Henry County PAFR

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About the PAFR The Popular Annual Financial Report of Henry County is presented as a means of increasing public understanding and confidence in County government and its elected officials through easier, more user-friendly financial reporting. As you review our PAFR, we invite you to share any questions, concerns or recommendations you may have. We are pleased to present the Henry County Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016. Just like many governments and retail businesses do, Henry County runs its budget on a “fiscal year,” rather than a calendar year. This is so we can close the accounts during a slower time of the year than December, when property tax is being received and sales tax receipts are higher due to holiday shopping. The U.S. Government and State of Georgia run on a fiscal year of October 1 to September 30. Henry County chooses to run our fiscal year from July 1 to June 30, along with the majority of other counties and municipalities in Georgia. This report deals with the fiscal year that ran from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, and is known as FY 15-16. The purpose of this Popular Annual Financial Report is to summarize and simplify information contained in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) of Henry County, which is due six months after the close of the fiscal year. The County’s financial statements are prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States of America and are independently audited by Mauldin & Jenkins, CPA. The CAFR is available for review online at www.henrycounty-ga.com/Finance. Much of the information in the CAFR is technical and complex. As a result, the full financial statements may

not be particularly useful to the citizens of Henry County who wish to better understand County finances. Therefore eleven years ago, Henry County began issuing simplified financial reports, commonly referred to as Popular Annual Financial Reports (PAFR). These reports are intended to better inform the public about their government’s financial condition, without excessive detail. In fact, dating back to 2006, Henry County has won the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting each year since its first PAFR submission. This PAFR, which has been generated internally by the Henry County Financial Services Division and the Communications Department, summarizes and explains the information contained in the CAFR for FY 15-16, along with other information on the County’s finances, in easily understood terms. The PAFR is not obligated to be audited under GAAP rules, however it does comply. Inside this year’s PAFR, you will find general information about your County and your County government, highlights from different government departments showing how some of your money was spent this fiscal year, how well your County government did this year, and finally, some accounting definitions to help you understand the charts and graphs located throughout this report.

You may access this document, along with the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which contains a detailed financial breakdown, on the Henry County website at www.henrycounty-ga.com/Finance. You may also obtain a hard copy via the Finance office located in the County Administration building at 140 Henry Parkway, McDonough, GA.



About the Popular Annual Financial Report


Organizational Chart


Henry County Board of Commissioners


History / Location / Maps


Henry County Quick Facts


Services Provided 8-9 General Fund Revenues


General Fund Expenditures


Statement of Net Position


Statement of Activities


General Fund / Fund Balance


Where Do Your Property Tax Dollars Go


Local Option Sales Tax




Outstanding Achievements in Financial Reporting


Glossary of Terms


Contact Information

20 www.henrycounty-ga.com


Organizational Chart Henry County Board of Commissioners

Unofficial Organizational Chart as of June 30, 2016

The governing authority of Henry County is a Board of Commissioners consisting of five members elected by district and a Chairman elected at-large. The commissioners serve on a part-time basis and are elected to staggered terms of four years. The commissioners are responsible, among other things, for passing ordinances, adopting the budget, establishing tax rates, appointing committees and hiring those employees shown in the above chart reporting directly to the Board of Commissioners. The County Manager is responsible for the administration of all the affairs of the County, including offering positions of classified employment, as well as appointing heads of various departments. 4



Board of Commissioners

Tommy N. Smith

Gary Barham

William “Bo” Moss

Blake Prince



Brian Preston DISTRICT II



Bruce B. Holmes DISTRICT V



History / Location / Maps

Chairman: District I: District II: District III: District IV: District V:

Tommy Smith Bo Moss Brian Preston Gary Barham Blake Prince Bruce Holmes

Henry County was formed in 1821 from Creek Indian lands and was named after the American patriot Patrick Henry to whom the slogan “give me liberty, or give me death” is attributed. Georgia’s 50th county is located approximately 25 miles southeast of the City of Atlanta, and is considered part of the metropolitan Atlanta area. Upon its founding Henry County was much larger than it is today encompassing most of the present day Metropolitan area. The state legislature later divided the County into Butts, Clayton, DeKalb, Fulton, Newton and Spalding counties and large portions of present day Rockdale and Fayette counties. 6


Today Henry County being strategically located along I-75 has total of seven interchanges within its borders. With a low cost of living, temperate climate and easy access to Atlanta, Henry County provides all the conveniences of a large city, in a small town atmosphere. State and national economic indicators place Henry County in an enviable position as one of the nation’s fastest-growing communities, and in fact, between 2000 and 2006, Henry County was ranked the 2nd fastest-growing county in Georgia, and the 8th fastest-growing county in the nation.


Henry County Quick Facts Governing Body: Form of Government: Municipalities: Population (2016 estimate): Population Rank in Georgia: Number of Housholds(2011 - 2015): Median Household Income (2011 - 2015): Median Age (2016): Area (square miles): Area Rank in Georgia: Acres of Parks: Operating General Fund Budget (FY16): Number of Employees: FY16 Operating Mill Levy (County): FY16 Total Mill Levy (State, County, Cities, and Schools):

5 Commissioners elected by district and 1 Chairman elected at-Large for 4 year terms Commission-Manager McDonough (County seat), Stockbridge, Locust Grove, and Hampton 217,739 8th 70,281 60,424 36 322 93rd out of 159 1283 143,812,875 1615 12.733 38.361

FY16 Sales and Use Tax Rate:


Unemployment Rate:


Top Employers in Henry County Employer Henry County Schools Henry County Government Piedmont Henry Medical Center Walmart Supercenter PVH Federal Aviation Administration Luxottica Retail Group Georgia Power Customer Care Center TSYS Home Depot (DFC #6777)

# of Employees

Type of Business


4950 1615 1449 1339 813 800 650 544 403 400

Public School System County Government Community Hospital Grocery/Department Store Apparel Air Traffic Control Center Eyeware Customer Care Center Credit Card Processor Household Products

Education Government Medical Retail Logistics Aviation Retail Professional Services Merchant Logistics



Services Provided Henry County’s ever-changing demographics and growing population is served by approximately 1,615 employees spanning a variety of departments and divisions. Some of these departments and the services they provided in fiscal year 2016 are highlighted in the following pages. Animal Control:

• Housed 5,637 animals during the year • Responded to 4,816 complaints • Began the “Fixed and Fabulous Feline Program” to encourage the adoption of adult cats. Cats in the program are fully vetted (including spay or neuter), temperament tested with other cats and microchipped.

Code Enforcement:

• Answered 6,797 complaints • Issued 1,719 warnings and 385 citations for code violations • Escorted 4 houses being moved through Henry County • Removed 3,786 signs from County right-of-ways

Fire Department:

Total Responses: 25,082 • Fire Responses – 598 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): • Rescue/EMS Responses- 19,662 • Hazmat Responses- 484 • Spent a total of $1,185,154.10 of Community • False Alarm- 959 Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds during the • Good Intent- 1,512 year on the following projects: • All Other Responses- 1,867 • $371,595 – Housing improvements • Ambulances transported 14,231 patients (5% • $514,060 – Public Facilities and Improvements increase over FY 15) • $148,000 – Public Service Activities • $151,499 – Program Admin and Fair Housing Activities

Connecting Henry:

• Provides the SWAG GED program (Students working to Achieve Greatness) • In FY16 there were 131 participants • 38 students earned their GED • 26 participated in internships with local businesses • 42 obtained employment • 12 are attending post-secondary school 8



Services Provided Human Resources:

Hired 416 new employees Conducted 13 new hire orientation sessions Facilitated 624 retirements and separations Responded to 50 open records requests Established an employee wellness team and implemented an employee wellness survey • Began implementation process for employee classification and compensation analysis • • • • •

Police: • • • •

Responded to 172,355 calls Made 5,688 physical arrests Gave out 45 parking violations Issued 51,233 traffic violations

Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP):

• Since the program began the County has received nearly $9,799,776 in NSP funds • These funds have been used to purchase approximately 335 homes through the program • 35 homes were sold in FY16 • Fewer than 10 homes remain in the County’s NSP inventory

Parks and Recreation:

• The County has 25 parks and 10 recreation centers • There were 755,193 unique visits to County Parks in FY16 • 235,424 people used the County’s recreation facilities in FY16

Purchasing: • • • •

Processed 5,137 purchase orders Processed 64 sealed bids Processed 166 written bids Sold 70 Assets on GovDeals totaling $101,414 in revenue

Senior Services: • • • • •

Provided in-home personal care to 13,623 units Delivered 47,730 meals to homes Volunteers worked 8,826 hours Prepared 65,147 congregate meals Administered 12,582 Ensure/Glucerna supplements


• Provided 82,818 trips for citizens • Fares are $4 per person, per stop for citizens under 60 years of age • Fares are $2 per person, per stop for citizens over 60 years of age



General Fund Revenues How does the County Government get money to operate?

Henry County receives revenue primarily from taxes, fees, fines and charges for services. The County also receives revenue in the form of Grants from other governments (State and Federal) which assist the County in providing services to our citizens. Charges for Services Fines & Forfeitures 3% Miscellaneous 10% Intergovernmental 2% 2% Licenses & Permits 2% Other Taxes 8%

Sales Taxes 16% Property Taxes 57%

Revenue Sources




% Change

Property Taxes





Sales Taxes





Other Taxes





Licenses & Permits














Fines & Forfeitures














Charges for Services





General Fund Expenditures How are my taxes spent in Henry County?

The largest portion of overall expenditures is for Public Safety, which includes Animal Control, EMA-911, Fire Department, Police Department and Sheriff’s Department.

Public Works 8%

Public Safety 54%

Health and Welfare 4% Culture and Recreation 5%

Housing and Development 3%

General Government 14% Judicial 12%





% Change

General Government










Public Safety





Public Works





Health & Welfare





Culture & Recreation





Housing & Development












Financial Snapshot Statement of Net Position as of June 30, 2016 Total Assets Deferred Outflows of Resources Total Liabilites Net Position















$900,000,000 $800,000,000 $700,000,000 $600,000,000 $500,000,000 $400,000,000 $300,000,000 $200,000,000 $100,000,000 $FY16 Total Assets & Deferred Outflows of Resources

FY15 Total Liabilites

FY14 Total Net Position

The Statement of Net Position is designed to provide readers with a broad overview of Henry County’s governmental and business-type activities, in a manner similar to a private sector business. This statement presents the difference between the County’s Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources from Liabilities and Deferred Inflows of Resources as Net Position. *See Statement of Activities (page 13)




Financial Snapshot Statement of Activities for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2016 Total Revenues Total Expenditures Increase in Net Position Net Position, Beginning of Year Ending Position, Pre-GASB Adjustments GASB Adjustments* Net Position, End of Year

FY16 $196,511,511 $(176,257,671) $20,253,840

FY15 $188,663,827 $(169,388,531) $19,275,296

FY14 $183,276,682 $(162,754,105) $20,522,577

$690,182,396 $710,436,236

$670,907,100 $690,182,396



$675,979,525 $696,502,102 $(25,595,002) $670,907,100






FY16 Total Revenues

FY15 Total Expenditures

FY14 Increase in Net Position

The Statement of Activities provides information on the County’s governmental and business-type revenues and expenditures and reports the difference between the two as the change in net position. Over time, increases and decreases in net position may serve as a useful indicator of whether the financial position of the County is improving or deteriorating. *Implementation of GASB Statement No. 68 and No. 71 significantly changed the County’s accounting for pension liability and in turn caused the June 30, 2015 beginning Net Position to be restated. Implementation of GASB Statement No. 65 caused the June 30, 2014 beginning Net Position to be restated. www.henrycounty-ga.com


General Fund / Fund Balance* FT 15 - 16


FY 14 - 15



FY 13 - 14



FY 12 - 13


FY 11 - 12


FY 10 - 11


FY 09 - 10

43,503,132 37,362,384




FY 08 - 09



FY 07 - 08

51,458,630 49,509,159

FY 06 - 07

FY 05 - 06


FY 04 - 05

35,666,924 -




All Other Fund Balance *See page 19 for definition of Fund Balnce HENRY COUNTY • GEORGIA






FY 03 - 04



35,745,892 40,000,000


Unassaigned Fund Balance




Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go

Net Assessed Property Values over the Last Eight Calender Years $8,000,000,000 $7,000,000,000

$6,722,848,475 $6,179,670,668









$4,000,000,000 $3,000,000,000 $2,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000 $2009








This eight year history reflects 40 percent net assessed values of property (real, personal, motor, vehicle, etc.) less exemptions. www.henrycounty-ga.com


Local Option Sales Tax (L.O.S.T) Local Option Sales Tax (L.O.S.T) – is a 1% sales tax imposed on the sale of goods. These funds are used by the County in its General Fund. As shown below, L.O.S.T collections for FY16 were higher than they have been in the last five years with a 3.52% increase over FY15.

$22,933,573 $22,153,627






$19,406,061 $19,500,000




$16,500,000 FY11










Collections for Fiscal Year 2016 -$34,257,434

Fire Station #15- Hampton

Fairview Park

Bud Kelley Park

East Lake Road Roundabout

Fire Station #2 - Locust Grove

Hampton Senior/Rec Center

Projects In Progress at the end of FY16: E911 Radio Replacement Fire Station 14 - Locust Grove Fire Station 15 - Hampton Fire Station 16 - McDonough Jail Renovations I-75 Interchange Probate Court Bldg Improvement Sewer to Airport Sewer to Fairview Fire Station #2 Baseball Field-District 1 Hampton Senior/Rec Center North Ola Park IMP Bud Kelley Park Fairview Park Cochran Park Improvements Bill Gardner Parkway McDonough Parkway South Bethany @ Old Jackson road SR81 @ Mt. Bethel/Wynn Road Harris Drive

Lester Mill Road Peeksville Road Peeksville Bridge Weems Road King Mill / Tussahaw Creek Bridge Locust Grove / Indian Creek Bridge Jackson Lake / Mackey Creek Bridge Old Jackson / Tussahaw Creek Bridge South Ola / Tussahaw Creek Bridge Industrial Parkway @ SR20 Jodeco Road @ Blackhall Road Mill Road @ SR81 Mt. Carmel @ Chambers Simpson Mill @ Hampton - LG Amah Lee Road Selfridge Road South Cleavland Road Thoroughbred Drive Hampton / Indian Creek Bridge Hampton / Towaliga River Bridge Jonesboro / Walnut Creek Bridge

Old SR3 / Norfolk Southern RR Bridge McDonough Pkwy: SR42-SR55 Campground Rd @ SR155 Daily Mill @ Jodeco East Lake Road @ SR20 Jodeco @ Oak Grove Road Lake Dow / Rodgers @ Rosser North Bridges Road Turner Church Road Dailey Mill / Walnut Creek Oak Grove / Walnut Creek Bridge Banks @ Rock Quarry Road Hemphill Road Elliot Road Hemphill / James Creek Bridge Old Conyers / Big Cotton Creek Bridge Selfridge / Little Cotton Indian Bridge Anvil Block Road Widening West Panola Rd East Atlanta @ Thurman & Flat Stagecoach / Big Cotton Indian Creek Bridge

Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) - is an optional 1% sales tax levied for the purpose of funding roads, parks, equipment and other public facilities. The SPLOST IV program was voted into law November of 2013 to be in affect as of April 1, 2014 and will end March 31, 2020 and is expected to collect $190,000,000 in revenue. www.henrycounty-ga.com


Outstanding Achievements PAFR Award The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has given an Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting to the Henry County Board of Commissioners for its Popular Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015. The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting is a prestigious national award recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government popular reports. In order to receive an Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting, a government unit must publish a Popular Annual Financial Report, whose contents conform to program standards, creativity, presentation, understandability, and reader appeal. An Award of Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting is valid for a period of one year only. Henry County Board of Commissioners has received a Popular Award for the last 10 consecutive years (fiscal years ended 2006 – 2015). We believe our current PAFR continues to conform to the Popular Annual Financial Reporting requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA.

CAFR Award The Henry County Board of Commissioners Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended June 30, 2015, from which the information in this PAFR has been drawn, was awarded the Certificate of Achievement of the United States and Canada (GFOA). The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition for excellence in state and local government financial reporting. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a government unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized comprehensive annual financial report, whose contents conform to program standards. Such CAFR must satisy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our CAFR continues to conform to the Certificate of Achievement program requirements and we are submitting our CAFR for the current year to the GFOA.




Glossary of Terms Appropriations: An authorization granted by the Board of Commissioners to spend revenue for purposes specified in the appropriation act. Assets: Items of ownership. Assets can include cash, stock, land, buildings, machinery, furniture, and other equipment. Bonds: A certificate of debt issued by the County government guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date. Budget: A plan of financial operation using an estimate of proposed expenditures for a given period of time (a fiscal year) and an estimate of proposed revenue to finance the expenditures. Capital Assets: Assets of a long-term character (beyond the current year) that are intended to continue to be held or used, such as land, buildings, vehicles, machinery, furniture, and other equipment. Deferred Outflow of Resources: A consumption of net assets by the government that is applicable to a future reporting period. An example of a deferred outflow of resources is a grant paid in advance of meeting the timing requirement. Deferred inflow of resources: An acquisition of net assets by the government that is applicable to a future reporting period. An example of a deferred inflow of resources are taxes received in advance of the period for which they are levied. Expenditures: Government purchases which can be financed by revenue and/or government borrowing, ie. bonds, tax anticipation notes, etc. Fund Balance: The portion of fund revenue over expenditures available for use. Fund balance is classified as follows • Nonspendable – Fund balances are reported as nonspendable when amounts cannot be spent because they are either (a) not in a spendable form or (b) legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. • Restricted – Fund balances are reported restricted when there are limitations imposed on their use either through the enabling legislation adopted by the County or through external restrictions imposed by creditors, grantors or laws or regulations of other governments.

Committed – Fund balances are reported as committed when they can be used only for specific purposes pursuant to constraints imposed by formal action of the County Commission through the adoption of a resolution. Only the County Commission may modify or rescind the commitment. Assigned – Fund balances are reported as assigned when the amounts are constrained by the County’s intent to be used for specific purposes, but are neither restricted nor committed. Unassigned – Fund balances are reported as unassigned when the balances do not meet any of the above criterion. The County reports positive unassigned fund balance only in the General Fund. Negative unassigned fund balances may be reported in all funds.

General Fund: A fund used to account for the ordinary operations of the County government that are financed from taxes and other general revenue Liabilities: Future spending of revenue as a result of past transactions and other past events. Liabilities are reported on a balance sheet and are divided into two categories: • Current Liabilities: These liabilities are reasonably expected to be liquidated within a year. They usually include payables such as wages, taxes, accounts payable, unearned revenue, portions of long-term bonds to be paid this year, short-term obligations, and others. • Long-term Liabilities: These liabilities are reasonably expected not to be liquidated within a year. They usually include long-term bonds, notes payable, long-term leases, pension obligations, and long-term product warranties. In these liabilities, the County has to pay after a fixed period of time, usually longer than a year. Net Position: The difference between (a) assets and deferred outflows of resources and (b) liabilities and deferred inflows of resources. Revenue: Financial resources other than from interfund transfers and debt issue proceeds. Henry County receives Revenue through property taxes, sales and other taxes, licenses and permits, grants, fines and forfeitures, charges for services, administration fees, investment income, and miscellaneous sources.



Contact Information 911 Communications 526 Industrial Blvd. McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Don Ash Tel: (770) 957-9121

Development Authority 125 Westridge Industrial Blvd McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Charlie Moseley Tel: (770) 288-8000

Animal Care & Control 527 Hampton Street McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Gerri Yoder Tel: (770) 288-7387 Fax: (770) 288-7432

District Attorney Henry County Courthouse 2nd Floor, West Tower McDonough, GA 30253 District Attorney: Darius Pattillo Tel: (770) 288-6400

Board of Commissioners 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Chairman: Tommy N. Smith Tel: (770) 288-6001

D.O.T. 533 Hampton Road McDonough, GA 30253 Division Director: Wade Stroud Tel: (770) 288-7623

Planning & Zoning 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Daunte’ Gibbs Tel: (770) 288-7526

Budget 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Budget Director: Angie Sorrow Tel: (770) 288-6034

Elections & Registration 345 Phillips Drive McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Tina Lunsford Tel: (770) 288-6448

Police Department 108 S. Zack Hinton Pkwy McDonough, GA 30253 Chief: Keith Nichols Tel: (770) 288-8200

Building & Plan Review Department 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: George Patterson Tel: (770) 288-6051

Extension Services 97 Lake Dow Road McDonough, GA 30252 Director: Susan Howington Tel: (770) 288-8421

Probate Court 99 Sims Street McDonough, GA 30253 Office Manager: Carrie Irvin Tel: (770) 288-7600

Code Enforcement 114 S Zack Hinton Pkwy McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Arthur Weems Tel: (770) 288-6200

Finance 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Fredric L. Auletta Tel: (770) 288-6529

Public Defender Chief Public Defender: Gary Bowman 30 Atlanta St. McDonough, GA 30253 Tel: (770) 288-7467

Communications Office 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Melissa Robinson Tel: (770) 288-6024

Fire Department 110 S. Zack Hinton Pkwy McDonough, GA 30253 Chief: Nish Willis Tel: (770) 288-6600

Purchasing 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Rod Gray Tel: (770) 288-6027

Community Development 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Shannan B. Sagnot Tel: (770) 288-6431

Fleet Services 121 Work Camp Road McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Jody Swords Tel: (770) 288-6778

Recycling Center 65 West Asbury Rd McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Wade Stroud Tel: (770) 288-6410

Connecting Henry 66 Veterans Drive McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Susan Crumbley Tel: (770) 288-6230

G.I.S. 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Pat Delk Tel: (770) 288-6278

Risk Management 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Vincent Scott Tel: (770) 288-6418

Consolidated Justice Group 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Tel: (770) 288-6848

Human Resources 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Doris Patterson Tel: (770) 288-6000

Senior Services 1050 Florence McGarity Blvd. McDonough, GA 30252 Director: Diane Reed Tel: (770) 288-7001

Juvenile Court One Judicial Center Suite 115 McDonough, GA 30253 Clerk of the Court: Patti Johnson Tel: (770) 288-6866

Sentence Enforcement 530 Hampton St. McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Carl Brown Tel: (770) 288-6590

County Manager 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 County Manager: Lyndon Bonner Assistant County Manager: Cheri Hobson-Matthews Tel: (770) 288-6270

Magistrate Court One Judicial Center Suite 260 McDonough, GA 30253 Clerk of the Court: Sandra Rogers Tel: (770) 288-7700 Parks & Recreation 99 Lake Dow Road McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Tim Coley Tel: (770) 288-7000

Sheriff’s Office 120 Henry parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Sheriff: Keith McBrayer Tel: (770) 288-7100 Solicitor General One Judicial Center Suite 350 McDonough, GA 30253 Solicitor General: John A. (Trea) Pipkin III Tel: (770) 288-7178 SPLOST 112 Zack Hinton Pkwy McDonough, GA 30253 Capital Projects Director: Ron Burckhalter Transporation Projects Director: Roque Romero Tel: (770) 288-7319 State Court 44 John Frank Ward Blvd McDonough, GA 30253 Clerk of the Court: Michele Gardner Tel: (770) 288-7800 Stormwater Management 347 Phillips Drive McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Kim Tucker Tel: (770) 288-RAIN (7246) Superior Court No. 1 Courthouse Square McDonough, GA 30253 Chief Deputy Clerk: Barbara Harrison Tel: (770) 288-8022 Tax Assessor 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Assessor: John Selfe Tel: (770) 288-7999 Tax Commissioner 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Tax Commissioner: David Curry Tel: (770) 288-8180 Technology Services 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Skip Floyd Tel: (770) 288-6848 Transit 530 Industrial Blvd. McDonough, GA 30253 Director: Taleim “Tye” Salters Tel: (770) 288-7433

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