Portfolio 2022

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Showcases a Plethora of Finest Work Collection



patalinghug An Ultimate Icon of a Woman Leadership Excellence

in style, in influence, in heart She anchors her strength to the Supreme God who is able to perform great miracles


n every experience that she encounters, it higlights her shift in responsibilties and passions. She has deppened her well of confidence through engaging herself to different training and seminars where she found courage to accept new opportunities proving that she is indeed every inch a woman of God-accomplishe and fulfilled, yet her strength is always anchored to the creator. With this attitude, she successfully transitioned from being a passionate Public School Teacher to a courageous servant of God. Her enduring resilience and willpower to handle multiple directorship in the ministry yet she is able to make ends meet by the sheer work of her hand and the love for her family. With a heart filled with contentment and pride, she makes it certain that that God and family are at the center of her life. To mark the biggest evidence, we have posted the written piece to elucidate her persona of what she is really is as a wife and a mother.


mymother by Maybelle Patalinghug Cmrecjak

by Pastor Jerry C. Patalinghug


f there is a person whom I know from the heart is my wife. She is a kind of a person without a “BRAKE”. She does not know how to slow down the schedule of her activities, in such a way that you could hardly breath if you dance or go with her in all her schedules. She is very passionate in doing things in relation to her responsibility and very committed to her work even if it means a sacrifice to her family and to herself. I remember the time when I encouraged her to do public evangelism, at first she was adamant to engage such kind of endeavor in the ministry, nevertheless, she tried conducting one and it was successful with the harvest of souls accepting Jesus through baptism. From that time on, she became passionate and courageous to conduct evangelistic campaigns with the minimum of 5 to 6 campaigns every year. Aside from her schedules for evangelistic campaigns, she was also busy with her departmental programs and activities. Her indefatigable enthusiasm in doing the services even beyond the call of duty has created waves of influence among leaders and church members, thus she is always remembered with tokens and gifts. There were times when people could hardly understand her, maybe because of her un-ending programs and tiresome activities. For these reasons, when you can see her alone, as if she was spurious, but in reality her mind was encumbered with so many things, thinking of what next are to be done. She is a kind of a woman whom you don’t want to part from her, because of her endearing personality. You might get angry with her, yet for a while, you will start looking for her for she is so desirable that can make the world up-side-down. That’s my WIFE!




y mother is very dedicated in doing God’s work. I know she’s been having doubts before if she could preach God’s word and do his work, but God never left her and guide her all the way. I am proud of having a mother who is very courageous, energetic and has a passion to do the Lord’s ministry. She achieved a lot of things that I cannot imagine myself of doing and that gives me the courage to do the same as well. When I was little, I started to realize that my mother likes pink a lot because she bought me a lot of pink things from toys to clothes to school supplies which I guess led me to liking pink as well and to the point that my sister also followed. It was fun for us to share things with each other like clothes, shoes (though her shoe size is smaller than ours), skin care products and many more. She has been a supportive mother and good role model to the three of us, her children. She is like my best friend who I can always share my secrets to and always readyto listen to all my problems. We actually have a few in common from ourpersonalities to our habits. That’s why we can understand each other and correct each others faults. Now that I am away from my parents and have my own family, she is always available to all my queries and listens to all my worries. I know it wasn’t easy to raise the three of us with our father but they did it! We wouldn’t be what we are now if not for their constant reminders and with their nonstop prayers. We are very blessed to have a mother like her. I hope and pray that she will continue to touch more lives and be courageous and energetic as she goes on to her next assignment. We love you, mommy!

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Just wanted to say that it has been a blessing and privilege to see how the Lord has been working with you. It seems as though you have so much energy and passion for the Lord. I know that you are always willing to go where the Lord leads and that you endeavor to be a blessing to all those with whom you come into contact. I believe that God has a big purpose for you and Pastor Jerry in Sri Lanka. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless and guide your new posting opportunity as He has blessed your time in Central Mindanao Mission. To God be the Glory. Isaiah 6:8 and Mathew 28:18-20/ Sir Burl William Haper III My dear daughter Marife, I remember you asked me over 2 years ago if you can call me mommy and I was very proud to accept our ministry “ Oceans of Love”. I am very proud and grateful for all you have done for this ministry. Although I have been to the Philippines 5 times so far and then covid hit and wasn’t able to return hope that will change soon. God Bless you more as you start your new endeavors in Sri Lanka. The new people you will be meeting. They will be blessed as I have. I’ll never forget the times in Davao, you and Jerry took us from our ministry out to lunch and would not let us pay. Also that you both took out time of your busy schedules to entertain us. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know the Lord will bless you whoever you go. Blessing and I love you both. /Mom Dianne Hodges This is a short dedication message to our friends Mrs. Fe and Pastor Patalinghug. We started our friendship in SPUC where my children were students of Maam Fe and I am a tennis partner of Pastor Jerry. That friendship grew into a beautiful partnership in the ministry not only in SPUC but in all places where they are assigned in new responsibilities and missions. I have seen pastor Jerry worked passionately in his ministry because God has given him a very supportive wife. I have seen also Ma’am Fe became very effective on her ministry because she has a very loving and understanding husband. They have become a very strong tandem in God’s work. Now they are called to serve in uncharted territory in Sri Lanka. I am saying uncharted because this is the first time where the culture and the language of the people is a challenge. But I say there is no work so big for this couple not to overcome because God’s Grace is with them. I know there will be more tears for Ma’am Fe that will flow from her eyes (because) i know her as a crying woman but it shows strength. Thus the more she cries the stronger she becomes! As for Pastor Jerry he thrives of challenges and never backs off because of his strong faith and prayerfulness. I can only pray and cheer them on their ministry because they also do it for us as we labor and press on spreading the Good news throughout the world. So go on my friends go on!/Jay Salcedo To my very dear friend, Marife, Eleonor Roosevelt once said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” Being together for so many years having the same passion, creates a remarkable memory that will linger forever in my sound mind. The things we did, the stories we shared, the laughter we burst and the tears we shed will be placed in a box with a mark- Treasured Friendship. I want to remember you as a WOMAN, who, in good and bad times never forget her capacity to smile, laugh, and cry nor to inspire others with warmth and kindness. Though “straight to the point” but got a big heart to prepare people for heaven. My heart will always be with you, Pheng!/ma’am Dulce

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Dear ma’am Fe, It has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you all along these years. Thank you for your dedicated service for the Children and Family Ministries. It is obvious that your love for Jesus, determination, enthusiasm, commitment, resourfulness, and energy paved the way in “ Preparing Children for Heaven” - our main theme. May the good Lord go before you and bless you as you step on another level of servanthood. In God’s service, /Danita Caderma-SPUC Chm & FM Director Congratulations for the new challenges you are facing. Keep going our prayers are with you & pastor all the way. Hugs and kisses to the whole family. / Love lots ma’am Shy Aguinaldo Dear Ma’am Marife, It hurts to hear saying goodbye, but we understand your calling. Mentoring and empowering women during your time was the best legacy that you’re leaving to us. Through that you are always remembered. We will be missing your laughter, your SMILE, your teary eyes and above all your golden voice while doing the ministry. You encourage us to Go, then, we will go. I will go for God’s cause. / loves you, Fe A. Torres

Congratulations Ma’am Marife Patalinghug for the untiring work that you have shown to all of us here in Central Mindanao Mission. You are one of the best examples of God’s worker. God bless to your new assignment in Sri Lanka with Pastor Jerry Patalinghug. I hope we will cross our path again if not on earth but it will be in heaven. Thank you/ from Sir Edgardo “dodong” Torniado Words are not enough to describe how thankful I am to become one of your friends and collaborers in the work of the Lord. Like the disciples of Jesus, three and a half years of bonding and training was just a very short but full of joy and learning. I cherished the treasure of being under the leadership of Pastor Jerry with your contributions and passion in the ministry. I see in your passion and commitment what it means to be a true disciples of Jesus. I will always thank God every time I remember you./ Pastor Porferio Lagunday

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For ma’am Marife, Everyone knows how special you are to me. /annabel

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modillas patalinghug

agnificent Woman of God She is consistent to display with bright beaming zeal, passion and enthusiasm to work and perform with excellence in the service of her Supreme Master. Wherever she goes, she is able to bring sunshine of inspirations pushing the doors to open enough to illuminate the grandeur of God’s love.

mazing best friend If there were an award for best friend and mentor, she would have taken the golden medallion. When you are with her, she would give you that super friendly reception which made you feel like a royalty.


are precious jewel How can I thank the Lord for gifting me such a lovely presence of a genuine friend filled with magical gracious moments, good company, laughter and even tears. She has been my source of motivation to completely reconnect my life to Jesus. Her generosity touched my soul beyond words.

ncomparable influencer and mentor Absolutely, she is a fantastic mentor. We haven’t known each other that long, yet her influence has made an amazing impact on my spiritual well-being. She knew exactly how to create meaningful opportunities to nurture my talents and capabilities to grow in Christ thoughtfully helping me to define and express my inner calling.


abulous woman leader Her unique and distinct ways to empower other women clearly defines her exceptional leadership skills as 1 Corinthians 12:7 perfectly portrays the character of a woman after God’s own heart committed to manifest and seek to find how the Holy Spirit has gifted her, bouncing off the walls to exhibit the actions for the benefits of those around her.


xceptional demonstrator of courage When the odds seem insurmountable, she never gives up. Who can fail to be inspired by her exceptional demonstration of courage ever willing to take the risk bringing her faith ready to roll her sleeves while wearing the whole armor of God determined to get on a bandwagon to cross the widest river in order to reach the unreachable even up to the farthest hinterland.


arvelous epitome of a servant leadership Along with her iconic leadership in women’s ministries, she is branded as the epitome of a servant leader capturing the hearts of those around her.



rayerful and always puts God over her own desire In her effort to serve others and to empower women in the service of King, she always anchored her strength to the supreme God who is ab perform incredible miracles.

ffable and highly approachable She always makes people feel her cordial and sincere warm welcome receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner showing pleasant and approachable visage of cheerfulness.

ender-hearted to anyone Her impressionable compassion will be forever remembered as embbe in Helen Keller’s famous maxim that describes the best and most beau things in the world that cannot be seen or even touched- her tenderne can be felt with the heart.

dorable in her own way Her sense of style and fashion made her a role model perfected in her feminine charm and eloquence conforming that God is the author of a beauty and portrays to His ideal approach to the standards of the true glamor of creation.

audable and commendable Her theme is to never stop working until Jesus comes channeling that exceptional passion to accomplish every challenge that set her mind p her whole self into the work to the best chance of thriving and achievi the success ready to evolve, grow and learn more.


nspirational coupled with strong motivational skills Her vision, strength, courage, empathy and achievements are enormou sources of inspiration and hope recognizing that all women are able to up to their potential and employ them into leadership roles.

otable for her creativity and artistic ability Her honest effort to render services with willingness to go above and beyond expectations is one quality that makes her unique and she eve exists at the center of a nexus which connects to one another with gre compassion. Her natural sense of art and creativity is like a diamond th beyond compare and surpasses all others of the same kind.


entle yet her adept brilliance elucidates Her genteel manner and the way she kindly expresses her words ampl her true unique character yet her adept brilliant qualities establish a so foundation to reach a great potential for success making her reliable a dependable woman leader.


ardworking, diligent and sincerely committed She would rather use hard work and practical values to employ decisiv and methodical steps to counteract her limitations. Her perseverance a willingness to work long hous are quite evident being renown and dub as a superwoman who diligently and sincerely committed to perform G great commission.


plifting and inspiring able to brighten a dimming soul She exercises a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others. Sh like a superstar for her presence attracts crowds everywhere. She is be known for the distinct ability to boost a dampened spirit by showing h genuine sympathetic and aptness to understand the feelings of others


raceful, elegant and dignified She will always be remembered in her diplomatic , freindly and thoug features yet showing a distiguished composure to elicit confidence tha worthy of respect. / Described by a friend, belpueblo

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CMM Women’s Ministries Department holds



ith the dynamic leadership of the Women’s Ministries Director of Central Mindanao Mission, Marife M. Patalinghug motivated by the theme “Preparing Women in the Service of the King”, ninety two (92) women from different districts were empowered while they recieved their Certificate of Completion for Women’s Leadership Certification level 1,2,3 and 4 during the Graduation Ceremony held at Bagontaas Church, Valencia city, Bukidnon on December 4, 2021. Apparently, the presence of our equally active SPUC Women’s Ministries Director, Ma. Luisa Dulce V. Jimenez sealed the excitements of the women while she expressed her confirmation pronouncing them as certified graduates. The event was delightfully graced with an inspiring keynote speech of our SSD Women’s Ministries Director, Virginia P. Baloyo which focused on the topic, Reviving our Passion to Serve. She further empahsized that the greatest service is the one perfectly modelled to us by Jesus Christ when He was on earth. Its the service that we cannot surpass. After the ceremony, the women were overwhelmed with joy as they wore their pins on their heart as a symbol of commitment to get involve in the service to our supreme master./ bellepueblo

Our Children Celebrate:

The Heaven at Last! @ MVC Annex and Lake View Academy


ndescribable excitement can be seen in the faces of the children while joyfully partaking in the different activities during the Children’s Convention held at Lake View Academy, Pinamaloy, Don Carlos, Bukidnon on December 2325, 2021 and at MVC Annex, Valencia city on May 13-15, 2021 respectively. The children were on the edge of their seat as they engage in their tasks like t-shirt printing, kids chef, Bible connect, Bible markings, kids care group, and Math O’ Merry, stewardship for heaven, education and salesmanship, symphonic jewels, church decorum and CREATION (Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationship, Outlook, Nutrition) .They also presented cultural show, kalestenics, hand mime, shadow play, musical drama, interpretative

song. The chidren were also very eager while they listen to lectures during plenary sessions. The reaction of the children and all those who are in attendance had reached fever pitch as they happily sang their theme song entitled Heaven is my Home while marching towards the hall where

everyone was wearing white and golden crown getting some sight and experience of what it feels to be in heaven. Yes, its a grand celebration- its Heaven at Last!/ belpueblo

Pink Ministries Engages Training & Workshop


verflowing with much enthusiasm was manifested in the faces of each performer as the members of the Pink Ministries engage in the Training Workshop on the Art of Speaking and the Power of Writing bringing its theme entitled; DASIG (Develop & Acquire Skills to Influence for God’s glory) held at @ Bagontaas Church on October 22-23, 2021.

Fifty nine (59) young ladies ages 15-25 performed Musical Extravaganza, Talk Show and Talent Festival during the Recital presentation. “ as Women’s Ministries Director, I am fully convinced that Pink Ministries are promising women leaders and that they are one of the strengths of the church in this digital era. Their talents must be developed to its full potential and have to be equipped with essential skills to completely utilize them to get involve in the ministry of Christ and promote God’s love to mankind. CMM Women’s Ministries Director, Marife M. Patalinghug commented./belpueblo




June 27, 2021 @ Sitio Natampod, San Fernando, Valencia city

This date marks as special celebration and thanksgiving for Maam Marife and as part of her birthday bash, the CMM family, ACS & the women, combined its forces to bring fruits of love, kindness, and compassion to the most vulnerable people in sitio Natampod, San Fernando,Valencia city through Feeding and Gift Giving program. With the overwhelming support of the generous and kindhearted Philanthropists, we were able to distribute grocery items, slippers, conduct free clinic and supply some materials for shelter such as (8) eight pieces of galvanized iron with (1) one kilo umbrella nails to 30 recipients among the indigent people.


(In Times Like These, We Need to Turn to God-Igsuon ko, Oh Balik na)

June 6-26 @ CMM Headquarters, Bagontaas, Valencia city. Inspired by the motto “with God we can never be broken, in collaboration with CMM administrators and directors under the headship of Pastor Jerry Patalinghug with the support of Longvine Hope Studio, this 21 -day online series (In Times Like These, We Need to Turn to God-Igsuon ko, Oh Balik na) was presented successfully.


May 16-21, 2021 @ Hotel Valencia

Grateful with the thought that the hope of God’s Word is for everyone. We conducted the Revelation of Hope Seminar with the expertise of our Sabbath School Director from South Philippine Union Conference, Pastor Segundino Asoy as our keynote speaker to proclaim the theme to the elite society held at Hotel Valencia and was able to win 15 precious souls for Jesus.




September 18- 25, 2021 @ Central Mindanao Mission Headquarters


August 1-14, 2021 @ Sitio Bayog, Palakpakan, San Fernando


June 5 - September 5, 2021 @ Phil Countryville, College Adventist Garden Church, Maramag, Bukidnon



Waving its banner,“Paglaum Luyo sa Kasamok”, a prime time 8- episode virtual engagement series that features the information from the book “ Hope for Troubled Times” authored by Pastor Mark Finley streamed live via Hope Channel Bukidnon, face book, and you tube channels and radio stations within the area. This one (1) hour and a half program was highlighted with a 25-minute proclamation of God’s words and after which was an insightful discussions that focused on Mental Health Care with the presence of some experts, clinical Psychologists and pastors as discussants. With this, we are able to win 24 precious souls.

Compelled by the need to carry out more efforts to win souls by preaching the gospel to other far flung areas, another women’s crusade was conducted that successfully brought 42 precious souls to Jesus. Moreover, a bamboo church was built for them to have a place for worship every Sabbath.

After three (3) long months of airing Tingog sa Propesiya (VOP) every Saturday and Sunday afternoon where women leaders and ministerial spouses were assigned as speakers and all women were involved in the distribution of almost 2,000 copies of lessons to the students from different areas in CMM. During Graduation ceremony the students with their respective sponsors were given certificate of completion and recognition. This effort was able to baptize 425 souls in different dates and areas.


From August 2021 to present @ Sitio Salumayag, Digongan, Kitaotao, Bukidnon


December 12 @ Bagontaas, Valencia city andPalakpakan, San Fernando


March 2021 @ Central Mindanao Mission Territory

We have facilitated Reading and Writing literacy program which has catered 52 students divided into three (3) categories: C-1: Struggling Readers (children who cannot completely identify letters); C-2: Struggling Adult Readers ; C- 3: Readers (youth who can read but still needs assistance from a mentor). However, this shall culminate earlier than the original six month targeted program because the DepEd has already established a school in the area. Thus, we conducted their Graduation ceremony last September 3 this year.

Affirming that all are gifted, needed and treasured, the Possibility Ministries Department initiated a fellowship for the Blind and Deaf. We had the gift giving, feeding while they actively participated in the different games. There were 30 participants coming from the different areas under CMM territory. Along with this, we also conducted a Fellowship at Happy Home last December 15 at Maramag, Bukidnon where we also offer the same activities to people with mental issues.

Blown away by how God is using women to spread the hope of His Word even farther, we organized Community Pantry (Gasa sa Dios, Grasya sa Dios) to provide raw and food stuff to the people in need during when the COVID-19 crisis began to shut down to areas under CMM territory. Bound to go an extra mile, this activity was done daily during the first few days. But due to some reasonable constraints, like financial insufficiency with limited sponsors and benefactors to name a few, the team decided to schedule it twice a week and eventually as needed.







To our ever dashing Ma’am Marife M. Patalinghug, Thank you so much for all the time you spent with us and for us. You have been an excellent agent of God, a phenomenal partner in the minsitry, an outstanding mentor, and a courageous friend. I will hold the exemplary life you have lived as an inspiration for the journey I will embark. I pray that God will continually bless you and your agency. As Harold Warner says, “ The true character of a ministry, is a servant’s heart”. Continue to touch lives for God’s kingdom. Shine on ‘til Jesus comes. Godspeed./ Maybz Cabil Dear ma’am Fe, Happy New Year. Happy New Assignment in a country different from ours. Anyway, Pastor Jerry looks like Sri Lankan too. You too sooner will become Sri Lankan. Let it be known to you that you are one among the few individuals whom I gained confidence in sharing the word, God on top, my expertise as counselor. Words of God you assigned me which I read and reread, studied and searched so I could impart to our brethren-thastly woman-the other side of man. I learned many things from you- choleric, generous, optimistic, sincere and “crying lady”, touched many lives, beautiful and healthy, faithful to God, a good if not the best supporter to Pastor Jerry’s Ministry. Thank you for taking my workshop important (the paper and pencil tests, the cup with only a bond paper, mounting of slips of colored paper on a sheet of paper representing the family proximity between family members) which several of our colleagues find it very relevant. I have sent prayers of service to God. Prayers of good health, beauty, faith especially that you’re not quite well acquianted with brethren there. May God bless the works of your hands, the thoughts of your mind, and the words of your tongue. Trully I will be missing you, though you are just measures the miles. Thank you for being an inspiration to me. God bless you ma’am Fe and Pastor Jerry. /ma’am Emy` My warmest greetings and congratulations to the foremost enthusiastic women’s Minsitries Director during Davao Mission assignment. I’ll just pray that your leadership and management will continue serving until Jesus comes. In fact as a true friend I appreciate and salute you on your good leadership. Good leader, good follower. So my ardent prayer be strong and good health always. Miss you so much. God bless you./ate Vangie


Throughout the 3 years of being a worker under maam Marife’s leadership, all I can say is that she is a principled, hard worker, determined and an effective leader. She might be strict when it comes to time and work quality but when you will know her better she is one of a kind with a big heart who cares for her fellow workers. Maam Marife became one of my closest friend and one of my best mentor in the ministry. It is painful to know that she will move to another place to open a new chapter of her ministry. I believed she can continue to be an awesome leader and an effective worker of God. I pray that she together with Pastor Jerry and their children will always be safe and healthy throughout their life’s journey. I love you./Cherry Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in the Seventh-day Adventists Church. This message is especially for madam Marife Modillas Patalinghug. To me she is a woman of super skills and talents. A gifted lady of the Lord. A woman who is unselfish in everything. From her talents and even material things. She is a lady of power. When she requests me for something, I cannot say no and I become fully blessed. Above all she is a powerful preacher even amidst pandemic. She is willing to go even to those places that cannot be reached by our Minister that made possible through God’s grace who used her mightily. I learned many things from her like patience, time conciousness, quality service, God first before self. Our hearts bleed and sad because she will leave the work she is doing in the CMM leading 5 departments(super woman) where I am part of it. I’ll miss you My dear, you are always in my heart. We love you. Plenty of hugs./Doc. Beth LOVE NOTES for you Ma’am Marife, my true and real sister, the person whom I can count on all through my life. Ma’am, I can’t believe that our friendship and togetherness will be separated through distance. Yes, I was very much privileged to be with you for a short time in Women’s Ministries at Davao Mission. When you were transferred to your next field I really felt sad and lonely but now I felt lonelier maybe because you will be in another country. Anyway, I really appreciate your leadership with Pastor Jerry C. Patalinghug for you are discipling us into a better leaders in our local churches. You are really a person who is full of clear vision which can guide wpmen to define their goals and aspirations ahead of time. I’m so happy of your determination Ma’am but sometimes worry because you will be leaving us. I pray to our Almighty God for safety, good health and strong will to be God’s servant. Proverbs 22:1 says, “ A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches,a nd loving favour rather than silver and gold./ Ate Marth To the Woman of God who is dynamic in God*s Service... Continue for being a Great and Adventurous Director in Women*s Ministries...rest assured Maam Fe we will be praying for your new environment as God*s Missionary in Sri Lanka Division.....it is indeed a great challenge but their*s no impossible thing towards God..God will be your Guide and Fortress He will lead you all the way. To Elder Jerry C. Patalinghug please continue the enthusiasm in doing God*s Work for God will be your Great Protector and Great Saviour in doing God*s Work in Foreign Land. We will be praying for more blessings to the greater task ahead.. We will be missing you for a short period of time....longing to see you and be together again... Godspeed /Joy Colegado


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Dearest Maam Fe, When someone called me over the phone and relayed that I am one on your list of friends, my heart danced in awe! I never expected that a low-keyed individual like me was remembered by such a wonderful lady who in one way or another become an epitome of my ministry journey. I praise God for keeping me as one of your treasured friends, and assuredly – you’re one in my list, too! Looking back on how we have crossed paths, I cannot contain myself to just remain silent but to always thank the Lord because I believed that HE has a purpose why it happened. For me, it was just a simple “hi” and “hello” in our first meet-up during the NPUC-wide Children’s Convention at 1000 Missionary Movement Campus. Actually, I was a little bit hesitant due to the status of your life, knowing that you were the wife of the mission president – my respect was up to the highest level then, and up to this day. I never thought of you being that very accommodating, sincere and simple. You even extended it to a very memorable invitation when you had the Children’s Convention held in wn SPAC before you finally left Davao Mission heading to South Philippine Union Conference. It was indeed a great proof e kno re b t i t a that our friendship is heightened and amazingly, it goes beyond physical distance by just a quick press on our phones. Le t you w a h t What you are reading now is my heartfelt expression and testimony how your life impacted mine. Yes, YOU u fe to yo ong the are such a strong and principled woman who exhibits a kind example that’s worth-emulating. YOU have shown an m mI exemplar of leadership – leading your constituents to be closer to God. I know that YOU are much confident to one a uals who in e id leave your post because YOU have mentored a lot of women, leaders and children to do likewise in furthering God’s indiv confidenc mission at hand. d gaine aring the In your journey anew, more challenges await in Sri Lanka – a far place which is very strange to you, but I’m certain h s God that God will be with you! I have this strong conviction that you will leave Central Mindanao Mission with peace of rd of o w mind and a joyful heart because YOU have done your best for HIS glory! YOUR unselfish service to God’s work, in little and big ways, is an affirmation and a good legacy to tell everybody that we have a great God. My admiration to you is not only a friend, but an older sister. Being one, let me capsulized it into five (5) descriptive words, giving you my honest and genuine, vital facets of who you are to me.

To m M MOTIVATED: You are always fueled to go above and beyond whatever circumstances; exhibit focus and passion woma e she is a beyond comfort zone. and ta n of super A AFFECTIONATE: You have that feeling of liking and caring for someone or something; thoughtful and so skill lent generous of appreciating others. of the s. A gifted la s Lord. A d R RELIABLE: You take commitments seriously; strive for excellence in everything you do; trusted by others to make woma y who is something happens. n un I IMAGINATIVE: You have the ability to come up with varied ideas; enjoy collaborating with others; innovative in in eve selfish rythin holding events. g. F FEARLESS: You are resilient and kind; heroic by giving credit where it is due and enjoy personal satisfaction through praising others along with, celebrating their own success. E EFFICIENT: You consider that the ministry is not a one-man affair but rather a team showcase; know how to delegate a task and empower others to contribute effort; well-organized and competent. My grandest salute to you! KEEP IT UP my dearest. On the final note, my utmost gratitude to God for our friendship. A friend like you will remain fresh in my heart and will be treasured forever. We may be miles apart but I am just a press of your hand away. Know that a friend like you is a diamond and a heaven-sent gem who is and always be my highly-respected sister, MAAM MARIFE. Bear in mind that – “If I can ever do you a favor, don’t hesitate to give me a call.” Love you to the moon & back! /Maam Jo

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Ma’am Fe, I thank the Lord for knowing and having you as a mentor and a friend. I admire you for your persistent and outstanding leadership qualities. You have at all times been an inspiration and a great encourager. Your passion, enthusiasm and selflessness impressed me to support God’s work unconditionally. Its lonesome to think that you will be in a distant land but just remember “ True friends are never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart. All the very best for you./Maam Cha

I than Lord fo k the r and ha knowing ving y ou as a men tor and a f riend .



Gift Giving at San Fernando, Bukidnon





SPUC-Wide Shepherdess International Continuing Education Graduation @ SPUC





Women’s Leadership Certification level 3 (Batch2)







Reaffirmation of Marriage Vows @ Kaamulan, Malaybalay , Bukidnon

Family and Children’s Leaders Enrichment @ CBI, Bagontaas, Valencia City

Gift Giving at Sinayawan, Valencia



Compassion Day at Wao





Shepherdess International Continuing Education level 1& 2 @ MVC Annex

Reaffirmation of Marraige Vows @ Maramag




Crusade at Wao

Training and empowerment @ CPUC

Women Certification Level 2 @ Bagontaas, Valencia City

Relationship Enrichment @ Kaamulan, Malaybalay, Bukidnon

Leadership Empowerment at Pasay



report Year 2021

During the early part of 2021, we were still in the midst of a pandemic that locks everything down. Geographical borders are closed. Social gatherings are suspended. Church services are seized. But the Lord opened doors we would never have imagined. God provided us the way to stay connected with people and be able to adapt and serve in a new, unique perspective. Despite this season of confusion and to share the Word of God looks so different, the women are still able to find opportunities to manifest the passion to reach the people. SPIRITUAL UPLIFTMENT January 1-9 @MVC Annex, Valencia city With strong conviction in the power of prayer, the CMM workers and staff commend the year with a 10day Spiritual Upliftment asking the guidance from the Holy Spirit for us to have an anchor to hold as we face challenges in preparation for the activities the whole year round. WOMEN’S CRUSADE, January 24-30, 2021 @ Prk 10 Narulang, Brgy Laligan, Valencia city Zealous with the thought to execute the commission of God in spreading His gospel despite of the alarming threat of COVID 19, we were still able to conduct Women’s Crusade in remote areas with indigenous people who thirst for knowledge about the word of God. This has made 58 souls to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. With this, a bamboo church was built for them to have a place for worship during Sabbath. FACE TO FACE SEMINAR (Outreach Is For Everyone), February 5-7 @ MVC Annex, Valencia city With full support from Local Goverment Unit of Valencia city, CMM administrators and directors our SPUC Women’s Ministries Director, ma’am Ma.Luisa Dulce V. Jimenez together with some selected women leaders as resource speakers. This was participated by the cluster 4 that comprises Valencia 1,2 3, Lilingayon, and Lurugan districts. They were given step by step instructions, tips and guidelines to do an outreach evangelistic series. WOMEN AND FAMILY EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN, Feruary 21- March 6 @ Sibunga Kadingilan,Bukidnon Despite the fact that this area has not been entered and the people are still ignorant with the message of God, we are still blessed that the efforts were successfully presented and able to baptize 26 precious souls. WOMEN’S CRUSADE, March 21-April 3 @ Bocboc District In collaboration with Pastor Rudy Jimenez and madam Ma. Luisa Dulce Jimenez this crusade was successfully conducted . This was blessed with 44 precious souls.

schedule it twice a week and eventually as needed. TWO CHILDREN’S CONVENTION May 13-15 @ MVC Annex, Valencia city and December 22-25 @ Lake View Academy We have witnessed the undescribable excitement in the faces of the children while joyfully partaking the different activities of the program like t-shirt printing, kids chef, Bible connect, Bible markings, kids care group, and Math O’ Merry. The excitement intensified especially during Heaven at Last, where everyone was wearing white and golden crown letting them get some sight and experience of what it feels to be in heaven. REVELATION OF HOPE SEMINAR, May 16-21, 2021 @ Hotel Valencia Grateful with the thought that the hope of God’s Word is for everyone. We conducted the Revelation of Hope Seminar with the expertise of our Sabbath School Director from South Philippine Union Conference, Pastor Segundino Asoy as our keynote speaker to proclaim the theme to the elite society held at Hotel Valencia and was able to win 15 precious souls for Jesus. 21 -DAY SERIES (In Times Like These, We Need to Turn to God-Igsuon ko, Oh Balik na) June 6-26 @ CMM Headquarters, Bagontaas, Valencia city Inspired by the motto “ with God we can never be broken, in collaboration with CMM administrators and directors under the headship of Pastor Jerry Patalinghug with the support of Longvine Hope Studio, this 21 -day online series (In Times Like These, We Need to Turn to God-Igsuon ko, Oh Balik na) was presented successfully. THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION, June 27, 2021 @ Sitio Natampod, San Fernando, Valencia city As part of thanksgiving celebration, the CMM family,ACS & the women, combined its forces to bring fruits of love, kindness, and compassion to the most vulnerable people in sitio Natampod, San Fernando,Valencia city through Feeding and Gift Giving program. With the overwhelming support of the generous and kindhearted Philanthropists, we were able to distribute grocery items, slippers, conduct free clinic and supply some materials for shelter such as (8) eight pieces of galvanized iron with (1) one kilo umbrella nails to 30 recipients among the indigent people.

TINGOG SA PROPESIYA VIRTUAL ENGAGEMENT June 5 - September 5, 2021 @ Phil Countryville, College Adventist Garden Church, Maramag, Bukidnon COMMUNITY PANTRY ( GASA SA DIOS, GRASYA After three (3) long months of airing SA DIOS) March 2021 @ Central Mindanao Mission Tingog sa Propesiya (VOP) every Saturday Territory and Sunday afternoon where women Blown away by how God is using women leaders and ministerial spouses were to spread the hope of His Word even farther, we assigned as speakers and all women were organized Community Pantry (Gasa sa Dios, Grasya sa Dios) to provide raw and food stuff to the people in involved in the distribution of almost 2,000 need during when the COVID-19 crisis began to shut copies of lessons to the students from different areas in CMM. During Graduation down to areas under CMM territory. Bound to go an extra mile, this activity was done daily during the first ceremony the students with their respective sponsors were given certificate few days. But due to some reasonable constraints, like financial insufficiency with limited sponsors and of completion and recognition. This effort was able to baptize 425 souls in different benefactors to name a few, the team decided to dates and areas.



WOMEN’S CRUSADE, August 1-14, 2021 @ Sitio Bayog, Palakpakan, San Fernando Compelled by the need to carry out more efforts to win souls by preaching the gospel to other far flung areas, another women’s crusade was conducted that successfully brought 42 precious souls to Jesus. Moreover, a bamboo church was built for them to have a place for worship every Sabbath. PAGLAUM LUYO SA KASAMOK Live Streaming September 18- 25, 2021 @ Central Mindanao Mission Headquarters Waving its banner,“Paglaum Luyo sa Kasamok”, a prime time 8- episode virtual engagement series that features the information from the book “ Hope for Troubled Times” authored by Pastor Mark Finley streamed live via Hope Channel Bukidnon, face book, and you tube channels and radio stations within the area. This one (1) hour and a half program was highlighted with a 25-minute proclamation of God’s words and after which was an insightful discussions that focused on Mental Health Care with the presence of some experts, clinical Psychologists and pastors as discussants. With this, we are able to win 24 precious souls. PINK MINISTRIES TRAINING & WORKSHOP, October 22-23, 2021 @ Bagontaas Church In preparation for upcoming virtual crusade, Pink Ministries engages Training Workshop on the Art of Speaking and the Power of Writing bringing its theme entitled; DASIG (Develop & Acquire Skills to Influence for God’s glory). Fifty nine (59) young ladies ages 15-25 performed Musical Extravaganza, Talk Show and Talent Festival during the Recital presentation. As Women’s Ministries Department Director, I am fully convinced that Pink Ministries are promising women leaders and that they are one of the strengths of the church in this digital era. Their talents must be developed to its full potential and have to be equipped with essential skills to completely utilize them to get involve in the ministry of Christ and promote God’s love to mankind. READING & WRITING LITERACY PROGRAM From August 2021 to present @ Sitio Salumayag, Digongan, Kitaotao, Bukidnon The Reading and Writing literacy program which has catered 52 students divided into three (3) categories: C-1: Struggling Readers (children who cannot completely identify letters); C-2: Struggling Adult Readers ; C- 3: Readers (youth who can read but still needs assistance from a mentor). However, this shall culminate earlier than the original six month targeted program because the DepEd has already established a school in the area. Thus, we conducted their Graduation ceremony last September 3 this year. WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP CERTIFICATION GRADUATION CEREMONY December 2-4 @ Bagontaas, Valencia city Motivated by the theme “Preparing Women in the Service of the King”, 92 empowered women recieved their Certificate of Completion in the Women’s Leadership Certification level 1,2,3 and 4. BLIND AND DEAF FELLOWSHIP, December 12 @ Bagontaas, Valencia city and Affirming that all are gifted, needed and treasured, the Possibility Ministries Department initiated a fellowship for the Blind and Deaf. We had the gift giving, feeding while they actively participated in the different games. There were 30 participants coming from the different areas under CMM territory. Along with this, we also conducted a Fellowship at Happy Home last December 15 at Maramag, Bukidnon where we also offer the same activities to people with mental issues.

CHILDREN’S CRUSADE, December 12-18 at Rauban, Bocboc, Don Carlos, Bukidnon Stirred with much enthusiasm and burning passion to spread the gospel, we conducted a Children’s Crusade at Rauban, Don Carlos, Bukidnon last December 12-18.

Year 2020

The year 2020 was considered the most challenging because COVID -19 pandemic has started to strike our country, but God never allows His people to stop spreading the gospel and encourage more souls to surrender for Jesus. Early in the first quarter, we were able to conduct the Women’s Ministries Leadership Certification Level 3 @ MVC Annex last February 21-22. Middle part of the second quarter, the Ministerial Spouses Association made efforts for Online Evangelistic Campaign at Longvine Hope Studio last July 15-25. Then, September 15 -25, a Virtual Crusade entitled “Ang Kahibulongang Gugma ni Kristo” was aired @ Bagontaas, Valencia city. Last July 12-August 9, we aired Virtual Vacation Bible School every Sunday at 2:00 in the afternoon via facebook live and youtube channels. We also have done series of Women and Family Crusades to wit: March 8-21, @ Senior Citizen Hall, Purok 9, Casisang, Malaybalay May 3-16 , @ Sibunga, Kadingilan Bukidnon June 16-27, we had the PALANOG Virtual Crusade @ Prk 9, Brgy. Lumbayao, Valencia city, Bukidnon July 27-August 8, @ Brgy Imbayao, Malaybalay September 18-26, we had Online Crusade ( Dalan sa Kinabuhing Dayon) @ Bagontaas, valencia city. September 26-October 3, we had our Evangelistic Campaign @ Kawilihan, Don Carlos, Bukidnon December 6-12, a crusade done @ Brgy covered court, Upper Jasaan, Cabanglasan, Bukidnon

Year 2019

As outlined in the gospel of Mathew that says:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. With this, we are motivated to Reach My World and I Will Go! Last April 12-13, we had our Missionwide Shepherdess Continuing Education level 1 & 2 @ MVC Annex empowering the wives of the Pastors and auxilliary workers for them to be equipped with necessarry armor to serve the Lord with effeciency and affecacy. We also had conducted Global Children’s Day last April 28 @ Valencia city Public Market. More than 100 children from Bagontaas, Mailag and Valencia city were engaged in cleaning inside and outside the public market while some of the were singing songs of praises.

Massive Women , Children and Family crusades were conducted this year to wit: * May 19-June 1 @ Adiong Gym, Wao, Lanao del Sur * July 21-27 @ Alial, Dagumbaan, Maramag * August 11-24 @ Panadtalan Elementary School * December 1-14 @ Lumbo, Valencia city * November 10-16 - Children And Family Crusade was done @ Quezon Municipal Gymnasium with our speaker, Danita CadermaSPUC Children and Family Director.


Last June 15, ADAM or the Adventist Ministries Department Association of Men Fellowship, Orientation, and Election of Officers were held at Central Bukidnon Institute, Bagontaas, Valencia city.There were also lectures on empowering men on leadership skills. Last September 29 to October 5, they had a simultaneous crusade in all districts. Then last November 24-30, a crusade at Maapag, Valencia city with Ruben Geralla Jr. the ADAM livelihood coordinator as speaker. We also had conducted Children’s Leadership Certification level 1 last June 28-29 @ MVC Annex which was participated by children’s leaders and parents and the level 2 was done in the same venue last October 11-12 which was participated by more than 100 children. 25 delegates from CMM (Women and Ministerial Spouses) had joined the SSD Wide Women and MSA convention @ Bangkok , Thailand last July 1319. Last August 2-3, the first batch of women attended the level 1 Leadership Certification @ MVC Annex. Then the level 2 on November 1-2 at the same venue. We also hosted the Family and Children’s Leaders Midyear Spiritual Retreat @ CBI last August 9-10 participated in by four (4) missions with SPUC Women’s Ministries Director, Ma’am Danita Caderma. We also had conducted Couple’s Retreat and Reaffirmation of Vows @ Kaamulan Theater, Malaybalay city, Bukidnon last September 6-7. There were 50 couples who had joined the event.Last September 22, the Skills Development Training for Adventist Men was conducted @ MVC Annex. They were trained to make liquid and powder soap, bleach, and fabric conditioner with no less than the manager of Mom Cares, ma’am Nancy P. Vilvar as resource speaker. A Pensioner’s Summit was held at Central Bukidnon Institute, Bagontaas, Valencia city last November 8-9. Then, they also conducted a Crusade at San Carlos, Valencia city last November 10-16. Finally, last December 15, we had a Gift Giving and Feeding of the Aged @ Kibawe district, Bukidnon.

Kiddie Bible Verse Marathon - January 5, 2022 at Bagontaas, Valencia City, Bukidnon.

Reaffirmation of Marriage vows- January 2, 2022 at Laligan Church of Seventh Day Adventist, Batangan District, Valencia City, Bukidnon.



Portfolio the



n behalf of the entire team, we cannot thank you enough. Your collective efforts really matter a lot. My special thanks to all my sponsors, Sir Burl William Harper III, Dianne Hodges with the Oceans of Love, Ma’am Lucy Guy Pugh, Ma’am Grace Impuesto, Ma’am Maridol Gregorio, Mary Ann Medidas, Laarni’s Kitchen, LASDAC. A sincere gratitude to Doctor Gordon Torres and Ma’a,m Fe Torres with DXGT Radyo Abante, 92.1 FM; DXCR 96.9 FM & 1386 AM, Hope Channel Bukidnon, Longvine Hope Studio, Joyce Israel, Maybelle Cabil and to all the women who rendered their time, finances, efforts and talents. My heartfelt appreciation to our Southern Asia Pacific Division family, South Philippine Union Conference family, to our Central Mindanao Mission family, to my most beloved and supportive husband Pastor Jerry C. Patalinghug and above all, to our God almighty who made all these things possible. In doing the ministry of Jesus, we will expand the horizon of our experiences with complete joy and contentment and by doing so, our Lord Jesus will be exalted. We will continue to do the great commission of the church to hasten the coming of Jesus. Let us grab the opportunity while the government allow us to do this noble cause May the Lord keep us safe from any harm and use us in spreading the good news with power and enthusiasm and therefore say yes, “I will go!”

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