SAS-SAR Vol 8 No 8

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CONTENTS PUBLISHER / UITGEWER .............................................................................................................. 4 SUBCRIPTION / INTEKENARE ....................................................................................................... 4 PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES................................................................................ 4 AIM / DOEL ...................................................................................................................................... 4 COPYRIGHT.................................................................................................................................... 4 ONGOING PROJECTS.................................................................................................................... 5 WELKOM / WELCOME ................................................................................................................... 5 PHOTOGRAHERS TAKE NOTE ..................................................................................................... 6 NOSTALGIE: SAS-SYLYN / NOSTALGIA: SAR BRANCH LINE: PRETORIA VOORTREKKERHOOGTE .............................................................................................................. 7 Voortrekkerhoogte Branch Line: Bruno Martin .......................................................................... 9 An enlargement of the area: Voortrekkerhoogte: Bruno Martin............................................... 10 Voortrekkerhoogte Branch Line: Nathan Berelowitz ............................................................... 11 Voortrekkerhoogte Branch Line (2009): J & J Wepener ......................................................... 12 MORE INFORMATION: VOORTREKKERHOOGTE BRANCH LINE: J & J WEPENER ............... 16 FOTO’S DEUR / PHOTOS BY FRANCOIS MATTHEUS ............................................................... 19 NOSTALGIC PHOTOS: NATHAN BERELOWITZ ......................................................................... 23 WALVISSE EN DIE SPOORWEË / WHALES AND THE SAR....................................................... 32 Durban .................................................................................................................................... 32 S-1 Designed for whales Ontwerp vir walvisse ....................................................................... 38 Foto’s verskaf deur Japie Terblanche en deur George Swart geneem ................................... 40 Walvisbaai .............................................................................................................................. 44 SPOORWEG / SAR “PIE & GRAVY” ............................................................................................. 46 SOUL OF A RAILWAY: CHARLIE LEWIS ..................................................................................... 47 LOUIS TRICHARDT: VOORTREKKER-LEIER.............................................................................. 48 Louis Trichardt: Erfeniskomitee: Jeanne Swanepoel .............................................................. 49 Is Louis Trichardt station the oldest building in town? Charles Leach ..................................... 50 Louis Trichardt station/stasie .................................................................................................. 51 ‘n Paar foto’s by Louis Trichardt: HBH .................................................................................... 54 SENTRARAND .............................................................................................................................. 55 Uitnodiging .............................................................................................................................. 55 Brief: J & J Wepener ............................................................................................................... 55 Sentrarand: J & J Wepener..................................................................................................... 55 Bruno Martin ........................................................................................................................... 56 Maps by Bruno Martin ............................................................................................................. 57 FOTO’S JAPIE TERBLANCHE ...................................................................................................... 60 2

FOTO’S: HANNATJIE TERBLANCHE SCHOEMAN ..................................................................... 75 WEPER’S PERAMBULATIONS..................................................................................................... 76 VERY LATE RUNNING "ALGOA": J & J WEPENER. .................................................................... 82 NBL PRESERVATION GROUP - JULY NEWSLETTER: LES PIVNIC .......................................... 82 BESOEK BULGARYE: NICO FREYLINCK .................................................................................... 83 SLOT / END ................................................................................................................................... 86

Bridge at the River Kwai: Nico Moolman at Kancharaburi 3

PUBLISHER / UITGEWER This electronic magazine is compiled and published on ISSUU by Hennie Heymans (HBH). Hennie is a retired brigadier of the former South African Police Force. He is passionate about the history of South Africa’s National Security and holds a MA degree in National Strategic Studies. He is most interested in the strategic use of railways in Southern Africa but he loves trains generally no matter where they are!

Hierdie elektroniese tydskrif word saamgestel en uitgegee op die platform ISSUU deur Hennie Heymans. Hennie is ʼn afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige SA Polisiemag. Hy is passievol oor ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het ʼn MA-graad in nasionale strategiese studies verwerf. Hy stel belang in die strategiese aanwending van die spoorweë tydens oorloë in Suider-Afrika. Hy is baie lief vir treine waar ook al op die aardbol. Niks kom mos naby treinry en kondensmelk?

Contact address: Telephone number: 012-329-4229.

SUBCRIPTION / INTEKENARE Subscription is free. Subscribe via ISSUU. You may down load and enjoy on your computer. See the link in “previous editions”. Die SAS-SAR word gratis op ISSUU versprei. Teken in via ISSUU en laai gerus die tydskrif af en geniet! Klik op skakel by “vorige uitgawes”.

PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES Vir vorige uitgawes klik op: For previous issues click on

AIM / DOEL Our goal is to collect and record our South African railway history for publication in the SAS-SAR for the use of future generations. Ons doel is om die spoorweggeskiedenis van suidelike Afrika in die SAS-SAR aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte se gebruik te bewaar.

COPYRIGHT Great care is taken to make sure that we do not transgress the Copyright Act. Please make sure that when you use somebody else’s photographs or material to first obtain the necessary permission before sending it to SAS-SAR for publication. Permission to reprint any article or photograph may be obtained from SAS-SAR.


ONGOING PROJECTS Please help us with: • • •

Researching royal and presidential visits to southern Africa. Compiling information about the use of armoured- and hospital trains in southern Africa. Trains in time of war, rebellion and unrest.

WELKOM / WELCOME Welkom by hierdie uitgawe van SAS-SAR. Baie dankie aan almal wat hul foto’s en inligting met ons gedeel het. So dra ons almal tot die bewaring van ons erfnis – al is dit in die kuberruimte - by. In hierdie uitgawe is baie inligting van historiese waarde. Ons kyk na die lyn wat van Pretoria na Voortrekkerhoogte geloop het. Sedert die Anglo Boereoorlog is Robert’s Heights – later Voortrekkerhoogte – met die spoor verbind. Ek dink baie wat sal gebeur indien ons weer ‘n wêreldoorlog betrokke raak? Hoe gaan ons soldate en oorlogstuig vervoer? En brandstof? Wat gebeur as brandstof skaars is? Op nasionale vlak kan mens sien dat daar geen nasionale strategiese vervoerplan bestaan nie. Binnelands word alles op padvervoer afgeskuif. Wat is die alternatiewe vir vervoer van soldate en voorraad? Per see, per lug en per pad. Kan ons ‘n tien – of twintigduisend mense vervoer? (Hoe doen ons dit? Het u bv. gedink aan toilet geriewe vir 20 000 soldate. Ons skeep spoorweë af. Ons kan selfs alle padvervoer van ons grens af, soos die Switserse model, per spoor vervoer en sodoende ons paaie spaar. Ons kyk na die vervoer van walvisse en hul produkte deur die spoorweë. Ek was ‘n polisieman te SAP King’s Rest en het baie keer te Wests gekyk hoe hulle die walvisse oplaai en na die walvisstasie stuur. Baie keer gekyk hoe die trein die walvisse van Wests na die walvisstasie geneem het en hoe vinnig so ‘n walvis opgesny en verwerk kon word. Ons swart-lede het altyd ‘n kubieke meter rooi walvisvleis gekry en by die polisiestasie onder die avokadopeerbome uitgekook en dan gebraai. ‘n Paar keer het van die walvisbote se kapteins erkenning van skuld kom betaal vir walvisse wat hulle geskiet het, wat te kort of te klein was. Vandag is alles geskiedenis. Die spoorweë is nie meer ons nasionale karweier nie. Die spoorweë is ook nie meer daardie prestasiesimbool van vroeër jare nie. Die spoorweë was in baie dinge betrokke; veral die verversingsafdeling. Van die personeel was selfs aan die parlement en staatspresident se huishouding gesekondeer, indien ek korrek onthou. Van ons semi-staatsondernemings soos SAA (lugdiens), PRASA en Spoornet kom vandag vir die verkeerde redes onder aandag! Dit is so jammer. Ek was vir ‘n jaar op Louis Bothalughawe gestasioneer en het daar insae gekry in die lugdiens en die spoorwegpolisie. (Die lugdiens was destyds ‘n onderafdeling van die ou SAS & H.) ‘n Mens was so trots op die land se amptelike lugdiens en sy personeel. Almal was bo verdenking. Indien ek reg onthou het die spoorwegadministrasie die lughawe en aanloopbane gebou maar die perseel is later na die departement van vervoer oorgedra. Die polisie moes ALTYD netjies en professioneel optree want die lughawe was gereken as een van die land se vertoonvensters. Daardie beeld staan vandag in skrille kontras met wat by ons lughawens veral Oliver Tambo aangaan. Ek dink die ou ANC-strydros draai seker in sy graf om! Gelukkig kan Oom Jan Smuts lekker in vrede rus. Ek staan steeds verstom oor lief die ou spoorwegmanne vir die ou spoorweë en sy lokomtiewe is. Miskien was ons te lief vir die spoorweë, die weermag en die polisie! 5



The above via Martin Nel

NOSTALGIE: SAS-SYLYN / NOSTALGIA: SAR BRANCH LINE: PRETORIA - VOORTREKKERHOOGTE Sers.-majoor (afgetree) Paul J Els Die spoorlyn vanaf 1 AD na Pretoria Wes wat deur Voortrekkerhoogte loop word nou finaal verwyder. Die spoorlyn was in gebruik geneem op 1 Augustus 1921. Ons almal onthou die lyn wat langs die Leër-kollege verby loop. (Foto: Milschool Halt) Die foto is wat ek vandag (Woensdag 26 Jul 2017)) geneem het van die kontrakteurs vir DOW wat die spore uithaal. Die moet gedoen word want van die spore in Voortrekkerhoogte is al gesteel. Hier sluit nog ‘n gedeelte van ons geskiedenis. Die kaart dui aan hoe die lyn geloop het. Paul J Els



Voortrekkerhoogte Branch Line: Bruno Martin


An enlargement of the area: Voortrekkerhoogte: Bruno Martin


Voortrekkerhoogte Branch Line: Nathan Berelowitz


Voortrekkerhoogte Branch Line (2009): J & J Wepener





MORE INFORMATION: VOORTREKKERHOOGTE BRANCH LINE: J & J WEPENER Hi Hennie, A little more information about the railway lines to [Cantonments, Roberts Heights], Voortrekkerhoogte. In 1901 a line was built from [Droogegrond Junction, Lyttelton Junction, Lyttelton, Verwoerdburg] Centurion to [Cantonments, Roberts Heights], by the Imperial Military Railways (I.M.R.). Approximately 21km in length, this line was closed and uplifted in 1914. In 1942 the siding to “Tek Military Base was electrified. In 1921 the S.A.R. built a line to [Roberts Heights] Voortrekkerhoogte, on behalf of the Union Defence Force, being an extension of siding no. 117 from a point 3km from Pretoria West. The S.A.R. acquired this line in 1924. The terminus of the line was 14km from Pretoria West. There were two Passenger Halts 1st Art At Voortrekkerhoogte a Live Stock loading pen and platform was built. (Still there today). This was used for loading/unloading horses for the Mounted Division. On the subject of Voortrekkerhoogte it was open for Live Stock, Vehicles and direct truck loads, for the SA Army and SA Air force. Cor Delfos controlled all goods traffic for Voortrekkerhoogte. Parcels traffic was handled by Pretoria station. These parcels were delivered/collected by the departmental Cartage service. 16

My dad told me of regular steam hauled suburban trains from Pretoria to passenger halts on this line and to the terminus at Voortrekkerhoogte. Also of regular steam hauled suburban trains from Rayton to Cullinian and during WW II onwards to the P.O.W. camp at Zonderwater travelling via the balloon in use at that time. He told of the Italian P.O.W.’s not at all happy when truckloads of coal arrived to be unloaded. But the P.O.W.’s greeted truckloads of citrus with loud shouts of “Orangey “or similar Italian word for Oranges. Helping themselves to loose oranges in the truck/s. During the Sixties and Seventies when National Servicemen/Active Citizen Force members had to be transported locally or to Grootfontein S.W.A. The S.A.R. laid on many military troop trains. Later use was made of DC3 (Flossie) and C130 (Hercules) aircraft direct to Grootfontein/Rundu. I being a Technical Service Corps [T.S.C.] member, was attached to the, Rand Light Infantry [R.L.I.] stationed at the Drill Hall/Union Grounds in Johannesburg. On occasions, we would report there and be marched to Johannesburg station to board Main line or Suburban trains. On one occasion, we were informed to report to the Milner Park show grounds, main entrance gate for a camp. The Johannesburg Municipal Transport Department [J.M.T.} supplied trolley busses free of charge. (To board one had to be in uniform and bearing the required Regimental Corps cap/lapel badges and the different shoulder flashes), from various central termini to the Show Grounds. Busses marked 98, the number for special hired busses. On arrival at the main entrance we marched to Milner Park Station [Mil. Park]. We boarded a suburban sliding door EMU set. Hauled by a Braamfontein diesel shunting locomotive to Braamfontein yard. Pantographs up and whisked nonstop to Cor Delfos Station. Again, a diesel shunter took us towards Voortrekkerhoogte and we detrained just past Mil. College halt, onto the large grassed area. From there marched to One Mobilisation Centre. The next day the R.L.I. regiment entrained onto a mainline train and travelled to Messina. The T.S.C. drew various vehicles [Recovery, Bin Truck, L.A.D. (Light Aid Detachment} vehicle (Mobile work shop truck) and other vehicles. The T.S.C. left in a convoy to Madimbo near northern K.N.P. border with then Rhodesia. The R.L.I. troops arriving later by convoy from rail head. The return trip was the same. The T.S.C. members only making the Suburban trip from Voortrekkerhoogte to Johannesburg station. The Voortrekkerhoogte line was closed in 1999 and now [2017], being dismantled due to theft of track. The section from the rail over road bridge past cemetery towards Artillery halt, had sleepers stolen long ago and has kicked out. Being stationed at Voortrekkerhoogte, we would be transported to “Skurweberg” shooting range, travelled along the Iscor owned track to their Quarry. Running in a cutting past Ladium. A lovely pedestrian bridge can still be found here today. The cutting not too deep, the bridge not very high. One wonders if Prasa could not have introduced services on these two lines. Also on the Hercules to Magaliesburg line. Many residents at the Haartebeespoort dam area, may have made use hereof. A steam service ran here in the fifties/sixties. Another little know, but on numerous occasions a very valuable line, in the defence of South Africa. Sad that most such forgotten branches are no longer in use. Fortunately, one can trace the old alignments, some dating from the 1880’s, all over South Africa. 17

Hoop bogemelde van hulp. Spoorweggroete, John en Jacque. (30 Jul 2017) Filler ANGLO


Spoorwegongeluk op Delogoabaaispoorlyn. Below a filler: Class 11, Witbank, J & J Wepener




Scenic Western Cape Mountains





“Swart Mamba” ready to serve the Blue Train.

ONCE UPON A TRAIN. Capital Park in the early 70's had a number of class 16CR locomotives. Some, however, were involved in mishaps and this one, looks like it was a bad one. Not sure what happened to her. 1971 23

ONCE UPON A TRAIN. The Historic Transport Association, HTA, ran a number of special trains around the country, with each train having a name on the headboard. In February 1972, Germiston’s class 15F number 2946, brought this train in from Witbank to Johannesburg. Seen here, is the loco running past to couple back on for the return working from Pretoria station after having had her fire cleaned at Capital Park shed.


A never-ending story for a steam loco driver. Paraffin flare lamp in the one hand whilst the oil feeder does its work, in the other hand. Those dark corners to illuminate and try stay clean and see what was going on, all kinds of weather conditions, but the necessary work is done. Driver Boshoff of Kimberley, gets his steed ready for the trip to Bloemfontein with 25NC 3454 "B.I. Ebbing� back in the early 1980's.



"CULLINAN, OH, CULLINAN". The classic photo location as 19D 3334 "INA" blasts out of the sleepy historical village, with a return working of a SANRASM charter, to enjoy the wonderful jacaranda trees in full blossom. The year is 1991 October 27

ONCE UPON A TRAIN when Rovos Rail had just a class 6 that was in operation, he worked his trains to the Lowveld, from Pretoria, as his depot was at the old coaching yard alongside the main station, where the Gautrain terminus stands today. Heading up this magnificent rake of green coaches, she makes a smoky departure for Eerstefabrieke, where the electric units will take over for the rest of the journey. 31 December, 1994.


ONCE UPON A TRAIN: No need for words, but the location is around Pretoria. The wonderful night time photo was taken by Dave Wardale, who gave it to me. The others are at Panpoort with the dailyWitbank passenger.1982.


ONCE UPON A TRAIN. Sunrise and steam, indeed that magic moment in rail photography we all aim for. Returning home from the night train 909 to Skeerpoort and De Moot for sand, the short consist heads for Pretoria near Fortsig Halt, on the now closed Magaliesburg branch-line from Hercules. The footplate crews have had a decent "spell" as there was not much work to be done, and then the train stages at Skeerpoort, whilst the crew rest and the "spook", that is rumoured to haunt there, may have left them alone that night! 30

ONCE UPON A TRAIN: The Cullinan line had some odd workings and one of them was a weekly train from Pretoria to Eerstefabrieke, light loco, to pick up the suburban rake that was left from the previous days working. The 15CA would take this load to Cullinan, run around and return to 'Fabrieke’ tender first then go out again to Cullinan and leave the coaches there for the night working from Capital Park. The day loco would then return from Cullinan with a goods load made up from the night before’s train. Phew this is getting very confusing, but never the less, here is driver Thys Booyens, now deceased, and me at Eerstefabrieke waiting for the last light train of the day to Cullinan with 15CA 2850 in 1980. Now only FRIENDS OF THE RAIL ply these rails with steam and one day maybe the CA will retrace its steps! 31








S-1 Designed for whales / Ontwerp vir walvisse

No brake system / Geen remstelsel



Marienthal – A NamRail diesel with Bosveld Train Safaris – J Wepener


Foto’s verskaf deur Japie Terblanche en deur George Swart geneem






South African O&K 2-8-0 with a train full of whale bones - via Andre Kritzinger.1/2

Whale bones at Walvis Bay circa 1920 - 1930- via Andre Kritzinger. 3

1 Note couplers on the locomotive. 3 2


Whale bones at Walvis Bay circa 1920 -1930 - via Andre Kritzinger. 4



SPOORWEG / SAR “PIE & GRAVY” Spoorwegstasie se bruinsous - J & J WEPENER (Wat by pastei van die destydse spoorwegrestaurant gekom het) Bestanddele 900 gram ertjiemeel 3 pakkies beesstertsop 500 gram Bisto 900 gram koekmeel Bietjie maalvleis (opsioneel) Metode Sif die bestanddele drie keer saam. Hou dit in ‘n houer in die yskas en haal uit wanneer jy dit wil gebruik, byvoorbeeld. Braai 1 ui saam met ‘n bietjie maalvleis. (opsioneel) Meng 1 koppie van die droë bestanddele met bietjie water en maak ‘n pasta. Plaas in kastrol by vleis en uie, roer goed, en voeg water by om ‘n lekker sous te vorm.

Baie nagte, wanneer ons spesiale diens verrig het, het ons sommer by die spoorwegstasie stilgehou en “pie, gravy en chips” bestel en afgespoel heerlike spoorwegkoffie! Mens het so verkwik gevoel na die middernagtelike ete. Dis net die SAS se verversingsdiens wat sulke heerlike koffie kon maak! Onthou nog die lekker koffie op die trein – vroeg oggend in die bed! Namens al die ou polisiemanne wil ek die ‘tannies’ wat in die spoorwegrestaurant gewerk het, baie dankie sê! Ek het altyd gevoel hulle kry ons jammer want dit was koud buite en daardie maaltyd was koningskos. Partykeer te Johannesburg het ek altyd “bangers, mash, gravy” en ertjies bestel!


SOUL OF A RAILWAY: CHARLIE LEWIS Just to let you know that SoAR's biggest chapter yet is now on display here: Les has provided 130 photographs, an informative map by Bruno Martin and fact-filled text. As I am only the postman, please direct all compliments, comments, criticisms and corrections directly to Les here: If there are corrections, Les will waste no time sending them to me! The next chapter, also by Les, will be the new Natal Main Line (NML) between Durban and Pietermaritzburg. Hope you all enjoy TBH as much as I have while posting it.

Opgeblaasde trein naby Kroonstad 1901 via Nico Moolman 47



Louis Trichardt: Erfeniskomitee: Jeanne Swanepoel Goeie more, Hennie Charles Leach het my na jou verwys. Die nuutgestigde Erfeniskomitee van ons dorp, Louis Trichardt is tans besig met ‘n erfenis-skattejag projek. Vervolgens ‘n kort beskrywing van hierdie projek. Die doel is bewusmaking, onder veral die jeug, van die kultuurhistoriese gedenkwaardighede in ons dorp. Oor die loop van 15 weke word 10 “skatte” bekendgestel via ons FB blad ERFENIS BEWARINGS - EN BEWUSMAKINGSKOMITEE: LOUIS TRICHARDT EN STREEK (GAAN LOER GERUS WAT ONS SOVER GEDOEN HET). Die Louis Trichardt Stasie-gebou is die volgende skat en ek het baie inligting by Charles gekry. Sal graag inligting aangaan die spesifieke lokomotief wat op die perseel staan, wil hê Hennie. Ek hoop jy kan my hiermee help. Sien uit om van jou te hoor. Ek stuur graag ‘n foto as jy een verlang. Baie dankie vir jou geesdrif en moeite. Ek hoor graag van jou Vriendelike Groete Jeanne Swanepoel namens die Erfeniskomitee Die lokomotief voor die stasie te Louis Trichardt is klas 8 no. 1090. Op die foto verskyn klas 8 no. 1070 wat te Hartenbos uitgestal was.

Ek het besluit om alles wat ek oor Louis Trichardt het hier onder te plaas.


Is Louis Trichardt station the oldest building in town? Charles Leach Date: 24 August 2007

The locomotive breaks the ceremonial ribbon at the opening of the Pretoria-Pietersburg railway line on May 1, 1899. See the roof trusses of the station building at the then Pietersburg. This whole building was later dismantled and re-assembled where it stands today, at the Louis Trichardt station. "Which is the oldest building in everyday use in Louis Trichardt?" Local historians are speculating about the answer to this question and invite the community to give their input. Charles Leach, for one, would all but put his head on a block that the oldest building still being used is the railway station building. "This beautiful old granite building was the very one that saw the arrival of the first steam engine from Pretoria to Pietersburg on May 1, 1899," said Charles. "The Pietersburg station was dismantled block-for-block and rebuilt in Louis Trichardt!" At the Louis Trichardt station, the red post box mounted in the granite wall bears the letters ER with a king’s crown in between and the Roman numerals VII below, indicating the British monarch Edward Rex - or King Edward VII, the same man after whom Fort Edward was named. The roof trusses of the Louis Trichardt station bear a remarkable similarity to the trusses seen in a picture of the old Pietersburg station. When Pietersburg received a new station building, civil engineer HF Greaves, the grandfather of resident John Greaves, was tasked with the block-by-block dismantling of the old building and reassembling it where it stands today. Charles explains the events preceding the literal moving of the station from Pietersburg to Louis Trichardt. The very same granite stones have stories to tell and witnessed many of these events: Pietersburg was the end terminal of the Pretoria-Pietersburg Railway – the PPR. The line had been constructed by a British construction company engaged by the ZAR. According to Messrs Boon Boonzaaier and Hennie Heymans - both well-known and enthusiastic authorities on the railways of Southern Africa - the railways in the ZAR were taken over by the Imperial Military Railways (IMR) during the Anglo Boer War. The railway lines were crucial to the movement of troops and equipment and for that reason, during the final phase of the war, the PPR became the target of "train-wreckers" - as the British called them - like Jack Hindon, who operated effectively on the line. One of the devices used by Hindon is on view at the Lalapanzi Museum. After the war and during the inter-colonial period, the railways in the ZAR and Orange Free State were managed by the Central South African Railways. From 1910, management shifted to the SAR, but it took some years to amalgamate the various railway administrations. 50

So, it was that, during the Anglo Boer War, the Pietersburg railway-station was the arrival point of most of the British troops and equipment that were to see action in the Zoutpansberg, Spelonken and Haenertsburg areas, as well as to the south of Pietersburg in the Maliepspoort Mountains. The same station was the departure point of many of the captured Boer combatants from mainly the Zoutpansberg and Waterpoort Commandos, who were dispatched to prisoner of war camps all over the British Empire. It was also the point of departure for many of the surviving Boer women and children who were transferred from the Pietersburg concentration camp to other camps further afield. It would have been from that same building that the infamous Bushveldt Carbineers, Lt.s ‘Breaker’ Morant, Handcock and Witton, departed from the Zoutpansberg for execution and burial in Pretoria and Witton for life imprisonment in England. The temporary station at Gertrudesburg, on the Ledig road, was vacated when the wetland in between was dry enough to traverse and the station at Pietersburg was literally moved to where it stands today. The dates indicating the progress of the railway are: Pretoria to Pietersburg on 1 May, 1899, Pietersburg to Munnik (61 miles) on 9 May ,1911, Munnik to Bandelierskop (53 miles) on 15 August, 1911, Bandelierskop to Louis Trichardt (35 miles) 3 March, 1913. "It is unlikely that any substantial building remained after the British troops under Col. Colenbrander set fire to Louis Trichardt on May 9, 1901. Can any of the readers help on this point?" asks Charles. "Is it not then time to have this grand old building – the oldest in Louis Trichardt? – declared a National Monument?" he adds.

Louis Trichardt station/stasie Foto’s geneem op 14-2-2003 - HB Heymans



Vrugtetrok O-3 79-503-322 @ Louis Trichardt - 14-2-2003 - HB Heymans 53

‘n Paar foto’s by Louis Trichardt: HBH

34-837 with train to Messina @ Louis Trichardt - 14-2-2003 - HB Heymans

36-289 @ Louis Trichardt - 14-2-2003 - HB Heymans.


SENTRARAND Uitnodiging Hoe lyk dit met ‘n paar stories en foto’s van Sentrarand, asseblief?

Brief: J & J Wepener Hi Hennie, Baie Dankie vir Nuutste “SASSAR” baie interessant, propvol nuus. Baie jammer Kaap Skiereiland se ”Metros” so swak is. [Graffiti]. Maar in die ander stedelike gebiede is dit ook ‘n waagstuk om te reis. [Roof, laat aankoms/vertrek, vuil rytuie ens.]. Blyk tydtafels nie meer stip na gekom word nie. “Sentrarand” is die grootste rangeer werf in die RSA. Is van mening in die suidelikehalfrond ook. In PWV-streek het al die kleiner rangeer werwe toe gemaak. Bou werk in 1980 begin, laaste verbindings trajekte in 1984 voltooi. Daar sou altesaam vier werwe gebou word, maar geld en afname in verkeer het dit stop gesit. Grond waarop Sentrarand gebou is, het aan wyle Minister van Vervoer, Hendrik J Schoeman behoort. Baie het dit as ‘n “Wit Olifant” beskou. Goedere treine vertrek vanaf Sentrarand, met Sentrarand drywers na Suide, Kroonstad. Ooste, Belfast / Ermelo. Suid-Ooste, Volksrust. Noorde, Naboomspruit. Weste, Thabazimbi/ Lichtenberg / Zeerust en Suid-Weste, Klerksdorp. Ook terug ritte. Baie klein lokomotiewe depots ook toe gemaak. Spoorweg groete, John en Jacque. (18 Julie 2017)

Hi Hennie, Ek het Bruno se toestemming gekry om jou twee van sy kaarte te stuur. Word nou bygevoeg. Het jy die kort artikel oor Sentrarand gekry? Volg onder.

Sentrarand: J & J Wepener It was decided to create a large central marshalling yard, to serve the P.W.V. area in the seventies. The area chosen was near Bapsfontein. Construction started the first access line was from Kaalfontein in 1982, followed with a line on the line. Springs to Witbank in 1983. Then Greenview 1986, onwards to join line to Brits. (Change over point from 3kv DC to 25kv AC at Pyramid South). In 1988 an extension was built to Skansdam on the Germiston to Vereeniging line. A number of additional lines were to be built but never started. (Refer Bruno Martins latest map).


First yard opened in 1982., two smaller yards opened in 1983. Four large yards were to be constructed but, never started. With opening of Sentrarand yard, many smaller yards in the PWV area closed as did a number of locomotive depots. Today Sentrarand drivers work trains to Kroonstad, Witbank, Naboomspruit, Standerton, Klerksdorp, Lichtenburg and Thabazimbi. Due to goods traffic by rail becoming less, due to relaxation of road bylaws, most of traffic was lost to the road haulers. Thus, this large yard never reached its full capacity and to some was a huge expense for little gain. After 1994 even more rail traffic was lost, but Sentrarand still exists, although at minimum capacity. A little-known bit of information, is the land on which Sentrarand was built, was a farm belonging to the late Minister Hendrick J Schoeman. Hoop bogenoemde is van waarde, min is oor Sentrarand gepubliseer. Spoorweg groete, John en Jacque. (21 Jul 2017).

Map: Bruno Martin Hi John, Jacque and Hennie I've attached a map of Sentrarand and connecting lines compiled from a plan originally published in the Civil Engineer in South Africa November 1982 (I think Railways Africa and SA Rail also published the same plan). Using the map of Gauteng, I produced for Boon's book I've superimposed the connecting lines that were built and those that that were planned but were not carried out. I also have a more detailed plan of the yard with modules 1, 2 and 3 but there may be copyright issues if used. Groete van huis tot huis. Bruno (23 Jul 2017) Hi Bruno, Thanks for your new map, as usual a work of art. We have a W.T.B. diagram map, showing the proposed extra Sentrarand lines, unfortunately a bit faint. Your map now gives us a very clear indication. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (23 Jul 2017)


Maps by Bruno Martin




FOTO’S: JAPIE TERBLANCHE A photographic essay without words. Look and enjoy!








Driver Jaco Holtzhausen



[My father’s force number is 18742 – dankie Japie!]



Spesiaal aan my Bloutrein-vriend, Jaco Holtzhausen. Foto van hom op die 6-klasse te Welverdiend. Geluk met jou herdenking wording van ‘n drywer vandag 24/07/17 – 28 Jaar terug asook met die wording van ‘n Bloutreindrywer ook op 24 Julie 2014 – Japie.




Gabor Kovacs

Friends of the Rail (FOTR) Driver Gabor Kovacs.



Bloutrein Oppad na Stilfontein




Carisbrook 76

Creighton sunrise

Desert Express Windhoek on BTS Safari October 2003 77


Harrismith 78


Houwhoek pass 79


Keetmanshoop loco





VERY LATE RUNNING "ALGOA": J & J WEPENER. Yesterday morning (29 Jul 2017) on way to Kroonstad, a container train was going south, a scrap and container train seen on the balloon at Kroonstad yard. The evening at 20h30 travelling back from Kroonstad, an unexpected sighting of a passenger train at Geneva travelling north was a surprise bonus. Only the twin diner had lights on. Thought to be an Empty Coaching Stock [E.C.S.] train returning to Braamfontein yard. On making inquiries at Kroonstad this morning, told Port Elizabeth train, which had departed at 12h00 on Friday. Delayed due to signal cable theft south of Noupoort. Busses taking passenger to Johannesburg. Then a failed diesel locomotive north of Springfontein, on a proceeding goods train, also causing a long delay, awaiting relief traction. This train only left Kroonstad at 05h00 this morning, probably crew time up and awaiting a new crew from Braamfontein. This train was scheduled to arrive at Johannesburg at 09h00 Saturday morning. Not bad running 24 hours late, not enough time to clean and restock twin diners, water tanks, fuel tank for generator, for a return working leaving Johannesburg at 11h00 this morning. Passengers can look forward to a possible dirty and not fully stocked train trip today. It makes us, once very regular main line train travellers, feeling so very sad at the state of time keeping today. The good old S.A.R./S.A.T./Spoornet would never have allowed this to take place. No pride in to days employees. “I get pay so if I do or do not do my job, who cares”? Koue Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (30 Jul 2017)

NBL PRESERVATION GROUP: JULY NEWSLETTER: LES PIVNIC Gentlemen: I have received the latest NBLPG newsletter from Ken Livermore and please note on page 4 - the top four locomotives in terms of the most powerful engines built in the UK are SAR engines! The list represents the engines currently on display in the UK. However, the SAR's GL would still top the list even if a couple of scrapped engines like the LNER Garratt were still around. More accolades for the grand old SAR! Cheers Les Note: I also receive the NBL Preservation Group Newsletter, and I quote from the newsletter for the benefit of our readers: Beginning of quote: BRITAIN’S MOST POWERFUL 82

Much has been written about the most powerful steam locomotives in the UK and arguments have always raged between supporters of the various UK railway companies about the respective merits of their favourite engines. In terms of Tractive Effort however, the most powerful steam locomotive to run in the UK was the LNER U1 Class 2-8-0 + 0-8-2 Garratt which was built for banking duties on the Worsborough Incline and developed a mighty 72,940lbs TE. This fine locomotive was sadly scrapped in 1956 but it’s place at the top of the league has now been overtaken by locomotives built in the UK for overseas railways and subsequently returned to the UK for preservation. Using the TE criterion, three of the top six most powerful locomotives currently to be found in the UK are of North British origin. At the risk of courting controversy here is a list of the six most powerful locos in the UK (NB there are actually seven locomotive types listed in our table as the LMS Princess Royal and the GWR King have exactly the same rating) The ranking is set to change again soon when the LNER new build P2 2-8-2 locomotive ‘Prince of Wales’ is completed.

Tractive Effort Class


Introduced Builder

Location (s)

89,140 lbs


4-8-2 + 2-8-4 1929

Beyer Peacock


68,800 lbs


4-8-2 + 2-8-4 1952

North British


51,410 lbs

SAR – 25NC



North British

Quainton Road

47,980 lbs

SAR – 15F



North British


40,430 lbs






40,285 lbs

LMS Princess

- 4-6-2




40,285 lbs

GWR - King




Swindon / Didcot

End of quote. I am a great fan of British (English and Scottish) designed locomotives. Our railways in South Africa were founded on British engineering successes. We should do all in our power to preserve our railway heritage.





SLOT / END Geagte leser vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument ons maak van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die SAS-SAR kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie. Dear reader of this quasi-historical document: please note we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the SAS-SAR cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Hennie Heymans

(Photo via Martin Nel)


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