Hands-on Advanced Interrogation of Cone Beam CT Scans Interrogation of CBCT scans involves the manipulation of software to create the correct multiplanar reconstructions to appropriately evaluate the structures of interest.
Wh at you w ill le a r n (2hrs)
➢Indications for prescribing CBCT vs other modalities ➢What radiation doses are your patient receiving ➢How to correctly view the data set with MPR
Hands-on (2hrs) ➢Determine the morphology and lengths of roots and the canals
CPD Hours
Limited Places Book Now WA
1st December
➢Correctly identify number of roots of an impacted tooth and its morphology ➢Optimal interrogation of implant sites and identification of important adjacent anatomy ➢Identify periodontal bone levels and if there are bony furcation and perio/endo involvements
T i m e: 8 :3 0 - 1 2 :3 0 PM Ven u e: Hen ry Sch ei n Offic e 1 9 5 Great Eas ter n Hwy, Bel m o n t WA 6 1 0 4 Co s t: $ 2 9 5
C l i n P ro f B er n ard Koo n g
Dr Tom H uang
BDSc (Hons i), DClinDent (DMFR)
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist
Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist
Clin Prof Bernard Koong is an oral and maxillofacial radiologist and co-founder of Envision Medical Imaging. He is Clinical Professor at The University of Western Australia (UWA) and Clinical Associate Professor at The University of Sydney (USyd). He has a long history of teaching dental and maxillofacial radiology at various universities internationally. It included the provision of the radiology course for the Masters Degree programme in implantology developed by Prof Klaus Lang at the University of Hong Kong. As an invited speaker, Bernard has presented more than 100 lectures to the dental and medical professions internationally. He completed his specialist training with the world renowned Professor Michael Pharoah at the University of Toronto, where he was the first OMR registrar to win the prestigious Harron Award and Scholarship. Bernard is author of the Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (WileyBlackwell 2017) and author of the radiology chapter of the 6th edition of Lindhe and Lang’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015). He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Clinical Oral Implant Research journal.
Dr Tom Huang is an Oral and Maxillofacial Radiologist. Tom completed both his under graduate and post graduate degrees at The University of Queensland. He has held positions of visiting lecturer, clinical supervisor and external examiner at the University of Queensland, School of Dentistry and the University of Western Australia, School of Dentistry. He has also presented topics in radiology and radiography internationally and continues to have research interests in Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Tom currently consults at Envision Medical Imaging in Perth, Western Australia. He is also the Australian regional director for the IADMFR. Tom has published papers in peer reviewed journals and is a contributing author of the Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
Today 1300 302 421 www.cvent.com/d/rbqsjl