Chadasha Foundation 2014 Year End Report

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A year of new works, new mercies and new miracles.

The Chadasha Foundation is an international non-profit that provides spiritual and physical healing to the poorest of poor in Haiti and the Dominican Republic in the name of Jesus. The Foundation includes children’s ministry, medical missions, Biblical education, a heart program and support to churches and many other ministries in both countries. In early 2000, Dr. Clint Doiron came to Haiti and the Dominican Republic on a medical mission trip and met Dr. Marc Pinard. Pinard took Doiron from village to village, introducing him to individuals in need of his medical expertise. Doiron saw first hand the devastation, turmoil, and lack of basic medical essentials. He was heartbroken and wanted to help. Later, Doiron was able to acquire a tract of land — a goat field — in Jimani with the help of other individuals. It was here that Chadasha started building what would become the foundation for Chadasha, the medical clinic. Then disaster struck. Haiti was hit by three hurricanes and one tropical storm, all during 2008. Volunteers came to help from all over, and the Jimani medical clinic was operating in full-swing. With the help of Pinard and others, Chadasha was made official in 2009. Shortly after Chadasha was founded, the foundation was put to the test. The earthquake that shook the whole world hit in 2010, causing thousands to flood the medical clinic in search of help, shelter and guidance. Volunteers and workers stepped up to help out a few thousand of the 1.5 million homeless and injured. Since then, Chadasha (with help from locals) has turned the hospital into a safe-haven for Haitians and Dominicans alike. Since 2009, the Chadasha Foundation has grown. In addition to the clinic, Chadasha supports two orphanages, a discipleship program, two schools, pediatric heart surgery, an orphan retreat center, multiple churches, a school and an isolated old slave camp called Batey 41. With the help of medical personnel like Yirdana Corporán, a Dominican doctor, the hospital offers medicine to the community and takes cases ranging from basic aches and pains to cardiac emergencies. She refers patients to other doctors who can help with diagnoses exceeding her capabilities. Doctors who specialize in cardiac care, eye surgeries, and spinal surgeries come to Jimani to treat individuals in need. Chadasha’s reach goes far beyond that of medical care.We serve the people of Haiti and Dominican Republic year-round without missing a beat, especially the heartbeats of small children.

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him

And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. With a population of approximately 10.46 million people, 80% live in extreme poverty. There are 290,000 babies born each year, and it is estimated that 1,200 of these children are born with a cogenital heart defect that requires surgery. Children born with heart defects in Haiti are either sent to the United States for help, live for a few years with their defects, or die shortly after birth. Most newborns with serious heart disease unfortunately die at home. Several charitable organizations exist to help with basic healthcare; however, none provide cardiac care for children in the country. By partnering with the International Children’s Heart Foundation and Gift of Life, a non-profit US

medical charity committed to serving the children of the world with heart disease, Chadasha provides life-saving surgery as well as education to local healthcare providers so they can eventually provide this care independently. ICHF has been to 24 countries and performed more than 4,400 operations over the past 18 years. During 2014, Heartbeat for Haiti performed approximately 75 surgeries and plans to perform 80 surgeries in 2015. 33 pediatric heart surgeries were performed in November alone, which is more than the Mayo clinic.









Heartbeat of Haiti cost for one surgery:



Total Surgeries:

US cost for one surgery:



Primary areas of ministry:

Leadership Training

Discipleship Classes

The leadership training program seeks to prepare the next generation of leaders in Haiti.We believe that change will come most effectively through the development and initiative of Haitians following God’s direction and loving their country. • • • •

5 Weekly classes 100 students Students share a meal Biblical teaching, English language training, and job skills


• $2,400 per class per year


• Add 3 classes in 2015

seeks to prepare the next generation of leaders in Haiti.

The King will say, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

In 2013, John Fitts created a discipleship opportunity for leadership Training graduates who expressed an interest in going deeper in their commitment to follow Jesus. Using curriculum from the Timothy Initiative (, John took 13 students through a year-long program designed to prepare Christians for leadership in their local churches. • 13 students in inaugural class • The class met every Saturday from 9-12 • Students share a meal together each time


• $2,250 per class per year


• Start 3 additional classes • Recruit 6 - 12 students for each class

Needs: • • • •

New printer 2 Mini projectors 2 Rosetta Stone English programs 2 or 3 old laptops

and when people are changed,

communities change

Primary area of ministry:

Orphan Retreat Center

Overlooking the ocean, the Orphan Retreat Center provides a place for undersupported orphanages to get out of their four walls, hear the gospel, and see hope beyond their world. Chadasha recently completed the master planning and design work for the facilities necessary to make the Retreat Center a true oasis for some of Haiti’s most needy children. • 2,000: average number of Haitian orphans that visit the Retreat Center every year

The Retreat Center offers a well-rounded assortment of programs for the children. They are: • Basic Medical Evaluations • Sports Activities • Bible Classes • Worship Services • Craft Classes • Group Games • Hygiene Classes • Supplies Distribution • Interaction with short-term mission teams from our church partners in the US

Comfort is a key goal at the Orphan Retreat Center, so Chadasha is including all the amenities people living there and visiting would need. They are: • Water Filtration System • Laundry Facilities • Swimming Pool • Playground • Soccer Field • Garden • Beach with a Pier • Fire Pit • Verandas • Dormitories for Children • Housing for Mission Teams • Kitchen

Little Hands & Feet serves as a refuge for the children who need a safe, healthy environment to live and grow until their parents are able to care for them again or until they are adopted.


At a Glance:


• 11 Children are being served • Overseen by Jude Roseau, pastor of First Baptist Pernier • Education is provided at a local private school

• Support for one child = $300/month

• Add 6 more children • Identify sponsors who will cover the expenses of caring for 6 more children

Primary areas of ministry: Education, Church, & Food Program

On the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic one of the primary areas of outreach is Batey 41. A Batey is a small impoverished village, cut off from needed resources due to socioeconomic, geographic and cultural barriers. Chadasha built and oversees a school and a church. Chadasha also provides food and clean water.

School: • • • • •

Educated 220 people over three years Current enrollment: 120 students Pre-Kindergarten to Sixth Grade Serving children ages 4-18 Curriculum includes: reading, writing, math, history, science, and Bible • Students learn Spanish, English and French in addition to their native Haitian Creole


• $300 per student per month

Needs: • • • • •

3 additional staff School books Desks Uniforms Chalk boards


continue to have a large Haitian presence and are still among the

most impoverished and isolated communities in the Dominican Republic and Haiti

Primary areas of ministry: Medical Care/Hospital Guest Housing Children’s Home Education

Chadasha’s doctor in Jimani

Located on the first floor of the Chadasha Complex in Jimani

Our services at the hospital include minor and major surgeries, primary care, and emergency medical care for children and adults in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Services include: • Pediatric heart surgery • Eye surgery • Primary care • Pharmacy • Emergency care Patient ailments include malnourishment, typhoid fever, and HIV


• Cost to operate the hospital - $3,000/month


• Develop a broader referral network of medical professionals to offer a wider range of care

is located on the second floor of the medical center in Jimani. There are seven rooms with multiple beds to accommodate large groups of missionaries/ volunteers. The facility can sleep 70-80 guests.

The spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

Located a few hundred feet from the Guest House and Hospital, the Children’s Home provides a place of care and refuge for Jimani’s abandoned children.

At a Glance:

• 21 children live in the Children’s Home • 15 additional children attend the Day Program


• $230 per child per month


• Welcome 10 more children into the Children’s Home

The school primarily supports the children who live in the Children’s Home. Because of their histories, many have come to Chadasha with no formal education and cannot read or write. For the minority who have been to school at some point in their past, they are well behind grade level.

At a Glance:

• Pre-Kindergarten to 8th grade • Tutoring Center • 4 Teachers

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have been involved in Chadasha since 2010 and are in charge of the Jimani Orphanage and School. John Hanley, who has his MSW and MHA, works in the Centro de Salud de la Comunidad, the center for medical health in Haiti, while his wife Melissa works with children attending the school and living in the orphanage.

is the Jimani doctor, and has been part of the Chadasha team for over eight years. She sees patients and provides care & assistance to the people of Haiti.

have be en and hav involved in m issions e been for w 2011. T hey cur ith Chadasha s several years r in e they ar e organ ntly live in M ce November, izing an ontrouis d Retreat where with th managing the eir two O rphan daughte rs.

joined the Chadasha team in 2014. He works closely with board members, missionaries, and donors to ensure communication within Chadasha is simple and most effective.

is the B

atey 41


works with John Fitts in the leadership training program as a manager.

has been involved in missions for several years and has been with Chadasha since March 2009. He currently resides in Port-Au-Prince where he runs the programs in Haiti. Fitts also runs the leadership/discipleship program and helps teach English as a second Language.


Josue Lamy Manager Daniel Mechanic Laine Cook Clairiana Housekeeper Francia Housekeeper


Simeon Jean Team Leader Octolem Jacques Community Relations Delu Day Security Ruth Pierre Cook Ritche & Monez Grounds Keepers Harlem Jacques Grounds Keeper

Batey 41

Pierre Anthony Jean Simon Pastor Pierre Sainrisma Teacher Daphney Delice Teacher Jesus-Roi Exalus Teacher Mona Senalus Teacher RoRo Exalus Teacher Merline Senatus Teacher Serimond Zernelus Teacher Adeline Exalus Pre-school Assistant Madame Joseph Pre-school Teacher Marie Jean Cook Marie Anje Cook

Little Hands & Feet Brine Naomie Roselene Guerline Philomene Royi

Housekeeper Cook Cook House Mom House Mom/Tutor Security

Jimani Main Campus

Genobel Perez Director Food Services Hosty Paul Translator/Security/Manager Rosa Housekeeping Eloisin Jean Charles Gate Keeper Pelege Senelus Groundskeeper/CH Staff Arnold Security Gaston Security Sandy Security Sanabe Security Hermano Security France Security

Jimani Children’s Home

Josefina Gomez House Mom Florimon Child Welfare Linda CH Staff Maria Cook Lucinda Cook Tati Cook Johana Cook Adeline Housekeeping Nelly Tutor Gregory Tutor Dehrolin Tutor

Jimani Hospital

Yirdana CorporĂĄn Perez Medical Director Maribel Perez Nurse Stefanie Receptionist Durandis Housekeeping Candy Reyes Optometrist Marta Pharmacy Tech Sonny Bio-analyst (Lab)

Chadasha partners with multiple churches throughout Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. These partnerships make the English classes, Bible studies, and leadership programs possible. Chadasha uses the church facilities for English classes and Bible studies. We have been utilizing the buildings for the past two years and hold classes four days a week.

Haitian/Dominican Churches First Baptist Pernier Caraduex Leglise Baptist de Font-National Eglise de Dieu Evangelique de la Grace Leglise Chretienne por la Foi Montrouis International Fellowship

United States Churches Bayou Vista Baptist Church, Morgan City, LA Calvary Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN The Church of the Cove, Townsend, TN The Church at Knoxville, Knoxville, TN First Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL First United Methodist Church, Hendersonville, TN Life Point Church, Smyrna, TN First United Methodist Church, Alcoa, TN First United Methodist Youth Fellowship, Gonzales, TX Foothills Community Church, Seneca, SC Grace Blue Ridge Church, Hendersonville, NC The Holden Chapel, Holden, MA New Vision Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, TN San Mateo Presbyterian Church, San Mateo, FL Trinity Baptist Church, Manchester, TN Victory Fellowship, Ashboro, NC Westwood Baptist Church, Murfreesboro, TN Woodland Park Baptist Church, Chattanooga, TN Presbyterian Church of the Highland, Lakeland, FL First United Methodist, Carlisle, AR Oakleaf Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL Southside Baptist Church, Suffolk, VA Good Shepherd Church, Charlotte, NC


Monthly Average

Revenue General Fund



Deficit Giving



Special Giving



Total General Fund



General Heart Fund



Jimani Heart Program



Port-Au-Prince Heart Fund



Total Heart Programs






Children’s Home






Heart Programs





Total Jimani



Personal Support



Montrouis General



Memorial Contributions



Total Montrouis






Port-Au-Prince Little Hands & Feet



Total Port-Au-Prince



Jimani - Trips



Montrouis - Trips



Total Trips



Total Revenue Gross Profit

$883,298.77 $883,298.77


Expenditures Heart Program


Monthly Average

General Heart Program



Jimani Heart Program



Port-Au-Prince Heart Program





Total Heart Program

Jimani Ministries Batey 41 - Car


Monthly Average $1,043.48


Batey 41 - Food



Batey 41 - Payroll



Batey 41 - Supplies



Children’s Home - Car



Children’s Home - Food



Children’s Home - Other



Children’s Home - Payroll





Children’s Home - Utilities



Clinic - Building Expense



Clinic - Car





Clinic - Supplies



Clinic - Utilities







Mission House - Building Expense



Mission House - Car



Children’s Home - Supplies

Clinic - Payroll


Total Jimani Ministries Montrouis Ministries Mission House - Food



Mission House - Payroll



Mission House - Utilities



Personal Support



Retreat Center










Mission House - Building Expense



Mission House - Car



Mission House - Food



Mission House - Payroll



Mission House - Rent



Mission House - Supplies



Mission House - Utilities








Total Montrouis Ministries Port-Au-Prince Ministries Children’s House - Pastor Jude

Total Port-Au-Prince Ministries

Total $19,455.00

Monthly Average $1,621.25

Jimani - Trips



Montrouis - Trips





Special Expenses Trips - Expense Total Trips - Expense Chadasha General Expenses Bank Fees





Legal & Professional Fees



Office Supplies



Wire Transfer Fees






Total Chadasha General Expenses Total Expenditures Net Operating Revenue Other Revenue Interest Earned Total Other Revenue

$29,392.89 $907,223.23 -$23,924.46

$2,449.41 $75,601.94

Net Other Revenue Net Revenue

$21.84 -$23,902.62

Fellowship Intern

$21.84 $21.84

Chadasha Foundation Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2014 Assets

December 2014

Current Assets Bank Accounts Chadasha Equipment


Chadasha Orphanage


Charles Schwab


First TN Checking - Chadasha Foundation Heart Fund PayPal

Total Bank Accounts Accounts Receivable

$29,016.78 $0.00 $195.30


Accounts Receivable (A/R)


Total Accounts Receivable Other Current Assets


Prepaid Expenses


Uncategorized Asset


Undeposited Funds


Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets

$8,542.61 $41,910.35

Fixed Assets Equipment


Total Fixed Assets


Total Assets Liabilities and Equity


Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accounts Payable (A/P)


Total Accounts Payable Other Current Liabilities


Deferred Heart fund Donation


Total Other Current Liabilities


Total Current Liabilities

Total Liabilities Equity



Opening Balance Equity


Retained Earnings


Net Revenue

Total Equity Total Liabilities and Equity


-$23,902.62 -$23,589.40

Total 2015 Summary Operating Budget Heart Program

Total Designated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit



Total Designated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

Total Designated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit


Total Designated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

Little Hands & Feet

Total Designated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

Batey 41 (Po’ Ploume)

Total Designated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

General Fund

Total Undesignated Income Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

Total Surplus/Deficit

Heart Program $362,714.00 $362,714.00 $0.00

Montrouis $28,500.00 $45,360.00 -$16,860.00


$65,400.00 $129,719.04 -$64,319.04

Port-Au-Prince $15,600.00 $34,173.96 -$18,573.96

Little Hands & Feet $25,800.00 $41,839.00 -$16,039.00

Batey 41 (Po’ Ploume) $51,000.00 $46,121.64 $4,878.36

Other Expenses $158,670.91 $17,070.91 $141,600.00


Heart Program Detailed Operating Budget Income Total Designated Income

Little Hands & Feet HP


Jimani Heart Program

PAP Heart Program


Monthly Total

Annual Total



$24,533.57 $30,226.16


$1,125.00 $93.75 $900.00 $400.00 $150.00 $43.00

$400.00 $201.00 $345.00 $200.00 $82.50

$1,525.00 $93.75 $1,101.00 $745.00 $350.00 $125.50

$18,300.00 $1,125.00 $13,212.00 $8,940.00 $4,200.00 $1,506.00




$125.00 $25.00 $15.00 $75.00 $100.00 $50.00 $333.34 $200.00 $50.00

$125.00 $25.00 $15.00 $325.00 $100.00 $50.00 $333.34 $200.00 $50.00 $500.00 $24,533.57

$1,500.00 $300.00 $180.00 $3,900.00 $1,200.00 $600.00 $4,000.08 $2,400.00 $600.00 $6,000.00 $294,402.84

$24,533.57 $30,226.16 $0.00 -$0.00

$362,713.92 $0.08

Expenses Payroll 13th Month Accrual Utilities Maintenance Fuel for Vehicles Bank Fees Cleaning & Hygiene Supplies Gas Propane Trash Pick-up Health Care Car Registration Transaction Rent Food Plane Tickets Santiago House Surgeries

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit


$500.00 $24,533.57

$250.00 $0.00

$3,211.75 $0.00

$2,230.84 $0.00

Designated Income Total Designated income

Monthly $2,375.00

Annual $28,500.00

$1,712.50 $525.00 $450.00 $350.00 $250.00 $205.00 $187.50 $100.00

$20,550.00 $6,300.00 $5,400.00 $4,200.00 $3,000.00 $2,460.00 $2,250.00 $1,200.00

$3,780.00 -$1,405.00

$45,360.00 -$16,860.00

Expenses Payroll Maintenance Utilities Fuel for Vehicles Beach Property Maint. Bank Fees Water Trucks Food Cost

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit



Income Expenses

$3,900.00 $2,900.00

$46,800.00 $34,800.00

Teams & Trips Surplus



Designated Income Total Designated Income

Children’s home $2,200.00

Total Monthly




$900.00 $400.00

$2,500.00 $3,875.00 $1,000.00 $1,800.00 $800.00

$30,000.00 $46,500.00 $12,000.00 $21,600.00 $9,600.00

$100.00 $121.25 $35.00

$350.00 $322.92 $162.00

$4,200.00 $3,875.04 $1,944.00

$3,011.25 $10,809.92 $238.75 -$5,359.92

$129,719.04 -$64,319.04

Clinic $3,250.00

Expenses Children’s Home Food Payroll Children’s Home Other Utilities Maintenance (Vehicle & Facility) Fuel for Vehicles 13th Month Accrual Bank Fees

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

$2,500.00 $2,420.00 $1,000.00 $900.00 $400.00 $250.00 $201.67 $127.00

$7,798.67 -$5,598.67


Designated Income Total Designated Income Expenses Food Cost Utilities (Cistern, EDH, Culligans, Generator Gas & Maintenance Payroll Rent Car Registration & Gas Maintenance Bank Fees House Maintenance Cleaning & Hygiene Supplies Plane Tickets Health Care Transaction Propane Trash Pickup Misc

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

Monthly $1,300.00 Mission House

Annual $15,600.00 Annual Total

$500.00 $426.00 $380.00 $350.00 $333.33 $210.00 $100.00 $82.50 $75.00 $56.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $40.00 $20.00 $125.00

$6,000.00 $5,112.00 $4,560.00 $4,200.00 $3,999.96 $2,520.00 $1,200.00 $990.00 $900.00 $672.00 $600.00 $600.00 $600.00 $480.00 $240.00 $1,500.00

$2,847.83 -$1,547.83

$34,173.96 -$18,573.96

Income Total Income

Monthly $2,150.00

Annual $25,800.00

$825.00 $750.00 $334.59 $250.00 $250.00 $170.00 $150.00 $150.00 $110.00 $105.00 $86.00 $51.00 $45.00 $10.00 $200.00

$9,900.00 $9,000.00 $4,015.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,040.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 $1,320.00 $1,260.00 $1,032.00 $612.00 $540.00 $120.00 $2,400.00

$3,486.59 -$1,336.59

$41,839.00 -$16,039.00

Expenses Food Cost Payroll School Costs Rent Health Care Gas-Generator/Lamps Generator Maintenance School/Church Transportation Propane Bank Fees Cistern Cleaning Supplies Hygiene Supplies Trash Pickup Misc

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

Designated Income Total Designated Income

Monthly Cost $4,250.00

Annual Cost $51,000.00

Feeding Program Payroll Car Gas Bank Fees

$2,000.00 $1,730.00 $100.00 $13.47

$24,000.00 $20,760.00 $1,200.00 $161.64

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

$3,843.47 $406.53

$46,121.64 $4,878.36






Legal & Professional Fees Office Supplies Travel Other

$858.33 $187.39 $300.00 $76.85

$10,300.00 $2,248.66 $3,600.00 $922.25

Total Expenses Surplus/Deficit

$1,422.58 $11,800.00

$17,070.91 $141,600.00

Undesignated Income



Cost Wall Clinic Lock System Children’s Home Lock System

Total $60,000.00 $16,345.00 $9,060.00

$85,405.00 Port-Au-Prince 3 Additional English Classes 3 Discipleship Classes New Batteries for Little Hands & Feet 7 Ceiling Fans for the Mission House 4 Mini Projectors 4 Computers Painting the House 4 Rosetta Stone English Programs - Levels 1-5 Washing Machine

$7,200.00 $6,000.00 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $400.00

$21,200.00 Montrouis Retreat Center Pool/Water Feature Pavilion Building for Water Filtration System

Total Capital Cost

$200,000.00 $2,000.00

$202,000.00 $308,605.00

Wall Clinic Lock System Children’s Home Lock System


3 Additional English Classes 3 Discipleship Classes New Batteries for Little Hands & Feet 7 Ceiling Fans for the Mission House 4 Mini Projectors 4 Computers Painting the House 4 Rosetta Stone English Programs - Levels 1-5 Washing Machine


Retreat Center Pool/Water Feature Pavilion Building for Water Filtration System


$60,000.00 $16,345.00 $9,060.00


$7,200.00 $6,000.00 $1,600.00 $1,500.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $1,100.00 $1,000.00 $400.00


$200,000.00 $2,000.00


Chadasha is looking for partners who share this vision for a thriving Haiti and Dominican Republic. We want to work with others to share the hope of Jesus Christ among the poorest of the poor. Join us as we work to see God’s Kingdom come “on earth as it is in heaven.” Contact Patrick King for more information: (865) 712-5344

Send tax-deductible donations to: P.O. Box 10672 Knoxville, TN 37939

We thrive on caring for the poorest of the poor. We want to be God’s hands and feet reaching out and loving those in need.


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