SAS-SAR VOL 8 NO 9 Contents PUBLISHER / UITGEWER .............................................................................................................. 5 SUBCRIPTION / INTEKENARE ....................................................................................................... 5 PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES................................................................................ 5 AIM / DOEL ...................................................................................................................................... 5 COPYRIGHT.................................................................................................................................... 5 ONGOING PROJECTS.................................................................................................................... 6 WELKOM / WELCOME ................................................................................................................... 6 EDITORIAL ...................................................................................................................................... 6 SoAR: Soul of A Railway .......................................................................................................... 7 Thanks ...................................................................................................................................... 7 PHOTOGRAHERS TAKE NOTE ..................................................................................................... 8 NEW BOOK BY LEITH PAXTON: SAR MAINLINE COACH DRAWINGS ....................................... 9 SABIE BRIDGE: SAR BRIDGE PLATE: CHARLES LEACH............................................................ 9 HORNBY DUBLO: UK POSTAGE STAMP .................................................................................... 10 PRINCE ALBERT ROAD: ANTON CRAFFORT ............................................................................ 10 TREINBEKRUIPING/TRAIN SPOTTING: DAVE GALLOP ............................................................ 13 5E1 Locomotives on the Coal Mines: Dave Gallop ................................................................. 17 BLUE TRAIN: FRANCOIS MATHEUS ........................................................................................... 23 HAMILTON: OFS: ANDRIES MOOLMAN ...................................................................................... 24 HANNATJIE SCHOEMAN ............................................................................................................. 25 Mymering ................................................................................................................................ 25 Emmertjie................................................................................................................................ 26 Ander foto’s............................................................................................................................. 27 HARISMITH STATION: JACOBUS MARAIS ................................................................................. 29 SWINBURNE ................................................................................................................................. 31 GAUTRAIN: JACOBUS MARAIS ................................................................................................... 32 JAPIE TERBLANCHE .................................................................................................................... 33 15F 3046 Reefsteamers ......................................................................................................... 33 Rovos...................................................................................................................................... 38 Other trains ............................................................................................................................. 40 CLASS 23E: KENNY PARK ........................................................................................................... 43 OLD PREMIER CLASSE: MARTIN NEL ....................................................................................... 44 2
UK: CABLE THEFT ........................................................................................................................ 46 BULGARIA: NICO FREYLINCK ..................................................................................................... 47 NOEL WELCH: EASTERN CAPE .................................................................................................. 48 Fill her up please! ................................................................................................................... 49 Rovos in Port Elizabeth........................................................................................................... 49 RAILWAY AFRICANA: NATAN BERELOWITZ ............................................................................. 49 On the footplate of 15F No 3127 ............................................................................................. 50 Blou Bul & Sisters ................................................................................................................... 54 15CA 2850 with the Blue Train ............................................................................................... 54 Class 24: Nylstroom ................................................................................................................ 56 Hard at work: Thinking ............................................................................................................ 57 15CA at Van der Merwe.......................................................................................................... 58 Steam at Eerstefabrieke ......................................................................................................... 58 SWITZERLAND: REON COETZEE ............................................................................................... 60 Brienz Rothorn Bahn .............................................................................................................. 60 REEFSTEAMERS: ROLAND DIRR ............................................................................................... 62 15F 3064................................................................................................................................. 62 1895: WOLWEFONTEIN HOTEL: INA BOTHA ............................................................................. 65 PLOEGBASE EN TROLLIES ......................................................................................................... 66 Photos via Yolanda Meyer (Heritage Library) ......................................................................... 66 SAR Ploegbaas: Les Pivnic .................................................................................................... 70 NZASM LOCOMOTIVES: YOLANDA MEYER .............................................................................. 71 ANGLO BOER WAR: TRAIN WRECKS: TIAN SCHUTTE............................................................. 74 UNION LIMITED: TABLE BAY: CAPE TOWN: NICO MOOLMAN ................................................. 78 S. A. R. POLICE BUTTONS, BADGES, CLOTH BADGE FOR 50 YEARS OF S.A.R. POLICE: J & J WEPENER .................................................................................................................................. 79 GRAIN ETC. ELEVATORS SERVED BY SA RAIL/RTS: J & J WEPENER. .................................. 80 TWO BITS OF UNKNOWN OFS RAILWAY INFORMATION: J & J WEPENER. .......................... 82 1. Bloemfontein Sub-Urban Services ...................................................................................... 82 2. Spoednik ............................................................................................................................. 82 Comments by Mr Les Pivnic ................................................................................................... 83 SIGHTINGS 23 AUGUST 2017: J & J WEPENER ........................................................................ 83 ZEERUST: RUDI VAN WYK .......................................................................................................... 89 S.A.D.F./S.A.P. SIDINGS J & J WEPENER................................................................................... 92 TRANSHIPPING AND CONCENTRATION DEPOTS, 1970: J & J WEPENER ............................. 93 Transhipping. .......................................................................................................................... 93 3
Concentration Depot. .............................................................................................................. 94 IERLAND: JAN JORDAAN............................................................................................................. 95 SLOT / END ................................................................................................................................... 97
PUBLISHER / UITGEWER This electronic magazine is compiled and published on ISSUU by Hennie Heymans (HBH). Hennie is a retired brigadier of the former South African Police Force. He is passionate about the history of South Africa’s National Security and holds a MA degree in National Strategic Studies. He is most interested in the strategic use of railways in Southern Africa but he loves trains generally no matter where they are!
Hierdie elektroniese tydskrif word saamgestel en uitgegee op die platform ISSUU deur Hennie Heymans. Hennie is ʼn afgetrede brigadier van die voormalige SA Polisiemag. Hy is passievol oor ons nasionale veiligheidsgeskiedenis en het ʼn MA-graad in nasionale strategiese studies verwerf. Hy stel belang in die strategiese aanwending van die spoorweë tydens oorloë in Suider-Afrika. Hy is baie lief vir treine waar ook al op die aardbol. Niks kom mos naby treinry en kondensmelk?
Contact address: heymanshb@gmail.com Telephone number: 012-329-4229.
SUBCRIPTION / INTEKENARE Subscription is free. Subscribe via ISSUU. You may down load and enjoy on your computer. See the link in “previous editions”. Die SAS-SAR word gratis op ISSUU versprei. Teken in via ISSUU en laai gerus die tydskrif af en geniet! Klik op skakel by “vorige uitgawes”.
PREVIOUS EDITIONS / VORIGE UITGAWES Vir vorige uitgawes klik op: https://issuu.com/hennieheymans/docs For previous issues click on https://issuu.com/hennieheymans/docs
AIM / DOEL Our goal is to collect and record our South African railway history for publication in the SAS-SAR for the use of future generations. Ons doel is om die spoorweggeskiedenis van suidelike Afrika in die SAS-SAR aan te teken en so vir die nageslagte se gebruik te bewaar.
COPYRIGHT Great care is taken to make sure that we do not transgress the Copyright Act. Please make sure that when you use somebody else’s photographs or material to first obtain the necessary permission before sending it to SAS-SAR for publication. Permission to reprint any article or photograph may be obtained from SAS-SAR. 5
ONGOING PROJECTS Please help us with: • • •
Researching royal and presidential visits to southern Africa. Compiling information about the use of armoured- and hospital trains in southern Africa. Trains in time of war, rebellion and unrest.
WELKOM / WELCOME All the contributors and I hope you will enjoy this edition. We thank all our contributors for their efforts, stories, anecdotes and above all their photographs. We realise it took time, money, effort and a good camera to capture the railway event. Thanks for sharing with our readers.
As time move on the old has to make way for the new. New brooms sweep clean. The refuse is disposed of. Figuratively speaking, sometimes there are valuable artefacts in the refuse! Industrial archaeology and all that! Our railway items are getting older and there should be a national concerted effort to preserve our cultural heritage. Something like a national railway history trust must be established. We have to look at developed countries to see how they officially and informally preserve their past and their heritage. History teaches us the mistakes we are going to make tomorrow. We must place a value on our heritage – it is important for tourists to visit our heritage sites and museums. Moth and rust attack our items on display while vandals and criminals continuous steel or damage items for ever. If an item is destroyed it is lost for ever and we are so much poorer. The few people appointed as guardians of our heritage do not take their responsibility serious. We 6
should support informal initiatives like Reefsteamers or Friends of the Rail. Good things are happening in Ceres with a local railway initiative. All these institutions need our support in one way or another. Even if we cannot afford to go on a luxury train journey, support the train and its owners by taking photographs and publishing it on the social media. It is still a form of preservation (and free advertisement.).
SoAR: Soul of A Railway Cyber space is an ideal medium to display our heritage – it is not the real McCoy; however, we get an idea what was used in days gone by. One of the leading preservationists in Cyber Space are Messers Les Pivnic and Charlie Lewis with their Soul of A Railway. We can (and must) only follow their example and publish our information for coming generations as well. We have to thank Messers Pivnic and Lewis for what they have done in their own particular and unique way to preserve our SAR-history for coming generations. I find their work amazing; how they capture the ambiance of the old pre-colonial railways and the old SAR so clearly for our benefit and to our great enjoyment. One can deduct from the photos that life with railways was never boring! But more important: officials were proud to tell people that they worked for the SAR & H - proud railway servants meant pride in the job - it was not just a means to earn money! The SAR was a fine institution because of the ethos it proclaimed! The holiday started the moment you were in your compartment! Even today I remember the clean smell of a compartment. The SAR was one of the prestige symbols of our country. The pair’s work and contribution is of inestimable value to me and other railway historians. Their photographs and writings (including comments) have clearly portrayed that special ethos of a railway that served with pride each small step of the way; whether lampman or ploegbaas, chef or engine driver; we could clearly deduct from the photos that these SAR-officials were serving with pride. The old SAR was like the old police and defence force, they were symbols of national pride and prestige: Take as e.g. the annual opening of parliament, the Royal Visit, the conduct of catering staff when the train passed through major stations. (I am also thinking of Mr Pivnic’s excellent book on Dining Cars.) SoAR - like Mr Pivnic’s Photo Journal - is something that we eagerly look forward to each month. We must say "thank you" for what the pair do; their work enriched my life and gave me great enjoyment. If the SoAR arrived; I would quickly go through it from top to bottom and then go through it slowly two or three times enjoying and savouring each minute. The black and white photographs were (are) very good as the capture the past so well! Thank you so much for crossing my path in this life of ours because the pair of you have made me so rich!
Thanks Also to my former colleagues of the former SA Police: Thank you for your special photo’s that you have taken in Ireland, Switzerland, Bulgaria and in the Karoo. In the Netherlands, we have noted that a former commissioner of the Royal Dutch Marechaussee, Gen. Hans Rademaker, has died – he was also a great ferro-equinologist. He loved trains. He once gave me a Dutch book on their railways. When he was traveling from point “A” to “B” he also always passed the local railway stations. Thanks to all the railway conservationists. 7
The above via Martin Nel. 8
Contact Leith at: thepaxtons@cybersmart.co.za
Via the Daily Mail 22 Aug. 2017.
PRINCE ALBERT ROAD: ANTON CRAFFORT Stasiebekruiping = Prince Albert Road. Die stasie geleë tussen Leeu-Gamka en Laingsburg, op die hooflynroete vanaf Johannesburg na Kaapstad. Na gelang van al die geboue in die omgewing vermoed ek dat dit jare terug baie besig was ? Geboue is nou erg verwaarloos en gestroop en besaai met vuilgoed ens. Die stasie is ook teenaan die N1 hoofpad. Ongeveer ‘n halwe km na die ou voetoorgangbrug, is die afdraai links na PRINCE ALBERT.
Klas E20-039 en E20-037 voor, tussen Kendal en Ogies.
RRL Grindrod GS7-04C, GS7-05C en GS7-06B by Saaiwaterwes. 18.4.2015. 13
Ballasttrok AY-9 69-030-154 op Broodsnyersplaas. 29.7.2017.
Ballasttrok NAY-5 69-017-700 op Broodsnyersplaas. 29.7.2017.
Diesel 39-206 and 39-250 staged at Belfast Station. 7.2.2016.
Hierdie is die lokomotief wat RRL Grindrod op Saaiplaaswes gebruik het 3.1.2016. RM30-153.
Hierdie is die lokomotief wat RRL Grindrod op Saaiplaaswes gebruik het 3.1.2016. RM30-13.
RRL Grindrod GS7-04C, GS7-05C en GS7-06B by Saaiwaterwes 18.4.2015.
Sheltam 3015 en 3021 by Saaiwaterwes. 29.7.2017
5E1 Locomotives on the Coal Mines: Dave Gallop Hi Hennie, Middleburg Mine Services purchased 12 5E1 locomotives in the 1980s. It has had numerous Group name changes, Rand Mines, BHP Billiton and is now part of the Group South 32. Middle Mine Services is known as Wolvekrans Colliery North Section. Wolverkrans Colliery South Section was Originally Duvha Open Cast Services. The Export Coal that these trains haul from both South and North Sections to a Rapid loading near to Broodsnynersplaas on the Vandyksdrif - Richard Bay Coal line. The 5E1s are approaching the end of their working life. Replacements are some 8Es. The Maiden Run for these locomotives was on the 29.9.2016. Which I fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time. It was on this day that I met Andries the Loco foreman. I hope that you will able to use some of Andries Botha's and my photos. Sent under separate emails. Regards, Dave Gallop.
Andries Botha: Middelburg Mine Services. 5E1 5405 [ex SAR 5E1 E650] at the Mine Loco Depot. Scrapped. 13.6.2016.
Andries Botha: Middelburg Mine Services. 5E1 5404 [ex SAR 5E1 E696] and 5E1 Exxx at the Mine Loco Depot. 13.6.2016.
Middelburg Mine Services. 5E1 5406 [ex SAR 5E1 E609] and 5E1 5411 [ex SAR 5E1 E615] hauling empties between the Rapid Loading Terminal and the Coal Plant. 29.10.2015.
Middelburg Mine Services. 5E1 5410 [ex SAR 5E1 Exxx] and 5E1 5408 [ex SAR 5E1 E661] hauling loaded coal wagons between the Coal Pantand the Rapid Loading Terminal. 29.10.2015. 19
Andries Botha. Middelburg Mine Services. 5E1 5406 [ex 5E1 E609] at the interloop crossing returning from the Rapid Loading Terminal to the Coal Plant. 29.10.2015.
Middelburg Mine Services. [South 32] Opencast Mine Electric Locomotives 8E 8032 Between the Lcoo Shed and the Coal Plant to collect her Maiden Load with 8E 8042 out of shot. 29.9.2016. 20
Middleburg Mine Services. [South 32] Opencast Mine Electric Locomotive 8E 8032 at the loco depot. 10.8.2016.
Middelburg Mine Services. [South 32] Opencast Mine Electric Locomotives 8E 8044 and 8E 8032 Between the Lcoo Shed and the Coal Plant to collect Maiden Load. 29.9.2016.
D. Diesel 39 246, 39 202, 39 234 and 39 233 at Vermont on Dullstroom - Lydenburg line. 3.2.2015.
Diesel 39-246, 39-208, 39-226, 39-xxx and 39-xxx between Tuisbly and Dullstroom. 21.1.2016.
9 August 2017: Western Cape Province
Premier by Ariston op 16-8-17 om 09:50.
Mymering Vandag sit ek so deur my my foto’s en werk en daar besef ek weer wat 'n voorreg dit is om daar langs die spore te staan en te wag vir 'n trein om verby te kom...partykeer goederetreine...ander kere die Shosholoza Meyl of Premier Classe waarvan my man self 'n drywer is en dan die Bloutrein...partykeer stadig en ander kere 'n gejaag na wind...partykeer bang vir vreemde dinge om mens, maar dan besef ek weer ek is nie alleen daar langs die spore, want partykeer is my seun saam en ander kere net my beskerm engel en dan besef ek weer hoe spesiaal elke groet is vanuit die lokomotiewe en self van agter uit 'n rytuig....ek weet jul elkeen het werk om te verrig en moet konsentreer, maar tog maak jul 'n plan om te groet...dankie manne dit beteken baie vir treinbekruipers...jul vriendskap en vriendelikheid beteken baie vir ons langs die spore...mag elke drywer geseÍn word op die pad wat hy moet ry... 25
Ek wonder hoeveel keer is die emmer in kajuite gebruik en was die kajuit skoon daarna... Die ou swart blik vertel sy eie storie... buiten sy papierwerk wat binne was, was daar seker 'n beker, 26
teelepel, koffie, suiker en melkpoeier ... en dan 'n blink bakkie met lekker kos of 'n toebroodjie of twee. Ai, ek moes getel het hoeveel keer in my lewe het ek so blik gepak....
Ander foto’s
So word ek vandag gegroet deur die hoof-inspekteur Vester en Willem Boeta Visser ...dankie vir die inligting Boeta (Japie Terblanche) wat jy vir Eddie Olivier gegee het, ek waardeer dit baie. 17 Aug 2017.
10E, 18E en 'n ou Stoomlokomotief, klas 7 No. 980 op Klerksdorpstasie op 17-8-2017 om 12h04. Elkeen met sy eie geskiedenis en storie. 27
Klerksdorpstasie se stasiekat – Klerksdorp station’s alley cat on the old class 7 No 980.
Premier Classe by Ariston op 16-8-17 om 9h50 28
Harrismith is full of history One has to look at the history and the geopolitics of yester year. The Colony of Natal wanted its share of the freight to the Goldfields. Some mail ships to Southern Africa came via the Suez Canal. Durban was a quick way to the Rand. The old Natal Government Railways (NGR) line went from Durban to Ladysmith and on to Charlestown to link up with the NZASM line to Germiston, Johannesburg and Pretoria. There was a branch line from Ladysmith to Harrismith over Van Reenen’s Pass and Swinburne. From Harrismith farmer’s produce was sent to Durban and implements etc was imported via Durban. Transport riders acted as conveyors op freight from farms to railway stations and vice versa. During the Anglo Boer war my Oupa Heymans, his other siblings and his mother was sent by ox wagon from Bethlehem to Harrismith. Here they stayed in the British Concentration Camp (CC) in Harrismith. Later they moved to Ladysmith CC where they were housed in “Tin Town.” After the war, they came back by train to Harrismith and by ox wagon back to their farm. Only after the Anglo Boer War did the NGR extend the line to Kroonstad to meet up with the Central South African Railways (CSAR).
Via Facebook: Jenny Cleverly (my cousin).
Wat ‘n verassing was dit nie om gister in PAMPOENDORP my ou Germiston kollega en Metrorail-drywer Johan Meyer te kon raakloop nie.
15F 3046 Reefsteamers
Treinbekruiping op 15F No 3046 “Janine� om 07h50 op 05/08/17= (Personeel almal Facebookvriende van my); drywer Chris Saayman, stoker Michael Thiel en loodsman Eben Kleynhans. Dankie Chris Saayman, Warren Meldau en Eben Kleynhans vir inligting.
Greetings from my friend the train manager, Warren Meldau, on Reefsteamers 05-08-2017.
15:05 op 05-08-17 gegroet deur ‘n ou familie-vriend en drywer, Attie de Necker en loodsman Eben Kleynhans vanuit “Janine” ‘n 15F No 3046. 37
2 Augustus 2017.
9 Augustus 2017. 38
Both 16 August 2017.
Other trains
Blue Train with red class 20’s.
Both above and below: Metrorail – 21 August 2017.
Sunset scenes
OLD PREMIER CLASSE: MARTIN NEL Op 18 Junie 2007 het ek die eerste keer met die Premier Classe van Kaapstad na Johannesburg gery met 'n toergroep van Khokha Moya Toere. Die eerste foto is geneem in die Nuwekloofpas en die ander een toe ons oor die Buffelsrivier by Laingsburg ry. Dit was baie koud. Die stoomkar is net vir die mooi saamgetrek. Niemand kon hom brandmaak nie. Glo my hulle het probeer. Die volgende oggend vroeg is ons deur Klerksdorp. Dink dit was so naby half ag. Lanklaas so koud gekry, maar dit was nogtans baie lekker.
Below: Martin Nel with “BI Ebing” 25NC Class No 3454.
Photo credit: https://www.journalism.co.uk/press-releases/cable-theft-railway-network-suffers-overan-hour-a-day-delays/s66/a708504/ 46
BULGARIA: NICO FREYLINCK Nico visited Sofia, Bulgaria, and shared these photos with us.
12 August 2017
Fill her up please!
Rovos in Port Elizabeth
RAILWAY AFRICANA: NATAN BERELOWITZ Nathan also has a life-long passion for steam and railways. His photos portray a love for steam. I describe his photographs as “pure undiluted Africana”. Many of his photos portray real, live, steam in action. He worked for a spell on the old SAR. Enjoy with us some of the following photo’s:
On the footplate of 15F No 3127 ONCE UPON A TRAIN. So sad to see this. A once magnificent locomotive and my regular Capital Park driver, Cliff Petzer. Our once regular locomotive, class 15F 3127. At work and then at rest. At least those happy memories are still with us both as we each have the cabside number plates. 1982 and end of days 1988.
Blou Bul & Sisters ONCE UPON A TRAIN. Capital Park, Pretoria's steam depot, had three prestige locomotives at one stage. On the left is the blue 19D number 2749 "BLOU BUL", with 15CA 2850 centre stage and 15F 3075 taking last place. 1980's were good years!
15CA 2850 with the Blue Train
ONCE UPON A TRAIN. A Blue Train for a Blue Monday. Capital Parks prestige class 15CA number 2850, with my Blue Train headboard on front, makes an interesting departure from Pretoria's platform 4, with the set that has now completed its journey from Cape Town. This was the only time that the train was hauled by steam, to and from its shed alongside Pretoria station. This is around early 1980's.
Class 24: Nylstroom
ONCE UPON A TRAIN: Sub sheds usually only had an inspection pit, water column and ash-pit, and if a small depot, there was not even a loco shed! Nylstroom, was the junction for the Vaalwater line, operated primarily by class 24 and occasionally 19D. When the grain traffic was in full swing, 56
trains were often double-headed. Capital Park depot supplied the motive power and every 28 days, a light locomotive was despatched to Nylstroom to return with one for repair or washout. Here at Nylstroom we see the class 24 assorting itself out at the water-columns long before electrification was thought of. Lovely V8 Guards van alongside.
Hard at work: Thinking
ONCE UPON A TRAIN." Legends of the Line! Nathan writes: “Niks beter as 'n lekker "spell" oppie voetplaat. Maak die sitplek los onder dat hy kan vorentoe geskuif kan word, plaas die voete mooi 57
by die omsteller en maak ogies toe en dink oor die regulasies om op datum te kom as die lokoinspekteur dalk opdaag en vra wat gaan aan! Piet Scholtz in gedagte op 'n 15CA by die mark rangeer in Pretoria.� Nothing beds better than a steam loco!
15CA at Van der Merwe
In the days when steam ruled the road to Witbank from Pretoria, a class 15CA locomotive works its load back to Witbank from Capital Park, near Van der Merwe halt. The electrification mast bases have been cast, and sometime in the future, the poles and wires will appear and steam will. HOWEVER, Friends of the Rail, still shine these very rails with their steam specials to Cullinan, albeit to Rayton at present, until the tracks are reinstated on the branch to Cullinan. Photo taken around 1972.
Steam at Eerstefabrieke
ONCE UPON A TRAIN: Capital Park supplied motive power for the construction trains on the link from Greenview to Sentrarand. Trains were double-headed 15F mostly. Heading through Eerstefabrieke with their load, the metro sets have to wait their turn for King Steam! 1982.
ONCE UPON A TRAIN: Early morning at Capital Park, was the busiest on the ashpits. The relief shunt locomotives had come in and other traffic. A line up of 15CA's are being hauled away to the main shed, by the rostered Shedman. Why take one loco at a time when you can....
SWITZERLAND: REON COETZEE Brienz Rothorn Bahn Our friend sent the following photographs:
… and bit later:
PLOEGBASE EN TROLLIES ‘n Ploeg in Nederlands is ‘n span en die baas van die span is die ploegbaas. Ek het nooit geweet dat die word “ploeg” na ‘n span mense verwys nie, totdat ek in Nederland navorsing gedoen het. ‘n Ploeg in Nederlands is ook in Engels ondermeer as ‘n “team” bekend.
Photos via Yolanda Meyer (Heritage Library)
1907 3,5 horse power
Above: Budza Car
6 hp trolley on Houw Hoek Pass
SAR Ploegbaas: Les Pivnic
Photo credit: SAR print - THL 49166 from Les Pivnic-collection. Dr Tian Schutte was looking for a photo of a “ploegbaas� in the days of the NZASM. Oom Les kindly sent the above photograph and writes: Please find attached, a photo of an SAR ploegbaas with his team (note whites only!) - nothing to do with NZASM or the Oosterlyn in particular. Please note that such staff with their push-trollies operated over the entire SAR - not only on the Eastern Transvaal System. The ploegbaas in the attached photo is the man on the left front - controlling the brakes of the pushtrolley. The man in the white coat is his senior - a Permanent Way Inspector. In later years such inspections were carried out in motorised trolleys. The ploegbaas in those days normally looked after a 10 mile stretch of line - every 10 miles - another ploegbaas. Hope that the above is of some use for your correspondent.
“46 Tonner” No. 112 Zacharias - “Wagenbow”.
“46-Tonner” No. 176 – “Vondel”. 71
“46 Tonner” No 211 – “Amerika” [0-6-4]
“40Tonner” 0-6-2T No 50 “S.W. Burger”. 72
“18 Tonner” No 57 “Delagoa” (0-6-0ST).
Waterval-Boven Roundhouse c.1895.
“46 Tonner”
Ontspoorde trein te Daspoort 5 Mei 1902 met hyskraan. 74
TAB 5796 Ontspoorde trein te Daspoort Pretoria 5 Mei 1902.
TAB 5798 Ontspoorde trein te Daspoort Pretoria 5 Mei 1902. 75
TAB 18382. Derailed train.
TAB 18386. Derailed train.
TAB 18397. Derailed Train.
Work at derailed train.
VAB 4335. Graf van gesneuweldes in treinongeluk, Frere.
UNION LIMITED: TABLE BAY: CAPE TOWN: NICO MOOLMAN Nico Moolam sent the photo below. I sent the phot to Mr Les Pivnic who replied as follows: cmnn Hello Hennie, That photo is a beauty! It was taken at East Pier - Victoria Basin, TBH. The train is indeed the Union Limited ready to be shunted out of the harbour after arrival from Johannesburg. My thanks to Nico and yourself for sharing it! The Union Castle mailship at the quayside is either the old Windsor Castle or the Arundel Castle* the name for whatever reason has been blacked out. (*This is before the Arundel Castle was rebuilt with two funnels or the earlier Windsor Castle which was lost in 1943 during WW2.) Regards Oom Les
S. A. R. POLICE BUTTONS, BADGES, CLOTH BADGE FOR 50 YEARS OF S.A.R. POLICE: J & J WEPENER Hi all, Yesterday Friday. Hoot at front gate, to our surprise it was ex S.A.R. Police, Warrant Officer (WO) A.J. Liebenberg. He is moving to Bloemfontein to be near family. On cleaning out house he came across a lot of old S.A.R. certificates and lots of S.A.R. Police/S.A.R. buttons. (All kept in a lovely small canvas bag, with sown on hessian string to close also has 4 brass eyelets. No. 4204 Sgt. M. H. Stader in black top at top, 9 in red in middle). Buttons were in small plastic bank change bags. Barclays and Volkskas, both long gone. Also included three of his late father’s S.A.R. certificates. i. Certificate of Examination in regard to the Working of Push Trolleys and Track Cycles* on open lines. Dated 9 8 1928. *Note – The terms “and/or track cycle may be deleted from the certificate where these conveyances are not in use”. Les you are bound to have a photograph of a track cycle.
ii. Certificate. Departmental Modified Test. Dated 4 2 1947. Issued after servants with lower than standard 6 school certificates passed this skills test. Proficiency in both official languages was part of test. Possible for higher post. Later named aptitude test. iii. Certificate of Service. Dated 18 5 1955. Date of entry into service 17 12 1918. Labourer. 17 12 1918 European Labourer. 01 01 1920. Railworker. 25 04 1938. Squad Ganger. 17 11 1941. Date of leaving service. 18 03 1955. Conduct during service. Very Good. (Servants were all proud of their railway employment). He worked on the main lines out of Port Elizabeth. These certificates will join the 12. I already have, being my own and the others donated by exRailway servants. This type with the *Union later Republic coat of arms *are scarce. My last one was issued with Spoornet “Two rail logo”. Service certificate with Autonet “Highway logo.” When post at Spoornet was abolished, I was accommodated by Autonet. A few years ago, this W.O. gave me his beige Transport Policing uniform, a SAR Police black blazer with smart pocket badge and his camouflage uniform, the SAR Police were stationed at Oshivello. Welkom had two W.O.’s, one as Post Commander the other as travelling W.O. (A J Liebenberg). He and other members would travel over weekends to from Johannesburg, with the daily passenger train, ex Allanridge. Also on the Welgedag, Booysens, Klerksdorp, Welkom, Bloemfontein onwards to Umtata “Bombella”, doing duty Welkom/Klerksdorp-Welkom/Bloemfontein and on the Welkom to Bloemfontein train. Would also inspect yards, trucks etc. Also R.T.S. busses taking mine worker to/from Lesotho border gates. Just received news from railway friend, he has family working for Metro in Cape Town. Told of new fence completed around burnt out Touwsrivier station. Work starting soon to rebuild station. Metro has private contractor at Touwsrivier, refurbishing burnt out and damaged EMU’s. This is good news for residents, as Touwsrivier’s economy collapsed after railways closed and left. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (27 aUG 2017)
GRAIN ETC. ELEVATORS SERVED BY SA RAIL/RTS: J & J WEPENER. Hi All, *No longer has a railway service. (Closed/stolen/uplifted). Now private transport. **Was R.T.S. Now private transport. (Haulers and 2 trailers - 34 wheels). System 1. Albertinia, Ashton, Bergrivier, Bredasdorp, Caledon, Ceres, Darling, Eindekuil, Gouda, Graafwater, Halfmanshof, Heidelberg (K), Karringmelk, Kleinberg, Klipheuwel, Koperfontein, Koringberg, Krige, Leliedam*, Malmesbury, Moresburg, Moravia, Napier, Pieketberg, Pools, Porterville*, Protem, Riebeeck-Wes, Rietpoel, Riversdal, Rust, Swellendam, Vredenburg*, Worcester. 80
RTS Villiersdorp. Harbour. Table Bay Docks [Departmental]. (36) System 2. Baberspan*, Bessies*, Bessiesvlei**, Bloubank**, Bospoort**, Christiana, Delareyville*, Excelsior**, Gerdau, Geysdorp**, Grootpan**, Halfpad, Hallet’s Hartswater, Hope*, Hierbinia**, Jan Kempdorp, Kameel, Kingswood, Klein harts*, Kraaipan, Lasthop**, Leeudoringstad, Lottie, Madigobo, Mafikeng, Mareetsane, Melliodora*, Migdol*Modderrivier, Nooitgedacht**, Oranjerivier, Ottosdal*, Prieska, Regina, Rostrataville**, Sannieshof*, Schweizer Reneke, Springbokpan**, Strydpoort*, Upington, Vermaas, Vryburg, Vryhof, Werda*, Wolmaransstad*. (46) System 3. None. System 4. Harbour. Buffalo Harbour. [Departmental]. (1) System 5. Afrikaskop, Arlington, Atti, Bethlehem, Bloemfontein, Bothaville, Bultfontein, Clocolan, De Brug, De Wetsdorp, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Frankfort, Geneva [Largest in RSA], Gottenberg, Groenebloem, Hennenman, Heilbron, Hertzogville**, Hoopstad, Heuningspruit, Hoogte, Kaallaagte, Koppies, Kransfontein, Kroonstad, Libertas, Losdorings, Marquard, Marseilles, Meets, Mirage, Modderpoort, Montevideo, Mooigelee, Odendaalsrus, Petersburg, Petrusteyn, Protespan, Reitz, Rooiwal, Schuttesdraai, Skoonspruit, Slabberts, Steynsrus, Theunnisen, Tierfontein, Tweeling, Tweespruit, Van Tonder, Viljoenskroon, Villiers, Vredefort, Warden, Willemsrus, Winburg*, Windfield, Weiveld*, Westminister, Wolwehoek, Zastron. (61) System 6. Bergville*, Mizpah, Pietermaritzburg, Winterton*. Harbour. Durban (Maydon Warf). [Departmental]. (5) System 7. Alma, Amersfoort*, Arnot, Driefontein, Estancia, Harvard, Klerksdorp, Lothair, Makawassie, Morgezon, Over-Vaal, Potchefstroom, Standerton, Trichardt, Uitkyk, Vrede*, Wonderfontein. (16) System 8. Bethal, Buickham, Davel, Derby, Lydenberg, Naboomspruit, Northam, Nylstroom, Nutfield, Pan x 2, Pietersburg, Stoffberg, Swartruggens, Vaalwater*, Ventersdorp, Warmbad. (17) System 10. Ermelo. One will notice the O.F.S. had the most silos followed by Cape Northern. [Included parts of Transvaal]. Total 174. [3 SAR owned at harbours]. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (23 Aug 2017)
TWO BITS OF UNKNOWN OFS RAILWAY INFORMATION: J & J WEPENER. Hi all, A recent perusal of books newly received and time tables, the following came to our notice.
1. Bloemfontein Sub-Urban Services It is well known that steam hauled suburban services, with side door stock operated from Bloemfontein to Melorane and De Brug. We were also aware of a suburban steam hauled service to Brandfort but could not get information. Recently Jacque purchased books, in one of them is a picture of a 10CR, hauling the Brandfort suburban train. (Can’t remember in which book). Time table of 1981 states that passengers from Bloemfontein to Brandfort and vice versa, may not travel on certain main line trains, but must make use of local train.
2. Spoednik During the early eighties, a new extension to the existing single platform at Welkom was constructed. It was built higher than the 1948 platform. The reason not clear, then a new suburban service [Spoednik] was introduced from Johannesburg to Welkom. Friday’s only. (The longest/fastest/least stops, suburban service in the RSA, returning ECS to Kroonstad. Then to JHN. (New information). To accommodate the sliding door stock, the new platform was higher, enabling passengers to alight without a gap/step, as would be the case on the original platform. This service was withdrawn in the nineties. [Friday]. Train 75467. Dep. JHN 18h10, (Connected with suburban train from PRY Dep. 17h10 Arr. GMR 18h15), Dep. GMR 18h30, Dep. VER 19h22, Dep. Sasolburg 19h42, Dep. E. Wolwehoek 19h51, Dep. E. Dover 20h08, Dep. Koppies 20h30, Dep. E. Vebetering, 20h32, Dep. Kroonstad 21h40, (Pilot onboard for section Kroonstad to Welkom), E. Dep. Bosrand 21h55, E. Dep. Geneva 22h03, E. Dep. Holfontein 22h11, Dep. Hennenman 22h24, E. Dep. Whites 22h33, E. Dep. Mooiveld 22h43, E. Dep. Kaalvlei 22h51, Dep. Mothusi 23h02, Arr. Welkom 23h08. [E. To set down passengers when required only]. Journey duration 4hrs 58min. [Saturday]. Train E.C.S. Dep. Welkom 23h30, Arr. Kroonstad 01h12. Train 57468. Dep. Kroonstad 05h50, Dep. Koppies 06h37, Dep. Dover 07h01, Dep. Wolwehoek 07h19, Dep. Sasolburg 07h30, Dep. Vereeniging 07h55, Dep. Redan 08h02, Dep. Kookrus 08h07, Dep. Meyerton 08h12, Dep. Henley on Klip 08h17, Dep. Daleside 08h22, Dep. Kliprivier 08h30, Dep. Angus 08h39, Dep. Natalspruit 08h46, Dep. Union 08h51, Dep. Wattles 08h54, Dep. GMR. 09h34, Arr. JNH. 09h54. Journey duration ex. Kroonstad. 4hrs. 56min, plus Welkom to Kroonstad time 42min, total 5hrs 36min. Our Library now has 47 books on the S.A.R. Plus 81 departmental books. On order a futher 11 SAR related books. Spoorweg groete, John and Jacque. 82
Comments by Mr Les Pivnic Hello John, Thanks for the info on the "Spoednik" - I remember that service when it was introduced. Regarding your Bloemfontein Sub-Urban Services - I would like to offer a correction. In the "old days" Bloemfontein had several steam-hauled local train services operated with side-door suburban coaches. They were: • • •
Bloemfontein to Lynchfield and Melorane; Bloemfontein to De Bloem - note: only as far as De Bloem - not Brandfort. Bloemfontein to Kloofeind - note: only as far as Kloofeind. If you wanted to travel as far as De Brug, you would need to take the BFX - Kimberley semi-main line train.
The 10CR was used by special request (probably by Charlie Lewis) to work a trip to Lynchfield for photo purposes. It is possible that it also worked the local to De Bloem - again not to Brandfort. I have a very large collection of SAR time tables (almost complete) and none of them show times for trains other than the above services. Regards
SIGHTINGS 23 AUGUST 2017: J & J WEPENER Hi Guys. Got Grindrod at Friedesheim this morning. The 36 came from Welkom and pushed back into the exchange yard onwards to 5 Shaft. The Grindrod loco was returning from 1 shaft at Odendaalsrus. Got the 36 again nearer to 5 Shaft. Popped into Welgeleë, not much left. (See photographs.) Found an old Trains register T412, looked up 6th December, 1989. Found that 61 down/up trains, were worked at the station, that day. A far cry from today's average of 10/15 per 24hour shift. 320 trains over a 24-hour period Talking to the TCO at CS90, Kroonstad, he mentioned that when he worked at Whites, he and the TCO going off duty, found an old 1982, trains register, and counted 320 trains over a 24-hour period. (A train every 5 minutes, on three different lines). Whites West was then also open on the branch to Ancona. (Rooiblom/Rooiblom East, Rooiblom West today). Trains could enter the branch from both north and south via the tri-angle. Plus, the main down and up lines from Kroonstad to Bloemfontein. This tri-angle and the one at Rooiblom were closed in the late eighties, Whites West was then also closed. Trains could only enter from the north. The straight leg at Ancona was closed, all trains had to go to Allanridge. Back at Whites the Welgelee pick-up and the return working from the branch, probably Wesselsbron. 83
Cheers. J & J. Some photographs taken:
ZEERUST: RUDI VAN WYK Vir die wat kan onthou hoop daar leef nog iewers mooi herinneringe voort... Ek het baie lanklaas kans gehad om stasie gebou te gaan afneem en hier te plaas. Hier is klompie baie hartseer foto’s van die eens sierlike stasie gebou van Zeerust. Gebou staan verlate asof tyd daarvan vergeet het (Die oranje telefoonhokkie getuig daarvan). Die gebou beskik baie mooi houtvloere en kaggels nou in verweer. Selfs 'n baie mooi hout toonbank met sierlike afwerkings nog in die binnekant. As mens op so iets afkom, dan wonder jy iemand het dit die moeite geag om die gebou so netjies en stewig te bou in 1921, en wat het in 2017 van daardie drome geword, nie eers volle 100 jaar later nie.
S.A.D.F./S.A.P. SIDINGS J & J WEPENER Hi all, More free time, perused SAR Clause 289 of Tariff Book. Leased #Sites and Private Sidings, Eight impression, 1980. Defence Department Durban 2092 B Do. Do. 2108 B Do. Beaufort West 3389 B Do. Bloemfontein 1042 B Do. Cape Town 953 B Do. *Do. 3027 B Do. Clewer 237 B Do. *Cor Delfos 1043 B Sidings on Voortrekkerhoogte branch. Do. Ambulance train Sdg Do. 1393 B Do. Do. 1402 B Do. Do. 4208 B Do. Project Carfax. De Aar 3714 B Explosives. Do. De Brug 4421 B Do. *Dunnottar 1407 B Do. Liaison Officer. Durban-Wests 566/590 B Do. Do. 570 B Do. [Explosives] Firgrove 605 B Do. *Grootfontein 3685 B Do. Do. *Jan Kempdorp 3207 B Do. **Kimberley 3050 B Do. *Langebaanweg 634 B Do. Lenz 90 B Rates set out in Cl. 289 (5) (c) (iv) charged on container traffic. Do. Safracamp ***Potchefstroom 1300 B Do. Pretoria 1288 B Rates set out in Cl. 289 (5) (c) (vii) charged on container traffic. Do. Rosmead 3044 B Do. Saldanha 3252 B Do. PWD Springs 1415 B Do. Standerton 1425 B Do. Verwoerdburg 1186 B Tek stores here. Siding electrified 3kn DC. Do. *Do. 1395 B Snake Valley reserve vehicle park here. Do. Wetton 3006 B Do. Windhoek 790 B Naval Store (Deputy Officer) Durban 595 Traffic entered to Durban. Truck labelled to Maydon Warf siding 595 SAP.
Pietermaritzburg 2129 B
B indicates not fitted with bunkers and open to all classes of traffic. *Traffic consigned must be invoiced/charged to private siding. ** Traffic entered to Kimberley railage charged to Beaconsfield. Trucks labelled there to. *** Military traffic only in truck loads. Small consignments to be entered/charged to Potchefstroom. # Sites EG. Coal sites Booysens station. Area of ground leased to unload trucks of coal, for distribution to private households. 92
Carlos/Les you will remember. Allied Coal Suppliers, Kaplan and Sons, Wholesale Coal Suppliers Ltd. and Wolpert B. I remember the large flatbed trucks, delivering bags of coal. The labours covered in coal dust, with an empty black hessian bag over their heads and shoulders. PS. According to information in 1845 a company was formed in London to build a railway in the Cape colony. Nothing became of this company. In 1853 another company “Cape Town Railway and Dock Company� formed. Construction began from Cape Town 1859 opening to Wellington 4/11/1863. Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (14 Aug 2017)
Transhipping. System 1. Hutchison. System 2. Upington. System 3. Cookhouse, Oudtshoorn. System 4. Amabele, Burgersdorp, Sterkspruit. System 5. Springfontein. System 6. Donnybrook, Escourt, Glencoe, Pietermaritzburg, Port Shepstone, Umlaas Road. System 7. Krugersdorp, Ogies, Volksrust, Welverdiend. System 8. Belfast, Middelburg (Tvl.). System 9. Keetmanshoop.
A Transhipping depot, was a station that transhipped consignments, from vans/goods trucks to other vans/goods trucks. Mostly being made up of, loose goods, luggage, newspapers/periodicals, parcels, perishables (milk/cream cans), post bags and Railway post. All placed together and forwarded with the next train to various destinations. This resulted in faster despatch of consignments by train/RTS.
Concentration Depot. System 1. Culemborg (Cape Town), Worcester. System 2. De Aar, Kimberley, Mafeking. System 3. Noupoort, Port Elizabeth. System 4. Queenstown. System 5. Bethlehem, Bloemfontein, Kroonstad. System 6. Durban, Ladysmith (N), Pietermaritzburg. System 7. Klerksdorp, *Transrand (To north of Kazerne goods sheds). System 8. Nelspruit, Pietersburg, Pretoria. System 9. Windhoek. A Concentration depot was a station that combined truck loads, together and made up new train loads for despatch as soon as possible. This also expedited despatch of truck loads, to their various destinations. *A large NOTE on diagram states “Kazerne may not be used as a concentration depot, under any circumstances”. The good old S.A.R. & H. did all it could to expedite railway/RTS traffic and to satisfy its clients. Something sadly lacking in today’s RSA. Station and Siding Index books had the following explanatory note. The diagram of Stations and Stations is divided into squares – each having a distinctive code, e.g. A3, Q7, – and the code of the square in which any particular station, siding, etc, is situated, is reflected against each place name in the column “Diagram Reference”. Lekker lees. 94
Spoorweggroete, John and Jacque. (21 Aug 2017)
SLOT / END Geagte leser vir hierdie kwasiehistoriese dokument ons maak van verskeie bronne gebruik en bevat die dokument uiteraard uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende persone en die opsteller van die SAS-SAR kan nie in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid daarvoor verantwoordelik of aanspreeklik gehou word nie. Dear reader of this quasi-historical document: please note we make use of various sources and consequently it is obvious that the document contains various diverse and personal opinions of different people and the author of the SAS-SAR cannot be held responsible or be liable in his personal capacity.
Hennie Heymans