#68 HepSA Community News

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#68 • October 2015

Community News

World Hepatitis Day in SA ‘The Silent Disease’ Report • Living Well

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Hepatitis SA provides free information and education on viral hepatitis, and support to people living with viral hepatitis.

Welcome to Colour ÜÿĂ Ąøõ ŁĂ㥠Ąùýõ Ąøõ Hepatitis SA Community News is being published in full colour. Let us know what you think about the new look, plus anything else, at editor@hepatitissa.asn.au

Street Address: 3 Hackney Road, Hackney Postal Address:

PO Box 782 Kent Town SA 5071



(08) 8362 8443 1300 437 222 (08) 8362 8559

About the Cover: Cover by James Morrison: uses elements from photos by Marc Van Norden [ććć łùóûĂ óÿý³ĀøÿĄÿă³ýĆñþþÿĂôõþ] and Peter Freiman [óÿýýÿþă ćùûùýõôùñ ÿĂ÷³ćùûù³ëăõĂ æõĄõĂi., Freiman¶ ąăõô ąþôõĂ ñ ÙÙ üùóõþăõ Øñóû óÿĆõĂ ĀøÿĄÿ òĉ âùăñ ÙñĂĄõĂ Correspondence: Please send all correspondence to The Editor at PO ØÿĈ 34. áõþĄ êÿćþ é× 1,3- ÿĂ õýñùü editor@hepatitissa.asn.au. Editor: James Morrison



www.hepsa.asn.au admin@hepatitissa.asn.au


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Chair Arieta Papadelos


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âùĆùþ÷ íõüü /

Vice Chair Bill Gaston Secretary Lindsay Krassnitzer Treasurer Howard Jillings Ordinary Members Catherine Ferguson Ratan Gazmere Kristen Hicks Nicci Parkin Kerry Paterson (EO) Judith Peppard àõŀ éĄõćñĂĄ

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of Hepatitis SA. Information contained in this newsletter is not intended to take the place of medical advice given by your doctor or specialist. We welcome contributions from Hepatitis SA members and the general public. Department for Health and Ageing, SA Health has contributed funds towards this program.

Improving Availability of Hep B Medicine äÿ ýÿĂõ øÿăĀùĄñü ĆùăùĄă Ąÿ Łüü ĀĂõăóĂùĀĄùÿþă


ýñúÿĂ óøñþ÷õ ùþ Ąøõ way that hepatitis B medicines are prescribed and dispensed will be welcomed by the more Ąøñþ ..1 ,,, ׹ăĄĂñüùñþă üùĆùþ÷ ćùĄø Ąøõ ĆùĂąă

B medicines under the Þù÷øüĉ éĀõóùñüùăõô ÚĂą÷ă ĀĂÿ÷Ăñý ýñĂûõô Ąøõ ęŁĂ㥠ăù÷þùŁóñþĄ óøñþ÷õ ăõõþ ùþ Ąøõ ýñþñ÷õýõþĄ ñþô treatment for hepatitis B in many years”.

ÜĂÿý - àąüĉ ĀõÿĀüõ üùĆùþ÷ ćùĄø øõĀñĄùĄùă Ø have been able to obtain their medicine from any ĀøñĂýñóĉ Ăõ÷ñĂôüõăă ÿö whether the medicine has been prescribed in a hospital or community ăõĄĄùþ÷ êøùă ćùüü õüùýùþñĄõ the need for people to ĄĂñĆõü ÿöĄõþ óÿþăùôõĂñòüõ ôùăĄñþóõă Ąÿ øÿăĀùĄñü« based pharmacies.

ęêøùă óøñþ÷õ ýñĂûă ñ øą÷õ ăĄõĀ öÿĂćñĂô ùþ òÿÿăĄùþ÷ ĄĂõñĄýõþĄ ĂñĄõă which remain lamentably üÿć åþüĉ ñĂÿąþô ŁĆõ ĀõĂ óõþĄ ÿö ĀõÿĀüõ üùĆùþ÷ ćùĄø hepatitis B are currently ĄĂõñĄõô Ě øõ ăñùô

êøõ ×óĄùþ÷ ÙÛå ÿö ÞõĀñĄùĄùă ׹ăĄĂñüùñ áõĆùþ ãñĂĂùÿĄĄ ăñùô Ąøõ óøñþ÷õ ùþ ĀĂõăóĂùòùþ÷ ñþô ôùăĀõþăùþ÷ ÿö øõĀñĄùĄùă

ęߥ ćùüü þÿć òõ õñăùõĂ öÿĂ ĀõÿĀüõ üùĆùþ÷ ćùĄø Ąøõ ĆùĂąă Ąÿ ñóóõăă ĄĂõñĄýõþĄ õăĀõóùñüüĉ ĀõÿĀüõ üùĆùþ÷ in rural and remote ñĂõñă ñüÿþ÷ ćùĄø ĀõÿĀüõ from culturally and üùþ÷ąùăĄùóñüüĉ ôùĆõĂăõ communities who will now be able to obtain

medicine from healthcare providers they deem culturally relevant.” Þõ ăĄĂõăăõô ĄøñĄ ÷ÿĆõĂþýõþĄă ñþô communities need to ćÿĂû Ąÿ÷õĄøõĂ Ąÿ õþăąĂõ healthcare professionals and communities understand what these ùýĀÿĂĄñþĄ óøñþ÷õă ýõñþ ęăÿ ĄøñĄ ñüü ĀõÿĀüõ üùĆùþ÷ ćùĄø øõĀñĄùĄùă Ø óñþ òõþõŁĄ from improved access to medicines.” ÞõĀñĄùĄùă ׹ăĄĂñüùñ ăñùô it will continue to call for ÷ÿĆõĂþýõþĄă Ąÿ ăąĀĀÿĂĄ ùþóĂõñăõô ôùñ÷þÿăùă öÿĂ hepatitis B and consistent access nationally to free hepatitis B vaccination for all adolescents and adults ñĄ øù÷øõĂ Ăùăû



Hep C & Hearts Hepatitis C infection may fuel heart risk


eople infected with the hepatitis C virus are at risk for liver damage, but the results of a new study from Johns Hopkins University in the US now show the infection may also spell heart trouble. êøõ Łþôùþ÷ă Āąòüùăøõô in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, emerged from a larger ongoing study of men who have sex with men, many but not all of whom were infected with HIV, and who were followed over time to track risk of infection and disease progression. A subset of the participants were co-infected with both HIV and hepatitis C. Even though people infected with HIV are already known to have an elevated risk for heart disease, researchers emphasize their results ÿŀõĂ ăĄĂÿþ÷ õĆùôõþóõ that hepatitis C can spark cardiovascular damage independent of HIV.


éĀõóùŁóñüüĉ Ąøõ ĂõăõñĂóø found that study participants chronically infected with hepatitis C were more likely to harbor abnormal plaques of fat and calcium inside their arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis, and also a common forerunner of heart attacks and strokes. “We have strong reason to believe that infection with hepatitis C fuels cardiovascular disease, independent of HIV and sets the stage for subsequent cardiovascular trouble,” explained study principal investigator Dr Eric Seaberg, assistant professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. “We believe ÿąĂ Łþôùþ÷ă ñĂõ ĂõüõĆñþĄ to anyone infected with hepatitis C, regardless of their HIV status.” Investigators emphasize they don’t know exactly


how infection with the hepatitis C virus precipitates the growth of artery-clogging plaque, but that their evidence is strong enough to warrant vigilant monitoring for cardiac symptoms among people infected with the virus. “People infected with hepatitis C are already followed regularly for signs of liver disease, òąĄ ÿąĂ Łþôùþ÷ă ăą÷÷õ㥠clinicians who care for them should also assess their overall cardiac Ăùăû ĀĂÿŁüõ Ăõ÷ąüñĂüĉ Ě said study author Wendy Post, professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a cardiologist at the Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease. Post said that, at a minimum, patients with øõĀñĄùĄùă Ù ćÿąüô òõþõŁĄ from an annual cardiac evaluation that includes

The study involved 994 men, between 40 and 70 years old without overt heart disease, who were followed across several institutions in ŁĆõ ôùŀõĂõþĄ ëé óùĄùõă Of the 994, 613 were infected with HIV, 70 were infected with both viruses and 17 were only infected with hepatitis C. Participants underwent cardiac CT scans to detect and measure the amount of fat and calcium deposits inside the vessels of their hearts. Those infected with hepatitis C, regardless of HIV status, had, on average, 30% more disease-fueling

óñüóùŁõô Āüñāąõ ùþ ĄøõùĂ arteries, the main driver of heart attack and stroke risk. People infected with either HIV or hepatitis C, on average, had 42% ýÿĂõ þÿþ«óñüóùŁõô öñĄĄĉ build-up, a type of plaque believed to be responsible for the greatest cardiac risk. In addition, those who had higher levels of circulating hepatitis C virus in their blood were 50% more likely to have clogged arteries, compared with men without hepatitis C. Higher virus levels in the blood signal that the infection is not well controlled by drugs or the immune system. Poorly controlled infection, the investigators added, may üõñô Ąÿ ýÿĂõ ùþłñýýñĄùÿþ

throughout the body, which can fuel blood vessel damage and thus contribute to heart disease. Treating hepatitis C infection promptly can ćñĂô ÿŀ üÿþ÷«ĄõĂý üùĆõĂ damage, but researchers ăñĉ ĄøõùĂ Łþôùþ÷ă þÿć raise another critical question: whether the new class of medications that help 90% of patients clear the virus within a few short months could also halt the formation of plaque and reduce cardiac risk in the long run. If so, this only adds to the many reasons for listing these treatments on the PBS in Australia. The Infectious Diseases article can be accessed at http://bit.ly/1MMizAw.

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cholesterol and glucose testing, a blood pressure check and an assessment of lifestyle habits.



‘The Silent Disease’ ÜõôõĂñü ùþāąùĂĉ ĂõĀÿĂĄă òñóû


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The Recommendations The Committee recommends that 1: the Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA) enhance reporting on the National Hepatitis C Strategy by including a comprehensive reporting and review framework (which includes an annual report and reporting against key performance indicators) within the Strategy. 2: the Australian Government, in collaboration with the states and territories, work to develop wellinformed hepatitis C awareness campaigns targeted at: •

The general community to provide information on how hepatitis C is transmitted, how it can be prevented, and how it can be treated;

Populations at high-risk of hepatitis C infection, informing them of transmission risks, prevention strategies, and the availability of voluntary testing;

People living with hepatitis C who have not sought advice about treatment options since their initial diagnosis; and

5: DoHA work with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and liver clinics to examine appropriate information provision, treatment processes, and patient counselling for people diagnosed with hepatitis C. 6: DoHA work with States and Territories to produce culturally and üùþ÷ąùăĄùóñüüĉ ăĀõóùŁó ùþöÿĂýñĄùÿþ for migrant groups with higher rates of hepatitis C infection to inform them about hepatitis C including: transmission methods, testing and treatment options. 7: DoHA work with States and Territories to develop strategies to address the high prevalence rates of hepatitis C in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. 8: DoHA work with State and Territory health and corrections agencies to: •

develop a standard approach to data collection and reporting of prisoner health in custodial settings; and

give consideration to the provision of support for safe tattooing, barbering and any other legal practices which may present a risk of hepatitis C transmission in custodial settings.

The wider community to highlight the impact of stigma on the social and 9: a national strategy for blood-borne emotional wellbeing of people living viruses and sexually transmissible with hepatitis C and their families. infections in prisons be developed. The 3: DoHA, in consultation with relevant strategy should accompany and support ăĄñûõøÿüôõĂă ôõĆùăõ ñ ăĀõóùŁó ĄñĂ÷õĄ ÿĂ targets for hepatitis C testing and report Ąøõ ŁĆõ õĈùăĄùþ÷ úąĂùăôùóĄùÿþñü ăĄĂñĄõ÷ùõă and be developed, implemented, on progress towards reaching the target reviewed and assessed in the same way. or targets annually. 4: DoHA consider the ways in which rapid point-of-care testing can assist in implementing the goals of the Fourth National Hepatitis C Strategy and the National Hepatitis C Testing Policy.

10: the Australian Government raise the issue of hepatitis C in prisons, and the establishment of national standards in prison health delivery as part of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Health Council process. October 2015 • HEPATITIS SA COMMUNITY NEWS 68


Becoming Free âùöõ ñŅõĂ 0, ĉõñĂă ÿö øõĀñĄùĄùă Ù


ă öñĂ ñă ß ûþÿć ß øñĆõ had hepatitis C for ýÿĂõ Ąøñþ öÿąĂ ôõóñôõă ćøùóø ùăþėĄ õĆõþ ĄøñĄ ąþóÿýýÿþ ßėüü þõĆõĂ ûþÿć õĈñóĄüĉ øÿć ß ÷ÿĄ ùĄ òąĄ ß ûþÿć ćøõþ ß ćñă ôÿùþ÷ Ąøõ Ąøùþ÷ă ĄøñĄ ñĂõ Ăùăûĉ°ùĄ ćñă Ąøõ õñĂüĉ -53,ă°ñþô ăÿýõøÿć ß ÷ÿĄ some of the virus into my bloodstream. ßėĆõ òõõþ ĄøĂÿą÷ø Ąćÿ courses of interferon ĄĂõñĄýõþĄ êøõ ŁĂ㥠ćñă ùþ Ąøõ üñĄõ -55,ă ćùĄø úąăĄ Ąøõ ùþĄõĂöõĂÿþ êøõþ ýÿĂõ ĂõóõþĄüĉ ß øñô 04 ćõõûă ćùĄø èùòñĆùĂùþ ñôôõô ØąĄ ùĄ ćñăþėĄ ôÿùþ÷ ýõ ñþĉ ÷ÿÿô êøõ ĆùĂąă úąăĄ ćÿąüô not clear. My hepatitis ĀĂÿ÷Ăõăăõô ñþô ß ÷ÿĄ ĀĂõĄĄĉ severe cirrhosis. The cirrhosis was awful. ãĉ ăûùþ ćõþĄ òõĂăõĂû ùĄóøùþ÷ üùûõ óĂñĊĉ ăÿ ĄøñĄ ß ăóĂñĄóøõô ýĉăõüö Ăñć ß was exhausted all of the Ąùýõ ñþô óÿąüôþėĄ ÷õĄ ýĉ Ąøÿą÷øĄă ăĄĂñù÷øĄ°Ąøõ classic liver disease brain öÿ÷ öąüü«ÿþ But there was worse news óÿýùþ÷ Ąøÿą÷ø ß ôùôþėĄ really expect it: liver cancer! Those two words Ąÿÿû ýõ òĉ ăąĂĀĂùăõ òõóñąăõ ß ÷ąõăă ß øñôþėĄ üõĄ


ýĉăõüö õĆõþ Ąøùþû ñòÿąĄ ùĄ øñĀĀõþùþ÷ õĆõþ Ąøÿą÷ø ùĄ was a real possibility. But the bad news also ĄąĂþõô ÿąĄ ùþ ñ ăĄĂñþ÷õ ćñĉ Ąÿ òõ ñ ûùþô ÿö ÷ÿÿô þõćă òõóñąăõ ß ÷ÿĄ ùþ Ąøõ queue for a liver transplant at the Flinders Medical ÙõþĄĂõ ×ýñĊùþ÷üĉ ß ćñă only on the list for a few ýÿþĄøă ñþô Ąøõþ ß ÷ÿĄ ñ new liver. ß ćñă ñăĄÿąþôõô ñĄ øÿć ćõüü õĆõĂĉĄøùþ÷ ćõþĄ ñþô õĆõþ Ąøÿą÷ø ùĄėă ýñúÿĂ ăąĂ÷õĂĉ ß öõüĄ ñ üÿĄ òõĄĄõĂ ĀĂõĄĄĉ ýąóø ăĄĂñù÷øĄ ñćñĉ íøõþ ß ćÿûõ ąĀ from the anaesthetic the ĂõüõþĄüõăă ùĄóøùþ÷ øñô ñüĂõñôĉ ÷ÿþõ ñþô ùĄėă þõĆõĂ óÿýõ òñóû åþüĉ ĀõÿĀüõ ćøÿėĆõ ăąŀõĂõô öĂÿý ùĄ will understand just how ÷ÿÿô ĄøñĄ öõüĄ ñþô ćøñĄ ñ ôùŀõĂõþóõ ùĄ ýñôõ Ąÿ ýĉ õĆõĂĉôñĉ üùöõ ×þô ćøõþ ß ôùô Ąøõ üñ㥠Ăÿąþô ÿö ĄõăĄă ß üõñĂþõô ß ćñă ĆùĂąă«öĂõõ éÿýõÿþõ ß ýõĄ ĄøĂÿą÷ø ñþ online hepatitis discussion


òÿñĂô ñþô ćøÿ øñă øñô ăùýùüñĂ õĈĀõĂùõþóõă ĂõóõþĄüĉ ćĂÿĄõ ăÿýõĄøùþ÷ ß ñ÷Ăõõ ćùĄø ćøùóø ß ćñþĄ Ąÿ share: ęß øñĆõ øõñĂô ñüü ýñþþõĂ ÿö õþóÿąĂñ÷ùþ÷ ćÿĂôă öĂÿý ĀõÿĀüõ ĄøĂÿą÷øÿąĄ ñüü ýĉ ĆùĂąă úÿąĂþõĉ ýÿ㥠ÿö which was nonsense. But ÿþõ Ąøùþ÷ ăÿýõÿþõ ăñùô 㥹óû ćùĄø ýõ òõóñąăõ ùĄėă ăÿ ĄĂąõ ĖíøõĂõ ĄøõĂõėă üùöõ ĄøõĂõėă øÿĀõė ęïõă ùĄėă óÿĂþĉ òąĄ ùĄėă ăÿýõĄøùþ÷ ß Ăõñüüĉ øąþ÷ ýĉ øñĄ ÿþ äõĆõĂ ÷ùĆõ ąĀ ùö ĉÿąėĂõ ăĄùüü òĂõñĄøùþ÷ Modern medicine is a øñùĂėă òĂõñôĄø ñćñĉ öĂÿý ýùĂñóąüÿąă ÞõĀ Ù óñþ òõ ñ ăüÿć«ýÿĆùþ÷ öĂõù÷øĄ ĄĂñùþ ñþô ĄøõĂõėă ñüćñĉă Ąøõ ĀÿăăùòùüùĄĉ ĄøñĄ ĄøõĂõėă ăÿýõĄøùþ÷ ĄøñĄėüü ćÿĂû öÿĂ you just around the corner. ïÿą úąăĄ ôÿþėĄ ûþÿć Ě This was how it was for ýõ õĆõþ Ąøÿą÷ø ß øñô Ąÿ be in the worst possible ĀÿăùĄùÿþ Ąÿ Łþô ùĄ ÿąĄ Anonymous

Living Well with Hepatitis Chronic Disease Self-Management, part 3


n this third article based on The Chronic Illness Workbook by Patricia Fennell, Rose Magdalene looks at creating a schedule that allows you to start rebuilding a sense of balance and wellbeing. ßþ ÿąĂ üñ㥠ùăăąõ ±ñĆñùüñòüõ ÿþüùþõ ñĄ issuu.com/hepccsa/docs/hcn67) we üÿÿûõô ñĄ ôÿùþ÷ ñþ ñóĄùĆùĄĉ ăąĂĆõĉ ÿö your time now compared to when you ćõĂõ ćõüü ßö ĉÿą ôùô Ąøõ õĈõĂóùăõ ĉÿą should have some useful information to øõüĀ ĉÿą ćùĄø Ąøõ þõĈĄ ăĄñ÷õ°ôĂñćùþ÷ ąĀ ñ ĂõñüùăĄùó Āüñþ òñăõô ÿþ ćøñĄ ĉÿąėĂõ óąĂĂõþĄüĉ óñĀñòüõ ÿö ôÿùþ÷ The aim of the exercise is to build a schedule that allows you to reduce ĉÿąĂ ñóĄùĆùĄùõă Ąÿ ñ ýñþñ÷õñòüõ üõĆõü and stabilise your physical and mental health. ×üĄøÿą÷ø ĉÿą ôÿþėĄ øñĆõ óÿþĄĂÿü ÿĆõĂ some of the physical aspects of your øõñüĄø ĄøõĂõėă þÿ ôÿąòĄ ĄøñĄ ăõüö«óñĂõ óñþ Āüñĉ ñ üñĂ÷õ ĀñĂĄ ùþ øÿć ćõüü ĉÿą öõõü Photo © Cecilia Lim

êõýĀĄùþ÷ ñă ùĄ ùă Ąÿ ĄĂĉ Ąÿ óÿþĄùþąõ ñă þÿĂýñü ĉÿą ýñĉ øñĆõ ñüĂõñôĉ experienced the physical costs of this approach. × óÿýýÿþ õĈĀõĂùõþóõ öÿĂ ĀõÿĀüõ ćùĄø ñ óøĂÿþùó ùüüþõăă ùă ñ óÿüüñĀăõ òÿą÷øĄ ÿþ òĉ ôÿùþ÷ Ąÿÿ ýąóø ×ă ćõüü ñă Ąøõ Āøĉăùóñü õĈøñąăĄùÿþ öĂÿý Āąăøùþ÷ yourself too hard there are also impacts on your mental health. ×þ ùþĄõĂõăĄùþ÷ Āăĉóøÿüÿ÷ùóñü phenomenon that Fennell writes about October 2015 • HEPATITIS SA COMMUNITY NEWS 68


2. Get going; gain momentum and complete task

ùă Ąøõ ĖĀõĂăÿþñü õþõĂ÷ĉ ĀĂÿóõăăė ±æÛæ² ßĄėă Ąøõ cycle that everybody ÷ÿõă ĄøĂÿą÷ø ćøõþ Ąøõĉ ĀõĂöÿĂý ñ Ąñăû ±ăõõ ôùñ÷Ăñý² êøõ Łþñü Āøñăõ ÿö öõõüùþ÷ satisfaction can only occur ùö ĄøõĂõėă õþÿą÷ø õþõĂ÷ĉ öÿĂ ùĄ æąăøùþ÷ ĄøĂÿą÷ø Ąñăûă ćøõþ ćõ ôÿþėĄ øñĆõ õþÿą÷ø õþõĂ÷ĉ Ąÿ óÿýĀüõĄõ Ąøõý ÿĂ óÿþĄùþąÿąăüĉ þÿĄ òõùþ÷ ñòüõ to complete what we set out to do can leave us with no sense of satisfaction and ñ ÷Ăÿćùþ÷ ăõþăõ ÿö öñùüąĂõ and dismay which can so easily lead to depression. êøùă ùă ćøĉ ùĄėă ăÿ important to create a realistic schedule where you expect to do less but are able to complete what you need to do and øñĆõ õþÿą÷ø õþõĂ÷ĉ üõöĄ over to feel a real sense of satisfaction. This sense of satisfaction has enormous òõþõŁĄă öÿĂ ĉÿąĂ ýõþĄñü øõñüĄø ñüüÿćùþ÷ ĉÿą Ąÿ öõõü that you are still capable of øñĆùþ÷ ñ ćÿĂĄøćøùüõ üùöõ even within your limits. ïÿąĂ ĀĂõĆùÿąă ăõþăõ ÿö ÷ĂñĄùŁóñĄùÿþ ñòÿąĄ øÿć much you can do can be


1. Start a task; feel some resistance

3. Feel a sense of physical and emotional satisfaction Above: The Personal Energy Process Cycle replaced by the equally valid sense of satisfaction at how well you can ýñþñ÷õ ĉÿąĂ õþõĂ÷ĉ ñþô your determination and óĂõñĄùĆùĄĉ ùþ Āüñþþùþ÷ ñ ÷ÿÿô üùöõ öÿĂ ĉÿąĂăõüö íùĄø Ąøùă Ąøÿą÷øĄ ùþ ýùþô Ąñûõ ñ üÿÿû ñĄ ĉÿąĂ ñóĄùĆùĄĉ survey: íøñĄ úąýĀă ÿąĄ ñĄ ĉÿą ùýýõôùñĄõüĉ ×Ăõ ĉÿą Ăąþþùþ÷ ĉÿąĂăõüö Ăñ÷÷õô Þÿć ýąóø ÿö ĉÿąĂ õþõĂ÷ĉ ñĂõ ĉÿą ąăùþ÷ ąĀ õñóø ôñĉ Do you have any left over?

ćøõþ ĉÿą øñô ýÿĂõ õþõĂ÷ĉ Ąøñþ ĉÿą ûþõć ćøñĄ Ąÿ ôÿ ćùĄø äÿć ĄøñĄ ĉÿą ûþÿć øÿć ĀĂõóùÿąă õþõĂ÷ĉ ùă ôÿ you really want to spend it ôÿùþ÷ Ąøùă ñóĄùĆùĄĉ ßö Ąøõ ñþăćõĂ ùă þÿ Ąøõþ üõĄ ùĄ ÷ÿ ßö Ąøõ ñþăćõĂ ùă ĉõă Ąøõþ ĉÿą þõõô Ąÿ Łþô ñ ćñĉ Ąÿ include it in your life at ăÿýõ ĀÿùþĄ õĆõþ ùö ĄøñĄėă þÿĄ Ăù÷øĄ þÿć ãñûõ ñ þÿĄõ of any activities that you óñþ üõĄ ÷ÿ ÿŀ ñþô ñþĉ ĄøñĄ ĉÿąėô üùûõ Ąÿ ñôô òñóû ùþ when you can.

×Ăõ ĉÿą þÿ üÿþ÷õĂ ôÿùþ÷ Ąøùþ÷ă ĄøñĄ ćõĂõ ĆõĂĉ important to you such as øÿòòùõă ñþô ăÿóùñüùăùþ÷

Ýÿ ĄøĂÿą÷ø ĉÿąĂ ñóĄùĆùĄĉ sheets and notes and divide all of your activities ùþĄÿ Ąøõ öÿüüÿćùþ÷ öÿąĂ óñĄõ÷ÿĂùõă

íøñĄ Ąøùþ÷ă ñĂõ ÿĂ ñĂõþėĄ ÷õĄĄùþ÷ ôÿþõ ×Ăõ Ąøõĉ actually important or are they leftovers from a time

- ×óĄùĆùĄùõă ÿö ôñùüĉ üùĆùþ÷ óÿÿûùþ÷ óüõñþùþ÷ ăøÿćõĂùþ÷ etc


. æõĂăÿþñü õþĂùóøýõþĄ ÿĂ öąüŁüýõþĄ øÿòòùõă Ąùýõ Ąÿ ĂõüñĈ ăĀùĂùĄąñü pursuits / éÿóùñü Ąùýõ ÿĂ connection with friends or family 0 íÿĂû Āñùô ćÿĂû ÿĂ ÿĄøõĂ ÿòüù÷ñĄùÿþă Now draw up a new ćõõûüĉ ăóøõôąüõ öÿĂ ĉÿąĂăõüö ÛĆõþ ùö ĉÿą Ąøùþû ĉÿą óñþ ôÿ ýÿĂõ ăĄñĂĄ with a basic schedule with your activities for ôñùüĉ üùĆùþ÷ ñþô ñþĉ ćÿĂû ĂõăĀÿþăùòùüùĄùõă ÿĂ ÿòüù÷ñĄùÿþă ØõöÿĂõ Łþñüùăùþ÷ ĉÿąĂ ăóøõôąüõ Ąøùþû ñòÿąĄ ćøõĂõ ĉÿą ñĂõ ñĄ Ăù÷øĄ þÿć

Photos © Rose Magdalene

• ×Ăõ ĉÿą ùþ crisis and need to pare down your activities to the bare minimum you need to ÷õĄ òĉ ćùĄøÿąĄ ýñûùþ÷ ĉÿąĂ óÿþôùĄùÿþ ćÿĂăõ ßö this is the case you may þõõô Ąÿ ăĄùóû Ąÿ úąăĄ Ąøõăõ Ąćÿ óñĄõ÷ÿĂùõă öÿĂ þÿć to allow yourself time to recover some of your õþõĂ÷ĉ ñþô ýÿĆõ ÿąĄ ÿö the crisis phase. • ÞñĆõ ĉÿą óÿýõ ĄøĂÿą÷ø crisis to a more stable

phase where you are Āøĉăùóñüüĉ òõĄĄõĂ øñĆõ learnt to cope with the õŀõóĄă ÿö ĉÿąĂ ùüüþõăă ñþô ćÿąüô üùûõ Ąÿ òõ÷ùþ òąùüôùþ÷ ñ ĂùóøõĂ üùöõ ßö Ąøùă ùă ćøõĂõ ĉÿą ñĂõ ĉÿą óñþ ăĄñĂĄ ñôôùþ÷ òñóû ùþ ăÿýõ ñóĄùĆùĄùõă from your personal enrichment and social óñĄõ÷ÿĂùõă Øõ ĂõñüùăĄùó ñþô ăĄñĂĄ ăýñüü Ąÿ òõ÷ùþ ćùĄø ùõ ăÿóùñüùăùþ÷ ýñĉ òõ õýñùüă Āøÿþõ óñüüă ÿĂ Üñóõòÿÿû òąĄ ăĄùüü ÷ùĆõ ĉÿą ñ ăõþăõ ÿö connection with your ăÿóùñü ćÿĂüô ïÿą ýñĉ not be able to pursue your usual hobbies but you could read about Ąøõý ÿĂ Ąñûõ ĀñĂĄ ùþ ÿþüùþõ ÷ĂÿąĀă Once you have your new ăóøõôąüõ ăõĄ ąĀ ÷ùĆõ ùĄ ñ test run and monitor it for ñ ćõõû ÿĂ Ąćÿ ñþô ñôúąăĄ ùĄ as needed. Perhaps write ñ òĂùõö ôñùüĉ ÿĂ ćõõûüĉ ĂõłõóĄùÿþ ÿþ ćøñĄ ùă ÿĂ ùăþėĄ ćÿĂûùþ÷ ãÿþùĄÿĂùþ÷ allows you to remain mindful of how much ĉÿąėĂõ ôÿùþ÷ ñþô Ąÿ öÿóąă ÿþ ăąóóõăăöąüüĉ ýñþñ÷ùþ÷ ĉÿąĂ õþõĂ÷ĉ ĂñĄøõĂ Ąøñþ

ĄĂĉùþ÷ Ąÿ ÷õĄ õĆõĂĉĄøùþ÷ done. ÝùĆõþ øÿć ąþĀĂõôùóĄñòüõ chronic illnesses can be it can be very useful to have two schedules. This óñþ òõ ñă ăùýĀüõ ñă øñĆùþ÷ your bare bones schedule written out in one colour and your extra activities ùþ ñþÿĄøõĂ ñüüÿćùþ÷ ĉÿą to easily remove and add ñóĄùĆùĄùõă òñóû ùþ ñă þõõôõô öĂÿý ćõõû Ąÿ ćõõû. ×üĄøÿą÷ø ùĄ óñþ òõ ôùŃóąüĄ Ąÿ ĀñĂõ ĉÿąĂ schedule down to the bare ýùþùýąý Ąøõ òõþõŁĄă ÿö ĂõñüùăĄùóñüüĉ Āüñþþùþ÷ ĉÿąĂ Ąùýõ ñþô Ąñăûă Ąÿ ñĆÿùô õĈøñąăĄùÿþ óñþ ýñûõ üùöõ so much more worthwhile in the present and will pay ÿŀ öÿĂ ĉÿąĂ öąĄąĂõ Āøĉăùóñü and emotional health. ×ă ćõüü ñă Ąøõ Āøĉăùóñü òõþõŁĄă Ąøõ ýÿĂõ ĀÿăùĄùĆõ experiences you can build up the more protected ĉÿą ñĂõ öĂÿý Ąøõ þõ÷ñĄùĆõ emotions that are an inevitable part of chronic ùüüþõăă êøùþû ÿö ùĄ ñă ñ storehouse of positive emotions for you to draw ÿþ Ąÿ òñüñþóõ ÿąĄ Ąøõ Ąÿą÷ø times.





WHD SA 2015 T 2

èñĄøõĂ Ąøñþ ñ üùĄñþĉ ÿö ćøñĄă ñþô ćøõĂõă øõĂõėă ñ summary which we hope captures the activities of Ąøõ óñýĀñù÷þ

More Mobilong testing after WHD info session


1. The Mobilong lunch . ìùóĄÿĂùñ éāąñĂõ åėüùĆõĂ łñþûõô òĉ ÞõĀñĄùĄùă é× ÛĈõóąĄùĆõ åŃóõĂ áõĂĂĉ Paterson and City of Adelaide Lady Mayoress Genevieve Theseira-Haese. 3. Victoria Square: Rob Morrison òĂõñĄøùþ÷ ŁĂõ 0 éĄñŀ öĂÿý ÞõĀñĄùĄùă é× ñþô æÛ×ÙÛ after the lunch.


ãÿòùüÿþ÷ ĀĂùăÿþ ýñĂûõô íÿĂüô ÞõĀñĄùĄùă Úñĉ ćùĄø an information session for ĀĂùăÿþõĂă ñþô é× æĂùăÿþ ÞõñüĄø éõĂĆùóõ ±é×æÞé² ýõôùóñü ăĄñŀ ×üü ćõĂõ ĄĂõñĄõô Ąÿ ñ üù÷øĄ üąþóø ÿö øõñüĄøĉ óøùóûõþ òąĂ÷õĂă fresh fruit platters and fruit boxes prepared by Ąøõ èõóĂõñĄùÿþ êõñý ñþô ãÿòùüÿþ÷ ĀĂùăÿþ òñûõĂĉ ñþô ûùĄóøõþ

óøñüüõþ÷õô ćùĄø ñ āąùĊ ćøùóø óÿĆõĂõô ĄÿĀùóă üùûõ ăĉýĀĄÿýă ĄĂñþăýùăăùÿþ Ăùăûă ĄõăĄùþ÷ ñþô treatment. ÞõĀñĄùĄùă é× õôąóñĄÿĂă also presented a tailored session to the medical team at the health centre. é×æÞé ăĄñŀ ĂõĀÿĂĄõô an increase in hepatitis Ù ĄõăĄùþ÷ ùþ Ąøõ ćõõû öÿüüÿćùþ÷ Ąøõ ăõăăùÿþă ęêøùă ăøÿćă ĄøñĄ ĀĂùăÿþõĂă øñĆõ ÷ñùþõô Ćñüąñòüõ information from the ăõăăùÿþ Ě Ąøõ ĂõĀÿĂĄ ăñùô ęêøõ öõõôòñóû øñă òõõþ ÷ĂõñĄ öĂÿý ñüü ùþĆÿüĆõô and the event is set on the calendar for a yearly event.”

Love Your Liver Day at Victoria Square

There was a modest ĄąĂþÿąĄ öÿĂ ÿąĂ ĀĂõ«íÞÚ õĆõþĄ ñĄ ìùóĄÿĂùñ éāąñĂõ òąĄ õþĄøąăùñăĄùó ăĄñŀ ñþô ×öĄõĂ ñ ÷õþõĂñü ùþĄĂÿôąóĄùÿþ ĆÿüąþĄõõĂă õăóÿĂĄõô òĉ òĉ ÞõĀñĄùĄùă é× õôąóñĄÿĂă åėüùĆõĂ öñþþõô ÿąĄ Ąÿ ăĀõñû prisoners separated ćùĄø ýñĂûõĄ«÷ÿõĂă ñþô ùþĄÿ ăýñüüõĂ ÷ĂÿąĀă öÿĂ ĀñăăõĂă«òĉ Ăõñóøùþ÷ ćõüü ÷ĂõñĄõĂ õþ÷ñ÷õýõþĄ over a hundred members and interaction to raise of the public. awareness of the disease. ÚĂ èÿò ãÿĂĂùăÿþėă Ėòÿôĉ Participants were ăøÿćė ćùĄø ùĄă õĈĄĂõýõüĉ


̽ ͙ǣ Ǣ ͚ǣ Ǣ ͛ǣ ȏƪ Ǥ Ȁ Ȁ ȐǢ ͜ǣ


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óßþĆþĂ Ä…ÄƒĂľ ÿÜ ÄƒÚýÄ€ßþ Ä€Ä‚ĂżÄ€Äƒ Ä‡ĂąÄƒ Ăą Ä„Ä‚þùÄ„ ĂľÄƒÄ€þóÚùßßĉ ÜÿÄ‚ those who have not seen øÚă ÙąĂÚÿÄƒĂšÄ„Ä‰ Êøÿć òþÜÿÄ‚Ăľ êøþ ĂŠĂ— ÌÿßÚóþ Ă˜ùÞôėă þÞĄþĂĄùÚÞÚÞá ăþßþóÄ„ÚÿÞ ÿÜ ÄƒÿÞáă ÝþĀĄ Ä„øþ þĆþÞÄ„ ßÚáøÄ„ ùÞô Ä…Ä€òþùÄ„ ĂąÄƒ Ùÿŀþþ Ùÿć ÝþĀĄ Ä„øþ òþùލôÄ‚ÚÞÝþĂă happy. ĂĽÄ…Ä‚ Ä„øùÞÝă Ä„Ăż Ä„øþ âùôĉ ĂŁĂąÄ‰ĂżÄ‚ĂľÄƒÄƒ ÿÜ Ă—ôþßùÚôþ Ă?þÞþĆÚþĆþ êøþăþÚÄ‚ùĂžùþÄƒĂľ ÊøÚÞþÊĂ— Ä„øþ ßÚĆþĂ ĂžÄ…Ä‚ÄƒĂľÄƒ ÜĂÿý Ä„øþ èÿĉùß Ă—ôþßùÚôþ ùÞô çÄ…þþÞ Ă›ßÚÄŠùòþÄ„ø ĂžĂżÄƒÄ€ĂšÄ„ùßă Ă ĂżÄƒÚþ ÜĂÿý Ă˜þÞôÚáÿ Ă˜ùÞÝ Ă ĂąÄƒÿÞ êùÞ ùÞô ÿąĂ ĀùĂĄÞþÄ‚ ÜÿÄ‚ Ä„øþ ôùĉ ÊøÚÞþÊĂ— ÜÿÄ‚ Ä„øþÚÄ‚ ÄƒÄ…Ä€Ä€ĂżÄ‚Ä„ ùÞô áÿÿô óÿýÄ€ùÞĉ

1 shared with everyone ùÞô ùÞÄƒÄ‡ĂľÄ‚þô òĉ Ä„øþ ÌÛ×ÙÛ ùÞô ĂžĂľÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ ĂŠĂ— ÄƒÄ„ĂąĹ€ Ä€Ä‚ĂľÄƒþÞÄ„ Communities represented at the lunch included Ă&#x;Ä„ùßÚùÞ ĂŚĂľÄ‚ÄƒÚùÞ Ă—ÜáøùÞÚ Ă˜øÄ…Ä„ùÞþÄƒĂľ Ă™øÚÞþÄƒĂľ ÊÚþÄ‚Ä‚Ăą âþÿÞþùÞ Ă&#x;Ä‚ùÞÚùÞ ĂŠÄ…ôùÞþÄƒĂľ and others.

2 3

SA Chinese leaders call for action on hepatitis B

Š‘–‘• Ě˝ Í™ ĆŹ ͚ǣ ŠƒÂ?‰ Š‹Â? ‹ƒÂ?Ǣ Í› ĆŹ ÍœÇŁ ‡…‹Ž‹ƒ ‹Â?

ĂœĂšÄ†Ăľ Ýþĉ Ă™øÚÞþÄƒĂľ óÿýýÄ…ÞÚĄĉ ÿĂáùÞÚÄƒĂąÄ„ÚÿÞă Lunch & Mega-Workshop óùýþ Ä„ÿáþÄ„øþÄ‚ ÿÞ Ă­ĂżÄ‚ßô ãÿĂþ Ä„øùÞ -1, óÿýýÄ…ÞÚĄĉ ĂžĂľÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ Úùĉ Ä„Ăż óùßß ÜÿÄ‚ action to deal with the members from various øÚáø Ä‚ĂąÄ„ĂľÄƒ ÿÜ øþÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ óąßĄąĂùß òùóÝáĂÿąÞôă B in their community. Ä„Ä…Ä‚Þþô Ä…Ä€ ÜÿÄ‚ Ä„øþ ÌÛ×ÙÛ êøþĉ ùßÄƒĂż óùßßþô ÿÞ ĂŠĂ— multicultural services Chinese to learn more ùÞô ĂžĂľÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ ĂŠĂ— íÿĂßô ùòÿÄ…Ä„ øþÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ Ă˜ ùÞô ÿÞ ĂžĂľÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ Úùĉ ßąÞóø ÿÞ Ä„øþ ÊĄùĄþ Ă?ÿĆþĂÞýþÞÄ„ Ä„Ăż /, à ąßĉ êøþ ßąÞóø Ä‡ĂąÄƒ start a conversation with ùßÄƒĂż Ăą ýþáùÄ‡ĂżÄ‚ĂťÄƒøÿÄ€ ÿÞ the Chinese community hepatitis B. and Chinese health ĂœÿßßÿćÚÞá Ăą Ä€Ä‚ĂľÄƒþÞĄùĄÚÿÞ professionals on ways ÿÞ øþÄ€ĂąÄ„ĂšÄ„ĂšÄƒ Ă˜ ĄÿĀÚóă to increase hepatitis B ÚÞóßÄ…ôÚÞá áßÿòùß Ä€Ä‚ĂľÄ†ùßþÞóþ ùćùĂþÞþăă ùÞô ÿÞáÿÚÞá Ä„Ä‚ùÞăýÚăăÚÿÞ Ä„ĂľÄƒÄ„ÚÞá ùÞô care in the community. Ä„Ä‚þùÄ„ýþÞÄ„ ĀùĂĄÚóÚÄ€ùÞĄă ćþĂþ ĂąÄƒÝþô Ä„Ăż Ă´ĂšÄƒĂłÄ…ÄƒÄƒ ćøùÄ„ Their statement was presented at a lunch Ä„øþĉ øùô ßþùĂÞĄ ùÞô ćøùÄ„ þßÄƒĂľ Ä„øþĉ ćùÞÄ„þô Ä„Ăż ÝÞÿć Ă— ùĄĄþÞôþô òĉ ĂŠĂ— Ă™øÚÞþÄƒĂľ community leaders and Ä€ĂżÄƒĂšÄ„ĂšÄ†Ăľ ăĀþùÝþÄ‚ Ä‡ĂąÄƒ ÿÞ øþùßÄ„ø ĀĂÿÜþăăÚÿÞùßă ĂąÄƒ øùÞô Ä„Ăż Ä„ùßÝ ùòÿÄ…Ä„ øÚă well as representatives personal experience with from the major political hepatitis B. parties in the state. Questions which were For more details: http:// raised at the table bit.ly/whd15-sachinese discussions were

4 1. Chinese Community call for action (L to R: MLC Gerry Kanderlaas, President, OCASA Charles Tran, Shadow Health Minister Stephen Wade, MLC Jing Lee, SA Health STIBBV Manager Daniel Gallant, President ACMASA Dr Jane Zhang, MLC Tammy Franks, Hepatitis SA EO Kerry Paterson, Vice-President CASA Tan Tar Kim) 2. Chinese Community lunch participants with MLC Jing Lee. 3. High school students and their teachers among participants at the World Hepatitis Day Lunch 4. Victoria Square: balloon thief!




Sports get into the game éĀÿĂĄă öõñĄąĂõô ăĄĂÿþ÷üĉ as a theme this year with Ąćÿ ÷ĂÿąĀă óÿýòùþùþ÷ øõĀñĄùĄùă ñćñĂõþõăă« Ăñùăùþ÷ ćùĄø ĄøõùĂ ăĀÿĂĄă Everyone came out winners. éĄĂõõĄ éÿóóõĂ


The Big Issue ýñ÷ñĊùþõ ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô ñ ăĄĂõõĄ ăÿóóõĂ ÷ñýõ ćùĄø ÞõĀñĄùĄùă é× peer educators which ćõþĄ Ăõñüüĉ ćõüü ćùĄø ñ healthy barbecue and lots ÿö ùþöÿĂýñĄùÿþ ăøñĂùþ÷ Big Issue é× ÿŃóõ ýñþñ÷õĂ ãñĄĄ éĄõôýñþ ăñùô ęÞą÷õ Ąøñþûă öÿĂ óÿýùþ÷ ÿąĄ Ąÿôñĉ ñþô ÷ùĆùþ÷ ñ Ąñüû ß certainly learnt a lot about øõĀñĄùĄùă ĄøñĄ ß ôùôþėĄ ûþÿć òõöÿĂõ ïÿą ÷ąĉă ñĂõ ćõüóÿýõ òñóû ñþĉĄùýõ Ě Volleyball


1. Our traditional Radio Adelaide display on North Tce 2. Street soccer with êøõ Øù÷ ßăăąõ 3. The Scorpions promote Blood Rule awareness


éóÿĂĀùÿþ ĄĂõñăąĂõĂ àùý êñþ ăñùô ýñþĉ ÿö Ąøõ 4, ĀñĂĄùóùĀñþĄă ćõĂõ ûõõþ Ąÿ Łþô ÿąĄ ýÿĂõ ñòÿąĄ hepatitis and the Blood èąüõ


æñĂĄùóùĀñþĄă Ăñþ÷õô öĂÿý Ąõõþñ÷õĂă Ąÿ ăõþùÿĂ óùĄùĊõþă óÿýùþ÷ öĂÿý óÿąþĄĂùõă ùþóüąôùþ÷ ×ö÷øñþùăĄñþ ßþôùñ ßþôÿþõăùñ ßĂñþ ãñüñĉăùñ æøùüùĀĀùþõă æÿüñþô ñþô éąôñþ

Lunches & Quizzes íøùüõ öÿÿô ùă Ąøõ ąþôõĂüĉùþ÷ õüõýõþĄ Ăąþþùþ÷ ĄøĂÿą÷ø ýñþĉ íÿĂüô ÞõĀñĄùĄùă Úñĉ ñóĄùĆùĄùõă ăÿýõ ÷ĂÿąĀă üùûõ ÚĂą÷ ×Ăý àñýõă äñăø Þÿąăõ ñþô Ąøõ éõĈ ßþôąăĄĂĉ äõĄćÿĂû ±éßä² have used it as their main focus. àñýõă äñăø Þÿąăõ Āüñþþõô ĄøõùĂ üùĆõĂ«öĂùõþôüĉ ăąĀõĂöÿÿôă üąþóø ąăùþ÷ our Keep It Simple recipe òÿÿû ñă ñ ÷ąùôõ êøõĂõ ćõĂõ activities for participants ôąĂùþ÷ Ąøõ üąþóø ñþô ñþ information session after that. Participants produced ñ âÿĆõ ïÿąĂ âùĆõĂ ĀÿăĄõĂ

Photos © 1: Cecilia Lim; 2: Lisa Carter; 3: Jim Tan


éĄ ØõĂþñĂôėă ìÿüüõĉòñüü Club has members from diverse cultural òñóû÷Ăÿąþôă åþõ ÿö Ąøõ Ùüąòėă Ąõñýă Ąøõ éóÿĂĀùÿþă ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô a hepatitis and Blood èąüõ ñćñĂõþõăă õĆõþùþ÷ where they handed out óñĂô łĉõĂă ñþô ÿĄøõĂ promotional items to the players and their supporters.

ęåĆõĂñüü Ąøõ ñóĄùĆùĄĉ ćñă ñ ÷ĂõñĄ ăąóóõăă and the response were ÿĆõĂćøõüýùþ÷ Ě øõ ăñùô ęêøõĂõ ćõĂõ ñ few participants who ćÿąüô üùûõ Ąÿ øñĆõ ýÿĂõ ùþöÿĂýñĄùÿþ łĉõĂă ăÿ Ąøõĉ can share the information ćùĄø ĄøõùĂ ćÿĂû óÿüüõñ÷ąõă ëþöÿĂĄąþñĄõüĉ ćõ Ăñþ ÿąĄ ÿö łĉõĂă òąĄ ćõ ĀĂÿýùăõô Ąÿ ÷õĄ ýÿĂõ öÿĂ Ąøõý so they can share the information with more people.”


±ĀùóĄąĂõô² Ąÿ ăøÿć ćøñĄ they had learnt. This was öÿüüÿćõô ąĀ ñ ćõõû üñĄõĂ with another discussion öÿóąăăùþ÷ ÿþ þąĄĂùĄùÿþ ñþô healthy lifestyle. ÚĂą÷ ×Ăý ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô ñ øõñüĄøĉ üùĆõĂ üąþóø öÿĂ ăĄñŀ ñþô ĆÿüąþĄõõĂă Ąÿ÷õĄøõĂ with an information session to be followed by a āąùĊ ñ ćõõû üñĄõĂ Ąÿ ăõõ øÿć much people remembered from what they had heard ôąĂùþ÷ Ąøõ üąþóø

̽ ͙ǣ Ǣ ͚ǣ Ǣ ͛ǣ Ǣ ͜ǣ

éßäėă ăĄĂõõĄ ñþô Ù×âÚ ĀĂÿúõóĄă ñüăÿ ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô healthy food and hepatitis awareness discussions. êøõ Ù×âÚ ĀĂÿúõóĄ öÿóąăăõô on Thai and Chinese ĀñĂĄùóùĀñþĄă ôùăĄĂùòąĄùþ÷ information in those üñþ÷ąñ÷õă

Gardening ÝñĂôõþùþ÷ ćñă ñ þõć ñ þõ ñ þõć ć íÿĂüô ÞõĀñĄùĄùă Úñĉ Úñĉ Úñ ĉ ñóĄùĆùĄĉ Ąøùă ĉõñĂ Ă õþ÷ñ÷ùþ÷ ĀĂõ«ăóøÿÿüõĂă øÿÿ ÿÿüõ üõĂă Ăă Ąÿ ăõĀĄñ÷õþñĂùñþă þă ă ßþôÿþõăùñþ ăõþùÿĂă ÷ĂÿąĀ ÿĂă ÷Ăÿ ĂÿąĀ ąĀ âñþăùñ ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô ñ Ėêñûõ Þÿýõ ñ ìõ÷ùõ ÝñĂôõþė day which included information on blood safety and hepatitis B. Participants shared a healthy afternoon tea which they prepared from recipes in the Keep It Simple òÿÿû

ëþùĄùþ÷ ÙÿýýąþùĄùõă Ąÿ÷õĄøõĂ ćùĄø Ąøõ èùôüõĉ ÝĂÿĆõ ÙÿýýąþùĄĉ ÝñĂôõþ ñþô Ąøõ íÿÿôĆùüüõ ÝñĂôõþă éóøÿÿü ±ØùĂĄø Ąÿ 3² ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô ñ ĀÿĄ ĀüñþĄ and art day where they óÿÿûõô ćÿÿô ÿĆõþ ĀùĊĊñă ÙÿýýąþùĄĉ ×óóõăă ñþô ýñôõ ĀÿĄ ĀüñþĄă ôùô ăÿýõ éõĂĆùóõă é× ±Ù×ééײ ĀąĄ ñ ñĂĄ°ĀñùþĄùþ÷ ýÿăñùóă creative twist to the food ñþô óøñĄĄõĂòÿĈõă°ñþô Ąøõýõ òĉ ÷ùĆùþ÷ ĀĂùĊõă ÿö learnt about viral hepatitis öÿÿô Āñóûă Ąÿ ćùþþõĂă ÿö and blood awareness.The Ąøõ øõĀñĄùĄùă āąùĊ Ù×éé× èùôüõĉ ÝĂÿĆõ Üñóõòÿÿû ăąĀĀÿĂĄ ÷ĂÿąĀ ćÿĂûõĂ âÿþ÷ ăñùô ęÛĆõĂĉÿþõ ÷ÿĄ Ąÿ Āñ÷õ ăñùô ę×üü ćøÿ ĀñĂĄùóùĀñĄõ ùþ Ąøõ ñóĄùĆùĄùõă ñĄĄõþôõô øñô ñ ÷ĂõñĄ Ąùýõ éÿýõ ĀõÿĀüõ üõöĄ ñă Ąøõ ñþăćõĂùþ÷ āąõăĄùÿþă íõ öÿÿô ćñă Ąÿÿ øõñüĄøĉ ×üü ùþ came up with so many all it was a fun afternoon.” ÷ñýõă õĆõĂĉÿþõ øñô ñ óøñþóõ Ąÿ ćùþ ñ öÿÿô Āñóû Ě ëþùĄùþ÷ ÙÿýýąþùĄùõă Community Development ęêøõ ýñúÿĂùĄĉ ÿö participants said they have íÿĂûõĂ ãñ÷÷ùõ ãóÙñòõ üõñĂþĄ ăÿýõĄøùþ÷ þõć ñþô ăñùô Ąøõ ñóĄùĆùĄĉ ćñă ñ ÷ÿÿô ÿĀĀÿĂĄąþùĄĉ Ąÿ ăĄĂõþ÷Ąøõþ ÷ñùþõô ýÿĂõ ûþÿćüõô÷õ ăĄñûõøÿüôõĂ ĂõüñĄùÿþăøùĀă Everyone have the chance ñþô òąùüô ÿþ õĈùăĄùþ÷ ăÿóùñü Ąÿ øñĆõ üąþóø Ąÿ÷õĄøõĂ inclusion and healthy shared info and at the end lifestyle projects. õĆõĂĉÿþõ ÷ÿĄ Ąÿ ÷ÿ øÿýõ ćùĄø ñ öÿÿô Āñóû Ě




4 1. The Love Your Liver poster produced by James Nash clients . ÚĂą÷ ×Ăý ăøÿć ÿŀ ĄøõùĂ üùĆõĂ love 3. Lansia gardening group 4. Healthy, mouth-watering wood oven pizza cooked at the Ridley Grove Community Garden.





African communities embrace WHD campaign


×öĂùóñþ íÿýõþėă ÜõôõĂñĄùÿþ ÿö éÿąĄø ׹ăĄĂñüùñ ±×íÜåéײ embraced the opportunity to help raise community awareness about viral hepatitis as many in their óÿýýąþùĄĉ ôùôþėĄ have ýąóø ûþÿćüõô÷õ ñòÿąĄ Ąøùă ÷üÿòñü ĄøĂõñĄ ñþô ùĄă Ăùăû öñóĄÿĂă The event was attended òĉ ñòÿąĄ 0, ĀõÿĀüõ ñþô included an interactive information session ĀĂõăõþĄõô òĉ ÞõĀñĄùĄùă é× ×íÜåé× ăñùô ĀñĂĄùóùĀñþĄă learnt a lot from the session and were able to discuss hepatitis related issues with their families ñþô öĂùõþôă êøõ øõñüĄøĉ üùĆõĂ«öĂùõþôüĉ üąþóø ÷ñĆõ participants an idea of what to eat in order to ĀĂÿĄõóĄ ñþô üÿÿû ñöĄõĂ ĄøõùĂ liver.


. ×íÜåé× ăĄñŀ ĀĂÿýÿĄùþ÷ üùĆõĂ health 3. Info stall at Aboriginal health service Nunkuwarrin Yunti


Cecilia Lim Information & Resources Coordinator


Free, confidential information and support on viral hepatitis:

1300 437 222

Photos © 1: Lisa Carter; 3: Jorge Carvajal

1. Love Your Liver rock, given away at many of our WHD events

Øõăùôõă Ąøõ ×íÜåé× Ąøõ ×óøÿüù ÙÿýýąþùĄĉ ñþô Ąøõ éùõĂĂñ âõÿþõñþ ÙÿýýąþùĄĉ ùþ é× ±éßâÙåéײ ñüăÿ ÿĂ÷ñþùăõô íÿĂüô ÞõĀñĄùĄùă Úñĉ sessions where educators provided information to community members about viral hepatitis and liver health.

Call Us!

Affected by hepatitis C? 3KRWR ‹ 6 $OOHQ

Warinilla Outpatients Hepatitis C Treatment Clinic 5. ĂĽÄƒýÿÞô êóþ Norwood Tuesdays monthly 2–4PM Upcoming dates: èÚÞá âÚÄƒĂą ÿÞ 4/2. 400/ for details


Calming the C: Hackney Tuesday, 20 January Tuesday, 3 February Tuesday, 17 February Tuesday, 3 March Tuesday, 17 March Tuesday, 14 April Tuesday, 28 April

Tuesday, 12 May Tuesday, 26 May Tuesday, 9 June Tuesday, 23 June Tuesday, 7 July Tuesday, 21 July Tuesday, 4 August Tuesday, 18 August

Hepatitis C peer educators are also available to provide information and support to clients at the following services:

Tuesday, 1 September Tuesday, 15 September Tuesday, 29 September Tuesday, 13 October Tuesday, 27 October Tuesday, 10 November Tuesday, 24 November Tuesday, 8 December

CALMING the C in the NORTH Thursday, 22 January

Thursday, 14 May

Thursday, 3 September

Thursday, 19 February

Thursday, 11 June

Thursday, 1 October

Thursday, 19 March

Thursday, 9 July

Thursday, 29 October

Thursday, 16 April

Thursday, 6 August

Thursday, 26 November

CALMING the C at the PORT Tuesday, 27 January

Tuesday, 19 May

Tuesday, 8 September

Tuesday, 24 February

Tuesday, 16 June

Tuesday, 6 October

Tuesday, 24 March

Tuesday, 14 July

Tuesday, 3 November

Tuesday, 21 April

Tuesday, 11 August

Tuesday, 1 December

DASSA Southern Service 4. Ă˜þùóø èô Christies Beach Monday monthly 10AM–1PM Upcoming dates: èÚÞá âÚÄƒĂą ÿÞ 4/2. 400/ for details DASSA Northern Service .. âùÞáÜÿÄ‚Ă´ ÚĂ Ă›ßÚÄŠùòþÄ„ø Thursday fortnightly 10AM–12PM Upcoming dates: èÚÞá âÚÄƒĂą ÿÞ 4/2. 400/ for details Hutt Street Centre .14 ÞąĄĄ ĂŠÄ„ Ă—ôþßùÚôþ Wednesday weekly 10AM–12.30PM WestCare Centre -3 ãÚßßþĂă ÙÿąĂĄ ¹ÿĹ€ Ă­Ä‚ÚáøÄ„ ĂŠÄ„² Ă—ôþßùÚôþ Wednesday weekly 10.30AM–12.30PM



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In our library we have a range of resources to support a healthy lifestyle for people coping with a chronic disease. The following books are available for loan: just contact us (details at the bottom of the page) and let us know what interests you. New Vegetarian Robin Asbell, San Francisco, 2009 Need some inspiration to improve your diet? Try Ąøùă ýÿĂõ Ąøñþ 31 øõñüĄøĉ contemporary recipes for ĀñăĄñ Ąñ÷ùþõă óąĂĂùõă Ăùõă soups and desserts. tss.

Teach Yourself to Meditate in 10 Simple Lessons Eric Harrison, Berkeley, 2001 × óüñăăùó øÿć«Ąÿ ÷ąùôõ Ąÿ øõüĀ ĉÿą ôõ«ăĄĂõăă ĉÿąĂ üùöõ íùĄø ăÿ ýąóø õĆùôõþóõ that meditation can assist ùþ ôõñüùþ÷ ćùĄø Āøĉăùóñü and emotional disorder Ąøùă òÿÿû óÿąüô Ăõñüüĉ improve your life. Ngangkari Work – Anangu Way: traditional healers NPY Women’s Council Aboriginal Corporation, Alice Springs, 2003 × òõñąĄùöąüüĉ ùüüąăĄĂñĄõô òÿÿû ĀĂÿýÿĄùþ÷ Ąøõ value and importance ÿö ĄĂñôùĄùÿþñü ×òÿĂù÷ùþñü social and emotional øõñüùþ÷ ĀĂñóĄùóõă ÙÿþĄñùþă ăĄÿĂùõă ñþô ĀøÿĄÿ÷ĂñĀøă ÿö practitioners.

Salt Matters: a consumer guide Dr Trevor Beard, Melbourne, 2004 Øñóûõô òĉ óüùþùóñü ĂõăõñĂóø Ąøùă ùþ«ôõĀĄø ÷ąùôõ ÿąĄüùþõă Ąøõ øõñüĄø problems that salt causes ñþô ÷ùĆõă ùþăĄĂąóĄùÿþă ÿþ øÿć Ąÿ Ăõôąóõ ĉÿąĂ ąăñ÷õ Know Your Rights: when using health and community services in South Australia. Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner, Adelaide, 2012 × òĂùõö ñþô ùþöÿĂýñĄùĆõ ÿĆõĂĆùõć ÿö øÿć Ąÿ ÷õĄ the best experience when ąăùþ÷ Ąøõăõ ăõĂĆùóõă Contains the charter of Ăù÷øĄă ñþô óÿþĄñóĄ ôõĄñùüă for more information. Liver Cirrhosis: A toolkit for patients Uni of Michigan Health System, Michigan, 2011 Clearly laid out informa« tion that could be useful öÿĂ ñ Ăñþ÷õ ÿö óÿþôùĄùÿþă ùþ ùþóüąôùþ÷ óøñĂĄă Ąÿ ĂõóÿĂô ý ýõôùóñĄùÿþă ñĀĀÿùþĄ« ý ýõþĄă ñþô òüÿÿôćÿĂû s schedules as well as infor« ý ýñĄùÿþ ñòÿąĄ ôùõĄ ăĉýĀ« t toms and treatments.

If you would like to know more about our library, including our comprehensive catalogue of free-to-access online resources, please contact us at hepatitissa.asn.au/library or at 3 Hackney Road, Hackney. Phone us on 8362 8443 or email librarian@hepsa.asn.au.



Useful Services & Contacts Hepatitis SA Free education sessions, printed information, telephone information and support, referrals, clean needle program and library. (08) 8362 8443 admin@hepatitissa.asn.au www.hepsa.asn.au Hepatitis SA Helpline 1300 437 222 (cost of a local call) Adelaide Dental Hospital A specially funded clinic provides priority dental care for people with hepatitis C with a Health Care Card.

Lifeline National, 24-hour telephone counselling service.

Positive Life SA Services and support for HIVpositive people.

13 11 14 (cost of a local call) www.lifeline.org.au

(08) 8293 3700 www.positivelifesa.org.au

Mental Health Crisis Service 24 hour information and crisis line available to all rural, remote and metropolitan callers.

(08) 8351 7626

13 14 65 MOSAIC Counselling service For anyone whose life is affected by hepatitis.

Call Hepatitis SA on 1300 437 222 for a referral.

(08) 8223 4566


Nunkuwarrin Yunti An Aboriginal-controlled, citybased health service with clean needle program and liver clinic.

Mental health information line

SA Sex Industry Network Promotes the health, rights and wellbeing of sex workers.

SAMESH South Australia Mobilisation + Empowerment for Sexual Health www.samesh.org.au Youth Health Service Free, confidential health service for youth aged 12 to 25. Youth Helpline: 1300 13 17 19 Parent Helpline: 1300 364 100

1300 224 636 www.beyondlbue.org.au

(08) 8406 1600

Clean Needle Programs in SA For locations call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service, or visit the Hepatitis SA Hackney office.

P.E.A.C.E. HIV and hepatitis education and support for people from nonEnglish speaking backgrounds.

1300 131 340

(08) 8245 8100

Community Access & Services SA Alcohol and drug education; clean needle program for the Vietnamese and other communities.

Viral Hepatitis Community Nurses Care and assistance, education, streamline referrals, patient support, monitoring and follow-ups. Clients can self-refer. Contact nurses directly for an appointment.

(08) 8447 8821

Central & North

headspace Mental health issues are common. Find information, support and help at your local headspace centre 1800 650 890 www.headspace.org.au

Vincentian Centre Men’s night shelter run by St Vincent dePaul Society. Assistance hotline: 1300 729 202

Margery - 0423 782 415 margery.milner@health.sa.gov.au Debbie - 0401 717 953 deborah.perks@health.sa.gov.au Trish - 0413 285 476 Lucy - 0401 717 971 South

Rosalie - 0466 777 876 rosalie.altus@fmc.sa.gov.au Emma - 0466 777 873

Are you interested in volunteering with Hepatitis SA? Give us a call on 8362 8443 or drop us a line at admin@hepatitissa.asn.au. We rely on volunteers for many of our vital services.

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