Healthbeat: MPMC: Oct. 16, 2013: The Daily Dispatch

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Maria Parham Healthbeat A publication of Maria Parham Medical Center and The Daily Dispatch

FALL, 2013

Going beyond ‘Thinking Hospital offers help with Health Insurance Marketplace Pink’ to thinking prevention and detection


ctober is National National Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Foundation’s online Awareness Month. risk assessment tool, to “Think Pink” slogans create personalized early and pink ribbons are detection plans. highly visible, and Dr. C. Scott Hays, OB/GYN with Premier Women’s The Importance of Health Professionals in Early Detection Henderson, stresses the According to the importance of National Cancer leveraging that Institute, when awareness to breast cancer is move people to detected early, action to protect the five-year themselves survival rate and their loved is 98 percent. ones against the However, more disease. than 30 percent Dr. Scott “Education is of women are Hayes critical in battling diagnosed breast cancer, and beyond the early what’s equally crucial detection window. is taking the proper This has lead to higher actions to reduce your mortality rates. risk of developing the Currently for women, disease,” says Dr. Hays. breast cancer is second “Creating a personal only to lung cancer in early detection plan to terms of mortality. In identify your risk factors 2011, more than 230,000 and monitor your health new cases of breast and scheduling annual cancer were detected mammograms are two among women and more things that could save than 2,100 cases among your life.” men. Nearly 40,000 of Dr. Hays these women (almost recommends consulting 20 percent) and 500 of with your physician to these men (nearly 25 discuss individual risk percent) died. factors and identify “The research key lifestyle changes regarding early detection that could reduce is very encouraging. We one’s chance of getting just need to be proactive breast cancer. In in prevention and addition, people can detection,” says Dr. Hays. utilize several online resources, such as the see beyond/page 7

Susan Driver (left), Monica Cox and Jenna Carter are certified application counselors at Maria Parham Medical Center. The hospital offers free assistance with the Health Insurance Marketplace. Currently, there are five counselors at the hospital who can help seekers of insurance understand, apply and enroll for health coverage through the Marketplace.

The Health Insurance Marketplace: seven things you can do now


ver the past several months, buzz words like “health reform” and “insurance marketplaces” have filled the media. But what exactly do they mean and how do they impact you? The Health Insurance Marketplace is a key part of the health reform law that will make health insurance more accessible to people across the country. Think of the Marketplace as an online travel site like Hotwire

or Priceline, where people can compare, view and purchase various health insurance products that have been approved by their state and/or the federal government. Everything is very transparent, and insurance plans must treat you fairly. They cannot deny you coverage because of a pre-existing condition. In addition, every plan must cover basic health services, including visits to the doctor, hospitalizations, maternity care and prescriptions.

And even more good news, the government is providing increased opportunities to lower the cost of health insurance, making it more affordable and providing low-cost options to many people. So how do you learn more and get ready for Marketplace? There are seven simple things you can do now to get ready: 1.Learn about different types of health insurance. Through the Marketplace, you’ll be able to choose a health plan that gives you the right balance of costs and coverage. see marketplace/page 9



The Daily Dispatch

FALL 2013

Coverage available to all through new Health Insurance Marketplace


fter much anticipation, the time is here. As of Oct. 1, 2013, nearly 50 million uninsured Americans across the country can apply for affordable health care coverage through the now-open Health Insurance Marketplaces. In North Carolina, our Marketplace is run by the federal government and is located online at The new Health Insurance Marketplace is like an online shopping platform for health insurance. After completing one simple application, you will be able to see a

comprehensive list of the plans available in our area and be informed if you qualify for newly-available government subsidies offered to qualified individuals to help offset the expense of health insurance. It’s easy. It’s transparent. And it offers coverage at a variety of affordable and competitive price points. Here are a few additional benefits you should know about the new Marketplace: Nobody can be denied for a pre-existing condition. Many people will qualify for subsidies. The government is providing varying levels of funding

to assist people with • Hospitalization incomes ranging from 100 • Maternity and percent to 400 percent of newborn care (care the federal poverty level. before and after your While there baby is born) are several • Mental While there are health types of plans and several types of substance and levels of coverage plans and levels use disorder available, there of coverage services, is a core set including available, there behavioral of essential health benefits is a core set of health that must be essential health treatment covered by such as benefits that every plan. counseling and These include: must be psychotherapy • • covered by Ambulatory Prescription every plan. patient services drugs (outpatient care • you get without being Rehabilitative and admitted to hospital) habilitative services and • Emergency services devices that help people

with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions gain or recover mental and physical skills • Laboratory services • Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management • Pediatric services Maria Parham Medical Center understands that all of these new opportunities can be overwhelming to understand and navigate, and we want you to know that we’re here to support you in the application process and in determining in which plans your local health care providers are included.

General & Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery

Specializing in Diseases of the Kidney & Hypertension

Northern Carolina Surgical Associates is a general surgical

Maria Parham Nephrology & Hypertension offers specialized care for outpatients and inpatients who have renal disease and/or hypertension. Offering diagnosis & treatment For those suffering from: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

&KURQLF .LGQH\ 'LVHDVH Anemia Metabolic Bone Disease &RQJHQLWDO .LGQH\ 'LVHDVH Generalized Edema 5HVLVWDQW +\SHUWHQVLRQ Consultation for Inpatient Dialysis

Tariq Abo-Kamil, MD

practice that provides consultative and operative services in the areas of General, Advanced Laparoscopic, Breast and OncologyUHODWHG 6XUJHU\ (DFK RI WKH VXUJHRQV LV %RDUG &HUWLÂż HG ZLWK advanced training in various specialty areas. Each doctor is dedicated to providing you the very highest level of quality healthcare.

Internal Medicine

Lucy Wessinger, NP

This Practice is a Department of Maria Parham Medical Center.

If you are interested in enrolling in health insurance through the Marketplace, we can help you. Call us at 1-888-982-9144 to speak with a Certified Application Counselor 24 hours a day/7 days a week or to schedule an appointment for in-person assistance at Maria Parham Medical Center. Still have questions? Reach us via e-mail at, or visit for more information. Coverage purchased through the Marketplace is effective Jan. 1, 2014, and you can enroll anytime between now and March 31, 2014.

J. W. Jenkins Building 568 Ruin Creek Road Suite 006 Henderson, NC

(252) 436-1080

Robert F. Noel, Jr., MD

Cynthia Robinson, MD

Northern Carolina

This Practice is a Department of Maria Parham Medical Center.

Surgical Associates

Lakshmi Kanth, MD

0HGLFDO 2IÂż FH 3OD]D 120 Charles Rollins Rd Suite 206 Henderson, NC

(252) 433-0430


The Daily Dispatch


FALL 2013


Maria Parham posts ED wait times on website

omething that ever yone who comes into an emergency department at any hospital has in common is that they want to be seen quickly. However, that wish is often not possible. The truth is that today’s emergency departments (EDs) are busier than ever – due in large part to shortage of primar y care providers and an increasing number of people without health insurance coverage. Add in the process of triage (prioritizing the severity each patient’s medical condition and seeing them in the order

of the most seriously ill or injured first), and unfortunately, wait times are sometimes inevitable. What can be done to make this process a little easier? How about if an ED could post their approximate wait times so that patients would know how busy the ED is before electing to go? The Emergency Department at Maria Parham Medical Center is giving that idea a tr y with the posting of ED Wait Times on their hospital website. Maria Parham’s Emergency Depar tment has made great strides in improving the level of ser vice provided; while at

the same time maximizing the ef ficiency of the processes that allow patients to been seen more quickly. The team also understands that there will still be times when a patient will have to wait. Jane Ryan, RN, MSN, MHA, Director of the ED at MPMC, understands the dynamics of the ED and has spent a lot of time analyzing patient flow. Jane states, “Ever y ED across the nation experiences peak times - be it peak hours of the day, peak days of the week or even peak months of the year. During these peak times, patient wait times increase.” She adds, “We hope that by providing infor mation about things like wait times, the patient can make an educated decision. Of course, we want the patient to come to Maria Parham, and we promise to make the ED experience as painless as possible.”

By typing in “” and clicking on the red square entitled ‘ED Wait Time,’ a person can quickly see how busy Maria Parham’s ED is at that time. Of course, the ED Wait Time is an approximation and things can quickly change in an Emergency Room. The ED Wait T ime r epr esent a two-hour rolling average updated ever y 2 hours, and is defined as the time of patient ar rival until the time the patient is evaluated by a qualified medical professional (Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Physician Assistant (PA) or Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP)). Posting the ED Wait Time on a hospital website is not a new idea – many hospitals across the nation are using this method to keep patients informed. Overall, the concept seems to be effective in providing a representation of the patient’s expected wait to be seen. Hospitals that use this system demonstrate their commitment to the “Patient First Concept”, knowing that when they post higher ED Wait Times, the informed patient may elect to use a less busy ED. However, these hospitals also understand it is about helping the patient make informed decision about where they want to receive their healthcare.

Maria Parham’s Emergency Department has made great strides in improving the level of service provided; while at the same time maximizing the efficiency of the processes that allow patients to been seen more quickly.

Kerr Lake Nursing and Rehabilitation Center •24 hour Professional Nursing Services include Post Operative Care, Restorative Nursing Care, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Diabetic Management, Stroke Care, Pain Management, Wound Care and Acute Care Services •Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapy •Registered Dietician Services •Social Services •Activities •Individualized Plans of Care

“We Are Neighbors Taking Care of Neighbors”


1245 Park Avenue, Henderson, NC

Silver Quality Award We are one of two in the entire State & one of 59 in the Nation Awarded in 2013



The Daily Dispatch

Carolina Donor Services


arolina Donor Services is the federally designated organ procurement organization serving 6.8 million people in 78 counties of North Carolina and Danville, Virginia. Our service area includes 102 hospitals, and four transplant centers that perform heart, lung, liver, kidney, and pancreas transplants. Carolina Donor Services’ mission is straightforward: Carolina Donor Services maximizes the passing of the heroic gift of life from one human being to another through organ and tissue donation. Our team of dedicated professionals work diligently to increase the awareness of the need for organ and tissue donors and to deliver the

Are you an organ donor?

A most sensitive approach to organ and tissue donation. We perform public and professional education, as well as coordinate the entire organ and tissue donation process. Carolina Donor Services has three main offices - Durham/Chapel Hill - Greenville and Winston-Salem. For more information, contact us at info@carolinadonorservices. org.Give the “Gift of Life” through organ and tissue donation.

FALL 2013

17-year-old athlete weakens and becomes short of breath with minimal exertion. He has a viral infection of the heart which weakens it to the point that it has become life-threatening. Matching studies are done and he is given a pager — he will need to get to the transplant center in an hour or two when an organ becomes available. He waits for his pager to go off day and night. For some, the call never comes. Other patients are on waiting lists for kidneys and must face dialysis every two or three days. There are also waiting lists for livers, corneas and other organs. Yet, the

sad statistic remains that two thirds of possible donors are not utilized because people had not considered this life-giving opportunity. A kidney can be donated from a relative without harming the donor, but organs such as eyes and hearts can not be. These must be obtained from victims of accidental deaths where these organs are still healthy. Then careful matching of the organs to the appropriate recipient must be done to lessen the chance of rejection. Since time is crucial in obtaining and processing donor organs, the decision to donate is best made beforehand, not by your family at a time of great sadness.

Healthcare that works with you.

is pleased to welcome Kavitha Subramanian, MD to the practice. Dr. Subramanian LV ERDUG FHUWL¿ HG LQ ,QWHUQDO Medicine, Geriatrics and Hospice/Pallative Care.

1HZ 2I¿ FH +RXUV Mon-Thurs: 8:00am - 5:00pm Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm

J.W. Jenkins Bulidng

(252) 438-7102

Caring for Your Heart, Caring for You.

Offering Diagnosis & Treatment of Heart Related Illnesses

Maria Parham Primary Care

Kirit Trivedi, MD

You should make the decision today to donate organs in case of an accidental death and let your relatives know. Also sign the “Anatomical Gift Statement” on the back of your driver’s license. You could give someone the gift of life or sight.

Kavitha Subramanian, MD

Northern Carolina Cardiology is Maria Parham Medical Center’s newest physician practice, joining a growing list of outstanding hospital-owned practices. Northern Carolina Cardiology offers non-invasive heart care through the talents RI D WHDP RI %RDUG &HUWL¿ HG SK\VLFLDQV ZKR DUH DOVR RQ WKH medical staff at Duke University Medical Center. The physicians at Northern Carolina Cardiology are accepting new patients and accept referrals from your family physician.

Accepting New Patients

568 Ruin Creek Rd Suite 003 Henderson, NC

J. W. Jenkins Building

(252) 436-1085

568 Ruin Creek Road Suite 102 Henderson, NC

The Daily Dispatch


FALL 2013


Preparing yourself for flu season


id you know… • Each year approximately over 100,000 Americans are hospitalized, and thousands die from influenza and its complications. • Influenza, a vaccine preventable disease, is the 6th leading cause of death among U.S. adults. • The injectable vaccine is made from killed virus, so you cannot get influenza from the influenza shot. • It takes two weeks for your body to develop immunity to influenza after the vaccination. • Approximately 50 percent of infected people have no symptoms but are contagious. • Influenza is highly

contagious and spread by coughing sneezing, direct physical contact and contact with objects that carry the virus (for example, doorknobs, phones, desktops). • Influenza is a viral infection and cannot be treated with antibiotics. • The vaccine is safe for pregnant women. In fact, a fever caused by influenza or other infections early in pregnancy can lead to birth defects in an unborn child. Who should get vaccinated The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 6 months or older should get a flu

vaccine each flu season. It’s especially important that the following groups get vaccinated either because they are at high risk of having serious flu-related complications or because they live with or care for people at high risk for developing flu-related complications: • Pregnant women • Children younger than 5, but especially children younger than 2 years old • People 50 years of age and older • People of any age with certain chronic medical conditions • People who live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities

• People who live with or care for those at high risk for complications from flu, including health care workers , household contacts of persons at high risk for complications from the flu and household contacts and out of home caregivers of children less than 6 months of age (these children are too young to be vaccinated).

When to Get Vaccinated

The CDC recommends that people get their seasonal flu vaccine as soon as vaccine becomes available in their community.

According to the CDC, everyone 6 months of age or older should receive a seasonal flu vaccine as soon as the vaccine becomes available.

Looking for a OB/GYN? Premier Women’s Health Professionals, PA A new commitment. A long heritage.

New Patients Welcome / Call for an Appointment - Most Major Insurance Plans Accepted

252-492-8576 •

Vance Medical Arts, 511 Ruin Creek Road, Suite 101 Henderson, NC 27536


Granville Medical Complex, 1018 College Street Oxford, NC 27565


Louisburg Medical Arts, 1501 N Bickett Boulevard, Suite D Louisburg, NC 27549




The Daily Dispatch

FALL 2013

Mammogram facts you should know  1.Mammograms can save your life. Women should begin having mammograms yearly at age 40, or earlier if they’re at high risk. 2.Don’t be afraid. It’s a fast procedure (about 5 - 10 minutes), and discomfort is minimal. The procedure is safe: there’s only a very tiny amount of radiation exposure from a mammogram. To relieve the anxiety of waiting for results, go to a center that will give you results before you leave. 3.Get the best quality you can. Ask if your center has Digital Mammography and CAD (computer aided detection - which calls the radiologist’s attention to any

possible areas of concern). 6.Mammograms are 4.Make sure the doctor our most powerful breast who referred you for the cancer detection tool. mammogram However, they includes an can still miss Other important explicit note 15 - 20 percent tools - such as when ordering breast breast self exam, of the study cancers that clinical breast (providing are simply not clinical visible using examination, correlations this technique. ultrasound, and e.g. “palpable Other MRI - can and mass in the important tools should be used but - such as breast upper outer quadrant, self exam, there are no rule out clinical breast substitutes or abnormality�). examination, replacements for a ultrasound, 5.Discuss your family and MRI - can mammogram. history of and should breast and other cancers be used as complementary - from both your mother’s tools, but there are no AND father’s side - with substitutes or replacements your doctor. for a mammogram.

Mammograms are quick, safe and could save your life.

Specializing in the Treatment of Diabetes, Thyroid Disease and Other Related Issues.

Offering Outpatient & Inpatient Care for the Following: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Diabetes Thyroid Disease Metabolic Disorders :RPHQÂśV +HDOWK

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Menopause Osteoporosis Infertility Cholesterol Issues

‡ Growth Disorders

This Practice is a Department of Maria Parham Medical Center.


Neck & Back Injuries Spinal Cord Injuries Muscle Aches & Pains Carpel Tunnel

‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Sports Injuries Stroke Nerve Injuries Brain Injuries

‡ Arthritis ‡ Workers Compensation ‡ Electromyography (EMG)

What is Physical & Rehabilatative Medicine?

Welcome to Maria Parham Endocrinology, the only full-time endocrinology specialty practice in the region. Diana E. Desai, MD is an endocrinologist, a physician who specializes in the treatment diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other related issues. She has a special interest in women’s health issues and diseases of the thyroid.

Where the Patient Comes First.

Diana E. Desai, MD Endocrinologist

Physiatrists, or Rehabilitation Physicians, are specialists who treat injuries or illnesses of the nerves, muscles and bones. Physiatrists take into account the body as a whole and develop care plans that enhance movement and overall quality of life, often without surgery. These treatment plans can include specialized exercise regiments and pain control with an emphasis on


0HGLFDO 2IÂż FH 3OD]D 120 Charles Rollins Rd. Suite 206 Henderson, NC

(252) 436-6240

This Practice is a Department of Maria Parham Medical Center.

rebuilding muscularity and taking ownership of the body once again. J. W. Jenkins Building 568 Ruin Creek Road Suite 128 Henderson, NC

(252) 436-1380

The Daily Dispatch


from the front page

“Along with consulting their physicians, people can start by living healthy lifestyles - eating right, staying active and maintaining a healthy weight. Women also should perform breast exams at home every month and make annual exams with their gynecologists a priority. Most importantly, if you notice a change in your breast, talk to your doctor immediately.”

Tips for Prevention and Detection

Understanding the risk factors is the first step to prevention. While anyone can develop breast cancer, people displaying certain behaviors, demographics and health profiles are more prone to the disease. These include: • Women with a history of breast cancer have a 3- to 4-times increased risk of developing a new breast cancer, unrelated to the first one, in the other breast or in another part of the same breast. • Women with a family history of breast cancer. Having a mother, sister or daughter who has (or has had) breast cancer increases your risk for developing the disease. The risk is even greater if your relative had cancer in both breasts or developed the breast cancer before menopause. • Women over age 50. About 77 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer each year are over age 50, and almost half are age 65 and older. • Women with a previous breast biopsy result of atypical hyperplasia, or those with a previous abnormal breast biopsy

HealthBeat indicating fibroadenomas with complex features, hyperplasia without atypia, sclerosing adenosis and solitary papilloma. • Carriers of alterations in either of two familial breast cancer genes called BRCA1 or BRCA2. • Caucasian women are at a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer than are African-American, Asian, Hispanic and Native American women. • Women who have their first child after age 35 or never have children. • Women who started menstruating before age 12. • Women who begin menopause after age 55. • Overweight women, with excess caloric and fat intake (especially postmenopause). • Women who have 2 to 5 alcoholic beverages a day are 1.5 times more likely to develop breast cancer than women who drink no alcohol. • Those exposed to excessive amounts of radiation, especially before age 30. • Women who use Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for an extended period of time. (Risk seems to return to that of the general population after discontinuing use for five years or more.) • Those with other cancer in the family. A family history of cancer of the ovaries, cervix, uterus or colon increases your risk of developing breast cancer. For people who display one or more of those risk factors, it is important to understand and be able to detect the symptoms. While breast cancer often has no symptoms in its early stages, the following symptoms may be present as a tumor develops: • A lump in the breast or underarm

FALL 2013

that persists after your menstrual cycle • A marble-like area under the skin • Swelling in the armpit • Persistent breast pain or tenderness • Any change in the size, contour, texture or temperature of the breast • A noticeable flattening or indentation on the breast • A change in the nipple, such as an indrawn or dimpled look, itching or

burning sensation, or ulceration • Unusual discharge from the nipple Take a few minutes during October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, to discuss with a physician about your early detection plan. If you do not have a physician, you can call the Physician and Service Referral line at (252) 436-MPMC or by visiting and use the Physician Finder tool.

How to Perform a Breast Exam at Home: Lie down on your back and place your right arm behind your head. The exam is done while lying down because, when lying down, the breast tissue spreads evenly over the chest wall and is as thin as possible, making it much easier to feel all the breast tissue. Use the finger pads of the 3 middle fingers on your left hand to feel for lumps in the right breast. Use overlapping dime-sized circular motions of the finger pads to feel the breast tissue. Use 3 different levels of pressure to feel all the breast tissue. Light pressure is needed to feel the tissue closest to the skin; medium pressure to feel a little deeper; and firm pressure to feel the tissue closest to the chest and ribs. It is normal to feel a firm ridge in the lower curve of each breast, but, you should tell your doctor if you feel anything else out of the ordinary. Use each pressure level to feel the breast tissue before moving on to the next spot.

Move around the breast in an up and down pattern starting at an imaginary line drawn straight down your side from the underarm and moving across the breast to the middle of the chest bone (sternum or breastbone). Be sure to check the entire breast area going down until you feel only ribs and up to the neck or collar bone (clavicle). Repeat the exam on your left breast, putting your left arm behind your head and using the finger pads of your right hand to do the exam. While standing in front of a mirror with your hands pressing firmly down on your hips, look at your breasts for any changes of size, shape, contour or dimpling, or redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin. Examine each underarm while sitting up or standing and with your arm only slightly raised so you can easily feel in this area. - Courtesy: American Cancer Society

Four County Eye Associates DANIEL BERNSTEIN, M.D.


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Henderson Professional Plaza 451 Ruin Creek Road, Suite 204 Henderson, NC 27536



The Daily Dispatch

FALL 2013

When calling 911 is called for W ith good health habits and a little luck, you may never face a sudden medical crisis. But sooner or later, some of us find ourselves involved in one. Suppose it’s chest pain, stomach cramps or a nasty kitchen accident—what’s the right response? Should you hit red alert or just go see your family doctor? Although doctors regularly advise, “When in doubt, check it out,” you don’t want to overreact by calling 911 when it’s not needed. On the other hand, precious time could be lost if you hesitate in a true emergency. A true medical emergency is a situation that is life threatening or could cause permanent harm if not treated immediately. Every minute counts. That’s the difference between cases needing instant, team-managed medical intervention and those your doctor can handle in the office. Doctors say there are no

“wrong” reasons to call 911 in a real emergency, especially if it’s heart related. At such a critical time, don’t drive yourself to the ER or get a taxi or someone else to drive you—it could be dangerous. Plus, you need the expertise and equipment that’s on an ambulance. Once an ambulance arrives, paramedics will quickly bring the situation under control. You’ll get a rapid physical assessment followed by whatever care is required, such as oxygen, heart monitoring, temporary bandages or splints. After you’re stabilized, you’ll be rushed to the nearest emergency room where a team of doctors and nurses will be standing by. The following chart lists various emergencies that require a 911 call. Post the list on your refrigerator or by your phone so you can refer to it in case of a medical crisis. And remember, if you are ever in doubt, play it safe and dial 911.

When to call 911

In a medical crisis, every second counts. Below are examples of symptoms that constitute a medical emergency. Call 911 right away if you or a companion experiences any of them. Doing so could save a life. • chest pain that radiates to the shoulders and arms, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, fainting or profuse sweating—classic signs of heart attack • sudden numbness on one side of the face or limbs, confusion, slurring of speech, vision loss, severe headache or dizziness—all signs of a possible stroke • head, neck or back trauma • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath • severe, uncontrolled bleeding • abdominal injuries or sudden severe abdominal pain, a sign of appendicitis • severe allergic reactions from insect bites,

food or beverages • overdoses of drugs or alcohol • poisoning • attempted suicide or suicidal threats or statements • sudden severe fever coupled with sensitivity to light • sudden or persistent vomiting or diarrhea • stiff neck with fever or headache • stupor or dazed behavior • coughing or vomiting blood • fainting, dizziness or hallucinations Remember: Call 911 anytime you think someone could suffer serious harm or possibly die without receiving fast medical help. The acronym FAST can help you recognize stroke symptoms.

Sweet Folks Club Is now offering a monthly wellness program on diabetes. It will be a learning program on how to keep your diabetes under control.


Located (Near movie theatre) 895 South Beckford Drive, Henerson, NC Is now accepting new patients call for an appointment

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501 S. Chestnut St., Henderson


Automated Line for Rapid Refills 252-430-1710

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The Daily Dispatch

marketplace From the front page

2.Make a list of questions you have before it’s time to choose your health plan. For example, “Can I stay with my current doctor?� or “Can I use my local hospital?� or “Will this plan cover my health costs when I’m traveling?� 3.Make sure you understand how insurance works, including deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, copayments, etc. You’ll want to consider these details while you’re shopping around. 4.Start gathering basic information about your household income. You may qualify for a break on the cost of your health insurance, so you’ll need income information to find out if you’re eligible for a discount. 5.Set your budget. There will be different types of health plans to meet a variety of needs and budgets, and breaking them down by cost can help narrow your choices. 6.Find out from your employer whether they plan to offer health insurance. This is especially important if you work for a small business. 7.Explore current options. You may be able to get help with insurance now, through existing programs or changes that are in effect already from the new health care law. Visit for information about health insurance for adults up to age 26, children in families with limited incomes (CHIP), and Medicare for people who are over 65 or have disabilities. The best place for the latest, most accurate information on the Marketplace is HealthCare. gov. Here you can get updates, learn about the application process and find out detailed information state-by-state. In addition, Maria Parham Medical Center will be providing resources about enrollment into the new Marketplace in the months to come.

FALL 2013


Exercise helps arthritis F

or years, people with ar thritis have been told to “rest� and “don’t overdo it� because it may make their ar thritis worse. In return, their muscles became weak and lacked endurance. The inactivity also increased their risk for hear t disease and weight gain, a factor which made ar thritis worse. It is now known that exercise is helpful for people with ar thritis. The most common type of ar thritis is from wear and tear over the years. Doctors and patients alike have learned that staying active is one of the best ways to control the pain and disability associated with this form of ar thritis. Exercises with easy and repetitive movements, such as walking, are among the best forms of exercise. If pain develops in the joints, it can be

lessened by doing the exercises without any significant loss in in water. This reduces the stress training. Par t of keeping and weight across It is now known a joint healthy and the ar thritic joint. pain-free is having High impact that exercise is exercises should be helpful for people a normal range of Stretching avoided. Running, with arthritis. The motion. can help maintain basketball, and most common type the flexibility by tennis, where there of arthritis is from stretching the is greater strain on the joints and wear and tear over muscles and tendons ligaments from the years. Doctors that act on a given jumping and quick and patients alike joint. You should star ts and stops, have learned that see your doctor if should be limited. staying active is you develop joint The ar thritis will swelling, unusual respond better to one of the best or worsening walking, biking and ways to control the fatigue, of your pain with swimming. pain and disability exercise. You should associated with this Speak to your exercise for 30-40 doctor to find out minutes three times form of arthritis. how you can learn to a week. The 30 cope with ar thritis or minutes can also be divided up into a couple shor ter check out ar for more information. sessions throughout the day

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The Daily Dispatch

FALL 2013

Shoulder pain can have many causes

t is common to get “a little bursitis” in the shoulder--it’s a very complex joint that commonly gets overused in work and sports. The shoulder also suffers from falls and other injuries. Muscles and tendons, rather than ligaments, are primarily used to hold the shoulder joint in place. This allows the shoulder to be very loose and mobile which makes it possible for us to do activities such as throwing balls, swimming, and scratching our backs. There are several categories of shoulder

pain, and each category has many possibly causes. Tendonitis and bursitis are some of the most common causes of shoulder pain. They usually come on from overuse or injuries. Bursas are the sheathes which lubricate the tendons and allow them to move freely. Often bursitis does not develop alone. The tendons are often inflamed as well, along with other portions of the joint structure. Injuries, such as fractures or torn ligaments, can cause arthritic changes. The joint capsule may tear

inflammatory forms of cause. If you are experiencing arthritis that may affect the shoulder joint. These shoulder pain, consult can include such illnesses your physician. Depending on as rheumatoid . Without your insurance arthritis or provider, you lupus. Lyme surgery, the may also be Disease and pain from a able to see other infections joint capsule, a specialist are serious causes of or rotator cuff, such as an orthopedist shoulder pain. tear may directly. For Blood tests, become help finding a x-rays, and an chronic, even doctor in this exam can help incapacitating. our area, call The shoulder is a complex joint. A person suffering from determine the Physician the cause of shoulder pain should consult a physician to determine & Services shoulder pain. the cause of the pain and how to properly treat it. Referral Line at (252) Treatment may include 436-MPMC or visit rest, medicines, warm and this frequently does rotator cuff, tear may for packs, physical therapy not heal well. Without become chronic, even a listing of medical and other modalities surgery, the pain from incapacitating. providers. depending on the exact a joint capsule, or There are also many

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The Daily Dispatch

FALL 2013


Gastroesophageal reflux disease facts William C. Dengler



astroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a problem that you can’t get away from. Advertisements bombard us each day and row upon row of boxes, bottles and pills are seen in the drug stores. The reason: GERD is a significant problem that is extremely common and should not be ignored. Approximately 30 percent of the U.S. population suffers from GERD. Most common symptoms are heartburn, chest pain and regurgitation. GERD can also cause cough, hoarseness, worsening asthma and sore throat. It is caused by a malfunction of the valve located between the stomach and swallowing tube (esophagus) allowing acid that is normally made in the stomach to “reflux” back up into the esophagus. For many, symptoms are mild, but in others severe lifestyle-limiting problems can occur. It is important to understand that GERD is a chronic and progressive disease meaning that it tends to get worse with time and requires lifetime therapy. In addition, GERD causes esophageal cancer. Approximately 20,000 people will die this year from this deadly disease caused by gastroesophageal reflux. The usual treatments

offered are medications and pills, which are effective in most patients in resolving their GERD symptoms. About 90 percent of people who take the available acid-reducing medications have their symptoms resolve. While this provides relief, most do not realize that the reflux continues! However, feeling better does not mean their reflux is cured. In fact, it always continues. Maintaining relief requires these medicines for life and does not reduce the risk of cancer. There are other therapies

available that a GERD sufferer should be made aware of including minimally invasive laparoscopic surger y that repairs the faulty valve, reliably stopping the reflux and eliminating the need for medications. Importantly, stopping the reflux reduces the risk of getting cancer. The most important thing is to understand that GERD is a serious, lifetime disease often causing severe symptoms and carries a cancer risk along with it. Getting a proper evaluation as well as GERD education is


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essential for obtaining proper treatment. Take GERD seriously! Your evaluation and GERD education is one phone call away. Call The Heartburn Treatment Center at Maria Parham or visit mariaparham. com/GERD. A specially trained Nurse Coordinator will walk you through a customized plan of care made specifically for you and your symptoms! If you are tired of heartburn controlling your life, call 888-9NO-GERD (888-555-4373).

GERD is a serious, lifetime disease often causing severe symptoms and carries a cancer risk along with it.

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The Daily Dispatch


FALL 2013



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