Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver
Hepatitis B Love Your Liver.indd 1
2/09/2014 11:18:05 AM
Pika Nyaa Nyangatja Hep B? Hepatitis B (hep B) pika nyangatjaku ini, “virus�. Virus nyangatja kanyira, uti nyuntu wama wantira palya nyinama. Nyuntumpa alu-ngku milkali kilina kanyilpai munu vitamin wirukutu uripai nyuntumpa anangungka. Kunpu nyinama alu pikatjararingkupaingkutawara nyuntumpa AHS - kutu anama ka AHS-angku alpamilani, pika rawa kanyira tjinguru pikaringkuku.
What is Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B (hep B) is a virus that can make your liver sick, however many people with hep B live long healthy lives. The liver is the largest organ inside your body; it is located under the rib cage on the right hand side of the body. It does many important jobs in your body, such as storing vitamins, and cleaning toxins out of your blood such as alcohol. Hep B can cause scarring on your liver. Over time the liver can become scarred called cirrhosis. This can lead to cancer or liver failure. Damage to your liver can happen even when you feel healthy. The virus can make some people feel tired, achy, and generally unwell. If you feel unwell your local Aboriginal Health Service can help you to manage any symptoms. To stay healthy it is important to have a healthy lifestyle and yearly health checks, as you carry the virus your whole life.
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Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 3
2/09/2014 11:18:05 AM
Yaaltjinguru pika nyangatja mantjinu munu yaaltji-yaaltji wiyalku? Pika nyangatja milkalinguru mantjilpai, pika pungkunyangka, mitamita kutjupa pampunytjala, sports inkanyangka. Kutjupara tjitji-ngku pika nyangatja mantjilpai iti ngarinyingka ngunytjunguru. Uti nyuntu nyila, katiti paltjilpai munu ritjanguru. Share-milantja wiyangku wantima munu glove kanyila, condom-yutjimilanma. Immunisation panya free ngaranyi nyuntumpa AHS-ngka.
How did I get Hep B? How to prevent it spreading? Hep B can be spread through any blood to blood contact or sexual fluids. This includes blood from fighting, cultural practices, playing sport, or sharing any equipment that cuts the skin. Most people with hep B got the virus during child birth from their mother. You can prevent spreading the virus by… • Making sure anyone you live with is immunised • Only get tattoos or piercing done at a licenced shop • Not sharing shaving razors, tooth brushes, or injecting needles / equipment • Wear gloves when doing first aid or cleaning up blood • Make sure sexual partners are immunised or use a condom • Always follow the ‘blood rule’ when playing sport Free immunisations are available at your local Aboriginal Health Service.
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Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 5
2/09/2014 11:18:08 AM
Nyuntu pika Hep B mantjilpai wiya... Cool drink munu mai-nguru Ampunyangka munu nyunnytjun-yangka Mara witinyangka Kuntjulnguru Toilet-anguru Kiwinyanguru
You can’t get Hep B from‌ Sharing food and drinks Hugging and kissing Holding hands Sneezing or coughing Toilet seats Mosquitoes
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2/09/2014 11:18:08 AM
Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 7
2/09/2014 11:18:09 AM
Nyinanyi pika nyangatjatjara Hep B - pika nyakunytjaku Nyuntu anama health check-ku pika pulkaringkupaingka. Health check-angku nintilpai, pika yaaltjiru kanyini. Milkalingku utilpai nyuntumpa Health check-nguru. Test nyangangnguru nintilpai tjinguru mititjinangku.
Living with Hep B – health checks It is important to have health checks every year. You need health checks every year as the virus can get worse without you knowing or even feeling sick. A health check is often the only way to tell if your liver is sick or healthy. Blood tests can show how much virus is in your body. Scans of your liver can show if there is any damage or scarring. These tests will show if you need medication to help control the virus. Not everyone will need to take medication, but if you do need medication it must be taken every day. If you forget you can get sick.
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2/09/2014 11:18:09 AM
Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 9
2/09/2014 11:18:11 AM
Alu wiru kanyinma rawangku Nyuntu wirura nyinama munu mai wiru ngalkunma munu para-ngarama, nyuntumpa alu wirura kanyintjaku. Wama pulka tjikira kuralpai, nyuntumpa alu, wama wanti munta wama tjuku-tjuku tjikila. Puyu munu mai kura kuralkupai nyuntumpa alu. Mai wiru ngalkula munu mai kura tjuku-tjuku ngalkula. Kapi tjikila munu wama tjuku-tjuku tjikila. Nyuntu tjinguru puyu ninti, wiyariwa munta tjuku-tjuku puyu wanti. Para-ngarama tjintungka. Paku wiyariwa ka kunpu munu pukul nyinama.
Loving your liver every day Your lifestyle is important as a good diet and being active will help keep your liver healthy. Drinking alcohol will damage you liver, it is important to stop drinking alcohol or only drink small amounts. Smoking and eating junk food will also lead to more liver damage. Eat more healthy food, eat less junk food. Drink more water, drink less alcohol. If you smoke try and quit or cut down how much you smoke. Be more active throughout the day. Take time to do activities that help you relax and reduce stress.
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Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 11
2/09/2014 11:18:15 AM
Hep B munu ititjara Anangu nyinanyi hep B-tjara mantjinu pika nyangatja mantjinu ngunytjunguru. Iriti ngunytju kutjupa tjuta ngurpa nyinanyi hep B-ku, ka medication wiya ngaranyi itinya atunymankunytjaku hep B-nguru. Kuwari medication ngaranyi itinya atunymankunytjaku pika nyangatja hep B. Nyuntumpa iti uwa hep B antibodies ini immunoglobulin. Nyuntumpa iti piriku nyila kutjara-kutjara mantjini; iti ngarinytja, kinara kutjaranguru, kinara kutjara-kutjaranguru, mankurpa-mankurpa munta iyangka. Hep B antibodies-angku munu nyilangku nyutumpa tjitji atunymananyi ka nyuntumpa tjitjingku pika nyangatja uranytja wiya. Ngunytju tjuta hep B–tjara palya ama unganyi tjanampa itikutu. Minyma tjuta ititjara uti rawangku ankula nyawa tjanampa takata kiilinikangka munta atjupitilangka.
Hep B and pregnancy Most people living with hep B got it from their mother during birth. In the past many mums did not know they had hep B, and there was no medication available to prevent babies from getting hep B. There is now medication available that will reduce the chance of mums with hep B passing it on to their children. To protect your baby from contracting hep B at birth they should receive hep B antibodies called immunoglobulin. Your baby will also require four hep B immunisations; at birth, 2 months, 4 months, and at 6 or 12 months. The hep B antibodies and immunisations will reduce the chance of your child getting hep B. Most mums with hep B can safely breast feed their babies. Pregnant women should have regular checks throughout their pregnancy at their local health service or hospital.
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Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 13
2/09/2014 11:18:16 AM
Ngananya tjakultjunku?, Kutjupan wangkaku? Nyuntu mukuringkuytjaku wangkantjikitja? Nyuntu Kulintja! Pika nyangatja Confidential. Nyuntu tjinguru Army-ngka, Insurance-ku, Dentist-angku munu milkali ungkunytjaku Surgeon-ku. waakaringkunytjaku, nyuntu paluru tjanalakutu tjakultjura. Piranpangku, Anangungku munu ngura kutjupitja tjutangku, kunta wiyangku pukulpa wiru nyinanyi pika nyangatjatjara. Nyuntu mukuringainyi wangkantjikitja ringamilanma nyuntumpa AHS-ku, Hepatitis SA Helpline 1300 437 222.
Who do you have to tell? Who else can help? You don’t have to tell anyone, it is your choice who you want to know. The only times you would need to tell anyone you have hep B is if you wanted to join the defence forces, get life insurance, compete in mixed martial arts, or work in a profession that undertakes exposure prone procedures (e.g. Dentist or Surgeon). You are also not allowed to donate blood. Many people around the world have hep B. There is no shame in having hep B. With yearly health checks and a healthy lifestyle you can live a long healthy life. For more information and support you can contact your local Aboriginal Health Service, or call the Hepatitis SA Helpline on 1300 437 222.
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Nyuntumpa Alu Wiru Kanyinma Love Your Liver.indd 15
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AHCSA and Hepatitis SA would like to acknowledge Kakarrara Wilurrara Health Alliance, Tullawon Health Service, Oak Valley Health Service, Spinifex Health Service, Zane Gunter, Beaver Peel for supporting the development of this resource, and Hepatitis Australia for providing funds for this project. Front Cover Painting: “Healthy Alu” If we eat fresh kuka (meats) and fruits like our bush tucker, drink plenty of kapi (water) and not alcohol, exercise by playing sports or going out to collect / hunt bush tucker, our alu (livers), body and minds will be healthier. Artists: Sophia Gibson, Theresa Peters, Glenda Ken, Stephanie May, Karen Charra, Bronwyn Smart, Jessica Viersma Pitjantjatjara Language: Gavin Peel and Karina Lester Design: Adam Stewart Illustrator: Patrick Bayly, Workspace Design. © The Strong Spirit Strong mind images are copyright of the Western Australian Drug and Alcohol Office (WA Alcohol and Drug Authority) and have been used in this resource with permission. Reproduction for purposes other than this resource requires written permission of: Drug and Alcohol Office, PO Box 126, Mt Lawly WA 6929.
Hepatitis SA Ph: 08 8362 8443 / 1300 437 222 (country callers) Fax: 08 8362 8559 www.hepatitissa.asn.au www.K3myliver.org.au
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Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ph: 08 8273 7200 Fax: 08 8273 7299 www.ahcsa.org.au
2/09/2014 11:18:17 AM