SAS SAR Vol. 8 No. 2

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Contents UITGEWER ................................................................................................................ 4 BAIE WELKOM .......................................................................................................... 4 FIRST ROYAL TRAIN IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE...................................... 5 Comment ............................................................................................................ 7 Bibliography ........................................................................................................ 7 THE VERY OLD DURBAN STATION ........................................................................ 7 SOME NGR ROLLING STOCK .................................................................................. 8 A Four-Wheeled 2nd Class Compartment Coach of 1878.................................... 8 NGR Horse Box, or Horse Van No. 11. ............................................................... 9 Private Vehicle: Caboose NGR 7 [No SAR 34] ................................................... 9 1890’S BLOEMFONTEIN STATION ........................................................................ 13 1898 ‘HOPE’: WALVIS BAY’S FIRST LOCOMOTIVE.............................................. 14 1892: KROONSTAD STATION: OFS ....................................................................... 19 1899 – 1902: RAILWAYS DURING THE ANGLO BOER WAR................................ 20 1900’S ALTERNATIVE TO THE RAILWAYS ........................................................... 24 1914 RAILWAYS: GERMAN EAST AFRICA............................................................ 24 1899: TERRIBLE RAILWAY ACCIDENT AT THREE SISTERS .............................. 25 Introduction: Major FL Robey ............................................................................ 25 THE 5E1 ELECTRIC UNIT....................................................................................... 31 1960: Eerste 5E1 om in Suid-Afrika vervaardig te word ....................................... 32 LAST STEAM LOCOMOTIVE FROM WINDHOEK TO GOBABIS ........................... 34 PRIVATE RAILWAYS: ELECTRIC UNIT: THABAZIMBI MINE ................................ 34 2005: VISIT TO THE KALAHARI ............................................................................. 35 2005: 19D NO 3356: VRYBURG....................................................................... 35 Kameel .............................................................................................................. 36 Hotazel .............................................................................................................. 38 2005 ROVOS RAIL: VISIT BY AFRICANA SOCIETY .............................................. 38 Class 6 No 439 ‘Tiffany’ .................................................................................... 38 25 No 3484 ‘Majorie’ ......................................................................................... 40 SAA: JOHANNES BOTHA ....................................................................................... 42 ZS-SXJ .............................................................................................................. 42 DC-3: ZS-BXF ................................................................................................... 43 2

FROM THE PRESS ................................................................................................. 44 • Are your old toys worth a fortune? Some family favourites have grown in value by 30% a year and now fetch thousands .............................................................. 44 •

Miniature Railway ........................................................................................... 49

• Reopening the Silk Road: Train will travel mammoth 7,500mile journey from China to London as an ancient trading route is revived for a new era .................. 54 •

Transnet's new Chinese locomotives 'fail first test' ......................................... 58

Interessante skakel ........................................................................................ 58

SOUL OF A RAILWAY© .......................................................................................... 58 PANTSERTREIN: MEER INLIGTING BENODIG / ARMOURED TRAIN: MORE INFO WANTED.................................................................................................................. 59 SA Armoured Trains.......................................................................................... 59 SA Pantsertreine ............................................................................................... 60 CLASS 7A ................................................................................................................ 60 GROETE / GREETINGS .......................................................................................... 61

Sonrug-halte geleë tussen Worcester en Mosselbaai afgeneem op 2 Februarie 2004 deur Hennie Heymans. 3

UITGEWER Die uitgewer van hierdie elektroniese tydskrif is Hennie Heymans van Pretoria. My telefoon nommer is 012-329-4229 en my e-posadres is: U is welkom om u geskiedkundige foto’s, artikels en stories met ons te deel.

BAIE WELKOM Baie welkom by hierdie uitgawe van SAS-SAR. Ons Suid-Afrikaanse spoorweggeskiedenis is baie interessant. Ons kan so baie van ons spoorweg-geskiedenis leer. Die spoorlyn is die lewensaar van enige land. Anglo-Boereoorlog en die spoorweë Die spoorweë van elke land is van groot nasionale strategiese waarde. Beskou mens die verloop van die Anglo-Boereoorlog (ABO) is dit weer duidelik dat die spoorweë in die Britse kolonies (Natal en Kaap) asook diè van die twee Boere republieke ʼn enorme strategiese rol tydens die ABO vervul het. Troepe en voorraad is van alle hawens (met inbegrip van Beira) na die binneland gehaas. Nadat die Britte die twee hoofstede, Bloemfontein en Pretoria, ingeneem het, het die spoorweë in die Vrystaat en Transvaal ʼn enorme bydrae tot die Britte se sukses gelewer. Dit wat die Britse vloot en sy handelsvloot tot by die hawens aangebring het, het die spoorweë vervoer, die binneland in - ter ondersteuning van die Britse leër. Aan die anderkant is Boerekrygsgevangenes, Boervroue en -kinders wat in die binneland gearresteer is, weer per trein afgevoer na plaaslike krygsgevangene- en konsentrasiekampe kampe. Ander krygsgevangenes weer, is na hawens vervoer om na krygsgevangenekampe na die buiteland verskeep te word. Britse gewondes is ook per trein afgevoer. Gewondes aan beide kante is dikwels per wa of perdekar vervoer wat uiters ongemaklik was. Burgers en soldate was bly om per trein vervoer te word. Vir sy tyd was die ou treine baie geriefliker as padvervoer. Ironies is sommige van die Britse voorraad wat na die binneland vervoer is, deur die Boere gebuit is. Baie treine, voorraad en soldatepos is deur die Boere vernietig. Die treine is ook deur die Britte takties aangewend om troepe versterking vinnig van een plek na die ander te vervoer. Oor die jare heen het ek die geskiedenis van die Anglo-Boereoorlog bestudeer en het ek tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die spoorweë eintlik ons Boere se doodsteek was! As die Britte van padvervoer – lees ossewaens en stoomtrekkers – afhanklik was, so hulle moeilik teen die Boere wat vinnig en uiters mobiel was, kon wen. Kwaadwillige Saakbeskadiging, diefstal van kritieke materiaal ens. Die Metro pendeldiens in Wes-Kaap gaan gebuk onder 4 tot 5 kriminele aanvalle per dag. Dit is in my boek gelykstaande aan sabotasie en terreur. Mens mag mos nie die 4

vrye verkeer belemmer nie? Die vraag ontstaan wat doen die polisie en sekerheid om die probleem hok te slaan? Sien in die verband: Mens wonder of daar iets met ons opvoeding skort? Wat doen skole om kinders op te voed en van hul landsburgers te maak wat net die beste waardes in die gemeenskap nastreef?


During the northern hemispheres summer of 1860, Prince Alfred, then a midshipman, set sail for Southern Africa. The Price was 15 yrs old and he was the first Royal to visit South Africa.1 (I read somewhere that he was the first Royal to cross the equator.) He arrived at Simon’s Town on the 24th of July 1860. He travelled (and hunted) through Southern Africa and made his way overland to Durban. His party came to the Colony of Natal via Van Reenen’s Pass.2

1 2

Aronson p. 15. Aronson p. 29.


He arrived in Durban and on the 6th of September 1860 he was the first royal to take the train from Durban to Point where his ship, HMS Euryalus3, was waiting. 4 At that stage the Natal Railway was only two months old.5 The line was a 4’ 81/2”line. We quote: “’Away we went on the fastest journey which African6 soil has seen’, wrote one of the party; the journey took, in fact, the record time of two minutes and forty seconds. ‘Whatever festivities Prince Alfred may get at Cape Town when he returns,’ ran one smug comment, ‘he at all events won’t get another railway trip. That is the feature of his visit strictly Natalian’. 7 A report by Station Master of Market Square (Durban) read: “ ... by dawn of the 6th I had the train made up, with addition of a couple of trucks for baggage or chance passengers, and a few candle lanthorns8 on the platform..... The platelayer had reported the line clear, so with an easy conscious I gave the order to Engineer Jacobs to start ...” 9


Euryalus refers to several different characters from Greek mythology and classical literature. Several RN ships had that name. See: (retrieved 24 January 2017). 4 Aronson p. 30. 5 Campbell p. 25. 6 See comment about Egypt State Railways – HBH. 7 Aronson p. 30. 8 The definition of a lanthorn is an old British word that is defined as lantern. (retrieved 24 January 2017). 9 Campbell p. 25.


According to all reports this was a hasty affair. The little engine performed well and reached a speed of “... something less of 40 m.p.h., the fastest journey the South African soil has seen.” 10 Comment The Egyptian State Railways were found during the year 1853 According to Wikipedia: “Muhammad Ali died, and in 1851 his successor Abbas 1 contracted Robert Stephenson to build Egypt's first standard gauge railway. The first section, between Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast and Kafr el-Zayyat on the Rosetta branch of the Nile was opened in 1854. This was the first railway in the Ottoman Empire as well as Africa and the Middle East. Bibliography Aronson, T: Royal Ambassadors – British Royalties in Southern Africa (1860 – 1947), David Phillip, Cape Town, 1975. Campbell, ED: The Birth & Development of the Natal Railways, Shuter & Shooter, Pietermaritzburg, 1949.


This picture was published in SAS-SAR 1960, so this photo dates back to circa 1890.


Campbell p. 26.


SOME NGR ROLLING STOCK The gauge for all this rolling stock is Cape Gauge. A Four-Wheeled 2nd Class Compartment Coach of 1878

A Four-Wheeled 2nd Class Compartment Coach of 1878

The NGR even back in 1878 had link-and-pin couplers and vacuum brakes


NGR Horse Box, or Horse Van No. 11.

NGR Horse Box, or Horse Van No. 11. Private Vehicle: Caboose NGR 7 [No SAR 34]


NGR Caboose No 7

NGR Caboose No 7, now SAR No 34, FF Garrison at Klerksdorp, 1960.


Note the ornate sandblasted windows




Photo: Nico Moolman







A friend visited a vintage car exhibition and was kind enough to buy this 65-year old Magazine and forward it to me. These “old” magazines contain a wealth of information even for South African Railway historians

Two photos of “Hope” from my collection. In the 2nd photo she has a head light as well as a plaque probably in Afrikaans, German and English. No further particulars


are available. Monument.

According to Paxton & Leith11 “Hope” was declared a National


Opening of Kroonstad Station: “Lang Verwacht, Eidelik Gekomen” (Dutch) is written on the banner. (SAR Magazine 1960) 11

P. 147: Locomotives of the South African Railways – A Concise Guide, Struik, 1985


Kroonstad 1960 (This SAR Photo also appeared on the cover of the SAR & H Magazine January 1960.)


1899: Arrival of British POW’s at Pretoria Station. (Photo: Nico Moolman)


NGR Armoured Train at Willow Grange

“High Tea along the line�. Military Railway Standing Orders provided for boiling water to be supplied from the engine so that the troops could prepare tea. (Tea, biscuits and Bully Beef?)


1900: Supply Train (former NZASM) wrecked by the Boers. (The same trains wanted by the Boers of the Free State and ZAR were now in the hands of the British and were wrecked if the opportunity aroused.

1902: Coal for Doornbult Consentration Camp, Orange River Station. (Photo: Nico Moolman)


1900: POW taken at Paardeberg and on the way to Cape Town. (Photo: Nico Moolman)

British troops from New Zealand, Australia and other British Troops from Bloemfontein to Kimberley. (Photo: Nico Moolman) 23


[SAR & H Magazine: 1960] Reading Maj. Robey’s various accounts (see: Three Sisters further on) they had to use the Cape Cart where no railways existed. Such trips were not comfortable and passengers were exposed to discomfort and danger.


Duits-Oos Afrika: Duitse Lokomotief (Foto: Nico Moolman). Nadat Genl. JC Smuts DOA binnegeval het, het talle foto’s van die DOA se spoorweë in die magtetydskrif, die Nongqai verskyn. 24

1899: TERRIBLE RAILWAY ACCIDENT AT THREE SISTERS Introduction: Major FL Robey I was presented with a manuscript by Major FL Robey (born 1869) – he was a member of the Cape Police and retired as a major in the South African Police during 1926. I am currently working through his very interesting manuscript and preparing it for publication. He was an intelligent police officer and an experienced public prosecutor. I came upon this very interesting anecdote, where he as a Cape Police officer attended to this serious railway accident. To save money no autopsies were held. It is the first time in my experience – I am a retired police officer myself - that I have come across where a police official gives evidence that he found persons to be dead and without medical evidence his evidence is accepted: By the judge: “Yes yes, but how did you know they were all dead.” Mr Robey: “My sense of smell and rigor mortis was quite sufficient for that.” By the judge: “Well Mr. Buchanan are you satisfied now?” •

Any further information on this accident would be welcome.

I presume this is what Three Sisters looked like at the time when Major Robey attended to the accident during 1899. The Three Sisters are to the right in the photo – they re not very clearly visible. 25

All the Three Sisters photos by courtesy: "Transnet Heritage Library photo collection" – via Yolanda Meyer. “... there was a terrible railway accident at Three Sisters, a train from Johannesburg was standing in the station, waiting right of way to go on, another train from Johannesburg was coming on behind, at the distant signal the driver sounded his whistle and then fell asleep exhausted, he had been on duty for seventy two hours, the firemen was also half asleep, he however came to his senses and jumped for the brakes, but it was too late, the second train dashed into the rear of the first, there was a terrible crash, eight people were killed including a woman with a baby in arms, a fairly large number were injured. There were insufficient railway men to take charge; the business was passed on to me. It was fortunate that I made a note of the injuries sustained by those killed in my pocket book. Of the eight bodies two were buried at Beaufort West. I saw the remaining six sealed up in their coffins about 3 a.m. one morning, they were placed in the guard’s van for transit to Cape Town for burial. A few days afterwards I arrested the driver and fireman on a charge of culpable homicide. They were liberated on bail, put up by some railway society. The preliminary examination was taken by the magistrate, Abraham Faure Robertson. This magistrate was a prominent light with the Afrikaner Bond12 in everything else except membership. He was always keen on saving money for the Bond, which had unexpected results, in regard to the railway disaster. Dr. Westby the district surgeon wanted an autopsy on each body, for which his fee would have been one pound one shilling each. The magistrate would have none of it, he was quite satisfied that they were all killed in the railway disaster. The accused were not represented at the preliminary, they considered it would be time enough if the case came to trial when their Society would provide a leading K.C. I called Dr. Westby as my first witness. “Dr. Westby you saw the bodies of the persons killed in the recent railway disaster at Three Sisters.” “I did, I saw them lying on the station platform at Three Sisters.” “Did you note any of the injuries the bodies had sustained?” “I noted they, eight of them, were dead as I was in duty bound to do, nothing else.” Magistrate: “But surely Dr. Westby it was your duty to examine them.” “Only if I had been authorized by you to hold an autopsy, this you refused, so I naturally took no further steps in the matter.” 12

Not to be confused with the Afrikaner Broederbond - HBH


“Very good, Dr. Westby, Chief Constable call the Railway Medical Officer, Dr. Symons.” “Dr. Symons you saw the eight bodies of the persons killed in the railway accident at Three Sisters, did you examine them?” “I only made a casual examination to satisfy myself that life was extinct, nothing more.” “Can you say from your casual examination what the cause of death was?” “I most certainly cannot, that was no part of my duty.” With that he left the witness box, the magistrate left the bench and called me into his office. He was in a proper stew, tearing his beard and swearing under his breath. “Ruby Ruby”, he always called me Ruby, “oh the devils, they think they have me fixed.” “Now Ruby did you make a careful note of the injuries sustained by these poor people.” I produced my pocket book and read my notes to him. “That’s capital, are you prepared to give evidence on oath, that the injuries sustained would have caused death in each case.” “I am, moreover the injuries were so extensive, and it would have been sudden death in each case.” We then returned to the court, I gave the evidence required. Two railway officials were then called to prove the accused were the driver and firemen of the train that caused the disaster. They reserved their defence and were committee for the trial, the bail to remain in force. The case was removed to Cape Town for trial; it took place during the first session of the Supreme Court in 1900. I was subpoenaed to give evidence. When Dr. Westby heard this, he told me I should have a rough time in the witness box under crossexamination, for attempting to give medical evidence. I replied, I intend to give evidence of fact. Judge Lawrence was on the bench. Advocate Sheil appeared for the prosecution, Advocate Buchanan for the defence. As soon as the jury was empanelled, Judge Lawrence remarked “Mr. Sheil from the record of this case, I find the two accused were actually on continuous duty for a period of seventy-two hours, it appears to me the person who should be before the court for trial, is the official who was responsible for this state of affairs; under the circumstances I shall not waste much time with this case.”


“That rests entirely with your Lordship. I have been instructed to proceed with the case.” The first witness was a railway traffic inspector, his evidence was solely concerned with the dereliction of the driver, in not slowing down to dead slow at the distant signal, after he had sounded his whistle, especially as he knew there was a train ahead of him. A spirited cross examination then ensued by Advocate Buchanan, after some time of it, which really cut no ice, the Judge remarked to Buchanan: “You would have made a pretty mess of affairs if you had been in charge of the railway that night.” “I should have succeeded better than somebody else I know.” “Mr. Buchanan I warned you at the start that I should not waste much time with this case.” “That maybe, but it does not excuse your Lordship’s remark, I have my duty to perform to the accused.” I was the next witness; I merely detailed the nature of the injuries. In reply to the prosecutor I stated the injuries in each case were sufficient to cause sudden death. I thought that would be sufficient, not to Buchanan, I wondered whether he had been primed by Dr. Westby, inasmuch the question of the death of the eight deceased was never in dispute, even Dr. Westby admitted death had ensued. It almost appeared that Adv. Buchanan wanted to upset my sang froid. 13 “It is apparent that you are not a medical man, but, what do you know about anatomy, which is of importance in this case.” “I have given details of the injuries, the child’s head was bashed in, the mother’s chest was crushed in, one man was disembowelled,” so I went through the whole of them. “Yes yes, but how did you know they were all dead.” “My sense of smell and rigor mortis was quite sufficient for that.” “Well Mr. Buchanan” the judge said, “are you satisfied now.” That was the end of the case; the accused did not give evidence. The prosecutor made a short address, he confined himself to the dereliction of duty, as set forth by the railway official, he stressed the fact that the driver had blown his


Self-possession or imperturbability especially under strain, see (Retrieved 22 Jan 2017)


whistle at the distant signal, one must therefore conclude he must have known what he was doing. Adv. Buchanan confined himself to a few essentials, first that the accused had been on duty for seventy-two hours, a period beyond human endurance, he pointed out that when complete exhaustion does overtake the human frame, the collapse is sudden and absolute, the loss, for such a long period, of sleep and rest, always results in serious consequences, the brain does not act normally, that is what happened in this case. The summing up was a record of brevity, the judge instructed the jury to consider the nature of the charge, which was one of culpable homicide, had the accused committed a criminal act, is it conceivable that the driver deliberately neglected to slow down. I think you must find that the driver and the fireman were in such a condition of extreme exhaustion they were unable to do so. The jury at once returned a verdict of not Guilty.


Mr HA Lourens & Staff14

[What a perfect shot: All four! Three Sisters, Locomotive, wind pump and signals!]


See SAR & H Magazine, December 1960, page 1269 - HBH


The White Train


A set of neatly dressed ladies for the passenger train - Photo by Boon Boonzaaier 31

1960: Eerste 5E1 om in Suid-Afrika vervaardig te word

[SAR & H Magazine, 1960.]


5E1 567 Green with the “old” Blue Train – note the Dining Car & Kitchen Car. [SAR photo.]

Blue Train [Cover SAR & H Magazine August 1960] 33


SAR & H Magazine October 1960 page 1112


[Source SAR & H Magazine, May 1960, p 518.] Any further info will be welcome. 34



I paid a curtsey visit to 19D No 3356 plinthed at Vryburg. I stood by her side and dreamt in her shadow. She must have had a few good days during her tenure in old SA Railways. She was now unkempt –a “real idle and undesirable” and not the shining example she was years ago! Kameel In Afrikaans kameel means camel. I thought how on earth this place got the name of Kameel? The Cape Police and the SA Police both used camels; but that was more to the dry wes and north-west, towards the Upingtondistrict, Van Zylsrust, Witdraai and those places. Kameel is 805 miles from Cape Town on the “Cape to Cairo” line. Passenger train: I was lucky I found a passenger train at Kameel, the diesel locomotive, 34-417 was detached and employed on shunting duties. The passengers 36

were waiting for the locomotive to complete the journey. I wondered how many passengers from Cape Town to Bulawayo or even Victoria Falls even paid a second to think about Kameel?



Near Hotazel I found a goods train with 34-051 gainfully employed.


Her side number plate and makers’ plate:


‘Tiffany’ was built by Dubs & Co at Glasgow Locomotive Works during 1893. Her works number was No. 3093. I remember when No. 439 was plinthed at Winburg in the Free State.


25 No 3484 ‘Majorie’


No 25NC No 3484 built by North British Locomotive Company of Glasgow during 1954 with works number 27344. No 25NC No 3484 is a monument to excellent engineering.


Tender no 3437.


ZS-SXJ who is no 2 of the new batch of aircraft for the SAA.




FROM THE PRESS • Are your old toys worth a fortune? Some family favourites have grown in value by 30% a year and now fetch thousands -

Boba Fett figurine from Star Wars film sold for £18,000 at two years ago The value of Hornby Dublo train sets is rising 9 per cent a year Toys need to be in good condition and there may only be a tiny window to cash in

By PAUL THOMAS FOR THE DAILY MAIL PUBLISHED: 21:51 GMT, 27 December December 2016

2016 | UPDATED: 23:14



Do you still have Christmas toys from years ago — a Hornby train set, Barbie doll or Star Wars figurine, perhaps? If so, you could be sitting on a fortune. Money Mail research shows the value of some vintage toys is growing at an astonishing 31 per cent a year. That's the rate of return on a rare Boba Fett bounty hunter figurine from Star Wars film The Empire Strikes Back. It sold for £18,000 at auction two years ago, having cost just £1.50 when it hit the shelves in 1980. The value of Hornby Dublo train sets is rising 9 per cent a year — while some Hot Wheels toy cars have gained 20 per cent annually over four decades.


A white Hot Wheels Mustang Stocker from the Flying Colours range cost £1 new and now sells for up to £1,700 Hot Wheels: Relive childhood favourites with 1969 Mattel ad To put that into context, the average annual return on the FTSE 100 since its 1984 launch is 9 per cent. However, not every old toy tucked away in your attic is worth its weight in gold. If it's scuffed or you're missing the box or instructions, for example, you may struggle to get back the money you paid. And there may only be a tiny window to cash in. SHARE THIS ARTICLE Chris Aston, of Aston's Auctioneers, says: 'What's worth money today may not be worth that much tomorrow, as each generation puts a different price on vintage toys based on what they played with in childhood.' Toy trains were a family favourite right through the 20th century after going into production in the 1860s. A one-off coal-powered model of the Flying Scotsman — believed to have been hand-made by an unknown enthusiast in the Thirties — was sold recently for £30,000 by Special Auction Services.

Steam power: A one-off coal-powered model of the Flying Scotsman — believed to have been hand-made by an unknown enthusiast in the Thirties — was sold recently for £30,000 Branded toy trains can also go for a great deal. A 1963 Bournemouth Belle made by Hornby Dublo, which originally retailed at £5, can now fetch more than £500. That's the equivalent of a 9.3 per cent annual return. Rarity is key. Hornby Dublo is the name on some of today's most valuable sets. Clockwork models from the start of World War II are highly valuable because few were made. Rare models from 1960 to 1964 that feature a third rail running under the train are also valuable, as the company was bought out by rival Tri-ang Railways shortly afterwards.


German Bild Lilli dolls, which inspired Barbie. The doll was based on a call girl in a comic strip in Hamburg's Bild-Zeitung newspaper. Mint examples can fetch over £1,000 Toy cars can also be worth a lot. The 1975 white Hot Wheels Mustang Stocker from the Flying Colours range, for example, cost £1 new and now sells for up to £1,600 — a return of 20.3 per cent each year. Even widely available models from the Sixties and Seventies will make you up to 30 pc, if in good condition. Patrick van der Vorst, of Value My Stuff, says: 'The people who buy models of fast cars like these are the boys who used to dream of owning them years ago. 'The white Mustang has such a high value as few have survived in good condition.' 46

A Star Wars Boba Fett bounty figurine sold for £18,000 at auction two years ago In general, Matchbox, Corgi and Dinky models made before 1970 fetch the most because of their superior quality. But finding old toys in good condition can be hard. Barbie dolls are among the biggest-selling toys of all time, with more than a billion sold since they first appeared in 1959. Mattel, Barbie's creator, drew inspiration from a German doll called Bild Lilli, which was produced from 1955 to 1964. The doll was based on a comic strip in Hamburg's Bild-Zeitung newspaper. The most valuable Barbie dolls were made in Japan between 1959 and 1962, before they were mass produced. Examples from this era, which cost about £1 new, can fetch up to £1,000 in mint condition. If slightly worn, they still make hundreds of pounds. Bild Lillis sell for the same. Toys based on movie franchises such as Star Wars or James Bond are always in high demand. Star Wars memorabilia from between 1977 and 1985, when the first three films were released, are worth most. In 2013, toy specialist Vectis Auctions sold a Jawa figurine with a rare vinyl cape for £10,200. Just two of these, believed to have been bought in a newsagent in 1978, are thought to exist. The Jawa figure — like the £18,000 Boba Fett — was made by Palitoy of Leics, which later lost its licence to sell Star Wars merchandise.



In 2013 toy specialist Vectis Auctions sold a three and three-quarter inch Star Wars Jawa figurine with a rare vinyl cape for £10,200 Transformers was a popular TV show broadcast in Britain in the mid-Eighties, featuring battling robots that morphed into vehicles such as planes, ships and cars. Transformer toys from 1984 to 1991 are worth a lot — especially since 2007 when Hollywood released the first of a film franchise. A rare boxed Ultra Magnus, which turns into a car transporter, sold recently for £650. It sold for just £14.95 in 1985. Other sought-after figurines include the Autobot Blaster, which transforms into a stereo cassette player, and Fortress Maximus, which becomes an entire city. Glen Chapman, a toy specialist at C&T Auctions, says: 'It's all about nostalgia. People who grew up in the Seventies and Eighties are probably married, have children and well-paid jobs now. 'They have the money and want something to remind them of their childhood.' (28 Dec 2016.)

• Miniature Railway Miniature railway which has enchanted tourists since 1949 closes as council brings in 28 pages of new Health and Safety rules to make sure the 4mph attraction is safe The railway in Poole Park, Dorset, is set to temporarily close for up to one year • The carriages travel at just 4mph and has been in operation for almost 70 years • Council officials have decided to implement 28 pages of Health and Safety rules By ABE HAWKEN FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 22:49 GMT, 8 January 2017 | UPDATED: 22:51 GMT, 8 January 2017 A beloved miniature railway which travels at just 4mph and has enchanted tourists since 1949 will close due to 'ludicrous' health and safety regulations. The railway in Poole Park, Dorset, will have to temporarily shut for up to a year while the 700 yards of track is upgraded and fenced off. Council officials have decided to implement the Health and Safety Executive's 'Passenger-carrying miniature railway guidance on safe practice' which runs to 28 pages. This is despite it running for nearly 70 with hardly any accidents.


The miniature railway in Poole Park, Dorset, (pictured) has been entertaining people for almost 70 years

Pictured here, in 1971, the railway travels at 4mph but it will now temporarily shut for one year


Poole Park railway was packed in 1967 and many people who visited the town used to go on it The miniature railway that pootles along at a walking pace travels around a lake and over a bridge has happily been ridden on by generations of families. While there is nothing to stop people from walking on the track, generally a gentle ring of the bell by the driver has always been enough for trespassers to move out of the way in plenty of time. Chris Bullen, who owns the track and trains, has leased the land from Poole Borough Council since 2004 but the contract has now come to an end. The local authority is putting the lease out to tender and has decided to take the opportunity to upgrade the safety of the railway. Mr Bullen, who plans to compete for the contract, believes it would cost ÂŁ200,000 to replace and upgrade the track and ÂŁ30,000 to fence it off. He said: 'I have run the miniature railway since 2004 without any incident of my own fault whatsoever or any public liability claim, nor do I know of any accidents in the decades beforehand. It is perfectly safe. SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share 'We had one incident last year which involved a derailment, but that was caused by a malicious act. 'The train doesn't sneak up on you, it's easy to see and hear coming plus it only travels at 4mph. 'It's never posed any threat, which is why we've never had any liability claims. 'The council is now saying that I will have to replace the track and spend another ÂŁ30,000 fencing it if I get the lease back. It's an awful lot of work.' 51

Mr Bullen, 53, added: 'People in Poole love the miniature railway. They grew up on it and now bring their kids here. Now they're going to lose it for the year.' Locals have rallied around Mr Bullen since the news was broken at a council meeting this week. A petition to keep it open has over 6,000 signatures while a Facebook group has accumulated 2,000 likes. One signatory is local resident Bill Warren. He said: 'Once again the Health and Safety Gestapo are at it. 'The railway has been in the park since 1949 and I can't recall any runaway trains loaded with screaming children racing to their doom or cattle straying on to the track.

Chris Bullen, (pictured) who owns the track and trains, has leased the land from Poole Borough Council since 2004 but the contract has now come to an end.


The beloved railway (pictured in 1976) was popular with holidaymakers and locals for decades

Comedian Ronnie Corbett visited the park and was photographed standing in front of the Poole Park miniature railway 53

'The council says it has to go through all this nonsense for Health and Safety reasons.' Another signatory wrote: 'Putting a fence around the miniature railway is a ridiculous idea - it's a toy train that goes at walking pace. 'People love it just the way it is so why force this extra expense to change something which is already great?' Another supporter said: 'The trains can be seen and heard very clearly - this is why there haven't been accidents, it's highly unlikely there never will be.' A spokesperson for the council said: 'The current concessionaire (Mr Bullen) owns the miniature railway track but the tenancy agreement has come to an end. 'At this moment there is no necessity for him to remove the track, he can keep it there during the tender process. 'If he is unsuccessful when it goes to tender then we would ask him to remove it.' Asked about safety changes in the future, the spokesperson added: 'If there are any changes made to the railway, Borough of Poole (Poole council) and the concessionaire will be mindful of guidance on miniature railway operation. 'The two sets of guidance are "Passenger-carrying miniature railways guidance on safe practice" and "Guidance on minor railways". 'The railway is a much-loved feature of Poole Park, therefore the council is keen to secure its future for many years to come.' Share or comment on this article

• Reopening the Silk Road: Train will travel mammoth 7,500mile journey from China to London as an ancient trading route is revived for a new era -East Wind locomotive will travel 7,456 miles to Britain from Yiwu in East China -Train will bring array of goods in 34 carriages after mammoth 16-day journey -It will revive trading on ancient Silk Road and open era of UK-China relations -Train will arrive on Wednesday in London's east end at Barking freight terminal

By ALEX MATTHEWS FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 19:57 GMT, 15 January 2017 | UPDATED: 01:28 GMT, 16 January 2017 54

A train will travel a mammoth 7,500 journey from China to London as the Silk Road trading route is revived for a new era. The East Wind locomotive will pass through Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Poland, Belgium and France, before it pulls into Hackney Rail Freight terminal in London's East End on Wednesday. Bringing an array of goods in 34 carriages from the manufacturing town of Yiwu in East China, the train would have finished an incredible 16-day journey.

The East Wind will travel a mammoth 7,500 journey from China to London as the Silk Road trading route is revived for a new era.


Bringing an array of goods in 34 carriages from the manufacturing town of Yiwu in East China, the train would have finished an incredible 16-day journey The trip will take it over mountain ranges, around deserts and across the vast Russian steppe. The East Wind marks a revival in the ancient Silk Road trading route as well as a new era for UK-China relations. In medieval times and even earlier, the route was used by merchants bringing their exotic wares to Europe from the Orient. SHARE THIS ARTICLE Share The East Wind trains are operated by China's Yiwu Timex Industrial Investment, and will run once a week during a trial period. They join a twice-weekly service to Madrid in Spain via the German city of Duisburg, which was launched more than a year ago. Oscar Lin, manager of the new line's UK agent Onetwothree Logistics, said: 'This cargo train service highlights the important trade partnership between the UK and China post-Brexit.' between China and the UK


The East Wind marks a revival in the ancient Silk Road trading route as well as a new era for UK-China relations


Due to the different rail gauges in each country, the same train can't complete the journey. But it will start with the East Wind - named after a famous quote from tyrannical Chinese dictator Mao Zedong: 'The east wind will prevail over the west wind.' The trip will be faster than a container ship and half the price of air freight, and will make London the 15th city to be directly linked to China. On the journey back to Yiwu – which makes 60 per cent of the world's Christmas goods – the carriages will again be laden with cargo such as timber, meat and wines. Professor Magnis Marsden, from Sussex University's School of Global Studies, told The Observer: 'It's a new economic geography. 'It's not the big corporates who will be using the train, so it's very much in the tradition of the Silk Road.' Share or comment on this article Retrieved 16 Jan 2017.

• Transnet's new Chinese locomotives 'fail first test' Source: (Retrieved 24 January 2017).

• Interessante skakel John & Jacque Wepener het hierdie interessante skakel met ons gedeel. Klik gerus daarop: Gaan loer gerus, ‘n baie interessante artikel.

SOUL OF A RAILWAY© Soul of A Railway© by Les Pivnic and Charlie Lewis Les and Charlie are working together on this project to convey to future generations the essence of a once magnificent transport network in South Africa - the South African Railways - or simply the SAR.



[Foto via Nico Moolman] Kommentaar deur Hennie Heymans: Ek vermoed die foto is tydens die 1914 Rebellie of tydens die “Rooi-opstand” van 1922 geneem. Ek vermoed die foto is te Braamfontein geneem. Kommentaar en feite sal waardeer word. Comments by Hennie Heymans: I presume that this photo was taken during the 1914 Rebellion or during the “1922 Red Revolt on the Rand”. If I am allowed to guess I would say the photo was taken at Braamfontein. SA Armoured Trains For many years I have been interested in South African Armoured Trains. I have researched armoured trains during the Anglo Boer War, the 1914 Rebellion and their deployment during WW1 and WW2. (The Boers only had one armoured train. A gun mounted on a flat truck.) The SAR & Police had two specially built APC’s that travelled on the rails. One stands in front of the Windhoek railway Station as part of the Windhoek railway museum. Any information on armoured trains, and hospital trains would be appreciated.


SA Pantsertreine Vir baie jare stel ek in ons Suid-Afrikaanse pantsertreine belang. Ek het pantsertreine gedurende die Anglo Boereoorlog, die 1914 Rebellie, die eerste en tweede wêreldoorlog nagevors. Ons Boere het slegs een pantsertrein gehad. ʼn Plat NGRtrok met lae kante waarop ʼn kanon gemonteer was. Daar was ʼn beskermingsplaat vir die kanonniers. Die voormalige SAS & H Polisie het twee pantservoertuie gehad wat op die spoor kon ry. Die naam van die pantservoertuie was die Padda of die Bospadda. Inligting oor pantsertreine en hospitaaltreine sal waardeer word.


7A No. 970 te Riversdale



Dis Rooikranse (naby Oudtshoorn) met diesels 34-014 & 34-109 tydens ʼn Bosveld Trein Safari’s op 4-2-2004 deur Hennie Heymans.


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