International Dentistry Australasian Edition - Vol. 10, No. 1

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COVER AUS_Vol10 No1_new contents 2015/02/03 8:04 AM Page 1

VOL. 1 0 NO. 1 IN THIS ISSUE Jonathan L. Ferencz and Marisa Notturno Simply more choice: Monolithic anterior crowns Douglas Terry and John Powers Using injectable resin composite: part one and part two Johan Hartshorne Do surgical prophylactic antibiotics reduce postoperative infection and early dental implant failure? Gyula Marada Minimally invasive treatment on a stable basis Linda Greenwall Therapeutic aesthetics Andreas Krokidis and Riccardo Tonini CBCT in endodontic treatment of fused second and third mandibular molars Fadi Titinchi, Jean A Morkel and Sanjay Ranchod Treatment of postoperative sore throat after endotracheal intubation in third molar surgery

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