Henry County Update - Newsletter

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March 8, 2022

Board of


Henry County BOC Approve 8.5 Percent Pay Raise for County Employees

Regular Meetings March 15th, 6:30 p.m. April 5th, 9:00 a.m. Meetings held at: Administration Building Community Room 140 Henry Parkway McDonough, GA 30253 Regular Commission meetings air daily on Henry TV Charter Channel 180 at 9 a.m. & 7 p.m. Please visit

henrycountyonline.com for more viewing options including Facebook and YouTube.

Chair Carlotta Harrell signs 8.5 percent pay increase resolution.

The Henry County Board of Commissioners approved an 8.5 percent acrossthe-board increase for most county employees at the March 1, 2022 Commission meeting. The increase will be applied retroactively to December 1, 2021. Human Resources Director Harold Cooper and Financial Services Director David Smith made the presentation to the Board, detailing the research and analysis that went into the resolution to approve the raise. Cooper cited the increase in inflation and said that if employees don’t receive a minimum of 5.4 percent, then counting inflation, they are taking a pay cut. He also noted the urgency of Henry County’s recruitment situation, reporting that over the past 55 business days when this increase was first discussed, Henry County has lost 78 employees, and of that number 61 due to resignation. “We’ve lost 78 employees in 55 days, with 61 due to resignations. We must act,” implored Cooper. He said the raise is sustainable and will not result in a millage increase to Continued on page 3


March 8, 2022 Published by Henry County Communications & Public Information Department Henry County Government

Editor Melissa Robinson

Graphic Designer Meredith Butler

Layout Designer Melissa Robinson Meredith Butler

Contributors Melissa Robinson Nicholas Ivey

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Pay Raise - continued from page 1 taxpayers. It is also an important tool for recruitment and retention, as the county is competing with surrounding cities, counties and businesses to hire and retain quality employees. This was the third time the resolution to compensate employees came before Commissioners, initially beginning the discussion this past December. Commission Chair Carlotta Harrell, who advocated for a 10.5 percent increase said that this is an important action the BOC needs to take. “We’ve got to act today. Employees deserve a raise. We must remain competitive. We need to stop the bleed and we need to do the right thing as

commissioners,” said Harrell. The original motion made by Harrell for a 10.5 percent increase failed to receive a majority approval. District IV Commissioner Vivian Thomas made a motion for 7 percent which also failed a majority vote. The unanimous vote came after much discussion and when District I Commissioner Johnny Wilson made a motion to split the difference and approve an 8.5 percent across the board increase for employees. To view Commission meetings in their entirety, please visit Henry County Government on YouTube or Facebook via henryTVonline.com.


March 8, 2022 Dee Anglyn Appointed as District III Commissioner

Dee Anglyn III was sworn in as District III Commissioner by Probate Judge Kelley Powell February 18 after being appointed to the seat by Commission Chair Carlotta Harrell at the February 15 regular Commission meeting. The District III seat was left vacant after Commissioner Greg Cannon resigned at the beginning of the February 1 Commission meeting. As required by law Harrell made the appointment

after the majority of the Board did not select a candidate from a list of names submitted by the Henry County Republican Party. The term runs through December 31, 2022. Anglyn said he is honored to serve District III and moreover the citizens of Henry County. “It is really an honor to be able to serve a community and county that has been very kind to me and my family,” said Anglyn.

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Commissioner Johnny Wilson Hosts Town Hall to Discuss New Community

Henry County District I Commissioner Johnny Wilson and Chris Knight with the DRB Group hosted a townhall meeting on March 3 at the Locust Grove Community Center to inform residents and gather feedback on the new Brighton Community.

The presentation was followed by a Question and Answer session. Residents asked questions about the new development and road improvements planned for the area.


March 8, 2022 Henry County Launches Street Sweeper Initiative

Clogged stormwater drains and debris along curb and gutters throughout county roadways should be a thing of the past with the introduction of a new streetsweeper program in Henry County. Through an initiative proposed by County Manager Cheri HobsonMatthews and Stormwater Director Alex Mohajer, the county has purchased three street sweepers and will purchase an additional two to help maintain roads around county facilities, parks and subdivisions in unincorporated Henry County. The streetsweeper initiative will work to keep county roads clean, adding beautification, but more importantly, will keep waterways throughout the county clean and environmentally sound and compliant. According to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division has mandated for all municipalities to enact Best Management Practices to reduce the introduction of floatables into the waters of the state. According to Mohajer, the street sweeping henrycounty-ga.org

program has been identified as a Best Management Practice to collect debris and floatables from roadways and parking lots before reaching waterways and streams. “We are working not keep trash, litter, cigarette butts and leaves from clogging drains or ending up in our waterways,” said Mohajer. “We want to keep our environment clean as well as be in compliance with state laws.” The initiative is being implemented by allocating one street sweeper per Commission district. Street sweeping will begin in Districts 1,3 and 5 followed by Districts 2 and 4. The schedule is currently being finalized and street sweeping will begin in Spring. All county-owned facilities including parks will be swept first. The estimated completion time to complete a sweeping cycle countywide is 90 days or less. The public will be made aware once the schedule is finalized.

Henry County 911 Awarded Center of the Year

Henry County 911 accepts award for Center of the Year. Pictured (l to r): HC 911 Director Tamika Kendrick; Dispatcher 2 Holli Lee; Lead Operator Michelle Lunsford; Dispatcher 2 Michaelee Granski, Supervisor Aubree Camejo, Assistant Director Amanda Maddox, Operations Manager Carrie Gonzales, IT Specialists Cody Hodges, APCO President Jonathan Jones, Drew Allvine- AT&T (on the stage)

The Henry County 911 Department was honored as 911 Center of the Year at the Georgia Emergency Communications Conference earlier this week in Athens, Georgia. Henry County edged out prominent jurisdictions throughout Metro Atlanta for this prestigious designation. The award is presented to the Communications /911 Center that exhibits outstanding professionalism,

leadership, innovation and service to the community, as well as to the region and state. The nomination letter highlighted a few of the challenges that the center faced and overcame in 2021. The challenges included technology and software upgrades/changes; console/center remodel; changes in leadership; Covid-19 handling in regard to the community and how it affected employees.


March 8, 2022 Board Approves Agreements and Purchases

The Henry County Board of Commissioners approved a handful of resolutions at the March 1 Commission meeting. Items approved include: • Police Department resolutions – approved the bid for the purchase of Suppressors and Rails and declare surplus the trade-in of weapons and ammunition in inventory from Quiet Riot for the Henry County Police Department SWAT Team; approved a trade of assets between Henry County Police Department and Butts County Sheriff’s Department. • SPLOST resolutions – approved a reimbursement agreement with Snapping Shoals EMC for Fairview Road not exceeding $24,000; approved a change order from J.R.


Bowman Construction co. in the amount of $63,563.58. • Transportation Planning resolution – approved an agreement with ACCG Civic Affairs Foundation to accept a grant to hire an intern and perform transportation planning projects in Summer 2022. • Planning & Zoning resolution – approved an agreement with ACCG Civic Affairs Foundation to accept a grant to hire two interns to perform planning and zoning projects in Summer 2022. For more information or to view the meeting in its entirety, visit co.henry.ga.us/watchTV or log on to the Henry County Facebook page.

Henry County Opens Real Time Crime Center

Henry County unveiled the Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) with a ribbon cutting ceremony this morning at the Emergency Operations Center. The RTCC will track active response calls throughout the county and allow for advanced detection, rapid communication and efficient response. It will also provide public safety officials with comprehensive intelligence to identify patterns to assist in fighting and even preventing crime. This is accomplished with camera technology throughout the county and the ability for businesses and residents to be part of the camera registration program. County Manager Cheri Hobson-Matthews said she is pleased with the service the new center will offer the citizens of Henry County. “I am so pleased with what we are able to offer as another incentive in concierge service to our citizens. It is not only a benefit for our county facilities

but for businesses, residents and even the school system.” said Matthews Deputy Chief Mike Ireland recognized Chief Mark Amerman for originally developing the idea of the center and thanked all parties involved with development in the Chief’s absence. “Thank you to the Chair, County Manager, Facilities Maintenance for being a big help to make this happen. The Real Time Crime Center is the Chief’s baby and we’re glad the idea has come into fruition.” Sergeant Glenn Turner detailed how citizens can get involved. “Businesses as well as everyday citizens can register their camera, once the camera is added we will be able to see crimes in real time when reported.” For more information on the Real Time Crime Center or to register a camera, visit https:// henrycountypd.fususregistry.com/


March 8, 2022



March 8, 2022


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