Way to Wellness - Henderson Family YMCA - The Daily Dispatch - Sunday, April 11, 2010

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WAY TO WELLNESS A quarterly publication of the Henderson Family YMCA and The Daily Dispatch.

Sunday, April 11, 2010 • 2nd Quarter

Put some play in your day on April 17 As part of a nationwide effort to encourage kids to get moving, the Henderson Family YMCA will host YMCA Healthy Kids Day, the nation’s largest health day for kids and families, on April 17. YMCA Healthy Kids Day will be filled with fun, engaging and creative activities that foster healthy living, and is a part of the YMCA’s larger efforts to help more kids and families become physically active. All activities are free and open to the public. Healthy Kids Day will provide resources to help educate grown-ups about making healthy choices for their families every day. Activities will include a a moon-walk, dancing, a fun run and face painting. Representatives from the Henderson-Vance Safe Kids Coalition, the Henderson Police Department, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Henderson Wellness Center will also be on hand. “Keeping kids healthy is at the core of what the Henderson Family YMCA stands for,� said Julia Langston, special events and special programs director at the Henderson Family YMCA. “The word ‘exercise’ doesn’t sound very enjoyable to many people, especially kids, but getting them to move more through play that requires physical activity is the key to building healthy habits that last a lifetime. On YMCA Healthy Kids Day, both kids and grown-ups will have the opportunity to get moving, to play and to have fun.� Experts recommend that kids engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity, including active play, each day. Studies show that kids who consistently engage in play are happier and healthier, and develop and enhance a variety of skills including motor skills, social skills, problem solving and creativity. Kids who get 60 minutes of physical play also tend to have higher self-esteem and perform better academically, studies report. To make more time for physical activity, the Henderson Family YMCA staff offers simple ways to put more play in every kids’ day, and to get the family moving more, too: r .BLF QIZTJDBM BDUJWJUZ B SFHVMBS QBSU PG GBNJMZ QMBZUJNF – the more active kids are the more likely they are to continue being physically active later in life. r "MMPX LJET UP IBWF VOTUSVDUVSFE QMBZUJNF "MM QMBZ JT not created equal – kids need different types of play, including indoor and outdoor, active and inactive. r 3FJOUSPEVDF ZPVS DIJME UP UIF CBTJDT PG BDUJWF QMBZ QMBZ hopscotch or basketball, jump rope, or enjoy games such as “Red Light, Green Light,� “Simon Says� or “Duck, Duck Goose.�

r -JNJU TDSFFO UJNF BOE VTF PG FMFDUSPOJD NFEJB UP BMMPX more time for play. “The goal of encouraging kids to play more is to build a lifetime of love for physical activity,� said Langston. “Play should not seem like a chore – it is an activity that is

fun and brings joy, and allows a kid to just be a kid.� For more information about YMCA Healthy Kids Day, call the Henderson Family YMCA at (252) 438-2144 or visit www.hendersonymca.org.

Experts recommend that kids engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity, including active play, each day. Kids who get 60 minutes of physical play also tend to have higher self-esteem and perform better academically, studies report.




SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010

Dads – are you ready for a little adventure? BY WOODY CAUDLE YMCA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO

Dads, how much time do you really spend with your children? That was a question put to me and five other dads in 1984 by then Henderson Family YMCA Executive Director Charlie Glass. After Glass spent a few minutes making us dads understand just what he meant, we all begin to realize the question he was actually posing to us: how much “one-on-one quality time� did we spend with our children? Truthfully, we all were a bit shocked and embarrassed to admit this “one-on-one quality time� Glass was addressing was sadly lacking. But Glass had the solution – the YMCA Indian Guides Program. The program involved fathers and sons, or fathers and daughters, forming a group with five or six other father/child partners, to bond and agree to spend quality time together having fun. The rules were simple: r 'BUIFS BOE DIJME IBE UP QBSUJDJQBUF UPHFUIFS JO FBDI HSPVQ meeting or activity – no exceptions. r 'BUIFS BOE DIJME XPVME BHSFF UP NFFU UXP UJNFT QFS month in a one-hour meeting plus some special outings with their group. r 5IF HSPVQ XPVME FMFDU B MFBEFS m GBUIFS BOE DIJME m UP lead the group. r 5IF HSPVQ XPVME GPMMPX UIF HVJEFMJOFT BOE SVMFT PG UIF program – no exceptions. So what happened? The first group, the Nutbush Tribe of six dads and sons, met together for five years. The group met two times each month for “tribe� meetings and took many group outings and camping trips together. You might say that “us dads� and sons kind of grew up together. Especially, “us dads� — we had a lot of fun really getting to know our sons. Personally, it was a very special time for my son David and me. Our experience in the YMCA program helped us to develop a very special bond between us. It was our time — just David and me. When we outgrew the program and retired, we put all of our Indian Guides items in a box and placed it in the attic. Now 23 years later, both of us know exactly where the box is located – it is kind of sacred to us. It is the reminder of a special time we spent together – really getting to know each other – growing up together. At one time, the Henderson Family YMCA Indian Guides/Indian Princess Program had over 150 participants or 15 father and child “tribes.� There was a good mix of father/son Indian Guide tribes and father/daughter Indian Princess tribes through out the community. Through the years and as a result of some leadership changes, the local program drifted away — and what a shame. I ask you, what other program could be more important to our community than a program that puts dads and their children together? Dads, don’t you think you could give up a little time each month to spend a few hours having fun with your child? Moms, don’t you think the dads should spend individual special time with their children? Over the years, the program has evolved into the YMCA Adventure Guides Program with the “tribes� now being called “circles� — all being a little more “politically correct.�

Members of the first Henderson Family YMCA Indian Guides tribe, the Nutbush Tribe, were (left to right) David and Woody Caudle, Joseph and Sam McCaskill, Edward and Eddie Yount, Danny and Tom McGraw, Casey and Chip Haddock, Jason and Paul Williams, and Charlie Glass, YMCA Executive Director. Not pictured: Neil and Glen Woodlief. The tribe was formed in May 1995.

But the program nationally is stronger than ever and I believe it is time for the Henderson Family YMCA to put fathers and children together again. Dads, do you have a son or daughter who is between the ages of 5 and 9 years old? Are you willing to spend a little “one-on-one quality time� with your child? If so, here is what we need to do: r 8F OFFE GJWF UP EBET UP GPSN B DPNNJUUFF BOE QSFQBSF to launch the Henderson Family YMCA Adventure Guides Program in September 2010. r 5IJT DPNNJUUFF PS CPBSE XJMM OFFE UP NFFU PO B SFHVMBS basis with the YMCA staff between now and September to develop some guidelines and goals for the local YMCA Adventure Guides Program. r 5IF QSPHSBN JT PQFO UP FWFSZPOF m ZPV EP OPU OFFE UP CF a member of the YMCA. r (SBOEEBET BOE iGBUIFS GJHVSFTu BSF BMMPXFE JG UIF EBE JT not currently in the child’s life. r i$JSDMFTu XJMM CF GPSNFE m GBUIFS BOE TPO iDJSDMFTu BOE father and daughter “circles.� r 5IF )FOEFSTPO 0QUJNJTU $MVC XIJDI DBSFT BCPVU LJET

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11:00 am — 436-2800

and families, has agreed to be the sponsor. The Optimist Club has made a generous contribution to the YMCA to help get the local Adventure Guides Program organized. Dads, if you are interested in spending time and having fun with your child, call the YMCA and volunteer to be a part of the Henderson Family YMCA Adventure Guides Board. Call the YMCA at (252) 438-2144 and leave your name and phone number or send me an e-mail at woodyc@henfamymca.org. I will be in contact with you very soon. Dads, let’s make this work. It is special, it is important, and it is an adventure!

Don’t Worry‌ We’ll straighten everything out! c , KLAE9L=K c MLG G<Q ,=H9AJ c MLG !D9KK #FKL9DD=< c #FKMJ9F;= D9AEK 1=D;GE=<



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SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010


YMCA membership has its benefits

From the very beginning, the basis of the Young Men’s Christian Association has been membership. There were 12 charter members when the YMCA was founded in London, England in 1844. The Henderson Family YMCA welcomes all who want to become members. Memberships are continuous from date of joining until the member resigns. Members are encouraged to use the automatic bank draft system, where monthly payments can be drawn from a checking account or credit card account automatically. Membership dues are not refundable and are not transferable to another person. Any person regardless of race, religion, or creed may become an active member by completing a written application and paying dues.


.POEBZ 5IVSTEBZ 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. 'SJEBZ 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. 4BUVSEBZ 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 4VOEBZ 1-6 p.m. )PMJEBZT New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve (1/2 day) and Christmas Day

Financial assistance The Henderson Family YMCA will not deny participation in any activity because of an individual’s lack of funds. Financial assistance is available to those who complete an application and present required income verification. To those who qualify, rates will be adjusted according to income.

Membership benefits Membership allows use of the entire facility including the six-lane indoor pool, gymnasiums, Wellness Center, free weight room, locker room facilities, sauna, steam room, whirlpool, racquetball and squash courts, and outside quarter-mile running track. Members also receive reduced rates for YMCA programs. All fitness classes are offered free to members. (There may be times when special events or programs prohibit the use of our gymnasiums and pool). The nursery is available to YMCA members at no additional charge (age birth-5 years old). The nursery is open Mondays through Saturdays from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and Mondays through Thursdays from 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Tax-deductible gifts The Membership staff works nights and weekends and is very proud of providing over 50 years combined service to the YMCA! Pictured (from left) are Ida Bishop, Barbara Harris, Lea Eaton, Anitra Crow and Thomas Hicks. Kim Harrison (inset photo) also works nights and weekends. She began volunteering at the Y on weekends and joined the staff in March 2008.

The YMCA also offers Kids Zone at no extra charge to members Monday through Thursday from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Come and workout and leave your children ages 6-12

with us! Kids’ Zone uses the children’s gym, multipurpose room, pool and the playground, providing children with a safe, fun and structured environment.

Henderson Family YMCA After-School Camp The Henderson Family YMCA provides after school care for boys and girls ages pre-kindergarten through eighth grade. Currently the YMCA buses pick up campers from: Aycock Elementary, Clark Street Elementary, E.M. Rollins Elementary, E.O. Young Elementary, Pinkston St. Elementary, Zeb Vance Elementary, Kerr Vance Academy, Vance Charter School, Crossroads Christian School, Eaton-Johnson Middle School and Henderson Middle School. Dabney Elementary buses campers to the YMCA. As campers arrive, they are provided a cubby for their book bags and personal items. Each day, the YMCA staff provides an afternoon snack, a devotion, swimming, games and activities, optional homework time, some arts and crafts and a playground with swings. The staff promotes the YMCA’s character traits — caring, honesty,

respect, responsibility and faith — in all the daily activities. The staff is carefully selected, trained and CPR certified. The YMCA’s goal is a ratio of one counselor to six campers in the younger camp; one counselor to 10 campers in the middle camp; and one counselor to 12 campers in the older camp. Each child’s safety is one of the primary objectives. Hours of operation are 2:30 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. On teacher workdays and extended holiday breaks, hours are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Participants must register at the front desk between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. to participate in the Henderson Family YMCA After School Camp program. There is a non-refundable $25 registration fee per child. The monthly fees and payment schedule are as follows: r :.$" NFNCFS one child, $160 per

month due by the first day of the month. r /PO NFNCFS one child, $175 per month due by the first day of the month. Discounts are available for additional children in the same family. Teacher workdays and early dismissals are included in the monthly fee. In an effort to include all children, the YMCA has a financial assistance program. This program uses a sliding fee scale for membership and child care that is based on need. For more information, please call the Henderson Family YMCA at (252) 438-2144.

J.C. Penney grant The local J.C. Penney department store is partnering with the Henderson Family YMCA in 2010 to provide the J.C. Penney After-school Round-Up, a financial assistance grant program. J.C. Penney

What better way to help the community and stretch your taxable income than with a tax-deductible donation to the YMCA? Please contact the executive director to answer any questions regarding a tax-deductible gift.


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customers can round their purchase prices up to the nearest dollar at the check-out counter. Every dollar rounded up goes to the Henderson Family YMCA after-school program. Come out and support the local J.C. Penney After-school Round-up on the following dates: Aug. 4-17, Oct. 13-26 and Dec. 1-14 .


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SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010

Have some fun in the pool and get exercise too! The Henderson Family YMCA offers water aerobics and swimming lessons to fit the needs of all ages. Lifeguard training is also provided. Here’s a summary of the programs and classes that are coming up!

body awareness and independence. The goal is to create a pleasant fun atmosphere, and build self confidence without parental participation. r "EVMU TXJN JOTUSVDUJPO This class is designed for adult men and women, and also provides multi-level swim instruction for high school students. Instructors will teach swimmers the correct swim techniques, basic life saving skills, and safety. Levels offered include beginner through advanced. r 1SJWBUF TXJN MFTTPOT Private swim lessons are available for $25 per 30-minute session (for members) and $35 per 30- minute session (non-members) with a minimum of four sessions. r -JGFHVBSE USBJOJOH Lifeguard training will teach participants first aid training and professional rescuer CPR; techniques to rescue someone on land and in the water; how to recognize and prevent injuries; ways to handle tough situations; how to work as part of a team; and important decision-making and leadership skills. Life guarding is an important job that fills a vital need in the community. It is a job with many benefits but it also has a lot of responsibility. Lifeguards are responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone in and around the water. A lifeguard never knows when he or she may have to use the skills they learned during training to save a life.

Water aerobics Water aerobics is an outstanding program for those who find floor exercise to be too stressful for bones and joints — or for those that just love the water! The emphasis is on total fitness, including heart-lung endurance, muscle flexibility, strength and endurance. r "RVBDJTF An energetic, water-supported exercise class using water resistance to increase cardiovascular endurance, muscle tone and flexibility. Wednesdays, 10-11 a.m. r #MBTU PG 4QMBTI This class uses many rhythmic body movements as well as dance steps that need to be done in the water. Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-6:45 p.m. r )ZESPGJU A shallow water fitness class. This is a complete workout, covering cardio endurance, muscle endurance, strengthening, toning and flexibility. Mondays and Friday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. r 8BUFS EZOBNJDT A shallow water fitness class. This is a complete workout, covering cardio endurance, muscle endurance, strengthening, toning and flexibility. Tuesdays and Thursday, 8:15-9:15 a.m. r 4JMWFS4QMBTI¥ You do not need to know how to swim in this invigorating SilverSneakers water exercise class. A SilverSneakers kickboard is used for stability and balance in the water. If you have arthritis or other joint conditions, you’ll find the water comforting and the non-impact workout stimulating. April-November — Wednesday, 8:30 a.m.

Swim lessons Swimming lessons are offered to all ages — from six months to 60 years and beyond! Lessons are offered in the following age categories: r 1BSFOU DIJME MFTTPOT BHFT NPOUIT UP ZFBST The goals of the Under Three Program are to increase the level of trust between parent and child, to create

GREAT FAMILY DINING Woody Caudle teaches a group of beginning swimmers in a “Terrified of Water� swim class.

a positive experience for the child in the water, and to to develop social skills, body awareness and independence. introduce basic aquatic safety. This class helps parents The goal is to create a pleasant fun atmosphere, and build form reasonable and healthy expectations of their child’s self confidence without parental participation. progress through songs, games and fun activities. r 1PMMJXPH (VQQZ BOE .JOOPX BHFT r 1JLF &FM BOE 3BZ BHFT ZFBST This program is ZFBST This program is designed to introduce the designed to introduce children to the fundamentals of fundamentals of swimming, boating, and water swimming, boating, and water safety. It is an opportunity safety. It is an opportunity to develop social skills,

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Lifeguard training (members, $185; non-members, $200) +VOF +VOF +VMZ +VMZ +VMZ is scheduled for April 23-25 (5-9 p.m. on Friday, 8-5 p.m. on "VH NPSOJOH DMBTTFT

Saturday and Sunday) and May 14-16 (5-9 p.m. on Friday, 8-5 r 1JLF B N p.m. on Saturday and Sunday). For more information, please r 3BZ B N call the Henderson Family YMCA at (252) 438-2144. r &FM B N r 1BSFOU $IJME B N Upcoming swim classes r 1PMMJXPH B N r .JOOPX B N Swim lessons (members, $30; non-members, $50) r (VQQZ B N will be offered Monday through Thursday for two-week r "EVMU B N sessions, both morning and evening (unless otherwise noted). +VOF +VOF +VMZ +VMZ +VMZ "VH FWFOJOH DMBTTFT

"QSJM FWFOJOH DMBTTFT r 1JLF Q N r 1JLF Q N r 3BZ Q N r &FM Q N r &FM Q N r 1PMMJXPH Q N r 1BSFOU $IJME Q N r (VQQZ Q N r 1PMMJXPH Q N r .JOOPX Q N .BZ .BZ +VOF FWFOJOH DMBTTFT r (VQQZ Q N r 1JLF Q N r "EVMU Q N r 3BZ Q N r &FM Q N r 1BSFOU $IJME Q N Get The Daily Dispatch r 1PMMJXPH Q N delivered to your home r .JOOPX Q N for only $2.88 per week r (VQQZ Q N Call 436-2800 r "EVMU Q N

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SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010

Young swimmers learn the importance of holding their breath under water.

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SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010

Spin-A-Thon raises the funds to help send needy children to summer camp The Henderson Family YMCA will hold its sixth annual Spin-A-Thon to benefit the Ryan Davis Endowment Fund on May 4 from 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. The money raised on this particular day will help send a needy child or children to the Henderson Family YMCA Summer Day Camp this upcoming summer. In the past, the Spin-a thon has helped to send anywhere from one to four children to the summer day camp program. The Spin-a-thon was established in 2005 after one of the YMCA staff members lost her child, Ryan Davis, who was also a YMCA camper, in an ATV accident. Davis was a true joy to have in the camping program, and some of the staff members wanted to do something to help other children in the community enjoy summer day camp the way that Ryan had. That year, the YMCA was celebrating the first anniversary of offering indoor cycling classes on the group fitness schedule. The idea for the day-long spinning event was launched. During the day, a spinning instructor leads different classes every hour on the hour. Members register to spin by donating

$20. They can ride as long as they like. With the donation, the ride participants also get an annual Spin-a-thon t-shirt along with a bottle of water and a healthy snack. Some of the past sponsors for the Spin-a-thon have been A.M. Davis Electrical Co., William L. Stark and Company, Chick-fil-A, Bullock’s Floor Cleaning, Gregory W. Harris Hauling and Tractor Work, Thompson’s Landscaping, Adventure Island, Harris Inc. of Henderson, Henderson Clinic for Women, and the Henderson Family YMCA Board of Directors. Any individual or business interested in helping sponsor this year’s Spin-a-thon can calll Julia or Maria at the Henderson Family YMCA. The Ryan Davis Endowment Fund was created to provide financial assistance for families unable to provide their child or children with the benefit of attending the YMCA summer day camp or after school care programs. If you would like to know more about helping a needy child or children attend the summer camping program, please contact Cynthia or Kim at the Henderson YMCA.

gse n i pr andi ily!

SMercihng Da

s e m i h C Wind s e n o t S g n i p p e t S s r e v o C x o Register now at the YMCA B l i a M s g a l F e v for youth sports teams De cora ti rriv


Spinners work up a sweat during the Spin-A-Thon.

The Henderson Family YMCA wants to better meet the needs of the community by providing a variety of sports for youth that focus on the basic fundamental skills. By emphasizing fundament skills, youth sports programs provide a solid foundation for children to build on and gain confidence. Spring soccer will be coming up next, with practice beginning on May 4. All practices and games are played on Tuesday and Thursday nights at the YMCA field. Make-up games will be played on Monday evenings. Participants can register for any sport at any time; however you must register by the deadline date. There will be an additional $10 fee for registrations after the deadline date. Cost

for members is $25 (non-members, $40 per sport). Sign-up deadlines for upcoming youth sports teams are: r "QSJM TPDDFS TFBTPO SVOT .BZ +VOF



r 0DU #PZT CBTLFUCBMM TFBTPO SVOT /PW +BO 2011) The Henderson Family YMCA will be sponsoring Challenger British Soccer Camp Jun 14-18. Participants may register at the front desk or on-line at www.challengersports. com. Register before April 30 and receive a game jersey. Soccer players aged 3-16 years are eligible to participate.

1255 Dabney Drive (ENDERSON -ALL s



Summer Day Camp offers games, crafts, swimming and friendships The Henderson Family YMCA provides all-day care in the summer for children ages pre-kindergarten through rising eighth grade. Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. The YMCA provides a safe environment for campers, including daily devotions and fellowship, organized games and activities, arts and crafts, daily snacks in the morning and afternoon, swimming, and weekly field trips. Lunch is provided each Friday of camp and most field trip days. Other weekdays, campers must bring lunch. Friday lunches include pizza, subs, hot dogs, hamburgers, spaghetti and chicken nuggets. Microwaves are available for heating up lunches. Each camper should bring a swimsuit, comb and towel daily. Campers are asked to wear closed toe shoes for safety reasons. All toys, games and electronic games should be left at home. The staff promotes the YMCA’s character traits — caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and faith — in all daily activities. Campers are encouraged to share, be kind to one another, build friendships and self-esteem, and grow in confidence — values that last a lifetime. The staff is carefully selected, trained and CPR certified. The YMCA’s goal is a ratio of one counselor to six campers in

the younger camp; one counselor to 10 campers in the middle camp; and one counselor to 12 campers in the older camp. Each child’s safety is one of the primary objectives. Campers receive a camp bag and camp T-shirt to be worn on field-trip days. The 2010 Summer Day Camp registration is now underway. There is a non-refundable $25 registration fee per child. Member rate is $300 (first child/per session), $280 (second child/per session), and $270 (third child/per session). Non-member rate is $375 (first child/per session), $355 (second child/per session), and $345 (third child/per session). Summer Day Camp is divided into three sessions with three weeks per session. Dates for this summer’s sessions are as follows: r 4FTTJPO June 14-18, June 21-25 and June 28-July2 (closed July 5-9) r 4FTTJPO July 12-16, July 19-23, and July 26-30 r 4FTTJPO Aug. 2-6, Aug. 9-13 and Aug. 16-20 In an effort to include all children, the Henderson Family YMCA has a financial assistance program that uses a sliding scale, which is based on need. For more information, please contact the YMCA at (252) 438-2144.

YMCA participating in Relay for Life The Henderson Family YMCA is participating in Vance County’s Relay for Life. Please become a Facebook fan to find out about all the events being planned to help raise money for this cause.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Congratulations to Sarah Linsmeyer, aquatics director, and her husband, Greg, on the birth of their son, Wyatt Joseph, on April 7. The infant weighed eight pounds, two ounces, and was 18 3/4� long.

New dance classes beginning in April! Beginning April 13, the YMCA will offer line dancing lessons. Line dancing will be held on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Swing and Latin dancing will be offered on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. and ballroom dancing will be offered every other Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. beginning April 23. The dancing classes will be open to YMCA members and one guest. For more information, call (252) 438-2144 or email julial@henfamymca.org.

Proud Supporter of the YMCA of Henderson

SUNDAY, APRIL 11, 2010


YMCA Mission Statement: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.

380 Ruin Creek Road, Henderson, NC 27536 (252) 438-2144 visit our website @ www.hendersonymca.org

YMCA Character Traits: Caring s Honesty s Respect s Responsibility s Faith

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