SAS-SAR Vol 8 No 7

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SAS-SAR VOL. 8 NO. 7 A little bit of history about the South African Railways which started in 1860 in the then Colony of Natal. We pay homage to those old pioneers and their iron steeds.

Contents PUBLISHER / UITGEWER .............................................................................................................. 4 PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES................................................................................ 4 AIM / DOEL ...................................................................................................................................... 4 COPYRIGHT.................................................................................................................................... 4 ONGOING PROJECTS.................................................................................................................... 4 WELKOM / WELCOME ................................................................................................................... 5 VISUAL HISTORY: SOUTH AFRICAN RAILWAYS ......................................................................... 5 MY TRAIN TRIP: CAPE TOWN TO KALK BAY: HENNIE HEYMANS ............................................. 6 The interior of our coach ........................................................................................................... 7 Prasa: Kalk Bay Station ............................................................................................................ 8 Filler:157th BIRTHDAY OF THE FORMER SAR ............................................................................. 8 Pleasant Memories: No 10781: “Biggsy’s” .............................................................................. 12 2004 Biggsy’s Menu ............................................................................................................... 13 Some happy photos of Biggsy’s: Les Pivnic................................................................................... 15 Memories: No 10781: “Biggsy’s”: Col Andre Kritzinger ........................................................... 16 PRASA KAN JOERNLIS GERUS BONUS GEE: AP STEMMET ................................................... 17 RAIL COMMUTERS: CAPE TOWN ............................................................................................... 18 GroundUp: Commuters rebel as Metrorail fails ....................................................................... 18 More Metrorail delays after delayed Cape Town trains torched .............................................. 21 2017-06-13 12:29 ................................................................................................................... 21 Trains out of Cape Town on track - Metrorail .......................................................................... 23 ROVOS: JAPIE TERBLANCHE ..................................................................................................... 25 UNTU NA HOF OOR TREIN VEILIGHEID: RAPPORT ................................................................. 26 WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS: ............................................................................................... 27 The ‘Perambulator’ and railway photos by J & J Wepener of Riebeeckstad. .......................... 28 MORTIMER: JP MEYER................................................................................................................ 33 MALMESBURY: PHIL BECK ......................................................................................................... 35 FILLER JACO HOLTSHAUZEN..................................................................................................... 37 Drywer Jaco Holtshauzen aan die stuur terwyl hy die fotograaf vriendelik toewuif. ....................... 37 REAR BLUE CASH BAG: J & J WEPENER .................................................................................. 38 WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS: J & J WEPENER ................................................................... 38 SAR TUNNELS: J & J WEPENER ................................................................................................. 45 2

NGR: CARLOS VIEIRA ................................................................................................................. 48 BOERS LEAVING FOR THE FRONT: JOHANNESBURG ............................................................ 51 LABOUR DEPARTMENT AGREES TO PAY SLAIN TRAIN DRIVER'S FAMILY .......................... 51 PHOTO ARCHIVE: NICO MOOLMAN ........................................................................................... 53 TRANSPORTATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES: USA: J&J WEPENER ........................................... 56 BLOEMFONTEIN: MARSHALLING YARDS .................................................................................. 57 MODEL VAN OLIVE: MARTIN NEL ............................................................................................... 58 Olive: Kimberley Class ............................................................................................................ 58 HANNETJIE TERBLANCHE .......................................................................................................... 66 36-111 & CO: JAPIE TERBLANCHE ............................................................................................. 67 SAS-SAR: VREDENBURG: PAUL EYBERS ................................................................................. 68 KROONSTAD STASIE & 10BR 756: HANNATJIE TERBLANCHE ............................................... 70 10BR 756 ................................................................................................................................ 72 MEANWHILE BACK IN THE UK: OLD STATION BUILDINGS ...................................................... 74 Alight here for bed! Five-bedroom former 1863 railway station with two converted carriages is just the ticket for train-lovers with £950,000 to spare .............................................................. 74 Full steam ahead! The Queen is summery in peach as she boards a new express train at Slough to recreate the first train journey taken by a British monarch 175 years ago .............. 81 DIE WÊRELD SE VINNIGSTE TREIN? DREYER VAN DER MERWE ......................................... 85 FOTO’S GESOEK .......................................................................................................................... 85 SLOT / END ................................................................................................................................... 86


PUBLISHER / UITGEWER This electronic magazine is compiled and published on ISSUU by Hennie Heymans. Hennie is a retired brigadier of the former South African Police Force. He is passionate about the history of South Africa’s National Security and holds a MA degree in National Strategic Studies. He is most interested in the strategic use of railways in Southern Africa but he loves trains generally no matter where they are!

Hierdie elektroniese tydskrif word saamgestel en uitgegee op die platform ISSUU deur Hennie Heymans. Hennie is ʼn afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige SA Polisiemag. Hy is passievol oor ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het ʼn MA-graad in nasionale strategiese studies verwerf. Hy stel belang in die strategiese aanwending van die spoorweë tydens oorloë in Suider-Afrika. Hy is baie lief vir treine waar ook al op die aardbol. Niks kom mos naby treinry en kondensmelk?

Contact address: Telephone number: 012-329-4229.

PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES Vir vorige uitgawes klik op: For previous issues click on

AIM / DOEL Our goal is to collect and record our South African railway history for publication in the SAS-SAR for the use of future generations.

Ons doel is om die spoorweggeskiedenis van suidelike Afrika in die SAS-SAR aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte se gebruik te bewaar.

COPYRIGHT Great care is taken to make sure that we do not transgress the Copyright Act. Please make sure that when you use somebody else’s photographs or material to first obtain the necessary permission before sending it to SAS-SAR for publication. Permission to reprint any article or photograph may be obtained from SAS-SAR.

ONGOING PROJECTS Please help us with: • • •

Researching royal and presidential visits to southern Africa. Compiling information about the use of armoured- and hospital trains in southern Africa. Trains in time of war, rebellion and unrest. 4

WELKOM / WELCOME I get the impression that railways in South Africa is on a downwards, slippery slope. Yesterday I went to Brits via Francis Baard Street (formerly Schoeman Street.) Heavy trucks now use this suburban main street and one can clearly see the indents in the tar as the heavy trucks damage the road. The N1 to the north was busy, we turned west on the Platinum Highway (N4) which, likewise was very busy. We went over the main railway line to the north – not a train in sight. On our return to Pretoria we went over, and travelled parallel, to the Magaliesberg – Hercules railway line. A line of vital strategic importance during WW2. It’s looks as if the line is abandoned. This can be a terrific busy line for commuters from the west to Pretoria via Hercules. It’s a line the Friends of the Rail could use. With all the taxis and busses on the road I cannot see why the line cannot be rejuvenated and dieselised. (Rovos Rail was the last to use the line with steam and diesel traction.) As we are moving away from rail; it will be more difficult to regain a foothold by railways. My friend, also a pensioner, went to farm on his son’s farm. They have bought a large truck to convey their fresh produce from Groblersdal to Pretoria Market. Why? There is no longer railway line from Marble Hall to Pienaarsriver and I don’t know if the sidings to the Pretoria market are operational. What is the effect of all this? The farmer’s core business is to produce food, now he has to buy a large truck and make several trips to the market. One has just to think of the demise of the platteland. Little dorpies have died. Why? The station master, station foreman and staff have been retrenched because of automatic signalling. I shudder to think what will happen when war breaks out? Our branch lines are in operative, we don’t have enough rolling stock. (We all know the railways are making money on their mineral routes.) Railways are of strategic importance … the alarm bells are ringing we better wake up and get our railway transport in order. Before it is too late. We will have to use innovative methods to get the railways to become the national carrier. Taxis are also competing for commuters.


African Mirror 30th Anniversary of Blue Train 1969

African Mirror Knysna’s South Western Railway 1948 • • • • • • • •

Italian Prisoners Arrive In South Africa (1941) The Railway Engine Ship (1929) - South African Army Grows (1940) - News Flashes - Train Crash (1957) Rhodesia Mobilises (1939) - Merely Maize - A South African Sidelight (1930) 1947: Royal Tour: Pathe News: Royal Tour 1947 Aka Opening of Parliament and Picnic (1947): 5

Durban And Hibiscus Coast (1962) – model train conveying children at the Beachfront:

MY TRAIN TRIP: CAPE TOWN TO KALK BAY: HENNIE HEYMANS Phil and Pam Beck, history-friends in Cape Town, invited me to visit them for a few days. I was mulling about how to get there from Pretoria. I thought about my last Shosaloza Meyl trip ... it was not a pleasant experience ... Really, and that coming from a man that loves trains. For R648 I flew down with Kulula Air and a little more for the return flight. We went from Cape Town to Vishoek on the PRASA METRO - METRO PLUS - what a disaster. Every seat was cut - the whole train covered inside and outside with graffiti. You can’t see through the "windows". This is along a most scenic route! The railway coach was not fit for Humans! One wonders if such trains are rail-worthy? We detrained at Kalk Bay. We first ascertained when there was a train back. We went to the "Brass Bell" - a pub where one literally sits in the sea and one watches the trains go by. A few minutes before 2.15 pm we were waiting for the train to Cape Town. There were also a few other pensioners waiting - they were from Strand on a 'train tour'. They told us that they were traveling cheap at pensioners rate on a Tuesday. We were chatting and an African naval officer overheard when I said I was from Pretoria. We were waiting and waiting.... The naval officer approached me and said we had to cross the road and catch a bus to Cape Town. (We were then about 100 passengers.) A full "City-to-City" passed us and I hailed a taxi-combi. Rumour had it, the staff at Vishoek could not deny or confirm, that an accident took place at a level crossing involving a car. (They said they had no telephonic contact.) Well the Naval Officer said we had to get off at Retreat. After paying R10 each for the taxi - we got to Retreat where queues of people stood. There were two trains - to Cape Town, after playing roulette we chose the wrong train as ours left in second place. The whole trip cost R27.00 + R10 for the taxi. (My friends and I, all elderly people, were not informed of the Pensioner’s discount when we purchased our tickets.) The train we came back in was a "newer" version but all three coaches – in the front - were completely covered in graffiti and in paint; making the coaches look like a new type of livery. Where is security and the 'new' railway police? The graffiti and cut seats reflect badly on security. The windows are so bad, you can’t see through them and you don’t know where you are! I must say the 6

control to entrain was non-existent - there seems to be no "command and control" in Cape Town. They looked at our tickets when we got off. Staff seems totally dis-interested, there is no communication and I really don't blame volatile people for burning the trains - commuters are treated badly. You don't see "inspectors or station masters" nor police or security. We arrived in Cape Town late and had to endure peak traffic. Well it’s was my last train trip on the Metro and I will never travel on Shoszaloza Meyl!

The interior of our coach This is the interior of a first-class coach – first class is known as ‘Metro Plus’.


Prasa: Kalk Bay Station

Filler:157th BIRTHDAY OF THE FORMER SAR Today - 26th June - is the 157th birthday of railways in South Africa. (via Les Pivnic).


The Brass Bell is on the Ocean’s side

Looking toward Simon’s Town; below looking towards Cape Town.


View of station from the street:

“Train Watching” Inside the Brass Bell:


Sitting in the surf and watching the trains go by! The waves splash against the passing trains and its quite exciting at high tide. Hennie Heymans and Pam Beck enjoying a “cold one” – Phil Beck took the pictures in this series. Patiently waiting for the train This old pensioner on the right, a retired school teacher, was the leader of a group of pensioners from the Strand to Kalk Bay. They still had to travel right around False Bay to Strand. He was explaining to me the “benefits” of being a pensioner and the ‘perks’ of traveling on a Tuesday. There is no audible announcements made or messages posted at the station while we waited. Thanks to the Naval Officer we took a taxi from Kalk Bay to Retreat in order to get to Cape Town. Metro rail service is in shambles – I was my last contact with Prasa.


Pleasant Memories: No 10781: “Biggsy’s” I think back on the many pleasant trips from Cape Town to Simons Town and return. (I loved reading the best Afrikaans newspaper in the world, “Die Burger”, while enjoying a breakfast of bacon, eggs and coffee in “Biggsey’s” – the view and the aroma was worth a R1000!!! Here is a photo of “Biggsey’s”, she was a kitchen/diner on the Cape Town – Simons Town line. I spent many trips on her. Will the most beautiful line in the world ever be repaired again? I am speaking of the part near Simons Town that was damaged. (The second most scenic line is the line from George to Knysna – will that, sigh! ever be repaired?) No 10781 – Bigsey’s in blue livery in front of Muizenberg station. When I took the next photo, the one below, I was nearly arrested. I pretended to be a tourist from Russia and the security officer set me free. (Ou Willie du Plessis was “arrested” – I was sitting in the car - when he took a photo of Bloemfontein railway station. He was hauled before the ‘station master’ but set free when he explained he used to travel from there to Marseilles as a kid. I was arrested by security when I took a photo of NedBank in Pretoria where Klaas de Jonge sought refuge in the Dutch Embassy. My friend. A Dutch policeman, who was De Jonge’s guard, stood in front of the building when I took a photograph in the street. I was arrested and hauled before the Bank Manager. When I threatened to take civil action, I was set free!


2004 Biggsy’s Menu

So sorry, Biggsy’s do no longer operate!



Some happy photos of Biggsy’s: Les Pivnic


Memories: No 10781: “Biggsy’s”: Col Andre Kritzinger

All that remained of happy memories! (An empty shell.)


Not all Prasa’s Metro Trains were/are mobile pig sties. Here is one taken at the next station down the line, Vishoek, on a previous visit.

Thanks for the nice memories in the past SAR & H!!!!



RAIL COMMUTERS: CAPE TOWN GroundUp: Commuters rebel as Metrorail fails 13 JUN 2017 11:29 (SOUTH AFRICA)

A power failure brought Cape Town trains to a halt across the city and thousands were stranded. By GROUNDUP Staff. First published by GroundUp Commuters at Cape Town’s central train station toyi-toyed, destroyed two cell phone shops, smashed glass, stoned a bus and burnt trains in frustration on Monday evening. In the afternoon trains across the city stopped running. The atmosphere was angry and tense at the station. There were periodic flare-ups, unstoppable despite several police cars and a private security contingent inside the station. At about 9pm a woman we spoke to said she’d waited from about 3pm for her train to arrive. She had children waiting for her at home. A man walked forlornly around the station holding his child; he had also been waiting since the afternoon. We encountered two schoolchildren stranded at the station. One, nine years old and in school uniform, was crying; he’d been on the station since 3pm. He had an exam the next day, he said. He needed to get to Khayelitsha, while the other child, a girl, needed to get to Gugulethu. (A GroundUp reporter drove them to a nearby police station.)


The Vodacom shop on the station was ransacked. So was an MTN shop. Photo: Ashraf Hendricks Commuters were stranded with their weekly and monthly tickets, many without sufficient cash to use alternative transport. Metrorail had struck a deal with the Golden Arrow Bus Company that Metrorail tickets could be used on the buses. While GroundUp reporters were there, two buses pulled up to transport passengers, but there were long queues for them and clearly not enough buses. Some commuters stoned one of the buses and it left without passengers. James Gudumede had been waiting since 5pm. He was heading to Gugulethu. “This happens on a daily basis,” he said angrily. “Because of the late trains, people lose their jobs. Prasa (the parastatal that owns Metrorail) does not listen. We are being robbed. We buy tickets.” A GroundUp reporter who usually uses the trains, left work at 3pm, only to arrive home at 7:30pm to her four children, after negotiating buses instead. The mother of another GroundUp reporter was on a train that travelled from Cape Town station to Mutual station earlier in the day, then without explanation the train turned back to Cape Town (she was trying to get to Khayelitsha). She spent hours stranded trying to get from one place to another. Late at night she got stuck in Site C, Khayelitsha – unsafe after dark — while trying to get to home to Site B (she eventually got home by taxi). Thousands more commuters across the city no doubt had similar stories. All this took place while it was a raining and cold in Cape Town.


Firefighters attempt to put out the blaze. Photo: Ashraf Hendricks Metrorail published a statement explaining that electrical power feeds were responsible for the problems. The company said that it usually has four 11kv power feeds available, but two failed today and the remaining two became overloaded, tripping electricity and halting trains across the network. Metrorail’s regional manager Richard Walker apologised to commuters. He condemned the destruction of property by irate commuters and said that surveillance footage would be studied with the intention of filing malicious damage to property charges.

Shattered glass was strewn across the station turnstiles, while the station filled with smoke from the burning train. Photos: Ashraf Hendricks 20

Angry comments were posted on the Metrorail website. For example, one anonymous person wrote: “It is late. Can’t remember when last trains were on time. Late for work as a result. Your service is pathetic, trains are dirty and vandalised. Why do you not protect your assets? If you do that there will be less delays.” At the time of writing and publishing the situation remained tense on Cape Town station, and commuters continued to be stranded. DM Photo: A train on Cape Town station burns on Monday evening. Photo: Ashraf Hendricks

More Metrorail delays after delayed Cape Town trains torched 2017-06-13 12:29 Jenna Etheridge, News24

Firefighters attending to a fire at the Cape Town Station. (Austil Mathebula, News24) Cape Town – Train commuters were on Tuesday stuck with further delays on all routes after eight train carriages were set alight at Cape Town station. In a service alert on its Twitter account, Metrorail said residual delays of "60+" minutes were being experienced in the region. Two trains (eight carriages) were set alight and shops looted on Monday night, when commuters went on the rampage in reaction to lengthy delays. 21

Platforms 15 and 16 remained closed, while officials assess the damage. Metrorail confirmed that several shops had been trashed and looted in the mayhem on Monday evening. Access gates were destroyed. Police officers and rail protection services had to disperse crowds. One suspect, according to Metrorail, was apprehended. However, Western Cape police spokesperson Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana said no one had yet been arrested. ALSO READ: Commuters rebel as Metrorail fails Regional Metrorail manager Richard Walker apologised to affected customers, but condemned the destruction of property. "We acknowledge that commuters have legitimate service concerns but we can never condone criminality." He said their reduced capacity would be further depleted. The delays on Monday night were the result of defective 11kV electrical feeds. Between 14:00 and 20:00, two of the four feeds had not functioned, overloading the remaining two feeds and tripping electricity. This halted trains all over the network. Some trains were delayed by more than two hours. Trains on the Monte Vista line and to the southern suburbs also eventually could not operate. Walker said technicians managed to restore power feeds at 20:52 and trains started to operate. The torching occurred minutes later. 'Action must be taken' The United National Transport Union (UNTU) demanded that Walker resign immediately. General secretary Steve Harris said Metrorail did not warn commuters about the problem with the feed for hours. This led to commuters agitated as queues grew longer, with some attacking staff and property. Some even went looking for the train drivers and ticket control officers in their rest rooms. "UNTU has repeatedly warned Prasa that this situation is a tragedy waiting to happen. Action must be taken now before more innocent people die," Harris said. The union felt Walker had not created a safe working environment for its employees. Harris said they had applied to the Western Cape High Court to force the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) to implement reasonable safe measures to protect staff. A date has not yet been set for the application to be heard. Harris will write a letter to Prasa to set out their demand for Walker to resign. Commuters in possession of monthly and weekly tickets could use Golden Arrow buses between 08:00 and 16:00. 22

WATCH: Cape Town station in ruin after overnight fires, looting

Trains out of Cape Town on track - Metrorail 2017-06-13 17:09 - Jenni Evans, News24

Members of Parliament's portfolio committee on transport inspect the aftermath of the rampage at Cape Town station (Sibongile Maputi, News24)


Two trains were set alight and shops looted at Cape Town station on Monday night, when commuters went on the rampage in reaction to lengthy delays. WATCH Cape Town - Metrorail will soldier on to keep trains running on Tuesday night, albeit with fewer available coaches and platforms, after Monday night's rampage at the Cape Town Station, the company said. "Trains may be placed in a holding pattern outside Cape Town Station for this reason," cautioned Metrorail. Anticipated delays on Tuesday afternoon are as follows: Monte Vista line Northern line Central line Cape Flats line Southern line

10 - 20 minutes 10 - 20 minutes 50 - 60 minutes 20 - 30 minutes 30 - 40 minutes

Metrorail said it had beefed up security and had cleared the smoke and debris, after commuters set coaches alight because of delays on Monday night. Those delays were caused by an overloaded electrical system that tripped and brought trains to a standstill. While technicians were trying to fix the problem, some commuters starting breaking turnstiles and set two trains alight. READ: Commuters rebel as Metrorail fails For Tuesday evening's commute, Metrorail advises: • Platforms 14 to 17 have been reopened, but platforms 15 and 16 remain closed to remove the carriages torched on Monday night; • Train times and platforms for the Cape Flats and Central Line services may not all be on the electronic notice board and platforms, so trains will be announced as platforms become available, in real time; • Commuters must listen to the station announcements to make sure they board the right train at the right place; • Passengers must check notices on their phones if they are registered with the Metrorail information service; • Golden Arrow Bus Services will help Metrorail weekly/monthly ticket holders off-peak (between 08:00 and 16:00). 'Burning trains is not a solution' Meanwhile, members of Parliament's transport portfolio committee said they were shocked after seeing the damage. "Burning trains is not a solution. Instead, it exacerbates the transport challenges that our people encounter. This is the only thing we have to move people to work. We must find a permanent solution to this challenge," committee chairperson Leonard Ramatlakane said. He was told that signal failure, due to electricity cuts and cable theft, had led to extended train delays, and that there were not enough buses to take people home. As a result, people he regarded as criminals had burnt two trains, vandalised and looted shops in the station, and broke electronic signs. 24

"Commuters must flush out the criminals. They must not act under the guise of being commuters. This is no ordinary crime. It is clear it was carried out by people who understand the system," he said. The repairs were expected to run into millions of rand, he added. After Monday's events, the United National Transport Union demanded that Metrorail regional manager Richard Walker resign immediately. General secretary Steve Harris said Metrorail did not warn commuters about the problem, which left commuters agitated. They started attacking staff and damaging property. Some even went looking for train drivers and ticket officers in their rest rooms, he said.





WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS: Hi All, Spent lovely morning/afternoon at Kroonstad C.T.C. offices, met two of our old T.C.O.'s from KRO - VIG section, lots of photos of the new C.T.C. set up. Informed with newly introduced shift working policy, entailing no overtime payments, employees get 14 days off per month. Told "Algoa" cancelled, busses used from Port Elizabeth to Johannesburg, locomotive failures. Heard of goods train leaving Gunhill yard for Bloemfontein, saw movement on screen. Told TFR locomotives also in poor shape. Goods train to Bloemfontein, yesterday started with traction problems. Limped into Virginia loop. Magnetic sticker "LOADED" on wall diagram, indicating line occupied. Will only be moved Monday. At the two R.T.O. offices where told that the branch lines, Harrismith to Warden, Bethlehem to Villiers, Arlington to Heilbron and Arlington to Marquard, still use Wooden Staff tokens. Kroonstad now works R.T.O. to Danskraal North. Drivers work from Danskraal to Kroonstad - Book OffKroonstad to Danskraal. But with mielie traffic, now work crossing point Bethlehem. Noticed "BOM/BT" sticker on Warden line. Ballasonderstopmasjien/Ballast Tamping Machine. Then onto various photo spots, lovely warm, sunny and windless day. 1 At the "S� bridge. Here we got the empty car-train, with a load of 240 axles. It was lovely to hear screeching flanges on curve into Kroonstad station, hoot from driver. 2 Then a short trip to the south control point at Gunhill South yard. Staff already left. A phone call to C.T.C. told us goods train from Bloemfontein passing Hennenman. A 45-minute wait. Very sad to see this yard devoid of traffic, only 20 trucks scattered around the yard. Visible rust on most of the rails, due to minimal use. Large masses of "Khakibos" surrounding the yard. Where are the days when Shunters kept neat little gardens around the control point building? Even more sad where are the days when a few, 15F's did all the shunting in the three Gunhill yards. Today only a lonely forlorn, parachute tank in the distance. Then sounds of an oncoming train, heard from the rails, almost sounded like birds chirping, but we could make out the click - clack of wheels moving over the insulated signal circuit brakes in the track, around a curve. These insulated circuit brakes are now cut at an angle and not straight. Then the locomotives appeared, hauling 168 axles. Loaded sleeper trucks, a lone "Dolly Z" truck, followed by grey sugar trucks and the rest of the load empty fuel tankers. 3 A quick trip to Featherstone on hearing "Phlelophepa" train on way to Featherstone. The gate to level crossing to station locked. A short distance and we got a public crossing, just as the train was rounding a curve. Hoots from driver. Another fast trip to the rail over road bridge, near entrance to Gunhill South yard, more hoots. Last photos of train on rail over rail bridge. This train was to have been hauled to Welkom, departing 10h45. Only arrived at Kroonstad 14h10. To be turned in yard, then staged in station. To be hauled to Welkom only tomorrow, no crews available. We had a lovely day seeing three out of a possible five trains. Missed the South bound goods and the cancelled "Algoa", but worth our while. Groete, John and Jacque. 27

The ‘Perambulator’ and railway photos by J & J Wepener of Riebeeckstad.







Driver Noel Welsh giving a friendly wave!




Shunter’s coach staged at station.


Cape Dutch gables look much better if they are painted white.

Note the construction work on the historical building. 36

FILLER JACO HOLTSHAUZEN Drywer Jaco Holtshauzen aan die stuur terwyl hy die fotograaf vriendelik toewuif.


REAR BLUE CASH BAG: J & J WEPENER Hi guys. The attached photograph may be of interest to your readers. This blue cash bag was used by the Barrier Attendants [Hekbediendes], at S.A.R. suburban stations. Nineteen sixties/seventies, possibly later. The bag contained small change, should a passenger require an Excess Fare Ticket, [Paper Ticket], when Booking Offices were closed. Key of pad lock in servant’s possession. Ongoing off duty the bag was deposited into a built in drop safe in train vans, overseen by SAR Police members, signatures had to be obtained from all present. The collected bags were then delivered to the controlling station for safe keeping and banking. During the above periods, one station would control a few adjacent stations. Eg:- Booysens controlled Faraday / Village Main, Crown controlled West Gate. The controlling station was responsible for cash deposits received from these stations. Each station had to compile its own daily and monthly balances, showing all cash amounts, sent to controlling station. Groete, John and Jacque.

WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS: J & J WEPENER Hi all, The Phelophepa was to have left Welkom for Klerksdorp at 05h00 Saturday. We heard it was running late, on making enquiries were told that is was to depart at 10h30. We quickly departed to Friediesheim station. We enquired again, the R.T.O. office advising departure, half an hour later. Whilst waiting we heard the distinctive sound of a class 36 approaching from Welkom. An empty 11 38

truck ore train trundled past on its way to Freddie's mine. Making more inquires advised of an even later departure. A Westerly wind was blowing and we could hear the sound of motor bikes on the nearby Phakisa track. Then the sound of a Class 31 approaching. A 10-truck loaded ore train, whisked past on its way to the plant in Welkom. Our last phone call stated a 11h50 departure. Was not long and we saw a lone Class 34, rounding the curve, hoots from driver, hauling a 19-coach train at a fast pace. Seven hours late. Diesel to return light to Kroonstad via Westleigh. We also learned of a special Kroonstad departure. A train consisting of a failed Class 34 (Leaking water) and a load of Ballast Tamping machines, on their way to Bloemfontein. Told all 12 Class 37's in or on their way to Bloemfontein. Further heard that the Bultfontein pick up also ran today, was on its way from Rooiblom to Allanridge. To pass the Phelophepa probably at Allanridge. This would only pass our photographic spot well after 13h00. We decided to call it a day, the wind had died down and it was a hot Winters morning. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (3 June 2017)



Hi Guys. Got an air braked load of mielies leaving Bultfontein, then at Willemsrus and leaving Tierfontein. On arrival at Virginia we noticed that signals were not working. On making enquires, Kroonstad CS90 informed us that cables were stolen here overnight. Also told that homeless, made a fire under the bridge at Gunhill, flames then melted the conduit, carrying all cables along the side of bridge. All trains have to be authorised between Kroonstad and Virginia. Informed goods train en route to Bloemfontein, just authorised through Bosrand on its way to Geneva, due to delay with R.T.O. system being used, could not wait for its arrival. Cheers. J & J. 15 Jun





SAR TUNNELS: J & J WEPENER Hi all, Another article for our group of Railway enthusiasts. Information obtained from an abridged list of tunnels and Bruno Martin’s beautiful maps. Over a period from 1876 to 1989: System 1 Cape Western Osplaas-Matroosberg. 1st CGR tunnel 1876, 180m. Used as service road. 2ndtunnel 1929, 189m. [Tunnel]. Hex Pass closed 1989. De Doorns-Kleinstraat. Planed and started 1948. Re-started 1961, final start 1974, opened 1989. [Almeria, Salbar, Hexton]. Demeter-Ceres. 1912, 190m. Sir Lowry’s Pass-Steenbras. 1902, 217m. Windermere Junction-Harbour Zero. 1977, 398m. Total 9. System 2 Cape Northern No tunnels on System. System 3 Cape Midlands Alicedale-Grahamstown. 1st 1879, 107m, News Years River. 2nd 1879, 77m. 3rd1879, 258. Oudtshoorn-Barandas. 1904, 60m, Le Roux. Voorbaai-George. 1907, 90m, Outeniekwa. 45

George-Oudtshoorn. 1911-1913. 1st 92m, 2nd 204m, 3rd 137m, 4th 209m, 5th96m, 6th 60m, 7th 119m. Victoria Bay-Wilderness. 1928, 1st 35m. 2nd 40m. 3rd 76m. Port Elizabeth-Cradock. 1st 1934, 259m. 2nd 1940 370m. 4th 1954 1338m. 5th 1952 220m. 6th 1954 801m. 7th 1953, 292m. 8th 1953, 816m. 9th 1953, 451m. 10th 1955, 395m. 11th 1957, 600m. 12th 1957, 1047m. 13th 1957, 843. 14th 1958, 406m. 15th 1959, 224. 16th 1960, 1616m, Carlton. Total 21, System 4 Cape Eastern Komga-Butterworth. 1st 1906, 110m. 2nd 1906, 110m. Blaney-Imvani. 1st 1940, 321m. 2nd 1940, 516m. 3rd 1941, 739m. 4th 1942, 538m. 5th 1942, 221m. 6th 1941, 381m. 7th 1971, 393m. 8th 1942, 392m. 9th1946, 451m. 10th 1944, 976m. 11th 1944, 976m. 12th 1946, 183m. 13th 1947, 111m. East Bank-West Bank. 1904, 61m. Melk-Motkop. 1911, 69m. [Not used. In 1912 six Reverses were built and in 1930 reverses 7 and 8 built]. Total 16. System 5. Orange Free State. Brakwal-Van Reenen, 1925, 162m, [Curved tunnel, which replaced, 3 reverses built 1891], 1961, 1st 572m, 2nd 210m, 3rd 200m, 4th 1175, 5th 447m, 6th 108, 7th 782m, 8th 361m, 9th 1021m, 10th 388. Colesberg-Springfontein. 1971, 276m, Donkerpoort. Valsrivier-Bethlehem. 1968, 208m. Total 13. System 6 Natal, Rossburgh-Cato Ridge via Pinetown. 1878, 53m, Drummond, [Old Line]. 1921, 240m Dassenhoek up/down. 1921, 174m, Bomvos, up/down. 1921, 400m Manzine, up/down. 1921, 166m, Little Manzine, up/down. Booth-Cato Ridge. 1918, 95m, down, on old line. 1921, 95m, up, Shall Cross. 1918, 71m, on old line. 1921, 914m, Mamba, Delville Wood, up/down. 1974, up 1029m down 1036m, New Brenton. 1921, 121m, twin tunnels Brenton ridge, [Old line]. 1921, 894m, up/down, Nshongweni. 1921, 349m, up/down, Cliffdale. Cato Ridge-Merrivale, 1st 1965, 926m. 2nd 1965, 161m. 3rd 1865, 664m. 4th1965. 5th 1965, 843m. 1919, 235m, Garter, [Old line]. 1916, 93m, [Old line]. 1915, 831m, Hilton Road [Old line]. 1960, 6023m, Cedara, Tweedie-Escourt. 1924 down 252m. 1949 up 252m Tweedie. 1923, up 167m. 1950, down 4032m. 1939, 94m [Old line]. 1956, 724m, Rosetta. 1914, 800m [Old line], Stockton. 1914, 130m, Roodeplaat, [Old line]. 1957, up 3235m/down 4032m, Hidcote. 1957, 1164m, Beacon Hill. 46

Escourt-New Castle. 1955, 247m Ennerdale. 1957, 842m Pieter’s. 1957, 681m Umbulwana South. 1921, 180m Umbulwana North. 1891, 674m, Laing Nek, [Old line during construction two temporary reverses were used]. 1983, 1030m, Laings Nek [new line]. 1937, 200m, Mt Prospect, 403m, Boscobello, 556m, [Two reverses were built in 1891], Ingogo. 1st 1984, 101m. 2nd 600m. 3rd 1980m. 1939, 267m, Wallsend. Durban-Golela. 1923, 240m up, 242m down, Umgeni. 1923, 198m, up, 218m, down, Kenville. 1923, up 291m, down, 295m, Duff’s Road. 1923, up 666m, down 676m, Mt Edgecombe. 1879, 323m, Mt Edgecombe, [Old line]. 1923, up 567m, down 539m, Verulam. 1879, 431m, Khat’s Kop. 1934, 218m, Newark. 1928, 260m, Haig. Merebank-Crossmoor. 1971, 100m up/down, Bayview. Reunion-Umlazi. 1968, 1st 150m. 2nd 175m. 3rd 142m. North Shepstone-Simuma. 1st 1984, 529m. 2nd 68m. Total 78. System 7. Western Transvaal. [Later Southern Transvaal]. Village Main-Faraday. 1945, 600m, cut and cover. Volksrust-Germiston. 1976, 728m, Palmford up. 1978, 728m Palmford up. 1960, 869m, Balfour down. 1977, 869m, Balfour up 1960, 1462m down. 1978, 1462m, up. Piet Retief-Ermelo. 1976, 3896m, Overvaal. Total 8 System 8. Eastern Transvaal (Later Northern Transvaal], Waterval Boven-Waterval Onder. 1893, 213m [Rack section]. 1907, 381m, [Old line]. 1954, 459m. Louis Trichardt-Waterpoort. 1913, 67m, Waterpoort. Hazy View-Acornhoek, 1971, 304m, Ireagh. Politsi-Tzaneen. 1975, 473m, Magoebaskloof. 1978, 1004m, George’s Valley. Total 7. System 9. South West Africa, Kruin-Windhoek. 1910, 50m, Auas. Total 1 (System 10) North Natal [Coal Link]. Piet Retief-Vryheid East. 1974, 779m 1st line 2nd. 1987, 2160m, line 1. 1973, 559m, 2nd line 2. 1988, 643m, 2nd line 1. Vryheid East-Ilangakazi. 1st 1975, lines 1 and 2, 302m. 2nd, 1971, 1336m, line 1. 1985, 1336m line 2. 1975, 3rd, Blou Bank, 1503m line 1, 1760m line 2. 1975, 4th, 183m lines 1 and 2, 1975, 5th, 487m, lines 1 and 2, 1971, 6th, 262m, 1971 973m line 1, 1987 line 2, 1708m, eQsha, 8th, 1971, 895m line 2, 1986, 2908m line 1, Ulundi, 9th, 1972, 537m, line 2. 1971, 10th, 704m line 1. 1986, 704m, line 2. 1972, 475m, line 2. 1986, 484m, line 1. 1972, 11th, 475m, line 2. 1986, 484m. 12th, 313m, line 2. 47

1985, 313m, line 1, [iNtsamanzi]. 13th 1973, 282m lines 1 and 2. 14th 1972, 298m line 2. 1986, 298m, line 1. 15th, 1972, 1491m, line 2. 1986, 1491m, line 1. 16th 1973, 885m, line 2. 1987, 2442m, line 1. Total 57. (System 11). North-West Cape. [Orex]. Loop 1-Loop 2. 1975, 787m, Bobbejaansberg. Total 1. Grand total 221. Spoorweg groete van ‘n Baie Koue O.V.S., John and Jacque Wepener

NGR: CARLOS VIEIRA You all might and will find the following interesting. The following item was acquired and here is its photos and History.

Hide covered pass "presented to Captain R.J. Prendergast R.N., between all stations on NGR & CSAR Administrations' lines from 10th oct. 1908 to 26th October 1908". This gent was captain on 48

HMS Carnarvon. Has 6 pictures inside the pass - the first picture reads "visit of naval squadron to Port Natal October 11th to October 26th with the compliments of the general managers of the central South African & Natal Government Railways". Also:

Natal Government Railways Visit of His Majesty's 1908 hide covered Complimentary Pass to Captain R.J. Prendergast, RN., of HMC Carnarvon The following is from the HMS Carnarvon. 49

HMS Carnarvon - Wikipedia HMS Carnarvon was one of six Devonshireclass armoured cruisers built for the Royal Navy in the first decade of the 20th century. She was assigned to the 3rd Cruiser ... it looks like the above warship brought the Royal visit to SA in that year and it would have been a gesture by both Railway Administrations to have conceded a free pass to its Captain to travel on both Railways. We learn a bit every day about our rich History. Best regards.

A Historical Note on the Royal Navy Over the years I read in the Natal Police magazine, The Nongqai, which later became the South African Police magazine from 1913 until 1961 that: •

• •

The Water Police of the Natal Police & later the Water Police of the South African Police always had rowing competitions. [The Water Police later went to the SAR & Harbours Police and later the SAP & the SA Railways & Harbours Police were amalgamated.] The Natal Police and South African Police always had a shooting competition until the weapons boycott was introduced. The RN had a naval base in Durban and a large barracks and married quarters.

There was always in Durban keen competition between the police and the navy.



Carlos Vieira shared this interesting photo.

LABOUR DEPARTMENT AGREES TO PAY SLAIN TRAIN DRIVER'S FAMILY 2017-07-07 13:46 Paul Herman, News24 Cape Town – The Department of Labour has finally come through for the family of murdered train driver Piet Botha, approving the compensation they were owed 12 months on, with back-pay. News24 reported this week that Tania Botha, wife of former Metrorail employee Piet, and her family have been struggling financially for a full year since her husband was killed on July 11 last year. Piet was tragically murdered at Netreg Stationwhile waiting for a train to return to his home in Malmesbury. He had spent the day training a younger colleague. A claim she had laid with the department's national Compensation Fund had gone on for 12 months with no progress, despite many attempts to have it approved under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act. Director of customer services Xola Mnene on Friday said that he saw News24's article on Wednesday, and stepped in to expedite Tania and her family's claim. Her claim was approved on Thursday afternoon, he told News24. 51

The Botha family honour their father at a memorial on the platform at Netreg Station in Cape Town. (Paul Herman, News24)

Tania will now be eligible to receive 40% of Piet's monthly salary for life, while her youngest daughter is entitled to 20% until she turns 18, as stipulated by the COIDA Act. They will also receive an accrual of 10 months following the long wait, which they will receive at the next payment run next week. 'I'm just so grateful'


When News24 called a relieved Tania on Thursday, she said she didn't have many words to describe her mood. "I'm feeling much better!" she exclaimed. She was simply grateful that her 12-month wait to provide for her family was over. She said she was wary of celebrating too soon, and will do so once the claim has arrived in full, but was relieved a promise has now been communicated that it was approved. Tania had told News24 earlier how she struggled for many months to pay for all of her family's medical and other expenses via cash, on one salary. They had also been at risk of losing their home, and they no longer had medical aid coverage following Piet's passing. She only wanted to get things settled, so they could "try and pick up the pieces to put it together again, if at all possible." Four people were arrested in connection with Piet's murder, and are awaiting trial in the Western Cape High Court. - 7-7-2017.

PHOTO ARCHIVE: NICO MOOLMAN As Nico Moolman works through his photo archive he shares all police, military and railway photos with me. I have his permission to share them with you, our readers. Following is a pot-pouri of photos from Bloemfontein, Norval’s Pont Bridge, Hope in Walvis Bay and a NZAM-coach which belonged to the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, which was fired upon by the Boers because the ZASM became part of the IMR.


The Bloemfontein shot is very interesting showing the Mechanical Workshops - it is not the station.

CSAR: Norval’s Pont Bridge


“HOPE” – Walvisbaai




BLOEMFONTEIN: MARSHALLING YARDS The Bloemfontein marshalling yard was busy place! In the in the nineteen fifties there was a train arriving or departing Bloemfontein every five minutes


MODEL VAN OLIVE: MARTIN NEL Hallo Hennie Ek hoop dit gaan nog goed aan jou kant. Hier in Bloemfontein is dit nie so koud as wat ons graag wil hê dit moet wees nie. Ek glo mos 'n koue winter is 'n nat somer en die siektes moet mos almal verkluim, anders kom hulle net volgende seisoen weer uit. Ek glo nie ek het al die artikel oor Olive vir jou gestuur nie. Ek heg dit aan. Sal jy asb net deurgaan vir taalkundigheid. Ek is nou nie so hoog op met die Engels nie. Sodra sy soos 'n lokomotief lyk, stuur ek weer kiekies. Ek het nog nie vergeet van “Clara” nie. Daar was 'n oulike artikel in die vorige SASSAR. Ek wil graag die stukkie van die model ook nog bysit. Sodra ek al die detail het, stuur ek dit. Dis nie veel nie. Ek moet net uitvind waar is sy nou en wie het haar gebou. Groete eers Martin

Olive: Kimberley Class A total of 4 Bagnall locomotives were built around 1906 or 1907 for operation at the De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. in Kimberley - No.1814 (named Olive), No.1815, No.1816 & No.1817. For a number of years No.1817 was preserved in the garden of the Nazareth House Old Age Home before it was also moved to the mine museum to join its elder sister. The fates of No's 1815 & 1816 are unknown They were called " Class Kimberley".



This is the original specifications of “Olive": Cylinder Size...........................12"x16" Approximate Horsepower........145 Weight in working order...........16.25 Tons Driving wheel diameter……......26 inches Trailing wheel diameter…….....20 inches Tractive effort...........................9,886 LBS Water capacity (well tank) …...120 Gallons Fuel capacity............................25 Cubic Feet (wood or coal) Works Numbers.......................1814-1817 Date in service.........................1907 In addition: the frame length of the locomotive is 18 feet and the width of the frame is 6 feet 6 inches, making it a huge engine for the 18-inch gauge! Professor Snowdown of Bloemfontein started to build a 5" scale model of "Olive". Charl van Aswegen, also from Bloemfontein, helped him in every way. Prof Snowdown nearly completed the frame, driving wheels and linkages when he passed away. The whole project was then handed over to Wessie van der Westhuizen from Bloemfontein Model Engineering Society situated at Modenso Park in Bloemfontein to finish. Wessie is a known builder of model steam locomotives and diesel locomotives. He has build quite a few over the years including 3 x Class 16 DA's. Wessie started right out with the boiler. This was completed at the end of March 2017. The boiler was tested to 350 pound / sq inch without any leaks or problems. Charl van Aswegen keep on helping and giving some valuable input. He is currently busy spray painting the frame and then the all the parts can be build together. It is not far from its first "steam". Here are some pictures of the progress on this project: 60







Boiler tested with "glass water". 63

Frame painted. It was lifted away from the track so that the moving parts could be tested with compressed air. This test was done the last week of June 2017 and went well. The valve timing was a little bit out, but between Wessie and Charl they will be able to sort this out.


The next step will be the fitting of the boiler and then it will be all systems go. The traget date for completion and running on the tracks at Modenso Park, is the beginning of December 2017 Article written by Martin Nel Bibliography The drawings comes from the April 1911 issue of "The Locomotive", and were kindly provided by Sergio. Pictures taken by Martin Nel. Filler: Oom Willem Weyers en Japie Terblanche op pad na Bloemfontein trein 72.





Jaco Holtzhausen Bloutreindrywer), Japie Terblanche en Johannes Engelbrecht (Trajek bestuurder). 67











10BR 756

This locomotive is plinthed in front of the historical Kroonstad railway station – like me, a has-been! Our country is corrupt right from the top to the bottom and nobody cares about our historical heritage! Slowly the locomotive and station is broken down piece by piece. 72


MEANWHILE BACK IN THE UK: OLD STATION BUILDINGS Alight here for bed! Five-bedroom former 1863 railway station with two converted carriages is just the ticket for train-lovers with £950,000 to spare • Station House, in the heart of Shropshire's Ironbridge Gorge, has gone on the market for £950,000 • It also comes with its very own MK1 Great Western Railway carriages, currently self-catering holiday homes By THOMAS BURROWS FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 11:48 BST, 7 June 2017 | UPDATED: 12:40 BST, 7 June 2017

This unique five-bedroom former railway station should be just the ticket for train lovers. Station House, in the heart of Shropshire's Ironbridge Gorge, has gone on the market for £950,000 and it also comes with its very own vintage carriages. The converted home was once the station for Coalport in Shropshire and opened in 1863, while the coaches were MK1 Great Western Railway carriages.

Station House, which was once the station for Coalport in Shropshire and opened in 1863, boasts five bedrooms and three reception rooms


A waiting room on the opposite platform also comes within the price and is currently used as an office

The two converted train carriages are currently used as self-catering holiday homes and are each come with their own living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms.


Station House comes with five bedrooms and three reception rooms, as well as a waiting room on the opposite platform which is currently used as an office. The main property also features a hallway, cloakroom, two en-suite shower rooms and a family bathroom. The two converted train carriages are currently used as self-catering holiday homes and are each fully equipped with their own living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms. One carriage sleeps four people and a second, larger carriage, sleeps six. Both carriages have been awarded 4+ star accreditation, the highest possible award for this style of accommodation.

This is the inside of the old waiting room at the former train station, which currently serves as a study


The carriages boast spacious interiors and comfortable bedrooms. Pictured, one of the bedrooms

Another bedroom in the carriage, that is currently let out as a holiday home 77

Each carriage is fully equipped to be self-catering – pictured, one of the living rooms in the coach

The kitchen in one of the carriages. One carriage sleeps four people and a second, larger carriage, has room for up to six 78

The present owners bought Coalport Station more than 14 years ago and developed it into a holiday letting business. It had closed as a railway station in 1963. The business is ready for a 'seamless transition to the new owners', according to estate agents Nick Tart. It adds: 'This is an ideal opportunity to retain the current usage of Station House as a main family home with a unique profitable business. There could also be further potential to convert the main house for additional guest accommodation and develop the site further as full planning permission has been granted to increase the house to include three further bedrooms all with en-suite bathrooms. 'The owners have marketed the carriages to guests who value the quiet, rural atmosphere found at the property and the history of the local area. While guests enjoy the novelty of staying in a railway carriage they also appreciate the wildlife and woodland walk created and nurtured by the owners.'

Pictured, the living room in the house. The home was once the station for Coalport in Shropshire, which opened in 1863


One of the bedrooms inside the main house, which used to be a station before it was converted

This is the dining room in the main house, that also comes with five bedrooms and three reception rooms Share or comment on this article. 80 - 14 June 2017.

Full steam ahead! The Queen is summery in peach as she boards a new express train at Slough to recreate the first train journey taken by a British monarch 175 years ago • Her Majesty will catch the Great Western Railway service from Slough to London • Comes exactly 175 years after the journey made by Queen Victoria in 1842 • The Queen was joined by the Duke of Edinburgh and train driver's descendants • Slough Station was packed as local schoolchildren and well-wishers gathered By UNITY BLOTT FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 12:22 BST, 13 June 2017 | UPDATED: 14:50 BST, 13 June 2017 The Queen today marked the 175th anniversary of the first train journey by a British monarch by travelling the same route as the historic trip. Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh are recreating the journey made by Queen Victoria on June 13, 1842 by taking a Great Western Railway service from Slough to London Paddington. Resplendent in a summery pink coat and matching hat, Her Majesty smiled and waved to wellwishers as she boarded GWR's new Intercity express train, which is due to enter passenger service later this year. Prince Philip, who last month announced his impending retirement from public duties, looked to be in good spirits as he joined his wife at Slough station on Tuesday.2 Her Majesty is marking the 175th anniversary of the first train journey by a British monarch today by travelling the same route as the historic trip, starting in Slough. The royal was given a warm reception by hundreds of well-wishers who gathered outside the station. She was carrying a patent black handbag believed to be from Launer. Joining the Queen and Duke on the journey were descendants of Sir Daniel Gooch, who drove the original locomotive - Phlegethon - and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the celebrated engineer who designed the Great Western Railway line and assisted Mr Gooch during the 1842 journey. Before boarding the train, the Queen and Duke visited the original waiting room at Slough Station, which was used by Queen Victoria, flanked by children from four different local schools, some of whom created artwork to celebrate the anniversary. They also viewed a historical timeline of the Great Western Railway and a related art project by local schoolchildren. According to a tweet sent out by Buckingham Palace today, Queen Victoria recorded the journey in her diary writing: 'There was no dust or great heat, in fact it was delightful and so quick.'


The Duke of Edinburgh joined his wife in recreating the journey made by Queen Victoria on June 13, 1842 by taking a Great Western Railway service from Slough to London Paddington. Prince Philip, 96, who last month announced his impending retirement from public duties, looked to be in good spirits as he arrived at Slough station on Tuesday

Nice to see you, Ma'am! Crowds of local schoolchildren waving Union Jack flags gathered at the station to greet the monarch on Tuesday morning. The royal stopped to talk to local schoolchildren before boarding the new express train which will take her and Philip, along with their guests, into London Paddington this afternoon.


Once on board, the Queen could be seen beaming as she chatted to Gillian White, the great-great granddaughter of Sir Daniel Gooch, and Isambard Thomas, the great-great-great grandson of Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Today's special service left at almost the same time 175 years to the day - pulling away at 12.01, three minutes ahead of schedule - and the royal couple arrived in London just 19 minutes later. On an action-packed day for the royal couple, the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh will later travel to Richmond upon Thames where they will attend Evensong in celebration of the Centenary of the Order of the Companions of Honour at Hampton Court Palace's Chapel Royal.

On board, the Queen sat next to Isambard Thomas, the great-great-great grandson of Isambard Kingdom Brunel, the celebrated engineer who designed the Great Western Railway line and assisted Mr Gooch during the 1842 journey


New arrival: The Queen touches down at Paddington for a short unveiling ceremony for the new Great Western Railway's Intercity Express train named in her honour.


Historic: According to a tweet sent out by Buckingham Palace, Queen Victoria wrote in her diary, 'There was no dust or great heat, in fact it was delightful and so quick'.

Prompt: Today's special service left at almost the same time 175 years to the day - pulling away at 12.01, three minutes ahead of schedule - and the royal couple arrived in London just 19 minutes later. Share or comment on this article. - 14 June 2017.

DIE WÊRELD SE VINNIGSTE TREIN? DREYER VAN DER MERWE 574 kpu – sien aangeheg - Nico Moolman sê die trein wat hy in China gery het was heelwat vinniger! • Ek dink die tegnologie vorder so vinnig, dat mens die datum by elke “vinnigste trein te wêreld” moet plaas om verwarring te voorkom - HBH.

FOTO’S GESOEK Foto’s en kaart van gebied om die Wests stasie, Union Whaling en die walvisse.


SLOT / END Geagte leser vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument ons maak van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die SAS-SAR kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie. Dear reader of this quasi-historical document: please note we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the SAS-SAR cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity. Hennie Heymans

(Photo via Martin Nel) 86

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