Pinnell Insurance Agency, Inc. * Pino’s Italian Restaurant * Pizza Inn of Henderson PNC Bank Pool Rock Plantation Manor * Premier

Chiropractic * Premier Women’s Health * Prestigious Housing Inc. Pretty Nails * Prim Development and Rentals Private Wealth Management of NC, LLC * Propel GPS, LLC PSNC Energy, A Scana Company * Quality Equipment, LLC * Quality Inn Quality Investments * Quick Print of Henderson, Inc. * Raemac Transportation Raleigh Road Outdoor Theater - Silly Place Entertainment, LLC RB Cleaning Business Rebuilding Hope Inc. Rent-A-Center Revlon REW Medical Wear * Richardson, Arline * Rick Edwards Electric * ROBCO Manufacturing * Robert B. Lloyd Plumbing, Inc. * Robert D. Herford, CPA * Rogers Group, Inc. * Rose Oil Company * Rosemyr Corporation/AA Self Storage Rotary Club of Henderson * Ruin Creek Animal Protection Society of Henderson, NC * Run of the Mill Bed and Breakfast * Rural Health Group at Henderson

Salare Inc * Salvation Army, The Sam’s Club * Sams Furniture & Mattress Center * Satterwhite Chiropractic * Satterwhite Point Marina, Inc. Schewel Furniture Company, Inc. School of Graphic Arts * Screen Master Semprius * Servpro of Franklin, Vance & Granville Counties Sheetz * Simply Delicious Catering * Skipper Forsyth’s Bar-B-Q Sleep Inn Southern Vance High School * Springleaf Financial * St. John’s Episcopal Church * Staffmark * Stainback, Satterwhite & Zollicoffer, PLLC Staples * State Employees Credit Union State Farm Insurance Company, Terrence L. Britten, Agent State Farm Insurance, Janet A. Cox, Agent Stepping Out Hair Studios * Sterling Park Apartments * Stuf-It-Storage and Rentals * Subway SunTrust * Supply Line Country Market * Taco Bell


Business Outlook

The Daily Dispatch

Fall 2014


6GDM $UDQX 2DBNMC "NTMSR The Emergency Department at Maria Parham Medical Center stands ready for any emergency you or your loved ones face. And because every second counts–especially when it comes to stroke care–Maria Parham has partnered with the Duke Telestroke Network to provide fast, real time access to immediate stroke care specialists and treatment. Advanced stroke care, right here, right now, at Maria Parham Medical Center. )RU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ YLVLW ZZZ PDULDSDUKDP FRP

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