VITA Easyshade® V Quick Start Guide
1. 12 H
DE – Vor Gebrauch Gerät 12 Stunden laden. GB/US – Charge unit for 12 hours before using it. FR – Charger 12 heures avant d‘utiliser l‘appareil. IT – Prima dell‘utilizzo caricare l‘apparecchio per 12 ore. ES – Cargar el aparato durante 12 horas antes de su uso. PT – Carregue o aparelho durante 12 horas antes de utilizá-lo. RU – Перед первым использованием прибор следует заряжать в течение 12 часов.
DE – Messspitze in die Infektionsschutzkappe stecken. GB/US – Insert the measuring probe into the infection control shield. FR – Enfiler l‘extrémité de la sonde dans l‘étui de protection. IT – Inserire la punta di misura nel cappuccio di protezione contro le infezioni. ES – Insertar la punta de medición en la tapa de protección contra infecciones. PT – Insira a sonda do medidor na capa de proteção. RU – На измерительный наконечник надеть защитный колпачок.
DE – Mit Messtaste einschalten. GB/US – Start unit with the measurement button. FR – Allumer l‘appareil par la touche Mesure. IT – Accendere con il tasto di misura. ES – Encender el aparato con el botón de medición. PT – Com o botão do medidor, ligue o aparelho. RU – Включить с помощью кнопки измерения.
VITA Easyshade® V Quick Start Guide
DE – VITA Easyshade® V auf Basisstation legen und Messtaste zum Kalibrieren betätigen. GB/US – VITA Easyshade® V on the base station. Use the measurement button to run the calibration. FR – Déposer VITA Easyshade® V sur son chargeur et activer la touche Mesure pour l‘étalonnage. IT – Appoggiare VITA Easyshade® V sulla base caricabatteria ed azionare il tasto di misura per la calibrazione. ES – Colocar VITA Easyshade® V en la estación de base y pulsar el botón de medición para calibrar. PT – Posicione na base operacional o VITA Easyshade® V pressione a tecla de medição para calibrar o aparelho. RU – VITA Easyshade® V положить на базовую станцию и нажать кнопку измерения для калибровки.
DE – Grundfarbbestimmung durch Touch auswählen. GB/US – Select and confirm the basic shade measurement by touch. FR – Sélectionner par toucher Définition de la couleur de base. IT – Selezionare la determinazione del colore base e confermare per Touch. ES – Pulsar la determinación del color básico. PT – Selecione uma cor padrão utilizando a tecla Touch. RU – Выбрать функцию „основной цвет“ при помощи. сенсорного управления Touch.
DE – Messen im Dentinzentrum durch drücken der Messtaste. GB/US – To measure the dentine center press the measurement button. FR – Mesurer au cœur de la dentine en appuyant sur la touche Mesure. IT – Eseguire la misura nel centro della dentina azionando l‘apposito tasto. ES – Realizar la medición en el centro de la dentina pulsando el botón de medición. PT – Meça o centro da dentina pressionando o botão do medidor. RU – Измерить цвет в центре дентина при помощи нажатия кнопки измерения. DE – Zahnfarbe ablesen. GB/US – Read the tooth shade. FR – Lire la couleur de dent. IT – Leggere il colore del dente. ES – Leer el color dental en la pantalla. PT – Efetue a leitura da cor do dente. RU – Измерить цвет зуба.
VITA Zahnfabrik H. Rauter GmbH & Co. KG · Spitalgasse 3 · D-79713 Bad Säckingen · Germany Tel. +49/7761/562-0 · Fax +49/7761/562-299 ·
10188M - 1015 (X.) S - Version (01)
VITA Easyshade® V Instructions for carrying out software updates with the VITA Easyshade V
Dear customer, With this document, we would like to inform you about the new software update for your VITA Easyshade V and ask you to install the update on your instrument according to the following instructions. If you have any questions concerning this update, please consult your regional service partner for VITA Equipment. VITA Equipment is also available at: • Tel.: • Fax: • Email:
+49 (0)77 61 / 562 – 101, -105, -106 or -114 +49 (0)77 61 / 562 – 102
1. Download and installation prerequisites a) Internet access b) Bluetooth-capable Windows PC or Bluetooth dongle from the VITA Easyshade V assortment
2. General Procedure Expected duration of the update is approx. 8 mins
1. Download software update from the Internet 2. Activate Bluetooth on the VITA Easyshade V 3. Select software update, device browsing 4. Select the desired VITA Easyshade V by clicking on it 5. Update window opens 6. Begin the update by pressing "Start" 7. Do not carry out any measuring operations etc. with the VITA Easyshade V during the update.
VITA EasyshadeÂŽ V Instructions for carrying out software updates with the VITA Easyshade V
1. Download new software update from the Internet and save it to the computer Step
Input by user
Enter in your web browser.
Select "Service" + "VITA Update Messenger"
Select "To newsletters". Then select "VITA Update Messenger 01/2016" and confirm with "To newsletter".
VITA Easyshade® V Instructions for carrying out software updates with the VITA Easyshade V
Input by user
Select "Download installation instructions" or "Download".
Select "Save".
Save the file in the directory of your choice and start VITA_EasyshadeV_Release_V505h_Pkg.exe by double-clicking. The update program will be copied into a directory of your choice.
Activate Bluetooth on the VITA Easyshade V.
Double-click the file on the selected drive.
VITA EasyshadeÂŽ V Instructions for carrying out software updates with the VITA Easyshade V
Input by user
Scan for devices.
Select the desired VITA Easyshade V by clicking on it. If only one VITA Easyshade V is available, selection is automatic.
The update window opens; click on "Start" to begin. (Expected duration approx. 8 mins) During the update, the VITA Easyshade V's display remains dark (and cannot be operated).
VITA EasyshadeÂŽ V Instructions for carrying out software updates with the VITA Easyshade V
Step 12
Input by user Close the program once the update has finished. Restart the VITA Easyshade V.