Keeping The Dream Alive September 6 – 9, 2012
2012 ENTRY HANDBOOK Everything You Need to Enter Exhibits at the Fair! 530-667-5312 • •
Offer on the John Deere 3032E Model: 32 hp, Hydrostratic Transmission, Power Steering, 4-Wheel Drive. Model 305 Loader included! Shown with optional Wood Chipper.
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541-798-5660 • 21600 HWY 39 • MERRILL, OR 0% Fixed-Rate Financing 60 Months offer on new John Deere 3E Series Compact Utility Tractors available February 1, 2012 through July 31, 2012 and is subject to approved credit on John Deere Financial Installment Plan. Some restriction apply; other special rates and terms may be available, so see your dealer for details and other financing options. Offer can be combined with dollars off promotions. Save $1000 USD on a new John Deere 3E Series Compact Utility Tractor when purchased with two or more John Deere or Frontier implements offer available February 1, 2012 through July 31, 2012. Available at participating dealers in the United States. Prices and models vary by dealer. Offers available on new equipment and in the U.S. only. Sales made to government agencies, company direct sales or other businesses/agencies that participate in John Deere’s Special Discount Program, and businesses that participate in John Deere’s Rental Business Program are not eligible. Prices and savings in U.S. dollars. . John Deere’s green and yellow color scheme, the leaping deer symbol and JOHN DEERE are trademarks of Deere & Company.
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EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK Thank you for your interest in participating at this year’s fair. We hope that you find all the information that you are looking for in this year’s handbook. If you need any assistance please contact the fair office at 530-667-5312 or email You will find this little “new” sign throughout the book for new items: rules, divisions, classes, etc. The following is some general information that we have incorporated into this year’s Exhibitor Handbook to try to make it more user friendly.
GENERAL INFORMATION Days & Hours of the Fair Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
“Pay What You Can Admission”
It’s your choice. If you choose to donate, pay what you can! Below are the daily admission ticket values of attending the fair. Children: Adult: Family of 3 to 4: Family of 5 or more:
Suggested Daily Donation $1 to $3 $3 to $5 $7 to $15 $10 to $20
Where to Park
10:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M
The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair will be offering the general public 2 choices of parking at this year’s fair. The options include a Daily Preferred Parking Lot and a Free Parking Lot.
10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M
There are two Preferred Parking Lots for your convenience. The Preferred Parking Lots are located at the main entrance of the fair in the grass and paved parking lots. You can enter the parking lots by turning right or left off of Main Street as you approach the main entrance of the fairgrounds and enter at the Preferred Parking Lot signs. The cost to park your vehicle in the Daily Preferred Parking Lot is $5 and there are no in and out privileges. Upon parking your vehicle, you will enter the fairgrounds at the North Main Entrance Gate.
Exhibit Building Hours Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Fair Admission Fees
Sponsor of the Day Thursday – Floyd A. Boyd Company Friday – PremierWest Bank Saturday – J.W. Kerns Irrigation Co. Sunday – Macy’s Flying Service Carnival – Paul Maurer Shows “Pay One Price” and Ride ALL DAY! Pre-Sale Price $20.00* Fair-Time Price $28.00 Carnival opens at 12:00 noon everyday and closes at 12:00 a.m. *Pre-Sale Price ends 9/5/2012. Pay One Price Tickets available online at or call for ticket locations.*Children must be 3 years of age and 36 inches tall.
“Daily Preferred Paid Parking Lot”
“Daily Free Parking Lot”
The “Free” Parking Lot is located at the south end, back entrance of the fair. You can enter this parking lot by driving 1/8 of a mile past the main entrance of the fair and turning right at the South Parking Lot sign. Upon parking, you will enter the fairgrounds at the South Entrance Gate.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
“Under the Lights” Fair Bowl Game Tulelake vs. Mercy
“Battle of the Basin” Destruction Derby TICKET PRICES
GENERAL ADMISSION Presale Price* $7 Onsite $10
“Challenge to be the Toughest” Tuff Truck Racing TICKET PRICES
GENERAL ADMISSION Presale Price* $7 Onsite $10
“Extreme Mud” 4x4 Mud Bogs TICKET PRICES
GENERAL ADMISSION Presale Price* $7 Onsite $10
*Presale Price Tickets end 24 hours prior to the scheduled event and are available online at TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
EXHIBITOR’S “HOW TO ENTER” PAGE Have you always wanted to enter an item into the annual fair? Here is a step-by-step guide to assist you in doing just that. STEP 1: Obtain an Exhibitor Handbook The handbook is located on our website (, at the fair office and at various other businesses in Siskiyou, Modoc, and Klamath Counties (contact the fair office 530-667-5312 for exact locations). The handbook is usually available starting in June of each year. STEP 2: Review the Exhibitor Handbook Read through the state and local rules. All major changes will be noted with a NEW!! notation in front of the rule. There is a table of contents that breaks down the handbook so it is easier to determine between Junior (17 and under) and Adult/Senior (18 and over unless the class is not offered in the Junior section), to locate the department and classes that are available to be entered. STEP 3: Obtain an Entry Form The entry form is available on our website ( or inside of each Exhibitor Handbook. You may make as many copies of these as needed. One entry form is needed for each livestock species, departments other than livestock and horses may be entered on one entry form. (i.e. art, photo, foods, ag, flowers all on one form!) STEP 4: Complete the Entry Form The entry form needs to be completed in full. Enter all personal information such as name, physical and mailing address, date of birth, etc. Enter the Division and Class numbers for the item(s) that you wish to enter (these are located in the Exhibitor’s Handbook). Fill in a description of the item (i.e. class is painting, description would be mountain) and if an entry fee/drug fee is applicable. Be sure to sign the form stating that you have read, understand and agree to abide by the rules and release liability from the fair regarding the item entered. Make a copy of the entry form for your records, to keep costs down the fair will not provide you with a copy. All incomplete entry forms will be accessed a $10 processing fee. STEP 5: Turn in the Entry Form to the Fair Office Entry forms are due in the fair office no later than 5:00 PM or post marked per the following schedule: th Market Beef: May 6 th Market Swine: July 7 th Market Sheep: July 7 th Market Goats: July 7 th Market Pen of Rabbits: August 8 th Market Pen of Poultry: August 8 th All other departments: Monday, August 20 Entry forms may be hand-delivered, mailed or dropped through the slot in the rear door of the main office. Entry forms received after the deadline cannot be accepted. STEP 6: Deliver the Exhibit Entered You bring your item to the fairgrounds on the dates and times specified in the Exhibitor’s Handbook; there will be signage to determine which building to go to. For still exhibits you will be given a claim tag upon delivery. The item will then stay on the grounds until the fair is officially over (Sunday at 8:00 P.M.). STEP 7: Visit the Fair Come to the fair and view your item being displayed. See if you received a ribbon and tell all your friends! See the department section on the specific time of judging. STEP 8: Pick up your Item and Awards (if applicable) Between 8:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on the Sunday of the fair and the following Monday from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., you are able to pick up your item that was entered. For still exhibits, be sure to bring your claim tag to turn in. You will go to the department that your item was displayed to pick it up. If you received a ribbon on your item be sure to check with the department supervisor or building clerks about award/premium checks. Should you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 530-667-5312 or by email TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
STATE OFFICIALS Edmund G Brown Jr. Ted Gaines Doug LaMalfa Jim Nielsen Karen Ross
Governor, State of California State Senator, 1st District State Senator, 4th District Assemblyman, 2nd District Secretary, Department of Food & Agriculture
BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10-A DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION Jennifer Skoog, President Venancio Hernandez, Vice-President Geri Byrne Gayle Ratliff Russell Criss Kathleen Luscombe Joan Haskins John Crowell
FAIR STAFF Dave Dillabo Pam McFall Dave Kandra
Fair Manager Business Assistant Senior Maintenance
DEPARTMENT SUPERVISORS Buildings Gymkhana Livestock
Mary Shuck & Dorothy Will Rhonda Hemphill Geri Byrne & Russell Criss
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK 8 Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION Auction Information……………... Board of Directors………………. Department Supervisors……….. Entertainment…………………… Entry Form………………………. Entry Form Deadlines………….. Entry Receiving Schedule……… Fair Staff…………………………. General Fair Information….……. Help/How to Page………….…… Judge List…..……………………. Judging Schedule………………. Livestock Weigh-In Schedule….. Notice to Exhibitors……………... Parade Entry Form……………… Rules – Local……………………. Rules – State……………………. State Officials…………………….
ADULT/SENIOR DEPARTMENT NOTE: Juniors are allowed to enter into the Senior Department only if the class or another class is not offered in the Junior Department.
Agriculture……………………… Arts & Crafts……………………. Beef………………………………. Clothing & Textiles (sewing)…… Dairy Goats……………………… Feature Booths…………………. Floriculture………………………. Foods ………...………………….. Gymkhana………………………. Photography…………………….. Quilts & Quilted Items………….. Sheep…………………………….. Special Contest.…………………
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27 4 4 2
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JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Agriculture………………………. Arts & Crafts ……………………. Auction Information…………….. Beef………………………………. Clothing & Textiles (sewing)…… Create-A-Cow Contest…………. Dairy Cattle…………………….... Feature Booths………………….. Floriculture………………………. Foods ………...………………….. Goats…………………………….. Gymkhana……………………… Livestock Department………….. Code of Conduct…………… Show Ring Etiquette............ Photography…………………….. Poultry…………………………… Rabbits…………………………… Sheep…………………………….. Showmanship…………………… Swine……………………………..
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Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Subject to change without notice
Exhibits received: Arts & Crafts, Clothing, Photography, Garbage Cans, Murals & Collections: FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st Check entries in at Home Economics or Arts & Crafts Building 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. SEPTEMBER SATURDAY, 1st Arts & Crafts, Clothing, Photography, Garbage Cans, Murals & Exhibits received: Check entries Home Economics or ArtsPhotography, & Crafts Building Garbage Cans, Murals & 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Collections: Exhibits received: Artsin&atCrafts, Clothing, st Collections: Check SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 entries in at Home Economics or Arts & Crafts Building 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.SEPTEMBER MONDAY, 3rd Arts & Crafts, Clothing, Photography, Garbage Cans, Murals & Exhibits received:
Collections: Check entries in at Home Building Economics or Arts & Crafts Building Clothing Judging: Home Economics rd 10:00 a.m. SEPTEMBER Photography 3Judging: Home Economics Building MONDAY, 10:00 a.m.SEPTEMBER Clothing Judging: TUESDAY, 4th Home Economics Building 10:00 p.m. a.m. Photography Judging: Home Economics Building 7 a.m.-10 Livestock may be received: Excluding Market Goats and Market Sheep. Must be received on 9/5 from 1 to 4 pm. 10:00 a.m.
th 10:00 a.m.SEPTEMBER Arts & Crafts4Judging: Arts & Crafts Building TUESDAY,
Exhibits Agriculture & Foods: entries in atSheep. Home Economics Building Livestockreceived: may be received: Excluding Market Check Goats and Market Must be received on 9/5 from 1 to 4 pm. th 10:00 a.m. Arts & Crafts Judging: Arts & Crafts Building WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 6:00-10:00 - 9:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m. Exhibits Foods:&Check entries in at HomeCheck Economics Building Exhibits received: Received:Agriculture Agriculture,&Foods, Potted Plants: in at Home Economics Building 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. p.m. 7 a.m.-10
10:00 a.m. AgSEPTEMBER Mechanics Project WEDNESDAY, 5th Judging: Beef Barn Area 7:00-10:00 - 1:00 a.m. p.m. 7:00
10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 7:00 - 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 - 1:00 4:00 p.m. p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 3:30 - 4:00 p.m. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 -- 4:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. 3:30 6:00 7:00 p.m. 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 - 8:00 6:00 p.m. p.m. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Cattle, Swine, Rabbits and Poultry received Exhibits Received: Agriculture, Foods, & Potted Plants: Check in at Home Economics Building All Cattle, Swine, Rabbits and Poultry must be received and in place no later than 1:00 p.m. Ag MechanicsGarden Project Judging Judging: Beef Barn Area Adopt-A-Spot Cattle, Swine, Rabbits and Poultry received Foods, Agriculture, Feature Judging All Cattle, Swine, Rabbits and& Poultry must beBooths received and in place no later than 1:00 p.m. Sheep and Goats received Adopt-A-Spot Garden Judging
All Market Sheep and Market Goats must be received and Vet-checked between 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Enter at North Parking Lot Entrance Main Street and trailersBooths on front asphalt parking lot for vet check. Vet check must be completed prior to Foods,OFF Agriculture, &line-up Feature Judging entering livestock gate next to main office. The Vet will only be available between 1pm to 4pm. Breeding Sheep and Breeding Sheep and Goats received Goats are not required to be vet checked for entry. All Market Sheep and Market Goats must be received and Vet-checked between 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Enter at North Parking Lot Official Market Animal Weigh-In Entrance OFF Main Street and line-up trailers on front asphalt parking lot for vet check. Vet check must be completed prior to entering livestock gate next to main office. The Vet will only be available between 1pm to 4pm. Breeding Sheep and Breeding Market Rabbit Weigh-In Goats are not required&to Poultry be vet checked for entry.
Market Market Sheep &Animal Market Goat Weigh-In Official Weigh-In Market Swine Weigh-in Market Rabbit & Poultry Weigh-In Market Weigh-in Market Steer Sheep&&Replacement Market Goat Heifer Weigh-In All Commercial Exhibitors and Concessions must be in place Market Swine Weigh-in Market Steer & Replacement Heifer Weigh-in SAVE 30% All Commercial Exhibitors and Concessions must be in place
Pre-Sale Price: $20.00*
BUY YOUR CARNIVAL WRISTBANDS TODAY! Fair-time Price: $28.00 Pre-Sale Price: $20.00*
Pay one Price and ride all day. Tickets redeemable everyday - Thursday through Sunday. th *Pre-Sale Price ends Wednesday, September 5 . Visit buy carnival tickets online! Fair-time toPrice: $28.00 Children must 3 years of age andeveryday at least 36 inches tall. Pay one Price and ride all day.beTickets redeemable - Thursday through Sunday. th *Pre-Sale Price ends Wednesday, September 5 . Visit TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 to buy carnival tickets online! EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK Children must be 3 years of age and at least 36 inches tall.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
FAIR EXHIBIT SCHEDULE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th “Opening Day of Fair” 7 a.m.- 7 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 12:00 Midnight
Exhibits Received: Arrangements, Potted Plants & 1st Cut Flower Show – Home Ec. Building Livestock Exhibitors and Leaders Meeting – Swine Arena Gymkhana Horse Show - Sign-up @ Horse Arena Beef Show Judging – Beef Show Arena Show Order: Jr. Beef Showmanship (FFA, 4-H Novice, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior) followed by Jr. Market Beef, Jr. Breeding Cattle, Sr. Breeding Cattle
Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns open to the public Midway Carnival Open 1st Cut Flower Show Judging - Home Economics Building Beef Show Judging – Beef Show Arena
Show Order: Replacement Heifer Classes followed by the Rancher’s Choice Market Beef Competition
Farmers & Ranchers Appreciation Dinner - Jock’s Sale Pavilion Beef Replacement Heifer Sale – Jock’s Sale Pavilion “Under the Lights” Fair Bowl Football Game – Tulelake vs. Mercy Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns closed to the public Fairgrounds & Carnival Closed
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th 9:00 a.m.
Sheep & Meat Goat Show Judging – Beef Show Arena
Show Order: Jr. Sheep Showmanship (FFA, 4-H Novice, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior) followed by Jr. Market Sheep, Jr. Meat Goat Showmanship (FFA, 4-H Novice, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior) followed by Jr. Market Meat Goats, Jr. Breeding Meat Goats, Jr. Breeding Sheep and concluding with Sr. Breeding Sheep
10:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns open to the public Midway Carnival Open Goat Milk-Out – Sierra Exhibit Hall “Battle of the Basin” Destruction Derby – Grandstand Event Ticket Prices: General Admission: Presale $7, Onsite $10 (6 and under free)
8:00-9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 12:00 Midnight
Removal of cut flowers from first of 2 flower shows Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns closed to the public Fairgrounds & Carnival Closed
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.
2nd Cut Flower Show Exhibits Received – Home Economics Building Swine Show Judging – Swine Show Arena Show Order: Jr. Swine Showmanship (FFA, 4-H Novice, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior), followed by Jr. Market Swine
9:00 a.m.
Rabbit Show Judging – Sierra Exhibit Hall Show Order: Jr. Rabbit Showmanship (FFA, 4-H Novice, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior), Jr. Market Rabbits, Pen of Three Feeder Rabbits, Single Live Fryer Rabbits, Single Roasters, Single Stewer Rabbits, Jr. Breeding Rabbits
9:00 a.m.
Dairy Goat Show Judging – Goat Show Arena next to Sierra Exhibit Hall Show Order: Jr. Dairy Goat Showmanship, Jr. Breeding Dairy Goat Show followed by the Sr. Breeding Dairy Goat Show
11:00 a.m.
Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns open to the public Annual Pioneer Day – Honker Poultry Show Judging – Sierra Exhibit Hall
11:00 a.m.
Midway Carnival Open
10:00 a.m. 10 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Show Order: Jr. Poultry Showmanship (FFA, 4-H Novice, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior) followed by Jr. Poultry Meat Pens of Two.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
FAIR EXHIBIT SCHEDULE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th (Continued) 11:30 a.m. 12:00 Noon 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
All Livestock competition classes will break for parade. Resume at 1:30 Fair Parade – Tulelake Main Street 2nd Cut Flower Show Judging – Home Economics Building Pee Wee Showmanship – Beef Show Arena Parade of Champions – Beef Show Arena Display of the Champion & Reserve Champion exhibits from the Market Animal Divisions, Replacement Heifer Division and the Rancher’s Choice Market Beef Division. Parade of Champions Display order: Swine, Rabbits, Meat Goats, Sheep & Beef.
4:00 p.m.
Master Showmanship – Beef Show Arena
7:00 p.m.
“Challenge to be the Toughest” Tuff Truck Racing – Grandstand Event
Revolving Showmanship Schedule: FFA, 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior Ticket Prices: General Admission: Presale $7, Onsite $10 (6 and under free)
10:00 p.m. 12:00 Midnight
Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns closed to the public Fairgrounds & Carnival Closed
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.
Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns open to the public Grease Pig Contest - Beef Show Arena
Registration between 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Contest begins sharply @ 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Services: Stage # 1 Carnival Area Midway Carnival Open Awards Ceremony - Jock’s Sale Pavilion Rotary Junior Livestock Auction Sale – Jock’s Sale Pavilion Sale order: Beef, Rabbits, Swine, Goats, Sheep, Meat Poultry, Ag Projects
4:00 p.m.
“Extreme Mud” 4x4 Mud Bogs – Grandstand Event Ticket Price: General Admission: Pre Sale: $7, Onsite: $10.00, (6 and under free)
7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.
Exhibit Buildings & Livestock Barns closed to the public Release of Commercial Building Vendors and Building Exhibits Check-out time for all exhibits (excluding quilts hanging from ceiling and murals) and all commercial exhibitors/vendors. Any violation of check-out time rule will result in loss of premium money to exhibitors and permanent disqualification of commercial exhibitors & vendors!
7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Release of Livestock Exhibits Management will assign a staggered release order and all exhibitors must have a signed release form to be admitted in the gate to load out.
10:00 p.m.
Fairgrounds and Carnival Closed
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 12:00 Noon
FAIR OFFICE OPEN Check-out time for food concessionaires and remaining exhibits. Quilts hanging from ceiling release time. THE 10-A DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY EXHIBIT OR ENTRY LEFT ON THE FAIRGROUNDS AFTER SEPTEMBER 10th @ 5 P.M.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
ENTRY FORM DEADLINES Entry forms for either Adult/Senior or Junior Departments must be received at the fair office by 5:00 p.m. or officially postmarked no later than the date indicated or the exhibit will not be accepted. Entry Forms received after the deadline will be not be accepted. NOTE: Mailed entry forms should be hand-marked at your local Post Office to ensure your entry form is correctly postmarked with the date you have mailed it.
DEPARTMENT Agriculture Arts & Crafts Beef - Market Beef - Breeding Clothing & Textiles Dairy Cattle Feature Booths Floriculture Foods Goats- Market
ENTRY FORM DEADLINE Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Sunday, May 6 Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Saturday, July 7
ENTRY FORM DEADLINE Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Monday, August 20 Wednesday, August 8 Wednesday, August 8 Monday, August 20 Sunday, May 6 Saturday, July 7 Monday, August 20 Saturday, July 7
Goats – Breeding Pee Wee Showmanship Photography Poultry – Market Pen Rabbits – Market Rabbits – Breeding Replacement Heifers- Beef Sheep – Market Sheep – Breeding Swine – Market
Important News for Exhibitors 1. Premium Checks: Exhibitor premium checks will NOT be mailed to you after the fair. You must pick up your premium check in the fair office. The premium checks will be ready to be picked up on Sunday, September 9th @ 1pm. Checks not picked up prior to December 15th, 2012 will be voided and destroyed. 2. Local/State Rules: Be sure to read both Local and State rules. Important changes have been made and it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to familiarize themselves with all State and Local rules pertaining to their exhibits. Failure to comply with printed rules will nullify Premium Awards. The State Rules, as prescribed by the Division of Fairs and Expositions apply to all entries at this Fair. Exhibitors must familiarize themselves with the rules as they will be strictly enforced.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
TUESDAY 9/4 Exhibits Received 6-9pm
Ag Horticulture & Foods
WEDNESDAY 9/5 Exhibits Received 7-10am Exhibits Judged @1pm
Arts & Crafts
Exhibits Received 10am - 7pm
Exhibits Received 9am-5pm
Clothing & Photography
Exhibits Received 10am-7pm
Exhibits Received 9am-5pm
Exhibits Judged @ 10 am
Exhibits Judged @ 10am
Exhibits Received 7-10am (Potted Plants only)
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Goats & Sheep
Cattle Received 7am-10pm
Breeding Sheep & Goats Received 7am-10 pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Received 7-9am st (Potted and 1 Cut Flowers Show) Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Pick up Exhibits 8-9pm Buildings open 10am- 8pm Pick up Exhibits 8-9pm Buildings open 10am- 8pm Pick up Exhibits 8-9pm
Replacement Heifer Sale @ 6pm
Release of Cattle 7 – 8pm
Market Sheep & Goat Weigh-in 4 – 5 pm
See Schedule
Dairy Goat Show begins @ 9 am
Rabbit Show Judging @ 8 am Poultry Show Judging @ 11 am
Swine Received 7am-1pm Must be in place by 1pm
Swine Show Judging begins @ 9 am
Market Swine Weigh-in 6 – 7 pm
See Schedule
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Pick up Exhibits 8-9pm
Market Steer Replacement Heifer Weigh-in 6 – 7 pm
Sheep & Meat Goat Show Judging begins @ 9 am
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Jr. Livestock Auction @ 2pm
Market Goats & Sheep Received 1-4pm
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-8pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibits Judged @ 1pm
Jr. Livestock Auction @ 2pm Release of Sheep & Goats 7 – 8pm
Jr. Livestock Auction @ 2pm
Jr. Livestock Auction @ 2pm Release of Swine 7 – 8pm
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Pick up Exhibits & Premium Checks 9am-5pm
Gymkhana Horse Show @ 9am
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Buildings open 10am- 8pm
Beef Judging begins @ 9am See Schedule
Weigh-in 3:30 – 4pm
Swine Received 7am 10pm
Received 7-9am Cut Flowers Show)
Cattle Received 7am-1pm Must be in place by 1pm
Received 7am -1pm
Rabbits & Poultry
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibit Buildings open 10am-10pm
Exhibits Judged @ 1pm
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
OFFICIAL JUDGES LIST DEPARTMENT Ag Mechanics Agriculture Arts & Crafts Beef Clothing Feature Booths Floriculture Foods Goats – Dairy
JUDGE Larry Stevenson Diane Sheehan Mary Elizabeth Hubbard Kimeric DeLashmutt Mary Elizabeth Hubbard Diane Sheehan Diane Sheehan Marcella Haynes Diane Heaney
DEPARTMENT Goats - Meat Pee Wee Showmanship Photography Poultry Quilts & Quilted Items Rabbits Sheep Showmanship Swine
JUDGE Pat Ariaz Heather Caldwell Ken Ladis Yvonne Armstrong Mary Elizabeth Hubbard Yvonne Armstrong Pat Ariaz See Species Judge Amanda Wolf
Meat Rabbits Meat Poultry Market Sheep Market Goats Market Swine Market Steers Replacement Heifers – Preg Check
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
September 5th September 5th September 5th September 5th September 5th September 5th September 5th
3:30 – 4:00 P.M. 3:30 – 4:00 P.M. 4:00 – 5:00 P.M. 4:00 – 5:00 P.M. 5:00 – 6:00 P.M. 6:00 – 7:00 P.M. 6:00 – 7:00 P.M.
Gift Card Making by Connie Driessen & Friends Cooking Demonstration Klamath Spinners & Weavers Sheep Shearing Demonstration The Klamath Basin “Uncommon Beauty” Project by Vicki Shuck Gift Card Making by Connie Driessen & Friends Sheep Shearing Demonstration Heart of the Basin Quilters & Needle Arts Guild “Decorate a Bag” Kid’s Project
DATE & TIME Friday, September 7 @ 12 to 3 pm Friday, September 7 @ 3 to 4:40 pm Saturday, September 8 @ 10 am to 4pm Saturday, September 8 @ 1 pm
Home Economics Building Home Economics Building Home Economics Building Home Economics Building
Saturday, September 8 @ 11 am to 3 pm
Arts & Crafts Building
Saturday, September 8 @ 1 to 4 pm Sunday, September 9 @ 1 pm
Arts & Crafts Building Home Economics Building
Sunday, September 9 @ 10 am to 2:30 pm Sunday, September 9 @ 10 am to 12:30 pm
Home Economics Building Arts & Crafts Building
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
STATE OF CALIFORNIA Edmund G. Brown, Jr., Governor Department of Food & Agriculture Karen Ross, Secretary Division of Fairs & Expositions Rebecca Desmond, Director
Tomme Jo Dale, Fairs Management Consultant
The committee reviews these rules for recommendation to the Director.
California Department of Food & Agriculture Division of Fairs & Expositions
By signing and submitting an entry form the exhibitors and their agents, parents and leaders acknowledge and agree that they: a. Understand and have read these State Rules and local fair rules; b. Agree to abide by them; c. Certify that all information on the entry form is true and accurate; and d. Agree to comply with the fair's decision regarding any alleged violation of the State or Local Rules. e. In the event that it is determined there has been unethical treatment of animals or violation of state or federal regulations or of state or local fair drug policy rules, exhibitor names will be forwarded to the Division of Fairs & Expositions as well as given to the network of California fairs and to appropriate government agencies.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Greg Ahart, Superior Farms Troy Bowers, Amador County Fair Michael Bradley, California Farm Bureau Federation Ron Brandt, Merced County Spring Fair Jacque Brown, Tehama District Fair Marc Coleman, Ag Instructor (FFA) Patricia Conklin, Sonoma Marin Fair Robert Cummings, Ag Instructor Mike Curry, Yosemite Meats Delynda Eldridge, 4-H Program Representative Dr. Joan Dean Rowe, UC Davis David Dillabo, Tulelake Butte Valley Fair Jaime Farao, California Ag Instructor, Merced College Patsy Gilbert, Alameda County Fair Robin Hauck, Nevada County Fair Sandi Hurtgen, California State Fair Laurie Johnson, Gold Country Fair Ed Komski, California State Grange Diana Muller, Public, Sheep Industry Katie Phillips, San Diego County Fair Sheila Quince, Sonoma County Fair Monica Rodriguez, Alameda County Fair Willow Vierra, Plumas Sierra Fair Jim Vietheer, Sacramento County Fair Kelly Violini, Monterey County Fair
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
State Rules PREFACE 1.
2. 3. 4.
7. 8. 9.
The purposes of these rules are to: a. Ensure educational and equitable competition; b. Provide state-wide competition consistency; and c. Maximize exhibitor and public safety. These rules apply to all competitive exhibits conducted by district, citrus and county fairs in the State of California. These rules cannot be waived or amended by anyone, including the fair board, management or judge. The Division of Fairs & Expositions (F&E) is the final and absolute interpreter of these rules. Only a fair may request, in writing a variance on their own behalf or on behalf of an exhibitor to a specific rule. This request must be made prior to the start of the fair or specific competition for which a variance is requested. If F&E approves a specific variance request it may approve a conditional variance with specific conditions. Any approved variance shall expire at the conclusion of the annual fair. Fair Management and/or Board of Directors may grant variances to ownership rule in the instance of deceased animals, submission of late entries and refund of entry fees. Variances may be ruled upon by F&E at the request of Fair Management and/or Board of Directors. F&E will distribute any corrections and additions to these rules to fairs. It is the fair's responsibility to make them available. F&E does not represent or endorse the accuracy, currentness or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed by the fair in the distribution of corrections and additions to these rules. True and correct copies of all rules and any additions or corrections are available upon request at F&E during business hours, by mail or at . Fairs may create "Local Rules" that may be stricter than the State Rules but that may not circumvent the State Rules. If a local rule is not printed in the exhibitor handbook the applicable State Rule will apply. Competition at the California State Fair is governed by State Fair's rules. GENERAL RULES FOR ALL DEPARTMENTS
I. DEFINITIONS SEE ALSO JUNIOR and LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENTS. 1. Amateur - A person who engages in an event or activity as a pastime rather than a profession. (Does not apply to junior organizations and horse shows.) 2. Cash Awards - Monies paid to successful contestants. (Synonymous with Premiums.)
3. Class - A group of like exhibits that are judged together; a subcategory of a division. 4. Competition - A contest between two or more exhibits. 5. Division - A generalized category of exhibits or a group of classes. 6. Entry - An object, animal or collection of objects or animals intended for exhibit. 7. Exhibit - An entry becomes an exhibit when it is shown or judged at the fair. 8. Entry Fees – A fee charged to enter a competition. All entry fees shall be included with the proper forms on or before the competition deadline. 9. Exhibitor - The owner of the exhibit. a. In the senior department, members of a family are considered as one exhibitor and co-owners of exhibits. This includes mother, father, unmarried minor children (under 18 years of age) and minor foster children. b. In the senior department, in classes that require that the exhibit be the creative work of the owner, husband and wife are considered separate exhibitors. 10. Extended Division - A division or class open to legal residents or producers in the State of California and any additional territory that may be specified in the Local Rules. Unless otherwise designated, all divisions are "extended" and limited to the State. 11. Judging Systems a. American - The judging process to rank exhibits against one another and award one first placing, one second, etc. b. Danish - The judging process to compare each exhibit on its own merit against the scorecard or recognized standard and award as many first placings, etc. as merited. 12. Junior Department - A department provided for youth. See also Junior Department. 13. Juried Show - Competition where the juror(s) determines which exhibits will be displayed and judged for awards. 14. Local Division - A division or class open only to legal residents or producers in the county or district in which the fair is held, and any neighboring county/district(s) that may be specified in the Local Rules. 15. Open Department - See Senior Department. 16. Open Junior Class - A class open to all Junior exhibitors having no Junior organization affiliation requirement. 17. Exhibitor Handbook - An entry book, prize list, contest book or other publication specifying rules and awards for fair contests. 18. Producer - One who, in the area specified, raises in normal marketable or commercial quantities, the specific type of animal or product entered. 19. Professional - A person who engages in an event or activity as a livelihood rather than as a hobby.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
20. Senior Department - Any department not considered a junior department.
II. ELIGIBILITY Entry Process 1. By signing and submitting an entry form the exhibitors and their agents, parents and leaders acknowledge and agree that they: a. Understand and have read these State Rules and local fair rules; b. Agree to abide by them; c. Certify that all information on the entry form is true and accurate; and d. Agree to comply with the fair's decision regarding any alleged violation of the state or Local Rules. e. In the event that it is determined there has been unethical treatment of animals or violation of state or federal regulations or of state or local fair drug policy rules, exhibitor names will be forwarded to F&E as well as given to the Network of California fairs and to appropriate government agencies. 2. Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining entry form(s) & rules from fair, and submit the form(s) and any required fees by the closing date as specified by Fair Management. 3. No entry form or entry will be accepted after the closing date for entries. 4. Entry deadlines can be extended by the fair's Board of Directors only if the extension is made prior to the original closing date. See also Horse Show Department. 5. Substitutions can only be made within a division. Substitutions must be made when the exhibit arrives at the fairgrounds, or for livestock, when registration certificates are checked. In the livestock department a minimum $5 penalty must be paid prior to judging for each substitution made by the exhibitor in excess of two in the division. See also Horse Show Department. 6. Requests for refunds must be made in writing to the fair, and may be granted upon approval of the Fair Management. a. Refunds may be made only because of sickness, accident, or death, cancellation of a class or return of entries for lack of exhibit space. b. Non-selected exhibits in a juried show are not eligible for refunds. c. For animal classes, request must be made prior to the event. Requests involving health or soundness of an animal must be accompanied by a veterinarian's certificate. 7. Ownership. Unless otherwise allowed in the exhibitor handbook, exhibitors must be legal owners of all entries. See also Junior Department and Horse Show Department. 8. A complete exhibit eligible in more than one division and/or class will be entered and judged only in the division and/or class for which it best qualifies. Any exhibit not properly entered may be transferred to its
proper class by Fair Management, whose decision may be changed only by the judge. 9. The Fair Management has the right to limit entries to facilities available and/or cancel any division or class in which there are not enough entries. Any return of entries or fees under this rule will be done on a nondiscriminatory basis. The decision of Fair Management under this rule is only appealable to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), whose decision is final. 10. Fair Management may combine classes of 4 or less entries for meaningful competition. 11. Exhibitors may not submit the same entries to two or more fairs that require them to be on exhibit at the same time unless prior written approval has been obtained from both fairs. A copy of this approval must be submitted with entry forms. Participation 12. The Fair Management shall deny entry or disqualify and remove any exhibit or exhibitor that is ineligible for competition under State and Local Rules or endangers the public or has violated State and Local Rules. The fair may require removal of the exhibitor and/or exhibit (including animals) from the fairgrounds. 13. Exhibitors, leaders, advisors and parents found, after a chance to provide evidence and be heard before the Fair Management (CEO and staff) of unethical practices as set forth in the State and Local Rules or in actions inimical with the fair program shall result in the exhibit being disqualified and the forfeiture of any awards and/or privileges as may be deemed appropriate to the circumstances by the Fair Management. If the judging for the exhibit has not yet commenced the exhibitor, leaders, advisors and parents may be denied entry in any exhibitions at the fair. The Fair Management shall report any such incidences of unethical or inimical behavior established by the fair as provided for in this rule, to F&E in writing and such reports may become the basis for fair to refuse entries from the exhibitor, leaders, advisors or parents for up to 5 years following the infraction. 14. Exhibits must be on exhibit as specified in the exhibitor handbook. Fair Management may allow late exhibit delivery or early removal of exhibits when it is in the best interest of the fair. Exhibits will not be removed from the fairgrounds before the release date printed in the exhibitor handbook except as determined by Fair Management in cases of sickness, accident, death, disciplinary actions requested by a youth program supervisor, or other circumstances which are in the best interests of the fair. 15. The exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the fair, the county and the State of California from and against any liability, claim, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of any injury or damage which is caused by, arises from or is in any way connected with participation in the program or event, excepting only that caused by the sole active negligence of the Fair. The Fair Management shall not be
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
responsible for accidents or losses that may occur to any of the exhibitors or exhibits at the fair. The exhibitor (or parent or guardian of a minor) is responsible for any injury or damage resulting from the exhibitor's participation in the program or event. This includes any injury to others or to the exhibitor or to the exhibitor's property. 16. Exhibitors, leaders, and advisors must be in good standing with the local and state organization(s) (4-H, Grange, FFA) to be eligible to exhibit at the fair. Conflict of Interest Avoidance 17. Directors, Fair Management, and/or their spouses are not eligible to exhibit at their own district, county or citrus fair except in timed events. Under no circumstances shall a director, manager and/or their spouse be eligible to collect awards. 18. Department heads, judges, staff, anyone directly involved in the judging process, and their spouses are not allowed to exhibit or sign entry forms in any division in which they or their spouse are directly involved. 19. Minor children of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Department Supervisors, staff and/or committee members may exhibit animals or articles which are the result of the child's own earnings or a gift made to the child, provided the requirements of pertinent rules are met. All other requirements for exhibiting must be met. 20. Animals or exhibits owned jointly by a director and his/her minor child or a CEO and his/her minor child are considered as owned by the child in junior department classes only. See also Horse Show Department.
Judges should avoid any appearance of partiality and avoid unnecessary fraternization with exhibitors. No person shall act as a judge in any division in which he/she or a member of his/her immediate family is an exhibitor, is in charge of an exhibit or division, in charge of a group of exhibitors, or a member of a group of exhibitors. No person shall be allowed, under any circumstances, to interfere with the judge(s) regarding their adjudications, or with the fair's staff, or to offer any audible criticism of an exhibit or exhibitor. Violators of this rule shall be excused immediately from the competition and shall be subject to such additional penalties, including cancellations of awards, as the management shall consider proper. The judge has the authority to: a. Disqualify or transfer to the correct class any exhibit that does not meet the requirements of the division or class in which it is entered; b. Disqualify any exhibit not properly cleaned or fitted; c. Disqualify any exhibit that is in his/her opinion hazardous to public safety; d. Examine the animals before entering the show ring; and/or
5. 6. 7.
Refuse to make award to any animal that shows visible evidence of disease, deformity, or lameness. No award will be made to exhibits eliminated under any of the above instances. The judge may not waive State Rules. The judge's decision is final. Fair Management may not request any changes in judges' rulings. To encourage high standards, the judge shall award first, second, third place, etc. according to merit. If without merit, the judge shall make no award under any circumstances. The judge may award championships or other awards at his/her discretion for superior exhibits. This applies whether there are one or more exhibits in class.
IV. AWARDS AND SCORING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Fair Management is not responsible for errors on entry forms. No exhibitor shall be entitled to an award that has been disallowed as the result of his/her own error. All divisions or classes will be judged under the American system and/or Danish system as stated in the fair's exhibitor handbook. State "Judging Standards" are to be used where applicable. Local judging standards may be used if published in the exhibitor handbook. Cash awards will be paid only as recorded on the signed Judging Sheet and only to the exhibitor. Fair Management shall withhold the payment of awards for exhibits that are determined ineligible under State and Local Rules and may recover awards that have been paid for ineligible exhibits. No exhibitor shall receive more than two cash awards in any one class using American judging system. (See definition of exhibitor.) a. When an exhibitor earns more than two awards in a class, the exhibitor will receive the two highest cash awards, and the lesser cash awards will be moved down the placings to other exhibitors; ribbons will be awarded as placed. b. Any difference in payment limits under the Danish system of judging shall be printed in the exhibitor handbook. c. When the fair combines classes, an exhibitor is entitled to two cash awards per each class that was combined. Judges should determine special awards as printed before combining. Sweepstakes shall be awarded as specified in the exhibitor handbook based upon these scoring guidelines: a. First award - 5 points; Second award - 3 points; Third award - 1 point. b. Sweepstakes shall be awarded only when at least three separate exhibitors have achieved at least a combined point total of 30. c. To receive sweepstakes awards, an exhibitor must have a minimum of ten points.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Sweepstakes points will be credited only to the exhibitor whose name appears on the entry form. e. There are separate sweepstakes or high point rules for horse shows, which may be determined by the fair. 8. Ties which cannot be broken by the judge will be processed as follows (See also Horse Show Department): a. 2-way tie for 1st place: Combine 1st and 2nd place money and divide equally between the two 1st-place exhibitors. The 3rd highest finisher receives 3rd place money etc. b. 3-way tie for 1st place: Combine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place money and divide equally between the three exhibitors. 9. The fair will not guarantee sponsored donations. 10. Placing of ribbons does not guarantee correct judging placement. Only the official placing stated on the judging sheet(s) constitutes the final placement.
7. 8.
9. 10.
V. PROTEST 1. Protests will be considered only if there has been a violation of State or Local Rules. Decisions of judges, veterinarians, weighmasters, breed callers, tail dock officials and timers cannot be protested and are final. 2. Protests must be accompanied by a deposit of either $100.00 (cash, money order or certified check made payable to the fair) or $200.00 if the protest relates to violations of State Rules X-XI (Animal Health Rules). NOTE: The deposit will be returned if the protest is upheld. If the protest is upheld, the violator may be held liable for any portion of the direct costs incurred by the fair in the course of the protest resolution. Failure to reimburse the fair shall be cause for disallowing future entries in any of the network of California fairs. 3. Given the short duration of the fair: a. The protestor shall make every effort to file the protest prior to judging. All protests must be filed within 24 hours of the time of the cause of the protest and before conclusion of fair. b. The fair will make every effort to resolve protests as quickly as possible. All exhibitors by entering an exhibit and all persons by filing a protest agree to cooperate with Fair Management to resolve protests in a timely manner. c. Protests shall be adjudicated by Fair Management and/or members of Board of Directors. 4. Any exhibit involved in a filed protest before or during judging is eligible to compete until the protest is resolved. 5. Classes that involve a protested exhibit will not become official until the protest is resolved. a. In championship or special award classes that involve the protested exhibit the judge shall also select 1st and 2nd runners-up in case of disqualification.
In the case of protest, the unofficial judging results may be used to prepare the sale list and other necessary information. At the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer judging can be delayed to allow time for the fair to resolve the protest if to do so does not unreasonably delay or disrupt the operations of the remainder of the fair judging and auction events. Prior to judging the affected class, fairs may announce that an entry has been protested. All questions concerning competition or non-protestable disputes or differences with staff or the exhibition not provided for under the State or Local Rules shall be referred to the CEO or their designee, whose decision shall be final. Violations of State Rules may be appealed to F&E. An individual may appeal to F&E only after adjudication at the local level and only if: a. The decision upholds a Local Rule that circumvents or is not in the spirit of a State Rule(s); b. The individual can substantiate new and credible information that was not available at the time of the local decision; or c. There was inappropriate adjudication at the local level that may have included conflict of interest, lack of due process, or a significant misinterpretation of rules. A fair or state, national or international organization or subdivision thereof which has a significant stake in the interpretation of rules affecting the network of California fairs may make an appeal directly to F&E concerning multiple-fair issues, industry-wide issues, unavoidable conflict of interest or assistance in enforcing its own organization rules.
12. No protest will be accepted unless it: a. Is filed or received, in writing, with a signed original and a signed duplicate copy; b. Clearly states which rule has been violated; c. States when the protestor first became aware of the facts and rule violation; d. States the facts relied upon for the basis of the protest; e. States that the protestor will cooperate with the investigation of the protest and that the protestor will be available and agrees to attend any hearing held to resolve the protest at the time and place directed by F&E; f. Includes the names of supporting witnesses, with accessible phone numbers; and g. Describes or attaches any documents relating to the protest, which must include the written decision issued by the local arbitrating body. 13. F&E must receive the appeal within 24 hours from receipt of notice of local decision. 14. A hearing may be conducted at the discretion of F&E. The Director of F&E may consult with and/or request
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 20
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
that members of State Rules Advisory Committee participate in any hearing. 15. Once the Director has ruled on an appeal to F&E, no additional protest or appeal will be considered relating to that incident. ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT RULES
Unless specified in the exhibitor handbook agricultural and horticultural products must have been produced by the exhibitor and exhibits must be at the stage of ripeness required by Sections 42513 and 42515 of the California Food and Agricultural Code in order to be considered for award.
VII. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Definitions. See also Section I, Definitions. 1. Exhibitor - The owner of the exhibit. a. In the junior department, brothers and/or sisters are considered to be separate exhibitors. b. In a college division market and showmanship classes the student designated on the entry form is considered the exhibitor. 2. 4-H, FFA, Grange Exhibitor - Exhibitors who meet 4-H, FFA and Grange exhibitor requirements for the project(s) they enter. 3. Independent Junior - Exhibitor not eligible to compete in a certain category as a member of a 4H, Grange or FFA junior organization. 4. Open Junior Class - A class open to all junior exhibitors and having no junior organization affiliation requirement. 5. Ownership - The growing, construction or purchase of exhibits as verified by the adult leader, teacher, or parent/guardian signature on the entry form for nonlivestock exhibits, or as otherwise stated in the exhibitor handbook. Adult - A parent, guardian, leader, instructor, or person whom the parent designates as responsible. Exhibitor Age Requirements 6. FFA members may participate as members until the end of the calendar year following the year of graduation from high school. (For example, a graduate this year is eligible until December 31 of next year.) 7. 4-H Age Requirements: The levels of membership for 4-H are age and/or grade based. Each level is defined as follows: Primary Level: Must be 5 years old or in kindergarten as of January 1, 2012 to exhibit at fair. Primary membership ends when members qualify as junior members. Exhibitors who are under 9 years of age as of January 1, 2012 are not eligible to compete in large animal competitions at California Fairs. TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Junior, Intermediate, & Senior: Must be 9 years old or in 4th Grade by January 1, 2012. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31 of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. 8. Grange Members must be at least 5 years old on January 1, 2012 to exhibit. They may exhibit until the end of the calendar year in which they reach age 19. 9. All Grange Youth must be 9 years old on January 1 of 2012 to exhibit large animals. 10. Independent Exhibitors must be at least 9 years old or in the 4th Grade by January 1, 2012. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31 of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. 11. Youth under 9 years of age must exhibit in special divisions designated by the local fair. 12. For junior exhibitors showing in divisions and classes other than 4-H, FFA and Grange, the local Fair Management may set requirements as to age, grade, etc. If these requirements are not printed in the exhibitor handbook, Independent age rule above will apply. Exhibit Eligibility 13. Junior exhibitors must own and/or grow or construct their exhibits. 14. 4-H, FFA and Grange Exhibitors: a. 4H, FFA and Grange animal and poultry project members must be enrolled in the project for at least 60 days (120 days for horse and market beef) immediately preceding the opening day of the fair or event if held separately from fair in the case of horse shows. b. Eligibility of a project according to 4-H, FFA, or Grange rules shall be determined by the exhibitor's 4-H Youth Advisor, FFA Advisor, Grange Youth Advisor, Local Leader or designee. 15. Advisor, leader, teacher, or parent/guardian signature on the entry form is required by the fair certifying that: a. Projects have been under their supervision in accordance with the rules and regulations of the organization and the fair; and b. The entry is the project of the exhibitor and is eligible for exhibit. Failure or refusal of such advisor, leader or parent/guardian to sign the required entry form will prevent the exhibitor from entering that particular class(es). 16. Independent exhibitors must enter an open junior or Independent class unless one is not available. If an open or Independent class is not available, junior exhibitors may enter an appropriate 4-H, FFA or Grange class. Division and/or class placement of Independents may be determined by Fair Management. 17. Juniors who have been 4-H, FFA or Grange project members within 60 days (120 days for horse and EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
market beef) prior to the fair are not eligible to compete in that project as Independent juniors or enter project(s) under a different organization. 18. All junior exhibitors must have project management records and proof of supervision available as to the length of project. 19. Independent junior exhibitors entering market animals must provide Fair Management with a picture of their animal, appropriate proof of ownership, permanent tag, tattoo and/or hog ear notch information 120 days prior to the fair for beef and 60 days for sheep, swine and goats. 20. All junior exhibitors must have "on ground" supervision by a responsible adult. Senior Department Restrictions 21. Junior exhibitors and junior organizations may be allowed to enter exhibits in senior department classes for which they are eligible only when: a. "All Other" classes are not available; or b. A class for the exhibit is not provided in the junior department; or 22. It allows participation in featured breed and/or sponsored association shows as defined by fair management. The junior exhibitor must also exhibit the project in the junior division. 23. Junior horse exhibitors may be allowed to enter the Senior Department horse show unless Local Rules prohibit. 24. Animals entered as individuals in the junior department cannot be entered in group classes of the senior department and vice versa. 25. When violations to rules 22-24 occur the junior exhibitor is not eligible for 12 months following the infraction to exhibit in that livestock species or division (non-livestock) as a junior at any California fair. Livestock and Horse Exhibits - Ownership 26. Livestock and horse projects must be owned (and leased horses as specified in this document) solely by and under the exhibitor's care and management and under the supervision of the organization in which the project will be shown as specified below. The official ownership date is the date shown on the receipt of sale unless the animal was bred by the exhibitor. The days are counted prior to the opening day of the fair unless the event in the case of horse shows is held separately from the Fair. See also VIII Livestock Department. a. Market animals: Beef - 120 consecutive days; and 60 consecutive days for swine, sheep, veal and goats. b. Breeding and feeder animals: 30 consecutive days, c. All small market animals (rabbits and poultry): 30 consecutive days. d. All horses and llamas: leased or owned 120 consecutive days. TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 22
Fairs will determine the ownership period requirement for any other animal species (e.g. potbellied pigs). 27. Under no circumstances may an exhibitor concurrently enter the same species of animal or bird (horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, dairy goats, meat goats, pygmy goats, poultry, pigeons, or rabbits) in FFA, 4-H, Grange and Independent classes of the junior department (refer to 4H/FFA/Grange/F&E Agreement at for more information) . 28. No livestock (excluding rabbit & poultry) exhibit owned solely by a chapter or club, conducted as a joint project by two or more individuals, or jointly owned by two or more individuals is eligible in the junior department, unless the division or class specifically so states. 29. No junior exhibitor may exhibit an animal in a market class once it has been sold as a market animal through a fair junior livestock auction. These animals may be shown following the 30 consecutive day ownership requirement as breeding animals. All champion and reserve champion market animals will be permanently identified by the fair if sold through a fair junior livestock auction. 30. NEW! Livestock shown in showmanship must be owned (or leased for horses) by the exhibitor, entered by the exhibitor and shown in an appropriate market, breeding or performance class. If the exhibitor has a market animal that is weight sifted and as a result may not show in an individual market class, the exhibitor may use this animal for showmanship if and only if this animal is the only animal the exhibitor has brought to the Fair. 31. Horse exhibits: a. Proof of ownership or lease must be available at check-in time. b. Leased horses cannot be shown for conformation in the halter horse division. c. 4H, FFA and Grange members may show leased horses, provided the member has responsibility for the care and management of the horse during the period of the lease; and the signed lease between owner and member, with a clear picture of a side view of the horse or some permanent identification is filed at least 120 consecutive days prior to the fair or event/horse show if held separately from the fair, at the County 4-H, FFA, or Grange office, or with a person designated by those offices. d. Junior exhibitors cannot ride or show stallions unless it is specifically provided for by the breed association and in that case only in those specific breed classes at an USA Equestrian (formerly AHSA) sanctioned show.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Livestock & Horse Exhibits - Other 32. Junior exhibitors are expected to groom and care for their animal(s) when at the fair. They shall refrain from accepting active assistance from adults and nonexhibiting youth unless the junior exhibitor is actively engaged, and the assistance is only for instruction. Local fair rules will determine enforcement. 33. Junior exhibitors in 4-H, FFA or Grange classes must wear properly strapped headgear in mounted or horse-drawn vehicle competition. Headgear must be approved by American Society for Testing and Materials / Safety Equipment Institute.
See also Livestock rules in Section VII Junior Department. Definitions (See also Section I Definitions.) 1. All Other Breeds - Breeds not previously listed that are from recognized breed associations within the specie. 2. Breeder - Owner of the dam at conception. Also owner of the egg donor for ovum/embryo transfer. 3. Drug - a) any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, prevention, or treatment of disease; and b) any substance, except food and water, which is intended to affect the structure or function of the body of any exhibit animal. 4. Exhibitor - The owner of the exhibit. a. In the senior department, members of a family are considered as one exhibitor and co-owners of exhibits. This includes mother, father, unmarried minor children (under 18 years of age) and minor foster children. b. In the junior department, brothers and/or sisters are considered to be separate exhibitors. See Section VII for definition of junior. c. In college division market and showmanship classes the student designated on the entry form is be considered the exhibitor. 5. Grade-Crossbred - Animals which do not meet registration requirements. 6. Nurse Cow - Cow that is not the natural nursing mother. 7. Pony - For non-breed horse shows, ponies are those horses standing less than 14.2 hands (56.8 inches) high. For breed horse shows and registered classes within non-breed shows, refer to the breed association rules which apply. 8. Purebred Animal - An animal the breeding of whose sire and dam traces directly to registered animals of the same breed. 9. Purebred Registered Animal - An animal that is registered with a recognized breed association and that meets the breed association's requirements of purebred. 10. Range Registered Animal - Animals that have been issued range certificates in lieu of full registration certificates.
11. Recognized Breed Associations - Organizations which maintain pedigrees, issue certificates of registration, and maintain a permanent office. 12. Recorded Grade - An animal that is registered or recorded with a recognized breed association and does not meet that association's purebred registration requirements. 13. Veal - Bovine primarily fed with milk or milk replacer. Local fair will establish guidelines for weights according to local industry standards of market animals. Participation 14. Exhibitors must be able to prove ownership. 15. Exhibit animals will not be muzzled while on the fairgrounds. 16. Any animal that does not meet class requirements of weight, age, identification, etc. will not be paid premiums. 17. No animal may be entered in more than one division in the Livestock Department unless provided for in the specifications of the division. However, market or feeder animals may be entered in both divisions for individual and pens of market or feeder animals. 18. Animals entered in market or feeder divisions may not be entered in breeding divisions. Animal Identification Requirements 19. All animals (except horses or market and feeder animals) shall be identified by a permanent number (ear tag, tattoo, photo or drawing, or brand required by breed association, ear notching or micro chip) on the animal which matches the number recorded on the entry form. 20. When identification numbers are in both ears and are different, both numbers shall be recorded on the entry form. 21. Registered dairy cattle shall meet their breed associations' requirements for identification. 22. An exhibitor may not use the same permanent marking on more than one animal of the same breed and sex during: any five month period for swine, any two consecutive calendar years for sheep, or any 12 month period for all other livestock (except that pigs may have the same litter mark). 23. For market and feeder animals, an identifying number will be placed or attached to the animal by the fair and must be on the animal at all times or awards will not be paid. Market Animals 24. All market animals owned by Independent juniors shall not be discriminated against by the sale program. 25. If the fair requires a terminal sale and the Local Rules do not state it in the exhibitor handbook, exhibitors and their parents or guardians agree that upon entry into market competition and qualification by the market judge, the animal(s) will be sold and processed. 26. Desirable market weight will be a consideration in market animal judging.
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Breeding Animals Exhibit Requirements 27. To qualify for exhibit and judging, the following information must be provided on the entry form by the closing date of entry: a. Identification of each animal at least by i. dam, birth date and ear tag, notching, tattoo, photo or drawing; or by ii. the registration number. b. Sire's registration number for Get of Sire entries. c. Dam's registration number for Produce of Dam entries. 28. If the above information is completed after close of entry, a $5 penalty fee per entry may be required by the fair prior to judging to qualify for judging. 29. Individual animals shown in group exhibits need not be identified either on the original entry form or on supplementary entry forms unless required by a local rule. 30. Grade or Unregistered Purebred Animals By Registered Sire a. Animals that have been registered as purebred by a breed association are not eligible in grade or unregistered classes. b. Commercial unregistered animals including range, stocker, feeder and replacements, and Range Registered or Recorded Grade animals are ineligible in Registered or Purebred divisions. Registered Purebred Animal Registration Certificates 31. All animals in "registered purebred breeding animal" divisions must be registered and recorded with a United States (U.S.) breed association in the exact name of the exhibitor (owner) as declared on the entry form, except for: a. Pigs, 12 months or younger, which are still owned by the breeder. Litter registrations are acceptable if recorded with their breed association and if they identify the litter by birth date, sire, dam and ear notching; and b. Animals whose breed association requires an inspector's approval before registering. The animal cannot be more than 12 months of age on the opening day of the fair. Exhibitors may present a statement by the secretary of the association stating that the animal is eligible to be registered. This statement must identify the animal by birth date, sire, dam, and ear tag, tattoo or notching. 32. Original registration certificates, a stamped duplicate issued by a U.S. breed association, or other documents mentioned above must be presented to the management when the animals arrive on the fairgrounds and must be kept on hand. a. Original registration certificates faxed to the fair by the U.S. breed association will also be accepted and retained by the fair. Photocopies, letters, and telegrams are not acceptable. b. Clerks are instructed to correct entry records exactly as shown on the certificate. (Any exceptions
will be based solely upon the recognized U.S. breed association's standard practices for issuing registration certificates. A written verification from the association of any deviation in issuing practices must be on file with F&E. 33. When the owner and breeder names are not exactly the same on the registration certificate, the fair will hold all of the exhibitor's awards until the fair receives a statement from the breed association and the verifying that the various names are recognized as the owner and/or breeder, and including the owner's mailing address. 34. No deviation from or alteration in the information on a registration certificate will be permitted unless clearance in writing is first obtained from the breed association that issued the certificate. Evidence of any attempt to alter information on a registration certificate shall be reported immediately to F&E and may become the basis for any California fair to refuse entries from the exhibitor and/or it’s agent.
State and Federal regulations concerning animal weighing and harvesting, and beef and pork promotion assessments also apply. Cattle (Beef, Dairy, Veal) 1. Yellow transportation slips issued by the fair are mandatory when transporting cattle to and from the fair. (CA Food & Ag Code 21054). 2. Brand Inspection requirements for cattle ownership will be enforced (CA Food & Ag Codes 21051f, 21702, 21703). 3. Beef Cattle a. Market/feeder beef are steers and heifers only. b. All Registered Purebred Breeding females 24 months of age or older on the opening day of the fair must: (1) have a calf; or (2) show obvious signs of pregnancy; or (3) have a veterinarian's certificate of pregnancy; or (4) have a veterinarian's certificate stating that the animal is or has been an embryo producing female. 4. Dairy Cattle. Registered Purebred junior and senior yearlings in milk must be shown as two year olds in both the individual and group classes. 5. Veal. "Veal" refers to steers, bulls, and heifers. Sheep A. Tail Docking. To qualify for exhibit market lambs must be docked such that the tail (dock) is healed and can be lifted from the exterior. Lambs that have no dock will not be eligible. 1. 2. 3.
Lambs must show lambs teeth. Market/feeder sheep are wethers and ewes only. Registered Purebred Breeding Animals
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4. 5.
Flock numbers, and not registration numbers, shall be used to identify all entries. Flock numbers and breeder's initials, name or association prefix shall be on commercially used tags attached to the ear or tattooed in the ear for yearlings and lambs bred by the exhibitor. Lambs born from a purchased, bred ewe can bear the ear tag of the owner at the time of birth. They do not have to have original breeder's ear tag. b. An exhibitor may not use the same flock number on more than one animal during any two consecutive calendar years. Natural Colored Sheep may show in "All Other Breeds" division when a separate division is not offered. Certified registered and pedigree listed sheep with certificates are eligible to exhibit.
Swine 1. Market/feeder swine are barrows and gilts only. 2. All Registered Purebred Breeding females junior yearling or older must have raised a litter of pigs to be eligible for exhibit. 3. Potbellied Pigs must be registered with the National Committees on Potbellied Pigs, Potbellied Pig Registry Service, Inc. or the International Potbellied Pig Registry. Goats 1. Dairy Goats a. Registered Purebred Breeding Animals: i. Animals with a "Certificate of Registry" (Blue Border) issued by the American Dairy Goat Association are eligible. ii. Animals with a "Certificate of Registry" (Brown Border) issued by the American Dairy Goat Association are not eligible. iii. The American Goat Society issues registration certificates for purebred animals only. b. Recorded Grade Breeding Animals: All animals registered Experimental (Blue Border Experimental), or Recorded (Brown Border Recorded) including Experimental, Native on Performance and Native on Appearance. 2. Pygmy Goats a. All animals must be registered with either the American Goat Society, Inc., or the National Pygmy Goat Association. b. Either horned, tipped or de-horned animals are permissible. 3. Angora Goats a. All animals must be registered with the American Angora Goat Breeders Association, Rock Springs, Texas. b. Either long or short clips are permissible. 4.
Boer Goats a. All animals must be registered with the American Boer Goat Association, the International Boer Goat Association, Inc., the IBGA or the Canadian Boer
b. 5.
Goat Association. Original registration certificate is required and must be in the owner’s name. Either horned, tipped, or de-horned animals are permissible.
Market Goats a. Market goats are wethers and does only, no bucks allowed. b. Market goats must show milk teeth. c. Either horned, tipped, or de-horned animals are permissible.
X. ANIMAL HEALTH RULES Fairs will make a reasonable effort to enforce state and federal animal health regulations, and they have the right to seek assistance from the appropriate agencies. For assistance contact the California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA), Animal Health and Food Safety Services (AHFSS). Headquarters: 1220 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814 - (916) 654-1447. Eligibility. See also Eligibility Rule II - 1. 1. Any inhumane or other inappropriate action to animals by the exhibitor may cause disqualification, forfeiture of awards, and removal of the exhibit or exhibitor from the fairgrounds. 2. Animal health decisions will be made in the best interest of the animal and for the other animals at the fair. 3. No animal shall be admitted or remain on the grounds that shows any evidence of any active, communicable disease, or any unsightly disease or other condition. 4. No animal shall be admitted to a fairgrounds from any premises under quarantine for disease. 5. Management reserves the right to require health inspections and/or diagnostic tests to be made before, during or after animals are on the fairgrounds and to implement disease control procedures which may become necessary in emergencies. The health of animals when determined by the official veterinarian or by the judge shall be final and cannot be protested. Exhibitors who refuse to allow their animals to be examined shall be disqualified and such violation shall be reported to F&E. No refund will be made. 6. All exhibitors must comply with all state and federal animal health regulations and the fair's health requirements, including submittal of the fair's certificate of animal medication. 7. Drench guns are not approved for use while on fairgrounds. Anyone found to be using any type of drench gun to administer liquids or paste into any animal without the supervision and direction of the official fair veterinarian and/or designated fair official, will result in exhibit and/or exhibitor being disqualified. 8. Castration sites shall be healed and free of inflammation. 9.
Use of Pharmaceuticals in Market Animals:
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
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Signature on entry form signifies compliance with all manufacturer and veterinarian pharmaceutical, biologic and chemical instructions and withdrawal regulations, and that all off-label treatments to market animals have been administered lawfully in accordance with a prescription from a California-licensed veterinarian, whose statement under penalty or perjury notes dosage, date, and purpose for administration. b. All exhibitors must advise management of any drugs and medications administered to an animal that might still be detected at the time of showing or at meat inspection. The name of the drug, its purpose, withdrawal time, route, time and date of administration must be presented to management prior to the showing or sale of the animal. Livestock treated within the specified withdrawal period cannot be sold without notifying the buyer. c. Exhibitors must complete the fair's medication certificate prior to sale. 10. Sellers are responsible for animals that are condemned or rejected at processing centers. Cattle (Beef, Dairy, and Veal) Health Rules 1. All dairy female cattle more than six (6) months of age, and female beef cattle more than twelve (12) months of age must bear evidence of official calfhood vaccination against brucellosis with a legible, official tattoo visible in the right ear. 2. Owners of Purebred Registered cattle without brucellosis tattoos must present documentation certifying brucellosis vaccination, or written documents showing the animal has an exemption from AHFSS, CDFA. 3. CATTLE FROM OTHER STATES a. All cattle must be accompanied by an official certificate of veterinary inspection showing: i. All dairy breeding cattle more than six months of age require a negative TB test within 60 days of entering California or originate from a TB accredited free herd with documentation of the herd number and test date. ii. All cattle more than six (6) months of age originating from States that are not classified as Accredited TB Free require a negative tuberculin test within 60 days prior to exhibition, or originate from a TB accredited free herd with documentation of the herd number and test date. iii. A negative brucellosis test within 30 days prior to entering California. The following are exempt from the test: (1) Vaccinated dairy and beef heifers under 18 months of age; (2) Dairy type calves under four months of age; (3) Vaccinated dairy and beef cattle native to a class Free State or an officially certified free herd; and (4) All steers.
Bulls over 18 months of age and all female cattle must be accompanied by a California entry permit issued from the Animal Health and Food Safety Services (AHFSS), CDFA within 15 days of entering California. c. For cattle that are to remain in California, call AHFSS, CDFA for requirements. d. For cattle from states in which cattle scabies has been reported, the California Department of Food and Agriculture requires that it issue a permit. Call AHFSS, CDFA for requirements. Swine Health Rules 1. Swine entering California for exhibition require an official certificate of veterinary inspection, official individual identification and a California entry permit issued by AHFSS, CDFA. 2. All swine must originate in validated brucellosis-free herds or areas. If not from a free herd/free area, sexually intact swine more than 4 months of age require a negative brucellosis test within 30 days prior to entry into California. 3. If swine are imported directly from states classified by the USDA as Pseudorabies Free, no pseudorabies test is required before importation, provided that they have not been exposed to or commingled with swine from a lower class state. 4. These importation requirements apply to all exhibition classes including breeding, market, and specialty swine. Sheep and Goat Health Rules 1. All sheep and goats entering fairs require official individual identification. All official identification will be kept on the animals. The official identification may be official USDA individual identification eartags, premises eartags or legible premises tattoos (if they include a unique animal number), Scrapie Flock Certification Program eartags, legible registration tattoos if accompanied by registration papers, or other methods approved by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. 2. Registration tattoos or electronic identification are acceptable on goats provided the identification appears on the registration papers (and owner/exhibitor has reader if electronic ID is used). Exhibitor is responsible for ensuring availability of electronic ID reader. Tattoos may be placed in the tailhead or flank of goats that cannot be eartagged or tattooed in the ears. Nonregistered goats must have either a USDA premises eartag or tattoo as official identification. Contact the USDA at 877/741-3690 to obtain a Premises Identification Number. 3. All sheep and goats from out of state require official individual identification, a certificate of veterinary inspection valid for 30 days after inspection of animals and a California entry permit within 15 days of entering California.
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4. Fairs will not accept sheep and goats from scrapie “noncompliant” flocks, or animals that are scrapie-positive or scrapie suspects. 5. Fairs will not accept sheep and goats from scrapieinfected or source flocks, or animals that have been exposed to scrapie unless they have been evaluated and approved for exhibition by the state scrapie epidemiologist. 6. Fairs will keep records of the consignor, buyer, and animal identification for 5 years when animals change ownership in a public sale at the fair. 7. Fairs will try to accommodate Scrapie Flock Certification Program members with separate space if practical. Breeding animals should be housed in separate enclosures or locations from animals that are not in the certification program, if practical. 8. Sheep or goats within 30 days pre-or post-parturition, or with vaginal discharge, shall if practical, be kept separate from animals from different flocks and in an area that can be properly cleaned and disinfected. 9. Rams 6 months of age and over imported into California require a negative Brucella ovis test within 60 days before entry OR originate from a Brucella ovis free flock. The CVI must include the official ID number, test results, name of the approved laboratory, date of the test, or the “Brucella ovis free flock number”. Exception: Rams entering for exhibition without change of ownership. Poultry, Rabbit, and Cavy Health Rules 1. Any bird, rabbit, or cavy showing evidence of disease will be immediately removed from the fairgrounds.
GRADE Market Ready: USDA Prime or Choice quality with 12th rib back fat range .16-.35, average or greater conformation and cutability. Not Market Ready: Good or lower quality grade with 12th rib back fat range <.16 or >.35; underfinished lambs grading USDA good or lower, below-average conformation or cutability.
GRADE Market Ready: Market steers projected to have sufficient fat deposition to meet the marbling specifications for USDA Prime, Choice, or Select+ quality grades. Not Market Ready: Market steers lacking evidence of sufficient fat deposition to produce a desirable consumer product. Steers projected to grade USDA Select- or lower.
MARKET GOAT (CHEVON) SCORECARD GRADE Market Ready: USDA Prime or Choice quality with 12th rib back fat range .08-12 most desirable, .13-.22 back fat acceptable, average or greater conformation and cutability. Not Market Ready: Good or lower quality grade with 12th rib back fat range <.08 or >.22; underfinished goats grading USDA good or lower, below average conformation or cutability.
Note to Fair Management: See also IV-3. "State Judging Standards” are to be used where applicable. Fairs may allow for additional grouping systems within the Market Ready or Market Acceptable for sale purposes.
GRADE Market Acceptable: U.S. No. 1 and No. 2 hogs of average or greater conformation that are acceptable in leanness, muscularity and production traits. Not Market Acceptable: Any hog of below average conformation including U.S. number 3, U.S. number 4 and utility grade hogs.
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LOCAL RULES ENTRIES AND EXHIBITS: 1. The State Fire Marshal shall check each booth and barn area in regard to a fire hazard. All material and decorations must be of a nonflammable material or treated and maintained with a flameretarding product. 2. The owner or authorized agent(s) must present exhibits in person. Exhibits will not be accepted by mail. Please note the days and hours that exhibits will be received and judged in your division, as major changes may have been made in that area. Exhibits entered in the wrong class may be disqualified for judging. (See State Rule III.4a) 3. No refunds will be given on entry fees and/or insurance fees. 4. Premium Checks: Exhibitor premium checks will NOT be mailed to you after the fair. You must pick up your premium check in the fair office. The premium checks will be ready to be picked up on Sunday, September 9th @ 1pm. Checks not picked up prior to December 15th, 2012 will be voided and destroyed. 5. The fair will not be responsible for exhibits left 24 hours after the close of the fair. All exhibits and equipment MUST be claimed and removed within 5 days. After 5 days the items become property of the fair. 6. Checks for entry fees are to be made payable to the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. 7. The Fair Management reserves the right to limit the number of entries made by an exhibitor. 8. No entry will be accepted where an exhibitor prescribes conditions under which he/she will exhibit. 9. The Fair Management reserves the right to cancel any class, return entries, transfer entries or combine divisions or classes and/or cancel any division or class, in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition or in case of an emergency. In livestock, with the exception of group classes, and horse show departments, three or more entries, by two or more exhibitors will constitute a Class. The Livestock Superintendent and/or Judge has the right to break divisions into show classes based on the number of entries and divided by weight at their discretion. All eligible entry fees will be refunded. (See State Rule II.0)
Independent junior exhibitors must be 19 years of age or under at the beginning of fair to qualify. 11. Exhibits, other than livestock and rabbits will be released from 8 PM to 9 PM on Sunday, or Monday from 9 AM to 6 PM and after that only during regular business hours. No exhibits will be released without claim checks. 12. Possession, use and/or influence of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs during the fair shall warrant forfeiture of premium money, eligibility for sale and require immediate removal of project from the fair. NOTE: One of the most common reasons for disallowance of awards is the lack of signature authorizing the entries to be accepted. The signature is required on each entry form. No awards may be approved for any of the entries on an unsigned entry form. AWARDS: 13. Occasionally discrepancies arise between the color of the ribbon on the exhibit and the judges’ placement sheet. If this occurs the judges’ sheet with the judges’ signature on it will take precedence. 14. Premiums: The State of California through the 10A District Agricultural Association has budgeted about $12,000 to pay the premiums in the fair. Premiums listed are subject to change. In the event that the total premiums won by the exhibitors exceed this amount, they may be prorated to the exhibitors at the discretion of the Board of Directors with the approval of the Division of Fairs and Expositions. Checks must be cashed within 6 months of the date of issue, after such date the premium check will be revoked. ADMISSION, RV CAMPING & PARKING: 15. All persons wishing to stay on the fairgrounds must register with the fair office. Trailers will be assigned to a specific location and must stay in that space. Areas are to be kept clean and firehazard free. There will be no open flames. Those found in the campground area without a permit or not parked in the correct areas will be towed at the owner’s expense. Rules of the TulelakeButte Valley Fair must be obeyed as directed by the Fair Management. Any infraction of these rules will result in withholding of Premium Awards and removal from the grounds. Fair staff 10.
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16. 17.
will be available to place trailers beginning on the Monday prior to the fair. All units must be in place by Wednesday and a flat rate $125.00 fee will be charged for each space for the duration of the fair and paid prior to parking the trailer. There will be absolutely no camping in the livestock barns. Each club or chapter will be allowed to park one trailer, not longer than 24 feet in the RV Trailer parking area designated for feed and tack. The club or chapter will be responsible for the current dry camping flat rate of $60 for the week of fair. No motorized vehicles will be allowed to enter the fair after 10pm on Wednesday. If you must enter the fairgrounds, special permission and a permit must be obtained from fair management. NO EXCEPTIONS! Those vehicles found in the barn area Thursday-Sunday will be towed at the ownerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expense.
COMPLIANCE WITH RULES: 20. No soliciting, other than by authorized concessionaires and commercial exhibitors will be permitted on the grounds and then only from within the confines of their designated space. 21. No dogs, other than show dogs performing at the fair or fully trained service dogs will be allowed on the grounds. 22. Extension cords used to distribute power to any electrical apparatus such as fans, etc. shall be rated 15 amps minimum and contain a ground wire. Cords not meeting these requirements shall be confiscated for the duration of the fair. LIVESTOCK: 23. To further expand State Rule X.1 any exhibitor found guilty of any form of mistreatment or cruelty to livestock such as salting, force feeding, muzzling or tying animals while in pens to restrict them from feed or water, etc., will forfeit any and all premiums and privileges. 24. Exhibitor Age Requirements: Junior and Independent exhibitors must be at least 9 years old or in the 4th grade by January 1, 2012. Junior and Independent exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31 of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. 25. Exhibitor Dress Uniform requirements: All 4-H & FFA exhibitors MUST wear white pants and a white collared shirt with the official 4-H Club or FFA chapter uniforms when showing and selling their animal(s). Independent junior exhibitors and out-of-state junior exhibitors MUST show in
white pants and a white collared shirt. All exhibitors MUST be in the official white uniform to participate at the Awards Ceremony. Bedding: The Fair will furnish wood chips for beef and wood shavings for sheep, swine and goats. Additional bedding will be available from a designated site in the livestock area. Exhibitors will be expected to furnish additional bedding as needed to present animals to the best advantage. Wood Chips donated by Columbia Forest Products and Wood Shavings donated by Dorris Lumber & Moulding. Livestock must be received within the allotted time periods for that specific specie. Refer to schedule of events for receiving dates and times. Arrivals prior to Tuesday MUST make arrangements with the Fair Manager. Each space used by each exhibitor must be kept clean and its general appearance must be neat at all times. The aisles in all barns are to be clear of grain, hay, manure and bedding. All stalls and pens, junior and senior, must be cleaned by 9:00 AM each day. NO EXCEPTIONS! All Junior Livestock Exhibitors must have a stall card on their pens identifying themselves, their animals and their club/chapter/independent. Cattle will be required to have a double tie at night. One tie should be around the neck. Failure to observe this rule will result in the loss of premium money. All cattle are to be halter broke-to-lead. Runaway cattle are subject to removal from the fairgrounds. All bulls over the age of 12 months must have a nose lead or the animal will be removed from the grounds. All livestock, including rabbits will be released from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Sunday evening. Management will assign a staggered release order. All Exhibitors must have a signed release form to be admitted in the gate to load out. The fair will not be responsible for any animals left after that time. ONLY animals sold through the auction will be released prior to 7:00 PM. ANY violation of this rule will result in loss of premium money to exhibitor. All livestock must be penned according to the space allocated by the Fair Management. Animals are not to be transferred without prior approval by fair management. Feed Times: In the interest of fly control, sanitation, & appearance, feeding hours for all
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livestock will be from 4-7:30 am and 4-7:30 pm. The show schedule may alter the feed times earlier and later for some species. Only local livestock youth Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair exhibitors are allowed to prepare, groom, and care for the animals. Others can advise through verbal communication only. A statement signed by two advisors, leaders and/or fair management staff filed in the Livestock Office stating specifically that violations have been observed will automatically hold up cash awards and may cause the member and/or the animals to be disqualified from all awards and ribbons, further competitions, and/or the removal from the Auction and/or Fairgrounds. No Exceptions! Adults or non exhibitors are not to groom or, in any way, care for animals of junior exhibitors. Violation of this rule may cause disqualification of the exhibitor and forfeiture of any premiums. (See State Rule VII.32) Unethical fitting is not permitted. Examples of unethical fitting practices include, but are not limited to: alteration of natural color with dyes or paints; addition of hair or hair like substances, including false tail-heads and polls; cutting, tearing or gluing of hide or removal of tissue to alter the shape of the animal; any attempt to alter the normal dental development of an animal; injection of any gas, solid, or liquid under the hide to alter the normal conformation; use of steroids or growth hormones and the act of artificially filling animals by stomach pumping, drench tubes or any other esophageal method. Abuse of any animals in any form will not be allowed and will result in immediate disqualification with no recourse. No one, with the exception of the judge, exhibitors, fair volunteers and fair employees will be allowed in the Show Ring during judging. Violation of this rule may cause disqualification of the exhibitor and forfeiture of any premiums. (See State Rule III.3) Juniors, who for extraordinary reasons cannot show their own animals, must make arrangements for their care and showing that are acceptable to the Fair Management or premiums may be withheld. Only juniors eligible to show in the Junior Department may show the animal of the absent exhibitor. Market Animal Weigh-In: Weighing of animals for classification will be done on Wednesday. Refer to the schedule of events for specific weigh-in time for each species.
a. If there is a protest of weight, the owner must verbally protest the weight to the weigh master while the animal is exiting the scale. The animal must stay within 5 feet of the scale and remain inside the panels surrounding the scale. The scale will be re-balanced and the animal immediately re-weighted. This will then be the final weight and the one assigned to that animal. If for any reason the animal exits the panels surrounding the scale before the re-weight, the initial weight of the animal prior to the protest will be the official weight recorded. b. There are to be no private scales on the grounds. c. No wet, blanketed or muddy animals will be allowed to be weighed. d. Market Lambs must not have more than ¼” stretched fleece on any part of the body to be eligible for weigh-in. e. Exhibitor may weigh in up to 3 market animals (in this case a pen of 3 rabbits is considered 1 market animal). f. Only one species of market animal per exhibitor may remain at the fair for exhibit. g. Jr. Livestock exhibitors must declare the market animal species at the scale & show only that species in showmanship to be eligible for auction. h. Any market animal failing to meet minimum or maximum weight requirements will be automatically entered into the Non-Market Light or Heavy weight class. Animals who do not weigh within the minimum and maximum weight limits will not be allowed to sell in the Jr. Livestock Auction. It will be the responsibility of the exhibitor to see that the clerk records your animal number and judge’s placing before leaving the ring or you may not be eligible to sell at the auction. VET CHECK REQUIREMENTS: All market lambs and market goats must be vet checked prior to being unloaded. The vet check will take place Wednesday prior to unloading. a. Breeding sheep and breeding goats are not required to be vet checked. b. No animal shall remain on the fairgrounds that show any evidence of any communicable disease or unsightly condition. This may include, but is not limited to ringworm, club lamb fungus, contagious ecthyma, prolapse or open wounds.
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44. 45.
All market livestock receiving a “not market ready” classification in a market class are not eligible for auction. All livestock are to be washed inside of wash racks only. Anyone found not complying and creating a water and mud nuisance will be expelled from the grounds. No “For Sale” signs are to be put on stalls or pens until after the auction. Quality Assurance: All 4-H and FFA livestock exhibitors who plan to sell an animal in the Jr. Livestock Auction are required to attend a Quality Assurance and Ethics Training course every two years. Independent exhibitors are required to attend a Quality Assurance and Ethics Training course every year. Jr. Livestock Auction: Only 10-A District junior residents will be permitted to sell their animals at the Rotary Auction (a 10-A District junior resident is one who lived in Tulelake or Butte Valley the 6 months preceding the fair.) “Exemption” Board approval is required for all non-10-A DAA residents attending a school in the Tulelake or Butte Valley school districts no later than March 1st. The exhibitor must approach the board with a signed letter from the School Superintendent and FFA or 4-H leader stating that the exhibitor is in good standings with the school district and club/organization. An eligible junior exhibitor may participate in the Auction only the fair following his/her graduation from high school, but no longer. Each exhibitor will be allowed to sell only one animal at the Junior Livestock Auction. All animals going through the Sale (including rabbits) must be harvested within 10 days of the sale. In order to sell at the auction, animals must meet the following requirements: a. Placing: All animals must have been awarded a blue ribbon (market ready) in market class. b. Medication Certificate: Jr. Livestock Sale Medication Certificate must be completed no later than 2pm, Saturday of the fair and presented to Livestock Office. c. ALL exhibitors must notify the Livestock Office in writing which animal will be sold by 2pm on Saturday of the fair. if the Livestock Office has not received notification in writing of which animal will be sold, the higher placing entry will be listed. If more than one animal received the same placing, the heaviest weight animal will be listed. Changes will not be accepted after 2pm, Saturday.
d. Grand Champions: beef, sheep, swine, rabbits, goats and meat poultry must sell. e. Auction Pictures: All exhibitors are required to have a picture taken with the official fair back drop in their official show uniform and the market animal that is designated to be sold in the auction. f. Shown/Sell: Animals to be sold must be shown and sold by the member as an entry in the 10-A District Agricultural Association Fair and meet the weight requirements prescribed in the market animal classes listed in the Exhibitor Handbook. A representative may show for the owner if two animals are entered in the fair and may show and sell if the member is attending an out of county 4-H or FFA function or has a doctor’s excuse, illness or hospitalization or family bereavement absence or is approved by the fair board of directors. All fair rules apply to all entries of the auction. j. Carcass replacement will take place as follows: All Species: Any carcass that is condemned for whatever reason is subject to replacement by the seller. The rotary auction committee will arrange for the replacement carcass, sell the meat from the below-grade carcass, and apply the proceeds toward the price of the replacement carcass. The difference between the cost of the replacement carcass and the sale of the below-grade carcass meat will be deducted from the seller’s check. k. Sale Order: The sales order for the auction will be made as follows: The judge will determine the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion market animals from among the eligible animals in each division from beef, sheep, swine, rabbits and goats. They will be sold first, followed by the highest to lowest placing animals of that species. l. Processing: All beef, sheep and swine will be slaughtered at the plants designated by the Tulelake Rotary Club. None will be held at the fairgrounds for personal slaughter or shipped to another plant. Rabbit and Poultry sellers will be responsible for butchering, dressing and delivering the product to buyers. m. Deductions: Certain deductions will be made from the income of sale animals in order to defray expenses of the sale. For all species, 8% is deducted and goes to the Tulelake Rotary Club Junior Livestock Auction Account. The deductions are used to pay for the Beef Check
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Off, Pork Check Off, transportation fees and other promotional or required fees. n. The auction will be conducted in a business-like manner. The auctioneer will determine the sales price and only bona fide bids will be accepted. o. Buyers: To be eligible to participate in the Junior Livestock Auction as a buyer, there must be no outstanding auction debt from any previous years. A draft auction sales list shall be posted on the Livestock Office Sunday morning. p. Any Junior Exhibitor not conducting himself/herself to acceptable standards of behavior will not be allowed to sell at the Jr. Livestock Auction. q. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE ORDER o Market Beef o Market Pen of Rabbits o Market Swine o Market Goats o Market Sheep o Meat Poultry o Ag Projects Ownership: Jr. Market Sheep, Swine and Goats must be owned 60 days prior to the opening date of the fair; Jr. Market Rabbits must be owned 30 days prior to the opening day of the fair. Jr. Market beef cattle must be owned 120 days prior to the opening date of the fair. To be eligible for the show and sale, market sheep, swine, goats and beef must be tagged and weighed at the official fair pre-weigh-in and tagging day. Entry forms must have been completed and entry fees paid at the time of tagging. Red Tag Policy: To ensure that livestock exhibited at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair are cared for and treated in a humane and ethical manner, and that livestock pens/stalls are suitable for public display. Livestock exhibitors are solely responsible for the care of their animals while on exhibit at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. If the Livestock Superintendent becomes aware of any livestock exhibit that is not being cared for in an ethical, humane manner, or situations where an acceptable state of pen cleanliness, as determined by the livestock management staff, is not being maintained, the following will occur: a. The Livestock Superintendent will determine the name and affiliation of the responsible exhibitor. b. A Red Tag, with the following information, will be affixed to the exhibitors pen/stall.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 32
49. 50.
i. The exhibitor’s name ii. The observed problem iii. The date and time of the citation iv. Signature of the Livestock Superintendent c. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to respond to the Red Tag by contacting the Livestock Superintendent within 12 hours of the citation being issued. The exhibitor will formulate and initiate a plan of correction approved by the Livestock Superintendent. Reasonable efforts will be made by the Livestock Superintendent to contact the exhibitor’s FFA advisor, 4-H Leader, Parent or Designee and advise them of the situation resulting in the Red Tag citation. d. Any exhibitor failing to make contact with the Livestock Superintendent within 12 hours may be issued an automatic second Red Tag citation. e. Any exhibitor receiving two Red Tag citations during the Fair will be declared ineligible for further competition, including participation in the Junior Livestock Auction. The exhibitor will forfeit all fair premiums and awards earned and are required to remove the animal exhibit from the fairgrounds. f. Any exhibitor that is required, under the provisions of the Red Tag Policy, to remove their animal entry from the fairgrounds, must do so within 12 hours from the time of notification. There will be no gate holds for livestock shows. As a condition for participation in the TulelakeButte Valley Fair, every exhibitor must agree to submit any animal entered to blood, urine and tissue analysis by the Fair or appointed agent. Sale prices and/or premiums will be withheld pending test results. Exhibitors will make animals available for any special contests or publicity as requested by Fair staff. All livestock exhibitors are responsible for cleaning their work area after clipping their animal. This includes all wool and hair that has been clipped off the animal. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate disqualification of the exhibitor. The use of any drug or medication on market animals will have to follow manufacturer specifications or veterinary instructions for withdrawal and dosage for slaughter. Name of drug, dosage and date given shall be presented to the Livestock Superintendent on a “Drug EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Administration Form” available in the Livestock Office. Independent Junior Exhibitors: Must be at least 9 years old or in the 4th grade by January 1, 2012. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31 of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. To be eligible for weigh-in, “Independent Junior Exhibitors” must submit a completed project record book (supplied by the fair at pre-weigh-ins) on September 5th to the fair office for review and approval by the fair board directors. Upon approval, the member will be allowed to weigh-in the specified project animal. If the board does not approve the record book for any reason, the exhibitor will not be allowed to weigh-in, show and sell the specified project. The exhibitor and parent/guardian must sign an affidavit stating that the exhibitor has not been a member of a junior division organization for any animal project since the current calendar year began. Junior exhibitors who are in an established junior organization cannot exhibit in Junior Department Divisions as an “Independent Junior Exhibitor.” Junior independents are required to attend yearly “Quality Assurance & Ethics” training before animals are purchased. All other tagging and ownership rules also apply. INSURANCE: The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair strongly recommends purchasing a liability policy for livestock exhibitors during fair-time, however it is not a requirement to exhibit at the fair. Current fees are $18 per family for small livestock classes unlimited number of entries (rabbits) and $35 per family for large livestock unlimited entries (cattle, goats, horses, sheep and swine). NOT REQUIRED for entry.
JUNIOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITOR SHOW RING ETIQUETTE The following are appropriate etiquette rules regarding your conduct and behavior in the show ring. If for any reason you chose to violate these rules, it may result in your ineligibility to show your animal for placing and consequently selling your animal in the Junior Livestock Auction. 1. You will show respect for the judge, fair management, your animal, and your fellow showmen at all times. No disrespectful behavior will be tolerated. 2. No baseball caps or headwear other than that which is standard to your respective uniform. 3. No open-toed shoes of any kind. This is mandatory and for your protection. 4. No cell phones, MP3 players, pagers or other electronic gear allowed in the show ring. If these items are found they will be confiscated and not returned until after you are released from the fairgrounds on Sunday. 5. No sunglasses in the show ring. Tinted prescription glasses are okay. 6. Be on time for all of your classes. There will be no gate holds.
JUNIOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITOR CODE OF CONDUCT Exhibiting livestock at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair is a privilege and must be respected as such. To that end, all junior exhibitors who wish to sell and/or show at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair must adhere to the Code of Conduct to be eligible to participate in the fair. This Code of Conduct covers conduct of the exhibitor from the Monday before opening day of the fair through Sunday, the last day of the fair. Violations of the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. An investigation of alleged violations will be conducted and a decision rendered by the appropriate involved parties according to the Code of Conduct Protocol. Violations may result in loss of right to sell animals at the auction. 1.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
All junior livestock exhibitors will refrain from any use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or obscene language during the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. They will also refrain from being in the company of minors who are using alcohol, drugs, tobacco or obscene language. All junior livestock exhibitors will treat their animals in a safe and humane manner. Their animals will have the necessary feed and water during the entire time they are at the fairgrounds. All junior livestock exhibitors will keep their animal pens clean and free of hazards at all times. All junior livestock exhibitors will treat adults, especially those in authority, with respect. All junior livestock exhibitors will follow all local and state rules that apply to their particular project(s). All junior livestock exhibitors staying in the fair’s RV Park or visiting friends in the fair’s RV Park will abide by all curfews and all other RV Park rules. No junior livestock exhibitors will allow an adult to perform the junior exhibitor’s duties including fitting an animal for show, cleaning pens, feeding or watering. Junior exhibitors may exchange duties with fellow club members or fellow junior exhibitors as a matter of team work.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
AUGUST 20 $.50 Craft & Textiles st Aug. 31 10am-7pm st Sept. 1 9am-5pm Foods th Sept. 4 6-9pm th Sept. 5 7-10am th September 9 8pm-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm 2 Entries per Exhibitor Danish
Eligibility: These classes are for nursing home residents; or for the emotionally, developmentally, or physically challenged persons of any age. Entry tags will not state these designations. Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $5 $3
3 $2
DIVISION 1 – SPECIAL Class 1. 2. 3. 4.
Any baked or confection item, specify Any craft item, specify Any drawing or painting Any item of needlework, specify
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry per class th September 4 6-9pm & th September 5 7-10am th September 5 at 1pm th September 9 8pm-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm American Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath County residents only. All products must be grown within the boundaries of Modoc, Siskiyou, or Klamath Counties.
Premiums Offered Per Class st 1 $5 Rosettes & Sweepstakes st 1 $20
3 $2
3 $10
2 $3
2 $15
DIVISION 2- SENIOR AGRICULTURE Quantities Required: Bulk – 1 pint in canning jar with lid. Sheaves – Mature & Cured, not less than 4” in diameter at bottom
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
GRAINS Barley - Bulk Oats - Bulk Wheat - Bulk Other Grain – Bulk Barley – Sheaf Oats – Sheaf Wheat – Sheaf Other Grains - Sheaf
FORAGE PLANT CROPS Sheaves – Leaves attached, not less than 4” in diameter at bottom tie
Class 9. 10. 11. The quality desired in agricultural products is the quality that brings the best financial return in the commercial market, and such exhibits must be at least equal in maturity to the stage of ripeness required by sec. 42513 of the CA. Agricultural Code in order to be considered for premium awards. “Mature” means having reached that stage of ripeness which will insure the completion of the ripening process to a degree which will insure palatability after the removal of the product from the tree, plant or vine. “Over-ripe” means having an advanced stage of maturity which causes it to be undesirable for human consumption in a fresh state. Note: Unless otherwise stated, the type of vegetable desired for exhibit will be the uniform commercial grade rather than overgrown. Monstrosities will not be considered for premium awarded. List variety if known.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Alfalfa Sheaf Alfalfa (1 bale) Misc. Hay (bale)
FRUIT AND POD VEGETALBES Class 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
(Plate Display)
Beans, Yellow Wax (12) Beans, Green Snap, (12) Beans, Other, (12) Peppers, Sweet (3) Peppers, Hot (3) Peas, (12) Tomatoes, (3) Tomatoes, Small variety (10 or more) All other, (fit on 12” plate)
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
LEAFY & STEM VEGETABLES Class 21. 22. 23. Class 24. 21. 25. 22.
23. 24. 25. Class 26. 27. 28. Class 29. 26. 30. 27. 31. 28. 32. 29. 33. 30. 34. 31. 35. 32. 36. 33. 37. 34. 38. 35. 39. 36. 37. 38. Class 39. 40. 41. 42. Class 43. 40. 44. 41. 45. 42. 46. 43. 47. 44. 48. 45. 49. 46. 50. 47. 51. 48.
(Plate Display)
Cabbage, Green (1) LEAFY & STEM VEGETABLES Cabbage, Red (1) (Plate Display) Corn Sweet (3) (leave husks on) Corn Other,Green (3) (leave Cabbage, (1) husks on) All Other (fit on (1) 12” Plate) Cabbage, Red Corn Sweet (3) (leave husks on)
ROOT, BULK, & TUBER VEGETABLES Corn Other, (3) (leave husks on) (Plate Display of 3 unless otherwise listed)
All Other (fit on 12” Plate)
Beets, topped ROOT, BULK, & TUBER VEGETABLES Carrots, topped (Plate Display of 3 unless otherwise listed) Garlic (6) Horseradish Root Beets, topped Onions, Carrots,White topped Onions, Red, Yellow Garlic (6) Parsnips, topped Horseradish Root Potato, Russet Onions, White Burbank Potato, Norkotah Onions,Russet Red, Yellow Potato, Russet All Other Parsnips, topped Potato, Red Potato, Russet Burbank Potatoes, Other Norkotah Potato, Russet Turnips, topped Potato, Russet All Other All, OtherRed Potato,
VINE CROPS Potatoes, Other Turnips, topped (Market Size) All, Other Melon (1) VINE CROPS Cucumbers, Slicing (3) (Market Size) Cucumbers, Pickling (3) Gourds, Ornamental (5) Melon (1) Pumpkin, (1) Slicing (3) Cucumbers, Squash, Zucchini (3) (3) Cucumbers, Pickling Squash, Acorn (1) Gourds, Ornamental (5) Squash, Butternut (1) Pumpkin, (1) Squash, Crook Neck Squash, Zucchini (3)(1) Squash, (3) Squash,Scallop Acorn (1) Squash, Other (1) Squash,All Butternut (1) All Other Edible Vine (1) Squash, Crook Neck
49. Squash, Scallop (3) DECIDUOUS FRUITS 50. Squash, All Other (1) (Plate Display of at least 5) 51. All Other Edible Vine Class 52. Apples DECIDUOUS FRUITS 53. Pears (Plate Display of at least 5) 54. All Other, List Class
SMALL FRUITS & BERRIES 52. Apples (1 standard berry basket) 53. Pears Class 54. All Other, List 55. Strawberries SMALL FRUITS & BERRIES 56. Grapes (large bundle) (1 standard berry basket) 57. All Other, List Class 55. Class 56. 58. 57. 59. 60. Class 61. 58. 62. 59. 63. 60. 64. 61. 65. 62. 63.
Sunflower (1 head) Herb, List Eggs (min.1/2 dozen) in display container Gift basket, at least 75% homegrown Decorated Vegetable,straw Fruit bale &/or grain arrangement Scarecrow Birdhouse NOVELTY Decorated straw bale
NOVELTY $.50 per entry per class th
September 4 6-9pm th TH September AUGUST 205th 7-10am September 5 at 1pm $.50 per entry per class thth September September94 th8pm-9pm 6-9pm th September September10 5 9am-5pm 7-10am th TYPE OF JUDGING: American EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 5 at 1pm th Siskiyou, and RESTRICTIONS: Open to Modoc, EXHIBITS RELEASED: September 9 8pm-9pm th Klamath County September 10 residents 9am-5pm only. All products must be grown within TYPE OF JUDGING: American the boundaries of Modoc, and RESTRICTIONS: Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, Siskiyou, or Klamath Counties. Klamath County residents only. All products must be grown within Premiums Offered Per Class the boundaries of Modoc, st nd rd Siskiyou, or Klamath Counties. 1 2 3 $3 $2 $1 Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 LARGEST Class $3 $2 $1 67. Cabbage (1) 68. Carrot (1) LARGEST 69. Cucumber (1) Class 70. Onion (1) (1) 67. Cabbage 71. Potato 68. Carrot (1) (1) 72. Pumpkin(1) 69. Cucumber (1) 73. Squash (1) 70. Onion (1) 74. Other (1) 71. PotatoVegetable (1) 75. Other Fruit (1) 72. Pumpkin(1) 73. 74. Class 75. 76. 77.
Squash (1) Other Vegetable (1) TALLEST Other Fruit (1) Corn (1 stalk) Sunflower (1 stalk)
Class 76. Class 77. 78. 79. 80. Class 81. 78.
Corn (1 stalk) UNUSUAL BY SHAPE Sunflower (1 stalk) Carrot Potato UNUSUAL BY SHAPE Zucchini Any Other Carrot
79. 80. 81.
Potato Zucchini Any Other
MISCELLANEOUS Strawberries Grapes (large bundle) Honey (1 pint All Other, Listjar) Sunflower (1MISCELLANEOUS head) Herb, List Eggs (min.1/2 in display container Honey (1 pint dozen) jar) Gift basket,(1 at head) least 75% homegrown Sunflower Vegetable, Herb, List Fruit &/or grain arrangement Scarecrow Eggs (min.1/2 dozen) in display container Birdhouse Gift basket, at least 75% homegrown Vegetable, Fruit &/or grain arrangement
TULELAKE-BUTTE 64. Scarecrow VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 65.
59. 60. 61. 62. 66. 63. 64. 65. 66.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook 35
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $250 $200
3 $150
4 $100
Class 2. Special Booth Booth 2. Special TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 Special Feature Feature (Booths) (Booths) should should display display an an Special agricultural, process process or or procedure procedure of of the the area area agricultural, represented in in such such aa manner manner as as to to most most attractable, attractable, represented inform the the public public of of the the value, value, desirability desirability and and interest interest inform to the the consumer consumer producer producer and and community community to to be be found found to in the the subject subject being being featured. featured. 100 100 Square Square Feet Feet (10’x (10’x in 10’) 10’) Premiums Offered Offered Per Per Class Class Premiums st nd st nd 11 22 $200 $150 $200 $150
AUGUST 20 20TH AUGUST $35.00 –– Sr. Sr. Variety Variety Booth Booth $35.00 $25.00 –– Sr. Sr. Special Special Booth Booth $25.00 th September 44th 6pm-9pm 6pm-9pm September th September 55th 7am-10am 7am-10am September th th September 88 at at 1pm 1pm September th September 99th 8pm-9pm 8pm-9pm September th September 10 10th 9am-5pm 9am-5pm September American American Open to to Modoc, Modoc, Siskiyou, Siskiyou, and and Open Klamath Counties. Counties. Klamath
NOTE: Use Use separate separate entry entry form form for for this this department. department. Please Please NOTE: indicate on on entry entry blank blank the the approximate approximate number number of of square square feet feet indicate required for for the the display. display. Feature Feature exhibits exhibits are are limited limited to to one one required entry by by and and for for each each county, county, community, community, organization organization or or nonnonentry commercial entry. entry. Exhibits Exhibits must must be be maintained maintained by by exhibitors exhibitors commercial during the the fair. fair. during
Class Class 1. 1.
Variety Booth Booth Variety Variety Feature Feature Exhibits Exhibits (Booths) (Booths) must must display display the the Variety advantages and and the the diversity diversity of of the the agricultural agricultural advantages products grown grown in in the the county, county, community, community, or or area area products represented. The The products products displayed displayed must must have have been been represented. produced by by members members of of the the community community organization organization produced within the the area area represented. represented. AA type-written type-written or or printed printed within list of of products products contained contained in in the the booth, booth, arranged arranged list alphabetically or or separated separated by by classes, classes, must must be be alphabetically attached to to (or (or be be aa part part of) of) the the exhibit, exhibit, or or the the attached percentage of of the the score score earned earned for for variety variety will will not not be be percentage allowed. 200 200 Square Square Feet Feet (20’x10’) (20’x10’) allowed.
Premiums Offered Offered Per Per Class Class Premiums st nd st nd 11 22 $250 $200 $250 $200
rd 33 $150 $150
th 44 $50 $50
st 11 $40 $40
AUGUST 20 20TH AUGUST $10.00 Per Per entry entry per per class class $10.00 st August 31 31st 10am-7pm 10am-7pm August st September 11st 9am-5pm 9am-5pm September th th September 44 at at 10am 10am September th September 99th 8pm-9pm 8pm-9pm September th September 10 10th 9am-5pm 9am-5pm September Danish Danish Entry per per Exhibitor Exhibitor 11 Entry Open to to Modoc, Modoc, Siskiyou, Siskiyou, and and Open Klamath Counties. Counties. Klamath
Premiums Offered Offered Per Per Class Class Premiums nd nd 22 $30 $30
rd 33 $20 $20
rd 33 $100 $100
Eligibility: Four Four corners corners are are available available for for groups groups or or Eligibility: individuals, approximately approximately 4’x4’. 4’x4’. Fair Fair to to provide provide individuals, round 48” 48” table table and and exhibitor exhibitor to to provide provide everything everything round else. Table Table must must be be skirted. skirted. Electricity Electricity available. available. else. Corner to to be be judged judged on on creativity creativity and and appearance. appearance. Corner Any kind kind of of craft craft or or textile textile art art will will be be acceptable. acceptable. Any Examples include include an an artificial artificial tree tree decorated decorated with with Examples handmade ornaments, ornaments, bows, bows, flowers, flowers, etc; etc; aa handmade themed doll doll display. display. Use Use your your imagination! imagination! themed
th 44 $100 $100
Class Class
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY VALLEY FAIR FAIR –– September September 6-9, 6-9, 2012 2012 TULELAKE-BUTTE
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry per class 2 Entries per exhibitor per class Collections 1 per exhibitor st August 31 10am-7pm st September 1 9am-5pm th September 4 at 10am th September 9 8pm-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm American Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties.
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 $5 $3 $2 Paintings and drawings must be mounted or framed and ready to hang with screw eyes and wire. Please list the size of your exhibit on your entry form (not over 48” unless space is available). Exhibitors are eligible for Novice or Advance or Professional division in any similar medium (professional photography may be amateur painter, etc.) Novice: Open to those who engage in arts and crafts, work as a hobby or for the love of the work, whose returns from sales, if any do not exceed the cost of the materials, for the article sold and who are not otherwise remunerated on account or engaging in this work except cash prize or premium awards. Advanced: Open to those exhibitors who engage in the arts and crafts for remuneration, but not as an occupation to teacher. Professional: Open to exhibitors whose sales have exceeded cost of materials used. Art instructors, art gallery members, or any person otherwise remunerated on account of engaging in their profession.
Class 1.
2. Carving 3. Ceramics/Pottery 4. Wreath 5. Holiday craft, list 6. Jewelry, 1 item or set 7. Leatherwork 8. Poetry, short story* 9. Metal Craft 10. Stamp Art, No Album 11. Sculpturing, Any material 12. Wall Hanging, NO macramé 13. Stained Glass, Any 14. Wood Craft, Lathe 15. Wood Craft, Curio 16. All Other, List *Poem or story must be the original work of the exhibitor; may not exceed one standard page of paper (8-1/2”x11”); written or typed; may be illustrated (illustrations must be the work of exhibitor). Criteria: Originality, Style, Grammar, Spelling
A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion of the judge Bead craft, List item
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Dolls must have been made within the past two years and not previously exhibited at this fair. Doll must be the handiwork of the exhibitor (except that clothing will be judged as to suitability). In these doll classes, there are two categories of classes: Novice and Advanced/Professional.
Class 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion of the judge Baby Doll Modern Porcelain Doll Ethnic Porcelain Doll Vinyl Doll Other Porcelain Doll Doll Set (but not “collection”) Other Doll
Class 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion of the judge Baby Doll Modern Porcelain Doll Ethnic Porcelain Doll Vinyl Doll Other Porcelain Doll Doll Set (but not “collection”) Other Doll
A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the Class discretion of the judge 31. Acrylic, Land or Seascape Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook 37 32. Acrylic, Other List 33. Drawing, Pen & Ink 34. Drawing, Pencil
Other Doll
Other NOVICE Doll PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the NOVICE PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS discretion of the judge A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the Acrylic, Land or Seascape Acrylic, Other Listdiscretion of the judge Acrylic, Land Drawing, Penor & Seascape Ink Acrylic, List Drawing,Other Pencil Drawing, & List Ink (includes Pastels & Charcoal) Drawing, Pen Other Drawing, Pencil Multi-Media Drawing, Other List (includes Pastels & Charcoal) Oil, Animal(s)/Bird(s) Multi-Media Oil, Portrait Oil, Oil, Animal(s)/Bird(s) Waterscape Oil, Oil, Portrait Landscape Oil, Oil, Waterscape Still Life Oil, Oil, Landscape Other Subject list Oil, Still Paint onLife Rock, Pot, Tile, or other, List Item Oil, Other Subject Paint on Metal, Listlist Item Paint on Rock, Pot, Tile, or other, List Item Watercolor, Landscape Paint Metal, Listlist Item Wateron Color Other Watercolor, Landscape Water Color OtherPAINT list ON WOOD
Class 31. Class 32. 31. 33. 32. 34. 33. 35. 34. 36. 35. 37. 36. 38. 37. 39. 38. 40. 39. 41. 40. 42. 41. 43. 42. 44. 43. 45. 44. 46. 45. 46. Class 47. Class 48. 47. 49. 48. 49.
PAINT Flower design. List Item ON WOOD Landscape, List item Flower design. List Item All Other design, List item Landscape, List item All Other design, List item
(On paper canvas, or masonite, unless noted otherwise)
(On paper canvas, or masonite, unless noted otherwise) ADVANCED
Class 50. Class 51. 50. 52. 51. 53. 52. 54. 53. 55. 54. 56. 55. 57. 56. 58. 57. 59. 58. 59.
A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the ADVANCED discretion of the judge A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the Drawing, Pencil, Pen/ink discretion Other of the judge Drawing, Pastel/Charcoal, Drawing, Pen/ink Painting, Pencil, Oil Drawing, Other Painting, Pastel/Charcoal, Acrylic Painting, Painting, Oil Multi-Media Painting, Acrylic Watercolor Painting, Multi-Media Paint on Item, List Watercolor Jewelry Paint Item, List Woodon Craft Jewelry Other, List Wood Craft Other, List PROFESSIONAL
A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the PROFESSIONAL Class discretion of the judge A Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the 60. Drawing, Pencil, Pen/ink Class discretion other of the judge 61. Drawing, Pastel/Charcoal, 60. Drawing, Pencil, Pen/ink 62. Painting, Oil 61. Drawing, other 63. Painting, Pastel/Charcoal, Acrylic 62. Painting, Oil 64. Painting, Multi-Media 63. Painting, Acrylic 65. Watercolor 64. Painting, Multi-Media 66. Paint on Item, List 65. Watercolor 67. Jewelry 66. Paint on Item, List 68. Woodcraft 67. Jewelry 69. Other List 68. Woodcraft 70. Print of Exhibitor’s Original 69. Other List SENIOR SCRAPBOOKING 70. Print of Exhibitor’s Original Class SENIOR SCRAPBOOKING 71. Memory Book Album (can be one sheet or two Class 71. Memory Book AlbumFAIR (can be one sheet or6-9, two 2012 TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY – September
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
72. 73. 72. 73.
consecutive pages, specify what is to be judged) Card, Paper crafted Stamped, etc. consecutive Home Deco,pages, Paper specify Crafted,what List is to be judged) Card, Paper crafted Stamped, etc. Home Deco, Paper Crafted, List
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 Premiums Offered Per Class $15 $10 $5 st nd rd 1 2 3 $15 $10 $5 Sr. Collection – 1. Classes are limited to available space and must fit Sr. Collection – 1. within a case provided by the fair, approximately 3’x 4’. Classes arewill limited to available space andexhibit must fit Collections be displayed in any of the within a case provided by the fair, approximately 3’x 4’. buildings depending upon subject matter of collection Collections will be displayed in any of the exhibit and availability of space. If previously entered, buildings depending upon subject matter of material. collection collections must be comprised of 50% new and availability of space. If previously entered, Collection must be arranged by exhibitor in fair’s glass collections mustdescribe be comprised of 50% new material. case. (Please the contents of collection)! Collection be arranged by exhibitor in fair’s glass Limit: 1 permust exhibitor case. (Please describe Fair Theme Murals – the contents of collection)! 2. Limit: 1 per exhibitor Exhibitor should use a 4’x8’ sheet of plywood, masonite Fair Themeto Murals 2. or paneling paint a–mural of “Keeping the Dream Exhibitor shouldwill use 4’x8’ sheet plywood, masonite Alive”. Murals beaaffixed to theofexterior of the Home or paneling to paint atomural of “Keeping Dream Economics Building be enjoyed by all.the This class is Alive”. will be affixedand to the exterior ofJudging the Home open toMurals adult organizations individuals. will Economics Building33% to beworkmanship enjoyed by all. class is be 33% originality, andThis neatness, open to adultappeal organizations and individuals. Judging will 34% overall to fairgoers. be 33% originality, 33% workmanship and neatness, Garbage Can Art – 3. 34% appeal to fairgoers. 35 oroverall 50 gallon garbage cans may be picked up from Garbage Can Art 3. the fairgrounds for –painting. Designs may be funny, 35 or 50 gallon mayUse be your picked up from agricultural, fairgarbage theme ofcans pretty. imagination! the for to painting. Designs mayand be funny, Thisfairgrounds class is open adult organizations individuals. agricultural, theme of pretty.33% Useworkmanship your imagination! Judging will fair be 33% originality, and This class 34% is open to adult organizations and individuals. neatness, overall appeal to fairgoers. Judging will be 33% originality, 33% workmanship and neatness, 34% overall appeal to fairgoers.
All entries in this department must have been homemade by the exhibitor within one year of the opening date for the fair to All department must have been by be entries eligible in forthis premium awards. Exhibits must homemade be accurately the onecleaned year of and the opening for theknitted fair to andexhibitor correctlywithin labeled, Anything be eligible for premium awards. Exhibits must be accurately must be done by hand and not by machine unless otherwise and correctly labeled, cleaned and pressed. Anything knitted listed. This department is restricted to exhibitors who do not must done by andwork not by unless otherwise sell orbe attempt to hand sell their asmachine their main source of income. listed. This department is restricted to exhibitors who do not sell or attempt to sell their work asEXHIBITOR their main source of income. HANDBOOK
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Items entered in “All Other” classes will be disqualified by the clerk if found to be similar in style or technique to those entered in other classes OR if they are entered incorrectly OR if the exhibitor has failed to list what the items are or techniques used. TH ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST 20 ENTRY FEES: $.50 per entry per class $1.00 per quilt st EXHIBITS RECEIVED: August 31 10am-7pm st September 1 9am-5pm rd EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 3 at 10am open to public EXHIBITS RELEASED: September 9th 8pm-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm TYPE OF JUDGING: American LIMIT: 2 Entries per exhibitor per class. RESTRICTIONS: Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties. Premiums Offered Per Class st 1 $10 Sweepstakes & Rosettes $30
2 $5
3 $3
Best of Show Rosette will be awarded at the discretion of the judge in each section of classes. Best of Show Rosette will be awarded in the Advanced/Pro Quilt Class
Class 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
DIVISION 7 – SR. CLOTHING & TEXTILES 35. Class 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43.
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
SENIOR AFGHAN Crocheted, Afghan Stitch Crocheted, Made from blocks or strips Crocheted, All other Baby or Crib, Crocheted or Knitted Lap size All other, List
Fabric sleeve or tabs should be tacked to reverse side
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Class 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
of quilt along upper edge to serve as hanging sleeve to fit 1” dowel (Call for details). Quilts hanging from ceiling will not be released until Monday. Pieced or Patches All Hand Pieced or Patches All Machine Pieced or Patches Machine & Hand Appliquéd All Hand Appliquéd All Machine Appliquéd Machine & Hand Pieced & Appliquéd All Hand Pieced & Appliquéd All Machine Pieced & Appliquéd Machine & Hand Embroidered All Hand Embroidered All Machine Embroidered Machine & Hand Baby Quilts, All Hand Baby Quilts, All Machine Baby Quilts, Machine &/Hand Quilt by Organization Machine &/or Hand Recycled (jeans, used garments) Machine &/or Hand Art/Landscape Quilt Machine &/or Hand Wall Hanging All Hand Wall Hanging All Machine Wall Hanging Machine & Hand Any Other Quilt All Hand Any Other Quilt All Machine Any Other Quilt Machine & Hand Memory Quilts Miniature Quilts Challenge Quilt, Best use of fair theme “Keeping the Dream Alive” (must be wall hanging size) st Beginner Quilters 1 time entering Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair Machine &/or Hand
Advanced/Professional Quilt Any technique SENIOR TEXTILES
Bedspread, All Other, List Technique Center Piece Doily, Crocheted Luncheon Cloth, List Technique Place Mats (set of 4) Pot Holders and/or Hot Pads (set of 2) Scarf, Dresser, List Technique Tablecloth, All other List Technique, (More than 50”x50”)
SENIOR FABRIC CRAFT Dish Towels, Set Pillow Case (Judged on Needlework) Pillow, All Other (No Crochet) Embroidered, Crewel, or Needle Point Article Bath Towel, Single or Set All Other Fabric Craft, Sewing not necessary Embroidered, Crewel, Cross-Stitch Pillow Stuffed Doll or Toy (Set allowed)
Class 52.
(No garments, unless specified – must list item and/or technique)
Crocheted Article, All Other
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64.
Knitted Article, All other Macramé Item, List Holiday Decoration, List Novelty Handiwork, All Other List (Hankies, etc.) Padded Photo Album or Picture Frame Plastic Canvas, List Rug, List Technique Textile Painted article, All other (garment or textile) Crocheted or Knitted Pillow All Other textiles List (No Crochet) Dressed Doll (judged only on clothing/accessories) Stuffed Doll or Toy, Crocheted or Knitted (set allowed)
SENIOR PICTURES, HOOP, WALL HANGINGS Class 65. 66. 67. 68. Class 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81.
Class 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Class 90. 91. 92.
(For Measuring, Do not include matting/framing in size)
Picture, Counted Cross-Stitch, over 11”x14” Picture, Counted Cross-Stitch, 11”x14” & under Picture, Embroidered or Crewel All Other List
SENIOR WEARING APPAREL, SEWN Apron Blouse, Skirt, Pants, or Shirt, Adult Blouse, Skirt, Pants, or Shirt, Child (1-12 years) Coat or Jacket Coordinated (2or 3 Pieces), Adult** Coordinated (2 or 3pieces), Child** Dress, Fancy, Child (1-12 Years) Dress, All Other, Child (1-12 Years) Dress, Infant Dress, Formal or Wedding** Dress, All Other Adult Play Clothes (2 or 3 Pieces) All Other Sewn Wearing Apparel, Infant, Child or Adult, List
SR. WEARING APPAREL, CROCHETED OR KNITTED Accessory – Gloves, Hat, Slippers, etc Accessories – Set of Any 2 or More Sweater set, Infant Sweater, Shell, Vest, Child, or Infant Sweater, Shell or Vest, Adult** All Other, Adult, List All Other, Child or Infant, List Machine Knitted
SENIOR FIBER ARTS Hand-woven article, List Hand Spun Yarn Hand Felt article, List
Exhibits must have been grown by the exhibitor within the same community represented by the exhibitor except classes for arrangements. 1. PLEASE NOTE: There is one flower show for arrangements and potted plants, 2 flower shows for cut flowers (to make for the freshest exhibits). Cut flowers will require pre-entry this year. We ask that you fill out an entry form on the flowers you expect to bring to the fair. Your entry fees will not be due until the day you bring the entries in. 2. For educational purposes, please list variety of plant if known. 3. The same potted plant may not be exhibited in this department two years in succession. Grooming of plants is very important. Plants should be ready for display. Remove all bugs, groom clean pots. 4. All items that are part of the exhibit must be left in place or premium awards will be withheld. Fresh flowers of same type may replace flowers in arrangements only after judging. 5. Cut flower exhibit from the first show will be removed Friday night from 8pm to 9pm. You may pick up your ribbons on Sunday when you pick up your check from 8pm to 9pm or on Monday, following the fair. SCORECARD FOR JUDGING ARRANGEMENTS:
Design ................................................................... 40% Creativity (Imaginative) ......................................... 30% Distinction (Craftsmanship) ................................... 20% Conformity (Fitness to Theme).............................. 10% SCORECARD FOR JUDGING CUT FLOWERS & POTTED PLANTS
Cultural Perfection (Substance, Vigor) .................. 35% Condition (Grooming)............................................ 20% Color of Bloom ...................................................... 20% Form ..................................................................... 15% Size ....................................................................... 10%
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry per th Sept 5 7-10am – potted plants th Sept 6 7-9am – potted plants , st arrangements, and 1 show cut flowers th nd Sept 8 7-9am – 2 show cut flowers th Sept 5 @ 1pm - Adopt-A-Spot th Sept. 6 at 1pm - arrangements, st potted plants & 1 show cut flowers th nd Sept. 8 at 1pm - 2 cut flower show One entry per class per exhibiter th September 9 , 8pm-9pm th September 10 , 9am-5pm American Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st 1 -$5 SWEEPSTAKES & Rosettes:
1 - $20
2 -$3 2
these Advanced/Skilled classes and a blue ribbon has been awarded. Class 7. “Flaming Foliage” 8. “Feathered Flowers” 9. “Miniature Beauty” 10. “Roses for Remembrance” 11. “Scents of Summer” 12. “Keeping the Dream Alive”
3 -$2 rd
3 -$10
(Exhibitor may enter only ONE category – Novice/Amateur or Advanced/Skilled)
OPEN ARRANGEMENTS Open to Juniors, Novice/Amateur, and Advanced/Skilled, Fresh Plant material not required in these classes only. Use of silk, dried flowers etc. may be used in these arrangements. THESE CLASSES ARE MADE IN MEMORY OF SILVER McFALL WHOSE BEAUTIFUL ENTRIES OF FLOWERS AND CRAFTS AT THE TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR WERE EVER PRESENT… Class 13. “Anything Goes” 14. “Keeping the Dream Alive”
All arrangements must contain some fresh plant material unless otherwise specified. Use expensive accessories or antiques at your own risk. It is not proper to use the American Flag in a flower arrangement. Limit of size for arrangements: 15” depth (front to back to fit shelf)
NOVICE/AMATUER ARRANGEMENTS Open to exhibitors who have won nine or fewer blue ribbons in floriculture design classes. Best in Novice/Amateur Rosette Award and $10 will be made if at least nine entries are made in the Novice/Amateur division and a blue ribbon has been awarded. Class 1. “Flaming Foliage” 2. “Feathered Flowers” 3. “Miniature Beauty” 4. “Roses for Remembrance” 5. “Scents of Summer” 6. “Keeping the Dream Alive”
Open to exhibitors who have won more than nine blue ribbons in floriculture design classes. Best in Advanced/Skilled Rosette Award and $10 will be made if at least nine entries are made in
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Plants must have been in exhibitor’s possession 90 days prior to fair. Plants must be groomed. Limit of one plant per pot, unless otherwise specified. Specify height on entry form of large plants (accepted if room is available). A Best of Show Rosette will be awarded to one plant. For “exhibit only” plants may be displayed if space permits. Class 15. African violet, All Other 16. Begonia, All Other 17. Coleus, Single 18. Coleus, Collection (3-5) 19. Cactus 20. Cactus (4 or more assembled in 1 container) 21. Foliage Plants, Miniature Garden 22. Fern 23. Geranium, Any Color 24. Ivy 25. Miniature Garden, OR Patio Pot (3 or more) 26. Philodendron 27. Rose, Miniature (larger than 6” pot) 28. Succulent Plant 29. Terrarium 30. Vining Plant, Other 31. Potted Plant, Foliage 32. Potted Plant, Flowering 33. Garden in Wheelbarrow
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
the fair from 7-9am.
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Giant Pink (3 Blooms) Giant White (3 Blooms) Giant Lavender (3 Blooms) Giant Purple (3 Blooms) Giant Other (3 Blooms) Pompon Pink (1 Spray) Pompon Other (1 Spray)
Class 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Single Early Hardy, Yellow Early Hardy, Pink Early Hardy, Bronze Early Hardy, White Early Hardy, All Other Pompon, Any Color All Other, Not Listed
Class 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Class 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
Class 38. 39. 40. 41. Class 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.
Hosta, Giant & Larch Leaved, 1 Leaf Hosta, Medium, leaved, 2 Leaves Hosta, Miniature, Small Sward Leaved 3 Leafs Bouquet Over 15” Bouquet 7”-15” Bouquet Under 7” Bouquet, Anything goes, Unusual Container Any other bulb, Not Listed (1 Stem)
DIVISION: 10 – SATURDAY & SUNDAY CUT FLOWERS PRE-ENTRY REQUIRED THIS YEAR!!! Bring flowers Saturday of the fair from 7-9am.
3 Separated Stems
Double, White Double, Bi-Color Double, Pink Double, Purple Double, All Other Single, Plain, Bi-Color Single, Plain, Pink Single, Plain, White Single, Plain Purple Single, Plain, Red Ruffled, Pink Ruffled, All Other Petunia, All Other
Large, Over 8” (1 Stem) Medium, 4”-8” (1 Stem) Cactus, 4”-8” (1 Stem) Bi-Color, (1 Stem) Cactus, 2”-4” (1 Stem) Collarettes (1 Stem) Pompon 2” -4” (3 Stems) Miniature, under 2” (3) 5 Different Types
Dianthus Sweet William Miniature Single Petal
Daisy, Gloriosa (1 Stem) Daisy, Shasta (3 Stems) Daisy, All Other (3 Stems) Gaillardia (3 Stems) Michaelmas (1 Spray) Chinese Lantern (1 Spray) Calendula, Orange (5 Blooms) Calendula, Yellow (5 Blooms)
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Class
1 Main Stem (Foliage required)
Climber Floribunda, (1 stem) Miniature, (1 spray) Tea, Hybrid, Pink Tea, Hybrid, Yellow Tea, Hybrid, Red Tea, Hybrid, White Tea, Hybrid, Any Other All other rose
GLADIOLA (1 Spike)
10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Class
Miniature (2 Spikes) Ruffled, All Colors Pink or Lavender Orange or Salmon White Purple or Wine Red Blend Yellow Any other
20. 21. 22.
Yellow, (5 Blooms) Orange, 5 Blooms) All Other, (5 Blooms)
Class 23. 24. 25.
Yellow, (3 Blooms) Orange, (3 Blooms) All Other, (3 Blooms)
Class 26. Class 27. 28. 29. 30.
MARIGOLDS Under 2” Blooms
MARIGOLDS 2”-3” Blooms
All Other (3 Blooms)
over 3” Blooms
Clematis (1 Bloom Floating) Cosmos (5 Blooms) Green Bells, Ireland (1 Spray) Lavatera (1 Spray)
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Class 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
Pansies (3 Stems) Phlox, Plain (1 Stem) Phlox, With Eye (1 Stem) 3 Sunflowers, 4” & under 3 Sunflowers, over 4” Sunflower double (3 Stem) Nasturtium, Single (5 Blooms) Nasturtium, Double (5 Blooms) Snap Dragon (1 Stem) Snap Dragon Double (1 Stem) Sweet Peas (5 Stems No leaves) Any other annual, Not listed (3 Stems) Berried Branch (1) Yarrow (1 Stem) Any Other Perennial, Not listed (1 Stem) list Bouquet – Over 15” Bouquet – 7”-15” Bouquet – Anything goes in unusual container
Giant, 4” & over, 1 color, (1 Stem) Cactus, 4” & over, 1 color (1 Stem) Giant 4” & over, bicolor (1 Stem) Cactus 4” & over bicolor (1 Stem) Pompon, 1 color, (5 Stem) Bi-Color, (5 Stems) Bouquet, 12 Stems, mixed colors, & sizes, provide own container
All entries in this division must be home prepared by the exhibitor. No mixes unless class specifies. Label any dish or container with name and address. Paper plates will be provided. Exhibitors are encouraged to include recipes on small index cards. All food exhibits are unsafe for consumption after display & will be immediately discarded after fair. Exhibit tags will be saved until 5 pm the Monday after fair. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED:
DIVISION 11 – ADOPT-A-SPOT GARDENS Limited space and funds available, please sign up early. st nd rd Danish system of judging. 1 - $200, 2 - $125, 3 - $50. Contact the Fair Office for details if prizes exceed available funds of $4000, pro-rating of awards will be made. New exhibitors will be asked to place entry tag identifying garden spot Thursday of the fair from 7am-9am. Pick up tag in Home Ec. Building. GARDENS WILL BE JUDGED ONCE PER ST MONTH STARTING JUNE 1 , WITH FINAL AWARDS BASED ON A COMPOSITE SCORE OF EACH MONTH AND THE FAIR TIME JUDGING SCORE.
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry th Sept. 4 6-9pm th Sept 5 7-10am th Sept. 5 at 1pm th September 9 8pm-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm American 2 Entries per exhibitor per class Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st 1 -$5 Baking/Confections Sweepstakes Preserved Foods Sweepstakes
st st
2 -$3
1 -$20 1 -$20
3 -$2
3 -$10
3 -$10
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
(1/2 loaf bread plus 1 slice for judging)
Banana Bread Bread Machine French Bread Fruit &/or Nut Bread Pumpkin Bread White or Wheat Bread Zucchini Bread Corn Bread All Other Bread
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Class 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Biscuits Dinner Rolls, Yeast Muffins Sweet Rolls, Yeast Cinnamon Rolls All Other, list
(Bring ½ dozen of biscuits or rolls plus 1 for judging)
(Whole Cake, Maybe Styrofoam)
Decorated Cake (any method) Gingerbread or Graham Cracker House
Class 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.
(1/2 cake plus 1 slice to judge)
All products being considered for the cash awards which have not otherwise been eliminated from consideration will be opened. A jar of like quality food may be exchanged for open jar day after judging, before noon. GLASS FRUIT JAR – A container specifically designed for canning purposes. No paraffin seals. All canning exhibits must be in sealed jars. NON-ACID FOOD – All vegetables must be canned UNDER PRESSURE. Low acid fruits such as figs should be made more acid by adding lemon juice, as directed in the University Agriculture Extension Service leaflet. “Home Canning of Fruits.” Tomatoes and fruits (not including the juices) must be processed in a boiling water bath. Exhibitors should loosen rings – not lids. Jars will be disqualified if they cannot be opened with reasonable effort. Jars must be properly labeled by exhibitor.
Angel Food Cake Bunt Cake Carrot Cake Frosted Layer Cake Loaf or Pound Cake Fruit Cake , Other Coffee Cake Rum Cake Upside Down Cake All other cake (includes Cheesecake) List Any cake use cake mix with recipe Variation, List recipe
Class 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44.
(Half dozen plus 1 cookie for judging)
Bar Cookies Brownies Chocolate Chip Decorated Cookies Other than chocolate chip (M&M, or other Flavor chips) Oatmeal No Bake Cookies Peanut Butter Cookies Rolled, Unfrosted Snicker doodles Ginger Snaps Persimmon Sugar All Other list Grandmas cookie Jar (Clear container with at least 1 dozen cookies, 3 + Varieties) Giant Decorated Cookie, (1) 4”-6”
SENIOR PIES & PASTRIES Class 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52.
(minimum whole pie size of 4”)
Apple Pie (Two-crust) Cherry Pie (Two-crust) Cream Pie Fruit or Berry, (Two-crust) Pecan Pie, (One-crust) Pumpkin Pie, (One-crust) All other pie, List All other pastry, List
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Divinity Fudge, Chocolate Fudge, All other Peanut Brittle Toffee Truffles Hard Candy, Other Dipped & Cordials Candy made in mold All Other, List
SENIOR LAYER, LOAF, OR POUND CAKE Class 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
(8 1” x 1” pieces, plus one piece)
Class 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74.
SENIOR CANNED FRUITS (Pint Jars preferred)
Applesauce Apricots Berry, List Cherries Peaches Pears Plums Prunes Rhubarb Strawberries Any Fruit, Honey added All Other List
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Class 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82.
SENIOR CANNED VEGETABLES Beans, Green Carrots Corn Peas Sauerkraut Squash Tomatoes All Other, List
(Pint Jars preferred)
118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. Class 125.
SENIOR PICKLES AND RELISHES Class 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91.
Beets Bread & Butter Pickles Dill Cucumber Pickles Dill Beans Sweet Pickles All Other, Relish, List All Other, Pickles List Salsa, Red or Green All Other, List
SALSA CONTEST This contest is limited to freshly made (unprocessed) Mexican style salsa to be used for dipping. Ingredients may be fresh, frozen and/or canned. Salsa will be judged on tortilla chips. One cup of salsa must be submitted in a clear glass, one-pint canning jar covered with a lid and ring. Exhibitor’s name may not be visible on the jar. The winner is eligible to have a salsa making demonstration in the Home Ec. Building during this year’s fair. Demonstration schedule to be announced. Deliver salsa to fair on September 5th between 7 to10 a.m. Best of Show winner will receive a $25 gift certificate plus premium money.
(Clear Jelly Jars preferred)
Apple or Crabapple Apricot Blackberry Boysenberry Peach Plum and/or Wild Plum Raspberry Strawberry Mixed Fruit, List All Other, List
SENIOR PRESERVES Class 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107.
Entry Fee: $1.00 per entry PREMIUMS OFFERED PER CLASS Class 126. 127.
(1/2 Pint jars preferred)
Class 117.
Salsa – Hot Salsa - Mild
Place $25
Place $10
Entry Fee: $1.00 per entry PREMIUMS OFFERED PER CLASS 1 Class 128. 129.
Place $25
Place $10
Pasta Sauce – Tomato Based Pasta Sauce – Non Tomato Based
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
This contest is limited to freshly made (unprocessed) sauces only. Submit entry in a disposable quart size container. Exhibitor’s name may not be visible on the jar. The winner is eligible to have a Pasta Sauce making demonstration in the Home Ec. Building during this year’s fair. Demonstration schedule to be announced. Deliver sauce to fair on September 5th between 7 to10 a.m. Best of Show winner will receive a $25 gift certificate plus premium money.
(1/2 Pint Jars preferred)
Butter, Apple Butter, Peach Butter, Pear Butter, Other - Specify Conserve, Any - Specify Marmalade, Apricot Marmalade, Lemon Marmalade, Orange Marmalade, Other - Specify
Berry Peach Plum Pear Strawberry All Other
SENIOR MARMALADES AND BUTTERS Class 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116.
Judging criteria: Baskets and/or items inside must be at least 50% hand-made, homegrown, and/or home cooked.
(Pint Jars preferred)
SENIOR JAMES & JELLIES Class 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101.
Dried Fruit or Fruit Leather Jerky Juice or Syrup, Any kind, List Beer, List Type (2 Bottles) Tomato base sauce Wine, List Type All Other, List
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry per entry st Aug. 31 10am-7pm st Sept. 1 9am-5pm rd Sept. 3 at 10am
Judging is closed to the public th
September 9 8pm-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm American 1 Entry per class Open to Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st 1 $5
2 $3
3 $2
Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette may be awarded in each of the Novice and Advanced/Professional.
DIVISION 13 – PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs must not have been exhibited at this fair before, however the pictures may have been taken prior to last year’s fair. Each picture (from the same negative or digital shot) may only be entered in one class. One photo per mat board (series allowed only in Tell-A-Story Classes). Please do not mail photos. Unframed prints must be matted or affixed to a backing such as poster board or foam board, borders to be no larger than 2 inches. Self-adhesive Velcro or plastic hanger will be attached to the back of the photo upon entry at fair to permit display. Prints must not be framed except where specified. Framed prints must be ready for hanging complete with screw eyes and wire. For added protection, photos may be “shrink–wrapped.” Size requirements specified in each class refer to actual photo measurement. Entries must be entered into the appropriate class to receive judging. Print Artist’s name and class number on back of picture. No names to be exposed on front of picture, if name is on front please cover with tape. Traditional Print – Any photo taken with film or digital reader card, where the image has not undergone manipulation other than cropping, burning and dodging, normal color or density balancing and spotting. MANIPULATED PRINT – Any change to the image beyond the traditional changes, this includes hand coloring, cross processing, photo collage, photograms, cyanotype, Polaroid transfers, etc. NOVICE: Open to those who engage in Photography as a hobby, whose returns from sales, if any, do not exceed the cost of the materials for the article sold and who are not otherwise remunerated on account of engaging in this work, except cash prizes or premium awards. ADVANCED: Open to those exhibitors who engage in photography for remuneration but not as an occupation or teacher. PROFESSIONAL: Open to those exhibitors whose sales have exceeded cost of materials used. Art instructors, art gallery members or any person otherwise remunerated on account of engaging in their profession.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
(4” x 6” or 3” X 5”) Action Agriculture Animal(s), live domestic or farm Animal(s), live wildlife Bird(s), Live Flower(s) Insect(s) Landscape/building(s) Scenic Scenic, Water Portrait of baby or child Portrait of Person(s) Seascape Still Life Sunset Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds Event Other
Class 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
35 square inches (ie. 5X7) UNFRAMED Animal(s), Live Birds(s), Live Flower(s) Landscape Portrait of Person(s) Sunset Forest or Tree Agriculture Patriotic Other
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Class 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
80 square inches (ie. 8X10) UNFRAMED Animal(s), Live Birds(s), Live Flower(s) Landscape Portrait of Person(s) Sunset Forest or Tree Agriculture Patriotic Other
Class 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
INTERPRETIVE PHOTOGRAPHY NO FRAMES Overall size not to exceed 18” X 26”. Interpret the class titles below and enter your photographs of your choice of color or black & white & traditional or manipulated. Exhibitor is encouraged to add captions, i.e: “Yosemite National Park”, “Australia”, etc. Class 42. “Home of the Brave” 43. “Country Roads” 44. “Future of Agriculture” 45. “Down and Dirty” 46. “After the Storm” 47. “Bird Watching” 48. “A Mother’s Love” 49. “Play Ball” 50. “Wild-n-Wooly” 51. “Life on the Farm” 52. “The Sky of Many Colors” 53. “Seasons of Change” 54. “Keeping the Dream Alive” “Tell-A Story” 55. Use at least 3 prints to tell a story mounted on a ½ sheet of poster board not to exceed 11” x 28.” Labeling optional.
Class 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
Class 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
FRAMED, 8X10 to 16X24
Landscape Animal(s)/Bird(s), live Portrait of Person(s) Patriotic Other
INTERPRETIVE PHOTOGRAPHY NO FRAMES Overall size not to exceed 18” X 26”. Interpret the class titles below and enter your photographs of your choice of color or black & white & traditional or manipulated. Exhibitor is encouraged to add captions, ie: “Yosemite National Park”, “Australia”, etc. Class 81. “Home of the Brave” 82. “Country Roads” 83. “Future of Agriculture” 84. “Down and Dirty” 85. “After the Storm” 86. “Bird Watching” 87. “A Mother’s Love” 88. “Play Ball” 89. “Furry Friends” 90. “Life on the Farm” 91. “The Sky of Many Colors” 92. “Seasons of Change” 93. “Keeping the Dream Alive” “Tell-A-Story” 94. Use at least 3 prints to tell a story mounted on a ½ sheet of poster board not to exceed 11” x 28.” Labeling Optional.
35 square inches (ie: 5 X 7) UNFRAMED Animal(s), live Birds(s), live Flower(s) Landscape Portrait of Person(s) Sunset Forest or Tree Agriculture Patriotic Other
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Animal(s), live Birds(s), live Flower(s) Landscape Portrait of Person(s) Sunset Forest or Tree Agriculture Patriotic Other
5X7 to 8X12 UNFRAMED
Landscape Animal(s)/Birds(s), live Person(s) Abstract
80 square inches (ie: 8 x 10) UNFRAMED
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
SENIOR LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT Livestock Department Changes The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair is continuously looking to improve the fair exhibitor’s and patron’s fair-time experience. This year, the Livestock Committee and the TBVF Board of Directors reviewed the entire livestock show operations with the intent to: (1) Improve the safety of the exhibitors, fairgoers and animals, (2) To provide a greater learning experience for the exhibitors, (3) To decrease the operational expenses and inefficiencies, and (4) To enhance the overall quality of the livestock shows. Please be sure to read the entire list of all the new changes as they will directly affect every Senior Livestock exhibitor. If you have any questions regarding these changes or would like further information, please contact the fair office at (530) 667-5312 or email 1.
ENTRY DEADLINES: Breeding Livestock: Entries must be received by the fair office by 5:00 p.m. or postmarked no later than th Monday, August 20 .
LIVESTOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT: NOT REQUIRED. Purchasing and/or providing a liability insurance policy for livestock entries is NO LONGER a requirement for entry. The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair strongly recommends that you have a liability policy in place for the exhibitor’s liability protection, but is no longer a requirement to enter livestock in the fair.
ARRIVAL OF LIVESTOCK DATE REQUIREMENTS: All livestock will be required to be in place at the th fairgrounds no later than Wednesday, September 5 . The required arrival times of species will be staggered in order to minimize trailer congestion and animal stress during arrival. The arrival times of each species are as follows: th
Arrival Date: Tuesday, September 4 : All livestock may be received from 7am to 10pm. th:
Arrival Date: Wednesday, September 5 Cattle Received: 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All Cattle must be received and in place no later than 1:00 p.m. Sheep and Goats Received: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. All Sheep & Goats must be received and in place no later than 4:00 p.m. 4.
LIVESTOCK SHOW SCHEDULE: The show schedule will be changed to allow each species to show only one day during the fair. Thursday, September 6: Beef Show Friday, September 7: Sheep & Meat Goat Show Saturday: Dairy Goat Show
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
PREMIUM CHECKS: Exhibitor premium checks will NOT be mailed to you after the fair. You must pick up your premium check in the fair office. The premium checks will be ready to be picked up on Sunday, th September 9 @ 1pm. Checks not picked up prior to th December 15 , 2012 will be voided and destroyed.
LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT STAFF: Geri Byrne, Fair Board of Director, has volunteered to serve as the livestock superintendent. Russell Criss, Fair Board of Director, has volunteered to serve as the colivestock superintendent. The livestock shows will be staffed and operated voluntarily by the Fair Board of Directors and community volunteers.
AUGUST 20 $8.00 per entry per class th September 4 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. (must be in place by 1 p.m.) th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 6 EXHIBITS RELEASED: As scheduled by Management TYPE OF JUDGING: American LIMIT Two entries per exhibitor per class RESTRICTIONS: No Restrictions NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8 Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 $35 $25 $10 Rosettes will be awarded to Champion Bull and Female of each division and to the Supreme Champion Bull and Female.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
FEMALES Junior Calf Senior Calf Junior/Summer Yearling Senior Yearling
Date of Calving Jan. 1 – May 1, 2012 Sep. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 Jan. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
BULLS Junior Calf Senior Calf Junior/Summer Yearling Senior Yearling
Jan. 1 – May 1, 2012 Sep. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 Jan. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
9. 10. 11.
All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals.
Pair of Females: Two females Get of Sire: Four animals get of same bull, both sexes to be represented. Pair of Bulls: Two bulls
DIVISION 15 – ALL OTHER BREEDS Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
FEMALES Junior Calf Senior Calf Junior/Summer Yearling Senior Yearling
Date of Calving Jan. 1 – May 1, 2012 Sep. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 Jan. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
BULLS Junior Calf Senior Calf Junior/Summer Yearling Senior Yearling
Jan. 1 – May 1, 2012 Sep. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 Jan. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
9. 10. 11.
All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals.
Pair of Females: Two females Get of Sire: Four animals get of same bull, both sexes to be represented. Pair of Bulls: Two bulls
COMMERCIAL BEEF NOTE: Animals entered in the following classes cannot be entered in any other class of the Beef Cattle Division. A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required. Animals which have been registered by a purebred association cannot be entered into this Division. Champions in this division are not eligible to compete for Supreme Champion Bull and Female. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: LIMIT RESTRICTIONS:
AUGUST 20 $10.00 per entry per class th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 6 As scheduled by Management American Two entries per exhibitor per class No Restrictions
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $35 $15 Rosettes will be awarded to Champion & Reserve Champion. Not eligible to compete for Supreme Champion Bull or Female.
FEMALES Senior or Junior Calf Junior or Summer Yearling Senior Yearling
Date of Calving Sep. 2011 – May 1, 2012 Jan. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
Prospect Steers – 300 to 700 lbs A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $35 $15
DIVISION 16 – COW & CALF Class 1.
FEMALES Cow and Calf All Breeds: Calf must have been born between November 1, 2010 to July 1, 2011 and be eligible for registry. NOTE: When making entry for this class, as a group, enter cow on one line and calf on one line; identify both animals by birth date and registration numbers. If a calf is not old enough to show as an individual and does not have a registration number, be sure to give birth date of the calf, permanent identification and registration number of its sire and dam.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
DIVISION 20 – HAMPSHIRE Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewe Pair Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs GROUPS
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be one breed.
REGISTERED PUREBRED BREEDING ANIMALS TH ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST 20 ENTRY FEES: $5.00 per entry per class th EXHIBITS RECEIVED: September 4 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 7 EXHIBITS RELEASED: As scheduled by Management TYPE OF JUDGING: American LIMIT: Two entries per exhibitor per class. RESTRICTIONS: No Restrictions NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8 Rosettes will be given to the Champion Ram and Ewe of each division and to the Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe. The Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe will be selected from the Champion Ewe and Ram from Divisions 19 thru 23.
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $27 $20
3 $10
4. 5. 6. 7.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Get of Sire: Four sheep, sired by the same ram, bred by exhibitor. Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
Any species of animal that meets their respective breed association standards for purebred registry.
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewe Pair Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs GROUPS
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be one breed.
DIVISION 19 – DORSET Class 1. 2. 3.
8. 9.
8. 9. Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewe Pair Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs GROUPS
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Get of Sire: Four sheep, sired by the same ram, bred by exhibitor. Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be one breed.
8. 9.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Get of Sire: Four sheep, sired by the same ram, bred by exhibitor.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Any species of animal that meets their respective breed association standards for purebred registry.
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES Sept. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewe Pair Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 thru May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs GROUPS
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be one breed.
8. 9.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Get of Sire: Four sheep, sired by the same ram, bred by exhibitor. Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
Class 1. 2. 3.
Sep. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sep. 2011 thru May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs
4. 5. 6. 7.
EWES Sep. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewe Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sep. 2011 thru May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs
Date of Lambing
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be of one breed.
8. 9.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
WETHER SIRE/DAM BREEDING SHEEP DIVISION TH ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST 20 ENTRY FEES: $5.00 per entry per class th EXHIBITS RECEIVED: September 4 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 7 EXHIBITS RELEASED: As scheduled by Management TYPE OF JUDGING: American LIMIT: Two entries per exhibitor per class. RESTRICTIONS: No Restrictions NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8 Animals entered in this division are not required to be registered. Rosettes will be given to the Champion Ram and Ewe and are eligible to compete for overall Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe.
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $27 $20
3 $10
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
NOTE: A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required. Animals, which have been registered by a purebred breed association, cannot be entered in this Division. Rosettes will be awarded to the Champion Ram and Ewe. The Champions from this division are not eligible to compete for Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe. TH ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST 20 ENTRY FEES: $5.00 per entry per class th EXHIBITS RECEIVED: September 4 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 7 EXHIBITS RELEASED: As scheduled by Management TYPE OF JUDGING: American LIMIT: Two entries per exhibitor per class. RESTRICTIONS: No Restrictions Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $15 $10
3 $5
Class 1. 2. 3.
Sep. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sep. 2011 thru May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs
4. 5. 6. 7.
EWES Sep. 2010 thru Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewe Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sep. 2011 thru May 2012 Ewe Lambs Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs
Date of Lambing
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1/1/11 - 12/31/11 Born in 2010 Born in 2009 Born in 2008 Born prior to 1/1/08
Yearling Two Year old Three Year old Four Year old Five Years or over Champions Challenge
NIGERIAN DWARF CLASSES ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: LIMIT: RESTRICTIONS: OFFICIAL ADGA SHOW ALL-DOE SHOW AND NIGERIAN DWARF SHOW ADGA RULES SHALL GOVERN. Jr. & Sr. Shows are not separately sanctioned. NOTE: Only animals with a “certificate of Registry” (Blue Border) or (Brown Border) or (Nigerian) registry issued by the American Dairy Goat Association are eligible. There will be a pre-show milk out Friday of the fair at 7 pm in the goat barn under supervision of the show committee-appointed supervisor (exhibitor must be present by 6:45pm).
AUGUST 20 $5.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 8 As scheduled by Management American No Limit Open to residents &/or producers of the 10-A District, Klamath Jackson, Lassen, Lake, Modoc, & Siskiyou Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 $15 $10 $5 ADGA Champion, Res. Champion, Champion Challenge & Best Doe in Show Rosettes.
DIVISION 25 – BLUE BORDER JR. DOE DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together, not in milk, never freshened) Date of Kidding Class 4/16/12 - 8/31/12 1. Jr. Kid 3/1/12 - 4/15/12 2. Intermediate Kid 1/1/12 - 2/29/12 3. Sr. Kid 1/1/11 - 12/31/11 4. Dry Yearling SR. DOE DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together, in milk or dry)
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
AUGUST 20 $5.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 8 As scheduled by Management American No Limit Open to residents &/or producers of the 10-A District, Klamath Jackson, Lassen, Lake, Modoc, & Siskiyou Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 $15 $10 $5 ADGA Champion, Res. Champion, Best Udder & Best Doe in Show Rosettes.
DIVISION 26 – NIGERIAN DWARF JR. DOE DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together, not in milk, never freshened) Date of Kidding Class 4/16/12 - 8/31/12 1. Jr. Kid 3/1/12 - 4/15/12 2. Intermediate Kid 1/1/12 - 2/29/12 3. Sr. Kid 1/1/11 - 12/31/11 4. Dry Yearling SR. DOE DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together, in milk or dry) 1/1/11 - 12/31/11 5. Yearling Born in 2010 6. Two Year old Born in 2009 7. Three Year old Born in 2008 8. Four Year old Born prior to 1/1/08 9. Five Years or over 10. Champions Challenge
AUGUST 20 $5.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 8 As scheduled by Management American No Limit Open to residents &/or producers of the 10-A District, Klamath Jackson, Lassen, Lake, Modoc, & Siskiyou Counties
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $15 $10
7. 8. 9.
3 $5
JR. DOE DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together, not in milk, never freshened) Date of Kidding 4/16/12 - 8/31/12 3/1/12 - 4/15/12 1/1/12 - 2/29/12 1/1/11 - 12/31/11
Jr. Kid Intermediate Kid Sr. Kid Dry Yearling
Born in 2009 Born in 2008 Born prior to 1/1/08
Class 1. 2. 3. 4.
Three Year old Four Year old Five Years or over
All entries must have been entered individually in an above class. Class 1. Dam & Daughter 2. Dairy Herds (best of 3 females at least 2 milking) 3. Jr. Showmanship
SR. DOE DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together, in milk or dry) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
1/1/11 - 12/31/11 Born in 2010 Born in 2009 Born in 2008 Born prior to 1/1/08
Yearling Two Year old Three Year old Four Year old Five Years or over Champions Challenge
AUGUST 20 $5.00 per entry per class th September 4 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. th September 7 As scheduled by Management American No Limit Open to residents &/or producers of the 10-A District, Klamath Jackson, Lassen, Lake, Modoc, & Siskiyou Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $15 $10
Class 1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6.
3 $5
JR. DOE BREEDING MEAT GOATS (All purebreds together)
Date of Kidding
Jr. Kid Intermediate Kid Sr. Kid Dry Yearling
4/16/12 - 8/31/12 3/1/12 - 4/15/12 1/1/12 - 2/29/12 1/1/11 -12/31/11
SR. DOE BREEDING MEAT GOATS (All purebreds together) 1/1/11 - 12/31/11 Yearling Born in 2010 Two Year old
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Sign-ups for classes at 8 am, Ride at 9 am, Thursday of the fair at the dirt arena. All 6 and under events will run before the other age groups. The age groups are Leadline 0-6, Riders 06, 7-9, 10-12, 13-18, & 19 & over. Events are as follows: Barrels, Speed Barrels, Pole Bending, & Single Stake. There st will be a $5 per person charge. 1 place awards for each class nd th by sponsors listed above. Rosettes for 2 -12 place provided by Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. Thank you to Rhonda Hemphill for volunteering to organize and put this show on. This show is sponsored by Hemphill Ranch. For more information, call Rhonda Hemphill (530) 664-5651.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
JUNIOR DEPARTMENT The Junior Department is restricted to members of the Future Farmers of America, who are under the supervision of the Bureau of Agriculture Education, State Department of Education; members of 4-H Youth Groups which are under the supervision of the Cooperative Extension Service, University of California, Grange Youth Advisor Members of other recognized junior farm organizations; and other Children. Refer to Section VII of the State Rules for specific rules. To participate as a 4-H member in an animal class exhibitors must be at least 9 years th or older or in the 4 grade by January 1, 2012. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31 of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. For rabbits 4-H primary members must be at least 5 years old or in Kindergarten by January 1, 2012. Primary 4-H members are not eligible for placings and/or the Jr. Livestock Auction. Intermountain Section FFA includes Cedarville, Alturas, Susanville, Herlong, Big Valley, Fall River, Burney, Tulelake, and Butte Valley. Independent junior exhibitors not affiliated with a junior organization can enter appropriate FFA and 4-H classes for which they can qualify. Independent exhibitors must be at least th 9 years old or in the 4 grade by January 1, 2012. Exhibitors are eligible to compete/exhibit through December 31 of the year in which they turn 19 years of age. Juniors who have been in FFA or 4-H project members within 60 days prior to the fair are not eligible to compete in that project as independent juniors (120 days for Market Beef). All independent livestock junior exhibitors must have the length of project and proof of quality assurance & ethics training. Division and/or class placement of independents may be determined by fair management. All junior exhibitors must have “on-grounds” supervision by a responsible adult. American System of Judging: The American System of Judging is based on all entries in a class being judged against each other. Danish System of Judging: The Danish System of Judging is based upon established standards of quality for each type of product. In this system each exhibit is judged according to how well it meets that standard rather than how it compares with other exhibits.
JUNIOR AGRICULTURE The rules at the beginning of the Senior Agriculture/Horticulture Department apply to this division. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on entry form. Must be 17 years of age or under at beginning of fair to qualify. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: RESTRICTIONS:
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $4 $3
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Class 18. 19. 20. 21.
Class 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
3 $2
Class 22.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry th September 4 - 6-9pm th September 5 - 7-10am th September 5 at 1 pm th September 9 8-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm Danish No Restrictions
FRUITS & VEGETABLES Beans, List (12) Beets, Red, Topped (3) Cabbage, (1 head) Carrots, Topped (3) Corn, With Husks (3) Cucumbers, Slicing (3) Onions (3) Peas (12 pods) Peppers, List (3) Potatoes (3) Pumpkin(1) Squash, Zucchini (3 mkt size) Squash, Other (1) Tomatoes (3) Fruit, List Eggs, Min. ½ Doz. Miscellaneous, List
DECORATED VEGETABLES “Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head” “Keeping the Dream Alive” “Farm Animals” “Anything Goes!”
MINIATURE SCARECROWS Miniature scarecrow (to fit on table top)
LARGEST / TALLEST / UNUSUAL Largest Vegetable (1) Tallest Corn Stalk Tallest Sunflower Unusual Shaped Potato Unusual Shaped (Other Vegetable, List)
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Premiums Offered Per Class st Div. 35 & 36 1 - $3 st Div. 37 1 - $5
SCARECROWS, BIRDHOUSES & STRAW BALES Scarecrows must be at least 5’ tall and free-standing. Birdhouses must be free-standing or have a secure hanger. Straw bales are to be decorated. Entry may be by individual, junior organization or classroom.
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 Scarecrows must be at least 5’ tall and free-standing. $10 $8 $4 Birdhouses must be free-standing or have a secure hanger. Straw bales are to be decorated. Entry may be by individual, junior organization or classroom. Class 28. Scarecrow Premiums Offered Per Class 29. Birdhouse st nd rd 30. 1Straw bale 2 3 $10 $8 $4 Class 28. 29. 30.
JUNIOR ARTS & CRAFTS Scarecrow Birdhouse Straw bale
The rules at the beginning of the Senior Arts & Crafts apply. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on entry form. No commercially predawn pictures (i.e.: color book, paint by number, paint with water pages) will be accepted. PICTURES IF MATTED AND/OR FRAMED, MUST BE COMPLETE WITH SCREW EYES & WIRE, READY FOR HANGING. The rules at the beginning of the Senior Arts & Crafts apply. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on TH ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST 20 entry form. No commercially predawn pictures (i.e.: color book, ENTRY perpages) entry will be accepted. paint byFEES: number, paint with$.50 water st EXHIBITS RECEIVED: August 31 – 10am-7pm PICTURES IF MATTED AND/OR FRAMED, MUST BE st September 1 – 9am-5pm COMPLETE WITH SCREW EYES & WIRE, READY FOR th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 4 at 10am HANGING. EXHIBITS RELEASED: September 9th 8-9pm th September 10TH 9am-5pm ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST 20 TYPE OFFEES: JUDGING: Div. 35per & Div. ENTRY $.50 entry36 – Danish Div. 37 – American st EXHIBITS RECEIVED: August 31 – 10am-7pm st LIMIT: 2 September entries per 1 class except Murals & – 9am-5pm Garbage Cans. th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September 4 at 10am RESTRICTIONS: No Restrictions EXHIBITS RELEASED: September 9th 8-9pm Limit: 2 Entries per exhibitor per th September 10 9am-5pm class TYPE OF JUDGING: Div. 35 & Div. 36 – Danish Div. 37 – American Premiums LIMIT: Offered PerstClass2 entries per class exceptrdMurals & nd Div. 35 & 36 1 - $3 Garbage2Cans. $2 3 - $1 st nd rd Div. 37 1 - $5 No Restrictions 2 - $3 3 - $2 RESTRICTIONS: Limit: 2 Entries per exhibitor per class DIVISION 35 – Age 10 & Under Arts & Crafts Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion Premiums Offered Per Class of the judge st nd rd Div. 35 & 36 1 - $3 2 $2 3 - $1 Class st nd rd Div. 37 1 $5 2 $3 3 - $2 1. Beading &/or Leather Work
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
DIVISION 35 – Age 10 & Under Arts & Crafts
Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion of the judge Class
Beading &/or Leather Work
2 nd -
2 $2 nd 2 - $3
3 - $1 rd 3 - $2
Ceramics, including Porcelain (2 entries this class
only) 35 – Age 10 & Under Arts & Crafts DIVISION
3. to 2 Clay/Dough Art Up Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion 4. Computer Art of the judge 5. Drawing, Felt Pen Class 6. Drawing, Pencil 1. Beading &/or Leather Work 7. Drawing, other list 2. Ceramics, Porcelain (2 entries6-9, this2012 class TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 8. Holiday Craft,including list only) 9. Jewelry, (no beading) 3. Clay/Dough Arthang, List (for birdhouse see, Jr. Ag) 10. Misc., Ready to 4. Computer Art 11. Misc., Display on table, list 5. Drawing, FeltKnex Pen 12. Model, Lego, 6. Drawing, Pencil 13. Mobile/Wind chimes 7. Drawing,List other list (2 entries this class only) 14. Painting, Medium 8. Holiday Craft, list 15. Painting on object (rock, tile, other), list 9. Jewelry, (no beading) 16. Snowflake 10. Misc., Ready to hang, (for birdhouse 17. Woodcraft, describe (forList birdhouse see Jr. see, Ag) Jr. Ag) 11. Poetry, Misc., Short Display on table, 18. Story ( see list Sr. Arts & Crafts) 12. AllModel, Knex 19. other Lego, Best use of Theme: “Keeping the Dream 13. Alive” Mobile/Wind chimes 14. Memory Painting, List Medium (2 entries this class only) 20. Album/ Scrapbook – Bring your favorite 15. scrapbook Painting on object page (rock,(will tile, accept other), alist memory two page 16. spread) Snowflake to be displayed in glass case. Judging criteria: 17. 75% Woodcraft, (for birdhouse see Jr.writing Ag) or of page describe must be covered and include 18. labeling. Poetry, Be Short Story ( see Sr. Arts & Crafts) creative with stamps, photos, and scraps. 19. Card, All other Best use of Theme: “Keeping the Dream 21. Paper Crafted Alive” 20. Memory Album/ Scrapbook – Bring your favorite DIVISION 36 – Age 11-13 & Crafts scrapbook memory page Arts (will accept a two page spread) to be displayed case.atJudging criteria: Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette mayinbeglass awarded the discretion 75% of page must be judge covered and include writing or of the labeling. Be creative with stamps, photos, and scraps. 21. Card, Paper Crafted Class 1. Beading &/or Leather Work 2. Ceramics, including Porcelain (2 entries this class DIVISION 36 – Age 11-13 Arts & Crafts only) Up Best of Show 3. to 2 Clay/Dough ArtRosette may be awarded at the discretion of the judge 4. Computer Art 5. Drawing, Felt Pen Class 6. Drawing, Pencil Beadingother &/or Leather Work 7.1. Drawing, list 2. Ceramics, including Porcelain (2 entries this class 8. Holiday Craft, list only) (no beading) 9. Jewelry, 3. Clay/Dough Arthang, List (for birdhouse see, Jr. Ag) 10. Misc., Ready to 4. Computer Arton table, list 11. Misc., Display 5. Drawing, FeltKnex Pen 12. Model, Lego, 6. Drawing, Pencil 13. Mobile/Wind chimes 7. Drawing,List other list (2 entries this class only) 14. Painting, Medium 8. Holidayon Craft, list (rock, tile, other), list 15. Painting object 9. Jewelry, (no beading) 16. Snowflake 10. Woodcraft, Misc., Ready to hang, (for birdhouse 17. describe (forList birdhouse see Jr. see, Ag) Jr. Ag) 11. Misc., Display on table, list 18. Poetry, Short Story (see Sr. Arts & Crafts) 12. AllModel, Knex 19. other Lego, Best use of Theme: “Keeping the Dream 13. Alive” Mobile/Wind chimes 14. Memory Painting, List Medium (2 entries this class only) 20. Album/ Scrapbook – Bring your favorite 15. scrapbook Painting on object page (rock,(will tile, accept other), alist memory two page 16. spread) Snowflake to be displayed in glass case. Judging criteria: 17. 75% Woodcraft, (for birdhouse see Jr.writing Ag) or of page describe must be covered and include 18. labeling. Poetry, Be Short Story with (see stamps, Sr. Arts photos, & Crafts)and scraps. creative 19. Card, All other Best use of Theme: “Keeping the Dream 21. Paper Crafted Alive” DIVISION 37 –Album/ Age Scrapbook 14-17 Arts & Crafts 20. Memory – Bring your favorite Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette may be awarded the page discretion scrapbook memory page (will accept at a two of the judge spread) to be displayed in glass case. Judging criteria: Class 75% of page must be covered and include writing or labeling. Be creative with stamps, photos, and scraps. 21. Card, Paper Crafted EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK
DIVISION 37 – Age 14-17 Arts & Crafts
Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion of the judge Class
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook 55 TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK
scrapbook memory page (will accept a two page spread) to be displayed in glass case. Judging criteria: 75% of page must be covered and include writing or labeling. Be creative with stamps, photos, and scraps. Card, Paper Crafted
DIVISION 37 – Age 14-17 Arts & Crafts
Up to 2 Best of Show Rosette may be awarded at the discretion of theWork judge 1. Beading &/or Leather Class 2. Ceramics, including Porcelain (2 entries this class only) EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK 3. Clay/Dough 1. Beading &/orArt Leather Work 4. Computer Art 2. Ceramics, including Porcelain (2 entries this class 5. Drawing, Felt Pen only) 6. Drawing, Pencil 3. Clay/Dough Art 7. Drawing, other list 4. Computer Art 8. Holiday Craft, list 5. Drawing, Felt Pen 9. Jewelry, (no beading) 6. Drawing, Pencil 10. Misc., Ready to hang, List (for birdhouse see, Jr. Ag) 7. Drawing, other list 11. Misc., Display on table, list 8. Holiday Craft, list 12. Model, Lego, Knex 9. Jewelry, (no beading) 13. Mobile/Wind chimes 10. Misc., Ready to hang, List (for birdhouse see, Jr. Ag) 14. Painting, List Medium (2 entries this class only) 11. Misc., Display on table, list 15. PaintingLego, on object 12. Model, Knex(rock, tile, other), list 16. Snowflake chimes 13. Mobile/Wind 17. Woodcraft, describe Jr.only) Ag) 14. Painting, List Medium(for (2 birdhouse entries thissee class 18. Poetry, Short Story (see Sr. Arts & Crafts) 15. Painting on object (rock, tile, other), list 19. All other Best use of Theme: “Keeping the Dream 16. Snowflake Alive” 17. Woodcraft, describe (for birdhouse see Jr. Ag) 20. Memory Album/ Scrapbook – Bring your favorite 18. Poetry, Short Story (see Sr. Arts & Crafts) scrapbook memory page (will accept a two page 19. All other Best use of Theme: “Keeping the Dream spread) to be displayed in glass case. Judging criteria: Alive” 75% of page must be covered and include writing or 20. Memory Album/ Scrapbook – Bring your favorite labeling. Be creative with stamps, photos, and scraps. scrapbook memory page (will accept a two page 21. Card, Paper Crafted spread) to be displayed in glass case. Judging criteria: 75% of page must be covered and include writing or DIVISION 38 –Be creative with stamps, photos, and scraps. labeling. 21. Card, Crafted Collections,Paper Murals, and Garbage Can Art
DIVISION 38 – Offered Per Class Premiums st nd rd Collections, Murals, and Garbage Can Art 1 2 3
Class 1.
$5 $4 $3 Premiums Offered Per Class These Classes are open to organizations and individuals. st nd rd Judging will 1 be 33% originality,233% workmanship and 3 neatness, 34% overall appeal to fairgoers. $5 $4 $3
These Classes are open to organizations and individuals. Jr. Collection – originality, 33% workmanship and Judging will be 33% Classes are limited to available and must fit within a neatness, 34% overall appeal tospace fairgoers. case provided by the fair, approximately 3’x 4’. Collections will Class be displayed in any of the exhibit buildings depending upon 1. Jr. Collection – subject matter of collection and availability of space. If Classes areentered, limited to availablemust space must fit of within previously collections beand comprised 50%a case provided Collection by the fair,must approximately 3’xby 4’.exhibitor Collections will new material. be arranged in fair’s be displayed in any of the exhibit upon glass case. (Please describe thebuildings contentsdepending of collection) subject matter of collection and availability of space. If previously entered, collections must be comprised of 50% 2. Fair Theme Murals – new material. Collection must be arranged by exhibitor in fair’s Exhibitor should use a 4’x 8’ sheet of plywood, masonite or glass case. (Please describe the contents of collection) paneling to paint a mural of “Keeping the Dream Alive”. Murals will be affixed to the exterior of the Home Economics 2. Fair Theme Murals Building to be enjoyed by –all. These classes are open to adult Exhibitor should use a 4’x 8’ sheet of plywood, masonite or organizations and individuals. Judging will be 33% originality, paneling to paint a mural of “Keeping Dream Alive”. 33% workmanship and neatness, 34%the overall appeal to Murals will be affixed to the exterior of the Home Economics fairgoers. Building to be enjoyed by all. These classes are open to adult organizations and individuals. Judging will be 33% originality, 3. Garbage Can Art – 33% workmanship and neatness, 34% overall appeal to 35 or 50 gallon garbage cans may be picked up from the fair fairgoers. grounds for painting. Designs maybe funny, agricultural, fair theme or pretty. Use your imagination! 3. Garbage – judged both Danish & American. The garbageCan cans Art will be 35 or 50 gallon garbage cans may be picked up from the fair grounds for painting. Designs maybe funny, agricultural, fair Premiums Offered for Garbage Can Art theme or pretty. Use your imagination! st nd rd DanishThe garbage 1 cans – $10 2 -both $5 Danish &3American. - $3 will be judged
35 or 50 gallon garbage cans may be picked up from the fair grounds for painting. Designs maybe funny, agricultural, fair theme or pretty. Use your imagination! The garbage cans will be judged both Danish & American.
Premiums Offered for Garbage Can Art st nd Danish 1 – $10 2 - $5
3 - $3
American 1 - $20 2 - $10 - $5 TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September36-9, 2012 1 - $20 2 - $10 3 - $5 CREATE A COW CONTEST
The Butte Valley 4-H Beef Club has teamed up with the Siskiyou County Cowbells to sponsor the Create-A-Cow Contest as a classroom project. The goal of the contest is to increase in the classroom. cooperation The Butteagriculture Valley 4-Hliteracy Beef Club has teamed upInwith the with the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair, the Ag Education Siskiyou County Cowbells to sponsor the Create-A-Cow Committee will provide classrooms with a free educational kit. Contest as a classroom project. The goal of the contest is to With the kit, students will learn about cows, design and name a increase agriculture literacy in the classroom. In cooperation cow the andTulelake-Butte enter their cowValley in the Fair, fair. Classes will compete for with the Ag Education prize moneywill and ribbons. This project fun, educational hands-on, kit. Committee provide classrooms withis aa free educational project that can tie in with such areas history, With the kit, students will learn about cows, designas and name a science, math, social studies and art. cow and enter their cow in the fair. Classes will compete for prize money and ribbons. This project is a fun, hands-on, General Information and Rules educational project that can tie in with such areas as history, 1. The materials will be furnished by the Butte Valley 4-H Beef Club science, math, social studies and art. and the Siskiyou County Cowbells free of charge.
2. Limit one entry per classroom. General Information and Rules 3. Participants must enter a completed Cow for display at the materials will be furnished by the Butte Valley 4-H Beef Club 1. The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. and the Siskiyou County Cowbells free of charge. 4. Any materials requiring maintenance (fresh flowers, foliage, etc.) 2. Limit onebe entry per may not used in classroom. construction. Prior approval is required for 3. Participants must enter a completed Cow for display at the use of mechanical or musical devices. Valley 5. Tulelake-Butte All entries become theFair. property of the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair, 4. Any materials requiring maintenance (fresh flowers, foliage, etc.) the Butte Valley 4-H Beef Club and the Siskiyou County Cowbells. not be used in construction. Prior approval required forThe 6. may Students and teachers compete for prize money is and ribbons. use mechanical cashofawards are toorbemusical used bydevices. the teacher at his/her discretion
5. All become property of the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair, for entries the benefit of thethe students. Butte Valley 4-H Beef Club and the Siskiyou Cowbells. 7. the Eligibility: Kindergarten through 6th grade classesCounty are eligible. 6. Students and teachers compete for prize money and ribbons. The cash awards are to be used by the teacher at his/her discretion Score Card of Judging
for the benefit of the students. Workmanship (how the project is made) ......................... 20% 7. Eligibility: Kindergarten 6th grade classes are eligible. Appearance (how the projectthrough looks) ............................... 20% Educational Value .......................................................... 20% Score Card of Judging Creativity/Originality ....................................................... 40% Workmanship (how the project is made)......................... 20% Total100% Appearance (how the project looks) ............................... 20% Educational Value .......................................................... 20% Prizes & Judging Creativity/Originality ....................................................... 40% The Danish System of judging will be used for the Create-A-Cow Total 100% Contest. In this system, each exhibit is judged according to how well it meets a standard rather than how it compares with other exhibits. The Prizes Judgingwill be used: following&guidelines The Danish System of judging will be used for the Create-A-Cow Contest. In this system, each exhibit is judged accordingCASH to how well it PLACING QUALITY RIBBON meets a standard rather than how it compares with other exhibits. The AWARD following guidelines will be used: st
1 nd 2 PLACING rd 3
Superior Good QUALITY Average
Blue Red RIBBON White
$20.00 $15.00 CASH $10.00 AWARD st 1 Superior Blue $20.00 Andspecial Best inGood Division RibbonRed will be awarded $15.00 to the entry 2 st nd rd grade, judged best in the 3 divisions (1) Kindergarten-1 3 rd Average White $10.00 (2) 2 th th th to 3 Grades, (3) 4 , 5 , & 6 grades. There must be 3 or more entries per division to qualify for the “Best in Division” A special Best in Division Ribbon will be awarded to the entry st nd award. All students participating will receive a participation judged best in the 3 divisions (1) Kindergarten-1 grade, (2) 2 rd th Division” th th winners in each division will ribbon. The “Best in to 3 Grades, (3) 4 , 5 , & 6 grades. There must be 3 or receive a cash award of $75.00. more entries per division to qualify for the “Best in Division”
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK award. All students participating will receive a participation Premiums Offered for Garbage Can Art ribbon. The “Best in Division” winners in each division will st nd rd 1 – $10 Tulelake-Butte 2 - $5 Valley Fair 3 -- $3 56 Danish Septemeber 6th -receive 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor a cash award Handbook of $75.00. TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
A ju to m aw rib re
AUGUST 20 $25 per entry per class. th September 4 6-9pm th September 5 7-10am th September 8 at 1pm th September 9 8-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm American 1 entry per club or chapter Limited to members of clubs with in the Intermountain Section, 10-A District, Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath Counties
Premiums Offered per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 $150
1. The feature exhibit booth provides members an opportunity to acquaint the public with a specific phase of the club or chapter program. The booth can show what they have learned, the activities in which they have participated, or the contribution of their organization to the community. 2. Judges will insist upon a high quality of products and materials used in the exhibit. The American system of judging will be used. 3. A high scoring exhibit will be artistically arranged, colorful, attractive and well-lighted. 4. Feature Exhibits (booths) shall be limited to one entry per chapter or club. 5. Booths must be designed, constructed and installed by organization members. Instructors or leaders may not sign entry forms as agents for chapter or club. 6. Exhibitors must make arrangements to replace all fruits and vegetables which deteriorate during the fair. 7. Floor space will be provided (10’x 10’). The exhibitor is required to build his own free-standing exhibit to fit in the space, making full use of space allotted. Decorate, camouflage, or otherwise cover all space not used in an attractive manner. The booth design consists of metal pipe 5’ tall for back ground, 2.5’ tall for sides with vinyl drapery. 8. Please ask for exhibit tag in Home Ec.
Junior Organization Theme
JUNIOR CLOTHING & TEXTILES The rules at the beginning of the Sr. Clothing Department apply to this department, except that sleeves in junior quilts are not required. Quilts will not be hung without sleeves. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on entry form. Must be 17 years of age or under at the beginning of fair to qualify.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
AUGUST 20 $.50 per quilt All others none st August 31 – 10am-7pm st September 1 – 9am-5pm rd September 3 at 10am th September 9 8-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm Danish 2 entries per class 1 quilt entry per class per exhibitor No Restrictions
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 - $3 2 – $2 st
1 - $5
- $3
3 - $1 rd
3 - $2
Best of Show Rosettes will be awarded in “Wearing Apparel” “Textiles” and “Quilts”. Sweepstakes Award (Gingher Shears) by American Sewing Guild, Medford Chapter through local Klamath Basin Neighborhood group
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Class 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Class 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
WEARING APPAREL Apron Blouse or Shirt Two or more – Piece outfit Dress Jacket or Coat Shorts/Pants Skirt Any knitted or Crocheted Apparel, list All other Wearing Apparel, list
Afghan, Crocheted or Knitted Embroidery Work Pillow, Stuffed Plastic Canvas, Other Wall Hanging, List technique Stuffed Toy Tote or Duffle Bag All other Fabric craft, sewing not necessary All other Knitted or Crocheted All Other, list
(Please note years of quilting experience)
Quilt, Hand Quilted Quilt, Tied Quilt, Exhibitor Machine Quilted Quilt, Commercially Quilted Quillo Quilted or Pieced Wall Hanging
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
All arrangements must have been designed and made by the exhibitor. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on entry form. Must be 17 years of age or under at beginning or fair to qualify. Note: All entries in the Junior Floriculture Division must have some plant material including decorated hats, boots and bags. PLEASE NOTE: There is one flower show for arrangements, plants, hats & boots. There are two separate flower shows for cut flowers. Cut flowers will require pre-entry. We ask that you fill out an entry form on the flowers you expect to bring to the fair. Your entry fees will not be due until the day you bring the entries in. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED:
DIVISION 41 – JR. FLORICULTURE Class 1. 2. 3. 4. Class 5. 6.
Hat Boot Purse/Bag
Class 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Thursday/Friday Show Aster (3 blooms) Calendula (5 Blooms) Cosmos (5 Blooms) Dahlia (3 Stems) Daisy (3 Stems) Marigold, Dwarf (5 Blooms) All Other Variety Bouquet – Anything Goes
Class 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Saturday/Sunday Show Marigold (5 Blooms) Pansy (3 Blooms) Petunia, Single (3 Stems) Petunia, Other (3 Stems) Sweet Pea (5 Stems) Zinnia (3 Stems) All Other Variety Bouquet – Anything Goes
AUGUST 20 None th Sept 5 7-10am – potted plants th Sept 6 7-9am – potted plants, arrangements, mini gardens, and st 1 show cut flowers th nd Sept 8 7-9am – 2 show cut flowers th Sept. 6 at 1pm - arrangements, potted plants, mini gardens, and st 1 show cut flowers th nd Sept. 8 at 1pm - 2 cut flower show th September 9 8-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm Danish 2 entries per class No Restrictions
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $2
Class 7. 8. 9.
JUNIOR ARRANGEMENTS “Royal Wedding” “Feathered Flowers” “Anything Goes” “Keeping the Dream Alive”
Single Potted Plant Plant(s) in any type of container (bucket, terrarium, use your imagination!)
The rules at the beginning of the Sr. Foods Department apply to this department. Exhibitors are encouraged to include the recipe on a small index card. Recipes should be brought in along with the food items. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on entry form. Must be 17 years or age or under at beginning of fair to qualify. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: LIMIT: RESTRICTIONS:
Premiums Offered Per Class st 1 -$5 Sweepstakes
1 - $20
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
AUGUST 20 None th Sept. 4 6-9pm th Sept. 5 7-10am th September 5 at 1pm th September 9 8-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm Danish 2 entries per class Limited to Siskiyou, Modoc, and Klamath Counties
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
2 -$3
3 -$2
- $15
3 - $10
DIVISION 42 – JUNIOR FOODS JUNIOR BREADS, BISCUITS, ROLLS Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Class 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Class 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Class 24. Class 25. 26.
1/3 loaf + slice for judging
Biscuits (4) Banana Bread Muffins (4) Bread, Yeast Bread, Zucchini All Other Bread, List
(3” Wedge or Square & slice for judging)
Decorated cake Edible or Styrofoam, (whole) Graham Cracker House Any Cake, Frosted Any Cake, Not Frosted Decorated Cupcakes (4)
Premiums Offered Per Class st Div. 43 & 44 1 - $2 Div. 45
JUNIOR PRESERVED FOODS 1 Jar Jam or Jelly 1 Jar Preserved Food, Other list
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
- $1.50
- $3
3 - $1 rd
3 - $2
Color or Black & White Traditional
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Action Agriculture Animal(s), live Bird(s), live Flower(s) Insect(s) Landscape or Scenic Portrait of a person Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds Event Other
Manipulated Print Color or Black & White Class 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
See definition at beginning of Sr. Photo 5x7 to 8x10
Landscape, Scenic or building Animal(s)/Bird(s), live Person(s) Abstract Other
Interpretive Photography
The rules at the beginning of the Sr. Photography Department apply to this department, (mats or cardboard backings are required) NO FRAMES. Age of exhibitor and parent/guardian signature must appear on entry form. Must be 17 years or age or under at beginning of fair to qualify.
1 - $5
Division 43 – Age 8 & Under
JUNIOR PIES AND PASTRIES Pie or Pastry, List (minimum whole pie size of 4”)
One Best of Show Rosette per division may be awarded at the discretion of the judge
(6 cookies or 8 candies)
Brownies Cookies, Bar Cookies, Chip, Chocolate Cookies Chip, Other than Choc. Chips (M&M or other flavor Chips) Cookies, Peanut Butter Cookies, Oatmeal Cookies, 1 Giant Decorated, (4”-6” diameter) Cookies, No bake Cookies, Snicker doodles Cookies, All Other list Candy, Fudge Candy, All other list
AUGUST 20 $.50 per entry per class st August 31 10am -7pm st September 1 9am-5pm rd September 3 10am th September 9 8-9pm th September 10 9am-5pm Div. 43 & 44 Danish System Div 45 American System 2 entries per class No Restrictions
Class 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Interpret the class title below using your choice or color or black & white, traditional or manipulated Exhibitor is encouraged to add caption 5x7 to 8x10
“LOL” “Life on the Farm” “Cuddly Creature” “Big Machinery” “Country Meadows” “Seasons of Change” “The Sky of Many Colors” “County Life” “Keeping the Dream Alive” “Tell-A-Story” Use at least 3 prints to tell a story mounted on a ½ sheet of poster board not to exceed 11” x 28.” Labeling Optional.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Division 44 – Age 9-13
Color or Black & White Traditional
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Action Agriculture Animal(s), live Bird(s), live Flower(s) Insect(s) Landscape or Scenic Portrait of a person Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds Event Other
Manipulated Print Color or Black & White Class 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
See definition at beginning of Sr. Photo 5x7 to 8x10
Landscape, Scenic or building Animal(s)/Bird(s), live Person(s) Abstract Other
12. 13. 14. 15.
Animal(s)/Bird(s), live Person(s) Abstract Other
Interpretive Photography
Class 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Interpret the class title below using your choice or color or black & white, traditional or manipulated Exhibitor is encouraged to add caption 5x7 to 8x10
“LOL” “Life on the Farm” “Cuddly Creature” “Big Machinery” “Country Meadows” “Seasons of Change” “The Sky of Many Colors” “County Life” “Keeping the Dream Alive” “Tell-A-Story” Use at least 3 prints to tell a story mounted on a ½ sheet of poster board not to exceed 11” x 28.” Labeling Optional.
Interpretive Photography
Class 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Interpret the class title below using your choice or color or black & white, traditional or manipulated Exhibitor is encouraged to add caption 5x7 to 8x10
“LOL” “Life on the Farm” “Cuddly Creature” “Big Machinery” “Country Meadows” “Seasons of Change” “ The Sky of Many Colors” “County Life” “Keeping the Dream Alive” “Tell-A-Story” Use at least 3 prints to tell a story mounted on a ½ sheet of poster board not to exceed 11” x 28.” Labeling Optional.
Division 45 – Age 14-17
Color or Black & White Traditional
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Action Agriculture Animal(s), live Bird(s), live Flower(s) Insect(s) Landscape or Scenic Portrait of a person Tulelake-Butte Valley Fairgrounds Event Other
Manipulated Print Color or Black & White Class 11.
See definition at beginning of Sr. Photo 5x7 to 8x10
Landscape, Scenic or building
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
FFA Ag Mechanics Competition
Ribbons: Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair ribbons will be awarded for all entries placing first, second and third. Best of Class – Additional First Place Rosette: These awards will be based on points earned. There will be no more than one best of class chosen for each class. All first place winners will be considered for the Best of Class. In the event of a tie the Ag Mechanics Competition Judge will choose their winner of the class. Best of Show – Engraved Tool Box: This award will be based on points earned. There will be one Best of Show chosen for the entire competition (classes 1 thru 5).
AUGUST 20 $10.00 per entry th September 4 8a.m to 5 p.m. th September 5 th September 10 Danish System 1 entry per class Limited to 10-A District FFA Ag Students
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $30 $20
Class 1.
Basic material costs less than $50.00 Basic material costs over $51.00 Basic material cost less than $50.00 Basic material cost $51.00 $500.00 Basic material cost over $500.00
3 $10
FFA Ag Mechanics Exhibits – Judging Criteria Scorecard for FFA Ag Mechanics Projects
1. 2.
Practicality (usefulness, educational value) 35% Quality of Workmanship (design, neatness, safety) 35% Amount of Work (size of job, level or difficulty) 30% Judging and Award Information To Encourage High Standards: The judge shall award first, second, or third place, according to merit. System of judging used in the FFA Ag Mechanics Competition: Danish System of judging: used in the basic evaluation of exhibits in classes 1-5. Each entry is judged on its own merit. Entries are placed first (90% or better), second (89%-80%) and third (79%or lower) depending upon pints received on the score card. There may be more than one first, second or third per class. Each exhibit will be scored individually in accordance with the score card. First ......................................... Score or 90 to 100 Second ...................................... Score of 80 to 89 Third .......................................... Score of 70 to 79
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
3. MARKET ANIMAL WEIGHT LIMITS: The weight limits for each species are as follows: a. Market Steers: 1050 lbs. to 1400 lbs. b. Market Lambs: 105 lbs. to 160 lbs. c. Market Goats: 70 lbs. to 110 lbs. d. Market Swine: 215 lbs. to 280 lbs. e. Pen of 3 Meat Rabbits: 3 lbs to 5 lbs. f. Pen of 2 Meat Poultry: 3 lbs to 6 lbs. 4. ARRIVAL OF LIVESTOCK DATE REQUIREMENTS: All livestock will be required to be in place at the fairgrounds on Wednesday. The required arrival times of species will be staggered in order to minimize trailer congestion and animal stress during arrival. The arrival times of each species are as follows: th
Arrival Date: Tuesday, September 4 : All livestock may be received from 7am to 10pm. th:
All Classes in the Junior Livestock Division are open to 4-H, FFA and other juniors. Local Classes are limited to Siskiyou and Modoc Counties.
Livestock Department Changes The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair is continuously looking to improve the fair exhibitor’s and patron’s fair-time experience. This year, the Livestock Committee and the TBVF Board of Directors reviewed the entire livestock show operations with the intent to: (1) Improve the safety of the exhibitors, fairgoers and animals, (2) To provide a greater learning experience for the exhibitors, (3) To decrease the operational expenses and inefficiencies, and (4) To enhance the overall quality of the livestock shows. Please be sure to read the entire list of all the new changes as they will directly affect every 4-H, FFA and Independent Livestock exhibitor. If you have any questions regarding these changes or would like further information, please contact the fair office at (530) 667-5312 or email 1. LIVESTOCK INSURANCE REQUIREMENT: Purchasing and/or providing a liability insurance policy for livestock entries is NO LONGER a requirement for entry. The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair strongly recommends that you have a liability policy in place for the exhibitor’s liability protection, but is no longer a requirement to enter livestock in the fair. 2. MARKET ANIMAL WEIGHT LIMIT DISQUALIFICATION: All market animal species will be required to weigh within the minimum and maximum weight limits for that given species. If the animal does not meet the minimum weight requirement it will NOT be eligible for the Junior Livestock Auction and will be automatically entered into a Non-Market Light Weight Class for showing purposes only. If the animal exceeds the maximum weight limit it will NOT be eligible for the Junior Livestock Auction and will be automatically entered into a Non-Market Heavy Weight Class for showing purposes only. The exhibitor may use the animal to show in showmanship, but the animal will not be eligible for the market class competition and Junior Livestock Auction.
Arrival Date: Wednesday, September 5 Cattle, Swine, Rabbits and Poultry Received 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. All Cattle, Swine, Rabbits and Poultry Received must be received and in place no later than 1:00 p.m. Sheep and Goats Received: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. All Sheep & Goats must be received and in place no later than 4:00 p.m NOTE: All Market Sheep and Market Goats must be received and Vet-checked between 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Enter at North Main Parking Lot Entrance and line-up trailers on front asphalt parking lot for vet check. Vet check must be completed prior to entering livestock gate next to main office. The Vet will only be available between 1pm to 4pm. 5. OFFICIAL MARKET ANIMAL WEIGH-IN SCHEDULE: All market animals and replacement heifers will be weighed-in on Wednesday. The weigh-in schedule for each species is as follows: th Wednesday, September 5 : 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. - Pen of Rabbits & Meat Poultry 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. - Market Sheep & Market Goats 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Market Swine 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. - Market Steers 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. - Replacement Heifers 6. LIVESTOCK SHOW SCHEDULE: The show schedule will be changed to allow each species to show only one day during the fair. See the Exhibit Schedule for detailed daily show schedule. Thursday, September 6: Beef Show Friday, September 7: Sheep & Meat Goat Show Saturday, September 8: Swine, Dairy Goat, Rabbit & Poultry Shows 7. PREMIUM CHECKS: Exhibitor premium checks will NOT be mailed to you after the fair. You must pick up your premium check in the fair office. The premium checks will th be ready to be picked up on Sunday, September 9 @ th 1pm. Checks not picked up prior to December 15 , 2012 will be voided and destroyed.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
SHOWMANSHIP: There is only one showmanship division in each species now. The 10-A District Showmanship and Open Showmanship divisions have been combined into one showmanship division called “Junior Showmanship.” Refer to the “Livestock Show Schedule” for the species showmanship class schedules.
LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT STAFF: Geri Byrne, Fair Board of Director, has volunteered to serve as the livestock superintendent. Russell Criss, Fair Board of Director, has volunteered to serve as the colivestock superintendent. The livestock shows will be staffed and operated voluntarily by the Fair Board of Directors and community volunteers.
10. QUALITY ASSURANCE & ETHICS TRAINING COURSE: All 4-H/FFA livestock exhibitors will be required to attend an official Quality Assurance class every two years. Independent exhibitors will be required to attend an Official Quality Assurance class every year in order to be eligible to show and sell at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair. 11. POULTRY MEAT PENS: Poultry Meat Pens will be added to this year’s fair. A poultry pen consists of 2 Poultry Meat Birds that weigh between 3 to 6 lbs./each and are not over 8 weeks old. Must be owned by the exhibitor for at least 30 days prior to th fair. The entry deadline is August 8 , 2012. Exhibitors may only sell one pen of meat poultry. Exhibitors can only sell one lot in the Jr. Livestock Auction selected from all available species at the fair. An exhibitor cannot sell a pen of meat poultry and a market lamb or any other species.
JUNIOR LIVESTOCK EXHIBITOR SHOW RING ETIQUETTE The following are appropriate etiquette rules regarding your conduct and behavior in the show ring. If for any reason you chose to violate these rules, it may result in your ineligibility to show your animal for placing and consequently selling your animal in the Junior Livestock Auction. 1. You will show respect for the judge, fair management, your animal, and your fellow showmen at all times. No disrespectful behavior will be tolerated. 2. No baseball caps or headwear other than that which is standard to your respective uniform. 3. No open-toed shoes of any kind. This is mandatory and for your protection. 4. No cell phones, MP3 players, pagers or other electronic gear allowed in the show ring. If these items are found they will be confiscated and not returned until after you are released from the fairgrounds on Sunday. 5. No sunglasses in the show ring. Tinted prescription glasses are okay. 6. Be on time for all of your classes. There will be no gate holds.
Roving podium awards will be given to the 4-H and FFA Clubs which during the entire fair display the best herdsmanship in each of the following Beef, Sheep, Swine, Rabbits & Goats. Judging will occur each day from Friday @ 8a.m. until Sunday @ 11a.m. The following scorecard will be used: HERDSMANSHIP CONTEST SCORECARD Aisles swept, tack, alley neat & clean .................................... 10 points Animals & pens clean and overall look of healthy animals........................................ 10 points Pens clean by 7:30am and kept clean ................................... 15 points Equipment put in proper place, no feed pans in pens after 7:30 am (water permissible).................................... 5 points Double tie on beef, sheep, swine, goats, and rabbit pens securely latched ..................................5 Points Owners or club members on duty cleaning/answering questions ............................................... 10 points Animal’s name and owner’s name are printed and in view at all times ............................................................ 5 points Refuse is placed in manure boxes and area is clean .............................................................. 10 points Educational, interesting, and informative displays have been presented for the public to enjoy ................................... 15 points Member or owner does his or her own work with animal and pen cleaning ................................................................ 5 points Originality and attractiveness of barn area ............................ 10 points Community areas: i.e. grooming & feeding areas if clean, each club of that species will get 5 points if not clean each club will get 0 points.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
NOTE: Animals entered in the following classes cannot be entered in any other class of the Beef Cattle Division. A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required. Animals which have been registered by a purebred association cannot be entered into this division.
AUGUST 20 $8.00 per entry per class th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 6 As scheduled by Management American Open to Siskiyou, Modoc and Klamath Counties. NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8 Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $30 $20
AUGUST 20 $8.00 per entry per class th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 6 As scheduled by Management American Open to Siskiyou, Modoc and Klamath Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $25 $15
3 $10
Females Only, Name Breed FEMALES
Rosettes will be awarded to Champion Bull & Female.
Class 1. 2. 3.
3 $10
Any species of animal that meets their respective breed association standards for purebred registry. FEMALES
Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Junior Calf Senior Calf Summer Yearling Junior Yearling Senior Yearling
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Junior Calf Senior Calf Summer Yearling Junior Yearling Senior Yearling
Date of Calving Jan. 1 – May 1, 2012 Sep. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 May 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Jan. 1 – Apr. 30, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
Jan. 1 – May 1, 2012 Sep. 1 – Dec. 31, 2011 May 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Jan. 1 – Apr. 30, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec. 31, 2010
GROUPS All owned by one exhibitor, entered as individuals and be of one breed. 11. Cow and Calf:
12. 13.
AUGUST 20 $10.00 per entry per class th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 5 6 to 7 p.m. th September 6 As scheduled by Management American Open to Siskiyou, Modoc and Klamath Counties.
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $35 $25 Class 1.
Date of Calving Sep. 1, 2011 – May 1, 2012 Jan. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Mar. 1 – Dec 31, 2010
3 $10
Prospect Steers – 350 to 700 lbs A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required Entries not eligible for auction
Calf must have been born between November 1, 2011 and August 1, 2012 and be eligible for registry. Calf must be entered and shown as an individual, if old enough. NOTE: When making entry for this class, as a group, enter cow on one line and calf on one line; identify both animals by birth date and registration numbers. If a calf is not old enough to show as an individual and does not have a registration number, be sure to give birth date of the calf, permanent identification and registration number of its sire and dam.
Pair of Females: Two females Get of Sire: Four animals sired by the same bull
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Senior or Junior Calf Junior or Summer Yearling Senior Yearling
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Ribbons – 1 through 3 place NO ENTRY FEE – ENTER AT RING Best group of three market steers shown in the market classes and owned by members of the same club or chapter. One entry per club or chapter.
NOTE: Rosettes will be awarded to Grand & Reserve Champion Market Beef. All breeds will be judged together. Exhibitors must be the bonafide owner of the animal at least 120 days before the opening day of the fair. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED: EXHIBIT WEIGH-IN: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: RESTRICTIONS: REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AT THE TIME OF ENTRY
MAY 7 $20.00 per entry per class th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 5 6 to 7 p.m. th September 6 As scheduled by Management Danish 10-A District Exhibitors Only Bill of Sale, Country of Origin, & Brand Inspection.
Grade Scorecard Market Ready
Two rankings of Market Ready
Blue Ribbon Red Ribbon
Not Market Ready White Ribbon
Class 1.
Market steers projected to have sufficient fat deposition to meet the marbling specifications for USDA Prime, Choice or Select+ quality grades.
Entries not eligible for Jr. Livestock Auction. Entries in this division are steers that are entered in the Market Steer Classes but do not meet minimum or maximum weight requirements and are automatically entered into Division 52.
MAY 7 th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 5 6 to 7 p.m. th September 6 As scheduled by Management Danish Refer to requirements. Bill of Sale, Country of Origin, & Brand Inspection.
Awards Offered Per Class st 1 $1000 Savings Bond & Award
2 $500 Savings Bond & Award
Excel in “Market Ready” criteria.
Class 1.
Average in “Market Ready” criteria Market steers lacking evidence of sufficient fat deposition to produce a desirable consumer product. Steers projected to grade USDA Select- or lower.
This contest is sponsored by the Siskiyou County Cattle Women (SCCW), a non-profit organization dedicated to beef promotion and education. SCCW will coordinate with the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair to hold the event in conjunction with the annual 10-A District Fair in Tulelake.
4-H/FFA/Independent Market Steer Weight Requirements: 1,050 to 1,400 lbs.
*Steers not meeting the minimum weight of 1050 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 52 as a Non-Market Light Weight Steer and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class. *Steers in excess of the maximum weight of 1400 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 52 as a Non-Market Heavy Weight Steer and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Class 1. Non Market Light Weight Steer– 701 to 1049 lbs. 2. Non Market Heavy Weight Steer – 1401 lbs. plus
All Steers Show Together
MISSION STATEMENT: The “Rancher’s Choice” Market Beef Contest is an educational contest that cumulates a market beef youth project with real-world relevance to the demands of today’s commercial beef cattle industry. PURPOSE: One purpose of this contest is to showcase locally raised commercial beef calves, (not to exclude purebred animals) that if not chosen as project animals, would have typically gone on through the commercial feedlot/packing plant industry segments, and then to the consumer. The second purpose of this contest is to help provide lifeskills and education to exhibitors in learning more about the operations and economics of commercial beef production; including animal feed performance, actual market-based price structures, total costs involved, and researching a topic of common use or concern within the industry.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
ELIGIBILITY: This contest will be open to all Junior-aged* market ELIGIBILITY: will be open to all Junior-aged* market beef exhibitors This at thecontest Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair that meet the following ELIGIBILITY: This will be open to all Junior-aged* market beef exhibitors at thecontest Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair that meet the following eligibility requirements. beef exhibitors at the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair that meet the following eligibility requirements. (* Exhibitor age as of January 1stst of current year) eligibility requirements. (* Exhibitor age as of 1 of year)the project animals REQUIREMENTS: ToJanuary be eligible to current participate, (* Exhibitor age as of 1st of year)the project animals REQUIREMENTS: ToJanuary beand/or eligible to current participate, and exhibitors must meet complete the following criteria: REQUIREMENTS: To beand/or eligiblecomplete to participate, the project animals and exhibitors must meet thefrom following criteria: 1. Only calves born, raised and purchased a commercial cattle and must meet and/or complete thefrom following criteria: cattle 1. exhibitors Only calves born, raised and purchased a commercial herd in Siskiyou or Modoc Counties are eligible for this contest. 1. Only calves born,orraised and purchased from a commercial cattle herd in Siskiyou Modoc Counties are eligible contest. The breeder will have to sign a Breeder Affidavitfortothis verify the herd in Siskiyou or Modoc Counties are eligible fortothis contest. The willthe have sign a Breeder Affidavit verify the ranchbreeder of origin, fullto color description and age of the animal, The breeder willthe have signdescription a Breeder Affidavit to verify the ranch of origin, fullto color animal, and that they have been in possession ofand thatage calfofinthe that location ranch of origin, the been full color descriptionof and age ofinthe animal, and that they have in possession that calf that location since birth. This will be in addition to the normal brand inspection, and that theyThis have possession of normal that calf in that location since willbeen beCountry ininaddition to the inspection, bill of birth. sale and federal of Origin Labelingbrand (COOL) affidavit since This will beCountry in addition to theLabeling normal brand inspection, bill of birth. sale and federal of Origin affidavit requirements. The Breeder Affidavit Certificate is (COOL) MANDATORY bill of sale and federal Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) affidavit requirements. The to Breeder Certificate is MANDATORY and will be subject review Affidavit by a qualified livestock or fair board requirements. The to Breeder Certificate is MANDATORY and willprior be subject reviewofAffidavit by a animals qualified livestock or fair board official to the showing the to verify eligibility. and will be subject to reviewofby a qualified livestock or fair board official to the showing the animals to verify Animalsprior without a verifiable Breeder’s Affidavit will eligibility. not be eligible official prior to the showing of the animals to verify eligibility. Animals without a verifiable to participate in this contest.Breeder’s Affidavit will not be eligible Animals without a verifiable Breeder’s Affidavit will not be eligible to participate in this contest. 2. All calves eligible must also be entered in the appropriate market participate in this contest. 2. to All calves eligible must also be entered in thefair, appropriate market beef and showmanship classes at the TLBV have an official 2. All calves eligible must also be entered in thefair, appropriate market beef andownership showmanship classes at the TLBV an official 120-day pre-weight, and indicate entryhave into the beef andownership showmanship classes and at the TLBV entry fair, have an official 120-day pre-weight, indicate into the Rancher’s Choice division on the official fair entry form to qualify 120-day ownership pre-weight, and indicate entry into the Rancher’s Choice division on the official fair entry form to qualify for participation in this contest. Completed Breeder Affidavits Rancher’s Choice division on theCompleted official fair Breeder entry formAffidavits to qualify for thisentry contest. areparticipation due with theinfair forms at the 120-day weigh in date. for infair thisentry contest. Completed Breeder Affidavits areparticipation due the forms at shown the 120-day in date. Only onewith animal per exhibitor can be in the weigh Rancher’s are due with theper fairexhibitor entry forms at shown the 120-day weigh in date. Only one animal can be in the Rancher’s Choice class each year. Exhibitors that do not reside in the 10A Only one animal per exhibitor can bethat shownnot in the Rancher’s Choice class each Exhibitors reside in the 10A District will need to year. get a “certified” weighdomaster to weigh their Choice class each Exhibitorsweigh that domaster not reside in thetheir 10A District will need toyear. getbefore a “certified” to weigh animal 115-120 days the start of the TBV Fair and provide District will needdays to get a “certified” weigh master to weigh their animal 115-120 the record start ofbook. the TBV Fair and provide that official weight slipbefore with their animal 115-120 days before the record start ofbook. the TBV Fair and provide that official weight slip with their 3. Exhibitor’s participating in this contest must complete a Project official participating weight slip with their recordmust book. 3. that Exhibitor’s in this contest a Project Record Book that includes records of projectcomplete management, 3. Exhibitor’s participating in this contest must complete a Project Record Book that includes project management, expense, income, inventory,records animaloffeed performance and a Record Book that includes records offeed project management, expense, income, animal performance andvalue a of statement of profit inventory, or loss based on the current MARKET expense, income, inventory, animal feed performance and a statement or loss based thebe current value of the animal of at profit fair time. There willon also a 250MARKET to 500 wordstatement of or loss based thebe current value of the animalessay at profit fairrequired time. There willon also 250MARKET to 500 minimum (based on age ofaexhibitor) onworda relevant the animalessay at fairrequired time. There willon also 250 to 500 minimum (based agebe ofaexhibitor) onworda All relevant beef industry topic to be submitted with the record book. minimum essay required (based onwith age of exhibitor) on a All relevant beef industry topic be submitted record book. participants will be to asked to write on thethe same topic, with a new beef industrywill topic be submitted with record book. participants be to asked tocontest write on thethe same topic, with All aRecord new topic being provided by the committee each year. participants will be asked tocontest write oncommittee the same each topic,year. with aRecord new topic provided booksbeing and essays willbybethe due at the Fair Livestock Office by 8:00 topic being provided the contest committee each year. by Record books and essays willbyanimals be due at the Fair Livestock a.m. the day after the are officially weighedOffice in at the 8:00 fair books and essays will be due at the Fair Livestock Office by 8:00 a.m. thefor daycalculation after the animals arethe officially weighed in at the fair to allow based on final animal weight. a.m. thefor daycalculation after the animals arethe officially weighed in at the fair to allow based final animal EVALUATION & PLACINGS: Theon contest scoring willweight. be based as to allow for&calculation based the final animal EVALUATION PLACINGS: Theon contest scoring willweight. be based as follows: EVALUATION & PLACINGS: The contest scoring will be based as follows: 60% of the score will be on the live animal judging by a panel of 3 follows: 60% qualified of the score will be oncattle the live animal judging of 3to any commercial producers that areby of anopanel relation 60% qualified of the score will be oncattle the live animal judging by of 3to any commercial thatbeare of anopanel relation of the exhibitors. All eligibleproducers animals will shown together in qualified commercial cattle producers thatbeare of notogether relation to of the exhibitors. All eligible animals will shown in any one class, regardless of weight. All steers showing in this class of the exhibitors. All eligible animals will be shown together in one class, of weight. steersbe showing in brushed this class WILL NOT regardless be fitted. The animalsAll should washed, one class, of weight. All steersbe showing in brushed this class WILL NOT regardless be fitted. The animals should and blown dry, but NO fitting products will bewashed, allowed. Any WILL NOT dry, be fitted. The animals should be washed, brushed and blown but NO fitting products will be allowed. Any the animals that exhibit show product use will be excused from and blown dry, but NO fitting products will be be excused allowed. from Any the animals exhibit show product use will class by that the judges. Judges will be provided with the average animals exhibit show product use will be excused from the class gain by that the judges. Judges will selection be provided with the average daily records to use in their process, and they will class by the judges. Judges will selection be provided with the average daily gain records to use in their process, and they will place at least the top five animals. daily gain records to use their selection process, and they will least thebetop five in animals. 30% place of the at score will based on record book content and completion. place at leastwill the top five animals. 30% book content and completion. 10% of of the the score score will be be based based on on record the essay. 30% of will based on book content and completion. 10% Junior’s of the the score score will be be based on record the essay. (Ages 9-12*): Complete a 250 word essay on 10% Junior’s of the score will be based on the essay. 9-12*): Complete a 250 word essay on Question(Ages #1 below. Junior’s (Ages 9-12*): Complete a 250 word essay on Question #1 Explain below. Question #1: what Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) Question #1 Explain below. what Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) Question #1: are and describe what performance traits the following EPD’s Question #1: Explain what Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) are and describe what performance following EPD’s measure; BW, WW, YW, Milk, Marb,traits RE &the Fat? are and describe what performance traits the following EPD’s measure; BW, WW, YW, Milk, Marb, RE & Fat? Senior’s (Ages 13-18*): Complete a minimum 500 word essay measure; BW, WW, YW, Milk, Marb, RE & Fat? Senior’s (Ages on Question # 213-18*): below: Complete a minimum 500 word essay Senior’s (Ages Complete a minimum 500 word essay on Question # 213-18*): below: Question #2: Explain what multi-trait index Expected Progeny on Question # 2 below: Question #2: Explain what multi-trait index Expected Progeny Differences (EPD’s) are; how they differ from individual trait Question #2:(EPD’s) Explainare; what multi-trait index Expected Progeny Differences how they differ from individual trait EPD’s and describe at least two multi-trait indexes currently Differences (EPD’s) are; howtwo they differ from individual trait EPD’s and describe at least multi-trait indexes currently available to assist producers in the bull selection process. EPD’s andtodescribe at least two stmulti-trait indexes currently available assist bull selection (* Exhibitor age asproducers of Januaryin1the current year)process. st ofbull available to assist producers in1the selection process. (* Exhibitor age as of January of current year) The record books and essays will by judged by a panel of at least two st (* Exhibitor age as of January of current The record booksthat andare essays will by1judged bycommercial a year) panel of atbeef least two qualified people knowledgeable in the cattle The record books and essays will by judged by a panel of atbeef least two qualified people that are knowledgeable in the commercial cattle industry. qualified people that are knowledgeable in the commercial beef cattle industry. The combined scores from the live animal judging and record industry. The combined scoreswill from the live the animal judging and record book/essay portions determine 1st and 2nd winners of the nd place The combined scoreswill from the live animal judging and record book/essay portions determine the 1stst and 2nd place winners of the contest. book/essay portions will determine the 1 and 2 place winners of the contest. TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 contest.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Exhibitors are asked to wear white shirts and either black or dark blue Exhibitors are in asked to wear white shirts and either4-H black or dark blue jeans to show the live animal class – full official or FFA uniforms Exhibitors are asked to wear white shirts and either4-H black or dark blue jeans show in the live animal class – full official or FFA uniforms are nottorequired. jeans torequired. show in the live animal class – full official 4-H or FFA uniforms are 4. not The steer’s ranking in this division will have no impact on the are required. 4. not The steer’s ranking in the thisJr. division will have no impact on the animal’s sale order in Livestock Auction. 4. The steer’s ranking in the thisJr. division will have no impact on the animal’s sale order in Livestock Auction. AWARDS: animal’s sale order in the Jr. Livestock Auction. st AWARDS: 1 st place will be named the RANCHER’S CHOICE TOP STEER and AWARDS: 1st place will abe$1000 named the RANCHER’S TOP STEER and receive savings bond, ribbonCHOICE and a gift. 1nd place will abe$1000 named the RANCHER’S TOP STEER and receive savings bond, ribbonCHOICE and a gift. 2nd place will be named the RANCHER’S CHOICE RESERVE STEER receive $1000 savings bond, ribbonCHOICE and a gift. 2 place willabe named RANCHER’S STEER and receive a $500 the savings bond, ribbon and aRESERVE gift. 2nd place will be named the RANCHER’S CHOICE RESERVE STEER receive a $500 a gift. a $50 NEW-and Best Record Booksavings (Highestbond, point ribbon score)and will receive gift receive a $500 a gift. a $50 gift NEW-and Best Record Booksavings (Highestbond, pointribbon score)and will receive card award NEW-card Bestaward Record Book (Highest point score) will receive a $50 gift NEW- Best essay in each age division (Highest point score) will NEW-card Bestaward essay each division (Highest point score) will receive a $25ingift cardage award NEW-receive Best essay each age division (Highest point score) will a $25ingift card award All other participants will receive a participation gift and ribbon. receive a $25 gift card award All other participants receive participation gift and ribbon. Breeder Awards: thewill breeders ofathe top two placing steers will also All other Awards: participants will receiveofathe participation gift and ribbon. Breeder the breeders top two placing will also each receive a recognition award. The awards will besteers distributed at the Breeder Awards: the breeders of the top two placing steers will also each receive a recognition award. awards ceremony during the fair. The awards will be distributed at the each receive a recognitionthe award. awards ceremony fair. The awards will be distributed at the RECORD BOOKSduring & ENTRIES: awards ceremony during the fair. RECORD & ENTRIES: The recordBOOKS book forms, essay topic and Breeder Affidavit are available RECORD BOOKS & ENTRIES: The record essay topicbe and Breeder as Affidavit arethe available at the TLBVbook Fair forms, office and should requested soon as The record book essay topicbe and Breeder as Affidavit arethe available at the TLBV Fair forms, office and requested soon as exhibitor decides to enter soshould the proper records can be kept. The at the TLBV Fair office and should be requested as soon as the exhibitor decides to enter proper records can be kept. Breeder Affidavit will needso to the be signed and returned with the The entry exhibitor decides will to enter so proper and records can be kept. The Breeder to the be signed returned with thePlease entry forms byAffidavit the 120-dayneed ownership and pre-weigh date in May. Breeder Affidavit will need to be signed and returned with the entry forms byyour the project 120-dayleader ownership date in a May. Please contact or theand fair pre-weigh office if you need set of forms, forms by the project 120-dayleader ownership date in May. Please contact theand fair pre-weigh office a set of forms, or checkyour the fair website to or download forms.if you The need ESSAY question is contact your project leader or the fair office a set of forms, or the website download forms.if you The need ESSAY question is on check Page 9 of fair record booktoforms. or check the fair website toforms. download forms. The ESSAY question is on Page 9 of record book Contestants will need to get the Breeder Affidavit and the COOL on Page 9 ofwill record book forms. Contestants need to get the Breeder Affidavit and the COOL regulation affidavit completed when the steer is purchased. The final Contestants will need to get the Breeder Affidavit and the COOL regulation affidavit completed the steer is purchased. Theoffinal calculations on the financial & when performance summary portions the regulation affidavit completed& when the steersummary is purchased. Theoffinal calculations performance portions the record book on willthe notfinancial be completed until contestants have their steer’s calculations on the financial & performance summary portions of the record book will not be completed until contestants have their steer’s official fair weight, but all other portions of the record book should be record will not beall completed until contestants have their steer’s official book fair weight, of the record should be completed prior to but the fair.other Theportions following items are book due to the fair official fair weight, but all other portions of the record book should be completed prior to the fair. The following items are due to the fair livestock office no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day after the steers completed prior tonothe fair.than The following items are due to the fair livestock office later are officially weighed in at the8:00 fair:a.m. on the day after the steers livestock office no later than 8:00 on the day after the steers are officially weighed inBook at the fair:a.m. Completed Record Forms & Essay are officially weighed inBook at the fair: & Essay Completed Record Forms Photo copy Record of completed Breeder Completed Book Forms & Affidavit Essay Photo copy of completed Breeder Affidavit Photo copy copy of of completed complete COOL affidavit information Photo Breeder Affidavit Photo copy of complete COOL affidavit information Photo copy copy of of complete Bill of SaleCOOL &/or purchase Brand Inspection Photo affidavit information Photo copy(and of Bill of Salepre-weight &/or purchase Inspection certificate certified slip if Brand you are a non-10-A Photo copy(and of Bill of Salepre-weight &/or purchase Brand Inspection certificate certified slip if you are a non-10-A District contestant), certificate (and certified pre-weight slip if you are a non-10-A Districtitems contestant), ALL above need to be submitted and secured in 3-prong Report Districtitems contestant), ALL above need to be submitted and secured in 3-prong Report Folder. ALL above items need to be submitted and secured in 3-prong Report Folder. Record books will be returned to exhibitors after the contest – much of Folder. Record books will returned to for exhibitors afterrequired the contest much the information willbe also be valid completing 4-H –and FFAof Record books will be returned to exhibitors after the contest – much of the information project books. will also be valid for completing required 4-H and FFA the information will also be valid for completing required 4-H and FFA project books. with For exhibitors more than one qualifying steer: you will need to project books. with more than one qualifying steer: you will need to For exhibitors choose which steer you are going to show in the Rancher’s Choice For exhibitors with more thangoing one qualifying you will need to choose which steer you are to show insteer: the Rancher’s Choice class prior to the time you turn in your Record Books. The record book choose which steer you areturn goingyour to show in the Rancher’s Choicebook classturn prior the time Books. Theinrecord you in to must be theyou recordsinfor the Record steer being shown the class prior to the be time turn infor your Record Books. Theinrecord book you turn in must theyou records theper steer being shown the contest. Only one steer per exhibitor year will be allowed to you turn in must besteer the records for theper steer being shown in the contest. perthat exhibitor year will represented be allowed toequally. compete Only in thisone contest so all contestants are contest. steerso perthat exhibitor per year are will represented be allowed toequally. compete Only in thisone contest all contestants compete in this contest so that all contestants are represented equally.
Awards Offered Champion- Rosette/Banner Class 1.
MAY 7TH MAY 7TH $35.00 entry per class MAY 7 per $35.00 per entry per class th September 5th 7a.m. to 1 p.m. $35.00 per entry per class September 5th th 7a.m. to 1 p.m. September 5 , 6 to 7to p.m. th 7a.m. September 5 1 p.m. September 5th th, 6 to 7 p.m. September 6 th, 6 to 7 p.m. September 5 September 6th As scheduled Management September 6 by As scheduled by Management Danish As scheduled by Management Danish May only sell one animal. Danish May only sell one animal. Referonly to requirements. May sell one animal.Handbook Refer to online requirements. available or at fairHandbook office Refer to requirements. available online or at fairHandbook office Bill of Sale, Brand Inspection, Vet available online or at fair office Bill of Sale, Brand Inspection, Vet Verification of Safe in Calf dated Bill of Sale, of Brand Inspection, thVet Verification Safe in Calf dated within 5 days of September 5 th, Verification ofof Safe in Calf dated within 5 days September 5th, 2012. within 5 days of September 5 ,
Res. Champion- Rosette/Banner
Fall Calving Heifers
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 Handbook Dec. 15) Est.- Exhibitor calving date (Sept. 152.
Spring Calving Heifers Est. calving date( Feb 1 – May 1)
Th ex Re the qu He the be en of the Re An
2012. Awards Offered Champion- Rosette/Banner
2012. Res. Champion- Rosette/Banner
Awards Offered Class ChampionRes. Champion- Rosette/Banner 1. FallRosette/Banner Calving Heifers Est. calving date (Sept. 15- Dec. 15) Class 2. Spring Calving Heifers 1. Fall calving Calvingdate( Heifers Est. Feb 1 – May 1) Est. calving date (Sept. 15- Dec. 15) Member Eligibility 2. Spring Calving Heifers To be eligible this Beef Replacement Heifer Est.for calving date( Feb 1 – May 1)Project the exhibitor
must be a member in good standing of a 4-H Club or FFA Chapter in Modoc or Eligibility Siskiyou counties in the 10-A District, or be a qualified Member independent exhibitor from Modoc or Siskiyou counties in the 10To be eligiblejunior for this Beef Replacement Heifer Project the exhibitor Amust District. be a member in good standing of a 4-H Club or FFA Chapter in Heifer ModocEligibility or Siskiyou counties in the 10-A District, or be a qualified Registered orjunior gradeexhibitor beef replacement heifers are eligible projects. independent from Modoc or Siskiyou counties in the 10Grade heifers must be without horns. The sire of the heifer must be of A District. aHeifer beef breed. If an exhibitor declares that the heifer is registered, the Eligibility registration signed off and submitted to theprojects. Livestock Registered papers or grademust beefbe replacement heifers are eligible Office heifer will be allowed to sell. bred Gradebefore heifersthe must be without horns. The sireHeifers of the must heiferbe must be of and purchased a breeder in Modoc, a beef breed. Iffrom an exhibitor declares thatSiskiyou, the heiferorisKlamath registered, the Counties. registration papers must be signed off and submitted to the Livestock Office before the heifer will be allowed to sell. Heifers must be bred The limit forfrom a heifer is a minimum of 15 monthsorand a maximum and age purchased a breeder in Modoc, Siskiyou, Klamath of 30 months on the opening day of the fair. Heifers must weigh a Counties. minimum of 900 pounds at the weigh-in during the fair and be bred to th calve between September thru December 15th and from February The age limit stfor a heifer is15 a minimum of 15 months and a maximum st 1of 30 thrumonths May 1 on .These requirements the scale the opening day of will the be fair.verified Heifersatmust weighbya the certified master, the veterinarian, minimumweigh of 900 pounds atattending the weigh-in during theand fair fair and be bred to th management. heifers15that do December not meet criteria willfrom be February calve betweenThose September thru 15th and st st show competition. disqualified from 1 thru May 1 .These requirements will be verified at the scale by the Ownership Requirements and Project Agreement certified weigh master, the attending veterinarian, and fair The project members must have ownership of their heifer no later than management. Those heifers th that do not meet criteria will be 120 days before (May 6 , 2012). Heifers must be weighed and disqualified fromthfair show competition. tagged by May 6 to be eligible. original Bill of Sale must be Ownership Requirements andThe Project Agreement retained by the exhibitor andhave presented to theofState Brand no Inspector at The project members must ownership their heifer later than the 120Fair. days before fair (May 6th, 2012). Heifers must be weighed and Substitutions tagged by May 6th to be eligible. The original Bill of Sale must be Ifretained a breeding or health problem should occur, evidenced by a by the exhibitor and presented to theas State Brand Inspector at veterinarian of the 4-H Leader/FFA Instructor in charge, a substitute the Fair. heifer may be allowed if owned by the member on or before the 120 Substitutions day ownershiporrequirement and should was tagged atby that If a breeding health problem occur,and as weighed evidenced a time. Breeding a Project Management veterinarian of the 4-H Leader/FFA Instructor in charge, a substitute th thru December Heifers mustbebeallowed bred toifcalve between September heifer may owned by thest member on 15 or before the 120 th st 15 and from February 1 thru May 1 . Two calving divisions will be day ownership requirement and was tagged and weighed at that time. available fair, (1) Fall Calving Division and (2) Spring Calving Breedingatathe Project Management ththe Fair by a Division. Heifers will be preg-checked on weigh day at Heifers must be bred to calve between September 15 thru December st veterinarian specified by1Fair Management. are not 15th and from February thru May 1st. TwoHeifers calvingthat divisions willbred be within the specified calving times willDivision be disqualified show available at the fair, (1) Fall Calving and (2) from Spring Calving competition. Heifers be bred naturally, or byday artificial Division. Heifers will may be preg-checked on weigh at theinsemination. Fair by a They should specified be bred tobybulls low birth weights order reduce veterinarian Fairwith Management. Heifersinthat aretonot bred difficulty inspecified calving. Accurate records be kept onfrom the heifers. within the calving times will must be disqualified show It is important thatHeifers members dates written down to when the heifer competition. mayhave be bred naturally, or by as artificial insemination. was to that and any that could beinbeneficial to the Theyexposed should be bredbull to bulls with data low birth weights order to reduce potential buyer. difficulty in calving. Accurate records must be kept on the heifers. It is Health important that members have dates written down as to when the heifer At theexposed start of the project, members should from a to local was to that bull and any data that seek couldadvice be beneficial the veterinarian about preventing diseases such as Leptospirosis, Vibrosis, potential buyer. Anaplosmosis, and Brucellosis. State law requires that beef heifers Health over twelve (12) age showshould evidence ofadvice the calfhood At the start of themonths project,ofmembers seek from a local brucelloisis if they diseases are sold within theLeptospirosis, state of California for veterinarianvaccination about preventing such as Vibrosis, breeding purposes. Therefore, it is mandatory that the brucellosis ear Anaplosmosis, and Brucellosis. State law requires that beef heifers tag metalofclip and tattoo number be entered overnumber twelve (orange (12) months agenumber) show evidence of the calfhood on the entry vaccination form. All heifers will besold checked the veterinarian upon brucelloisis if they are withinby the state of California for arrival on purposes. the Fairgrounds and those heifers having no tattoo shall ear be breeding Therefore, it is mandatory that the brucellosis disqualified from show competition. tag number (orange metal clip number) and tattoo number be entered Judging on the entry form. All heifers will be checked by the veterinarian upon arrival on the Fairgrounds and those heifers having no tattoo shall be TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 disqualified from show competition. Judging
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
tag number (orange metal clip number) and tattoo number be entered on the entry form. All heifers will be checked by the veterinarian upon The Danish System of Judging beheifers used athaving the Fair, an be arrival on the Fairgrounds and will those no giving tattoo shall exhibitor fourfrom (4) possible group placings. A Grand Champion and disqualified show competition. Reserve JudgingGrade Champion Beef Replacement Heifer will be selected by the Heifers of awarded show competition Thejudge(s). Danish System Judgingpurple will beribbons used atinthe Fair, giving an will qualify forfour the (4) Beef Replacement Heifer sale held during the Fair. exhibitor possible group placings. A Grand Champion and TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 Heifers qualify for the sale not required to sell,will butbemust inform Reservethat Grade Champion Beefare Replacement Heifer selected by the livestock office within one hour following the heifer show in order the judge(s). Heifers awarded purple ribbons in show competition willto be removed from theReplacement sale order. The entry Fee willduring be $35.00. The qualify for the Beef Heifer sale held the Fair. entry fees willqualify be used vet costs affiliated Heifers that for to theoffset sale are not required to with sell, vet but inspections must inform of The Grand Champion heifers must in to thethe livestock within and one Reserve hour following the heifer show in sell order the Heifer Sale. be removed from the sale order. The entry Fee will be $35.00. The Replacement Heifer entry fees will be usedSale to offset vet costs affiliated with vet inspections An exhibitor may not showand or sell more Champion than one beef replacement of the heifers. The Grand Reserve heifers must sell in heifer at theSale. Fair per year. Only those heifers placing in the top two the Heifer groups will be eligible sell. A commission charge of 8% will be Replacement Heifer to Sale deducted from thenot exhibitor’s proceeds. a heifer calves during An exhibitor may show or sale sell more than If one beef replacement the Fairatand thethose sale, she willplacing be eligible to top be sold heifer the has Fair qualified per year.for Only heifers in the two with the will calfbe byeligible her sidetoprovided that the calfcharge is healthy and groups sell. A commission of 8% willthe beheifer is controllable. decision will beproceeds. made by fair deducted from The the exhibitor’s sale If amanagement. heifer calves during Temperament ofqualified Heifer for the sale, she will be eligible to be sold the Fair and has Heifers must be gentle and trained to lead with a show The Fair with the calf by her side provided that the calf is healthyhalter. and the heifer Management reserves the right to disqualify any animal as ineligible for is controllable. The decision will be made by fair management. show competition, and order the removal of any beef entry that is not Temperament of Heifer gentle properly halter broke to lead, and which could therefore Heifersand must be gentle and trained to lead with a show halter. The Fair endanger otherreserves exhibitors public. the event that an for Management theand rightFair-going to disqualify any In animal as ineligible animal injures a member of the public, the exhibitor the show competition, and order theFair-going removal of any beef entry that(not is not TBVF) liable. Insurance from CFSA to cover the gentle is and properly halter must brokebe to purchased lead, and which could therefore exhibitor such and incident occur during Please endangershould other exhibitors and Fair-going public.Fair. In the eventcontact that an the Fairinjures office for purchasing insurance or further animal a member of the Fair-going public,information. the exhibitor (not the TBVF) is liable. Insurance must be purchased from CFSA to cover the exhibitor should such and incident occur during Fair. Please contact the Fair office for purchasing insurance or further information.
REGISTERED OR UNREGISTERED ANIMALS REGISTERED OR UNREGISTERED NOTE: Senior and junior yearlings in milk must be shown with ANIMALS two-year-olds. Note “In Milk” on your entry form.
May be either registered or unregistered by a purebred sire. NOTE: Senior and junior milk must shown with By his/her signature as theyearlings owner orinagent on anbe entry form, two-year-olds. Note “In Milk” your form. the exhibitor also certifies thaton the sireentry of each animal entered May either registered unregistered a purebred sire. in thebe following classes fororgrade animalsby was either registered Bypurebred. his/her signature as theear owner or tattoo agent is onrequired. an entry form, or A permanent tag or the exhibitor also certifies that the sire 20 of TH each animal entered ENTRIES CLOSE: AUGUST in the following was ENTRY FEES: classes for grade $5.00animals per entry pereither classregistered th is required. or purebred. A permanent ear tag or tattoo EXHIBITS RECEIVED: September 5TH7a.m. to 1 p.m. th ENTRIESJUDGED: CLOSE: AUGUST 20 EXHIBIT September 6 ENTRY FEES: $5.00 per entry class EXHIBIT RELEASED: As scheduled byper Management th EXHIBITS RECEIVED: September 5 7a.m. to 1 p.m. TYPE OF JUDGING: American th EXHIBIT JUDGED: September RESTRICTIONS: 10-A District6Only EXHIBIT RELEASED: As scheduled by Management TYPE OF JUDGING: American Premiums Offered Per Class RESTRICTIONS: 10-A st nd District Only rd 1 2 3 $25 $15 $5 Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 DIVISION 55 – ALL BREEDS TOGETHER $25 $15 $5
1. 2. Class 3. 1. 4. 2. 3. 4.
Mar. 1, 2012 – May 1, 2012 Junior Calf Senior Calf FEMALES Sep. 1, 2011 – Feb. 28, 2012 Mar. Aug. 31, 2011 Date1of– Calving Junior Yearling Mar.1,1,2010– 2012 Feb. – May28, 1, 2011 2012 Sep. Junior Calf Senior Yearling Sep. 1, 2011 – Feb. 28, 2012 Senior Calf Mar. 1 – Aug. 31, 2011 Junior Yearling EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK Sep. 1, 2010– Feb. 28, 2011 Senior Yearling
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
NO ENTRY FEE – ENTER AT RING Best group of three market swine shown in the market class and owned by members of the same club or chapter. One entry per club or chapter.
DIVISION 58 – JUNIOR NON-MARKET SWINE Class 1. 2. NOTE: Rosettes will be awarded to Grand & Reserve Champion Market Swine. 4-H, FFA & Independent exhibitors show together in the Junior Market Swine Division. All breeds will be judged together. Exhibitors must be the bonafide owner of the animal at least 60 days before the opening day of the fair. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: ENTRY RECEIVED: EXHIBIT WEIGH-IN: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: LIMIT: RESTRICTIONS:
Market Ready
Blue Ribbon
Red Ribbon Not Market Ready White Ribbon
U.S. No. 1 and No. 2 hogs of average or greater conformation that are acceptable in leanness, muscularity and production traits. Excel in “Market Ready” criteria. Average in “Market Ready” criteria Any hog of below average conformation including U.S. number 3 or number 4 and utility grade hogs.
4-H/FFA/Independent Market Swine Weight Requirements: 215 to 280 lbs.
*Swine not meeting the minimum weight of 215 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 58 as a Non-Market Light Weight Swine and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class. *Swine in excess of the maximum weight of 280 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 58 as a Non-Market Heavy Weight Swine and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class.
REGISTERED PUREBRED BREEDING ANIMALS NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8. Supreme Champion Ram and Supreme Champion Ewe will be selected from the Champion Ram & Ewe from divisions 59 thru 63. Breeding Sheep will not be required to be vet checked. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED: EXHIBIT JUDGED: EXHIBITS RELEASED: TYPE OF JUDGING: LIMIT: RESTRICTIONS:
AUGUST 20 $4.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th Friday, September 7 As scheduled by Management American Two entries per exhibitor per class. No Restrictions
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd rd 1 2 3 $20 $15 $5 Rosettes will be awarded to Champion Ram & Ewe.
Ribbons – 1 through 3 place
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
JULY 7 $20.00 per entry per class th September 5 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. th September 5 5 to 6 p.m. th Saturday, September 8 As scheduled by Management Danish May only sell one animal. 10-A District Exhibitors Only
Class 1.
*Entries not eligible for the Jr. Livestock Auction. Animals that are entered in Market Classes but do not meet the minimum or maximum weight requirements and are automatically entered into Division 58.
Market Swine Grade Scorecard
Two rankings of Market Ready
Class 1.
Non-Market Light Weight Swine – 150 to 214 lbs. Non-Market Heavy Weight Swine – 281 lbs. plus
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
DIVISION 59 – HAMPSHIRE Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewes Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs GROUPS
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be of one breed.
8. 9.
Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs. Get of Sire: Four sheep sired by the same ram, lambs must have been breed by exhibitor. Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs
4. 5. 6. 7.
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewes Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs GROUPS
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs. Get of Sire: Four sheep sired by the same ram, lambs must have been breed by exhibitor. Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
DIVISION 61 – ALL OTHER MEAT BREEDS Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
RAMS Yearling Ram Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs:
Date of Lambing Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Sept. 2011 – May 2012
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewes Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ewe Lamb
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
8. 9.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Get of Sire: Four sheep sired by the same ram, lambs must have been breed by exhibitor. Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
DIVISION 62 – ALL OTHER WOOL BREEDS Any species of animal that meets their respective breed association standards for purebred registry.
Class 1. 2. 3.
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewes Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs EWES
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be of one breed.
8. 9.
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be of one breed.
4. 5. 6. 7.
DIVISION 60 – DORSET Class 1. 2. 3.
Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be of one breed.
8. 9.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs. Get of Sire: Four sheep sired by the same ram, lambs must have been breed by exhibitor. Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
1 $20
AUGUST 20 $4.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 7 As scheduled by Management American Two entries per exhibitor per class. No Restrictions
Premiums Offered Per Class nd rd 2 3 $15 $5
NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8. Animals entered in this division are not required to be registered. A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required. Rosettes will be given to the Champion Ram and Ewe and are eligible to compete for overall Supreme Champion Ram and Ewe.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Date of Lambing
Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ram Sept. 2011 – May 2012 Ram Lamb Pair of Ram Lambs: Two ram lambs
EWES 4. 5. 6. 7.
Sep. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Yearling Ewes Pair of Yearling Ewes: Two yearling ewes Sep. 2011 – May 2012 Ewe Lamb Pair of Ewe Lambs: Two ewe lambs
One entry per exhibitor per class. All owned by one exhibitor and entered as individuals and be of one breed.
Young Flock: One ram lamb and two ewe lambs Flock: One yearling ram or ram lamb, two yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
Two rankings of Market Ready
Blue Ribbon
Red Ribbon Not Market Ready White Ribbon
AUGUST 20 $4.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 7 As scheduled by Management American Two entries per exhibitor per class. No Restrictions
NOTE: A permanent ear tag or tattoo number is required. Animals which have been registered by a purebred breed association cannot be entered in this division. A rosette will be awarded to the Champion Ewe. The Champion from this division is not eligible to compete for Supreme Champion Ewe. Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $15 $12 Class 1. 2.
Yearling Ewe Ewe Lamb
3 $4
Date of Lambing Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2011 Sept. 2011 – May 2012
JUNIOR MARKET LAMB NOTE: Rosettes will be awarded to Grand & Reserve Champion Market Lambs. All breeds are judged together. Exhibitors must be the bonafide owner of the animal at least 60 days before the opening day of the fair. Market Lambs will be required to be vet checked prior to being unloaded.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
JULY 7 $20.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 5 4 to 5 p.m. th Friday, September 7 As scheduled by Management Danish May only sell one animal. 10-A District Exhibitors only All entries must have attended pre-weigh in and entered class by th JULY 7 .
Market Lamb Grade Scorecard Market Ready
8. 9.
USDA Prime or Choice quality with 12th rib back fat range .16-.35, average or greater conformation and cutability. Excel in “Market Ready” criteria. Average in “Market Ready” criteria Good or lower quality grade with 12th rib back fat range <.16 or >.35; under finished lambs grading USDS Good or lower, below-average conformation or cutablity
4-H/FFA/Independent Market Lamb Weight Requirements: 105 to 160 lbs.
*Lambs not meeting the minimum weight of 105 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 67 as a Non-Market Light Weight Lamb and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class. *Lambs in excess of the maximum weight of 160 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 67 as a Non-Market Heavy Weight Lamb and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class.
Ribbons – 1 through 3 place NO ENTRY FEE – ENTER AT RING Best group of three market lambs shown in the market classes and owned by members of the same club or chapter. One entry per club or chapter.
Non-Market Light Weight Lamb – 70 to 104 lbs. Non-Market Heavy Weight Lamb – 161 lbs. plus
*Entries not eligible for Jr. Livestock Auction. Animals that are entered in Market Classes but do not meet minimum or maximum weight requirements and are automatically entered into Division 67.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
AUGUST 20 $4.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 7 As scheduled by Management American Two entries per exhibitor per class. No Restrictions
Class 1. 2. 3. 4.
3 $4
Date of Kidding 4/16/12-8/31/12 3/1/12-4/15/12 1/1/12-2/29/12 1/1/11-12/31/11
Saturday, September 8
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $15 $10
Class 1.
3 $4
JR. DOE BREEDING DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together) Jr. Kid
Date of Kidding 4/16/12-8/31/12
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
DIVISION 70 – PYGMY GOATS NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8. EXHIBIT JUDGED:
Class 1.
Saturday, September 8
PYGMY GOATS (All breeds judged together) Does, ages
Saturday, September 8
All entries must have been entered individually in an above class. Class 1. Dam & Daughter
JR. DOE BREEDING MEAT GOATS (All purebreds together) Jr. Kid Intermediate Kid Sr. Kid Yearling
3/1/12-4/15/12 1/1/12-2/29/12 1/1/11-12/31/11
SR. DOE BREEDING DAIRY GOATS (All purebreds together) 1/1/11-12/31/11 Yearling Born in 2010 Two Year old Born in 2009 Three Year old Born in 2008 Four Year old Born prior to 1/1/07 Five Years or over
SR. DOE BREEDING MEAT GOATS (All purebreds together) 1/1/11-12/31/11 Yearling Born in 2010 Two Year old Born in 2009 Three Year old Born in 2008 Four Year old Born prior to 1/1/07 Five Years or over
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Intermediate Kid Sr. Kid Dry Yearling
Friday, September 7
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $15 $10
2. 3. 4.
NOTE: Rosettes will be awarded to Grand & Reserve Champion Market Goat. All breeds are judged together. All Market goats must be individually owned by exhibitor and properly tagged and weighed for a minimum of 60 days prior to the "official weigh-in" during fair. At the "official weigh-in" all goats will be required to have gained a minimum of 15 lbs. for the previous 60 days. If the goat has not gained the minimum required additional weight it 1) will be entered in to the Feeder division if requirements are met, or 2) be eliminated from the Fair and will be considered a sifted animal which must be removed from the grounds immediately after weigh-in or if pre-entered immediately following the Market Goat Showmanship Class. No bucks permitted. All goats must be fully castrated, disbudden and completely healed by weigh-in. All scurs and regrowth must not exceed one inch in length and be blunt ended. Market goats must be one year old or less. All market goats must show kid teeth. Goats must be slick shorn to 3/8" but not below knees and hocks. Halters or chains are acceptable. Market Goats will be required to be vet checked prior to being unloaded.
JULY 7 $20.00 per entry per class th September 5 1 to 4 p.m. th September 5 4 to 5 p.m.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Friday, September 7 As scheduled by Management Danish May only sell one animal. 10-A District Exhibitors only All entries must have attended pre-weigh in and entered class by th JULY 7
JUNIOR RABBITS NOTE: No cash premiums for meat pens. Rosettes will be awarded to Champion and Reserve Champion Meat Pens. Premiums offered only for breeding classes. Rabbits must have a permanent ear tattoo. Refer to State Rule VIII.19.
Market Meat Goat Grade Scorecard Market Ready
Two rankings of Market Ready
Blue Ribbon
Red Ribbon Not Market Ready White Ribbon
USDA Prime or Choice quality with 12th rib back fat range .08-.12 most desirable, .13-.22 back fat acceptable, average or greater conformation and cutablity.
Excel in “Market Ready” criteria.
Average in “Market Ready” criteria
Good or lower quality grade with 12th rib back fat range <.08 or >.22; under finished goats grading USDA good or lower, below average conformation or cutability.
AUGUST 8 $20.00 / Pen of 3 Market Rabbits $1.00 per entry/breeding division All Rabbits must be on the fairgrounds by1 p.m. Wednesday. th Wednesday, September 5 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. th September 8 As scheduled by Management Danish Meat pens - one rabbit may not be entered in more than one division. May only sell one Meat Pen. 10-A District Exhibitors only
Class 1.
4-H/FFA/Independent Market Meat Goat Doe or Wether Weight Requirements: 70 to 110 lbs.
*Goats not meeting the minimum weight of 70 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 74 as a Non-Market Light Weight Market Goat and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class. *Goats in excess of the maximum weight of 110 lbs. will be automatically entered into Division 74 as a Non-Market Heavy Weight Goat and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class.
Ribbons – 1 through 3 place NO ENTRY FEE – ENTER AT RING Best group of three market goats shown in the market class and owned by members of the same club or chapter. One entry per club or chapter.
Non-Market Light Weight Goat – 50 to 69 lbs. Non-Market Heavy Weight Lamb – 111 lbs. plus
NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8 TYPE OF JUDGING: Danish LIMITS: No exhibitor may enter more than 3 pens of 3. May only sell one pen. PROOF OF Picture of animal, proof of OWNERSHIP FOR ALL ownership and identification EXHIBITORS: information is due in the fair office th by August 8 . If any one rabbit in a meat pen is overweight or underweight the entire pen will be disqualified from competition. Rabbits must not be entered in any other class and must be judged alive. All Group I pens will be sold at auction. Meat pens shall consist of three rabbits, all of the same breed and variety. Rabbits must be from does owned, bred and kindled by exhibitors immediate family. Rosettes will be awarded to Grand & Reserve Champion Meat Pen and Grand Champion Single Live Fryer.
Class 1.
Pen of 3 – State Breed (Any rabbit purebred meat type.) Pen of Three Fryer Rabbits: Each 3 to 5 lbs., not over 70 days old. All breeds judged together. Each entry to be of uniform variety, type and weight.
*Entries not eligible for Jr. Livestock Auction. Animals that are entered in Market Classes but do not meet minimum or maximum weight requirements and are automatically entered into Division 74.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
State Breed (All breeds will be judged together) Pen of Three Feeder Rabbits: Combined weight of at least 8lbs. Under 70 days old. Not eligible for Jr. Rotary Auction.
State Breed (All breeds will be judged together)
NOTE: Please refer to Local Rule #8
Single Fryer (to be judged alive): 3 to 5 lbs., not over 70 days old. Not eligible for Jr. Rotary Auction.
State Breed (All breeds will be judged together) Single Roaster: under 6 months of age, weighting 58lbs. Not eligible for Jr. Rotary Auction.
State Breed (All breeds will be judged together) Single Stewer: Over 6 months of age weighing over 8lbs. Not eligible for Jr. Rotary Auction.
Note: Rabbits must be purebred to enter in the following classes. Purebred breeds are listed in the ARBA book of Standards – Breeds judged together in individual classes.
Class 1. 2. 3. 4.
State variety and group Junior Buck Senior Buck Junior Doe Senior Doe
JUNIOR MEAT POULTRY NOTE: No cash premiums for meat pens. Rosettes will be awarded to Champion and Reserve Champion Meat Pens. Available to Chickens breeds only. All entries must be identified by leg bands for entry. Read state and local rules. ENTRIES CLOSE: ENTRY FEES: EXHIBITS RECEIVED:
Pen of 2 Two (Any meat type chicken) Pen of Two Market Meat Poultry: Two Meat Chickens, 3 to 6 lbs/each, not over 8 weeks old. All breeds judged together. Each entry to be of uniform variety, type and weight. *Meat Pens not meeting the weight requirements will be automatically entered into Division 82 as a NonMarket Feeder Pen of Two Poultry and will not be eligible for the auction. Eligible to show in Showmanship Class.
Class 1.
State Breed (All breeds will be judged together) Pen of Two Feeder Meat Chickens: Under 8 weeks old. Not eligible for Jr. Rotary Auction .
AUGUST 8 $20.00 / Pen of 2 Meat Poultry All Poultry must be on the fairgrounds by 1 p.m. Wednesday.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
3 $2
Under 6 months of age 6 months and older Under 6 months of age 6 months and older
Danish No exhibitor may enter more than 3 pens of 2. May only sell one meat pen. Picture of animal, proof of ownership and identification information is due in the fair office th by August 8 .
NOTE: If any chicken in a meat pen is overweight or underweight the entire pen will be disqualified from . Chickens must not be entered in any other class and must be judged alive. All Group I pens will be sold at auction. Meat pens shall consist of two chickens, all of the same breed and variety, weighing between 3 to 6 lbs/each, not over 8 weeks old. Rosettes will be awarded to Grand & Reserve Champion Meat Pens.
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $5 $3
Wednesday, September 5 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. th Saturday, September 8 As scheduled by Management Danish May only sell one Meat Pen. 10-A District Exhibitors only
Class 1.
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
AUGUST 20 No entry fee See Schedule As scheduled by Management American Siskiyou, Modoc, Shasta, Lassen and Klamath Counties
Premiums Offered Per Class st nd 1 2 $10 $7
3 $5
NOTE: ALL EXHIBITORS MUST SHOW THEIR OWN ANIMAL. Open to all junior livestock exhibitors. Only animals entered, owned, fitted and shown by a junior exhibitor in the junior department are eligible. Entries in showmanship must be made in accordance with all other livestock entry-closing deadlines. Post-entries will not be accepted. Exhibitor must be on hand and ready to exhibit at the time called for judging. All FFA, 4-H Club and Grange members exhibiting livestock and dairy cattle must wear the official uniform of their organization while showing their animals. All other independent exhibitors to follow 4-H uniform standards without the 4-H emblems. The official FFA show uniform is to be worn by all FFA exhibitors and by helpers in individual and chapter groups while showing fairs and livestock shows shall consist of white trousers, white dress shirt (short or long sleeved) with the FFA emblem attached to the left pocket and the official FFA four in hand neck tie. The official FFA jacket is optional; if worn, the shirt emblem is not required. Hats or headgear of any kind shall not be worn with the official show uniform while showing. 4-H Club and Independents must wear white pants and a white shirt (short or long sleeved). 4-H Club must wear uniform hat and scarf or tie.
Score Card for Judging Showmanship
Appearance of Animal Condition Grooming Cleanliness Appearance of Exhibitor Showing in the Ring Moving or Leading Posing Showing Animal to Best Advantage Poise, Alertness & Attitude
10% 20% 10% 10% 15% 15% 10% 10%
Beef Showmanship st nd 4-H & Independent Novice (1 & 2 year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & Independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
Class 5. 6. 7. 8.
Dairy Goat Showmanship st nd 4-H & Independent Novice (1 & 2 year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & Independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
Class 9. 10. 11. 12.
Meat Goat Showmanship st nd 4-H & Independent Novice (1 & 2 year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & Independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
Class 13. 14. 15. 16.
Rabbit Showmanship st nd 4-H & Independent Novice (1 & 2 year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & Independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
Class 17. 18. 19. 20.
Sheep Showmanship st nd 4-H & Independent Novice (1 & 2 year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
Class 21. 22. 23. 24.
Swine Showmanship st nd 4-H & Independent Novice (1 & 2 year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & Independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
Class 25. 26. 27. 28.
Poultry Showmanship 4-H & Independent Novice (1st & 2nd year of specie) 4-H & Independent Junior (age 9-13) 4-H & Independent Senior (age 14 and over) FFA
DIVISION 84 – MASTER SHOWMANSHIP No entry is required. Winner in each of the 4-H Junior, 4-H Senior and FFA Showmanship Classes are eligible and will be automatically entered. In the event the same exhibitor wins a showmanship class with two or more species, the exhibitor must select one specie to represent in master showmanship; the second place exhibitor from the specie not represented will be eligible to compete in master showmanship. The Master Showmanship winner will represent the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair at the 2013 California State Fair County Fair Best of Show. The California State Fair will be hosting a competition for Master Showmanship Exhibitors winning the Round Robin Showmanship at their district or county fairs. All information regarding this competition is available at the fair office or at the Placing in each master showmanship division will be accomplished by the judge rating the exhibitor 1 to 10; 1 being the lowest rating (needs improvement) and 10 being the highest rating (excellent). The exhibitor with the highest overall score will be the winner of the master showmanship class. No Cash Awards – Ribbons Only Species Represented: Beef, Swine, Sheep, Dairy and Goats Class 1. 2. 3.
4-H Junior Master Showmanship 4-H Senior Master Showmanship FFA Master Showmanship
DIVISION 85 – SUPREME MASTER SHOWMAN The exhibitor that earned the highest score among the three master showmanship classes will be named Supreme Master Showman.
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
2011 Rotary Junior Livestock Auction Buyers
We would like to thank the businesses & individuals listed below for their support of the Rotary Jr. Livestock Auction. We greatly appreciate your continued support. 4-C Cattle Co 10-7 Ranch ALSCO, Inc. Baley Farms Basin Fertilizer & Chemical Basin Tire Big R Brad & Dori Staub Bob & Lynn Baley Cal Ore Telephone Cascade Auto Group Castle Rock Newfoundlands Chris & Gayle Ratliff Clint & Mary Hall Coast Truck Centers Columbia Forest Products Crawford Farms Dave & Robin King Dennis & Paula Fanning Delfina Macy Don Lo Ranch Operations L.P. Dunham & Livesay Ed Staub & Sons Ed Simon Ericson Electric & Irrigation Evergreen Ag Floyd A. Boyd Co Frank & Ginger King Fred Simon Grange Co-op Garrett & Gus Guthrie Gretchen Braren Haigh Livestock LLC Heath & Heather Wright Huffman Brothers Farms Inter-Mountain Seed & Supply Industrial Ventilation Inc. JD & Barbara Woodman Jeff & Leslie Boyd Jennifer Simon Jim Cook Jim & Carolyn Lyman Jock’s Supermarket John & Louise Crawford John & Susan Cross John & Joan Staunton
JW Cope J.W. Kerns Irrigation J & W Walker Farms Klamath Basin Equipment Lassen Canyon Nursery Law Office of Darrin W. Mercier Les Schwab Tire Center Lithia Klamath falls Auto Center Macy’s Flying Service Marc & Ami Staunton Martin’s Food Center Matt & Debbie Huffman Mia & Pia’s Pizzaria Newell Grain Growers Newell Potato Cooperative Northwest Farm Credit Services Northwest Certified Inspections Nick & Beth Macy Orem Ranch Otto & Judy Huffman Pelican Tractor Porterfield Ranch Prather Ranch PremierWest Bank Richard Bennett Excavating Rod & Marla Baley Rupert Farms Russell & Roberta Criss Seus Family Farms Sherm’s Thunderbird Market Sierra Cascade Nursery Simon Brothers South Valley Bank & Trust Stateline Napa Parts Staunton Farms Sterling Savings Bank Tim & Molly Peterson Three M Mint Inc. Tule Vista Ranch Tulelake Potato Distributors Walker Brothers Winema Elevators Wong Potatoes Wright Farms Umpqua Bank of Red Bluff
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
2011 / 2012 Fair Sponsors & Donors & Volunteers
We would like to thank the following business & individuals for their time and support! We greatly appreciate your continued support 2C Business Solutions 4C Cattle Company Ackley Ranch Adam Kandra Ag-Biz Solutions, LLC Albertson's All That Glitters ALSCO Inc. American Ag Credit, FLCA American Ag Services Amy King Ashley Frost Askew Farms Aspen Electric LLC B & D Mobile Support Baldwin Ranch Baley Farms Bart & Diana Hadwick Basin Agri Service Basin Ambulance Basin Fertilizer & Chemical Basin Media Basin Tire Beaches Jewelers Ben & Erika Duval Betty Halousek Big Lots Big R Bill & Marcella Haynes Bill & Marla Gasser Bill & Nancy Ganger Bill Heinrick Bob & Lynn Baley Bob Kirby Brad & Dori Staub Brad & Kathleen Luscombe Bronc Johnson Bullet Rentals & Sales
Burrier Family Butte Valley 4-H Butte Valley Cattlemen's Assoc. Butte Valley Community Center Butte Valley Feed & Seed Butte Valley FFA Butte Valley Medical Center Cal Ore Telephone Captain Jacks Stronghold Carol Rick Cascade Auto Group Castle Rock Newfoundlands Cellular Solutions Charles & Winnie Duncan Charlie Criss Cheryl Chavolla Chin Farms Chris & Gayle Ratliff Chris & Peggy Berwick Cimarron Motor Inn Circle Of Yarn City of Tulelake Classic Creations Gift Baskets Clint & Mary Hall Clinton Gow Jr./ High Desert Customs Columbia Forest Products Corner Closet Cotton Sargent Country Inn Cattle Co. County Cork Collectibles Cowgirl Nails & Day Spa Crawford Farms Cross Brothers Curtis Newkirk Family Cyndie Lapke D & D Seeds & Farm Equipment Daniele Luscombe
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; September 6-9, 2012
Dar Carroll Daryl Hirshler & Family Dave & Jackie Krizo Dave & Janelle Kandra Dave & Jeanette Dillabo Dave & Renne Misso Dave Jenson & Family Dave Williams David & Robin King Debbie Gribble Deer Creek Ranch LLC. Delfina Macy Dennis & Paula Fanning Denny Leavers Diamond Home Improvement Diamond S Meats Dick Howard Meats Don-Lo Ranch Operations, L.P. Donna Holmes Don's Deli & Market Dorothy Will Dorris 4-H Club Dorris Lions Club Dorris Moulding & Lumber Doug LaMalfa Dry Lake Ranch Ed & Diane Stastny Ed & Judy Meglasson Ed & Shelly Staunton Ed Simon Ed Staub & Sons Elizabeth Duff Eluterio Martinez Eric Duarte Sales Ericson Electric & Irrigation Evergreen Ag Services Fast Break Of Oregon, LLC Fields & Sons EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Fleet Pride Floyd A. Boyd Co. Frances Johnson Frank & Ginger King Fred Kuhm Fred Simon Friends of the Fair Ganger Insurance Garrett & Gus Guthrie Gary & Joanne Derry Gene & Alice Deal Geri Byrne Glenda Sites Gold Dust, Inc. Grange Co-Op Green Valley Land & Cattle Greg & Toni Herman Greg Addington Gretchen Braren Grover Electric & Plumbing Guy Porterfield Haigh Livestock LLC. Hamilton Metals Hannah Gallup Harbor Links Heart to Heart Quilters Heath & Heather Wright Heidi Wright Hemphill Ranch Inc. Herald and News Holiday Jewelers Homestead Bar Hospitality Pub & Dinner House Hot Momma's BBQ & Catering Howard & Chris Bell Huffman Brothers Farms Indian Camp Golf Course Industrial Ventilation Inc. Inter Mountain Seed & Supply J&W Walker Farms J.W. Kerns Irrigations Co. Jack Naylor
Jacki Gnech James Garland Jan & Tracy Ronningen Janice Woodhouse Jason & Joanna Brown JD & Barbara Woodman Jeff & Leslie Boyd Jennie Oman Jennifer Simon Jerry & Liz Prater Jerry & Wendy Lequieu Jessica King Jessica Kingsley Jim & Ann Cook Jim & Carolyn Aslett Jim & Barbara Boyd Joan Haskins Joanne Criss Jock's Supermarket Jodie Bennett Joe & Rhonda Hemphill Joe Miranda John & Chris Knudsen John & Jeri Crowell John & Joan Staunton John & Louise Crawford John & Susan Cross John Sanders Julia Unruh JW Cope JW Kerns Irrigation Kaitlynn Layne Kalina Hardware Kathy & Ashley Eittreim Kathy Moore Kirb's Outlet Kirstie Kandra KIX 96 KLAD Klamath Animal Clinic Klamath Basin Dairy Goat Assoc. Klamath Basin Equipment
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; September 6-9, 2012
Klamath Community College Klamath Herald & News Klamath Pacific Kyle Patterson Kyle Verley Lake Shastina Golf Resort Lane's Market Lang Family Larry & Sharon Rick Lassen Canyon Nursery Laura Plass Laurence & Sara Bagg Lava Bed's National Monument Law Office of Darrin W. Mercier Lee & Glenda Stillwell Lee McKoen Lequieu Farms Les Schwab Tire Center Lily's Gift Foundation Linda McKoen Linda Stastny Liskey Farms Lithia Klamath Falls Auto Center Little Horse Mt. Productions Liz Hubbard Lois Ericson Luscombe Farms Lyman Farms Macy's Flying Service, Inc. Main Street Jewelers Malin Country Diner Marc & Ami Staunton Marcia Walker Marie Leslie Marilyn Sharp Markee Harris Marla & Bill Gasser Marta McCambridge Martin's Food Center Matt & Debbie Huffman Matt & Debbie Huffman Matt & Mary Shuck EXHIBITOR HANDBOOK
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Maurices McGilvary Family McKoen Farms Megan Sheldon Merle's Custom Butchering Merrill Lion's Club Merrill Lumber Mia & Pia’s Pizzaria Michael & Cassie Ball Mike & Jean Lamb Mike & Jennifer Lacy Mike & Wanda's Restaurant MJ O'Keeffe Livestock Molly Morrison Monte Johnson Insurance Mountain Valley's Health Centers Neil & Jennifer Skoog Newell Grain Growers Association Newell Potato Cooperative Nick & Beth Macy Nicole Kandra Noonan Family Nor Cal Kenworth Norco North State Packing North West Farm Credit Services Old World Candy Orem Ranch, Inc. Otto & Judy Huffman Overhead Door Co. Pam McFall Parks & Hickey Paul & Kathy Lewis Paul & Lydia Bradbury Paul Maurer Shows Pelican Tractor Pepsi Bottling Co. Plant Sciences Plass Communications Plastic Recovery Systems, LLC PMS Candy & Coffee
Polar Bear Porterfield Ranch Prather Ranch PremierWest Bank R & J Auto Ragan Snell Ralph Morrill Randall & Jennifer Baley Rascon Family Ray & Denise Reid Ray & Kathy Ackley Reames Country Club Rebecca Broomell Rich & Janie Steinbock Richard & Kathy Tackas Richard & Lavonne Vaughn Richard Bennett Excavating Rob & LeAnn Crawford Rob Siems & Family Robbie & Ann Robinson Robert A. Byrne Co Robert Baldwin Rod & Marla Baley Roger & Nancy Ann Thorne Ron & Heather Criss Ron & Kay Scholer Ron Simon Ross Market Rowena & George DeMartin Roy & Theresa Wright Rupert Farms Russell & Roberta Criss Rustic Pines Gifts Ryan & Kathy Farnam Sara Luscombe Scott & Erica Carroll Seus Family Farms Shady Lane's Trailer Park Shasta Litho Shasta View Veterinary Sheep Mountain Embroidery Sheppard's Radiant Reds
Sherm’s Thunderbird Market Sherry Clark Shirley Micka Sierra Cascade Nursery Signature Salon Simon Brothers Siskiyou County Cattlewomen Siskiyou Daily News Skoog Family South Valley Bank & Trust Srainbock Family Stacey Todd Stastny Farms Stateline General Store Stateline Parts Supply Stateline Scales Staunton Family Farms Stella's Sugar Shack Sterling Savings Bank Steven Unruh Sue Baley Susan Daniels Susan Whitman Tanya Carroll Tara Skoog TC Ranch Terry & Janice Woodhouse The Nickel The Sound Man The Waterhole Three M Mint Inc. Tiffany Adams Tim & Karen Schumacher Tim & Molly Peterson & Family Tom & Denise Woodhouse Tom & Karen Robison Tom & Sandy Hamilton Tomas Salazar Tony & Leah Ross Tony & Valerie Giacomelli Tracey Struble Triple B Ranches
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 78
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
True Value Hardware Tule Tillers 4x4 & Auto Tule Vista Ranch Tulelake 4-H Club Tulelake Chamber of Commerce Tulelake City Council Tulelake Farm Supply Tulelake FFA Tulelake High School Tulelake Irrigation District Tulelake Police Dept.
Tulelake Potato Distributors Tulelake Rotary Club Tulelake True Value Hardware Tulelake Volunteer Fire Dept. UC Extension Office -Tulelake Umpqua Bank of Red Bluff Venancio & Clementia Hernandez Verley Farms Violet Heiney Wade Will & Family Walker Brothers
Walter Woodhouse Water Works Park Whitsell Manufacturing Winema 4-H Club Winema Elevators Wong Potatoes Woodhouse Farming & Seed Wright Family Wright Farms Wynne Broadcasting
Celebration of past fair themes 2012 – “Keeping the Dream Alive” 2011 - Big Dreams in a Small Town 2010 - Magic on Main Street 2009 - Country Scenes & Children’s Dreams 2008 - Where the Road Ends and the Fun Begins 2007 - Water Flowin’ Keeps it Growin’ 2006 - Keeping the American Dream Alive 2005 - Through the Eyes of a Child 2004 - We have a Good Thing Growing 2003 - Rainbow Dreams and Country Scenes 2002 - Something Old, Something New, Forever Red, White & Blue 2001 - Fifty Years of Farm & Family Fun 2000 - Millennium Harvest 1999 - Wagon Teams to Western Dreams 1998 - Harvest of Gold 1997 - Blue Jeans & Country Dreams 1996 - Kruz’n Down Memory Lane 1995 - Memories, Music, & Magic 1994 - Field of Dreams 1993 - From Wagon Wheels to Ferris Wheels 1992 - Made in the USA 1991 - Hats Off to 40 Years 1990 - Fair Fever Catch the Fun 1989 - Windmills to Ferris Wheels 1988 - Autumn Merry-Go-Round 1987 - Agriculture – An American Heritage 1986 - Harvest Hit Parade
1985 - Golden Dreams and Sunny Scenes 1984 - Our Land - All Things Great and Small 1983 - Autumn’s Treasures 1982 - Harvest Festival 1981 - Diamond Gem Jubilee 1980 - September Spectacular 1979 - Autumn Fair in all it’s Flair 1978 - Fall Fantasy 1977 - Fair, Fun & Friends 1976 - Bicentennial Fair Festival 1975 - Remember When 1974 - Happiness is Country Living 1973 - Agriculture – Lifeblood of America 1972 - Arrows to Agriculture in 100 Years 1971 - From the Soils to Stars 1970 - Gods Earthy Treasures 1969 - From Missions to Mechanizms 1968 - This is my Country 1967 - From Trails to Contrails 1966 - Portrait of Progress 1965 - Land of Promises 1964 - Tulelake-Butte Valley Panorama 1963 - Around the World in 3 Fair Days 1960 - Welcome to Fair – y – Land 1959 - Welcome to Fair – y - Land 1958 - With an Eye to the Future 1957 - From Lake to Land of Plenty
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
“Pay What You Can” Admission It’s your choice! If you choose to donate, pay what you can! The Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair has been very pro-active during the past year dealing with the state funding cuts and is progressively working towards the goal of becoming self-sustainable. The implementation of the new “Pay What You Can Admission” is an example of how the fair is taking a positive approach to these challenging times and paving the road to a sustainable future for generations to come. The “Pay What You Can” admission policy will serve as yet, another stepping stone as we lay the foundation to secure a sustainable future. As our fair endures it’s first year of zero funding, the time has never been more immediate and the need has never been greater. Individually, our impact of giving is limited, but together as a community we have the unlimited potential and ability to preserve the future of our fair for generations to come. We are very fortunate to have incredible community supporters like you and are optimistic that together our local and surrounding communities will continue to show their support through these challenging economic times. As always, the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair sincerely appreciates your generous support as we strive to continue a tradition that has served the people of the Klamath Basin for 61 years! Due to the 100% loss of state funding, which accounted for over 40% of the fair’s annual budget, the TulelakeButte Valley Fair will continue to implement the “Pay What You Can” admission policy, which allows you the customer, the choice of donating an admission fee for attending the fair. While paying for admission is not required, we kindly ask for support by donating what you can and am providing you the value of your admission to the fair. You have the choice of paying the suggested value, less than, more than or nothing at all. Your admission donation will help promote a sustainable future for the fair and allow everyone to enjoy the fair at reasonable rates. Here are the values of what you are receiving by attending the fair! ATTENDEE Adult:
$3 to $5
$1 to $3
Family of 3 to 4:
$7 to $15
Family of 5 or more:
$10 to $20
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Fair Parade Entry Form Fairthe Parade Entry Form “Keeping Dream Alive” “Keeping the&Dream FairGrand Parade Entry FormAlive” 2012 Parade Marshal - “Bill Marcella Haynes”
2012 Parade Grand MarshalAlive” - “Bill & Marcella Haynes” “Keeping the Dream st nd Best use of Theme: .............................................................................. $200, 2 place: $100 2012 Parade Grand Marshal - “Bill1 &place: Marcella Haynes” st nd
BestFloat use of Theme: .............................................................................. 1 place: $200,$250 2 place: $100 Most Beautiful ..................................................................................................................... Beautiful Floatfor ..................................................................................................................... $250 (CategoriesMost below are eligible the above prizes) st nd Best use of(Categories 1 place: $200, 2 place: $100 below are above Floats (up toTheme: a total .............................................................................. of $1000 will eligible be split for for the awards in prizes) these 7 float classes): Most1.Beautiful Float $250 Floats (up..................................................................................................................... to a total of $1000 will be split for awards in these 7 ......................................... float classes): Private........................................................................................... (Categories eligible for the above prizes) below 1. are Private........................................................................................... ......................................... 2. Commercial .................................................................................. ......................................... Floats to a2. total Commercial of $1000 will.................................................................................. be split for awards in these 7 float classes): ......................................... 3. (up Adult Organization ........................................................................ ......................................... 1. Private........................................................................................... 3. Organization ........................................................................ ......................................... 4. Youth FloatAdult (non-commercial) ...................................................... ......................................... ......................................... .................................................................................. ......................................... 4. ....................................................................................... Youth Float (non-commercial) ...................................................... ......................................... 2. 5. Commercial Religious ......................................... Organization ........................................................................ 5. Religious ....................................................................................... ......................................... 3. 6. Adult Service Organization .................................................................... ......................................... ......................................... Float (non-commercial) ...................................................... ......................................... 6. Service Organization .................................................................... ......................................... 4. 7. Youth Family ........................................................................................... ......................................... Children’s 5. Religious ....................................................................................... ......................................... 7. Family ........................................................................................... ......................................... Imaginative: Organization .................................................................... ......................................... Children’s Imaginative: 6. 8. Service Age 13-18 .................................................................................................. 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 7. Family ........................................................................................... ......................................... 8-12 8. .................................................................................................... Age 13-18 .................................................................................................. 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 9. Age 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 Imaginative: 79. Age ........................................................................................... 8-12 .................................................................................................... 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 Children’s 10. Age & Under 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 Antique 8. Age 13-18 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 Machinery: 10. .................................................................................................. Age 7 & Under ........................................................................................... 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 Age 8-12 .................................................................................................... 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10 Antique Machinery: 9. 11. Single Entry ............................................................................................................ Prize Award & Under ........................................................................................... 1-$25, 2-$15, 3-$10Prize Award 711. Single Entry ............................................................................................................ 10. 12. Age Group Entry ............................................................................................................ Prize Award Antique Machinery: 12. Group Entry ............................................................................................................ Prize Award Vehicles: Entry Prize Award Award 11. 13. Single SingleVehicles: (’49 &............................................................................................................ older) ................................................................................................. Prize Entry Prize 13. (’49............................................................................................... & older) ................................................................................................. Prize Award 12. 14. Group Single (’50 Single &............................................................................................................ newer) Prize Award Award 14. (’50 & newer) ............................................................................................... Vehicles: 15. Group (’49 Single & older) ........................................................................................................ RosettePrize Award (’49 Group & newer older) ................................................................................................. PrizeRosette Award Rosette 15. (’49 & older) ........................................................................................................ 13. 16. Single Group (’50 & ....................................................................................................... Mounted 14. Single (’50 & newer) ............................................................................................... Prize Award Rosette Groups: 16. Group (’50 & newer ....................................................................................................... 15. Group (’49 & older) ........................................................................................................ Rosette Mounted Groups: 17. Senior (18 & Over) .................................................................................................. Prize Award (’50& &Under) newer 17. Senior (18....................................................................................................... & Over) .................................................................................................. Prize Award 16. 18. Group Junior (17 ................................................................................................ PrizeRosette Award Groups: 18. Junior (17 & Under) ................................................................................................ Prize Award Mounted 19. Family ..................................................................................................................... Prize Award (18 Family & Over) .................................................................................................. 19. ..................................................................................................................... Prize Award 17. 20. Senior Riding Group Organization ..................................................................................... Prize Prize Award Award 18. (17 & Under) ................................................................................................ Prize Award 20. Riding Group Organization ..................................................................................... Prize Award Sole Junior Rider: ..................................................................................................................... Prize Award Award Sole Rider: 19. 21. Family Age 18 & Over ........................................................................................................ Prize Group ..................................................................................... Prize Prize Award Award 12-17 21. AgeOrganization 18 & Over ........................................................................................................ Prize Award 20. 22. Riding Age ............................................................................................................... Sole Age Rider: 11 22.& Under Age 12-17 ............................................................................................................... Prize Award 23. ...................................................................................................... Prize Award Horse 21. Age 18 Over Prize Award 23.& Entry: Age ........................................................................................................ 11 & Under ...................................................................................................... Prize Award Drawn 12-17 ............................................................................................................... Prize Horse Drawn Entry: 22. 24. Age Single ...................................................................................................................... Prize Award Award Prize 11 24.& Under Single...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Prize Award 23. 25. Age Team....................................................................................................................... Prize Award Award Horse Drawn 25. Entry: Team....................................................................................................................... Prize Award Motorcycle: ...................................................................................................................... 24. 26. Single SingleMotorcycle: ...................................................................................................................... Prize Prize Award Award 25. Team....................................................................................................................... Prize Award Award 26. Single ...................................................................................................................... Prize Award 27. Group ...................................................................................................................... Prize Motorcycle: Other: 27. Group ...................................................................................................................... Prize Award ...................................................................................................................... PrizeRosette Award 26. 28. Single QueenOther: & Court ............................................................................................................... 27. Group ...................................................................................................................... Prize Award Rosette 28. Queen & Court ............................................................................................................... 29. Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................... (not judged) Other: 29. Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................... (not judged) 28.of Queen & CourtGroups, ............................................................................................................... Rosette Name Organization, or Individual: _____________________________________________ 29. Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................... (not judged) Name of Organization, Groups, or Individual: _____________________________________________ Complete Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________ Complete Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: ____________ Name of Person in Charge of Entry: __________________________ Name of Organization, Groups, or Individual: _____________________________________________ Daytime Phone: ____________ Name of Person in Charge of Entry: __________________________ Complete Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________ Send this Entry to: Daytime Phone: ____________ Name of Person in Charge Valley ofSend Entry: __________________________ this Entry to: Tulelake-Butte Fair Parade Tulelake-Butte PO Box 866, Tulelake, CAValley 96134Fair Parade Send POthis BoxEntry 866, to: Tulelake, CA 96134 Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair Parade PO Box 866, Tulelake, CA 96134
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012 TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
TULELAKE-BUTTE VALLEY FAIR – September 6-9, 2012
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair - Septemeber 6th - 9th, 2012 - Exhibitor Handbook
Supporting our community since 1934
PO Box 848 • TULELAKE, CA 96134 (530) 667-2275 • Fax (530) 667-4075
Ashland | Central Point | Grants Pass | Klamath Falls Pet Country | South Medford | White City
Proud Supporter of the Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair
Newell Grain Growers Association
& Food Mart
Quality Has No Substitute
Handi Wash Handwash • Showers Portable Truck Gray Water Truck Phone: (530) 397-3071
Ron Greenbank Manager
530-667-2603 Cell: 530-892-4361
PO Box 576 – Tulelake, CA 96134
Siskiyou County Farm Bureau Proudly Supports Youth Ag Programs
237 South Main Street Dorris, CA 96023
(530) 397-7466
(530) 397-7466 Cell: (530) 331-5730 DORRIS, CALIFORNIA
Working for you Working With you
Farm Bureau is one of largest grassroots agriculture organizations working on behalf of farmers and ranchers Visit our web site for more information on becoming a member and the current issues we are involved in. Or call us for more information
ALTURAS (530) 233-4304 TULELAKE (530) 667-4236 YREKA (530) 842-1304 Visit us online at
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Macy’s Flying Service Tulelake, California & Evergreen Ag
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Keeping the Dream Alive
Nick Macy, President (530) 664-2661
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Return Address: Tulelake-Butte Valley Fair P.O. Box 866 Tulelake, CA 96134
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