Encompass Symposium

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Encompass Symposium on the Fundamental Principles for the Progressive Dental Practitioner

Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney, Australia 9th-10th May 2019 Post-Symposium Hands-On Series 11th of May 2019 (Limited Places Available)

Meet The Presenters Prof Roberto Sorren,no Graduated with full marks and honors in Den4stry in 2002 at the University Federico II of Naples. Post-graduate course in “Tradi4onal and implant-supported prosthodon4cs and restora4ve biomechanics” (2003); Master of Science and PhD in “Dental materials and their clinical applica4ons” at the University of Siena (2004-2006); post-graduate course in “Smile esthe4cs” (2012). 
 Research Professor of Prosthodon4cs and Digital Den4stry at the University Federico II of Naples. 
 Qualified as Full and Associate Professor in 2017. Aggregate Professor of Prosthodon4cs and Digital Den4stry at the University Federico II of Naples and at the University of Siena. 
 Tutor at the Interna4onal Master Program of the University of Siena in collabora4on with the Italian Academy of Prosthodon4cs (AIOP). 
 Lecturer at several na4onal and interna4onal Post-graduate and Master Courses in different Universi4es. 
 Researcher, expert and consultant for na4onal and interna4onal dental companies. 
 Coworker in several PRIN projects and Principal Inves4gator of a FIRB research project about “Biomechanics and biomime4cs in implant-supported prosthodon4cs” shared between the Second University of Naples and the University “Vita Salute San Raffaele” of Milan. 
 Author of more than 150 publica4ons in na4onal and interna4onal peer-reviewed scien4fic journals and co-author of chapters of books on Prosthodon4cs. Reviewer of more than 30 interna4onal peer-reviewed scien4fic journals. Speaker at na4onal and interna4onal mee4ngs. 
 Past President of the Membership and Recruitment Commi_ee of the Interna4onal Associa4on for Dental Research (IADR). Member of the Academy of Dental Materials (ADM) and of the Italian Society of Den4stry and Maxillo-Facial Surgery (SIOCMF). Past Secretary of the Italian Society of Prosthe4c Den4stry and Implant Prosthodon4cs (SIOPI). 
 Winner of many na4onal and interna4onal prizes for research and clinical ac4vity in prosthodon4cs, esthe4c den4stry, biomechanics and dental materials. Dr Javier Tapia Guadix Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix finished dental school at the European University of Madrid in 2003. He then worked as an associate professor in the prosthe4cs department during 2004. In 2005, he started his career as a professional computer graphics ar4st with focus on illustra4on, anima4on, and applica4on development. He founded the company Juice - Dental Media Design for this purpose. He received the Collegiate Merit Award by the Spanish College of Den4sts from the 1st Region in 2005 for his collabora4on in the commission of new technologies. In 2011, he founded the Bio-Emula4on group together with Panaghio4s Bazos and Gianfranco Politano. He ac4vely collaborates with several universi4es across Europe and is member of GC Restora4ve Advisory Board. Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix works in his private prac4ce in Madrid that is focused on restora4ve den4stry and aesthe4cs. He is an interna4onal lecturer who has par4cipated in more than 200 congresses, hands-on courses, and live courses. He has published several ar4cles in restora4ve den4stry, dental photography, and computers in den4stry

Dr Maciej Zarow Dr. Maciej Zarow graduated from Semmelweis University in Budapest in 1995. Ager a three-year training program he achieved specializa4on in opera4ve den4stry in 1999. From 1998 un4l 2005 he was teaching at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. There, in 2002, he defended his PhD and, in 2005, he achieved specializa4on in endodon4cs. He is also the co- author of more than 100 papers published in Polish and interna4onal journals. Dr. Zarow is the author of a book called Endo-Prosthodon4cs: Guidelines for Clinical Prac4ce, published by Quintessence Publishing (in Polish, Russian and English). Since 2012 he has been editor-in-chief of the Polish language dental magazine Medycyna Praktyczna – Stomatologia. A member of the Polish Academy of Aesthe4c Den4stry, Dr. Zarow has lectured extensively in Poland and other European countries. Visi4ng Professor of University in Chie4 (Italy) 2015-2016, lecturing for postgraduate master programs at UIC in Barcelona (2012-2016). He is a honorary member of Style Italian scien4fic group. He has run a private dental clinic since 1999 and postgraduate course centre, since 2003, in Krakow, Poland.

Meet The Presenters Dr David Dunn

Dr. David Dunn graduated from Sydney University with Honours in 1981. He is a Fellow by examina4on of the Royal Australian College of Dental Surgeons and is a member of the pres4gious Pierre Fauchard Academy. He was instrumental in the establishment of both the Osseointegra4on Society of New South Wales, being chairman of the inaugural commi_ee, and later The Australasian Osseointegra4on Society. He is a Senior Clinical Associate at the University of Sydney, Faculty of Den4stry. He has also been a Faculty member for the teaching of the "The Diploma in Implant Den4stry," University of Sydney. Dr. Dunn has lectured both na4onally and interna4onally including The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 2000 Congress, The Australian Dental Associa4on Congress, the Asian PaciďŹ c Dental Congress, New Zealand Dental Associa4on Congress, Nobel Biocare World Conferences, and numerous local programs. He also conducts mentor-training programs to educate and improve the skills of den4sts who are involved in dental implant therapy. Dr. Dunn is also a member of the interna4onal teaching faculty for gIDE/ULCA Master Program in Implant Den4stry. Dr. Dunn is published in both Australian and Interna4onal journals on implant and aesthe4c Den4stry. Dr. Dunn's prac4ce is restricted to Prosthodon4cs with a special interest in cosme4c and implant reconstruc4on. . Dr Chris Ho Dr. Christopher Ho received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery with First Class Honours at the University of Sydney. He has completed graduate training in the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Den4stry in Oral Implants at the University of Sydney, and a Masters of Clinical Den4stry in Prosthodon4cs with Dis4nc4on from Kings College, London. Dr. Ho lectures extensively on aesthe4c and implant den4stry and is involved with the evalua4on and development of new dental products and materials. He is a member of the Planning Commi_ee, a Mentor and Lecturer for the Oral Implant Diploma at the University of Sydney. He is a faculty member with the UCLA/Global Ins4tute for Dental Educa4on Cer4ďŹ cate programs and is a Senior Visi4ng Clinical Teacher at Kings College London, United Kingdom. He has a referral-based restricted private prac4ce in prosthodon4c and implant den4stry in Sydney, Australia.

Dr Anthony Mak Dr Anthony Mak obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery from Sydney University and then went on to complete his Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Den4stry (Oral Implants). He graduated with mul4ple awards for clinical excellence and since then has built up two mul4 chaired prac4ces in metropolitan Sydney focusing on comprehensive and aesthe4c den4stry Anthony is extremely passionate about den4stry and his interests lies in dental technologies and advances in materials and techniques. He has a unique understanding of Direct Composite Ar4stry and Cad-Cam Digital den4stry and is a key opinion leader for several dental companies in Australia and United States. He has wri_en and published ar4cles for the Australian Dental Associa4on (NSW Branch) and other dental magazines in Australia and New Zealand. Anthony has also published a compendium of direct composite ar4stry for GC Australasia and this has been distributed locally and interna4onally. Anthony has a thorough understanding of direct vs. indirect dental restora4ons and has lectured locally and interna4onally on the topics of aesthe4c den4stry.

Meet The Presenters Dr Prof MaDeo Basso Gradua4on with honour in Den4stry and Oral Prosthe4c Rehabilita4on at the “Università degli Studi” in Milan, Italy, in year 2000. In 2006 he gets PhD in “Innova4ve Techniques in Implant Den4stry and Oral Rehabilita4on”. In year 2010: he obtains Specialty in Oral Surgery (MSc). In the period 2006-07 dr. Ma_eo Basso has been head of Conserva4ve Den4stry Department at the University Dental Clinic of the Galeazzi Orthopaedic Ins4tute in Milan. From January 2008 he become head of the innova4ve “Centre of Minimal Invasive, Aesthe4c and Digital Oral Rehabilita4on” in the same University, promo4ng new concepts and approaches for prosthe4cs, dental caries management and tooth structures preserva4on. From January 2014 to 2016 is also head-coordinator of department of Oral Hygiene inside the same Dental Clinic. Actually Adjunct Professor of Dental Ergonomics and Marke4ng for the Gradua4on Course in Den4stry of the University of Milan, and Adjunct Professor of Periodon4cs and Implant Den4stry for the Gradua4on Course in Oral Hygiene at the same University 4ll July 2018. Board Member of the Research Centre for Oral Health (CRSO) of the Milan University, promo4ng researches on new materials and protocols for preserving oral health. Member of the IADR since 2007.

Dr Jerry Eng Yong Lim Dr Lim completed his undergraduate dental training in Na4onal University of Singapore in the year 1995. Following the comple4on of his internship at the Na4onal University Hospital in 1998, he obtained his Fellowship from The Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons by examina4on in the year 2002. In 2010, he was awarded the Fellowship of the Interna4onal College of Den4sts and as Diplomate of the Interna4onal Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI). Maintaining a special interest in the field of Aesthe4c and Implant Den4stry, he ac4vely studies and a_ends con4nuing dental educa4on on these subjects locally and overseas in the United States of America and Europe.. He is a partner in a group dental prac4ce and is constantly engaging his dental associates in a mentoring scheme as well as hands on training. He is ac4vely involved in the con4nuing dental educa4on scene in Singapore. Dr Lim gives back to his alma mater Dental Faculty at Na4onal University of Singapore as an adjunct clinical instructor. Professionally, he is a Past President at the College of General Dental Prac44oners Singapore. He is also an ac4ve member of the Singapore Dental Associa4on and holds membership locally with the Aesthe4c Den4stry Society of Singapore and Prosthodon4c Society of Singapore. Interna4onally, Dr Lim is a member of the Interna4onal Academy of Medicine and Oral Toxicology (IAOMT) well as a Diplomate of the Interna4onal College of Oral Implantologists. Dr Lim is a founding Director of Aesthe4c and Digital Den4stry Academy (ADDA).

Meet The Workshop Convenors

Dr. Bharat Agrawal

Dr Yo-Han Choi

Dr Bharat Agrawal completed a Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science and Graduate Diploma of Den4stry at Griffith University, Gold Coast, gradua4ng with mul4ple final year awards. His passion for aesthe4c and restora4ve den4stry led him to complete a Masters in Aesthe4c Den4stry with Dis4nc4on (MSc AesDent) through King’s College in London. His final year disserta4on looked at the effec4veness and longevity of take-home den4st prescribed tray bleaching techniques combined with a clinical audit. He has presented on tooth whitening, digital workflows, the alignment-restora4ve interface and the provision of Invisalign with a key focus on minimally invasive aesthe4c Den4stry throughout Australia and in the UK. Dr Agrawal is a key opinion leader with Invisalign Australia and is ac4vely involved in mentoring and teaching recent graduates. Currently in private prac4ce on the Gold Coast, he is passionate about the paradigm shig towards minimally invasive approaches to comprehensive smile make overs.

Dr Yo-Han Choi completed a Bachelor of Dental Science at the University of Queensland with Honours. His special interests are in restora4ve and aesthe4c den4stry and he is nearing comple4on of his MClinDent (Fixed and Removable Prosthodon4cs) program through King’s College in London. Dr Choi has presented on aesthe4c anterior and posterior composite restora4ons and is a clinical trainer for the Australasian Academy of Dentofacial Aesthe4cs (AADFA). He is currently in private prac4ce in Sydney and is passionate about mentoring and teaching recent graduates. He has a keen interest in digital workflows and minimally invasive approaches to aesthe4c den4stry

Dr Steven Casci

DAY 1 : 9th May 2019 ————————————— ————————————— 8.00 am REGISTRATION

————————————— 8.30 am Welcome and Introduction Dr Anthony Mak and Dr Chris Ho

1.30 - 2.30 pm Management of natural teeth in ageing population: from minimum intervention to rehabilitation of worn dentition Prof Matteo Basso

————————————— —————————————. 8.45 - 9.45 am The current state of adhesion and bonding to the tooth structure. Dr Roberto Sorrentino

9.45 - 10.45 am Mastering, isolation, shade selection for direct and indirect restorations. Dr Javier Tapia Guadix

————————————— 10.45 - 11.15 am MORNING TEA

————————————— 11.15 am - 12.30 pm Direct composite techniques in the anterior and posterior dentition. Dr Javier Tapia Guadix

————————————— 12.30 - 1.30 pm


2.30 - 3.30 pm The use of aligner based orthodontics to facilitate the restorative treatment plan in the general dental practice. What you need to know. Dr Jerry Lim

————————————— 3.30 - 4.00 pm AFTERNOON TEA

————————————— 4.00 - 5.15 pm Fundamentals of contemporary tooth preparation in the restorative practice. Dr Chris Ho

DAY 2 : 10th May 2019 —————————————



1.00 - 2.00 pm LUNCH

————————————— 8.45 - 9.45 am Luting vs Bonding; The comprehensive selection of metal-free materials and dental cements in Prosthodontics - Clinical trends and scientific evidence. Dr Roberto Sorrentino

————————————— 9.45 - 11.00 am Fundamentals of implant treatment planning, surgery, and restorations in the restorative practice. Dr Chris Ho

————————————— 11.00 - 11.30 am MORNING TEA

————————————— 11.30 am - 1.00 pm Happier Patients and More Predictable Treatment ResultsThe Aesthetic Essentials, Techniques and Technologies for a successful Contemporary Practice. Dr David Dunn

————————————— 2.00 - 3.15 pm The use of digital technologies to facilitate treatment in the restorative dental practice. Dr Anthony Mak

————————————— 3.15 - 3.45 pm AFTERNOON TEA

————————————— 3.45 - 5.15 pm How to solve problems with aesthetics in endodontically treated anterior teeth. Endodontics retreatment vs. Impants? The decision making criteria for the clinical practice. Dr Maciej Zarow

DAY 3 : 11th May 2019 FULL DAY WORKSHOPS 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM ———————————————————————-

Part 1: Endodontic Treatment and Re-Treatment in the Posterior Teeth

Part 2: The Immediate direct post restoration in the severely damaged anterior tooth. Dr Maciej Zarow

DAY 3 : 11th May 2019 HALF DAY WORKSHOPS 8.30 AM - 12:30 PM ———————————————————————Principles of Smile Design: A Hands-On Program Powered by 3Shape Smile Design Interface

DAY 3 : 11th May 2019 FULL DAY WORKSHOPS 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM ———————————————————————The Invisalign Go Workshop: The Concept, Treatment Planning and Application of Invisalign Go in Clinical Practice. Dr Steven Casci

DAY 3 : 11th May 2019 HALF DAY MORNING WORKSHOPS 8.30 AM - 12.30 PM HALF DAY AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS 1.30 AM - 5.30 PM ———————————————————————Mastering Direct Composites in the Anterior Dentition. Dr. Yo-Han Choi (am session) Dr Bharat Agrawal (pm session)

DAY 3 : 11th May 2019 HALF DAY MORNING WORKSHOPS 8.30 AM - 12.30 PM HALF DAY AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS 1.30 AM - 5.30 PM ———————————————————————Mastering Direct Composites in the Posterior Dentition. Dr Bharat Agrawal (am session) Dr. Yo-Han Choi (pm session)

Registration Please register online at www.henryschein.com.au/education The registration fee includes admission to all Symposium sessions and exhibits, daily coffee breaks, lunch and drinks and canapes on the evening of the 9th of May 2019. For Program enquiries contact: 1300 302 421 events@henryschein.com.au

Cancellations: Cancellations made in writing and received before 31st January 2019 will be refunded in full. Cancellations received on or after 28th February 2019 but before the start of the Symposium will be charged a cancellation fee of AUD $200. No refunds will be made after the Symposium begins on 9th May 2019


Symposium Lecture Program 9-10 May


Symposium Lecture Program and Hands-On Workshop 9-11 May


(Priority for the choice of workshops will be based on the order of registration as limited plces will be available) *Prices quoted in Australian dollars *Prices include GST

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