The Dreamers (Maam Bars)

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NCNHS beefs up home reading corner installation


LESSONS TO GRIP Blur vision. Unclear hearing.


are made and where every opportunity is a great adventure

It’s More Fun in the Park




Literacy Improvement:



iteracy improvement is one of the priorities of the Department of Education (DepED. It is anchored on the flagship program of the Department: “Every Child A Reader Program,” which aims to make every Filipino child a reader and a writer at his/her grade level. The reading performance of students is one of the most important problems in education. This can affect performance across several academic content areas, occupational endeavors, and other functional skills that are used in everyday life activities. One of the ways many schools seek to improve literacy growth is by adding reading intervention programs to existing literacy curricula. The main BAR GRAPH SHOWING FRUSTRATION READERS FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE YEARS

24 17 27 15 2018-2019




purpose of reading intervention is to improve students’ reading by helping increase their decoding, fluency, comprehension or vocabulary. While an understanding of learning to read is a developmental process will not, per see, be insurance against reading failures it would contribute to a sound preventive program. Thus, New Corella National High School initiated “Project DREAMS” Developmental and Remedial Reading Envisioned to Acquire in Milestone for Students” to help students having difficulties in reading and engage learners in various reading activities towards the development of their reading habits. // Barsilisa Subito BAR GRAPH SHOWING NON- READERS FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE YEARS

5 3 0 0 2018-2019




As of today, students are using the center for whatever scheduled reading sessions.



eading interventions are activities and strategies that help non-readers and struggling readers develop their ability to read. Hence, Project DREAMS came to existence. This is a program that re-mediate those who are having difficulty in reading, enhance those who have the skill and involve them in activities that would develop their comprehension. The approach helps bridge gaps in reading skills so that students are better equipped to engage with more advanced content. When it was first implemented, there were identified 5 non-readers and 31 struggling readers coming from the different elementary schools in the municipality in New Corella. They were identified using the Phil-IRI and other reading tool. The same tool was also used in higher level to identify students’ frustration, instructional and independent levels. Aside from the remediation, the program was also designed to enhance the active readers, peer reading and outreach program to day care centers. But when the pandemic struck the world, it gives us disruptions in ways unimaginable. As we look back on the past two years and the harsh repercussions of the pandemic that continue until today, it is apparent that one of the most impacted sectors was education. However, this doesn’t stop the school to continue reaching out to the learners in whatever ways possible. Since there is the absence of face to face session, selecting the recipients of the program is done




through the recommendations of the elementary teachers and then validated through the Phil IRI. At present, the school is catering to 15 struggling learners undergoing the different remediation activities compliant to IATF protocols. EXPANSION OF THE PROGRAM Surprisingly, despite the pandemic Project DREAMS becomes even inclusive. It is now in partnership with wider group of stakeholders reaching out the different sectors in the community including the IPs, children in conflict with the law, persons under police custody, young mothers, elderly, and gifted/talented children. THE READING CENTER To cater the number of students with reading difficulty, reading center was established in 2018. It started in one room divided for both Filipino and English. However, as the program expands and there is an evident growth of learners, the administration decided to have one room for each department. These centers started in a compact place with limited materials. In the year 2019, as the program continues to address the needs of the learners, generosity from the different stakeholders started to pour out. Different books were donated from donors both local and abroad which are estimated to reach up to 300k total amount of reading materials As of today, students are using the center for whatever scheduled reading sessions. And also, all reading remediations and other activities related to the program are held in the center. This time of pandemic, reading center is brought to home of the learners through the establishment of Home Learning Space. //Barsilisa Subito






eading is the most essential learning that an individual should possessed, it is the gateway of understanding and is necessary to success in our society. The ability to read is highly valued and important for social and economic advancement. This is a complex developmental challenge that we know to be intertwined with many other developmental accomplishment One of the priorities set by New Corella National High School is to improve the reading skills and comprehension level of the student not only in English but also in Filipino. Thus, KAKAMPI Project is born out of the FILIPINO teachers’ desire to help struggling readers become independent readers. This program aims to motivate learners to read, understand and conceptualize the materials they have read and develop their ability of comprehension. The recipients of this project are the Grade 7 students who are considered struggling readers. On June 2018, KAKAMPI was launched, recipient of the program was determined through the conduct of the initial screening stage., Then the Filipino teachers collaborated with other Grade 7 teachers/advisers in the implementation of the reading program, orient the teachers for remediation program schedules and conduct reading remediation by classifying non and struggling readers without telling them their status.

Kamangmangan sa Kabataan sa Matuwid na Pagbasa’y Iaakay (KAKAMPI) Reading Remediation for Filipino

On the other hand reading specialists also assessed reading progress of the incoming grades. Reading interventions were conducted and teachers track readers’ progress through reading activities followed by a short quiz facilitated by the reading specialists. Out of 653 grade 7 students during the school year 2019-2020 only seven were identified as Non-readers and nine identified as frustration readers, four out of seven become Instructional, three become frustration, 13 identified as Frustration readers levelled up to Instructional and Independent levels on the following school year 2020-2021. Presently, KAKAMPI caters 8 identified students who belong to frustration level. Since this is pandemic, face to face is not allowed. The strategy is different from the pre-pandemic time. The reading level of students are identified by coordinating with the different elementary schools who already have identified nonreaders and struggling readers. On the other hand reading specialists also assessed reading progress of the incoming grades 8-10. Despite the worldwide catastrophic situation KAKAMPI Teachers who are the front liner of the program are continuously implementing these activities and complied with DepEd, DOH protocols on social distancing, wearing mask and hand sanitizing. The teachers implement precautionary measures consistent with the IATF protocols, local quarantine rules and all other relevant protocols outlined in DepEd issuances and subsequent DepEd Task Force COVID-19 issuances. This program has been found effective with a huge and positive impact to those struggling readers. KAKAMPI program is a good start to increase the literacy rate of the Filipinos. Interestingly, many children can be a poor reader at an early age but develop into an excellent readers. //Editha Indino

Specialist on the Go. Filipino teachers diligently visited homes as part of KAKAMPI program








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are made and where every opportunity is a great adventure

It’s More Fun in the Park


eading can be a fun and imaginative time for children, which opens doors to all kinds of new worlds for them aside from the fact that reading skills are important to their success in school as they will allow them to access the breadth of the curriculum and improve their communication and language skills. And it does not happen in just the four corners of a classroom. Oftentimes, learners got bored and might feel that reading is a burden. Not to mention the stress and harsh repercussions that the pandemic has brought to the world. That said, the English and Filipino Reading Specialists worked hand in hand and put in practice again the activity called “A Day in The Park” which originally started in 2018. This year’s 15 identified struggling readers under the Project DREAMS of New Corella National High School were brought to the New Corella Forest Park not just to read but to engage in different games that would give them fun and enjoyment. To make reading more fun, the identified readers not just read books, magazines, and other reading materials but drove and rode the rented bicycles, playing word factory, spelling, drawing, and other laughter-filled activities. This a way of slowly bringing them back to the usual physical spaces that give them their much-needed social interaction for them to be motivated to expand and explore new things. Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s educational performance. Likewise, evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment

Forest Park not just to read but to engage in different games that would give them fun and enjoyment. Broaden The Horizon: The students enjoy the Draw and Tell task under the shades of the tree last November 17, 2021.

Bookworms: NCNHS identified struggling readers read stories from SRA during outdoor activities held at New Corella Freedom Park on October 14, 2021.

SPELL ME OUT: Struggling Readers enhance their writing skills through spelling together with the Reading Specialists on October 14, 2021 at New Corella Freedom Park.

every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who do not, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures. In fact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school than their social or economic background. The two-session activity was still pursued amidst the pandemic and was successfully held with the Reading Specialist and parents of the identified struggling readers last October 14, 2021 and November 17, 2021. The school headed by Raquel G. Tagalinao, Principal II ensured that the conduct of the said activity is following the DOH, IATF and DepEd health protocols issuance. “Learning is a continuous process and must be a pleasurable lifelong experience, that is why we want to promote love of reading to our learners even in the middle of this pandemic. COVID 19 cannot stop us in helping and nurturing our students”, said Tagalinao. Moreover, NCNHS Reading Specialists and the Administration will continue to support the Reading Program of DepEd that ‘Every Learner should be a Reader’ in any possible way it may happen.//Richel S. Japay




NCNHS beefs up home reading corner installation


ew Corella National High School reading corners every classroom turned out to be less functional in the absence of face to face classes. To revive the reading interest among students English and Filipino reading specialists installed fifteen home reading corners to the identified Grade 7 struggling readers. Amidst pandemic New Corella National High School reading specialists in partnership with parents put up home learning space reiterating its advocacy to draw near reading materials for identified struggling readers to aid the cases of students with reading and comprehension difficulty. Ariane Joyce Caballes, English reading coordinator, pushed the proposal to stabilize the installation of reading corner in every home as motivational factor for students to read daily. “Due to the cases of students with reading difficulty, it would be convenient for the students to have time in reading, also parents or any members from the family can aid the learner to enhance the reading skills” said Caballes. Reading corners’ purpose is to create a venue for students for them to become a wide reader and develop their reading comprehension. “Lack of accessible reading area is one of the problems why students do not have a special preference in reading and cannot comprehend easily of what they read ,” Caballes appended. To respond with the unfavorable situation, home reading had been realized as one parent expressed her gratitude about the project “mapasalamaton mi ani nga programa sa tulunghaan kay naa nay basahonon akong anak ug matabangan namo siya sa pagbasa pud pinaagi sa mga giya sa iyang maestra.” Regina Esteban, parent. Readers with reading failures were given 8th week curricula printed materials to have the basic pattern on reading, they were obliged to have their own outputs as well like reading logs, basic word spelling, and mobile word games to cope up with their reading performance. Assigned reading specialists monitored the said program once a week to ensure the activities were observed and parent’s concerns were addressed. Reading materials from classrooms’ reading corners become more beneficial to meet learners’ needs with its new transformation the home learning space

School reading specialists in partnership with parents put up home learning space reiterating its advocacy to draw near reading materials

READ TO INSPIRE. Filipino teacher conducts home visitation where she let student reads a story to make her a motivated reader last February 10, 2022.

SUPPORTIVE FATHER . Father devotes his time with her daughter to improve the reading competence .

READER’S RESPONSE. In the installation of home reading corner, student responses excitedly.

which served as channel of no students left behind in reading. “Truly, small ways of help become huge, in the eyes of the fifteen Grade 7 recipients, teachers’ personal expense, donors from different persons, combined efforts in providing those reading materials were paid off as students improved with their reading level,” Raquel Tagalinao school principal said. Moreover, NCNHS will continue to track readers and promote reading activities in both online and modular setting.// Hazel Rhea F. Valdez

MOTIVATED READER. Learner enjoys his “me time” in reading due to the implemented home reading corner.

PARENT’S CARE. A mother patiently teaches his son in home reading to improve the reading performance.



CHALLENGED ACCEPTEDBoth English and Filipino teachers responded to the challenge to monitor the reader’s progress.

KIND ACT- In this world full of doubts, student and teacher never hesitate to impart their reading skill competence.

HELPING HAND- Amidst pandemic student mentor together and the reading specialist extend their reading assistance to the identified struggling reader last October 25, 2021.

NCHS intensifies



o engage learners in various reading activities towards the expansion of their reading habits identified fifteen Grade

UPGRADING READING SKILL- Active reader initiates to offer free service to improve reading performance.

SHARE AND CARE- Student free-will participates to “Strengthening the Active Readers” Program.

9 active readers who obtained highest score in the group screening test where conducted reading activities like spelling bee contest, readers theater, storytelling, debate and mobile word games that suit to their reading level to make them become logical and critical thinker based on their reading performance. This is another innovation showing that the school reading program doesn’t only focus on struggling readers but also designs enhancement program for those who are independent readers. Filipino and English reading specialists met the active readers twice a month to improve literacy growth among them, and the impact on training them lead to utilize them in more substantial and helpful manners to other reader particularly those who struggle to read. One of the interventions in addressing the concern of students with reading deficiency, New Corella National High School pursued the implementation of Strengthening The Active Readers (STAR), reading program by having every active reader adopt a child in their neighborhood thus, making them the partners in reaching out the students with poor reading and comprehension level. Fifteen active readers backed up the reading remediation to the identified struggling readers through the conduct of peer reading strategy as considered an effective way in reading remediation to continually inspire the students with poor reading competence. The said technique helps students to generate questions and answering

them, the students reformulate their knowledge about the text so it provides the students more chance to enhance their understanding toward the text based on Sedekli 2012. Daisy Omega, the English Coordinator stated during the Learning Action Cell (LAC) session to use the reading skill of the active readers to impart to the needs of others regarding of their reading failure. “The said activity also intensified the reading skills of active readers to become more reading enthusiast, develop their reading habit and bring out the spirit of volunteerism to help those in need among them, “Omega added. Despite of modular classes, learning should continue outside the four corners of the classroom in pursuant to this, the identified students with reading deficiency were home visited by the active readers together with the assigned reading specialists where health protocols were highly observed. Students are engaged in active learning not passive learning, activities like playing with word games, reading and answering questions from the Science Research Associates (SRA) materials, storytelling, writing reading logs and peer reading were some of the performed activities by the learners. This technique is beneficial because active learning has been shown to be more effective in promoting student achievement. //Marianena P. Cervantes

BUDDY SYSTEM-A student mentor together with the English teacher conducts peer reading activity.

VOLUNTEERISM SPIRITActive reader initiates to offer free service to improve reading performance.





Project Dreams in the Community……

School- Community Learning Partnerships:

Pivotal to Expanded Learning Triumph

When schools and community organizations work together to support learning, everyone benefits. Partnerships can serve to strengthen, support, and even transform individual partners, resulting in improved program quality, more efficient use of resources, and better alignment of goals and curricula (Harvard Family Research Project, 2010)




the Boundaries of Bondage This program aims to revolutionize the literacy approach by engaging to the under-represented population.



nchored to the Republic Act No. 8491 are DepEd’s Core Values MAKA-DIYOS, MAKATAO, MAKAKALIKASAN, AT MAKABANSA New Corella National High School – Senior High HUMSS Department broadened its scope to reach out to people in the community who needs special assistance. Upholds and respects the dignity and equality of all including those with special needs, volunteers to assist others in times of needs and recognizes and respects people from different economic, social, and cultural backgrounds is where MAKATAO falls. This does not only limits to students but aims to determine groups of people in the society with special needs and generate diligence to address learning problems. In response to the challenge of DepEd’s expansion of the reading program, PUPC in New Corella became one of the communities to be included in the school’s effort to reach over learning gap in the area of reading. Senior High School Humanities and Social Sciences Department of New Corella National High School initiated P.U.P.C. L.E.A.P. (Persons Under Police Custody Literacy Engagement Action Program). This program aims to revolutionize the literacy approach by engaging to the under-represented population. Reading enhances one’s vocabulary and literacy skills at its most basic level, but its benefits go beyond that for those behind the bars. It would help enliven the PUPCs’ interest in vocabulary building, comprehension and self-expression through reading. “This conduct of reading activity inside the municipal police station is a great help for the PUPCs especially in reinforcing their literacy, motivating them to express their ideas, feelings and self-reflections based on the given reading activities,” said PEMS Wilfredo C. Galo, Municipal Executive Senior Police Officer “. PNP-New Corella is always here to support programs like this, since this will be a great help to the stigma of the PUCP that may cause them to loss of interest in learning and understanding the world is somehow affected as they see themselves humiliated and diminished in myriad ways”, he added. Learning takes place in all forms; it is everywhere and without restrictions. A statement proven to be factual by New Corella National High School, in unison with the dynamism of Senior High HUMSS Department by actualizing a reading mobility that would abet the community and create linkages for life-long impact not only for students’ benefit but also for the greater good of the general public. “Kaming tanan mapasalamaton nga inyo ming gihimo ug benepisyaryo ani inyong programa sa pagbasa. Malipayon mi nga nagkat-on tungod kay dili lang diay ni pagbasa apan naa pud mga dula nga maoy nakawala among kalaay ug sa pagbati nga naa pa diay andam mutudlo namu ug kami naa pwede pa diay mkakat-on bisan sa amuang kahimtang”, Inteng a PUPC expressed. Expansion of this reading program to the often-overlooked group also builds partnership both from the school and the community in general since teachers are stepping out of their zones and trying to extend their passion of educating people in need regardless of age, ethnicity, religious belief and social status. “In the real sense, reading literacy is not only recognizing and sounding the ABCs. We are trying to target higher reading skills that encompasses comprehension and its application to a real-world setting this does not only limits students but for people in all ages and walks of life,” emphasized by Mayvelle A. Sapon, Master Teacher of HUMSS Department in the conduct of the reading program. //Niki Mia A. Gustilo

REINFORCING LITERACY. Learning happens in all forms and in all place.







quilibrating multiple baggage by one carrier can lose one’s strength in battling both the academic and parenting aspect of a student mother. It crafted a wide array of problems in terms of time management, proper health care for kids, and school endeavors. It flashes the scenario of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire— from being a mother shifted into being a student. New Corella National High School particularly the Senior High Department experienced an enrolment surge for the school year 2021-2022. The school welcomes the turnout of the official enrolment. It validates the trend in quickcount surpassing the enrolment last school year. This confirms that learners last year continued their

participation in formal school this year, and that a considerable number of those who skipped last school year have returned to school. These returns of the learners included a special group of people in the society: the student mothers. Varied effects on education have been experienced during the pandemic. Students who dropped out from school in the past few years have gained confidence in continuing their studies due to the fact that face to face classes were not allowed. This means, they can still continue their work whilst being enrolled as a student. Reason enough to encourage even pregnant teenagers to continue their schooling. However, self-studying, inadequate internet connection, lack of sleep and time to answer all of the modules owing to the large amount of activities, distractions, and lack of focus are the primary obstacles that students have faced. These challenges are being doubled in the part of student mothers who are struggling to balance studying and parenting. Teachers from Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of New Corella National High School have acknowledged this menacing occurrence in education. With a solidified aspiration to help these student mothers learn better while caring for their child, program MOMS M.A.T.T.E.R. (Mentoring Advocacy Through Tutorial Enhancement Reading) is implemented. During the implementation of MOMS M.A.T.T.E.R. reading program, HUMSS teachers and Independent Readers (IR) conduct a home visitation to student mothers. Reading materials such as SLMs, activity sheets, books, magazines and the revised Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) are utilized in enhancing the reading comprehension skills and in promoting mental health awareness among the participants. Independent readers are students identified as fast readers since Junior High School years. “This program is a big help for us, student mothers. Usa kini ka maayo nga programa para mapadayun ang among pagtoon bisan paman ug kami naa nay pamilya, labi na sa bata nga dapat namong unahon matag adlaw,” said by one of the student mothers.

Alongside the goal of promoting a positive attitude towards studying and parenting among student mothers, the appreciation of the importance of reading with comprehension and mental health is also being targeted. Studies reveal that being a student mother is difficult to find enough time to navigate between studying and parenting, whereas little assistance from these identified Independent Readers can create a big impact in helping them learn.

Varied effects on education have been experienced during the pandemic.


LULLABIES The HUMSS Department of New Corella National High School conducted a reading program that involves home visitation to student mothers.

The graphs show the significant influence of the implementation of MOMS M.AT.T.E.R. on the reading comprehension skills of student mothers using t-test

With a solidified aspiration to eradicate illiteracy and enhance the reading comprehension skills, New Corella National High School – Senior High HUMSS Department spreads its wings for student mothers in the locality, assisting them in their academic journey without neglecting their kids. This paved a better path for them to continue holding on to their dreams and unlock possibilities even amidst the pressure of carrying a baby at home. Lengthening the coverage of the reading program even in difficult paces bridges linkages both from the school and the community in general through the ultimate prowess of teachers’ undying passion in educating people regardless social status. Miraflor B. Aninao,Jannie Jean M. Sabes and Marities S. Simbajon,HUMSS Department teachers in the conduct of the reading program, emphasized the significant role of the school’s initiative in shaping student mothers’ motivation in continuing learning amidst the circumstance they are into now.//Niki Mia A. Gustilo

This activity shall ensure that no students will be left behind for the student mothers.

MOMS M.A.T.T.E.R. reading program aims to help the student mothers to enhance their reading skills, knowledge on parenting and promote mental health.




LESSONS TO GRIP Blur vision. Unclear hearing. Irreversible decline.


ging is a continuous change people can't resist, and as they come to this stage, gradual decline of bodily functions betides. This chapter of life may affect their state of being and their varied cup of tea due to some emergence of health complications. The Elderly in the locality is often stricken by boredom since most of them are unable to move freely and do some recreational activities that may at least break the monotony of a boring cascade of events. Driven with the passion for making learning fun even to those underrated sectors, New Corella National High School – Senior High Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Department promotes the importance of reading for the elderly in the community. This gives an avenue for the institution to pay attention to people over the hills, who were often ignored when it comes to the reading aspect. In the effort of expanding the reading program as challenged, the spirit of volunteerism among DepEd personnel and in the community is strengthened. Partnership is also developed since educators are not restraining to what they can only do Epifania M. Lodovica, following the session Like her grandmother deserve more respect inside school premises but propagates Mrs. and compassion from the youth of her generation. with her grandson, Godeson Lodovica the love for reading even to the goldenager. Scientific studies have found many benefits of reading for older adults. The top five mental benefits of reading for seniors include: enhancing memory, sharpening decision-making skills, delaying onset of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, reducing stress and anxiety, and sleeping better. “Reading on a regular basis Independent reader steers the conversation with The implementing team of the program asks has been shown to increase brain guide questions given by the implementing team. for permission for the participation of each elder. functions and memory. It enhances cognitive health, increases brain activity, and allows seniors to remain mentally active and productive,” unanimously agreed by Donna Rose M. Caballes, Jeater Alejan and Roseleah Romera,HUMSS teachers. Aging with GRACE (Guided Reading Activities for Community Elders) is a reading program designed by SHS HUMSS Department to encourage the elderly in the community to engage in reflective and recreational reading as a form of relaxation and meditation. This program is also an avenue for the SHS Independent Readers to utilize The team reached the home of Mrs. Chatto, As seen in Mrs. Merlita’s passionate discussion and extend their reading skills to a wherein the orientation on the rationale of the with the independent reader and her testimony program.

after the session, the story “The Prodigal Son”


Partnership is also developed since educators are not restraining to what they can only do inside school premises but propagates the love for reading even to the goldenager.

specified member of the community. Independent readers as defined in this program are students recognized as fast readers. At present, the school is facilitating 10 elderly under the supervision of 10 Senior High School teachers together with the 10 identified active readers and the support of stakeholders. “Pasalamat ko ug dako ky naay nag amuma sa akong kahibalo ug daghan ko ug natun-an. Nakasabot ko nga ang reading dili lng sa eskwelahan, pwede sad diay siya para sa amoa nga mga tigulang na. Makawala usab siya ug kalaay para kanamo nga limitado na ang paglihok,” Nanay Claring stated. Reading is truly vital to the lives of those who are now wearing eyeglasses because of the healing influence it may give to their souls. Some may think that reading adds burden to the R, but with proper guidance in meditative reading fused with exciting hint of touching stories and life lessons; self-actualization will be directed. While reading aids the elderly, it also benefits independent readers because they will be able to obtain wisdom and insights from these seasoned individuals who have accumulated most life experiences and lessons. As a reflection, the independent realized that reading, for seniors, breathes new beginnings and fresh lessons to be discovered and reflected even. It is a good way to look back on the memories and experiences of an individual. It is time to make them feel important, that the efforts and initiatives of the school are not limited to people like them. // Niki Mia A. Gustilo






Provision of Literacy and Numeracy Program for the Elderly Lumads

he COVID-19 pandemic has resulted to a shift from predominantly face-to-face instruction to various learning modalities globally. In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) allowed online learning, radiobased and TV-based instruction, limited face-to-face and printed modular learning modality. In printed modular learning modality, the students underwent an individualized instruction that allowed them to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print. Although teachers took the responsibility of monitoring the progress of the learners through LGUregulated home visits and mobile phone communication, the parents or the guardians served as the immediate guide or parateachers to learners at home. This new normal setup in Barangay Sta. Cruz, New Corella posed challenges to the Indigenous Peoples’ community. Some parents in the locality particularly those who did not attain secondary educational level, failed to assist their children well. They even struggled in reading the instructions and contents of the modules as well as comprehending and applying fundamental mathematical concepts. In response to this dilemma, they consulted their IP leaders and asked for assistance from the concerned institutions. The IP leaders and the chairman of the Barangay Committee on Education, then, tapped New Corella National High School since the school had unceasingly conducted inclusive literacy and numeracy programs to the nearby community. This partnership led to the birth of another empowerment program entitled PIPELINE (Program for Indigenous People Education in Language Instruction and Numeracy for the Elderly). After a series of submission and signing of required communication letters and memoranda, the NCNHS

Reading Team which was comprised of English and Filipino Reading Specialists and Gifted and Talented Learners joined in the turn-over of Big books made by the Gifted and Talented Learners last November 13, 2021. There were 21 teachers who facilitated the activity along with 30 Gifted and Talented (GT) students teaching the 20 IP beneficiaries with 10 barangay functionaries in attendance. From home visitation up to limited face-to-face remedial instruction, the team ensured that the IATF safety rules and regulations were observed. A series of literacy and numeracy sessions started last December 6, 2021. The participants The participants were taught monthly to improve their reading and were taught arithmetic skills. Aside monthly to improve from the monthly actual face-to-face instruction, their reading and the parents were given activity sheets to further improve their arithmetic skills. abilities and were reached via text message/instant messaging by their respective reading specialists. In an interview with one IP mother, she divulged that the adult literacy and numeracy instruction helped her not only in guiding her kids but also in understanding and pronouncing tricky Tagalog and English words. She had once dreaded all mathematical concepts but lately she had learned to understand arithmetic problems. HEED TO READ- GT students conduct a peer reading activity to the IP recipients of the reading program This made her feel more empowered in expressing herself and helping her kids at home. According to Gina Cosentino, an International IP advocate, “Education is a universal human right, essential to bridging gaps in human well-being, equity and opportunity.” Hence, empowerment programs like literacy and numeracy extension activities to IP communities extend far beyond helping them so they can assist their children in return. //Orlan Rentuza

BUZZ IT WITH A VISIT– Gifted and Talented student together with the reading specialist in Filipino visit one the IP recipients in Barangay Sta. Cruz.

MEET AND GREET - The reading specialists in English and Filipino conduct a face to face orientation to the IP community of Barangay Sta. Cruz, New Corella, Davao del Norte last September 20, 2021.



Ms. Happy Lascuna, the Bahay Pag Asa psychometrician, gives a short orientation about the insttitution.

Sir Orlan introduces himself to the residents


Mrs. Daisy Omega, the school’s English coordinator, explains the purpose of the program.


Mrs. Drening A. Tabing, the program head, welcomes the team from New Corella National High School.


iteracy, or the ability to understand, interpret, use, create, compute, evaluate, and communicate information associated with varying contexts and presented in varying formats, plays a pivotal role in shaping a youth’s trajectory in life. But with some unfortunate occurrences, the journey to achieving this literacy is hindered and hold back. Juveniles from risk group that could get in conflict with the law are often victims of circumstances and restricted opportunities. An academe is one of the institutions than can contribute to the process of accepting the child and uplifting his/her rights as a human being that must be devoted sufficient attention to. 24 residents of Bahay Pag Asa located in New Corella, Davao del Norte are the beneficiaries of OPLAN PAGBASA sa BAHAY PAG ASA conducted by the reading teachers of New Corella National High School as an extension of the school reading program, “Project DREAMS”. The is in accordance with DepEd’s flagship program “Brigada Eskwela’s Brigadahan sa Pagbasa” in hopes that no student will be left behind especially in the field of reading.

sa Bahay-Pag Asa Of Finding Hope and Facing Fate

Multiple reading activities took place where residents showed their utmost interest, cooperation and teamwork. The school’s English coordinator, Mrs. Daisy A. Omega along with Mr. Orlan Q. Rentuza, Mrs. Vergie A. Deguilmo, and Ms. Ma. Heriza C. Reambonanza, reading specialists from both Filipino and English,and other stakeholders were actively conducting this effort held once a month to further improve the reading capabilities of Bahay Pag Asa’s residents. The result of the activity shows some positive outcomes and suggest strongly that systemic and intensive reading interventions can have potential positive impacts on reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension. Likely, a more positive attitude toward reading after being involved in the intervention are manifested.

The head of Bahay Pag Asa, Mrs. Drening A. Tabil was deeply grateful to the teachers and the school for the initiative to help the children in conflict with the law (CICL). “This is a great help to our residents, it’s apparent that this kind of project helps in building in them positive social and emotional conditions for learning”, Tabil quoted. With concerns on confidentiality and safety, the activity complied with the health protocols and was held in a solitary area. Juvenile delinquency is not a success story but evidence of the society failing to ensure a protective environment for the children. It is but a must not to deny them the second chance that they deserve. //Daisy A. Omega

Ms. Happy Lascuna, the Bahay Pag Asa psychometrician, gives a short orientation about the insttitution. E. F.




GT Learners Through the Reading Lens


ifted and Talented (GT) students are either born with extraordinary natural abilities or who have developed their abilities to a high level. They can be gifted or talented in many areas. Gifted learners are those with abilities in one or more academic subjects, such as Science, Math or English. Talented students, on the other hand, are those who have potential to easily surpass their colleagues in practical skills like in sports, music, creative or performing arts. Just like any other student, they also need support and encouragement to make the most of their abilities. During the pandemic, GT children can be emotionally sensitive than the average child. Since they are highly observant, they had a better sense of what’s going on around them. The vast influx of truthful as well as faux information amid the pandemic might be too much for them to handle. Many of them struggle with attention problems and organization skills because they can be abstract thinkers and get bored easily. In fact, the lack of more outdoor interaction might lead to self-esteem issues. It is quite undeniable that the current world health crises posed a unique set of struggles and anxieties for the GT population. As time passed by, educators acquired valuable insight to manage emotional health of these students. To cater the special needs of the GT students, the New Corella National High School

The Reading Team crafted opportunities by enrichment activities that allow them to participate in improving their skills..

Reading implementers uplifted their unique characteristics and abilities. The Reading Team crafted opportunities by enrichment activities that allow them to participate in improving their skills while socializing and helping with other learners. They were given the chance to join in the school’s extension endeavors in numeracy and literacy education to the IP community. 20 identified GT students endorsed from the

LET’S GET STARTED - New Corella National High School Reading Specialists in English and Filipino convene via google meet last September 17, 2021. They plan for the activities to be conducted to the Grade 7 Gifted and Talented (GT) Students.

BE INFORMED- The reading specialists in English and Filipino conduct a virtual orientation.

elementary schools in the municipality were tasked to craft a Big Book individually. For one month, they made reading materials that feature inspiring stories with vivid illustrations. Then, they joined the Reading Specialists in conducting a community immersion at Barangay Sta.Cruz, New Corella. They helped in literacy and numeracy PEER IN ACTION - GT students conduct a peer reading activity to the IP recipients remediation and initiated recreational of the reading program. activities for the 20 Lumad parents. They were set to perform in a Cultural Recital to broaden their cross-cultural understanding. In the bimonthly evaluation, the reading specialists noticed the gradual improvement of the behaviors of the GT students. The interaction with the IP Lumads resulted to their joyful disposition and increase willingness to help the IP community. It is evident to the eyes of the learners that they are motivated of what they are doing. As Chuck Grassley said, “What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning”. GT students are unlimited fundamental resources of each nation. So, educators should develop innovative avenues to help these exceptional young people reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully in building the nation.// Orlan Rentuza

CRAFT TO INSPIRE - Gifted and Talented Students in action CRAFT TO INSPIRE - Crafting their individual Big Books. They are inspired to donate their Big Books to the IP community.






This aims to bring together education partners and reading specialists to extend their hand to learners.



ew Corella National High School has always been one with the Department of Education in its commitment to ensure that education will continue despite the changes and challenges brought by COVID-19 pandemic. As part of the implementation of this year's Brigada Eskwela, Brigadahan sa Pagbasa kicked-off to address education-related challenges especially in literacy as well as numeracy. This aims to bring together education partners and reading specialists to extend their hand to learners for them to become functional readers. Barangays del Pilar, San Roque, New Cortez, New Sambog, Carcor, and del Monte were chosen as the recipients of Brigadahan sa Barangay, in partnership with barangay officials, parents and SK members. From these 6 recipient barangays, a total of 60 learners had participated the program together with 20 English and Filipino teachers and reading specialists, 50 parents and 30 barangay functionaries. Teachers both in Filipino and English Departments worked hand-in-hand in this endeavor. Story-telling and reading text comprehension were conducted to the readers where students enjoyed the activities. Recipient learners were able to engage in reading activities with their specialists thus giving them the opportunity to improve their reading skills which will eventually help them in their comprehension level. “Completing education is a way of alleviating our economic struggles. You, our youth need to become a good reader as a way of building a well-rounded self-image”, stressed Casiano Baco, barangay functionary. Despite of the pandemic, the student’s willingness to learn is there, as long as teachers strive to share their creativity and resourcefulness in education. Teachers will continue to reach out those learners to promote the reading advocacy. “Bringing all children to literacy is the ultimate goal of every learning institution. But as the world is faced with health crisis, we must protect our students right to learn and this is a collective effort”, Raquel Tagalinao, Principal II explained Working together, bringing literacy will be intensified to uplift the quality of education and meet the current gaps of our educational system.//Ariane Joyce Caballes











The Reading Specialists of New Corella NHS both in English and Filipino took a pose with the School Head, Raquel G. Tagalinao before the start of Brigada Pagbasa during the implementation of this years' Brigada Eskwela. Chosen barangays in the municipality of New Corella are the partners to ensure that the struggles in literacy skills among our youth are addressed despite the health crisis.



S M A E R D t c e j o r nts for nP


de rld u o t S W g g in rin Prepa in A Chang ss e c c u S

“Kanak nu amuy aw inuy sayni nu programa lagboy daku tu ingkatabang kanami para ug kangkatagtaga koy amunuwan pagtoun tu mga marugsak nuy tu pagbasa” (Isip usa ka ginikanan kini nga programa dakong natabang kanamo para kami makabalo ug unsaon paggiya sa among anak sa ilang pagtuon ilabi na gayod sa pagbasa)

Nikki Asis

IP na Ginikanan “Kini nga proyekto nga gibuhat sa eskwelahan dako gyud nga tabang labi na sa akong anak nga maglisod gyud ko ug tudlo tungod sa akong problema nga lagi wala ko nakahuman sa pag-eskwela, sa ka busy pud sa panginabuhi, dili gyud nako matutukan ang akong anak. Dako nakong pasalamat sa maestra nga moanhi lang gyud sa among balay para matudluan akong anak.”

Cesar Baruis Ginikanan

”Importante kayo ang pagtuon. Mao ni makatabang nato sa atong kapobrehon. Kining Project DREAMS isa ni kapaagi nga makapahimo sa atong kabataan nga mapuno sa kaalam.”

Casiano Baco

Barangay Kagawad – Del Pilar “Nalipay ko nga natagaan ko ug atensyon para matabangan ko sa akong pagtoon. Pag abot sa panahon kabalo nako sa mga assignment ud test sa ihatag sa akoang mga teachers”

Clark Esteban


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