Africa is certainly one of those places where it’s all about going before it’s too late. The Africa that you might have read about in Hemingway’s ‘Green Hills of Africa’ or saw in the movie ‘Out of Africa’ is still there – in
some places. The endless plains with
their never-ending struggle between predators and prey. The dense jungles with rare animals like the okapi and the silverback gorilla. The
nomads that drive their cattle up and down the Great Rift Valley. But ours is a time of globalisation and within the next generation only but a few Maasai won’t be wearing jeans and having a 9 to 5 job. Man’s need for space will also mean that only a few wild animals will be living outside the parks.
But Africa is still breathtaking. Walk
along past the animal bones and
shipwrecks on the beaches of
Skeleton Coast.