Self-Watering Planter & Folding Stool Project

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Self-watering planter project

By:Filipe Bisof - Henrique Caprara


The project consists of developing Lack of time, knowledge and lazin from various activities. The cultiv provides joy and minim

This project will focus in makin with the creative nature and have calmness in the rout

Aiming for greater ease and practi simple way, aid for the cultivation planter that can convey the needs o tical and direct way, which will slig vating due to lack of time an

Simple details can transform some a key role in new approaches, to m joyf


a planter with more possibilities. ness often alienates many people vation of crops and plants at home mal contact with nature.

ng the user have minimal contact e a moment of contemplation and tine that is so hectic.

icality, the proposal is to bring in a n at home/apartment. Bringing a of the plant in an interactive, pracghtly reduce the issue of not cultind often, lack of knowledge.

ething mundane, and design plays make people´s life easier and more ful.


We want to make a planter that assists in the cultivation of plants, containing systems that improve the performance in the development of the plant, giving total support for the best cultivation, maintenance and use of the crop. In nature, we observe complete systems, where each element is fundamental to the perfect balance and development of life. Aiming for greater independence and self sufficiency for plants, the planter seeks to bring mechanisms and forms with the greatest use and lower energy expenditure. Our main focus in addition to making the cultivation more accessible to those who do not have enough knowledge or time is to think fundamentally about the welfare and development of the plant. Prioritizing compact spaces, the line of reasoning is the use of several modules (planters) in case the user chooses to create a system where he could cultivate diverse crops, if space suits him.

A planter can not simply be a rough container to house a life, thinking about it, we have decided to bring better performance and quality to the better comfort and development of the plant. The project consists of better use of space and better performance in the development of props, aiming for interactivity and ease of understanding and cultivation, often times and space are issues that weigh when it comes to owning plants.

Therefore, one of the main objectives is to be able to bring possibilities of more compact planters without losing the resourcefulness, and that can bind to transform into a system, which brings improvements both in the spacial issue and in the issue of development. Not only aiming for better development of ornamental plants to bring more life and beauty to the environment, but, aiming mainly at the cultivation of mini gardens, such as herbs and small vegetables, which do not require so much space, we seek to bring a sober design and discreet but with information so that the main focus and attention is in the beauty of nature manifested through the plants.

It will be a planter made to stay on the ground, in benches, or on the wall, so that the user can have access to a small garden of easy maintenance, it can be located in a kitchen, near where the planted herbs would be used, for example, or in any place that is convenient for the consumer. Being the planter small sized and having the option of placing them on the wall, the variety of places they could be is great, leaving in the hands of the user the choice of place, being for aesthetic purposes as would be the case in the planting of ornamental plants, or for culinary purposes if the option is for the planting of herbs. In a matter of space, the vase provides a large variability, which is a good point for many people, wich often don’t have a place available for a garden, even if they are small. We thoght of users who live in apartments, where space is generally more limited. The hanging planter would make it possible to use spaces where the countertop or floor is already occupied, as is often the case with kitchen countertops. Although not the case, this feature would allow the user to have more space available, to use with other objects that necessarily need ‘‘floor’’ space.








echanisms II


Using the digital manufacturing methodology and parametric design, the first formal studies will be performed through sketches that will be modeled and manipulated in the Rhinoceros. Parametric design is very practical and extremely facilitative in the matter of testing materials and manipulating new shapes and possibilities at a very high speed and it is possible to go back and make changes throughout the design phase. After performing the mathematical and structural modeling and tests, the intention is to use the 3D printer to obtain Mockups in scale and to be able to feel the product’s spatiality. With the benefit of digital manufacturing and rapid prototyping, we can develop several Mockups to be able to arrive at a more elaborate final form. When we get the desired shape, we will make a final mockup with rapid prototyping, only on a larger scale to really see the formal impact and spatiality of the product. The materials in mind are clay, ceramics and rubber, but in the course of the project we will determine with certainty the best option for the needs of the project.

Design has always existed, since the beginning of history the search for human extension through life-giving objects has generated the driving force to find solutions that improve everyday problems, such as cutting tools, kneading tools or simply aesthetics. The flow of materialization of the idea went through transformations. At the beginning, with craftsmen, the product was often realized in the final material that had already been idealized, which does not provide great possibilities and margins of error. Today there are still many people who materialize their ideas from the method of the craftsmen, but over the years the way of approaching the materialization of the idea has been changing, until people began to graphically convey their thinking through drawings in the plan, which can generate a formal preview of the idea even if two-dimensional, and after these representations make Mockups with easier and cheaper manipulation materials, not necessarily the material of the final product.

In the mid-1980s there began to be a new possibility for the materialization of ideas, the famous digital fabrication, which allows much more possibilities both formal, structural and materials. In the year of 1984, the first 3D printer appeared, using stereolithography, precursor technology of 3D printing. The inventor of this technology aimed at greater production of resin parts with more precision, generating more savings, faster production and greater accuracy, but at the time few had access to this type of technology due to its price, but over the years 3D printing is becoming cheaper and cheaper, which creates new possibilities for the materialization of ideas of an increasing number of people. In addition to fast accessibility and materialization power, making it possible to feel spatiality and shape of the project, the benefit of having a space for 3D modeling using something portable and accessible as a computer and executing the project using rapid prototyping from the use of 3D printing, for example, opens up infinite possibilities for project execution.

But when it comes to rapid prototyping, there is not only the possibility of using 3D printers. In the United States, around 2001, a university known as MIT in partnership with the National Science Foundation conducted a laboratory that looked at computer-controlled machines where multiple designs could be run on a variety of length scales and a wide variety of materials. Goal of doing "anything", making it possible to produce products that were seen only as projects that could only be carried out on a large scale. In addition to being easy and fast, with the creation of the Fab Lab, as they are called, people started designing "here and now" assuming the power to adapt and produce products that fit their daily use, their environment and even Share this idea so that other people can enjoy this thought or tailor them to their needs.

Reference: “Digital Manufacture and Rapid Prototyping in Product Design Development: Product Analysis through Digital Simulation�

Increasingly, the interaction thoughts and materialization cal but virtual world, generat and concise solutions and pro sharing their ideas with wor than ever, formally, the improv rested people who seek to mak in every product, in every solu increasingly brings the power the even with much more spee shows us that great paths are barrier no longer prevents u other minds that can bring approaches an

and connection of the flow of of ideas, not only in the physites infinitely more innovative oductions than ever before, by rds, drawings and now more vement and production of inteke a difference in every project, ution, enriches the design and r of knowledge and variety of ed and accessibility. The future to come, and that the physical us from communicating with g us diverse and innovative nd conclusions.


01/04 -

Form dev 27/03


Presentation done

Presentation delivery

System and me

Structural f


Spatiality and impact

- 30/04


echanisms study


als study

environmental t study

30/04 - 30/05

30/05 - 06/06

Refinement and adjustments

Conclusion and final considerations



3D Models

Vertebral Stool Folding stool project

By: Filipe Bisof - Henrique Caprara


Through the discipline of Biomechanics, where the main subject of the subject is to approach the movement of living bodies, was developed in the Vertebral Stool. The purpose of this is to show how the detailed study of structures can lead us to surprising results for new formal horizons in the field of design, bringing new innovations and perspectives.

Concept Nature has fascinated man since the beginning of time. If we go back to the sixteenth century, the period of the Renaissance, we will observe the flowering of nature's observation as a source of inspiration for projects, both for material development and for spiritual development (Art). When we look at da Vinci's drawings, we can clearly see the fascination and magic of intriguing that nature has, with its perfection and perfection through all these billions of years, proves to us that there is no source of knowledge that has been more experienced and perfected in its forms, colors, textures, mechanisms and systems than nature.

When we come face to face with the human body and its structures, we are fascinated by how complex and perfect its regulation and functioning is, and it was through the human body that we sought our inspiration, more precisely from a complex system of structures known as the Vertebral Column or Backbone. The Vertebral Column is a great evolution acquired by the animals of the Vertebrate group, it is responsible for the posture and acts relentlessly in the support of the trunk, besides these functions, it also assists in breathing and has the role of protecting the spinal cord that together with the Brain form the central nervous system, extremely important for the human body and responsible for the motor commands. When we analyze the human body and its mechanical movements, we come across a series of fittings and joints that demonstrate a simple configuration, but which performs extreme importance and beauty. The spine cought our attention because of the complexity of its fittings, the amount of "pieces" (vertebrae) and the fact of protecting the bone marrow that plays a fundamental role in the human body.

The first impressions in looking at the column were that there were a number of different forms in each of the five groups comprising it: cervical vertebrae (7), thoracic vertebrae (12), lumbar vertebrae (5), Five calcified) and the coccyx (4); Each group of vertebrae has a suitable configuration for their positioning in the c o l u m n . The column has an "S" shape and in each point of the column, the vertebrae have different sizes and configurations, according to the need, for example, when looking at the lumbar vertebra in figure 1, we see that their size is Larger compared to the other vertebrae groups, the lumbar vertebrae are the "base" of the spine, and by this function they have this more robust configuration. The configurations of the pieces imply the movements that they will perform together for the performance of the spine. The spine has stretching, bending, twisting and lateral movements. From the extension and flexion movement, inspiration was withdrawn to perform the Vertebral Stool.

As shown in the image above from left to right, we have the extension movement, the upright posture and finally the bending movement. The important thing to note is that from the configuration of the vertebrae, they provide the spine with a flexion movement with an angle greater than the extension angle, taking into account this mechanism of the spine, the Vertebral Stool mechanism was developed.

Development The Vertebral Stool is a project that aims to make a portable bank and easy transportation. Through the observation and study of the spine and its movements, extensions and flexion movements were abstracted, where it is used in the Vertebral Bank as a form of storage (flexion) and use (extension). After several sketches and studies of the vertebrae, a synthesis of points occurred where the form that was achieved is the most simple and functional that had been achieved.

First pieces

In the development of the pieces, changes were made to improve the operation of the project. After some structural studies, the best configuration for the performance that was desired was inspired by the movements of the column, structuring to be used as bench (extension) and storage (flexion).

The process of moving the parts so that there is tension and relaxation performance is provided due to the use of two cables that span the parts, with the same user voltage, it is possible to obtain the structuring to be able to use the bench as Seat and with its "relaxation" it is possible to roll up the seat to be stored. The Vertebral Stool is simple, it works with two "rows" of embedded parts (vertebrae), passing two cables in each "row" and joining these "rows", there is a wooden slat in the cylindrical format where the user can sit. From this it is possible to understand a little of what the Vertebral Stool project consists of, a simple and easy to use and storage furniture that aims at the handling and use more direct and easy for the user when the question is seat mobility to different places.

Piece r


Phisical pieces made

e with a laser cutter



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