Contents CONTACT ................................................................................................................................................. 5 WELCOME / WELKOM............................................................................................................................. 5 EDITORIAL / REDAKSIONEEL ................................................................................................................... 5 OUR FACE BOOK PAGE / ONS FACEBOEK BLAD ...................................................................................... 8 BLUE TRAIN: LAST STEAM FROM JOHANNESBURG: J COLYN ................................................................. 8 WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS .............................................................................................................. 9
20140712 ................................................................................................................................ 9
20140811 .............................................................................................................................. 12
20140816: Central East African Railways.............................................................................. 15
20140826 .............................................................................................................................. 19
RAILWAY HISTORY: J & J WEPENER ...................................................................................................... 21 Railway Printers / Spoorweg Drukkers ............................................................................................. 21 PRESS SNIPPETS: JOHN WEPENER ........................................................................................................ 24 TPAG SNIPPET .................................................................................................................................. 24 TPAG - “OUR PENSION, OUR PASSION” ......................................................................................... 25 Media Release: Adv. Anton Alberts .................................................................................................. 25 1952 SAR ........................................................................................................................................... 26 FRANCOIS MATTHEÜS: WESTERN CAPE ............................................................................................... 27 Goods Trucks ..................................................................................................................................... 27
XPJ – 38-044-323 ................................................................................................................... 27
Petroleum Tanker ................................................................................................................. 28
XWLJ 47-510-099 .................................................................................................................. 28
DZ-type .................................................................................................................................. 29
DJ 26-978-571 ....................................................................................................................... 29
FZJ 81-075-545 ...................................................................................................................... 30 2
FZLJ 81-022-409 .................................................................................................................... 30
VLJ 90-501-969 ...................................................................................................................... 31
Welding of Rails / Sweis van Spore ................................................................................................... 31 Blue Train / Bloutrein ..................................................................................................................... 32 Diesel Traction .................................................................................................................................. 34
35-404 ................................................................................................................................... 34
36-014 ................................................................................................................................... 35
Cape Metro ....................................................................................................................................... 36 ANDRE GEULPA ..................................................................................................................................... 37
33-00X ................................................................................................................................... 37
36-027 PRASA........................................................................................................................ 37
FORMER SAS / SAR LOCOMOTIVES AND THE WELSH HIGHLAND RAILWAY IN NORTH WALES ........... 38 Author: Peter Brixey. Editor: Ann M. Brixey. July 2014. ................................................................... 38 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 38 A Brief History of the Line ............................................................................................................. 38 The Present Day ............................................................................................................................ 38 SAS SAR Locos On The Welsh Highland Railway ........................................................................... 39 Notes ............................................................................................................................................. 49 1925 SAR ROYAL TRAIN / SAS KONINKLIKE TREIN (HBH) ...................................................................... 54 SAR & KRUGER NATIONAL PARK ........................................................................................................... 71 “HOPE” (WALVISBAAI) - HBH ................................................................................................................ 72 MUIZENBERG ........................................................................................................................................ 73 Map By Bruno Martin ....................................................................................................................... 73 Muizenberg photos by HBH .............................................................................................................. 74 SPRINGS: JACO HOLTZHAUSEN ............................................................................................................. 76 ALICEDALE: SANEL DREYER ................................................................................................................... 76 19D: RUDI VENTER ................................................................................................................................ 82 3
SAA / SAL ............................................................................................................................................... 85 ZS-SZE Johannes Botha ..................................................................................................................... 85 Namibia: Martin Nel.............................................................................................................................. 86
TransNamib SDD6-0002 ........................................................................................................ 87
BOOKS / BOEKE ..................................................................................................................................... 88 Dennis Moore ................................................................................................................................... 88 2015 Calender: Nathan Berelowitz ................................................................................................... 92 OEPS! PHIL DU PLESSIS.......................................................................................................................... 93 SA MODELS ........................................................................................................................................... 94 LETTERS / BRIEWE ................................................................................................................................. 95
Railway Map: J & J Wepener ................................................................................................. 95
Artikel oor Japie Terblanche: Fanjan Coetzee....................................................................... 95
Information Wanted: Chris Venecourt ................................................................................. 95
Mel Turner Australia ............................................................................................................. 96
Full-steam ahead! (UK Preservation) via HBH ...................................................................... 96
Trains in Venice by Alex Faria: Cape Town ........................................................................... 96
Disclaimer and Greetings ...................................................................................................................... 97
CONTACT Please send your stories and photos to: Hennie Heymans at uloliwe@gmail.com Let’s preserve our railway history in cyber space!
WELCOME / WELKOM After a short break – a word of hearty welcome. Thank you to all for making this issue interesting and worthwhile! Settle in your “compartment”, serve yourself a drink, open the padkos and start reading ..... and enjoy!
EDITORIAL / REDAKSIONEEL Geagte Vriende en Lesers van die Uloliwe, Graag deel ek met u iets van my lewe; my agtergrond en siening oor die spoorweë: Van kleintyd af is ek lief vir treine. My oorlede vader het my vertel dat ek as klein seuntjie glad bus wou ry nie: -
Nee, ons moes met die trein ry Anders het ek 'n keel opgesit!
Ek het toe ek 'n jong seun was, besluit om by die SAP aan te sluit. Ek was amper 18 jaar oud toe ingesweer is en deur my hele polisieloopbaan is ek deurentyd aan die SAS en die SAS & H Polisie blootgestel. Ek het die spoorweë leer waardeer en ek het respek vir die manne en vroue van die SAS &H gekry. Wat ʼn gedugte span mense! Die SAS was destyds die grootste staatsdepartement in die land. Veral nadat ek op pensioen gegaan het, het ek besluit om ʼn studie van die spoorweg se geskiedenis te maak. Ook het ek besluit ek wou weet wat ʼn klas 23 stoomlokomotief was, wat ʼn C-22 rytuig was en wat ʼn DZ trok was. By die spoorweë se hoofkantoor het ek diagramboeke gekoop en ʼn studie gemaak van trekkrag en rollende materiaal. Ek het foto’s en diagramme bymekaar begin plaas – soos ouens seëls versamel het ek trokke en rytuie se foto’s begin versamel en so ʼn interessante versameling foto’s en diagramme opgebou. Ons het almal gesien hoe die weermag ʼn ongeluk gehad; ‘n tenktransporter met tenk agterop het op Van Reenenspas sports gemaak. Een van my “treinvriende” is luit-kol Eric Samuels. Hy was ‘n panserman in die SAW. Ons gesels eendag oor oorlogtenks en treine en hy vertel my hoe die SAW tenks van Durban – Amanzimyana – na Potchefstroom en elders moes vervoer. Binne ʼn kort tydjie het die SAS & H, so vertel hy, spesiaal plat versterkte “S”-klas trokke beskikbaar gestel om die tenks landwyd te vervoer. 5
Snaaks ek vertel hom, toe ek in Graad 1 was het dieselfde tenks van die hawe na Amanzimyama in Umbiloweg verby ons skool gerammel. Iets wat hy ook beaam het. Ek was op die Bluff te SAP King’s Rest gestasioneer en het baie kontak met die SAS gehad. (Die boek Roepman is gegrond op die spoorwegmense van die Bluff.) Hier kan ek goed onthou hoe die stoomenjin wanneer nodig van Wests af na Union Whaling, aan die oostekant van die Bluff, S-trokke gesleep het met walvisse daarop. In my latere lewe was ek verbonde aan die afdeling wat met nasionale strategie gewerk het en ek het altyd met spoorwegkollegas gesels sodat ‘ons’ ons lokomotiewe moes bewaar in die strategiese reserwe, sou oorlog of anargie uitbreek. Wel terugskouend van 1860 tot vandag en sonder om afbrekend te wees teenoor vandag se Spoornet kan ek noem daar was werklik ʼn tyd toe die SAS & H alles kon vervoer van spelde tot rioolafval, walvisse, olifante, leeus, tiers, beeste, skape, goud, steenkool, roomkanne en polisie- en oorlogstuig. As jong konstabel moes ek elke oggend die possak by die treinkondukteur van die plaaslik Durban – Wests trein in ontvangs neem by King’s Rest Halt. Ons het ons daaglikse koerant per trein, in die possak, ontvang. Smiddae moes die possak weer gevul met ons pos na die trein geneem word. Klein dingetjies, maar net om te wys op die onmisbare rol van die SAS. In die “ou dae” is die polisie en hul perde, op kort kennisgewing, deur die SAS & H vervoer, waar ook al daar onstuimigheid in die gemeenskap was. Jaarliks was die parlement per trein van Pretoria na Kaapstad (en terug) vervoer en ook die polisie en hul perde vir die jaarlikse parlementsopening. Hoeveel keer het die trein nie trots die stasie ingestoom nie, mens het op die platvorm gestaan, en die skouspel bewonder! Mens was trots op die SAS & H – mens kom beweer dat SAS & H een van ons land se nasionale prestasie simbole was – nee, ek dink dit was feit! Ek onthou hoe die kelners op aandag gestaan het in die eetwa wanneer daar deur groot stasies gery is en ja, die republiekwapen het op die eetwa se kant gepryk! Ons het die Wittrein gehad: Ek was in Durban en elke jaar het die SP kom kuier met die pragtige Wittrein. Snaaks toe daar ‘n nuwe SP kom wou sy gade duur veranderings laat aanbring en ‘n bron het aan my vertel dat adv BJ Vorster, toe eersteminister, gelas het dat hulle eerder ‘n klein Boeing kon kry wat baie goedkoper sou wees. So het ‘n tradisie uitgesterf. Net soos ons trots op ons weermag en polisie was, kon ons ook met reg trots wees op ons spoorweë en sy personeel. Ons is so geneig om te vereer, ons dink so baie aan mense wat heldedade verrig het! Maar het ons al ooit vir ‘n oomblik gaan sit en dink aan die stoker en die treindrywer? Manne kom ek sê julle ons drywers en 6
stokers was in eie reg, ook helde! Dink aan die geweldige tonnemaat wat ongeluksvry vervoer word! Passasiers, goedere en pos is reëlmatig veilig afgelewer! As klein seuntjie onthou hoe my oorlede vader en ek het een maal Louis Botha Lughawe besoek. Terwyl ons daar was het ʼn SAL-vliegtuig geland en die ek onthou die vlieënier het die venster voor oopgemaak en ʼn klein Unievlaggie daar vasgesteek. Die vlaggie het ligweg is die seebries gewapper: Dit het my baie trots gemaak om ʼn Suid-Afrikaner te wees. (Die SAS het Louis Botha-lughawe gebou.) Daar was ʼn tyd toe dit onwettig was om goedere te vervoer sonder ‘n permit! Die spoorweë was die nasionale karweier. Op elke dorpie was ‘n spoorwegstasie en om die stasie was daar spoorweggeboue en –huise. Die koopkrag van die SAS het klein dorpies aan die lewe gehou. Inteendeel die SAS het sy eie dorpe soos Alicedale en Watervalboven gehad. Die SAS het sy eie weermag elemente gehad, sy eie polisie, sy eie wetenskaplikes, sy eie geneeshere, hospitale, werkwinkels, ambagslui, drukkers, noem dit op – lughawens, vuurtorings, hawens, vliegtuie en skepe. Die spoorweë kon alles vermag! Die lewe is dinamies en sekere aspekte het die SAS gekortwiek, bv -
Outomatisasie dmv sentrale verkeersbeheer; Deregulering; en Vinnige lug- en busvervoer. (Almal is mos haastig. Vir my begin die vakansie as ek in die kompartement sit en wag dat die trein moet vertrek!)
Klein stasies is eerste toegemaak en so is vrag verloor. Vandag vervoer die polisie landwyd sy eie logistiek van die kwartiermeester se magasyn na die verste polisiestasie! Weg is die dae dat jy 50 patrone in ‘n boksie met die trein kon stuur. Die spoorweë het eers hierdie taak aangevul deur die treindiens en die padmotordiens. Ek onthou toe ek in die veiligheidspolisie was het ons “spoedpos” met die “vrugtetas” op die SAL se vliegtuie gestuur. Dit was in die dae voor die faks en die woordverwerker. Pos vir die minister is ook deur die vlieënier vir ons vervoer tussen Jan Smutslughawe en DF Malanlughaqwe. Ons as nuwe konstabels is landwyd deur die SAS en die padmotordiens “afgelewer”. Ons groot lang blik trommels met die geweer agter in die bagasiewa. Indien die polisie vandag miskien 5 000 man dadelik sê van Pretoria na Kaapstad moet stuur hoe sal dit gedoen word? Ek weet nie. Ons sal seker by die weermag vervoer en petroltenkers moet leen maar wat van kos en toilette? Hoe vervoer jy per pad 5 000 man per pad – jy kan tog nie by Shell Ultra City stop nie. Dink maar net 7
aan die “witgoud” – toiletpapier. Ek weet nie of die lugmag vandag 5 000 manskappe kan vervoer nie. Kan u sien waarom ek die spoorweë loof! Ons sal weer na die tekenbord moet beweeg. Indien ons is ʼn oorlog gewikkel word, waar gaan ons vliegtuigbrandstof, petrol en diesel vandaan kom? Sasol kan nie in al ons behoeftes voorsien nie. Hoe gaan ons ploeg met min brandstof en hoe gaan ons voedsel vervoer? Hoe gaan die steenkool by die kragsentrales kom? Vandag word dit per vragmotor aangery! Ten slotte wil ek net ‘n oomblik stilstaan en hulde bring, nie net aan die “ou” SAS nie maar ook aan vandag se Spoornet- en Prasa-drywers en ander personeel: Ek dink die regering, die land en sy mense moet ʼn oomblik stilstaan en weer in sy spoorweë investeer en weer diep onder die indruk kom van die strategiese belang van ons spoorweë! Dis die manne en vroue wat sorg dat ons aan die lewe gaan bly. Ek salueer die personeel van die spoorweë – hulle is ook heroes in eie reg!
James Colyn http://youtu.be/W53TnsNT14I You, Chris De Vos, Jacobus Marais, Bill Deyzel and 9 others like this.
Martin Nel Baie netjies Ina Botha Dit gee my skoon hoendervleis. Rene Van Wyngaarden Trane! Johann Pretorius Ja mense wat se erkening het ons in die spoorweg gekry vir al ons opofering ons en ons voorouers was die bouers van hierdie spoor net werk ons het alles gegee vir die land en ons volk ! Net 2% is ons werd ! Yesterday at 19:19 · Like Jaco Holtzhausen Pragtig
WEPENER’S PERAMBULATIONS 20140712 Hi guys. Early Saturday morning, freezing, overcast at Welkom station, this train failed on Friday at Odendaalsrus. Two spare diesels were sent and at Welkom the crews time was up. This train was cleared later yesterday morning. Then the Wesselsbron pick-up, with a short load of mielies. This train was to bring an air braked block load back. Sunrise at Friedesheim, near Chrisbouw, the points at Ancona / Rooiblom, (left to Bultfontein and right to Vierfontein), descending down to Rooiblom & at Rooiblom, arriving at Wesselsbron and taking out a couple of chickens line side. At Wesselsbron - still icy cold, turning on the tri-angle, the load, dropping the empties and making up the air braked load. Heading back near Erfdeel, at goods shed and leaving Welkom.
Also on Saturday TFR brought a 36 class for Sheltam, no. 1004, I only caught a glimpse of this loco and will get some pics during the week. Cheers. J & J.
 20140811 Hi guys. E 1264 and sister, heading to BFX, just south of Welgelee with a mielie and fuel train, also in tow was 36 111. The same train at Vet River. Sheltam's new 36 class at their depot. Just before Virginia, E 1551 and E 12xx, also heading to Bloemfontein, this time with 34 499 in tow. 34 417 at Rooiblom/Ancona Kroonstad from Wesselsbron.
Near Grasslands, E 1513 and orange containers. It was raining in this area today.
The pick-up leaving Kingswood behind E 1227 & E 1418. The same two units returning light loco, "ligte karre" to Klerksdorp between Daalder and Leeudoringstad. We wanted to catch the Blue train here as well but as usual a hold up at Klerksdorp - why - someone forgot to fill the water tanks at Pretoria! Not the first time this has happened... The same two units without blue units...
Greeting from all the crews. Cheers. J & J.
 20140816: Central East African Railways Hi guys. Grindrod entering Friedesheim with a load of empty hoppers for 5 shaft. At Wesselsbron before heading to Kroonstad, we met up with Eugene here. Then at Brandfort, this train was standing due to the crews time being up. These 33's are heading to Malawi. Strangely the diesels were idling, most probably for air to assist with braking. Some shots at Welkom station, the diesel GS7-04C, this one has three axles.
Sheltam's 36 coming from 4 shaft and heading to the exchange yards with Harmony. Lastly - a livestock train heading to the kraal !! Cheers. J & J.
 20140826 Hi guys. 34 081 returning from the branch, here at Whites en-route to Kroonstad.
Something we haven't spotted for a while - the car train !! Here heading north just before Holfontein. The running times have been changed on the car trains and now they run early morning / evening - all in darkness. E 1352 was staged at Hennenman, she later got picked up by another two light locos ex Theunissen and went to Kroonstad, we missed this movement. E 1505 and orange sister at Theunissen, Kroonstad bound. The two 34's are heading to Bloemfontein, the same spot as the tanker train, this was the pick-up. Then at for the at the following this is...
Welgelee, southbound, this train failed (front unit) and was waiting fitters from Kroonstad. There was a caboose with 2 security guards end of this train, apparently to guard the beer in the trucks the units, the rest of the load was mielies? Don't know how true
If all goes to plan the entire line from Kroonstad to Bloemfontein will be CS 90 as from end of September. All stations except Brandfort have been closed and switched over. Brandfort had whites crosses on the colour light signals - part of the switch over to CS 90. So an era ends on the Free State mainline, all stations are almost closed AND soon the 6E/1's will start disappearing and will fade into history as the 18E's take over. The first batch of drivers were scheduled to start 18E training at Kroonstad this week. So far only the passenger trains have 18E's on, sometimes. 18E's made a brief appearance several years ago but the drivers training lapsed and was not renewed. Enjoy the old units while you can... Cheers. J & J.
RAILWAY HISTORY: J & J WEPENER Railway Printers / Spoorweg Drukkers A very little known section of S.A.R. & H. Was the Railway Printers / Spoorweg Drukkers. This section was responsible for printing many Railway related items. 21
Government printer issued Weekly Notices, Summary of amendments/alterations to tariff books and List of amendments/alterations to standing instructions, on quality paper A4 booklet form, marked, GPS [Government Printing Services]. Last two notices were printed only when alterations had to be made. On receipt of these alterations, staff got busy cutting out and pasting in new pages of part pages or sentences into Stations books. System Manager’s Offices would use “Gestetner” machines for weekly circular for its system, on ordinary A4 sheets of paper stapled together. Items from Railway Printers were marked, “SASDRUK / SARPRINT”. At first many official forms were printed by the Railway Printers, later this work was put out on tender and many private companies did printing. [“Caxton”] comes to mind. Chief Stores Superintendent, Stationery office at Germiston. However for many years printing of Railway, RTS, SAA tickets was done under Jeppe station building. Tracks at Jeppe are below ground level. Most of the printing involved, printing of what was termed, Carton Tickets. We can all remember being issued with a small carton ticket for a railway journey. The ticket clerk pulling out ticket from his lockable upright cabinet. Filled with rows of metal tubes, for various destinations. After a while clerk would grab correct ticket first time, having learned all ticket positions. He would check following number with number of issued ticket, in case a number had been duplicated/missed. This would then cause him to have a surplus/shortage on making his daily balance. Use green or aluminium painted Ticket Date Press, which inked the date on back of card ticket. Every ticket window had series number on tickets. W01, W02 depending on size of ticket office. Tickets from one series could NOT be used at another window. Counter stock of thousands of tickets were kept in lovely polished ticket stock cabinets. All had thin planks in many rows of draws, in which ticket stock was kept. Clerk-incharge responsible to issue extra stock should need arise and to see that enough stock was readily available for any particular window after hours. Locked in cupboards below office counters. Same clerk responsible to order new carton ticket stock, on time, to ensure local station supply at all times. Booysens which had 10 trains per week, conveying new and returning mine workers, from/to Francistown onwards Nyasaland by DC7, Ressano Garcia, Soekmekaar, tickets issued Booysens train ex Johannesburg and Transkei [Bombella]. A very large stock “WENELA” / ”NCR” tickets were kept in separate office in large steel cabinets. Local staff from two recruiting organisations would phone order thousands of tickets for next week’s trains. Would be taken out. Staff arrived with large suit cases took delivery of tickets. Both organisations had ticket date presses and pre-dating presses, which could insert forth coming dates on card tickets. Card tickets in bundles of 250 each, tightened with string, later 200 per bundle. Staff opened bundles to check and closed them again without breaking string. 22
In unlikely event of running out of stock. A supply of SA131, A and B, Excess Fare Ticket books [EFT], were locked away, with one book on counter. These SA131 books were normally used as name refers [Excess Fare], to enable a passenger to change present ticket to a higher class of travel. Original ticket surrendered new paper ticket issued, showing details of original ticket, indicating price difference paid in. These SA131 tickets also used to issue, if no stock was kept at smaller stations, Bedding tickets, white [1961 - 50c], Deluxe mattress tickets green [40c]. Meal tickets, [Breakfast 75c, Lunch R1.00, Dinner R1.25 and Grill R1.50]. Purchasing tickets for these services before hand, cheaper than from Chief Steward/Ticket Examiner on train. Large stations had printed stock of above tickets. On the Reef/PWV area, Durban/PMB area and Cape Town/Touwsrivier area a special type of SA131 was available. SA131[RS] – Reef Series. These paper tickets used NUMBERS in place of Names, speeded up issue of Suburban tickets, Ticket offices, Barrier gates and on trains. SA131A was used for RTS tickets SA131B was used for 40 Off other concessions Government warrants. SA131, A white, B had horizontal orange strip in centre. Before mass use of SA131 paper tickets was allowed. Stations had stock of Blank Carton Tickets. These were used to issue tickets to any destination. Special Blank Card register was kept for record and accounting purposes. One must also remember that large carton tickets were used for issue of. Workers Weekly tickets [Had large red “WW” on ticket face, with 12 nipper spaces]. Cheap fare for one trip Monday-Saturday only. Ordinary Weekly tickets, used for more than one trip, on section per day. Half monthly tickets, used for more than one trip, on section per day. Monthly tickets used for more than one trip on section per day. Use was also made of blank season tickets, when stock to a particular station was not available in printed form. For a small charge one could buy a neat leather holder with clear plastic face for season tickets. Commercial travellers could complete an application pay necessary fare, for an Annual ticket to enable them to travel on sections and detrain/entrain whenever need arose. Reservations to be made on overnight trains. Application was forwarded to Local Accountant’s office. Linen backed pass issued. Renewal, old pass surrendered. Trains so regular, running on time, all lines traveller would make use of them to contact his regular customers. Luggage booked at special rate. Luggage way bill endorsed “Travellers Samples” and number of pass. On subject of linen passes, these were issued to all Railway Staff travelling by trains on regular or non-regular basis.
These passes were issued for First, Second and Third class travel. To those making daily or regular use of trains, issued on a personal to holder basis, name of servant appearing on pass. In certain cases passes were marked, “Only valid if T... [Can’t remember number], form issued. Curbed irregular use of passes. Many stations had at least one linen pass of each class, to be issued in emergency cases of train travel, On Railway Service. [ORS]. Should it arise that a group of servants or single servant, be required at another station for emergency relief purposes or urgent course at Railway Colleges. A “RSTOS” [Railway Servant Travelling On Service], would be issued by Staff and General Office. Ticket Office would issue free tickets, either carton/SA131, to all concerned. RSTOS attached to month end balance as authorization for issue of free tickets. Linen passes were also issued to students, having to make regular trips to Universities etc. Today lap tops used and tickets of all classes sorts printed at window, balances appear on screen at shift end. Ticket greetings, John and Jacque.
The Board of Trustees of the TSDBF was informed at its recent meeting that the Transnet Board had decided to lodge an appeal against the judgement for the certification of the Class Action and based on advice received from the Legal Counsel of the Board, the TSDBF Board of Trustees also decided with a vote of 5 to 4 to follow suit. The Pensioner appointed Trustees carried out their fiduciary duty by voting that the fund shouldnot lodge an appeal against the judgement for the certification of the Class Action but unfortunately the Transnet appointed Chairman has a casting vote and his vote was to appeal, an old adage says “He who pays the piper, calls the tune”! This reinforces TPAG’s view that Chairperson of the Board of Trustees should be independent meaning they must have no affilation to Transnet or Pensioners. A spokesman for the TSDBF stated on 19 August 2014, the Board of Trustees duly considered the judgement in the North Gauteng High Court to certify the class action. Based on legal advice from Senior Counsel, the Board of Trustees resolved that in terms of their fiduciary duty, the judgement be appealed.”
22TH August 2014
TPAG representing more than 60 000 pensioners of the Transnet Defined Benefit Funds wants to express its strong disappointment that Transnet is further delaying the start of the Class Action Court case already approved by the High Court. It would seem that Transnet at all costs wants to deny the pensioners their day in Court and the justice they so richly deserve.
Why is Transnet not prepared to allow the pensioners to put their case to an independent Judge? Is it because Transnet’s case has little or no merit? We the pensioners insist that our class action must be heard in the name of Justice Transnet should not be permitted to delay our case any further!
Transnet has the moral responsibility to settle this matter in a civilised manner once and for all to end the pensioners suffering as soon as possible. Justice will only be served when their pensions, which they worked a lifetime for, are adjusted to the values as promised in their Service Contracts. The practice of inflation linked annual pension increases was consistently adhered to from 1970 and applied until 2001. In 1990, with the change over from SATS to the Transnet Company, the existing practice of inflation linked annual pension increases, which had been in existence since 1969, was specifically endorsed by and adhered to by the new Management until 2001, at which point Transnet unilaterally reduced annual pension increases to 2% only. This has resulted in all Transnet Pensioners rapidly becoming impoverished and not being able to continue their normal life. We demand that Transnet stops its delaying tactics and acts as a responsible employer. It should grant the pensioners request for an independent Court Hearing as it has already been agreed to by the High Court. PLEASE GRANT US OUR DAY IN COURT!!!
Media Release: Adv. Anton Alberts SUBJECT it dearly ISSUED BY CAPACITY DATE
Transnet’s appeal against the class action judgment could cost
: : :
Adv. Anton Alberts FF Plus parliamentary spokesperson: Transport 26 August 2014
Transnet’s decision to appeal the decision of the Gauteng North High Court could cost it dearly and the FF Plus will now be taking steps that could negatively affect this institutions credit rating.
Adv. Anton Alberts, the FF Plus’ parliamentary spokesperson on Transport said today during a Member Statement in Parliament that the FF Plus will be providing all of Transnet’s creditors, capital expansion service providers and the large credit rating agencies with a copy of the judgment for their consideration. He said this is necessary to ensure that Transnet fulfils its obligations toward the pension funds and pensioners as required in terms of section 51(1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1 of 1999. “Transnet has to realise that it could face credit downgrading due to the stripping of the assets of the pension funds and the theft of the money of innocent pensioners. Transnet will be paying a price for this. The FF Plus will see to it. “The FF Plus did not only take note of Transnet and the Trustees of the two pension funds’ decisions to appeal the class action court decision, but also of the alleged comments made by the chief executive officer of Transnet, Brian Molefe, who apparently told a journalist that the pensioners were ‘the beneficiaries of apartheid who are not entitled to claim compensation’. “He furthermore also apparently said: ‘(if) they want to continue the revolution in the streets, they should just say so …’ which is a threat against innocent old people. “Given this stubbornness of Transnet and its wish to start a revolution against innocent pensioners, of whom nearly half are black, brown and Indian people, the FF Plus has no other choice but to take such a drastic step,” Adv. Alberts said.
Dinamiet trein 1952 26
Trok skade naby dinamiet trein 1952
Petroleum Tanker
XWLJ 47-510-099
DJ 26-978-571
FZJ 81-075-545
FZLJ 81-022-409
 VLJ 90-501-969
Welding of Rails / Sweis van Spore
Ek sien op 'n gedeelte van die trajek, is "merke" soos hierdie waar daar met kryt gemerk word... Is dit ter voorbereiding van iets wat hier gedoen moet word? Chris De Vos, Jade Wilson and 4 others like this. Adrian Maytom Van daai in Gauteng ook gesien. Sal ook laaik om te weet hoekom dit gedoen word PC Louw thnX nou weet ek ook. 31
Bennie En Ronel Greyling Dis waar die sweiser gewerk het gewoonlik lengte diepte ens die staaf is ook warm gemaak Francois Matthe端s Dankie Bennie. Interessant om so te leer van die dinge. O'Brien Van Der Watt Dit is toleransie merke. Wanneer 'n stuk spoorstaaf ingesweis word op 'n draai, moet die stuk wat ingesweis word, gebuig word. 'n Gymcrow was jare terug daarvoor gebruik. Deesdae word dit deur masjiene gedoen. Wanneer die stuk spoorstaaf gebuig word en 'n tou word gespan van een ent tot die ander, moet die afstand gemeet vanaf die middelpunt van die spoorstaaf tot by die tou op daardie punt min of meer gelyk wees, om seker te maak dat die ingesweisde deel dieselfde kurwe het vas die draai!
Blue Train / Bloutrein Bloutrein deur Brackenfell, 26 Aug 2014 - Drywer: JN Brand - So af en toe gebeur dit dat terwyl jy vir die hoogtepunt van die dag wag, jy 'n kruising met 'n Metro vang en dan is daar maar min wat jy kan doen
Diesel Traction  35-404
Brackenfell, 26 Aug 2014
Francois Mattheüs Suid-Afrikaaanse Spoorweë / SA Railways / Ulolwe 9 hrs Brackenfell, 26 Aug 2014 Jade Wilson, Jacobus Marais, Bill Deyzel and 17 others like this. Adrian Maytom Fantastic photo, Thanks for sharing Francois Mattheüs Thx Adrian Maytom. 9 hrs · Like · 1 Johann Pretorius Mooi foto ja ek het die DZ trokke as vakleerling in Pietermaritzbug herstel en as toesighouer in Uitenhage werkswinkel het ons die trokke omgeskep na lugremme en die ou vakuum remstesel verwyder.
36-014 Brackenfell, 26 Aug 2014 - Drywer: Johan (Lampies) Lamprecht
Cape Metro
36-027 PRASA
FORMER SAS / SAR LOCOMOTIVES AND THE WELSH HIGHLAND RAILWAY IN NORTH WALES Author: Peter Brixey. Editor: Ann M. Brixey. July 2014. Introduction The Welsh Highland Railway or Rheilffordd Eryri is a twenty five mile (40.2 km) long, restored 1 ft 11 ½ inch (597 mm) narrow gauge heritage railway in the Welsh county of Gwynedd, operating from Caernarfon to Porthmadog, and passing through a number of popular tourist destinations including Beddgelert and the Aberglaslyn Pass. At Porthmadog it connects with the Ffestiniog Railway.
A Brief History of the Line The Welsh Highland Railway, as it is today, is a twenty file mile narrow gauge line running through the heart of Snowdonia. The track was made up of two railway lines that were used to carry slate from the quarries to the sea for shipping overseas. In 1922, to join the two, an eight mile track was constructed through Beddgelert & the Aberglaslyn pass. When passenger services began in 1923, a more scenic train journey was hard to imagine. The line ran from Dinas up into the mountains past Wynfawr, Rydd Du, through Beddgelert and then back down to the sea at Porthmadog. But a combination of factors including falling traffic and revenue meant that the project was doomed. In 1936 the company went into receivership, soon after most of the track was lifted and used as scrap for the Second World War effort. But the dream of running a steam train along that line never faded. In the 1960’s the Welsh Highland Railway drew up plans to reopen the line. Later the Ffestiniog Railway Company joined the fray and after one of the fiercest battles in recent railway history, the order was finally granted to the Ffestiniog Railway Company.
The Present Day The modern Welsh Highland Railway is a tourist railway that is owned and operated by the Ffestiniog Railway Company. It is longer than the original line and starts from Caernarfon rather than the original starting point at Dinas. The extension was built on the track bed of the former standard gauge railway. The WHR's connection to the Ffestiniog Railway means that the Ffestiniog Railway Co. controls almost forty miles of narrow gauge railway. The SAS SAR locos are limited to operations on the Welsh Highland Railway due to clearance restrictions on the adjoining Ffestiniog Railway. 38
SAS SAR Locos On The Welsh Highland Railway From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wheel
Ex-SAR NGG 16 Class Garratt. Spent much of its working life in South Africa until it was replaced by diesel traction. Purchased from Exmoor Steam Centre, who imported it to the UK. Underwent a major restoration at Boston Lodge Works. Coal fired. Initially outshopped in photographic grey livery, has carried midnight blue livery since March 2010.
1937 Cockerill
1939 Beyer-Peacock NGG16
Société AngloNG15 Franco-Belge
Ex-SAR NG15 Class Unrestored.
Société AngloNG15 Franco-Belge
Ex-SAR NG15 Class Under restoration at Dinas.
1958 Beyer-Peacock NGG16
Ex-SAR NGG 16 Class Garratt, red livery. Entered service in 1997 in unlined dark green, then malachite green as of 2002 when it was named.
Ex-SAR NGG16 Class Garratt. Purchased in 2009.
1958 Beyer-Peacock NGG16
Ex-SAR NGG 16 Class Garratt, red livery. Currently stripped with restoration proceeding at Dinas. After initial work done at Dinas, 140's boiler is being overhauled by Peter Waterman's LNWR works. The boiler will enter service with 143, in order to speed up that loco's 10 year overhaul in 2009/10. 140 is viewed as a long term project by the FR and will enter service in the future.
1958 Beyer-Peacock NGG16
Ex-SAR NGG16 Class Garratt, green livery. This was the last locomotive built by Beyer, Peacock and Company in Manchester. Entered service in plain black livery in 1998.
The railway route map posted at Caernafon Station; the starting point of our journey. It shows both the Welsh Highland Railway and the connected Ffestiniog Railway. The Journey 2012
Caernarfon Station with Caernarfon castle is in the background. This track-bed was originally part of the standard gauge (4 foot 8 ½ inch) London and North Western
Railway (LNWR) system. The LNWR line ran through Dinas to meet up with the original North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway.
Our train for the 25-mile (40.2 km) round trip journey to Porthmadog and back was hauled by Garratt No. 143, Class NGG16 2-6-2+ 2-6-2. She has just brought the coaches into the station and is running around the train to couple up at the other end in preparation for the outward journey to Porthmadog.
The view from the observation coach travelling down to Porthmadog where the line joins with the Ffestiniog.
NGG16 No. 143 Heading to Porthmadog on the downward run.
Our train passes NGG16 No. 87 taking on water at Rhyd Ddu Station on her way back to Caernarfon.
The track crosses the main road in Porthmadog before it arrives at the station and the connection with the Ffestiniog Railway. It is here in Porthmadog where passengers travelling through to Blaina Ffestiniog alight and change trains. Welsh Highland Loco No. 143 is then run around its train for the return journey to Caernarfon, the starting point.
The return
The second part of our journey, heading north towards Snowdonia National Park, Caernarfon and the starting point. No. 143 is now coupled to the observation coach.
Riding in the First Class observation coach on the way back up the line. One can open a side window and get an up-close and personal experience with the Loco. This coach is one of several First Class coaches built in recent years. 45
The view from the observation coach, travelling engine first up the Aberglaslyn Pass, approaching the bridge which crosses the Afon (River) Glaslyn. The spectacular Aberglaslyn Pass is a narrow gorge south of Beddgelert within the Snowdonia National Park. Intersected by the river on its journey from Snowdon Mountain to the Bay of Cardigan, the Aberglaslyn Pass is best appreciated whilst traversing the footpaths running alongside the river and by riding the train.
The bridge crossing the Afon (River) Glaslyn. It is very similar in design to the original which was too rusty to restore. I remember walking across the original bridge back in the 1960s; a lot of the horizontal I-beams had rusted through where years of rainwater had collected.
Snowdon Mountain is in the distance, below the cloud. The Snowdon Mountain (rack) Railway runs up the ridge on the left of the picture to the summit. It is a nice day trip if it is not a cloudy day.
Another SAR loco, a Class NG15 No. 134 is undergoing restoration at Dinas. The railway also owns another NG15 No. 133 which is unrestored.
Here at Dinas, previously known as Dinas Junction, the new narrow gauge platforms were built on the site of the former standard gauge platforms of the old London and North Western Railway. Two buildings survive from the North Wales Narrow Gauge Railways era, namely the former goods shed and the original station building which has been carefully restored. The Dinas yards house the Welsh Highland Railway offices, carriage sheds and locomotive depot as well as extensive civil engineering works and sidings.
The original Dinas station built by the North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway in 1877. The station was reopened in 1997 following restoration by the Welsh Highland Railway.
Back at Caernarfon, Loco No. 143 runs around the train in readiness for another journey to Porthmadog and back.
Notes My wife and I first visited this area in the early 1960s and were fortunate enough to have explored part of the Welsh Highland Railway track-bed in the Aberglaslyn Pass; re-opening of the line was still a pipe dream. We have returned several times since then, with the most recent being in 2006, 2011 and 2012. Following are a few pictures taken during our visits in 2006 and 2011.
One of two NG15s, number unknown, was seen sitting on a low loader road trailer. It was destined for future restoration. An NGG16, believed to be The “Red Devil� No. 140 at Waun Fawr station.
The following pictures are of NGG16 No. 87.
There are a number of Video tapes and DVDs available featuring the Welsh Highland Railway and the SAS SAR locomotives. One of my favourites is the first of a series entitled “for the love of STEAM� featuring the purchase of the first two Garratt 2-6-2+2-6-2 locomotives by the Welsh Highland Railway. It was produced in 1998 by S4C, a Welsh television production company. Most of the footage for the first Video/DVD was shot in South Africa on the Alfred County Railway. It includes the reconstruction of Loco No. 138 in the loco shed at Port Shepstone, test runs, trials and tribulations and a special charter run with locos 138 and 155 on the 70 mile Alfred County Railway. The tape also shows the work by the Welsh Highland Railway during reconstruction and opening of the first track section from Caernarfon to Dinas, and the re-assembly of No. 138 after her arrival in Wales. Subsequent DVDs by S4C have also been produced and show additional sections of the railway as they are opened for traffic through to the connection in Porthmadog with the Ffestiniog Railway. The website for the http://www.festrail.co.uk/.
Driver & fireman facing cine camera 1925 by H Starky.
1925 Royal Train in Natal
Royal Train nr Congella 1925
1925: Royal Train Prince of Wales at Wolsely, CP, by H. Starkey
[My paternal aunt, Mrs Mims West Thomas, who grew up in Van Reenen related the following anecdote to me. Ouma’s sister, Aunt Bessie Straus and her husband, were farming between Van Reenen and Clova. When the Prince of Wales visted the neighbourhood the whole community went to the SAR Station to see the Prince. Aunt Bessie was baking bread. Somebody called on her and asked for a glass of water. Aunt Bessie gave the visitor a glass of water and he asked her where everybody was. She replied everybody was at the station as the Prince of Wales was passing through. He said to her that he was the Prince. The story ends with him asking what the lovely aroma was? Aunt Bessie replied that she was baking bread. She offered him fresh “boer-bread and farm butter.” Far fetched? I don’t know, sometimes stories improve with the time. What I do know is: He left the train many times to walk along the railway line. A similar story: During the the Anglo Boer War a relation looked like Queen Victoria. When the English came to burn down the farm house the officer did not burn the house down, instead he brought his Colonel to see the distant aunt. He agreed with the officer that she looked like QV and she received a portrait of QV which acted as her “free pass” to live safely. I simply love these old stories and have written them down. Like Oom Doors Serfontein’s farm house was also not burnt down. I visted the farm and took photographs. The house in the Free State near Bethlehem; it has a corner stone and it had what appereded to be a Free Mason’s logo on it. The homestead was not burnt down, as legend wanted it, because of the corner stone. The logo was similar to the Free Masons sign but not the same. I took a photogrpah of it. HBH]
1954: “Hope” in Windhoek with Lisa Kuntze (A photo in Hennie Heymans-Collection).
More information on “Hope” will be welcome. 72
MUIZENBERG Map By Bruno Martin
Muizenberg photos by HBH
Muizenberg Station
Overnight in Bosveld Train Safaris at Muizenberg 74
While taking pictures at Muizenberg Railway Station one of the vagrants sitting at the side of the road shouted to me: “Hey there are a few cars on the other side of the road that you have not captured with your camera!�
Hi Hennie …………… Ek gaan vir jou foto’s aanstuur van n vriendin van my by name Sanel Dreyer. (sien epos in cc lyn). Sy het foto’s geneem van verskillende stasies, naamlik Alicedale, Uitenhaag stasie, Buffelsbaai, Grootbrak, Kleinbrak, George, ens. Ek neem die vrymoedigheid om die bestes te kies van elke stasie, die aantal pixels te verminder (sodat hulle gepos kan word) en sal al die foto’s namens haar stuur….basies soos ʼn posbus werk. Ek het niks met die neem van die foto’s te maak nie – alles suiwer Sanel se werk, so wil asb nie êrens genoem word nie. Hier is die eerste van Sanel se foto albums: Alicedale. Groete Tish Archer
19D: RUDI VENTER Rudi a train driver writes: “At Cedara a 19D stands that are slowly been cut up by vandals...pictures of 2007 differs from today ....”
In the days of old, a farrier in the Cape Mounted Rifles had an inspection and his anvil was missing. At the Board he declared the anvil was “eaten by white ants!� The anvil was eventually written off by a bureaucrat in Cape Town. This engine also looks like it has been eaten by white ants. What a pity!
SAA / SAL ZS-SZE Johannes Botha
A320 SA ZS-SZE 85
Namibia: Martin Nel
 TransNamib SDD6-0002 87
17 Aug 2014 Net buitekant Arandis in die rigting van Usakos. TransNamib SDD60002. Mens sien hulle maar min. Daar is 20 ingevoer vanaf China van hierdie tipe.
BOOKS / BOEKE Dennis Moore Hello everybody, A long time since you last heard from me, but a lot has been happening, as you will read. (A) DISCOUNTS First and foremost, may I please draw your attention to pricing. As many of you may be aware, print on demand books are unavoidably a little on the expensive side, but one does not have to necessarily pay the catalogue price. If you are buying a book / books, simply Google Blurb Coupon Code, and you will find many sources of discounts available, which code you simply enter towards the end of the checkout process. These coupon codes are common practice in internet mail order and can be a little tricky and irritating, but it is worth persevering. Discounts of up to 25% and even 30% are often available, especially (but not solely) for first time buyers.
(B) TO SEE ALL OF MY BOOKS (now twenty-eight titles), please go to www.blurb.com/user/store/red3450 As always, full previews are available. Many readers of this e mail simply enjoy this facility, and that's fine by me because some of them end up buying physical books after such a perusal. (C) NEW BOOKS (See cover pictures attached above). All available in softback, hardcover with dustjacket, or hardcover 'image wrap', except [22] not available in softcover. For those with a thing for South African narrow gauge steam in general and the amazing SANDSTONE ESTATES RAILWAY in particular, and then this e mail is right up your street. [22] THE SANDSTONE ESTATES RAILWAY - A PHOTOGRAPHIC TRIBUTE Omnibus Edition . All three parts (this will become clearer as you read on) , a coffee table creaking 318 page tome, available in very large landscape format (33cm x 28cm) as well as standard landscape format (25cm x 20cm) . They are identical in content, but the standard landscape size [still a chunky book] is only about 63% the cost of the other. These two versions have separate entries in the catalogue; please make sure you select the correct one. This thick book is priced from $107, depending on format and cover type chosen by the purchaser. The direct links are www.blurb.com/b/5503555 (very large landscape version) www.blurb.com/b/5507846 (standard landscape version)
For those who prefer it (or who have weaker coffee tables), this content is also available in three separate volumes, one part to each. All are carefully designed to be fully "stand-alone" books in their own right. Thus we have: [23] THE SANDSTONE ESTATES RAILWAY - PART ONE : FIRST JOURNEY 110 pages . The direct link is : www.blurb.com/b/5504365 [24] THE SANDSTONE ESTATES RAILWAY - PART TWO : RETURN TICKET 110 pages . The direct link is : www.blurb.com/b/5505664 [25] THE SANDSTONE ESTATES RAILWAY - PART ONE : FINAL DEPARTURE 110 pages . The direct link is : www.blurb.com/b/5506318 Each volume priced from $48 depending on cover type selected by the purchaser. All of the above books feature a map, summarised technical information, and informative captions, often expanded in an anecdotal manner. All three parts are laid out in a logical geographical order. The locomotive content is confined to the larger machines (Former S.A.R. NG4, NG6, NG15, NGG11, NGG13, NGG16, and the four larger classes of industrial locomotives). It should just be mentioned that the content of the first "Sandstone Estates Railway" book, published in 2011 and now deleted, is incorporated in part one of this new series, but there is also much additional material as well. Parts Two and Three are totally new. Also just published is : [27] SANDSTONE ESTATES / THE SANDSTONE HERITAGE TRUST : A SECOND PICTORIAL SOUVENIR. 166 pages , in 18cm x 18cm format. The direct link is : www.blurb.com/b/5506496 This is a gentle decade long photographic ramble around Sandstone Estates. Priced from $48. It features a map and a brief introduction, but otherwise the pictures speak for themselves. As well as the larger locomotives that feature in the other 'Sandstone' books, full 89
attention is also given to the smaller steam locomotives in the Sandstone collection. But, that's not all ................ the other aspects of the Sandstone Heritage Trust are not forgotten, and sample coverage of such things as traction engines, a steamroller, a World War II tank, a BSA railcar, portable engines, a Sentinel steam lorry and other artefacts are also included. The cover doesn't even feature a railway subject, but a traction engine at work. Even the celebrated Sandstone Afrikaner oxen get a look in. Not for the diehard SAR steam enthusiast maybe [see 22, or 23-5 for that] , but for those with more cosmopolitan tastes or who just want a simple pictorial souvenir, this may fit the bill. (Please note that the companion volume ...."A (first) pictorial souvenir" [27] is also still available. ) Something completely different ......... but also narrow gauge >>>>>>> [28] ONE DAY ON THE ISLE OF MAN a slim and modestly priced 36 page standard landscape format book. The direct link is : www.blurb.com/b/5503265 A nostalgic look back to 1977 when the Douglas - Port Erin line was still privately owned. Also included are the Manx Electric Railway, the Snaeffel Mountain Railway, and a glimpse of the Douglas horse tramway. Priced from $27. (D) OTHER MATTERS Finally, and with reference to the book I announced in my last newsletter, quite some time back now. This was [21] BRITISH INDUSTRIAL STEAM IN THE 1970s. Direct link: www.blurb.com/b/5346972 Given the nature of the subject matter and the prevailing circumstances, this could never feature spectacular photography, but the subjects featured were varied and full of interest ( I hoped). This book also had far more text, anecdotal information etc than usually feature in my books (although all my titles are comprehensive in this respect). I have therefore been gratified by the positive feedback I have received on this book, particularly an email received from Mr RH of Sheffield, extract quoted with permission. He wrote "After the end of BR steam, I somehow missed out on industrial steam, given the pressures of work and family responsibilities and so on. I was aware of the remaining steam industrial operations, of course, but couldn't experience them first hand. Whilst I have several photographic albums by other Authors on this topic, they all consist of pictures and the briefest of captions. However, your book, apart from being predominantly in colour, was really special. The introduction, the general remarks prefacing each section, the maps, the drawings and above all the expanded captions really made the book for me. It felt as though I had been there myself, and this has thus gone a long way to filling what was always a void in my younger years. I thank you very much ..............." Well, it's feedback like that that makes this all worthwhile.
Well, that's about it for this mailing. A reminder about the discounts available ( vide my opening comments ). Also , the full catalogue is here >>>>>>>>>> www.blurb.com/user/store/red3450 With best wishes and I hope you find something of interest here. Please e mail me if you have any queries, or phone me. PLEASE, forward this e mail to anyone you think may be interested, and if they wish to be placed on the mailing list, they only have to let me know.
Regards Dennis 90
Dennis Moore, PO Box 2268, Wilro Park, South Africa (Within South Africa 011 764 5425 )
Telephone +27 44 11 764 5425
P.S. Delivery costs are often a bit hefty (relatively) for one of the smaller books, so please consider buying all titles you may be interested in (from the catalogue of 28 books) in "one go". Or, get together with like minded friends to combine an order. As always, it is not my intention to annoy anyone. If you no longer wish to receive these very occasional e mails, please e mail me with the word, and it shall be done.
22 THE SANDSTONE ESTATES RAILWAY 23 The Sandstone Estates Railway PART _omnibus edition_ all parts 1-3_ A ONE ~ First Journey photographic tribute. Available in very large and standard landscape editions_
24 The Sandstone Estates Railway PART 25 The Sandstone Estates Railway PART TWO ~ Return Ticket THREE ! Final Departure
26 SANDSTONE ESTATES ~ THE 27 SANDSTONE ESTATES ~ THE SANDSTONE HERITAGE TRUST 1st SANDSTONE HERITAGE TRUST 2nd pictorial souvenir _small square format_ pictorial souvenir _small square format_
2015 Calender: Nathan Berelowitz Here it is at last - 2015 ready to hang on your wall! To those of you wonderfull people who have ordered before and you new interested people, you certainly will not be dissapointed! Covering motive power from steam to diesel to up to date modern electric locomotives! See some of the magnificent 2ft narrow guage lines of the Eastern Cape to the Sandstone estates. Cross border trains with national railways of Zimbabwe stock with our motive power and plenty more! Photographs from top railway photographers! This is our 5th year of producing these calendars. How much? Price per calendar, excluding postage, if you live in pretoria area, is R70 per each. Price including local postage in south africa is R80 per issue but discounts on multiple copies so please contact me for details. To order: 1) Please confirm order quantity by email or fax or post or phone me. 2) Deposit funds and email or fax proof of payment with your postal adress 3) Calendars will be posted on receipt of payment by regular post unless you require registered post at additional cost. Bank details: Name of bank: FNB Account holder: l. Berelowitz .
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My cell number: 073 2444 962. Work: 012 3866248 and is also fax number in office hours. Email: nbtrainman@gmail.com
SA MODELS Blue Train models by Lourens Sturgeon and photos by HBH:
5E Lima’s in Premier Classe livery by Lourens Sturgeon. 94
LETTERS / BRIEWE Railway Map: J & J Wepener Click on the links to the left. Then you can zoom in / out. http://www.firefishy.com/tmp/railway-lines/
Artikel oor Japie Terblanche: Fanjan Coetzee Dagsê Hennie. Ek het nou net die artikel oor Japie Terblanche in u nuutste uitgawe gelees en ek is voorwaar beïndruk dat dit so mooi gekom het. Baie dankie dat al die foto’s en sertifikate plek kon kry in die tydskrif. Ek het groot waardering en ek hoop om dalk in die toekoms nog iets kan aanpak en aan u stuur vir plasing. Baie vriendelike groete Fanjan Coetzee
Information Wanted: Chris Venecourt Dear Mr. Heymans, Today I came across your website and I wonder if you can perhaps help me with some information The SAR & H of many years ago used to employ porters/kruiers that assisted passengers with their luggage. As an enthusiast myself I would like to make a model and I am looking for a picture of one of their trolleys they used. Also possibly dimensions of a dolos used worldwide for breakwaters. How do I subscribe to your publication which certainly looks very interesting? I grew up in Volksrust between 1955 and 1965 where my father worked at the steam loco/depot as a fitter. Many a time I did not recognise my father when he appeared from under a locomotive. It was dark and dirty and his hands and face were always black with grease and soot. Hoping to hear from you again. 95
Kind regards, Chris Venecourt
Mel Turner Australia Transnet hiring Grinrod – see: http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=494981&nseq=2 Comment by Phil du Plessis Daar was ‘n paar gehuur oor kort termyn terwyl hulle wag vir die D43GE's om af gelewer te word wat by Koedoespoort vervaardig word.
Full-steam ahead! (UK Preservation) via HBH 16 August 2014: For the first time in fifty years two magnificent steam locomotives travel side-by-side to the seaside town of Whitby to celebrate the opening of a new passenger platform. Two steam trains travel side-by-side to the seaside town of Whitby Two steam trains left the North Yorkshire seaside town of Whitby in unison today, to celebrate the opening of a second passenger platform. Read the full story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2726539/Full-steam-ahead-For-time-fiftyyears-two-magnificent-steam-locomotives-travel-seaside-town-Whitby-celebrateopening-new-passenger-platform.html
Trains in Venice by Alex Faria: Cape Town Hello Hennie, Die eerste foto het ek al vir jou gestuur maar ek het lankal vergeet van die ander drie fotos wat ek van ons skip afgeneem het net voor ons skeepstog begin het. Al die treine is op die brug by Venesië – of op pad van die vasteland na Venesië Eiland toe of terug na die vasteland toe. /.../ Die vakansie was asemrowend en ons het so baie in twee weke gesien dat ek nog nie grond gevat het nie. Geniet die treine. Groete ou maat Porra
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Readers and/or Viewers may use content from The Uloliwe for non-commercial purposes on condition that such material is attributed to The Uloliwe and appropriate acknowledgement is given to the author and source. Where it is clear that any material and/or comment is not made by The Uloliwe, this must be clearly stated. The Uloliwe makes every reasonable attempt to screen or edit content in The Uloliwe by third parties, but does not accept any liability for illegal, defamatory or obscene content. Readers and/or Viewers are encouraged to inform The Uloliwe of any content that may be offensive or illegal. Save where the views expressed are clearly those of The Uloliwe, no responsibility is accepted for the view of other contributors. The Uloliwe does not accept any liability, nor will it be responsible for any damages howsoever arising when this information is obtained and/or utilised in an unauthorised and/or illegal manner. All advertisements are placed in the interest of our Readers and/or Viewers. Such advertisements are placed free of charge at the discretion of The Uloliwe. The Uloliwe does not accept any liability nor will The Uloliwe be responsible for any damages howsoever arising from such advertisements. The main purpose of adverts is to be of an informative nature.
The next issue of “The Uloliwe” will be Vol 5 No 10 and will be published, DV, sometime during late October 2014. Send in your comments, anecdotes and photographs please. Take care! Help met bewaring, stuur solank u stories, herinneringe en eie foto’s aan uloliwe@gmail.com in jpg-formaat Hennie Heymans – Pretoria, ZA
© 2014